OMAHA DAILY BE3B--COUNOIL BLXJFFS , MONDAY MAY 26 , 1884. C ! THE DAILS BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , May 26 SUBSCRIPTION RATES , ny Currier - - - - - - - cent * per week I/Hit ] . . - - - tlOOU per jcar OFFICE : No. 7 roarl Street , Near Broadway. M1NOK MENTION , See Roller's Spring Goods. The city council moots again this even ing. The races begin to-morrow and will continue thrco days. Wm. llickman was lined Saturday for "being on a disorderly drunk. Master II rry Walsh now wctn the modal of St. Joseph's academy. Throe men and a woman elopt Satur day night in the Northwestern yards. Several prisoners will bo Bontouced in the district couro Wednesday morning. Thu Boston operatic company is to bo hero Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Ooorgo Brown was arrested Saturday evening for fast driving and fined $7ifiO , Preparations nro going on well for the observance of Decoration day next Fri day. day.Tho The adjourned meeting of the workingmen - men is to he hold at the court house to morrow evening. Permit to bo wed has boon issued to B. T. Strohm and Jennie M. Clausson , both of Uunison. There are over 20,000 registered pack ages a month being handled at the branch poatoflico at the transfer. Burnhatn & Tulloys have put in a 0,000 pound stool safe , with time lock , and all modern improvements. The council is considering the advisa bility of having the scales at the junction of Main and Pearl itroots removed. In the district court Saturday much time was spent in arguing the case of Collins vs. Collins , it being a 'question concerning alimony. The social at the Ogden liouso netted $7C , which will go far toward making the needed improvomonta in the rectory of the St. Paul church. The trial of Jim Wilson , who is com plained of by Jim Madden for keeping n gambling house , is to como up before Judge Ayloaworth to-day. Gathering maple seed is quite profit able to some. Mr. Oovalt has gathered 100 pounds in Bayliss park for which ho received five conta per pound. The drunks who are led in will now bavo a chance to go over a now brick sidewalk which has boon laid on Bryant street , from Broadway north Now that the summer heat comes on , St. Paul's Episcopal church has changed the hour of its Sunday school from nf- tornoon to 0:30 : in the morning. John Wilson , the shoemaker , was up for drunkenness Saturday , but was dis- chargnd , the court apparently getting dis couraged about fining him , it Booming to do no good. The two' boya , Peter Wallace nnd Lewis Ponnlngton , charged with stealing a silver watch from a laborer , who had hung his vest up in a tree , were dis charged Saturcay. District Attorney Connor , who is at tending court hero , has a personal deposit of about $600 in the hole at Donison , The firm of which lie is a member has also been depositing in the same bank. Uolly Lewis , who stabbed his room mate in Dos Moines , has boon granted a change of venue to Madison county. The court meets at Wintorsot in September , and nothing now will bo done until then , Rev. Father Clark addressed the Irish league hero yesterday. Ilo has lately flavored his connection with the church at Rod Oak and returned to Shonandoab , which ho will make his permanent roai- donco. Some thiot has sneaked a fine buggy cushion from George II. Board. It waa taken in day-light and from Pearl street in front of his atoro. Sneaks seem to have no fear of being caught in Coun cil Bluffs. The council has not yet decided wheth er to borrow money for the poor Union Pacific road or not. The matter will come up sgain at the mooting to-night. At the mooting Saturday evening a reso lution was passed ordering the company to pave its track within three days. The woll-known wholesale drug house of Harle , McKuno & 0o. , changes to-day. Situ Has ! has purchased the interest ol the late Dr. McKune , and the firm is tc bo Ilarlo , Haas & Co. Mr. Arthur C'oli will still retain his interest in the firm , and the business iu other roapocta will also remain unchcngod. Ilev. W. S. Kinney , of Avoca , died nl his homo thcro Friday night , of cancer Ho was ngod 51 years , and was for yean , engaged Jn the Methodist ministry , hi poor health compelling him to leave thi ' work , after which ho engaged in the millinery linory buiiaees The funeral service were held ye t rday afternoon , Rev. Mr Ilamsey officiating. Some of the atrcot car employes or Dotting too auuuri for this life. Ono o them on being u&ed by a passenger , 01 .Saturday , whether thu car made con nee tions with the dummy , or not , curtly re plied , "Woaro running a treet car , am not a dummy , " nnd th passenger had t rest content with that fort of an answer -On the catna day , while a car wai stand ing at the transfer depot , sorao paueii gen oiked the driver , whoso nsmo i Still , when ho was going up town. At first ho paid no attention to xho query , but on it being asked ngtun deigned to reply "When the car slarta. " It was only after aomo sharp words had boon given him that ho consented to give the information needed. It is about time that such smart follows wore given some position where they would not como in contact with the public. Th singing school which for n long ttmo hold weakly sessions in the parlors of tbo Congregational church are to give a Min pi o entertainment at their place next Saturday afternoon and offer for sale soma of the article * made by mem bers of the school. This school has done much good not ttcroly in helping those who needed hdlp , but in helping thorn to help themselves , and the friends of scch enterprises should gladly avail thoajolvca of thic opportunity of n couraging thowork and the workers. A dime admission will bo charged. Hev. II. L. Hdinmond , of Chicago , brother of the late Col. Hammond and father of Prof. Hammond , mipcrinton dent of the institution for the deaf and dumb hero , npont Sunday in the city. Yesterday ho.preached in the Congrega tional church , taking as his text "Elias was n man subject to like passions as vro aro. " Ho gnvo a very interesting bio- tgraphyof Elias , and made the ncriptural narrative so clover and natural , that the truths to bo drawn from auch a life were solf-appnront , The discourse was ono of inoro than ordinary Interest , and the largo audience listened very attentively. The reporters on the Nonpareil and Glebe placed their ignorance on exhibi tion recently by rushing into print with n description of the manner in which the " .Worth-western" unloaded dirt from itn cars. 'Ono ' reporter called it n Council BluiLi "improvement , " and the other the nowoot and greatest invention of the ago. The fact is that the manner of unloading cars which BO surprised the Council Bluffc reporters , has boon in vogue for years , and during the pant five years has boon used by the Rock Island road be tween Avoca and Council Bluffs. Avoca Hornld. To-morrow another complimentary concert , similar to that lately given by Tun BKK , will bo given in Bayliss p.trk. Mr. Mueller is the generous gentleman who gives it this time , ano aa the Neil paroil said in reference to THK BKK con < cert , ho "merits the thanks of the entire community. " Chinese lanterns , flags , etc. , will bo used in decorating the park , and the Bavarian band will bo at its best. Everybody invited. The concert will begin - gin at 8 o'clock. The Ilonshaw and Ton-Brook Comedy company , after giving throe very enjoy able entertainments hero , have qono to Das Moinos. "Tactics" is n clean comedy with much real merit , and in the hands of this company is fairly presented. The audiences were quite enthusiastic , and the company have won so much favor that they may bo euro of full houses when they como this way again. Charles Wilson , who lately forged an order on ono MoDormott , pleaded guilty in the district court Saturday. Norman , who with n woman , was arrested for burg lary at Minden , also pleaded guilty. The case against the woman was dismissed. The follow , named Goetz , who was found asleep in a drunken stupor in Tholl & Kracht'a store , pleaded guilty to burg lary. Sweet potato plants largest stock in the west by W. II. Foster , Council Bldus. Send for price list. 0. B. UtiBBall , of Malvorn , spent Sunday at tlio I'aclllc. 1) , F. Croasilalo , of Little Sioux , was at the 1'nclflo over Sunday. Col. Cochran Ji back from Ills Little Sioux rancho , and Is stopping at the Ogdon. 0. SI. Ilurto la oil to Chicago on n wook'n combination of jilonsuro and luminous. Will A. Armstrong , of Chicago , ono of the bout known moil on the road , spout Sunday nt the Ogdon. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buckingham , of Springfield , O. , are vlitUug their daughter , Mrs. B. T. Walker , of thU city. John Long , of La Mara nnd G. R. Wylle , of Springfield , 111. , are making headquarters at Uochtolo'u , during the races , L. S , Atnsdon , wlfo nd daughter , of Dun- lap , spent Sunday In this city and took a drlvo about town soelng the Improvement * . J. 0. Morgan , of the UutTolo Courier , Kearney. Neb. , U In the city greeting his many old ftloadg again. Ho tooins to moot with HUCCOKS la hts now venture , and U making the Courier very readable. W , A. I'ryo , who represent Head , Jonoa& Co,0mahft' well-known boot and ulioo houao , waa at Uoclitolo'H yfstoiday. Ilo has wo'in boat of friend and builaoaBacquaintance MR ! U one of the liveliest inlftslouarloa vitltl.ig Iowa In that Una. Attention WorklnKiiton. The adjourned mooting to complete the organization beguu on the 13th hut. , will bo hold at the court hcino , at 8 o'clock p. in , on Tuesday , May 27 ; all workiugmon should attend and join thu organization. Killed by n ItalUomiuko. a The moat painful article wo have boon forced to chronicle for aomo time , Imp ° peuod nt the houao of Mr. W. N. Webb who livca about four wiles northwest o Elliott , several evening ! since , Mr Wobb'tf child , a bright little girl , whili playing in the yard waa heard to scream and Its mother running out got thuro it time to aeo a largo rattlesnake glldo oil Mr. Webb waa in the fluid a long diamtic off and it tool the frightened inothc some time to summons him , BO that bo fort the child lould bo got to town , some thing like an Iwiir and a half or twi hours had elapeed. By that time th potion had spread ull' over the little om and she died the next jnorning. Avoo Herald. PLUOKING A PASSENG/ , Two CoDflutncc Men Roll u Irishman of His Roll , Capture of Ono of Iho Pixlr. A sneaking confldonoo gnmo , ending in a bold robbery , occurred at the transfer Saturday. The victim waa a young Irishman named Thomas Donnelly , who was on route from Kansas City to Stuart , Iowa. About ton minutes before the Rock Island train , Donnelly , having pro * cured a ticket , secured a seat , and socn after fell in conversation with ono of the nharpora , who , learning that ho was going to Stuart , hoping to find employment thcro , represented to him that lie was engaged In business there , having a largo gonornl store. JIo had boon in Omaha buying goods , and was just on his way homo. The pretended merchant wanted a man to drive his delivery wagon , and ns Donnelly was anxious to secure work , the merchant engaged him for that pur pose. About this time the second sharper came in , pretending to bo a railway agent , and demanded of the merchant the freight charges on some goods. The merchant had not ijuito currency enough , but had n check , which the ngent said ho could not accept , the rules of the com * puny forbidding it. Ilo inuat have thu currency. In this dilumnm the mer chant naked his now employe if ho could not hulii him to the extent of § 20. Don nelly , anxious to accommodate his now employer , pulled out his roll of money amounting to about $200 , and wan juat about singling out a $20 bill , whom con ductor Jb'rcd Itlis.H appeared in the car , and approaching the game , the aharpora evidently concluded that it would be blocked , the "merchant" grabbed Don- nolly'n inonny , handed it to the other sharper , and both started to skip out. The conductor grabbed them and tried to hold them , but they broke from him , and started out making a lively run out into the yard and among the freight cars , followed by Bliss and a man named John Henry. In trying to got under ono of the cara the "merchant" caught hts foot and foil , and Henry grabbed him and hold him. Ho was turned over to the police and locked up in jail. The other follow who had the money made his escape. The ono who was arrested refused to give any name , but offered that of 11. J. Johnson. Wright & Baldwin as attor neys for the railway , will prosecute the case and J. J. Frainoy has been secured by thu prisoner. Donnelly has boon put under $100 bondn to appear as a witness and there scorns good chances for ono confidence man being convicted. Bushnoll sells railroad tickets cheap to all points. A False Alarm. About 2 o'clock Saturday morning Eugene Shaw , the night clerk at the Pa- cilic house , heard a noise up stairs , and going up mot a young man just coming down. Not recognizing the follow as a guest of the house Shaw asked him what ho was doing. The strange replied that ho had just boon up stairs with the loys , and Shaw concluded it was some friend of the show folks who vroro stop ping thuro , lot him pass. A few minutes afterward the boll rang and Shaw going up atnirs to see what was wanted learned that Homo ono had boon trying to break into the room of Miss Ton Brojcko of the "Tactics" , ono com pany. Suspicion fastening on the yonng man Shaw at once described him to Ollicor O'Brien who shortly afterward found him in Bon Mnika1 gambling rooms and arrested him. The young man had on Thursday last registered at the Pacific but after registering did not return to the hotel until Friday evening , when ho was soon hanging about there several hours before his atrest. Investigation proved that ho was an insurance man which was very far from being n burglar , but who was on a little spree , and was roaming about in A dizzy state. His friends got hold of him and sobered him up and thn matter is dropped. COMMKUOIAU. COUNCIL , iiLorrts HAIIKKT. Wheat-No. 1 milling , 76@80 ; No. 3 C5@ 70s rejectedf.O. Corn Local purpaans , 40@I5. Outs Kor local jmrixMos , 35 ® 10 , Hny-SlO 00@1'J 00 j > or ton. Kyo 10@l5o. Corn Meal 125 par 100 pounds. Wood Good Bupplyj I'rlcofl at yards , C 00@ 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , 5 00 par tou Lard Fulrbnnk'a , wholonallncr at 9Vc. Flour City Hour , 1 00@3 30. Urooina 2 iG@3 ) 00 per doz. UVK HTOGK. Cnttlo-Dutchor cows -100@4 CO. Butcher atoorii 4 IXi ) ! 00. HvgB 1 & 0i94 ( 75. PRODUCE AND rnuirs. Quotations by .f. M. St. John & Co. , com- inlutiou inorchanta , f > 38 liroiulway. Uuttor Creamery , 20a ; rolls. ll < 315c. KgKS 121 ° P ° r dozen ; ready ualo. Poultry ICendy alochckonsdronflOil ; ! , ISJc ; live , Oc ; turkoya , drcmsod , ICc ; live , IL'c ; Ducka , ureuBod , liiloj live , 80. Oranges 1 00@4 M > per box. Ioinoii8 II C0fc4 ( 00 nor box. Itauunaa U 60(6)3 ( ) 60 per bunch Strawberries 21 quart case 4 00. Vegetables Potatoes , ; W@40 ; onions , 7Co ; cabbage , 4 cents per i > ound ; npploa , ready ealo at It V5@4 00 for prime stock ; Buaus , 1 CO @ 2 15 ! per buahol. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Hpcclit a vertlMtaentc , sue at Loat , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Kent , Wants , Hoard ing , eto. , will be Inserted In this column at the low- rate of TKN CKNTS I'KIl LINK lor the flrat Insertloo and FIVK CENTS I'EH LINK lor each suboequunt n- sertlon. Leave ertUeiuenU at ouroffloo , Na Pearl Htreet. near llroadu av , WANTS. VVTANTKl ) A smart boy with a pony to de'lvei to OLD rAI'KUH-For ulo at U" olllce. at U reuU a hundrvd. V1TANTED Every botlym Council UlufTsto taki VV Tuillm. Delivered by carrier at only twont ) cents * week. A OKNTS TjiJIoH and gentlemen can make Ural rlud * age by > clllni ; the ' 'Champion Boboii HtrccUior ami Ironlnf UoirJ. " Hetallt at tl.OP , Any lady can do up a fine thlrt without a wrlnklt . auuglo | i Mnlc iyMthetttlaunJrlr < cAn.Addmi I for ) * i tlculart 0,1) . B. 4 ; I. Co. , DIK ottlce , lor one to uio'ilh. 10 I TU N HHKI1 llOnjI.-Klnotr fumi lied. ( orreii lo * 1 > Location wnlril. AddrcM J , W. U. UK * ol " ! 1 IITANTBU-A comuetfnl itlrl for | uc t w gc l > ald , 616 Willow Are. New aud Beautiful Attractions -OCJXT- Dry Goods Ilaving jtufc purchased in Ensforn Markets very choice stock of Springnnd Summer Dress Goods , Qinglruns , Table Linen , Crashes , etc , wo are prepared to offer an excellent selection of beautiful fabrics , and shall do soab UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES These goods have just boon opened from the manufacturers , nnd comprise Mi latest designs nnd novelties of the season Note below a few of the MANY BARGAINS wo are offering : SILHSIS , Summer silks , JJSc ; Summer silks , 5c ( ) ; Summer silks , 75c. Those are special bargains and cannot bo nuplicat"d. Good bluck silk at 50c , worth 75c Choice blank llad/.imor silk , 51.00 , usual price , $1.30. Black Gron Grain si'k ' , SOc. I'nns Silk Ottoman at $1.75 , worth $2 25. Heavy Cloaking Tuniscinno at 81.75. Ail grades of the famous Lyons Silks J. C. Bonnet & Co , and AntoineGuinet & Co. , at Lowest Prices. Good plaids at 5c , worth lOc. Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth 15c Choice colored cashmeres at ! JOc. Figured suitings at 30c. Viry fine all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never sold for less than § 1.00. Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. TABLE LINEN AND CRASHES Good all linen table nt SOc , Good all linen table at 40e. Choice all 'incn ' table nt GOc. Very fine nil linen t ble at $1.50 , worth $2.50 Table crash 5c n yarJ. All linen towels at lOe each. All linen towels at 12c each. Prints 8c. Good Bleached Muslin , r5c. Good unbleached muslin , Gc. A imp assortment of beautiful spring Shawls at popular prices. Full stock o Domestic Paper Patterns. ( "Catalogues free. Very large stock of Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets , Moquettes , Axminsteis , &c. . at lowest prices in the west. 401 Broadway COUNCIL BLUFFS- GASH TALKS ! Ai the well-known Establishment 01' J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH t Council dull ! . Notice our reduced Price Lilt. We gho 6 pounds Eitra 0 Su ar 'or . $1 00 1 jioumla Granulated Hucrar , 00 25 pound * Choice Ontmoal , . . 00 25 pounds Navy Dodtm , 00 20 pounds I ! 6t Hulk Htarch . , 00 " 2 pounds Carolina lltco 00 ,2 , poundaChoice frums. . , . 00 2S bars UiidaloSoap. 00 Kitra Lake Trout , per pound OH V > rrlll rd' Plug per Ib 40 [ dozen Mackerel IS Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt 2 M ' 0 pounds GliiKcr Siiapi 1 00 0poundsh niloy ICO 5t ( llonkcK Kyi up , 1 70 iVliUoKlali.perkli 80 ifockcrcl , tier kit 8ft : > aton , per pound 10 0 S pound cam St nJard Tomatooa 1 00 All kinds California Krulti pound Luslt's Standard 4 ( or. 1 00 T. T. T. All grades , according to quality , 15o to BOo per pound Wo alto carry a full Una of Men's , Ladles' and Children's Hoe Shoe * nnd Men' * Fine Uooti at very low prices. Also full Una 01 Tinware and general inerchaudlae. Call on us and bo convinced tha you can IMHO nionny V ) dealing with us. Goods delivered 'reolnauv part of thacltv. Iu a word , we are Ixjund to sell and challenge a.l mdaule competition In tbls countv. J. V. K1LPEUTI 209 u erllroadvtay Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M.D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 323 Middle Bro 'lTy. council Blnfli. N. SCHURZ. Justice ofle Peace. OFFICK OVKH AS1KUICAN KXWIK83. COUNCIL liLUPPS. - IOWA. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. We eua'intee the cure of the following iiaraod din waBed , or no | > y : KheumttUm , Bcr > tula , Ulc n , Catarrh , a I Hlnotl and kliidlnraict , Dv l P" ! ' , Urer Complaint , Kldnvy and lllid.lcr UUo i- . flout , Nan- ralgla and Atthma , Thim Spring * are the favorlto wort of the tired and ilublllutul , and am the FKKUI.K I.ADUH UEST K1UKNI ) . Good hotel , lltvry and bathing acoomodatlou both winter and summer. Locality highly ptcturctqur and healthy AoocMlble by Wabuh railway , S Evoui.or 0 , , 13. fc Q. , ai Albauy. solicited , RKV , U , M. THOlll'HON. Manager. Albany , Bllotra Springs , Geutry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Spedflo Orarity . .1.002 Ileactlon Neutra CarboulaAddOu , , . . , . , , , , . , 8 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium , JS.Oil Uralni Carbonate Iron 7Nl ! Sulphate Macnwla S , tfl < Sulphate Caldiui. . . , 1,18 " Cldorlde Sodium 7.SOO - tilllica , 1.MW Alumina , , . , , , , , , .0,010 OrgauloandYoUtlle matter uiitoas , , . .1,4M " TololKUdj pel gallon 07.171 rnos. OPFICBE , u , M. PUS T. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffa . . la. Established - - 1856 Dealorsln Foreign and omeetlo Exchange An IIOHM WESTERN IOWA NORMAL -SCIENTiriC AND- COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , COUNCIL BLUFFS - - . iU VA- Wlll Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complete course for teachers and those desiring a Iilgher H iill h education , a full business course , with tralnli g In actu > l business practice and gfncr- a' ' correspondence , short hand , ornamental pen an- tblp , ilocution , German and music. SplnndlJ rooms , largo , light and well furnl hod , charges very moder ate , cost of living reason1 Ic , society good , experi enced teachers Kor further particular" , inquire of BEA'IDSLKY & PAULSON. Couni.ll BluHs , Iowa. HEADQUARTERS BAVARIAN BAND. Persons wishing to engage this Bond for parties , sociables , serenades , etc. , should call or address. .Linon P. SCHMIDT , Manager , 25 North Main St. R. Rice M , D. or other tumors removed without the , knife or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over thirty years practical mperlrnoe Offloe No. 5 Tear ! street , Council Dlufl * AJTConcultitlon tree ROLLER RINK ICE CREAM PARLOR , UOIXP.ll HKATINO OK SATUUDATS ONLY. Itl.NK FOR KENT AT $15.00 1'KH NIOHT. yurLARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN. H , H. MARTENS , Prop'r , As there are many So-Gnlled Veterinary Surgeons In thU city , who are rrictldrg their /luicleiy on our peon tf , Idernilt tut ju t | eto lay that I de'\ any o * them to ir d oa f < lploma , or : r'dentla , luiiicat'i ' > K that they are K < adua > cs < f any retrrlnary luitituU ) , an 4 1 da hereby ciutl.n tha publl i agairut a * i am the Only Known Giaduate \YR8TBKN IOWA. Offioe & 125 ' Pharmnoy , B'dway , AT ULUG 1IN. . T. J. CADY M. D. V S . . , . . , , , H. H , HORNE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fine Cigars Wo make n upociftlty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nd YARA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted aa roprcaontcd. OPERA I10USE CIGAR , UOUSE. D52 Broadway , U. II. IIORNE&CO. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. t 14 Mnin S'rpefc. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. MRS. D. A BENEDICT. JIANUFACTtmEa OF Water Waves and Hair Goods No. 337 , W UUOADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA CloflnR out Notions and Ladles * Furnlnlilng Oooiln at Fig leaves nro out of style , so ore goat and sheep skin ; shawla and blankoU have Bono by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look both neat nnd dressy , call on NORENE & LANOSTROM , Their Prices are Truly Reasonable { IOWA. urtalns , In Lace , riK , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , MaUinga , Linoleums Ets Ihoicest Stock West of Chicago | omo nnd bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line 1 lapest place to buy House Furnishings in the C'tv. UNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Mini Orders Filled PrompMy and with Care We have the The latest nov finest stock and elties for Spring all the latest de Overcoats w e signs to select have just re from. ceived. See them ONE BUT THE LEADING EST OF SKILLED HANDS EMPLOYED ; Merchant Tailors 7 & 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Bags. S. GOLDSTEIN. ! - - - 5tO Brondwnv , Council Bluffs WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , All hinds of or. Knglneorln ? Laud Sur- ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , . . t c. etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. ALVANIZED IROS O IRNlUES , Fine Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Call and BOO thorn before buying olsowhoro. Stoves and Tinwaro. JOHN EPENETER , COUNCIL BLUKKS , IOWA. 3F-fcr : O. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF fALL PAPER m 1101 Interior Decorations. 18 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE Uapflwaro Piitlorv Tinnpr'c ' ! Qtnnt" MuMu , uUlM ] , llllllulb ollM , /tarSpccial / attention to orders roy llall. COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10 V A. ICR OKKAM. TWATElt ICK3 RESTAURANT AND CAFE T33LO 401 Droadnay , fMetis f at all Hours , Council Bluff * . fI I Parties a Specialty Special Prices for the next ten davs " OSTRICH PLUMES AND TIP MRS. S. J. NOEKIS , 1 05 S. Main Street , MAYNE & PALMER , DEJT.KKS IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , HULK AND BARHEb LIMB , LOUISVILLE ANTI . PORTLAND CEMENT . , MICmOAN PLA8TKB , ril Ji. A.fil ) DCsWbl * No. B8I > Broadway. - COUNCIL PLPPFB. IOWA. 504 Mnin Street , Council Blufl'd. UANUFACTUREIt OF TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS. SAMI'LE OASES nsiiecialty. Shawl , Tourist , nnd Trunk Sirups. Twenty Years ExpcriciU'Q. - - Repairing Neatly Executed. ON IMPROVED FARMS IN IOWA AND NEBRASKA ! LOWESr IUTEB. O W PPTftTTQSmvr XT nO PKMIL bTllEKT , . VV JjIVVlU 05 UU.J ' , UESTTCRMS. Ui i OOUri Council B'utTs Io a