Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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The Nebraska National Bank
„ _ Op O&Pit&l 350,000
Surplus Fund , HOT. 1,1888 IB 000
W.YATES , President , for many years
ihlor of tlio First National Bank ot Omaha.
A. E. TOUZALlK , Vice President , Boston.
ft. V. MOUSE , ol W. V. Morao & Co.
JOHN B. COLLINS , of G. II. & J , S. Col-
J. M. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor and Attor-
j noy t Law.
li. S. REED , of U > Ton Heed & Co.
1C. 1C. UA.YI1KN , Assistant Cashier.
THIS BANK opened fur business April 27 ,
EIC3 are ninon ? th loading Imiliiouot Oma
ha , and iU bustneulq conducted witotpioln 1
oferonca to the utt and Incroulngh interest
df Its mercantile patrons.
COrjLKOTIONd rscoivo eiieclnl ittontton
nnd chnrcoa lownt oliUlnablo h ) e or olso.
INTEREST allowivl on time deposits upon
fuTnrablo terms and \ipon ac'lounU of banks
and btnkora.
FORK1GN EXOifANOE Government
71 , . ids and County and Git yaoeurltloa bought
n d sold.
NEW Yens , May 1.
Honey I'AIJ2 to 2 $ .
tVfmo pap r 4 to "J.
Sterling lilll \ Veoket4S7J. . Domnnd 4891.
Governiunnts woitkor.
lliilnxuUatrnn ? .
Stook < opened Brm and higher ; priuan nd-
vanotd } to 1J , N'nrthwe < tcrn , St. l' < ml , Can-
tral1 Pacific , Hurll gt n & Qnincy , Miisnnrl
Pacific , Now York , Northern P-icific
preferred , Union Pacific , nnd Western Union
wore among the strong tst shnra * . After the
firat cill n iloclino of i to S occurred . the
general ! l t and 1J in Weatorn Union. Subsequently -
soquontly the Xortharn Pacifio dovelot > od
great etraagUi , atUiiiicinp t > > 50j , the biKhcst
for a Ion ? tli.m piit. Other neltvo shnroi
were all hgherown ! ! < to n reduction In foreign
exchange. Woiteru Union r lliad to C2J.
Hoar 2 l > . m. there waa u fresh selling move
ment and prlciis declined liar ply. In the
lust brief hoar the mnrket was unfavorably
affected by the announcement that the
Western Union had ordered a reduction in
latoa to the principal Bouthorn points. It is
also rum-irod - that the Union PaclQa omployoi
would strik * a/iirwt thu cut In wagea just
orda-oJ. TUe uiArkatluft off fovariah and
weak ,
B .
4 V Coupons .
U. 3. now , I'- .
Poctrio b B of ' 95 .
Americau Erurau
BnrL , Cedar RapicU & Northern
Central Puoilio
Chicago & Alton
do do pfd
OhL , Burl , & Qulncy
do pfd ,
1'ortVayna &CWnoiro 1'J'J
Hannibal & St. Joseph
do do do pfd
Contra !
. , Bloom. & Western
aosaa k Toxaa
Lake Shuro & Michigan So
Michigan Central
Mlaaeaoolis & St. LouU
do do do pfd
Northern Paullio
do do pfd
do pfd
New York Contra !
Ohio & Mississippi
do do pfd
Peoria , Dajatnr & Kvansvlllu
Rock Inland
Chicago , Mllwaukfto U 5t. PurJ
do Jo do pfd
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba
St. Fault Omaha
do do pfd
Taxft * Pacific
Union Pucific
\V abash , St. L. & Pacific
do Jo do . pfd
W'wtorn Urtloti T lwjvupli
iVeked. j \ . Div.
CHICAGO ritoncos.
OHICAOO , May 1 , 10 . m , Tlio mark ta
displayed uncipoctoif atrongtU this tnorulnp.
owing to the fact that early ouUMo advlcoa
were nnfavurablo. .Turn wheatoponnd nt 92o ,
sold u rtaadily to 924 , "Q'1 ' now 03 . July coniinands a prrmluui of if ? fie. Juno
corn opened at file , mid is quoted nuw nt 553.
June outs are 32g. June pork , 817 22 . June
lard , 88 i"J The weather Is cold and sky
Noon Tha strength shown In tbo market *
at openloR has been fully maintained and
price * luvo been Blurply advanced. June
whnat U uniitrd t ! Mjc. July wheat , 05J.
Jttno ornldfifih July , C1J. Juno oats , 33 } .
Juno lard , ! < 8 C'Ji. Juno poik , 617 3ri. The
heavy advance causrd inn Iced excitement in
trading and trmnactlons liavo beou on great
er scale thai ) nty pravloua day the present
1.13 p. in. Slaiketj clo od Btrcng otoutoido
me * of thodny , uml at BtnMiR advance
ovnr the cliiS'lrg of vo < terrlay.
Wheat-Closed Muy,92c } JunoS4ic ; July ,
U 'rn-r.3 . oforMay ; K > ic for June ; DZjofor
"p'l'ta-Sllc-for ' May ; 33Jc for Juue ; 33 0 for
If jo Otc.
WnNkvJl 1-
rnrk ? 17 ii'l May ; 81715 lot June ;
' '
eiLa.'i-$8'tOforMay ; 38 70 for June ;
for July.
r&ouiA ruoiJUCR.
110111 \ Moy I. Corn ActUo and higher ;
new mixed , S. i@Mo , new rejected , CU@
Mi ats-Actlva an.1 . firm ; No. 2 white , 3C@
Ilyo-Dnll * nd Im-Rulur ; No. 2 newCO@Cl.
WLJsky rirtu ut * 1 J'J.
NKU-YOIIK. M-y I , Wheat Opened un-
ettl d and 42i lower ; Imt after wara reco--
ored putt if the daclluoj No 2 red for May ,
81 Ii7i l OSJj Juno. SlOUtollli ; July.
81 OtyV 07i ) Aiwu-t. 81 03j ) < a t i
Cuni Oi | acd jaloJ.iwpr ( . , but lutor recoy-
ere I thu il-i-lliw : Mixed western , * piit , CO ®
C2c ; fiitnrn. ( iV Ilk-
Oat 4/tIc lower ;
l'trk-ljiii ti Kpot mfB ; 810 7
J.ard l.onec ; prime , nUsatu , 8 tij. !
MIL-MAIIKKK , M < xy I -WiiHttt- Stroll * ; ,
Ojju for c'h mid M y , ( } 3c for Junoj 90o for
"Corn-Firm and uuchangsd ! rOc.
O U Steitly aud firm ; Ao.2 J ic ; Whlto ,
7fc38o. . .
Jlyn - Stronger ; N . 1 MC.
Uurloy-Strut'if and quiet ; No. 2 fating 71@
Sr. JxCia ) Moy 1
UtrlvQctlvs ; No. U rad
81 lJt ( K > ; May ; 81 05W1 m
16(5 ( , ? June ,
y 'Dull ; CO ® 801 ,
rActive. .
Kgps lxjw i , lOc.
Ki nR9od Nominal : 1 , < V\
Pliny ni8her.prlrlo 12M@13 00 ; Uroothy
Jlran lolt r ; 81c.
C3 .rn Moal- Steady : 2.80.
CAM , UOAUIIVhoit MAV and Juno high.
o ; other tnntiihi lower ; 1 1J May109i ; Juno ;
97 July | 07 * the 3 oar.
Corn-l jwor ; 10@10J May , 61 Juno , b2i
July ,
Oati Nominal.
KAKSAH Cirr , Mny 1. Wheat Steady ,
S5 CM81 } bid Juno , and ankfil July.
Corn Steady , 43 cash , V2tlil Atay , 43fc
1 bid.
CiNciHHAM , May 1.-Wheat-Dull ; No. i !
Crn 1'irin ; No 2 mixed , 67. '
Oit Quiet and unchnugjd.
H. o F lr demand No , 07.
Hiley , Slowly and unchanged.
PT t Strn lyi moss , 17 "C.
l.uril Kiruior ; 81
Uulk Mniitt-Uood demand ; shoulders , ( 'n'- ,
eh > rt ribs 8 15. .
Whisky-Steady ; 1 Id.
NKW OnLEANB , Mnv -Corn Pair do-1
maud ; nil.d , Olc ; white , I'i337oc. '
Outs Knsieri 41i'ojlo.
Corn Meal - FinnS.t.10. .
I'orK-Scarco ; * 17 1 0.
l.ard Lower ; tierce refined , 8jo : keg , DC.
Wlilikoy Stojuly and unchanged ,
lUtTlMOlic , May ! l. Wheat Lower ; clos
ing steady j Nor western winter rodjspot , S1.08J
Guru Firmer ; dull ; western mixed spot fi7o
bid for fni-h.
Oats -Dull ; wcstorn whlto , 42@43c ; mixoj ,
Jyo-DullCS@70c. ;
Whisky -Quiet ; St.lC.
LiVEiiroot , .
LiviRooor. , M. y 1 lloivy ; red
winter , 7.HI. . 7il Oi
Corn Heavy ; Ca2jd.
TOLEDO , May 1 Wheat Dull ; lower ; .Vo.
2 rod , U7(4'J3 ( ' > . - .
Uiim DiiUjshadu lower ; No. 2 , 515 , lid
OaU-Dull ; No. 2 rpot May , 35c nikod.
IJIVK 'a Vocic ,
KANSAS CITT , May 1. The TJvo Stok
Indicator reports :
Cattle -Slow ; natives , 101@5 CO : stockora
and f riodern , i 405 00 ; cows , 3 70(51 ( 1 50.
Hogs- Opened lower , doting hlfjlior nt 5 CO
@ 5 fiO.
Sheep-Quiet ; natives , 3 10 ,
ST. Louw , May 1. Cattle-Strong
active ; exports 03j > C 05 ; common tncholco
shipping. 5 i5@6 ! 25 ; corn fed Texans.
5 00 5 75.
Sheep Scarce clipped moot in demand ,
ranging 335@525 ; inferior to good , 3 7n(3) ( )
5 50 ; choice to extra , 5 75@G 50 ; Texans , 3 75
@ 5 K5.
Hogs Active at decline : packing , C 60 ®
5 70 ; light to heavy , 5 S0@5 85.
CHICAGO. May 1. Hogs -Receipts. 21,000
head ; market steady ; light , $1 00@5 70 ; rough
packing , $5 25ffl5 GO ; heavy packing and ship-
pint ; , $5 Cjffili 0 ) .
Cittlo llecoipts , 6,500 hoadsmarket strong
er and brisk ; oxporti , $ G20@G 75 : good to
choice , $5 80@G 2" > : cominoa to fair , S5 20
ft 5 70 ; butchers' , S3 00@5 15 ; stockore. § 3 75
@ 5 40.
OmOAQO , May 1. Eocelpts and ship
ments of Sour and grain for the paat 24 houra
have baen aa follows :
Kocolnta. Ship'ti.
Flour , bbls 0.000 21,000
Wheat , buahol * 25.000 150,000
Corn , bushels 8G.OOO 390.000
Oati , bushels 139000 . [ 117,000
Ryo. bnnliela 3,000 111000
Barley , bushnls 17,000 17,000
NEW Yoiu , Mjy ! 1 Receipts and
hlpmonta of Hour and grain for the past 24 hour *
have been as follows :
Rocoipta Shlp'tn.
Wheat , bushela 54 MO 10.00D
Corn.bmhels 41.000 075
Oats , bushels 33,000 41,000
May 1 Racolpta and ship
metta of 11 vo stock for the past 24 hours havf
been na follows :
Receipt * . Bhlp'ts.
Oattlo 7.000
Hogs 20,000
Sheep 3,000
KANSAS CITT , Stay 1. Receipts and
ihipmeata of live stock for the past 21 bourn
have been as follows )
Rpnnlpts. Shlp'bi.
Cattl 12,00(1 (
H < w 75.0X )
Sheep 133 . . . .
Sr. Lome , Miy I. Receipts and ship-
monta of live stock for the past 24 hours have
been na follows :
Receipts. Bhlp'ts.
Cattle 2,000
Hoga 5,8 K ) . . . .
Sheep GUO . . . .
\7holosalo 1'rlcoB ,
OrziOE OF THC OMAHA line. 1
Thursday Evening , May 1. (
The tollmdng prices are charged rotnllern
by Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer
chants , with the exception of grain , which [ K
quoted at the prices furnished by tha elavnturs
and other local uyorai
WHEAT No. 2 , 72 @ 73Je.
RTR-NO. 8. 4 ! > c.
CoHN-No. 2 ,
OATH No. 2 ! t5
Jjivo Stock.
STEERS W5 ) 25.
V T Uowa-3 MCa.4 ) 25 ,
Hoes 5 OOfo5U : > .
SHEET 3 60 : ? SO.
OALVBS-G B0fe7 00.
Flonr aud MUUtaffi.
WINTEB WHEAT Best quality , patent , at
32 330.
SSCOND QOALrtr 2 75S 25.
HrtUNO WHEAT1 best quality , patent ,
3 25@3 30.
UBAN 70o per ent
COKH MEAL 1 00@1 10 per owt
BoHEiMHNa 35@75o per owt
Ganertxl Pro dace.
Al'PLEH Very few in market. GenlUns ,
83 75 ; Bon Davla , 85 GO ; Willowtwlgs , 50d ;
Wlnompi , 4 75. . . . .
1'r/va Receipts light and demand good.
DJ-U picked navy , per bu , $250 ; mwiiuin ,
2 nn2 W ,
BKKHWAX In good demand. Chotco hi Ight
per Hi. 23@28c ; cominun to good rtark p&r HI ,
UUTTKB Market quiet but oteadv. Choice
country roll wanted. Fancy creamery , 3W < 9
choice roll , ] 8'20c ; : choioa solid iw ked ,
ifc ; fair to good , 12@16cj lufcrlor grades ,
Cll tt'-0liio1' per bbl , 87.00 ; "York State"
per bbl8 00 ; jxiri bbl , 8t 76 ; condoused per
gal.BSc. CMb apiilo , per gal. 3S < 5.
Gatieir Fall cru ui , western , 13J ; Wlscon
CoTOANtiis Per ion. S-i 75'SJi 00 ,
! Kaa4Rocoipta Iw.'ivlor and mvket weak-
eniug R lo WHt 13 cooti , aud son a oil-
ering at 12i already.
FOKKWN Fiiuir * MewInA or nges , pir
box , 8 i 00. Mesilna letnons , tier box. 3 75
@ 100. Uananas. per bunch , 13 003
1 4 00 , Kiga.Jb. , 16o. D tei , In Ir&lU , 7Jo ,
[ dates , fard , In boiai.Uii.
FBUJT UnTtKiia- Apple butter , In 80 Ib
palU , per Ib , 7c. 1'luin buttw , 7Jc.
GAUJ-Pack * , MallftrJ , P rdoI OOj teal ,
$1 CO ; rnlxol , $1 S0@l 75 } gowo , f ? .0)3 50 ;
enlno , $1.25.
H y-I3lcd , $ lVa$18. (
JKLLT In vo unit 30 Ib p IU , K9c : In 2 Ib
tins , per doz , $1 5i' ; assorted tumblers , per
doi. tl " 0 : fchooners , per dozen , ? 3 00.
SuoAK-l'uro , In brirks , jx-r Ib , ICc ;
Ohio , 13c ; MII all cakts , ISJc.
OAT MKAL-Stcel cut. per W$6 \ 25.
Onloiw.Qulot and sales small , llermudas
nro gottlutt cheaper , and old onloru
will only sell If strictly cr.oco. . Clmlos
rod selling at S200@2W1 per barrel ) yellow
Dmivorn nt 8250 ; green onlonn , 20a ixir
do7en ; llermuda , 2 25 porcrato.
ONIOX SEW Bottom t > or bu , $3 CO ; toiw ,
$2 50.
Porconx- good domandat 2@2\opor Ib.
I'oniTnt Scnrco aud high. Drowiod Turkeys -
keys , per IK. 17@18 < . OP WO , 13o. Chickens ,
l-15c. ) Ducks , Me. Chickens , Iho per
doi , SI DO , Ducks , lh e , per di , 4 50 ; spring
chickens , jior doz. , $ IOOftOO , nccord-
Ing to mo.
POTATO 8 1'lioroU sotno local domnnd
ro iillnicUoil lots. Early Roio per bu. 05
( a 10c ; Poncliblow , 4r > c : Bulk rtccitits uro
hard to dl < pose of and have to bo sacked hero.
I'nKSKuvKH ( In 'Jtl-lb pulls ) Strnwborry ,
r spbcrry , blackberry , per Ib , 18c ; iwa
cherries , plums , apricots , Jigs , per Ib ,
cranberry sauce , per Ib , 80 ,
Puoviatoxs Hum , 13Jc : b. bacon , lljc ;
r. H. bacim , llc ; d , . flilcs lOJc ; nhurt lib
sides , lOi'i ; Bliouldors , 8\c \ : HUHS lurk , per
Mil. S20.I.0. . Dilrd beef , 15 0. l.nnl , lOjc.
VKOETAiif.m | lunch , per bbl. SI 60 ( now
cabbage , Uallfouiln porlb.,4c ; ioUuco , per
doGOc ; redlshei , per doz. , COc ; sweet pjta-
Uirs per Ib , lie , turnips , per bu , r > 0c. leot ,
purbu , 75cj cucunibnrn , jior doz. , 8150 ; Pie
jiliuit per Iu. Fc. ciiullllottor , per doz. , 3J 00 ;
nspnriigim , tier Ib. lOc. new carrots , per
Ib. , .V Cillfornlaci'lnry , SI CO. Toniatuou ,
J Im. box , SI f.0@l 75.
STKAWiiKiiliil'H. Are just commoncinp to
ciiua titnvaul Soiling at 3Je per nu Roc-tiliU
\\ill kcicaso dally uudpticcilll bo lower
soon.Pio9 FEFT , PBIPK , ETC. Pigs feet , 15 Ib
kits , SI 2o ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl. 52 60 ; pips foot ,
80 Ib half bill , Stf 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kits , $1 25 ;
trlpo , 40 Ib qr bbl , S2 50 ; trlpo , 80 Ib half bbl ,
S-500 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , 82 60 ;
tongues , -10 Hi qr bbl , SG 00. Ijanibn'
15 Ib kite , 53 00) ) 10 Ib qr bbl , $ G 00.
GrocorH Ijlot ,
OANNED ( Joona Oyatora ( MtnndardJiior cnso ,
3 70@3 80 ; Btrnwhorrlos , 2 Hi , per caso. 2 50 ©
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett
pears , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
310 ; egg pluJtB , 2 Hi. per caio , 2 00 ; green
gages , 2 Ib , per cans , 2 90 ; plno apploa , 2 Ib
per caso. 4 805 50.
ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , C&0 & , i inch ,
lOe : J inch , lOfjc.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , Itc ; 8s , 15c ;
boxes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , ( it ! , 15c.
MATOHE3 Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
2 65 ; square cases , 1 70.
SUOAIW Powdered , 8JJc ; cut oaf , 8c ;
granulated , 7i : confectioners' A , 7ic ; Stand *
ard extra C , Ojc ; extra C , Gjjc ; medium yol-
'ow , Gic : dark yellow , c.
COFKEES Ordinary grades , 12@12io ; fab 13
@ 13ic ; good , Me ; prime , 15@15Jc ; choico.
16@17c ; fancy green andyollow.lG@lGicold ;
government Java , 20@26c ; Levoring'a roaatod.
17c ; Arbuckle'a roahtod , 15'ic ; McLaughlinV
XXXX roiwted , ! 5Jot mltatlon Java , Ifi
@ 18lc ; Clark's Aurora , 15Jc.
RIOB Jjoutsiann prmio to choice , 7c ; fair
CJc ; Patma , GJc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; No.
1 mackerel , .cite , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half
brls. , 7 00 ; family mackorol. kits , 93c ; No. 1
white fish , half brln. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15.
Srnnp Standard Com. , 30c , hols ; Standard
do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kore 137.
SODA In Ib papers , 3 30 per case ; keg per Ib ,
2 c.
c.PICKUH Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do
in half barrels , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 9 2i ; do
in half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins in barrels , 10 25 ;
do in half barrels. 6 75.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 4555c ; choice 60
© "fie ; good Imperial , iO@43c ; choice , C0@65c ;
Young Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice ,
G5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@ < 10c ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Soucnong , good , 35@40c ;
choice , 35(3)45c. ( )
WooDEiJWAnE Two hoop pails , 1 85 ;
throe hoop pails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer -
noer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckots , 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Klrk'u
satinet , 860 ; Klrk'n standard , 875 ; Kirk's
white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's onlocn , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cake. * , ) 40c ; Kirk's
magnolia , doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , in case ,
S 35 ; Babbltts ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor
boll , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , lie ; twist
VINEOAB NowTforfcapplo IGo ; Ohio ap
ple. ISc.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ashton , iu
sacko , S CO ; bbls dairy GO , fa , 3 30.
STAHCH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 9r ; Com
Starch , 9c ; Kxcolslor Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7Jc.
SPICEQ Popper , 17c ; ollsplco , 15o ; clovoe ,
25c ; cassia 15c.
LTE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Sfcur , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye ,
4 65 ; Jewell lye. 2 75
Dnr Gooda.
BROWS SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7io ; Atlan
tic P , Co ; Atlautlc LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ;
Beaver Inm LL. Gc : Lawrence LL. 5o ; Paci
fic H , 7c ; Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head
A , 8c ; Wauchusptt A , 7c.
rwrell R. < Uo : Sallnbury R. SJc.
BI/C&CHID COTTONS Ballou 4-4 Bal
/ & : - , CJc ;
lon 7-8 , . jo ; Cumberland 4-4. 8c ; Davoll DD ,
8c ; Fnirmount , 44ej Fruit of the Loom 4-4 ,
fife ; Glory of the West , Bjc ; Golden Goto , RJc ;
Hill 7-8. 8c ; Hill 4-1. Oc ; Lonndale , 8Jc'Nuw ;
York Mills , llic : Wamsutta , lOc.
DORKS ( Colored ) BoHton , 8 oc. , ll c ; BOB-
ton , 10 oz. , lllr ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall
Iliver , 8&C. &
DOCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ;
West Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Boston I ! ar , 8 or. ,
TICKINGS Amoskeag , Me ; Continental
Fancy , 9c ; Cordis , lujc ; Petxl Uiver , 14c ;
York , 12Jc : Humloton Awnlngg , ! 24 < j.
Uinnm Amwkeag , Me ; Beaver Crook
AA. 12c ; Beaver Croak BU , lie ;
Uoavor 'Cronk ' CC. 10 ; Havuiakcrs
Re ; Jaffroy D & T , 12o : .Tnffroy XJdC. 12Jc ;
Pearl River , 13c ; Wurrsn AXA ( brown } .
12c ; WarrouBB tbrown ) , lie ; Warren CO
{ brown ) , lOc.
' OASIIUIICH Fifth avenue glove finish , Cc ;
KoyBtonofflovo finish , fi\a.
CoimET.lBAUB Amojy , 7ic ; Hn-icock , So ;
ICeanayor , 8)u ) ; Rockp < irt , 7c.
PIUNTH AlInDi , Me ; Ainoiican,5i'c ; Arnolds ,
< > o ; Cochnco , Go ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , Re ;
Indigo 7-8 , HJc ; Indleo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap sale
< } t'f Chirtnr Oiik , 4jc.
PRINTS SwiiTiNcm American. Ce : Oochoco ,
5o ; Gloucfl8trr,5cSouthbrldeo , 4Ic ; Waverlys ,
* Jc : Roseflnle , 4Jo.
GINOHAMBAmoskeag slaplcm , P c ; Bates
tallies , 8jc ; Lancaster Btapleo , 6c ; Plnnket
plaids , DC ; Hudson checks , 8Jc ; Amoskeag
DitEsa GOODB Atlantic nlpaccu , OJc ; Per *
Mane casluner , 2'icj Hamletoii e < uJbinerc > ,
15Ac ; Hamleton Fancui , lljc ; Hamleton brocades -
cades , 15c ; Arlington brocado. IKc.
We quote lumber , lath and ihlnglevjoa can
nt Omaha nt the following prices !
JOIST AND ficAKTUNQ 16 ft , and cader
2200 ; 1811,2350. .
TiKDEna 10 foot &nd under , 22 00.
TIKBEII AND JOIBT 18 ft , 23 tX > : 20 ft , 28 CO ;
22ftS65021ft , CCO.
FENOINO Fo , 1 , 4 and C In , , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
'SiitrriNO No. l(2d ( comnwn boards ) , 20 Of ) ;
No. 2 , W 00.
STOCK BoAitns A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 OJ.
FLOOHLXU-NO. 1,4000 ; Nu. 2 , 3500 ; Na.
SIIJINO , clear 27 00 ; No , 2 , 25 00 ; No. S ,
CKiLi.vng , 87 OOj 8. 25 00.
BIIINOHOC , beat J 50 ; ttaridard , 3 CO ,
JjATH-3 | ier M.
LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk tier bushel , 3 o ;
couiont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa planter , bbl , 2 CO ; hair
per Im. tto ) ; T need felt , 100 lli , S50 ; traw
.otrd , 8 SO ,
f alntaOllB and \ attiiaiica.
OlLfl 110 carbon , per gallon , 13Je ; 150 °
beadllfrhi , per gallon. 14 Jc ; 175 o lioaJlight ,
per gallou , 18o ; 150 ° wfttw white , 17o : Hn
no , i , inctcio. z , oacj coiwr , .vxi. , i > er eli
Ion , 1 CO ; No. 8 , 1 40 : Hweat. mr eaifon f 10
* perm W.B. , pergJlou , 160 ; fliu. W , B , ,
pergallon , G5cx neatafuot extra , per gallon , OOcj
No , 1 , 76oj lubricating , wsro , par gallon , BOcf
uiniuor , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per pal.
lee , 85cj No , 2,2fc ; ( Pine , ilgqiJ , p r gallon
80c ( turt > ontlno , per gallon , 48c > nupthn 74 ' ,
poi rallon , IGc.
PAJNTH IN OiL-Whlte load , Om .hft P. P ,
Gjc ; whlt loftd.St. Louts , pure , 6icMannillf ;
grown 1 to 5 ID cans , 20c ; French tine , ftrn > n
neat , 12o , Frenuli tine , rod sol , lie ; Fro.i.n .
tlno , In varnish awt , 20c : French line. In oil
aunt , 15c ; raw Mid burnt umber , 1 U > canii , lOcj
raw and burnt Slonnn , 10c ; vandvko brown.
ISc ; rotlnod lampblack , 12c ( coach black , Mill
ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Privsian
blue , 40u : ultrAtnanno blue , 18c ; clirumo green
L. M. & D. . IGc : blind and thuttnr green , L
M. & D. , IGc } Paris green , 18cj Inillan rod ,
IGcs Vouotlan rotl. 0 TuscAn rod , 22c ; Amorl.
can Vermllllon , I. & P. , 18c ; chromo yellow
L. M. , O. &D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ;
golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , eh * tnnt
and nsh lOc.
DrT Paint * .
Whlto load , 8c : French line. lOc : Paris
whiting. 'JJc ; whlUng gildon , Ijcj whiting
com ! lie ; lampblack , Qormautown , lie ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ;
ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; timber
burnt , Ic ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , rt.-r , 4cj Paris green , gonulno , 25cj
Paris green , common , 20c ; chromo green , N.Y. ,
20c ; chromo green , K. , 12c ; vonnUllon , Kng. ,
70c ; vonnilllon , AniPrlcnn , 18c : Indian rod ,
lOc : . rene pink , 14c : Venetian rod , Cooknon's ,
2c ; Venetian rod , American. IJc : red load ,
74o ; chromo yellow , ganulno , llOcj chromo yol'
low , 1C. , 12cochre : , rochollo.Scjochro , Fnuich ,
2o ; ochrn , Aiacrlcan , 2cj Winter's mineral ,
2io ; lohlgh btotni , 2ic ; Spanish brown , 'JJcj
Prince's mineral , Itc.
VAIINIBHRS Burmln. p& gallons Furn !
hire , extra , 81 10 : furniture , Ko. 1 , SI : cmch ,
extra , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , ? 1 20j Damar
oxtrn , SI 75 ; Japan , 70ca ; ihaltumoxlraS5c ;
shollnc , W 50 ; hard oil rliileh , $1 C0. |
Ilnnlwnro List.
Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool npwlM ca-it , Go.
crucible , 7c ; special or Gcnnan , r'c ; c.vt too ;
do , 15@20 ; wagon sp-ikes , not , 2 2"Xii3 00 ; bubs
per not , 1 ! i5 ; ftflnoa sawed ib-y , 1 40 ; totvjuns ,
each , 70@8T > c ; oxlos onch , 7oc ; square nuts per
Ib , 7@llc ; wnshors or Hi , 818c ; rUeta , tier
Ib , lie ; coil chahv uor H > , G@12o ; malleable , 8c
Iron wedges , Go : crowbars , Gc : harrow tooth
Ic ; spring tool , 7(3)Ro ( ) : Hurdou's horbohow , 4 70
Bnrdon'fl muloslioos 6 70.
BARBED Wmn In cor lota , 5o per 100.
NAILS Ratoa , lu Ui iO , 2 90.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kogi , 318 ; do. ,
quarter kegs. I 88 : blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; ftuw ,
ppr 100 foot 50c.
LEAD Bar , 1 G5.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
ris run Blosiburg , 10 00 ; Whitcbroaat lump ;
5 00 ; Wliitobroaat nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 CO
Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthin
cite , 11 25@il 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , iwr ten
Oak dole , 38c@4 c ; hemlock Bolo28c@S5c ;
hou.lock kin , 80o to 1 00 ; runner GSc to 80c ;
hemlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o
to 21c ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 32@Sfi : Grolson kid , 2 50 ta 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French
kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rot-
IUU1U V/ . ± Jf 11XUIVIAAOlti. . DI1UUU , UM MI
HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No
3Tc : No. 1 Ohio oak. ST-c ; No. 2 do , i3o ! ; No.
1 Mllwanlrno STxs : No 2 do R3r .
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , STc ; No. Bj PItU'ouk
bar , 35a
PLDO TOBAOCOClbnar , fiOo : Bullion 60c ;
Horaoshoo , 50c : Star , COc ; Ruddy , 45c ; Ilor-
soVB , 40c ; Black , 3840c.
PINK Cur Common , 20@30cs good , 45@
COc ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 65c ; Diamond
Crown , 65c ; Sweet Sixteen , TiOo.
SMOKINQ 0. 8. , 22o ; Maenchaum , 30c ; Dnr
ham , 8 oz , , C5c ; Durham , 4 oz. . f > 7o ; lurhair
2 oz. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , T > 5c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 57c ; Seal o
North Carolina , 2 oz. . f 0c : O. K Durham , 4
oz. , 28c ; O. K P'liham , 2 oz. , 80c ; Uncle
Ned , i'o 25cj Tom and Jerry , 8c.
ALCOHOL 188 proof alcohol , 2 24 per wine
K.nll-m coctra California spirits , 1K8 proof ,
1 17 per proof gallon ; triple rcGnod Hplrita
187 proof , 1 20 per proof iralliui ; ro-dutiUed
whlsklro 1 00@1 50 ; fiuo blended , 1 fiO2 50 ,
Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kontnckj
suii Pennsylvania ryes. 2 OOCa)7 ) 00.
BRANDIES Imported , GOO ® 10 00 ; domestic
140(9100. (
GINS Imported , 4 fiO@6 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 300.
Roys Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; NowKnglnnel.
2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 D0@3 f ) .
CIIAUTAONEH Imported per case , 2SOO (
3-1 00 ; Amerlcivn.Iper oano , 12 IH10 ) 00.
Steady : green butchera. CffiCJo ; green
salted 8 8Jc ; dry flint , I2@13c : dry salt ,
10(5)11 ( ) c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price.
SHEEP PxwB-2ficfflii no
FtouK-100 Ibfl , 1 7fi@2 HO ; pttint. 100 lh ? ,
2 70@3 00 : Graham. 100 lb , 1 002 00 : rye.
100 1 bo , 2332 HO ; buckwheat , 103 Ibs , S OU@
OlulN-Whoat , 100 lb , 1 a @l 45 : corn. In
sacks of 100 Ib4 , 1 12 1 li : nata , 100 Ihg , 1 60
@ 1 52 : barley , 100 Jbc , 1 30ffll ( 40.
IlAT-Baled , 20,00,0)24 ) OJ ; Htraw , 1000 ®
12 00.
JiUTTKn Fancy , 35@3Gc ; dairy choice , 25 ®
27c : c < imm"H , 8 12c.
Eoos Frtflb. 18@19c ; ranch , dor , frenh
CHKKHE Full cream , 15 ( 10o ; Limburger ,
18c : Swiss , iinportod. 32c. i
l'otirJir Llvo chickens , doz , 3 60@7 00 ;
turkeys , Ib , "Q@ilc ; dressed goe-to , Ib , IGg-
POTATOXS Kastf rn , 100 Ibs , 4045c ; Groe-
ley , 100 lb , 0c@l 00.
Vi-OETAntiH Onions , 100 II , 250 275 ; 100 11 n , 2 f > 0@2 7C- beets , 100 ibd ,
1 OOOii 25 ; celery , per doz , 1 30.
FIIUITS OranKf" , Mretinu , box , 5 00(20 ( 00 ;
Iniiiunc , choicn ' Molina. 375@lf)0 ; applet ,
oastnrn , b'jl.'fi 50@7 IX ) ; grapes , Mulatrn. irgu-
lar. 7 00@7 M : bananas , bniich , 3 00@0 00.
MKATHHatim , lh , Hfilliciaom \ , break
f * tU'i'Kic ; , in tlcrcrn. Ib , lljoj dried
beef. lUj ; dry suit nidoi. UJ@10io.
KiHrt-Mw.ken-1 , Ni. 1 , 1 1,0 , lilt 1 7R2 i :
Ciilifiirnia aaliiion. half bbl , 10 CO : Holland
berriuK , ko . 1 fiOiail Tjjtrnut. per Ib. 17@18c.
The PlraTwiicat.
Tba first wlicnt raised in tbo now world
.wan BOWU by Kpuuiurds on Hie isluud of
jKilinlla iu jTuuuai-y , 149-1 , a tid on Jfarfli
.10 the cars ivcie gathered , Tliulbuudutiou
of \vliuat3mi'Vat of Mexico Is wild to
. ) .i\ebevu tbrco or lour gniiu * carei'ully
ouitivnteU iu 15ilnud : ) mwervcd \ > y u oluvc
ofCortez. Thuciopcl Quito \viw niiwxl
by n Franciscan monk in 1'rout of tbo rou-
vent. GurccuifM ) do hi Xergn afllruiH that
Iu 1'cni up ( o 1517 , wbenUm bread bud not
Iwn Bold at Cotco. AVIicat wiw II rot noun
by GoMiolcl on Cutty-hunk , one of the
l'ilizalclb Lsl&mlu , iu lUiz mi'H liny , off
MnKHHchiittcllM , in 1002 , wliwi lie drat ex
plored tbo toast. Iu 1C01 oil I ho iblaud of
Kl. Crolx , lu-iir Calais , Me. , the Klvur tic
JlonUi had .toinuluat HOwn , which Hour
lebecl C/icly. Ja lOlll'.io Ui-st wheat nj.-
pc to hn vo btcii howu in Virgiuia. In
ICSOfianipU'xol'ivbentKrowii iu tbu Dutch
colon/ tit New Netherlands weta xliown in
Hollunl , It In prolmblu tlmt vbuit was
wwn in tint J'lynioutli colony prior to 1421) ) ,
tliouuU u o 11 ml no record of it , uitl in 10S : !
wlu-at nsafi ordered from KuKland to be
used n ficed , in 171H wbent wxi ) intro
duced into tbo v.i 1 Icy of tbo Mteladppl by
the "WeaUni ; '
Tlio ToritliiHHiy < if u
mort ISeoch'r , H , D. , of Bl ourney , Iowa ,
for ruveral ynrn I havn bicn uxni ; n
h JUUim. c.-illnd 1)U WAI. 1I.VMAS
KAI.HAMKOII T1IK uU.VUH , and iu al-
moiit every CAO throughout my | irctloe , I
huvo h jd entire sucden * . I havn , usiul and lire-
ucribeil huudrodaof b ittlen evtir slnco thnd yi
of luy army | ) roctl'ul8IH ( ) , wliea I win vur-
goou of llospital No , 7 , I.ouUvlllo , Kentucky.
Honry'rt Curlollo Halve.
It U tb Hant Halve for Out * . KruUtw , SOMJ.
Ulcers. Halt Khouui , Tetter , Cftippwi llaudti.
( Jhllblaluii , Curni and all klaJ * of dklullrup-
ttoui , Kfcckluu and Pimple * .
DUHNO'3 DATA ItuilBNUKIT euros all
affections of tin inuooui tnouibrAua , of tha
bead Kud throt.
Red Ilorw Pjwdcn curs 'Jlto * a la anl wU ,
Imported' Beer
Bellinger , . Uiivnria
Cnlmbacher , Bnvnnn ,
Pilsner . . Bohominn ,
K.user Bromon.
Budwoiser .St. Louis
AnhiuiBor St. Louis.
Ucss a. . . Milwimkco.
Schists-Pilsner Milwnukoo
K rue's . . . . .Onmlm
Ale , Porter. Domestic nnd Rhine
\\lll euro Xrmintnrr * ,
' - - I'nr
i "V'ltlnAmVillrt'iiint wncl'/ttipKlivtrliU 'nnifmne. '
iell m tnrvnk'li tl Mn il.aiulrftnl > vvichMK < 'illiituili *
BI.OOO Would NotDu It.
Dn. ircRMi I M nCHclcil with tlicvunitl-m mil
rurcd by w\ng \ * lilt. To any run ntlllctoil nlth
hat illHruu , I woulil mf , liuy llumo'ii Klcctflo tlrlt ,
Aiy tno CAII confer nith mo by writing c.Ullun
it my More , 11M Doiinlmnttwt , tm h > . Nob.
MAIN omCK-Oppoilto ) > oitolllrc , rnom I Kron
cr block ,
Tor rule tAC. K. Uocxlnun'j Dru ; Store 1UO
nor KlloJ C. 0 D.
Science of Life , Only $1.00.
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous ind Physical Eubl'Itv ' ,
Prenmturo Decline In Man , Kirora ot Youth , an tlio
untold miseries resulting from Indlacrotlons or ai *
oeeecs. A book ( or every mm , young , middle ngu1 ,
ind old. It contains 1S5 proscriptions for nil acttu
ind chronic diseased CAchonoot which Is liivMutb eSe
So found by the Author , whoso experience for 2J
years U such aaprobably never before fell to the I t
of any phjalcao 800 pKC , bound In bcftutltb
French muslin roJJBsmlcovert , full Kilt.ituarantocd
to bo a flnor von n every sense , mochanlcal , lit
erary and profoaslonal , thau any other work cold In
kbit country for t2.60 , or tbo money will bo returni ! tl
Iu every Instnnre. Price only $1.00 by mall , poit-
paid , blustratlvo sainple 6 cents. Bond now. Oed
med&l awardrd the author by tha National Uedlo 1
< Moclatlon , to the officers of which he refers.
The Sclcnso of Life should bo read bv the rnuu ?
for Insttucilon , uid by the afflicted for relief. It
will bonefl' alt London Lancet.
There I , no member ot euoiety to whom The Bel'
cncoof Lite * til not bo useful , whether youth , par
ent , miuillan. ( ngtructororolorRynuin. Argonaut.
Addrooa tha Peabody Modlcnl Institute , or Dr. W.
0. Parker , No. i DulOnch Street , Doaton Uass. , who
may no consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
po Icnse. C'nronloandobstlnatedlseasesthat liuve
baffled tha skUl of all other phya-IICA I clam
\ epoolalty. Sucn treatad auoccM-nCHl. lull )
without ao InnUuo allure , TUVCT"
k * - . in'ol
JAS. H. PEAB01) * ' M. u.
RonMenco. No. . HOT Jones St. Office. No. 153
Farntm street Oiflcclrmrj 12 ni. to 1 p. in. , an
rom 2 to D p.m. I'oloali ) i\n tor ollljo 97 ll'iHenn
Chartered by thcStatcofllll-
'nols ' tor * thccxprcEapurpo".c
all chronic. urmnrynnd private -
, vato diseases. Gonorrlicrn ,
Gleet nndSyphilln in nil their
complicated forms , also nl'
dlEeaces of tlio Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reinc-
_ _ Sl > ce < ull'rartlcr , Seminal
Weakness. fTiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Pace , Lost Manhood , iitultlvflu rurctl. T/.rn :
l3naeri > vrlmrnii > ui * The appropriate remedy
3 at once used In each case. Consultations , per-
lonal or by letter , tuxcredly confidential. MeJ-
-cjnea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
jackaRc to Indicate contents or sender. Address
3n.JAMESNo.204WashlnQlonSI.Chlcagollj :
T. 0. CARLiaLE ,
. , - - - .
"Seuil for droular * "
Plnttsmouth , - . . . Nob.
for uM. ( InrrMtHinilnno * oollells I
A Tictlra ol cirly Iranrudonco , caunlnjt nervous
'eclilly. promatore decay. tu. , liunni ; k-riwu in
/aiti every known reraecly , nas dlftcovernd a Mlmpla
iieanoof nolf-curo , which ho Mill Kind FKliK to
" " ir-nuffenri. Adilre .
IL KKliVKH. 43lmtliMnSt ; _ NeirV.irlf
The remedy IxJoK ln ] H l directly totliuiv. t
the dlecoso , requires nn churiro of did or n utcous
mercurial or ( xilKmous uxidlcliio to be taken InUi
atJly. When u > txl u t | * v\iitl\e l > y either MIX , Itlt
ujwiwlUo t. contract my jirhalu dfiioatf ; but In the
( uo of tlioo iJroKly uufortunatuly WlcUd v o f.\int
intee tinoa boxud to ttini , or HO u 111 rtluud tlie uiou
ey , i'rlco by inatl , pooUtfe | ialdt2. per box or tlnvr
boxoa ( or (6.
iMUed by til autborUod Hfcnta.
0 y , Ooodiruui , DrugfUt Bolu Agcut , lor Omabl
b U&a wly
tfC.N7u Bauruntood tnocili fur ] ( y ttria , Dizzi
'iflM. OiDvuluionu , Vila , Kununit NcumlKui
llraitnchn , Nerrims Prontmtion cauntxl Ijy the nn
of Hlc.ohul orlulmcco. Wdki'fulMf-tii , Menlul Do-
rrutwiou , Kofteninit of tlio liraiu rcmiltingin In
r-nity and loading to minor- , decay uuil ili'fiUi
1'rcmutnru Old Ann , lla rcnncas , LOM > of PCHYPI
in either tex , Itivoluut&ry JXJBSOS and Hriunnnt.
rrrhcut cimeiod l/yovor-citrlion ot tint bruin , bolf.
auuboor orer-iudulKeuco. lincli box contniDi
om > monlh'rf troatuviiU JUUii box , or RX | liozui
for5XXll o'itbyiuuil prepaid un ruculpt uf prirv
I'o ruro any r Mi. With rAch onli-r rtxwvea o/m
for c : $ ( JOXM. arcoiu aniW wita kuAX1 , wo wu1
end thwpnrchuM'rour writtvn iiuartnU * to re
fund tlio money if Hie trmtineut doet out effect
" unto , ( luuruuuwH ihumui only ujr
O. F , flOOPlUKNJDrujrUt AifuU foi Dumb *
' ' ' "
Syndicate Hill Addition , tola $100 , $10 CAsh , nud
810 per month. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agenta.
Oilman Place , lots SlfiO to 8300. HEDFOHD & SOUKU , Agonte.
Clark Plftcc , lots S300 to $000. BEDFORD & SOUER , Anonta.
Tukoy Koysor'a Sub-Division , lorn 8125to 8150. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agents.
Hawthorn Addition , lotn JflGO to $050. BliDFMRD & SOUER. Agonta.
v'rkwood Addition , lot * 8400 to S450. BEDFORD & SOUKU , Agonts.
Innscom'B Addition , lots $ r > 00 to $050. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agenta ,
? or 11 choice lot in Syndicate Hill AtMition , This ndilition joins the
ho Syndicate lands in south Omaha , and will rapidly lurid up with com
tartnulo homos. Thuso lots are bountiful and are uoar fcho stock yards
itid packing houses , and will bo occupied a * homes by hhe employes ofi
iheso works , and are undoubtedly the best vuluo for the price oE any lota
in the market. Several have beou sold and tlie price will soon bo nd-
vuuced.Vo have the exclusive agency on this addition. Terms oasy.
This is a now addition on Leiwemvorth streoh inlJWost Orasihu. A
low pnco luis bt en pub on them to aturt thorn. $150 to 8300 , On easy
terms , Tuo grading and lovomenta to IH made on .Leavemvorth St. ,
this spring . vill.muko ry vulii'ililn nrnnnrr.v .
This is a sub-division of the'Megeath property"1 facmec Hnncom1
Park on the south. God ) location , near ; street car , fine -view and has
Rood growth o nutivo timber. This is one of thu fiuegt additioas ia
Omiihii , and will Roll rapidly. Price $31)0 ) toG50. One fourth--aih
bnliuicu c n good time. First comv , first served. Tlu3 is a spleidid .op
portunity for peraous who intend building for a home.
Is" a beautiful pipceof ground lying one block south oC Oilman place ,
West OmiiliB. The lirstof rlieso Iota willhe-fol I at $125 to 8151) , un v -
nre a bargain. A nice ( rightly location , beau'iful place for a home and
splendid investment for a rich man or n pee man.
This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks
from the High School , one mile from the postofHce. and is what is known
ns iuside property. The city ia built up far beyond this addition and the
finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade ou Davenport
utreet has been established and work commenced , and will bo completed
us soon as the weather permits. The contract has been let for building
largo brick school IIOUHO on Douglas street , thruu blocks from this addi
tiou. We predict that these lots will more thtm double m value before
August , ns it is the most desirable part of Omulia and would ivive bouu
built up yeara ago hud it been placed on the market. Prices
S35O TO $850
Adjoining lots are being sold at double the price we ask for these.
Wo liuve six'lolfl loft in UUK udditioiilrich vre oiler lit n bnrgniii.
Wo linvo BOIHH iiuprovcd end unimproved fern H , nenr'/Omnho , and
some well improved inrniB iu Sarpy county. _
RcHiuonco utul ItoHidcnco Lots in oil parts ofj.lie city , and
On nil the best streets in the business center.
AV6 liavo for Pftlo lots in Shlnn'fl Addition , Parker's Addition , ' Nelson's Add
Hill , Oilman Flute , Clark Wacw , Tukcy & lujsor's eub-diviMoti. Uawthorno Addi
tion.luik\votcl | Addition , Bojrt'u Addition , Yules & Heed's Addition , etc. , etc.
& ; SOUER.
213 South 14th Street , between Farnam and Doviglaa