< J * \ I OMAHA DAILY EEE-SAJTURDAY , MAY 3 , IfcS-l CONSTIPATION. There is no medium through which disease so often ntlncka ( he system as by Constipation , nnd there is on other ill flesh is heir to mot npttoho neglected , from the fnc mnt rial inconvenience nmy beim- mcdintoly felt from irrcgulnr notion of the bowels. When there is not regular notion the reten tion of decayed and effete mat ter , with its poisonous gases , soon poisons the whole system by being absorbed into it , causing piles , iislnla headache , impure blood and mnny other serious nflecf ions. BUHr DOCK BLOOD BITTERS will im- inodiniely relieve , and one bottle positively cure or relieve any case of Constipation. " \Vns _ troubled for a yenr with torpid liver nnd indigestion , and af ter trying everything imaginable used BUItDOOK BLOOD BIT TERS. The first bottle revived mo nnd the second cured no entirely. " J. S. "Williamson , Rochester , N. JL PROPOSALS FOR' INDIAN SUPPLIES - PLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. T\KI'ART ENT 01' TIIK INTKItlOll , Offlco of \J Indian AITalr ? , Washington , Atirll 23 , 1884. Scaled proposals , lnJor ol "l'fo ] > O3ilj for Dec ! ( or beef mult lx > > ubmltt d In cpiralo cn\olo ] > ci , ) Ilacon , Hour , Clothing , or Truniiiortatloii , &n. , ( an the cnso m y be , ) and directed to the Coimnlsulner ol Indian Affair ) Not. 05 and ( Woostcr street , Kan Yrrk , will Ira rccolxcd until 1 ! . M of Tiictdt ) , May 27 , 1834 , for furnishing for the Jnd'an ' pen Ice about Go,000 pounds Ilaoon , 38,000,000 jioundi Hcof on tlio hoof , SOO.OOO jxiunds Ilcain , 45,0)0 pounds Halting 1'owdcr , 780,000 poundi Corn , 450,000 pounds CofTce , 7liOO,000 pounds Flour , 70,000 pounds Feed , 105,000 ] KJih 8 Hard Dread , < 3tOO pounds Hoinlii ) , 18OCO jiounds I rJ. 700 barrels men rork , 180,00 pounds lllcc , 7,500 pounds TVa , 100 pounds Tobacco , 220 , ( 03 ixiuiids Salt , 150,000 poundsBoip , O.OOD poumls Uoda , 850,000 poundi Euyu , and 40,000 pounds Wheat Alao , DUnkcts , Woolen and Cotton ( loodi , ( con- BlstlnR In part of Ticking , JO 000 j rd ; Standard Cilico , 185,000 ) aidi ; Drilling , 0.000 vtrtls ; DncV.O frco from ull ( Izlng , 80,000 jirda ; Dcnlras , 17,00 jards ; OlnRham , 110,000 jards ; Kentucky Jenns , J.HOOO > .ird'i ; Cheviot , 4.COO j arils ; Brow 176,000 jards : nieachod Shooting , 15,000 jards ; Hickory Shirting , 10,000 jards ; Calico Hhfrtlni ? , 0,000 jnrds : Wlnsoy , 1,600 jnrdi ; ) Clnllilnjr , Oro. ocrlos , Notion * Hardware , JIodlc.il Supplies , .School Books , c. a id a Inns : list of mlsicllanlous arllclm , such n > Harness , 1'lons , Ilakcs , Korkr , .Vo. , and ( or about 476 Wnirons required for the service , to bo tlelimoJ at Chicago. Kansas City , and Sioux City. AIM ( or suili Watrons ni may ho required , adapted to thu cllnmto of tno I'acJtlo Coast , with California Brakes , dclltcrrd at San I'ranclsco. Also , transportation ( or mch o ( the articles , ( roods , nnd supplies that may not bo contracted ( or to ho delivered at the Agencies. UlUS MOST Bll MABR OUT OOVCniMKXT BLA1K8. tichcduloj showlnK the kind ) anilqualities of suhsistctico supplloa required ( or each Ajronoy , and tlio klnd nnd quantities In ere * , of all o.licripooda and articles , tozcthor nlth bhnk pruposalsconditions to bo obscncd by bidders , tlmo and place of delivery to'rnj of conl raft and paj mcnt , transiiortatlon routes , and all uthcr noccsiary ln > truction will bo ( urnUhed upon application to the Indian Olllco In WosliInKton , or Nos. U5 and 07 Woottcr Strcot.New York : U'm II. LyonKo.4S3 Dread ay , Now York ; the Commls- Barlea of subalstanco , U. S. A , nt C'hoyonuo Chi- oaROLca\eimorth , Omaha , taint Louli , Saint I'aul , lion Franclnco , and Yajklon ; tha TostmitUr at Sioux Cityand to the rostrrutcrs nt the following mined placet In Kansas : Arkanxas City , FlurlinKtoti. O.ilJttcll , DodKoCity , Kmpoila , hurokt , Oroat Bond , Jlonard. Hutcnlnion , Larncd , JIo I'horson , Marlon , JlcdiUno IxjJcc , Newton , OsaRO City. Sedan , Storllng. Topolio , WclllDRton , Wichita end Wlnncld. Illds wl 1 to opened at the hour and day above sUtcd , nnd bidden * are ln\ltcd to ho present t the optnln { . CEIlTIFirD CHECKS. All bids must bo accompanied by certified chocks upon lomo United States Depository or the First National Bank al las Angeles , Cal. , for nt lease fho per cent of thu amount of tno proposal. II. 1'IUCi : , Commissioner. AT.ONQ THE tINE OP THE Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension of this line from Wakoflold up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OAN through Concord anil Coleridge Roaches the host portion of the State. Special ex cursion rates for land lookers over this line to Waynt , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and via Blair to all principal poliits on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trilns over tht 0. . St. P. M. & 0. lUlltray to Cov ngton. Sioux City , Ponca , Ilartlngtoo , Wayne and Norfolk , Ooxa.aa.oo-t a-t aai .lr or Fremont , Oakda.o , Nellgb , and through to Val entino. tSSTVot rates and all Information cell on F. n. WIU1NKY , General Agent , or Wormy Veins oriha fcrotum Often tht uniu - frd cauit , of Loot Mqnhoocl , Debility , Ac. , milcklyandanl ii/i/curnl'tjr / lUtlQBtlO Crocilo- ComproBBOrt SO. aUnuMI CIreulkr Vitti. cmiTZ II. It. KAKP , r' iha'IKUulncif WUI limit , now oHoi i * llf . .anwli r bj C2' uug e > n rur < lilmMlfqulcVIr nj | ialnlr lr < i'or teillina. BRUNSWICK & GO. rsaiX4X.xysi.3mDs. it * Fifteenn Ball Pool , Carom , AMU ALL OTIIEIl QAMINQ TABLES. TEN 1'IN UALLB , CHECKS , ETC. 18 South 3d Btrectt8t Louis , IUI Dclawuro Street , UoiiMui City , Mo. , 1831 Dougfu St. Oinah , Neb. HE.NRY HORNBERQER , Ageut. nr { Dialogues and Prlco Lists. E.B.HUDSON . . , Ilcccntlrol Docton , h opened ui elegant new etock cf Men's ' Fnrnisligs ! UNDER TIIK MILLARD HOTEL In Spring WekhU. FINE Ia Summer Weights. Ia Fine English Usle , UNDERWEAR ( Ia KraoKiiglUhDalbrlgirAn In Kino ( Trench Ua.brlggaii AND HOSIERY. In Merino and Cotton. NEWEST AND LATEST VESIQNS IN NJICKWEAR , JEWWLRY. HANDKEROHIFS , BRACES , ETO. Coaching , Walking , Street and Evening Gloves , FINE WHITE & COLORED SHIRTS. Enitllili , Wrjue.ind Full Pries Bhrlt * . - RniRTS MADE TO MEASURE. * Dr , Amelia Burroughs , OFFICE AN1 > RESIDENCE' ' 3617 Dodge St , - Omaha , XELEl'IIOHE No Hi. At tlio Old IMay Ground. I fiftt nn hour to-day , John , beside the old brook strewn. Where wo were ichoolboys In old time , when manhood won n dream ; The brook U chnkod with fallen loaves , the pond Is dried away I BCWCO believe that yon would know the dear old place to-day. The ( "choolhouso Is no mow , John , beneath our locust tree * ; The wild roBe by the window eldo no moro wavei in the broczo ; The scattered stones look dosolatatho nod they routed on Has boon plonpod up by ttrangor hands stnco you and I wore gene , Tlio chestnut tree It dead , John , nnd what la sadder now The hrokon grapevine of our Rwlng hangs on tha withered bough ; I road our names upon the hark , and found the pebbles rara1 Laid up beneath the hollow side , an wo had piled them thcro. Bcr.aath the grafM-grown bank , John , I looked for our old spring , Thnt bubbled down the aider path , three paces from the swing ; Tlio rushes grow upon the brink , the pool Is black nnd barn , And not n foot this many n day , it scorns , has trodden there , I sat mo on the fence , John , that lies ns In old time The same half panel in the path , wo used BO oft to climb And thought how o'er the bars of lifo ou playmates had passed on. And loft mo cquntlng on this snot the facet thnt are gene ! | The Judge. HONEY FOIl TIIK 5 Knlo Grconnway is building A hnndsom house In London , Whlto petticoats nro only worn with full dress evening tollott , 1'ow or no fathlonnblo dresses are made al of ono kind of stuff. Clio\iotH nnd beiges remain the favorite fab rlcs for traveling miita. The fa\orlto figures on brown linens are clover leaven in a browner tint. 1'nncy woolens hn\o rained figures ombrold orod , or broche , with clionillo. Patti Is learning to play billiards. Thcro ire plentyot kisses In billiards. I'von white munlln dresses nro made with ivnlstco.its which nro detachable. White will again bo the favorlto festival Ircsi for midsummer garden partlcH. Among the 3'ronch llnons are changeable mos almost ns pretty as the fihot silks. Silk petticoats with embroidered' flounces TO worn by the most fastidious womon. Now white cotton batistes as wldo as India null como with small , old-fashioned figures. MI ss Annie Dickinson It Is said , will hence- arth bo Eccn In public cnly on the lecture latform Colored surah and silk waistcoats nro fro- uontly worn with white mull or nainsook rcHsoa , It is impossible to onumcrato the various KIRCH in which hats and bonnets are inado owadnys. Whlto veilings como with broche figures in 'hi to mile , the designs small , BCitttorod and of roat beauty. Whlto veiling robes como in machine em- roidered or broche for half tha dress , the thor half being of plain stuff. i A Michigan girl , at ono setting , ate two ounds of llmbiirgor choose. Her pa doean't ; a\o to wear his heavy boolu on Sunday ightnny moro. The young woman who bites her finger ails and kisses her puddle dog on the nose , 'oiild fall in n stony faint at seeing her fath- r nip picco off the butter lump with his own llfo. "Do you think I would make n very nttrac- vo angel ! " said n dude with very largo nars > a lady. "Well , no. " she replied : pointing > his Immense oars ; "I think your wings nro little too high up" A Chicago dude blushed and ran into , n airway when ho saw A party of ladles coming own the street. Ho had forgotten his cano nd could not moot thorn in Bucli a nude ; ato. "Professional Beauty" writes to know how imples can be removed from the faco. A ilf hour with John L. Sullivan will do the ork. What Is left of the face is guaranteed > bo cured , Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett. Is rapidly ice veriog her full health and will complete sr recuperation In Now England. She hires 3r handsome house in Washington and her ndlord Is General Grant. Catchlnir the idea from the fact that an ole- mut conld bo painted and palmed off as bite , n Philadelphia woman about to wed > r third husband painted her black silk 111 to and used it as a wedding dross. A broadcloth Prlnco Albert coat , pantaloons : dudlsh rotuudity , u shining shirt bosom , hlto necktie , A plug hat , brown-black locks hair hanging down her necl That's how < f Mary walker looks ns she walks up Penu 'Ivania avcmuo to the Capitol , "Is your sister at homo ! " asked A St. Louis oung gentleman of thullttlo brother who an- tvcred the boll. "Yes , she's at homo , " said : io boy ; "wo'er going tu have coconut pica } r dinner , to-morrow , and she IM out in the .tchon holpln' mother innko 'mo. " "Indeed" ipliod the young man , evidently very much eased , "and wtiat ) art of the pies duos your stor make ! ' "Sho cracks tha coconuts with ) r teeth. " The Cureless Knlsoiiitnor. The whitewaHhor sings A merry song , A song full of tender feeling , As ho dunces the scaffolding along , And slaps It on the celling , Ho slaps it on with a merry smile That lights up his facial wrinkles , And moro on your overcoat and tile Than upon the wall ho prlukp ) . [ Puck. MUSICAL AND DHA.MATIO. Henry O. Jarrettwlll return from abroad In ugust , lie will put an attraction on the road ixt season. Vny Temple-ton's now operas , "Cupid and urldlty" and "La Belle Coquette , " ore said i bo great succe Slots. Henry J3 , Abbey's profits ou Mary AnJor- in'aBoyon months London engagement are imputed nt SfO.OOO. Trod Pautdlng is origarod aa lending support i Margaret Mather for uoxt season lu place ' Alexander SMvlnl , John I ) . Owens , who Is convalescing at his mutry place at Towsoti , Md. , will attend to ie preliminary business of the coming uoosou i his Charleston Academy of Music. Khoa Bturts for California this week. She lays In Ban Francisco three weeks , and Ate , o > Angeles ono week , and at the latter place 111 dedicate a now theatre. Lewli Morrison has called his organization 10 New York and London company ; as it Is all Kngllih and half Arnoi lean. He will open i Chicago on June Z with "Tho Duku's lotto. " Sara Bsrnhardt IIM been hist od on the Part- Ian ut g . Bho Is losing her hold on the pub- o , but this eplsodo will certainly revive lutur- it In her. If ( ho has any friends kft they 111 rally now. Charles Barnard ha arranged with Ludwlg Irlanaer , composer of tlio "Prince Consort" nd ' ' 1770 , " to compose the miulu to fit his bretto called "Jelum. " It will be put ou the lurkot next season. Mr. Carl llosa hw It U uuder teed , secured lie rinht to iwfonn Siviior lioito'a oi > era , " KnglUh. The dual charac , Mef Utof .lo. m tn of Margaret and Helen of Troy will bo iibUUiod by Mine , , Marie Boza. Hnverly'H Americau-iuroi : > ean 1ltKtinls 1 tholftiKeat organisation oflta kind U , , world , % l wiron May 17 In the luamur City of llftino , to open la London at lie Drury Lane , tha l&rgest theatre In the 'John ' Gourloy , lnco his great success with Skipped by the light of the moou , " enprts A iVree-carat Aunond. a pair of tide wblikan nd A St. Bernard dog. He Uko * the Intter rlth him wherever he ROOS to protect tlie ormer , Balvlnl writes to A friend in this country liatho has glen up his propoaed tUlt to kmerlcnnaxt easou , because HO manager i willing to eugsge him for four nights a L week , and ho In unwlllbpr ti net moro than th.it , Lotti I Ml Crnbtrco ) will ICMO Kneland In Aiuu-t. HOT cciwnn hero will begin nt WMlitngton the following month. ClinrlM 1'rnhmnn in solo owner of "Mixy DIoMom. " Hoc.irofiillyro.vlfl throoRh every ] > lny thnt U rejected \ > y thn Mmliion Sntmro irmnngomrnt , nnd IIM now In his poiflOSMon A number of plocai which ho purchased for n "ionic. " The Klralphya lm\o dotormlnod to pontpono the orrctlon of tholr Now York theatre until nftor the Presidential election , but expect to hnvo It ready for opening by the Chrlntmm holidays , when tboy will proiluc.0 tholr now pati tomino. [ Puck. Mmo. Morljciilcn 1ms oiftnod n contract with Quatavonnd Oharlos Irohman to return to America nnd piny under their mnnnRcniont cluriiiR the loason of 1885.60. She will shortly bo neon In Chicago nt Mio ( Jrand Opera Homo , following the lloston Ideals. Mozart's "CoM fnu Tutto" h n been revived with success nt Munich , nftor nn Interval of about nlno yoarn. The now covered orcliostrn In being mod In the opera , and nt the end of the month Homo utrlctlv pmato performances o ( "I'flMlfftl11 nro to bo given for the king of llnvaria. In nn Interlowlth the 1'all Mail Garotte Mr. Lawrence IJnrrott aalds ' 'Thoro l n gront striving ninniijf UD Americans nftor good plays nnd good literature. I take credit to inyxolf thnt I h vo done lomothlng for the en couragement of American dramatists. In America t\ cry nno Is n play-goer man , wo- innn nnd child. " T. Allaton Drown , who wont to Knropo with the nmhltlotn design of engaging Sarah liornhardt and Lydla Thompson lor this country , found their prices too high , nnd has returned with two performing elephants , anew now piny by Ohnot , author of "Lo Mnltro do Forgea , " nud n comedy by Derrick , author of "Confiwfon. " The latter Is called "Twins , " ono n Bishop rtud the other h bishop's servant. MIns Roialha Bcochor , the "Vlolotta" of Mr. McCnul's "Morry Wnr" company , is a decided acquisition to the ranks of fiuorito singers in light opera. Sim IIM a sweet floxi- lilo and w olMralnod voice , nnd nn air of confi dence and flolf-pORsesclon unusual In nn nrtlst , who Ilko her , Is playing in her first engage ment. She it endowed with nn engaging manner , n charming faconnd n captivating figure , and with hnr undoubted talents for the Btngo should attain a brilliant and successful career in her chonon vocation. Our Kind of a. JUnn. Hie kind of a man for you nnd rnol Ho faces the world unflinchingly And smiles , aa long as tha wrong resists , With n knuckled fAith nnd forco-liko Hats ; Ho lives the llfo ho is Drenching of , And loves whcro most is the need of love ; His voice Is dcnrto the deaf man's oars , < Ynd his face subllmo through the blind man's tears ; HID light shines out where tin clouds wore dim , * \nd the widow's prayer goes up for him ; \nd the sick man sees the sun once moro , \nd out o'er the barren fields ho noes Springing blossoms nnd waving trees , Pooling , as only the dying rnny , Chat God's own servant has como that way , Smoothing the path HS it still wiuds on L'hrough the golden gate whcro his loved hayo gono. Che kind of n man for mo and you , Fowovor little of worth wo do , fo credits full , and abides in trust ? hat time will teach us how much is just. Io walks abroad and ho moots all kinds querulous and uneasy minds , Lnd. tympathlzing , ho shares the pain > f the doubts that rack us , heart and brain , ind , knowing this , as wo grasp his hand , Vo are surely coming to understand 1 [ o looks on with pltyin ? eyes i'oa as the Lord since 1'nrn.dise Q ilso , should wo road , though our Bins should glow is huirlot , they should bo white as snow ! md feollng still , with a grief half glad 'hat the bad are as good as the good are bad , [ o strikes straight out for the right and ho s the kind of a man for you and tno ! [ James IVqitcomb Hiley. UELiIGIOUS. There nro olghty-fivo thousand Hebrews in low York city. Catholic schools were recently suppressed in Saslo , Switzerland. Archbishop Lynch of Toronto will soon olcbrato his silver jubilee. Archbishop Gibbons of Baltimore has cou- oltod the third plenary council of Bnltiraoro , a be held in the cathedral of that city , No- ember 0. The Fresbytorian church of Wyoming , N. r. . is in luck. It already has two organs , nd now the Into N. II.Gillett has bequeathed 21,000 for the purchase of another one. The Broadway Tabernnclo tn New York ays $1,238 a year to keep the life of the pas- or , Dr. William Taylor , insured for 850,000 n 3T the benefit of his family , in addition to A A alary of 810,000. P Xho Scorer. . bo hud no wealth of flowing tresses ; t : She had no wondrous store of tin ; w [ or hair and purse the bard confoaeos wR Wore rather thin. u ho had nosoul-cnanarlngglances' \v And in her cheek was no'or a dimple ; vtl ho stirred no poot't errant fancies 111 And looked half simple. 111ri U' int yet Biio'won the hearts of all moil , And had moro oilers In a week 'rom ' good and had , from tall and short men , Thau fauio can speak. "on wonder , then , what was her dower ! AVoll , I will try to toll you briefly , t was her taffy-giving power. Foremost and chiefly. [ Harvard Lampoon. FISl'PBUftllNT miOPS. A Now York man lion shot hlmsoH because n couldn't sleep. Ho should have shot the it. it.llural llural hospitality "Do take some moro of 10 vocoUbles , Mr. Blood , for they go to the Igs anyway. " When an Indian doctor loses a patient ho irus for his life. Whou ucivilized doctor loses patient ho Bonds in his bill. "Young man , " said the landlord , "I always it the cheeso-rlnd. , ' And the now boarder jpliedi "Just BO ; I am leaving this for you. " "It'a a cold day when I can't catch a fly , " kid the base balllat , oa ho gently took a hot no from his coffee. rtl A man has uven arrested in London for mply laying up something for n rainy day. a his room over 000 umbrellas \vero dlacov- red. red."Aro you ha\lng much practice now ? " asked n ohl judge of A young lawyer. "Yea , sir ; A reat deal , thank you. " "Ah , I'm glml to hoar i. In what line is your practice particularly ! " Well , sir , particularly lu economy. " ' Are you piralvwd , my friend ! " kindly In- uired A philanthropist of n youth whoso fin- en were pointing lu ten different directions. No , Ir"lio proudly replied ) "I'm a profes- tonal base ball player. " A Touug man sent fifty cents to a Now York Qvortlscr to learn "now to make money vst , " nnd was advised in reply to glue A five ollar greenback to the bottom of his trunk , laving neither greenback nor trunk'he is still nable to m ko money fast. An exchange has. an article on "How tote to t an Old Man. " Wo had always supposed t woa the correct thing to treat him tha name r y as you would any other man , though , onsldering bl * age , it mlfht be proper to ask 1m up twice. "Let me eco , " nusos Mr. Blalnoj " 8550,000 irofit on my book and 8MI.OOO A year for four ears will not mo 8700.000) ) out of which , of ourso , expontios muse bo deducted. You ore loing well , Juuiea , for a man who started out a llfo ns A u w p i > er reporter , " "Well , Put , " was asked of u recently nrrty. d Immigrant , "and how do you Ilko Amor- ea1' "H'n A fine country , sor. " "Have you ucceeded tu getting work j t ! " "No , nor ; wt 1 have A friend In Washington who li if ter getting me A pension. " "You hnvn't tlppod the w lter , " said A goi\ . lemau at A New York hotel to A Colorado iduer whose want ! were tarddy attended. Hio next aproned Individual In that vklnlty bund himself ou his back on the floor , a Up- illiiBthatwM productivei of immediate and vatchful nttouUon to the uoeds of the western ruott. lu an Arkansas court two or three men tried n vixlu tu get excused from lervlugvu a jury , Finally an old man aroio nnd nalds "Judge , I've got nn axctuo what will appeal to every man in this horn room , I nm runnln' n ntllf- house , nn' If I stiy awny , none o * the folks keen git whiskey. " "Your oxcuto In legal , " replied the judge. "Go homo and discharge your duty M a citlcen. Madura ( In horror ) "Mercy on us , Bridget , what have you been doing ? " Bridget , return. Ing from the collar with her Imndi loll of lob ster claws ! " 1 lowly Virgin , protect ml I have just killed ono of the olggcst cockroaches ft crnwlln1 over yez cellar bottom , that I Ivor BOO in mo llfol" [ Life. Congressman "What is that , sir ? " Walter "That's n Kuiall bottle of whisky , sah , nnd a gla s of wntnh , ah. " Congressman did not order It. " Walter "No , sahj I thoiiglit you might wont it , sah. " Congressman ( an- grlly-\Vhat ) I want I will order. " Walter "All right , sahj beg your pardon. Will remove - move it at once , sah. " Walter throws out the water. May. Light of foot nnd winning fair , Show'ry gems nmld her hair. Through a waUng light nnd shade , By the fitful sunbeams mode , Or through shimmering veil of rain , Danced down the fragrant lane , This bright maid who draws each lover By a charm none may discover , Varying still from gray to gay , Thousand fancies In a day , Sing medleys with such trill As the restless air must thrill , Wild with wanton , elfish glee , Sad with freakish misery , Now to tender tears beguiling Then to mirth with witchery wiling ; First she pouts nnd says you grieve her , Next she entrcati you not to Toavo her , Then HIO lures you ou to follow , Her slight fijturo through the hollow , Up the hill-slope , o'er the stream ICippling soft with eilvcry gleam. -Harriott W. French , In the Manhattan fo May. BINGULMUTIES. A taxldormlstln Heading , ! , , has a collect ion of 75,000 butterflies. Near Chtllicotho , Mo. , a hey chased n rah M into n hollow tree , nnd found 200 SI $2.50 $ gold pieces. After bemioathlntr her body to the doctors , Mirnboth Fitrpatrlck , of Snndusky , cut hei .hront with a hnuda-vw. A trout haH just died at Harwich , England , cnown to ha\o boon living In a well there dur ng the past thirty years. ' A Now Yorker has invented a llttlo spring , o attach to gas jots , BO that when the light 1 jlown out the gas will ho shut oil. The recent deep snows caused rabbits to ; now the bark of fruit trees. William Uarbeo , if .Robertson county , Tennessee , lost 2,000 up lie-trees lu thin way. Berkshire , N. Y. , a town of 1,800 inhobi- ants , burled n short time ago , nt the ago of ovontj-throo , the only shoemaker it has had or the past fifty years. The second district of Gibson county , Ton- p.saoo , Imi three mun that have sixty-throo blldron , twenty-one apiece. Ono of them has ovontp-live grand children. Stuyvosant's j.oar tree , at the corner of 'liird avenue nnd Thlrtoouth street , Now fork , la the oldest ll\ing In the city. It wni lautod by Governor Stuyvoaaut in 1CJ7. From the letter formiug the word "Incom- rehensibility , " a Wostport , Me. , woman has ) rmodC30 intelligible words without the aid E printed matter , and a rival , a man , has > rmod 511 words. A kite fifteen foot high nnd twelve foot wldo as boon built nt Now llavon , Conn , for the urpose of experimenting to test the lifting ad sustaining power of the atmosphere. The ; ring is 1200 feet long. A North Carolina tar burner , whoso cabin as literally demolished In ono of the recent oavy winds , afterward found his watch hang- icf on n small limb of n tree , tha chain wrap- id several tlinis around the limb. It was eking away as if nothing had happened. Mrs. Clarissa Davis Fort Ilayinond celo- rntod her ono hundred nnd second birthday ; her homo in Wiiton.Conn. , on Friday. The > casion brought together five generations of 10 descendants of the centenarian. Mrs. Kay lend retains her faculties surprisingly for ono i her age. . A HforyAfea fmhv nature comes from Oro- Dii. It is about a man "and a dog , 'ihoro is o thing remarkable about the man , except la powers of naration.but the dogposseses va- OUH nccomplbbnieiits. Among other things 0 dives into tha river and catches largo sal- ion in his mouth. Recently ha was by the do of his master , who was fishing through a ale in the ice , when ho discovered a choice dmon and dived down after it. The current irried him beyond the hole and under thee o , but he swam fifty feet until be came to nether hole , whence ho ( scrambled out with 10 fish in his mouth. Not long silicon lady in Denver received a awspaper from her husband , who ia in the .fricau diamond fields , In which were wrap- an a number of small gems. She. thinking lorn worthless bits of gravel which had work- 1 their way into the paper during its long Ip thiew them nway. Presently a letter as sent tolling of their value. She was in eat distreta nt her loss , when it was tmg- isted that possibly her chickens , thirty in Jmbor , might have picked them up. They ere all pun based nnd killed , nnd twelve of 10 diamonds found in their crops. Another dy. who lucl lost nn emerald Betting of her ng the day before , ulsa found her lost troas- o in the same now diamond iield. Tno Festive Ply. NOW : o crawls alontr with feeble feet To seek the fiiendlysun ; ut no kind eye his glances moot , And not a single ono f nil the crouds that pass aloni ; Bond down to hear him sigh , r listen to the plalntivo song- Alas for theo porr ilyl [ Morning Journal. THEN : o moves thro' space nt lightning speed , And Books a girl or son ; o lights upon the halrlesa head , And kicks up lots of fun , ow changed ha Is within a week , This frlondlflsa little bummer , ou saw tlio fly In weather bleak ; This Is the ily in Summer.Yonkera Yonkera Statobinan. CONNUBlAIjITIES. Shrewd young ladloa orofor to bo married lout Kaster time , beoauau then there is no peneo for decorating tha church. A woman of seventy-seven years in Belfast , 0 , U suing a gay deceiver of seventy for 1,000 damages for alleged breach of promise marriage. A complaining Ohicagoan , In Us suit for di- irce , declares that his wife has uiailo every- ing hot for him in Ills married life except his a and cfllloo. A man and hU wife wera tha opposing can- dates for school committee at the late eleo- QQ in Londonderry , N , II. , aitd the wife mo out victorious by six majority , A Mississippi man writes to Denton county , exas , foa a runaway wife , and describes her with bight cheek bones , upper front tooth it. crippled in oue-footcroaa-oyed , and n.ulck- lokon. The young women of Slum have petitioned 10 King to forbid men pledging their wivod 1 meet gambling debts. This will give unbhng a great impetus in the land of the hlto elephant. A little follow with a tall , stalwart wife , aa asked by a frieud If the contrast between leiu didn't often oxposa him to mortifying iruarks. "Oh , I don't mind that , " he said , locrfully , "but since Saroh'd grown ne&r gbtod , I have to look sharp for fear she'll ep on me.1 "Ma"s ld a bright little boy , "Is itjuauiflity i kiss ? "No , my son , it isn't naughty.1' Then , what made our servant girl call pan xstv , mean thing when ho kls od her ! The w hasn't got an answer to his last question 3t ; but , gracious ! didn't Ids dad catch it when a came homo ! A Detroit woman wants a divorce because ar husband , she boa discovered , lied to her atom ha married her. Ho told bar that he wnod a horse and wnaoii. and possessed either. But he claims that ha t < > U the tnith , losinuch as ho owned a wood-homo nnd a dog , t nd the lattcr'e tail u wagonNorrhtown [ ierald. A bickwoodsman promlndto send the uiln- itor fifty iiouuds of umplo wgMT for m Tlog htm , Time ported on , and no maple tugnr arrived to sweeten the minister' * ) lioiuehold. Some inontln later ho MW the newly married husband In town and ventured to remind him. "My friend , yon did not send the miplosiuar you promised , " With n Maddened counte nance , the man looked up and roplloJ , "To tell you the truth , governor , she ain't worth liou'Atoot This Is the tlmo for boomi to boom , And candidates to rattle ; Knch thinks ho sous bin prospects loom Abo\ the clouds of battle. But when the solemn hour arrives Within thogrnat convention , A cloud will fall o'er mnny llcs Of those wo need not mention , I'/ach ono now thinks he'll draw a prio , And Biiroly , firmly catch It ; With horror ho may ope his cjcs And see the "dark horse" snatch it. [ Chicago Sun. IMl'IBTIES. A llttlo girl In church , after the contribu tion.box hud passed , comrlacontly said : "I paid for four , mamma , Wai that right1 Thov had tlio motto , "Seek nnd Yo Shall Find , " hung on the \vall over the grab bag at a church fair. The inappropriatencss was finally noticed , nnd rectified bv n wag , wb substituted : "HoTempers the Wind to th Shorn Lamb. " Little Tom Yesterday was Pnlin Sunday Little lUck-Was what ? Little Tom 1'nlm Sunday. Didn't yoi know it ? Little Jack No , and I guc.ii mother dldn' ' know it either. But I wish she had. Little Tom Why ? Little Jack Because instead of her palm she used a slipper. There was an amusing occurrence on tin corner of Cherry and Church streets yostordni evening , which was witnessed by a few pass ors-by. A printer , nick-named "Littl Breeches , " from his diminutive slzo , mot ; colored man of the Jack Falitaif order. Th former began laughing nt the latter , when tin. huge-proportioned colored Individual said "Loolc-n hoah , white man , don't you maki fun ob do work ob do Almighty. Ho doni finished mo , but Ho stopped on you before Hi was half done , " ( Nnslnlllo American , Mrs. Blimborwalking home after the churcl : sewing society meeting , encountered Mrs. Jorklns. "Of course you've hoard of the lut es t clerical scandal , " said Mrs. J , "All about an American minister In Berlin. It's very shocking. I wonder what ho loft hia congregation gation for ? " " 1'ho very'subject wo wore talk ing about nt the moetln' . These clergymen are gottin * so now , Mrs. .Torklns , there's no abldin' 'cm. I'll ' not lot this night pass with- jut spoakin * to Mr. BHmber and gottin' him to ask some member of the Loard of foreign missions. " UAbDHEADED BA.DINA.GE. A Dakota man who visited a female mln- trol show in Washington glanced over the sea i baldheads nnd actually thought ho had nado a mistake and strayed into ono of the louses of congress. * A show of bald-hoada would draw well at a line museum , the premiums being to the welvo bald-headcdest exhibitors in the first jw of soata in a vnrioty theatre for ono mson. That would insure thousands on ox- Ibition. 1'unlino Mnrkhnm will have the following n her playbills next season : "As performed rtth great success before the crowned heads f Europe nnd the bald heads of the United > tatos ; " which , after nil , amounts to about bo same thing. "You're going to the limb exposition to- ight , of course. " said Blocg yesterday to lunch. "Woll-yes-I thought some of It , " ns\\orcd Bunch , reluctantly : "but how did ouknow ? " "Oh , I thought so , that's all. Vo noticed that you have been growing bald My. " A patent medicine manufacturer advertises ir bald men who nre willing to have adver- Romonts painted on the tops of their heads for n high pecuniary recompense. " Tn this ay men with ( rood , clear heads could earn lonoy to pay for the front seats they always ccupy at burlcsauo opera performances. GUAY'B SPECIFIC ! MEDICINES. RADC MARK nsURUTiu u-nnjE MARK LISII P.RMKDT. An unfiilinff cure for , Seminal Weak- ' neiSSporm&torr- ha , Impptonoy , and all Diseases that follow as a sequence of Self- Abuse ; as loss of' ' Unlver- " - " = > * * " Memory , - tcrORETAKINO.BaiiAssltudePainAFTER TAKIRQ. i the Back , Dimness of Vision , Premature Old Age nd jiany other diseases that lead to Insanity or COD- jmption and a Premature Qraie. SSWARX ol adrcrtlecments to refund money , nhen ruirgtsts from whom the medicine Is bought do not St nd , hut refer you to the manufacturers , and the iqulrements are such that they are seldom , if ever , implied with. Scot heir written guarantee. A trial I ono single package of Gray's Specific will convince ie moat skeptical of its real merits. On account of oountti/oltere / , wo have adopted the ellow Wrapper ; the aoly genuine. fcSTull particulars lu our pamphlet , which wede re to send free hy mail to every one. jMTTho Spe. Do Mcdi cine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack- ; o , or six packages for $6 , or will bo sent free b ; nil on the receipt cf the money , by oil jremiiiL' TJ1K OKAY MEDICINE CO. , lluHalo. N. Y. old n Omaha' * " ' ! . ) v Iflaii TO PURCHASE For Spot Cash. Call on or address Mr. or Mrs. tephca J. DltOIiUICK. 618 South 10th street. OMAHA . Stove Repair Works , Furnish Repairs for al Stoves uudo In the JNITED STATES AND CANADA. Stoves repaired anil remounted equl , to now. Telo- hon No. 4 i. C. M. EaTON , Prop. . .i In : 'f r. . ' I jiANL'lS. I roifiinJ V lOOlt " ( lorllcr * Tool for lolktli h itv 4 mtBir llvei. " wtltci WlLr le J " * B.M 'j ff 40 andtt etui. Sent bj null lor amount In i rngruvitig. i re * . .cents hlch iliuwcontcnipl > llngmtrrl > e < SECRETS ihMiIil knuw. ItacidrfJi ot Jl CTlptlllOW . 10 CUIV N.tVOUJ Ability , ftenUiui I Wtaknru , dr. , "t ' " ' / J 1 jrW/crti ( .n y or poilwt tUinpi > A1" " } ' , Sclnialile. Cur , Uroailwiy iu > 4 I.u i Av. , E < - 1/oull.llo. IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION Ij vrorrantfd to wear longer. Cl Ui fonn neater , ami r ve brtl" fatlifacllon than any olher Ooinv. lu the raarktt , or \ > r\ni uaia Mil. $ rufiiiKifd. Theladorii.mouuo ChlcaK ' b t ph any wh Onraet. I > rlt . fiti * ( * . .I rwud. 91 MiA your A rtliAntfort * a- JOHN H. F. LEHMAN & CO , SOflMELING & BELSCHNER , DEALKUS IN E Oil South ISth , botnDCU Jackson and Jonci Sti Job Wo k Io Kooflny. OuttorUi , ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Columns , Pilasters , Llntols , Fonclnff , Orostlng , Balllnff , " Etc. . 4 Oast , and Wrought Iron Boams. jf ARCiltH for TJIK IIVATT VUISMATIC I IOHT8. f THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa. THE LARGEST IRON WORKING. ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE. ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) LIME AND CEMENT. Office and Yard , Gtli and Douglas Sts. , SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground It Is the boot and cheapest food lor utoex ol any kind. Ono pound la equal to three pounds of corn stock ted with around Oil Cake lu the Tall and Winter , instead of running down , will Increase In weight and be in good marketable conation In the spring. Dalrjmen , M'ell as otbors , who use It can tettlfy to Its merits. Trr It and JuoV fjr j onrwilvof. frleo $26.00 wr Ku ; no charge for mckn. Address WOOWUNRRKH ntr viv rjT Omaha Kob TEE NEW HOUSE OF QARRABRANTi COLE Fine Havana , Key West nnd Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited. Satisfaction GnarantEBu. { J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND IlETAIL DKALElt IN l lj IUUU5.1A UM j J. JLUiJ.Ua.Wj SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MODLDIN&S , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , . - - - Omaha , Neb , DEALERS IN Kali's Safe and Look FIEE AND BUKGLARPKOOF LUMBER MERCHANT fa _ rHl if S tfWi o -Wi .s o M bb 03 g 3 a " " 9 ยง / ! S m 0n a 3 3 M 1 H M o cu o ' GUMIKGS AND 20TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB. If you want n lot for a homo or an investment , Thornburg Place offers the ruuuuac inducements Situated in the west part of the city , commanding a mag- jficout vipw of the whole eurrounding country , and sloping in sucli a way that Tory ittlo grading will bo necessary. , I s only 5 blocks further from the poatoffico than Hanscom Park. It ia on Leaven- rorth street , which is to-day , and bound to bo in tlio future , the beat and leading horoughfaro out of Omaha. We have about 45 lota in this beautiful addition loft , ? hich wo offer at $185 to $200 each , on monthly payments. Lots in adjoining ad- pining adiiions are selling at $500 to $800 each. Call at our oflico and take a ido to Thornbuig. BARKER & MAYNE , 13th and MAX MEYER & CO. , IMPORTERS OB1 . W HAVANA CIGARS ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC JIGABS.TOBACCOS.PM 1ETIOLS8 PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Jeina Victorias , Especiales , RoseB in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE OKTST CldAllS : irapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels , Hew Standard - dard , Good Advice , New Brick , DUPLICATE EASTERN REND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAJMPLEB.