.1 ? OMAHA DAILY BEE -TUESDAY , MAY 6 , 18& ; MRS. S. J. NORKIS , omplete Assortment of the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY AND NOTIONS I05S Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEUHAYER'S HOTEL ON THE Furniture and appointments nil now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadwny , Council Bluflfa. KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 220 South Main Street , Couutil Shifts , town. Wo nuarantoo our work ns firsl-class in over manner and style nt low pricos. Wo make n specialty of Oroupcs , Families , and especially children , which wo take quicker than n wink. COME AND SEM US. SCHMIDT & RILEY , Proprietors. All kind ) ol , Engineering Land Bur- voincrcartn < quantities calculated , ] I 6 , m OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , oto. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. WHOLESALE DEALKUS INJ L 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo eua'untoo the euro of the following n mod dls- Booses , or no imy : Ilhcumatlsm , Scrofula , Ulcora , Catarrh , n'l Blood and iklndlscaros , DvoiwpsU , I-Uor Complaint , Kidney ami Bladder DIsoasej. Oout , Nciv ralffla and Asthma , Thosj Springs are the ta\orlto resort of the tlro.l . an.l dobllltatod , nnd nre the FEEULK LADIB3 BEST FKIK.ND. Good hotel , Ihery and butlilng accomod.ttton both winter nnd summer. Locality highly plcturcique and healthy. Acoceslblo by Wnbish railway , t Evona.or C. , U. & Q. , at Albany. Corrcfpondonci .solicited , IlKV. M. U. TUOMPSC5N. ilanngor. Albany , Slloani Springs , jOoutry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Spcclflo Oravlty 1.002 Itoactlon . .Noutra Carbonlo Acid Oas 26 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,921 Grain ! Carbonate Iron 7,041 ! ' Sulphate Magnesia 8.280 " Sulphate Calclam 1,148 " Chlorldo Sodium 7.20J ' Sllllca 1,6011 Alumhia . . . .O.ulU Organlcand Vo' Mlo matter Rid loss 1,159 " Total scllds pc * uallon 67,174 " WIUOUTK MERRILL , Chemists JACOB > .M3. E. P. CADWELt SIIY13& CADWEtL , COUNCIL BLTJFFS , IOWA OIQce , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Shugait & Mo- Habon'i Block. Will practice In State and cdertl court ? W. a VAUCMAN. Justice of the Peace. Umahtv ana Connell Bluft. ostito colloo Ion ngcni Old Fellor N. SCHURZ. * Mice oftle Peace. OfFICE OVEU A1IKUICAN EXPRESS. 00 UNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M.L PflTSIOIAN & SURGEON , 222 middle Broadway. CouncU Binds. ST- , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , ! 17 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louis. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOK. WRITINO NEWS rt , PAPERS , ! WKAPPINQ KNVELOPE3CABD BOARD AMD FEINTER'S STOCK tarCasi paid for Raes of nl COOK'S GRAND EXCURSIONS leave Now York In April , May and Juno , 1884. PASSAGE TICKETS by ad ATLANTIC STEAMERS. Special facilities for securing GOOD BERTHS. TOUIUST TICKKTd for traveltr In KUKOl'E , by a'l routes , at reduced rates. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with maps and full par. tlculars , by mall 10 cciite. AHdrccs THOS. COOK t BOtf , M Brovlway , H. V. ' -t a-w-w&s n. "t © ci TO PURCHASE f Second For Spot Cash. Call on or address Mr. or lire. Stephen J. BROD RICK , 018 South lOtn street. . GHAB.LES EIEWE , UNDERTAKER , AND DEALER IN Melalic Cases , Cofflu , Caskets , Shroafls , ETC. , ETC. , 1000 Farnam St. , - OMAHA , NI5B Telograjihlo orders promptly attended to. Coroner office. Tele hone No. & 21. MCCARTHY & BURKE , UNDERTAKERS ! 218 14TH STREET. BET. FARNAM AND DOUGLAS. ' A. F. GROSS. , J rjABINET WORK , HUCU AS OPUNTERS , BARS , IOE BOXES LIBRARIES , and al kindl of oflico work a specialty Call or address dross 1308 Jackaon Street , Omaha , Neb. H. PHILLIPS , m His one ol the largest and finest assortment o Srrlug anil Huminer Uootls tor Sultln ? ) uicl Tronae lusi. All Kannontl iniaiauteod to lit anil trlmmei with the Ii8 t Trlmmlui-i M V 1'RICIH ARE LOWE than any Mcrihint Tailor In tie city , titroct E , Rice M , D. PAVPPD or other tumors rcmcnoJ without the ImflulifilJj knllo or draw Ingot blood. CHROHIC DISEASES'-"p' " " * . i Oicr thirty yearspractical | experience Offloe No 5 1'cnrl etroct , Council UluHs A.fc tbo well-known Establishment OP J. P. FBLBERT , 209 Upper Broaawny , tlio GASH ca-n.oa3iin.-sr 01 Council Bludj. Notlco our reduced Price List. Wo gi\o 5 pounds Eitra 0 Suir 'for $1 00 1 pounds Oranuhtcd ausar 1 03 5 pound * Choice Oatmeal . .100 D pounds Niwy Beans. _ 1 00 1 pounds B 8tnull < Starch , . . 1 00 2 Iioundi Caroli'in Hlco I 00 2 pouiiclt ! HIOICO crun s 1 00 5 bars BnflfnHSoip 1 00 IxttA 7/o 1 rout , per pound 09 Iholca Mine ) .Meat per pound 10 dozen Mackerel IE tolorttdo Flour , Winter , per cwt 200 0 pounds Oinscr Snnps 1 00 Dpoandih inlay 1 00 6 gallon Itej S\iup 1 70 Vhlterish.pcrkh. : 80 lockerel.Dcrlilt 85 ) atcs , per pound 10 T. T. T. All grades , according to quality , 15a to SOoJpor tound. Wo also carry a tult line of Men's , Ladles' nnd Jh'ldrcn's ' flno Shoes and klen'i Flno IJooti atery o\v prloai. Also % full lloo 01 Tiawaro and general mcrchaudlso. Call on us nnd bo convinced thai you can SM o money by deallne with us. Goods dcllvcr d ree In nnv part of the city. In e word , we are Iwund to sell nnd challenge all auJaole competition In this councr. J. P. FILHERTI 209 u cr Broadway n. M. rnur. OFFICER & FUSE7 BANKERS. Council Blufla * b. 1856 Dealers In Foreign and omcstlo Exchange an lonw R nrtti BOOGE'S SIOUX OIT ? HAMS. ' J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No. 32 Pearl Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. . .ROLLER CORNER PEHRLST.ANDSFIFTH'AVE ' , Open 10:00 : a.m. , 2:00 : p. m and 7SO ; n. m. , Monday , Weducaday and Friday ere nlagt. ADMISSION . 25 CENT ? . No objectionable o aractcrsulll bo admitted , II. II. MARTENS . PROPRIETOR. IMPORTANT -TO Buyers of al OANNOJST BBO'SS& CO. . IIa\e established themselves In Omaha to tiansaoi a general brokerage and business. Wo will buy a ) Uwesof Koodiiat wholesale or retail , and guarantee perfect > atl > factlon In prices , as o can buy chraper than yourselves. You can site tbo advantage of tmv n your goods bought by one who will work for our Interest and not trust to a merchant who lu omethlni ; he ls anxious to be rid of. We will a'u prompt "Mention to telling an ) thin" ontruitei ous , andgooKS consigned to us will be carefully eked to. Correspondenot solicited. l MTlicferonoiia-Omalii Natlonil Dank , HcC ro'sUank. AdJreJi 111 S. 15th St. H , K , BUEKET 11 North tb Street Omaha F. SCHEUERMANNM D RKOULAR OKUWA Homoopathio Physician SPECIALIST OF WOKEN , OHILDREN & CIIRONIO DISEASES. Homi-At UuslJenoe , No. 1413 a. 10th Street , U 10 a. in. , and alter 3 p. m. Hours At otllco , Np , H inrt 105 . 10th Rt , Room 7.from 10 a. m. , to S ] i. n N a Tuu T p * Wrrm will bo retnor i , w tl'ov dinner , la time ol from S to t hour * . COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. BAGGED A BURGLAR. Hapy JacK not so "Happy [ as Might be , hot at nnd Olprlcd Jin Is now lie- Iiliul tlio Sunday night Frank Corbnly , living n Washington avenue , was aroused rom slumber by hearing some ono work- ng nt the front door of his residence , lo watched nnd waited just inside the oor until the burglar wns just nbout orcing the door open when Corbnlcy hot. The ball passed through the thick > art of the door instead of the thinner lanol , nnd vras so nearly spent when it truck the burglar in tlio breast thnt it uflictcd no serious Wound , Corbnly ushod out upon the follow , pointed iis revolver at him , made him throw up lie hands , nnd thus hold him while Con- tnblo Fox , who lives in mi ndjacont louse , came to arrest the follow , nnd ako him to jail. Ho wns brought before ustico Sohurz yesterday , but refused to ivo nny other name than Happy Jack. . ( o was sent back to jail to nwnit his ox- mination , which was sot for Friday oxt. IOWA NEWS. Most of the Iowa citio ) now have n lain gang. Dubuque has ordered n tax levy of § 50- )0 ) for the maintenance of her public chools during the next year. Citizens of Kookuk nro disheartened vor the non-building of the union depot hich the railroad companies promised lorn long ago. There is sadness among Kookuk poker ilayors because n mook-oyod * stranger > eat them out of about § 2,000 the other ight. Minnie Oloson , n 13-year-old girl , is nissing from her homo in Ottumwn , nnd icro is doubt as to whether she is rowned or has absconded. There are in the state 55,000 old sol- iors , nnd of those 13,000 nro members > f the Grand Army of the Republic , ,000 having joined last year. The shortages of Geo. H. Cargill , the bsconded commercial agency man nt ) os Moines , foots up nearly $0,000 , and will probably oxcced that amount. The friends of temperance in Sao coun- f , who desire to see the prohibitory tmondmont enforced , and are willing to iclp in its enforcement , are to moot in onvention at Sao City on the 14th. At Dos Moines the other evening Gov. herman was publicly presented with a fmo crayon portrait of himself. " Scna- or Rothort , of Kookuk , made the pro- entation speech , to which the governor olicitously responded. The Cnariton Patriot understands that ho. Burlington company Intends to lay a oublo track between that place and Lu- aa. The new track will Start from near ho poor farni and run around the hill , oming into Lucas from the south. Larry Powers , an employ o of the own City glucose works , was caught in ho shafting on the 20th and whirled nrouni several times and dashed violent- y against the floor. His entire body was bruised and the skin lacerated , while lia left knee was broken and ankle crushed. The Dubuque Telegraph has informa tion that Judge Sylvester Bagg , so long on the bench in that judicial District , has about decided to leave Minneapolis and return to his old homo nt Wnterloo , that tnto. The judge has not found the law msincss in Minneapolis as prosperous as to expected to , and ho has boon in ill- icalth over since ho has been there. A GIHM9H ESCAPADE. Mifis Evnlin Iloo'y Sports the Trousers But is Detected and Taken Home. NEW HAVEN , Conn. , April 28 , 1884. Misa Evelyn Hooy , who has created uch a profund sensation' hero by her > irhsh freak of masquerading in her irothor'a clothes , was returned hero to- lay from Palmer , Mass , , where she vas arrested Saturday night. She is carcely seventeen years of age , and is i pretty , plumb , little black eyed girl , ntolligont and gracious. Her father , ? rod L. Hooy , is n Grand street harness mimfacturor. She laughs at the ideas > onplo entertained about her escapade joing a love affair , or n crazy lit , or the result of reading too much light litera- uro. She wa ! > , oho says , anxious to see more of the world than is exhibited to 'ominino eyes in dull old Now Haven , md she has been debating upon making ho trip for some timo. She was particularly desirous of seeing , hp great c ty of Boston , with its Bunker lill Monument , and the idea of conceal- ng her identity in boy's clothes she .nought n particularly bright one , as she a to travel alone. After reaching Hart- brd by train from hero , on Saturday horning , she went to Springfield ; and .hen running out of money she tried to "deadhead it" to Boston ; but a keen-eyed jassongor revealed his opinion to the con- luctor that she was a woman in men's clothes. That official placed her in the lands of the police at Palmer , and yos- .orday morning her father took A now spring suit , thatThad just boon completed 'or the freakish girl , and going to Palmer laughingly upbraided her for her prank , and badQ her put it on. The girl looked very awkwardly in the masculine clothes , which were much too largonnd made hot act clumsily. She seoma surprised at the sonsaiion her trip has cteated , and to < night says oho is sorry eho put on the trousers. "Tho next time I take a jour ney , " eho said , "I will wear my o\ir clothes , but I had a real splendid exciting time , and it's all como out good. " the Ixird'H ' ' Amending 1'rayor. Arkanaaw Traveller. Old man Sam Kulloton waa doubtlosi one of the most ardent legislators knowi to the history cf Arkansaw. Every bil introduced by a well drecsod man In looked on with suspicionnnd never failec to suggest an amendment. Ono morning after a night's carousal , ho entered tin legislative hall just as the chaplain wa asking.divino aid. The old man took . chew of tobacco and listened attentive ! ; until the chaplain closed his potitioi with an oflectivo recitation of the Lord * prayer. "Mr. Speaker , " aaid the old mnn , arit ing , "I move to strike out the word 'daily bread1 and insert 'as much brcu a may bo found nocomry for twenty dnyc. " Wo liavo already done enough for the flood sufferers. " Whnt Wo nro Coming To. San Tranclsco Chronicle. It may help Now York real estntn in the lower part of the city to have § 25 , ( 00,000 put into huao oflico buildings by English capitalists , but the principle is not n good ono , nny moro than is the purchase by foreign syndicates of vast cattle ranges and wheat farms in Colorado , Dakota and Texas. It tends to establish hero n system like that in vogue in Ireland- great landed estates which the owners visit once or twice n year , spending the revenues from them in Londsn or on the Continent. Whntrith the purchase of square miles of territory by wealthy for eigners and Uio admission to citizenship of paupers from the Old World , there soon promises to bo no place for the na tive American in this country. Ilia FlrHt OiTonso. Texas SlttliiRfl. "Guilty or not gutllyl" asked an Austin justice of the peace of n colored culprit , who was nccuscd of stealing a whole line full of linen. "Dat nr 'ponds on you , Jodgo. Hit's for you to Bay. " "You must either plead guilty or not guilty ; I linvo nothing to do with it. " "Yes , you ha . If you is gwinetor lot mo oil' with nuflin but n rcprmnnd , like you did las' time " "Woll , aupnnso I do lot you off with n reprimand , as I did last time ? " "In dat case I pleads guilty to six shirts , foah pilly slips , nnd nbout n dozen udder pieces. " "But I'm ' not going to lot you ofT so easy. " "Dan cf you is gvrinotor sock it to mo , L'll gib n liar ono ob do shirts , and wo will try dis case by n jury. " "All right. I'll outer n plea of not guilty. " Tina did not aooin to suit the culprit very well , for ho spoke up : "I say , boss , I don't kcor to put do court nnd do snoriH to troubln on my ac count. Joss lommo otf g'in wid n roprimnn , ' ns yoinlid las' week , on ac count ob hit being my fust ollunce , and 1 plead guilty tor five eluckons I pulled las' ' 1 stole last winter week , an' n hog ter , nn" n pair of shoes from do store , nnd a woodpile I'so gwinetor haul off to-night. " The justice thougiit that "do fust " out nnd the offender oflVnco" plea was worn , fender is now in the Texas penitentiary. It docs not pay to bo guilty of the first offence moro than half a dezen times in Texas , unless the first offence is shooting a man. CONVINCING. 1 ho proof Jt the pudding is not in cliowlng the string , but in having an opportunity to test the nrticlo direct , bchrotcr it ttccht , the Drupgists , have n free trial bottle of Dr. Uo- Banko H Cough and Lung Syrup for each and every ono wno Is afllictod with Gouglm , Colds , Asthma , Consumption or ( jny Lung AlToction. A Turtle With a Moral. Ceylon Letter in Chicago Times. Not far from Bonair , where Arabi re sides , there is a Lugo and ancient turtle , owned by a Singaleso gentleman , who re ceived it as an heir-loom. The turtle is is about four foot long nnd nearly three wide , nnd its owner told mo that the most aged persons around never remembered it smaller. It is vaguely said _ to bo 100 or 200 years old. It bellows like a bull when thirsty. Its happiness is to have its flabby nock scratched by its keeper. It is too old to snap at anything and is totally blind. Children nsed to ride on it , and a hole is bored through the shell , through which they were wont to spur their steed when ho became torpid. Poor old crea ture , weto atuotbetter to bo put to aces mic use in the form of soup than to totter about in this way , blind and heavy laden with the shell that was your stronghold I The aged turtle shaped himself in my eyes to a symbol of the low , carthbound unprogressive systems of the world , which believe that the pivot of the earth rests uponthoir back and care only to fortify themselves against those of thnir kind that have climbed towingo. ) While I wns mentally applying the turtle to one and another of the systems and institu tions which deserve the name of "sur vivals" in the bad sense of things , which outgrowing their 'utility , insist on being used instead of studied trasmuted I came upon "Whist Bungalow , " which Hioikol has now made made famous everywhere except in Ceylon. The pleas ant Germana who entertained him nro no longer there one , is dead , the others have rnmo'vod , andsomo of Arabi's Egyp tian friends are residing there. Those Complaining of Sere Throat or Hoarseness should use UIIOWN'H 35lioxcm.ii , TnouiiKH. Tha ollect is extraordinary , partic ularly whou used by singers and speakers for clearing tlio voico. Kcitmrkixblo C1J' . Wilmington N. 0. Nows. Ono of our country Mends is the jubi lant owner of a calf that throws tour- legged chickens and such other cnrositics into the obscurity of a dim nnd distant doj and gives a backset to almost nny- bing in the monstrosity linn that wo have rot hoard of. On the 27th of March ncow , io property of L. A. Hipp , who lives about six miles north of this.city and near ho Arlington gold mine , gave birth to n argo male calf which is entirely destitute of hair. Its skin has a feathery appearance , nd Bomewhnt resemblita that of an ule- ) hant , and although now moro tnun two vooksold , shows no indication of prodnc- , ho uauil liisutu covering , AH to cubr and marking it closely resembles its mother , lie skin being red on its back nndnidex , while its head and luqa nre whito. An other peculiarity ia tint ita head , lega and foot are tho.iu of n shot' } ) , und about three inches of its tail is udorued with white wool. How About tlio Doses Many people before purchasing a medicine naturally inquire the size of the dose and the strength of It. In ualng Jlurdock Mood Jilt' 'en a teaspoonful for the llttlo ones and twu EJUBpoonfulii for grown folka nra all that le necodaury nt ono timo. This magnificent me dlttno la not only economical but very plua sant to the taato. Do Wo Want Mexico ? "Do wo want Mexico ? " asks a news paper correspondent just returned fron the land of the Montczumns. "Wo di not. There is nothing wo do not neec moro , If wo'could take Mexico vritl only ita nborigincH , without the Spanlurde or n drop'of Sprnish blood , it might b worth considering , but , as the aituatioi is now , we do not want it. I have neve mot any people so In/.y , conceited , cruel vicious and arrogant ns the ruling class ii Mexico. They are so conceited nni arrogant generally that they look , nc and upoak as if there were nobody els on the planet worthy of consideration they are so cruel thnt every town has it bull-fights , dog.fights ; they nrosovni and so lazy that they regard work as dii graceful , and if there ii ono eot of poopl who , above all others , have no _ buaines among prourousivo Americans it la thot who are afraid to work.1' ' BLACK FACE KILLED HIM , Dospornto Encounter With a Buf falo at the Fair Grounds , ATrni ) lloprp.soiHatlou o ( I.lloou lie rinliiR. St. I < mis llomblcnn | | May 2il. With no spectators to witness their reckless performance Dr. Carver's baudof cowboys ntul Indians undertook to subdue - duo nml train n IATRO wild bulfiUo in the nmpliithontro nt the fair ground ycslcr- dixy morning. Imtontl of getting the liOAit In slmpo for usa nt their future ex hibitions , however , they mortally wound ed him and cnmo ncnr losing utiu of their bravest Indian riders. A few days ago Dr. * Carver nskod for the loan of two of the bullalos at the Xoological gurdons , saying ho desired to train them for performances ho intended to give during his exhibitions in the am phitheatre nt thofair ground , Ho thought ho could easily train them , supposing , perhaps , they had become partially tnmo during their captivity. It was finally ar ranged that the attempt to train the ani mals should bo made yestarday morning. Accordingly , nt daybreak they were turn ed into the amphitheatre to roam until 11 o'clock. The bullalos wore both line specimens. One was n largo fomnlo and the other n line male , the former possess ing n savngo and combative disposition , and giving no indication that she had boon improved by imprisonment. At 11 o'clock , the time appointed for the open ing of the contest between the animals nnd their would-be conquerors , Dr. C.ir- vor and his cowboy nids entered the arena through the south gate , whllo Chief Oconomovroo nnd his b-xiul of savages , with n war whoop , entered through the north gate. Each party charged simultaneously nt thobull'.ilos , discharging their carbines , which were loaded with blank cartridges , ns they did BO. This extraordinary proceeding appeared to daze the animals momentarily , ns they came to a halt nnd stood motionless fern n short timo. Driving spurs into his horso'a Hanks , Black Face , one of the Indians , made a wicked lunge nt the largo female buffalo. The nnimal stood nt bay until the reckless savagu cnmo within two foot of her , mid , pnwing the ground nnd throwing her tail in the nir , aho began to light most furiously. Dash ing headlong toward Black Pace's horse the charged against the poor nnimal BO quickly that the result of the combat could not bo ascertained until the cloud of dust enveloping the combatants had passed nwny. In the collision between the horsn nnd bull'.ilo both of the animals nnd Black Face -wore knocked prostrate to the ground. They rolled about a few seconds in the dust in n most ridiculous manner , but the situation was considered anything but funny by Blnck Faco. _ Ho was the lirst to rcgainhis foot. Believing it to bo the bettor part of valor to leave the buflalo and horse to finish the encounter ho escaped from the arena through the nearest gate. Unable to climb over the ; ate , nnd not willing to have anything nero to do with the buflalo , the riderless lorao ran at the top of his speed around ho arena. So badly frightened was the ioor horse that ho fairly trembled when 10 came to a halt nt n point in the arena 8 fur from the buffalo as ho could got. s soon as lie recovered her feet , the lufuilo charged right nnd left nt the cow- ioys and Indiana , and behaved in ouch n , vay that Dr. Carver nont ono of his men for a loaded carbine with which to kill her if the emergency compelled him to caort to desperate measures. With great iresonce of mind Dr. Carver then ox- hanged his horse for ouo of the fleetest in the arena , nnd , with a lasso , started in lursuit of the buflalo , which the Indians tear the north gate were dodging with .roat dexterity. Riding alongside of ho beast before his approach was letoctcd by her , ho swung the lasso in ho nir with such prcciciou chat the noose intwined her front legs and threw her to ; ho ground. Without losing a moment ; ho cow-boys nndlndians dismounted and luickly bound her limbs with strong opes before she could extricate herself 'rom her unhappy position. She bellowed , nd kicked , but finally submitted , after ixhaunting her strength , to the inevita ble. When she ceased her struggle for iborty tlio men tied n rope 100 feet in ength to each of her horns , placed an tndinn on her back , nnd then released lior. Standing on either aide of the buf- 'alo nt a distance of 100 feet , the savages md cowboys were nblo to drag her about until they tired her out. Then they sub dued her completely. They succeeded to ,11 , appearances in carrying out their pur- lose , but they were mistaken , as the HiiTulo ill her conflict wifli Black Aico sustained mortal in juries thnt do n-vied her of her strength instond of nl- Bering her savage nature. She was taken iO her cage where she died about 5 o'clock ast i ght from the injuries slip received vhilo passing through her terrible ordeal 'n ' the arena. The battle was far more inciting than the men imagined it would o , nnd they are not very anxious to un- -urtako another eimiliar performance. Dr. Carver , however , aayn * ho is deter mined to train a largo buffalo for hiu show lotwithstnnding the dangers the under- aking will necessarily involve. He paid ho Fair association for the animal ho : illod and negotiated with them for the lurchnso of another fmo specimen which rrived at the uoologicsl gardens from Central Park , Now \ork , last night. This 'mllalo is u largo bull , nnd according to cport , ho hasta very mean disposition. SntlnCucttoii Universal , "In the pant three months I bavo sold one Imntlrod and ulx bottles of Tltomat' Kclectric Uil , Never saw a medicine lu my life that KQVO Mich universal HatUfacUun. Cured an ulcoratud throat for mo lu twenty-four lioursj nuvor fulled to ruliovo my children of croup , ' U. It , Hull , DruRirist , Oruyvlllo , III. \Vliy ho Didn't. Detroit Free Kress. "Did you notice what a boor that mat was who sat next to you'/ / " asked ont lady of another ns the pair stopped off s Woodward nvenuo oar the other day. "How ? " "Why ho refused to pass the faro fo : the lady in lavondar silk. " " 0 well ; you BCO they were divorcee only two weeks ago , nnd it couldn't bi oxpccted that ho would recover his composure posuro this soon. It is u mean trick ii any divprcod woman to expect her ex husband tb pass alimony money up to th faro-box. Homo Doubt tlio Blblo And the moth us of Its authors , but none wli liavo uuod thain doubt the tillicacy of Jlurdot Mootl ilittcn. ThU aploudid blood toulu I without u poor. All In tlio Family. NurrUtawu Herald. Mrs. Pcobo TON Jo , of Newark , N. J will bo 10t : years old if uho lives until tli 4th day of July next. The Towlo fatuil are remarkable for their longevity Look at the printing office towel , fc nitinco. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY 1m 1 TT I 111 ; I U One of the Best andHnrgost Stocks in the United States to , select from. NO STAIRS -TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOE , LEH JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICE ! * DUPLICATED 11 FARNAM STREE . OMAHA NEB. PERFECTION Heating and Baking Tn only attained by nslnR CHARTED OAK Stoves and Ranges , ( WIT WIRE GAUZE OVER UOOi ! Fci aalo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS WAHA _ ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) UME AND CEMENT. Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts , , 0111 fill3 Nfil ) . OM AH A RATIONAL BANK U , S. DEPOSITORY. . H. MILLAJRD , President. WM. WALLACE. Cashier. Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO. M SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ! Fire and Burtrlar Proof Safes for Hont at from § 5 to $50 per annum. HALLET AND DAVIS CD'S PIANOS [ ENDORSED BY FRANZ LISZT. ] BOSTON , March 1st , 1831. EMKIHON PIANO CO. GuNmuiK-Your Inttrumontd , Grand , Square and Upright , are really nobl nstrumtnta nnd unrivalled for beauty of tone and llnlsh. Allow mo to congratulate jou on > our nterllng . , irogress. QUSTAVE SATThH aXi OX&GKA-lXr RECOMMENDS ITSELF. ' I I f * Ol TD TP SOLE AGEN.T , . JtZjL \ J CD JCT n 1519 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb LUMBER MERCHANT ia I I * 2 ,3 a g-1" .sf i S ° -S ? -S g J S : - | ' " 1"i r C ca OUMI GS AND 20TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB , G. H. WOOD & CO , , BUCCK8SOHS TO WESTKItN STEAM HEATINO CO. , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , 15 North 10th Street , bet. Capitol Avo. and fIUJ A M A Darpoport Street. Telephone No. 495. WSVI/\nr | * U EAII CLnltil. . LUlDLii IAIUJ ! 102i North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , ' , 'on Street Cor Line. WIIOLE3ALE AND RETAIL Lulier Liie , Laffi , Boors , inflow s , Etc. Grades nnd prices ns arood and low 03 any in the city. Please try mo. The Largest Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prices * J F 11 TT1 "I Til 7 LLI iiillil DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , Just received an assortment far surpassing anything in thu market , coaiprialng the latest and most tasty dooigna manufaoturou for this Bpnu-j'o trndo and covering a range of prices from tho- Cheapest to the moat Expensive. Parlor Goods Draperies. Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stooic tit'nil the latest. tomers , the newest noveltinj in styles in Turcoman , Miulrua and Suits and Odd Pieces. Lticu Giirtuuih , Kto.j Ktc , ' Eloaant to all Hoors. 1206 , 15108 and 1210 Farnam . ( XMAUA , NEB