OMAHA DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , MAY 1 , CONSTIPATION. There is o medium through which disease so often attacks the system ns byConatiiinUonnnd there is on other ill ilesh is heir to mor * npt to bo tiegl' cted , from the fnc mntorinl inconveiiienco mny beijn- luedintcly felt from irregular notion of the bowels. When there is not regular action the reten tion of decayed and effete mat ter , with its poisonous guscs , sonn poisons tlio whole system by being absorbed into it , cruising piles , fistala headache , impure blood and mimy other serious directions. BUR DOCK BLOOD BITTERS willim- modiaiuly relieve , and one bottle positively euro or relieve nny case of Constipation. "Was troubled for a year with torpid liver and indigestion , and af ter trying everything imaginable used BURDOCK B100D BIT TERS. 1 ho first bottle revised mo and the second cured no1 entirely. " J. S. Williamson , Rochester , N. x. k To thono sniTerlnc from the BIS tra B H * Wf W B * mrntaa ? venlmm "UrF ilS wij % lost manhood , etc. , I will aond ynu jiArtlcutAraof * rt plmplo and ccrtMn moans of nolf enro. free of clmrcn Bend jour nddrcs to r. c. run mil , ilooDus , COMB "Hwllot'f Fe 4 for tnf.nti till . Href. " wrltcl .tutor lt..V.Toolrrll.H , , ttrapi. 07nook tent rrc . A llookcitlirarl/.1l)0patff ) | nunicruu pnRravhifft tre * rftll ircrrtl which lliora cohtenipUlliii ; mirrlnf o knitw. Hunilrrdl of _ llMTlpti.howtoriiro . . . , Ncrrouj l > vlUHyHcmln \Vrftktirt l , etc. . * nt wciirfljr aotlt l forte nti ( iminrr or r""l > H tampn. ) AiMrfM IT. .Schiut > 1e. Cor.llrotdwn.v nU Iuc i Av. , St. luuli.Mo. 1WIORPKIME HABIT Ipll. II. II. KAKK , > < 'he IhCtnlnrp/ mf ia w 17 B H HoinA. Bow n > n K RfmMy wtlfrebj C3 > I'm rug rnra illra.f ITqultklr and jiilnlpnlr. Kor leitltno- UliKar1rnlotiipmHtiiirmm"mln , ) . ntmoUciiliien 1rc ln.a i M.I1.BASK , A.JU , U.U. , 100Kollo. BLaw torklBc. ron TirE cunn OP ALI. DISKASES OP TOTXTT YEXna Ilnmnlirryit' Ilnmpiv. lhio Vctrrlnnrv Hprclllcn liavo bcf n IIKIH ! lit 'nrnicrn. btocli llrr-racrii , lAvrrv Htnliiennil rurlinrn. Ilorie llnllrnniU , ninmirncliirern , 'iml .MlnoCornpanlri , TrnT'B Illunndrimirf nnd Mrnimrrlrn. and others baiiullnc BtucL With perfect succos. llittniilircv * ' Vntcrlnnry Mnnanl. GStt pp. | : nc tn-o by mnll on receipt ot price , rocents C ri > amplilctii nctil free on application HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC MKU.CO , 109 Fulton Street. Kcvi Vortt. Vital Wfnknciu and rroj- HU PHR _ trntlonfrqmorcr work or etlon. i cured byJU Been In ute SO yen , rSPECIFICNo.2 IS tllO molt 8IICCC8B- i . | tul remedy known. "rico8lpcrYlaT.or5vfalsiMl larco vial or powder for (5 , lent post fre on n coljit ! of price. Ilinnplirryu' llnmea , Alfil.M ) . uiuat , catalosuo ( rue. ) 10 ! ) Vuliun bt. . . V , ; 1IWCrinCMrbl.TAIO UELT and otnegj.ionuo .j ! ArrrjA\ci:3 nro sflirfn"aO Days' Trial TO ! * S OMUV. YOONO OK OLD , who are uffer- " / front NEBTOUB DrairuTV. LOST Vrritirr. tjftxnxo WtiAKKESSES , and all the o diseases of a pEBSONAr. NA.TBBI. resulting from ABUSES Red Ornin GUISES. Bpocdjr relief ana romplctn twtorntlon to HIUI.TO , V'oou nnd lUkuoob uviiuNTZED. Bend nt once tor Illiutrated Pamphlet free. Adareii IBPPOYBO SOFT tLASTIG SECTIOM ts warranted to longer , r.l the form mater , ami trlro betf * atl facllon than anyotlicrCorrc. in the mnrkot , or | > rlca paiil vll , txi refunded , Tholndnreuiuciituui lil Ku' > Ix' t punlcliU ! ] , nccoi- rrl co , llctt M.tccn Jrun , V y our merchant f or thcu. jiilM. aosKi-ii A i _ macturan , 51U a ItfJ lUuidulpk BU.c JOHN H. F. LBHMANN & CO. E. A.KBLLBYM.D. AMD 0. A. WILSON , M. D. , Physicians and Surgeons OFFICES noTD's OPERA IIOUSK. WOODBRTDGE BEOS , , OPERA OMAUA , NEU. Solo Agonta for the World-Ronownod STECK , - r -i u Decker & Son , and Hallott & Ounston [ ' / Pianos. Also manufacturers and 1" vrholesalo dealers in I Organs and Musical Merchaoillse , CTSend for Price * . m& RED STAR LINE Belgian Boyal mndU.8 , Mall Stenraora SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN 'NEW ' YORK AND ANTWERP , tto * Shine , Germany , Italy , Holland and Franet Stwraze Outward , 20J Prepaid ( ram Antwerp , (29 ; licurilon , | IO , Including beddlnir , etc. 2d Cabin , $50 ; I Round Trip , $ XJO ) : exountori , 1100 ; ( jaloon Iroin W ) | (7 (80 ; recursion > 110 tolioo. tffelet Wrizbt ft Son , Oou , Agentl. (5 Ilrsid- 'Odd ' well Hamilton & Ot > , , Omaha. P. K. GlcJ. | ' uiCa , Z03N. JOthBtreot , touahaj D. B. Kim- . > & eod-ly U. P. BAKERY , Webster St. , Ouiulm , Nob. , ( Succouon to the old U. 1' , BftVer/.lOth Bt , ) . ALL KINDS OF IRFAD , FANCY CAKES AND PIES . Order * will bo promptly atttn. WAQNER MHO'a , 1'ropiUtor * . COURTSHIP OF A GEN'ERAt ' , George B , McClellan's ' Romantic and First Love , The Ijnvcly Yon UK Imiljr Wliotn llo met. nt Clinrcli niul AVlio Atlnrwnrd Itccntiio Ills AVIfo. Now York Journal. General OcorgoB.McOtcllan , tlio noble warrior , is rmssiny the romnindor of a long nnd brilliant career as soldier and atntcamnn in punco and contentment in this city. His residence is No. 13 Wash ington square. lloro , aurroundod by ovidonccs of wealth nnd luxury , with n faithful nnd loving wife by his side , over ready in the present ns she has boon in the past to aid him with her ndvico nnd counsel , the general passes his time in luxurious idleness , earned by years of hard service for his country. If the general had not been of n flomowhat ro * ligious turn of mind in his early youth ho would probably have remained u bachelor. It was in church that ho first mot his fato. It was in tlio early part of the year I860. The general was seekiiiR renewed health after several years hard labor as chief engineer of the Illinois Central railroad. Ho trrm travelling through the United States for the boneiit of hia health. It was n clear , cold Saturday afternoon in 1800 when the General found himself for the first time in Baltimore , Md. llo put up at ono of the hotels , and being tired out immediately retired. The next morning ho wont to n church in the neighborhood. Ho was ushered into n pow near the nltar. The pow had already ono occupant in it , however. Thia wna a handsome young lady. She was very handsome. A slender , delicate figure draped in gray silk with n wealth of blonde hair coiled nbout her graceful head. This wns all the General could BOO at the first glance , hut ho felt In that one moment that the young lady before him was tlio only ono ho could over love. Until now the General's time had boon lee much taken up with business cares to give much thought to love , but now n now fpoling thrilled his hcnrt and ho actually blushed. Bo knelt down and opened a prayer-book , but paid little at tention to it , Ilia mind was taken up with the fair yuung dovotco by his sido. At last ho saw her features. Her oyoa were the color of a cloudless sky , and her mouth of the rosebud .variety , with ripe cherry lips. The general foastcd his eyes on this picture until the services were over. As she waa leaving the pow aho glanced at the general , nnd then rosy blushes chased ono another rapidly over her fair counte nance , because she noticed for the first time the general's admiring eyes fixed upon her. She walked slowly homo to wards ono of the most fashionable quar ters of the city , totally unaware that the handsdmo young fcllovr was following close behind her. She entered ono of the handsomest houses in the citylcaving the general , as ho afterwards expressed it , standing nn the street looking like a nin ny. Ho learned that the house was owned by General It B. AIarcyan old war-worn veteran. George himself had had a taste of wnr lifo during the Mexican trouble and had retired when it was over with the rank of captain. Ho remembered that ono of his schoolmates at West Point was named Marcy. Ho made inquiries nnd learned that Gnnoral Marcy was the father of his old school companion. It did not take him long then to renew his acquaintance with General Marcy's son , who was delighted to meet George again. Ho introduced the latter to his parents , and also to his sister Ellen , who had made such a deep impression on George at _ the church. Ho began at once to pay assidu ous attention to the peerless little beauty. It was plainly soon after n vrhilo that his love was reciprocated , Ho asked and ob tained General Marcy's permission to wed liia daughter. They were married in May , 1800. Mra. McOlollan confessed that she was as deep ly smitten with tbo handsome young sol dier on the day ot their first meeting as ho was witii her. Since their marriage Mrs. McOlollan ha accompanied her hus band wherever his duties led him. She is as fondly proud of Lccu .still aa lie is of jer. jer.Tho ( { Ohoral waa boru in Philadelphia on December 3,1820. It waa the chor- shod hope of his pironta that ho would jccomo n divino. With thia intention .hoy sent him to a very select school in Philadelphia , ruled by nn old but very religioua pedagogue , The latter tried liis best to influence Gcorgo to become a : ninloterbut the latter would not consent. So thought mare of arranging the schol ars of the school into miniature armies and lighting sham battles than ho did of religion. When ho waa sixteen years old 10 aikod hii father to bo allowed to ontpr West Point. Although disappointed in lis expectations , Mr. McOlollan had too much good sense to force his son into n career which ho disliked. Ho obtained admission for him into ' \Vcst Point in 1842. George applied himsblf so dili- { ontly to his booka that ho graduated rvith high honors four years after. In 1817 10 entered into service for the first time in the Mexican war. His brilliant career through the civil war needs no mention , as it is still fresh in the minds of the poo- [ ) lo. In August , 1804 , ho was nominated for the presidency. After mooting with defeat at the polls ho travelled for four years through Europe , and then returned to his native land. Want of F Uh. If Schroder & BochtUiodruraIsta.donot sue coed It li not far the want of faith. They bavo such faith In Dr. Uoaanko'i ) Cough and Lung syrup u a remedy for Coldn , Consumption , and Lunif affoctoii8tliat tlioy will Rive a bottle Free to each and every ono who U Tu uood u fa medicine of this kluif The greatest of faults is to be conscious > f none. [ Curlyle. The man who fails in business" but con- linuci to llvo in luxury , ia a thief , However things may # ccm , no evil thing succeeds , nnd no good thing ia n fuilnro. [ Longfellow. - _ _ Women nro happier in the love they Inspire - spire than in tlmt they feel ; men are just tue contrary , c - * * " " If God places n man In n high "position and gives him wealth , it istbatlio _ _ may ixmefit anil bless others _ _ The fewer feathers n woman" bos In lier hat in this world , the moro she will bavo on her wiugs lu the next. , _ Tlio London Daily Times says that the condition uud management of American finances ia the envy of Europe and the world.- A bottle of Samaritan Nervine ena blea one to defy asthma , nervousness am general debility. "My wife had fits for 35 years , " says Henry Clark.-of Fairfield , Mich. "So. maritan Nervine cured her , " Your Druggist keepo it. A TRAGIC EVENT , A Fntlirr'rt ncBpnlr nnd Snlf-Inlllotcil Dcntli Illrt Hun's Final HCH- cite Ton Ijnto to Snvo Ills 1'nront. The trr l > lilc ccciironco thnt h ilosciibcd l > o- low l < ono < f tlio moat rornnrlcnblo rphodtu In tlm domrxtlc history of Amoilea. Itl.i nbio lutn truth which can rcndtly bo verlfiod. Tlio Itilmbltniits if tlin ploannnt town of Coitluiid , S . Y. . worofhixikod erie morning by tin nnonnccmnnt that Mr. Clinton Hindoo , ono of tliclr must proinlimnt citizens , Imd coin- mtttnd diilcldo. Tlio news tproad rApldly nnd nrouncd llio entire nol hborhood wlioro Mr. lllndia wft.i eo voll nnd favorably known. At firnt It pcoinoJ liuim tblti tlmt nuy < mo eorinlot nnd domestic could do no rnrh n uocd , nnd the Inquiry wn hoard on every slilo in to the causo. The fncts M dovulopod on liucntlgi- tton prnvoil to bo on follnws : Mr. Hindoo wn domestic In hi ! tn tcs nnd took tlio ( iroalont cnjoyinunt In the focloty of hid children nnd prlilo in their dovlopomont. And Indeed ho Imd K'K1 | roanon to | > o proud for they pnvo jironiUoof lonp HVOT of Biicn i nnd iiKoftilneuM But nn evil day came. IIH jdnnRost mm , Wllllnm , began to nliow nlgrw of ontly dncny. Ho foil mntstmlly tlrodonchdny nnd would pntncllincn sleep the ontlro nftor- noon if permitted to do no. Ills hand pnlnod Mm , not neutely , but with n dull , heavy fcol- in ) ; . Thcro wixn n finklnp donsntlon nt the pit of liU htoinauli. lie lost tdl relish for food nnd much of his Intercut for tiling * nbout him. Ho tried mnnfiilly to overcome thono fcollnen , but they Rceincdstronger than bis will. Ho bcgnn to loofio flesh rnpldly. The father bo- crmo nlarmcd nnd conmiltnd phyilclnnn rw to the HOH'H Illnrnfl , but tlioy were iniablo to explain - plain , Vltmlly oovcro Rurof ) broke out on-111 ? nrmn nnd ho wan talc on tu HnlFalovhcro a pnlnfulriicrntlon wai performed resulting In the IOHR of much blood but nlfordlng Httlo ro- llof , The young man toturnod homo nnd n council of phyniclonfl wns called. Atcrnu ex- Imu'tivo examination they declnrod tliero wa.i no hope of final recovery nnd that ho muxt ho limit die within n very few days. To describe - scribe the ngony which thh nnnouncoinout cnused the fnther wnuld bo ImpoHilblo. Ilia mind fulled tu grnp Its full moaning nt first ; then finally Bcoinua to comprehorid it , but the load was too ( front. In nn iigony of frenzy ho eolrod n knlfo and took lim own life , preferring death rnther than to eurvtva his Idolized mm. At that time William Itldgn wan too woalc to know what wan trnoRptrlng. tHIn fnco had turned black , bin breatli coocod ontlrolv nt timca , nnd ha ! friends wnltcd for his death believing that the fiend liright'a din. enno of tlio kldnojx , from which ho wiw Buffering , could not bo removed. In thin supreme moment William's ciitcr eamo forward and declared she iiild rnnko n fir ml attempt to save her brother. The doctors In terposed , assuring her it was lindens , nnd that aha would only hasten the end by the moans nho proposed to o piny , lint aho wan firm , nnd putting nlljjaclc , approached her brother's eido nnd administered a remedy which nho for tunately had on hand , Within au hour ho accmcd nioro easy , nnd before the day was over ho tthowod Blpn of decided Improvement. Tlioso favorable MKTIS continued , nnd to-day Win. li. lUndgold well , having been virtually raised from the dead through the marvellous power of Wnrncr'a Snfo Cure. n can bo roadl- ly verified by nny citizen of Cortland. Any ono who reflccta upon the facts nboyo described must have * n fooling of sadnee'n. The father , dead by hh own hand , suppufling his BOII'H recovery to bo ImpoBeiblo ; the non rcrttoicd to hcnUh to mourn the loss of his father und tlio agonized relatives with a mem ory of Badness to forever darken tholrlhcs. Had Clinton Jiingo known tlmt his aon would recover ho would to-day bo alive and happy , but the facta which turned his brain nnd caused him to commit suicide were such us iinv 0110 would accept ns truo. llowovcr end this case mny bo , the truth remains - mains that thousands of pooulo are nt this mo ment in aa great actual peril as Wlliam Kingo nnd In as great danger ot causing misery If not death to their friends. Liver and kidney dis eases nro become the most common nnd most dangerous of nny or nil modern complaints. They are the most dccoptlvo In their bnnin- nlnps nnd horrible in their final stage ? . They are far moro deceptive than consumption anil can rarely bo detected oven by skilful physicians unless n microscopic analysis bo resorted to , nnd few doctors understand how to do this. Their nllghtost approach , or possibility of approach preach should strike terror to the ono who Is threatened ns well ns to nil his or her friends. Theao diseases have no distinct symptoms , but como In tho.form of laslttido , loss of appetite aching mueclcs and joints , dull headaches , pains In the back , stomach and chest , sour stomach , recurring cigns of cold , irregular pul-atiuna of the heart and fre quent dizziness. If neglected Uiol symptoms are certain to run into chronic kldnoy and liver or Blight's disease , from which there Is sure lo bo a great amount of agony and only ono moans of escape , which is by r.ho use of Warner's Safe Cure. The Im portance of taking this great remedy upon the slightest npponranco of any of the above symp toms cannot bo too strongly Impressed upon the minds of nil readers who desire to escape death and pals nnd prolong life with all its , pleasures and blcsulupa. Culinary Gems. The etow to the urcat tllsli of the future , The uncertainty of ineal-tuklng brings with it u craving for stimulants. Stews should not bo cooked too long , as lieu they cvnporato valuable particles. It is impossible to get warm in cold Weather ivith undigested food in your itomach. Pish should never bo boiled , but steamed , so that no line properties are dissolved in , ho water. Exclusive diet on peas , benna nnd den- ils do not develop the brightest nnd quick est tone of min-3. Food is only coarse ( vhcn coarsely cook ed , ns the plainest materials contain nutri tions and duinty elements. It Is n great mistnko to cat half-raw steak on n cold wlnter'a day. Half-raw meat fluids much less nutrition than tvcll-cook- : d incut. Vegetables nro the life nntl soul ot ' 'icalthy living , and should not b'o neglect ed at iiuy meal. It meals nro kept irregularly in youth something creeps up in adult ago which shows diminished vitality. The want of n warm mcnl in the mid dle of the day is , to people who have had perhaps but n slight breakfast and have jeeii in the cold winter nir , the cause of iliseabo and T.'ant of vitality. "ROUGH ON RATS. " Clears out rats , mice , roaches , flloa , anta , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks , Ific. Drucciata Ono reason why many pcreoim do not get ilong in the world is bccatiHO they cannot l > o depended upon. They do not keep their ngrecments. When they nro weighed in th < ? balance of actual affairs they nro often Tound wanting. They are seldom on time , The workman who is always on time at ! ho appointed time aud place , and does his work according to agreement , is sure to get ilong. To a young mechanic starting in life , the hnblt of promptness nud punctual ity is worth more than n thousand dollars : osh capital although thousand dollars lr. not to bo despised. The trustworthiness of the faithful workman produces inouey , but untrustworthincsa of the unfaithful ono cmisca him to lose money. Thia is an ever lasting principle. He who would bo per manently prosperous must keep his eugage- tueuts. I110B Piles nro frequently preceded by A sense o : weight in the back , lolua nnd lower port of tin abdomencausing the patient to euppose ho baa some allectlou of the kidneys or neighboring orgacj. Attiuioa , nym toujs of iuuIgosUoi are present , us uatuency , unoaelness of th ( stomach , etc. A molstcro like perspiration producing A Aery dliagreoable Itching partlen larly nt ngght ftor getting warm In bed , IU very common attendant. Internal , K xtenia and ItchingI'los yield nt ouca to the apillca Uou of Dr. JJosanko'sHlo Jlcmody , which net upon the parts affected , absorbing the tumon , allaying the intense itchlncr , Mid of footing a ) > ormaueut cure where other roine dloa nave failed , Do nut delay until tlio drain on the system producoa pennanent disability but try It And be cured. Hdirotur & Bocht. "Trftda hufplledby 0.1' , Goodman. " U , AiiocilotoM of Artists. Vcrnct painted ft rlinrgo of CAvnlry. and naked Gros to look ntit , "It's very inno cent. , " said OHM ; "your clinrgc will do no mischief , as I BCD tlio horses linvo only two legs nplccc. " Qros painted nn allegorical picture , and asked Vcrnet to look nt It. Vcrner went , his flrst question wa . "What is it meant to represent ? " "Weather , " re plied Grew. "What do you think of It ? " "Very had weather , " replied Vcrnet , put ting up his umbrella and walking out of the room. When Diivtifo's celebrated paintings or "Adam nnd live" were on exhibition nt KdiutmrKli , Mr. JIcNnb , the curator of the Hotunical Gardens in that city , was tnkcn to eeo them , and nskcd for his opinion. "I think no great things of the painter.1 re marked the authority on gardening. "Why , man , Kvo tcmptlu' Atlnnt v/C pippin o'n variety that wisna known until about twenty years ago 1" This wns as stifigcst- Ivon bit of criticism us that of tliofnrm- cr who told Gcorgo Morlnml that liohad never seen three lltllo pigs feeding without ono of them having I Us feet in the trough. Morliuul altered his picture. Cham , the French caricaturist , who died in 1871) ) , had very long legs. One day ho went into a tailor's shop , clioso sonic cloth , and agreed to the prieo of Ibrlyrtyo francs for : t pair of pantaloons. The tailor took ilsmcaAlirc , nnd went lower nnd lower , \vhllo his : istonlshmcnt went higher mid tilghcr. At last ho stopped a little below the knee , and threw his measure over bis shoulder. "Well , " said Cham"do you stop them ? " "Monsieur , for forty-five francs I can not go lower , " answered the tailor. Iforaca Vcrnct is generally cteullctl ivirjj laving originated the word "chic,1' , used to describe things striking and agreeable , al- nest as much in Kngllsh speaking conn- .rics sut in Frantic. Vcrnet had n clever oung pupil , who painted so much like lib nastcr , and drew with such strength and > rccison ! , that ho held him up as an ox- ' nmplo to nil his class of pupils. When a mpil displeased him howould Bay , "Look it Chic" that was the nama of his fiivor- to "scohow ho works ; dons ho decs,1" itc , Chic died young. Vcrnet felt very > ad nbout it ; nnd when he went into L : studio and looked nt the work of other pu- nls , ho would fold his hands , cast down lis eyes , and Bay to himself , "Co u'est ' pa ? Chic. ' ' There is , however , another verslou also snid to bo the true nud authentic one , ) f the origin of this word. According to his account , which is given in n letter lat d Dccembor , 1879 , by the English chap- ain nt Croix iM-Iionbnix , who heard it Votu a French gentleman , the word in its ircsont signification was born in Antwerp , n the studio of Jtnbens , and ttmong hi- ! mpils. It fell on n day that one of Rubens' licturcs was almost finished find one of his mpils , Scbick by name , found himself ilono with the all but completed picture. ilovcd by the spirit of mischief , Schlch irocceded to draw in .tho center of the licturo n 113 % Some time afterward liub- ms entered the room nnd taking the llj * or u realone , , ho tried to catch it with life innd. Hut when he siw ; what had bcci. lone , his feelings may ho imagined , ml calling his pupils together , ho demanded who was the culprit. The fello\v pnplb of the culprit joined in baying that it w.a ! ahickfor the good and sufficient , reason hat no ono else could have done so well. Cver afterward , when anything was so veil done that no ono could improve it , it vas said to bo Schick. It would thus ap- > cnr that whatwusatono time n cunt word imong Iihcns' [ pupils , was then forgotten , and long afterward found its way to 'lio Joiilevnrds from the studios of I'ariu cr isis , among whom it signified , as it do.-- ; till , awtitulc. facility , or the result of ih..t. Ono morning the walls of IMiis wcrr bund chalked with sketches of u gigantic > car , in which the frivolous citizens found occasion of laughter. Crowds gathered ouud the chalk designs , the police inter bred , the spies listened. It could not ho concealed thatin thppreposterous fruit the icoplo saw the cfligy' of their monarch , tor the hundretb time M. IMiilipon , the iimous caricaturist 'was diaggcd into the courts. Ho confronted the jury with a mgo sheet of white paper , on which ho lastily sketched n big Burgundy pear , in bo lower parts round nnd capacious , nar rower iieslr the stock , and crowned with wo or thrco careless leaves. The jury : ould not deny that the pear was a purely design. Ono might as well arrest any author of n "Guido to the Gar- Ten1' , na the artist for this illustration. With a few casual dots and lines M. Phili- > on produced a slight change , which made .lie jury laugh. They recognized their wince , nnd the artist nsked them if it vaa air to condemn him because nn illustrious icrson resembled a vegetable product. The arlealurist was acquitted. If any ambitious jounp ; nttist would like a eclipse the fame of tlie Into Sir Edwin Landsecr , ho would llo well to ponder au anecdote which has recently been told ofa ilucky painter. It is said that while the iclebrated Miiilin , the "doinptuur,1' was staying nt Ghent , in 1825 , honoticcd among [ bo most constant attendants at Ills meuag- crio a young limn , who , by reason of the drawing materials bo brought with him and freely employed , stood confessed an artist. Martin introduced himself , and the two became intimate friends. One day the en thusiastic artist , while taking the portrait of n noble lion called Nero , complained bitterly that the bars of the cage were in the way. "Don't let that bunny obstacle , " said the "domptcur , " sympalliizingly. "If yon will como with mo into Nero's 'apr.rt- ment'and allow mo to introduce- you , I answer that bo will show how fluttered lie 'is by n visit from so excellent an artist , and will give you every facility for hand ing down his features to posterity.1' The artist , itrango to say , jumped nt the ou'c-r ; ami Martin , who wns not the man lo nn opportunity of advertising hiiu.scll' , sent word to the Duke of Saxo-Weimar , Govern or of Ghent , and to other notabilities , that ho would on a given day go into NoroVi cage , nnd take "an amateur ctraugcr1' with him. The duke did not fail to put in tin appearance ; the plucky pair walked into the cage , and Nero was at first inclined to bo what is called "nasty. " lint re-assured by his master's voice , the lion Cent nnd lay down in a corner ; and the painter , sit ting down opposite , coolly proceeded to cut Ins pencil. Having performed tills little preliminary , to his satisfaction , ho executed i sketch of Nero , which was pronounced 3 bo vcry like'J'bo "domptcur' ' and the n.'lntci" then took a polite leave of the lion ; and the duke , having complimented the artist on the pluck an well as talent displayed , would fain have purchased the sketch , lint it was not to bo hud for mon ey , and the artist kept it himself as the converse of u memento mori. This was Ncr- Uocckhovcu , afterward famous > us n Dtclgian animal painter. How much of bis eucccbs he owed to his daring feat there is no tell ing , but it very likely give ; him the start which talent requires j and yet , adds the narrator of the cnccdoto , ono would hardly like to whisper to the young aspirant of to-day , "Go thou mul do likewise. ' A "Warrant lor James , ST. Ixwis. Mo , , April 25 , A Vewalllw. Mo , upoclaUny * it U reported that fthariu Ilogera , of Cooper county , In now in Huntsville - villo , Ala. , tinned with a reciuiaitinn from Gov. Crlttouduu f-r the uncut of Prank Juuiea OH tlia charge of participating in the Ottovlllo train robbery , Tlio Japanese cmoloy paper Instead o\ India-rubber for making air-cushions These cushions roll up smaller than India- rubber cues , do not suck together after be ing wet , nnd having no odor , are more agreeable for pillows. Moreover , tbcir strength is man-clous , considering the ma terial of which they are made. A man weighing ono hundred and sixty ponmls may aloud on oiij without bursting it They arc water-proof , too , uud juako good GU.A.V8 SPECIFIC MEDICINES. TRADE MASK UmiAt iu. . , nnjz MARK LIRII UKMRCT , An Seminal Wonk- hdA , Imtxiteney , and Ml Dtaeanoa that follow n * a ftcqtionco of Self. Abuse ; as loss ol - ? ORE TAKlBO. iiLM3tudov"n AFTER TAKIRO , In the Back , DimntM of Vision , rrom&turooiil Ago fvml .nany oilier diseases that lead to Insanity or Cent t > umf > tlon and a Premature Or MO. HEW jinn of adTcrtlvsmcnU to rcttinil money , when dnnriruts from whom the medlctno Is bousht do not refund , but refer you t-o the manufacture , and th requirements are such that they are itltom , if ever , oonirllod with. Scotholr written ( juarantce A trial of ono slnitlo package of Or.iy' Spcclflo will convlnoo ; ho most skcptlaalot Its ro.M mrriU. On account of countoj/olterii , wo have Adopted the Vellow Wrapper ; the only pcnulne. tWKull partlculart In our pamphlet , which wtJ tire to rend frco by mail toc cry ono. tTTheSpe- cilia MoUloIno tusoldbynll ilniftglsti Atl perpack (1(0 , or six packa ot for SS > cr will IK ) iwnt frco by mall on the reoulnt of the money , by ( MldrcHni ; TUB OIUS" MBDICINKUO. . linfMo , N. Y. Sold n Omaha I " * > Jv 10m * IBON ANDStATEllOOnNO. R UllDOTJglMSt. Omaha , Neb. Galvanized .Iron Cornices tfiTDorlncr Windows , Tlntilp , Tin , Iron and Slftto lloollup , S | crlit'n 1'attnt .Metallic BkjI'K-'ht , tatcnt idjustcd Itntchct llir anil Ilratlcct Micliliiff. I nm .ho agent for the nlnuollrlo of KMitln. Iron 'CMC-UK , ' , CriftliiK" . nalu irailoit Verandas. Iron Hank UllliiL'dVli.dnw Dllnds , Ccllu Utiards ; nbo Rt AKont for 1'ccrson & IIIM'a 1'ntcnt Inal'o lillnd , TIIISDKLTorKcsciirn.o tor Id made expressly for the euro of iletan cintnta of the RenoratUo iirifins. Iherola no uilctako about this Instrument , the con- tlnuimi stream of Kt.KO- TIIIOITY through tlio part ] must tea ion them to hnalthy action Do not confound t ' 'Is with Electric IlelUftihertlsed to euro all Ills from hcadjto too. It is for the ONE > per > llo purpose. For circulars dlvlns full Information , n < Mro 3 Cheoicr Electric Belt Co. , 10J , Wwhirjatun St. , Chicago IU. IU.A. A. F. GEOSS , , BABINET WOIIK , KUCU A3 COUNTERS , BAKS , ICE BOXES , LIBRARIES , and hi kinds of offlco work ft specialty Call or ad ilrees 1308 Jackson Street , Omaha , Neb. H. PHILLIPS , IE T Hat ono of the largest and finest assortment ot Spring ; anil Summer Uoods ( or Suitings and Trowsc- IriBH All | ? arment.i enarantecd to lit and trimmed with the licst Trimiiilinrg. IIY PRIORI AUE LoWEll han any Merchant Tailor in the city. 1601 Kornaiu Street. 30L "t O TO PURCHASE For Spot Ci h. Oall on or address Sir. or Mrs. tcphcn J. BHODKUICK , 018 South 10th street. SCHMELING & BELSCHNER , DEALERS IN 021 South 13th , IcUecn Jackeon and Jones Sts. Job Work in Hoofin ? . fluttering , Etc. , promptly done. OMAHA Stove Eepair Works , Furnish Itepalra ( or al Stoves made In tbo UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Stoics repaired and remounted equal to new. Tele- ihono No. 43 , C. M. KATO.V , Prop. H , K , BUEKET lERKLDIIECTORUD- H North 18th Street Omaha SE&ER & TOMER. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALE11S IN I ! WHIPS , ETC. Wo male avery flno light harness , andhaioal- ayn on hand A lull line ot Home Clothlnjt , Curry Combs , Erubheu , etc , NO. 116 N. letli St. - - Omaha Ncli. OHABIEB EIEWE , UNDERTAKER , AND DEALER IN Metalic Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Sbronds , ETC. , ETC , 100 Farnani Sr , . , - OMAHA , NEB Telegraphic order ) promptly attended to , Coroner office. Telephone No. 121. MCCARTHY & BURKE , UNDERTAKERS ! 818 14TH STRKET , BET. FARNAM AND DOUGLAS. DREXEL & MAUL , ( SUCCKS30H3 TO JOHN 0. JACOBS ) TODERTAKEES ! the oU ttand 1417 rarnam street. Orders by tela Siaph ollclted ami iircmiptly tttta' ted to. PLEULER&HINZ. I'UAOTIOAL Carpenters and Builders Addrtiw 1211 South 18th Street Or , Amelia Burroughs OFFICE AND REBIDJiNOE' ' 1617 Dodgei St , - Omaba ARCHITECTURAL IRON Columns , Pllastora , Lintola , Poncinsr , Orostlnff , Railing1 , Etc. . Oast , and Wrought Iron Boams. AjfCtltH for TH15 IIVATTT PRIH ATIC I.IGIITH. THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa. THE LARGEST IRON WORKING E8TADLI3HMENT IN THE OrATE. ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) LfiME AND Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts , , JSUTiUK Tu Growers of Live Stock and Others. WK CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Itlatho beat anil ehenpott rood lor MOCK 'I nv kloJ. One ponnd la tqu l to three pounds ol corn Block I l with Oround Oil C'uko . lu the Kail aua Winter , Ir.ntiadot rminlnK down , will Increase In weight and bo in . good marketable ooh..tlon In the inrlnir. Dalrjmen , M * cll n othorj , who use Itcan -tllyUi ta meritTrr It and Judesior yourwhce. Fried $25.Cur * . > r . ten : nocharce for cnoXs. Addrooa wno'iu. . uiiHKim " " r" > U" NY Om 1i Neb TEE NEW HOUSE OF CARRABRANTi COLE Fine Havana , Key West nnd Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Prial Drte Solicited. Satisfaction GnaraulGBfl. I i30 trt c/1 I " _ s tU3 fl c3 w ยง r"1 .a fT"J 3 .9 so5 ( D c3w o5S w H OITMJMQS ANT ) 20TH ST. . OMA.SA. NEB. "rBBB" B IT ft F BSiBifS fi fi rTllUI A kfftB" ET R fa".T r3 1fl THE LEADING OIBSIJAGE FACTORY1 a and Ul ( Dorigc .St. . J f urn I shod i mm. NEB M GLAffiF YA1. 1024 North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , on Street Car Line. . ES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LnlifiF Lime Laffi , , It ( | AJL&M.W II Wj Grades and prices as tjooi nnd low as nny in the city. Please'try me. J. A. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALEK IN i n R JUK.MR liJ SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEHIENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , Omaha , Neb , . THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING HALLET AND DAVIS GO'S PIANOS [ ENDORSED BY FRANK LISZT. ] BOSTON , March l t , 1831. WIER10N PIANO CO.-aKNTtKMBi-Your Instrument * . Orand , Sijuaro and Upright . , are really noble- Instrumuito and unrivalled lor beauty ol tone and flnUh. Allow me to congratulate .you on yout staling proareiu. OUSTAVE SATCKR , RECOMMENDS ITSELF. ITSELF.SOLE SOLE AGENT , - , 1019 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb OMAHA NATIONAL BANE DEPOSITORY. J. H. MILLA.RD , President. WM. WALLACE , Casliier. Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO. OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ! Fire and Buwlar Proof Safes for Rent at from $5 to $50 per annum. DEALERS IN Stoves , Furniture , Crockery , Ac. Agonta for the celebrated economy Cooking and Heating Sloven and the BEST RANGE. K 115 NORTH SIXTEENTH SL- - - - - OMAHA , NEB