Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday Morning , May 2 ,
XKBSS DittKcronv to bo isauod in Juh
1884 , pnca § t. BO J. M WoLPK , publisher
lishor , 120 S. 14th St. . Omaha.
'WouLn not bo without Hoddlng' *
BiUro , la the verdict of nil who nso It. Trlco
2f ccnU.
William II. BftVwr nml Ml s Kll Arbuek
cl , both of Council Bluffs , were rLftrtlod In
thlsdty on Wodnmday nftornoon , Aptll 30
at tlio , firat M B. chnrcli , by the pwtor , Rov.
CharloflW. Sa\tgO. ! )
Why , of count , the weather ought to bo
cold nnd dUngroeablo. All ov cr Iho city people -
plo are engaged in cleaning hou o , and It Is a
II much plenstntor to ha\o dlnagrecablo weather
alroutthat time.
In pollco court jcstorday four dl tur-
bore cf the pnaco were Cnod 85 and coita
each. Ono i lain Slocumb was eontouccd to
five days in the county jail.
By the now tltno table of the U , ! * the
Grand Ltlniiii train CrUno in yo < tcrday for the
last Umo. Ifrnm thU date Until further notice
there will bu no Grnnd Inland trnln. >
Capt. aicCi uhyU. S. A. , depot qnartcr
termftster , has announced Uy circular lhi t the
government butMliiRa nnd .roiinda will bo
known ni the "Quiitcnnftstor'H Depot , " | n <
' 'Corral" horetoforo. '
etond c f the as
Homo cf the rcputablop | > nrtlnR men of the
dtyeUto that by the nrtrvt of Smith nud
Branch the whole nont of olllclal corntptlon
will bo rapnsed to public vlow , an < l further-
moronsecrt that It * ? lll horrify the residents of
tils city.
A reporter of this city has figured , that by
the change of tlino which wont Into effect tn
this city yiettr.lay , 9,000 hours uot
worked wore paid for. This nt nn nvorngo of
15 cents an hour , which is n low estimate ,
will plnco In the pockets of the working people
of Omaha the snug llttlo bum of $1,350 , This
U , 'of itself , Is q ul to n dnnitlon party.
The Plant ) for tlio Propoaod Tontli
Street Vinduui Nearly Completed.
The plans for the proposed Tenth
street viaduct ever the Union PaciGo
tracks , which are being prepared in the
Engineer's offlco of that company , are
rapidly nearing ' completion and were
Been by a reporter yesterday.
The plans contemplate aa iron struc
ture or bridge 1,300 foot long , starting at
a point north .of the intersection with
Jones street and terminating at the in
tersection with Mason street. The first
100 feet consists ot a solid embankment
from which the main part of the structure
extends over the streets And track at a
maximum hcigth of thirty foot. It is
supported by iron columns not forty-
eight-feet apart in pairs. A stairway is
built from the street to the viaduct at
Leavonworth street and another at thij
depot. The roadway is to bo otchtoon
feet wide and the walks for pedcatrains
project on either aide for seven feet.
Between the street car raih the drive Ute
to paved with wooden blocks and out *
side of them laid with double plcnkthg.
The pillars , frame , and in fact all the via
duct but the drive ia to bo made of iron
after n-ncat pattern and ono that will ab
stract the street to tho.least possible ex
tent , the width at the base on the
ground being only about twenty feet.
The proGlo shows the grade of the
viaduct instead of being steeper than that
of the street , as many have supposed , is
much easier.
A plan was drawn a year ago for a
viaduct on Eleventh street , but it was
never finally acted upon. The present
plan haa many supporters and many
opponents. These who favor it say that
if it is not put on Tenth street it will beef
of little use , because people will not go
out of th ir way to cross it. Those who
oppose the plan are mainly property
owners adjoining the proposed 8 ito , who
claimit would damage .their property
and ruin business. The project is
expected to come up before the city
counpil soon.
McCarthy the Hluyorof IIlH Follow ,
workman to bo Trlqd NextWook.
The grand jury for the tortn it the
district court now being bold in S rpy
county made its presentments to the
court 'yesterday. McCarthy for the kill ,
ing of his cnnrado was indiotod for mur
der , in the tint degree. A relative of his ,
named McO.irthy was also indiotod for
robbery from the B. & M , 'Iho crimi
nal docket will ba taken up Monday nuxt
and will probably "occupy the whole
t. . A Smmiblo Mini would Van.
t.r'f Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs.
It is cm Ing mure otftna of Coughs , Colds , Ast
i hma , Bronchitis , Croup , and ull Throat ant
1 ) IiUDir troulilw , than any other moiliclno.
The proprietor has authorized Schruudor fc
Becht. to refund your inouoy If , after taklui (
< I three-fourths of a bottle , relief U not obtained
3rico TO cents and 81. ifot sale by Schoeder
& Becht
Au Anxlotm lluvband.
Mr. Goo. Hoimrod , who is in Now
York awaiting the arrival of hia wife
from the old country , telegraphed to
fricada in this city to-day that the utoany
cr on which Ills wifd took paasa o i
note tlireo days over duoaud that nothing -
ing baa been heard from her.
Presentation ,
Miw Fannie Arnold , organist ant
leader of the choir of St. 1'hilomena' *
0&thedralwas the recipient of an elegant
and costly chair Wednesday evening
The ladies and gentleman of the choir
chose thla method of testifying their ro
ard for Hits Arnold , and particularly
for her earnest and painstaking efforts
leading to the successful production o
Moxart'fl Twelfth Muss on Utatur tuorn-
jnif. The prt-auntation was made at ( ho
-residence of Mr. and Mrs. Coryell. on
\reat Douglas * troet. It vrav a cotnpioto
ABA aj rtjoablo eurpriao to M'sa ' Arnold.
* nd the donor * were equally happy it
iex porformsd an act ao well do-
< , H tutnttl-'H /it-id
JM kwur iVdUTi ANH
Pn. 1 * . SrpUAi/rEu , St. Louu , Mo. ,
MJf > > " ! kavv H4 i' .
vaowi pro tr tioa wid
v ry good remits.
The Bnler Hate Take the Initiatory
Slcps ,
They are Followed by the Mould
ers and Switchmen
The Strike Agreed Upon by the
Maos Mooting Last Night.
The Kvnnitoti , Iiarltnlo nnd Denver
Shopmen Also Our.
At nn early hour yesterday largo
numbers of shopmen were teen strolling
about the streets , and upon almost every
corner little knots of them might bo neon
engaged in earnest conversation and the
dotormintd look upon thoic fuces'nnd the
numerous shakes of their heads told very
plainly that something waa in the wind
As early na 9 o'clock they were obaervcd
to gather near the corner of Sixteenth
and Farnain streets and by 0:30 : many of
them had ascended the utaira leading into
the council chamber in the city hall
building. It/vns evident that , n
and by 10 o'clock oVcr two hundred
Union I'ncilio omployca had asscimbled ,
The meeting was cnllctl to order and
upon motion Byron Stntiborry was chosen
ua chairman and took the chair.
A motion waa then mndo to elect
oflicora and proceed to business. It
was announced that the boiler maker *
would soon ho present and so it was de
cided to wait a few rainutoa for' them.
They did not cumo at that time and by
motion Mr. Low. Green t vs made socro-
tury.T o chairman then ratulo a few ro-
narks in which ho sttttod that the mcot-
ng was not generally understood and ho
lid not think it would bo right for those
assembled in take anv action until a more
general call was made.
A motion was then made that a com
mittee of eovcn bo appointed to procure
a hall and notify all the workmen in the
rarious department of the shops to al
oud a
The motion was carried nud the fol-
owing gentlemen were appointed aa uuch
lommittoo : Messrs. Murphy , Mulhern ,
? otersonFrick , Michaolson , Oonpor and
At thia juncture a moBsongor waa dig-
> atchod to interview the boiler makers.
ind those gentlemen entered the hall
and announced that they woto out and
> reposed to stay rut until the order for
They furthermore stated that'thoy were
roing to notify all men along the line of
heir action ,
Motion was then made that a oommit-
oo bo appointed to notify all men in the
hopa who were not all ready out , that
hose assembled .in tnasa meotitiir
were out. The following named
; ontloma'n > ere appointed on that com
nitteo. Mesera. Riolnrd Trotter , Billy
lullon , John Murphy , Pat1 Whalen , Mike
? oloy , Ralph Boone and Jim Flannery.
A motion haa made that a committee
of three bo appointed to not in conjuno
Ion with thonhovocomnmtcoaanrl notify
til men along the line of what had been
lone , but na no duGnito action had boon
: akon the motion was withdrawn.
The mooting then adjoined.
The oommittoo appointed to procure n
mil and notify the men of the mooting ,
; ave notice in last evening's BEK that
they had secured the
and that a grand mass mooting of all the
employes of the Union Pacific comp my
would bo hold in that place last eve uing
at 7 o'clock.
Mr. Gilmoie utatod yistorday that the
switchmen held a mootim ; in his oflico
loot night and that ho promised to see
what could bo done and give them an
nnawor to-night. The men
agreed to remain until that timo.
The men at the transfer are all ready
to do anything which the men in thin
city may decide upon. A committee of
five were in the city yesterday it
consult with the men hero and re
mained to the mars meeting last evening.
The Union Pacific company has agreed
to pay ita truckmen the same wages paid
by the B. & M. , for the same work awl
thia cUaa express themselves an satiaDtd
At thn U. P headquarters yester
day it waa stated thuttho company would
nmko no further concessions than the ;
had already made , viz : nn increase 1
working hours. They seem to ba quitu
confident that the men will not atriko.
The general Impression ia that the cut
is altogether to heavy and that the men
will resent it by a strike.
It wait reported yesterday that a
dispatch had bopn received at the ma
cluno shops of the Union Pac fie in this
city , to the effect that all the men in the
Loramio shops walked out ycstordity
and are now awaiting word from Oiualm
as to whether they shall go back or not.
The Etonlnff Meeting.
Somotiino before ? o'clocic lait evening
a largo body of men from the shops were
in waiting iu front of the Academy o
Mutio , where tt had boon arranged to
holu the meeting. At 7 oclopk sharp
the doors were opened and in n very tew
momenta the house waa filled from to ]
to bottoin. Nearly a Uiounand uius
hare boon present. Perfect good order
prevailed throughout. Nothing of the
kind so often scon and heard at mooting }
called for ouch purposes , took place.
The ma.incr in which it wai conducts
and the clmrtctar of the spoooncs made
uviuced the fact that these present came
thbro to discuss soberly the issues whiol
had caliiod them together ,
Tlio meeting was called to order by
Murphy , H helper in thn foundry. Mr.
Young of the satno dopirtmont , was
elected chairman , who being absen
Kiunoy , of the repair shops was eubati
tuted un'il ho should appear. Tlio
oowmittouB front thu various ubops. were
invited to take " their Boats upon thj
atsge'l Jumcs Oreon and Low
Heed were elected secretaries. A mo
tion to allow reporters to bo present at
the mooting was carried unanimously.
It wai then carried to allow two from
o ch department to speak , attar which
every ono who wished might express his
A telegram just received from the
workmen in the Denver ahops , statin ? ,
" \Vo are with you , " was read by Mr
Oreon and loudly cheered by these pros-
appointed yesterday reported it had tele
graphed to Laratnio , Denver , Evnnston
< tnd other places stating the U. P. shop
men were on a , strike and asking what
sliould bo done in the premises.
stated ho did not know thcro was a strike
and for the present waa opposed to it.
The committee appointed to wait upon
the general managers wan then ordered
to maka ita report. Mr. Dunn , chair
man , stated the committee had used all
its innuonco with Messrs. Clark and
Ivimball to resist thoroduction , Clark , he
aai I , slattd the .oad waa in such a coudi
tion that trimming in every direction was
necessary and ho would try aud make up
thn reduction in part by increasing the
number of hours. It was not intended
to reduce the wages below what was ab
solutely necessary in order to moot ox
Mil. LOVfK ,
of the IHIormukors , came forward and
stated that his brethren had agreed not to
go to work until the old prices were TO-
A motion that n committee- seven be
appointed to wait on Giuioaal Manager
Clark and tell him the shopmen would
lot submit at any reduction , waa mado.
of the repair shops , nmdo a speech atating
10 was opposed to the motion and would
hink it much moro advisable to give Mr
Jlnrk throe days , in which to consider
his proposition , and in the meantime to
go to work iu the shops.
tatod that it would bo bettor to work
nnd succeed , strike and succeed
ilr. Brovouy , of the boilermakers , said
its hia brothers had struck , and
hey would stay out until their old
rages were restored or the road buried.
A telegram from the boiler makers iu
Jvanston "Wo arc all off" waa read
by the speaker and loudly appUuded.
The chair then road a telegram from
workmen of the Laramie shops stating
'Wo are ready to go out , nro you with
us ? " Cheers and erica of I'Yes , "
Yos. "
of number two machine shops stated ho
waa sorry things had nssumod such a
hapo but waa willing to submit to it.
of the round house , stated that
no strike had been inaugurated
and hero ia the place to make it. It
would bo best to give the railroads at
east 24 hours , aud all wrong ) might bo
righted. A gentleman from the crowd
iresentcd a ant of resolutions adopted by
ho workmen at the transfer , protesting
against any reduction of wages , leaving
the settlement of a strike to the men on
, ho Omaha sidn. The reader then ataicd
u would bo best to consider , before strik
ing against n corporation which controlled
congress , bulldozed the head of the
nation , and dibiuchod the supreme
court. It would bo beat to reflect betoro
making a atriko on account of which such
a burden would have to ho borne. An
amendment was then made to the motion
leforo the house that throe duys bo given
Mr. Clarke to determine , in the moan-
: ima the men to resume work.
of the foundry sUted , with the
local management there is no quarrel.
The moulders have decided they are
worth all they have boon getting and
will not take a cent loss. Ho was as
tounded to find on the door of his oflico
yesterday mornint ; an order permitting
them to work ton hours per day and he
was surprised to bo allowed to work one
hour for the company for nothing. But
from this time on the moulders are out
with the boiler-makers and by the help
of God they would stay out until the for
mer pricta are restored. All men in tlu
shops could go out and work elsewhere
and do butter , but none could do worse.
We have worked otio day at the reduced
price and ono d y is enough.
from the freight house , fljid a committee
had been appointed to BUO Mr. Olarli
who stated on account of the Northern
Pacific and B & M. and other roads the
truftio ever tlio U. P. had been cut in
upon. Whan told the was doing
moro to-day than ever , ha hud nothing ti
aay. A concession had boon finally madi
to give thorn UH much i the B , & M.
freight house men.
of the car department , said the men witli
him were indiiforent. Lie WJB opposed
to auy reduction , If the ton per cent
reduction woresubmittud to now itwoult
only bo a short time until another om
would bo proponed and enforced ,
Omaha in the past had boon a gooc
place to emigrate to but if the U. P. in
sista on cutting down the wages of itt
employes it will bo A good place to emi
grate irom.
of tlio truokliuilderu , sakl hia follow
workmen would do whatever thia moot
ing said.
of the machine shops , thought it would bi
best to give Mr. Olark time to consider
of the storq doiiurtmunt , mtid his fellow ,
wnrktnun would do whatever the meeting
determined. ,
Mil. OLIl'F ,
of tno paint shop , slid the men with hire
wuro ready to strike with tlio boilorimv
kera ami moulders. The time to atop re <
ductiou is now.
of the switchmen , said ho was with the
boilorinakofH "Mil mouldem iutheir strike
which ho hoped would be goueial alun
the line from Omitlui to 'gdun. and hop <
ed its.ocho would bo heu-d in Boston.
Mil. DUCK ,
oftho , brakesmen said they were working
thirteen hours per day. The situttior
had been luid before Mr , Claik , whc
promised to give them an unswor yesU < r <
day , but had nut lived up to liisit rouiDenti
aud they would go out on u strike to-duy ,
When all thn various departments ol
the shop ? had burnt fully hcurd the voti
ou the amendment tj allow Genera
Manager OUrk three days for consider
ntionwaa put and lost. The origins' '
motion vfas tltun carried unanimously
Deeming it for the boit interests of al
concerned to h vo each do par Urn nt rep
relented , tho-number of muiubuis 01
the oommittoo was increased accordingly.
After some debate as to the manner in
which the committee shonld bo clostod it
waa finally determined to have it ap
pointed by the chair.
The following are the names of the
members of
John Clare , from the boiler shops ;
Charles Cheney , machine shop No. 1 ;
Roland Firth , mnchino shop No. 2 ;
John RulT , blacksmith shop ; Mr. Flan
nery , blacksmith helper * ; ticorgo Jonts ,
moulder union ; J J , Murphy , foundry
holpois ; Juo Standovon , round houaf ;
C. J. Vest , Ed Powers and Mr. Angel ) ,
rshop' ; Messrs. Cliff , and Brown ,
paint shop ; James Kennedy , locomotive
yirpontors ; Lee llart , tin Shop ; Messrs.
Jlnrko and Buck , awitchmon ; John
Murphy , aheot iron shop ; Mr. Jackson ,
0. li. Transfer ; Jolm Wigman , pattern
shops ; Mr. McCarthy , Omaha aloro : Ed
Momrity , freight department , Jack
Donahuo , lumber yards , and Pat O'Noil ,
of the switchmen ,
When thia committee had boon ap-
linted n telegram "Wo nro with you.
, vo IM you decision. Wo meet to
night , " from the shopmen at Laramie
WHS rood by the chair amid cheers and
applause. It waa then ordered that the
committee just aopointod should bo the
and business relating to the strike should
bo placed in its hands. Thu committee
was thoninstruotod to notify by telegraph
nil the ahopa along the line of the Union
Pftcifio road of the action taken last
ntght by the Omaha ohopmon. The
meeting then adjourned subject to the
rail of the committee. It was under
stood , liowovor , that another mooting
will bo hold sometime to-day where it
was hold lastnipht.
At Denver.
DEXVEU , May 1. Over 500 men em
ployed in the Union Pacific mnchino
shops , freight houses and round houses ,
struck this morning against the reduc
tion of salaries 10 to 15 per cent. , order
ed by General Manager Clark at Omaha
yesterday. _ The men arc determined ,
but no violence it anticipated. It is
stated the atriko will extend ever all the
U. P. lines in Colorado.
Too Oootl ti > lo True.
It was talkcc1 upon the streets to-day
that a dispatch had been received in thia
city announcing a raise of live per cent
on the salaries of all B. & M. employes ,
The matter haa been investigated and
report has boon found to bo without
foundation as no such advance haa boon
Katnto jtranslors
The following deoda were filed for
record In the county clerk's office April
SO , reported for Tae BEE by Amos' real
estate agency :
F , W. Gray and wife to 'Jno. Lsrson
and wife , w d , lot P , block 181A city ,
Ezra Millard aud wife to Ohas. Gcialer ,
w , d , lot 11 , block 2 , Millard Place ,
Martha G. Nixon and husband to
Oris A , Walcott , w , d , wAof se. } of n i
sec 3 and s A of no and no } of so ot
nw I aud sJt of BW .f of sec 1 and o A of
no | - of sof of no Jof aoc5ull in t IClrlO.
SC873 90.
Daniel Sweeney and wife to the city of
Omaha , q , c , d , o 3..fact ! . of lot 28 in no , i
of nwj ot aeo 15 115 r 13 , $2.
Wm. E Granodud wife to'tho City of
Omaha , q c d , o 33fcet of n i of lot 25 in
no t of nw of see 15 , 15,15 , $200.
liana Nelson to the City of Omaha , q
c d , o 33 foot of B A " of lot 2G in no } ot
j of sec 15 , 15 , 13 , $200.
Hobarb Williams to the City'of Omaha ,
q'o d , w 33 feet of a J of lot 22 , in no
of nw of sec 15 , 15 , 13 , $200.
John Skanko and wife to the city of
Omiihn , q c d , o 33 feet of sA of lot 25 in
no } of nw | of sec 15 , 15,13 , $200.
Frank J. Birmingham and wife to the
City of Ornahd , q o d , o 33 foot of lot 24
in no | of nw f of sec 15 , 15 , ' 13 , $200.
'John Sweeney and wife to the city of
Omaha , q c d , o 33 ft of lot 29 in n e of
n w of BOC. 15 , t. 15 , r. 13 , $200.
Isaac Tompsolh and wife to the city of
Omaha q o d , w 33 feet of lot 21 in n
o of n w of sec. 15 , t. 15 , r. 13 , $200.
Jamca O. S tatter and wife to the city
of Omaha q c d , w 33 feet of lot 19 m no
of nw of BOC 15,115 , r 13 , $200.
Sasan Rich and husbind to the city
of Omaha q c d , w 33. feet of lot 20 in
no j uf inw of sec 15 , t 15 , r 13. $200.
Thos. Kinney and wifd to the City of
Omaha o o d e 33 foot of north A lot 2G
in no jof nw | ace 5 115 r 13 , $ 0e >
ArthurS. Potter-ot-al to the public
plat , PotteT'a addition being suhdv of
nw j of nw I of so } eeo 20 115 r 13.
Byron Reed and wife c al to Julia
FUmiiaan w d lot 2 block 4 FrodDellows
add , $75.
J iilm E Yandercook and Huab to A.
S and 0 F Potter , wd nw | of nw I
so iof eeo 20 115 r 13 , $12,500.
S. n. Farnswnrth to Lee Hart , wd
part 10-15-13 , 533 33.
jet of chronic grnmblera , tnul don't deserve
ualf the blessingwo enjoy. If it's mud
dy wo nro mad , when it ia cold vto grum
ble , nud BO it goes Aom morning till night ,
from one day to another , nnd thus montta
and years speed swiftly by ; when old age
rivets hia chain upon ua wo JMUSC lo reflect
upon the nituntiou. It ia then that wo re
alize the fact that we hfuobetn ungrate
ful to nn ever kind Providence who Ima
cuidetl us through the entire journey of
life. Then wo hear the many regrets : "If
I could only live my life over again , " etc ,
We linvo hut ono lifo to live on this earth i
then why not mnko it one of bright our.-
sliino instead of dark oxer-shadownj !
cloud * ?
Absolutely Pue. '
Tblt powuur n tr T r . A uxurcl of per
uttiogb ( nil boleioia u u Uoi * roauulct ) l
Itb lb tuoltltud * of low < ( . abort wetelt wum o
pLa > bite powd ig. Bold , enij la etc * . . ltojJ iMt
IBJ I'ovtdrrOo.
A. Splendid 1'orlormnnco At Hoyd'a
Opera House.
John Stotoon's "Monte Ocislo" corn-
any opened n three night ) ' engagement
t Boyil'a opera house lost evening , ttio
oed old melodrama being witnessed by
i largo and delighted audionco. Dumas'
hrilling story was admirably presented
n the most realistic manner. Tno com *
mny is one of the best ever organized in
his countryincluding amongits member-
hip sovcral actors of national reputation ,
nd every ono of the troupe being aboM >
ho average.
Mr. James O'Hoill , who , to-dty , la
many considered ono of the best
ctora on the American stage , ap-
cared na "Edmund Dantcs , "
nd the "Count if Monte Cristo. " lie
an an attractive prcionce , n pleasing
oico , ia perfectly at homo in ovnry sltu -
ionand thrown his whole aoul nnd cuor-
y into the play. AB "Edmund Dantes , "
ho light hoarloi sailor , ho is filled with
uy ever his promotion and approaching
narriauo. In the character of "Monlo
> isto , " ho appears aa the gloomy mis-
unthropo , devoting all his time and ubil-
ty nnd cunning and untold wealth to
ho vrork of vougcanco upon those who
lad so deeply wronged him. Ilia noting
a BO perfect that ho gains the sympathy
of the audience from thn start and ro-
ains ib until the ond. James O'Neill ia
ndcod a great actor and is entitled to
ho reputation which hohas earned
> y his talents. Ho was ac
corded a most enthusiastic reception
ast ovoning. Frederic do Belleville ,
another noted actor , played "Noirtier , "
( ind received a largo share of the honors
of the ovoning. Ho cleverly assumed
us various disguises in which ho sank
lis identity , and made quite a hit. The
character of "Villofort" was perfectly
tortraycd by George 0. Boniface , whoso
name is familiar to all theatre-goers.
Torrest Robinson appeared as " Albert ; "
. V. Melton , as " Fernando : " James
'aylor aa "Danglars ; " and J.V. . Shan
non aa " Cadorousse ; " and all sustained
heir rolee intelligently , especially Shan
non , who is a fine comedian. Among
ho ladies Miss Eugenie Blair deserves
nvorablo mention for her assumption of
ho trying role of "Mercedes , " and An
nie Boudinot cannot bo too highly com
mended for her splendid work in the part
f "Carconto. "
The Bconery throughout was grand ,
and the stage equipment olicit-
d the heartiest admiration. It is
ortainly ono of the finest sconio displays
iver witnessed in Boyd'a opera honso ,
nd the play throughout is ono of the
noit satisfactory entertainments ever
jiven in Omaha.
Hooping a oarrcl.
Putting n hoop on the family flour-bar
rel is an operation that will bnrldy bum
an encore. The woman generally attempts
t before the man comes homo to dinner.
She sets the hoop up on the end of the
staves , takes a deliberate aim with the
ol ling-pin , and then shutting both eyes
mugs the pin down with all the fureo of
one arm , while the other ono instinctively
hiolds her face. Then she makes a dive
or the camphor and unbleached muslin ,
and when the man comes home she ia sit
ing back of the stove , thinking of St. Ste-
) hcn and the other martyrs , while a burnt
linncr and the camphor are struggling for
he mastery. Ho says tfyat if she had but
< cpt her tfcmper Rho wouldn't have got
hurt. And he visits the barrel himself and
mts the hoop on very carefully , and then
adjusts it BO nicely to the top of every
Btvvo that only a few smart raps apparently
are needed to bring it down all right. And
hen he laughs to himself to think what n
'uss his wife kicked up for a simple matter
lint only needed a little patience to adjust
tsclf ; then lie gets the hammer , and gives
ho hoop u smart nip on one side , and the
other Hies up and catches him on the nose ,
Illling his soul with n rath and his eyes
vith team , and the next minute the barrel
s flying across the room , accompanied by
.he hammer , and another candidate for
camphor nnd rag is enrolled in the great
nrmy that iu unceasingly marching toward
he grave. Danlury jfcics.
tarspeclaia will Positively not bo in sorted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Monav ,
TO LOAN -On real ittito and rbatte
MONKV ties at offlco of E. H ROOD , 1,403 Farnain
St. 78Mm
Vf ON'EV Tt ) LOAN tn rut. f of 1330 and U | > arda i At
111 low rates ou Drat class real rotate ncurlty ;
LO\NED On chattel property b'J. .
, 213 south Nth strett. 77Xlm
TO WAN-Tha loweat ratoa of inUrert
Bemla' Loan Agency , IBth It Dougla 224-tf
All ONEY TO LOAN Inlurnn of cSOO. and upward.
iVl Q. r. Divls and Co. , lloal Estate and Ltan
Airentn. IMF Pnrnara Rt Itavn
rKlStc Jy bov , a o who can talk German
WAN at H N. 14th St. Mil ) p
WANTED Two RlrU for general housework , li
the country , during tlu sum .nor. 714 Nirtl
10th fctrojt. 072 4
AI 1 ANTED \ g.iod btroniT woman to do pantry
VV work. lliiBi.uiiclti.UnJ Inw tt liaka urldle
cakca and waOeU. Apply at the Vaxton Hutel.
" \Tl7ANThn-ImmidUtely , two avprentlcc gir f to
le rnurofnuaklnMm. . Get. W. ICojdil ,
Oild Ftllowg block , up gtalrv. 10-7p
17A TUO-A Klilto nil tlu belt thlDg In the
Wvu Id. Call at iS17 1'lirce U , 13 Sp
- . ' far genirol work
E. Canty , Albauj House BuuthKlliBr ,
A 'ASTH ) ABuodglrlforgcneiaHiouiH w ik.a
\ > 1W13 Furnam M. ! umlly , na chltdiuu
AI ply o'clock p.iii ,
ANTHIl Agoit far gcnm ! buiu < work 221
, Kar tmSt. 11 Sp
- . mil ( rcutlemen to cell
WANTKD-I.idlca monthly II.MHOU'H. W it. 1'
L ry , 1'ub 111 N. Ifltli Urtos , Ciountu' * 01oU.
l > 6S-fl |
! > MKI > IiiU-r ttt < J rma'i Ci Ur
W Viili nmlJwUou htteiU 0-ii I
WANTKD mm boy Icr genual kllclicm > mk
t ill couth mti ttro t.
* IX7ANTKD-A Cbwputciit utrvwit Kill to RO t
UavUliiB , WioaiUnf. Awiy ut Ulll D-mmur
, ct , city. _ H31.l |
WANTKD An ouperlencoj fill forgeutnl howc
work , 1T1S CJc.i ) < < ) bt. 870211
"Ixr NTKD'it KM. Goad w w , US
V > larnimktrict , < x.r. ICtti. SOl-tl
| T7ANTri-Ulrl for Keen \ \ houecwnrk In family
Yt cl four. Ull. UAllUOW , 8.X ) tuutli ICtli bt.
'ANTED Two i'l ' e , eutigMa tueu. tit ady
W ; ' C < 11 < ! 18J. iQtb . . .
Infants and Children
Wltliont Morplitno or Nnrootino.
What RTO | our ClillJron rosy clieckn ,
Wbatcurua Utelr forors , mnkra them sloop ;
'Tin C'nutnrla.
TVhcn Bablofl fret , nnd cry l > y turns ,
\Vbat curca their colic , kills their wormn.
Hut Ciytorln.
AVhat quickly euros Contflpntlon ,
Sour Stonuvch , Colds , InJIpMtlon :
Hut C'nutorlft.
rnrewell then tn Jlorplilno Byrups ,
( JaaUir OU anil Paregoric , nnilHallCnntnrln.
Contour Liniment. Annb-
olnto euro for Khoumatlum ,
Sprains , Bnrns , Galls , &o. , and an
latantanoonn JPata-rcllovor.
ANTE'V-Shtrt hands it 1207 Farnara eltoct.
030 tf
D A clil 'or Kcncrnl hou9 wnrk Oood
uapc * ulll > o paid CII S. FLECK. Vnslu
llou e , nouth 14th strci t. 037Ip
V\r NTIli-Iun'rcM ! , nlnlng room girl , chain-
Y > bormaM. Oo-lJouUl Hotel. 844 tf
V\7ANTrD An ex ) crlcnccd clil Oooil w
i ' 'ivb at niuthu it cor. 19tli and Farnmn.
OlC-'t '
\\ANTED A i : oiltinant clrl. Wa ca ? 4 per
> > nk. Appli H. II. Johnson , cor. ? > ! and
1) OK" Cull u n'clcck or after. 644 tt
\\rANTBU-Olrl for houscw.rk , 015 S. 1 th St.
V > 7b4 tf.
UTANI F.D1'nlici i r Kuntliiiiian In o ty or com tij
t < tike nice , light nd pUa knt uork&t their
ounhomei ; $2 to J5 a day caallt nnd quietly male
work cent by nail ; no ramnteliiu ; no slnnm ferro
ro ly. Plea > o addrcM Hellablo Mtnu'acturlng ' Co. ,
, I'a. *
T\/'ANTED / Two untiun'bhcil ' room" , ( [ Inward
V etnct preferred. Addrcsi " 8. B. " IJuo o nro.
071 Ip
\\rANTEl ) Tooichanne , ( rood , flion stock of ilry
ft gooilrt fir Nnbri'k * Nnda or other ( rood nroi ) .
crty. BAIIKEH & MAY.VE. 891-tf
" \T7ANTED A ) ounff lady , stranger In ihe city ,
T ? Mouldllkuti > cornf ! | > oud with ft Kentltipan ( f
rurans nbjcct bualucas. Address and filnidshln ,
'll.C. B " city. e3.-lp
TTTANTKD S , 0 ) arii ol dltt , at or n nr ono
Tt block Vrcat of the Con\cnt on St Uar'n a\c-
Cil-t at Sti'le , Johnson &Uo.
* u < &OIB ?
TpOlt HKliT Ono furnished | ro'm to ifeutleman
J ? and wife , ulth board 1314 Wohsler St 7-lm
FOU HKNT Furnl-hid roxirm with board , 816
south IQtli strict 047-3i |
FOIl RENT Kirst clua Bttb c , four stalls , 2004
( Aiming St. 017-2p
fj'OIl HUNT- One llrtt c'aea ' piano tnd organ. IrT-
J ? quire N. L. I'mtt , 8Unorth lilh at 038-2p
TlAOn IIENT Fnrnl hed room. Inquire Drugstore
-f corner lith oud DouglM. 089 tf
FOU IlENT-Sulto of rooms furnished 1011 Call
forn'a ' St nOT 5p
FOU 11KNT Furnished room 381B California St.
927-tf MUS. A.CALPEKWOOll. '
FOR KENT Flrst-i-lam Irum , 16 rulle * from Oma
ha , 'aree orchard , etc. DA11KKU A , 11AYNE ,
IbUi nnd 1-Hriiiin , 931-11
FOH RENT Rm 1 hnu o nd liarn. No 410 H
2tl'hEtrcet. Wm , L. Muiiroe , Othand DouglM 6L
FOU KENT Kunilkhod room , 1313 Jaoknou St.
PCS gp |
"JJiOll KI.ST A nicely fajnl-ho-l room for ono or
J1 two , at 2331 Uod o street. Bo t summer location
In the ritv . 7So tf
L OH Ui-.NT-lu iteill k'B block. Storcrcrm 12C
X feit dee.i ai d Rood oltlco rooji. FamVn & Co ,
' Fuiiam , rooms , 700-if
TT O . KENT A fnrrl.-h'd front ruom. Apply at
J 8. U ror. 9th and l-ariiam8t 751 tt
FOH I1ENT Vint HUSH brick stoio and bail
ment , lith acd 1'arnoin i-trect * . $76.rO per
month. ItAltKKU & JUi'NE.
' 7'.8-tf
FOll BRUT. Bulldl ir ' 0x83 , < m Uarney street ,
between 14th anil 16th. lUUKKT.i M&YNU
727 tf
FOR RENT piano. Inquire atEdholmfc Etlrk-
Bon's. * fl S-tf
FOIl KENT Two furnished rooms , ? n7 Webster
KENT YuruUhod roomn 222Dodso St.
IlEVr St.iro room 1D07 r"ur am 8. . , by
UI KN&CD 4 0-tt
'Oil ' K&N1Thud Door I budding .NO. mi f nr-
natnr. . " - -
J < OlvMIM- 1.1)1 BlU AUlu U llJi Vklu.
1 Munav.
OK HKN"t Koome In Nebraska Nation * tUna
Gulldlntr. ItoaV dcilratlo olDoou In the cllj
Supplied with hyd.nullo ele-ator and hoatad b
Apply at TianV /i / tl
F OR RENT 'AurdshtiJ rouine on the noithvrg'
oor , 16th wdCapltolavonue , forauily Crfljititor
tlouno. IXV-tl
T UUNISHEDroom boated 222 K. IBth.
876 M
'IT'ANTED I'tiBltlon by a thoroughlv competent
Vv buok kcepoor wilt Uke rharvn of 01 o rlwo
so'g of 1 okH i heap. "II. " 17 N. Iflth t 17-p
WA M -Mtua.l'iia | bo ik.kieper or clerk by A
VUigrman. Rood punn an , rial rattle work
ir'frrrcd.o.n furnUh bunt uf references. Addrti *
"II. W A " Die < tllco. m..p
i ANTKD-FltuatIon f "r 1 itly to do stoonrt work
IT luKrcucci given. Addiej * "L. D , " i te office.
WAVTKO I'as'tlon as silonmin In xtock of diy
iroi'1-ior clothing , cnn tilvu bent of ruler cures.
Addrtai b > x 097 Cro-t/n Iowa , e-lp
WANTKU-Hj afe-fntL-nnii a d wife , luril.hid
room with bna'il In prhato ( Jeuran famlli.
Tiruia must be moderate. Addieui t. " Jlee ottlte.
_ _ B-lp
W > NTKD-Hltuttlon IH hou o keeper nr nu e , or
Ulth h u e work , IIM KOO 1 ief r ics . Cell at
Mia. ( iruxlohV , 111/7 ChloienHt. 032-6p
A | ton an iljrk iu h lemlo or
t" ? relal hnre Uun ghe rtfer.ncei , c C. "
Euroj-ean 1KU1. " BVQ Ip
\\7AN1 1 : " > A iltuatlonM a jounn nan fo taVo
M caio of huraeH ud n ako hfm It cener illy us i.
fn | nround Iho houto. Chilet Willr .t , No. SOU S.
Tenth St. 70 sp
\\7ANTKli-Utualonai dork cr'to ardl a hotf 1
T ? bj a \ ouiu man wl o l\t \ the be.t o < ieerei ( o .
Ad r. w . 'It. J " liee ofrce. 070 Ip
V17ANTKD Sltuatlou bj a piactlra' book-keeper ,
II clthei uhnlrtaleur ro all nibli < m auy Kind if
IBouuotk , Dett ( f r.ffici.cca Acdreeo " 1 > A. "
1713 lUiney ttuet. Ouiaha , Neb , VK-lt
ITOIt HU BAND HKNI-S r r.liletlrabl houua.
J' lUitnun Hta.t'cs ud Whotlor , room DUO.
< > elghton lloc < . SO 3
IT'O' ' ' HALli Jolm I. > : cl > KUu oOett h'.uao ' uiidi
' ut.rcir car Hue , Sl.-rtU.
JTM'Il&ALf. Oimerlot In Ar utrcn 'n tdJItlun.
1 41 , LO. Mit'auue , op0 | Ito riodtotUco 8)If
rro.t 8 I > 7tifict south frontage on t' < rui > nSt ,
I1 with itoo-1 c > ttttio | I'll oUv. . it will | .a > jtu
totxaiiuio tliUo.nlullj' . ilie/ajjur , oppotlto im t.
otilcu. Si > 3 tf
TTiOltHALi- leet frontage ( Ircludmg th next
I' olKHi ) ut V > : ° . Cell aud co thl , JJcO-ttio
opoiltt > ii > ioinco. Wl cf
irOR HALiovc'6l : Hvo aero lot < I , DoiiHulj , ono
i quilt ruilloiot f * ) udcatr ! purih tu. 'Inla li
.jrojKity tl.nwill In Ilionti future iiilunno la lal
ut. Qtiag to lUpiuxluilty to the irnt lin..rut < men'a
of soutb Omila tnut aru cfcintguiplatcd , MtC tuu ,
unooiitu puitonlm. Oi tt
I70tSM.i ; : R t front l-U In llaiiicuin phoo very
1 U liabiiat 8X > . JIc arueu.p | < > itel > O , 1-tt
I7 < 0 811-One ol thu flmit romenln lUtii u
1 p c tuo * Iwkuiilul Utiwlii thocit'.wll iffer
lor a tow I1.70J. McCague. oppolltv I * . O.
I S-tf
-WIl S ' t.K-P er l loti In Illmebiush plwo a
1 ! bati m. McOmue.criKiter. 0. "
/OR PAtK-Two Urge lotin ncuth 18th 8 { . *
1 < 1.7tO. McCatu . oppotlti 1' 0. "
TTioU 8ALB-A ( TiviHoton tMitjro ttrett ,
JP Ulgh School t $3,100 , McCaguf ,
-I.TJR SAt.K-A ry tie Irablo h.m o and lot a
JU * 6lh ttettiimth of Dfttlge. Nine roomi , good
ell and etitcin. Price < 0,6u ) . MtC uo. nVo opposite
r. o
SAkK Ono good bay m ro , Oieus old In
1H6H 1 by good horn , go , \ Ather , warrentcdln
t \oyrcnpcit. Cnetpl Call at or ndcltcnl21S ver-
gonla Avenuo. " 'P
S > tE Two choice Improtnl farms of J40
FOR ill nlthln linillei ol the Union
Sleek Y rds and 6 milts f torn the U < P. depot , at t
1516 Kftiiam.
l Otl HAI.K-Mr. J. IloutU , Schujlcr , Neb ,
JL' otters his trcirt tnttkot 'or le , M ho l > going
I ito the it ck butlntfs Ho hM Mi oiixllctit tool
trtJo Oil on or MMrcd %
l M J. 110USKA , Beliuyhr , Ncb.
8\I.K r'rcah inllch cows at M litary UrlJgf ,
' niiCutninliijrsktiect.
057-r. | > 1'ENNYi.V11UAM9. .
! > l.i-Nlco : lot OovU'l wlti email h < UM 8.
17iUtH HrcBfj $1,100 1I II cash , balibco at 2 or
3 juts. Ti Is i ft bargain and ta imcn fur Just ona
week. IJirkor & Majtie. B84 I
> . _
T01l SAt.r.-Nlc-o oottiRo Rtiil lot 00x140.nouth
I1 12 h ntnlit , Ht0.t , JS'.O ' down ami ? li tier month.
Huk.r .tllajuo. 103-1
"TTM'U SALE Turns UK Una aero ox as rnn bo
' foundon Louenaortli BtrtotSin Hci trom pout-
otllco , Price Sl.200. IIHJV , V MOlTh K. ISItl
li UK artLv Uitta.obf 4 rouin , and tno lo' , ccr.
J on I'odKe8'i\et ' , 7 ' 'locks u t f lilh | gcaool.
I'rlco , { 2SiK > . in < eiyra y tirnis 'Ibis IH a o. 1
largaln. UEY& MOTTc.ll Bf cor llth anil Far-
naoi 033 if
" "AI.K Atn lmraln 3 lots on Park nxcniie
- Imulrol2 | > 7 r-Vrnam * tnel. 03If
ITu 11M A M J Cheap f c r ca h , n c' " ' cui In ? loom
tor iavlfiirraj oirpcte , runil t J < i Ira ol
lnx Icrxi ) aiinl'Hi > ton Hotel UirLcr L-hop ,
[ 7011 \LB-ll hno rr Klcncu omlnJ .
I iuilltl ] < in fhiap IKKVi MOITMl 940 tl
\ Ml SVtn-lIou9 H mil lo'a i-i nil prtt of the
1 city 01 tl rcts tst lumn ] OB 1 lo It i'iso < and
lot * on monthly paj incuts a ipeclattr. IKEY &
MOT EH , l&tlmiil Parnam. 0 1 tf
F Oll .SAI E doodlit , 6 bliok * wtnt h'p'i ' ' trhool
on 1)'ilpo 't'ctt I'rl'o78 , J2iXi ca'h , DMuioo
S \tnr pipent' . Special tcruil tu ono who wtU
bullJ IRCV A. Mf-TTIilt. 04Mf _
Fi II S MK Brick at jard on 16th a'rcet.BOUth of
Ikllcuio roaJ prroa N. lithsTcct. 007Jp
BMICKS GOO.roO hard burntd. hand mouldtxl and
25WOprefcocl brlckj for tale by WICKHAU
11 ROM , CounUI BlulTi. Airi0 | ! Ot
F OK SALK-Cot'nRO of Qvn r > .nms In fihmi.'g !
rtltlon at 1,000 $200 caih , baliuco In monthly
paj-m-nts. McCAGlIK , opp. P. O. 812 tf
IJVW SALE Furniture , Stiie , Corc , liar , ORB ,
Uufrjry anil barn , at 640 ( a'nlou.or th bircot ,
one block north cf Ml. Mary's avnuo. 819-lf
OR SALE -Grocery etoro in a gnod locution ,
chuap rent. Kor partlculurs ! dicm "R , S " thl
Jj OH SALE 7S ro > t front on Farium rtre t wl h
1 itood , well hullt co'tftgc. ' Call and s-e. A bar-
ualn McC\OUE , orp. r. P. 813 tf
Fi iOU SALE T o beautiful lots In ' owe's flr t ad
dition for $7f 0. SIoCAOUE , i po. P. O. 814 tf
FOKS\LE-1ho R odill anu IMutca of the
L'rdKhton Ho BO , or will fell am part of thodln-
inir r.Som or kl chco furnituio wparaUiy. Euy toims.
Apply on picuilios. 783-U
FOll S LE-Zhrgc houses on Capitol Hill , with
all modern Improvement * . Full Inte. lri e.
S8.CXX ) and ? a,500 cocu. IKEY & M01TER.
ljV > U SALE A firrt clasi restau unt and lo rrtua
J patlur and housu of 10 rooms attached , all fur-
> lslicdulll bo wld cheip Sa [ . .factory nasonB Klven
foreellmif. Addresn 'J. VT. P. " Omaha , N b.
F ; Hne.i Uiilk tow. Inqulro at
iam 'rot.
FVMi SALK Tie ! outhw at curoer lot of llth and
P clllc.wlth tun tmosto-y btlot bnldlii s a d \
one frami bul ding on It , with all modern luiproTe-
meiits Inquire at i he clot hlit ; ttoru ot Qo rue H.
l'etr > n 8 4 South n th i-tiict. Pf.-lm
F'Oll a LE 4.K ) cautlful luta in Walnut Hil' ' od-
rtlllori f'Oiu $ lifl to i7v > > . n will ply pittien to
look at tht * p-opert b fete buyimel-cwhero POr
7EU ACOnit. UU Fnrnim strict 81S tf
FiillSALt : Very d-sirabu rcsulenco for
f mlly , one bit clc off St M ry'i > vanuc , 10 Muok
from po8t < iinco Ixio tlr.n Iliio , sfS.GOc ) Easy terml
POTIElt & COB11. UlSFarnaio str\e \ . tsl-tls
FOR SALE Bargain's In Impiovctt and unimprov
ed propcrtj iu M iwlditloiiH Call and eeo. P iT-
1EU i COBB. liM Faruain utreet. 610 U
FOK SALE ninjalni In lots for restdrnco or gpec-
ulatloii In Walnut 1IU1 , U neken f , K t-ler B ai d
West Cumlng i dultlous. POTJEll ft C013B , 1516
F rnam Street 620-tf
IT OtlSA E-fwo of the mort riei.lrablo lota la
I/we'll 1st ad 1. , line vhw , price SIM. . uttt
and e 8t frontagi , fenced. A bargain. McCAOUM
opjionito V , O. 439 tt
F'OK H LU2 li > ti in i'lolilvlew at IB to 2J | > er
ecu t below the piloe at nhith eurrnunding lota
are held. Piicuw beputnpi > u.i ( tf uoi told.
8-tf rOlTHl & COBB , 1615 Fanom Street.
FOR SALE 6 lota In Shlnn'a 2d addition at a bar-
Two cheapest lot > In Klrkwood fnr3 da\ > .
4V > tf I'mTEIl&ddnD. IBIRKirnam St
V-KKOt01lNF01lsULF ; 1 00 limheH of good
kJ i i-und old roin. Apply to lr Chambers Veter
nary Burgeon , Omaha. 63 tl
Oll BALE Oln o * i > paiur ] n. lit e ud
qnantltles at this oHcu. tf
FOR SALE A flrit clasa Vono & fen Piano , at
bargain. Inquire Ednolmfc KrUkam't. 624 tf
FOR SALE Two open Kccond-niid bugjiles aa
one delivery wagon , cheip , ui 1313 Uarney St.
{ TUUSALE A duiall Moalur , U > hmau &l/o. , Cre
fl proof Hat .Blmoat new. at thl oillcw. l
liiORSALE noVoo Bud Sun ) piami at a bar-
1T gain. Inqut-o at KJliulm and hrlckson'o muiJe
store , on 10th ot. S9 tl
F10R RAI.E Ten wl 1 and tlxtuies rf the
r rclghton Ilousf. Will fell the dining room and
kitchen lurnl uie epa'atoly ' or any pa t of eltlur.
Will cxihanito for lund , | ( ts or any ualo 1)11 com-
moillty , or will take fecurod notes on IOIIK tin e In
quire at CnliMon Hou-e.
FOR SLK Twenty ac-ea of the Oriffu
uilles from the 1'oiti.uiro and only two block *
< ra Pratt'HiubdlvUlon. Wll bo mid In 2j , 6 lor
1 aru Inti Inquire Omaha Carpet Co , 1511
07 * tf )
A tiniatl Htook of Drugs and DrUfiruU' Fixture *
for ale tn the lire town of Wa'urtiio , Nuhrulc -
L-ond opeiitnc fora ph ) lcau. ! AddrotuJ.U. blL-
Elt , Elkhurn bUtlon , Neb. 78B-U
SAL ! ! Nr | lots in Ilaiiscom Pl co and
FWR Fl ce , I47fi to S3SUon monthly pay.
menu. D.rker & Mayuo , N , E , Cor , Farnam and
IRth Ht 55 Iff
| ? OK WALK Farm a ui'lca fromcltj , ntar Union
JJ Stock jards. Inquire at Mm llojer , oier Roe
der'o UruK Htore. 16th ami Webator. 872.
IOST-niack hat on 10th St. , between Jasknonand
J l > uulu. Under will bu rev IMeJ byreturnbe
JOST Wl I the -jeiillcn a i wh'i f tun I ptckava uf
J velvU and pluuira ou n < rth ISth tt. car. pi one
leu o tl.eiu at hvan'b HeeU etoro ysa SOji
STRYFI ) OR ST.KX- ( ! Wc.liolay mornlnr.
AI > rll 23d , tliud red cow with call.
kLi.ufJ jeiradl. llanan adlltio u | teat. lnwaiTl
if IO vili to paid Itritii'iiDd to lie ) aU'tra ' b Her-
py Cviivu t , ft. M r'au\fnue. I.E8-II
. .ICUONsALE-OfloU \ '
- tii\Vilco 'd addition in
CMon'a > , > I } fith. rtao to uouuneaco at 2 lo.
m , at ttui i ru r cf 20lh ntuet and the Ho IB
road Wo > tdu'rable ' pr prty4.ndl t opii
" " * 1 ' U aulNUAu - " °
1 i 8TOU HTIUYED-A lUMroan ow , * r
Ojrib ut i.SO , | lgn o r baul ; tuu aud wi uuder
iil"JiRuha ' .S'V. ' ' cwar ( ? * ' " u * PM " 'et'irued ' u >
the llllltiry Bridge , Cumluffctrce. . I'euny & J
" " 8 . .
; _ _ _ _ 00 .gp
pASIlMAGKfpr hoiwa and attle. Her i at
A SI.6U I'crheiul a month , and co at 76o ntr .
hckd per month , at C-l.lil u runs' * pasture , on Delle. . .
\u riad , about 7 ror fronj onialia. 6oa Ip ' J
riMKtNUP U tny rc ld rc N , w , corner goth
Landiiar < ttr t , on * w Ita he'f r OnerwiU
Jilu UUe her away an pav ibargie.
710 Ittwlwp OMlliyf BULIA'IIEIMFK.
R iXAJbs ! ; ? WL * oq..PIULKBS b
I to No 1603 rVnutn trw.t. Tip bU r , room ia , ono
door ea.t of their furin. r Watiou , whe.s ilioy iu *
| be found until tomyldlpa < t their ntw tulldlng ,
| ( C uutll lllu . ) iuutl > S tndrcui l"r8o'd ! J'MU