i OMAHA DAIIA BEE-SATURDAY MAY 2-1 , 1884. The Nebraska National Bank OP OMAHA , NEB. Paid Dp Capital 2nnooo Surplus Fund , HOT , 1,1888 18.000 DIRECTORS. n. W. YATE3 , Prosldont,5'for mixny yours Ooshtor of the First National Bank ot Omnlin. A. E. TOUXALIN , Vlco President , Boston. W V. MOUSE , of W. V. Morse & ; Co. J01IN S. COLLINS , of O. U. & J. S. Col- linn , M. WOOIAVORTII , Councilor and Attor , 'noy nt Law. TJ. S , HBKD , of Byron Hood tt , Co. * 1C. 1C. HAYDEN , Assistant Cashier. TII1S DANK opened for business April 27 , ego ' IT'S DIRECTORS AND STOOKIIOLD 12US are among the o\dint : ? bustnotsof Omn- ha , and lt business Is conducted with cspoclal oforonco to the best and lucroaslngh Intoroat Its morcnntllo patrons , COIjhKOTIONS rooelvo'spoclal attention nnd ch.irtfos lowest obtainable hora or olao- whoro. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon farornbto terms and upon accounts of banks and bankers. . * FOREIGN .EXCHANGE Government Boodi and County and Cit ysocurltles bought nd nold. . FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL NEW YORK , May 23. Money Kasy ; 1J to ' 2 percent. Prime paper 4 lo 5J. Sterling bills Steady ; -1834 81 ; demand Oovorntnonts Higher. Stoclcs Shares heavy and depressed ; coal stocks In early trading wore marked by the lowest prices ( or years , Jersey Central broke 7c , Delaware & Hudson Co , Lacktwanna SJc , and Heading lc. Northwestern was nlao weak and dropped from 1 03 to OGjJc on n rumor of troubles in the pool , The K0tior.il market was lower in sympathy. A rally of J to 2o followed , coalera leading. In the af ternoon there were frequent rallies , but each advance brought out fri h offoring-i. Near the close , Northern Pacific , Lackawanna and Nortliwentorn were singled out by the boars , and the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy touched 111 , against 115.1 during the morning. Some shares were comparatively firm at tha close , but the market as u rule was weak. The fea ture of tha trading was a number of Hollers of options. OOCFONS 1001 4Vs Coupons J121 U. S. now , 1 > PndtJcbsof'U5 STOCKS AND BONDS. American Express Burl , Collar Kapida & Northorn. . . . Central Pacific Chicago & Alton do do pfd Ohl. , Burl. & Quincy Erie do pfd Fort Wnyno & Chicago Hannibal & St. Joaoph do do do pfd Illinois Central Ind. , Bloom. & Western Kansas & Texas Lake Shore & Michigan So Michigan Central Minneapolis & St. Louis do do do pfd uourlPaclfio thorn Pacific , do do pfd N JrthwBBtern , Jo pfd New York Central .Ohio & Mississippi i.- . . . . . . . . ' do doj pfd . ' . . . . ' . . PooHa , Uecatur.i'Evausvillo Bock Island Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul. . . . , do do do pfd St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba , St. Fault Omaha . ' , do do pfd , Texas Pacific Union Pacific , VVflbaah , St. L. A ; Pacific . * * do do do pfd Western Uolon Telegraph Asked. tKi. Dlv. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO , May i'22. I'lour Neglected unchanged. Wheat Regular , dull , irregular. Oponet weaker , declined Ic , reacted l c ; closed Jc June ; ic July above yesterday. Cash and May 84@8U3 : .luno 90J@902 ; July 9393J ; Au gust 9lJ@92. Winter nominal , spring dull ; closed HlJ. Corn Slow , weak ; opened unchanged ; declined clined Jc , fluctuated ; closed i@gc below yesterday - torday ; cusliSU ; May 51J : Juno C5 ; July C7i ; August 584@583 ; rejected 50. Oats Dull , ruled Ao lower ; closed at insldo ; cash May 31J ; Jimo 312@ . ' ; July 32i@3L'i August i'SjJ. Jlyo-Dull ; 61. Parley Dull , 69. Timothy Inactive ; good to prime 1 28 © 132. 132.Flax Nominal , Pork Unsettled ; less active , declined 1C ® SOc ; reacted 20ffl30c. Cash May 18 fiO@18 GO .Tuna 18 G518 70 ; July 18 05(131870 ( , August 18 3.r.1810. . . Lard -Qulot , steady ; ruled 10@llic higher ; Cash May and Juno 8 122i@25 ; July 837i3 840 ; August 8 r)0 8551. Shoulders 6 15 ; short ribs 8 30short clear dj 1 12. Jutter Weak ; choice creamery 18@20c fancy dairy lfi@10e. Cheoie Demand light full cream Cheddars newl-12i ; skimmed Cheddars , 4@7i. Eags Slow ; _ Hides-Steady ; unchanged , Tatloiv No. I country u. CALL Boiiin Wheat -Juno and Aug. < lower ; July Jo lower. Corn June and A'igust Jc lower ; July lower. Data Unchanged. Pork Juno and July Oc lower ; August lOc glior , Lard Unchanged. NEW ironic PRODUCE. NEW YOHK , May 23. Wheat opened weak at fi ( Z lower , but recovered ; No. 2 , rod Juno 1 02jfol 03J ; Ju'y ' 1 ° J@1 05J ; August 1 041 @i orj. Corn Lower ; mixed western spat , C0@631c fnture , CSl@COo Oats I iiwor ; western. 37(3H5. ( Pork ( Julot ; now mess 17 75 ; old 17 00. Lard Quiet ; atoam 8 45. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , May 23 Wheat Kair de mand ; No. 2 rod 1 03@1 03J. Corn-Quiet ; No. a mixed , 68J@58J. Oata lair demand ; filnn ; No. 2 inlxec SQL Kyo Steady ; No 2 GSc. Barley- Dull and unchanged , Pork -Quiet ; ineas. 18 00. Lard-Firmer , 8 00. Bulk Meata Firmer } shoulders C } ; ohorl r , 1 08. TOLKDO. ToLEPO. May 23.Wheat Good de mand ; prices a shade higher ; No , 2 red cosh 034(31 ( 01J. Corn 1' air demand , at lower rated ; high mixed 69 bid. Oats Dull ; prices ehade lower ; No. 2 cash I.IVKIU'OOI- J.iVEitrooL , May 23. Jireadituffa Quiet wheat , Bjiriug , 1 . 4d.7s.d. ( ! ; wintor,7 .6J. @ It. fid , Corn-New Ca 3d. ; old 6s. 4jd. HT. LOUia rilODUCE. ST. Txtiia , May 23. Wheat Slow and a shade lower ; No. 2 red 1 12 for cash ; 1 13 for May ; 108J for June ; 958@3GAo closing 5Jo for July , D2J@92jc ! for Attgust , Olj92o [ or the y < hr. No 3 roil , 1 02J bid. Corn Dull und lower , nt ) | @ ? ? for Ba ! hriig@riU ; for Mav ; PllGftMio for Juno ; 21@61 ! < o cloning at f.23c for July , or August , 44J for the year. Higher at : UJ < a333o for ildforMBy31J@3Uo ; for July ; HGJa for the oar. ] { yo Nominal , Barley -Dull : GO to 80. Butter Unchanged. KRgs Unchanged. Klnxecpil Nominal , SI GO. Hay -Unchanged ; prairie , $12 00@14 00 ; tmothy , SI4 t @ 19 0 , ) . : Bran- Quiet ; 7172o ( at mill. ' Corn Meal I'irm : 3 00@3 25. CAM , UoAiin - Wheat -Lower ; 1 13 May ; 01) ) June ; 1153 July ; 91J year. Corn I'.asior ; 51jj Mny ; B1J Juno : 44 } year. OatsXothing done. MILWAUKEE. MILWAUKEB , May 23. Wheat oa ler ; No. and May , 911 ; Ju Oi 'J2 ; July , tMi ; Aug. , Corn Scarce , firm ; No. 2 r4i@.V. . Oats Lower ; No 2 , 33@35 doltvorod ; No. white , 3(5(8120 ( ( $ delivered. Hyo-.i : ler : No. 1 , GO. Barley Unsettled and lower ; o. 2 spring , BALTlMonK , May 23. Wheat Western. ctlvo and easy ; No. 2 , winter rod , spot , 1 02 J © 103. Corn Western a shade lower , active ; mixed po , . Oats Quiet ; western , white , 41@43c , and nixed S7a)40o. ( ) ] Jyo-l1irmG8@70c. ; : K W Quiet ; 13. Whisky Nominal ; 51 16. NEW 011LVAN3. NKW OKLEANS , May 23. Corn Quiet , voak , and sc.irco ; white , 08e. O. ts-Qulot t 4i@433. Corn Meal Scarce ; 3 20@1 2.r > . Pork-Quiet ; quoted S17 23. Lard Steady ; tierce , relined , 8 60 ; keg , 00. Whisky Steady , unchanged. KANSAS CITT rilODCCB. KANSAS OITT. May 23.Wheat Steady , 34J bid cash ; 83J bid Juno ; 75 bid July. Corn Quiet ; 47 bid cash ; 41 } bid Juno ; lf > i bid July. Oat Dull and nominal , 29J bid. MVB STOCK , KANSAS OITT LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITT , May 23. The Live Stock Indicator reports : Cattle Firmer ; higher ; Natives 5 45gG 30 ; other * unchanged. Hogs-Firmer ; higher ; 5 20@5 45. Sheep Natives 4 20. ST. LOUIS LtVK STOCK. ST. Louis , May 23. Cattle -Steady ; experts - ports 630@G75 ; common to choice ship. ; > ing D 40@G 40. Sheep-Quiet ; natives , clipped , 3 235 ( 50. Hngs Active , heavy , 532@560 ; packers , 4 905 40. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , May 23 , Hogs-Stronger ; 5@10o jiiirhor ; rough tacking , D 00j3' ; packing and shipping , 535@570 ; light 5 00@5 GO ; skips 3 75 ® t 75. Cattle Active ; lOo highprj exports , $ G 00 ® 3 8) ; common to choice shipping , 5 75@6 50 inferior to good cows , 2 75fe)3 ) 00 ; stockers am feeders , 3 75' < 45 GO. hheop Demand steady ; inferior to fair' 50@3 75 per cvvt. ; medium to extra 4 00 ® 560. TRAFFIC. FLOUB AND OBAIN , CHICAGO , May 23. Receipts and shl ] monta of Sour and grain for the past 24 houri have been as follows : Bncolpts. Shtp'ts Flour , bbls 10,000 10.00C Wheat , bushels 15,000 52,000 Corn , bushels 66,000 77,000 Oats , bushels 197.000 144,000 Ryobushels 3,000 57,000 Barley , bushels 13,000 5,000 NKW YORK , May 23. Receipts nn shipments of flour and grain for the post 24 hours have been as follows : Receipt * Ship'ts Wheat , bushels 47.000 27,000 Corn , bushels. . . , 47,000 . . . . Oats , bushels 8,500 LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , May 23. Receipts and ship monta of live stock for the past 24 hours hav been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts Cattle 13,000 Hogs 44,000 Sheep 1,000 2j KANSAS CITT , May 23. Receipts nn shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours have boon aa follows : Receipts , Ship't Cattle 1,300 Hogs 0,000 Sheep 1.200 ST. Louis , May 23 , Receipts and alilp tuoutf of 11 vo stock for the past 24 hours hav boon oa follows : Receipts , Ship'ts Oattlo 1,000 Hogs 4,400 Sheep 2,300 OMAHA a Wholesale I'rtcOB , Orrioe or Tun OMAHA Bite. I Friday Evening , May 23. f The following prices are charged retailer by jobbers , wholesalers and commission in or chants , with the exception of tcroin , which I quoted at the prices furnished by tho'.olovator and other loca buyers : Urain. WHEAT-NO. 2 , 70@714c. BAHLEVNo. . 2 , fS RYE-NO. 3. 45c. CoiiN No. 2 , 38i'340ic , OATS No , 2 30&33 , General I'rodiico. Ari'LKH Occasional lots coming in sollin to homo trade only. Willow Twigs , $1,51 Winetupd , 31.50 ; Gonitans , $1,00 ; Bon Davis 50.00. UIANS Receipt ? light and demand good Hj-ii picked navy , per bu , 82 50 ; niPdium 2 00@2 25 , BEESWAX In good demand. Choice biigh per Ib , " 0@28c : commou to good dark per ib 20 230 BUTTKU Unchanged with increased TO celptx. Choice table butter is selling reu ily to the trade yet nt Mfgltio ; grnHj color ant flavor preferred. Inferior gr < uioi and mlxei pucklng are accumulating fait and bought by packers only who will not pay above 10 ct uuil 80 for poor. Tubs holding about 40 Ibi have the preference. CliElt-01uo" per bblS7.00 ; " York State' per bbl , 88 00 ; peri bbl , 81 75 ; conduused pe gal , 85o. Cr.ib apple , per gal. 35c , OllEiHE Full treiiiu , woittern , 13 } : Wiscon tin new 14J ; young American 1516o COOOANOTS Per 100 , (4 76@n UU , JCaciHSteady at 13cti. and in rocoliiU coti tlnuo light , prospect ! favor on advancement Some bud eggj are shuwing up and it U uoces sary now tucindlo before selling. KoiiKin.v KIIUITH Moisina oranges , per box , ? li 00. Mesalna lemons , per box , 23 71 fa)4 ) 00. Bananas , per bunch , $3 01 Figs , Ib. . 16o. Dates , lu frails , 7Jc ; aates fard , In boxes , 12Ju , Fnuu BDTIKIWApple butter , In 30 Ib palls , per Ib , 7o. PJutn butUu7ic. . Hey Baled , 38.00alO.OOj ( loose , 810.00 ® JKU.Y In 20 and 30 Ib pails , 6@7o : In 2 Ib jaw , per doz , 81 M ; assorted tumblers , per doi. tl 20 ; schooners , per dozen , $3 00. MAPLKSDQAli-Puro. In bricks , perlb , IGo Ohio , J3o ; small cnkts , 12Jc. OAT MKAL-Steol cut , | > or bM , $6 25. ONIONHOld onions are virtually out of th * market , new Southern ore coming forwun and nolling at 85 00B.50 ( per barrel ; Bermu das , (2 00 per bushel crate. PorcoKN- good demand at 22)\o ) \ per Ib. Poui.Tltv Demand for chlckeni only ; oMncd 1415 ; live per doz. $1.50 ; chlekans , $4.00@G.OO , according to ilze. POTATOHH Moro tirm and deunnd Now potitoM are coming In from the Miuth antl telllni ; at S..00 per bbl. Karlylloso | wr bu @ 4 ( > c ; Poachblow , 4Vc ! : Bulk rrcolnU are hard to dispose of nnd have to bo nackml hero PnKHKKVKSIn 20-lb p.ills-8twborry ) , . r > iiberry , blackberry , i > or Ib , 13c ; jioarhrs , cherries , plmns , apricot * , figs , per Ib , 12oj cranberry nauco , J > or Ib , Sc. PROVISIONS -Main , 13c ; b. bacon , lljfc : c. R. bactm , llc ; d. R. fides lOJc ; nhort tib Mdofl , lOJc ; nhouldors , 8ic ; moss potk , per bbl. $18 Ml. Dried beef , Jfijo , Lard , 9@10c. VKOETAlitKaSpinach , per bbl.S300j now cabbnpo , Cattfonila l > or Ib. , 4c ; lettuce , per doz. , MI ; rcdlihoR , per doz. , Me ; turnips per liu , 60o. beoU , | > or bu , 7 ( > c ; ucumbom , per doz. , $125 ; Pie planter or Ib. 2c. cauliflower , per doz. , $300 ; , per doz. Wo. now carrots , per ) . , 3 < x California celnry , SI TO. Tomatoos. bu. box , SI M@S1 7o : < reon peai par bti'hol ox , S2.25 ; utrliig beans per bu hol box , $3.00. TitAWHElililKSKocelpU moderate and lier- of bettor quality than last week Firm lock soiling at SI.M5.UO ) per 2t qt. case , ffi PIGS FKT , rmi-K , KTO. I'IK toot , 16 u > kite , 81 25 ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 ( X ) : pigs foot , 0 Ib half bbl , $5 00 : tripe , IB Ib kits , $1 25 ; rlpo , 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 50 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl , 3 00 ; pigs tongues , IB Ib kits , 82 N ) ; pigs ontruwt , 40 Ib nr bbl , $6 00. Lambs' toiumos , B Ib kits , 83 00 ; 40 ib qr bbl , 86 00. Dncaa AND CllKMlCALH Acid , carbolic. 35c : cid. tartaric , B.ii ! ; buham capabta , per Ib. . . "icjbiukiiiwaafras , per Ib. lc ; calomel , jwrlb. 5c ; cinohonldln , per oz , S0. < > 5 ; chluruforin , > er Ib. , 81 10 ; Dovers pjwdor , | ) er Ib , , 81.25 ; psoin salts , per Ib. , 8Je : clycorino , pure , per b. , 28c ; lead acetate , p.ir Ib. , 22o ; oil , castor , o 1 per gal. , 81.55 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per gal. . 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81 40 ; oil nri- iinuni , fiOc ; opium , 81.50 ; quint no , P. W ; mil R. & S. . per oz , 81.40 ; potassium , , odluo , per 11) . , SI 50 ; snllcluporoz. , 4lc ; sul ihntool morihino , per 07. . , 83.75 ; sulphur lour , per Ib. . 4c ; strychnluo , per oz. , 81.35. DPT Goorts. BIIOWN SIIKKTINGS Atlantic A , 74c ; Atlan > V , Sc ; Watichusott A , 7Jc. FINE UuowN SiiKKTiNns Argyle , 7.Jc ; Pop' ' loroll It , Gc ; Salisbury H , fijc. BLKAUllici ) COTTONS Itnllou44 , Gje : Bal- on 7-8 , fJc ; Cumberland 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DD , 8Jc ; Fairmount , 4Kc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 , Jo ; Glory of the West , SJc ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill M , 9c ; Ijonsdalo 8jo ( ; Now York Mills , Hie ; Wamsutta , lOc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Boston - ton , 10 oz , , 14ie ; Boston , 0 oz. , 14c ; Fall Hivor , Sic. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 or. , He ; West Point , 10 oz. , Ho ; Boston Boar , 8 o/ , T'ICKIKQS Amoskoag , Ho ; Continental [ Pu.icy , ibc ? ; Conlis , lorfo ; Pearl Hivor , Ho ; York , I''ic ; Hamloton Awninga , 12JO. DENIMS Amoskoag , 14o ; Beaver Crook AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ; Uoavor Creek CO. 10 : Hnvmakors 8c ; Jnffroy D & T. 12Sc ; JalTroy XXX. 12ic ; Pearl Kivor , 13c ; Warren AXA tnrown ) , L2c { Warren BU ( brown ) , Ho ; Warren CO brown ) , lOc. GAStumcs Fifth avenue glove finish , Go ICqystono glove finish , f > ic. ConsKT JKANS Ainojy , 74o ; Hancock , 80 Koarsayor , 81c ; llockport , 7c. PRINTS Ajlons.SJc ; AmericanSJc ; Arnolds Go ; Cocheco , Go ; Harmony , 4o ; Indigo , 8c Indigo 7-8,11 jo ; luillgo 4-4,12c ; cheap sale 4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc. PIUNTB SHIBTINOS American , Be ; Cochoco 5c ; Gloucostor,5cSouthbrldgo ; , 4Ic ; Waverlys ijc : Hosodalo , 4Jo. GiNflHAMSAmoskoag staples , SJc : Bates staples , SJc ; Lancaster staples , Sc ; Plnnkot plaids , 9c ; Hudson checks , 8Jc ; Amoskoag Poraians , Ujc. DBKSS GOODS Atlantic alpacea , 9Jc ; For- siana caahmor , 2djc ; Hamloton cashmere 15c ; Hamloton Fanctw , HJc ; Hamleton brocades cades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , ISc. WHOLESALE. We quote lumber , lath and shlnglosl on oart at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 ft. and undoi 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 1C feet and under , 22 00. TIMBKB AKD JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 22 ft , 20 60 ; 24 ft , 26 CO. FENCING I o. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 2200. SnKETTNa No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BOAKDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0. 35 00 FLOOIUNO No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No 3 ' 25 00 'SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S 2000. CEILING -i , 37 00 ; 8 , 25 00. SHINGLES , best I 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LIMB Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 3Bo cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa planter , bbl , 2 50 ; hai per bu. BOc ; Tarred felt , 100 fcs , 3 50 ; straw toard , 8 50. Fainta. Oils and Varnlsho * . OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 13 Jc ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175 ° headlight per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water whlto , 17c ; II seed , raw , ; pr gallon. EOc ; linoeed , boiled , po gallon , 62o Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 85c No. l,75cNo. ; 2 , G5c ; castor , XXX , per go Ion , 1 GO ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; Huh. W. B. norgallon , 65c : noalsfoot extra , per allen , 90o No , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc summer , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per pa Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon BOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° per callon , IGc. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P 6Jc ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , Glc ; Maraeilloa green 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French einc. groo eenl , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ; Krone zinc , In varnish east , 20c ; French zlno. in o asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cann , lOc raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandvko brown Ilk ; relined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , am ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Pnisnla blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green L. M. & D. . 16c ; blind nnd shutter green , I M. & D. , 16c ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian roc 15c ; Venetian rod , 9 Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amor can Vermlllion , I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow L. M. , O. & D. O. , ISc ; yellow ochre , 9c golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; OTiiiniii ) colnrF , light oak , dark oak , walnut , ch < " .tnu and ash 15c , Dry Palnta. Whlto load , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Par ! whiting , 21c ; whiting gilders , lie ; whltin com'l lie ; lampblack , Gorman town , Me lampblack , ordltmry , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55o ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , Be ; umber burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c sienna , ru-v , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 23c Paris green , common , 20c ; chrome green , N. Y. 20c ; cliromo green. K , , 12c ; vermillion , Kng. 70c ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian rod lOc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian rod , Cookaon'i 2Vc ; Venetian rod , Amorluan , Ijfc ; rod loac 7jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow low , K. , 12o : ochre rochelle , 3ooclu-o ; , French 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral 2Ac ; lehlgh brown , 2 c ; Spuolah brown , 2&c I'rlnco's mineral , So. VAIINIBHEH Barrels , po. gallon : Furnl turo , extra , 81 10 ; fiirnuiiro , No. 1 , 81 ; coach extra , 81 40 ; coach , No , 1 , 81 20 ; Damar extra , 81 75tapan ; , 70a ; asphaltum , extra , 85o shellac , $3 50 ; hard oil finWi , $1 50 , Oak solo , 38c42c ; hemlock solo 28c@3'io Ii < lock kin , 80o to 1 00 ; ruiinor 65o to 80c linmlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22 to 24o ; oak upper. 2-lc ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 DO calf bid , 3235 : Orolsen kid , 3 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80a to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Froncl kip , 1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ris neto , 5 W to 7 M ; linings , 600 to 8 50 ; ton- pings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , Mo to 35c piehble O , D , Morocco , 33c ; Himon , 2 DO to 8 00 HARNEBH No. 1 star oak , 37o ; No 2 do 15c : No. 1 Ohio oak , 8Cc ; No. 2 do , 33c ; No 1 Milwaukee a5o : No 2 do 83c . No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 37c ; No. B Pitts oak har , 35c. Hoavr Hardware Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow steel special cast , Ca crucible , 7cj Hpoclul or Gorman , ' < c : cast too do , 15@20 ; wagon ipokoa , sot , 2 25(23 ( 00 ; hub * per not , 1 25 ; fe'loos ' sawed iU-y , 1 40 ; tongues each , 70@85c ; axles each , 75c ; square nutn per Ib , 7@llo ; woshora or Ib. 818c ; rivotH , jior It ) , lie ; coil chain per tb , 6@12o ; malleable , 80 Iron wedges , 60 : crowbars , 6c ; harrow tootl 4c ; Biiring tool , 7@8c ; liurdon'n horaehoes 4 7 ( Burden's muleahoM 5 70 BARBED Wins In car lots. 60 per 100 NAILB Raton , 10 to fX ) , 2 90 , SHOT Stint , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 : orlenta powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do , , half keg , 3 48 ; do. quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blunting , kegi , 8 35 ; hue per 100 feet Me. XiKAD Bar , 1 65. OOAICumberlaud blaclaidth , 10 00 ; Mor iinin Bltvwburc , 1000 : > Vhltebrea t lump ; 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 6 00 ; Iow lump , 6 00 iwa nut , B 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra te , 11 25ll 60 } Canon City , 7 00 , per ton TODACOOII Pica TODAOCO--Climax , Ne ) : Bullion fiOcj ; or o hoe , BOc : Stir. Kte ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her. OV'R , 40c ; Black , 38@10o. FlN COT Common , 2030o ; Rood , 4f @ Oc ; Ho o Loaf , 70c : Premium , GSc ; Djnmond rown , BTxi ! Sweet Sixteen , 50c , SMOKING O. S. , 22ci Moonchaum , SOc ) Dnr nm , 8 oz. , B5cj Durham , 4 ot. . B7c ; Durhair oz. , 6.Vj : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 6Tx < oal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . B7c ; Seal o th Carolina , 2 oz. , GOoj O. K Dntham , 4 28c ; O. K Pniham , 2 oz. , 80e | Undo , i'a 25c ; Tom and Jorr > ' , i'-Sc. Iilqnort. ALCOHOL 1S8 pro ) f alcohoj , 2 24 per wine allen extra California spirits , 188 proof , 17 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 87 proof , 1 20 per proof gallon : ro-dlstlllod vhUklM 1001 60 ; line blended , 1 MXSI2 M : tontucky bourbone , 200700 ; Kentucky \ Poimaylvoula ryo"i2 ° 0(3l7 ( 00. BitANDita Imported , 6 00@1G 00 ; ilomcwtlo 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 B0@0 00 ; domoitlo , 140 S53 00. UDMB Imirartod , 4 60@6 00 ; Now England , 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 r > 0@3 60. PKACH AND ArrLB BtiANnv 175@4 00. OUAMl'AONKa Imiwrtod twr case , 2800 ® 4 00 ; VmoTlcouor | cane , 12 00@1G 00. Grooorti tilnt. CANNSD MOODS Oysters ( Standardper ) case , 70@3 80 ; strawborrfos , 2 Ib , per case. 2 50 ® 10 ; ranplwrriofl , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Battlott > oaw , per case , 2 40 ; wnortloborrios , per cose , 10 ; Ofrg plu-VB , 2 Ib , per case , 2 0 ; green ages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine npplos , 2 Hi icr case. 4 80oB ) BO. Rors Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9c , 3 Inch , ii j ; J inch , lOlc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , IBc ; 8s , IBc ; joxos 40 Ibn , 16 oz. . 6s , 16o. MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , canes , B5 ; equaro caxos , 1 70. SUOAIW Powdered , 8Jc ; cut oaf , 8jc. . anulatod , 7fi : oonfoctionors' A , 78o ; Stand ard extra 0 , Gjc ; extra 0 , Ggc ; modinm yol- ow. Gic ; dark yellow , c. COKFEKS Ordinary grades , 12@12Jo ; fair 13 @iUc : ; good , 14o ; prime , lB@lBic ; cholco 6@17c ; fancj-green aiidyollow.llilfiicold ; Rovommont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovoring'a roiutod. 7c ; Arbucklo's roohtod , 16Jo ; McLaughlln'i > XXXX roasted 16io : mitatlon Java , 16J ; Clark's Aurora , ItlOB Louisiana pnuio to cholco , 7c ; fair ijc ; Patmn , Gjc. FISH Nti. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 fiO ; No . mackerel , .tits , 115 ; family mackerel , hal iris. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 93c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits. 1 15. SYIICP Standard Com. , SOc , buls ; Stamlan lo , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon coco 137. SODA In It ) papers , 3 SO per case ; kogpor Ib PlCKLica Modltun. in barrels. 8 25 ; n half barrels , 4 75 ; small , in barrels , 9 2. * > ; dc , u half barrels , C 25 ; jghorklnsi In barrels , 10 25 lo in half barrels. 5 75. ; TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice Gf @ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c : chotco , GO@G5c ; Young Hyson , good , SG@50c ; clioice G5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , GO@7Bc ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong ; choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@40c choice , 35@4Ec. WoonENWAWK Two hoop palls , 185 , throe hoop nails. 210. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer , noor washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 290 Wollbuckots. 3 85. SoArs Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; Kirk' ' satinet , 3 60 ; Klrk'a standard , S 75 ; Kirk'n whlto Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk's - magnolia , doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , - 8 35 ; Babbitt.8 ball 2 doz. mcaso , 190 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , He ; twist stick , 10 c. VINKOAB Now York apple IGo ; Ohio up- pie. ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ashton , hi sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STAUCH Poafl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 80 : Com Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7jc. SPICES Popper , 17o ; nllspico , 15o ; cloves 25o ; cassia 15a LYE American. 8 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewla1 lye , 4 65 : Jewell lye , 2 76. DENVER MA11KKT. FLOtm-100 Ibn , 1 75@2 50 ; patnnt. 100. ' bs , 2 75@3 00 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 1 90@2 00 : r'yo , 100 Iba , 235@2 50 ; buckwheat , 100 Iba , 8 00 ® 850. 850.GRAIN GRAIN Wheat , 100 Ibf , 1 35@l 45 ; corn , in sacks 100 Ibs , 1 12@114 : oats , 100 Ibs , 1 60 @ 1 52 ; barley , 100 llw , 1 30@1 40. HAY-Baled , 20 00@21 00 ; straw/10 00 ® 12 00. BUTTER Fancy , 35@36c ; dairy choice , 25@ 27c : common , 8@12c. Kaos Fresh , 18@19c ; ranch , doz , fresh 1920c. CHKKSB Full cream , 15filGc ; Limburger , ISc ; Swiss , imported , 32o. POUI.TUT Live chickens , doz , 3 50@7 00 ; turkeys , Ib , 20@22c ; dressed goose , IU , 1C@- 17c. 17c.POTATOIS Kastorn , 100 Ibs , 40@45o ; Groo. ley , 100 Ibs , 90c@l 00. VKOETAIILKH Onions , 100 Ibs , 2 BO 75 ; cabbi-go. 100 His , 2 50@2 7B : bootn , 100 Ibs , 1 00i 2B ; celery , per doz. 1 30. FltnilH Orangiw , Messina , box , B OOfflG 00 ; lemons , choice Mo sina. 375 150 ; applon , oaHtornbbl , G 507 50 ; grapes , Malaeii , regu lar , 7 00@7 BO ; bananas , bunch , 3 00@G 00. MiATS : Hams , Ib , 14 ( 1 IJc ; bacon , break. fint,12 13c ; lord , in tierces , Ib , HJo ; dried beef , Kio ; dry ult sides , 9J@101o. FIHH-Mackerel , Nn.l , 1 0 , kit , 1 7B@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 1050 ; Holland herring , koit 1 GO1 7f > : trout , per Ib. 17@18c. ALONG THE WNE OF THE Chicago. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now citcnelun ot tills line from WalteflelJ UP the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN through Concord anil Coleridge lluaclica thu boat | > ortlon of the Btato , Hxicl | l ex- curolon ra'c'9 ' far laml tuckura over thin line to Wayna , Norfolk anil Hartliik'ton , ana vU UIMr to all prlnuljul inliita on thu SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trilm over tht 0. , Ht. l > . M. & O. Hallway ti Oov ii's'ton , Hloux i-lty , 1'onca , UntlnntonVayno and Norfolk , Ooxt.xi.oot vt 331rt.li- Kor Fremont , Oakila e , Null'Ii ( , anil through tu Val entino. tfJTFor latee and all Information call on K , I' . WHITNKY , General Ac nt , The uio of the term " Hhoi SHORT r.lnu" In connection with tb < : cori > orate name of a Ktcatroad contemn an Idea of u t what H A I I" roiiulri'il by tha travcllnir iiuti I U Ml L Hc-a Short Uuo , Quick Tli I I 111 | and the boat of accominodi tlonit all of which are lain shed b/ the K'K'teut railway la America. CHICAGO , And St. Paul. Itowni anil ope rat r over 4.MO mlleiof Northern IllliioLa , Wisconsin , Mlnnwwta , Iowa Dakota ; anil ai U main line , branches and ooanec tluui reach all the great biuhicM centroa of tbi NoithwuBt ami Par West , It naturally annweri tti ileucrljitlon of Hhort Line , ami Ueat lloute betweeo Chicago , Milwaukee , St. 1'auland Ulnneaiiolll. Chicago , Milwaukee , to Cromo anil Wlnona. Chlcit'O ) UUwaukco , Aberdeen and Kllendala ChlcaifO , Milwaukee , K u Claire and Htlllwater Chicago , Milwaukee , Waunau and Merrill. Chicago , llllwaukoo , Ikavcr Dam and Oihkoab , Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukxsha and Ooonomowoo ClilCiu ( , Milwaukee , MiUloon and I'ralrledu Ohlea Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Kalrlbault. Chicago , Ilelolt Jaiicavllle and Mineral I'olnt. Chicago , Klxln , llockford and Duliuquo. Chicago , Clinton , Itock Uland and Cedu Ilapld * . Chlcatco , Council Uluffi and Omaha. Chicago , Uloux City , Bloui Falli and Vankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mlkhell atidChamborUln. llock Inland , Dubuque , St. l' ul and MlunoaixiUt. paveuport , Ualinar , at. I'aul and Mlanujiolu. Pullmaa Slocperi and the Finest Dining Cart in world are run on the mainlined ot the CHIC AGO MILWAUKEE A. ST. PAUL ftAILWAV , aud every attention Uiald | to paueugeriliy courit cui cai ( > ryei ol Railway Time Table. In Kffcct May 18lh. All tralm orrlr' at Anil Oejiatt from Om h * nn Ontral RlamUnl Time , which I * 14 nilmito.4 faster thiui min tlmo. t KxcciitSAtimhj , ' lUcvpt Sunday , J Ktmit Mon- rnni Union I'aulllo Depot ; Tenth SI. V. IH. . W. , MAIN5UNE. I.lUMt. I ARRIVK , Miami Kvp..11:40 : am I Atlantic Kxp . . . ? : r < 0a m cillo K p . .8 : * $ pm I Mill ami Kip..4:90 : pm HKI'UIIUCAN VAU.KY DIVISION. LIUNR. I ARRUR , incoln Kip..lSF : > .tpm I Lincoln Kxp lMpm : DUMMY TIIAIN8-UUIIXJK DIVISION. * ave Omaha : 0.40 , 8-00,0:00 : , 10:00,11U6 : a m. , 1M : ) , POS:00 : , 4:00,8:00 : : , 8:00 : , 10.S5 p.m. OnSumla ) : 40,9:00.11115 : a. m ; 1:00 : , S:00 : , HOP , 6 00,10.M 11 m. ult o at tianufnr depot IS minute later ; Broadway owlCouncil llluft > , 20 minutes liter , Leave Council lllurii < , Itroadway depot. 7:50 : , RSO : , 30,10:3' : , It 40 a.m.1 1:30 : , 2:30 : , 8SO. : 4:30B.S3fl.SS : , :05p.m : On8unda ) :7:20 : : , 0.30,11:10 : a. m.l:8fl : , 30,4:30 : , 8:35,115 : pm. Arrive atTrantfcr 7 niln tcs later , toaio Council Hinds TmnMcr depot ! 7:3H : , HS7 , 37,10:37,11:47 : : a In ; 1:37 : , 8:37 : , 3:37,4:40 : : , 6:37,0:4) : : , 1:15 : p. m. Arrlro Omana 13 mlmiteti later. TRANSFKK TUAINS. HAV * . ARntvn. an.1. No. S R'15 n m row. Ko. 3..linn rt m " n 8:5 : < am " 61. . . 10:18 : am " 4 416 ! pm 1 16.iv5pm ; " 8 6:10 : pm " ii 7Mttn : ' 10 718 ! pm 1 8:15 : p m pmDftllv. . M1SSOUIU PACIFIC , tMVl. ARRIVH. Omiha Kit..C0 | ; am t. Louis Kip _ 8.30 pm Mall * 8.60 pm B. o. ft r. iu u. MIVI. ARRIVI , loll a:4a : a m St Paul Kiii..lll5am ! t , l'MilK > p.7:16pni : M ll 7:00 : Daily. 0. * N. W. B. R. 1.IUVH. I ARRIVB , Mall * . 000 am Kiiirrnt 10.50 am Ripront b.OO pml Hall1 , . . ,7:00 : p lu 0. , 11. I'M' . It. II. H\V I AHHHIC. ITall' 0 on Mil I KitiroMj , ,10'COam Kipreskf liiopin I lull * . 1X0pm C.M. & 81.P. U.11. Liuvn. I ARRIVH. Stall * Ki * 0.00am Purlflo Kipt..10:50 : am UUntloKit 6:00 : p m | Mall * Kip * , . . .7:00pm : o. , n * Q n. iu > inOoiincii LRAVI. AKIIIMI , OCOam 10:50 : am ( Ci | res ) . 5.00 p in VTill . 7COpm : Dalh. WAIUSH.ST. LOUIS & PACIFIC. LHUB , I AI1I1HN. Ouinoii Hall 1.00im | | Cannon Hall 3:40 : pin Dally , K. 0. , HT , JOK tt 0. II. ( UaUomicll IllulTK. ) L AR. . AllRIVK , Mall n:00i\m : < H 7Ma : n 7:16 : p in Mall .7:00(111 : ( AUUANOKMRKTUF SUNDAY TllAtNS iirnir.ay Satunlay. Smi'lay anil Moiulay raliH " 111 rotntu as foilouN ; ntu llay vcnli g train * lcaa Mny M unit 24tli \ Ii CM Jkst PMay ; 17tlnla the nrth WcltU rnMn' ; Ii tli ami Ixtlik I liu llock iHlaiul Arrho In tli name enter tlio Moiulav fi > llo\\lnK Sunday inomltiK tralim ilvtrt | niul Hnnilay o\cnlni .ralin arrho May 4th ami .UUi via tliu Hoolt Ulaiul tlav llthlatlio North-\VcaU'rnniul May IHtlnla tin From n , A1JIM Ilcput ; Tontli Street. D. t U. UAIT.HOAD-MAIN LINK. DXNVKR WBSTjBOUM ) . LKAVn. ARR1VR. Onmlia. . . . (1:10 : inn 7:60 am 7:00 : pm 10:05 am Ashland. . . 8:27 : pm 10C8 am 4K2pin : ! B:12ai : rjiicoln..IOi'0 ; pm 12 0m 8RO : pm 7 : 5ai Crete 11:17 : pm 12:54upm : 2:41 : pm 8:04 : at HastlnRS. . fi:15am : 4:16 : pm 11:56 : am 10M : pi Hcil Cloud. 8:00am : a.Otpm 10:25 : am 8:25 : pi McCook..10S : am 0l6pm ; 0:15 : am 4:10 : pi Akron. . . . 3:45 : pm 2tOam : 12:50 : am 11:06 : nl Denver. . . . 7:26 : pm Olfinm 0:25 : pm 7:30 au Dally. OMAHA AND 1'LAITIMOUTII TllAINS : I.v. Onmha at 7:50 : , and 8:45 : a in ; 4M : ) , fllo : , 7:45 : p m Ar. Omaha 10:23,8.40 : a" < l lo : &n m ; 7.0rf , 7UOi : > m - Dully. C. B. ft Q. U. Uvl riattsmnuth. ) IKAVR. I ARIUVI ) Eastern Kxp..8:4J : a m OmahaKx | 8:40a : m CliicaKOKxp..4:60p : m I Western Kxp..7:30 : ] > in Pally. , K. C. , ST. J. & C. II. ( via riattsmouth. ) LHiVB. I ARRIVX. Mall 8:45n : m Hiiircns 0:2.1 : am ; Express. . . . 7:45 : | > m I Hall 7:30 : Jim Daily. From C. St. P. M. &O.Popot , 1-ltli and "Webster Streets. O. , St. P. If. & 0. LI1VM. ARRIV1 No 2 rasBoiiger..8:30am : | No 8 Mixed 11:16 : am No4Mixed 2:301m : | No 1 rowengor. 6:20pm : Sundavs Kxcoptod. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES - PLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. DnPAftTUF.NT OF THE INTEIHOIt. Offlca of IniUan ARalra. WoahliiRton , April S3 , 18H4. Scaled propo'talg , InJoraod "I'lOpoiaUi for llccl" ( Dlds lor boc ( mutt lie Biihmlttcil In ecparato cnvelo | n , ) Itacon , Flour , ClothlnR , or Transportation , &n. , ( aa the case may bo , ) and directed to the Comnilantnur of Indian Alfalra Nog. 65 and 07 Wio ( or street , Now York , will l > e received until 1 r. n. of Tuodday , May 27 , 18 4 , for furnishing for the Indian ncrvloo aaont 6M.OOO pounds Dacon , 38,000,000 pounda Hoof on the I oof , 100,000 ittuiidn Beam , 45,0(10 pounilt IlakhiK Powder , 780,000 pounda Corn , 460,000 nounda UolTuo , 7/00,000 pound * Flour , 70,000 rounds Kcu.1 . , 105,000 pnun H Hard Ilreail , I3.WK ) ptunds Hominy , 18,000 jiuunda Lard. 700 hairrli man iork , 180,00 pounds lUco , 7,600 pounds 'IVa , f 00 "pounds Tobacco , 20 , ( oo | wunda Salt , 1 ,0,000 pounds Soap , 0,000 pounds od a , 850,000 pound * Sujrir , and 40,000 pounds Also , Illankctn , Woolen and Cotton flood * , ( con- 8tlni ! In part ol Ticklut , ' , 0 000 yards ; Ntandard alho , 135,000 yards ; Drilling , 0.000 vards ; Duck.O reo Ir out all nlxliii ; , WI.COO > < > rJs ; Dcrilnu , 17,00 yards ; GlnKham , HO.ItOO jards ; Kentucky Jcanx , 28.000arib ; Chovltt , 4.COO 3 arils ; Drown Sheeting 176,000 yards : Illoachod Hlioutliik' , 16,000 yards ; Hickory Shilling , IUOOO yards : Calico HIilrtlUK , 8,000 yar Is : Wlnnoy , 1,60" yanls ; ) Clithliif ( , < lro. rarloH , Notions Hardware , Medical Hiippllos , School Ilool.H , Ac. a.nl a loniri' \ \ nt mlscollaiilnua articles , such on Harness , Plows , llakus , Forks , A.O. , and fur alioiit476 WHROIII ioiiilred | for thu norvlcu. to 1m dellvi roj at Chicago , KHIIHIH City , and MIoux City. Also for nu > h Wagons ai may liu roiiulruu , adapted to tliocllmatuol thu Paclflo Coant , with California Drakes , dcllvend nt Kan Francisco. Ainu , transpnitatlon for ruch if the articles , Roods , and | ) ( , t hat may not bo contracted for to lie ilollverod at the Agencies. 1IIDH UI'HT II K MAD ! OUT Ot dOVKKNllKNT ULANKH. Bcliuiluloi ohOHluK tlio kinds and ijualltlus of nubilstenco mipi'llos ' required fur each Agency , and Iho klrils and ciiantltlen | In itrocu , of all o liur t-oods and articles , tixothor with llankpnpo'alsconilltlona ) to ) > o observed liy lilildera , tlinu and place of delivery taniu of contract and payment , traiiHj > ortatlon routes and all other nccuinary Inrtriictl'iriH ' will lit ) fnnilshod upon oiipllcatlon In the Indian OIHco \VaHhlntoii ( , or Ni H. (15 and 07 Womtor Htrcet.Nuw York ; Wm II. LyonNo.43 IlrojdwaV , New York ; the Commit arlta of HUlwIstance , U , B. A , at CVeyenno Chi- C.IKO , I-cavLiiworth , Omaha , Halut Louis , Saint Paul , t-an Francisco , and Ya'ikton ; the Postmastjr at Sioux City , and tn the PObtiLatiterii at the following named placeuln Kanraa : Arkanww City , MurlliiKtim , Oildnell , IkiilL-u City , EmiOiI | > , Kureka , Ureat llcnil , Howard , llutcnliiHon , Larneil , Ma Phersnn , MarK'ii , Medicine I/V'KO ' , Ne t3n , Osaxu City , Sudan , SterlliiKi Toiieka , WtllliiKtnn , Wichita and Wlnllvld. Illilx will I o 0 | > ciied at the nour and day abiivo stated , and hidden ) are Invited to 1)0 pruaeu thu CltUTIMBU CIIKCKD. All bids mintt bo acoomi > anl > d by ncrtlfleil chocks upi'M loino United Stato1) Dojiosftory or thu first National Hank at Los AnBolos , L'al. , for t kajtllio iiortont of thu amount f trunropwal. H. I'ltlCi : C'.minlasloncr. ' TIIllllKLTorltU'i'ira-o ! | tor U inadu vipreH. < ily for the rum of derangement * > if tliu KonuratUu oriai > I'h'ru Ii no lulxtaku about ! ill la liititrumont , thu con- tlniioud ttroam of KI.KC- ! Till U IVY liormeatliiK through the parti limit rua tore thorn tolinalthy action Do nut cimfnunil tnl with llulUadtrrtUed to | f | b | V * * 4 * UIlM' Kluctrla tlUl l u i > nui * vv curxiUliiUf iu hcwi ij too , It U lor thoONKiiieo- iflopurpiHO For rlrcuUn Klvlni ; full Informatloa , address Chcevur Klectrlo ISolt Co , , 103 Washington Bt.ChlcaKO _ III. Nebraska Cornice AND- UANUFAtTTUUFJlH OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE HOOFING , PATENT MBTAI10 SKYLIOHT , Iron Foncin l itlnKi , IlMuitradM , Veraudai , Office and lUtflugi , Window and ColUrOuardi. K Syndicate Hill Addition , lota 8100 , $101 Jiah , and - , < " ' * " > ' * $10 per month. BEDFORD * SOUEU , Agonta. Ollmnn Plnco , lots 8150 to $300. BEDFORD & SOUEU , Agonta. Clark Plnco , lota 8300 to 8000. BEDFORD Ss SOUER , Agonta. Ttikpy Koy8nr'8Sub-Divi3ionlots8125to:5irO..BEDFOIlD : & SOUER , Agonts. Hawthorn Addition , lota 8.150 to 8050. BEDF ) RD & SOUER , Agonta. Idrkwood Addition , lots 8100 to 8150. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agonta. "auscom'a Addition , lots 8500 to $650.BEDFORD. { . * SOUER , Agonts. BEDFORD & SOUEE , One Hundred Dollars ] for n choice lot iu Syndicate Hill * Addition. Tina addition joins the ho Syndicate lands in south Oinnha , and will rapidly birld up with com ortaule homos. Those lota are beautiful and are near the stock yarda mil packing houses , and will bo occupied M homes by the employes of heso works , and are tmdoub dly the best value for the price of any lots n the market. Several have been sold aud the price will soon be ad- ancod. Wo have the oxcluivo agency ou this addition. Terms easy. is n now addition on Leavenworth street in West'Omahc. A ow price has been put on them to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy orms , Tno grading and improvements to bo made on Leavenworth St. . ; his spriugwill make this very valuable property. GLARE FLAG This is n sub-di vision of tlio "Mogoath property fncmg Hnucom1' Park on thu south. Gjod locution , near street car , line view and has Ssod growth o native tiiubiir. Thia is one oE the finest additions in malm , and will soli rapidly. Price $300 tel > 50. One-fourth 'ah balance cu good time. First come , first served. This is a splendid tpp- j * ' " for persons who intend building for a. homo. TUKEY&KEYSOR'S SUB-DIVISION Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place , West Omaha. The first of these lots will bo soil at $125 to 8150 , and nre a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a home and splendid investment for u rich man or a poor na.n , HAWTH This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks from the High School , one milofrom the poatoffico , and is what is known us inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade ou Davonpor1- street has been established aud work commenced , and will be completed as soon as the weather permits. The contract has been lot for building largo brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this add ! tion. We predict that these lots will moro than double IK .iluo before August , as it is the most desirable part of Oar.ilui and would hive ; beau built up years ago had it boon placed on the market. Prices S35O TO seso Adjoiningi-lota'are beingfsold atdouble'tho , price we ask for these. Wo havojnxrlots left in thisjiddition"which OHerJat'e'bargain. Wo have Homo improved and unimproved i some well improved farms in Sarpy county. IBIOIM Resiaonce"and Residence Lots in nil parts of the city , and On nil the best streets in the business center. Wo have for i ale lota in Shinn'a Addition , Parker's Addition , [ Nelson's Add - tion , Armstrong's Addition , Lowo'a Addition , Park Place' Addition , Isaacs & Sol don'a Addition , MoOonnick'a Addition , [ llniiar-nm Plaoo , K'jdick's Addition , Burr Oak Addition , Johnson's Addition , Rood's Addition , Kounteo's Addition , Syndicate Hill , Oilman Plaoo , Clark Plaoo , Tukoy & Kuysor'a aub-divitiion , ILtvrtkorno Addi tion , Kirkwood Addition , Boyd'a Addition , Yatoa & Rood's Addition , oto. , oto. . „ ( 213 South 14th Street , between/Farn3 m