ma tf u OMAHA DAILY -THURSDAy , MAY 1 , 18S4 , Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUBTS. The following are the tlmoiot the fttrU&l ml de arture of trains by central standard time , atthj ocal ilcpoU. Train * learn tran fcr depot ten r lti- cs eanlcr and arrl o ten minutes Inter. y CHICAGO , DDRUKOrOI ASD QOIXCT. MAT ! ARRIVI. tSSptn ClilMitol'.nprcss n.ooatn 9:10 : a in Kin SU11 , 7oO : p tr KANSAS CtTTi ST. W AID COUSCIL ILUrFS. 10-01 am Mall and v.xprcsi , 7oS : p m 8.05 p in Pacific KxproM , 6:50 : p tu CIIlCiBO , VttiWArilll * AID ST. fAUL. f : ts a m Hall and Xxpiim , 7:10 : p m f > 'SS p m llxprw , 0'40 n m 0.45 k m Kxprtes , 0J5 : p m cine 190 , ROCK igiiAin ! > rAcino. f > 30pm Atlxntlc Exproiui , 0.40dm 0 80 ft m Day t xpross , o so p m TilDam "DosMolnrs Anowtnmodmon , 4:40 : p in At local depot only. wAsiBii , BI. wins IXD rAciric. 0-65 am Mall , 4:45 : pra 4:50 : pin Cannon Halt , 11:15 : am At Trantfor only. CHICAGO and KORTII1FHITXM. 6:30 : m Express 6 BO p m 8.4 1 am 1'actno Express , 6:15 : a in J , BIOIJX CUT AKD fACIFIC , * In bt. Plll Expro , O.CX ) A m m Accommodation , 0.60 p in ntiox rAomo. SCO ptu Western KxpruM , 8 35 am 1UM am raclflo Ktpro < 4 , 4'1'I p tn 7:40 : ft m Local Exprisj , 8 M a m 12:10 : a tn Lincoln ixpro * , _ AtTraiultronly. ntJNMr THAI-iS TO OMAHA. Tx-avo 7:20-iV9.30-10.30-ll:40 : ! : a. . 1:30-1.30 : . .U.80S:30o : 35 llIOS p. ra Anne CO mlmilcs biforo leaving ttnm. Nebraska Cornice -AND- JtANUFAOTtJlinnS OK GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES PIN1ALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFIN9 , PATENT MKTALIO 8KTLKJUT , Bron Fencing ! Crcstlngs , DaluntriulM , Yeruidus , Odlco nml B pk lUIIIncs , Window and Ccllur Guards , Kto. HOB. O. AVDttn BTIIEEP , LINCOLN NKD. OMRKll. U el n the blood Is apt to ihow Itmlt In the rprlng , and aturo should by all meant bo aaetated In throwing It cI. Swill's SpeeUo does this efloctltcly. It Is a purely vwetable , non-poisonous lomcdr.whlch helps natuio to force all the pjlion or taint oat through ho porci ot the ekln. Mr. Hoboit A. E lev , of Dloknon , Tcnn. , writes , nndci data March 10 18S4 ? "I had cli'lls and 'over followed by rhematUm , for thrco jcurs. so that I itasnotabo to attend to iuy business : had triad al most ovfy kind of medicine , and found no rdlcf. A filond j commeinFil Sniffs Specific. Itrl ° ilono bottloand rny health bc an toirproto. 1 continued until I bud taken tlx buttles , ami it hai ret me on inj feer , as sound a'i'l uell aac\or. I recommend It toalUlailariy afflict < 1 " Lctteisfroin twenty thrco3) ( ) ot the leading retail ilruzglstao' Atlanta , eaj , ui dor rtato of Mtrch'JHli , Ib84 : "Wo sell mcro o ( fiIft's Sjioclflo than any other ono i rmody , aud threu to ten times ai much na another blood medicine.Vo fII It to all classes , and many o ! the best families Uio It aj a general health tonic. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseased Dialled frCO wumjuututS. THE SWIFT SPKCIFIO CO. Drawer 3. Atlanta , Oa. N Y. oraro. 1E9W.2W St. . between 6th and 7th Ave Will Uio eanlnar man onoke ? " was a. V tied by FrotTlak In hla charming pom- rhlet IIoBnjt , moreover , thatthornUonal war to UBO tcbicco U through the plpo. All flffrco Jiat only the boat tobacco should bo used f Which U the bcetTTUlt to quldto flavors. Bladrrcll's Dull Durham Smoking Tobi .ceo fills the bill completely. Ke&rly two-thirds of all the tobacco grown on tha O olden Tobacco belt ot North Carolina lina goea Into tha manufactory of Black- well , at Durhnm. They buy tha pick of the entire eectlon. Ilenco ElackwelTs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco Is the best of that tobacco. Don't bo ( leeched when you buy. Tlio Durham Bull trade mark is on every genuine pnckas-o , Blactn-eH'fl Genuine Bull Durham la thii choice of all judge * ot Smoking Tobacco. KKPI'.ESENTSI 1,511 , AMiinnM Co. , ol vionaoii , , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . - < . . T. N. V. , Capital ittJaiccO.O /-T ' , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , { aham Paper Oo. , in and 211) ) North Main M. , St. LoulH. WHOLKSALK DKALEU8 IN WRTT/NO WUAITINO , CARD BOARD AHD F' JAMES Y. OEAIG- , AND FLORIST. PI , , , , specifications and estimates of cost of lav'ns ' i out new or remodel" B old lannu , Kradinjr. soddlnc. l t Ulb luriil htH on application. Grower and I dealer in all kinds of How urn , Knrub * . Ornamental lindShada Tre'S. Just the tiling for Cemetery or lMn Becoratlon , Grei-n ll.Ue * an.l Nur ery 23rd iwwn Frt ( | ( ) mabaCu , Klowernaod Flower- ' - ' ' - at all soaaoiis , and any Orders bv n all promp'ly attended to. Ad ' . 0 , Dot < U > 5 Omaha , Neb in H , - OKAND EXCUnSIONH le > o No * York VYiv ndJune , 1M4. 1'AbSAOE TIOKHIS \ [ \TIO 81EAUEU3. Hpoclal facilities for "JD BEUTIia. axmillST'lICKBra for KUHOl'K. by a'l routes , at reduced ratej riiCOHSIONIST , with map ! and full \au- Till 10 cents. A'lare 13roa < l ay , N. \ . JCHEUERMAOTM D OKltUA icopathio Ekysioian SI-ECIAL18T 0V , omf.DUKN acmioNio , -At n lleiioo , NM 8. 10th Street , till &d utter 3 ! ' . m. Hourn At ottloo , Mo , H3 I ICthbi , Hooml.liomlOa. is , , to 3 p. m. jjXapaWorm will t * romsnoJ , wttout COUHCil BLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL N1SWS. WANTED IN MISSOURI , ATri\velln > ; Mmu Arrested on Dofitlcntliin. Chief Skinner received a telegram in. structing him to nrwst William Armstrong - strong , n young mun who for four months past has boon traveling for Richmond Bros. , of this city. The young man gave bonds immediately after his arrest , and the rest of yesterday was spoilt in tele graphing backwards and forward in an attempt to Bottle up the matter. It ap pears that the complainant is the firm for whom Mr. Armstrong uao-i to work at Forest City. It was difficult yester day to got at the 'exact nature of tlio bill of about $50 , which it is claimed , ho used for his own purposes , and for which money ho promised to reimburse them. The matter has run along unsettled , and now they have commenced criminal pro ceedings. The chief received n telegram yesterday that if Armstrong would not go back to Missouri without a requisition , they would get one , or ho could , if ho choao , deposit $200 in eomo bank subject to their order , to make them secure. Armstrong is spoken of quito highly , and hero there is a disposition not to judge too lustily in this matter. It is said that on his last trip BOVOM ! attempts were made to arrest him in Missouri , but each time ho eluded the arrest by denying that ho was the man who TV.IS wanted , and once oven iras released on his repre sentations , nftor having boon captured by three constables vith shot gun * , who were determined to take him. DROPPED DEAD. The Body ofGoorRo Bclillct Found Coroner Connell was called to Walnut Monday night by > telegram , announcing that a man had boon found dead , and an inquest was needed. On arriving there ho found that the miai referred to was George Schlict , a well known farmer of Lincoln township , whoso homo was about ton miles southeast of Walnut. It appeared from the evidence gathered that Mr. Schlict left his homo in the morning , in apparently good health , intending - tending to put up some fence poato in a field about three-quarters of a milo from the house , saying that when ho did that ho intended going to a neighbors a little further distant. Several hours after wards two men found him lying by the aide of the fence , where ho had been at work , and ho waa already dead. The post mortem showed than he had dropped down with heart disease and the jury , consia ting of Messrs. Bresslor , Reimcr and Tray returned a verdict to that ef fect. The deceased loaves a son and daughter. PERSONAL II. II , Motcalf is oil for the east fur now goods. Thomas Gavin has returned from his east era trip. E. O. Anderson , of Shelby , wax at the Pa cific yesterday. 33. W. Mears , of Boston , arrived at the Op- den yesterday. J. J. Shea , of Neola , was here yesterday on legal business. K. S. Good and L. Jj. Morris , of Pony , la. , are at the Ogdon. D. IL Harris , of Woodbine tarried at the Pacific yesterday. II. II , Lanitz , of Das Moines , reached Bechtolo'a yesterday. L. Anerbach , and S. Newbower , of Now York , are at the Ogdon. U. C. Hunt , of Chicngs , registered nt the Ogden last evening. .Tamos A. Doll , of New Albany , Indiana , wax at the Ogden yesterday. Ben. J. Snlungor , of Manning , was among those lit Bechtelo's yesterday , William Mack , an Omaha paving contractor was here yesterday , seeing how the work was progressing. Sol Mann , of the People's store , loft yester day for IIH ! old homo in Albany N. Y. , and expects to remain * there. , r. P. 1'ilbert , the old grocer , loaves In a few days for his cattle ranch , i ! . " > 0 miles west of Omuha , in the Lotip valley. His brother , S. J. Filbert , who is in vith him now will buy out the grocery business and continue it Jewelry. The jewelry and silverware sale takes pluco now at 218 Broadway , instead of iu the opera house. Mr. West certainly has u finu stock and warrants everything aa represented. What your eyes BOO and tongue tastes you are bound to believe. Therefore , wo offer you all an opportunity to eoo , taste , i and bo convinced of the truth of the statement that "Hereford's" is the strongest and best baking powder made aud it is the only ono that ia endorsed by any physician or chemist as being health ful and nutritious. Call at Robt. Mullis' store , Broadway , corner of First slraet , to-day , and at Taylor & Calofa to mor row , and be convinced. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Bushnell it Brackett , Council Bluffr , Iowa , is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. W. D. Busbnoll will continue the business at Nos , 19 Pearl und 20 Main street , L. 0. Brack- ett will continue the business at Nos. 224 and 220 Broadway. All dehU duo the Broadway store must be paid at once to L. 0. Brackett. All debts duo the Main utroot store muet be paid at once to D. W. Bushnell. All claims against the firm will bj paid upon the presentation to D. W. Bushnell. Please preicnt your sUtomonU at onco. Council Bluffr Iowa , April 30th , 1884. D. W , BOBIINEI.I , , L. 0 , POLITICAL PLUNDER , The Council Divides the Swag in Suite of Protest. WntkltiB Is Ilewnrtlcd by l cln Mmto Clitcr oftlio Klro Ioi nrtincnt. The meeting of the city council last night wai nil importnnt ono. Fur aomo tinio nn cft'crt has boon mnclo io secure ft full nttondnnca uiuUriho ngroomont thnt certain city ollicors would not bo elected unless nil mombora were present. Last night.whilo less important business wns being transacted , Aldormnn James slipped - pod out of the room , but the other mom bora concluded not to lot him dodge the responsibility and sent the marshal nftor him. On his being brought in the council proceeded to complete- the city orgiuiiz < tion. The city attorney gnvo it as his opinion that the city ordinance , no far as it provided that the chief of Iho fire de partment would hold his olllco during jood behavior , was illegal. An ordiimnco tvna thou presented and passed , amending the old ordinance and making the term of the ohiof two year ? . Alderman James thru wanted to adjourn - journ , but the council refused. An informal ballot was then taken for chief of the fire department , resulting : P. D. Wnltora , Hj John Tomploton , 2 ; blank , 1. A formal ballot was then taken , resulting in the election of Wal ters , ho receiving four votes and Tomploton two. This notion in the face of the petition signed by nearly every business man in the city , will causa a storm of indignation and it is generally concluded that it is but a re word for Wulkor'a political ward work. Temploton having made a line record and being the choice .f the department. It ii predicted by eomo that ono half of the department will send in their resigna tions at the next mooting of the council. The election of the street lupcrrisor resulted in the choica of M. D. Har- din. 0. R. Mitchell xccoivod ono voto. For side-walk commissioner A. E. Avery was elected unanimously. Fred Lamb was chosen policeman at Fairmount Park. The ballot for park policemen at Bayliss Park resulted , Cobalt 4 , Jackson 2. For poll tax collector , D.iniol Jonnan was elected , Mr. Hondricks receiving 2 votes. Call at Robt. Mullis' store , Broadway , corner First street , to-day , and got a Horaford cook book , a handsome chroma and valuable information froo. Heal Estate Transfers. The following transfers were filed in county clerk's ofllco , April 30 , reported by P. J. McMahon , real estate agent , Council Bluffs : G. A. Jacobs to J. A. Edmundson , lot 2 , block 17 , Bayliss' 2d add. 86 00.00. H. L. Henry to Christ Johnson , lot 7. block 13 , Mill add. $200.00. Peter Peterson to Jacob Jacobson , nel nwj 28.77-43. $500.00. Li. D. Woodmanseo to S. H. Hopkins , let 5 , block 15 , Macedonia. $25 00. G. A. SJocum to W. H. Freeman , part nwj uw 12 75-40. S5.00. H. L. Aldridgo to M. E. Jones , part ni nwj 4-77-44. $200.00. " "J. D. Edmundson to J. M. Axtcll , nwl swi 10-77-43. § 480.00. Mary A. Clark to Hard in Jones , part wi swj 9-77-44. 5245.00. Olive W. Grow to John Alberts , part eA ne | 3-74.43. § 400.00. James Sullivan to Bridget Durgan , lot G , block 1 , Howard's add. S1GO.OO. J. W. Davis , o * al , to Elizabeth A. Brink , nei se | 32-77-3 ! ) . § 800.00. Hugh Adams to Hardin Jones , part sej nej 7-77-44. § 350 00 Robert Mullis' atoru , Broadway , cor ner 1st street , is the place to got valuable information and hot biscuits to-day and Taylor & Oalef'a to-morrow. Now goods in all the latest styles of Tlicin Ji\vn , The employes at the transfer , ns most know , . .io receiving ono half of their pay from the Union Pacific and 12V per cent. from each of the pool lines. The Union Pacific , by its circular published in yesterday - torday ovoning'ti BEI : , cuts down its part of the pay fifteen per cent , on salaries of § 3,000 and upwards , 1211 per cent , on salaries of over § 1,000 , and 10 per cent on salarioi less than that. The salaries at the transfer range from § 50 to § 125. Besides this cut down the Union Pacific still insists on assessing the employes 40 cents a month for a hospital fund. The boys are getting terribly sick over this constant grasping for what little money they do earn , so sick that they will need the hospital if the Union Pacific don't lot up. It is predicted that the employes will not submit to the cut , but this will become moro clearly settled to day. furniture , etc. , at A. J. Mandol's , 325 Broadway. COMMKHCIA.TJ , . ' COUNCIL. BLUFira UARKKT. Wlwat No. 1 mlllinff , 80s ; No. 2 ailllcg 70c ; No. 3 and rncWil | , fiOo. Corn Local demand for feed 40@45 ; deal- out of market. a aU-Loc.l demand 30i@3r c. Hay 10 00 per ton ; 1 OUo per bale , Kyo 10@4Gc. Corn &Ioal 1 25 per 100 pound * . Wood ( Jowl lupply ; pricea at yards , G 00@ Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; Holt , 00 per ton Lard Falrbank'0 , wholesaling at OVc. Flour City Hour , 1 C0@3 3D. Brooms 2 05@3 00 per cloz. tivr STOCK. Cattle 3 rx > @i 00 ; calvoa , C fiO@7 CO. Ilck'a Local nockora are buying now and there la a Rood demand for all crating ; choice packing , 0 25 : mixed , C 25 , I'nonuci : AND FIIUITB. Quotation * by J. M. St. John & Co. , com mission merchants , 538 liroadway. Butter Creamery. ? 8r6nOcj ? chJc couutry rolls , In poixl demand , 18@20o. Kggs 12io per dozen. 1'oultry Jtoady nulujclilckomi.dreneil , 12tc ; live , ilc ; turkaya. dreatod. IDcj lire , 12o , | Juckn , droflBoJ , 12c ( : live , Bo. Oranges i 00@4 W > per box. Lemoiu 3 Mlfoll 00 per box , liananas 2 5O3 50 per bunch Vegetables -Potatoes , SSvSHOj onions , 7. c ; cabbage , 4 -nU per pound ; appliw. r ' 1v lale'at 4fiOO@5 00 for prime stock ; Beaiu , 1 60 MlACcllfincon. * JKiee Muffins. Ono cup N > M boiled rlco ) ono pint flour ) ttro cgR < ; one lublospoonful bnttcri onotcftfpoonful Milt ) ono quart milk , or enough to make a thin batter , Ucat hard and Jircad Jfuj Take four thick illcca of biker's brrad and tut elf the crust. Lay them In rt pan ami pour boiling wotcr over cuDlclent tn ionk them well. Cover t'io ' bread , and after It baji stood nu hour drain olT the water and ttir tha ranked broad until It Is a smooth mas , then mix Intnotablc- s of sifted flour and a half pint of milk. beaten two CRRS very light , tlr thorn gradually Into the mixture , llrcmo some muf- tin-rlngs , ret them on a hot grlddlr , pour Into well a portion of the mixture. Uako brown and tend to table hot. Cream Ono quart of rich ratlk , or , If you can grt H , lialf cream and half milk ) ono quart of flour , heaping ) six eggs ; ono lableinoonfulo11 butter , ono of Inrvl , softened tocotlicr. Heat wli'.tcs nna yolks separately , very light : then add flour and shortening , and a scant tablc-ipoonful of cult , and stir In the flour the last tnlng , lightly as posolble , and have the butter frco irom lutaps. Italf-flll your well-buttered inulTm-rlngs i\tvl bake Immediately In n hot orcn , or ) our muflhi. will not bo good. Send them to the tablu tli > moment they arc done. alujfim. These dcaerto "extcnil > o ctroulatlon.Vc have the recipe as a spvotat favor from a lady friend , at whoso table wo ha\o cnjojdl foui'i specimen , ma < Io as follows ! To ono ) uart of milk add two egg * well beaten , a lump if butter half tlio itio of an rgg , nud flour Jnougli to make n stlfT battf Stir In half pint > f yeast. I.ct them stand w-w perfectly light , md then bake on a griddle , In tin rings made 'or the purpose. Thcso nn inorcly ftrlpi of tin .hrco-quartorn of nn Inch \tldo , made Into ilng < fivm ttro and rv half to three Inches In dtamo- tcr , without bottom , the ring being simply vlaccd on a xriddle and bat'cr poured In touli lu Qranilmnjs Shortcake Ono pound sifted flour , dried in tHcn for t. few inliiutca , but not bronnul ; n quarter of n pound of huttorj n heaping table'pooiirul Inrd ; a saltipoonful ealt ; a pinch of soda dissolved In just enough Tincgar to coxcr It , and well wo/kod In. Put together nlth Icc-watcr and mil one-half an inch thick. Cut in squares , prick nitu a fork , and bake light brown. lircnlfast Jlolti. One pint of sweet milk , one egg , rmlf A teaspoonful - spoonful of salt , ono largo tablespoonfulof lard , ( no tablespoonfuli of yeast ; mix with on * quart of flour ; mix them at night , plneo in a warm pldco to rise ; in the morning roll out , cut thiin Into roll ) , placa In the pans , and place over a kettle of warm water ; let tlum gtt m light , and bake about tntnty mlnutoti. Hop Yeast Bread , Take onn yeast eakc , dissolra in t , tup of warm water , isith a tablespoonful of sugar ; two quarts of tha best flour , ono largo tableinoon- nil of lard mixed well with the Hour. Then pour in th * ycaat eako , with sufficient warm water to mnka a moderately soft dough. Knc&il well. Set in a warm place to rise until mornIng - Ing , then kncud well again. Make into loaves or rolls , and put into the pans , letting It rue again an hour or so. It js then ready for bak ing. Follow the aboto recipn , and you will never fail to make good bread. I'fcnnn lircail. The process of making Vicnm bread , with which Centennial \isitura familiar , is thus explained : Sift in a tin pan four pounds of flour , bank it up against the sides , pour In ono quart of milk and water , and mix into it enough flour to form a thin batter ; then quickly - ly and lightly odd ono pint of Jillk , in which is dissolved ono ounce ot salt and ono and three- quarters ounces of O.ilV ,1 Flctschtnann'd com pressed yeast ; lca\o the remainder of the flour against the sides of the pan ; co\cr the pan with a cloth , and set it in a place frco from draught for three-quarters of an hour ; then mix in the rest of the flour until the dough will leave tbo bottom and the sides of the . -pan , and let it stand two and a half hours. Finally dl- vldo the n.r.s jnto one-pound pieces , to bo cut In turn into twcif ? pnrta oaob. jjiis gives square pieces about three ana n * half Inches thick , each corner of which Is iakcn up and folded over to the centre , and then the cakes are turned over on a dough-board to rise for hall an hour , when they are put Into a hot oven that bakes thorn in ton minutes. The chief merit ol Vienna bread lies in the fact it can bo made In less than lour hours , and the shortness of the process abbreviates the time generally required for the " rising " of ordinary bread ( which in reality is the active decomposition and subso- destruction of some of the chief nutri- Sucnt elements of the flour. Nice Muffin * . Ono quart flour ; thrco eggs , beaten separate. ly and \cry stiff ; thrco cups fiour milk and a small teaspoonful soda ; a little s.ilt. Beat hard , and bake in muffin-rings on a griddle. Vienna Rolls. Have ready in a bowl a tablespoonful of but ter or lard , make it soft by warming a little aiu stirring around with a spoon. Take ono quari unsifted flour , add to It two heaping teaspoonfuls - fuls Royal linking Powder , then mix and eift them thoroughly together , and place in tbo bowl with the butter. Take moro or ICES swocl milk as you may think necessary to form a dough of usual stiffness , according to the flour ( about throo-quartcrs pint ) , put into the milk ono-half tcaspoonful salt , and then stir It into the flour , etc. , with n spoon , forming the dough which turn out on board and knead 'sufficiently ' to make smooth. Itoll out ono-half inch thick and cut with a largo round cutter. Then foU each ono over to form a half-round , wetting a little between tbo folds to make them stick to gether. I'laco tliLUi on buttered pans , so as not to touch , wash them over on ton with milk to give them a glosn , and then bake immediately in a hot oven about twenty minutes. It will do them no harm to ( tand half an hourbcforo baking , if it in desired. Coniiiliiiiiinu of Sere Throat or Hoarsenc-vs whouM use BHOWN'H BUONCIIIAL Tuoujir.H. Tlio otlect is extraordinary , partic ularly when lined by singers and speakers for tleartng the voice. _ Sitting Itull. ins AI.UXJUD sir.ioir : IIKFOIII : THR sioux C03IMON COUNCIL. The following npvcch of Sitting Bull has been specially translated und reported by our Indian editor , who is nlso wholesale mid retail dealer in deceased languages , and general agent for home-mado Sioux rheto ric and tmiokc-tanncd Indian eloquence. New liiiil Indian laments with bead trim mings. Compiler of novel and desirable Btylcs of war dance. Indian clomienco fiir nlshing to debating clubs nud publishers of Rchool readers : "Warriors and war-beared veterans of the frontier : , Once more the warpath is over-grown with buuch grass , and the tomahawk alum- bora in the wigwam of the red num. Grim viHJigcd war haa given place to the piping time of pease. The cold and cruel -winter Is upon UH. It has been upou , us for borne time. The wail of departed spirits is on the night wind , and the wail of the man with the chilblain answers back from the war rior's wigwam. Children of the forest , we arc few , where once the shrill warhoop of the chieftain col- 'ccted our tribe like the leaves of the forest. I might now yell till the cows come homo without bringing out a quorum. Wo are fading uway before the inarch of the paleface , and Hlnk , into oblivion like the nnowflako on the bosom of the Blink ing Water. Warriors , I am the last of a mighty race. Wo were a race of chieftains. Alas I wo vi ill boon bo gone. The Hull family will soon pass from the face of the earth. Ole [ gone , and John IH failing , and I don't feel very well myself. Wo are Iho victims of the paleface , and our lands are taken away. A. few were suim ami thceivillxatlou , ami valley tin , and hand-mudo Bour tuu-sh , und horse liniment of the palefuco will have iloiio their deadly work. Our MIIIUWB and pnppooscs are scattered to the four winds of heaven , aud wo are left desolate. Whore is the Daughter-of-the-Tcmpest ? Wliwo is Tho-Wall-Eycd-Malden-With- Uio-Peeled-Nose ? Where J Victoria IlcglnuDcl dracia Bit ting Bull. Where Is Knock-Knee Chcml- loon ? Where are H way-Hack Buo and Hevk < fcjed GoYwniawit ijociu f They have sunk licncitth the fire water * of the goggled-eyed Caucasian. They have succumbed to the dell rum triangles , nut ) v h < n 1 uxll them they eomo not. They do lot hear i.yolec. . Their arehcir > l upon the still night ntr , and they cry fr revenge. Ixiok nt the snd rcmnnut of the " .unlly of Sitting Hull , your chief. Onp .ore-eyed smmw is left alone. Her face h arrowed oVr with the famine of many winter ? , and her nose is only the ruin of brmcr greatne . Her moccasins are worn Hit , and the soldier p mti she w ears are too omtforhrr. .She , also , is drunk. Shell jot ivi drunk ns she can get , but she Ishopc- "ul and persevering. She ho-s also learned o lie like the whltu man. She Is now nn \tsy , extemporaneous liar. When we pillier around the camp llreand enact our uitnlored lies in Iho gloaming , Lucretiu Uorgin Show began Sitting Hull , with the nspirotlon of siv lingers of agency coflln varnish , proceeds to tell thoprlzo prc\ari- ration , and then the liott o adjourns , and milling ran bo heard butlhomuiUed trend of the agcney corn beef , going out to get some fresh air. Luerctiii Horgln Is bccom- ugslo\cnly. His evening , and yet she iw ; not donned her evening dress. Her mck hair is unkempt , and her front hair s unhung. 1'rclty soon Iwllltakontoimi- mwk nml lung It for her. ShcRocmi dea- laudonl nml hopelefu * . AH BIO ! leans igalust the trunk of n mighty oak nud vnitchcH her buck you can see that her houghts nro far uway. She to thinking of her childhood days by the banks of tbo Mlnnchalm. Warriors , we stand In the moccasins ofn nighty nation. Wo represent the starv- ng remnant of the once powerful Sioux. Dur pirogue stands idly on the shore. 1 lou't know it pirogue is , but It stands idly HI the shore. When the spring 'llowen bloom ngniu , ind the grass is green upon the plains , we vill onto moro go upon the \\urp.itli. Wo H ill nvengo the wrongs of our nation. 1 iavo not fully glutted mycngcnnee i iavese\cn orclghtmoregUitHon hand , and i\u will shout our war-cry once more , nud mutilate some moro Anglo-Saxons. Wo rtill silence the nNcngiug cries of our pee le \\o will spatter the grceu grass nud ; ray greasewood with the gore of the palo- nee , and feed the white-livered emigrant o the coyote. Wo will spread death nud Isolation every where , and llll the air with u in overshoes and rcmuiuH. Let ua yield up our lives dearly , while \H5iimsh the palcfuco beyond recognition , mid shoot his hired man fco full of holes Imt ho will look like n suBpcnsion bridge. Warriors , there is our hunting ground. The bull'alo , the antelope , the vnge-hcn and iho jnckass rabbit nro ourg. Ourn to enjoy , ours to perpetuate , ours to transmit. The Great Spirit created these animals for tlio .xd iimn , and not for the bilious tourist , between whoso legs the clicsnut sunlight penetrates clear up to his collar bone. # * * * # tt Then wo will ride down on the regular srmy when ho is thinking of nonictlilug else , and will scsiro him into convulsions and our medicine man will attend to the convulsions while wo sample the supplies. Thcu wo will take Borne cold sliced In dian agent and some bay rum , and all go on n picnic. Warriors , farewell ! Ho virtuous and you will bo happy ; but you will bo lonesonio sometimes. Think over w hat I lme said to you about the council-fire , and govern yourselves accordingly. Wo w ill not mur- .nnr at the celluloid cracker and cast-iron odfisli ball , but in the spring we will have cal cutlets for breakfast and peace com missioner for dinner. The bnuaw of Sit ing Bull nliall have n uuir plug hat , und If the weather is Bo'vcre , sho'shall ' luuo two of them. * * t Warriors , farewell I I nm done. I have . "pokcn. I have nothing more to say. Sic semper uusnino. IMjinibSK ? , erysipelas , in hoc eureka , , 'sciataca , usulructilimburgcr iobraugh. " Hill Kyc in Laramic lloomcrang. ltor lin < U'rt Acid Plioopliatc. IN K1OUT 8WKATS AND I'llOSTHATJON. Du. P. STUDIIAI.TEII , St. Louis , Mo. says : "I have used it in dyspepsia ner vuous prostration and in night sweats with very good rcsulta. A Sail Water Both at Home. In order to supply the continent from DC.I nhoro to center , from the metropolis to the frontier , with sea-water , it is not ncces snry to barrel or bottle it , nor to build i pipe-Hue. The most excellent way Is to icduco its bulk by c\aporalion , and whei old Ocean is dry and clean , pack it awny in boxes weighing from ouoto fifty pounds Then send it by express or freight to its destination. All the salmo' properties of the sea are intact , and by adding the prop er quantity of water to marine salt a ball is obtained which contains , besides salt ( chloride of sodium ) , the sulphate and chlo ride of magnesia , the sulphates of lime nm soda mid traces of the chloiido of potas sium aud iodine. But while wo summon modern skill and enterprise to our service wo must remem ber that the beneficial effect of Bca-b.ithiu is not n modern or an individual discovery The salutary results of a pluugo into tin. surf ia universally rctognued , and its prac tice instinctive where and when the at mospheric conditions admit of it. Many pereous find its influence over the physi cal and nervous system so healthful thai they consider it essential to spend ft few weeks or a few days nt the fcca shoie , o\en nt great expense or great inconvenience , for they thus hope to lay up a store of health and strength that will last lor months The record of the seaside resorts of our coasts tor the past few years aliowa tlio great and growing popularity of Bca bath ing. Modern chemistry mmlyzing the properties of sea water declare it tonic nud remedial , a corrective of disease and a conservator of health. I/ooKH Honest. A clear , bright open face pomchovv looks ] ionenr. Anne ] \ thief or burglar Boldom crnr- IlodBuchafaco. llvnlofk Jlbxxl Hitters give the Mcln n peculiarly line tnxturo and clear ness. 'Ihey utrenutheu and enrich the circu lation and BO oradlcato all eruption orbloinlnb , Newspaper Curiosities 'Managing editors are looking for the fol lowing curiosities , which , when found , will bo made a note of : Some ono that can write of fishing with out referring to Isaac Walton. A correspondent who refers to an article In the paper , who read it of hla own accord , and didn tlmve"hfs attention called" to it A writer on free titido who can produc- ualf a column wiUioutthoaldof "tho Chl- CHO Wall. " A theatrical critic who will notnlludo to 'palmy days of the drama. " A critic on art and music who can write an article that persons of liberal education can understand without the aid ot ai. ! wt two dictionaries. A correspondent who writes of a Bca vo- ago without mentioning the eca asrumiiuc "mountains high , " or "a life on the ocean wave. " A financial newspaper article of over one quarter column in length that does no' vicntiou Vuiulerbilt or Jay Gould. Onit lo ) u Dill. 8. S. Graves , of Akron , N. Y. , had Antlmiu of tlm word kind. Took ono do n of 'Jltonun I electric dil anil wi > a rollnveil In live immitu * llnudilr : ' 'Would walk ton miles for thin moJUiiio and pay 9'i a h'lttle for It. It euro J iuy wife nt rheiiiiiatlnm Ilka m glc. " Men arc BO Awful of wounding a wo man'Hnnlty that they rarely remtmbci ho may by tome possibility possess u grain of common sciifee. [ Miba Jtraddou. That must bo before matrlage. Tbolr Jin. PROPRIETOR ICO anil 103 South Htli Street , Omiha , Ncbraikft , "Correspondence Solicited , " N JOBBER OF EASTERN PIUCEb DUPLICATED 11 FA.TINAM STUKE - OMAHA NTS . Sfe PERFECTION Heating and Baking In only attained by A5- - ® A "S" OAK GAUZE OVER DOOR Fci oalo by 3G5ILTON EOGEBS & SONS WATT A DEALEUS IN [ all's Safe Lock FIRE AND BDBGLAR PEOOF XOBOBJ51try ' , oa CBtroot. Wo hnvo tlio The latest nov finesb stock and elties for Spring all tlio Intost designs - Overcoats w e signs to select Sliavo just rn- ceived. See them NONK HUT TI1K UUU1NO BEST 01' SU1M.RI ) HANDS Mcrcliant Tailors 7 and 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. RICHARDS & CLAJiKB ' " * * ProprietorH. erin. enden" - ! ' * * ; l Omaha Iron Works . P. RAILWAY , - - ? > * 17TH & 18TH MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , lit ! end Orain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE' Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand 3Hufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATBR AND..GAS PJPPJ BRASS GOODS Alffi PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AM ) BRIDGE IRON. pose , and estimates nmde tor Bfimis ( iciieral ninchinerv repniw nltended * * . to procFtly. AMn bd S' ' „ RIOHA.RDS & .CLARKE. Om U.JJeb ' 5 , Of WNS ? fUpoeitof U onUkiMr ft'ied ' wild M'KM < > v , l ti w&ri wssitlp gaaimtce . [ Office and Factory $ , W. Cor. Wlh and UjpHof Ays nu : , Omihq.Neb * . 1" | at- t--t * " ' - - * - = * * *