Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For a Ltimo Back
For a Lnmo Buck
For a 'Lnmo Book
For n Lame Back
Doctor Thomas1 Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas1 Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
OIL-$1,00 $ ,
FOSTER , MILBURN & CO. , Props. ,
Buffalo. N. Y
\ls warranted to wrnr longer , fil
i form ncaUr , iiml clro lull"
ifitctlon than nny oilier Core * .
In the market , or prlco paid wit.
I * refundrd "hoUicloreomcnUoi
Chlcrro'n Nil , ihYtlclU ! : , accop
iMny r ch Cornet. Price , licit Nnlrvn Jcnn. I'oiUet
JrepalJ , Sl.r.o AUK rourmrrrhiint fcrtheu.
" .TI8llllin. ) JONEIMI A Co. .
IrfTuitcturcn , 210 & tll lUndolph SUCmc ep.
or Wormy Volno oftha hcrotti m. fJ/frn tfie unfit * *
jiwfwi raw o/ Lost Manhood , Debility , Ac. ,
quickly andfiafnltirti/rumi bjthe EJOOtlO Craulo *
ComPrO9flOr SO * ( lltire fitting , Circalir Free
cmiws SI&ZBUL AOEHCT , icotdtaDt..K wrctk.
Belgian Boynl and U.S. Mail Btcamcra
yhtlthine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France
Steerage Outward$20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , (21 ;
Excursion , $ M , Including bedding , etc , 2d Cabin , $50 ;
Hound Trip , $90 00 ; Kxcurilon , $100 ; Saloon from $50
to ( DO : ExcursionrfllO to 8100.
jrJTPctcr Wright & Sana , Gou , Agents. 65 Broad
way N. V.
Caldwell. nitnllton & Co. , Omahi. P. E. fllod.
man & Co. , 203 N. 10th Street , Cmaha ; D. E. Kimball -
ball , OmMuAcontd. mAu coil-lv
Plans , BpoclBtttlons and estimates of cost of Inylnj
out now or remodeling old lawns , grading , nodding ,
ts. mil bo fiirnlshol on application. Grower and
dealer ID all kinds of Flowers , Hhrubs , Ornamental
and Shade Trees. Just the thing for Cemetery or
Lawn Decoration. Green Homo and Nursery 23rd
Street , near Fort Oroahx Cut flowers and Flowering -
ing Plants In pots for ale at all seasons , and any
Floral Designs or Bauqucta made upon the nhortost
.notice. Orders by mall promptly attended to. Ad-
drcsj Pt O. Box 005 Omaha. Neb.
HcK'oncratUn for
cnfoehlod BJ btems ,
suffering from agon-
cral wantof toneand
Its usual concomit
ants , dyspepsia and
nervousness , Is eel-
dom derivable fiom
the use of a nour
ishing diet and stlm-
u t of appetite , un
aided. A medicine
that will effect a re
moval of the specific
obstacle to rcnowid
health and vigor that
It a genuine corroo
tUo.lstbercil noej ,
Itlstbopo tosslonol
this grand require
mcnt which makci
lUstotter'i Stomach
_ _ _ Bitters so tffeotlve
aianlnrliroraut. or silo by all Drugguta nod deal-
ert generally.
cioallftit tritlilrloata oftiquUlu aUvoMiovoMaemtb *
fevl * orlt , currt D II-VIMI I * , JJlMttu * * , Itrrr * u4 Arif fcnd til
dlwrliriuf tli JM , < min Or/tnl. A ( * drop * UUMH * dcilduvi flitt
Urn [ Uiiof cUKiM/ni | , tnl tfl All mawr drtnkl Try It , u
r * fco > iBur.U . Aitt jreur ttM r cr dntnl't ftff tbfUUil
title ! * , tBtnufvturtd t / ML / u. D BILOCUT ft > NS.
j. T ; . xTuppcsuAMT , COLS AQIH
r if. r.
Dr. . Amelia Burroughs ,
1617 Dodge. . St. , - Omaha ,
All kinds of Bread , Fancy Cakes and Pics uituntlj
on hand ,
$ , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sis ,
Capital , - - $100,000.00
C , W. HAMILTON , Proo't.
. S OALDWELL , V. Pre 't.
M. T. BARLOW. Cashier
8. S. OALUWELL , B. F. Buixn ,
Accoun aolloltod nnd kept sub
) oot to sight check.
Certificates of Deposit Insued pay
ctblo In 3 , 0 nnd 12 months , boarlnf
Interest , or on demand without In
Adyancea made to ountomor or
approved eocurltlog at market rat *
of Intoroat.
Intorotttu of Cuotomors * art
clpenly Kuardod and every facility
compatible with principles ol
cound banking freely extended ,
draw sight drafts on England , lre >
Scotland , anrt all partoof En
ill Curopenn Pnsnago Tloketn
llo\v H is urowcd.
The following npostroplio lo wnlcr maj
10 justly rccnnlcd ns ono of the flncst
liccca of composition in the Lnglhh Inn-
fjunpo :
"Not In tlio elmmcrlnR ntlll , over nmok-
, ng fires , choked with poisonous gasc-i , nnd
: nirounded with the stench of filckcning
< xioro nnd rank corruption , doth our Father
i Heaven prepare the precious essence of
lfopuro cold wnlcr. IJut in the green
Lido nnd grassy dell , \vlicro the red deer
.irrjidoro nnd the child loves to piny , thcro
jo < l lilmsclf lircws it' , nnd down , low down
in the deepest vnllcyo , where the fountains
murmur nnd tlio rills sing ; nnd high upon
ljo ! mountain-topi , where the naked Rrnn-
lie glistens llkngold In the sun where the
form-cloud broods nnd the thunder-storm
crashes j nnd nway , fur out on the wide ,
\vldo sen , where the hurrlcnno howls itt )
itiu.ilc , and the big waves roar the chorus ,
'BWtoplng the march of God' thcro Ho
hnwa it , that beverage of Hfo health-giv
ing water.
And everywhere it is n thing of beauty ;
gleaming In the dew-drop , Hinging in the
TOmmir rain , shining in the ice-gem till the
IrccsBcem turned to living jowelsj spread
ing a golden vail over the setting mm , or n
jllvcry gauze around the midnight moon ;
sporting In the cataract , sleeping in iho
glacier , dancing in the hall-shower , folding
bright Rtiow-curtnhm softly nhovo the win
try worhl , and weaving Iho many-colored
ris , that seraph's /ono of the aky whoso
warp is the rain of earth , whoso woof Ja
the sunbeam of heaven , nil checkered o'er
, vilh celestial Ilowcru by the mystic wand
of rarefaction , still always it is beautiful ,
that blessed cold water.
No poison bubbles on its brink ; its rpnm
brings not madness nnd murder : no blood
stains its liquid glass ; pnlo widows and
starving orphans weep not burning tears
in its clear depths ; no drunkard's shriek
ing ghost from the grave curses it in words
of despair 1
Speak out , my fticwls , would you ex
change it for the demoivs drink , alcohol t"
The nldu If of tlint dolicnto nature upon
which the most Improvement can huiniulo nnd
by the use of I''rt Mcclicntod Complexion
1'owdcrnll rouglmcfl' * , H.illownoss and irritation
can bo over coino leaUng tin ) nklu delicately
Whlto. Boft and Binooth. Tills proiaratiun | n.
n world wlilo roputitlon , ( in no fear ncodboa
entertained of the ruanlt. Sold by nil driiRgUts
Bine SAW IHsi A Fnv IlirrrEn. Tito
public luts long conceded that the power of
the hotel clerk is superior to that of prcsi-
lent. A now rival lias sprung up in the
railroad ticket agent , ns was demonstrated
at an Iowa station a few weeks ago.
"I want a ticket to B , " said a well-
known lady of the town , just before train
"Twenty-four cents , " responded the ngcnt ,
working his sausage machine. She laid
down a silver quarter. Being well nc-
quantcd and a practical joker , the ngcut
drew up from his pocket a glittering panla
button , passed it over with the ticket , and
Bcoopcd up the quarter.
"Is that n legal tender ? " asked the lady
"Oh , yes , " ho answered with mock
jravlty , " they nro Iho mainstay of the re
public. "
She pocketed it and got aboard , leaving
the agent's face coruscating with smiles.
A few days after ho told it to a brigade
of runners buying tickets for H , nnd
while ho was enjoying the encore , the lady
appeared with *
' 'Tirket for B , please. "
"Twenty-four cents,1' with a sly wink at
the runners. Ho laid down the ticket.
She scooped it and laid down twenty-four
dazzling pants buttons , exactly like the
"You said they were legal tender. They
go a long ways supporting the family , " she
chirped sweetly , as she bowed from the
presence of more than presidential preroga
Then ho set 'cm up to the brigade of en
lightened runners. Clcielancl Leader.
Plica ere frequently preceded by a aonso of
Weight in the back , lohia and lower part of the
abdomoncau8lnir , the patient to eupposo he hag
eomo affection ol the kidnoya or neighboring
organs. At tlmoa , ym toms of Indigestion
are present , aa flatuency , unoaalneas of the
stomach , etc. A molstcro llko perspiration ,
producing a Aery disagreeable itching particu
larly nt nght { ftar ( jotting warm in bed , Its
very common attendant. Internal , xtornal
and Itchlngl'los yield at onca to the appllca-
tlon of Dr. Bosanko'tilMlo Komody , which arts
directly upon the parts affected , absorbing the
tumors , allaying the intense itching , and ef
fecting a permanent euro whcro other remedies -
dies have failed. Do not delay until the drain
on the nyrttoin produces permanent disability ,
but try it and bo cured. Schrotcr & ISecht.
"Trade Buppliodby 0. V. Goodman. "
To Rnjiovn GLASS Sxerrnns. Hold the
neck of the bottle about half an inch above
the tlnmo of n lamp or candle for a few
seconds. Wo Imvo never fulled oven in the
most obstinate cases. The hands should bo
wrupyed in n towel , and great euro should
bo taken not to let "tho ilamo touch the
glass , as this might cause it to crack. The
bottle should bo kept rapidly turning dur
ing the operation , BO ns td bring all parts
of the neck equally uudcr the inllucnco of
the heat , when it will bo rapidly expanded
and the stopper- may bo withdrawn by u
steady pull nnd twist. Sometimes it is
necessary to top the stopper lightly with n
plcco of wood. To twist the stopper , make
nn oblong hole in n piece of wood , Into
which the t topper will Juatflt.
Every boy , nnd girl too , knows that Eas
ter JH the Sunday of eggs fancy eggs.
\fo presume that few of them know
anything of the origin or cnuso * of this rgg
feast , it bclug simply a tradition or custom
which has como down from generation on
to generation , without uuy explanation
The most characteristic Easter rite , nnd
the ono most widely diffused , is the use of
2'asch ( Easter ) Eggs. They nro usually
stained of various colors with dye-woods
nnd herbs , nnd people mutually make pres
ents of them ; sometimes they nro kept ns
amulets , sometimes eaten ; games nro also
played by atrlkiug them agmnst ono augth-
cr. lu Bomo moorland parts of Scotland it
used to bo the custom for young pcoplo to
go out early on 'Tasch Sunday" mid search
for wild fowls'eggs for breakfast , nnd it
was thought lucky to find them. There
: an ho little doubt that the use of eggs nt
this season was originally symbolical of
the revivification of nature the springing
forth of lify in the Spring. The practice la
not confined to Christians ; the Jews used
eggs in the feast of the Passover , mid wo
nro told that the Persians , when they keep
the festival of the solar uow year ( in
March ) , mutually present each other with
colored eggs.
From the Christian point of view this
"Feast of Eggs" has been usually consider
ed ns emblematic of the resurrection mul
of < v future life.
The Testimony nt'n I'lijBlciau.
James Beocher , M , D. , ofSlgounioy.flown ,
lava for several yearn I havii beun using t
Cough JUI iim. call-d DH WM. HALL'S
must every cn o throughout my practice , ]
Imvo hid ontlre aucowm. I have used and ere
rcribed hundreds of bottles over sltir.a thnd yi
of my nrmy practice (18C3) ( ) , whou I WM uur <
geuu of Uouijital No , 7,1.ouU\Illo , Kentucky ,
IIonry'H C rbn1lu Halve.
It is the Best Salvo for Out * . BruUo * , Korea
Ulcers. Halt Itbouni , Tttter , Clisppeil Hands
OhllblaluB , Oorim nnd all KluJu of Skin Ilrup
UOBH , Freckles and Pimple * .
{ DUHNO'S OATA11HH BNUFF cures all
I affections of th > > mucoui meiubruue , of tin
I head uiiJ throat , ]
lied UorrsPcivdcrscuro csin ttlsili
A man gets intotronblobymnrryingtwo
I wives. If lie marries only ono ho iny
hnvo trouble : nnd gomo men have como to
euro tribulation by" simply promising to
marry one. Trouble nnyhow.
I The HVQ question of hugging , whatever
It mny be , In before the Michigan Legisla
ture in thohhapo of n bill toinako hugging
nglrl ngalnst her will apcnitcntlnryoflcncc.
No measure of this sort is likely to pass.
No girl unless the girls of Michigan nro
totally dlflercntfromnll other girls wnnla
any such law ns that : it would ppollabout
, nlncty-nlno onc-hundrcdths of nil the fun
thcro is in this world , nnd every enterpris
ing young.mnn in the State would bo in
' -ill wlthiun month. [ Philadelphia Times.
AKonnlllo , > ian u'linld Use.
Kemp's Balnnm for the Throit nnd Lungs.
It in cmlngmnro cascn of Con gin , Coldi , Ast
hma , Bronchitis , Croup , and nil Throat nnd
Lunp trotibloi , than nny oilier mcdlrlnn.
The iroprlntor has mUliorlrod Schroeder &
Bocht , to refund your inotioy If , After taking
three-fourth * of n bottle , relief U not obtained.
Price fiOceiits nnd 81. For sale by Sclioader
& 1Jccllt >
{ low > UNO lloncs.
Plant food Is concentrated ii bones , nnd
most gardeners , who make a busjncs-s of
raising fruit nnd vegetables , appreciate their
value. The great drawback to their use is
the difficulty of reducing them to sufficient
fineness bo that plants may immediately
appropriate them , If hone mills were more
common nnd the ndultcratlou of the ground
bone were less frequent , this excellent fer
tilizer would bo more commonly used.
Even without bone mills thcro is no use
in wasting the bones , if ono lias n garden.
AVe have applied them with great profit in
several ways. In tree planting they nro
utmost Indispensable. They can bo had of
Village boys generally for about twcuty-
flvo or fifth cents a barrel. They pick
them up about the streets , garden ? , daugh
ter houses , the remnants of butcher's meat
sold to families. This kind of bone is line
enough to bo put into borders for grape
vines , without nny preparation. A bushel
of these bones to a newly planted tree is
none too much , nnd ono may safely plant
five bushels under n bearing npplo or pear
tree , or grape vine. So laigo results will
not follow immediately from thcso coursoi
pieces ns from the ground article , or from'
superphosphates. But thcro will } \o \ in the
soil n supply of food for many ; years to
come , and the roots will appropriate it ns
they have neod. Wo have frequently taken
up grape vines planted in this way , and
found thb whole mass of bone , once solid ,
penetrated with line roots. Wo doubt if
nny investment in fertilizers pays 'better
than in these bones from outchcrs * mint ,
which nro quito plentiful in all our villages.
Another method of using them i ? with the
preparation ot the hammer or stone sledge.
This requires some expenditure of muscle
or of money. The common bones nro
tough , nnd require heavy , blows to crush
them. Parts will bo crushed quito finonml
some will remain in inch pieces. They
may by applied to the soil for nil ordinary
Drops , especially for turnips , in this partly
broken state , with profit. It is still better
however , to reduce them to a finer state ,
by fermentation , in a compost heap , or by
treating with wood ashes. If they nro put
Into n cask nnd mixed with nltcrnato lay-
era of wood ashes , mid kept moist , they
will soon go to pieces , and the line mixture
will have n large accession of potash nnd
bo nindo more valuable and better adapted
lo crops that want n good deal of potash.
If wood ashes nro not convenient the bones
uay bo fermented in n compcst heap with
. ; ooct garden soil. Put them into any fer
menting mass of vegetable or animal matter
and the bones will ndd to the heat and be
come very fine. After the fermentation Is
over , the whole nmss should bo shovelled
> ver , nnd intimately mixed , nnd it may 1)0 )
spread broadest or put in the hilLns n con
centrated manure. This way is good
enough , though it requires more tlrno than
the reduction of bone by sulphuric acid ,
which costs nfoncy , and requiresmoro care
ful handling Wo have used bones in all
these methods , with great profit , for thirty
years , nnd expect to use them while wo cat
the fruit of thogardcu. Never throw away
my of the bones.
Sportanburg , S. C. , March 13,1884.
Yyur most valuable modlclno ( SWIKT'H Sl'K-
cific ) hus done mo so much good that I fool
llko Baying this for the benefit of those who
suffer llko J did , I wan poisoned by roittox
OAK , and saw not a well day for six years ,
until I used SWIKT'H SPECIFIC. In the six
years I usoj almost every kind of medicine ,
but none had the desired effect. After using
fix bottles of SWIFT'S Sl'KclKlc I am restored
to perfect health - witli not a sign of that awful
noiion left ! Yours Tridv.
Treatise on Blood and Sklu Diseases mailed
Tim SWIFT Si'BciKio Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlan
ta , Go. _
A man has not time to s til nine his pas
sions , establish his soul in virtue and come
up to iho period ion of his iiature , before
lie ia hurried ofl1 the stage. [ Addtsou.
HorsloriU'H Acid Pliosplmtc.
Dn. P. SrunuALTKH , St. Louis , Mo. ,
"I have used it in
says : dyspepsia ner-
vuous prostration and inl night sweats ,
with very good results.
"Wo ought not to add , by word or look ,
to the unhappluess of thosp who already
have u load of borrow to bear.
No well regulated housotio a should bo with
out u bottle of Angostura lUltorH the
world-wide appetizer and iuvigorator. Beware -
ware of counterfeits. Ask your grocer or
druggist for the genuine article , manufactured
by Dr. J. U. B. Slcgort & SOUP.
flie expression "Cat a dido , " is safa to
have criminated in ( ho following way r
It in told in history , that Dido , n Queen
of Tyre , about eight hundred nnd seventy
years Iwfore Chrlht , fled from that place ,
upon the murder of her hu.Mmnd , nnd with
a colony settled upon the northern coast
of Africa , where mie built Carthage. Being
in want of land , bhe bargained with the
nations for na murh as she could surround
withabull'whidc. HaIng made the agree
incut , she cut the hull's hide up into line
strings , mid tying them together , she
claimed M much laud as she could BUT-
round with the loug line tbusmhde. The
native * let the cunnimt Queen have her
way , but nfter that whenever tnybody
played n hhnrp trick they said ho hod "cut
a dido , " nnd the phrase has.coina down
to our day.
Allen's Brain Food botanical extract
strengthens the Brain and positively cures
Nervous Debility , Nervousness , Headache *
unnatural loosen , and all weakness of Genera
tive Byrtom ; it never fulls. 81 pkg.j 0 for $5
At druggists or Allen's Pharmacy , 310 First
Aye. N. Y ,
Glass cloth is being made in Germany.
At Gnudenfrul the nrtist nud glow spinner ,
A. Prcngal , of Vienna , has established his
glass business , offering carpets , culls , col
lars , veils , etc. , made of glass. Ho not only
spins , hut nb > o weaves glass before the eye *
of the people. The otherwise brittle glass
he changes into pliable threads , and Ube.s
tiiMii for making good , warm clothing by
introducing certain ingredients , which nrc
ills secret , nnd thereby changing the entire
{ nature of the glass , lie makes white ciuly
I yliiM mil ( la ; also ladies' hats of glass , with
' glass feathers , \\liith iiro lighter than real
1 feathers. Wool mrulool'gluss , itissuld , cuu-
I not bo distinguished fiom thcgcnuiuoarti-
1 cle. Glass is n non-conductor , and the time
may nok bo distant \\heuit will cauto a
rotoIuUon in dress materials.
Morgan's Murder.
"I know how Moigun was killed , " said
Mr. Weed , "nud where nnd when ho was
killed , nnd who killed him. It was u
drend 1'ul murder. "
"How do 1 know1 ho risked , repenting
my question. " 1 know because the crimi
nals themselves confessed it lo mo before
they died. ' '
"Is It possible ? " I said. "Will you tell
the public about It1
"Yes , I have told It partially before. It
wns in 16.14 , about five years niter Iho sud
den disappearance of Morgan , that on my
trial for libeling the Masons two men > ol-
untccrcd to bo my witnesses. Ono of these
men wns John Whitney. * '
I think Mr. Weed said the other wns the
man thnt had charge of the old fort where
Morgan wns confined by his captors.
Ho went on :
"I Invited them to eat some oysters with
mo after the trial , nml while wo were nt
the table John Whitney consented , hi
reply tooururgcncy tomakoaclcnn breast
of it about the murder of Morgan. Ho de
clared the terrible secret had been n bur
den on him day nnd night , nnd tlven ho
told who the men were who left the lodge
one dark night to put Morgan out of the
way , lest ho might reveal the secrets of the
order. Ho said ho wns ono of the men.
The others were Col. Win. King , Gnrsido ,
1 toward nnd Chubboek. They went to the
lort , bound the prisoner hand nnd foot ,
laid him In n boat , cnri led him to about the
middle part of the Niagara rher , whcro it
was two miles to cither shore , nnd there ,
tying weights to his head nnd .feet , they
flung him overboard. When ho lind told
the story Whitney said ho felt relieved.
The other witness turned to him nml said :
'John , Weed can hang 3-011 now.1 'Yes,1 said
Whitney , 'but ho won't. ' I thought much
about my duty to Iho public , but it was
obviously impossible to convict him unless
ho would say solemuljrju court .what ho
had said tojuc. .
3t was ncnily tbiity years nltorwnrd
rrbon I met John Whitney in Chicago
when I was thereat theComention in l&OO.
He came to mo nud said he wanted to
maken cnicful confession for me to write
down , to he published after his dcnth.
There was nobody else ho dared to ti list to ,
he said. I ngrced to commit his dreadful
secret to paper ns soon ns the Convention
adjourned. The hour it adjourned ho was
waiting for me at the hotel. I was in the
depths of disappointment nnd wns busy
with n hundred things , nnd I told Whitney
that 1 should come bad : to Chicago shortly
and would then nttend to it. We exchang
ed letters nftcr that , hut he died suddenly
nnd I never saw him again ,
"Tho Chicago papers , " 1 said , "ought to
/ook up his relatives or friends there , nnd
BCD if ho left nuy document or told his
"Yes , " ho replied , "it would bo well. It
isstinngc , by the way , Hint every one of
flioso iho inuulcrcrs is dead , nnd nil but
one died violent deaths. . Col. King com
mitted suicide , nud Gnrsido was kicked to
death by u horse.
JEBSBY Cmr , N. J. , Feb. 28,1883.
Two months ago I suffered with a very
bad cough , which kept mo awnko all night.
I was recommended to put on my chest
two Allcock's Porous Plasters. Unfor druggist persuaded mo to try
some other so-called porous plaster , J
lost my innnoy , for the wore worthless
and not of the slightest benefit. I then
procured Allcock's Poroua Plasters , nnd
they completely cured mb.
Imitation Poroua Piasters nro being
advertised and offered for sale. Beware
of them. "AlcockV is--the only gen
A Gooil Niuno.
We once visited n public school. At re
cess n little J llovr came up and spoke to
the teacher. As he turned to qo dowu the
platform the master e Sd : ' "This is a boy I
can trust. " Wo followed him with our eye
nud loookcd'at him when he took his sent
nfter recess. He had n fine , open , manly
face. We thought a good deal about the
master's remark. What a character had
that boy earned. Ho had nlrendy gotten
what would be worth mora to him than a
fortune. It would bo n passport into the
best store in the city , nnd , what is better ,
into the confidence and respect of the
whole community. We wonder if the boys
know , how soon they nrc rated by other
people. Every boy in the neighborhood ia
known nnd opinions nro formed of him ;
ho has n character , cither fnxornhlc or un
favorable. A boy of whom the muster can
say : "I can trust him , ho never failed me , "
will never want employment. The fidelity ,
promptness nnd industry which ha shows
in school nre in demand nnd prized every
where. Ho who is faithful in little will
bo faithful in much.
Good health is the greatest of fortunes ;
no remedy has so often restored this prize
to the Bufl'uring , ns Hood's Sarsapnrilla.
Try it.
JInrlncr'H Compass.
This instrument was invented in the
year 1302 , by Flavio Giota , n citizen of
Amalll in the kingdom of Naples. Al
though its use might enable Italians to
perfbrin with greater bccurity nnd expedi
tion the short voyages to which they were
icemtomed , yet- its influence was neither
to rapid nor extensive ns to excite a spirit
of discovery by rendering navigators more
adventurous in exploring the deep. Seamen -
men unaccustomed to quit the sight of land
dared not launch out ut once , nnd commit
themselves to unknown seas. Accordingly ,
It took nearly half n century nftcr Giota's
invention , to secure for it MI eh confidence
ns enabled navigators toventure upon
strange seas , or beyond such limits as they
had besm accustomed to frequent.
A Happy Family.
Pulled from the breast , squeezed from the bottle ,
8 touiiclit ft ill emu-ill milk will cunllo :
Baby hallelujah Mid that nlgt t ,
Household bumplni ; liwuU in awtul ( right
Don't dony'twu tiiui with Victoria ,
Night was hideout without Cutorla ;
When cello let ; lor peaceful dumber ,
All uld their prayer and tloiit like thunder.
The great union flag , raised by command
of Washington at Cambridge , Jan. 2,1776 ,
originated in a comb nation of ideas , de
rived very gradually from the cross of St.
George nud the saltiro of Bt. Andrew ,
through the British Union Jack and com
mercial flag , nnd immediately from Uio
standard of the Philadelphia. . Light Horse
of 177-1 , now the Frst Troop Philadelphia
City Cavalry ; mul the star-spangled ban
ner arose from the Continental great union
flag thri gh the replacement of the liritiuh
"quarter , " or "union. " by the American
"quarter1 or "union" Of thirteen white
utars upon n blue ground. That the Amer
ican flag really dates from May 23 or4 ,
1770 , wns shown by means of the story ot
the Widow Koss ( lietsy Griscom , ) who
made in Philadelphia the first star-spangled
banner ; nnd the narrative oPtho cruise of
the brig "Nnucy" of Wilmington , Del. ,
Capt. Hugh Montgomery , who wns the llrst
Jhat ever raised in a foreign port the star-
spangled banner , which ho fought under
Hid preserved nt Capo Island , N. J. , June 'JO ,
1770 ; both thcso being confirmed in nil
particulars by six reliable contemporary
Indian Aflnlrn , Washington , April 2) ) , I8S1.
Scaled proKi ] il , Indorsed "I'lOpoiAM ( or Beet" ( > Id *
( or bcel mutt l > o submitted In qinratn crmlojrtu , )
l&con , T-'lour , Clothing , or TrAn'portnllnn , kr , ( m
the ca o ran ? be , ) ftnd directed to the Commlatlner
ol Indlin Aldlrs Noj. 05 and 67 Woottcr street , I < off
York , will l > o reached until 1 r. M. of Tucrday , May
27 , 1834 , ( or ( urrilshlng ( or the Indian ecrUcn mout
620.000 pounds lUcon , S9.000.PU ) | iound Hectontlio
1'oof , 100,000 pound * DoAns. 45/XQ pounds linking
t'owder , 7bOWO pounds Corn , 410,001 1 ounds OolToo ,
7fOO,000 pounds Flour , "O.OWJ | > oumU Feed , 1D3OCO
pounf B Hard Dread , 48,100 puimlft Hominy , IS.OiO
pounds Lard. 700 barm * mcs < ictk , 180,00 pounds
Hire , 7,600 pounds Tea , IPO pounds Tobacco ,
220.1 00 pounds Salt , 160,000 poundsSoup , 0,000 pounds
Soda , 810,000 poundi Suf : r , and 4JWO ( pouudt
Also , Blankets , Woolen and Cntton Oood , ( con-
filling In patt o ( Ticking1 , SO 000 J rd < ; Standard
Calico , 135,000 yards ; Drilling , 0.000 vards ; IMick.O
( rco from all tlziiiR , PO.GOO ) u ! ; Dcnlus , 17,00
) < ds ; GlnKhoni , H 0,000 yards ; Kentucky Jeans ,
2X,0XHard < ; thovlot , 4tOO jards ; Brown 8hccllnt (
176,000 yards : Ulcachcd Shcctlnir , IS , COO yards ;
Hickory fihlitlnf , 10000 } ards ; Calico Hhlrtlntf ,
0,000 yards ; \Vlnecy , 1,600 ) ards ; ) Clothing , Oro.
cerlcs , Notions llnrow arc , Medical Supplies , School
Docks , &c. a.idn lonir list o ( mlsccllanlous articles ,
siichtti Harnccs , I'ltms , Hakes Forks , A. c. , ami for
about 470 W Rons loquircd ( or the service , to bo
ilcllvioJat Chicago , Kansas City , and MouxCity.
Also for eiuh Wagons an mny bo required , adapted
to the cllmato of the 1'acltlo Coast , \\llh California
Brakes , ilclhcrnl at Ban Francisco.
AIw , transportation for men \ t the articles , Roods ,
ami MJppllcs 'hat tray not bo contracted for to bo
delivered at the Agencies.
Schedule t thawing the kinds and qualities of
Bubslstcnco supplies required for oich Agency , and
the klr > ds and quantities In gross , of all o.hcr goods
and articles , toothcr with blink proposals , conditions
to bo obscn cit by bidders , time and place of delivery
teimi of conlrMtaud pojinvnt , tran9 | > ortnllnri mutes ,
and all other necessary Inttmctlons will he furnUhed
ii ) > 0i i > [ plication tntlio Indian Olllro In WashlnKton ,
or Nos. 05 and 07 Wiiostor Streot.Ntw York ; Wm H.
LonNo.493 Uroadnav , New York ; trio Comnim-
arks of subslstanco , U.S. A , at C ! > cjcnno Chicago
cage , Ixa\cnuorth , Omaha , taint Louis , Saint Paul ,
n > u rrancleco , and Yajkton ; the l'ostmutr at
Sioux City , and to the Postn asters at the follonlng
named places In Kantaa : Arkansai City , Kurlington ,
C'ldncll , UodgoCity , Kmpoili , Kurcka , or eat
Bend , Howard. Ilutcalnson. Larncd , Mo Phcrson ,
Marlon , Medicine T/odire , NcntJn , Os-ipe City , Sedan ,
Sterling Topeka , WilllnRton , Wichita and Wintlcld ,
Illilivl 1 to opened at the hour and day nbcno
Btatcd , andblddcisarolmltcd to bo present t the
All bids uiu&t bo accompanied by certified checks
upon lomo Unitc.l Statoj Depository or the Vlret
National Bank of Las Angeloi , Cal. , for at lease Iho
per cent of thu amount of tno proposal.
II. ritlCK , Commissioner.
Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and
The cow extension of tbla line from Wakofiold up
through Concoid and Coleridge
- - ,
Itcacbcs the best portion of the State. Special ex
cursion ra'cs for land icekors over this line to
Wayne , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and via Blair to all
principal po'i.ts ' on the
Trains tncr tht C. , St. P. M. & O. Railway to Cov
ngton , Sioux city , Tonca , Hattington , Wajno and
Norfolk ,
C3oxa.xi.OGt At 3Bl ix-
or Fremont , Oakda o , NcIIgh , and through to Val
entin r.
tSTFor rates and all information call on
F. B. WHITNEY , General Accnt ,
Fifteenn Ball Pool , Carom ,
18 South Sd Street , St Louis , ' 411 Delaware Street ,
Kanwuj CityMo. , 1821 Douglas St. Omaha , Kcb.
or Catalogues and Frlco Lists.
Urn Cornice-Works
1111 Douglas 81 Omaha , Neb
Galvanized Iron Oornices
ifl-Dormer Windows , FlntolF , Tin , lion and Slate
Itoollt p. Hi tTht's 1'otci.t . Vttalllc lil.\l'ght , latent
odjutted Itulchct llor and Draclit tliehli/t , ' . lam
thu general i4/rnt for the abovuHi u of goods. Iron
1-ciulnR. Crittlnv" Dalu 1 redes , V.randas , Iron Bank
llaillngH , Wlud < w Bliiirir , Ccllir Guards ; Kino general
agcut for I'CCIBOU & HiH'u 1'atciit Inside Blind.
THIS BELT or Begenra-o
tor Is made expressly for
the euro of derangements
of the genera the orittns.
Th'ro I' no uuVlako about
this liibtrunent , the con
tinuous ftrcain ol KLKO-
TKIUITY permeating
through the part * must restore
toro thorn tohnalthy action
Do not confound tnls with
Electrle Bolts advertised to
cure all Ills from hcad o too. It Is for the ON E spec-
Iflo purpose. For circulars Kiting full information ,
address Choevcr Electrlo Belt Co. , 1 USj | Washington
St , Chicago 111.
Is the season la which bad or poisoned blood is most
apt to show Itself. Nature at this j uncturo , uopds
somtthlng to asiUt It in tbrowinK oQ Ibe irrpuntiea
which have collected by tliu sluggish circulation of
blood durlnit the cold winter u onths. Sw If / bpccl-
flo It nature's great helixr , as it U a purely vegetable
alterative and tonic.
Ilev. L. B. Paine , llaoon , Oa. , write * ; "Wo hare
been using Bwilt's dpecldo at the orphins' home M
a rtrntdy for blnod ramplalnti , auu as a general
health tonic , and ha\o had remukablo reoulu Irom
IUus onth children andein.loje * of tholnstltu.
tlon. It 1s such an excellent tonlo andkeo'S the
blood so pure , that the symem U Icsa nbla to dU
cue , It I'M cured some of our children of Scrofula. "
W , H. Gilbert , druggist , Albany Oa. , wrltoi : "We
are selling Ur oqu ntl I'nol H llt' Spoclflo for a
spring k'icrithe and general hralth tonlo , and with
the bist results. It ItnoirlarKely used as a preven
tive and cure for Malaria. There are m ny remark
able evidences of Its merit la this section "
Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
free t j i > iunm .
Drawer S , Atlanta. Qa ,
N T , Omoe , lDW.23d SU. .
1514 Webster St. , Oiunhn , Keb. ,
( Successor * to the old U. P. Hal cry,10th St , )
Constantly ou haul. Orders will be nromiitly atten
ded to. WAGNEIl lltiO'a.
apr-tS ! m Proprietors.
\Vwcn , Ui'L'f let uil Farm Iniilcmriit | liquid cu
uoruir itl aul Cumuilug ttcclOia ha ,
ap OUm-wS. U Q , PAUL.
Columns , Pilasters , Lintels , Fonclnff , Orostlnff , BallingEta. .
Oast , and Wrought Iron Beams.
THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa , \
Growers of Live Stock and Others ,
. , ' .
Histho best and cheapest food tor rtocic r. any k'.dO
Fine Havana , Key West nnd Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos.
Trial Orilers'SoiicitCu , Satisfaction Guaranteed , { 130
- - - - - - - - J
- - - -
' I&AI ww iT vim-i- |
Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb ,
3LOBO . iaa CSTi-ooT. O Baa.
9 \
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly o Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in *
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed. .
Dr. C0ft3iVAUGHT0. %
103 BRADY ST. , "DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Cat-rrh ,
Deafness , Lung and Norvoua Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Pa
Cured at Homo. Write for "THE MEDICAL-MISSIONARY , " for the People ,
Hnnsultation and Correopondenco Gratia. P , 0. Box 292. Telephone No.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , eays : "Phynioia
rxea ADUiiy ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Daven n
'ton ' : "An xionorahln Man. Finn SticceBB. Wonderful Cures. " Honrn. R * °
Willimantic Spool Cotton is entirely the product of Home Industry ,
and is pronounced by experts to be the best sewing machine thread in tfie
for sale by HENLEY , HAYNES & V'AN ARSDEIi ,
m&fi Omuha , Nek
MU uLAmri LUlDiili lAlilJ.
1024 North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , on Street Cur Line.
Lull1 Lie , Latb , Doors , His , Etc.
Grades and pricoa as 7Ood and low as any in the city , Please try me.
G. H. WOOD & CO. ,
216 North ICth Street , bet. Capitol Avo. and O Hfl A II A R , 1
Dari-pport Street Telephone No. 495.JSViMnH , F .
409and Kill DcdRcSt. , I OIIWJ. NE1