Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    T"i Ar AT 1O t on
TheNobraskaNational : Bank
raw UP capital 3300,000
surplus Vnna , Nov. 1.1888 18,000
IT. W. YATE3 , President , } for many yonrs
Oashtor of the First National Unnk of Omnhn.
A. E. TOUZALIN , Vlco 1'rcstdont , Boston.
W V. MOUSE , ot W. V. Morse & Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of G. II. & .T. S. Col
M. WOOLWOUT1I , Counsellor and Attor
ney nt Law.
L. S , UEEI ) , of Byroii Hood & Co.
K. K. IIAYDEX , Assistant Cashier.
THIS BANK opened for business April 27 ,
EHS are among the onillng busJuossof Omn *
1m , nnd Its business Is conducted wit o pocl.t 1
ofcronco to the best and Incroadngh tatoroit
I Its mercantile natrons.
COLLECTIONS rocslvo special attention
nnd charges lowest obtainable hero or else-
INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon
favorable terms and upon accounts of banks
and bnnkors.
Honda nnd County and Clt ysecurlUo.i bought
and sold.
NKW YOUK , May 1 ! ) . Money E. y
nt 2 per cant per anuum ; closed , ottered ,11.
Prime paper l&bper \ cent.
Storlingbills-Weak S3@4 85 ; demand
4 85 © ISO.
Oovornmonts Lower ; at the third call n
Firmer feeling prnvnilod. The week opened
with a quiet feeling in Wall street.
Stocks The stock market , however , was
lower , nud before the firat call n decline of j@
I ! occun'od. Later Louisville & Nashville sold
down to 31 and later to 30 } , on the revival
uf a rumor of a defalcation in the company's
ollice. It also said the pool in the stock had
liquidated. The announcement of the failure
of Win. I1. Scott & Co. . did not ctfect the
market Later in the day a moderate buying
$ movement sot in ; prices moved up j@l.J : , The
w general market closed linn. 51U shares of
! Union Pacific were sent to England to-day.
8'8 100
I 4Vs Coupons 113
1 U.S. now , 1' 121
Pncltictiaoi 'yii 120
American Express 00
Burl. , Cedar liaplda & Northern 40
, . Central Pacific -Ill
Chicago & Alton 1314
do do pfd 143
Ohl.Burl. &Quincy. . . . 1325
Eric 15
do pfd 3.r
Fort Woyno& Chicago 127i
Hannibal & St. Joseph 38.J
do do do pfd * 88 |
Illinois Central 122 ?
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 12V
, Kansas & Texas lfi |
Lnko Shore & Michigan So S7i
Michigan Central 73J
Minnoauolis & St. Louis 13
do" do do pfd. . . . ' . . . . 20
Mlasouri Pacific 70 }
Northern Pacific 214'
do do pfd 4 ! )
Northwestern 1033
do pfd 132V
4 Now York Central 111A
/ > Ohio & Mississippi 21 }
"M do do pfd f > 04
jij Pooriu , Decitur KvanBvillo 11
S Uock Inland 115
g& Chicago , Milwaukee < fc St. Paul 71 g
3 do Jo do pfd ItiSi
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 894
St. Paul & Omaha 27 }
do do pfd S ! )
Texas Pacific 13\
Union Pacific 44A
nba = h , St. L.&Pacific 1&
du do do pfd 15
Wuotorn Union Telegraph CGI
Asked. tEx. Div.
CUICAGO 1'J. Flour Dull
, May , un
Wheat Regular , quiet , lower. Optmod
ojisier , docline.l j@l , rallied J , fluctuated
fractionally , closed f @ j below Saturday. Cosh
May Sii8U ( | ; Juno 8"i@87i ; July S'Ji ;
August SiM.
Corn \Voak , fa'rly active ; opened easier ,
declined i , rallied J , declined It below out
side , closed $ lower than Saturday. Cash ,
May 53j ; .hinn ri."i@)3jt ; July f > 7@57i ;
August 5SJ@5S | ; rejected 50\ .
Oatsi Weak , lower ; ruled f@\ under Satur
day ; weakness moat marked for csh and near
futures. Cash , Muy31J ; Juno31g@31 ? ; July
3L'J ; August 28J ; year 27@27J.
Kyo Quiet ; Ii0l@0l.
Barley Dull ; 72.
Timothy Easier ; good to prime 12S@131.
Flax Firm ; 1U8 to arrive , Ifl'J bill cash.
Pork Quiet , weak ; receded 15@20 , closing
stead v. Caah and May 17 25@17 30 ; J una 17 25
@ 17 27J ; July and August 17 37A@17 40.
Lard Active ; declined 5@10 ; closed firm.
Cash ami Mny 7 00 W U.'J ; Juno 8 05 ®
8 07i ; July 8 2U@8 L''i ; August832J@8 35.
Shoulders U 25 ; short ribs 8 00 ; short clear
8 15.
Whisky Unchanged.
Butter Easy ; choice creamery 20 @ 22 ,
fancy dairy 18.
Choose Quiet , steady ; full cioam choddara ,
now , I'.J'SUH ; akimmod cheddars 4@74.
Egga-Slow ; strictly fresh 13@18J.
Jiides Steady ; green salt quoted , fall 7 ;
damaged Gtf : light , 1@8heavy / 8 ; calf , 13J.
Tnllow Nu. 1 country 0.
GAI.L UOAKI > . Wlioat active , firmer ; Juno
and August j | higher , July J higher.
Cora Juno and August J higher.
Oats Juno } higher. July J higher.
Pork August 2i higher.
i Lard Juno nutf July 0 higher , August 2J
, higher.
(5 (
ST. Louis , May 1 ! ) . Wheat Lower nnd
SI 01 naked.
S Corn Lower lower , fairly active ; 50@50lu
. , for cash : 4I3T'0 ! for May ; 60@50j , for June ;
i01 @S2for July ; 5li@53J August ; 414 year ,
i closing at ineiilo figures.
! * Oati Lower anil nlow32J(5)325o ; ( ) birt cash ;
( ,825 for June ; 30g lor July ; 2UJ year.
jf5 Ityo-Blow ; Cy02. bid.
> ( i ] lurloy--lullGOto80. ;
fliuttor .
& Flaxaeed-NomltialiSl 00.
1 Hiiy-inKherprairie12 ; 00@11 00 ; timo-
fthy , S14 u"l'J OJ.
Corn Meal Firm ; 82 85.
Whinky-Stoadv at 81 11.
„ _ CALL HOAIID Wh -Higher ; 1 10 asked
[ Muy ; 1 07 Juno ; 9IJ July ; Oli year.
I -Hii-horj-lOj bid May ; , , ! uuo ; 524
I July : 533 Aug.
Oits-Lower ; 313 M V. 3-i Juno ; 2lJ ) year.
T , May 19 Wheat-Steady ; 83J
leash ; HL'i ; June ,
I Corn ritoady ; 44 \ ; cash ; I3J asked June ;
45fe454 July.
Oat * Dull and nominal , 29 asked.
llALTtSlOI'.r ,
BALTIMORE , May 19. Wheat Western ,
firmer , dull ; No. 2 , winter red , spot 1 01J
@ 1 02.
Com Western , easier ; mixed , fjiut 6'J
Oats Firm , western white 11@13 ;
-J--lerflrSli'J3. : (
JtyeJlerflrSli'J3. ;
Whhky Steady" ? 11C.
iSKW VOISK , May 19.-Wheat Spot liailol
Jntter.optinus opened J1 lower , altorwnrdj |
fctroiiKers oloaed with reoo ery of } ij No , 'Jl
Chicago , ! Uifg'J5unKruded ; red , tXKjjfo i No ,
3. rod , " 3 ; No. 2 , reil , 102 ; for July , doling
nt 101.
Corn Quiet J(3)le ( ) lower , nptioni oj > onM
? @ 12 lower , closed Bti.idlo * . bowiur recovery
4@Jc. ITngrnded f.iQG'2No."C14@OCi \ \
Jf'y ' C3J
Oati J@llc , lower ; fairly ncl'vo ; clo ins
tc ; dy ; western mixed 3r > @ 3j ; white 37 © ! ' .
Kftps-Waitcm fresh , dull , weak , K@14J.
Pork Dull , unchntipcil.
Lard Firm , weotcrn steam spoj S 25@8 < 1
Butter Dull nnd easy ,
CINCINNATI , May 19. Wheat Dull , lower
or ; No. 2 ic.1,1 C2ral ) 01.
Corn i.ricr : ; No. 2 mixed , B3@fi8j.
Oats-Steady : No.2mi\od 304 „
Ryn Firm ! No 2 70 < ffi"lc.
Barley- Quiet ; ; o\tra No. 3 fall , SO.
Pork Dull ; mesa , 17 00.
Lard Dull ; lower ; 7 SO ,
Bulk Moati Dul'and droopln ? ; shoulders
C14s thortribs SO- '
Whlsky-Activo and firm ; 111.
Corn Dull ; quoted , yellow inked G7@G nc
wli'to ' ( > 3c.
Oil -Qulctnt 43c.
Cc-n Meal Fair demand , 2 95@3 CD.
Lird-Lowcr ; t'orco ' refined 8 50 ; keg. 9 00 ,
Whs.ittold nt 07c nn Frtdav , md wat Tlft
bid on Sati"dfty. Koin to 78c to-day nui
closed n < i 75c.
MILIVACRKK , Mnv 10. Wheat Stronger ,
No. 2 , and May , at , ' : Juno ; ! Hi ) : July ! ) . > ; ) .
Corn Scarce , wanted , No. 2 61c.
Oats Easier ; No. 2 35 ; whllo 3li (
Rye Easier , No. 1 , G5.
Barley Steady , No. 2 spring 70.
TOLEDO. Mny 19. Wheat Si-rong , higher
No , 2 red cash , 9SW9G
Corn Good demand , prices ehado b ehor ;
No ; 2 cash 584.
Oats Demand fair , market linn ; No. 2 cash
uvKiiroor .
LiVKiirooL , Mny 19 lroadstuir ! Qultt
wheat , \\lnter , 7s. ! d@S ; 8prng,7.s3d@7.s5d. ;
Corn Now 53 2d j old 5s 44d.
KANSAS CITY , May 10. The Live Stock
Indicator reports :
Cattla Firm , nctlvo5H10 ; ( higher ; Nnthos
5 D5@G 15 ; Stackers , feeders and cows un
Hops Slow , steady ; 5 10@5 2"i.
Sheep Steady ; native clipped 4 25.
Sr. Louis , May 19 , Cattle Stionger , 10-
covered ; exports 0 40@C 75 ; common to choice
shipping D 25@G 40.
Sheep Common to choice clipped 3 00 ©
5 DO.
Hogs Slow ; light to heavy 5 45@5 S5pack'
ing , 5 255 CO.
CHICAGO , May 19. Cattle Brisk , firm ; ex
ports , § G uO@G GO ; commonto choice shipping ,
5 40@G 20 ; inferior to good cows , 2 50 © 1 7
stockers foods , 3 50 ® 1 CO.
Hogs Dull , weak ; 5 00@5 10 ; lower rough
packing , 5 2o@5 7G ; packing and shipping ,
5 70@5 95 ; light 515@5 75 ; shipping 350
@ 5 05.
bheop Slow , low grades nearly unsalable ;
inferior to fair , 2 50 ® 100 per cwt. ; medium
to extra , 4 00@G 50.
Drover's Journal's , Liverpool cable quotes
: nttlo market depressed ; last American steers
I4@144c per Ib ; dressed , prices Jo lower than
> 3t week. Best sheep 17c.
CmoAQO , May 19. Receipts nnd eblp
monta of flour and grr'n for the post 21 hours
lave been ns follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Flour , bbls 12,000 11,000
Wheat , bushels 12,000 189,000
Corn , bushels 01,000 103,000
Oats , bushels 157,000 11,000
Rye , bushels 3,000 8,000
Barley , bushels 13,000
NEW YOIIK , May 19. Receipts nnd
shipments of flour and grain for the post 2 i houis
lave beou as follows :
Rosolpts Ship'tB.
Wheat , bushels 10,330 120,000
Cora , bushels 148,000 48,000
Data , bushelo 85,000 1,000
CHICAGO , May 10. Receipts nud ship
monta of li\e stock for the past 24 hours have
loen as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts. '
Cattle 18,000
Hogs 51,000 . . . .
Sheep 31,000 . . . .
KANSAS CITY , May 19. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 21 hours
lave been as fellows :
Receipt ) . Ship'ts.
Cattle 1,550
Hogs 2,200
Sheep 1,300 . . . .
ST. l.oois , May 19. Receipts nnd ship-
nont of live stock for the past 24 hours have
) oeu as follows :
Receipts , Bblp'ts.
Cnttlo 1,400
Hogs 7,100
Sheep 2,600 . . . .
Monday livening , May 19 , (
The tolluwiug pricox ore charged rutulltra
> y Jobbem , wholesalers nnd commlsalon mer
chants , with the exception of strain , which la
luoted at the priciu furnished by the elevators
and ether locn buyera :
WHEAT No. 2 , Cnj@f,8c.
BAULKY-No , 2. 50(8550. (
ItYE-No. 3. 4 ( > 5c.
CoitN No. 2 , 37@38Jc.
OATS No. 2,27@28ic.
mrul MtllBtnflM.
WINTEHVuEATJJBat quality , pntentat {
330 340. ) QDALirr 2 753 25.
SPRING WHEAT Best quality" ; patent ,
' . ? SECXNr ) OOAUTT 2 50@3 2C ,
UIIAN G5a per uwt.
CiiorPED FEED Per 100 Ib ? . 1.00 ,
CoiiN MEAI 1 10al ( ) 20 per cwt
SciiEKNINQG0@75o per cwt
Invo Hlook ,
8TEKUH--4 25ffl5 00.
VAT ( /'ows-3 fiO(5jl ( 25 ,
Hoes 5 00ft)5 ) 25.
SHEEI 3 50 4 50.
OALVJU-G 50 < t M.
General I'rodno ?
Arri.EH Afow Hin.i.1 Q > n inmonti huvn
> non recnlvod which soil mainly to city trade.
Willow Twig * , .31. SO WiiHMtpj , Si.50 ; Goiii.
tans $1 00 ; lien Davis , SO 00.
1'VAVSReceipts light and demand good ,
_ u picked iwvy , per bu , S2 50 ; inoilium ,
BEESWAX In good dumaml. Choice biiht (
i. 2ti 28c ; common to g < x > d dark per Hi ,
JJuiTKii The reoclptu are dally frrnwfof ;
houvler and buyers pick close , only choHitu ;
tliu bciit. All Inferior nrodon anil mixed pack-
IDK is bought hy backers only at low prices ,
ratoly above IOc ; choice table golliiifr nt UVoilO ;
fair to good li ! < ! 01 Ic ; poor 8@llc There have
not been any creamery offered In thin market ,
BlthoiiKh price * weru comparatively hi'h. (
With iniprovpiil quality of country huttur awl
lower priced demand for creamery will nat *
tirally ilacroasu. Ctioice creamery quntalilu at
" " oinElt"Ohio" bbl " "
- per , 37.00 : "YorkState"
per bbl , 88 00 ; per j W , 91 70 ; condeuned per
gal , KTxs. C'rab apple , per gal , 3 ! > c.
OIJKEHF- Full croain , wfwtern. 13J { Wiaoon-
sin new IfiJ ; younK American 17.
CoroAKtTH-I'ur 100 , I75@6KI
KooH-Xochango U notable. The feeling
in reiinrlc.ibly xtruni ; for tliU time of the year , i.
" ---to-day , 13c. | i
. J'nciTS Me ilna oranges , pr 1 1
box , S5 00. Messina lemon , | > cr t > oi , E3 75 1 j
1 00. Bananas , per bunch , $300
Fit * , Ib. , IGo. Dfttos , In Irnlls , 7jc ; dntoo
ff-d , Inboxc121j. .
FlUJIT llOTfrApplo butter , In 30 1
palls , per Ib , 7c , Plum bnttnr , " 4c.
GAMB DucH , Mallard , per dot , 2 00 ; tor"
SI 50 ; mixed , ? l 50 © ! 75) ) goose , S3.00@3 50
snlpo , 51.25.
Hay B led , $ XC1@10.00j looio , flO.OO ®
JKI.LV In 20 nnd SO Ib palls , 8@9a ; In 2 Ib
Jan , jor doz , 81 60 ; assorted tumblers , po
> Jo . 51 20 ; nchoonors , per dozen , S3 C ) .
MAfLK SfOAH Puro. In brc- ! ] , per Ib , IGc
Ohio , 13c ; small cakts , 12Jc.
OAT MKAL-Stool cut , per bbl , 55 23.
ONIONS Dull , only the boat of old onions
nil ! sell , Hormudis nro taken In preference
old onions , tier bbl , , 5' < -5 ; Bermudas in crnt'
2 2. )
PorcOHN- Rood demand at 2(2)2J0 ( ) | per Ib
I'OULTUY Demand for chlckeiH only
( tawed 1I$15Uper ( ; > doz. § ' .50 ; spilng
chickens , $4.C.t@rt.CO , nccordlug tiiBl'O
I'OTATOKS Moro Crm and ilomiml good
Now pottoo < art. coining In from the soutl
nnd selling ntS.\50 per bbl. EulyRoso ptr bi
@ 40c ; ronchblpw , 45c ; Bulk roceipH nro
hard to dlsjioso ot'nnd ha > o to bo Backed hero ,
I'nKSEnvKs ( In 20-lb pnlls ) Strnwbcx.-yi
nupborry , blnckbarry , i > or Hi , 18c ; poh i ,
cherries , plums , npricots , figs , perlb , 12o
crnnberry nnuco , ) > or Ib , 8c.
I'uovisiosa Ham , 13)c ) ; b. bacon , ltc ;
c. s , bacon , llc ; d. R. tides lOJe ; short lib
sides , lOJc ; slioulilors. 8 Jo : moss porK. 11 1
bbl. $18.50. Dried beef , 15Je. Lnrd , 0@10o.
VKaETAiu.ES-SpIimch , nor bin. $3 ( X ) ; now
cabbage , California porlb.,4c ; loUuco , j > or
( ioz. , fiOc ; rodlshcs , per doz , , 50c ; turnips
per l i , 50c. beets , i > er bu , 7nc ;
cucumbers , per doz. , § 12.1 ; I'lo plant
l > or Ib. 2c. caulillowor , per doz. , § 300 ;
n paragiiR , jor doz. 70c. now carrot" , per
Hi. , 3c. California celery , 51 50. Tomatoes ,
i bu , box , § 1 50@Sl 75 : < roou po.n per bu htl
bov , S2.21 ; stiitig tionin per bushel box , 8.00. ! !
STiiAUi.tmiiEs.- getting to bo quite
plentiful now and prlici decllnint ; . choice
pri'no stock Gulling at it I SO par 21 qt caios.
1'ios FEKT , I'liu-E , ETC. L'ign loot , 15 Ib
kits , SI 25 : ptgi 40 Ib qr bbl , ? 2 60 ; pl3 feet ,
80 Ib hilf bbl , $5 00 : tripe , 15 Ib Hts , $1 25 ;
tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 50 ; ttipo , 80 Ib half bbl ,
So 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , § 2 M ; pltr
tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl , 56 00 , Lntnbs'
15 Ib kits , $3 00 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , 50 00.
Dm KB.
Dnuos AND CIIKMICAI.S Acid , carbolic. 35C ;
acid , tartnrlc , 5 , " > c : bilsam cnpibin , per Hi , ,
j. " > cbarlcHv ; < safrns , [ tor Ib. 12c ; calomel , perlb.
75c ; ciiuihonldla , per oz. , SO.G5 ; chlnrofcrm ,
per Hi. , SI.10 ; Dovora powder , psr Hi. , § 1.23 ;
apsom snlts , i > or Ib. , Cjc ; elycoiino , pi"o , per
Ib. , 23c ; load acotutn , per Ib. , 22c ; oil , tr-tor ,
No 1 per gal. , § 1.55 ; oil , cr-.tor. No. 3 per
gal. , 51.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , St.40 ; oil 01.-
icanum , 50c ; opium , SI.5D ; nu'uino ' , 1' . & W ;
ivnil R. &S. . per oz. , 51.40 ; poi.nrliiiii ) , .
iodine , jior Ib. , 81.50 ; sallcin , poroz. , lOc ; Bill-
iihatoof mouiliiiio , per oz. , 53.75 ; tmlphi'r
flour , per Ib. , 4c ; btrychnluo , per oz. , $1.25.
Dry GootlB.
BIIOWN SHEETINQS Atlantic A , 74c ; Allan
tie 1' , Go ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , ? ic ;
poroll R , GJc ; Salisbury R , 5Jc.
BLEACHED COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , GJc ; Bal
lon 7-8 , fijc ; Cumbor'and 1-4 , 8c ; Dnvoll DD ,
3c ; Fairmount , 4lc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-1 ,
8c ; Glory of the West , Sic ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ;
Hill 7-S , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 9c ; Lonsdalo , 8ic ; Now
York Mills. HJc : Wamsutta , lOc.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Bostou , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos.
ton , 10 oz. , Mic ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall
River , SJo.
DCCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ;
West Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Bostou Boar , 8 oz. ,
TICKIKOS Amoskoag. lie ; Continental
Fancy , 9Jc ; Cordis , lO c ; Pearl Kiver , 14c ;
York , 12Jc ; Hamleton Awnings , 12 0.
DENIMS Amoskeag , 14c ; Boa\or Crook
AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , lie ;
Beaver Crook CO. 10 : Haymakers
8c ; .Tatfroy D & T , 12 c ; Jalfroy XXX. 12tfc ;
Pearl River , 13c ; Warrsn AXA ( brown ) ,
12c ; Warren BU ( brown ) , He ; Wnrron CO
[ brown ) , lOc.
CAMUHICS Fifth avenue glove finish , Cc ;
KovRtoue glove linish , 5Jc.
COIISET.IKANS Amory , 7ic ; Hnncock , 8c ;
Koarsayor , Sic ; Rockport , 7c.
PniNTS Allons,5tc ; American,5Jc ; Arnolds ,
5c ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 8c ;
Indigo 7-8 , IHc ; Indigo -1-1 , 12Jc ; cheap sale
4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc.
PIIINTS SHIIITINQS Ainericon , 5c ; Cochoco ,
3c ; GlouceHtor.uDiSouthbridgo , 4Ic ; Wuvorlya ,
l c ; Rosedalo , 4Jc.
GINOIIAMSAinoskoog ctaplos , S c : Bates
staples , S.Je : Lancaster staples , Sc ; Plnukot
iilalds , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jc ; Amosko :
t'ersians ' .
, 'JJc.
DRESS Goons Atlantic alpacca , OJc ; Per-
siano cashmer , 2J.Jc ; Hamleton cashmere ,
L54c ; Hamleton Fancus , HJc ; Hnmlotou bro
cades , 15c ; Arlington brocado. 18c.
Wo quote lumber , lath and shingles' , on oars
at Omaha at the following prices :
JOIST AND SOANTLIKU 16 ft. and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TIMBEHS 1C foot and under , 22 00.
TIMIIEII AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 50 ,
FENDING J o. 1 , 4 and G In. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
SilEETiNa No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 :
No. 2,18 00.
STOCK BOAKIIS A , 45 00 ; 15,40 00 ; C , 35 00.
FLOOIIINQ No. 1,4000 ; No. 2 , 3300 ; No.
S , 25 00
SiniNa , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S ,
OEILINO37 00 ; 3 , 25 00.
SHINGLES , best 4 50 ; standard , 3 50.
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIMB Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 35c ;
cement , bill , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hairier
ior bu. 50c ; Torrod felt , 100 Jbs , 3 SO ; straw
ourd , 3 50
JL'nlntB , OHn \ariilBhon. .
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , ISJo ; 150 °
headlight , per gallon , 14ic ; 175 ° headlight ,
) or gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; llu
seed , raw , ; pr eallon.ftOc ; linseed , boiled , per
rallon , G2cLord , whiter sti-'d , per gallon , 85c ;
\To. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , 05c ; coHtor , XXX , per galen -
on , 1 GO ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 00
Bperra W.B. , per gallon. IGO ; fish. W. B. ,
lorgallon , G5c : neatsfootoxtra , per gallon , 90c ;
Vo , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
uminor , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal.
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
iOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; noptha 74 ° ,
) or I'fillon , IGc.
I'AlNTti IN OIL White load , Omaha P. P.
6c ; white lead , St , Louis , pure , CAc ; Mainoillot
rroon 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green
seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , He ; French
zinc , in varnish oust , 20c ; Fionch zinc. In oil
nhst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , IOc ;
'aw ' and burnt Sienna , IOc ; Vandyke brown ,
; 3c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
very black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Pnisslan
ilue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green
[ i. M. & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L
VI , & D. , IGc ; Paris peon , 18c ; Indian rod ,
i5c ; Venetian red , 9 Tuscan rod , 22c ; Airiori.
can Vermllhon , I , & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow
L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ;
; oldnn ivohro , Kir , { intent ilryor , Ho ; graining
; "lora. llfrht nitk , dark ( ink , walnut , clu-tnut
unil anh ITo
White lead , Be ; Trench /Int. IOc ; J'arl.1
whiting , 2icj whitin- ; glide , lc ; whiting
com'l lie ; lampblack , ( jorinantown , Ho ;
lampblack , ordinury , lOu ; 1'runniun blue , 55c ;
ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , -le ; nlonna , burnt , -lc ;
Rionnn , rt-v , lc ; 1'arin runi Roniilno.2.r c ;
1'ariH ifreon , common.2Ucchromoirroen ; , N.Y , ,
20c ; chromoRioou , K. , 1'Jcj vonmllion , Kn ,
70c ; vermllllou , American , 18o ; Indian rod
lOe ; rr > co pink , lie ; Venetian rod , Cookmw'd ,
2lc ; Venetian red , Amoriuui , Ifc ; rod load ,
7ic ; chromn yellow , guiniliio , We ; cliroino yel *
low , K , , 12cochro ; , rochollu , 'Ioochro. ; French ,
BCJ ochre , American , 2oj Winter'ij inlnornl ,
We ; lohlgh brown , 2Jc ; Bpwilnh lirowu , 2Jcj
I'rinco'n mineral , Sc.
VAHNlbHKH Iiarreln. pe , gallon : Kurnl
tiire , extra , 9110 ; furniture , NI1 , $1 ; coach ,
oxtru , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 91 20 ; Damar
ultra , 81 7fi.rapan ; , 70caimhaUum ; , oitra , KDc ;
ihollac , & 1 rXj hard nil finfi-h , 81 60
Oak Mile , 38c@12c ; h' > mlockeole28c@a5cj
i lock kip , 8 o to 1 00 ; runner G5c tii 8c ( ) ;
icrnlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o
to 2 Ic : oak upper , 2 Ic ; alligator , 100 to CM ) ;
ulf kid , 32035 ; Urnlenu Uld , 2 W ) to 2 75 ; oak
dp , 80c to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 W ) ; Frnnch
kip , 1 10 to 1 5r : French calf , 1 25 to 2 ( V ) ; r < ? .
mi , 5 M t < i 7 ffl ; HnItigH , 000 U. 8 50 ; top.
piiixn , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B , L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ; ;
pabblo O. D. Morocco , a c ; nimon. 2 50 to 8 00
HAU.VEi3-Na I utnr oak , 37c ; No2do ; >
3.V : No. 1 Ohio oak , SGcj No , 2 do , 83c ; Nt.
I Mllwaukoo 3.p c ! No 2 do S3c ,
No. I Pitts oak liar , 37c ; No. B 1'ilti > .iV
hnr , 35c. _
Ho VT Hnrdwnro Unt.
Iron , rntoa , 2 50 ; plow utool upoclal cait , Go
cniciblo , 7c ; special or Gormnn . , r > c ; cast tie
" ' " -
do , 15 ®
per ot ,
Ib , 7@llc : wn'shors or Ib' , 818c ; rivets , { > or
Ib , He ; cell chalu , tx > r Ib , b@12c ; m.MloAblo , So
Iron wedges , Gc : crfiwlinm , Gc ; hnrrow tootl
4c ; during tool , 7@8o ; Burden's horsoliocs 4 JO
Buroon's inulo hoes 6 70.
E In car lnt , 5o per 100
NAILS Rates , 10 U > GO , 2 90.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; orlonta
powder , kegs , 040 ; do. , hnlf kegs , 348 ; do.
quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , koga , 8 35 ; fuse ,
l > or 100 foot 60c.
LEAH Bar , 1 G5.
COAL Cumlwrland blnckumlth , 10 ( X ) ; Mor
ris run Blonflburff , 10 00 ; Whltobroost lump ;
r > 00 ; Whltobroast nut , 5 00 ; lown lump , 5 03
Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Antlirn
clfa , 11 25@ll CO ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
PLCO TonACOO Climax , 50c : Bullion 50c ;
Horseshoe , 50c ; Star , 50o ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her-
Boy's , 40c ; Black , 38@40c.
FIHE CUT Common , 20@30c : good , 45 ©
GOc ; Rose Leaf , 70c ! Premium , G5c ; Diamond
Cnnvn , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 50o.
SMOKING O. S. , 22c ; MoorHchaum , SOc ; Diir
mm , 8 oz , , 55c ; furham , 4 oz , , 57c ; Durhau
! oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal o
North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O. 1C Durham , 4
iz. , 28c ; O. 1C Durham , 2 oz. , ROc ; Undo
Nod , i's 25c ; Tom nnd Jerry , We.
tilquom ,
ALCOHOL 188 proof alcohol , 221 per wlno
gnllon extra Callforuin spirits , 188 proof ,
L 17 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
lf,7 proof , 1 20 per proof gallon ; ro-iUstillcil
whiskies 1 00@1 50 ; line blouded , 1 M2 ) 50 ;
[ Coiitucky bourbons , 2 00i7 ( ( ! 00 ; Kentucky
and Pounsylvaula ryoa , 2 OOfiW 00.
BluNDlKS Imported , G 00@1GOO ; domostla
140 ® I 00.
GINS Imported , 4 5000 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 300.
ROMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now England ,
J 00M ( 00 ; domoitlc , 1 50@3 50.
OiiAMi-AQNEa Imported tier case , 23 00 ©
31 00 ; AmoTicanpor ; case , 12 ( > J@1G 00.
GroocrB IilRt.
CANNED Uoons OystorBStaudardpor ( ) case ,
i 70@3 80 ; Btrawborrlos , 2 lu , per case , 2 50@
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bnrtlctt
mars , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
( 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green
rages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib
ior caso. 4 805 50.
ROPE Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9jo , 9 inch ,
VJ ; i luch , lOjc.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibo , IGs , 15c ; 8s , 15c ;
loxes 40 Ibs , 1G oz. , Gs , 15c.
MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
2 55 ; square coses , 1 70.
SuoAiis Powdered , 8ifo ; cut oaf , 8Jc ;
rranulatod , 7c ; confectioners' A , 7jjc ; Stand-
ird extra C , OJc ; extra O , Ggc ; medium yel-
ow. Glc ; dnrk yellow , o.
COKKEES Ordinary grades , 12121c ; fair 13
5)13c ) ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15&c ; choice.
G@17c ; fancy green nndyollowlG@lGlcold ;
rovornmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovoring'H roosted.
7c : Arbucklo's roasted , IGjc ; McLouglUiiiV
XXXX roasted , lG.o ; mitation Java , 1GJ
@ 18 c ; Clark's Aurora , IGlc.
RIOE Louisiana prime to choice , 7c ; fair
GJc ; Patma , GJc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; No
mackerel , Kits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , 1ml
iris. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c : No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15.
StRDr Standard Coin. , SOc , hols ; Standard
lo , 4J gallon koga 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kors 137.
SODA In Ib papers , 3 SO per cose ; keg per Ib ,
2 c.
PiOKLsa Medium. In barrels. 8 25 ; do
n half barrels , 4 75 ; small , In barrels , 9 24 ; do
u half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins * In barrels , 10 25 ;
do in half barrels. 5 75.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GO
@ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c ;
Z"oung Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice.
! 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , ( 'iO75c ; Oolong , good , 35@4Pc ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40c ;
cholco , 85(55450. (
WooDENWAltE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ;
three hoop pails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pio-
icor washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 290 ;
Wellbuckots , 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; KlrkV
atinot , 3 GO ; ICirk'a standard , 8 75 ; Kirk's
vhito Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Quoou , (100 ( cakes , )40c ) ; Kirk's
unciiolm. doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case ,
I 35 ; Babbltt.s ball 2 doz. incase , 1 DO ; Anchor
mil , 2 doz. In cano , 1 50 ,
CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , He ; twist
VINEQAB Now York apple IGc ; Ohio np-
pie. 13c.
SALT Drny lends , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ash ton , In
neks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30.
STAUOII Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 80 ; Corn
Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Glens , 7c ; Corn , 7ic.
SPICES Popper , 17o ; allspice , 16c ; cloves ,
25c ; cassia 15c.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Vcstern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye ,
4 G5 : Jewell lyo. 2 75
FLOOH 100 Ibs , 1 75@2 50 ; patent , 100 bs ,
i 75@3 00 ; Graham. 100 Ibs , 1 90(512 ( 00 ; rye ,
00 Ibs , 2352 50 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 8 00 ®
GHAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 35@1 45 ; corn , In
acks 100 Ibs , 1 12@1 1 1 : oats , 100 Ibs , 1 50
@ 1 52 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 1 3001 40.
HAY -Baled , 2000@21 | 00 ; straw , 1000 ®
12 00.
BuTTEn Fancy , 35@3Bc ; dairy choice , 25 ®
7c : common , 8@12c.
EaoH Fresh , 18@19c ; ranch , doz , fresh
CHEESE Full cream , t5i16c ( ; Llmburger ,
8c ; Swiss , Imporlod , 32c.
PouLTUV-Livo chickens , doz , 3 50@7 00 ;
; urkoys , Ib , 20@22c ; dressed goose , II ) , 1G@-
POTATOES Eastern , 100 Ibs , 40@15c ; Groo.
oy. 100 Ibs , 90c@l 00.
VEdETAliLKH Onions , 100 Ibs , 2 502 75 ;
cabb go , 100 llm , 2 50@2 75 : boots , 100 Iba ,
1 00@1 25 ; celery , per doz. 1 30.
FJIUITH - Orangiw , Mosslna , box , 5 00(20 ( 00 ;
omonn , choice Moi-Klnn. 3 751 50 ; appltw ,
eastern , bbl , ( ! 50@7 50 ; grapei , Malutm , ri-Kii-
ar. 7 07 ( 50mmmm. ; \ . bunch , 3 00@G 00.
MEATH Hams , Ib , ll@14c ; bacon , break-
aHt,12i'13c ; Inrd , in tlorcp * . Ib , Hie ; dried
loof , IGc ; dry salt Miles , 9j/10c. /
J HH-Mackorel , No.l , 1 50 , kit. 1 752 25 ;
/alifornla salmon , half bbl , 1050 ; Holland
herring , keg , 1 G0@l 75 ; trout , nor Ib. 1718o.
151 4 Webster St. , Omaha , Neb. ,
( Successors to the old II I * . l ) liurylBtb Kt , , )
Constantly on lunj. Orders will lid iiromiitly atttn-
* l to. WAQNKIl UIIO'H ,
npr-V3 8111 I'rniKlttnn ,
Ilia uteunivhips of tMi wdlknown line aru Imht ol
run , In wattr-tlxlit comjiartmenty , and uru furiilili
I itn every reiiinto | to iniku t'.u natmge liuth
afo anil a rnaljlo. Tliev ( urry thu 1 nltuu Hintm
ml Kurrpein inalN , and I ovu New lurk * 'llinrn-
ujnaiHl nutiirdaysfor rijinniitli ( LONDON ) Cher-
onw. ( l'IIHainl ) IIAMIinMd
linen : L'oljln , * f6 , J7Uun.lS.-o. . htcornK , W.
Henry runilt , llark llnmen , I' . II , Mo' > nnM , , 'loft ,
Venlsln Omaha , ( Jronewlu & Kcliuriitui | , aijentiin
iimell lllnlN. O. II : IIIC'IIAIIIl &CO. , Civil , Puna.
Ktn. , 81 Ilrovlway , N. V. _
N K oruur 2M and Uinnlni ; St.
Order * nlll bo promptly attended tu.
Railway Time Table.
In I'.Ucct M y l th ,
All trMrn Arrh , ' nt ami ilcpatt ( rum Onuln on
CcntrtilStntiiUnlTlnio , which li ! 4 mtmitci ( inter
IhMi * iin lime.
) Kvept Satunhy , i\copt : SumlAj , t Kxcfpt Men-
Krom Union I'aulllu Depot ; Toutli St.
D. P. II. U. , MAlNiLlNK.
XUIlAml ixp..ll:40Ain : Alhntle K\n. . . .7.VMii :
V elBe i\p : . , ! > : pm | XUII ntnl K p..4co : pin
I. * * * * . I ARimK ,
itp..l2Mpm : : | Lincoln K\p llMpni
Lento OnuliA : 8.40 , 8:00,0:00.10.00,11:15 : : a in. . 1-fn
Sn.i. : See : , 4no ; , 5:00 : , fl:00. : 10.3 % u m. On SmliUvn !
e.t .n.-oo. HMD a. in ; i03,3to ; : , s.rc , tj.oo , lO-Mpin
Arn\oAtti n < rrrtlpotl.t tnlniiti-4 liter ; Uronlwav
iloiwtCouncil Illulln , SO inlnnln iMcr ,
Ui'xvo Council Illnirs , llrovlv\ny ili-iiot , ? < ! g-si
O.n > , 10:3" : , II ; IaijSJO/8.U. : : ! 4SO : : HBSS : ,
S3l,4CO : , 8.35,11:05 : pni. Atiho AtTratificr Tinln'
litia Inter.
U-AXO Council ItliUTi Ttnnufcr tli > pot : 7.SS. 8-37.
IIS7,10:7 : , llir : m ; 1 ira3S:37 : , 4:45 : , B37 , :45 :
11:16p. : nu ArtltoOnnm 13 inlnuictlAtcr.
TA.M. No. 2 SMS Am No. 3 llKAiii |
" 0 8f.3Aiii : ' Bl 11HI Alll
" 4 4:1/1 / pm IR..I2SSn : 111
" S 0:10) ) . m H. 7:5Siin : |
" 10 7:16 : p m 1 S:15n in
Ito'h. '
"Ml" . . . 10 00 A m | Oinihn K\p..8SO ; Alll
t-t. Louts r.\i..iYW | pmMnll | * nw , , „ ,
H. ci. ft r. a it.
LKl\K , I AR3UK.
' , n:40 : n m St. null Kxp. ill5Ain :
Et. rmill'\i | 7:15 : pint X'A ! | . . . .7:00 : u in
C. * N.V. . H. It.
" . 0.1X1 Ma KitiicwJ loSO : AIII
li j"i t MX ) pmUUll1 , 7u : ] p m I'&l' . K. U.
u.iiv. OOOAIH RlircM | . lO'60Alti
7:00pm :
C..M. & 8t. IMt. 1U
\ tallKx' n.OOAUi . . . . ,
ttttntloKst MCOpln JIMlft Kip" . . . .7:00nm :
0. , 11 li Q K , It.U Coune-ll IliulK )
LK\\f. MIU\K. :
Kxprcss . lOMi : m
IiOJp : m . rco"ni :
I Mim\K.
Cannon Rill . l.dO.inn ( Vumnn Rill . . . 2:40pm :
K. 0. , ST. JOB & C. \lACoiinill ( lllutls. )
it lll'n (1:00 : nm Kxpress
: \l'n 7:1511111 : .Mall 7:00pm :
llnrlnc MAJ S.ilnrilny , Siimlny nml Moiulay l' (
( mini w 111 rntutu ai follnu ;
Sntiinl.iyi'\rnlnKtrnln li'.i\c.MA.viil : Anil 'illli.i |
C. XI. & St. P ; May 17llila the Nurtli-UVvtorn ; Xlny
KtliAiiil 81stla thu Itnck Island Arrhu In the
Mine order the Mondiv tolUmlnn
Snnila ) niornlntftralnmU'iiart anil Hniulny ovrnlni ;
traiiHnrrho.May 4th nml 25th il.i the Iliirk Idl.uiil ,
May \UthoNortli-WesUrnnml May IMInlatho
0 Xl A. St 1' .
From U. Nt M Ijopot ; Tontli Strcor.
UKNVKK Xl'Ill-JiS. ,
LKAVlt. AnniVK.
Omaha. . . (1:10 : pm 7:50 : urn 7:00 pra lows nm
Anhlana. . . 8:27 : pm 10:03 : nm 4r : > ' . ! pm R:12nm :
-incoln. . . 10oo : imi I2rom : 8:60 : pm 7V > AIII
'rcto ,11:17 : pm 12:540pni : 2:11 : pm 8:01 : nm
l.iBtlTips. , 6:16 : nm 4:15 : pm 11:65 : nm 10:50 : pin
Icil CIoinl , . 8:00 : am O.Otpm 10:25 : AMI 8:25 : pin
ilcCook. . . .10:65 : AIII fli ! ; ! pm 0:16 : AIII 4:10 : pm
Akron . . . . , 3:46 : pm 2:10 : nm 12:50 : nm 11:06 nm
Jcmcr , 7:26 : pm U in nm 0:25 pm 7:30 AIII
Lv. Omaha nt 7'i5' : ' ninl 8:15 : a in ; 4:60,0:10,7:45 : : : n m
Ar. Omaha t (1:25 ( : , 8:40 : nml lo.UIia m ; 7OJ : , 7Mp : m
C. B. & Q H. Il-\la I'lattfliucmth. )
FoRtcrn i\j : 8:45a : m I Omnha Kx | 8IOa : in
Chicago i\ii..4:50 : : ] > m | Wmlvrii Kxp 7:30 : p in
K. C. , ST. J. fe U. I'latUmnnth. )
LKAVB. Ait imp.
XInll 8:45n : in XprcHS (1:25 : am
Kxprcss. . . 7:45)111 : ) Mull 7:30 : pm
From O. St. l > . IM..t < ) . Depot , Mill and
AVoDstor StrcctH.
o. , st. r. u. & o.
Vo2 Pns8unior..8:30 : Am I Nn.t Mlxc'd 11:15 : A m
s'o 4 .Mixed 2:30 : pin | No I 1'anxuiiKcr. 5:20 : p m
Plans , tipcclfleatlona ami eitlnmtcH of rout o ( InyliiK
out new or remodeling old lanim , urnilln . xwlillii ) ; ,
ota. will lie lurnliiliu I on application , i ; rimer nml
dealer in all hlmla ot Hi ( er , Khriilm , Ornamcnlnl
mil Shailu Trnru. Just thu tiling ( or C'unuiery or
Awn Deeorutlon. ( keen llousu anil Nnmurv 'J3nl
itrei/t , neur Fort Onialin. Ctl FIe ern ami Slower-
ii ( { rianui In ] > oU for Halo nt nil HcnuoiiH , nml nny
' HoiiipiotH nmdo ii | > on the uhurtcat
lotlcu. Orilum liy mnll iiroinpily attended to.
IrctH I' . O. llox Ut ) & Oninln , Null
[ Ian jiiat riTi-lvod n full Una ol Imported Fancy Knit-
hiKHfind Fkitalooimof the late t ntylon Mao
( jiuiraiitooi line IHtliiKsand Itno trlininhiKU.
nt Lowest I'rlco. Also dratiing Hieln
ami nujinlrlnx. S. K. Corner ICtli
anil lmveniH < rb HtreeU
the olilstanil 1417 tarnam Btrcot. Orilara by tola
Hiaplmollcltuil anil promptly attunUil to.
' > AK2il i r" * 3
111 Horth 18th Btrext Oroab *
Pioneer urug Store !
H. K. u < m. nui ANU JONIH : Mrs.
DR. F S LEWIS , - Prop'r ,
AUKN7 ' 311
Ohio Oil Co.'aVoat Viririnin , Oylin
mill othnr Oil ? coimtiiitly ( in hand
Utl'ltU 'JH
fl uuli Awuribco ( io. , ol ixiiidon , Cr.nh
i , J ( Y,0apla . ,000,100.0
an&otrtiMH , ut Kwt\ , , Ut | > lti |
UlriM riio , V UMoliLU , vltiJ. . . .
Klr iLurj' fund C | tel . . , . , , . ,
Syndicate IliU'AtuliUon , lota $100 , § 10 ( cash , nnd
810 per month. BEDFOIIDJ& SOUKIl , Agents.
Oiluiftii 1'lRCO , lots § 150 to 8300. DEDKOKD SOUEU , Agonta.
Clark 1'lnco , lots 00 to 8000. BHDFOKD SOUEIl , Agonta.
Tukoy Koysor'sSiib-Ulvlsion , lots 8125 to'SlfiO..BKDFOHD SOUKIl , Agonta.
Hawthorn Atlilition , lola 8350 to SOfiO. ; ' iI KDFOUD SOUKR , Agonta.
Kirkwoocl Addition , lota 8100 1 to SI50. BHDFOUD it SOUEH , Agonta.
I Innscom'a Addition , lotaS500 to $ C50. | t BEDFORD it SOUER , Agonta.
For n choice lot. in Syndicate Hill Addition. This addition joins the
Iho Syudicato lands in south Omaha , nnd will rapidly build up with com
fortablo homos. Those lots nro bountiful nnd nro near the stock yards
and packing housus , and will bo occupied as homos by the employes o
these works , nnd nro undoubtedly the best value for the price of any lota
in the market. Several have boon sold and the price will soon bo ad
vanced. Wo have the oxcluivo agency on this addition. Terms easy.
This is a now addition on Lonvenworth street in Wcsf.Omaha. A
low price has been put on them to start them. $150 to 8800 , On easy
terms , Tno grading and m i ovomonts to bo made on Lenvenworth St. ,
this springwill make this very valuable property.
This is a sub-division of the iMegeath proportylJfacmg Ilaucom'
Jark on the south. G jed location , near street car , line view and has
3od growth of native timber. Thia is one of the finest additions i n
8 maha , and will sell rapidly. Price $300 toJ50. ( One-fourth I'ash
balance on good time. First come , first sorved. This isja splendid op
portunity for persons who intend building for ajiomo.
Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south o Gilmnn place ,
West Omaha. The first of these lots will bo sold at $125 to 8150 , and
are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a homo and
splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man.
This addition lies between Cnpitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks
from the lligli School , one mile from the postoflico , and is what is known
uH inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the
finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade on Davenpor1-
street has been established and work commenced , and will bo completed
us soon as the weather permits. The contract has been let for building
largo brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this addi
lion. Wo predict that those lots will more than double iu .aluob" ere
August , as it is the most desirable part of Omaha and would luwo been
built up years atto had itbeenplacod on the market. Prices
S35O TO 885O
Adjoiningjots'aro being'sold at double the price wo ask for these.
WeMmve'six'Iots lei't in UriH ° mldUion'wl > ich wo olFer.ab it bargain.
Wo have some improved and unimproved farms iiearyOraaba"and
iomo well improved farms in Sarpy county.
llesmenco and Residence Lots in all parls of the city , and
On all the best streets in the business center. I
ST.VIWo have for nalo lots in Shinn's Addition , Parlcor'a Addition , ( ' ot1"I
lion , Annatrong'B Addition , Lowo'a Addition , Park Place Addition , Isaacs & Sol
don't ) Addition , McCormick'n Addition , Hanscom Place , llodick's Addition , Bure
Oak Addition , Johnsou'd Addition , Itoud'a Addition , Kountzo'a Addition , Syndicate
Hill , Oilman Place , Olurk I'lacu , Tukoy & Koysor's sub-division , Hawthorne Addl-
tioiijjKirkwood Addition , Boyd'a Addition , Yatoa & Hood's Addition , oto. , ot1"
h HthStreetjbetwoen