Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1884, Image 8

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Thursday Morning. May 15 ,
l ntNTEH3 -
A nuinbor of Rood printers can find ulcady
cmploytnont nt thin ofRco.
A fire engine was called out ycstorda ;
to pump outltho basement of the Cozron' '
Mrs. Annie U. Woodboy ( colored ) wll
lecture nt the Festival by the Baptists , a
their hall on Farnam street , on Thursday ,
Hay 15th , 1BS1. Subject : "Belief In God.
Admission ton cents.
The members of tlio pollco force , with
the exception of ld. ! Gorman , who still stick *
to his llttlo whlto "cady , " have provider
themsoUoswIlhnewhati , all alike , nnd they
now present qntto n metropolitan appearance ,
Considerable complaint 1s made about
follow In this city who has developed Into
professional imsher , nnd It may bo necessary
to gho him n benefit of n chapter or
tlirough these columns.
About 11 o'clock Tuesday night n young
man was held up on North Fourteenth St. by
two men with drawn revolvers. The \ictim
stood perfectly quiet while the fellows won
through his pockets nftor which ho wni nl
lowed to depart. Ho only lout a few cents In
Tues , evening a lady was run over nt tli
corner of Thirteenth and llarnoy streets , by a
team driven by two colored boys. The young
rascals wore driving nt a reckless pacennd at'
tor they had run over the lady they did no
stop to see what damage they had done.
Four young ladles of this city ha\o made
nil necessary arrnngomonti for glIng n bontoi
May party nt Hanscom's park thl
ovoning. It li noodlcsj to say that It will bo
well managed , and nil who nro fortunate
enough to receive Invitations may rest iw uro
of n flint class timo.
H This evening the young ladles of
the First M. K. church will glvon strawberry
and Ice cream festival In the uhurch roomi or
Davenport street Tha young ladles In charge
nro sparing no pains to make the ntTalr suc
cessful and add to tbo comfort and enjoyment
of all who may attend. Kvorybody is Invited
to attend.
WOULD not bo without lloddlng'H. Ulinsl
Salve , is the verdict of all who use It Price
IiT cents.
Henry Vosi returned from the east last
Ight ,
O. N. AVoattn , ono of A. Polack's clorkx , Is
to start next Friday on n three months' visit
to bis home In Sweden ,
The Galesburg ( Illinois ) llpglnter myg Miss
Ella McUrido , the elocutionist , of Omaha , Ne
braska , la visiting at the seminary. Since
completing her course nt Knox In ' 80 , Miss
Mclindo has established n reputation as a
dramatic reader second to nouo in the went.
Her upward career has been watched with in
terest nnd admiration by her many friend iu
this city. _
The sun shown Tuesday morning
- on a joyouH wedding party proceeding to
St. Philomona's , nnd ono of the happiest
on unions of hearts and hands was wit
nessed at the altar of the cathedral , The
contracting parties were Mr. E. F. Mo-
riarty nnd Miss Susie Lynch , while the
groomsmen \roro Messrs. P. 0. Ileafcy
and P. Duffy , and the bridesmaids wore
Miss Mollie J , Moriarty , sister of the
groom , and Aggia Olarey. Rev.
Father O'Connor tied the knot , and nup
tial high mass was celebrated .
A reception was hold Tuesday ove. at
1314 Jackson street , where a beautiful
homo had been prepared for the bride and
groom and where a multitude of valuable
and beautiful gifts hnd been sent that
congratulations might bo perpetuated in
silver , crystal , sathitand velvet and other
choice forms. Among the gifts which
wore many , were noticed those of the
associates of the groom in the Union Pa
cifio railway local freight office , nnd of the
relatives and friends in this city , Oolum
bun , Shell Crook and Platte Centre.
The guests were finely entertained nt
the reception at the house , and later wont
to Cunninghan'a hall , where a brilliant
ball was hold.
The groom is n young gentleman who
is well liked and highly respected by all
who know him , while the bride has the
best wishes of a largo circle of friends.
Polloo Court.
The notorious Sadie McBride was ar
rested Tuos. night for robbery. Shu en
ticed a young man named Miller into
her den , and then struck him , knocking
him down , nnd threatened to kill him if
ho did not give up his monoy. Ilo hand
cd over his pile , about $ ! < and escaped ,
The woman is being hold pending exam
ination :
Frank Rood and William Flannigan
were run in by Ofliocr Iluano THUS , night
and charged with being suspicious char
acters. Three no iv revolvers and two
now knives were found in their JIOPBOS *
eion. They statott that they arrived in
this city yesterday afternoon from Kan
sas City , and that they found the revolvers
vers and knives u short distance from th
Union Pacific depot. They were eon
up to the county jail to await oxamina
tion.Four disturbers of the poico were ir
police court yostesday. They were
each fined $5 and costs. Ono paid , and
the other three were sent up ,
An IntorcHtliiB Advertisement ,
The advertisement of fortune of Samuel
uol Hockehor senior in Hamburg in the
number of our gazette of this day is verj
interesting. This houeo has acquired so
good a reputation by the prompt and din
creet payment of the amounts gained hero
and in the environs , thst wo beg nil our
readers to take notice of his insertion of
this day. _ JT
Fldnecr Hook and ImiUlcr ,
You are requested to moot at the
truck IIOUEO this ( Thursday ) evening -
ing , at 7 o'clock sharp , for the purpose
of practice. By order of
CHAIILES , Foreman ,
P , n. KOEHTKIIH , Ae 't Seo'y *
With a majority of people it U no experi
ment that Dr , Bosanko'n Cough and Lung
Byiup iincuro for Coughs. Cold * . Pali.B Iu
the Luiigv , Soreneua Iu the Chest , etc. , but for
Uue who doubt , b k your nelghbon who
\ h&vp used It ot get a free sample bottle of
4 Hchrtiter & Veclit , the druggists.
Itegular fclzo 0 cents and $1.00. Bold to the
twU by 0.1' , Goodinwi ,
A Liyely Local Fight Between the BJ
M , and Itie Union Pacific ,
Tlio 1) . & M. Makcn a Strategic
Movement SOO Keel of Trnok
Imld nt Night Tlio Ustml
In.ltinctloiiH ,
A very important railway onlinanco
was introduced inthocity council Tut a
evening in the intorcat of the B. fc M. ,
M well as for the general interest o ;
Onmhft. It was an ordinance togranl
the Omaha & Southwculorn railway com
pany , ( virtually the B. it M. ) the right
of way across Tenth street , between Mason -
son and Marcy , Eleventh at Marcy ,
Thirteenth botwcccn Marcy and Mason
fctreoU , Fourteenth botwnon Maaon and
Pflciflo streets , 1'jcrco at Sixteenth street ,
and in the general course thus indicated ,
to the city limits.
Councilman Bchin , who introduced
the ordidanco , moved to proceed and
have it passed at once , in order to pre
vent the B. & M. from being bull do od
and imposed upon by outsiders. The com
pany , bo said , would pay all damages.
C Hincilnmti i'uray explained that the
B. A M. proposed to build a line to the
Uin m Block yards , and thunco to Ashland -
land , i hui shortening the road to Lin
coln by 14 miles.
Councilman Jlnscall mndo n strong
upccch in favor of the passngo of the or
dinance. Jlo mud that this line simply
Kiwo the B. & AT. a line out of the city
from Tenth to Twentieth street parallel
with thu U. P. railway. This ordinance
provides that the B. & M. ( or Omaha &
Southwestern ) nlmll not interfere with
the U. P. or with the rights of private
Councilman Kodfiold also strongly sup
ported the ordinance. Tno building of
this B. & M. line to the stockyards
meant 200,000 head moro of cattle per
year for the stock yards.
Councilman Ford objected to the im
mediate passage of the ordidanco , and
intimated that money had been offered
and paid to have it passed. lie moved
to postpone for ono week.
Councilman Thrano said that ho had
intended to vote for the ordinance , but
aft6r hearing the statement of Council
man Ford , relative to the use of money ,
ho preferred to wait.
Councilman Lcodcr did not oppose the
Councilman Woodwprth said that if it
was un ordinance to give n right of way
to the Bolt line , ho would vote for it , but
ho could not for this.
The motion to refer for ono week was
lost , the president and Messrs. Bochel ,
Anderson , Ford and Woodworth voting
in favor of it.
The motion to pass to a third reading
ivas lost by a vote of ( ! to (5 ( , which sends
.ho ordinance over ono week anyway. It
vill como up next week upon third road-
ng , and a vote will bo taken on its pass-
igo.Vflion the B. & M. folks brought their
> rdinanco into the council they had nine
numbers who had promised to vote for
Is passage at once , but the Union Pacific
totting wind of the affair sent John M.
I'hurston to the council chamber. The
result was that throe members weakened ,
ind the vote stood six to six. However ,
, ho ordinance will probably bo passed nt
lie next council mooting. Of course the
Union Pacific members of the council
, -otcd against it last evening , and will dee
o at the next mooting.
Inticipating that the Union Pacific would
10 on hand to prevent the passage of the
irdinonco , the B. & M. managers had nr-
niigcd a strategic plan to bo carried out
n the event that the ordinance was not
mmodiatoly passed , This plan to lay a
rack along a. portion of the desired right
if way , and this was successfully done
list night. Within fifteen minutes nftor
ho vote in the council was taken , result-
ng in putting the ordinance over to next
veok , 112 B. it M. workmen , marched
> vor from the B. it M. yard to the vieini-
y of the Union Pacific oil house , at
l loyonth and Marcy streets , carrying
lies , rails , and other material for truck-
laying , and in the course of three hours
khey laid over 700 feet of track , about
lifty feet south of the Union Pacific
track. The track laid by the B. & M.
runs from Eleventh to Thirteenth street ,
hugging the high bank around the
About 11 o'clock Aesistant General
Mnunger Kimball , of the Union Pacific
put in an appearance on the ground , ho
having been informed by iiomo ineesoiigur
of what was.going on. Ilo at once pro
ceeded to got out an injunction on the
B. it M. , but did not got it served until
about four o'clock in the morning. The
B. it M. hud completed their work and
secured the ground by this timo. Meantime -
time , the B , it M served an injunction ,
which had been prepared on Tuesday
afternoon , on the Union Pacific mana
gers about midnight to roctrain that com
pany from interfering in any way with
the proposed line of the B. it M.
Till : I'LAN OK Till ! 11. it M ,
is to run a track iictoss Tenth street to
connect with this piece of track which
was laid between Eleventh and Thir
teenth , and then after running south-
went some little dutanco alongside the
Union Pacific , to strike soiuh to the
Union ttock yards , and tlii'iicu extend its
track to Ashland. 'I hi * will shorten the
B. it M , line to Lincoln 14 miles , by way
of the stocUyards and Ashland. The old
Oruapolis line Trill bo loft for connec
tion with Pluttsmouth and the oust. The
now line will not only shorten up the
distance botwcuu Oumlia and Lincoln ,
but will bring Onnha into direct con
nection with the tntiro South Platte
country , and will unable Omaha HUT-
chants to compete in ( list election of the
state with Chicago , St. Joe und Kansas
City dealers.
Great benefits will bo dinivod by
Onutmfrom tliisenterprico in other ways ,
and the paisago of thu ordinance grant
ing ilio right of wuy to the B. & M
ought not 10 bo delayed. If it is passed
at once the B , iV M. will build the truck
1o thn stockymds this year and will
spend $500,000 in Omaha. The Bostoi
capitalists who uro interested in the B
it M , now fool like putting u great dca
of money into Omaha , whoso growth has
surprised them , They eeo that it is hi
be a great city , and tttey ileeiro to briiu ,
their great system the B , A M. and tin
0 , B. it Q. into closer relations aiu
shorter connection with the metropolis
Tlioy have in view two or Ihreo outer
prlet's for this city , and whether wo BO
euro them dependn tp a largo oxton
upon the pateago of ibo light of way or
I ho ground upon which the 13. & M
asks the right of way , Mid upon whicl
it has laid a track , is puitcf Marcy street
It i not used as n street , but hns been
occupied by the Union Pacific. All the
B. it M. asks is the samO privilege thai
hns been accorded the Union Pacific. I
wants an equal show with other roads.
Hml the Union Pacific nctcd on the
square in the bolt line enterprise , the B.
it M. would not now bo under the neccs
sity of building a line of its own to the
Union Stock Yards. When thn bolt line
was started k was generally understood
that all the roads coming into Omaha
and all should have the sumo facilities
for switching and carrying freight over
th o road to and from the slock yards. M. , after the Bolt line was
organized , wanted half the stock or
what over was its proper share , in con
nection with other roads. The Union
Prtcifio backed out , and wanted all the
a'ock'and now it wants $5 for every car
switched over the line to the Stockyards ,
or $10 per car for the round trip , llathor
than submit to such charges , amounting
virtually to prohibition , the B. it M' '
concluded to build a line of its own. Of
course the Union Pacific will fight the
enterprise , but the people of Omaha can
not afford to allow the Union Pacific to
continue to own the city. The ordi
nance , granting the B. it M. the right of
way , must bo passed without any fur
ther delay. If this B. it M. track to the
Stockyards is not built , the B. it M.
will be forced to carry all ita cattle to
At the special mooting last evening
called by the mayor yesterday to pan * the
right , of way ordinance , all the members
were present but Anderson.
A motion was made by Ilnscall and
csHcd that the council now take up the
mhtmiico granting to the _ Omaha it
Southwestern railway the right of way
hrough certain streets and alloys In
south Omaha. Mr. Hascall then moved
.hat the ordinance bo read a third time
> y title and put upon its final passage
Woodworlh objected , and asked that it
) o read at length , and it vras so ordered
> y the chair. A vote wa * then taken
w'ith the following result : Yeas , Benin ,
Looder , lledfield , Hupcall , Kaufman , Fu
ray , and Thrano 7. Nays , Bechol ,
VVoodworth , Murphy and Ford 1.
The chair then declared the ordinance
lanaod. Mr. Hascall then moved to take
ip the communications. Bochel object
ed , as this was not mentioned in the call ,
lascall said they could at least hoar a
communication from the mayor , but see-
ng it would bo usolo'B to persist ho
seconded a motion to adjourn.
INUSS DIUKOTOHY to bo issuocl in July ,
1884 , price § 4. 50. J. M. WOLKK , pub-
uhor , 120 S. 14th St. , Omaha.
Lenis Shields Attempts to Shoot Thomas
Callau ,
A Button TnrnH the Course of tlio
liullct Thus Having C'allan'a
Ijlfo SliloIilH now in < lall.
Another tragedy caino near being ad-
led to the list of Omaha's crime yes
terday. About ton o'clock Thomas
Callan came inarching down Sixteenth
street , having in charge Louis Shields.
Callan was in his shirt sleeves whiln his
clothing was covered with dirt and his
lands covered vrith blood. Shields pre
sented a aorry sight. His face was
smeared with blood.and the crimson tide
lad run down upon his shirt and other
lathing , making him look as if ho had
ust returned from a modern prizo-fightor
lao had boon run through a sausage
grinder. Ho was considerably intoxicat-
d and was marched by Callan directly to
ho police court room , where ho vras
urnod over to an o dicer. no was im-
nediately sent down to the city jail by
"udgo Bonoko to uobor up.
Mr. Callan was questioned as to this
unusual proceeding and said that Shields ,
vho ia a bricklayer , came to his place ,
corner of Sixteenth und Burc streets ,
vhero ho ( Callan ) had a number of brick-
ayers at work , and began talking to the
lieu and interfering v/ith the work.
Shields was drunk and Callan told him
, lmt ho must not bother the men while
hey were at work , and invited him to
envo the place. Shields bccamo very
abusive at this , and called Callan all thu
vile names ho could command , nnd pro
) oscd to fight him whether OaUun want
ed to fight or not.
Shiolda advanced in n threatening man-
icr and Culliin gave him iv slap alongside
he face. At this point Shields tried to
got hold of a brick but Cullan rolled him
ibout in the dirt and kept him from get-
ing ono. Shields then got up and went
In a short time afterward Mr. Callan
was standing upon the bidowalk in front
of his place. Ho had his hands behind
liin and was loaning back against
juilding , when Shields again put i
ippcaninco. Ilo advanced until w In
four feet of Callan when he drew 10 *
volvor and Bftid , "You
ongoing to kill you now. " Ho ha
Iiardly uttered the words before ho
and the cartridge exploded. Just bo-
ioro the revolver was discharged , Callan
made quick move to protect himself ,
and turned his body sideways to Shields ,
It was a close call. The powder burn
ed Oallun's tvest in several places and
also his shirt sleeves. The bullet , however -
over ,
upon his .vest , and thus his lifo was
Immediately after the shot waa fired ,
Oallan jumped upon Shields , wrested the
revolver from his grasp , threw bin to the
sjdowalk und proceeded to give him n
gjod pounding. After Callan had become -
como somewhat cooled oil' ho jerked
Shields to his foot , and matched bun to
the police court , oa has been before
Shields will bo given a hearing to
" \Vunt of Faith.
If Schroder & Becht.thodriigKUts.donri sue
ceod it U not fur the want uf fulth. They h > e
eucli ( lth iu Dr. Jtusauko'B CoiiKh and l.ung
nyritp us a rouiody fi > r Colds , Consumption ,
and l.uni ; allooUiiu.tlmt tliuy wlllciva a bottle
f too to tuuh nnd ovoy ono who ia in uoed of a
incdlclno uf thin kliuT
Notlco to Oily HubsurllK-rs.
The city circulation of THK BKU has
boeu leased by Mr , Thco. AYilliams wlio
has assumed control of the city subscrip
tion department and will attend prompt *
ly to all orders and complaints.
The State Medical Society Afljonrnefl
Last Night ,
Tlio oniccrs for the Next Ycnt In
ntnllcd A ] lnruiicl | Olvcti nt the
Mllliiril Ijiist Evening.
Yesterday was the closing day of the
fifteenth annual session of the Nebraska
Medical Society. Nearly all the state
members in attendance from nbroat
remained in the city until to-day , The attendance -
tondanco at the scientific meeting yostcr
day was larger than the day before , am
the exorcises wero' interesting and in-
The report on section of surgery was
read by Tr. Livingston of JPlatsmouth.
In this report was a translation by Dr.
Christiansen , of Grand Island , of Prof.
Esmarch's lecture on the wounds of 'Presi
dent Garfiold.
The report of section on obstetrics
was made by Dr. L. II. Ilobbins , cf Lin
coln. A paper on .puerperal fever was
road by Dr. Loicunring of Omaha.
A paper on ovarotomy was road by A.
3. r. Mansfieldc , of Ashland. Report
if orotion on nervous disease was read
ay Dr. S. A. Merriam , of Omaha. Report
> f section on history ot'mudicino tvas road
n abstract by A. B. Anderson , of Falls
3ity. Index of all the papers submitted
.o the Nebraska state medical society ,
rom the first to the fifteenth sessions ,
was road by Dr. Manstioldo , of Ashland ,
In the evening the association mot in
jusinosa meeting to install the officers
or the coming year and transact any
other business that might como hofoio
hat body.
A vote of thanks was tendered the out
going officers for their labors during the
ear just passed , and to the various rail-
oad companies for thnir courtesies to the
Resolutions on the death of Willard
'iirkor , Samuel D. Gross and J. Marion
Sims , three world renowned men in the
cionco of medicine and surgery , who
lave died in the past year , were udopt-
A resolution was also adopted by
which the various members of the asso-
mtlon are to bo furnished with blanks
or births , deaths , contagious and opidom-
c diseases. These when filled out are to
> o sent to Dr. Mansfield , of Plattamouth ,
ccretary of the association , who will
compile them and send his report to the
lovornor of the state each year. The
; hvornor , it ia said , has agreed to trans-
nit thcso reports to the legislature with
lis recommendations.
The following resolution , which it is
bought by the members , will send to
itato association , was presented by Dr.
VI. W. Stone , of Wahoo , and unani-
nously adopted :
Resolved that candidates for admission into
nomborahlp in the Nebraska Medicnll society
hull POPSOPS the following qualifications :
ftrat : Creditable certificates of good moral
Htandicp : . Second : Diploma of graduation
nun a good literary and scientific college or
Ilgh fchool , or lacking this. Third : A
borough examination in the branches of a
; oed jMiKliah education , Inclnding mathemnt-
ca , English composltisn and elementary
ihysica or natural philosophy.
Branches of medical science to be included
n the coursei of instruction : First , anatomy ;
second , physiology ; third , chemistry ; fourth ,
matorla tn&ilca mid therapeutics ; fifth ,
; hoory nnd practice of modicit.o ; sixth , patho
logy ; soventb , surgery ; eight , obstorlcisnml
fynoology ; ninth , hygiene ; tenth , medical
Length of _ regular or graduated course ? .
b'irat , the time occupied in the regular cours
es or sessions from which students are gradu
ated shall not be leas than five months or
.wonty weeks each. Second , two full cours
es of lectures not within ono and the same
, -qar of time shall ba required for graduation
vith the degree of doctor of medicine. At-
.endauco and examinations or quizzes. 1'iiPt ,
tegular attendance during the entire lecture
courses shall bo required. Allowances being
in u Jo only for absence occasioned by the stu
dents Blcknosii Such absence not to exceed
! 0 per centum of the course. .Second , Kegu-
nr examination or quizes to bo made by
nach lecturer 01 professor f daily , or at least
wico each week. Third , Final examinations
on all branches to ba conducted when practi-
nblo by other competent examiners than the
ir ifosror In each branch. I
The clluic/i , distortions and hospital at-
.ondnnco , First , Kach student shall have
lisaocted during two courses. Second , At-
.ondnuco during at least two terms of clinical
uud hospital Instructions shall bo required.
Time of professional study before gradua-
inn shall not bo less than three full years in-
huliug the time spent with a preceptor , at-
ciulanco upon lectures , or at denied and bos-
Instruction. The college must show that It
iis a fculllclont and competent corps of In
line tors and ttwiiocosmiry facilities for loadi
ng dissections , c'li.lca , etc.
The alumni of the Rush Medical Col-
pge , i'f ' Chicago , hold a mooting in the
Milliard hotel yesterday afternoon for the
mrpoae of forming a society of the
oater sons of that institution in this
state. Eleven members were present
nid an organization was perfected to bo
mown as the Rush Medical College
Alumni Society of Nebraska. Di A.
Walden. of Beatrice , was elected presi
dent , J. Beck Ralph , secretary , and
William n. Linyon , treasurer.
A resolution was adopted that the so
ciety hold its meetings annually at the
lame time and placeas those of the No-
Jiaaka- State Medical Association.
The customary banquet on the final
evening of every sorsion was given last
nighfc at the Millard hotel. The tables
wore set for one hundred and twon ty
gui'als and nearly every seat was occu
The dining hall was brilliantly lighted ,
mil ornamented with several stands of
} oiiulifnl und tropical plants ,
The waiters were neatly droaecd and well
killed for an occasion such as took place
ast night. An excellent repast , of
which the following is the menu , was
served :
Little Neck Clams.
luno of Xewrcon ! Peas , with Crouton
lion's D'OKUIIK
CaK'd Drains 1'rlo.l , Cream Sauce.
llrollod Lake Trout , Lobster Sauce , Potatoes ,
I'urlelt'iino ,
l.oin of Veal Coil anil Asparagus ,
Chicken Saute , with Mushiooua.
Luinb Chops Oanie * Sauod Soubiso.
Sweet iVeaJs-St. Cloud ,
Green 1'eas.
Imperial I'linch ,
1'illet of lieef larded , Deml-Rlaa Salad , n la
Ituiae Sen Ice , Pose Hnr Table , Ajpoo
Toulouip , Woodcock Chinese Style ,
llaiu Glacfl Itoyol , Macaroou
Pyramid * .
Jenny IJnd Pudding Marachlno Saucn. Frnll
Tarta , Assorted Fancy CiKos , Millard
Hotel Ice Cream , Fruity , Hwhefcri
Ohre&e , Coifod-
Then caino the toasts and rospouscs.
The tea * maBtor of the ovcniix ; nas Dr.
James M. Swotnam , of this city ,
The nddrcas of welcome waa delivered
by Dr. Jainos II. Pcabody.
The rcipriuo to the t wt "Tlio Press ,
and Its Relations to the Medical Profes
sion , " was delivered by K , Rosowator.
Dr. Merriam delivered n very touch
ing eulogy on the late Doctor Anna L.
Benson , in response to the thcmo ,
"Women as practitioners of medicine. "
"Medical In Nobroaka "
progress , was
rceponded to hy Dr. Link , of Millard.
"Fraternal fooling in the profession"
was responded to by Dr. W. M. KnelT ,
of York.
" The Btalo medical society " toast was
responded to by the now president of the
society , F. G. Fuller , of Lincoln.
" The old practitioner" was responded
to by S. G. Abbot , of Fremont.
" The young practitioner , " by Dr. W.
0. Bridget , of Omaha
The bunquot was given by the local mem
bers of the society. The committee of arrang-
monts was Doctors , T. M. Swotmau , Oeo. 1) ) .
Ayrei , and P. S. Lolsonring , nil of this city ,
and the able manner in which the entertain
ment was carried out showed that those gen-
tlomcn had sought to make it a Bucce i. The
party did uot break up until two o'clock this
morning. The society finally decided to hold
it * next annual session at Grand Island.
Kill powder never Tit ei. A mancl ol JIOTO
trough and wholcscmon s Here conomlcal than
h oclncry kinds , and c noi bo field In competition
with the multitude of low uai ehoit wolgtt alum or
ilio-ohatopowdora. bold Oaly In cans. UojalBak-
ni ? 1'owiler Cn
The Pioneer and Still Ahead.
3.oorooo IRTo-crcr ixx TJso.
Fast euporcctlln the largest old foRhlonad to\es
and n > noj | It lu the xlniplest and most tllicleut
to\o burners in thouorld , and uith new impicno
i onin tli tast8t ! tn operate Absolutely sato with
tH iratrnt lescnolr , now la tbo second season
without a t\og\e \ \ accident.
ifSenil lor Catalo uor Prlct : List , Etc.
may 0 mio oed &w
1111 DouglM SL OiE lii , Neb.
Galvantzca Iron Cornices
liTDorincrVlndonD , I'lntal' , Tin , Iron and Slate
UiolliB , Sinclit'H I'atent Metallic Skjl'sht ' , Intent
tdjimtcd Ratclitt liar and Itncket fclicHiiiL' . 1 am
hu general aiont ( ar the above line o ( icooila. Iruii
liii'ln ' , Crrttlnirn. Uahi-tradcH , Wrandas , Iron Dank
UlltiiKii , Wludow lillinlg , Ceilir Ouirds , the Kencrul
agent lor I'cerson t UlU'u latent linlc'u ' Blind
Has one ot the largest aiU finest a 3orunuia uf
? I < rlnt ; and Hummer OooJs ( or Suitings aid Tronsvr-
.lief. . AM | ; eJaTantceil to nt and trlminod
ttith the Ilojt Trlmmlncs. JI V 1'HICIH AUK LOW1UI
than any Merchant Tailor In tlio city. 1604 r'arnain
Mdalic Gases , Cote , Caskets. Shronds ,
ETC. , E10 , ,
lOUn Kni-nam St. , - OMAHA , NEK
Tdcir&nhlo crder * | iimptly atteuilo I to , Coroner
O'licu. Tela honoNo t21.
Mattir ot of J. A. Wood ( or I.Iijuor
Kotlco U licrtliv tnat .1. A. Mood did upon
tlu.Sthday ot MaA. . I ) . , ISsl , Me lib Biillratioii | ]
to.thu MH > or and fit ) Council of Omaha , for hcen o
to twll Malt , bilrltou.i | and Yinon * Liquor * , at No ,
2nH. 14th ht. 3rd Hard , Omaha , , from the
llth day UAl > iiMSJitothollthdaof Ainil IMS.
lltheru bono iiujcitlnn , remonstrance ori > riite t
ciluithhi t u toks Irom Miy l th , A , 1) . IbSI ,
the gaid ficiiiM ) 111 bo granted.
J. A.\S'OODAwiloant. !
J. J.lU.Jt.-WirrT.Cit ) Clirk.
Matter ol Apjilication ol A. R , Co .ralllorLlqiicr
NoJlcu U henby glMiithatA K.fojjji
inm the 12th daj ol JUyA I ) . IbSI.Mllo hit op-
pluatlon to the major aul city cmmcl ! ol Oniahu ,
lor bciiue to uell malt , fivrltuoud and \lnoiu li-more.
at No. SH y. tb htrut , itli ward. Oinatux , NeU ,
from tl. llth day if April , itel , to the llth day ol
April * 1SS5.
llthtrolHi no olijcction , rcmcinlrancii or prottst
niedulthln tuouuku Ironi May mil , A. D. 18S ,
the Mid license will U L'rantc.1.
A. IT UOMtlSIUI.Ii.Appllnart.
203.-8tp. J. J. L. C. JKWCTT , fit ) dork.
T. OU KAl.K.-Two l.fiiullful lol. in W , \ i.idiik'a
' addition , n ir I'jirtamfliOf.-vili , OIHJI.S.tunn. . .
lUrkir & Ma ) 110. an-i U
TT'O * BAtE IniuicdU'iJy , luriilluni lor llcht
-I ? house l.ct'j'ln'-v IsDS lutinrort .St. 03 ITp
SrTKfVtn $550 1 > U } an tle/aot lot In lluiucciu
lt\/ l"icoon u oi | hlr. | > atnfntiil II > ou m to ,
In the event oC n stroke o Tlio winnings
good fortune you can win , are guaranteed by
500.000 nmrka | Government. '
You arc invited to participate in the chu.ices of winning in the grand draw /
ing of prizes guaranteed by the Sift to of Hamburg , in which
9 Millions 620,100 Marks Have to Be Won.
In the course of thcso advantageous drawings , which contain according
to the prospectus only 100,000 tickets , the following prizes will bo forthcom
mg , viz :
The highest prize will be cv. 500,000 Marks.
Premium of 300,000 Marks. 253 prizes of 2,000 Marks.
1 prize of 200 000 Marks. 0 prizes of 1COO Marks.
2 prizes of 100,000 Marks. 515 prizes of ,000 Marks.
1 prize of 00,000 Marks. 1030 prizes of COO Marks.
1 prize of 80,000 Marks. GO prizes of 200 Marks.
2 prizes of 70,000 Marks. 03 prizes of 150 Marks.
1 pr'zo of 00,000 Marks. 29020 prizes of 145 Marks.
2 prizpa of 50,000 Marks. 3450 prizes of 121 Marks.
1 prize of 30,000 Marks. 00 prizes of 100 Marks.
D prizes of 20,000 Marks. 3)50 ! ) prizes of ! )4 ) Marks. I
3 prizes of 15,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 07 Marks.
20 prizes of 10,000 Marks. 31)50 ) prizes of 40 Marks.
50 prizes of 5,000 Marka. 3950 prizes of 20 Marks.
100 prizes of 3,000 Marks. in all 50,500 1J11SU1I .
Whioh will be Surely won in 7 Drawings within the
space of a few Months ,
The first prize drawing is officially fixed for the llth and 12th of Juno of the
present yenr , and the prize is for
A Whole Original Ticket only 1 Dollar CO Ots. or C Marks
A Half Original Ticket only 75 Cta. or 3 Marks'
A quartorOriginal Ticket only 88 Cts. or U Marks.
And I wilj forward these original tickets guaranteed by tlio state ( not prohibited
itod promissory notes ) oven to the most distant countries , in return for the
iamount forwarded prepaid. Every ticket holder will receive from . -
mo gratis along with the original ticket the original prospectus provided
with the arms of the stale nnd immediately after the drawing the oflicial list
without any charge.
The payment nnd forwarding of the sums won to these concerned will have
imy special and prompt attention , and the most absolute secrecy.
| E3TA11 orders can bo sent by the medium of a Postofiico Order or nc
[ registered letter with , B , nk Notoe of the United Stales ,
i BNr ! "
address the orders before
on account of the approaching drawing of the prizes in all confidence directly
SAMUEL HEcksCHEK , , Sens ? . ,
Banker and Exchange flgent at Hamburg. Germany.
This cut shows a sectional
view of our NewJ'olar Air
Dry Refrigerator , manufac
tured iu the most perfect
manner of Kiln-Dry lumber
Charcoal Filled , Zinc Lined
Galvanized Iron Shelves
Black Enameled Trim
mings Handsomely paneled ,
and designed for the wants
of n class of trade that re
quires the best class of
goods that can be made.
We slia sell these Re
frigerators at manufactur
ers prices , with freight ad
dert. You are respectfully
invited to examine them.
Compare.prices before buy-
Resper.tfullv ,
tf. L. WRIGHT ' \
Manufacturer's Agent.
317 S' 13th St. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA ,
G. H. WOOD & CO. ,
215 North Ifith Street , bet. Capitol Ave
Da renporb Street. Telephone No. 49
Eoina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes fiozn$60 >
to $120 per 1000.
Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Oaramels. 2 > Tew Stsa *
dard , Good Advice , New Brick.
i'A'toSf'S ! ? w3rA JnA iyHLJH
J. IJ. MILLARD , President. \VM. WALLACE Cushior.
Capital and Surplus , S45O OOO.
Fire and Bu ivlar Proof Safoa for llout nt from 85 to 850 PIT annum.
* BOSTON , March lit , JS 1
UIEU'OX VIANO aO.-ORNrtltXiti- Ini'r'jiionH , Grind , Sauua and Utirlrht , are t < H/ . " ! > "
ruuuuUauauutivAUcdforlwAuty . U tojoanJUubh. AO ( | * ii to oja.'r"wUuVo'i on jour .t-rlUg
. 1519 Dodge Street ,