_ „ , OMAHA DAILY BJEE MONDAtf. MAY 2(5 ( , 1884 Sim-Inter , Bite and Fresco-Painter Office No. 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs , \ KT 3 DM EOF FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Potlcct Fitting , Beit nd Cheapest. Fine f.lncn Collars ril CuC . Ko. 716 Fourth Street Council Bluffs. Iowa IE. STOOIKIIBmT & OO -SIANUFACTUnEllS Of FINE PARLOR FURNITURE CAHPUT3 , CtMTAIXS , WINDOW FIXTUIIES , and UIS-AIKINO 3Caa.to3.-iox' 3Dooo3Lmcvtioxxi9 fviicl XT i : NO. 30 ! ) BROADWAY - . ASpcclaltJ. . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS EYERYTlIINa > IIISTCI.AS3. Nos. 2l7imd2l9S. MainSt. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS U1CI1A11DS & CLARKE , . A. CLARKE , Proprietors. | Superinendeut U. P. RAILWAY , 17TII & 18TD STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN B m ? ? o\ \ WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , end Crain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated Anchor Brand Bufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BEABS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. n \ © i are prepared to iurnish plans and estimates , and will contract ft r the erection of : Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System ESEMJipecial ! ; attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made ior same. General mnchuicrj' repairs attended to promptly. Address RIGHA.UDS & CLAEKE , m ROOFING AND COVERING WALLS. VAN PAPPELENDAM PATENT TILES. Slado of Sheet Metal with Preened Ornamonta. 1,0 Leaking , No Cracking or low ing off. Fire Proof , Cheap nnd Durable. The Moat Ornamental Roof Made. Practically Tested for Nearly Ten Years , Withe Most Gratifying Results , SULLIVAN BROTHERS , Agents. Pig. 2 View representing a numbo of Tiles as arranged upon a roof. Fig. y Detail aoctional view of the earno. Fig. 4 One of the Roof Tilou. Fig. C Wall Tile , the white part of which ia covered by the ono above it , and requires no description. S LLIVAIT BllOTHERS MANUFATUllEKS OK v TIN ROOFING I / / SMOKE STACKS , BreechinEs anfl General Iron Wort , TIN , IRON & SLATE ROOFING , Guttering and General Jobbing mtllallKAbONAULK , Satisfaction Guaranteed. IO'J. 11 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. , OMAHA , . NEBRASKA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NKWS. Till ! PANIO HTIllKKS i UI2NISOX , The Ci n yford County Itnnk IIH Doom nml Makes an The good people of Dcuiaon were tnVcon by surpriao Saturdny at the closing of the doors of the Crawford county bank , a moneyed institution , which was not considered n very heavy or strong o o , and yet which n as thought to bo doing a Binnll safe business Mr. KolTol- finger , ivho was the chlof stockholder , manager runt otllcial , is said i ) have boon doing some outside speculating , and it is thought that ho became so ! mo < vcd n * to load to the suspension of the bank. The liabilities are estimated nt $58,000 nnd the assets ? GO,000. 0. II. Do Wolf , tlu > well known lumber merchant , of Doni- son , has boon appointed assignee. It wi I bo several days before the exact detail of the exact condition of affairs can bo got at. Heal Kstnto TriuiHtcrii. The following transfers were filed May 21 , 1884 , and reported by P. J. MoMa- lion , Council Ululfa : J. W. Davis ot nl , to Fremont Benja min , lota 111 , II and 1C , Davis Park ; ad dition to Avoca , ? 100. N. P. Dodge , trustee , to Frank C. tlolloway , lot 8 , block ii ; Park addition , § 1,000. James Callanan to Isabel ITnys , south west } , southeast , section 10 , range 75 , township 42 , ? 500. Alfred Bybeo to Siovort Riof , port lorthwest J , northeast } , section 1 , range 70 , township i , OC2 25. 0. G. Molntosh to Siovort Riuf , part sections 1 and 51(5 ( , range 70 , township ( 1 , § 1,800. Leonora S. Amy to Henry Swan , part 22 ! ) , original pint , $1,100. Total sales , $5,402.25. A Sunday Sooroli. Shortly after 12 o'clock Sunday morn- ng the alarm of fire waa turned in on discovering tlamoa in a little wooden Ditilding on 1'icrco street nearly in the rear of the O don llouso. Three dillor- out boxes were turned in but none rcgis- .orcd the numbers correctly but after a ,11110 the fire department got out and wntor was put on the burning building. Clio houaowas unoccupied it being in pro cess of repair or making oor. . The leas wna about § 200. Charles John was the owner. The now chief of ho tire department did not seem to get onto the fact that thorn waa a lire until t was abutit over. The boys _ took turns acting as chief , or all acting at once , until ho put in an appearance , and then .ho . tire was so near over that no chief vas needed. AVol do Meyer. It it now undisputed that AVio Die 3fey- cr's Gntarrh Cure ia the only treatment hat will absolutely euro Catarrh fresh or Dhrontc. "Very olfieacioun. Saml Gould. iVceping Water , Neb. " Ono box cured ino , Mrs. Mary Konyon , Bismarck , Dakota. " "It roatcrod ino to tVio pulpit. Kov. George E. Keis , OblaUllo , N. Y. " "Oan box riilTcnlly cured mo , Kov. O , II. Tahlor , 140 Noble street , Brooklyn1" "A perfect euro after 30 years stifTcriuK , J. 2) . McDonald , 710 Broad way. N. Y. , &c. , &c. Thousands of tostimo.- ninls nro rccoi\ed from all Darts of the worldl- Delivered , 81.00. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's Iby iidtratrd Trf.atlcu , " with statomontH of ho cured , mailed froo. D. U. Dowov & Co. , 112 Fulton Street , N. Y tuo-t.hura & Bat-irutSom Plenty of Fruit. * few York llorald. Unless something unusual and unox- loctcd in the way of storms happens vithin n week the iruit crop of the Uui- , ed States this year will bo greater than any that over was known. In spite of regular annual scare about the peach crop , hero are plenty of peaches already "sot" n Delaware and Southern Now Jersey. The cherries were not ruined by the late rain , although some dealers ere trying to nako the public believe they woro. Pears are as promising as usual , and almost ov- > ry apple tree in the land ia a marvel of ) lonm. Strawberries are already cheap enough to cat , and the quantity is equal , o the demand ; the other berries are un- larmcd , in bud or blossom ; as for cur rants and grapes , nothing over scorned ; o discourage them. Plenty of ruit means cheap fruit ; cheap ness implies largo consumption , vhich in turn wards oil' diseases pe culiar to the BUtmnor season. A good ruit year , such as 1881 promises to bo , a a blessing to everybody except physi cians and undertaken. CUIIK OP KlII5UM.rf 1891. OCEANUH 1'OST OlTlCB. ROCKAWAY BKACJII , N. Y. . March 1 , 1883. I have been a great sulloror from Rheu- natiein , Some six weeks ago I had a bad attack nni wus laid up for a month ; notli- ng appeared to tno of any good. I got a > ox of Brandroth's Pills at last , and took hroo and four every night for a week. I ; ot bettor every day , and in a week I was well. On this beach wo have no doctor , and our main reliance is on Brandreth's Pills and Allcock's Porous Plasters. M. L. HOLLAND , Postmaater. GnHtlo Garcoii. II. Wheatly in Harpor'n Maga/lno for May. Castle Garden is ono of the most ben eficent iiiHtitutiona in the world , and owes its present uses largely to Dr. Predrich Kapp , now a member of the Imperial Gorman Rcichsrath , but form erly a resident of Now York. It is un der the control of nine commissioners of emigration , appointed for a term of six year by the Govornerand conlirrnodjhy the Senate of the state of Now York. Thither let us follow a portion of the 0730 immigrants who arrived by seven different steamers on the 15th of May 1882. The name of each , the date of his arrival , place of departure , number of his family ( if any ) , wluthor bound , his busi ness , and other particulars , are all regis tered. This record , together with that of the cabin passengers , Is compared with the manifest of each captain , which manifest ought to exhibit the names of all the persons ho had on board. It thus becomes a chock on the greed of some who have brought more passengers than the law permits , or than wore named in the manifests , Not only do the Commissioners of Emigration protect their often helpless charges against the extortions , robberies , and unspeakable villainies of the human harpies who'formorly infested thu docks , and preyed upon the luckless iucomurs not only do they simply interpreters , maintain an employment bureau , [ a sist in thu exchange of funds , I purchase of tickets , forward ing of emigrants and bnggago but they alto licet BO the boarding. house runners.1 Mid subject them to rigid supervision. They further provide fnr the sick and nisabled , the lunatic * , nnd the ptonant women whoso husbands , if sick , are sent to the hospital on Ward's hlaud , furnish medicine to ( ho niling and trusses to the ruptured , nnd preserve recorded purlieu lara of nil thus column under their spvcinl care by which they may bo found niid identified in the future. Near the Information Burciu from 2000 ( o 200 ( people , wailing inquiringly for their friends , Imvo sometimes boon con- grccntod t o o line Tlio greatly boiioficiont work of the Kminration Commissioners deserves bot- ior medical facilities than the miserably inadequate hospital accomodatious at their immediate command in Custlo Gar- don. Now York doc-a the work and bears the expense connected with foreign immigration , but the whole country shares in its bonclits. The railroads - roads especially profit by it. The cash value of tieknts purchased by inward- bull nd Immigrants in 1881 was more than tlvo million dollars. Moneys to the value of cloven millions were exchanged in Castle garden , nnd the estimated amount of the drafts , bondn , nnd other represen tatives of specie vnluo brought in during Iho same year was no less than ono hun dred million dollars. Castle Garden ought lo bo n national institution , The glory ot n man is IIH ntrongtli. If you arouo.iKcnod down through CMvsoho study. ir by early indiscretion , Alien t llr.viu IW1 will permanently rostoio all lust \lgor. nnd Rtroiigthun all the iniuclos of llrniu and Itody. $1 ; 0 for $5.All driwiiiM Itnnl I'tatnto litvcBtini'iits tlio lU'St. rhilalolphln Itccord. Ono of the oblivious lessons to bo drawn From the panic which swept through \Vnll street yesterday is the old , f.umliar axiom , which oven the inost prudent in vestors arc constantly in danger of for- jotting , that securities which have mere ly nn accidental or fictitious value are ically no securities nt nil. In time of trial , when credit for the moment ia : ) arnlK < ! d , they diaanppear like chall' be- : ere the wind , leaving rum and sorrow in ; heir wake. Men who have boon neons- .onied to regard themselves as million- liter because they owned or controlled vust sums in such socimties , hnd them- Delves of n sudden reduced almost to lonury , their colossal fortunes on paper vanished into thin uir. At auch n tnno those who have money t" invest mturally ask how they may best protect themselves from risks of this character , and ouo of the first suggestions likely to resent itself is the aupcrimtly , in point uf safeness , of real estate investments > vor almost nny other class of securities. 'It's nn ill wind that blows nobody nny . ; oed , " nnd ono of the beneficial effects vliicli are likely to follow the crash in Wall Street , that sent n thrill of anxiety hrough the hearts of investors nil o\er : ountry yesterday will probably bo to mug into prominence a class of invest- nenta that can bo seen and felt , that w ill not bo blown about by every breath of peculation , and that can bo shaken by lothing short of n physical or financial earthquake. Real estate , as n gor- 3ral rule , does not pay rapid nnd leavy profits that nro sometimes realized rom stock speculations , nnd it is for this roasun that the majority of investors fail o appreciate the advantages that nro to )0 found in the judicious expenditure of money in this direction. But if it docs lot make such largo nnd quick returns , t docs not slide from umlor the foot of , hose who trust their money to it , ns such days as yesterday show that oven the best stocks may do. Conservative people ple ; therefore , in view of those recent osaons , will turn with froati interest to real estate investments , which cannot ako wings to themselves nnd fly away in a single hour with the savings and accu- nulations of n lifotimo. Tlio best regulator of digestive organ ) and the best appetiser known ix Angostura itlt- orn. Try it , but beware of < iniitaUonH. Got rom your grocer or druggist tlio penuiiio nrtl- : lo , manufactured by Dr. J. O. 11 , IJicgert k Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The follow In ; ? are the tlmoiof the nrrUal anil do- mrturo of trains by central xtamlard time , at tlio ( ical dopoU. Tralna Icuvu transfer doput tun mln i cs earlier and arrlto ten lulimtm lator. CHICAGO , ntmu.NuroN AND quiver. I.KAVK. AKItlVH f > 3D p in ClilraKoI'xpreBa 0.00 n m 0.40 a m 1'nst Hall. 7X : ( ) p ir KANHA8 CUT , HT. JOB AND fOUNCIb tUmt. a.O'tnm tlall nnd l.xpnihi , 7 : < 'fipin 8.06 p m 1'udflc Kxprcuu , fitO : p in CIIICAUO. MII.WAIIKPK AND HT. PAUL. MS a m Moll and KxprtMH , 7:10 : p m fi.25 p m Kxpriiw , 0:40 : a in 0.16 am Uxprow ) , B D p m CIIICAQO , HOCK IULAVU AKD PACIFIC. 6'SOpm Atlintlc Kxprw.9 , 0:10 : a in 0 50 a in Day Kxprcss , 6 60 p m 7:10 : am * Uon Holii'8 Ara.minoilitlon , 4:4Uin : At loc.il depot only. WAUA8II , BT. LOUIH AND PACIKIO. O.nri a ra Mull , 4M p in 4W : p m Cannon l' 'l , 11:16 : a in At Trantfcr nl CIIICAOO and NonuwKSTnav. 0 30 m KxprtHi , fl 60 p m 0.45 a m Paciflu I'.xprcaa , 0:1 : ti a in 8IOUI CITT AND rACIKIO. m ht I'nul Cxproaa , 0.00 a in in Accommodation , 0 DO pin UNION rAnno. 8.00 p m Wo Urn Kxprcm , 8 3f > a in 11:00 : am 1'aclfla i : < prci , 4:4ipin : ( 7:40 : n in Local Kxprcsa , O.H4 n in 12:10 : a m Lincoln Kxpro s , At Trauifor only. DUMMY TRAINH TO OMAHA. I ave 7.20-i:3fl-0.30-lU.30-ir. : Ott. " > 1:50-2'30 : 1.30-4JO-B.3i-fl.85 II-OS p m Sunday 9,30-11:10 : a m. H.aiM''W-0.36-11:16 : p. m. Arilvo 10 mlif iiten licfuro leavlnif time. AC01J HIM8. K. I' , CADWELL 8IW18 A , CADWELU , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIMJLUFFS , IOWA Ofdca , Ualn Struct , Itooinn 1 ind Hliugart ft Mo- ( ahon'ii lllook. Will prictloo In Btato and Ml rtl court * W.R.VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace , Umalia and Oounoll Jilulfr. collea ion ageui 01' ) Bavlnvt banV , LrJj.uxj.Mi BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant o. 29 PuarlBtreit - Council lllulli , Iowa. JA8H.PEAB01)j ) : Mu , PHYSICIAN & BURGEON , lUtliloncc , Ho. . 1407 Janet Ht. Offlco , No. UO aruiiu street O tlco li'juri 12 ID. to 1 p. m. , ui om2tJCip.in. I'olupUjTi l > r onw'JI litiHuto -W1TII- tait ycur work is tlono for all time lo tnno to come. WE CHALLENGE World o produce a more durable material for stvoot , iwvomont than the Sioux Falls Granite. ITOH ANY AMOUNT OV filled promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Fulls. Dakota THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , IHUCCKbSOHH TO TIIK J. M 11. 4. II CO. ) THE MONARCH Tlie mutt extonit\a iniintitacturctBof i .1 IN THK WORM ) . D09 8. Tenth Street OMAHA , NEtl tlTTrlcua o ( llllUnl ami Tool Tables and material * , turiiitilicil on ap llcfttlon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BRUNSWICK & CO , Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom , AND ALT. OTlir.ll GAMING TAI1T.KS. TEN TIN HALLS , Clir.CK8. CTC. 18 South Sil Street , fit. I , < ml , 411 Dclnnnro Street Kansas City Ho. , 18'Jl lioiiRlns St. . Omalm , Nob. HENRY HORNBERGER , Agout. Wrlto lor CatnloKUcH and 1'rlco Until. IllON AND HLATK1100F1NQ. Onutlu , Neb UANUKAOTUHKH OF Galvanized Iron Cornices ; tiHormor Wliidown , I'lntnl * . lln , Iron and Slate Uoolli if , Ki'trlit'H Potent IKtalllo Hla Unlit , intent ailjimtocl Kutclia liar nnil Ilraclict bliolvliij , ' . I am tliu Central auont Iiir tha uliuvo line of uoiiJu. Irun Ken liitf , Cn tlii'ii | Halm-tradon \ ' ramlon. Iron Hank ItalllnKU , Wlhdnw Illliuls , Cellar ( Ijanls ; nUoijeiioral autnt for reunion & IIIII'ii I'atont limli'u llllnil DUFRENE & MEN DELS OHN. ARCHITECTS jtirllKMOVKI ) TO OMAHA NATIONAL HANK HUlI.niNCJ. DISEASES OF THE „ ' , T. ARMSTRONG ? M. D. , Until oltlcoa are repaired from result of fire , cilll with Dr. 1'arkcr , Itoom 6 , Ciclnliton liloolc 16th wid UoUKwiiatr coin. DR.UOHNE'S ELECTRIC BELT Will ( tiru Ni , 1'ar rajpsagWill ( iiiul tu , Hilatlca , Kldmy , Npluu nnil 1 tvvr imlluii I i ftl | . Cularili , y/rir W" 1 1 II 'ITI iMii'oii mji DuinliAiruo. ri l I H Utell.ltf Only nrklltlfllil l o tiiiilli.lt in XIIH rlili Dint M i l H'l'.l- . tfrlclty and niaic nVtUrii thruuKh Hi" hody , unil i untu \ nliarged In uli In tliuit kr tbu l' tli nl. SI.OOO Would NotBu It. DR. llOftHH 1 was ainicted wltli rliuuraatlira and cured by tulng a belt. To any one allllcUU with that tllscaBo , I would oaf , buy llorno'a Klcctrla licit , Any ono can confer with mo by writing callluK at my .tor. , 1120 Oou.la , t.t. Oraaba. eb. MAIN OK ICR Opponlte lostolBcc , room 1 Kren. r block * ff Cor le at O. K , Ooodtnan'i Pruif Btore1 1110 cuam Ht . Omtba. Orders filled 0. O I ) . ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , S17 and 219 North Ualn fi t , , fit. Loult. WHOLKHALK DKALKIIH IN HOOK , 1 fJKWB , j BNVUCOI'KH , OAIID UOAHD AMD PRINTER'S STOCK WTCiii paid tor IUx > o ( al THE CHEAPEST J7.GAOE IN OMAHA TO BUT TONE'S , One of the Beat and largest Stocks in the United Stata to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , HALLET OAVIS AND GO'S PIANOS [ ENDORSED BY FRANZ LISZT. ] H03TON , March 1st , 1831. OUSTAVK 8ATTBK , RECOMMENDS ITSELF. _ I 1 r C2TZ5"Tjp SOLE AOENT , - ( JZIL _ J > CD JC JQJ n 1510 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb U , S. DEPOSITORY. F. II. MILLAUD , President. WM. WALLACE. Cnsliior. Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO. Fire ami Hurclar Proof Safes for ttout nt f m 85 to $50 per annum. RETIRED B THE INVALID. Railroad , Street Lines Will briiip llioiu from llicir homos to the Opera House , Postoffice , Hotels and Depots in TJSZKT Giving them the advantage of living on the suburban heights , wifh pure air , bBiiutiful shade trees mid P.trls. nuro Spring Water and Likes , Groves iiiul Scenery magnilicent , which cannot bo equalled. This is a "OAND AND A PARADISE FOR ALL , RIGHT AT HOME. The Syndicate have arranged with with the railroad companies for .1 line , attractive depot , Avhero trains of the following roads will connect and slop : The Omaha Holt Line Railroad Line , The Union Pacific Rail way Tlie Missouri Pacific Railway , Thu Omaha and Republican Valley Railroad , The LJurlinglon and Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska and the Chicago , Burlington aiul Quincy Railroad. All these trains will btop at the depot at tlie town site. Also at the Stock Yards. Beautiful trees have been set out on the property and streets laid out. LOTS ARE NOW ON SALE AT LOW PRICES & EASY TERMS. i23"Apply at the Company's ollico , cor. o 18th and Douglas streets , over the Omaha Saving's Bank. M A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary. The Finest Family Garden IN THE CITY. Music Every Evening , and Hiturdaji. llttia weather In ijloanant. All olcgaut lunch will bojcricd cvtr m'rnlri ; , and tlitftuoU IJciuord and tfctrs voiutantly on baud. SKNF ts AUKblt. Proprio tor * . Co mid rarotm StictU. , G. H. WOOD & CO. , 8UCCE.S.SOU8 TO WESTERN hTEAM IIEATINQ OO. , I STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , 215 North 10th Street , bot. Capitol Ave. ami fIV /I A U | A M P R Dareuport Stroot. Telephone No. 405. VIVI rM , W U- >