Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursdoy Morning , May 1.
INIUI DtncoTOiir to bo iasuod in July
1884. price § 1. GO. J. M. WOLFE , publisher
lishor , 120 S. 14th St. . Omaha.
WOULD not bo without Ilcildlng'n llunst
Salvo , ta tlio vortltct of nil who tiso it. 1'ric
2f oonto.
M'llo Rhea and her theatrical part
pamod through thti city yesterday cnrotita t
Yo Gods , It surely cannot bo ,
Such cold lias stmck our own U. T ,
Our wages cut , our ball nlno busted ,
The stay In which wo kindly trusted ;
Bat worst of all , the very devil ,
Our gentlemen now ncok their level ,
Bereft of all our cherished joys ,
As poor as B. tt , M.'i ) starred boys.
Five funeral processions wondoe
their way to Prospect hill yoiterJay
Three of the hearses were white one *
indicating that three cf mammas' dar
lings have gono.
L. P. Jtidd Albion and H. U. Itoblnioi
North Bond are gusts at the I'niton.
Thos. Yule an J. A , Smith' Beatrice are a
Jho Paxton.
A D. Buckworth North 1'lntto and Aug
IT. Gruottor are registered at the Paxton.
J. E. English and P. 3 ? . McCarthy Exoto
are stopping at the L'-ixton.
W. H. Voy , of 1'lura Orook , and 1'ranl
Sharp , of Fremont , are stopping at the Metro
ro poll tan.
W. L. Taylor , of Madison , and W. L.
WIttman , of Lone Pine , Neb. , are at the
Metropolitan ,
S. Berliner and wife , of Chicago , are at the
Hubert Dado and wife , of Carson , are stop
ping at the Metropolitan.
Ojcar Wodus , "F. II. Kondriok and Joaoph
U. Schlnner , of Chicago , are at the Metro
Charged "With Being n Flro Fiona ,
A telegram was received at the headquarters -
quarters of the Chicago , Minneapolis ,
St. Paul & Omaha railway yesterday that
an important arrest had boon made at
Emerson , ono of the stations along the
lino. Some time ago the station house
at that place was burned for the second
time ; yesterday morning a man named
McMahou , who lived in the village , was
charged with having not it on firo. Ho
vras taken before a magistrate , and after
n hearing was hold.
Bad Blood
is inclined to came to tbomtrface in the Spring
because of the effort made by good old mother
nature to throw it otF. If nature docs not
have help at his time , the pohon may go hack
to the system nnd tiroduco all manner of ills ;
but by the aid of Bwift'n Specific the bad
blood in all driven out through the pores of
the hklc , nnd permanently relieves the trouble.
This remedy Is a purely vegetable and harm
less preparation , but RO powerful an antidote
to blood poison , that it find ) and roots It aU
out. Do xot ba deceived by Mercury and
IVtoch inixttijrps , which drlvo in the poison ,
only to como oittCBgalu iu a wotto form.
. 1 have cured ptMtkuontly Blood Taint Itt
the third generation CW. . the use of Swift'a
Specific , after I had moHiSlgnaliy falleil'wlth
ilerourr and Potanh. \
F. A TooMKtt , M.\D. , Perry , Go ,
TrtJMiao on Blooil and Skin DlaeoHtH mailed
THK Swirr SWXJIKIC Co , , Drawer 8 , Atlanta ,
Gs. '
TUo New U. ( . Time Card.
.Tho new time card of the Union Paci
fic railway which goo.j into affect to-day
wan issued and distributed yoatorday.
Besides that of 21 minutes resulting
from the adoption of standard in place oi
sun time , there is no marked change in
the times of the departures and arrivals
of trains. The greatest difference is in
the departure of No. 3 , tlio ovorlanc
train. Hereafter it leaves the depot at
11:40 : a. m. No. 1 departs at 8:25 : p. in
' No , 2 arrives at 7:50 : a , in. No. 4 arrive :
at 4 p , m. The Lincoln passenger or-
loaves at 12:55 : p. m. and arrives at 1:20 :
p. in. The Missouri Pacific loaves a
7:25 a. m. and arrives at 0:55 : p. m.
With a majority of people it Id no oxpori
went that Dr. Bosankoa Cough and Liing
Syiup IB a euro for Coughs. Colds , Pains ii
the Lungs , Soreness iu the Chost. oto. , but fo
these who doubt , oak your neighbors win
have used it or get a free uamplo bottle o
Schrotor & Bocht , the druggists.
Regular size GO cento and $1.00. Bold to the
trada by O. F. Goodman.
Colored Mon Caught ;
Last night ofllcor O'Boylo arrested twc
colored men in Dick Currius old place on
a telegram from Galesburg , Illinois
The charge of being suspicious character !
was preferred against thorn to hold thorn
until they are delivered to the Illinois
authorities. It is thought they are the
parties who robbed a jewelry store of a
largo amount of diamonds and valuable !
in that city. The wife of ono of then
arrived in Omaha yesterday morning.
Her trunk was searched but no stolen
property was found ,
Iu another column will bo found the an
nouncument of Mcexra. Til OS. COOK & SON
Tourist Agents , 201 Broadway , Now York
relative to the very complete arrangement !
they have made tor tours iu Kurop th'
coming Spring nnd Suimnor. "Cook'e Eicur
alonJst , " coutJimlDS rnnpa and full particular *
will be mailed to any audrcua on receipt of It
On Their Wny to the Convention ,
The atato convention which meets at
I/meoln thia morning has culled a large
number of politicians into the city from
the north a.nd northwest They wil
nearly all leave for Lincoln this morning
ovar the B. & M. The following are the
named of lomo of the delegates , most ol
whom stopped ak the Millard : 0 , 0
ICoNwh , X E. Evana and R
y. Kloke , of Gumming county
W. B. Ohilrera and Charlea Wilson
Pierce county ; J. , W. Rice and Olivei
Jackson. Koox county } Frank Puller
Wayne county ; 0. L. Lamb , Stanton
county ; J. E. Went , John Skirvinby
Col. W , H. Kctchaw. Neil Brannan and
W , D. Matharwo , Holt county , Hon
Ixtreczo Orounsp and Hon. E. K , valen
tine , who arrived in the city lut night
T llUUo } eave this morning for Lincoln
to "b * prtWnt at the convention.
. i. . . . . . .
A Ccmproniise Probably EiMiuby Bon
cral Manager Clark ,
The Number of Ilonrn IVr Dny In
crciiscil ntnl ilio AVnjr.cH 1'ro-
The reduction of the wngo3 of the U
P. employes , which goes into effect to
day has created considerable disaatisfac
tlou and raised among some n spirit of ro
tisUuico to it. On Tuesday ntght sever
al of the labor organizations hold meetings
ings to discuss this decrease of pay , bu
nothing definite was done , it being deem
cd host to leave the matter to the om
ployta &B a mats.
Yesterday noon a mooting was hold Sr
ono of the blacksmith shops to dotermini
upon a course to bo pursued. Quito t
number expressed their aontimonts
Some vroro in favor of a strike , oomo fd
vorod n walk out , while others thought
it best to stay and worl
under the proposed reduction. Nc
conclusion was arrived at but c
committee of ton was appointed , promt
ncnt among whom were William Andersen
son and Elijah Dunn , to visit General
Manager Olarko and by conference witl :
liim to determine some moans to avoid ,
if possible , the threatened evil , This
committee visited Mr. Clark in the after
noon. Ho expressed his dissatiafaction
with the order but said ho could not
countermand it. Ho promised that as
soon as the business of the road would
mprovo sufliciontly ho would again raise
ho wanes to their old standard. It was
agreed , however , that the working hours
tor day ahonld bo increased from eight
o ton hours. This will give the men ,
ivho in the past icceivod $2.40 per day ,
$2.70 under the reduction , others being
( Tooted proportionately. This increased
number of hours will affect only those
irho work by the day.
Between 5 and G o'clock last evening
lie shopmen assembled again to hoar the
oport of the committee. A motion that
no work bo done to-day was lost by a
mall majority , A motion to go out on a
triko , was lost before it came to a vo o.
t was them carried that the old committee
0 reappointed to scouro a hall where a
ncoting of the employes will ba hold
o-night to take final action in the mat
er. This morning tlio raon will go to
work in the shops upon the ton hour sys-
om. What will bo the ultimata result
s difficul to forotoll. Some claim that
bo elder hands and man of influence are
1 favor of a strike , and are only waiting
o perfect an i organization by which it
an bo mido effectual. The rnoro con-
orvativo think it for their host interest
o accept the situation' and continue-
Tork under the now terms.
Tha men who work by'tho month seem
o bo affoctodmost by this ovil. At the
hops their number of hours will ba In-
reused , and at the same time their pay
oaucod from 10 to 15 par codt. At the
loadquartora their wages only will be
( Tooted , but it is rumored that an effort
trill bo made to dooroaso the number of
Employes there , increase their num-
nr of hours , and advance their wages
Ita Origin nnd How It la Celebrated
To-day ii what is known in America
among the followers of King Gambrinui
at bock-boor day. In Germany it h
called May festival. Among Germans
especially thia day is passed iu drinking
the fltimulant which gives to it its uanio.
By inquiry at ono of the loadintj Gor
man saloons in thia city it was learned
that bock boor is the real lagor. The
"nut-brown" bcor BO much loved by all
Teutons is called nmong browora an ex
tra brow beer , which makes it extra
strong and to a Gorman extra
good. Bock bpor is drunkenly
only for n very few daya nbout tlio
first of May. It is o&teomod among Ger
mans a par excellent drink , and their
great love for it oftun causes it to bo con-
iutnoil before May is at hand. This
lieoris made nbout the first of November
of each year , to bo drunk on this day.
Ciorinan tmlouu-kocpam say that enough
t never made in. the city to supply tlio
demand ,
The origin of this day is shrouded in
the mists uf antiquity. It dates back
hundreds of yearn , to the time when the
relation of baron nnd vilUin existed in
its pristine vigor , and uroso from some
great drinking bout whora the lords com
pelled their servants to compote under
[ > an of death at boor drinking.
Brrvrd Him Mtulit.
"I have u o < l Jlunloek Jllwxt Hitters , nnd am
linjipy to nay they hove done mo moro K ° 'l
thun anthliiR yet Bond n further quantity
at once " ThU man was a fullcror from ( lyu-
l > ep la for twenty yean. Hid name is Alex
ander Lough , aud he lives ut Alpoua , Mich ,
Its Doiith ICncll ItunK liy tlio
turo IVuin Otnnlm ol' Aluna-
It novr looks as if base ball for the
coming season in Omaha had received its
death blow. The reduction of wages of
the Union Pacific has , in some measure ,
cd to it , some of the boys receiving oilers
'roin local organizations in 'ho east which
would not justify them in "laying in the
Headquarters at their present tate of
Yesterday afternoon Manager Lord
loft for Eraiuville , Indiana , where ho
will take charge of the nine at that place.
Charles Briggs started to illl his engage
ment with the management of the Un
ions of Chicago. Frank Bundle , the
catcher , has also several tempting offer *
under consideration and will probably
accept tiomo one A > ( them. Owroll , who
( amohoro from , the Port Qurone will
also in all prob&blllty accent a position iu
seine of the eastern local organizations
It in also rumored that Whitney "nil
leave soon to play in ono of the o&ston
clubs. With thcso mon all gene bac
ball in Omahn would furnish but littl
amusement to its in nny lovers of thi
the game cf nil athletic gporlc. .
How Ilio II , & M. OniL-o Hoys Vloxv tin
Cut of the Union I'Aolllo.
Many of the boys in the offices of thi
D. it M. company are glad that thi
Union Pacific company has inrulo a cu
in wages. They are glad , not because i
hurts the shopmen , on the contrary the ;
are sorry for that , but are glad bocaua
it effects the pay of the employes in tin
Union Pacific headquarters.
A B. & M. boy said yostoaday
"Why those follows have lorded ever ua
for years. They have never missed ai
opportunity to throw it up to us thatwi
were not getting aa largo salaries a :
they were , but now in a moasiiro the
tables are turned , for many of our licac
clerks will receive moro pay than men it
the same positions in the employ of the
Union Pacific company. "
IN THE Riiors.
In the shops the feeling Ls very bitUi
and it is openly assorted upon the street ;
that a strike will take place but nothing
definite is as yet known.
Ono _ of the Union Pacific employes ,
who is in a position to know , stated thii
morning that their is some talk of in
creasing the working hours in the shor.
.o ton hours a day instead ot eight as it
! s novr. In case the number of houn
s increased , the pay will not bo. Undo )
, ho ton hour system the pay for ter
lours work would bo just the same as il
n now for eight , so that men could oarr
, Iio same amount of money then as now ,
: > ut would have to work ton hours a daj
instead of eight for it.
At the U. P. headquarters yestor-
lay the reduction in wages has boon all
.ho subject of oonvorsation , and manj
ire the howls and complaints. Among
; ho high salaried men there is a decided-
y bitter fooling , but no trouble is antici
pated among the clerical forco.
A Bud Brcatli
[ a Insufferable. Wo don't like It. A pctaorj
with a strong bronth must not rnnko hluisoll
very familiar with ua. An Impure breath If
caused by nn unhealthy Btomarh. liurdock
/Hood llittert will correct this ovll. They art
; ho best stomach medlcino known.
J > ltCllC8.
Ono of the pastors of this city , a few
weeks since , used as a subject for a Tory
good sortnon , "Digging Ditches. " That
same pastor ought out to take a "walk
uround Omaha at thn present time and
ho could see moro ditches being dug
than ho had over dreamed of. On nearly
uvory street in the city ditches are being
3ug. Putting in water works , putting in
; as , connecting 'with the sewer and n
lumbar of such things are excuses for
Lho numerous ditches now being dug.
On Dodge street workmen aio'digging a
trench for puti&g-iivigaii.iHUia. Thin
itrcot is soon to bo paved and it is now
necessary to put in all pipes needed for
some time to como.
Police Court.
In police court yesterday Jamoi
O'Brien was fined 95 and costs for disorderly
dorly conduct.
John Pollock got full Tuesday and ir
consequence was called upon yosterdaj
to doposito $7.00 to help out the school
John Adams , an individual with i
great deal of unnecessary mouth , was
called upon to contribute $7.55 towarc
the schools , for being found In a drunker
condition. John came down with thi
DAU Oallahan pleaded not guilty to UK
chnrgo ot disorderly conduct , and ho wil
have a trial this nftornoon.
James LnfFerty said that ho got full
Tuesday night and rollodjilown hill into (
swamp , but was very sorry. The Judge
sympathized with him and fined him Si
and coats. James said ho had considera
ble money when ho started rolling down
that hill , but it was lost in transit. Ho u
boarding with Sheriff Miller.
Thoo. Ecklong was charged with potty
larceny. Ho pleaded not guilty , and will
bo triad this afternoon.
Army Ordorn.
Leave of absence for ten days on sur
fjooii'B certificate of disability , is granted
Second Lieutenant Lester W. Oornlsh
Fifth Cavalry.
Hospital Stowaid Thomas Griffith , U.
S. A , , having reported at these headquarters
tors in compliance with paragraph 4 , spe
cial orders No. GO , current series from
the headquarters of the army , will proceed -
coed to Port MoKinnoy , W.vo. , and re
port to the commanding olliccr thorool
tor duty.
I'tatato ' 1'rAuulor *
The following deeds were filed foi
record in the county clerk's oflico April
J9 , reported for TUB BKB by Amos' real
jjtato agency :
0 , Lichton and wife to E , 1'ounginan
SV. D. for section 23-10. ! ) . $702.00.
L. H. Tuttle Jr. to D. L. Thomas , W.
[ ) . , lot 2-1 , Tuition subdivision. § 675.00.
A. M. G. MoOormick and Hmb to G.
f. Mills , lot iu Olanmdon Q G , D. $2.
A. M. Kioba and Husb to Trustees 1st
3ennau Presbyterian church W. D. .
? art lot 4 block 214 * . $2,000.
0. L , Van 0 imp and wife to A. Plou *
or W. D. part section 3-1-15.13. $810.00.
Union Paoitio Railway to J , Ilany Jr.
IV. D. , part section 25 15 10. $300.
Aug. Kountzo and wife to S. S , Has-
: illV. . D. . lot 2 block lOKounlza 4th.
? 350.
A. Molnnis to J , Guild W , D. , part
lot 28 block 2 , Park placu. $1,000 ,
F , A Manger and wife to W. L. Me-
Daiiuo W. D. , part block ! " . ! ? , " Shorms
ulditiou. $1,500. '
S. E , Rogers mid wife to J. Mills W.
D. , part 11 , block 2 in Rogers addition.
E , E , Rickonfleld & Hnsb to | M , Oar.
mon \V , D , put lot 1 , in Tuttlcs subdi-
ritiou , $200.
Jii3 , U , Erck to E. Ii. Knox , \V. D. ,
lot 55 , Nelsons addition. $750.
S , K , Sptlding and wife to 8. Wickmau
W. D. , lot 8 , block "E. " Lowes 1st
addition. ? 225.
Snimicl K Donnelly , Klllnd nt > Fire
In Now York CHy
NlRllt ,
In the associated press dispatches o
this iasuo , is the announcement of thi
death of Samuel F. Donnelly , in Nov
York city. Ho was injured while attend
ing a fire in that city Tuesday and diet
Samuel F. Donnelly was , for a nuinbei
her of .years , a resident of this city , He
came to this place from Binghampton , N ,
Y. Ho was for two or thrco v ° ara citj
editor of the Omaha Herald. Ho was als (
an employe of THE BEKfor sometime. He
left THE BEE and in company with twe
other gentlemen started a paper known
as the Evening Telegram , of which shcol
ho was editor. After the wreck of the
Telegram ho went to Now York city ant ]
wont upon the reportorial staff of the
Now York Sun , and was representing
that paper when ho received the injuries
which caused his doathi
Mr. Donnelly was a first-class reporter ,
and an excellent newspaper man and his
sudden death is to bo greatly lamented ,
Ho had many warm friends in this
city who will loam of his untimely tak
ing off with a great deal of surprise and
deep sorrow.
Colorado I'ool meeting.
Mr. George Daniels , commissioner ol
the Colorado pool , is in the city. A uhorl
passenger meeting was hold at the Paxton -
ton hotel yesterday. Nothing but
routine business was transacted and
nothing of interest to the public was
IjooklnpTownrd a I'ool.
A pool mooting , it is thought , for the
purpose of fixing passenger rates , wat
hold in the Paxton hotel yostorday.
This morning Thomas Miller freight
agent of the B. & M. , and P. P. Sholbj
freight agent of the U. P. , will leave bj
special car to visit fifty-six of the larger
shipping point ) in Nebraska , \rith i
view to adjust freight ratoa from those
A Great Discovery.
That Is dally bringing joy to the homes ol
thousands by saving muny of their dear ones
from an early grave , UVuly Is Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption , Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay I ever , o3a
of Voice , Tickling In the Throat , Tain in Slda
nnd Chest , or any disease of the Throat and
Iitinra , a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial
BottioH free at O. I" . Goodman's Drug Store.
Larco size 81.00-
Now Mexico is alleged by a delegation
of politicians from that Territory , wants
to bo admitted into the Union aa a Stato.
They claim the right of admission on the
asserted grounds of a population of 200-
)00 ) and a taxable property of $75,000-
)00. They might improve these pretenses
: > y Urging that the area cf the Territory
3 three times that of Kentucky nnd that
they might havogot Statehood Uiirty-fivo
voara 7gt > liKd .tboy aeoa fit to como in as
i slave State on the Democratic or Cal-
lioun idea. The plain fact iu that Now
Mexico ia'tio' ' She had
over 100,000 population , such as it was ,
fourteen years ago , and in 1880 she had
but 18,000 more , bub much improved in
quality , and but $27C 00,000 in taxable
wealth and her entire amount of taxes
that year for general purposes was less
than $95,000. It is common report that
of the white race in Now Mexico , a ma
jority are Mormons and that these are
they who are seeking admission into the
Union as a Stato. The representative
population is not one-half or moro than
one-half enough to entitle her to State
hood. Dakota , Montana and Washing
ton have each moro representative popu"
latlon and far moro taxable property ,
aside from interstate railways , whoso
property is probable two-thirds of the
whole , and thcso corporations , in league
with the Mbrmnns , would really consti
tute the State and govern it. When Da
kota , Montana , Washington , Idaho and
Wyoming have boon made States it will
bo time to consider the claims of Now
Mexico , which is virtually owned by a
few railway companies and n few largo
granteeo of land holding under grants
trout Spain and Mexico and barring out
American settlers und enterprise. A
vast deal of moral , social and political
reformation is needed in Now Mexico to
make it fit for a rjputablo State in the
American Union.
Bnoklcii'n Arnica Salvo.
The proatont moillcul wonder of the world.
Warranted to speedily euro Burns , Cuts , TJ1-
cnra. Bait Hhoum , Hover Sored , Cancors. 1'ilos ,
Ohillblalus , Corns. Tetter , Chapped hands.
I'ift nil fltln eruption , garantoed to euro In
vary Inntanoo , or money rofiinduil. 25. cents
per box.
* "AftTJFiciAi. STONE. A "new"nnd novel
method of ninnufacturini ; artificial ptouo is
being introduced iu Germany nud other
European countries with marked success.
The process consists of mortar containing
equal parts of lime nud naud , which being
exposed for n few hours to u temperature
of 150 degrees centigrade , In the presence
of water vnpor , is subsequently passed under
the cylinder of a machine like that lined in
molding brick. The cubes or bricks thus
formed become hard as limestone on being
exposed to the air a few hours , nud pro
nounced excellent building material
equaling the natural atone in every respect.
if ISlfr U& Wai
Absolutely Pure.
This powder n rer T * tl , A marvel ol pure
sinnirh Mid whnluoni03 * < 4 Uytt ci'iiomloal than
with tha multitude ol low MM , shert r < > lt t tuum 01
iiboiohato ( X"dia , Sold oolf la ttttv. Kajivl Jialc-
Ing I'owJtrQo
Ita AtloiHlnn ' < ! I\T by llin Unloi
I'ncllluniitl I'os-tollltc.
To-t1ny ftt JliUO n. m. , Iho Unio ;
Pacific railroml company will turn nl
their clocks ahead twenty-four minutes
or to 12 o'clock m. An the B. & F.I. nm
0. , St. P. , M. & 0. roads arc both mini
nUndnrd time , the chnngo in tlio Unioi
Pacific time will nmko nil the mails arrivi
and Icavo the Omaha postofllco on stnn
dard timo. Giving to thia fact the clock
in the pootofllco will bo sot ahead twenty
four minutes.
A number of the jewelry establish
moult in this city will nleo chiuiRo fron
aim time ta ttundard time , and it is von
probable that standard time will bo generally
orally adopted throughout the entire citj
in n very short timo.
The workmen on the Fanmtn streo
sewer were difcusning standard time yes
ter lay , and ono of thorn remarked , "Th
time will bo sot ahead twenty-four inin
utcs to-morrow. "
"That is bully , " said another.
"But why is it any better ? " aakod th
"Because , " said No. 2 , "it will male
the working day twenty-four minute
shorter. "
The appoaronco of the boss stoppei
further discussion of the subject.
The Testimony ofn Plij8icln.ii.
.Tamos Boochcr , M , D. , of Slgonrnoy , loxva
says for sovcrnl yonm I Imvo loon uaintt i
CouRh Balsam , cnllp.l Dll WAI. HALiYi
BALSAM IfOU TII13 I.UNOS , and In al
moat every case throughout my practice , ' .
Imvo had entire microns. I have used and pro
scribed hundreds of bottles over slnco Iho day ;
of my army practice (1803) ( ) , whan I was surgeon
goon of Ilo3ltnl No. 7 , Louiavlllo , Kentucky
Henry's Carbolic Salve.
It la the Beat Salvo for Cut ) . Bruises , Sores
Ulcers , y lt Hhoum , Tetter , Chopped Hands
Chilblains , Corns anil all kin JB of Skin Eruii
tlona , Freckles and Pimples.
[ kfFoctioiiB of the imicoua inombrano , of tin
head and throat.
lied Horse Powders euro diseases in animals
A Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Schwab and Herman Schwol
wish to rotuni thanks to all who len
their aid and sympathy in their bereave
mcnt. Especially to the following gen
tlemen who composed the quartette a1
thn crave : Messrs. Haarman , 0. Meyer ,
G , H. Straatman and Grudor.
H uuior in tlio stomach.
Much of the distress and sickness at
tributed to dyspepsia , chronic diarrhoez
ind other causes is occasioned by humoi
: n the stomach. Several cases , with nl
the characteristics of thcso complaints ,
: iavo been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla ,
Dthcr euros effected by this medicine arc
so wonderful that the simplest statemen-
if tliom nUbrds the best proof that it com
rines rare curative agents and when once
used _ secures the coniidonco of the people.
HTSpeclalD will Posltlvelynot be in sorted
inlesa paid in advance.
TO LOAN Mouev.
ONEY'TO'LOAN'ou'TOarmitd'alNd c auEi
securities at ofUce ol E. 8 HOOD , 1 ,403 Farnam
St. ' 783-irn ,
MONEY TO IX ) AN 111 mo.3 of $300 and upwards at
law rates on Erst class real estate f ecurltv
382-tf _ PO'lTEIt &C6BB.
LOANED On chattel property by J.
MONEY , 213 south Mth street. 776.1m
\TONEY TO LOAN The lowest ratta ol Interest
iVl Bomlo' Loon Agency , ISth AtDougla 4-tf
TIT ONET TO LOAN In sums o | (300. and upward.
1VJL O. F. Davis and Co. , Keal Kitato nd Lo n
dentil. I ( OF Krn m M MR H
crax. ? WANTBD.
Ladles and gentlemen to bell booke
WANTED on monthly payments. W. l > . \ ' .
-uwry , Pub 117 N. 10th street , Urountc's Block.
WANTED A competent and practical book keep
er to close a sot ot boohs , uoni but a man wi.o
horoughly understands the bu ine need apply.
Jail at room 10 , Omaha National Hank Bulldl' K.
WANTED Bakers at Oarnt au Cracker Factory.
12th and Jackson ctrcut. _ 031-1
"IXrANTED-deiman hey for general kltchemvork ,
ot 215 tiouth IjJth street. _ 9b3-2p
WANTED A competent flcrxant Rirl to go to
Ilawllns , Wyoming. Apply at 11)11 D enport
itrcetclty. _ BSl-lp
WANTED. ImmnlUtcly , a Rood kitchen girl ut
No/thWtsS corner Hainllton and Plor sts. ,
forth > 'm ' h > . laiit or 3\v dop-otoriud. 037-lp
WANTED An experienced girl fjrgeneral houfo-
worn , 1713 Chicago St. 670-Kp
WANTED-Imraedutcly , a girl at the Omaha
Steam Laundry , Slstaud Izird. J. H Dennett.
ANTED-A gill at8-H south 17lh street.
_ OJSjEMp _ 3IU3. W1I.KIB.
\TTAN lED Two'sawlng girl ) , J13 south ICth 81 , ,
T I bet , llarnuy asd Howard. _ 042-3Ui (
\I7ANrED-Onl for housowork. tlrs. W.V. .
V T Umgbaui , a IBS. IQtli sircct. _ PM 3 p
WANTED Acompctoat jflrl. Good wages , 1823
Faruam street , cor. 19tn. OGMt
WANTED Kitchen girl at 2211 Dndge strcit.
Apply at ticket otllceof IIOI1UIE DUO'S , 1413
'arna street. 073-it
WANTED Two girl * lor general oouMwork , lii
the country , during tlu tumnior , 714 North
Oth street. _ 072-2
WANlEU-Oir1. lor Rcucral h Unework In small
Inmlly , good ciok and Ironer. Good wagrs Bli
South ISili St. ncnr Liaxnwurth.
\I7"ANTBD-A tow day buwdert , . 822 B. 16 >
> l eticct , coiner ot Harney , 907-SUp
\\7ASTED-llirl for general housework In family
of lour. UH. UAKUOW , 820 louth 10th tt.
WAHTKD Two ncllre , wiorgallo men. Sttady
euij.lOineut Call 421 SJ , ilth ) St. OJiJSji
WANTED Shirt hands tt 12o7 Karnam stiect.
WANTED A ghl for Ktnaril liotu work 'Jooil
OKts ulll 10 paid. ClIAB. FLLUK. Kaz |
House , toutli 14th birert. US7-lp
\ \ / NTKD-Lauii < Jress , dining room gill , cham-
V > bormalU , Occideulal Hotel OH tf
AVTANlE'i Forhuutouork , Good wa < t * will tt
paid to a good coniHttnt | ) ulrl. Urn. W M
lluslmun , 151' ! Howard street. C\3 \ 20
\7f'ANTKU , Dili fur general housework. H. K , cor ,
Tl raniamand 2 th. SSU-ao
TI7ANTiD-An : experienced girl Oood gcB.
T ? Apjil | at BcutliM t cor , lOtli and Karbaui.
TX7ANTED A giodtcrtant girl. Wage ) ? 4 pel
week. Appli 8. II. Johnnon , cor. 2d and
Ucilft ) . Call ai oiljck or after. ? 4ltf
\T7AN1ED. " 5 Bret-claw gltU for genoul house
Tt work. Placti fiea. Old Kliabfa cu.plo > mcnl
bureau , 217 N. Ibth btroet. 813-SOt
WANTEO-UIrl lor liouwnurk , 01D 0. l'thSt
784 tf.
\I7ANTEU-L dlei or gentleman In city n couttt )
1 1 take nlro , light and pliua.iittorkat tlieii
ovn hornet ; fitof5 doy fasllj and quietly
work Bent by uail ; no rantaitlDg ; no tamii foi
10. ly. I'leuto addrton llellablv Uaiiu'&olurlng Co.
I'oIladelpuU. Pa.
\irANTFl > Walter , ( man ) cn-i who undentanvli
T > hit buslncu , at DiLbium'a I'.c.Uuiant , 16H
t. _ 710-11
"irrANTED-Hltiutlon as houie keeper or nune , n
> Huh , hnu e work. IIM wood refcr.'rt : > . * 1U' '
Mis , Ortutlub't , HC7 '
for Infants and Children.
find overcomes Jjlntuloncj
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , nnd
Fovcrishncss. It insures health nnd
natural Bleep , without morphine.
" Ostorla In so well ndnpted to Children Hint
I recommend It na superior to nny prescription
known to mo. " II. A , ARCiir.n , 21.1) . ,
83 Portland Arc. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute euro for lllumnm-
tisin , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. Tlio most Power Ail and I'cno-
tratlng Pain-rclicvlng and Healing Kcinody known to man.
" \ 7ANTKD A jioslt'on ' u djrk In holc < atoot
V > rela'l ho-'m. Can tlvo rclcrtucea ' 0 C , "
European HoUl. "
A situation'n ' n } 0ting linn ( o ta' '
WANTED hntsct kiid rritkn htm l ( ecnnfAlly in
( ill urotind the house. Christ Wlllrbt , No. 808 S.
Tenth St. 78 3p
\VANTE ° Situation asclerh or Ntownnllnn hotel
It \ > vnoiiiii infti who h n thu Jjest ol relcrunoia ,
-'It. J."Bce ofllco. 075-lp
Vl/ANTlID Sltimtlon l > y a practical hook-kcepcr ,
V > clthoi wholesale or retail biielucrn. any kind ul
oincowork. Jlest of Mcrcticcfl Aililtcw " 1) . A. "
1713 Haiiioy sticot , Omaha , Neb. 952-tt
WANTKD-SHuallon by a | ; lrl to clerk In nlnu-
Wairci no object. Call at 1437 south 14th St' '
032-2CI )
WANTED Two unturnliheil room's , ( Howard
street preferred , AddrcSs "S. D. " Bee offlro.
" \X7"ANTED To exchange , Rood , rlcan Block of drj
fi gooilaJor Ni'brvka It nJs or other coed prop' '
orty. BAUKHK & MAVKE. 931-tt
TTfANTED A jounplady , Btrangcr In vlio city ,
T would Ilko to corru8iond ) with a pcntlcrosn ci
means Object business. Addrtes and friendship ,
"ii.c. n " city. eso-ip
TTfANTED By a RenUcinan and ulfr. a fill aln >
\il glo unluniliihoil iboiii , centrally Ibcntcd. Ad'
dreea'C. . 0' K.'ilcorllleo , Council Bluffs. Iowa.
\X7ANTK1 > A jounjrman abuut to mart In bnii' '
> V niss In this cit > would like a partner utth
31COO or more. Young mill preferred , one whc
knona no Impo'utlllity. Jlmlncsi 1'gltlmnte , pa\e
from 31)0 ) to 400 per c-nt profit. Addroce "O. D. F.1
1' . O. Hot 62 , Omiha. P04-30i
WANTED S.Otfl jards of dltt , at or Dfarone
block west cf the Convent en St. Mary's ave
nue. S. K JOHNSON ,
C81-t of Steele , Johnson &Co.
FOlt tvliNT UOUBOO aua Lots.
F 1011 REST-FIrst clots Ub'c , four stalls. 200 *
Cuinlng St. _ 817-iip
I OH RENT Ono flirt-class piano and organ. Inquire
quire y. 1. . I'latt.SUuorth lith St OSS-2p
FOR KENT Furnished room. Inquire Drugstore
corner 1C th and Douglas.
RENT Suite of rooms furnished 1611 Call
fornla St. _ OC3-6p
RENT A furnished house for the summer In
Clarkson Place , cor. 2Cth street and St. ilarv'a
avenue. 919 SO
Fi OR .RENT A largo , comfortable roor , with
board , for two gentlemen , 322 S. Icth st 9S2-30p
F I OR KENT Furnished room 1810 California St.
FOR BENT First-class farm , 10 mllc from Oma
ha , large orchard , etc. BARKhll & MAYNE ,
ttli and Farnaiu. 031-lf
FOlt UKNT Small hoiua &nd barn , No 410 H
26th street. Wm , L. Monroe , 6th and Uou liS St.
FOll RENT Furnished rooinn with board , 81B
eouth lUth street. 017-3Up
FOR UENT Furnished room , 1318 Jackson St.
EOSgp |
TjVlR RENT-Wlth board , largo front room with
JC1 bay window , gai and bath roo'n. A few taMc
boarders accommodated , 1718 Dcdgo street. 859 SPp
"ITWH KENT A nicely tiunlsheu room lor ono or
J ? two , at 2301 Dodge street. Best Bummer location
In the crty 70o-tt
1/OB BtNT In ItodLk's block. Storeroom 120
J ? feet deoo and good office room. Paulaen & Co. ,
C > Fornam , room S. 768-tf
TpOR RUNT A fnrnlsh < l front room. Apply at
X1 S. W. cor. I Oth and FarnamSt. 761-tf
FOR RENT First-class brick store and base
ment , 15th and Farnam streets. J76.CO per
month. BAUKKR & MVKNE.
FOR RKNT. nulldl' g JO x 68 , .in Ilarnoy street ,
between llth and 16th. IlARKISllfc JUYNE.
727 tf
FOR RENT-plano. Inquire at Edholm & Eilfk-
Bone. 653-tl
FOR RENT Two furnished rxoms , 2117 Webster
IT\OR RUM' VuruUhod rooms 2227 IJodico St.
_ J 494-lm
" | 7 > OR KENT Store room 1609 Kar/am Si , by
J I'AULSEN&CO. 4 > B.jf
JT > 01t KENT'llitrd lloor vf building No. mi l-'ur-
1 namr. . 247-tf
FOll RKST ! ( W aero farm. Alsobiick yard.
JPOU K13NT jlooniB th Hubikak * ktloim turn.
JC IJullding. Uont dfslr > tlo oiflcun In the city
Sappllnd with hydmulle cloatohod he tad b
atoain. App'y ' itf. Ilnok IJ (
EOIl UKNT furnished rooms on the northwo
cor. 1MI ) and CnuJsotuvoiiuo. formorlr Orneuton
heattd 222 N. 18th.
TpOK 8 U.K-T o choice lmnro ed farms of ) > 40
r BiiilSJuiaj ( es. all wlihlo ijiulloj ol the Union
Itock Yards aud Oniilca from the U 1 * . depot at o.
bargain. I'OITEII&OOIIB ,
° " 1615 Farnnm.
F'Oll SAIU-One , f tha bo t slnglTliFrveTs Inlho
city , rpleuilld rooiUier , showy nnd fait. Will bo
o'datfts tlBcifkOldntonce.
_ 80 ° - " _ 0. E. StAYNF.
pORBAtE-Mr. J. HousU , of Schujlcr , Neb"
. o'1"8 ' hla moat m rket fo.mlc , m hu IJ goln
S , .Hck bUtlnS ' ° h on cxcOleiit good
rado Call ddre
on ur 4
OS1 J. 1IOUSKA , Schu > hr , Ntb.
onCuuimliicsbtrcet SALS fresh , , ,1151 , mva at jimtary Bridge.
H - , - - - " ' ' Nlcolot 60xl4n wlti small huuso H.
J.1 IS'h strevr $ | , ooo. IMI cash , bal.noe at 2 era
a yc-ut. Ti U U a bargain und la optm for lust una
vk. . lUrktir & ilnjne. H84-1
FOll HALK-N'Iro cottsgo aud Iflt COxKO , south
12th utrdit , Jl.Ojl' ' , ( Ji.O down and J15 per mniitli ,
linker fcilayuo. JC3-1
AKn 1 ItoaJitcr , rplendld driver an I fast Will
tiadofornuill team. O. Ii. lliiie , i3th tuu
TT OU HAI.i : Turco ta line ncro ot as can bo
JL1 toned , on La vcnwurtlmtrt > < : t,2Vi.illej lrouipu t-
olllce. 1'tlcu # 1,200 WHY & M01Tr.ll. t J-tf
ti Oil BAliv cvtia o t'f * r uiui und two his , oor.
' uu Dod omrtct , 7 Moolm west cf high tcuool.
1'rlco , $2on. on > otyea y terms Thl 19 & I\n. l
1 argaln. HEY & MOTl'tll 8 W oor. 16th and far.
nw P3S if
tfOR MALK- a bargain , S lots on I'arlc a cnue.
Jf Imjulte 127 Fainamitreet. Kl-tf
' - ,
i i I
TTIORS LK Cheap fnr each , ngrod wcaUng loom
J1 furweailocrn ; oir | > t8 , comi.Kta. lau Ira of
- l'"toii Hottl llarUr Bhop , On. ha.
FOHHAI.K-C hue riniilcnco * ot | n J I. Itedl'-k'j
addition , chiKji. hlfcY i. ttOiTkll MQ-tf
F H SKLII HOU H an ! lots in all parts of the
city OM eiHBt terms ( OM.Ma . , House * ami
ot on monthly jwijuieiiU a ipectalty. IllEY A.
MOT il.ll , 16th aud t'urnam. fiil-tf
JT-OIl SALE-Oowllot , I. UooU west h'eb tchool
1 ? cu U dito < tutt. 1'rlro , ? j7fi , 82X ) ca-li , Dalance
5 } iar inyo-enu. Kpcdil termi to one b nil !
buiH. lUKY & . M ( rmt _ vi > . tt
i I7M1U H atJ-Tx-
- 1 homos nrdoornur lotfld
J.1 mi ISth wi-J CriCtInnilr * oa urcmUu ,
\Vlmt Rlrc-j our Children rtwv chocTt * ,
What cures Ciclr fevers , makes them slw
'Tin Canlnrla.
XVlicn bnble * fn-t nnd cry hy turns ,
What CUIX-H their colic , kills thrlr wornn ,
Hut Oa < t rlv.
Wlmt quloklv cure- ? Const Ipntlon ,
Sour Stomach , Cold3 , Indigestion ,
Pnrcwoll then to Mnrphlno Syrups ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , and
SAtE Brick at yard on 15th street , south of
Ecllevue road , or ( IDS N. lath street. OD2p
BRICKS 600,000 hard burned , hind moulded , and
2.1,01 Oprofsod biicka for ralo by WICKIIAM
1IHOH , Council Bluffs. Apr 20-flt
HALE-Cot ago of fl\ ri oma In Rhlnn' ad
dition at $1,000 J200 ca > h , bthiico In monthly
ts. MtCAQHK , opp. P. < ) . H12 tf
FOIt SALE Furniture , Stno" , ITurso , lioness ,
BuKRy and barn , at C40 Valrxlcw , or i'itli street ,
ono block notth of tit , Mary's awiuc. 816-tf
SM.K-Grocery storu in n good Inoitinn ,
FOR rout. For particulars addicss "H. S " this
oHIco 853-ltn
\ b.\li : 7H feet front on Farnim stro tlh
Ir\OH 1 0 , veil-built coltMKe. Call aud see. A bargain -
gain McCAOUr , o > p. K I * . 81IHI
SALE Two l > cautllul l ts In I one's flrjt addition
dition for 760. McUAOUE , opp. r. O. 814-tf
FOR SALE Tlio gnod will and fhturta ot tha
Crelffhton House , or lll sell any part of the din
ing room orkllchcn furniture separately. Easy terms.
Apply on premises. 783-tf
FOU SALE 2 large houses on Capitol Hill , with
all modern lmpru\emtntH. Full lots. Price ,
$0,000 and $0,600 caclu 1UEY & HOTTER.
"Tj OH SALE A tlrtt chss restaurant and lee crcim
-T parlor and house of 10 rooms attached , all fur
nished , will bo sold cheap Sa Ufactory reasons given
for BoMlnfr. " Address . W. IV Omaha , Neb.
FOR S m-Freeh milk cow. Inquire at 1010 Far
nam street. , 696 tf
FOR RALE The southwest corner lot of llth and
P clflcwlth tivo one story brick holdings ntd
ono fraiim bulldliiR on it , with all modern Improve
ments Inquire ot ihe clothing stora otOe rgo II.
Fetcwon 8 * South lllh utrect.
FOR S LE Uiu lautlful lots in Walnut illli ad-
dltlon from 8100 to $7ut. It will pay parties to
look at thin property b f ore buj ing chew here. POr
TKlt & COBU , 1615 Far mm street 618 tf
FOR SALE-Vory desirable resldonco for urnal
family , ono block off St SI ry's avenue , 10 block
from postolllco Locution Hue , J3.500. Easy tcrml
POT1ER & COBU , lots Farnani street. 5U-tfa
TfOR SALE Bargains in lmpio\cdand unlmpror *
J ? ed property In VO additions Call an I Bee. IMT-
' 1KH & CODD , 1615 Furnaiu strof t. 619-tf
FOR SALE Banralni in Iota for rcstdrnro or spec
ulation in Walnut Ilill.D nukcnX Itislor's aid
West Cuiulng additions. POTlER & COBO , MIS
Fiirnam Street 620-tf
FOH SA K-Two of tbe raojt de lrahlo lots In
Lowe's 1 at adl. , flno t low , 'price t75U. siutn
and eust frontage , fenced , A bargain. McOAQWEl
opposlta I' . 0. 439 tt
TjiOR 8 LE 2 lots m I'talnVjowatlS to 20 per' '
J1 cent below the price at which surrounding lota
are held. Price w bu put up noon it not i old.
S-tf POIThR & CODD , 1GI5 Faruam Street.
FOR SALE-8 lots In Shlnn'a 2d T addition at ft bar
gain. j
" ' Jo > In KirkwooX r 3C days.
TTKTreTttBffrfiri inijs SJ
( EKDCORNFOB8\LIS 1000 tmshuls of good
C5 ( ound old corn. Apply , to Dr Chambers Voter
nary Surgeon. Omaha. 83-tt
F I OK SALE Ola nownpupt. ind
quantities at thh ntKce.
FOR SALE A flrst-clai's Viit-a & * oi Piano , at a
bargain. Inquire EdUolm M Erleknm > . BS4-tf
FORSALE two open seoond-naud buggies aa
ono delivery wagon , cheap , at 181t > Qarnoy at.f
FOR SALE A Binall Mtwlcr , Bihman&Co ! , I
proof sat- . almost now , at this offloe. If
T710R SALE ne Vo aaud Sons piano at b barf -
f gain. Inquire at Edholui and j&rlckson's miwlo
store , on 1C to at.
TjOR. SALE Ten go'dc will and > fixture * of the
JP Crcighton Ilbuse. Will sell the dining , room ane
kitchen fiirnliurosopa'ately.or any pa t of oitlier.
Will oxchanKO for lands , luteor any sale bio com
modity , or will take secured notes on long tlu.e In-
qulro at Cn Uhton House. (05-tl
I7OII 8\LK Twenty acres of tba UnOen farm , 34
1 miles from the rostolHcoi and only two blockt ,
from Pratt'dtub-ditlblon. Will bo sold in 2J , C or
I'l ai-ro Iot Inqulro Omaha Carpet Co , , 1511
Douglas treoL 671 ! tf
A Small Htoslt of Drugs and Driijjnst1 Fixtures
for sale In the Iho town of Waterloo , Nebraska-
good opcnlii ) . ' fnr a phy.leiun. Addreiu J , B. 8IL-
EK. Elkhorn Station , tia\ \ > . 7SWf
PiRSVL : : Me lots in IIan6 , m I'lico and
Illuielumrli place , 476 to SJSD.on monthly pay-
montj" . Birkur k Mayno , N. K. Cor. Faruam and
18th SU 005-tf
ITWIl HALK Faruillfnill 3 tromcitj , i
O.1 Stock jards. ln < | Uireat Mrs. lloycr , over U/n
d r' Drug stern , 16th and Webster. 872oa
IOST-WlIthogcnlleoian who found uacka
\c\\t.t \ and plumes on mirth 18th B ! . car , pl > ! of
loa\ them at EVan'e Seed store. ViS 30i 0
STRAYED OR STOTEN-On Wodnoslay mornl
April 23d , a medium blzod red cow wlihiirj
Kboutljausold. Hasan oddltionul teat. K
if $10 wilt lo paid if retumod to the SUierfro
ry Cun ci t , st. Marj's avrnue.
1'CTION ALE-Of lots In Wllcox'a a
Monday , } Ia ) 5th. Ha'o to conuneiicn ut
ui , at thu coniur of 20th stitet and thoBac )
road Motdtalrblo | ir"pertyundbist opp rtun
ute ofltred. W. B dUING , Auctioneer.
T f'ST ' OH 8TRAYBD-A light rein cow , wrlglu
iJib-ut 1,80 , lgn eir bauly torn and an under
Mto in Iho left , llcward will ua puiil It icturncd to
the ililltiry Bridg-j , Cumlug btrco , . 1-enuy & il.
! ms. 002p
PASIUiiAClE for horses and Cattla. Horses at
$1,50 per he ad a month , and oowo at 76o pel
hc d per month , at Cililn On-gg's iiasture , on llcllc-
vuurcaJ , about 7 inllojfrorn OmaLa. SGO-lp
rp KKNUP At my reeldurce N. W , corner 10th
Landi'iarnftrett , ons wtlta he'l r. Owner HI
pier so take , away an I par chaii/t .
719-IUwf.up Oiltiai BJLLNHEIMEIt.
piai"VAI . F. DAVI3&CO , , UKAU5RS In.
.IV. Real Fstato and Jlntgage U inhi rcraoud
to No. 1503 * irnam street , up ktair , tooui VI , on
dnoroa tot their form r location , nhero Iboy may/I
bo lound mtiU.omil tlon tf their newbullJIngi
Cc 11 IfV EWARD will bo iMid for any case cf j
W I Uwl > I | > hti.o la tint wuuot , ,0 , curii by "
Jiffrics' ( Council HluH ) iirkicatito and lure. H
' 'fit _ . _ 350-4t
Ft J. C
Jiiftt i
.ni'm- " ' 5 n."i'Ki AKD CONDITION )
- T. JW Tenth BtrM , butnrwn Paruaoi and U r |
ney , wii : , wita ins Mil of mwralao gplrltJ , oW lotn
uj ouo itnaco ui if. nwt and prcienl. n l V
erum oonrtltlon Iu tun nuuru uww an.-l > >
aAi nMt
The partmrahlp Icntoforo exKtl/Iff'f /
Fonhwy & Hccitli tils day dlwolml'if
ronscnt All mo.y duo tre firm uiut ft// / '
paU to Chau. Bui lime , and all bill < illLlsf
y M *
Omaha , KeU April 26,18ai' ' JR
Hatter o | Application of if. A , NUta lo
1 Llccntiu , i
, KOTIVU , /
Notl ( U hereby ghen thn.4 II A. MJte did I
the 5Kth ) day ol Ai > ril , A. D. JSM. file bl l/ / '
lion to thoHoard of Com t Co.imiluloncrs of I'l
County , Nebraska , lorllwnto to nil Walt , Hph' '
aud VUioui Uiinrs ) , at Kll.horn Hlmlon , I" ( i .
Vrccbiit , liouglas County Nebiaska , from. '
dty of May , ISM , to the l t day of h'otcmbil
If IIere bo no objection , reuM > n trauco or
fllod within t\\u wtckt Irom vpnl S'1/ /
Ii31 , tliu ea'.d llocnsj Mill bo granted.
H. A. . 'ME. Api
877 St bafc" II. T , LVnT ( tVuu' ' _
* "
/Wr"JHI / H