Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    I it
Indulgence nml
Wholhor ovoroftUng or drinking MO
made harmlosn by lining Hop Bitters
freely , giving elegant nppotlto nnd enjoy
ment by using thorn boforonnd removing
nil dullness , painsnnd dlstrcssnftorwnrds ,
leaving the head clear , nerves steady , nnd
nil the feelings , buoyant , olasticand inoro
happy than boforo. The pleasing effects
of n Christian or suniptous dinncrcontin-
tiing days afterwards.
Kmlncnt Testimony ;
N. T. Witness , Aug. IS ISSO.
yi find that in addition to the pure
nnirits contained in their composition ,
they rontnln the extracts of hops and
other well known nnd highly approved
medicinal roots , loavoa and tinctures in
quantities sufficient to render the article
what the makers claim it to bo , to wit , a
medicinal preparation nnd not n bovorngo
unfit and unsafe to bo used except ns n
"From a careful analysis of their for-
nula which wns attested under oath
ifind that in every wine-glassful of Hop
jitters , the nctivo modicum ! properties
o from the distilled spirits are equal
i full dose for nu adult , which fact in
| pinion , subjects it to an intorsl rev *
tnx as a medicinal bitwr , "
B. RAU.M , U. S. Com. In. Ilev.
.Hardened Tilvcr.
Five years ago I broke doirn with kid
ney nnd Liver complaint andrhoumatism.
Since then I havobcon unable to bo about
at nil. My liver became hard llko wood ;
my limbs were pufTod up nnd fillot' with
water. All thn best physicians agreed
that nothing could euro mo. I resolved to
try Hop Bitters ; " ! hove used aovon bottles
tles ; the Hardness has all gene from my
liver , the swelling from my limbs , nnd ft
has .worked n miraclein my case ; other
wise I would have boon now in my grave.
J. W. MOHEV , Buffalo , Oct. 1 , ' 81.
Po vc rt y ami 8 ITc r I n K ,
' I was drafted down wlthdoU , poieitynnU Buf
fering ( or jcirn , CJtUftcd by n tick family ami Inrgo
bills of doctorW. I Wtt * completely dlgcourairod ,
until ono ) < ! ir ; roy \ the advice ol my Castor , I
commenced wing Hop Hitters , uml In ono month
wa wcroall well , and none ol 111 have BCCII a tick
day glncOi nml I want to say to all f oor mcnjou can
Kocpyour families well a year with Hop llltterj for
low than ono doctor's > l lt will cast , I know It. "
neKeneratioii Kir
cnfeoolcd system * ,
miffcrliiK from a cn-
cral M nut of toneanil
Its usual concomit
ants , djapcpsla nnd
nervousness , Is eel-
doin derivable from
the HBO of a nour-
. IMilnn diet and stlm-
j ul of npi > otlto. un-
a aided. A modiclno
, f that will effect a re-
-7 nioval ot the specific
* obstacle to rcnowid
health nnd > Igor that
Is a L'cmilno corrco-
tlt ols tbo real need ,
UUthOo ] icssloaot
this K'and requlro-
Hunt which makes
Ilwitcttur' Stomach
B - Hitters en ollentlvo
IV9 nn Invlirorant. or xalo by all DrUKKlit.i nnd deal
ort ( fcncrally ,
An MMlltnt f tobla ef .
bolt 0rll. eur * * llnrtl..M , l > * r * u4 An . tad til
liiordnri of tU Ui . A f w < 1rcn I tarl dcllrlotii flk
10 | UMf cbMii rjr. tiij 14 ! 1 mtnu > r tlrlnhi Try II ,
M * -fiwjLU VIII. erdnjult
r A ll Tour iTO" r
* itu , uuu/4 < iucidi > / jia. J. ii. tt ta nrnraSo.N
J. ' .7.
at Jnnt.unrA.v. if.
liol lan Royal nnd U.S. Mall Btoamora
Tht Rhine , Germany , Italy , Hullnnd and Prance
8toeraKoOutward,920 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , (23 ;
Excursion , { to , IncludtnKkodilliiKetc,2d Cabin , ( SO ;
Hound Trip , $90 00 ; Kxcurnlon , f 100 ; Saloon from ? 50
to SOO ; Excursion 110 to 8100.
jHTPotor Wright & Bom , Don , AgonU. 65 Ilroad.
wny N. V.
rilil fll. Ilimllton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Olotl
lunu it Co. , Iu3 ! Ii Idth Btreut , Cuiaha ; D. E. Klni'
ball , OinahaAironU. m&o ood-ly
40F KANIiY VIQOR,8perm torr
iluua , etc. , whou all other romo.
| dlon Ull. X cure guaranteed.
741.00 a bottle , largo bottle , foul
times the quantity. 95. lly ex
press to any addrous. Hold bv
all druggists. KNC1LISII MED1-
INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 Ollvo Street , St.
ls , Mo.
"I hayo sold Sir Astloy Cooper's Vital Hoitor tive
ortits. . Every customer ipoaki highly of It I
nboetutuigljcudono It as ( remedy of true merit
' "O.JT dOODMAM , DrUgglS
oK 11 188E vtfi.miet ,
The best OTidenco In tlio world of the
puritf and cxcellcnco of lllickwell'ii Dull
Durham Smoking Tobacco Is found In Uio
fact that the f amo of this tobacco lucrcaitoa
from year to year. Tills could not bo the
camtt Unero merely "KOltcu up tubell , "
or had any dubious or dangerous Ingro-
dJcntu In it. Among mllllous of users of
all nationalities , turcly eoiuo one Mould
find out If it vcre Impure , injurious or
unpalatable. Foriaycarsthistobtcoobas
been acknonlodged to bo the lut In ( At
ttorlJ , and ercry year the Dull Curium
brand grows moro ] > opular , Uio demand for
it wider , and amokcru
delicious natural flavor ,
Aak your dealer for It
Oct tha trenulne trade-
wftik of the BulL
Tberelsno mischief ilonawhcro
VUckwull' * Hull Durham
Smoking Tobacco 1s uaod.
thrives on Horllck'i 1'ood , " vrrita liuudnxls of
Krtteful mothers. Mother1) ) ) milk oontalus DO
starch. An artificial food for luUuU should
ovutaln > u > ktarch. 'fhn bent aud loofct nulHUous
- -
food in hilth
or ulcknui * lor
ftarch and rinulrui no oopiiug.
, dul by rhjtitiisUM.
_ . . oienclal to riurslui (
. UoUien as i a drink , Vrloe 40
_ , _ nd7ftocuU . llyulldruKin'U ,
for UooV oil theTreatuu.ul of Children , f no.
ttd aod nuttliloiii. " a. W.
il. i < .a , . .
f Ul II HI lUt MtU It deilltd.-- W. MlH.
SttUtm , JTanM * .
"Mo itMitMMr In s > rcDAuocUt U eprlor to SDT *
UlD | tilujt.-if. i. lVlW , V.'TTvy , Jf r.
Will ba fc Lt l > r uixll on recdct of I'ric * lu ntuniij.
IIUrlUK'H KOUU CO. , Itnclue.VU. .
Astounding Asserlioiis of a Cinciniiali
Medical Student ,
llo Dcclnrcn llllionmllon ot HIHMMIH
and UMIIKB ( Iilfo
n Iro\vncil Klltcn.
Cincinnati 1'nqtilrcr.
"I Imvo no aloop for thirty-six hours ,
That's wlmt I came to too you nbotit.
Whnt Bhall I Uko-opium ? "
"No ; not at all. You don'tvran't
drugs of any kind. Take n bath firat.
Hold on. Where are you going i Don't
got mad about it. 1 did not mean the
remark in nn individual eonso at all.
The bath is not meant for purposes of
cleanliness but merely to equalize thodia-
tribution of blood in the various parts of
the body , particularly to draw it from
the vessel in the head. Giyo your body
a brisk application of friction nfter the
bath by moans of a course towel or
llcah brush , nnd continue for ton or fif
teen minutes. Then , perhaps , you had
boat swallow n few drops of spirits of
camphor in n wino-glaBt of water , and
my word for it you will sloop if your
room is dark and quiet. Very often the
application of a damp cloth to the base of
the brain is all that is required to atop a
man's brain from working and to send
him to sloop. I y all rncana avoid opiates
until every otbor moans of inducing uloop
has boon fruitlessly triod.
"Tho Idea ia altogether too common
that when n man wants to go to sloop all
ho needs to do is to swallow a dose of
opium or bolladpna , or inject a little
morphine into his veins. I toll you every
drugthatinfluccs artificial sloop is a poison
which leaves behind effects from which
the user Bomctimo never rocovors. "
The reporter know the orator to bo
thoroughly posted on the subject In hand ,
and meekly made a note of tlio foregoing
"See hero ; this is ono of my experi
ments in the study of the phenomena of
sloop , " continued the talker ono of the
five hundred medical students in Cincin-
cinnati , who is making a specialty of this
subject producing from n closet in the
rear of the room nn ordinary water buck-
ot. Pushing back his coat sleeve nnd
cuffs , ho plunged his hand into the water
and brought out a dripping tortoise shell
kitten , with a five pound rod-iron at-
lachcdjto a strap about Its nock.
"This kitten has boon under watrr for
seven hours , but 1 will bet you a nicklo
to a copper that ho is not dead. "
The little animal was perfectly limp
and motionless. The most careful exam
ination failed to show any action of the
heart , any vital heat or other evidence of
lifo. Contrary to what night have boon
expected , however , its abdomen was not
distontod with the usual volume of water
swallowed by drowning animals ; but this
fact was explained by the student with
drawing cotton plugs from its oars and
nostrils and disengaging a linen bandage
from about its head , which has boon so
placed as to prevent the opening of the
animal's mouth.
"If it has boon under water seven
hours that kitten is certainly dead. "
"Not at nil. In the course of time
I will guarantee to take you and to down
you under the same conditions , and ton
hours after you have stopped breathing I
will pump wind into you and start your
lungs again , and a cat has eight more
lives than you havo. "
Novnr mind. I will take your word
forit. "
"That feat would bo nothing. Lot mo
tell you what I saw in India about three
years ago and there are a dozen boys
about the college now who have soon
things that will seem oven more incrndi-
Mp to you I saw n Hindoo buried nlivo ,
His grave wna watched day and night ,
part of the time by myself , and at the
end of BIX weeks ho was dug up nnd
brought back to lifo by some of his friends
Ho wont into the grave voluntarily , you
understand , having prepared himself for
it before hand , and slept there for six
weeks , much ns a boar sloops through
the winter. Wo gave him GO rupees
, hat is , $30 for nis trouble , and con-
idorod himself well paid. "
As Allan Ingalls remarked to ono of
li.s interviewers , n short time nftor hu
wns arrested for burking the Taylor fam
ily , "Thoso medical students are n powor-
'ul queer lot o' men. "
'From that date I 'mvo ' given thia
study particular attention ; bill this ex
periment with the kitten is the only
ploasurn I have got out of it as yot. J
am always on tlio eve of a diccovory , but
1 never ( juito strike it. " The body of the
kitten was placed on the fonder , before
the open lire burning in the grate , and
for Bovorul minutes the student rubbed it
with a soft Turkish towel. With a Ublo.
knife ho pried open the tightly clenched
jaws and poured a spoonful of brandy
into ita mouth , confident that some of the
liquor would find its way down the foljnc
throat. After ton minutes' manipulation
there were no slgna of lifo , beyond an in
creasing degree of heat , which was , ol
course , duo to tlio lira.
Iho rubbings were continued , and the
throat was carefully stroked for the pur
nose of assisting the brandy in ( mump
its level , Presently the muscles of the
lower jaw began to twitch , and the stu
dent loft his work long enough to cut i
"What did I toll you ? " said ho. "This
cat was not drowned ; lifo was only
suspondodifor seven hours , and in thirty
minutes more it will bo crying for a
saucer of milk. "
Even while ho was speaking , ono ol
the rigid limbs began to curl up in n
natural manner , and the pupils in both
wide-open eyes gradually contracted. In
thirty minutes , as had boon promised ,
the drowned kitten was seated composed
ly before the fire , making its toilet.
"Thoro will bo some astonishing discoveries <
covorios made in the subject of suspend
ed animation before many years , and J
wonder that thai whole medical fratornl
ty are not working on it. Every boj
knows that llios which have boon Heating
in a basin of water apparently dead foi
hours will coma to lifo when placed ii :
the BUD , and their resuscitation is just a !
wonderful as would bo the bringini
back to lifo of a human being. Fisl
taken from the water and at once exposed
od to extreme cold will grow stilf ant
brittle ns dry clay. They may bo kep
out of their nutivo element in this condi
lion for it week , and when ropluccd it
tlio water thuir faculties will return it
thorn ,
"Dears curl up in their dons at Iho beginning
ginning of winter , and remain , to all in
tents and purpose * , dead until the fol
lowing spring opens. In the course ji ,
( Into man will bo nblo to do this. "
"Hut what will bo the advantages' '
Who wonts to sloop halfhia lifo ftwajf
"Tho thing will have n great many ad
vantages. Suprpso you have nu income o :
$100 a quarter- "
"That is about the size of it , sun
enough. "
"I say , auppoBo you have an income oi
$100 a quarter ; you draw it and bcfon
lin first month is in your money la gone ,
Mid no moro will como for two months.
n the meantime you must live , but if
fou nro able to sloop any dosircd length
jf time your living need cost you nothing.
You curl yourself up in nn atticand there
you are until the next day of payment
draws near , "
The Btudont gracefully parted his cca * .
tails and took his plnco on the hearth-
tig bcaido the cat.
"That is nil gammon. IIow nm I , for
nslanco , to go to sleep for two months
it n stretch when I can't by anypossibili-
; y manage to keep my oycs closed for
wo hours ? "
"Do as I told you at the beginning of
jur talk nnd you will sleep. Hut I don't
want you to take my word for the fact that
men have boon in hibernation for ns
much as six weeks nt n timo. Sir Olnudo
Wndo , nn attacho of the British govern
ment in India , witnessed the burial allvo
of n man who won taken out of his grave
After forty dayn and restored to consci
ousness. I can show you his own testi
mony. "
Ho produced from the same cupboard
Jiat had sheltered Iho bucket in which
was the drowned kitten , a copy of Scrib-
nor's Monthly for December , 1880 , and
pointed to n paragraph in page 250 , It
road :
_ "I was present at the court of Rtinjit
Singh , at Lahore , when a fakir waa bur
ied alive for six wooku , nnd , though I
arrived a few hours after ho was interred ,
I had the testimony of Kunjit Singh ana
others , the moat credible witnesses nt his
court , to the truth of tlio fakir having
boon buried before thorn ; nnd for haying
boon present myself when ho was disin
terred and restored to n state of perfect
vitality , in n position so close to him as
.o render deception impossible , it is my
firm belief that there was no collusion in
producing the extraordinary fact that I
Iiavo related. "
"Thoro , you BOO , the voluntary hibor-
mtloii of human beings is already an ac
complished fact , and when the civilized
world becomes as higly educated in the
mysteries ns these heathen Hindoos have
boon for fifty years , perhaps you will bo-
"iovo it. "
A'cry Well 1'itt.
Why do wo defer till to-morrow what wo
ihoiilu < lo to-ilay ? Why do woncgloct ft cough
ill It thrown us Into consumption , nnd con-
.umptlon hrlnL'H tin to the LTIUO ? ] ) Ii. WM.
IIALTVS 1JALSAM Is sure to euro if talcon In
It htii never boon known to fail. UHO
it thoroughly according to directions , 1'orxo-
voro till the dinoano is conmioroJ , ns It Is cer
tain to bo , even If It nliouid roqulro n dozou
buttles. Thora Is nn bettor metllcino for ptil-
noimry disorders. Sold ovorywlioro.o
A Turkish Horse-seller.
Boston Commercial Bulletin.
The owner was called for , nnd n strap
ping follow nbout I0 ! years of ago np-
iroached. lie was nttirod in the Turk-
ah costume , consisting of a short ] jacket ,
blue vest embroidered nnd covered with
boll-buttons , and red fez ; his hair was
ihort , face dark , with bright , gleaming
ivrs , nnd n liorco mustache. Ho wns
above the medium size , nnd withal a
pleasant-looking follow.
"Now , my son , " said the Captain ,
how much do you nsk for the horao ? "
Making a salaam the Kurd answered.
"Master , if thy servant hath found fa
vor in thino eyes , thou shall have the
"lorso for 200 sequins. "
" 0 , Palhor of the Faithful , hcrr the
thief 1" shouted the old follow with the
swivel nock.
"Two hundred sequins for the brute ,
when Iwillsoll myboautifnlbostfor 100. "
"You oak too much , my son , " said the
"Thou Boost , 0 Frangistani , that my
horse is swift as nn arrow from the bow ,
and that ho springoth like a jackal. See
his loins ; they are in strength as the
lion. "
"I goo all these things , O child of the
Faithful , but yet thou askoth too much. "
"Woll , please God , thou wilt buy him
for ICO sequins. "
'Now , may dogs defile thy grnvo , thou
robber ! " ahoutod the follow who sported
the blue gabardine nnd yellow slippers
"Wouldst thou cheat the stranger within
our gates , when for eighty sequins ho
can buy my beast , the pride of Bassora ,
instead of mounting the old camel , which
is fit for nothitg but lepers to ride ? "
"I will count down in thy hand twenty
sequins with the Sultana of FrnngisUm
thereon for thy horse , " said the Captain.
"What linth * hy servant done to thee ,
0 master , that thou should thus revile
him ? Say eighty , and wo shall rejoice. ' '
"No : 1 will give the twenty. "
"Fifty sequins , and ho is thino. "
"No. "
' 'Ho ' is of tho'children of Araby ; but
still thou mnyost Imvo him for forty. "
"Twenty , or wo shall depart in poaco. "
"In Allalm's name , say thirty. "
"No. "
"Woll , thou shalt have him for twen
ty ; but bo kind to Solitn , for ho is n
good horse , and loves not boating. "
A Bottle ii IK Ycni-B OUI.
I'Vom ' the Waahltifrton Mo. , Observer.
Mr. L. Croon , of Newport , called at
this oflico last Saturday morning and ex
hibited to us a four ounce bottle , the
existence of which is clearly traced back
248 years. It can not properly bo called
n tquaro or round bottle , as the corners
and edges hardly approach either.
Evidently the process of blowing glass at
the time it was made was in its incipion-
oy. The bottom was doubtless intended
to bo Hat , but the corners and edges are
not equaroly and smoothly turned , and
in the contra of the bottle n daub of mol
ten glass seems to have .boon cut on to
stop up the hole that was loft by reason
of the edges failing to come together and
close in tlio bottom. The shoulders at
tlio top of the bottle ,
too , look as if they were intended to bo
blown square , but instead of this they
awkwardly doubled in toward the center.
The nock of tha bottle is short nnd
straight , without the usual rim nttho top ,
and at the bottom of the neck it spreads
out and is apparently molded into the
hole left nt the top of the bottle where
the glass laps over from the shoulders.
Up nnd down the body of tlio bottle in a
sort of twisting shape are largo but pretty
uniform ridges which appear to bo on the
outside , but upon fooling the bottle they
are discovered tJ bo but slightly indented
on the outside and must be either inside
or running through Uio interior of the
body of the glaes.
This bottle wns brought from Germany
in 1010 by John Baker ( Uiu Gorman
name would probably bo Hpolled Decker ) ,
who settled in Philadelphia. When ho
died the bottle full into the hands of his
son , Fred Baker , then into the hands of
Fred's non , Kurl , and then into the hunuu
of Karl's daughter , llachel , who married
Win. Ilimoy and settled in St. Luuis
county In 1880 , Win , Ilamey was an un
do of Mr. L. Groun who secured the
bottle from his uncle's wife. Mr. Green
has lived in this county Tor twenty-five
years , and still holds nut to certify to
what wo have hero written and show us
the "documents. "
Although I'uzzotii'a moillc.iU.Hl complexion
pouiler is perfectly harmless and iioii-ospli-
im. utlll It K O * "If "I'd maktw a K od ruH | > rt.
Bt > M by nil
Rninefl Brills ] . "Bloods" Who Coolly
Blow their BraiosOnt ,
Tlio Days ol'Walpolo'nml Iho Noted
Cocoa Tree dull Men \\lio
Could Coolly Iioso $100,000
nt a Sitting.
Although America , nnd moro partic
ularly the cities of Now York and Wash
ington , have furnished many noted gam
blers , the amounts that have been staked
md lost or won nt play on thin fiidp of the
\tlantic may bo said to bo small in com
parison with the tremendous ventures
node abroad. Now that gambling has
fallen into disrepute in England nnd in
Borne parts of the Continent , the wealth
ier classes and sporting men of title fight
rather shy of the grcon cloth. But the
private clubs of London and the tables of
Monaco and Baden-Baden still furnish
their quota of patrons who frequently
make ventures and take risks that are
astonishing , and upon which the success
or complete ruin of the player dbpcdnds.
The famous old London gambling Kent
Cocoa Trco Club , in St. James' street ,
had its origin in n Tory chocolate house
in Queen Anne's days , and assumed the
higher form of a club in 17-U ! . Members
of parliament nnd persons high in lifo
belonged to this club , which , it used to
bo said , exorcised a very important in
fluence on the course of politics. In those
days members of parliament were not
nlways nbovo tnking a bribe , nnd many
of the Cocoa Tree gentlemen were only
too easily induced to accept bank notes
for 200 or 300 each when the ministry
hard pushed , wcro obliged to resort to
such n device to obtain support ; nnd the
pcnco of Fontninoblcau is allrgol to have
cost the government in this wny 25-
000. Gambling also went on to n fearful
extent nt the Cocoa Treo. Horace Wnl-
polo relates , in lTTO , that n Mr. OBirno ,
an Irishman , won 100,000 from a young
Mr. llnrvoy.
"You can never pay mo , " said 0'
" 1 can , " replied the young follow ;
'my estate will sell for the amount. "
"No , " said the Irishman , "I will take
10,000 , and wo will throw for the old
ninety. "
They did , nnc Harvey won. In most
of the fashionable clubs of the last centu
ry gaining wns carried on in the most
reckless manner. In the club book of
Almack's- there is this note :
"Mr. Flynno , havingjwon only 12,000
guineas during the lust two mouths ,
retired in disgust March 21 , 1772. "
To lese 20,000 in ono evening was
not unusual. Generally 10,000 in spe
cie lay on the table. A curious account
is given of the way theao dcsporato gam
blers used to equip themselves for the
sport. They took elF their embroidered
coats , put on frieze garments , protected
their lace rullles with pieces of leather ,
shaded their eyes with broad-brimmed
straw hats adorned with ilowors and rib-
bans , and were masks to "conceal their
emotional" That suicide WHS not an un-
frcquont result of such high play can
hardly bo wondered at. Lord Mountford ,
a member of White's , where the gamb
ling was fearful , got so terribly involved
that ho determined to ask for a govern
ment appointment , nnd failing that , to
take his own lifo. Ho did fail , and after
asking several persons what was the easi
est mode of dyiufj , invited some friends
to dinner Now gear's day _ , having supped
the evening before at White's , whore ho
played at whist until 1 o'clock in the
morning. A fellow-member drinking to
him a happy Now \ear , "ho clapped bis
hands strangely to his oyes. " In the
morning ho sent for a lawyer and three
witnesses , made his will with great delib
eration , and then asked the lawyer if it
would stand good though ho were to
shoot himself. The answer being yes ,
ho said :
"Pray stay while 1 stop into the next
room , " and then , retiring , shot himself
According to Walpolo , three brothers ,
members of White's , cou'tracted a gam
bling debt of 870,000 , while Lord Foloy's
two sons had to borrow money to such an
extent that the interest utmost amounted
to 18,000,000 a year. The same vivacious -
cious chronicler of the manner of his
times gives nn almost incredible account
of Fox's Iovo of pltty and dissipation , lu
the debate on the thirty-ninth article , on
on February 0 , 1773 , ho spoke very in
differently , which , Walpolo says , was not
surprising under the circumstances.
"Ho had sat up playint ; hazard nt
Almack'a from Tuesday evening , the -ith ,
till 5 in the nltornoon of the following
day. An hour before ho had won back
12,000 that ho had lost , but by dinner
time , which was at 5 o'clock , when play
ended , ho had lost 12,000. On the
Thursday ho spoke in the above debate ;
wont to dinner nftor 11 at night ; from
thence to Attack's , where ho won ( > , -
000 , and , between 3 and 4 in the after
noon , ho sot out for Newmarket , Bis
brother Stephen lost 11,000 two nights
nftor , and Charles 10,000 moro on the
llth ; no that , in three nights , the three
brothers , the oldest not 26 lost 32,000.
Captain Gronow relates that , about this
time , Lord Robert Spencer and General
Fitzpatrick were allowed to keep u faro
bank at Brookes' , and that the former
bagged , ns his sharp of the proceeds ,
100,000 ; after which ho never again
gambled. George Ilarloy Drummond ,
the banker , only played once in his
lifo , when ho lost 20,000 to Brummol ,
and was obliged to iotiro from the
linn. In the first hal1 of the Eighteenth
century , ladies of title kept gambling
An entry ii : the Journals of the House
of Lords , dated April 20 , 17-15 , shows
that Ladies Mornington and Cassius
claimed privilago of poeraco in resisting
certain peace otllcors in doing their duty
in "suppressing certain gaming houses
kept by the said ladies ; " but the claim
was not allowed. Betting was also in
dulged in at the clubs witlras much fran
tic zest ns play. Anything served ns
an excuse , and sometimes the occasions
of the bets were so shocking
that the men of the least
oconcy would Imo shruuic
from associating them with any form of
amusement , A. man dropped down nt
the door of White's and was carried into
the house ; Immeditoly the betting har-
p'e j were staking largo aume on the quus-
tion whether ho was dead or not : and
when it was proposed tr bleed him , these
who luvd taken odds that lifo wns extinct
protested against such a coarse , on the
( { round that it would affect the fairness
of the but. Bad ns this was , thorp was a
worse case still , for which Walpolo is
again the authority. H true though
ono would believe it an invention it is
sulllcient to leave n stnin of murder on
tlio very name of Whito's. A youth bet
1DOO that a man could hvo twelve
hours under water. Ho accordingly hSrod
some poor wrotch.probably . in a most des.
porate plight una sank him in n ship.
Both ship and man disappeared , and were
never heard of morJ. Walpolo adda that
the miscreants actually proposed to make
the experiment n second timo. It is n
singular fact that Lord Mountford , whoso
suicide wo have just related , bet Sir John
Bland that Bonu Nash would outlive Col-
ley Cibbor , and that both the personsthe
subjects of the bet , survived the bettors ,
and that Bland , ns well ns Mountford
died by his own act.
you nro bothered nearly to
ualh with rheumatic twinges
or the pangs of neuralgia is no reason
why you should continue to suffer. Kx-
porimont with a good incdicino. Try
Thomas' Eclectric Qil. Ilocollcct it is
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gia nnd Rheumatism never stood before
QUflW ua n man or woman , if you
IjLLU II can , nnlictcd with toothache ,
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that hits sought relief in Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil to no advantage * and in return
turn wo will refer you to thousands
similarly affected whom this medicine
has restored and cured completely.
FOSTER , MILUURN & CO. , Props. ,
Buffalo. N. Y
Western Cornice-Works ,
C .
1111 PouglM St. Om li , Neb.
Galvamzea Iron Cornices
rtrDorincr Windows , Flntate , Tin , Iron ami Slate
KoollnK , Specht'a Patent Metallic SkjllKht , Intent
mljustiMl Hatchet liar and llr.iclat Shelving. I am
tbofiuncral aKcnt ( or tlio aboNollnu of goods. Iron
Fencing , Cresting. lalmtrnclcaVv ndas , Iron Bank
lUIllnca , Window llllmls , Cellar Guards ; aUa general
agent tor I'ecrson & Hill's Patent Inslc'u ' Itllnd
Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and
The new extension ol this line from Wakeflold up
through Concord and Colcrldgo
Reaches the host portion of tha State. Special ex
cursion ra'oa for land teckcra over this line to
Wayne , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and > la Blair to all
principal po'r.ts ' on the
Trtlns o\cr tht CSt. . P. M , & 0. Hallway to Cov
ngton , Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlngton , Wajno and
Norfolk ,
C3oaa.3a.ooft a , t 331xlx-
For Fremont , Oakdao , Ncllgh , and through to Val
/tJTFor tatca nnd nil Information call on
F , P. WHITNEY , General Agent ,
UNITE STEAUEBS Hamburg-American
Packet Company's Wno for PLYMOUTH ( London )
Cherbourg , ( Paris ) and HAMBURG. Saturday steam
ers to Hamburg direct. LKSSING , Amll IB : BOHE
MIA , April 10 ; OELLKRT , April 24 ; WESTPHALIA ,
April 23 : AKTIA , May 3 ; W1ELAND , May 8.
lUtoa : First Cabin , S 5 , 870 and ? 80. Steerage , $20.
Prepaid steerage tickets , 318. Exaurslon rates great
ly reduced. S nd for "TouristGazette. . " Henry
Pundt , Mark Hanson , F. E. Mooros , M. Toft , ngcntn
In Omaha , Qronewisr & Schotntiron , agents in Coun
cil Dluffa. C. D : UIUHAUD & CO. , Gen. Pass. Agts. .
81 Broadway , N. Y.
( SUCCESSORS TO THE J. M. B , i. 11 CO. ]
The most oxtonelru mauufacturcra of
COO S. Tenth Street OMAHA , NCB
jTirl'rlco ! ) of II lllnl and Pool Tables and iiutcrlals ,
furnished on ap , Mention.
Fifteen Ball Pool , Carom ,
18 South Sd Street , St. Louis , 411 Delaware Street ,
Kansas City , Mo. , 1321 Douglas St. . Omiln , Neb.
Write for Catalogues and Price Lists.
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing ]
Crmtlngg , Baltittr&dol , Verandaa , Office and IlDt
lUlllnga , Window and Collar Ouanli , Etc.
TIMS HKLTorUegenn e
tor U uuJo esprowly for
tha euro of derangements
ol the generative ort'in.
Th'ro U no iiU-tale al > out
Mt Instrument , the con.
tlmiou trium ot P.LKO.
THIUIYY no uicatlnx
throutih the parti mutt rvs
toro them toWlthy actlou
nil I I Ik ) not confound t"l wiUi
. . . _ . . UllLI Klti-tilo UcltnnHrrtljftlto
uuiv ll ilU Iruin hum to too. U U for the ON'ti IIKC-
Ino | > urp > iuc , I'or clrcuUrm Klvln full Iniorioatipii ,
addnwkChuetvr Klottrlo Uult Co , 103 Wuhuigtoo
St. , Chlc K < > 1J-
Columns , Pilasters , Llntols , Fencing , Creating , Bailing , Etc. .
Cast , and Wrought Iron Boams.
AlcctltH for Till ; HYATT I'lUBMATIC I.IOIITH.
THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa.
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
Our Ground
It U Iho best and cho&pctt food lor rtock of any kind. One ponnd IB pr.nal to thrco pounds of corn
itock toil with Ground Oil Cake In the Fall and Winter , Instead ot running down , will Increaao In nelght
and bo In good marketable coniMlon In the spring. Dairymen , M well as others , who use It can tcitlfy to
Its tncrlU. Try It and JuoV * for youru'lret. Price f2S.OO per rco : no charge for nacks. Address
WOOntt * ; , LlHSKF.Il "T nn n } jY ( ) , , nb Neb.
Fine Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos.
Trial Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed , I
, 's Safe and
J& .
' 1 ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb ,
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples fitrnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
Is only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges ,
Fez sale by
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts. ,
213 South llth Sfrcet , Omaha , Nebraska , "Correspondence Solicited. "
Wholesale Druis
PaintsOils. . Brushes *
Milwaukee , Wisconsin.
GUNTHER & CO , , Solo Bottlers ,