Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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ThoNebraskoNational ; Banl
F&ld Op Capital * SBO,00 <
Bnrplne Fund , Nor , 1 , 1868 18.00
n. > V. YATKS , President , I for many "year
Coshlor of tlio First National Bank of Omnhn
A. E. TOUXAHN , VIce President , Boston
W. V. MOUSE , of W. V. Motso & Co.
JOHN S. COLUNS , of Q. II. k J. S. Col
J. M. WOOLWORTH , Comwollorand Attorney
noy at Law.
Ii. S , 11EK1) . of Byron Hood & Co.
K. K. HAYDKN , Assistant Ciwlilor.
THIS BANK opened for buslnosa April 27
BUS are amone tlio oadlrur. buslnouof Om .
h , and Its business U conducts 1 wit on'aola 1
oforonco to tlio boit and IncrovilngU iutoroat
of Its mercantile patrons.
COLLECTIONS rocolvo special nttonttor
hnd charges lowest obtainable hero or else <
INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon
favorable terms and upon accounts of bank
and bankers.
Bonds aud County and Clt ysocurltlos bought
and sold.
NEW YOUK , May 15. Money More actlvo ;
rates advanced tojto i per cent per diem :
closed ollorod 1-1(5 ( per cout per dtoin.
1'riino paper Entirely nominal.
CStorllns bills-Weak , ! 83@4 Eti ; demand
4 854 87.
B's inoj
4 V < Coupons Hit
U.S. now , t > n'.tj '
' ' l-'J
I'acllio 6 B of'9J -
urnoita AND BONDS.
American Express 90
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & Northern 40
Central Pacific 31
Chicago & Alton 13L
do do pfd HI !
Chi. , Burl. AQulncy. . . . 113 ?
Erie 1 IH
do pfd 32
Fort Wayne & Chicago 17
Uaunibnl & St. Joseph 38J
do do do pfd * 88 $
Illinois Central 121J
Ind. , Bloom. & Western lit
Kansas & Texas 13J
Lake Shore At Michigan So S3
Michigan Central 70
Mlnnoaoolls & St. Louis 11
do " do do pfd 20
Missouri Pacific Cffi
Northern Pacific 21
do do pfd , , 401
Northwestern 102
do pfd 128
Now York Central 1094
Ohio & Mississippi 18J
do do pfd 45
Poorla , Decatur & Evansville Ill
Rock Inland 1144
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 09J
do do do pfd 103
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 85
St. Paul & Omaha 25 }
do do pfd 8'jJ
Tozoa Pacific 11
Union Pacifio 42g
Wabash , St. L. & Pacific Gl
do do do pfd 13J
Wostera Union Telegraph 52g
Asked. iEx. Div.
CHICAGO. May 14. flour. Nominal.
Wheat Regular ; opened excited , strong ;
soon showed advance 3t over closing yesterday ;
weakened l-2c | : fluctuated fractlonnlly.
"Closed steady , Ijjo above yesterday. Cash
87187.May ; 87jj@87.i ; Juno 8S@88i : July
00j@90j ; August 89 } .
Corn Unsettled , fairly active ; opened 1 ®
1J higher ; ad vancod Jjc ; decreased J ; fluc
tuated slightly ; closed fie above yesterday.
Cash , 5.r,4@55i : May , 55J ; June , 5GJ ; July
54 ; August , 5 9J@5'JJ ; rejected OH.
OatH Rejected closing trifle easier ; cash
and May , 32.J ; June , 33 ; July , 331 ; { August
291 ; year , 27J.
llyo-Qtiiot ; Gl $ .
Parley Quiet ; 73.
Timothy Firm : good to prime , 1 29@1 32.
Flax Dull ; 1 08.
Pork Quiet ; steady , receded 5@10o mid
recovered. Cash 1730(5117 ( 35 ; May and Juno
1732@1735 ; July , 1745@1747A ; August ,
17 D0@17 52 * .
Lard Quiet ; ruled somewhat irregular
within ranga of 5@10c. Closed steady. Cash
8 20@8 25 ; May. 8 1C@8 17J ; Juno , 8 27i@
17 30 ; July , 8 35J@8 40 ; August , 8 47J.
Wheat Juno Jc lower ; July , J lower ; Aug
ust 1 lower.
Corn .Tune , July and August J lower.
Oats Juno , J lower ; July & lower.
BJPork UnchaiiKcd.
Lard July 2Jc higher.
KT. i-oum I'uonucE.
Sr. Louis , May 14. Wheat Opened
laVher ; advanced ; closed below top prices
with only moderato tra-ling. No. 2 rod.l 13 ;
cash : 1 lltf May ; 1 08jjl ( Q $ { ; closing 1 08j4 ,
Juno ; U8Saj93J ( , closinp tljg July ; Mj August ;
! )1J@ ) J > J , closing 91 j year ; No. 3 red , 1 03.
Corn Lower ; unsettled ; slow ;
casliC14lS52 ; , closingGlJ May ; Bl@Clf , clos-
J Juno : B3@54J closing , 531 Jnly , 51 ®
54 , closing 54 August.
Oata-Very slow : 33J bid cash , 32ZMay. ]
Ryo-Slow ; CXc bid.
Barley G0@80c.
Butter Weak ; dairy , 15@19 ; creamery 21
@ 22\ \ .
EifgsQuiet : lOJc.
Flax Seed 1 00.
ffi Bran 75.
Hay Unchanged , 5 90.
Corn Meal 1 85.
Whisky-1 II.
CALL 110 4HI ) .
Wheat -Dull ; weak ; llowor 1 ISJMay ; ! OS2
bid Juno ; 93 bid July.
Curn Kislar , Blow ; 51J bid June ; 53 July.
Oats Nothing done.
INEW YOUK , May 15. Wheat Spot 4 1
higher ; oi > tion8 opened l\(3' \ $ higher ; Inter
weakened on roporta from \Vnll street , fill line
back 1@14 , closing barely steady. No. 2 ,
Chicago , uu07 ; ungraded rod , 72@118 : No.
3 , rod , ! ( n/J9 ; No. 2 , red , 100J@103J for
July , dosing at 103 * .
Coru Si > ot firm" ; options opened J@ll
higher , later fell back 1@U , closing weak.
Ungraded , G0@il ( ; No. 2 , C3i@0lf ;
July closing G4J.
Oatu Shade stronger. Mixed wentorii ,
38ffi39 ; white , l\35 .
Eprgg Western fresh , dull and lower at
Pork Steady , moderately active.
Lard Steady ; western it team on spot , 855.
Butter -yuiet , weak.
CINCINNMTI , May 15. Wheat-Fair de-
mandj No. 2 rod , 1 OS.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , GSJgM ) .
Oats Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed 3fiJ @
371.Jtyo Firm ; No 2 70c.
Barley Firms unchant'ed.1'
Pork -Dull ; mem , 17 25.
Lard Dull ; K 05.
Bulk MoatiQuiet ; shoulder * OJ ; rfiort
riln 8 > j.
Whisky -Stoady ; 1 11.
Mir.w OK ) K. Mav 15. Vho t Hauler ;
No. 28UJ8J May , 8'J c ; Juno ; KOJc ; July
Corn-Steady ; No. 2 fi3J@5lc.
Oati-Stoidy ; No. 2 33@334c.
Jtyo-Scarco , firm. No. 1 , G5 ,
Barley Scarce , tirin ; No , 2 spring fair de
mand ; 70.
NEW OHIANH , May 15. Corn Fair de
mand at lower rates ; scarce ; whlto. G8 ,
Corn Meal - Qulat ; higher 3 00@5 00 ,
Pork. Dull ; lower ; 17 25.
Oata-Qulet ; steady ; I3@4I.
Lard Steady ; tlorca refined , 8 $ ; kef ,
Whl ky Finn ; unchanged ,
BAITIMUBZ , May 10. Wheat Western
th do higher , dullj No. 2 winter rod * pot 1 OO1
Corn VTwtorn firmer ; dostnp dullimiioi
Oats Flrnu westorm whlto 41@44j niltoi
38(3)40. ( )
Kwlor , l4U4) ( ) | .
mtsky Steady SI 115.
KANSAS CITT , May 15. Who t-Qnlotnom ;
Inal ; Sll bid cash ; 82 i bid Juno ; 70 bid July ,
Corn-Quiet ; nominal ; 44 i bid cashIU ; bit
Juno4Ha ; ( ked July.
lull ; nominal ; lower ; 29J bid.
TotKDo. May 15. Wheat Inactive , lower ,
No. 2 , rod. cash , ' .UffiOlX
Corn Fair demand at lower rates. No. 2 ,
ca h , r,8j.
Oats Kaslor. No. 2 , cxih and May. 30J.
l.IVKni-oor , , May 15. Breadstuff * Onlv
retail buslnosa. Prices nominally unchanged ,
KANSAS CITT , May 15. The Llvo Stock
Indicator reports :
Cattle Unsottlo'lj tradlnp very light ; tow
Bales made about lOo below jo tcr\lay. _ !
Hogs Slow ; IG&liOo lower ; 0 005 i0. !
Snoop ( Julot ; unchanged , j
ST Louis , May 15. Cattle Weaker tlo.
inand ; fair prices , not qttotably lower ; exports
( i -lOffld 70 , .Common to cholco ahlpptntr , G 3)
© 040.
Shcop 1'airly active ; god to cholco clipped
4 C0@5 50 ; common 3 50(2)4 ( ) 25.
WHogsl.ovvjr ; weak. Light to heavy
5 35@6 ! . Packing 5 > 10@5 70.
CIIIOAOO , May 15. Cattle Hocolpts , 0,500
head ; slow at 10@15o lower ; exports , ? ti 25
@G CO ; good to cholco shipping , SB S5@0 85 ;
common to fair , ? 5251 80 ; butchers' , 110 ®
4 80 ; stockora , S3 00@5 20.
Hogs Receipts , ! 1,000 ; quiet and ilnlprices ;
weak and lOo lower ; light G 00@5 80 ; rough
packing , $5 35@5 75 ; heavy packing aud ship
ping , S580@015.
CIIIOAQO , May 15. Kocolpta and ship
mcnts of flour and grain for the post 24 hours
nave boon as follows ;
RnceiptiBhlp'ts. .
Flour , bbla 14,000 18,000
Wheat , bushels 11,000 72,000
Corn , bushels 43,000 1G3.000
Oats , bushels 89,000 Q 197,000
Rye , bushels 3,000 .11,000
Barley , bushels 5,000 7,000
.NEW YOUK , May 15. Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
lave boon na follows ;
Rycalnta Bhlp'ts.
Wheat , bushels 42,000
Corn , bushels 38,000 . . . .
Oats , bushels 32,000 540
CHICAGO , May 15. Receipts and ship
ments of live stock for the past 24 hours have
been as follows :
Receipts. Bhip'b.
Uftttlo 15,500 . . . .
Flogs 6,200 . . . .
Sheep , . . . . 2,000 . . . .
KANSAS CITT , May 15. Hocoipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours
lave boon aa follows ;
Rccolptr. Bhip'ta.
Oattlo 1,800
Hogs 7,500
Sheep 1,300 . . . .
ST. Louis , May 15. Rocolpta and ship
ment' of live stock for the past 24 hours bavo
icon as follows ;
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Oattlo 3,000 . . . .
Hogs 9,000 . . . .
Sheep 1,300
Thursday Evening , May 15. |
The following prices are charged retailers
iy Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer
chants , with the exception of irain , which is
quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators
and other loca buy era :
Ur ui.
WHEAT-NO. 2 , 72ic@73J.
BAIILBV No. 2 , 50@55c.
RYE-NO. 3. 45o.
CORN No. 2 , 340i. ! )
OATS No. 2,27@39c.
liivo Stock.
SrEEna 1 25@5 00.
WAT Cows 3 S04 25.
HOQB 5 00@5 25"
SHEEP 3 50 ® 1 50.
OALVJM 6 50@7 00.
Flour and Millstnfh.
WISTRB WHEAT Best quality , patent , at
SrniNO WHEAT Best quality patent ,
S 25@3 33.
SECOND QUALITY 2 50@3 25 ,
BUAN G5o per cwt.
CHOPPED FEED Per TOO Ibs. 1.03 ,
COBN MEAI , 1 10@1 20 per cwt.
SciiEENiNa 65@75c per cwt
Dnuci ANnCllKMlOALS Acid , carbolic. 45c :
acid , tartaric , 55 ; balsam capabia , per 11) . ,
TOc ; bark sassafras , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , per Hi ,
Tic ; cinohonldia , per oz. , SI. 03 ; chloroform ,
er Ib , , 85c ; Dovors powder , | jor Ib. , $1.25 ;
jpsom salts , per Ib. , Sic ; clycorino , pure , per
b. , 3Jo ; load acetate , per Ib. , 22c ; elf , castor ,
No 1 per gal. , 91.40 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per
gal.S1.20 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81.50 ; oil ori-
canum , BOc ; opium , S5.00 ; quinine , P. & W ;
ind J { . & S. . per oz. , 81.30 ; potassium , .
odino , ' ) > or Ib , , S1.G5 ; salicio , per m. , , 40c ; sill-
ihatoof morphine , per oz. , $3,75 ; sulphur
lour , per 11) . . 4c ; strychnine , i > er oSI. . IT .
Steady ; green butcliurd , o / , , -roun
salted 8@8Jc ; 1 dry lliut , ll@15o : dry salt ,
L0@llc ; damaged hides , two-thirds prfco ,
SHEEP Vxiaa 2fic@ljOO.
General Produce.
AWLES A four small consijfnmflnts have
joon rocolvod which sell mainly tu city trade ,
Willow Twlgj , 31.50 Wlnesipi , § 1.50 ; Gonl-
tans , 84,00.
BXAVS HocoiptH light and demand good.
[ jju.d picked navy , per bu , $2 50 ; medium ,
BKKHWAX In good demand. Choice blight
ner Ib , SG@28c ; common to good dark per Ib ,
BUTTKU A weak fooling prevallH and a
heavy decline Is anticipated to take place In
about a week , when grass butter will bo com
ing in. Packers will not offer above lOo newer
[ or common grades and are not anxious tu buy.
The better grades are x llng ! readily yet to the
rado. Itolli have arrived in bad Bliapo lately
nd tub butter of uniform color preferred. To-
HUV sale ) , cholco table 1.1 ® 17c ; fair to goods
12@14c ; inferior grades , ® 10c. There hsvo
not been any creamery off credit ) this market ,
although pricoa were comparatively high.
With improved quality of country butter and
lower prices demand for creamery will nat
urally decrease. Choice creamery quotable at
CIIIEH "Ohio" i r bbl , 37.00 ; "York Stato"
per libl8 00 ; per ) 'jbl , $1 75 ; condensed per
b'ul , 85c , Crab apple , per gal , 35c.
CllEEfls Full cream , wojtcrn , 13) ) ; Wiscon
sin now 15J ; young American 17.
COOOANUTU Per 100 , $1 75@5 00.
VMOH No change U notable. The feeling
la remarkrbly utroiiL' for this tlmo of the year ,
but it is hard to toll huw long it might bo
depended upon , a.i it is almost unnatural.
Sales to-day , 13c.
FOIIEIQN FUUITH Maislna oranges , per
box , 85 00. Meiuiua lemoni , ) > or box , 83 75
( iS 100. Bananas , per bunch , $300
4 00. Figs , Ib. , Ktc. Dates , In Jrails , 7ioj
dates , fard , In boxed , U'Ju ,
FIIUIT BUTIElts-Applo butter , In SO Ib
palls , per Ib , 7o. Plum butter , 7Jc.
UAUK Duclu , Mallard , perdoz , 2 00 ; teal.
1 CO ; mixed , $1 50ayl 76 ; goose , ? 3.00@3 w ]
onitxi , $1.25.
Hsy-B Ied , SOJrtJS.
JELLY In 20 and 80 Ib pails , 8@9o ; In 2 Ib
Jars , per dot , $1 50 ; AMorted tnmblots , pC :
do : . Jl 20 ; nchoonprs \ > r dozen , ? 3 00.
MAPI.E Sftun Pure , In brli-kg , per Ib , ICc
Ohio. 13c ; umall cakts , 12Jc.
OAT MKAt.-Stel cut , j > or bbl , SO 2. ' .
ONIONS - Dull , only the bolt of old onion :
will soil , Bermudas uro token In preference
old onionn , per bbl , , S2.25 ; Bormudai In crat (
ONION SETS Bottom per bu , $3 50 ; top1 *
$2 50.
PorconN- good demand at 2@2\o \ per Ib
Pout.tnv Demand for chickens only
droxKcd 14@15 ; live per dot. 81.50 ; > ptitif
chickens , Sl.OOfflO.OO.
POTATOKMMoro firm and demand good ,
Now potitoos are coming In from the soittl
and colling at 85.50 per bbl. KarlyHosopor bv
W40o ! Poachblow , 45c ; BulkrocolpUan
hard to di pose of and have to bo sacked horn ,
PliKHKitvits ( In 20-ll > palls ) Strawberry
r spberry , blackberry , per Ib , 18c ; poaohna ,
chcrricw , plnms , nprlcots , figs , per Ib , 12o
cranberry oauco , per Ib , 8c.
PHOVISIONS Ham , 131c ; b. bacxm , 11 Jc
c. R , bacon , llc ; d. . fides lOJc ; short til
nido.1 , lOlc ; slioutdorx , 8 c ; nuiis pork , poi
bbl. 818.50. Dried beef , 151c. Lard , ! ' © 1K3.
"VKIIETAIU.HSSpinach , per bbl. S3 00 ; now
cabbneo , California ) > or Ib. , 4c ; lettuce , Jiot
dor. , bOc ; rodlshoi , per doz. , fiOc ; vj
per bu , 60o. beota , per 1m , 7oc
cucumbers , per do ? . , SI 25 ; Pie plant
per Ib. 2c. cauliflower , per doz. . J300
asparagus , per do ? . 70c. now carroti , poi
Ib. , 3o California celery , SI 50. Tomatoes ,
1 bu. box , SI 50@S1 75 ; < rooupoas per Inwliol
box , S2.25 ; string botns per bushel box , S3. 00.
STiAuiKimtK3Consignments moro liberal
and iirlcjs Rotting lower. Sale ) to-d > y 2"i
per qt.
Pius FKFT , TniPE , KTO. Pigs foot , 15 Hi
kit * , SI 2- . ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl. $2 50 : pigs foot ,
SO Ib half bbl , S5 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kltn , 81 25 ;
tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , S2 50 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl ,
$5 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , 82 ( > 0 ; plgi
tongue * , 40 Ib qr bbl , SO 00. Lambs' toupnos ,
15 Ib kits , S3 00 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , ? li 00.
Dry Goods.
BllOWN SHKKTINOS Atlantlo A , 74c ; AU.m.
Ho P , Gc ; Atlautio LL ; 5Jc ; Bnmswick , 7Jci
Beaver Dam IjL , Glc ; Lawrence LL. CJo ; Pact-
Roll , 7c ; Royal Stnndard , 8c ; Indian Head
A , 80 ; WauclmaottA , 7Jc. j
peroll R , Glc ; Salisbury R , Tijc.
BI.EACIIKD GOITONHBallon 4-1 , GJc ; Bal
lon 7-8 , 6Jc ; Cumberland 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DO ,
3c ; Fnirmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-1 ,
8c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 9c ; LoiiEdalo , 8Jc ; Now
York Mills , lllc : Wnmsutta , lOo.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos
ton , 10 oz , , 14&c ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall
River , 8ic.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ;
West Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 07 ,
lie.TICKIXOS Amoskoag. lie ; Continental
Fuacy , 9Vc ; Cordis , lOvc ; Pearl River , lie ;
York , 12 jc ; Hamloton Awnings. 12 Jc.
DENIMS Amoskoag , Me ; Beaver Crook
AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ;
Beaver Crook CO. 10 ; Havmakors
8c ; JofTroy D & T , 12Jc ; Jalfroy XXX. 12 c ;
Pearl River , 18c ; Warrsn AXA ( brown ) ,
12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He ; Warren CO
( brown ) , lOc.
OAMIIIUCH Fifth avenue glove finish , 5c ;
Koyatono glove finish , 5ic.
COHSET JKANS Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c ;
Koarsayer , 81c ; Rockport , 7c.
PIUNTS AJlon8,5Jc ; Amorican,5Jc ; Arnolds ,
5c ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4o ; Indigo , 8c ;
Indigo 7-8 , lUc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Je ; cheap sale
4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc.
PRINTS SililiTiNns American , 6c : Cochoco ,
5c ; Gloucostor,5oSouthbridgo ; , 4Ic ; Wavorlys ,
4Jc ; Rosedalo , 4Jc.
GlNQHASis Amoskoag staples , 81c : Bates
staples , 81c ; Lancaster staples , 80 ; Plnukot
ulalds , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jc ; Amoskoag
Persians , J\c. \
DiiKsa Goons Atlantic alpacca , 9Jc ; Por-
siano cashmor , 23jc ; Hamloton cashmere ,
L51c ; Hamloton Fancua , lljc ; Hamloton bro
cades , 15c ; Arlington brocade. 18c.
Wo quota lumber , lath and shingle on oars
at Omaha at the following prices :
JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 ft. and nndor
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TIMBEES 10 foot and under , 22 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 CO ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 20 50 ; 24 ft , 2G CO.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 mid fi in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHEETING No. l(2d"common ( boards ) , 20 00 :
No. 2 , 1800.
STOCK BoAnni A , 45 00 ; 15,40 00 ; 0 , 35 OP.
FLOOIU.VO No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No , 2 , 25 00 ; No. S ,
CEILING 2 , 37 00 ; J , 25 00.
SHIN-OLE , best 1 50 ; standard , 3 50.
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 35cj
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60 ; hail
per bu. 50c ; Tsrrcd felt , (100 ( Ibs , 3 50 ; utraw
oard , 3 50.
Paints. Oils and Varnislion.
OILS 110 carlion , per gallon , 13jc ; 150 °
headlight , per gallon , 14 Jc ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; Iln
seed , raw , ; pr gallon.5-3c ; linseed , boiled , per
; allen , G2oLarcl , winter str'd , per gallon , 85c ;
No. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , G5c ; castor , XXX , per gal
Ion , 1 GO ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per nallon 1 00
sperm W.B. , per gallon , 100 ; fish. W. B. ,
iorgallon , G5c : noatafoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
mmmor , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per galen -
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , itignal , per gallon
! 0c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° ,
? or callon , IGr.
PAINTB IN OIL Whlto lead , Omaha P. P.
lie ; white load , St. Louis , pure , GicjMarsoillei
jroon 1 to 5 Ib cana , 20c ; French zinc , green
Bool , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ; Frencli
zlno , in varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc. In oil
asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , K'c ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vnndvko brown ,
I3c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach block , and
very black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
jluo , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green
tj. M. & D. , IGc ; blind and shutter grcon , L
5J. &D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian rod ,
L5o : Venetian rod. 9 Tuscan rod , 22o ; Ameri
can Vormilhon , I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow
L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9cj
golden ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colora. light oak , dark oak , walnut , chp'tuut
and ash 15c.
Dry Palnta.
Whlto load , EC ; French xlnc , lOc ; Parln
whiting , 2Jc ; v/hitlng piiderB , IJc ; whiting
oom'l IJc ; lampblack , Gt-rniantown , 14cj
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55oj
iltramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber
lurnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; stouna , burnt , 4cj
ilenna , ru-v , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 2ficj
Paris green , common , 20c ; chrome preen , N.Y. ,
JOc ; chrome greon. K. , 12c ; vormilllon , Kng. ,
TOe ; vormilllon , Atnorican , 18c ; Indian rod ,
lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , CooksonX
ic ; Venetian rod , American , IJc : rod load ,
rjc ; chromn yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yol-
ow , K. , 12c : ochre , rochelle , 8cocliro. ; French ,
! ? c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
! jc ; lelUgh brown , 2Jo ; Spuilnh , 2Jo ;
L'rinco'H mineral , So.
VAIINIHIIES Barrels , pej oallon : Fnrnl
turo , extra , ? 1 10 ; furniture , Wo. 1 , 81 ; coach ,
extra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar
extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70casphaltumcixtra ; , 85c ;
shellac , 3 50 ; hard oil finlih , 81 50 , |
Hoary Hardvraro tilut.
Iron , rates , 2 60 ; plow stool special cast , Go
crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , f > o ; cost too ;
do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 252 > 3 00 ; hubs
> er sot , 1 25 ; fe'looH sawed dry , 1 40 ; txinguoa ,
iach , 70@85c ; oxloa each , 75o : Nqnare nuts per
b , 7@llo ; woMiora or lt , 8@18c ; rivets , port
t , Ho ; cell chalu , per Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 80
ron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth
Ic ; snring tool , 7@8o ; Burdon's horsohoos 4 70
lurdon'g mulcwhooa C 70 ,
BABIIED WIIIE In car lot * , Co per 100.
NAIU ItatoH , 10 to CO , 2 90.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
powder , kegH , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
juorter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , korfd , 8 85 ; fuse ,
per 100 foot Wo ,
LEAD Bar , 1 G5 ,
COAL Cumberland blactarnlth. 10 00 ; Mor
ris run BloBshurg , 10 00 ; Wldtobreast lump ;
5 00 ; Whltobroast nut , B 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00
Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
cite , 11 25@il 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
Oak dole , 83c@42c ; hemlock sole 23c@35o ;
unlock kin , ROe to 1 00 ; runner C5oto BOc ;
lemlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22c
to 2lc ; oak upper. 2lc ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 M ;
calf kid , 32@3Ti ; Gr Uon kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; ouk
dp , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French
VIp , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rui-
iota , 6 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 CO ; top.
pinga , 8 00 to 10 W ; B. L , Morocco , 80s to 8& ;
pebble 0.1) . Morocco , 85cj lmon , 2 W to 8 O
JURNSSS No. 1 * t oak , Sic ; No 2 do
J5ei No. 1 Ohio oak , 86cj No. 2 do , 5 ? c : No
1 lyfllwftukoo S5o : No 2do Wo.
No , 1 Pitts o.\k h r , 37c ; No. B PltU onh
har. 35o.
TotlRCCO *
1'MJO TOBAOCO--ClImax , 50c ! Bulllnn f > 0oi
[ lornonhoe , f > 0c : Star , Me ; Ruddy , 45c | Hor.
oyX 40o ; Black , S8@40c.
FIN * Cor Common , 20@30c ; good , 450
GOc ; Ro o Loaf , 70o ; Premium , 65cj Dlfimoinl
Crown , 59e | Sweet Slxtoou , Wo.
SMOKING O. S.,22cMoonchaum ; , SOcjDur
ham , 8 ott 55c ; Durham , 4 or. , 67o ; Durhair1
2 oi. , T > 5c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , o5c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 ot , . 57c ; Seal o
North Carolina , 2 or. . , GOc ; 0.1C Durham , 4
or. , 28c ; 0. 1C Duiham , 2 oz. , 30c ; Uncle
Nod , J's 25o ; Tom and Jerry , SSc. (
Ijlquorn ,
ALCOHOL 188 proof alcohol , 2 21 per wtnc
gallon extra California spirit * , 1K8 proof ,
117 l > or proof gallon ; trlplo refined iiplrlU
187 tiroof , 1 20 per proof gallon ; ro-iHstlllrul
whlnldofl 1 00@1 50 ; tine blnndod , 1 50@2 50 |
Kentucky bourbons , 2 00(3)7 ( ) 00 ; Kentucky
and Ponniylvnuln ryen , 2 0\lfti)7 ) 00.
BIUNDIKS Imported , G OOfiglG 00 ; domtwUo
140 ® I 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50@GOO ; domestic , 1 40
@ 3 00.
HOMB Imported , 4 B0ifl ( 00 ; Now Knglnnd ,
2 00 ® J 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50.
PEACH AND Ari'LK BRANDT 1 75 ® 100.
GiiAWAONra Imported per case. 2800 ®
34 00 ; American , t > or case , 12 00@1G CO.
Grocorn I l t.
CANNED GOODS Oysters ( StAmlanipor ) case ,
3 70@3 80 ; strawborrtos , 2 Hi , per CORO , 2 M ®
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett
pears , per caio , 2 40 : whortloborrioa , per case ,
3 10 ; egg plums , 2 11 , per case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 Hi , per case , 2 SH ) ; pine apples , 2 Ib
per case , 4 805 50.
HOPE Sisal j lucl > and lamer , SUe , 8 Inch ,
9cJ ; J inch , lOlc.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGa , 15c ; 8 , 15c ;
boxoa 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , Gs , 15o.
MATOHKU Per caddlo , 35c ; round , canon ,
2 55 ; square cases , 1 70 ,
SUGARS Powdered , Sjfc ; mt oaf , 8\c ;
granulated , "fin : confectioner * ' A , 78s : Stand-
rd extra 0 , Gjjc ; extra C , GJc ; medium yol-
! ow. Gle ; dark yellow , o.
COKKKE3 Ordinary gradtn , 12@12Jc ( fair 18
3313Jc ; good , lie ; prime , 1515 o ; choice.
lG@17c ; fancygroon andyoliow.lti@10Jcold ;
wvornmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lo\orlng'8 roontod ,
I7c ; Arbucklo's iiiahtod , Kile ; McLaugldln'p
XXXX roasted , IGlc ; mltatlon Java , 1G1
@ 18ic ; Clark's Aurora , IGlc.
KICK Ixjuiaiana pnmo to choice , 7o ; fair
GJc ; Patma , Gfc.
FIHH No. 1 mackerel , half hrls. , 8 50 ; No
1 mackerel , * its , 115 ; family mackerel , hal
brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half brig. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kite , 115.
SYRUP Standard Com. , SOc , bnls ; Standard
do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kocs 137.
SODA In It > papers , 3 SO per cose ; keg per Ib ,
PIOKLES Medium , In barrels , 8 25 ; do
In half barrels , 4 75 ; small , In barrels , 9 25 ; do
In half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins' ] In barrels , 10 25 ;
do In half barrels. 5 75.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; cholco GO
® 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43o ; choice , G0@65c ;
Young Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice ,
G5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
cholco , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@10c ;
cholco , S5@45c.
WOODENWARE Two hoop polls , 185 ;
throe hoop pails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckots , 3 85.
SoAra Kirk's Savon Imperial , 845 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
whlto Russian , B 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk'a
magnolia , doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cms , 4 case , In case ,
8 35 ; Babbitt.s ball 2 doz. m cane , 190 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in cane , 1 50.
CANDY Mixed , 12@13o ; stick , He ; twist
stick , lOJc.
VINEGAR Now "Xorknptlo IGo ; Ohio ap
ple , 13c.
SALT Dray loads , per btl , 170 ; Aohton , In
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , fo , 3 30.
STARCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Sllvtr Glosa , 83 ; Com
Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7o ; Corn , 7JO.
SriCEa Popper , 17o ; ullfplco , 15c ; doves ,
25o ; cassia luc.
LTE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye ,
4 65 : Jewell lyo. 2 75.
OF Tin : INTKIIIOU , 0111 of
I ml IAM AltnlrH , Wdslilntton , April a , 1881.
Sualuil prnposals , lihlornol " 1'ropwala ( or lied" ( Llils
fur bull inii'it lie siilimittnl in B.'purtitu cn\vluio ] , )
llacon , I'lour , Clothing , orTratupurtatlnn , , tn. , ( OH
tlio CASO may boand directed to the Cominlnsllier
n ( InJIln Alfalra Nns. 05 anil 07 WooHtvr strict , Now
York , will bo roccUcd until I r. K. of Tuesday , May
27,1834 , for fnnilHrilni ; for the Julian ten Ice about
MO.OOO | iouml8 llacon , .13,01)0,000 ) | iouiid lleuf on tlio
lioof , 209OUU pounds Deans , 45.0JO pounda llaliliiK
I'owdcr , 780,000 pounds Corn , 45C.OOO iiounds Cuffoo ,
7OO,000 poundd Hour , 70,000 pounds IVeil , lOS.OOd
poundH Hard llrcttd , 43.COO pounls Iloinlny , IK.UOO
iicmndx Urd. 700 iKirrelx menu \ntlt , IbU.UO pounds
Illco , 7,500 pounds Ton , [ 00 ( pounds Tobacco ,
. ,20,100 imunilstialt , lM,000 | > ouiidSoap , 0,000 pouniln
oda , 850,003 poiiudi Ku'ftr , tad -10,000 pounds
Alno , lllankots , Woolen and Citton flood ) , ( con *
i-lstlnK In part of TIoldiiK' , 0,00) ynnls ; ritandard
Calico , 185,000 j arils ; Drilling , ( .000 vard ; Diuk.o
frvo ( ruin all fir.lnj , ' , 80,000 ynrla ; Deiilinu , 17,00
jurds ; oliiKliani , 140,000 jards Kentucky Jeans ,
iW.OOO ranli ; Chovlot , 4.EOO jarie ; Jlrown SlioetliiK
176,000 yards ; liluacliod blioctofc' , 15,000 janls ;
Hicltory HhlrtliiK , 10,000 yardi ! Calico Hhlrtliir ( ,
< IXX ( ) jarlii : Wlnscy , 1,500 jarw ; ) ClothliiK , < 'r '
ccrlon , Kothinn Hardware , Meillul Htimillca , Hcliool
lliioka , Ac. a lone lint of mU ollamous articles ,
nucliru UarnobH , I'lanu , IUko , forks , &c. , and for
oliout47DVKOIIS ruiulruil fore Hcrilco. to ho
dcllvfiuj at Chicago , Kansas C'lV , and Hloux City.
AHofor Buch Wauons ui may li < | rciulrud | , adapted
Ui tlio climate of tfia 1'atlflu C'oait , vtltli California
llrakcs , iltlhcred at Han Franclsci ,
Also , tran poitation for such ultho articles , KoodH ,
and supplleH that may not bu coitraated for to bo
delivered at the Au'cncics. <
Huhvdiilo ) dhowiiiK tlio klndtjand iiialltlun | of
tmlitittUiiuo supplies rcijulrul forvatli Aitoncy , and
tlio kliidHundqtiuiitltlc * In k'rojg'of all oilier L'liodx
and artlcloa.tcuctlier wltli blank | > bpoulHc < jiiilltlona
to IKI obsertcd by lilddcm , tlma ftij place of dtllvory
toiimotuonlrac'taiid pa\niuiit , tna i > ortfttnn | routes
and all uthur nccemary Inbtructloi ) will bo fiirnlnlied
upon appllcatlnn tu tlio Indian Olko In WasldiiKtoii ,
r NOB. 05 and \Vooater Htrcct.low York ; Win II ,
14011 , No , 443 llronduuy , Now Y > rk ; the Com HIM
arlcsof KiibdUtancu , U. H , A , it Ct'cjennu ( Jhl-
engo , Ixa : > cnwortli , Omidia , Halntl/cnlH , Kalnt Paul.
Han Francisco , and Yaiktun ; tiu 1' . '
Sioux City , aud to tlio Poi > tci as'-cr ui tiiu n/.iiiiuA
mined platus In Kaiibas : Arkanuv Cltj' , lUirllnnton ,
UildHell , Doilk'o City , Kinporlt Knrcka , ( Jreat
Ilcnd , Ifoward. Ilutehlnuni , Iirnud , Mo Phcnoii ,
llarlon , lludnliio 1/odk'u , Nowt3ii,0 , aKo City , Koilan ,
Ktcrliia , Tojioka , Wcllliixton , Wi.lltaund . Wlnllold
Ild ! will Lo opened at tlio lioir , and day ahovo
utatod , and bidders are ln\lto < l to KI proicu the
All Milk must l/o accompanied lr curtinal chocku
uiion lomo Unite 1 Htntoi Dcpotlory or the First
National Hank af fx > n Aiinelo * , C'al , for at leaui llvo
per cent of tliu amuuiit "I tnuiiruoral ,
II. ritlCKC'oiniiils lone'r ,
The uio of the term " Hhoi
SHORTi " In correction wltbthi
corjorsto uu ol a ifrootroad ,
i comenan lilaof tut what
rc'iulrixi by t a traveling tiub-
LINE llo-tt Khort I tie , ( julck Tlini
and the boattl accornuiotla
B tlom all ol 'jilch aiu Itua-
lihed by the grcatcbt railway la Aim | c .
And St. P ul.
Ilovrni and opcratr > over 4,500 lea of
Northern IlllnoU , Wlsconilu , Mlnntuta , Iowa
Dakota ; and ta U main HUM , branch and oonnec-
Horn reach all the L'rtat bualnowi ntroi ol tb (
Northwontand Kar Wo t , It natural ! nii ncr tbi
ducrlptlon of Hhort Line , and Heat n ite lotwecu
, Milwaukee , Ht. I'aul and M neapulli.
tgllilwaukeu , IA Croiwo and Inona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Abcrdocri and ' londalo
( Jhlcaco , Milwaukee , I'JXU ( 'lalro andkillwttor'
Chicago , llllwaukcu , Wautau and u rill.
Chluat0 | Milwaukee , llcaver Dam ar Othkcxh ,
Clilcaijo , Miluaukev , Waukiuha and iauriomowoa
Chicago , Mll aukoe , Madlw > u and I'vlrlcdu Chlco
UMoigo , Milwaukee , O atONiia aud Vlrlbaull.
Chicago , llulolt Janevvl'lo ' and Umitl 1'olnl.
Chicago , KMii , Itockford and Uubuiiu.
( JhleuKO , ( ; iriitonHock Inliiid and Clur lunldi.
Ulilc&Ku , Council Illull * and Omaha. I
Chluagu , Hloux l/'lty , Kloux FalU aiuVniktoa
ChlcaKo , Milwaukco , Ultchi.ll and CJtlnbcrlalu.
Itock Inland , Dubuque , Ht. i'uul anjllnncapolit.
, Calmar , Ht. I'aul aud MlDea | > olu.
Pullman Hlceperi and the Flout Dlitg Can In
world araruuouthvmal nil nutottlig HIOAOO
ind v ry attention It j itj to pawmu jli ty court *
oaf ouaufoyvi ol tbf company ,
Railway Time Tahle.
AM tr ln arrive t ami iipjmtt from Om h or
Ontral Standnrd Time , * llch U 51 nnniilii fantri
thvi nun time
t Ktifpt SftttmlA.v , Ktcfpt SiituU ) , J lltccpt Mon
Vrom Union I'nulllo Depot ; Tenth St ,
U. P. It. IU , MAtNiMNK.
JfnlUnil V.xp. . . .11:40 : am Atlantlo Kxp. . . .7V : ) K u
J'acillo i\i : > . .SiM p m I l ll nnd Kxp. . . .4:00 : p n
Bally ,
. , , . - I ARRIVR.
Unculn K p. . . 1 Jf,5 p m I Lincoln E\p . . 1:20 : p n
txw\e OmMi.x : 8 49 , SPO : , : ( X1 , 10:00 : , 11:15 : 1tu , , 1:00 :
1:00 : , tX , :00 : , RW ) , 8.00 , 10 35 p. m. On Sumlajs
6:41.9:00 : : , ni& : a. tn ; S:00. : 4:00 : , 6:00 : , 10."Wpm
Arrl\entti n lcrdfi itlS nilnuton later ; llroadnaj
dopiit.Connrll IUtin , SO minuted Inter.
IAVA\P Council Uluffii , llmadway depot , 7:10 : , BftO :
0.t9. : 10.10 : , 11'40 a.m. ; lao , S:80 : , f.,30 , 4:30 : , 6:30,8. : V >
UTSli.m On 8nnd ) - : 7:40.0.33 , 11140 . m.S:80 :
4.S ) , flSJ : , U:0tp.m. : ) Arrive Trunafor depot , 7 mill
IA' VO Council lllnffi Trannfer dcixjl : 7S : , SS7 :
ft 37,10.57 , 11:47 : a ml 1S7 : , S'37 , 3:37 : , 4:41 : , :37 : , 64i ;
tlllfip . m. Arrive Omanit 13 mliuitc.i U'.IT.
I.K Mt. ,
Pass. Ko. S . Hlri : n in Taxi. No. 3 . 11:16 : n n
" a . Bf : > 3 Mil ( . . . : ? ni i
4 < :2tim : ! | | " . . . . ,7Mp : n
H OilOpm " l 8:15 : i.ii
10 7:16 p ml
Mall * 7:26 : K m Omaln Kxp..735 ; n u
St. liimlt : . . . . ! pm I MftlH ( XtO pn
S. 0. * I' . H. K.
Hall AMD a m St. Paul K i..11115 R n
St. I'aulKxp 7:15 : pin I Mall KM MI
0. * N. W. K. H.
IK UK. I Mllll\K.
Mall' n 00 ix m Kxi-rcn J | 0M : an
. . .6.00 | > in I Mull" , , . . ,7OJ : p u I
K. 1 Anni\K.
Hall * OOJam Ktiirom ) lfl:80a : :
Kijnrait tUOpm | Mall" ,7:00 : | IR
C.M , &St. 1 * . K. H.
Wall * Kx * 9.00 a in IV.oKlo Ksit.,10 | : [ > 0 a ni
AtlilitloKit : COllU I Malli Kip' 7:00 : pm
0. , 11 & Q U. U. \ la Council lllulTn )
IK\XK. AKllH K ,
Kail O.COam .10r.0am : .
, ri.OOpm Mall 7COpm :
Oiniinn Itall l.OOjim Cnnnon lull . . . S40 ; p tn
K. 0. , HT. JOB ft C. It. ( lift Council Itlult * . )
Mail OiCOani Kxprrra 7M > nm
i\proii ! ) 7lipm Mall 7 : ( < 0pm
DurliiR May HatunUy , Hii'.day nnd Monday
tralnn111 rotnto us follows ;
Saturday cu'iiln tniltn loa\uMay nd anil 'JltlivLi
C. M. .tst. l'.May ; 17th > la tliu Nnrtli-WcHtorn ; May
10th and SUtla tlio Itock Inland Arrho In the
fame order the Mnnday fullou In ,
Sunday morning trains ilvpnrt and Sunday O\I < IIIIK |
trainsarrlvaMay 4tli and Mthln tlio HuVk iHlniul ,
May \UtliuNorth-\Vebtirn , and May It-tin l the
. . From 11. M M.ltonnt ; Tonlli Street. ?
XfRKlU ) . .
Omaha. . . . filopm : 7f : > 0am ; 7OOpm'710OB : : am
ABhlaml. . . 8:27 : pm 10:03 : am 4:52 : pm , 8:12 : urn
Lincoln. . . 10:00 : pm 12co : in I8f : > 0pm 7 : ; > am
Crcto 11:17 : pm 12:640pm 2:41 : pm SW : am
HastliiKs. . 6:15 : am 4:16 : pm 11:65 : am lOrtO pin
Hod Cloud. 8:00 am 0.01 pm 10:25 : am 8:25 : pm
MoCook. . . 10:65 am D16 ; pm 0:16 am 4:10 pm
Akron . . . . 3:45 : pm 2:10am : 12:50 : am 11:06 : am
Denver. . . . 7:25 : pm 0 16 am 0:26 : pm I 7:30 am
T.v. * Oinalm at 7:50 : , and 8:1,1 : a in ; 4:50 : , (1:10 ( : , 7I'S : p m
Ar. Omaha 10:25,8:40 : : ami lu.06 a m ; 7:0tf : , 7:30 : p in
Dully ,
O. M. ft. ( J H. K-Ua I'lnUmnimlli. )
Fastorn IXp..8l5 : a in I Omaha Kxp 8:10 : r n
ClilmK Kxp.,4:50 p m | Wi'ntiTii K7:30 p n
If. C. , HT. J. fe C. II. ( Ua rinttHiiouth )
I.KAVK. AlllllVK.
-MM ] B:4Sft : in 1'xiircnn (1:25 : nn
Kxiircxa 7M5 pni Mall . .7:30 : | in
pniDally ,
From O. St. P. M.&O. Depot , 1-Kli mul
"XVolistor StrcctK.
0. , St. I * . U. & O.
No 2 I'aaiuiiKor..8:30 : o m I No.1 Mlxcil 11:16 : a m
Nu4Mixud li:30nm : | Nn 1 I'nuBen er 6:20 : p in
Hundajs Kx
Imported , 1'nro-llroil and roeiotcrod
Tlio property of
LEONARD BROSMt. . Leonard Mo. ,
Omaha Nebraska
, ,
Wednesday. May 21 , 1884 ,
Tlio ollorlnn will consist of joiimt bulls of cholco
irecdliir | , rcauvfor Immcdlatu rervfeu , and two and
' r u juar old liultcrs In cill or with cnlvcn at foot.
. . i nelecteil from tlio lierdu of the matt noted I rcud.
rrnof Hcotland. Htockmon will llnd this a HANI ) .
BOMB AND HUKVIUMMILK lir.lll ) of cattle , mdaro
cordially Invltcil tn attend < ale Halo will hctiii ;
promjilly at 1 o'clock p. in , and will take place at
lloirmit/H Btalileif , south 18th Ktbero Block mo
now on cxabltlon.
For further pirtlcularH addrCM O. II , DHUHi : ,
Lincoln , Nub ,
wkly It da of u 12 mor I4-17-2U
. . ,
Ittccntly of IlOHton , * Ins opened an elegant [ now
block of
: il TllK
_ tllli Lnll" \ IuKiijoKiilliilillaljrlKKan | ( (
m HOSIERYiS ( Mffilir-
Coaching , Walking , Street and
Evening Gloves ,
KiiKllih , riuotnj | Kull Druu Plirltr.
Syndicate nillA < idUon ! , lota $100 , $10cash , and
$10 per month. BEDFOHDS& SOUER , Agonla.
Oiltnnn I'lnco , lots S1RO to $300. BEDFORD t SOUER , Agonta.
Clnrk Plnco , lota $300 to $000. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agents.
Titkoy A Koysor'a Sub-DlviMon , lota $125 to'ir > 0.BEDFORD ; 'it SOUER , Agonta.
Hawthorn Addition , lola $3DO to $050. BKDKORD & SOUER , Agents.
Ivirkwood Addition , lots $ . 00 to $150. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agonta.
Hnnacom'a Addition , lota $500 to $ GDO. § BEDFORD & SOUER , Agents.
One Hyeidred Dollars
For n choioo lot iu Syndicnto Ilill Addition This addition joins the
Mio Syudicato hinds in south Onmhu , nnd will rnpidly build up with com
for table homos. These lots are baimlif ul and are near the stock yards
and packing houses , aud will bo occupied as homes by the employes of
these works , and are undoubtedly the best value for the price o any lots
in the market. Several have boon sold and the pripo will soon be ad
vanced. Wo have the oxoluivo agency on this addition. Terms easy.
This is a now addition on Loavonworth street in West OmnKu. A
low price has been'put on thorn to start them. $150 to $300 , On easy
terms , Tno grading and m i ovomcnts to bo mndo on Leaveuworth St. .
this"8pringwill make this very valuablo'proporty.
This IB a sub-division of the iMcgeath propertyfacm [ ? ; Hancom'
Park on the south. Qjod location , near street car , line view'and has
good growth uC native timber. This is one o tlio finest additions in
malm , and will soli rapidly. Price 8 > ! JOO to(550. ( One fourth t-ash
balance on good time. First come , first served. This is a sploudid op
portunity for pei-sous who intend building for it , home.
Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place ,
West Omaha. The firsfcof Mioso lots will bo sold at Sl'Jo to 8150 , and
are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beauHful place for a homo aud
splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man.
This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks
from the High School , ono mile from the poatoHico , and is what is known
iis inside property. The city is built up fur beyond this addition and the
finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade ou Davenpor-
street has been established ami work commenced , and will be completed
as soon as the weather permits. The contract has been let for building
largo brick school house on DougltH street , three bloakrf from this addi
tion. We predict that those lots will moro than double IK aluo l-ore :
August , as it is the most desirable part of Omuhiv and would have be-on
built up years a o had it been placed on the market. Prices
S35O TO $ e5O.
Adjoining' lotsjare beingjBold nt double ihoprici' wensk i'or these.
Wohavo"fiix Jots left in this addition which wo oiler at t bargain.
Wo have some improved Jrand luiiniprovctl farmsj near/Omaha , and
aomo Avoll improved farina hi Sarpy county. j
Ik'Kiaonco aud Itcsidenco Lots in'alljparts of the city'and
On all the best streets in the business center.
S7l Wo have for wile lota In Shinn'u Addition , Parker's Addition. | Nolaon'a Add -
tlon , Armatrong'a Addition , Lowo'a Addition , Park Place Addition. Isaacs & Sol
don's Addition , McOormtck'a Addition , Uaimcotn Place , Rodick'a Addition , Bute
Oak Addition , Johnson's Addition , Rood's ' Addition , Kountzo's Addition , Syndics to
Hill , Oilman Place , Olark Place , Tukoy & Koysor's sub-divialon , Hawthorne Addi-
tlon , ICirkwood Addition , Boyd'a Addition , Yates fcRood's _ Addition , eto. , etc. _ j
Street , etween Farnam