8 > MAHA DAILY BEE FRIDAY , MAY 23 , iss * . THE DAILY BEE. . Frday Morning. May 23. > PRINTERS WANCE1Y. A number of Rood printers can find ston mploymont nt this office. LOCAL BBEVITIES , Ther will bo a regular moating of Hi lloboknh Degree , Ledge No. 1 , in Odd I low's hull , nt 8 p. m. Saturday evening , M 21th , 18S4. A full ntlondnnoo is requested Invitations have boon liauod for an ont tiiinmont to bo given 1 > J the \m\n\n \ \ of the . ' < * Ututo , including nn examination of the fi class of somWoaf taught liy the Aural Syitc at the institute , 1'rlday , May 23d , 3 p. 3884. 3884.Noll AnsUnwho WM nrrostoil Wodnef d morning , WM lout evening fined $10 and coi 7 > y Judga llonsko f&r using profnno nnd c scene language upon the streets , Dolln Gre for resisting an officer , was fined SSO w costs , nod tonteucod to one day in jail. Six disturbers of Uio | ace were in twli court yesterday morn. Throoof thomlworo fini $5 each and costs , ono paid anil the other tv worotontto jail. Two ca es werocontinui and the sixth m u was fined ? 1 and con which he paid. County Clerk Lenvitt lion just had tnai " 1'Jnt Hook n book called the "Original Within tlio lids of this book will bo placed r the origin > 1 plats of the additions of Onmli dating b ck ta far ns 1857. It will bo a vnli nblo book of reference us there will always I moro or lew litigation In regard to those inn ton. About a quarter past six a.m. yesterday n alarm of tire was turned in from box 42. Tl : blaze was in Theodora Olson's Iron and brm foundry , on Klovonth atrcot , between Dougln and Dodgo. The iiro originated from th furnace. The loss was nominal. Mr. Olso Booms to bo in hard luck , M It will bo roincn bored that this Rama place was nearly destroyed od by fire a few months wnoo. Howard Oroon , for planning and asslstlni Jn the theft at Ilenloy , Hnynoa fc Vai Arsdalo's store , was sentenced to thirty day imprisonment in the county jail on broad am ! water. Will. .Henderson and Jerry Kornnu for assisting in the job , were each soutoncoi i to twonty-fivo days on broad nnd water Jerry Kornan will grow fat if ho makes a fa\v more trips to the county jail on such botmtf ful faro. Talk about the prosperity of TUB BEI employes. Within the last sit months no Ics than four of them have lud their families in creased by the advent of an infant prattler The lost candidate for congratulation is noni other than J-Ir , H. S. Smith , manager of thi advertising of this paper , Yesterday morn , i daughter put in an appearance at his housi and when Uod up in a flannel nnd hung upoi ono end of the scales , waa found to wolgi just eight pounds and a half. If every thine works smoothly , in the course of seventeen 01 eighteen years , whan Smith shall have become como a millionaire , ho will hare an oxtri gas bill each month "on account of a cortalr young man. However , Smith will nol begrudge that and ho has boon BO happy al ! day that ho has boon taking "ads" at hall price , PERSONAL. A. 0. King , of Blair , \a \ at the Motropoll f' tan. t Frank Fowoll , of Colombua , is at the Hot u ropolitan. Gua States , Lincoln , is stopping'at the Metropolitan. G. S. Miller , of Uanosoo , N. Y. , la at the Metropolitan. n , D. Kowo , Fremont , Js registered at the Metropolitan. H. Axtell and wife , of Newark , N. J. , are guests of the Metropolitan. W. M. Cautroll nnd wife , of Kansas city , are stopping at the Metropolitan. Messrs. J. S. Grablo , W. D. Nicholla.C. A. and A. T. Bailey , are roglstorod at the Met ropolitan. NEBKASKA STATE OAZETTEEU & BUS INESS DIHEOTOIIY to bo issued in July , 1884 , price 81. 50. J. M. WOLFE , pub ishor,20S. 1 14th St. . Omaha. DIKI ) . BUCKLEY Of consumption , May 22J , nt 0:30 : a. m.'wlfe of Owoa Buckley , of thin city. Funeral will take place from her late resi dence , corner of Davenport and Tenth stroota , Saturday , May 21th , at 0 o'clock n , in. , to St , Philomena'a cathedral. Interment nt St. Mary's comotery. " MAKING BEADY , Mooting of .tho Republican State Central Committee The next Con. vontion to bo bold In Omuha. A mooting of the State Central Com mittee was held last evening at the Mil lard hotel in this city. Hon. O. W. B. \ $ Dorsoy occupied the chair. In the absence ? ' X ' ' sonco of the secretary , Mr. S. B. Colnon , t'I ' ft Mr. J. T Clarke was chosen uocrotarj ' I torn , Thoqo present by V ii1 pro proxy were ; W. S. McGowen , for T. W. Popoon , Falls > City ; O.K. Ooutant , for Ohurcr Howe'Auburn ; 0. A. Holmes , for J. B , Hams , Tecumseh ; J. T. Clarke , for H. T. Clarke , Omaha ; 0. E. Yost , for S. B , Colson , Fremont ; M. P. Kinkaid , for W , D. Mathews , O'Neil Oity ; J. H. Bilzar. forE. A. Policy , Be ward ; Goo. W. Post , for W. T. Scott , York ; Harley , foi M. H. Woscott , Malcom ; ' Tress , foi Q W. Baltzloy , Crete ; Evornn , foi John D. Hayes , Howard : E. L. Bier bower , for L.'E. Slovens , North Platter -r Crow , for 0. 0. Robinson , St. Paul ] Subin , for W. H. Somers , Beatrice. It was moved and carried that ihe p portionment of delegates to the noxl convention be the same as that of the last with the addition of Sioux and Dundy counties , who will each have one member. It was moved and seconded that the next etato convention bo hold in Omaha. An amendment that Jt be held in Lincoln wasloat. The original motion was car tied by a vote of 12 to 0. The time for holding the next state convention waa fixed for the 27th day ol August , 1884 , Five presidential clecton will be chosen and the regular state noin inations made. On motion the committee adjourned , I , O."o. I- ' . The Grand Master will pay an offlcia Tuit to Omaha Lodge , No. 2 , I. 0. O. Fen on Friday evening , May 23d. A ful attendance of tha members u requested , A cordial invitation is extended to al Odd Fellows to meet with us on that oo cuion. w. It. MiTitt , See. TfcXAS MURDERERS. Two of Them Pass Thiwli Omaha Charge of an Officer , HctnrnltiR to the Scenes of Tli < Crimes AVIinro They Hixvo Rotli Been Indicted for Murder. Mention waa inndo in "WcdnoBtla ; paper that two murderers had pivas through Ornnha on their way to Tcxi whore they arc wanted ( or trial. 3V Daughorty , of Crete , who had a talk wl both of the men , called at the BEE a : related to u reporter the convorsati which passed between himself and t murderers. The two men wore Robert and Hat White , brothers , ono 2-1 and the other years of ago. On the 1st day of Fobrt ry , 1884 , llobort shot and killed Ja Woods , a colored man , in Bos trap count Texas. Harry killed Harry Taylor i the 1st day of April , 1884 , in the Bar county. After -committing the abovo-nami crimes the * wo murderers ( led , and wo pursued by Deputy-Sheriff W. H. Sourr who followed them into Colorado. I visited n. number of towns in that stat after which ho travelled over the grout part of Wyoming. Failing to find Ii men , ho came to Nebraska , andMonda ; while in Nortli Platte , ho ran aero ; Harry , who happened to bo asleep at tl arao , and secured him. It was an uno ; ooctod mooting to both parties. Iloboi vas working for D. II. Shoody in Nort Platte , and was also secured. In his talk with the moil , they bet icknowlodgod to Mr. Dougherty the tad committed the crimes with whiel hey were charged , but each claime hat ho killed hiu man in aolf-dofonso. llobort claimed that ho was a consti ilo and had a warrant for the arrest < aok Woods and that the negro rosiato treat and in his efforts to take him li ,0 , shot him. Ho said that ho gave hiir elf up and that after his hearing ho wn uloasol without being required to glv ail. Ho remained there a few dayi mt some of his friends advised him t aavn the country , which ho did. Harry stated that ho and the ma ? aylor wpro in the road at night , an ? aylor frightened his horao. They boga hooting at each other , and Rotting th rep upon Taylor , ho shot him In th ido , killing him. Ho claims that hither ithor had to shoot Taylor or bo shot b > im. Immediately after shooting Taylo 10 fled the country. The grand jury of Bostrop county hn Dund true bills against both for murdo i the first degree. The men did not acorn to bo at al orriod about theft prospects and took i cry nooly and apparently unconornpd. It seems as if there was something rifle strange in a Texas ollicor followlnj lurdorors for two years , bnt it cortainl1 as a very successful hunt and will sticJ whole handful of feathers in Mr curry's cap when ho arrives in Bostro ] junty with his "two birds killed wit ] no stono. " ' SUDDEN DEATH , 'oorco ' E. Alien Ulcs Very Suddonl ; of Jlcnrt , Disease. Last evening at about 7 o'clock Georgi . Allen entered Boll's dm ? atoro , noai 10 Union PaciGo depot and told the ork ho was not fooling well and haci eat difliculty in breathing. Thr clorl Id him to go. into the back room and lie iwn. Ho started and entered Dr. Dor- W'B oflico in the roar of the store and ist as ho entered the door ho partial ! ] 11 but was raised and placed in a clmir r. Darrow was out at the time and Dr albraith , who happened to bo passing as called in. Ho hastened to the man'i do , but ho was beyond the power o icdicino and died in a few moments. Coroner Maul was notified and at ono < pnt to the place , and after consultatioi ith the physician , decided that nn in uost was not necessary. George E. Allen was a single man bout 35 years of ago. Ho was a oar re airor and was in the employ ot tin fnion Pacific company nt this place. He vod with his mother who is past 7i ears of ago , and to her the news of hoi 3n's death comes with almost crushing > rce. Ho had ono brother , P. M. Al- in , who was with him at the tirao of hie oath. For f our yoara past the deceased hat eon troubled with heart disease ami uring that time was constantly undoi iio doctor's care , and it was that disease Inch caused his death. His remains were taken to his broth- r a homo , 009 Loavonworth street. 'HE PBIZEFI&HTEB'S ' TRIAI 'ho ' COBO I'roceeilH AC AVahoo No body Can Idoiithy Hnnloy Ho Will Prolmby ISaoa po. poclal Dispatch to the BIB. WAHOO , May 22. The motion to ad- ourn in IHanloy's lease was overruled lis morning at the conclusion of the ar- umonc , and the application for k hango of venue was not filed. This ftornoon at two o'clock the case -wa died for trial ! Out of the first thirty jurors a pane ! as Bolootod , the defendant oxercisini jvon peremptory challenges , and Uu late three. Porrlgo and Locker , conductor nnd on inoorof the excursion train that won ut to Saunders county on the night tha1 ie fight took place , were called , bu juld not identify Hanloy. Oglesby and Fisher , section hands ere next called , but could not aaj tanley was ono of the contestants. A gentleman from Omaha took thi and and stated that lie saw the riu ( Itched. Ho was tlisn asked what wai ono in the ring , but declined to tostifj a the ground that the answer might im licato him. A long argument then tool lace between the counsel the court fin Uy deciding that the witness mu tiswor. The witness then stated thai yo men called Fell and Hanloy wonl ito the ring and fought each other , bul ft npt euro the prisoner was the one called. Hanloy. Ilis tcatiraony was vc vague nnd uncertain. Pierce , sheriff of Swmdcra couni next took the nUind , tentifying that H ( ley was arrested in PUttsmouth a : brought by him to Vffthoo. Attempt wan then made to introdi the alleged confession of the dofondr to the witness. Objection being made its admission , the court adjourned to-morrow morning for the submission the authorities. Hartley is fooling confident , and I prevailing opinion is that ho will bo i quitcd on the 27th. The jury will di reo , if no stronger evidence is i § uccd. The court room was densi packed this evening. The case will concluded to-morrow. Mlclmol Thn remains of Michael Piggott , t man who waa so brutally murdered William Henry on Tuesday last , i still at the undertaking rooms of Dro : & Maul , packed in ico. A telegram v received from his brother in Chict yesterday afternoon requesting that t body bo kept until ho telegraphs nga The examination of Henry , which sot for yesterday afternoon , was poatpc od until this afternoon to nccommod : Judge Anderson. IN THE DITOH , A Street Gar lloroo Killed nt the C < nor of'NInlli and Farnnni. An accident occurred at the corner Ninth and Farnam streets ycstord which rcHultcd in the death of a valuat liorao , the property of the street cnr coi [ > any. About 8 o'clock car number 12 , of t rod car line came up Tenth and attempt to turn onto Farnam. Right on the tu the sewer trench had boon dug and w spoil to the outer edge of the rails ' jithor aide of the track. Plan have boon laid across for the here to trnvol upon. As the toe ittachod to the car approach the planking the off horao became frig ! imod and crowded against his mate itrongly as to force him off of the plan ing and into the deep trench. The ha tiosa was strong and was instrumental ; pulling the other horao into the tron < liroctly on top of the ono which had fir "alien in. At the time of the accident two me were engaged in shoveling in the bottom ; ho trench and it was only by pr < > soni } f mind and great haste that they escape Doing crushed by the falling horses. A largo number of men were on har .mraodiatoly to assist in extricating tl miraals from the pit into which they hi 'alien. It was not moro than flvo mil itcs before both horses were dragged 01 ) f the hole , out it was too late , for 'tl mdor horse was dead. The other anim vas apparently uninjured. The don iorso was quito valuable , being countc ' m ono ot the b'oat animals owned by tl : ompany. The car to which the animals were a ached was pulled from the track bi uckily as it was filled with passongei -it was not capsized and no ono wt iurt , although there were numeral cared looking faces. No tlatno is attached to the driver < ho car , as ho was utterly powerless t > rovout the accident. ASCENSION DAY , Iramt Procession ol'SIr Knights an Services nt Trinity Cathedral. Yesterday was Ascension day and npprc riato services were hold at n number c [ lurches in this city. The most imprci ! vo services were hold at Trinity Cothc ral and were attended by a largo num or of Knights Templar in a body in ful niform. A special train from Beatrice nrrivoc i this city yesterday morn , .bringing wit ] ; the commandory of Beatrice nnd tha f Lincoln and numerous members fron thor commandorios. The commander i this city mot the visiting Knights n ho dopot. At 10 o'clock the procosaioi rns formed , hooded by the Fourth Inf antr and. About ono hundred and fiftj Liiights were in line and the proceasioi loved to Trinity Cathedral. Ifc was i oautiful sight and nttrncted largo crowdi pen the streets through which ii loved. After reaching the church a sormoi : ras delivered by Rov. Dr. Clinton F , iocko , of Chicago , post grand prelate oi 10 grand encampment of Knights Totiv ilar in the United States , llov. Locke in very nblo and brilliant apjnkor and is discourse was highly instructive. Following is the musical programme t the cathedral yesterday morning : rocossloual Onward Christian Soldiers , . . A. 8. Sullivan r .on 'to. ' . Chant No. I loria I'atrl ( G ) J. u. CMllu o Dmiin Laudamus ( I' ) B. Tourt ubllntoDoo . . . .Dr. CJ. M. Gurrott [ ynm , Crown Him With Many Crowns , ertory Anthom"O Klsou Lord , " J. ilarnbj lymu , The s. n of God Goes Forth to War , Dr. 1L S. Cutlei rocofslonal , Children of the Heavenly KliiR .I'loyol At the oloso of the services at trio ca icdral the knights proceeded to Free lason's hall where n bountiful lunch wai sryod. nnd a pleasant hour was passed it > cial intercourse. It had boon intended to give a grand irado through a number of the streets f the city yesterday afternoon , but thi louds looked BO threatening and the m foil by dashes that it was thought eat to abandon the idea. Installotioi f ollicors was announced to take place wt evening but as the rain intorforroc 'ith the procession the installation of of com took place yesterday after oon. About 5 o'clock , after the of corn had boon installed , the cloudi roko away aomowhnt nnd the Sii Anights concluded to take a pilgrimrco , 'hiohthoy did. As the roads won into muddy the sidewalk was used ho procession which was quito n angthy ono , was headed by the militan ' , in tll ° early iart ° f th ° day. iaken as a whole the day was profit bly and pleasantly spent by both the isiting and resident Knights. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ? " Wwtoi formerly of the Cm f II. S , Smith & Co. , publishers of the lural Nebraska , has withdrawn from tie business , which will bo conduotot ereaftorby H. S. Smith and Irvint . . Smith under the firm name of H , S. nmh itdo. , as heretofore , who will ay all bills and collect nil monies due Mdfiriu , H. S. SMITH & Co. A YOUNG WOMEN'SfHOM ' ! The Womnn'a Christian AHSoclntU I'rcHont Their Cntisc. A petition for a permanent homo f the Woman's Christian Association of t city of Omaha is now in the hands of t committee on public property , and respectfully ask all the citizens of Omn who are interested in the success of t ! association to use their influence with I gentlemen into whoso hands the petit ! has fallen for our benefit. Could you BOO the crowded condition the rooms in the City Hall wo now > cupy , and could you only realize he much this city needs a boarding homo I young working women I do not belie another public enterprise would undertaken until moans had boon aocut for a homo. There are so many you women thrown upon their own : sources for homo , friends and o ploymont , and mainly homeless orphai or girls absent irom parental guardit ship. "How shall wo do them the gre eat good ? " is the question coming frc earnest , zealous workers , seeking bo faithful in uplifting other lives , a relieving burdens resting upon thoyout or portion of their acx. If homo inf oncos are so important , it is certainly in ossary that if Women's Christian Assoc lions fulfil the object for which th were organized they must provide boai ing homos for those in whoso intoro they are enlisted , and a failure to tl must necessarially impede progress a : thwart in no small measure the proscc tion of their plans. If any think tl the limitless number of boarding houc in this city renders the oxistanco of boarding homo unnecessary , wo have I to point thorn to the difference motive power of each to prove the falln of the idea. The ono having for ita a solf-seoking and monoy-makmg.tho oth sparing neither strength nor moans promote the welfare of the young and u protected. This contrast in the prind ] of nation calls for a corresponding cc traat in results , and it is clearly manif ( in every community where both exist. First then , provide for us a board ! houao ; but this is only ono branch of t great work. There is such a variety , a ; there are no two associations where lin of work run exactly parallel , thou ) there are some great features commi to all. From the report of the seventh intc national conference of Women's Ohristii association , hold in Boiton last Never her , wo learn that out of the twenty-a associations represented there wo : but six had not boarding houses , oithc great or small , but outside of this the : waa scarcely a branch oc Christian bone olont work in which ono or the other hi nofc taken n part brothers' mooting sowing schqols , industrial and oducatio al claaaea , woman's exchanges , trainii schools , day nurseries , kindergartin children's homes , homos for the aged , r formatorios , systematic visitation of tl poor , free libraries , reading rooms , lunc rooms. All theao and moro were ropr sontod. Yet there was not ono whi did not seem to come , either directly < indirectly , under the ono great head woman's work for woman. There mi bo , of course , difference of opinion as i what constitutes the legitimate work i Woman's Christian Associations , b ono of the most admirable fen ures of the work is its elasticity , i power of adaptation todiffering plac and conditions. God's ' 'providence ai the conditions of the field alone can d tormino what the work ot any aaaociatii ahall bo. And the only limitation c ] justly bo in force , is that it shall bo chrie lan work. Wo have dropped the wo \id from our name , and are to bo charto ad as the Women's Christian Asaociatic 3f the City of Omaha. The generous help wo have had in1 past , and the promise of future suppo ; rom many of the prominent citizens c Jmaha , has given ua great oncouragomoi n our work , and our hopes are brig ] hat the day may not bo very far dlatar vhon the Women's Christian Aasociatio hall have as good a homo as any of 01 later associations in the east , nortl : outh or west now have. Absolutely Pure. Tbli powder nnver Tit e . Amirvel ol put \wsh and wbolesomeniM , lloru conomteal tha i odlntry kinds , nd c oi be sold tn competltto 1th Ihe multitude of low > : , ibort welgt t alum c tie fhkte pnwdera. Sold ooiy tn cans. Jlo ) J Uak J owdor Co. SPECIAL NOTICES arspeolais will Foaltlvelrnbt be insorte .nleaa paid in advanae. TO LOAM-Uonev. Lf ONKV TO I/UNr-On Improved farms In Ni llbraaka , H W. Fcrgu8S5n& Co. , 39 I'carl streei ouncll llhiHi , Iowa. 390-27 IfONKV Loaned on chattel property by B 1 \L 1'etereen 16tli and Uoujlis. 172-11 MTONEV TO HO AN In auuis of $300 and upwards B Ti low rates on first clou real cstaU ecurlty 382-tf _ 1'OlTKll A COIllt . LOANED On chattel property tn J MONF.V ' . 213 gouth Hth itreet. 77t.li l/f / ONKV ' 1OLOAN 'Intlawcei r Vua of mturti VI Cemla' Loan Agency , Ute A Dou U K-tf ifONKY TO LOAN In luma of fSCO. and upward .VI O. F. DavU and Co. , KeiJ Cstatu and Lok .genti. IMS Faruarn St. 893-U , HELP WAMTBU _ _ IX7ANTKD-4 girls , cook waiter , two kitchen cfrl IT a Ornih * Enlo-nieut | Agency 184 Harne ' 418-24p jJITANT [ D A Rood man to take orders for our ne\ r T book nodi ! life lu Egypt. 1" , F. Collier. 07 Dai or block. 40S-83JI L\7AKTKD-.A boy wlinoin ptaW Oijiuin. about IT ! SorlOyf r ofoKotow ltonUbl . Murt b < oil leoommendod. AUo girl wantoU at ! 16 8. JItl ANTF-D-lmmcdlately , a cook at 1MB Ofx W St. Oood tgcsr ld. 417-23 ] AlT'ANTED-Mrit clans cook. Inquire tt resldei V > n. B , Wood , 613 N. 22d St. bttwcen Ca.j t t'illlornla. 420-2 ( ] GENTS WAI.TED-tocal'or Traveling. 8U Rnods Btl'lnz rapidly. Huilncts light , tgreca and easily Icuncd. Experience not nccn ary. Ba plo free. It. W MONTHOsS , Oallsn , Jiloh. 78- WANTED-Immedlately , aeood kitchen girl , 1400 Tier s'.rect , north Omaha. Best wai ghcn. 356-22 | VITANTED-SswIng mcchlnc hands al207Fatn W street 38J-I - flrit-cliws lUrher. WANTRD-A . W. DKIIKSON , 623 Broadway , 426-24 Council niulls , lowl J A glrltoisslit In the kitchen at 1 Cipltol Aro. tf itl lor JiouscwDtk. Iniiulre at < south 18th street , ot Eaton's ( Hllery , 1320 ( nam street. 33j-2i " \I7 ANTEU-A ( too-1 clrl lor general houjowo I > Apply at 2410 Harn.y ' street. 393 2 WA' TKD Ono flrst-cUns si-ttlne noman and i apprentice , Immediately , by Mrs. 0 , W. K clftll , bros3m kcr.Odil Fellow s' lilwck. 4tr2-2i D Kour nrtt cl M dlolng room clrls i i the Occlucntal Hotel. None other * need am 40341 * TTTANTii : > Traveling ealc man , ono who Is her r r ling suitable line ot Roods so us to take a lint clears on cummltilon. Good rttcrciices rcqiilr Address "J. IV lloo ofllco. 3fj. | W ANTiD-Olrl : lor K'oncr-1 house work at 2 Hartley St. SOS 22 W ANTKD-alrl lor general house \vork7U 8.1 St between Jones and I-civcmvorth. 3-S2- ! - at No. 1BIO Sherman avcnt WANTED-OIrl 3 7-t JMIIS. J. COUN&MAN. WANTED Tno men ol coad addreis to cnnv and tnkcordcrs. Good Inducement ) tostca reliable men. Call 421 south 10th street. 350- : WANTKD-fa' ! lROod ngcnts. Apply at on 1013 Capitol avcnuo 314 2 ; T\7 ANTIII ) A first clasH harhcrwlth iv first el outnt totakc thonow barber ahcp at the Oi dental. The best location and room lor the mtrpi In Wyoming. Nemo but ft first cUns man need app Adilri ! 8 JlcCray and Ilucll , JluHalo , Juhn < mn ( Wyoiulng. ! 5U-2S | - book binder. Address lit WANTEU-Acood niond llros , Kremont Ktb. 217-tf "V17ANTKD hullc or gonttuman In city orcounl tn take nice , light and pleasant orkat tin own homes ; 82 to JS o day easily and quietly ma. work sent by mail ; no canvassing ; no stamp I reply Please address Hcllablo Slaimlacturlng C Philadelphia. I'o. aiTDATIOtIB WANTBU. v ANTFO-Employmont by ngajd baker. Api I > II. JIannwollcr , 307 11th St. 418-22 | WANTED Iy n rcepectablo younir man , a stti tion s gardener oraoy other other rcsponsl position. THOJears rclereno ) given. Addr-ss W. " B.o ollico. 1U.24I T\7 ANTED Situation as driver of adcllvervwac i T by"a oung man w Itt lair education. Has Ti experience and U well acquainted xvlththoclty. C furntth references. Address "E. H. Dee office. 401.22 { "MrANTPID A situation by blacksmith , had 3 je ' , * experience on carriage and 2 years on car woi Address "D. J. F. " Dee olllcc. 301-23 | T TANTED Situation as packer or care taker Ir TV store by a moat reliable man. Address "I. t lien ofllco. 376-22p WANTJ5D Situation a ? fjardt-ner In all Its bra dies or work by contract kept U order. A drees "B. I. " Bco ofllcc. 376-22i | ftHBOBLLAKEOUB WANTS. WANTED To Join with a party ol gentlemen lormlnu a camping and flshinT expedition the mountains for pleasure , for the summer A dress "Camper , ' B o ollico. 408-22p WANTED A lady partner. I am a man a lltl pist mHdlo age. Am all alone , ol good hahl use neither liquors or tobacco In nny form. Ha some means , hut am not rich. Have had some c jiericnco In stock raising in the west and would 11 to f < How It lor a while. Would like a lady paitn about 35 years old , with some means. One thai cou superintend tholn-door work while I attend to ov door business. Must ho cheerful and pleasant a makoa homo mcro deslrablo than living alon No ono need reply whose character la not above i preach or who cannot gUe the best relcicnco. 11 prcpaied to furnish bamc. Address "L. " Bco ollli 3JS-23f "TXT'ANTED A young gentleman wishes to cenT T spoud with n nice sowing girl or marrl lady. Money no object. Corre pomlenco strlcl conQdentUl. Address 'X. Y. Z. " Ute ofllce. 344-24p TiTANTED A horto or pony and phaeton , II tl 1 i-amo can bo had on a trade lor a good lot llanscom Place. Call at 831 south 24th street , alt 6P"j 358-tl WANTED Day boarders can find first clasi boa at 14(10 Davenport street , at four dollars p week. 820 tt AV'/NTED-Boardcrs to know the St. Charles II I i tcl on Harnoy St. , bitween 12th and ] 3th si t up thn best table board for ? 4 00 per week of ai house In the city ot a corresponding price. MK-tf FOB HBKT HcunoD ana Loto. FOIl IlKNT One large pleasant front room w < furnished lor gentlemen , 1123 Ilarmy St. St.419.2Sp TT OIl HKNT First class house 7 room' , barn , wei JL1 cistern , everything complete 10th St. T , ono ho Jlock N. of Qr ce St. 421-23p KENT Furnished rooms. Also a house ar FOIl rooms suitable for housekeeping , 220 north 131 itrcct. 3i4-25p TTURNISHED room and board 630 S. 10th St. , nci Ju St. Mary's iuo 4i2-24p FOIl IlENT Chetp , one piano , ono organ. J Hojpe , 1519 Dodge St. 410 1m HENT Furnished room w 1th or without boari FOIl 1103 Jackson at 420 20p HENT A > ery desirable furnished room In private fairlly one i\t the test location. In tt : lty. Address Post olllci , box C70.116 23p li OIl HENT House toutli-east cor 10thand 1'aclf 17 O WIIELAN. 4UO-23p RENT Furnished rooins at84022d street. FOIl 302 6Pp ItF.NT A neatly furnished room and two ui FOR rooms , 1016 Chicago street' 40r-24 1011 HE > T Furnished front room , desirable Ii F cation Address "H G.1 * care lco office 393-2-1 Fftm ftm IlENT-IIouseat No , 8 2 King St. Shinn 1 mill. ? 18 per inuntli. Acdrcsabox 712 30d-'J2p F > OH HENT Two t-Icgant rooms nicely furnlsbec Connected wl'h ' bath room , hot and ro'd wate lno uf the nlrcst location In the city , li block froi ' it. llaryV ave , , 120 Heasant St. 381-22 FOIl RUNT To a responsible patty , a good pltm Terms rca-enable. Inquire at 2100 CUifornl Street. SS4-tf 17011 KENT A fUo loom cottage , furnished con L1 plctf , for thrco or four months. Apply 217 t 8th street , l6L'-2Jp { TtOIl IlENT Oil BALK Seven room house In goo L1 location , seven hUcka from poitolllco. Inquii .t loom 12 , Creigbton Illock. 300-23p IOR HENT Nlco furnished front room with boar at 1814 Davenport St 110-20 , IlENT Nice front room with hoard , lultaM C fiirnno or tKogentlomcn , No , 1718 Dodge street SI2-23p 7Oil KKNT A turnlthcd front roi.ni , 1711 Wei aterslreet , 310-2 > p HENT FurnUthcd room J5 to 110 a month oi FOIl St , Flnt house w cot of Herald ulllcc. 2UO-23W [ 7011 HENT With board. One largo front jiarlo P handwuiicly furnUhed. Ainu a few table ( ward rs dcslrtd , "MfJ Cats St. 302-tf HENT 'f\\o furnlahed ro < iius for light house keeping Ueemer'ii lllnck corner bth and Howard . > 7i-tf HKOT-FurnUhcd room SWN.Utti. POIl 35 tf fT 01l KENT Homo 0 rooru. Inquire ef J. P. Ktx r7 > OIl IUKT Ut claM 0 and 7 room liuuica. S.T L1 I'ctereen , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. 173-tl [ pOK II NT-One basement and two society room L1 In Crounse Block. U. M. H t bcock , 174-t > | neil KKNT One ( urnUhed ro < m to gentlernai L1 and wife , with board 1914 Webiter St 7-1" r ; 0ll HENT-ln Hodlck'n blivk. Storeroom ia L' feet deeo and good otlloo room. I'aulicn i Co. , * Firiuui , room 3 , TCfl-tf [ 7 01l HKNT pliuo. Inquire at EdhcUn & D ton' * . 093-tf Buffalo U. S. Standard SC.A.IjESk Hi me ha ugh & Taylor , WESTERN AGENTS , OMAHA , NEB R. R. 1R1 DORMANT , HOPPER , PLATFORM , ALWAYS IN STORE. LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST Adopted niul in Use by the United Slates Government. HE PAIR SHOPS Scales of all kinds repaired and sealed by U. S standaul weights. SSPWrite for Estimates. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Douglas Street , Omalin 1011 KENT Store room 1509 Farnam St. , b F 1'AULSEN & CO. 403-tf KKNT Furnished rooms on the northwe FOR . IBthandCapltolavonuo , formerly CrolgDto House. 1RB-t RENT Kooma In Nebraska Natlona Ban FOU . Most doslratlo offices In the olt Supplied with hydraulic clo-ttor an atod steam. Apply at Bank. 620-t FOR BALB. HENT OR SALE Summer resort , Sami FOU ' Lodge , Spirit Lake , Iowa. Ercrjthln complete and ready to open. For particulars call c address W. D. Sampson , No. 1419 Dodge street eve Turkish bath rooms , 423-20 * IpOH SALE At a bargain , 1200 pound work hors 1 In good order. A. J. MANDELL , 42Uf 326 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. F IOR SALE Ono piano , as good as new. Chcit I at llospo , 1519 Dcdgo 409 1m SALE Two ol the choicest lots in Hanscor FOR place ono block from street car. Must b so' betoro Juno 1st O. F. DAVIS & CO. , 1603 Farnam SI 411-20 FOR SALE Lot with thrco good houses , very de elrablo location , ? S,500. Very easy terms. Pa 15 per cent on the investment. 391-24 BARKER &MAYNE , FOR SALE 8 room house , barn , Inilt trees , tw largo lots In PapUllon , { 2,500. BULL & SIIIl ] R. 378.24 T7IOR SALE Oil LEASE-Slx buttons lots all o X1 part ol It on south 13th St. The whole ill mak a very beauiilul residence. Inquire Bee otllco.868tf 868-tf OR RALE OR EXCHANOE-40 aero farm at Elk JL' horn Station v ith largo 10 loom house , largi barn and outhouses , J. u. Silvls , Elkhorn Stationer or apply 1214 Dodge St. , up stairs. 378-2p T0tl SALE Birber furmturc.chairs , pules , glasso JL1 and an ) thing pertaining to barber shop , will b sold cheap. Louis Falst , 1511 Dodge St. , Omaha. 377-22p FOR SALE ISOSCassSt. , gocd houao oIO largi rooms with closets , pantry .collar , chtcrn an < good well. Lot33hv 132 , Inquire at , oraddroasF A Hultman , 1807 Caw St. 385-221 TT'OR SALE We offer to ranchmen and otsra , JL1 7t)0 ) choice Iowa Hcifcrj 2 years old. 703 " i 11 600 " Steers 2 " " 600 " " 1 " 100 1 and ? year old grade bulls Our cattle are yarded , and wo imite Inspectios. 204-lm- Strange Bros. , Sioux City , Ioa. 8850 buys an elegant lot in Hanscon Place , on monthly.pajnients. If you tr i to. 250 tf BAItKEH & SfAVNE. \LE-Half aero lots within ono block c ; FORSLEHalf SaunrtorsS' . Verj nice ground , 3550 on month ly payments that is less than small Iota are sclllnp ( or half a mlle further out. Barker & Mayno. FOU SALE 3 beautiful lots. 76x143 near the head of St. Mary's avo. at $1,100 on easy terms. Also 3 clejant lots on park ave only 1 30j each. BarLci & Ma } no , N. E. Corner 13th and Farna ji. 265-tl FOR SALE Several five aero lots In Bonflcld , one quarter milo west of Syndicate purcluse. This ta property that will In the near luturo enhance Inal ue , owing to Its proximity to the great Improvements ol South Omaha tnat ore contemplated. McCigue , opposite postolllce. 033-tt FOR SALE At a bargain houio of 6 rooms on lot 1223 N. IflthSt SALE A fine lot In Hanscom Place. Will FOB take horse nnd buggy or phaeton In trade H you want to trade , call at 8J1 south 24tL street , alter 6 p. m. 300-tf FOIl HALE At a bargain , 3 lots on park avenue. Inquire 1207 Farnam street. 035-tf OH SALE Oil EXCHANOE-First-class establish- dry goods business. Good stock and trade. One- third caah , balance good property. Adaress H. Hob- ertson , ciro Bee olllcu 365-tf SALE Cheap , fine driving horse , buggy and FOR _ _ . Apply room24 , Omaha National Bank 2l6-tf TJlOH SALE 200,000 hard burned brick or board J ? the cars at Omaha or Florence at lowett market price. Address Omaha or Frorcnce. Florence llrick and Tile Co. 1E6 1m FOU SALE Second hand light top bugzy and ( tunta riding saddle. Inquire at Tlrrell abd Cook's tihoo store , 1808 Farnam St 109-tl FOIl SALE Very nice 7 room house , now. two blocks Irom Park aenue street cars. Most de sirable location In Haiitcom 1'Uce , * 3HO. Terms easy. easy.Nlco nv 7 room cottage , near Judge Dundy's new ( esldcnco , lot 76xHW , (4,000 , Very complete place on Falrvlew street , near Har- ney , Now house 8 rooms , $3,500 , $500 down , balance 1 and 2 years. Hall lot , 4 rorm cottage on Measant 8L , $2,000. Fine 6 room cottage , lot BOxUO. good bain , etc. , all new , South a > enue , $ J , 00. 83x120. lOih street near rtcbstcr. Elegant eight room residence , S ,800. Full lot , small house , south 12th street , 11,100. A ery fine 6 room cottage , lull lot , 10th street , near Leavmmorth , 8J.O.O , * 7. _ BAUKEIl fc'.MAYNE. rlOH SALE-400 e&utilul loU In Walnut Hill ad- r dltlon Irom $100 to f7 . It will pay [ wrtlcs to look at thin property b lore buj Ing elsewhere. I'OV TEll 4COD11 , 1615 Farnam street. 618 tl FOR SALE-The good Mil ) and ttitmes of the Crclxhton Ho jae , or will sell any part ol the din ing room or U'chcn turnltura separately. Easy terms. Apply on premises. 763-tt S\LE Two choice Improved farms ol 210 FOU 320 acres , til wllhln ll miles ol the Unloa Stock Yards and 6 miles Irom the U P. depot , at a bargain. 1'OTTEll & CO1I11 , OoJ ( tt 1616 Farnam. 8ALK Very Uiiirable reiiUenoa tor FOR , one block off St Miry' * avenue , 10 block Irom postoHlco. Location flue , 83,603. Easy tcrml I'OTUiK & COBO , 1616 Farnam slro t. SJl-tls SALE Nut cottage ol 7 rounu lull lot on FOIl ave. , one blooc fro u St. car * , lor # 2 SCO , I'ofcr & Oobb , 15U Farnam St. 162-tl FOU HALE-Grocery store in a good location , cheap rent. For particulars address "U. 8 " thli alllce 6S3-lm POll SALE Bargain * In lot * lor residence or spec ulation in Walnut Hill , l > 3nekcn > , Kotler'i ltd iVunt Cuinlng additions. 1'OTlElt It C011B , UU t'trnarn Btrcut 6 0 tl FOK SALE Bargains in nupiotedkUit unluiptov. ed property In su o < Jdltloii . Call will nee. Vi/r- I Ell & CU11B. 161K Fuuiia oct , 610 tl TTiOH 8 LU-2 luU lu 1'liliulowat 15 to SO per I1 cent below the jitlco tt Hhlih surrounding luu iiolitl.l. Price w bo imt up soon II not told. t-t ( roiTell & COBB , U Formra stre t. SALE 0 Iota In Shlnn's 2d addition at a bar- FOU . Two cheapest lot In Klrkwood lor 30 days. 451-tl POTTER & COBB , 1515 Fnrnam St. SALE A ( list-class Voso & Pen Plano , > at a FOR . Inquire Edholm li Erlckson'e. 62111 FOR SALE Two open necond-nand bugjtlel and one delivery wagon , cheap , at 1310 Uarney St. S33-tl _ _ _ I OR SALE A small Mosler , Bahrain A Co. , flro proot I Bait , almost now , at this ofllco. U SALE The good will and fixtures ol the FOR House. Will sell the dining room and. kitchen lurnl uro separately or any part ol either. Will exchange lor lands , luts or any saloililo com modity , or w 111 take bccurcd noteson long tluio. In quire at CreUhton House. S65-tt TT10II SALE Ono Vo e and Sons piano at a barf - f gain. Inquire at Edholm and Erlckeou's music store , on IGth St. 239-tf FOR SALE TUT nty acres ol the Griffon larm , 3J miles Irom the rostolllce , nnd only two block3 from Pratt'a sub-dlvltlon. Will bo sold In : J , 6 or 10 ocro lots. Inquire Omaha Carpet Co. , 1511 Douglas trecL 270 tl A Small stool : ol Drugs and DruiWstV Fixtures for sale In the live town ol Wa'.orloo , Nebraska- good opening lor a phyalclan. Address J , B. SIL- Ell , Elkhorn Station. Dob. 7S8-tf SALE Farm 3 miles Irom city , near Union FOR Stock jards. Inquire at Mrs. Meyer , oicr lloo dor's Drugstore , Idth ami Wehutor. S72- DnBOBLt/.KCOTJB. OJIA1IA Empioynwot agenoy , al kinds ot help furnished on bhort notice , 1211 Hartley St. U. lUuck , A cent , 412-74 p STRAYED A small bay mate colt 3 years old. llail a Inlter on when list eeen Leave word at this olllcc , as to wbero same can be hid. 414-26p LOST An envelope containing discharge papers ' f Bartel Klotz , who sened In the Mexican war. Finder * ill please leave nt this otllce. 397-23p EMOVAL-0. F DAVIS & CO. . dealers in Heal Estate and Mortgage Loins , have lemoned to No. 1603 Farnam street , up stairs , room 13. ono door cast ol their former location , where they may bo found until completion ol the new building. T\K".X HI' Ono stray red rein horse 3 years old. full at A. S. Ostrom's , corner Campbell and Blonrti. , N. V Omaln. 224 5w oew. STRAYED OR STO'-HN On Wednesday morning , April 23d , a u.c.llum sized red cow with calf , about 9 j ears old. Has an additional teat. Howard of 10 Mill be paid II returned to tha Si.itors o Mer cy Com ent , St. Mary's avenue. 028-tI TD EMOVAL-0. F. DAVIS & CO. , DEALERS In -LAi Real Estate and Mortgagd Loans.have renjofed to No. 1603 Farnam street , up stairs , room 13 , ono Jeer cast ol their former location , where they may be found until completion of their new building- for * ny case ° ' Diphtheria that cannot be cured by Dr. Jeffries' Council Bluffe ) preventive and euro. Send for It. H"O . leccntlyof Bostonlbas opened an clot-ant now stock of UNDEIl THE MILLARD HOTEL FINE In3prlng | Weights. In Summer Weights/ In Fine English Lisle. InlPmoEngllshBalbrlggan In Fine Kronen Ha briggan In Merino and Cotton. FEWEST AND LATEST DESIaNS IN NECKWEAR , JEWELRY. HANDKEROHIFS BRACES , ETC. leaching , Walking , Street and Evening Gloves. 1NE WHITE & COLORED SHIRTS. English , ri < iuoind Full Dress Shrlt * . SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE. 1213 Douglas Street , JJCTION AND COMBINATION * POOLS lold daily on Base Ball Games , Horse Racing nud all SporliaLr Events. FLAIISIIEISI d. UABTEnsON , _ _ Proprietor ! . \ Steam Dye Works. ring your work to the Steam I ) > e Worki under : he- MilUrd Hotel. ta's Clothes Cleaned , Dyed and Eepaired , < 3-F ather djed nd Cleaned. L&ee Curtains XL KINDS OF DYEING DONE , ALL C. T. I'AULSEN , 1212 Douglas Etrtt.