OMAHA DAILY BEE-TUESDAY. MAY 20 , 1881 , omplcte Assortment of the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY AND NOTIONg 29 Main Street Council Bluffs NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE Furniture and appointments all now. Nos , 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ETSOME OF FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? 1'erfcct Flttlnff , Best anJ Choaixjst. Fine I.tncn Collars arid CuBa. No. 715 Fourth Strost Council Bluffs. Iowa. UNDERTAKER IBALIV1ER ! Metalic Caskets and WooiliiuCoffins of nil Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND N1GII 3XTo. 1-a ONT. IWX/viu. J3t. KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 20 South Mnm Shoot , Couutil Blulls , Town. Wo uaran'oo our work as first-class in over manner and style at low nrica Wo make a apu'Mty of Groupes , Families , and especially children , whic wo take quicker th.m a wink. COME AND SEE US. SCHMIDT & RILEY , Proprietors. Fig loa\ca are out of style , so nro goat and sheep skin ; shawls and blankets have Rene by. Tina ii not intended for poetry , but if j ou want a suit of clothes to look both neat and dressy , call on NOEENE & LANDSTROM , 3VE © 3T 013L Sb 3OL "fc " 3 ? i 1 Their Prices are Truly Eeasonable { $ i Office No337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council Bluff ? . ciitato collco ton ngcm 01) ) Fo'lov savings banV. N. SCHURZ. JMce oflle Peace. OFFICE O hll AMERICAN EXPRESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. ICE OREAM PARLOR. JIOLLF.R SKATING OX SVTURUAYH ONLY. KINK FOK UEIfT AT $10.00 PER KIGHT. FLOOR IN TOWN , H. H. MARTENS , Prop'r , HEADQUARTERS Persons wishing to engage Uiia Baud for parties , sociables , serenades , etc. , should call or addreai , JAron P. SCIIMIDT , Manager , 25 North Mitin St. Mrs , HJ , , Hilton , H.D. , PEYSIOIAW & SURCffiON , 222 JlldfUo BTO'4 7. Council Bluflu. R. Eice M. D. niiyriTinn or other tumors removed without the UllH UlJIlO ) knllo or drawiiiK of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES " ' " " " p"- ' Oitr tlilrtj years I practical nxperlcnoa Offioo No 5 1'carl striict , Council llluOd JiTConcnltatiini tree At the well-known Establishment OF J. P. FBLBERT , 209 Upper Broadway , the PIONEER GASH 01 Council Mull ) . Notlco our reduced Price I.Ut Wo gito 15 poundi Kitra 0 Huirar ( or , $1 00 11 pounds ( iranulatedHuear 100 25 pound * Choice Oatmeal . . . . , . 1 00 5 pound * NaIkaiift , . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 00 20 pounds R'bt Bulk Starch l 00 12 iioundi Carolina Rite . . . , 1 00 12 pounJa Choice frumu .100 5 bars Hutlalo Soap 100 Kit LaKeTrout , impound W l/jrrlllard s 1'lurf p .r Ib 4(1 ( 1 doitn Slacktril . 16 Colorado Hour , Wlritir , p , r cwt , . . 2 00 10 pounds ( Jlnn > .r Heaps ICO 40 pound ) h mloy 1 DO 6 gallon Ki ' hj nip 170 While Ki h , jicr kit SO JIackercl , lerkit 65 DaU , jur pound . 10 lOSpounO cans htMiJard'loiaatoca . , lee All UmUCali'oMila 1-riilU pouud Lusk'd btatdiril 4 lor . . 1 00 T. T. T. All srriJcj , accor lln , ' to < | uallty , 15o to EDO \ < vi pound Wo aHo earn n lull line ol Men > , Lodlea' and C itllrca'd tlno Hhoox and Men'o Fine Itoott at icr ) AUu full line 01 Tiuwaro ami tfemral Call on u and be cvirtvinoixl that \ im hi iliulliii ; with ltd. fie iuauj iiartcf the uvv. In L uoru , H ar liound to lull and challenge a competition In tnU couut\ J , 1' F1LWHT' ' 20 I u cr Uruadwa JACOB SISfS E. 1" . CADWELL , CADWELL , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Shugart & Mo- Kahou'i ) Block. Will practice In State and edertl courts rnos. OFFICBK , n. u. FUBHT. OFFICER & PUSEY Council Bluffs U. Established - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign anil omcstlo Exchaneo an Inm So iiritl BOOGE'S SIOUX OIT1T HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Oommission Merchant o. 39 Toarl Street Council Hindi , Iowa. ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , 17 and 211) ) North Main St , St Louis. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NEWS' . } 9" & \ S" ES , tTC 5 , \ WHAITINO JCNVELOPKS. OABD BOARD ASD rVCattt oild lor Raira of al ' WESTERN IOWA NORMAL -SCIlINIiriO AND- COMMEEOIAL COLLE&E , COUNCIL BLU1T3 - - JOttA Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A coroiileto course for tcaohcru and those dcslrhiK a higher Kiirllsh education , a full huilnciu course , vlth training In actuil business practlco and Ktiier- a corredpcndcnco , nhort hand , ornamental ponnan Council IllulfJ , Iowa. OANNON BRO'S ' & CO , , : ia\o established tliemschca In Omtha to tianaact general br > kera 'oand bunlnesj , Wu will buy all IIMUH of ( 'oodii at wholttialeor rttall , ami Kuarantto wrfc.ct BitUoctlon ( In priced , as wo can bu > cheaper lian jaursthea. You can tea the odtanta e of h v- n jour Kondu boUKht by ono who will work for our Interest and not trust to a merchant who hai oinctlilnn'lioiu aiulous to be rldnl. We will al o prompt * tuntloi4 to soiling aiij thliuj cntru teil oua , and gooKH conaiincU to in will be carefully eked to. Correipouilenoj Bolltltod f t rtt.ferencos | Omaha Nation ! Ilink , JfcO rauliauk. AdJron 111 S 15th St. DISEASES OP THE TFyi ? &r IPAll ? Jo JL ila O5 Jdjjfi'lllr w' , 7. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Until olllcei aru repaired from result of tire , o.ll with Dr. Parker , Room C , Crti/liton lllocl. I'M and Douttwiiilr ecu. \Mii u ililillllx. ixImiiMlim unit iirtiimtura ilt. > ynroiau iilly ivi . . < rrorni/f > oulhetc . rra j'ut'ctly rmKrcil . ic.l.n i lu-iilili n ( J.VKVV''i'Vi"1 ' , ' i'y THE MARSTCH BOLUS. < > o l'im > ilnlrur < r nit Tbl lrc tin.Bi .lNtrii..i. Jlilillliytmll'loiiliiil IKiuvM udllonn'V ' > ( XJOUhful llpranmi > N II on Inrfict uiuun < UiH nnil ulut | un inuiUardab- vt jiilliiiiniiul-ni > < > . t d'Irntiw l - COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NKWS. VAUGHAN'S VETO , Tlio Itln > or Takes Al.ii ( o of tlio Now Imwnml 1'resontntlio First Veto to tin ) Council , In. , May 18th , ' 81. Rontlcmoii uf tlio Council : 1 do moat respectfully return to you for further conaidorntion , thii resolution paisod by you May 10th , 1881 , ( ranting the Council Hind's Street Hallway Co. the right ton \ \ o the portion that is required by them on Broadway and Slain street with Colorado sand stone instead of gran ite block , as provided by specification and advertised bids , for the following rea sons , viz : First Because the Council Blalla Street Railway company have not asked for the right or priulego of this council either verbally or in w riting , to pave eaud stone , to provided by your resolu tion , nor have they indicated that they would pave nt all. Second The using of two kinds of stone for paving on our streets. One of a Imrd and substantial texture , ( the gran ite block ) and the other composed of a soft material ( sand stone ) will cause an unmcnncsa and irregular surface , tint will not give satisfaction. Third The Union Pacific Uiilway company , owning the Council Blulls street car line should not Lo entitled to any special privilincs or benefit * In the way of paring material beyond the rights of our own catena , on Main street and Broadway , many of whom are poor , and if sand atone is a saving to the railroad company and compliri with tlio icquiro- monts of this council it scorns to mo quite proper that sand stone should be used for the entire streets , that all might enjoy the financial favor granted to the railroad company. jSjFourth Tlio last and voiy important objection to the passing of the resolution by tins council is , vu. : Duo and legal uotico was given to the Council Blull Street Railway company on December 20 , 1883 , that they would require to pave between and on both sidca of the track with Sioux Falls or St. Cloud granite , but up to this time they have refused or neglected to comply with the order of the council to pave their street railway .rack ; nor have they indicated verbally or in writing that they intended to pave ft ith granite block , sandstone , or any- .lung . else. Your ollicial proceedings , , hat scaled proposals for the paving of Main street and Broadway was received jy the clerk of the council , from January , 1884 , to February 4,1834 , at 12 o'clock loon , for the lowest and best bidder for -ho paving with Sioux Falls or St. Cloud ; ramto of Broadway and Main streets. Regan Broa. and McGorrick being the owest and best bidders , the following resolutions were duly adopted by the council : Itesolu ion adopted , 1'ebrmry Gth , 1834. Bnudway. ] "Resolved : Tlu.t the mayor , city attor ney , iiml city cti'zinrer , bo hibtiuccoil tD ontar in a contr. ct , with Regan linn , mid MXGor- ilck , for the construction of a luvomaut on Broadway , from Stafsmnn street , wcit to Twelfth strrot , of Sioux Kails Rranito block , with a broken btouo ball , thoroughly com pacted to a thickness of six Inches , and with sufficient caud , upon the same , to f < . ' \a a smooth and uniform surface , when the blocks nro in plixeo and in accordance with the Omaha specifications. " [ Main Street Resolution , Vol ) . ( i , 1881. ] Resohod , That the Mayor , city solicitor anil city oti incor outer into n contract with Re an JJroi. &Mtjoiick ( ! ! , of Dei Moinei , for iho conatrnctioa of a pavement on Main street from Broadway street south to IGtli avouuo , of Sioux 1'alls granite block , with broKen stouo jvo , thoroughly compacted to n thickness ot six inches , -with sutliciont sand on top to make i level road bed , \\lion the blocks are in place , n acer < lance wuh tlio Omaha Bpocificatious , mil with thu proposal of the bid of said Regin 5ro3. A , Mcdorrick , anil in accordance ) with nn ordinance entitled an ordinance to pinviilo "or the piving , curbing , gravelling , macadair- /ing and gnUoring of i.treot ) and nUujti , and ill amonilnionts thereto. The above resolution would indicate beyond - yond a doubt that Regan Bros , and \lcGorrisk \ , had bid their bond as requir ed and should have the contract for the laving , with Sioux Falls granite , of Broadway and Main Street and as provid ed by the Chrk'a advertisement und or dered by the Council , the contrast wri 'or the entire street and not for n portion of it. If the Council now violate a portion tion of the city's contract , in my opinion we would get into litigation that , through wisdom on your part , can now bo avoid ed. ed.I I therefore lecoinniend that you care- 'ully consider the thought ? here uubmit- ; ed , and with n view that you may exer cise great caution in this matter , I do most respectfully veto the resolution. ( Signed ) W. II. VAUOIIAX , Mayor. Heal J stoio 'J-'ranHlam. The following transfers wcro filed May 19 , 1884 , and reported by P. .1. McMa- lion , Council Blulla : Jens Jensen to C. Bonde , part n ej , n h 11 70 43 , § 170.00. C. Bonde to Jena Jensen , part a cK n wj11 70 4J ! & 70.85. SVoostor Fay to Frederick Miller , part wi2871 12,81,800. W. M. Fay to Woostor Fay , w i n w 1 28 74 12,81,800. 0. B. & Q. II , R. co. , to Perry J. Nelson - son , s j-s will 7139,81,010. 0. R. I. & P. R. R. co. , to IT. 13.Vil - son , lot 4 , block 1 , Canson , $100. J. W. Davis et al to Charles Thies.part n't ' n w { 1C 77 ! ! , $100. 'Total sales $5,085.85. Jjiiicolu'H Nominal Ion In'HO. From tlio Boston liiulgot. The Second National ropnblican con- volition was called to meet in Chicago on Wednesday , the 10th day of May , 1880 , and Mr. Sownrd'a friends regarded his nomination for president an certain , The Illinois State republican convention mot atDocatur a fortnight previous , it was attended by the political Jrionaa of Mr. Lincoln , who had written , urging them tocomo , us ho thought that if supported by the Illinois delegation hoimght uocuio the nomination. Few of them agreed with him , but they worked zealously for linn , and elected three delegates itt hree - David Davis , Norman B. Judd and Stephen T. Lrgan. The other dele gate , Orville II , Browning was n Batca man , but Lincoln approved Ins election , saying that Bates would lumi no allow , and that when Browning saw this he would not only go over to hioi , but take Bomo of hm friends nitli him. Judge Da VIM had never attended a pri mary meeting or a caucus , much less a I convention , but Lincoln pro\ailul upoi ; I him to gu to Chicago and conduct lib ( campaign. The judge armed on tin scene of notion the SMurdny night previ ous to the convention , lie found that the prrlors at the hole's ' hnd all been on gaijod , and ho had to establish hi * headquarters - quarters in two tnull coimocllni rooms in the third stnry of the Trotiiont House. The outlook was not encouraging , PS the only Lincoln men on the ground were A few delegates from llUur s and Indiatn Thurlow Weed had thoroughly orgnniroit the So ward cohorts , and the streets were filled with thousands who wore shouting the Now York war-c : > . Lincoln's raw levies wore scattered lar and wide and loft at the mercy of iVtciplined politi cians. They had no organuit'on. They wore even without headquarters. Tie liotols wore packed with the noisy friends of B\tc3 and Soward. David Davis protod himself n political aruot , mid threw the lUilspliltor's tin * to the broovo. The raw Jovios were jathorcd and disciplined. Ni ht and day was he busy , forming combinations and \isiting delegations. Horace Greoly , under the guise of n delegate from Ore- 5011 , appeared as the loader of the Bites ; uon , and Thurlow Wood tooted defiance from his Seward bugle. Davis visited Loth loaders , and was showered with chatl. But his raw loav 01 wore not vv ith- out backing. On Saturday niaht ho tele graphed to the lawyers of tlio Kyhth Circuit , assuring them that Old Abo's stock was rising , and that its value would bo greatly enhanced by the presence of liis friondn in force. It was an electric shock. The state was aroused. On Monday and Tuesday grains poured into the city ovorllowliiK with _ Lincoln shout- ers. They wore enthusiastic friends , who gladly paid their own way out of love for Lincoln They massed thomsolv es in the streets , and raised n dm that astomshnd the noisy retainers of Soward. They thronged the corrodois of the hotels , and awoke the cclnca of the night with their cheers. Hourly their numbers increased. They poured into the wignam ni soon as the doors were opened , and the v cry atmosphere of thu Coin onlinn seemed surcharged with their onthusissm. The two small rooms on the third lloor of the Tromont House w as the scone of unwonted activity. Kory order was promptly executed. Law j en acted as messengers and judges watched the cars for belated delegates. Under Davis' guidance the work was thoroughly done. When ho entered the city on Silurday night barely fifty woak-kiieod delegates stood under the Lincoln llag. On the first ballot the Railsplittor polled 102 votca to 17tV ! for Seward and 48 for Bates. Tho'lanky cohorts in the galler ies nearly lifted the roof w ith their cheers. The second ballot gave Lincoln 181 , Seward 181V and Bates 35. A < jnln the brawny friends of Uld Abe roared with delight. The Seward men turned pale and Thuilow's knees smote together as ho saw the writing on the wall. Lincoln was nominated on the next ballot by a vote of 251 to liqi for Seward , and the whole State of Illinois was tin own into a state of ccitasy. That night Judge Davis wont to bed for the first time i'l six days , having conquered at a total cost all told , of $700. Judge Davis went to Springfield on the next day and had a long interview with Mr. Lincoln. The candidate offered to refund the $700 , but the Judge said that his friends would not hoar of it Mr. Lincoln's friends urged Judge Davis to take the stump in his behalf. Ho did so , and made most oUcctivo speeches. Nor did ho relax hia exertions until the closing of the polls. Lincoln carried the State by a plurality of 11,910 over Doug las , and a majority of only 1,020 over all the candidates , in a popular vote of 339- 093. , VnniB About I'm rots. From the I'liiladclphi Times. Down at the Bermuda Islands I mot an elegant old English Resident , who owned a bright and interesting parrot. When her husband , James Mussan , died , that parrot mourned pitifully , crying , "Poor papal poor papa ! " On Sundays she sang a hymn , and one evening I heard her sing the doxology. Her voice was solemn and touched with that peculiar nasal twang which quite deceived mo in to be lieving that a venerable Methodist dea con was giving vent in song. One ovon- ng Mrs. Mussin gave her pome tea , in vhich Ilioi were floating. Next morning she was ollercd a cup of coffee , whereup on she said : "Don't want it nasty flies. " Poor Polly's mistress lately died , and n another house she nings , among other .liin Q , "Polly , put the kettle on and vo'll all take tay. " When the noble City of Boston Bailed 'rom Bermuda there were several naval officers and natives of the island on joard. Among the latter was Miss Annie LSarrow , the lullo of the pretty islands. She was a particular fuvonto of the par- ro * , and for ton years after the an uet girl lad gone down at sea , Polly would from .imo to time call out , "Annio Barrow ! Annie Barrow 1" and those who hoard her say they seemed to hoar a sad echo from , ho Fen. This story I cannot vouch for. A par rot which had been at sea for several years was given to a gentleman who de termined to drown thu uwearing nut of lior. So every time nho cursed like an old briny , her head was promptly ducked in a bucket of watar. Ono day her owner was carrying several little chickonn , drenched by the rain , in to dry , and see ing thorn , Polly screeched out , "D n it ; you'vo boon swearing again ! " „ AVol do Moycr. It It now undisputed thut Wlo Die Moy- ' Gulimli OHIO in the only treatment that will abnolutoly euro Catarrh frmli or Chronic , "Very oHiuacIoiiu , Suml ( Jould , Weeping Water , Nob. " Ono box ourcil inn , Mm. Mary Konyon , lilamarck , Dakota , " "II roHtcrml mo to the pulpit , Rev , ( jcorgo ] ! . Rein , Coblovlllo , N. Y. " "Onn box radically cured mo , Rov. 0 , II. Tahlor , 110 Noble Btroot , lirooklyii' " "A perfect euro after HO yearn nulfnrln , , T , I ) . McDonald , 710 Droail way , N. Y. , A.C. , & , c. ThougandH of toitlmo.- nlali are recolvod from nil narU of the worlill- Delivered , § 1.00. Dr. Wei Do Moyor'i ) Iby liiHlriitcd Trent Icy , " with Hlutuniontx of the cm oil , mailed free D. Ji , Ilowoy ( c Co , Fulton Btroot , N. Y tuo-t. liars it ! ! Politics and Itullvvay ConunlhHlonv. The Nashville ( Term. ) American recently - contly accused thu Railway Commission ers of that state , of favoritism to the leimoo of the penitentiary , and ave ta bles tending to show that apocially low rates had been fixed by them on articles manufactured at that institution. The commissioners have replied in a long ar ticle , "indignantly repudiating" the ac cusation , and'windlng up with an appeal , havinc somowhatof a stump xpccch flavor to thu farmers of the btato. Tlio whole affair is evidently one of politics at bottom tom , and illustrates the case with which a board of Railway coininlasionora may got railway management mixed up with partisan politics. AllH YOU ( ,01NO TO l5UJ(01 r// In another column v > 111 bo found the an uounccmontof MwhM.'l'llO.S.COOlC&HO.N 'JourJHt AginU , ' . ' 01 liroadw.iy , Nuw York , rolutlvo to the very omploto urruiiKoiimnti they have nmdo for IOIIM In rlurop * tl o coming 8prliu and Hummer. "C < > U'n J'.xcur. blonUt , " contittnlii mitpx und full paitkuUrr. , will bo mailed to any aUdre * on receipt of 10 centx runner. Tha Clitcigo Hcrnhl Train Talk. "Flow's ' farming out in your section ? " nquircd apiisongor Irom lll'nois ' of ore 'rom Nebraska. " " . "Just toknablo , was ho reply.Vo hain't had no trouble vith grasshoppers to * peak of for the rear now , but prices are pretty low. jist year I had leO acres of whoit , hrashnig out about 3,000 bushels , hut 1 only got 70 cents for i. on an norago. . ' "Lot's see , " said the Illinois pasaongor ; 'Jlhat netted you about $2,100 , didn't it' ow , it's kind o' queer , but tint's just vhat my farm down in Morgan county lotted mo$2,153. . 10 is the exact figure or lait season. And my farm has only wo acres In it. " "Two acres V'mchimod the Nobraakiau ; 'and you say you K' t more than 82'JOO oil' it ? His impossible. What did you raise ? " "Strawberries. With < uiy kind of lurk and an avera o demand 1 can raise $1 000 vorth of small I mil to the acre ri < jht along , There's just at much of a science about handling and cutting strawhoriy ilants as there in about making a watch. . can raise a bushel of berries vv liere sonio ) f my neighbors don't get half a pock. lust think , if I wai runnim- your 1DO acres I'd raise inoro'n $150,000 wo > orrics in ono yoar. " COMMiniClAIi , COUNCIL iiuirtn MAIIKRT. Who .t No. 1 milling , " 5 ® .0 ; No. II GI > ® " 0 : rejected r > 0. Corn Local vmrpoioa , 40iPI'i. ( Dad Kur local piirpo os , Il'ifii 10. Hnv-OlO 00@1'J C I per ton , Rjo I0l5o. Corn Meal 1 lfi ! per 100 pound * . Wood Good supply ; prices nt yards , 0 00 ® Conl DoHvorod , hard , 11 M per ton ; soft , > 00 per ton Lnnl Vulrhank's wholesaling at ' .We. 1'lour-City Hour , 1 t > 0@i : 0. Uroonifl 'J y , " > @ 3 00 per dor. LIVK HTOCK. Cnttlo-3 K@J ) 00 ; tjilvos , 5 f > 0@7 f.O. Liicat packers am buving now nnil there la a "food iloni nul for nil grnilai ; choice K , 023 ; m'xoil , 513. ! 1'uonucK AND Quotations by .r , M. St. John A , Co. , com mission niorclnntH , T > , ! S Itniailvvay , lluttor Creamery , li.'c ; rolln , llSl."c. ( ) 1''gn liJc ! per doron ; teidy nuo. ! 1'onltry Kouly a.ilojtlilckciin.ilrLVsod , 12ic ; i\o , DC ; turkojo , dronsod , Ifiej live , 1-c ; Duclcn , dressed , 1-ic ; ll\o , be. OratiROs-l ( H@l ) fiO per box. Lemons ; fOC ) < ftl 00 pur bin , Bananas U TiO ® ! ! W ) per bunch Votfotablos I'litntorB , : i3t1itO ) ; onion * , "fie ; cnlibiRO , I conta per pound ; apples , ready nalo at ! l IT ) © I 00 for prime Block ; ISo na , 1 f)0 ) feU 'J5 ] ior bushel. Throw A\\ay Ills CinlulioH. "Siifforod from rheumntisin so bully bad to IKO crntchoH , but throw them away after ap- )1) hi ) } Tliam/n 1 1 Iccti if Oil to inv Hinh i.l now 'eel better thnii lliavo for \cnrn. " V. L. ( ilbbi , t'.l'l ' iim : street , ImlTnlo , N. Y. Haihvay Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tito follow Ini ; arc the times of the iur\a ! ! nnil do- nrtiiro ol traliin bj contrU xtnml iril tliuo , at tlio ocMilipots Trains ) uio Iransfor ilopnt tan mill 1 19 cartlur nnil arrUo tin minutes liter. cuicAoo , nuitUNaroN ANU nuiscv. IKA\R. Aiuinn. r , in p m Chlrnio KxiircsH 0 00 n in 0.10 n in 1'ant Mall. 7 IN p ID KANSAS CITV. BT. JOIt AND COUNCIL IlIUrrB. 10 05 a m MM nml Kxiiroas , 7 05 p in 8 05 [ i in I'acllla Kxprtss , 56Uptn CHICAGO , MH.MADKKH AND ST. PAUL. R 10 n m Mall an 1 i\prc33 : , 7:10 : p m Ci X > p m lAprit , n 40 n in 0 15 a in Kxjirtaii , 0 55 ) i u CHICAGO , ROCK IHLANI ) AND PACIFIC. B 30 p m Atlantic Expruita , I ) 40 n m n 50 a m Day Kxi > rom , 0 HO p n 7.1G a in "Dos Slolncs Aoaominoilatlon , 4 10 p u At local depot only. WABASII , HT. I/OUI8 AMU rACIPlO. 0 C6 a m Mall , 4-45 | i in 4 50 p m Cannon Ua < l , 11:15 : a in At Tratibforcnl OII10AOO mill NOKTIItt ItHTRRN. f ) 30 m ExpronH , 0 50 p in 0 45 o m 1'aclflo KxpraM , 0.10 a n m ht 1'anl ixireag : | , 0 00 n n in Accoinmuilatloo , 0 50 p in UNIOX TACIKIO. 8 00 p m Wtntcrn i\preflfl : , B 35 a n 11 CO a in I'tcllla KipruHg , 4 40 p in 7.40 n m Local Kxpronti , 0 54 o in Lincoln ixjiron9 , Atlrautforonly. rUKMV TItAINH TO OMAHA. o-iao-03o-uao-ii:40tt ) : m. iso-2'io 330-4 30-5 W-0 ' 15-11 OS p m Sunilaj 0 30-11:10 : n in 2 KM 'lO-ll Jri-ll.l5 p. in Anne 10 mill utoH liLfuro luavlni ; tlino SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Special a xortlnouieiits , DUO as Lost Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Hoard ing , oto , will bo Inserted In tliln column at the low rate ol TEN C'KNIS PKH LINK lor the ( Irst Insertion and riVi : CI'.MS PiU : LINK for each mil Hequont n tertian Leave atltvrtUunionta at our olllco , No , Pearl Strnut * near Hrondvtav WAN1KD Amiiart boy with a pony to do It or ' 1110 llfn. M ) I'AI'KRS tor uulu at 1IKK olllte , at ! ii cuita a hnnilred. . Laillu ) and irentlemeti can nmhu tint AOI.NIii by m.llinu' the "C'linniplon llosom Strtcther and Ironlnir llonrj. " Retails at tl.Otl , Any lady can tin uj > n line nhlrt without a wrlnklo and K\i \ < ni it as nlrelyaitholHatlaiindrlou can. Aililrosi forpaitlcularsC. 11. S. J. 1. Oo , IKK ) olllco , for one IllO'ltll. ANTKD-Uo lliBtclm iijilinlitiriiii , those W who undcriitaiiil i irpct UttliiK' prefurrul IJ J A , CjiO ( llKiidwny. \\/'ANll.l Applj to , a | HAItKNK.SS HKOS , Ml llrnad ay. . - . huiiyin Uouucll llluBa to take WANfl.D-l.vury 'lnitllKK. Dellrcrcd bj carrier at only twenty miita a eok , [ IJURTRlIKII InrnUlieil , lot rent. I' Iiocutluu ccntrAl. Aililrusn J , W. II. Kris ol- llco Hiccntly of ; Ioston"ha ! opened an elegant [ now btocu of i TUB MILLARD HOTEL. Cl U C /'fnlHprInK WtUliUi. rldC In Hummtr WeUlitu : IIUnCDlA/CAD / Kino KuvlliiliUilu. UllUtn if Cnll \ InlKiuer iKlixliliall'rlKKin AND HOSIERYiSSSkWSJSSr1 ( NEWEST AND LA.TEST DI1SIONB IN NEOKWKAR , JEWELIIY. IJANDKKItCriJFS BRACKS , ETC. Coaching , Walking , Street and Evening Gloves , FINK WHITE it COLORED SHIRTS. KiiKllsli , ri'iiieand 1 ull Dresa Shiitr , SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE. WjIRE SCREENS Fiiruislied on Short Notice , QEORCE WADOELL , S. W ( uii Kth and i oiiur hr , - OMAHA , Nhl OAlll'n.NTKU AND HUIIiDUll. STORE AMD omOE WORK A SPECIALTY. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY & mm T. u TONE'S ' , Quo of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from , NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELE&ANT PASSEMEE , ELEVATOE. HALLET DAVIS AND CD'S PIANOS [ ENDORSED BY FRANZ LISZT. ] 3ES3MC a3ES SO r 3E3Cj .3 TC3)Sa ) DOSTO.V , March 1st , 1831. KMKlllON 1MNO 00 - OIISTIIIMKVYour Instriunonti , Oriviul.SitHro nn.l . Upright , ftro rotlly noble ittrmnciiUmill utuUnllctl for limulr f tone ninl tlnlili. AHmr mo to conzntuUto voiion jour stcrllni r rciw GUSTAVK SATTKH , RECOMMENDS 1TSKLK. . . IHIOS : n 1519 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. U , S. DEPOSITORY. .1. IT. MILLARU , Prc'sidcnt. WM. WALLACE. Cnsliior. Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO. DEPOSIT VAULTS ! Fire and Burvlnr Proof Safna for Hont nt f in S5 In SSOpor annum THEBESTTHREAD Williniixntic Spool Cotton is entirely the product of Homo Industry , nid is pronounced by cxpoits to bo the ucst sewing machine thread intno worW. FULL ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND , nn for sah by HENLEY , HAYNES & VAN AUSDEL , m&n Omuhii , Neb. 50A Main Street , Council Blufl's. MANl r OF IUBlWI B 11 In B ( tf BUI ] bBlaU VB 1 yJ HhRaWl AMt'in ; CASKS u spuciuliy. Shawl , Tourist , nnd Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Kepniring Ncntly Executed. Tlio nao ol the totm < Hhoi I Lino" In connection with th corporate nnnio of a uroatroid , com o > an lilon ol u t wli k U R" ronulrml by thu tracllni ; inili- I I nl Ha H ° a Hllort Ull ° i Q"lck T'm ' < 1 111 IT and the boat ot nccommoJi- B tlons all ot uhlch io lutn > Uhod by the groatcct railway In America. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owns and operates over 4,500 miles ol Northern Illinois , Wlscoimln , Minnesota , low * Dakota ; and ta t main lines , liranchos and oounoo tlona roach all the bualnvsa cuntrca ol tbr North west and Far \Voat , It natural ! } anuwora thi dcBcrlptlon of Short Muo , anil Hint Itouta batwooD , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Mlnneapolla , Mllnaukeo , IJ > C'rii no ami Wlnona. , Mllwanken , Alicrdcun ami Kllcndalo , Mllnankuo , l ku Clalro and Htlllwatet' ChcAKo , Mllnaukce , Wucisan and Merrill. ChlrAKni Mtlnaukua , Ilua\tr Dam and Oshkoih. OhliJiK" . Milnaukiu , Waukiwlm and Ooonomouoo. ChlcaKO , MIlHaukoo , Madison nnil 1'ralilodu Chlen. ClilcnKO , Mllnankio , Owatnuna anil Kalrlhault. Chicago , Ilololt JaiK.Hvl'lo ' and Mineral Point. ChlcaKO , Klirln , llockfonl anil Inbiiiua. ) | Chleano , Clinton , Uock Inland and Cedar llnplJs. Chicago , Council Illullti nnd Oinahn. ClilcaK < > , Hloux Cltj , Hlcmx Falla and Yank ton Chicago , Mllwankeo , Mitchell and Chambcrlatn. Hock Inland , Dulinqiiu , Ht. Paul nnd Minneapolis. Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Can In oriel tire run on the m.Mnll mo ol tlio CHICAGO MILWAUKEE , t ST. PAUL RAIUV/AY anil our ) attention In paid to jimsonKers by courlt oua uniployea of the couipaii ) . Nebraska Cornice AND IIANUFACTURER8 OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT MKTALIU HKYMCIIIT , Gron Feincin I i llnlnttrmloj , VorandM , Oldoo and U nk Wlndiiw and Cellar Uuarila , Ktc. COR. O. ANDetn HrilKKp , LINCOLN NEIJ. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo KUatanUo the rmo of the follnuny \ nainud till BcanoB.orno imy : IthounmtlKii , bcrifuh , Ulcura , Catarrh , a'l ' Illood ami HnilliuiucM , Dvipopula , Liver Complaint , KM no ) nixl Illidder Dlnuafca Oout , Nun- raljfla and Astlnna , 'llioui HprliiK are tlio favorite vbort ot the tlrud un 1 ilulillltitiil. and arotlia KKKIII.K LADIhH HI.Si' HIIKNI ) , Oood hotel , livery und bathing accumulation both inter and Bummer. Locality hUhly plctnros'iuf and lioalthy , Aoctwulble by Wabiuli railway , i KvonaorU..Il. & Q. , at Albany. lollclted , REV. M.1I.1IIOMP80N. Manager. Albany , Blloam Hprlritfs , Uontry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Hpocina Gravity 1.002 Reaction Ncutra Caiboulo Acid Oan 20 In. iier ( 'ullon Carbonate Calcium 85,021 ( Iralin Carbonate Iron .7,1)11 Hull tittto llai-ni.8ll 8tdO , Huhilmto Calcium 1U9 "j ChlnrldoHodlum 7,2V ( ) ' Hllllm l.COl Alumina , . . . , .0,018 Oritanloand Volatile matter anil loss . . , .1,469 Totalbdlda pt-r Kallon . . . 87,174 Wuionrdi HmiKiUL , ditaiUti 'riUSlll'.U'orRotreiirao lor U made cxprvtuly lor the euro ol ihruiitfementi i l thu tjcnurotUo uigtia , IheruU nu mNlaku about thla Inntruuient , the con. tlnuim * utroaui ol I'.tK - TRKH'IY loriucatlng i throiuh lie pirtu must reu- 1 toro tin MI tn luialthy action I | io not tontound tliliwitli I KlcctilollHm..l\irtl ! . ( .J to . . too , UlnlorthuONKiipcC' Hlu I'l'or cliciil t'UIn lull hiformntloij ) iiir | > o o ni . . . . . " - " ' ' - - adJri ilriet\t'r Klectrio Hit Co. , lul Ht Clilcago 111. UNITED STATES OF OMAHA. S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts , Capital , - - $100,000.00 O. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. S. 8. CALDWELL , V. Proo't. M. T. BARLOW. Caohlor. DIRECTORS : S. S. OALDWELL , B. F. SMITH , 0. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BAHLOW , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Accounts solicited and koptsub Jootto night chock. Cortlflcntoa of Dopoolt loouod pay able In 3,0 and 12 months , bearing Interest , or on demand without In terest. Advancoo madoto cuotomoru on approved oocurltlooat market rate of Interest. The Intorooto of Cuotomor ate cloooly gusrclotl and every facility compatible with principles of sound banking fiooly oxtondod. Draw sight drnfto on nglandlro- land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu rope. neil European Paosa o Tickets COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. United States Depository Otf OMA11A Cor. 13th and Farnam Sia. ; Tha Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , nUUCKSSOUS 10 KOUNTZK BUOTtlEHN. oreanliod in 1808. Organized as a National Bank In CAPITAL 8300,000 SUIll'IjUS ANW PROFITS * 16OOOO ornomm IIBIOTOIU. IIiauiK KOUNTIS , I'rojldent. Jouif A. CSHTOIITON , Vloo 1'rMldont. A oudruH Kovimv , "J Vice I'ltsldcok , A , J , rorrMTOf. F. n. PJLVIB , Cashier , Vf U. Ujunouji , AjislitHiit Cashier. TrMisacb u jrontnl lanklng butluNit. Iveiiea time onrtlflcattx boarlci ; lutcrtmt. Dr wa drolU en Ban Prauclaco uiil principal cltUi la the United Btntu * Alto Londou , l > ullla , EdlnbnrKh cd the prlutlu tlieco'itlueitt ol ICurfut. SAVINGS BANK ! Cor. 13th nud Douglas Bin. Capital Stock ' - - - 8150,000 Liability of St'ockholdois , UO,000 Five Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits LOANS MADE ON HEAL ESTATE JAMES 11 UOYI ) . President. L. M. HtNNinT . Vlco frotldont. W. A. I'A-MON . , . , , . , . Mauattlnir Director JOHN Ii WILUUR , . | . , . Cathler CHAS 1C MANDKRSON , T1I03.L. K1MUALL , J. W. UAN.NKIT , MAX MEXEK , HENRY riiNUU. li I * STONE.