OM AHA DAILY BEE-UIUHSDAY MAY 15 , 1851. 5 MAHUFACTUHEH OF S\ GALVANIZED IRQ & ' 1 \ CORNICES , WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS , ETC a to a.atix WITH rt ad year work is douo for all timi to tniio to come. WE CHALLENGE o produce n more durable mnterin for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. IFOITANY AMOUNTiOFAHCI - OR filled promptly. Samples sent am estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN&CO. , Sioux Falls. Dakota. DR. i 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo A KKGULAtt GRADUATE ot two medical college XX hu been encaged longer ID the treatment < OURONtO , NEHVOUS , SKIN AND BLOOD Disc S ( tban > ether physician In St. Louis , us city papers eho nd all old residents know. Consultation free an lavltod. When It Is Inconvenient to visit tha dtj fc treatment , medicines cm ho sent by mull or exprui everywhere. Durable cases putu&ntoodjwherc deut exists It Ii frankly stated. Call or write. Mervoml''fojtr tlon , Debility , Mental and Phyala Weataieaa , Mercurial and other agoctlons ot Thron and Mouth , Old Sores anil Ulcers , Imped menta to mtrrlaito , Ithoumatlsm , I'lles. Special a tenttonto CMOS from overworked brain. SUKUIUA1 CASKS receive tpccial attention. Diseases arUlr from Imprudence , Kxcoaaoa , Indulgences | icrmanon ly cured. GrTTIXJDEl. marry , who may n < why.causoa , conaequonccs and euro , lulled for 25' ' postage or tmp . > - wi Notice to Cattle Man 900 CATTLE FOB SALE. ] ISO Ilcad of Steers Three Years Old , 2oo " " Heifers , Two [ ISO Fleers. Ono s ' < < Heifers , Ono Tha aho-'a describe ! rattle am all well bred Ion cattle , straight ami smooth. Tlieso cattln will I told in lots to luit wirchvicrs , and at roaaonali prices. For further particulars , call onoraddrcii M. P. PATTON , Waverly , lircnurCo. , Iowa. Mrnr > tt-ix irrila m7-Jmo-3 WOODS i 03 Ba)3 ) , , 215 OMAHA , NKB. Solo Agents for the World-Renowned Decker & Son , and Hnllott & OuiiBtc IN Pionua. Also iimnufiicturora and wholesale dcalura in f Organs and Musical Merchandise. . iSTSond for Price Hat. , 'Amelia Buirougli ! OFFICE AND HKSIDENCE 1617 Dodga , St , - Omalu i I > II f ) U1. Pioneer urug Store B. K. COR , 13TU AND JONKS 8T8. DR. F. S. LEWIS , Prop' : . AQKN7 . ' 311 Ohio Oil Oo.'a Wo t Yin/mla ! Oylind and other Oilr conitintlv'ou h and. SI.OOO Would Not Oil" It. Pa. nom IWM afflicted with rheumatism o rtired by tiling a belt. To any one nfnictc'l w that dlMUU , 1 would saf , liny Uurno'i Klectrio III Any cut ) can ooiiler with me by writing calll At my rtore , 1120 Xougla tr t. Omaha , Neb. WILLIAM LYONH IIA IN OFFICB Oppoelte poatottlra , room 1 Fn er block. tX"For t\\e \ at O , K. Goodman's Drugstore1 1 fWunbt , Omaha. Orders died 0. O 1) . T. 0. CARLISLE , BtlKEDEIl OF m MO. VALLEY , - - - 10W- "Sead for Circulars " " " S. H , ATWOOD , Plaits mouth , Ne iKiiDiaor iiiciaouan D AXP iiiun URIIB HEREFOBD AHO JERSET CUTTLE un > DCROO OB mm RIO BWIKI tflToung itock for fill , Oorjeiipsnivnoe Bollclt PRINCIPAL LINE I'HOM iiicAGoa'Koitu&sT.j nv WAY or OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENV2S , ou vu KANSAS CITY AND ATOHISON to DENVER omit'ctlnjf In Union Depots ut Knn < msClty , Uiimhannd Doiivui-wllh tliruiiglitialns lor And nil ] K > lntfl In the illcutVcst. . . S-OUKTGS- > micctlii lu Gtiiml Union Depot nt Chicago with throuKli tnilns lor yinr YOKK , nosy ox , Anil nil Kiistern ( Miles. At roorl'i with through trains lor Imllunun. ills , ( Hiiclnniill , Columbia , niul nil pohiti In tluiSoiUli.lJHt. At St. I.ouls with Uii-oii l ! rains lor all ] > olnls Suntli. Day ro.icliui , 1'ailor Cat's , lth lit'- id Uhnlrs ( oats lire ) , Smokltw CHIN will vliKj ChaliN , rnlhnau I'nluco Sloojiln . uiitl tlio tainona U. II. A ( > . Dlnlni ; Cat- : rniKlally toantirroniClilcato'iii ' > l Kansas ( Mty ClilriiKonntl Couni'll lllnlls : ChlcUo ( niul li" Motiien , UhlL iiK i bt. Josi-ph , AteliNoii niul Topckti without uluuiKP. Only tltroiiRh lln < tinning thulr own trains ln-twcon Chicago -liiooln niul Denver , niul Chicago , Kansa 'Itv and Dunvur. Tlimuili cars liotweini nillananollsuml Counull lllulls , via 1'oorla GOING XO11T1I AND SOUTH. Solid Trains ol' Hltvjant Day Couches nnil 'iilhniiu ruliieoSlcuphiK t'arsuio run dally U : mil from St. l.onls ; vlu Ilunnllml ) ( Jnlncy Ivunkiilc , lluilltigton , Ccdnr liniitds niul Albtul LivxtoSt. 1'uul mid Minneapolis ; I'mldi-Cm * with Itccllnlnt ; Chairs lo niul lioin St. l.oiil' And I'corla. onlyono cluuiKoof cars lirtwcon St. I.ouls und DC" Molucs , loun , Lincoln , Ku < ka.aiul Denver , Colorado. It IsulfO the only ThioiiKh I.lno hfclwecn CT. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL , Ills known as the great TIIUOCliH OA1I [ , I.Ni : of America , mid Is universally uilmit d to liu the Tinost Equipped Railroad in the World fcj all classes of Travel. Through Tlckt-is via this line tor cilo afcul' ' 1. U. coupon ticket olilees In the United States iV.d Cautxdo. I' . .1. POTTEK , PERCEVAL LOWELL , Vlcc-1'rei. iUtn. Minicrr Oen " is.A 1vf quicklyi-liml LythoOlVJALKt'ETHOl ) . AJoiitcJ'lnall tlio IlpSl'ITAyiOPFKANCi ; . 1'roinpt return of VlOOIl. . , 1OOultonSt-hewYorlt A victim ot early Imprudence , causing noryoin cblilty. prcmaturo decay , etc. . liacintr lnu in ln every knnun remedy , has discovered ft tlniplo icsnB of self-cure , which ho will bead Fillili to Ulflfellow-HUITercrs. Aridress , ( Jlmtbim SU Kow York UEPKESENTO PhosnlzAsearanooCo.,01 tendon , Cwh Assats I . . w f.Btchcstcr. N. T. , Capital ,000,000.0 iao Merchants , ol NewuV. N. J. , CaplUl 1,870,000.01 Qlrard Fire , cei * plUl 1,2COOCO.CI Flremen'a Fund. Ca > tal 1EJ.316.C1 OOLB MEDAL , PAEIS , 1873 BAKER'S AVnrrantcil abiolittctpur ; * Cocoa , from which the cxcc > o < Oilhasheciircmo\cd. IthaaMrf. times the strength of Cocoa mlxcc with BUircj , Airowroot or Sugar and U thrreforo fur more cconom ) cal. It la delicious , nourlihlog strengthening , easily digested , anc admirably adapted for Invalids ai well as for pcrBonq lu health. Sold 117 Uroccm ercrrnher * , f. BAKER & PQ. . DorcliBster. M IJu ! : . \'s NEIIVK AND Hn.MN Tntw SIENI , n Rimmntoed i-nocido for llystorm , Uizzi node. ConvuUinuB , ritn. Nervous Acurnlum HendftclioNer\oiiH Profit ration caused bytlietux ofnloohul r tiilnoco. Wiikpfalnebo , Jloulnl lln prcseion , KofloaiiiRof tl > Uniin rcpultinginin p-.nity end Iciwimi ; to miecr > 'i ilcrny nnil ilcuth I'remnturu Old A n , Itn'rcnni'Hs , Lois of j > ewe in f ithcr BOX , Involuntary IAIWS nnrt bponnnt i < rrtiEa causud byovor-csurtiou o thilruinBOif nbiibo or over-indulKona. ' . ICiieh IMS conuiitu one mimth'H troatnunit. $ l. ) n bos , or mi Ix ior.VOOhont byninll proiauloa rc-cuiptotpnoe : ! : KSX. JIOKJ'.S To euro nny vir. . V/ith P : . ( otdiT leoei veo nyn for c : = boxes , nrcompnniyii with JW , wo v.'H eond the iiurrminor our wriltPn nunruntPB to refund fund the moni-r if ( ho trniliriBiitU ucuru. ( illiimiltocn UHIILCI IIUIVDV C. X. OOODJIANN , rruifulst Aiients for Omaha DR. FELIX Lk SHUN'I PREVENTIVE AND CURE , FOR EITHER SEX The remedy being Injected directly to the ( tit c the dUeaso , requires no change of diet or Dauiooui mercurial or polmmoua modlclnoa to bo taken Intel nally. When uaed an a preventive by either sex , Itl raposslble to contract any private disease ; but In th cue ol those already unfortunately afflicted wo guai intea tlneo boxes to cure , or we will relund the moi ey. I'rloe by mall , poatago | ) Id , < 2. per box or tlire boxes for fi. fi.WKITTEN WKITTEN QUAUANTEES iHued liy all autboritod agentf , Dr Felix LeBrun&Co SOLE FRUl > niETOR9 0 F. Goodman , DrnfKUt Sola Agent , fur Om h eb ro&a wly or Wormy Veins of il Kiomm. urun ( l u peatJ caiut of Lost Mnnho ' DeblHty , Ac. quickly n4 patnltHlv curnl Lj the -loatlo Crnille- Cnmnr , kO. Clovt tttin'i. Circular Km CI7UIE MARRIAGE I A DookofcurlyHOpagM _ rrU iccitti vblcb SECRETSI I ic coat aipUJlDgnurrta { SECRETS ID . JIuadmli ot ' iJcblllty , ttenii l VV kucii , rlc. , ititt Hcurrhr te4lca furWcrnH or puititt ilnojx. ) Ad'fmi Jlr , j. bctiLtbl and Lucai AT. , gt. Le BUTLER'S BULLY BOYS , TWMctat Chicaso Ycsterflay Tor ai Express Pnriioso , Which Purpose was to Noniiimti Butler for the Prosidouoy ! Parading Uiidor the Name of Na tional Anti-Monopolists ThloPlatform Arranged in Advance to Suit Bon's ' Idoa'si ' Considerable but Futile Objootior to the Out-aud-Driod ( A Platform that Moans Little- Ben Named for President The Nclirnelcn Orccnl ) cUcra Otltci rolltlcnl anil Nntlunnl Jliutcru , TI1K ANTI-MONOl'S. TUB NATIONAL CONVENTION. CincAao , May 21 , The national eon volition of the anti-monopolist parly mo nt Horahoy'n music hnll this nfturnoon The call provided forboteon 1,500 niu 1,000 delegates. At the opening then were about 200 delegates present. Tin convention was called to order at 2:30 : p in. by J. F. Henry , chairman of the na tionnl committee. In hia opening ad ( trees ho said the couvontion had asaom bled at n time when A I'ANIO WAS UAOINO IN WALL KTUKUT novcr before equalled except by Blael Friday. A dolcgntc It couldn't have como at t bolter timo. Henry then ireeoutod the name ol Alton J. Streator of Illinois for tempo rary chairman , and ho was chosen to thai position. During the conrao of his remarks marks the chairman referred to the smiil number present , but declared there won inoro present than when the Doclnratioi : of Independence- signed. ( Applause/ The cause of the smallncsa of the con- volition was that many of itn member ! were too poor to pay their faro , and bo' cauao monopolistic railroads refuse togivt them iho same rates which would b ( given the delegates of other convcntiona , A IIUIUP I'l.ATl-OllM. The speaker proceeded to Bay that al the platform ho wanted was "Wo oppos ( all monopolies ; wo bcliovo all won created frco and equal , and wo believe it General Benjamin F. Butlor. " [ Ap plauso. ] Committees on credentials , pormanon organization and resolutions were ap pointed , ono from each state. A call of stales showed sixteen state represented. ATTESU1 TO CHOKE ACTION. Killmcr of Now York read the rcsolu tion adopted by the executive committc of the Anti Monopoly league of No\ York April 18th , to the effect that it wa inexpedient to nominate presidential an vico-protidoutial candidates at this cor voution. That the matter shpul bo delegated to the national committc or another convention called after th convention of the republican and dome cratic parties are held , and that a non mitteo bo appointed to atttond the coi : ventions of other parties and endeavor t secure the nomination of men pledged t anti monopoly principles. This caused a ripple of cxcitomonl and after some discussion and severe motions , the whole matter was laid 01 the table by a heavy majority. Recces was taken for half an hour , i : order to give the committees time t report. Pending the consideration of their re ports by the committee , the convcntioi listened to npecchcs by delegates. At o'clock the committee on credentials re ported. TWKNTY-ONK H' , ATKS lllll'IinHENTHD by delegates and proxies , with n totr membership of 168 , and that each dole 'ato ' bo allowed to cast ono vote. The minority of the committee reportoi a resolution that in any state having bu a partial delegation , that the dolegatioi bo allowed to cast the cntiro vote of th state , even though , an in the case n Maryland and Home others , only ono delegate legato was present , The matter was discussed at length and finally the minority loport WUH laii on the table and tlio majority report wa adopted. TEItJIANENT tJHAIIlMAN. The committee on permanent oraanizi tion reported for resident ( . F. Henry of Mow York , and making the tomporar ; secretary permanent. Pending the report from the eomnittc on platform , the convention udjournei till 7iO : : p.m. Ilcassemblod at 7:30 : und listened to a address by Mrs , Marion Todd , of Call fornia , urging the necessity of the organ i/.ation of both men und women in urdc to succeed , Dr. Boyd , of Now York , moved I take from the table the rtBolutions of ih Now \ork Anti Monopoly league , prc sented during the afternoon and tablet This called out rather an excited di bate , it being claimed that tlio action c the afternoon vraa final. Finally th resolutions were taken from the table an placed .on file. THbriATFOUM. Clms. Lichtman , of Massachusetts , pri fl nted a majority report of the coinini tee on platform. It begins as fo lowe : The anti-monopoly party of the Unil cd State ? , in convention assembled , d < dares ; 1st. That labor and capital should I allies not enemies , and wo demand ju tico for both by protecting the rights ( all against the privileges of a fow. 2d. That corporations are the ere ; turcR of Iho law , and should bo controlk by law. iJ ) , That wo propose the great o ; reduction practiciblo in public o ; penses , The platform proceeds to call for tl enactment and vigorous execution of ju laws and equality in rights , burden privileges and powers. That it is the duty of the govcrnmei to at once regulate comtnorco among tl atatcH , including transpoit .tion , mom and the transmission of intolli ence. Bureaus of ( statistics must bo cslal Hihed , both state and national , The national dght liour law must t honestly"enforced. . , ImpprUtlons of foreign labor must I made illegal. Approves the pascage of tlio Itwgiu ii ' teratato commerce bill. Demands the payment of the bondci debt ns It falls duo. The election of United States Bonnlon by n direct vote. A. graduated income tax. A tariff which is n tax upon Iho poopli which shall bo so levied ns to boar iv lightly as posiblo on nocessnjics. Denounces the present tnritl'ns largolj .n Iho interest of monopoly , and demnuJi tlmt it bo speedily nnd radically reformer in the interest of labor instead of capi. tal. tal.That no further grants of publto land.- bo made to corporations. All land grants Rhould bo forfoitct ] where the terms upon which the grant : were made are not stretly complied with , Thn platform finally assorts that Am. erican legislation thus far hai discrinii natod against agriculture , which has in the meantime berne the brunt of taxa. tion , and appeals to the farmers of the country to join in an anti-monopoly cru , eadc. A MIN01UTY VI.ATKOUM. J. F. Grow Hubinittod ft minority report > port which was the platform adopted al the anti-monopoly convention July 4 , 18815 , and heretofore printed. It pnrtic. ularly demanded the abolishment of the national banking system. The adoption of the minority roporl .van . moved , and to it vras tacked an imendmcnt urging the establishment ol 'omalo suffrage. The question was adopted. The majority report developed constd < irablo acrimonious debate , ft number ol : lolrgatcs contending that the original platform was more stronger nsscrtive and that the majority iras a mass of glit' teriug generalities , without demanding reform in n positive manner. Delegate George , of the District ol 'ohimbla ' , made an attack on the chair , charging it with an attempt to suppress the real anti-monopoly sentiment nnd manipulate the convention solely in the ' .ntorcst . of the candidacy of hitler. The chair denied the insinuation and contended that the majority report con tained all the salient features of the mi nority report. After some further discussion the inn- only report was adopted by a vote of 00 o 21) ) . KOIl IlUTI.r.U TO STAND OS' . Chairman Henry took the lloor and ad- ocatod the majority report as being one jpon which flon. Butler could accept the nomination for the presidency , and which would not bo the case , if all the reform ; > f the ago were included in it. This sentiment was indorsed by Mrs. Todd , of California , who felt that with Butler in the presidential chuir , 'omalo suffrage whould have more chance f adoption than though it was demanded n the platform nnd Butler not a candi date. NOMINATINO A CANDIDATE A motion wa8 _ then made to proceed .p the nomination of candidates for pro indent. Another dispute hero arose ovei the method procedure , and State Senatoi Boyd , of Now York , again made tin charge against Iho honesty of purpose o ; the chairman , nnd after declaring tha' ' the convention had been organized t < advance the interests of ono candidate ai agninst the advocacy of real principles lie Boi/.od his hat and LIIT : TIIK HAIL. Ho was followed by thu delegates fron ho district of Columbia. General Butler was then put in nomi nation successively Mr. Todd , of Califor nia , Mr. Roonoy of Now York , and several ral others. Mr. Blancbard , of Vermont , put ii nomination J. B. Weaver-of Iowa. The chair hero announced that he hai just had an interview with Mr. Weave and that gentleman had not only declare that ho would not accept the nominatio ; but was in favor of General Butlor. Mr. Barud , of Nebraska , nominatoi Allen G. Thurman. BUTLER KNOCKS TUB TKUSIMMONS. On the informal ballot Butler receive ! 124 votes ; Thurman , 7 ; Solomon Chase of Maine , 1. General Butler was nominated natod by acclamation. Adjourned. NEBRASKA. G. H. S. TlIEIll STATE CONVENTION. LINCOLN , Mob. , May 14. The green back state convention mot this afternooi and elected the following delegates ti the National convention : S. C. Pace Lincoln ; 0. W. Wheeler , Nemaha ; Ed J. Hall , Saunders county. The dele gates are uninsttuctcd but supposed I favor Butler. CONGRESS. HI ! NATE. WASHINGTON , May 14. The motioi by Mr. Cullom ( rep. 111. ) to make his interstate tor-state commerce bill the special orde for May 21st was not agreed to. A hill was passed authorizing the con etruction of a pontoon wagon bridge eve the Mississippi river near Dubuque. The house bill proviamg tor the CH tablishment of a bureau of labor static tic * was taken up. Pending the debate Iho sonata adjourn od. IIOUHE. The committee of the wliolo considero the consular und diplomatic appruprin tion bill. Mr. Hobinson ( dem. , N. Y. ) moved t abolish the oflico of Minister to Grou Britain. Lost. The committee rose. Mr. Bpraguodom. ( , Ill , ) nuked unan moua consent to put on its passage n bi authorizing the secretary of the treasur to purchase about § 12,000,000 in bout with the greenbacks held in the treasur for the redemption of retired nation ! bank circulation , which would reliev the money market to the extent of adi ing 12,000,000 to the circulation. Mr. Wollor ( g. b , , Iowa ) objected. Adjourned. \VAHHINGTON NOTKS. J'UIIB WJIIHIIY FOH TJII ! IIEATIIKN. WAHIIINOTON , May 14. A treaty wi signed at the state department by tli Siamese envoy , Prince Narco Varnriddh and 'ocrotary Frolinghuyson , for the n gulation of the liquor trufllo in Siai when conducted by American U is the saino as the treaty signed wit England , Franco , and other nations. Tli effect will bo to insure to the Siamese tli ealo of pure liquoru , and to increase th import duty and excise tax. KXI'OUTlill AMEIUOAN JIEATH. A unanimous report from the Honal committee on foreign relations was Ini before the senate to-day upon the teoon branch of thu Anthony ruu > ution i January 12 , relating to the importuiio of meats from the United Hiatus to foi ei n countries , and to the diacriminntloi made uguinst uxporlu from tha Unitu BtatcH by th tariff lawn of the princip : countries ol Kuropo and America. Tl comuiiit e diecuasod the matter at coi uidenible lengtli , but docu not lind necoujry to suggest any further lugii'i ' tion than already proposed , CONTE TH At UHIOAQO , Probably there will bo but few coi tested seats in the llepublicAti conven tion at Chicago. Up to date only two notices to Imvo been filed , ono from the First district of Alabama , and the other from the First district of Georgia. The absence of contests hull. catena brief session of the convention , A SCMIH | | | O Sinn \voutd Komp'n lUNvu for thn niul iinps. It ii ciuliiR iiiura riirs ot Cough * , Cotl | < , Ast- limit , llroncliUK Cnnii , ami nil Tliront niul l.unitroulilcM , tlinii nny nthor moillrlno , The proprlnturitat \ ( vuthorlrtxl Scliri > oilor fc Hoclit , to refund your immoy If , nfler tnktu tlirco.fcmrtlH of n bottle , rfllof U nutuUnhiH. 1'rico W conLi niul § 1. 1'Vr unlo by Scliooilor 4 Docht. _ _ SADDMOAM ) Sl'IjRY. Tlio ItueoH VoRloritay nt anil WASIHMITON , May 14.Mile - Swift won , Bottler 2nd , Yaluloriug Ilrd ; time 1:51. : 1:51.Mile Mile dash Flower of Meath won , BoUio-'nd , LadyDoan Ilrd ; time , 1:52. : Half mile Two year olds - Florla won , Tolio Doe Uud , Petition Jlrd ; time 5''J. Five furlongs Miller won , Ohosl Und , Uosio d ; time , 1:21J. : Milo and iv half \Veloher won , Joe Mitchell 'Jnd , Nettle 3d ; time , 2:47J. : Milo nnd n half Hurdle race. Knto Cronon won , Bovorwick 2nd , Bally ihl ; time , 2:58i. : LKXINOTON , May 14. Track heavy. Five furlongs 2 year olds. Mies Ida won , DimouBo 2nd , Lady Craft lid ; time , 1.081. Mile alid nn eighth all ages. Are- line won , Lizzie S. 2nd , Vanguard , ! U1 ; time , 20U. ; ; Mile and a half ! 1 year olds. Amlrati won , Admiral 2nd , Waldo ! ul ; lime , 2:47.1. : ] \lilo \ and a ( iiiartor all ngcs , Silvio won , Mavcsliiiht 2nd , Pannier ltd ; time , AXIH YOU GOING TO KUUOl'K ? lu nuothor column will ho found the nn iiouncomoiit of JMoHsrB. THOS. COOlv.tSON. 'louriit AKOHU , "til Droadwny , Now York , rulatlvo to the very cotnplotn nrrniigotiioiitn they have inmlo for tours lu K\uop3 the coming SpriiiT ( niul Suituuor. "Cook'ti ] ' 2xcur- slonlnt , " contntulirK uinps niul full imrUuillnrn , will bo mailed to nny nadroaa ou receipt of 10 coutn TRADE MARK IIKIRIAT w > . . . , „ „ jE MARX Linn HKVIIUT. An unfailing euro for , Seminal \Vuak. liens , SH | > riimtarr * hu > n , Inipotoiioy , anil nil Dlscaaoa that follow an a sequence ul Hell' ' Abufc ; nsloKsol Memory , UnUcr BalljiMltudo.l'aln . AFTER TARINQ , In the Hack , IHinnofuol Vision , ProumluioOlil ASCU anil Jinn ) other illseavea that lead to Insanity orC'on- innption and a Premature flra\e. Hn ol ailTcrtltcniontu to reluml money , when itnfrom whorv the medicine Is bought < ( > nof ' , lint refer J oil to the nmiuifactiirum , anil the eiiuircincnU are such tlmt tluiy aru utilom , if evtr , lunipllvd wIth. lice tholrwrittciiKUArantoo. A trial if ono single pickogo ol ( Iray' * Specific will coin Imw , hu mot nkcptlcM o ( UH real merit * . On account of oonnlo ; . ' ltcrs , wo have ailupteil the follow Wrapper ; the only genuine. X rKnll inrtlculara In our ( lamphlot , which nretlo- jlro toBonu Ireo hy nmll looNcry ono.WTho Hpo- 2lflo lloill luo IB nolil liy all drujttilsU at f I ] > cr paok. ago. or nix lukckagoij lor 86 , or will ho nont Iroo by mall on the rrrclpt ol thu inonoy , by aihlrciuttin ; TIIK UUAYMKUICINKUO. . lluflalo . , N. Y. . Sold n Omaha I' " . ! . - - Tlio Uio ot the term " Hho > I.lno" In connection with tin corporate name ota great road com ej s an Idea ol uat w hat reiiulreil by the traveling iiuli lie a Hhort Utio , Quick Ttu > and the boat ol accommodi tlona all ol which are luru lehed by the gruati t railway In America. OEIOAGO , | yiL | WAFKEI And St. Paul. It owns and operate * over 4,600 miles of Northern Illinois , Wluconiln , Minnesota , low * Dakota ; and aa ts main llnoa , branches and Conner lions reach all the Krcat business centres of tin Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers tli > description of Short Line , and llcst llouto between Chicago , Milwaukee , Ht. I'aul and Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , IA Cronso and Wlnona. Chicago , Mllnaukoo , Aberdeen and Kllcndalo Cblca o , tlllnaukoo , Kau Claire and Htlllnatcr * Chicago , Milwaukee , Wuiiaau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Heaver Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukneha and Oonnmnowno. Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison anil 1'ralrlodii Chloe Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonna and Kalrlhault. Chicago , llelolt Jaiiesvl'lo ' and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Kockford and Uuhiiquo. Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cuilar Ilapldi. Chicago , Council llun ! and Omaha. Chicago , HIoux City , 8l ux Falls nnd Yanktou Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rock Inland , Duhnquo , St. Paul uiul Mlniicanollo. Davenport , Calmar , Ht. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In world are run on the mainlines ol the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & . ST. PAUL UAILWA Y > nd in cry attention Is paid to passengers by courle ous employes of the company. 8. ri. MKKUItL , A. V. n. OAKl'SSTKR , Ueu'l Manager. U' " ' Puis..cent . . i n , aeo.ii. HbAirFoitD , Science ot Life , Only $1.00 , , - , .f iBY MAIL POSTPAID. A GJlErt.T MEDIOATj TVOIIK Kihnustod Vitality , Norrous and Physical Debility Premature Decline In Man , Kirorsof Youth , an tin untold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or til . A book for every man , young , ml iniloM. It contains 156 proscriptions for all acali jn < l chronic Atsoafon each ono of which In Invahibb'i fo found by the Author , whoso oiporlonoa for 2) ) years Is such improbably never before foil to the U of any physic an 800 pages , Iwuml In henutlfi rmncnmuslln m Jowoil oovors , full gilt. guarantor to bo a Onor worn every sense , mochanloal , III trary and professional , than any other work nold Ii Hill country for (2.60 , or thu money will bo rofundei In every ln Unc * . 1'ilcoonly 11,00 by null , pott pall , Illustrative satnplo 6 oonts. ll nd now. Oo i modal awarded the author by the National Uodlo Aesoclatlon , to the olllccrs of vihlch ho refers. IheHdunso of Lift should be read by the youni for Instruction , and by the altllotod for relief , I will henefli ill. I/indon Lancet , Tliere Is no member of toclety to whom The Hcl enco of Mfo will not bo useful , whether youth , par ent , iniarllin , InitructororolerKyman. Argonaut. AJdrita the Pcaboily Usdlcal Instltuto , or Dr , W II. I'arkcr , No. 4 Dulllnch Street , lloston Uais. . hi may ho oonsultod on all dUeuos requiring skill am experience , lUironlaandobstluttod'soasosthat htv balllixl the skill of all other phyi-MC A I dln npeolajtyi _ Much trettod suc.wDs.pLHl , full ; without aa IntUao tllu i HoJBTsMalt Extract A TONIO WITHOUT A UIVAL1 TIIK GKNUINK. 'Iliu le& t po lblu el iniilant It ald rflgevtlon. HtrfnijtlitiH tint weak , lluilJt uji the Hjntoni. It Is unviir attvo'l : Vor Wwkly Children , Fur Nur > liu Mo tints For Uvmakiictnt * . N , II.-It hui ju'ii 'argily ' Imltaltd , nnil the ( iilbl vUherchyiuiitloiicd i , | uccvi > t none unltBii | t \ > aut the i. nine nf TARWANT fcCO. , S lo Agents for tha I'nltcxl ' Slate * and Ilrltlili I'rotlno-n of North Amer ica , as Ureeuwich St , NxwYvrk , 1'rlcvti. per AND TWO WHEEL OAKTS. 1SI9 and ISM llanutyatreot and 103 S Itth Street , uMrktol 0tloiruo tnriilnhxl lrc ui on applloaUoa IN ROOFING AND COVERING WALLS. VAN PAPPELENDAM Mndo of Shoot Matnl with 1'rcaacd Ornnmonti. i.o linking , No CraokiiiR or low ing olF. Fire Proof , Olionp uud Durnblo. The Moat Orimmoutnl Hoof Mndo. Practically Tested Tor Nearly Ten Years , With the Most Gra'ifwi ' SULLIVAN BROTHERS , Agents. Fig. 2 View representing a numbo of Tiles ns arranged upon n roof. Fig. U Dotnit sectional view of the an mo. Fig. 4 Quo of the Roof Tiloa. Fig. 5 Wall Tile , the white part of which is covered by the ono nbovo it , nnd requires no description. SULLIVAN BEOTHEES MANUKATUUK11S OP TIN ROOFING ! SMOKE STACKS , Brahiiigs anil General Iron Wort TIN , IRON & SLATE ROOFING , Guttering and Genial Milling TKllMSUIIASONAULE , Satisfaction Guaranteed , lOD-lll SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. , OMAHA , . NEBRASKA. Tlio Palncn Hotel of Dcnvur. Oor. Seventeenth ami Lawrance Sij Hoonin 7Du to $2.00 per day. Special Hat n by lha Month. THE FINEST TABLE IN THE WEST. Conducted ou the American nnd Kuropoau Plans. Day Board § 7 pur wook. 1 P. S. OONDON , - - PKOPKIETOK , HEM JOBBER OF EASTERft PRICED DUPLICA1ED\ \ 11 FARNAM STREE OMAHA UDR an UN Dod c St. . I } OMAHA. NEr i 1(03 ( BRADY ST. , DAVKNPOUT , IOWA , U. S. A. 3 8liblitthod ( 1878 CnUr h , t IDonfncns , Lung nnd Nervous DisonHes Spcodily nnd 1 ormanontly Cured. Pa i lOurcd at lloinu. Write for "Tun MKDIOAL-MIHBIONAHY , " for the People , " llonsultation nnd CorrcBpondonco Qrutla. P. O. Box iS92. Telephone No. DON. EDWARD RUSSELL , PoalmtiBtor , Dawnport , nnyu : "Physioinn oa Ability niia Marked BUCCCBK. " CONGRESSMAN MUUPI1Y , Davoni > " ! < < ! : "An nonornblo Man. Fine HUCCOBB. Wond4irful CuroB. " rionrB. R THEBESTTHREAD Williniantic Spool Cotton IB entirely the product o Homo Industry , nnd io pronounced by experts to bo tlio boBtHowinKniiicJiine thread In the worW. FULL AliSOItTMBNT UONHTA.NTLY ON HAND , art - for FBI * by HENLEY , UA.YNJUS ft VAN AllSDEL , " m&o Omuhn. Nob. I GLA 1024 Nortli Eigbtcontlr Strftot , Oinnlin , on Street Car Lino- WHOtK8\M3 AND UlTTAIIj OriideH anil pricou as ( rood mid lo\v \ ns uijy in thu city Please try roe. MANUKAOTUliKU OP ine Buggies , Carriages , & Spring Wagona , My llsposllory Ii comUnlty Illlud ltd a fokrt Utock \VORKMANSOIP GUARANTEED. OFFICE AND FAOTOUY , S. W mjs-wly Cor , Rixtoonth end Caprlol Avonun.