6 OAf AHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , FRIDAY , MAY 16 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , May 16 , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Brainier - - - - - - - 20/onto p r week By Mail - - - - - 110.00 per year omen : No. 7 Fcarl Direct , Near Broadway. See J. Iloitor'o spring goods. MINOR MENTION , The Royal Arcanum had a pleasant social laat evening. The Methodists had a pleasant social in the church parlors last night. There is sport at the driving park every pleasant morning now. S. E. Maxon is preparing plans for the proposed now Episcopal church. The Bavarian band gives an open air concert in Bayliss park this evening. The infant child of R. T. Bryant , ngcd only about n month , died yesterday. Thopavingof Main street from Willow avenue to Broadway was completed yes terday. Some of the residents of Mynstor street protest against the proposed grading of that street. George Koolino is putting down asphalt pavement in front of his property on South Second street. Prof. Bergman of Omaha will , it in ex- puctod , open a dancing school at the rink , the early part of next week. Regular mooting of Fidelity Council No. 150 , R.A. , this ( Friday ) evening at their hall in Burnham'a block. Charles M. Ilarlo has just had a very neat combination iron and wood enclos ure put around his family grounds in the cemetery. The district convention of the Y. M. 0. A. opens this morning nnd closes Sunday night with union service in the opera house. The city council , aa a board of equal ization , moots this afternoon to hoar the grnmblinga of these who have had their assessments raised. D. 0. Bloomer is the notary appointed to conduct examinations for these in southwestern Iowa Jdoairoua of being licensed pharmacists. The Council Blufla lawn tennis club will open their grounds near the Presby terian church by n handicap game Satur day afternoon. Scats have boon provided for 250 persons. This morning in the district court the motion for a continuance in the Cross murder case will bo argued by J. N. Baldwin for the prisoner , and N. M. Pusoy for the prosecution. The nino-yoar-old son of Daniel K. Dodson , who with his father waa injured by being thrown under n load of fence- posts , dioi yesterday noon. Mr. Dodson has almost wholly recovered from his in- jnrios. A largo delegation to the Y. M. 0. A , is expected on the morning trains. An ] persons who can accommodate ono 01 more of the delegates will oblige the secretary rotary by reporting nt the rooms , No. 1 ! North Main street. These who live in the vicinity of the city jail petition the council to have Bonv rules adopted which will prevent prison era from shouting and singing. It wouli bo ono thing to make the xulo , andano thor to got a half-crazy drunk or a follow sufToiing from the jimjams to obey it. Coroner Connell waa doubtless chose auctioneer of the express company 'aal because there was BO inanyaffad givo-i ways and stiffs. Ho made a good OIK anyway , and probably got moro monc out of the crowd than any other mu who could have boon selected. These who live in the vicinity of tr pound evidently have little faith in tl policemen as marksmen. In the protoi ng&inst the location of the pound there they avow that there is danger of aom of the Bchool children across the creo being killed by stray bullets fired dogs in the pound. Al. F. Greag , the clerk at the Unii avouuo hotel , who attempted to pois himself , Wednesday night , on account Bomo love disappointment , promises live now to try the truth of the adn that there are just no good fish in t water as over were caught. Fishing I a now girl is a heap sight moro sonsll than dying for an old ono. Harknosa Bros , have donated a n carpet for the parlors of the Y. M. 0. a generous'gift , and an example wort of being followed by other business me The association is doing good work , a ono which is of benefit to the commun in all respocU , and Secretary Out merits just such co-operation by the ci zons aa this firm has shown. In accordance with the instructions the council the fire department has bog wetting down the streets which are ing filled and along which the dirt wage go. Tlio wetting down ought to bo c < fined , to the streets though and not i sidewalk grades , for where the walks hi not boon relaid it makes the walks mi dy. A raid Mas made by the police on freight cars in the railway yards yost day evening , bright and early , Two aleepora were found and brought in , only four were convicted of vagran They wore sentenced to thirty days e ou the etouet pile , unices they got the | broken up before that , The fell * averaged 21 years of age. All claimed bo Americana except two , who were Ir Only only ono in the party was color lie wai the on'y one who had a c of money , his effects being 8-'Jl. The occupations given were , gaifittcr , tailor , lumberman , brick. telegraph operator , layer , blacksmith , farmer and laborer , making trades enough to have given start to a colony of themselves. The various residences given by them were Omaha , Chicago , Philadelphia , Waltham , 111. , Cleveland , Hartford , Conn. , Boston , Plattsmouth and Missouri. Assessor Stone does not find much con sistency in the action of the board of equalization. Lust year the board low ered , his assessment § 50,000. This year ho made the assessed give statement under oath , and the board increased the assessment § 100,000. For several Jycars the assscssor has put the bank stock on the list , and thu board has cut them off. This year ho loft thorn off and the board has ordered them put on. So it goes. Davy Mottaz says the failures of Now York have not affected his savings bank at the jail , the inmates of which doposito in his big safe. Six dogs were slaughtered yesterday at the pound , having boon kept the needed time , nnd not claimed. There are now six men at work on the city stone pile. Mike Kildoar has boon elected boss. Regular dinner , 35 cents , from 11:30 : to 2 o'clock , for izontloman at Chris. Schwongor's , 108 Main street. IJllnd. The sale of unclaimed packages by the American express company yesterday drew a largo crowd , and created much merriment. The collection of goods was a motley ono , as it had boon gathered from all points in the state , and consisted of packages , valises , trunks , boxes , etc. These were auctioned off to the highest bidder trithout examination , so that there was much luck and chance about it. The worst sold man of the day bought a fine looking box for § 1.25 and on opening it found it to contain nothing but patent medicine , almanacs and old ones at that. Ono man bought for § 3 what proved to bo a prottj complete camping out outfit , a tent , paii of rubber boots , etc. , probably § 25 wortli in all. Ono little package which had t very pleasing exterior proved to contain nothing but a casting. Ono man boughl a package for a quarter which was found to contain about three dollars worth o : socks. Ono box which sold at fifty conti was found to contain a bottle of semi kind of horse medicine , the bottle boinj packed in the box with hay. The pack ages soil from 25 cento up , while valisei wont at a dollar or two , and old trunk about the same. Good prices were go in most cases , and few who thus bough blindly got what would prove to bo o much greater value than the aura paid however valuable they might have booi to , the person to whom they were shippoi originally. Ono poor man , who could ill [ afford II bought a largo box , heavily weighted , i being knocked down to him at 82.7C On opening it , the contents proved to b handbills for some show. Another one Charlie Liobold , got a box for fifty-fivi cents , and on opening it found it iillo with clothing , with a note in ono of th ntockinga , showing that it had boon son by seine sister to her brother , nud onclot ing 822 , the note and money being tic up in ono end of the pair of Blocking ! Thus the bundles front hip and chance and each purchaser was surrounded by crowd , anxious vo BOO what the packag contained , The demonstration at the sale yosto day must have boon gratifying to the fo ladies present , for it demonstrated to certainly that men are not only as cur ous or more curious than women , dospit the common talk about woman's curios ty , but that the men wore willing to pn to satisfy their curiosity. Mystorioi packages brought higher prices thn goods which could bo soon and their vah estimated. The room was crowded an the excitement kept up all day. Buslmoll sells railroad tickets cheap all points. POUNDING TEE POUND , 0 The CItl/oiiH In tlio Vicinity Coinpla of the NolHo and Flro uiul liullctH. The following document has boon c culatod and gained many signura. It a eolf explanatory : To His Honor , the Mayor , nnd t Council of the city of Council Blulle greeting : Wo , the undersigned citizc and dwellora in the vicinity of the ci building , respectfully petition your he orablu body for relief from the mine anco resulting from the establishment a pound or pen in our midst for the < tontion of animals of various kinds rt ning at largo in violation of city i dinanccs. First. Wo earnestly represent tl : our sleeping hours and Sabbath days i iw disturbed and broken up by the lowi V. and bellowing of cattlu and the rattle their bolls ; by the piteous whines , t mournful howla , and the iiorco fights , id imprisoned doga. Second. That wo are endangered ty our BOIISO of peace and security for c property and perhaps our lives , from t 11- erection in our midst of woodou shi which in tiino may become littered w refuao , feed of cattle and other Julian of bio material , and thus , there bo a ci tin stnnt menace and dread of a deatruct tire , and which wo supposed would , in private citizen , bo considered u violati 118 of the city lire ordinance. Ur Third , that wo respectfully prot ho against the practice of shooting uupi VO oncd doga in the yard of the city prisi id. This in euroly u dangerous practice ] the midst of u crowded locality and ri | near a principal public school. hoer Fourth , that your hoiiorabla body i provide such rules for the government orvo the city prison as will prevent shout vo and flinging ontho _ part of .prisoner- , . m FromnUhich wo pray your honora body will speedily yivo us needed rcl The petition is signed by about f , chile citizens and merclmnti along Uroadw ilo North Main street and Bryant street. WB to To make a good salad in the ordir sh. way good condimonta , plenty of time ' " I no little skill are essential. Durk 3di [ Salid dressing aujiplioa all these req jut'ites. Sold everywhere. A OLODDY SESSION , The Colored Voter * Insist nn Shnll Keep HlHl'romluo niul Appoint a. Durky I'ollconinn. The colored votora claim that Vaughan - an haa promised to appoint ono of their number on the police force , if they would moot and agrco on to who they wanted on the force. Throe different gatherings have been hold to decide this mighty matter. They claim that Vaughan prom ised to cotno and act as chairman , but nt none of the meetings did ho appear. At a convention hold the other night , those present decided in requesting that Harry Knight should bo appointed on the force , but this called forth eomo dissatisfaction , as it was found that Knight had only boon hero about three months , and had no special claims to the appointment. Another mcolinj ? waa held Wednesday night. The old building formerly used by Mr. Knave as a harness shop was so- looted as the placo. The colored gentlemen - men borrowed strawberry boxes and half- bushel moasur03 nt Maltby's store foi seats , and it being decided that ovorj colored voter in the city was entitled to t aoat in the convention if ho could borrow one , the candles wore anulFod and business procoodod. A committee wiu appointed to draw up dome resolutions , and retired to the roar room of the build ing , but finding that the caving in of the bluff had smashed ono sldo of the room they got shaky about staying there , ant without waiting to reduce their report t < writing they hurried back to their brethren ron and gave an oral report donouncinj Vaughn for not keeping his promises t < the colored voters. Ed Ollison gavp the boys a atraigh talking to. Ilo said that ha was n demo crnt , nnd that the democrats had paid tin darkies § 2.50 each nt the last election fo : their votes. They had got their pay and had no business to oxpcct any moro The democrats had done all they would and if they wanted any moro they shouk make the republican party do soniothiiif for thorn. As long aa they sold thoii votes , instead ol voting on principle , thoj need expect nothing but the price o their votes. Ho declared that Ynughai had fooled all Council Blulla , and hi would of course fool thorn. Atfor sonio talk it was decided to recommend ommond Joe Banks ns policeman. Thii was made ummlmous nnd on motion ai adjournment was taken to Wagnor'i saloon to got the boor on their nominee and after the delegates had returned the ! borrowed strawberry boxes they ropairei thither and drank heartily to Banks nomination. They will now wait to BOI which ono of the now uniforms \rill b vacated to make room for Banks. PKKSONAti. Oscar Allan , ox-proaidont of tbo Iowa fai mars' nssociution , wiui hi the city yesterday. Frank Shlnn , the attorney , talks of nottlln horo. ' J. P. Wllbort has gene to his ranch i Cuatar County , Nob. , on a trip merely , nn not to remain thcro as reported. Miss Klttio Whitney has taken a posltio ! Anwerila'fi millinery store. Mrs. 0. 8. Clark is still prostrated , an Buffering from a severe attack of malarial f \or. Her frlonda liopo for her speedy rcaton lion to wanted health. O. IS , Miller of Topeka , Kan , , waa at lied tolo'fl yesterday. J , A. Kimlmll , of Nashua , N. II. arrived i Bochtolo'n yesterday. COlUMEIlOlAlj , COUNCIL BLDKIfS MA11KKT. Whoat-No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 C5 ( 70 ; rejected50. Corn Local purposps , 40 ® 15. Oats Vor local purposea , H5@10. Hay-SlO 00@12 00 per ton. Kyo 10@15o. Corn Meal 1 25 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , C 00 ( 700. 700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; eof 5 00 per ton Lard Falrbank'u , wholesaling nt O c. Flour City Hour , 1 W3 ) SO. llroouis 2 i)5@3 ) 00 per doz. MVB STOCK. Cattlo-3 50@1 00 ; La' o.i , 5 50@7 50. lloRs Local packcra nro buying now or there in a good demand for all grades ; chol packing , U 25 ; mixed , 5 25 , IHIOIHJCE AND FHUIT8. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co , , coi mission merchants , D38 Broadway. Butter Creamery , 25c ; rolls , llfigliic. Kggs 12Jo pot dozen ; ready sale. Poultry Jlondy ealojcliickonsdraped , 12j live , DC : turkeys , dromod , 15c ; live , 11 thicks , ilrossod , 1-ic ; live , 80. Oranges 4 00@4 CO per box. Lemons 3 50@-l 00 per box. liananns 2 50@3 fiO per bunch Vegetables Potatoes , 35 ® 10 ; onions , 71 cabbage contn per po\uul ; apples , roa Bale at 3 25@1 00 for prime stock ; liouns , 1 IS @ 2 25 per bushel. 10 SPECIAL NOTICE ! IIS NOTICE. Spool i Moments , BUQ us Lc Found , To Loan , 1 I' not , Wants , Boa Ing , etc. , will bo liMvitvU in tliu culumn at tha I rate of TEN CENTS I'EIl LINK for the tint Insert of and FIVE CENTS I'KH LINK for eaoh eubecquent nortlon. Lcate adtcrtUeuicnta atouroQloo , Nc ' Pearl Stjoot , near Droajwav n * ir > WANTS. OLD I'Al'KHS-ror ealo at lUu olllco , at 26 cc at A liuudrcd. J ° AQKNTS Txullui anil k'cntk'mon ' can make 11 flax * xag * by sclllni ; the "Chamiilon lioe btrecther auil Iroulutr lloanl. " HctalU at 1 , Any lady can do up * line uhlrt wltliou * a wrln and Klrat ll aa nicely u tlio be t laundries can. Addi of ( or i > ai titular * C. U. 8 , & I. Co. , Bit otttoo , ( or < mouth. ill \\rANTKD Tuo flut-claai npholttereit , th . . . Tl ho understand carpet lltUnir jircfcrrrd "r F. BTOCKKUT& CO. , 303 Bioadnay 10 ds V\7ANliU : Ki\o cari > otio\\crd. Apply to th IIAUKNI H IIKOS , 4UHlroaduay a- W ANTED Kt ry booytu Counril llluffi to ti " * DcllTcrod by carrier at only twe c nts a xeok. VO VOa IjMIKNIHIIBI ) KOOM , Flnclr furnMie.1 , fur 1 locution ccntrjl , AddrvM J. W. II. UKK an lieu > stn. WESTERN MA NORMAL n.In SClE.NTiriO AND- In 'ill COMMERCIAL COLLE& : of COUNCIL BI.UrTS . . ; uiVA " 8 WU Opin bio of. THE 23rd of JUNE 188- A iciurlete oounw for tcacl ot and thoio dwlr k h iiher honlUh education , k full tu lnc cou vrlth traluluK In aUuil builnrti practice aud Lat I ry at oornx Kiuduiiro , ihurt luuJ , om\mcntal pcui md khl | > , ( looutlou , Ctruiin and luuilc. Upleudld roc lirn , IlKbt and will furnlihuJ , charxo ' charxoeiy mo e'S atv.ooitof IhlnBrouonaMe , ioclcty Rood , exii lis- mood tcachm Vor further imttlcuUrl , In'mlri BEAUU3LKY A. 1'AULSO.V , Couucll BluB , luir NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE American Plan. Furniture and appointments all now. Nos. 208 nnd 210 Broadway , Council BlufTa. o & i s t e > , Main Slrecr. COUNCIL BLUFFS. TOWA. MRS. D. A BENEDICT. MANUI'ACTURBR OF Water Waves and Hair Goods No. 337 , W BllOADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA lng out Notions nnd T.adtca' Fiirnnhlnpc ! Goods nt cost/fcS _ GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Fine Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Call and see them before buying olsowhoro. Stoves and Tinware. JOHN EPENETEK , COUNCIL iiLVis , . ' IOWA. WHY DON'T YOU KTSDME OP FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Best nnd Cheapest. Flno Linen Collars and CuCa. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNDERTAKER Hfletalic Caskets and Wootlin 'Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH New and Beautiful Attractions -I2XT- Dry Goods Having just purchased in Eastern Markets a very choice stock oi Spring nnd Summer Dress Goods , Ginghams , Table Linen , Crashes , etc. we are prepared to oiler an excellent selection of beautiful fabrics , and shall do so nt These goods have just been opened from the manufacturers , and comprise the latest designs and novelties of the season Note below a few of the MANY BARGAINS we are offering : Summer silks , 35c ; Summer silks , 50c ; Summer silks , 75c. The.su arc special bargains and cannot be duplicated. Good black silk at 50c worth 75c. Choice black Ilad/.imer silk , 81.00 , usual price , $1.30 Black Gros Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at 81.75 , worth $2.25 Heavy Cloaking Tunise.inno at 81.75. ' All grades of the famous Lyons Silks ,1. C. iionuet ( fcCo , andAntoineGuinet &Co. , at Lowest Prices. Good plaids at 5c , worth lOc. Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth 15c Choice colored cashmeres at 30c. Figured suitings at 30c. Very fim all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never sold for less than 81.00 Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. TABLE LINEN AND CRASHES. Good all linen table at 30c , Good all linen table at10c. . Choice al 'inen ' table at GOe. Very fine all linou table at 81.50 , worth 82 ol ( Table crusli 5c a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towel at 12c each. Prints 3c. Good Bleached Muslin , 5c. Good unbleached muslir Oc. A , fine assortment of beautiful spring Shawls at popular prices Full stock o Domestic Paper Patterns. US Catalogues free. its ory largo stock of Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets Moqu ittes , Axminsters , &c. at lowest prices in the west. ko 40 JBroadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS R. VAUGHAN. Ju tice oi the Peace. B , Owolia and Ooonoll Ululfr. CKtata colloo Ion tgcm Oil Fo'b ' t vine bmV , N. SCHUEZ , . Ing , ss me h tice of tie Peace. oil- of HCE OVER AilKUICAN EXl'UESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. not. orricia , u. u. rceir. OFFICER & PUSE1 BANKERS. t'ouncJ Blutft Establishes 185 Dealeri la Foreign and omestlo Eichiuso a' Howa Sccuntt Uraii & Proiisions , BOOQE'S SIOUX 01T5T HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchan o. 9 r Ml Street ! . Couucll Blunt , Jowl IE. STOOIKlEiIRT &c CO MANUFACTUnKIlS OF UAHFKT3 , CURTAINS , WINDOW mTUHES , and RKPAIRINO lenA A Specialty. NO. 309 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' T T . w. U. 29 Main Street Council Blutfs. MRS. S. J. NORKIS , omplete Assortment of the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY AND NOTIONS IQ5S Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS Ed. Olllaon 1 404 Broadway , Steals at nil Hours. Chef d'culslno I Council Bluffs. I'artlca n Specialty Office No. 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs. DEALER IN ALL TH LATEST DESIGNS OF ELL PAPER Interior Decorations. 3 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE 'o ' Qtnn ltn ? h MIM filli It WL U U A I l , , COUNCIL 10 V A jTSpcclal attention to orders my Mall. BLuJPFSt Fig leaves aroout _ of style , BO are goat and sheep skin ; shawls and blankets have ; enc by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look > oth neat and dressy , call on KORENE So LANDSTROM , Their Prices are Truly Eeasonablo { The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. V - * - - - - SAO Broadway , Council Bluflfc Si > - We have the The latest nov inest stock and elties for Spring ill the Intesb de Overcoats w c signs to scleei have just re 1 ! rom. ceived. See them ; NONE BUT Tim LEADING ' BEST OF SKILLED HANDS Merchant Tailors Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. El 220 South Main Street , Cotmtil Bluffs , Iowa. "Wo guarantee our work as first-cla s in over manner and style at low prioo Wo make a specialty of Groupes , Families , and especially children , whio wo take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEK US. SOUMIDT & RILEY , Proprietors. Ml klnda of , 33C. ring Sur- - . 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA EVEI'VIl'NOKISTCLASS. . Nog. 217 ami 21 OS. Main be. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS & FRENCH urtalns , in Lace , Tl ) : , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc | hoicest 'Stock West of Chicago. oino and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our lino. hoapoat place to buy House Furnishings in the C'ty. OIJNCIL BLUFFS , - . . . . . IOWA. Mnil Orders Filled Promptly and with Care MAYNE & PALMER , DIULKR8 IN AND WOOD , BULK AND BAIIREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND VORTIJIND OEUENT. WICinOAN PLASTER , HAIR AND BEW R PU'E. Ho , 039 Broadway , - . . . COUNCIL BLOrFfl , IOWA. H.H. HORNE & CO , , WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN ars . BI\cciaUy at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA ml i AltA UIGAUS. All Oigars sold by us are of our ow < mr iluoturo wrd wftiruittod as represented. OPERA HOUSE GIG T HOUSE , | B58 Hrowlwiy , H , H , HORKE Ai JO , , 1 COUNCIL ULUHJ'B , - IOWA ,