OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY MAY 2-L 1884. JOUO3H ANUFAcTtmEtt or 6ALVANI " CORNICES , WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS , ETC. -a. LC a.atix Eiti-o t OWMIA. , . . . NKD DOCTOR WHITTIER 017 St. Clinrles St. , St. Louis JIo. A resultr gri4n&t < iM o MciSlffil CMIetei. hM I ten longer tfiffftCed In the Ipee ! * ! treatment of Cmojnc , M TOt , BKIW find moon tiiuiitiithAti any other I'hjtleUaln Bl.Looli , Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental nnd Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altec- lions ol Throat , Skin or Doncs.Dlood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , ro irmni uh nnr niiti < xl Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , hieh prodn Mtn ef th l ] lowltn tltccm nertotiincif , dtbllltt. dlmneii of iliht and dcfcethit memory , jltnplfi on the rae * . fbjileildecftr , arrrtlonloth loeletj or remtletcntu lti ol ldeattt . . Tendering MarrlAee Improper or unhappy , tro rertniQeillj cured , 1'irnphleusn t ngeilcnttiv itoTeenl Uietlr < ! en\elope , ( ree to no ; xldrcM. Coniultillou alof- Bee orb/ mull rrrc , todlnTlttd rlto for nucitlom. A Positive Wriiren Guarantee tdre * ID 1I earuble ec . WcJIetnea trot evcrymbere. rflmphlpii , Encltnh or Ocnntn. 64 jmg * . dn * vcriblDff above dl ea ofl ( in laalo or female , FilEE. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! 160p r < , nn rilKtes. lllnitMteil In etothtndlitbloJInr We , money rt o t ( t : ianir , ) prr coier * , 23e. Tbli L Ak cooulni ill the eorloui , doiittfut Or luouMtltt wint u kn w , X knoll ersre t Itilcreit la nil , ) U ltti , Hc utr lUrplneis > re promolid tIn tdTlce. ' PRINCIPAL LUTE 1'KOU CHICAGO , PE01UA &ST.LGUIS , IIV WAY Of 01IAHA AND LINCOL1T TO DEHVES , OK VI t. KANSAS CITV AND ATCHISON to DENVER Connecting In Union DepoN nt KniKiisUlty , Onmlia niul Denvurwlth tlinmirh tmlns lot- Anil nil points in tliu Great West. CS-OX3CTCS- - . . Coiiiicctlnj ; In Cnuul Union Oopot nt Clilcngo ulth tlnongli tmhiH lor NJ2 W Y Oil 11 , BO S 2" O N , .Ami all inslcrn Cities. Atl'corli with llimiiirh trains lor Imllnrmp- oils , Ciiiclnniitl , Colniubiis , nml all points in tno'-outli.Ksist. At St. J.ouls with tmlns lor all points South. , I'm lor Cars , uithlle- n C'li.itis ( sr.Us fieo ) , Sinoklnj ? Cam with Ui'Vtilvlng chnli-s , I'nlliiinn 1'al.u'o Sluunlne Cms niul tlio inniotis c. I * , .tq. Dlnliifc Ciu-3 mil ( Lilly toamlfiniiiCliicngonnd Kansas City , Clilc.i'o ; and Council lllnltd : Clilcuun und Dos Molnes , Chicago , St. Joseph , Atchlson nnd TopcKu without , clmiiKc. Only tlnoimh llnu nmnliiS their own tialns between . . . Lincoln niul Dcnvor. niul Clilenso , ICansus „ rttv anil Denver. Tlnotisli cars between Jjullnnapolla anil Council lilulla , via 1'coria. OOING XOIITII ANII SOUTH. V\ \ Solid of Ec ! < ; iint Day XJouclics nnd ' rullnmn 1'HlneoSlceiiiiij' Cars mo uiu'udnily to tind fiom St. Louis ; vTn Ilnnnlbul ; Onlticy , Keokulc , lliullngton , Cedar llaplds nnd Alhcit Lento St. Paul and .Minneapolis ; Parlor Curs with lleclininir Chairs to nnd fiom fit. Louts nnd Peoria. Only ono change of cars between St. Louis nnd Pen MoiiiLs , Iowa , Lincoln , No. braskn , nnd Denver , Colorado. It Is also the only Tlnough Line l)6lween ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It i < i known as the Krent THROUGH OAIl I.ISU of America , nnd is universally admit. i-d to bo the iost Eiulpoel Railroad ia the World for \ all classes of Travel. Through Tickcis via this line for sale atoi ? It. It. < oupon ticket otllccs In the United States Canada. l' . J. POTTER , PERCEVAL LOWELL. > Icc-Prci. iGen. Manarr Gtn "ani - JTotico to Gattlo MSB. 900 CATTLE FOR SALE. IRQ Head of Steers Three Yeara Old. 200 ' " Two " 201 " " IIciferB , Two " 151 " ' Steers , One " 22J " " Heifers , Ono " , Tbo above deecrlbed cattle are all well hred Iowa cattle , straight and smooth. These caltlg will be told In lots to Milt purchasers , and at rcaaonablo iiticca. For further particular * , call on oraililusa . M. K. PATTON , S nr. Wa\erly , BremirCo , Iowa. . . Alsoyo unj ? erode ro7-dmo 3 Hen \i'toiso ! tlclillliy ttxliaiihiltm and prematura ilccii v nrocausLd Uy r ESfcp * , crroraof joiitli , etc. r.-i perfectly restored to riilni t lirnllli and vli'oro'iii iniinliuoil hy THE MARSTGN ? < C > t.US. nBlnm h drupcinB. Thlstroatmeni > AcrIIIIK J > cl > llUvnnd IMi ] tlrul Hcciiy M H.iii'innly rucenfnl hfranso onri'ii on imrioet ntfi > riifi > liinutv > iiiil direct iiipiho l andiiD- * . .IIM < Ilinrnu(7l > r. < kn'3. hnaldd 'IreAtleu free. Ui. Ya u N ed TMTKU. ) BELT nnd oilier ELHcrnio ts nro cent on Ui Pays' Trial TO lira ONLY , XOUNO OK OLD , who nro BUfTcr- , Ing from Nbnvous DEBILITV. LOBT Vmurr , i WAETISOVKikNESscn , nnd all thoto discuses of a i'KnsoHAt. NITUIIK , resulting from AUCSLS acd rOTiicn Cicsi i. Siwody relict and rnmpleto trontoratlna to IlriLTii. Viaon and MANHOOD iuoANTcrD. Bond at once for Illmtratcd Vainphlct free. Aaarcsi " .TAIC ii/r ; CO. , MurdUnll. Mich. RESTORED. : A victim ot carlr rudence , canimg nervous tffeolilty. premature decay , viu. . bftTlnt ? irjtn IU \ * In every kno > n remedy , bfts dlrcoverrd A ulrnplo . . -.r , . , , .tirf , ) , o will > end 1'ftKJi to I'mUmiu fit. . NewVort MPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION fa WRrruifil to war longrr. fii uho form luster , an > l Ktvu l tt > /rutlrfuctlon than wiy other Corv. In the m rkut. or i > rlcn paid i .j < ) rtfunil 4l Tliulodorv inenttu " | C KU' I"1 * * pliJJlcUlis. accul' turintrchantfortuct ri , jiiKi.i'n / o\ . . . n. F & co 1 of the Ce'ieratlva Organ * _ quickly eii'nl ' by the CIVI LB M KTIIOIl AdoiiUd in all the 1I06I'IT4I > OF VHAN'Cfi I'rumpt rtturn of VIGOH. faltni le caiej3to9 , Sevcro otie , $3 to 812 I'amphle * 1'rto , Ci > lalu IletnedUl Aono ( , JBt-tulton tt. , New York. S , H , ATWOOD , Plattsmoutb Neb , - - - - - , ' BRUDiaor Tl/OUOOall EID AKD U13II OKiDI HEBEFORD AHD JERSEY CAHLE Am straoo oxutair BID BTIMI tor ill Oorroip ndeaia foil Capital Prize , $150,000 , " H'e do kertty ctrtijy thai ue ntperrtit the ai rwjementi for all thr Monthly and Stmi-AnnvG Drawinffi of the Louisiana State Lotterv Compani itki ( n ptrton manajt and emilrci ike Drairinj il > tm ntttanilthat the taint are conducttl uitl koneityfaimeti. anil in flood/a A toward all fat tit } , ana uiauttorite the company to tits t\iictr ( . .lM f , uittt/ae-timilei n/ cur lipuitttret attaints in 1(4 ailctrtunntnti. " COK 1S 10K1 I U over Half a Million Disinlintcil ! Lonisiaiia Statdoitcry 1803 ( or ! 6 y e rs bj tha letfilolnn or ojuoatlonftt Mid chailUbla putpoecs with K ur > Ulof to which a ro > er\e lund ol orti 650,000 has slnoo boon Mlclocl. By an o > cr holinnjt ! popular vote Its trunchli ITM nmdo a part ot the vrcsont Btato oonstltutloi Ucptod December 2d , A. 1) . 1670. Ita grand single number drawings will take place monthly. It never scftlca or postpones. Look nt tha following Distribution : 109th Grand Monthly nuil the Bxlraorflinary Sciui-Auuual DrawiDg In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans , TUK8DAYJUNI3 17 , 1881. Under the special super * Islnn and management ol GEN. G. T. BEAUUEGARD. of Louis iana , nud GEN. JUBAL A. EARLY , of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. o , Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halvcf , ? 5. riftlw , ? i Tenths , fl. 1 CAVITAIj FIUZB OK S150.000 . . . . SI60.0CO vnizi : OK 60UOO . . . . 60,000 1 011ANH VUIZB OK 20,000 . . . . 20,000 2 LAUOn IMUZKS OP 10,000 . . . . 20,000 4 LAKOB PHIZES OP 6.000 . . . . 20,000 M I'lllZES OK 1,000 . . . . 20,000 60 " 600 . . . . 26,000 100 300 . . . . 30,000 00 see . . . . 40,000 COO 100 . . . . 00,000 1000 60 . . . 60,000 PHIZES. 100 Appro imatlou 1'rltea ol $200 . . . . $20,000 100 100 . . . . 10,000 100 76 . . . . 7,600 8279 Prizes Amounting to $522,600 Application lor rates tn clubs should bo made out } i the offloo ot the Company In New Orleans. For further Information wrlto clearly Riving tul tddress. Make P. 0. Money Ordera payablu Mir address Registered Letters to , NKW OULKAK3 NATIONAL )7ANIf , Now Orleans , L Postal Notoa and ordinary Intten by Mnll or Ex cBB ( all auuiB ot $5 and upwards by Express at oui expense ) to U A. DAUPHIN , orM. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans , L . MTdevonth St. . Wa hlnpto7i I ) , c. trii 11 HIM uinjiuu4iii : n 1141111 H3H.I n Tell the children to cut out and BAVO the comlo BUhouctto jiicturca aa they appear from IBSUO to issue. They will bo pleased with the collection. This Bpace'i la 'owned by BIiAOKWELL'S Of conrroxremean the ftmoni animal appearing on tha label of e\ery trunuino package of Black- cell's Dull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Every dealer keeps this , tha lut bmollnjf Tobacco made. Xcno genuine without tradc-marlc of Uia Bull. Poison Oak Scema to yield e\cry time to treatment \vltli SwIfl'H Specific. fipartanburi. . S. C. , March 1.1,1834. Your most valuable medicine ( Suift's Sliecilic ) haa done mo no much KOud that /eel like s.iJlriK' th.s ( nr lie benefit of thoeo who Buffer like 1 did. I was ioisoncd by Poison Oak , and Haw not a urll day ( or eix ) ears , until I used SwiH'a Hpeclflc. In the nix cars I used almost oiery Und ol medicine , hut none lad the dcairrd effect. Alter ueln ? tlx liottlcs cf It'H ( Specific I am restored to perfect health with not n etgn of that a f il poison left ! Yours Truly , DAVID NUSBITT. POISON OAK. " h\4 ( or thirty eight joirsBuffered every pprlng d tuiamerIth Poison Oak , viilih I contrutteil n h thliiwhon ( a boy , I trlfd everything ( or it. In. cludlrjp nmiy phyticlang , I ut without any benefit. I took Eix bottles ol Sullt'd Specific ( S. H S ) ( out oarH ago , and It cured mn found and well. Three umniorahavo | nentd , and I havohndnoritnrn ol It. JOSEIMI llKASLKr , Coluinbim , Ga. Our Trcatlao on Blood and Hldn Dlseason nuilucl Ircc. THEhWIFTPPECIK/O CO. DFOMIT 3 , Atlanta , Qa. V. Onire. IfiflW.gS St. , lift dh ar d 7lh a\s HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE FOIl ENGLAND , KKANCK AND OEKMANY. Tlie stcamililprt of thli well-known line are buiit o' ran , In water-tight compartments , and are furnished with every requisite to make tUo pmsigoboth sato and graft-Ma. Tliov carry the Uriltoii Hiatf n and Kuri ] > oan inalU , ami Iravo Nuv Yorks Tliurt- dajsaml oatnrdaya I'lj month ( LONDON ) Cher- bourt ; ( I'AItl and HAMBU.MO Kites : KliBC Cabin , $ (5 ( , $7UundSO. StcBrago , 820. Henry 1'uiult , Jlaik Hanscn , F. K. JioorejM. Toll , onentsln Omaha , Gronowiig t Kcliofntircn , agents in Council Illufld. C. II : IllCIIAUD 4 CO. , Oon. Agta. , til Uro lvay. N. Y. _ To those "uftcrinitfronitce effects of loutbful enor < . i minal wf aknuwi. early ai cay , lo tmanhood. t . , lwilliiendyounrticular ofa implo and certain moan ( ( , free p ( cliarRB. benarourtddrtmtoF. 0. X'OWLKlt , Moodut , Oonn air . . . ture i ur hue mean luereiytofttopuivm lot fctlrco and lliunlnto them return again , I ruiwn artdi. talcum. IIiuvu nitdo the dlieoo ur FITS , El'ILEray or KAtrJNOSICKNKSSrt llfo lotiji udy. ( warrantor fcrned * to cure the wnrit caioi. Ittcauia othora bava tilled ia no reavon for not novr recelflttg a cnr . riftMat onna jor a treatUa and A 1'reo llottla cr my mmm. . , muaj. Ulve Vipront and I'wt Unlc . It COM * T > * iuiului ? f nr a trlbl , and I wlllrure yrv. lildrxu llr II ( I KOI1T 1 P > rlt er Wormy Velna of the hcrolura. O/trn tftt uit u . r"'A mulLoat Manhood , Debility , , Ac , qul < klyand } iiil ( < ii/ynirri < by llie Elastic Cradle Compressor , t.6.o 4 Ruing , Circular Free. cmATE BtWEEIAL AaUTCT. lCjrdtam..JIiwTert EUEETIALADIES tint ! radical cure by inv method , bised on recent sci entific researches , even in the most desperate cnses without nny trouble to the function * . I cure equally thn sad con- conscquniiccfi of tlie Kins ol youth , .nervousness and im- ootunce. DJSCKKTIOK OUAKA.VTJIEI ) , I'rijer to lend the Krict d crlptlon of the SIckncii. DR. BELLA , ' ' Member of Several Scientific Societies , U , I'lnoa do la Nation (1 , I'AUIS , rnie RAMPANT BOURBONS , A Largo and Liyely Conycnlion of the Untcriiflcil at Liucolu , Douglas County Walks off With the Lion's ' Share of the Honors , Tlio Oltl Ticket Kntliuslnstlenlly Kn dorsiul AVItli 11 "Hovonuo llcform" Cry. Special to TIIK BKK. LI.NCOLX , May - - . The democratic state convention , to select ton delegates to the national convent ion nt Chicago , nee somblod this evening , in representative hnll of the atnto cspitol. The convonft" tion was nu unusually largo nnd ontliusi natic 0110 , showing the democracy to bo In n healthy state of anticipation. The speaker's desk wna ornamented with n flowery ship of state , ot beautiful design , with sails unfurled , while on the ponnnts were the dubious words , "MAH : TOUT , " in immortelles. The ship was designed nnd presented to the convention by Mrs. Sawyer , of Lincoln. Shortly after 8 o'clock the convention was called to order by Mr. McMnnignl.of Lancaster , in the absence of J Sterling Morton , chairman of tliu state central committee. Scarcely had the gavel fallen on the desk before n dozen dolegntea had jumped to their foot nnd shouted for rec ognition. Several nominations for tem porary chairman were made nnd some withdrawn , nnd the contest finally nar rowed down to Miles Xontinycrnnd Beach I. llinman. The former was considered the representative of the Morton-Miller element nnd the latter the opposition. A motion was made to elect Mr. Ilin- man by acclamation , which was amended by substituting the nnmo of Xontmyer. This throw the convention into the great- cat confusion. Simula niul yells were hcaid on all side . Delegates jumped on chairs nnd gcutuichited like imulmen. The chairman rapped vainly for order but his knocks nnd voice were drowned in the hubbub. Mr. Popploton , of Douglas , walked down the cnntor aisle , and in n voice that ubovo the din , rebuked the convention for its unmanly and undemocratic conduct. This brought order out of chaos. The chair then put the motion to dcclnro Xent- myer elected by acclamation. A lodu and prolonged "nyo" wis the response and the chair declared Xontmyer elected without calling for the iiogntivo voto. This notion again upset the con vention nnd for a few moments A nOW SKEMEI ) IMMINENT. The supporters of liinman had nn over whelming majority stout , husky , mus cular men ; they crowded around the chairman nnd demanded that the vote betaken taken by ballot. This was agreed to by all and the call of counties began. The ballot resulted : Hinman 182 , Xontmyor JIG. It was made unanimous. Kent- myor escorted the chairman-elect to the place of presiding. Ho acknowledged the compliment and returned his thanks. Nat Smails , J. G. P. Ilildobrand , J. M. Minor , and two or three othorarero nominated for secretaries. Smails de sired to withdraw , but was not allowed to do so , and the entire lot were elected. Zontmyer , of Oolfnx : Walbach , § of Hall ; Croighton , of Douglas ; Roberts , of Hall ; Moss , of Pawnee ; Morgan , of Buf' aalo ; 0. E. Smails , of Dodge ; Fox , ' of Pierce ; Speldon , of Otoo , were appointob a committee on credentials. by Messrs. Poppleton , Rcdick , Greene ot Buffalo , Dr , Maloney and others , All were strongly in favor of Tildon and re form and these sentiments were loudly applauded. Tlio report of the committee on cre dentials showed all but three counties represented and very few proxies. The Cono-Franso [ ( contest from Cuming county wna settled by dividing the vote , three to each. The temporary organization was made permanent and the following committee mi resolutions appointed : Popploton , of Douglas ; Mnloney , of Richardson ; Green , of BufFaloNorthof ; PJatto ; O'Day.of An telope ; Baker , of Dawson ; Wntkins , of Lancaster ; Sattorleo , of Orel ; Ilnhnan , of . Dakota. THE VLATroilM reported and adopted is na follows : ; We , the dolejrfites of tha democratic party of tliu tnuto rf Nebraska. In convention OH- cu , Bulnmt the following platform of re ai forms and moasnreH : airi KirhtWo demand a vigorous frugality in every department , mi J from every ullicor of th the government , unit wo lioni tily concur In the ontitnont "that no reform of administration in poruiblo HO long ui tlio iovormii"nt ; is direct ed by A party which id under the dominion of false dictriiw arid nninmtcil by onormuna pecuniary intercuts In the porpotuutluu of ox- sting abuses. That the first tcp in the reform of our Kovermnent inuxt bo a fundatnoutul change in tha policy of Ita administration. Second That \Iowof the tinemial anil dlsciiuilnating operation of the existing tariff ed and the unjust and excessive burdoim ImpoHod upon tha peoiilo , we ire in favor of a raviulon which shall limit it to tha production of the neceBimry rovonucx of the ( ; ( ncrdniontoconoin Ically ndminlBtored. That it should ho eo ad juutod us to prevontOH far us poeniblo , uneijual all burdens upon labor , and to hoar most heavily on articles of luxury anil lightly on article * of nncesMty. Wo bollevo euch : a revision of tariff is laws , himplllied la their operation and admin istration will result in decreasing the growth of monopolies , prevent the oppression anil rpollatlon of labor and tha unajuul distribu tion of wealth , anil abolish tpocial and class legislation i jn Jlaohtil , That our fathers under the load of Thomas .lofformm rescued our republic from tha control of federalism and the alien and se dition laws of the elder Ailanm , HO will the democratic party of 1681 , if united , hurl the republican party from power and re-elect Sam uel .1. Tildon and Tliomaa A. Hendrlcks 1'residoiit and Vico-I'resldont of the United States of America. THE TIKI OP WAIl. gjnr The election of four delegates at largo nr was next in order , nnd it was decided that the chairman of each delegation cast the vote of the delegation for fuiir caucli da'03. ' The ballot resulted as follows , MO being a majority , IJoyd 250 Morton 211 no Johnson Ill Mumrer 17'J ' llinman , 7" Cantor ,111 North 103 Popploton announced the vote of / Djuglas , of which Morton did not receive - coivo any , which wan the first noticenblo n'lieation of the ballot , and waj received BOO vith considerable ) cUt-erlni ? by the anti- Morton men. When Otoo came to vote she returned ) 'ho compliment by .leaving Boyd out , and 'hero Wds another clapping of hands aiut shouting. Sounders and Howard cut Boyd one und three votes respectively. Tlmyer gave Boyd no votca. Tbciu offset the ninntoon voles thnt'jMortor failed to got in Douglas. Tlio nominations were mndo unani mous. James K. North , 0. W. Johnson , B. I. Ilinmnn nnd Chnrlcs J , Bowlby were oloclcd nltornatca by acclamation UISTIUCT nir.inATr.s. : The convention then dissolved into three district conventions nnd proceeded to the business of electing district dele- gates. The first district elected G. P. Marvin , of Richardson , and John A. Croighton , of Douglas , delegates , nnd C.V Pool , of Johnson , mm .1. A. Vnndomark , ol SnunderA , alternates. The Second district elected 11. A. 1'entty ' , of Adams , nnd A. J. Ritton- housp , of Hamilton , ns delegates ; J. W. Ferguson , of Kearney , nnd J. 11. Ken nedy , of llnrlnn , nUornntos. The Third district elected Patrick Fnhy , of Holt , nnd Jndgo John G. Uigi-lna , of J Platte , dolegntos ; S. G. Glover , of Washington - ington " , nnd II. G. Bonestool , of Knox , nltornntcs. The convention then adjourned. 1JXC1TKM14NT. "What cmi o * tlio eront rush at Scltrotor A. llecht's Drug Storoj" The free distribution of gnmplo bottle * of Dr. Bosanko'a Cough niul Ijinig Syrup , the mmt popular rninody for Cotighi , Colds , Consumption niul lironchUN now on the mnrkot. Kogulftr Uo f > 0 cents niul .00 Hnrncston. Special Corrositondonco. "Otoo Agency" calls out the brakcman on the train southward from Beatrice on the Union Pacific , nnd wo nlight nt Bnrnestou the thrifty town which occu pies the land once the site of the Otoo and Missouai Indian Agency. Scarcely two years ago , instead of n lively prosper- our town surrounded by well cultivated farms , the present town site was an In dian village and the laud for miles on nil sides nn unbroken prairie. The Otoca were highly favored by the U. S. govern ment in many respects. Their reserva tion , the last of which was sold Decem ber 10,188 ; ! , embraced sumo of the finest land in Nebraska , and on this town site , selected by the chiefs of the tribes on account of of its beauty nnd adaption by nature for the purpose , the govern ment about eight years ago erected a number of buildings nt nn enormous cost. All of these buildings nro still standing and are models of atrongth nnd line architecture. Among others , there nro n steam saw nnd grist mill , Indian ngont'a residence , u number of small residences , eovoral stables , a jail , and n stately nnd imposing building which wni used ns n school for the Indians , The. school build ing stands on nn eminence overlooking tlie surrounding country. No expense was spared by the government in erecting it , and it is admirably adapted for a school. From the top of this building , which is three stoiics high , there is a splendid \iow of the valley of the Big blue river , extending from Central Gage county until that stream is lost to sight in the undulations of the prairies far to the south in Kansas. Every quarter sec tion as far us the eye could roach , aenmed to have now farm buildings upon it , and n pleasant sight it was toaeo ( Ueso evi dences of nn intention to occupytho land as homes and not to hold it for specula tion. tion.Tho The now town , Barncston , though not yet fire months old , has had a marvellous growth. And yet it cannot bo wondered at , when the situation and character of the surrounding country Is considered. It is situated on the Union Pacific rail road , on the banks of tbo Big Blno liver , which just hero could bo advantageously used to supply the motive power for manufactories or mills and thorp is sumo talk among the enter prising citizens of moving the old govern ment steam mill from its present location , to the river's cdgo nii'i establishing it there with both utcnm and water as motive powers. This will prove a profit able investment to the man who takes hold of it , for the machinery , though of ' very best make , can bo bought very cheap , and there is no mill within ton miles of _ this placo. There are already in the town two groceries , two drug stores , two hard da [ ware stores , two dry goods stores , two implement houses , two livery stables , ono lumber yard and one furniture store , and yet there is roorp for moro. wr The crying need of the place ia a hotel. CM This seems to bo the drawback in all the .owns of the west. cm The Baruoston Iowa Site company has nn ollico lilted up in first class style for heir genial and obliging agent Air. J. L. tin/do tt. A bank might bu organized and rci run with profit here , most of the farmers to. ; and merchants at present doing their tel banking at Beatrice , 22 miles distant. wi The merchants report business brisk and wiAt the few who are there have the monopoly At ely and are not anxious to spread the praise of the town abroad. About two oh equnres from the business part of town St are beautiful residence locations. Near sir those lots are three springs of water which according to the survey are live ! ind ono half foot higher than the business street. [ Plum creek , one half mile south , in a is beautiful stream whoso banks are cover with walnut and other trees of u uizo remembering ono of eastern forests. In addition to the natural beauty nnd resources of the land there are hero the relics of the tribe which once occupied era of southern Nebraska. On a high bluff , ouo-quartor of a mile south of town , the Otoo burying ground occupying about throojacrea of Mr. llax.lott'e lurm. Mr. II. will fence the grounds and if possible prevent persons from desecrat nro ing the graves to obtain the trinkets buried with the dead. Many graves have boon opened by curie-oily seekers and Mr. Hazlott is determined to atop the practice. Many "cashes" atlll exist. They are jug-shaped holes in the earth the ton or fifteen font deep , ton feet in diam eter at the bottom and about two lout at _ the top. In these holes the Indians stored their goods before going of ! to the mountains for n season's hunt , Here too are ( he remains of their wigwams or topoos. Although it may bo a grand nnd good work to try to civilize the Indians nnd prevent the extinction of the race , yet , wo contemplate their habits of life , Inin their indolence and general worthlusariCBs mil are compelled to believe it was a wise ui step of the ( 'overnmont to remove thin In tribe to the Indian Territory and open re' the reservation for Battlement by the JO whiten , who , in thonpaco of leas than ono if ( /our , have changed the country from an Shi ( jncultivated prairie into fertile farina and Ve Beautiful homoc , Five years hence will , lr the Otoo Reservation second to tiu : lrll / section of country west of the Mississippi % ; ind will "eo in BarnesUm a rival of iu mull ld r noijjhborj , Wymoro , Blue Springs unlJ and Liberty. E. In 1H5O i'lirwm't llronehuil Trocim" wore n'.rodtiujd , and their uuccWrf UH a , cure fur been wurk Jolda , Couidm , A lhina , and Jironcliitls , haa jeon unparalleled. MADAME rVODJESKA , the First Appearance in ibis Oily of The Polish Actress , Her rorannntlon ol Koatxllnil In "AH Von l.lko It. " The greatest dramatic event of the cnson , no doubt , wvi tha prosentitior. last evening , at Boyd'n Opora-houso , of Shnkespcnro's comedy "As You Like H , " by the eminent Polish nctresi M'ivilnmo Ilelcnn Moiljcska , supported by Mr. Maurice U. Uarrymoro nnd nn excellent company. The reserve scat sale was the largest during the entire season nnd the house was tilled with an Intelligent , fashion able and handsome audience , ono upon which nny artist might g zo with ndniir- ation and pride. The center of attraction , of course , wna "Kosnlind" aa portrayed by Modjeskn. There can bo no doubt as to the correct ness of Modjeskn's idea of "Uoaalind ; ' ncikhor there bo as to its nrtistic in terpretation. If in the minds of nny there exists nny BOUSO of dissatisfaction with the portrayal in ita comprehensive result , this must bo accounted for through the personality nnd not through th art of tliu actress , Modjcsku in ono ns all * that in pure nnd wisn nnd winning in womanhood She appcn's ' irnsisiibly to the fancy , and every one touched in the least with the artistic tempetainont she enslaves in nn ndmirntion as strong ns it is subtle and sweet. And it is with such charms that she inspires "Rosalind. " Her in terviews with "Orlando" in the third and fourth nets were c < iptivnt'ng and dis played her wonderful tiUonts with marked success. She has n delicious little foreign accent , not enough pronounced tn inter fere with the proper cndenco nnd enun ciation which she would give her linos. She dressed the part beautifully. Her costume in "Ganymede" was n symphony in itself. Every feature of it bore tlio Btamp of her intelligent study nnd nrtistic tasto. The play is very diflicult to present satisfactorily , and that it wna done EO last night is no insignificant compliment to the company with which Modjeska has surrounded herself. Mr. Barrymoro nude nhandsonio , graceful nnd intelligent Orlando ; Mr. Owen's Touchstone wna good , And Missoa Slmw , Ellison nnd others dcsorvo moro mention than it Is possible to ninko nt this time. tlio Poor Mnit' * HiiiuJny. PHILADELPHIA , May 23. In the M. E. conference the committee on the stnto of tlio church adopted resolution ? , to be presented to the general conference , de ploring the keeping opnn of places of businossand drinking saloons nnd running railway trains on sr.bbnth , and declaring ; all unnccassary travel on the sabbath , buying or reading Sunday papers , and all form of plpiisuro taking on that day to bo in violation of the divine injunction. Cnrncll'H I'rcHldont'H Opinion , SVHACUSE , May 23. President \Vhito , of Cornell university , at the Alumni ban quo t , slid : "Though I yield to no ono in appreciation of the importance of the business intoroita of the country , I BOO moro nnd moro clearly there is something moro important , and that is a body of thoughtful men and women. " The "Weather To-dny. WASHINOTON , Mny 23. The Upper Mississippi valley : Clearing weather , northwesterly winds , stationary tempera ture , higher barometer. Per the Missouri valley : Fair weather , lorthwostorly winds , stationary tempera- uro , higher barometer. Tlio AVcIuli Sangorfbat. WiiKRHiiAKitK , May 23. Eight Welch choirs , aggregating a thousand ringers 'rom Luzorno , Lickawanna nnd Carbon counties , competed nt the Eiatoddfodd xvdny. Prizes from iono to three hun dred dollars were awarded. The atten dance wna onorinnii" , _ no It with I'lonxtiro. WatiRlnrnros. , clnigRlnts , of Waterloo , Town wrlto : "Wo can with jiloaiuro B V tint Tluim- l-thcttie Oil gives tlm bust sfUlnfactlin of anylliilmont . . wa Koll. Kvcryhody who liuvn will ha\e no othor. ThU rcinmly In a certain cure for all nclisn , nprninH niul jialiiH. Gould , Vunilorhllt nnd I'lnli , Nr.w YOHK , May 22 Jay Oould JIBH received n note from Cominod ro Fink o-dny that the stntoinont of Gould 'H ti'lrgrnm to Vandcrbiltwns in accordance with the facls. Acquitted iMnrdc-r at DI-H Di : MOINKH , IA. , May 23. Wilcox , charged with tha murder of Mayor Stubbs , of Polk City , about two years since , was acquittud hero to-day. To combat ignnranra , to uproot old ogyisin nnd confer hoilth : and happinosn , the object of "Tho Science of Life ; or , Self Preservation. " The book ia adver tised in another column. Plttfllmi'K Iron-WorkorH Will filrlko , PJTTSIIUKO , May 22. The iron-work- will present a scale to the manufac turers to-morrow and if not signed by Juno 1st a grand i > triko will result. TJ , H. DouglM k Sons' Cnpnlcum Cough Drop ) nro inanufaotiiroil hy tlioimolvoa , niul the reiult of over forty yearn' cxporlniico In compounding uoiiKh mcillclniu ) , nio.l3t. ( . Ijlfo lor u I/Ho. LITTI.K VALLKY , N. V. , May 23. Charles B. Clarke was hanged to-day for murder of his wife. Bl'KOIKIO MKUIOINKM. TRADE MARIC IIIUBIAT -innjE MARK usu IltuBur. An untalllng euro lor gemlnal Weak. ncMfiii rm torr > lima , Iimxitmioy , mi all Dlmmaca that follow an a nuqucrice ol Hull. Almuo ; OHna \ ol . " ' ' . - - - Moinorv. Unlvtr- ORETAKIIifi.MiuJtude.i'aitAFTER TARIHC the Hack , Dlmnonn of VIMon , 1'ienia o M Afro jiany otherdlHoanos that load tolnianlly nrCon. lumntlon and a I'reinaturo ( Iruvo. UIWAUK ol adTurtiwiinenti to refund money , whou Iruttsuta from wlioi' " the medicine U boiiKht lia twl ' .mil , but refer you to the manufacturers , and thr ii'iiilrf moiiti are ouch that they are nelitoM , if evtr. joiniilloil ! with. Hcu Unitwrlttua'imrAntoo , uno ilniila pickaga of Orb ] 't Hiitoltlo will convlnrt moat nkoiiilcal cl Itn rtal mcrltu. On account ot c mitc/'elUr < , we U.ivo a < loil | < xl the Vellow Wrapper ; the only ifouulnc. 4jrrull inrtluulara In our iwtnplilel , which woils Irutu seua Irco by m ll to unry OUD.iTTIioBiw lfla Modi ln in told by all drujnlts at 41 per puck * , or tlx jiackai M lur W , or will tu Hunt free li. on tliu ruorlpt of Ihu money , by addrenslitlt TIIK OUAYlIiiKiNit0. ; ; . ; ; , tiuOalo , N , Y. n Omaha I - ' . DISSOLUTION OK I'AUTNKHSHIl' , The inrtngrulilp lictwuen ll mlll and l' ttt i n ha * d < wil > eil liy mutual consent All ( > intrati | for nUl be tarrlixloiihervaltcr > > v inj JOIIN I Omaha May KJ 1684. may S2 The Largest Stock in Omalia and Makes the Lowest Prices DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , 2 Just rocolvoil mi assnrtmont far snrpasalng Anything In this market , comprising the InUsst niul moat tixsty designs rrmnufncturou for this spring's trade nnd covering ft rnngo of prices from the Ghonpoat to the moat Expensive. Parlor Goods Draperies. , J Now ready for the inspection ofcua- Complotp stock o nil the latoafc iomera , tlio yowost tovoltirs in styles in Turcoman , Hndrns nnd Suits niul Odd Pieces. Lncu Gurtnins , Etc. , Etc. Eloarant Passenger Elevator to all Floors. CHARLES SHIVERICK. , 1 SOU , 1808 nnd 1210 Fnrnmu Street. - - - - OMAHA , NEB THEBESTTHREAD Willimnntic Spool Cotton ia entirely tlio product o Ilomc Iudii8tr7 , niul isnronouncua by cxnorta to bo the best sowinu ; iiiuuhiiio thread in ilia wirM. FULL ASSOltTMBNT CONSTANTLY ON 1IA.ND , nu fori-nh - by HKNLEY , HAYNES & VAN ARSDEL , m&o Omiihn. Nnb. 1 409 an 1411 OodRcSt. . { I OMAHA. NE"1 IN ROOFING AND COVERING WALLS. VAN PAPPELENDAM Made of Sheet Motnl with Pressed Ornnmonta. Lo Leaking , No Cracking or low ing oir. Fire Proof , Cheap nnd Durable. The Moat Ornamental Roof Mado. Practically Tested [ or Nearlv Ten Years , TO the Most Gratifying Results. SULLIVAN BROTHERS , Agents. Fig. 2 View representing a numbo of Tiles as arranged upon a roof. " Fig. 3 Detail sectional view of the 6. i" I eamo. Fig. 4 Ono of the Roof Tilos. Fig. 5 Wall Tile , the white part of which is covered by tlio ono above it , and requires no description. SULLIVAN BKOTHEKS 1IANUKATUHEH3 OF TIN ROOFING ! SMOKE STACKS , BreecUiuss and General Iron Wort , TIN , IRON & SLATE ROOFING , Guttering and General Jobbing TEIIMS JtKAHONAIlLE , Satisfaction Guaranteed , 100-111 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. , OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. ifljY This cut shows a sectional view of our New Polar Air Dry Refrigerator , manul'ac- lural in tlio most perfect tiianueroi' Kiln-Dry lumber Charcoal Killed , Zinc Lined Galvanized Iron Shelves Black Enameled Trim tilings Handsomely paneled , and designed for the wants of a class of fcrndo that re quires the bust class of goods that can be made. Wo slm sell these Re frigerators at manufactur er's prices , with freight ad ded. You are respectfully invited to examine them. Compare prices boforn buy ing. . ( . Respectf ullv , - ( J W. L. VVRIGHT - ' Manufacturer's Agent. . JU 317 S13th St. , OMAHA ; NEBRASKA. Dr. COftlNAU 103 1JRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , ty S. * , Esl bliehcd 1878-Catar , Toloplion IION. KDWA11D IlUSSELL , Postmnator , Davenport , anyis : "Phyaloiun ol ort ADtuiy aim IMarkod KUCCOBU. " COi < QJ < ESSIHAU M.UItPnY.jD l-"ilcn > Ati nonnrnbln . . . . . " ; 31.iii. .Kino Hupcoaa. Wonderful Onwii.FIoiipi. . R T La TTTVTU Jy > < u o > _ s- tam i T > rd m S