OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , MAV 24 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning. May 24. PRINTERS WANTED. A number of Rood printers can Rail Blond employment nt this office. LOOAL BREVITIES , rho ( uncral of Mrs. Owen flucltloy wll Uko place thU morning nt 0 o'clock a . , from her Into residence , corner Tenth am Davenport utrcot * . Tlio lecture nt tlie llaplist church , Irj Trot. Edgron of the Chicago Theological Sem faury.announced for lost evening was postponed od on account of lllnois , Omaha Glee Club In concert wllh Mis' Mlmilo Maul , soprano , and Mr . 1' 1' . Day , contralto , at Iho North Presbyterian church , Tuesday evening , May 27th. The funeral of George K. Allen , who died suddenly of heart dlioaso Thursdny.nlght , will occur this nftornoou at 2 o'clock , from Marcy Btreot near Ninth. Friends are Invltod. Miss Mlnnlo Maul and Mm. F. P. Day , both favoiltos with Omaha audiences. will as sist the Omaha Glee Ciub In concert , Tuesday o onlng , May 27th , at the North 1'rosbytorlan church. church.Mr , and Mrs. T. C. Orr wore serenaded nt the Millnril yesterday otonlng , by the entire Omaha , Glee Club , 35 inalo voices. The recip ients wora highly entertained , and thorough * ly npnroclatol the complltnont paid them. A fire caught In the kitchen of the Hotel Garni , near the depot , about It30 o'clock yoator day morn. It was extinguished nttor all of the lodgers and part of the furniture had been removed. Not a great deal of damage was done. done.Tho Modjoslca company arrived In the city yesterday and is at the Millard hotel. Mn- dame Modjoska has a fine suit of rooms upon the parlor floor. She takes her moala In her loom. The count , her husband , has n suit of roomi adjoining. The Ntrth Presbyterian church people oror on tha alert and ready to undertake any II thing which will rc/mlt / Inn substantial bene fit to their church , have secured the services of the most popular and attractive musical organization In the whnlo western country , tha Omaha Glee Club , fnr a grand concert , Tuesday evening , May 27th , in the roomy and very pleasant auditorium of the North Prosbytorjan Church. The club is now stronger musically than over before It hav ing a singing membership of 37. Musically it is constantly improving and adding now and pleasing compositions to its rcportoiro. In this concert the Glee Club will bo assisted by two of Omaha's favotlto lady vocalists , Miss Mlnnio Maul and Mrs. F. P. Day. Mr. Franklin S. Smith the popular conductor of the Glee Club will have full charge of the pro gramme , that a most enjoyable entertain ment is in store fur the North Omaha people ple there can bo no question. , HEIIHAHICA STATB UAZBTTBEK & BusINESS - INESS DIUECTOHY to bo issued in July , 1884 , prioo § 4. 50. J. M. WOLFE , pub ishor,20S. 1 14th St. , Omaha. PERSON A. D. 11 K. Somlor , of Milwaukee , b at the Metro , politan , John 8. Ray. Nopnoo , Neb , , IB at tha Met ropolitan. \ Ira G. Benton , of Atlantic , In. , IH at tlio Metropolitan , A. M. Davidson , of Crcaton , lo. , la at the Metropolitan. P. H. M. Andrew , Dca Molnoi , Is at the Metropolitan. B. J. Hudson , of Columbus , IB stopping at At the Metropolitan. Avon Dcgon , of Baltimore , Md , , is stopping at tho'Metropolitan , O. II , Hewitt , of Son Francisco , in stepping at the Metropolitan , State Senator KlnkalJ , of Holt county , was In the city yesterday. Messrs. Alloo Ilart and G. W. Sandorfl , of Dakota City , Nob. , are registered at the Mot- politan. Mrs. Thoron Nye and Hay Nye and wife , nil of Fremont , are in the city , and are tha guoaU of FroJ. Nye and wife and the 1'axton hotel. hotel.Miss Miss Jeanie Ferron , who Lai boon viBltlng friends in Omaha for the past few da ) B , re turned to Dunlap last evening. Mr. Potter , manufacturer of the colobratoi Potter printing proas , and llnrry Hart , win hag a largo press factory In Chicago , were it Omaha yostorday.a nd gave Tim UKK oflico i pleasant call. State people at the Millard yesterday : A J. lUttonliouso and George Wlidiah , Aurora Mr * . Wherry , North Plattoj J. 0. Morgar nnd two daughtorii , Konrnoy ; K. D , Illghton Blair ; Ed. P. llerryman , Central City ; Wll W. Maple and wife and M. Darling and wife North Bend ; Mm. 0. E. Summer and Mlsi William Summer , Schuylorj J. 11. Ivoa , Oroto State arrivals at the Puxton yesterday : J Jt. Markloy , Nlobrara ; Mr , nnj Mrs. J. 0 um . , Wlso , Lincoln ; Frank 0. Zohrung , Lineoln ; y' * ! L. A , Pulfey , Valley ; J. J. Leas , Nollgh ; P < V 1L Bchwenk , Norfolk ; J , P. Konnohan ! ' , 2/'p Grand Inland ; M. M. Sullivan , O'Noll ; M " Illte , Norfolk ; tt. Uollmun , Nlobrara ; II. C ' * \ Melborn , Lincoln ; H H. Ashley and wife Wymorej Jj. W. Colby , 15oatrlce ; O. ] 't Green , Genoa ; O. M , Flilior , wife and child \ Hastings ; Mrs. A. L. Keith , Mirs Mary Cor \ tier and J , A Kuitli , Lincoln ; George ( lett it 15. A. Collins , Shelby ; F. K. Atkins , Yorl iti 1' . L. Murphy. PlatUmoutb. /i AVel tla Meyer , V , , It It now undlnputed that Wlo Dlo Kfo ] , t or'a Uaturrli Ourn li the only troattnoi Out will nlwulutely euro Catarrh friuh i Clironlo , "Very cfllcaclnun. Baml Gouli Weeping Water , Nob. " Onn box cured mi Mrs. alary Kenyon , lilamarck , Dakota. " " . i rotcroi ] mo tii thn pulpit , Itov. Georvo 1 h : lUi. , C < < l'levllle , N. Y. " "On box radfnall cured me. Hev. 0 , H. Tahlor , HO Noli Dtreet , Brooklyn' " "A pnrfoct cure after S years MiUVrli.K , J. D. MoDunnld. 710 Hroui way , N. Y. , 4ta. &o. Thnunauds of toftlini nluli arertcoived from nil warU of the world Delivered , $1.00. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's II lunlrnt.- ( | Tratlu , " with gtatoments i f n / H'S vru1' I5Il8(1 ( ro ° uU , Dewey & Co ' .fr 112 Fulton Street , N , Y tuo-t.hur & eat-m&3oin Army Orders. RocruiU Hatlm P. Eastman and Kol ert M. Oannou , enlisted at Ft. Ornahi lieu. , are assigned to the 4th infantry. * ) . Pnrato Jeremiah Wells , company < S.ij 7th infantry , haying reported at thoi - . ' . ' * hoadquartcre in compliance with orde No. 70 , dated Ft. Bnolling , Minn. , Mi ! 21 , 1884 , will proceed to Ft. Lararai Wyo. , and report to iiia company coi mander for duty. The qiurtermaster'a department w furnish the necessary transportation , ni the iiibitance department comrautatii of rations fur three (3) ( ) days in advanc at the uiual rates , it being impractical to carry cooked rations , j u THE DUMB SPEAK , Annual Exhibition at too Deaf Mntc Asylnin , IntcrcNtlnx Ktorclnca Showing the Vnlunlilc Work that Is Itclng Done. The bright and cheerful clmpcl of the Nebraska state inatituto for the deaf and dumb was well filled yesterday afternoon when the annual exhibition of the pupils occurred. About IfiO visitors were pros- out nnd the ninoty-threo inmntca occu pied ono-tliird of the auditorium nnd twisted and wiggled and laughed nnd looked bright just like little children who can hoar and talk. The exorcises were opened with prnyor nnd an nddrcss by the principal , Mr. James A. Gillotpio. The children them wont through a hymn by moans of the sign language while two of the teachers sang nnd per formed on the organ. The puplla , of courao , or most of thorn , heard nothing whatever of the accompaniment , but they kept time with their signs very well , though perhaps that was luck. A class of aoven or eight were then called up and n story written on the blackboard and previously hidden was disclosed to them. Jt was then ornsod and they were required to toll its sub stance by signs which the teacher inter preted to the nudionco. Simple ques tions in geography and history followed , the answers being written on the board by tfio children who showed a really re- morkablo proficiency in penmanship and the outlines of a general information. Three boys followed nnd did Berne work in mental arithmetic quite cleverly , the answers being written on the board. The most interesting part of the pro- gramma wag that which displayed the practical results of the oral method by which many of those unfortunate persons are being taught to hoar and spunk. A class of four all of whom could speak , while two could hoar , appeared and de livered aoino recitations nnd answered questions by word of mouth quite intelli gibly. The articulation in some cases is labored nnd the pronunciation not very distinct. But certainly wonderful progress has boon made in the year which these pupils have been under training. The iioxl close was a somewhat larger ono of the same grade of progress. One , student a young man of twenty-two , who was graduated at this institution two years ago , as n deaf inuto made an astonishing exhibition. lie has been taught to hoar sounds quito readily and his replies are in almost ovcry case easily understood. The others also showed very gratifying ability to comprehend sounds , though n wide diversity in their power of replying. Several amusing little drumatio sketches followed performed by the in mates in a very intelligent and pleasing manner. The parts in the first were discharged by those who had learned either to hear and talk , or at least the latter. This was the most perfect exhi bition which the day afforded of the ex cellent results that can bo attained in relieving those unfortunates. xlu the rest of the plays the dialogues were car * ried on by signs , but the pantomino excellently - collontly acted kept the spectators aware of the plot. In all of them the young actors displayed sDrightliness.nctivity and wit. The exorcises closed with another hymn and repeating the Lord's prayer in nitons. The method of teaching employed at this institution and responsiplo for auch wonderful results in making the deaf hoar and the dumb speak has only been in use about four yours. The honor of its discovery is duo entirely to Mr. Gil- lospie , who has made the instruction of loaf mutes a life-long study. His sys- om has obtained for him a vary vrido olobrity among educators of this class , , nd will probably bo introduced into all ho institutions in the country in a short imo. " \Vo use the audiphono a great deal to tart the SOIIBO of sound , " said Mr. Gil- ospio , after the exorcises were over. 'What is the audiphono ? " "It is n shoot f gutta-percha about a foot equaro and loxiblo. It is about half rolled up , and ho edge is applied to the tooth. With hat wo can nunko these whoso sense of earing is not utterly destroyed dlstin- uish oirnplo sounds , such as the owols. Alter wo gut the activity of thu onso aroused , vro abandon the audiphono , nd drills the pupil with words. Wo invo thaso here who have learned to hoar nd talk in ono year , and to distinguish ounds in a fuw months. It is struugt ow the soiiRo will develop when oneo it i started lu lifo. These who can hem nd speak a little now , will soon bo able 0 converse Intelligibly and hoar all loiacs in on adjoining room. Can I 'ring ' all dnaf-mutes into ouch a oandi- ion ] Not by any means. Nol moro than 15 per cent of then : But that ID per cent , is an immoasur iiblo advance over the results of othui methods. Besides , of thoHo whom it if mpossiblo to make hoar , the great ma ority can bo taught to spook. Wo toaol hi'in to understand lip language that is the motions of the mouth and to auswi'i 10 readily that you would not know the ] were deaf. When they graduto mail ] are ob'.o to enter some of the trades o dn clerical labor without inconvenience Wo train the boys to bo printers , carpon tore , larmero and mochunics. Some o the girls show a romurkabln talent fu painting , drawing and line noodle-work and I think can bo trained to do vor good work in these lines. " Several specimens of drawings , fane ; work and ono very handsome cabinet , ol mudo by inmates were also exhibited 1 he crayon drawings by ono pupil , Mir Mary Toner , whoeo parents reside at 151 Howard street , are worthy of imrtioulai mention as works of croat merit. The state hos reason to bo well sr.tit fiod with the excellent manner in whiol the work of caring for thi'so persons i being uarried on. Nebraska is far beyond yond any state In the union in this re Bpoct. 3AZOLO's"ABRIVAL ' , The Hlght Kan Hpyrtml nil Possibll ty or Doubt , Sheriff Miller arrived from St. Pai yettciday , having in chaago the Ita ian , Gazolo , who murdered Louis Xory in this city July Oth , 1880. The crime , ait far as la known , was cold blooded murder , and oa uch wi have to bo answered for by the man now in custody. Gazolo had succeeded in ovadlng the oflicors for nearly four yean but there is now no doubt but that the tijjht man is behind the bars as ho hat been fully identified. There is an indictment against him .ind ho will bo tried nt the next term oi the district court. This makes five murderers who nro to bo tried at the next term of court AUK YOU GOINU TO ISUKOl'E ? In another column will ho found the an nouncomontofMwi < < rs.Tltog.COOK.&SON Xourlnt Agents , 201 Uroadway , Now York , relative to the very complete arrangements they have made for tours In JMiropj the coming Spring and Summon "Cooks fcrcur- nlonlst , " cimUlnlng maps and full particular * , will bo mailed to any address on receipt of 1U Attention Hooks , Special meeting Sunday afternoon at H o'clock , regarding the observance of Dec oration D-iy. D. S. MITCHELL , E. G. UYLKY , SPC. Pros. JMrn. And all other famous wommi imvo won n rep- utatlon for facial beauty. A line complexion niakos onn handsome , even though tha fnco h not n perfect mould. Iturtlock Jilooil Jlittcrt act directly UMin the circulation , and so glvo the nkln n clearness and smoothness othorwlso uiiattalnablo. THE COUNCIL'S CHOICE. RjyDrWiirlliiigtono ] , [ Detroit , olGcteil as Bishop , A Long CauvasH wliloh Finally Ho Hultod In tlio nlovo Selection. The seventeenth annual council of the diocese of Nebraska , Protestant Episco pal church , mot Thurrday morning for the second day of the session. Ro v. Dr. McWamara occupied the chair. A resolution was introduced from the chapter providing for placing the entire management of the Child's hospital and homo in the hands of Mrs. Clnrkson. Re- forrod. Mr. Julian Metcalf , treasurer , stated that the expenses last year to ho paid out of the diocesan general fund and that it would probably full § 160 short. The council adjourned at 10:30 : o'clock and all of the clergy took places in the chancel nnd the lay delegates in the choir to attend Ascension Day ser vices. In the afternoon the council resumed the nomination for a bishop. The hrnt ballot resulted as follows , 21 votes being east : Itov. Dr. Worthington 8 ; Bishop Walker G ; Rov. Dr. Thomas 5 ; llov. Tr. Morrison 2. A motion to qo into secret session was lost , and adjournment was taken until 3:15 : o'clock. Upon reassembling the council contin ued the discussion over the nomination of i bishop. In the evening session ton ballots were taken for a candidate for bishop , with a growing support for Rov. Dr. Leonard , the twelfth ballot of the entire session standing , Dr. Worthington , 8 ; Dr. Leo nard , 7j Bishop Walker , G. A motion was made by Rov. 0. S , Withorspoon to reconsider the motion to proceed to ballot , ( the effect of which motion , if carried , would bo to open dis cussion. ) Major Wheeler moved to amend , to table and to reconsider. A vote by or ders was taken ana the amendment lost. A vote was then taken on Hov. Mr. Withorspoon's motion , which was lost. Balljting was then resumed. After the twentieth ballot a recess was taken and the clergy and laymen gather ed around the chair to hear fuller reports concerning various candidates than had yet been made. The high fooling and bitter partisanship which had prevailed in some quarters seemed to all but disap pear after this dispassionate talk had in this recess. At the twontjfirst ballot the result was : Dr. Worthington 11 , Bishop Wal ker 8 , Dr. Ruliacm 1 , Dr. Morrison 1. Mr. Montgomery moved that as two- thirds of the parishes were represented and n majority of the clergy had voted for Dr. Worthington ho bo declared nom inated to the laity. The chair sustained this motion nnd a recess was taken for 'tho laity to caiivii ! their own preferences. At the close of the recess the lay dolt ) ; atea returned and the roll of parishci was called , a vote buini ? taken upon tin lomination of Rov. Dr , Worthington L'ho result was nyea 14 , noes 2. Rov. Dr , McNumara , chairman , do dairod the nomination accomplished. It was moved to make the nominatini unanimous , but Rov. Dr. MaNuinara salt hat ho could not vote upon that , ant .lev. Mr. Graham objected also to voting lowovor the council ns a whole ooemoc jrcatly relieved anil quite happy at tin ssuo of the election. On nii.tion of Mr. Guy R. Brown tin secrotuiy waa instructed tn send u. tele ; ram notifying Rov. Dr Wurthington o lis nomination , and requesting his ao coptanco. After singing the "Gloria in Excolsis' ' thu council adjourned until 1) ) o'clock yea to nay morning. Horsfonl'H Acid Decided Benefit. Dr. John P. WUBELKII , Hudson , N. Y xaya : "I have given It with decided bei ufit in n case of innutrition of the bruii from the nbuso of nlnohol , " Tlio Knl lUtt' Tlinuk - Thursday evening the Knights Tompla adopted the following resolution : Jtnoltwl , by the Knlghtu Toinphr of th gaud jurisdiction of Nobrusku mxeinhlud < < tliUoccasion. That our cordial thinks nr hereby oxtomloil for tlio beautiful mid in prcsalvo lervlneH pertaining to our order lie ! lliU day nt Tilnlty Cathaural , in accordant \vith the de lrn mid intention of the itt Ilinliop Clarkson , wlnwo memory we roveri That our earnest tlmnk-i tire furthnr toinlete lilt * very eminent Sir Clinton K. Lncko , ima prelate of thn grand enciunpmtint of tha Un tfd States , for olwiuout la Unction mid lonn nl illaconrHO delivered before us in couuectio with our Ascension day nor vlci-s W. H. lio\\FN , Ji V. WAIIHKN , S. W. llAYiS , Committee. Throw Awiy Ilia CriitoheH. "SufTored from rheum&tiiin BCI badly had 1 u o crutcliox , but thrnw thnm nway nfter a | , hiiig'Aomin i clctric nil to inv llinba.I no ft ol better ttiuu I Imvo for yearn. " If. L , Glbb Slt'J Ulm .troet , Uuir lo , N , Y. A OniNliuit l'\ior Yesterday Patrick O'Urlon , an on ployo in the car chops of the Union Pi ctQo company , had his right foot crushc by being run over by a freight car. Th wounded man was taken to Dr. Mercer oilico where the lacerated and bruise member was dressed. To all who suffer from epilepsy , cramps nnd nervous affection , wo earnestly rec ommend the method so universally cnown and quasi miraculous of Prof. Dr. Albert , Paris , 0 , Place du Trono. Lot ail invalids ecek him with confidence , mnny will find health who despaired of euro. Treatment by correspondence * ltor receiving n detailed history of thecae ca-o to bo treated. Trot. Dr. Albert accepts no fco unless marked benefits follow. Absolutely P Tbtl powder never v.l cj. Am ttrvc ! of pure ' rinvh tml wholcomene" . Moro ronotrJcul than n cnlunry Mnd.i.nnd CA' ict bo bold In compotltio Ith tha multlludo of low M ; . short wclsl t alum or > ho phato pondcra. Uold oaly In cans , lloyal ISak- ( f ondcrUo. SPECIAL NOTICES. jtirspoolalawin pozltlvelynot bo Inserted unless paid in advance , TO LOAN-Konov. TO T.IANOn Improved farms In No- MONEY , S.V. . Fcrguuon & Co. , 39 Pcnrl street , ouncll BInffa , Iowa. 330-27 MONKY Loaned on chattel property by S T. 1'ctoraon i6th and Douglas. 172-ltn ONKY TO LOAN In sums of (300 nnd upwards at M low rates on first class real estate necurity. roiTEn & conn ONKY LOANED On chattel property bj J. jrONKY , 213 south 14th street. 776.1m ONKi ' 1OLOAN Inelowoat tuwa ot aitorest M BcnuV Loan Ai enov , 15th & Dourta 231-tf l/f / ONEY TO LOAN Insuuw of (300. and upward VA O , f. Davis and Co. , Uoil tjjtite and Loan i , UOt Farnam St. 398-tf , TJUL ? WANTKU. A GENTS WANTKD-Fairbanks , Palmer & Co. , X rnWIahcrr , , New York and Chlcipo , want at nco live agentutlmiUjhout Nehrabka. Tonncncr- etlo agent who will do thoiough work , oichue errltorya-iJ extra terms will bo imaii , Apl | ) at nnce n O'orifu Mitchell , General Stito ARent , Omaha , Neh , Ollloe In Y. M. C. A. rooms , S. W. cor. 15th nd Farnam etrcets. < ! 33Gp riTANTCD Three girls at the Slav en Ilo'el , eouth V > Kth street 410-20p WANTED A cooJ gill chiefly for kitchen work. MM. O. M. Hitchcock. _ 440 29p WANTED Situation by girl as Ironcrln laundry. Ca'l at 014 N. 18th bt. 437-23 A' ! rl for kitchen womSll North 14th WANTED Capitol avo. and Davenport. 432-24p WANTED Olrl ff/r Roacral homo work. Must be good washer and irauor. Call at Mo , 20th and California. 431-tj WANTED An ciporli-ucod Cigar salesman to sell city trade. Only these wltn references need tpph * . Ale salesman now on the road who can lanillo line of cigars without conflicting with revnlar me , Qood opening for the right man. Cannon Iroj , & Co. .opposite poatolllco. 444-24p WANTED Olrl lor general housentrork. Wages N.OOper week. Inquire at Edholm & Erlckson's. 413-28 WANTED Good competent girl. Good wasris paid , 1417 Cass. 451-24p WANTED Immediately , a good kitchen girl , at 1409 1'lcr ilreet , north Omaha. D.'a : l\en. 3t5 WANTKD-4 girls , cook waiter , two kitchen glrlf at Omaha Employment Agency 12 4 Harnov Bt. 413-ap WANT D A good man to takoorders for our new book social lifo In Exypt. ! . 1' . Collltr , ker block. " 1T7ANTED A boy who o n speak Gorman , aboul 16 or 10 j ears of ne to ait on table. Muslin well recommended. Also a girl wanted at 2Ui S. mi St. 410 Up W ANTED ImmeJUtely , a cook at 1812 Dodge Ht. Uoodwagospald. 417-23 ] ) AOKNTS WANTED-Local or Traveling. DUplc g oils scl Ing rapiilly , Iluslne > s light , agrceavlt and i a lly teamed , Eiiwrlen'o not nccna-nry. Sam plofrco. H. W. MONTilOsS , Oalliti , Mich. 70- > W ANTED Sewing meihlno hands at 1207 Fainan btreot. 33J-U ' . Ilurbtr. P , W. DEIIKSON , 623 Broadway , 476-24 Council Bluffs , low * . ITANTHO A girl to ( Mint In the kitchen t 1(11 > Capitol Avo. tf WANTKD-GIrl lor hou owitk. Inquire at Oil south 18th street , or Katon'M Gallery , 1320 Far uainmroet. 3SJ-27 ANTBD A goo-1 clrl for general housiwrrk W : Apply at 2419 Ilnrn > eticot. 303 23 \\7A TED due flrtl class trwlng woman and on V apprentlre , ImiccdlaUlv , by tire. U , W Kin dull , DioMtuaker , Odd IV.lowu' llUtk. ' \1 'ANTKD Kourflrtt cUas dlulrpr room trlrls a T tha Occlilcntul Hotel. None odicri need ajijily \\'ANTKD , Travcllnn nalO'imn , one who Is hat i ' > ling suitable line cf goods to as to take a Una n cljatu c n c mirlitlon. Uood rcferi'iicon requ.rnl Adilremi "J. P. " n.e olllcu. a/-tf W ANTH-Girl for general house work 711 8.1311 TT St between Jones and I.eivinworth. SS24 | - at No. 1510 Bhrruati v nu W 347-t [ M1W. J. COUNSMAN , \17ANTii : > Several good agents. Apply at once > > 1B18 CailtoU > enue 314 i'Sp VI/AM'1'.U-A / Hr tcli s barber v > Ith a llr t clav outllt to take the new barber Hhcp at the ( ) ix-l dental. Tliolicat location anil room for the purpuo In vvjomlng. % ( > nc but u HrsttUsii nmn nccil apply divbH McCray and Until , Ilulfalo , Johnnon Co miil if. SDl-SSji J-A tend ! book binder. AdJrcm It in \ \ inoint liros , nonioat Nib. 217-t ( \\TANTED-LMllosor gentloinan In olty orcou < ti t take nirti , light nJ pli'MJiit work at tliol ott n honiiti ; $2 to 45 day vault ) and quietly male uork sent by mail ; no canvaislng ; no stamii fa ro ly. PleaiuaddreM Reliable Uanu'aoturlng Co Ptiliadulphla , 1'a. C1TUATIONB WANTED. \\7ANTKD-Ily nipectablii jounz m&n , a ultui tion t gardener or any other other rtwpomibl iK'dltlou. Twojeanrvfereuoigiven. Addr < m "i W. " ll a olllc * . 4i7-24p \\rANTKU-A situation by blacksmith , had 3 jeoi > < cxperlcncn on carriage and 2 ) van on car w orl Addnw * ' 'I ) . J. F. " H" ) oltlio. 301-23ji M1BOBLLAHBOUB WANTS. \TirAVrKI ) Ti > bliuamall horsr orpouytoui l r ll.'ht'oliicry wagon ( cr About a month Will bo well Ukeu care of. loqulteat Butchir Kho N , 18th Bt. 433-27(1 ( A > TiU A ( wre , ctblo board n In print Ui famil .livlngln nt t-cli location , now roil denoa with Inth rixim , ta Pleawit front toomi nlctrly furnl.bod er unlurnUhod. Tf run reaiouabli AddtCM "II. B , " Bee office. 405 23p \VANTKD-ny a tingle man , good tlted fa ? room southeast corner i.refcrrcJ. Addrrsr. O. Box 770. 4S4-24p WANTK1) A lidtr partner , lama man little part ml lillt age. Am kit alone , of Rood habit * mo neither llnuors or tobacco In any form , Have omo means , but urn not r ch Have lind ooTcet pcrlcnct In fttock Hl'liiR In the wcHar.d would like ! o ( r.llowit for a hlc. ! Would like a Udy paitnoi about 35 } car * od ! , with tome mean * . Oieihar could siiporlntcnd the In-door work wliilo I attonil tn out- onrbtMlntin Hint be cheerful and tUannnt and make K homo m re ilpslrable than living n'nno No onn need reply whoie character U not above re- pn rh or nhocjinrot elve the biat refiitncc. I am | > rcpato < l to furnish lame. Addrcti"L , " lUootnru. 3)5-23p A joung gentlcrran wlthra to corre ijimd vlth Ik tilca t liig girl or iranlrd dy. Money no objtct Corrn-ponilfnco ttnctly connlmllil. Address ' .V. Y. Z. " Il < e ulTlco S44-2ip \\'ANTED Ahcncoriiony atil phaiton , If ( ho * rartocanbohadonMrado for R good lot In Ilanscom Pjace. Call at tSl south ! 4th ( trett , after "I'-rn. \\t N'l Mi - Iluirilcrs lo know the St , C h ilc Ho M tcl UH Harm * St.b-t ee lth and 13th will i < lupin * but table boat rl for { 4 00 per week of any ion e In the city ol q corresponding rrlcc. FOH R2 > N7" onceB fttid ictn. F IOU IlKNI IjVKotninlirnl room to u nilomiin only , NV cor ISlh uriil rarnam. ,135 It IpJH ' UKNT-Nlcely turntthcd rooms 10J N. 18th. C39-20t | T7IOU HENT-Thrcu nicely lurnKhol icons , at 101 JL1 DodRO street. 441-SOi > 3 IOHnENT-linalano i > l"ofant front room well .V furiilihidlorRcntUmtn ,1123 I Harm y St. 410 ! Up FOll IlFNT-HrU rlasi huuso 7 room , l , rn , well , cMerii , ovcrjtlilnK complete IVtli St. , ono hall ilocl , N. of Once ht. 421 > 3p IlKVT-Furnl hcd roamn. Al-o n hnn o nj rooms suitable lur liousckctjiInK , 220 north 13th tt- _ _ _ 3.4-2ip IrUUNISHEl ) rooma and board 030 S ltUh St. near 1 Si. H rj''aiuo 4.2-24p Fit KENT Cho p , ono plino , ono orean. A. Ilojpe , 1610 LlodKo St. 410 1m FOR Hi : NT Furnl-licd room n 1th or w Itliont board , If 03 Jacksoiist 4M20p I poll HBST A > cry dolrablo fun Ishril room In a ' pilvatx fairlly o'o i f the loit location In the city. Address rotttilllo- , box 670. llfi''Sp /Oil HKNT House eouth cist cor 10th end L1 O WHETjAN. 400-23p OIl HKNT KurnUhcd rooms at 840 2JU. . strcut. KENT A neitlv Inniliiheil room and two un' FOTl ( urnlMicd rooms , lOlfi CMuKO street40 -24p 71011 HE NT- Furnished front room , dcslrallo In- F citlou Address " 11 0. " cato Jieo oilico 3J3-54J1 FFOll FOll IlKST To a responsible paitj , a irml pliiio. Terms rca enable. Iniuro | ! at 2109 California Htrcet. 331-tl Tj OIl HENT Oil SALK Seven room house In good JL' location , aovcn bl < elm from iiostofBco. Iniiuiro at room 1-1 , Crclxliton Block. SOO-'JJp I OR IlKKT Nice furnished front room w 1th board F atlbH Davenjiort St 119-Mp FFOR FOR HENT Nice front room with board , suitable for one or two gentlemen , No , 1718 Dodge street. S42-2.1p FOlt 11ENT A furnished front ro-m , 1711 Web , stersircet. 310-2Sp F 1011 KENT Furnished room $3 to $10 u month on llarnoy St , First housowestof Herald oilico. 2i23w FOU UEST With hoard. One large front jiarlor handsomely fnrnWied. Also a lew table board- rs dcsirtd , 200U CassSt. 302-tf F I OH KENT T o furnlHheil rooms for light house keeping Bcimcr'H Block corner fcth and Iluwrrd. 27i-tf FOll HKNT Furnished room 222 N. IBto. S35M FOR KENT House 0 rooms. Inquire cf J , P. Itoo 6th St. | FS 111-NT 1st chsafl and 7 room houses 8.T. Peterson. P. E. our. 1' th and DouglM. 173 tl F : Oil HKNT One furnished ro m to gentleman and wife , with board 1914 Webster St 7-lrn IfOU RfcNT In Rodlik's block. Storeroom 120 1 ? feet deen aiid good oflico room. Paulson & Co. , o ' Farnam , room 3 , 768-tf F 'OR ' RENT piano. Inquire at Edholm & Eilck- ; aon'e. 033-tf FOR RENT Store room 1509 Farnam St. , by PA U LS EN & CO. 4 0-tf I71OU RENT Furnished rooms on the nortttwo I ? oor. 13fh and Capitol avenue , formerly Crelgnton tfonno. 1R < V ( RENT Koomo In Nobraskk Nation * Bank FOR Building. Most dcslratle offices la the ell ; 'Supplied with hydraulic ele-ttoi an ted fa teata. Apply at Bank 02d-lf ran BALB 17 < OR SALE Cummg street property. Lot in Wai- nut Hill , Knater'aand Donnccken's addition' and West Cumlnz. L ts chi ap and on easy terms. POT TER k COBn , 1515 Faruam fctrect. 4VJM FOR SALE A new house , consisting of D ronrcs , closet and pantry , tlsi cUtern ; with lot and o half ol ground all set out u.Ith fruit trees , grape vines , In eplcnd'd comlltlon , only 3J (00 Ono i lid rnsli , balmco InOjca-s. Apply N. E. cor , 15th mil Dorcas s'rcct ' , south Orraha 4t2 5 FOll SALE A full bred pointer dog l rronths oli' ' and n double barrel breech loading gun at n btr gain , bt 1321 California St. 430-JOp F 1OII SAUU Larg now burn with long Icvo or FniOIl . Jniui'o at the Doran house , 430 27p niOIl HALr , A llmt-chis 8ock of fincy goods. I1 nolden opportunity for olU er lady orircntlomar 'mall ' capital , g oa tradu tetabllaned , AdiJrr * ' I L W. " Bee oir.09. 449 If ITNOR SALE A new tide bay top buggy thcnp 1 Henry Iloinan. 4S224 ] SALU-t'tie ' 6x0 engine and huiler in son , FOR order at 103 uavcnport Ht. 417-20) ) TXMNTED Six teams. Call at 920 Douglas St. V 44-i-24p poll SALE Cheap , -ecoii'l hind carr'ago toj 1 plmttoT. Inquire V428 Dodge. 443-29p I7 > OR 8\LE 200,000 hard burned brick or ham 1 tlio carnal Omaha or Florence at Umo-t Inwlc price. Addre Kloienco Brick and Tlio Co. , Omaha Houell &Cobb , Agerits. Iffl lut 7IO11 RENT OH SALE-Summcr resoit , Raini | . BOII'B Lo'gn ' , Sirlt \ Lake , Icma. Evtrjthiin comp'eteand rtady to opon. For partlculir' call o ; oddtess W , I ) , Sa'ipcon , , No 14iO IJudgo itto t eve I'utkUh bath looms , 4J3-25' FOll HALE At a birgaln , 1200 pound vinrlc hors In good order A. J MAMT.LL , 424tf 325 Brcadvvay , Coun , II IllufT * , Iowa. . Two of Iho cholce't lots In Ilanscon FOH8M.E place one blocV fr'm rtro t car. Must b BO i before Juno l.t O. Y. DAVIS & CO. , 16031 arntm FOH SALE Tot with three good IIOIIHMcryilo elrablo location , iMJ. Very cany terms Pa' 15 pur cent on the Investment SU1-24 BARKER .t \YNB , FOll HME-Chcap lots In Khlnn'H 2nd nd < IMon Klrkwood nd Phlnvlew. POIThl' & COI1I1 1615 Farium Uteet , 428 tf l. 8 roon lioti e , Iaru7"7"ir tiTo l " 1 largo lots In I'apllllun , S2.&WI. BELL & Hlllil VKR. sra4 FOR BALE OR I i\SK-8ix : bu'Innm lets all o part of It i n 8 null 18th St The uholg ulll uiak a very bta'iillul rcjtideuc * . Inijulru BDU uUlro.JCOIf 17 > OR PALE Oil EXCHANGE-40 acto firm at Kit J. ' horn btatlon Ith large 10 loom houue , br - b rni > nd outhouioa. J n. Hilvln , hlkhotn h'atlor or apply 1214 Dodge St , up stalra STS-'p FORSLKWe offi-r to rincntnen and otcrs , 700 choice lena lltlftr * 2 jiari old. 70j * * * * | * i 600 " fitccrs 2 " " 600 " " 1 " " 100 1 and ? year old grade bulls Our cattle o o jarded and wo Invite Inspection , _ 2f4-ni ; Strange Urm , S'ouic < 1ty. long. FVll SA E-Hou e 19x24 and lots tlOil32 , ona lo on ourvr / In Credit Fonder addition. Prlo J1.S60. POTTER &UUUU , 16(5 ( 8 % 4(7-t ( bujn n tle ant lot In Hanscou iJifU Placeon uiunthly iavinent * . If you if to , 2Sdtf BAiiKEU&UAYNK. ? S LE Half scro lo' within one block o 1OH . Yvr > ulca ground , ISSOuu um tb ly pa ) menu tint U low than niUl lula are nollln ) for ball a lullo turthtr cut. Barker & Mayne. 4 tf . \ | ? 0ll HALE 3 bvautlful loU , 7&xlt ) near the beat t Jl * of Su Mary' ave at | liX > ui < iasy terini. AU < i S rloimit luU on park * tu onlr VI SJj ouch. lUrkti I & U ) oe , N. E. Corner Utb ana Fatuan. 2i5-tl AH H RETIRED AND THE INVALID. t Lines Will bring ilietu from their homes to the Opcrn lionise. Postoflico , Hotels and Depots in in3VCI3STTJTE1S , Giving them the advtmtnge of living on the suburban heights , with pure air , baautiCul shiide trees and P rlcs. pure Spring Water and Likes , Groves and Scenery magnificent , which cannot be equalled. This is a AND A PARADISE FOR ALL , RIGHT AT HOME. The Syndicate have arranged with with the railroad companies for ,1 fine , attrac'ive depot , where trains of the following roads will connect and stop : The Oinnlui Bilt Line Railroad Line , The Union Pacific Rail way The Missouri Pacific Railway , Thu Omaha and Republican Valley Railroad , The Burlington and Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska and the Chicago , Burlington and Quincy Railroad. All these trains will stop at the depot at the town site. Also at the Stock Yards. Beautiful trees have been set out on the property and streets laid out. ' LOTS ABE HOW ON SAL-E AT LOW PRICES & EASY TERMS , at the Company's office , cor. of 13th and Douglas streets , over the Omaha Saving's Bunk. A. UPTON , Acsistant Secretary , F SALE Ono piano , uj good 9 new. Chcip , at , HOBJJO , 1S19 Dcdge. 409 1m F OH SALE At a bargkln houjo of 0 rooma on i lot 1223 N. ISthSt. 269 3p SAIE A flno lot In Hanscom Place Will FOR take horse nd buggy or phanton In trade If you want to trade , calf at 831 south 24tu street , after 6 p. m. 390-tf SALE At a barealn 3 lota on Park avenue. Inquire 1207 Farnam street. 03tf 'lll SALE OR EXCHANGE-Flret class establish- Jf dry goods business. Good stock n trade. One- third cash , halansa good property. Adircsa II. Hob- en son , cre Bee oflico 365 tf ( OK SALE 'hiap , fine driving horse , buggy and _ harness Apply roorn24 , Omaha National Bank Building. 2 6 tf SALE Second hand light top bug/y and gents riding toddle Inquire at Tirrcll a d Cook's Shoo store , 1803 Faroaui St. 100-tt SALE Very nice 7 room house , ne-v. two blocks from Park nvenuo strict cars. Host do- sirabio lotatlon In Ilantcom PUce , $3,010. Tern a ( osy. osy.Nlro ntw 7 room cottage , near Judge Dundy'a new rcHldenee , Iot7Bxl4J , $ ) , UM. Very comjilcte place on Kalrvlew Btrect , near Har jioy , New house 0 rooms , $3EOO. SDCO down , balance 1 and 2 yearn. Half 1 t , 4 ro m cottage on leaeant St , S,000. rliio G room c < ttage , lot eoxltO , guod bain , etc. , all now , South avenue ? 2,4fl. ( 33x120. 10th street rear nebstcr. Elegant eight room residence , $1,800 hull lot , eir all hoime , south lth street , 91,100. Very flno (1 room cottage , full lot , 19th btruct , ccar Leavni vvurth , $3.0 0. BAllKEH&.StAVNE. 7IOR SALK Iwoetorj frame houne , H roouisand F boll : on C stBiriot , i ear 10th. Cash price , 84 , 10. POllhll i LOUll. 1615 Kirnaoi Btreit 4 0-tf < 0ll 8\LK-Tlic giod will ana llntutes of the 1r Crtiiihtoii Ho so , or will tell an > part of the din- liiv room or M rln'ii furnlturo eeparatmy. Kasy tuinn. Apply on premised. 783 tf l ORS LE Two choice Improved farnn of 240 I1 and32u ac en. nil within li niilen ot the Union fltrck Yards and 0 miles from the U P depot , at a bargain. POTTEII& tJOUIl , ObOtf 1516 Farnam. SALE -Very dmrablo rejidonoa tor nmal FOll ftmlly , one block off St Mvry's 4vonuo , lo blocK from poatollba I < oo.tloii flue , 3,500 Euy term ! POTIER&COBO 1616Firnain btreot. 621-tN SALE Net cottage of 7 ro ma full lot en FOR ( liorglivave. , one bloot fro St car > , for 32 5 0. I'ot cr k U bb , 1)1 > Karnam St. 162-tf 10R SALE A fliet-Jas9 VOHU & Hon Piano , at a F bargain. Inquire Edholm & Erlckson'l. 621 tf FOR HALE Two open second-naud bugglei and one delivery wagon , cheap , it 1319 " ILuuey St. _ 839-tf SALE A small Hosier , Bihman &Co , , Cri FOR af , almost new. fct this ofllc.o. tf SALE The gird will and futures of the rfOH Hous , Will sell the dining room and kitchen furnl uio tiepaiately or any pa t of either. Will oxihanuu for Utnils , luts or any tale bl. com nic-llty , or will take occurod notcsioii long tlu o lu- quire at Cnl.hton HOUH ! . 105-tf 'OR HALE neVo.e ai.d Sons inarm at a bar gain. Inqulio at Edholm and hrlckaon'ii muilo tore , on 10th at. 239 tf 7011 SILK Twenty acres of the Grilten farm , J ) I 1 lulled Ire n the iWolllro. and only two blocks frttn Pratt'sbUb-divUlon. Will bo sold lu 2 | , 6 ot lu acre loU Inquire Omalia Carpit Co. , 1611 Dougloitri'ut , 27U tf I7OU ( HAI.B Farm a mlloa Irom city , near Union Jj Stock jards. Inquire ut Mrs. Jlejer , oror Roa der's Drug eUm > , Kth and Webster , 872- mSOELLANEOOD , IiUh tetter pun , 4 tn-nttiH old. Cite In- LOST or return to 'il'2d Capitol avenue. Re- ward. 4in-J3p ' Emp'ojmopt agtncy , al kiudj ol help OlIAi'A on vhort noilcv , 1214 Harney St D. Iliuck , Ae < ut , 4U-4p Ainiill bay tuuio cell 3 Jear. old. STHAYED Had a Inlior on wheu last fcien Leave war at thll ottlce , on to where earns can b lud. 4 4-20i | I OS I' An n\ elope o > ntMilng dUchar u pa , en - / t Bartel Kl tz , wboccrvodln theUextcAii war. Fiudcr v ill pleas j leave ut this oilico. 3173p - . F DAVH & CO. deftTer ln ltaii RKMOVAL-0. K Ute mid klortgaga Lo in , have xmoveil to No. If * 3 Karnam street , upttalrs r omlS onedooi east o ! their I or me r location , vvlere they nay lu [ ouiul until completion ol the ni > vv building. Ti.UvKN UP One ktray rul roan hor.u 8 yeira ol I Call at A. 8. Ottrom'e , corner Campbell and I'lonJw , N. W. Omah ) , 2:4 fivr cur , STR YED OR STOEN-Cn ) Wednesday morning. April 23d , n medium size I rod cow with calf , about 9 > cars oM. Uasan addltionnl teat Kuward of $10 will bo paid if returned to the Sinters a Mer ry Convert , si. Mary's avenue. 923-tf REMOVAL O. F. DAUS & CO. , DEALERS In Real Estate and Mortgage LoaiiSthato removed to No 1603 Frnam street , up BtairK , room 13 , ono door eatt of their lorm-i : locatio.i , where they maybe bo found until completion of their now building- -fnAP.F.WARD for ny case rf Diphtheria I v" Hi it cannot bo curm by Dr. JeOries' ( Council Itluif ) preventive and cure. Recently of Boston , has1 opened an elegant new stock of UNDER THE FINE /Injuring Weights. I In Summer V AMR UflClCOV 1 In Fine roiich > a hrijrKan HllU II UolLII I. UnMcnuo and L'ottou. NEWEST AND LATEST DESIGNS IN NECKWEAR , JEWKLRY. HANDKEROHIFS BRACES , ETC. Coaching , Walking Street antP" Evening Gloves. FINE WHITE & COLORED SHIRTS. KiiRlUh , I'lque.ind Full Dro < s Shrlt . SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE. THE HULL ni The Pioneer and Still Ahead , fe - Uf i nrrn f\l -isiirfr T y-A TJiao. F tt superseding the Urn'fit old ficuhiud stoves an I ranged It ha the > liiip'ett ' and mi i i molenl ktoveburaei * In the world , and wi'li now Imnon. . pen n the cnslest to Cicn > e AbioluUlv safe wlih Itniut nt ro enolr , mmn \ use thu taoond b a on without am gle ao-ulent. tiTfien 1 for Uataliguo , Price List , Etc. HULLi VAl'OIl STOVE CO. , . mlo , , CLEVKLAND.O. may 6 ecxllw