Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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    % ft t
Saturday Morning , April 26i
An IntorcstlnftVdvcrtlROincnt / ,
The ndvortiaemont of fortune of SAMUEL
Br-eKSCtiEU fiENr. . in IlAMnuim in the
siumbor of our paper of this day is very
intorcating. This homo has acquired ai
need a reputation bv the prompt nni'
iiiscrcot payment of the amounta gaincc
Jioro and in the environs , that wo beg al
our roadort to take notice of hia insertion
ot this day.
JtcildlnRi'BlliiBsia S.-xlvo. best family snlvo Ii
ttlio world , nnd oxcallont for sttlilo .i o. Soctt
i !
SNESS DinEcrouv to bo issued in July ,
1884 , price § 1. 50. J. M , WOLFE , pub
lisher , 120 S. 14th St. , Omaha.
Street sprinklers have inn do their nptienr-
amcoand they are really needed.
Workmen on the Tarnnm ( itrt ot lower
lave the trench dug as far up ai Ninth etroot.
A number of the omploycs in the foundry
- t the Union 1'aclfio ( ihopa have been laid off.
A runaway on Harnoy street last evening
Tcsultod In the total doBtructlon of the wagon
Tttid harness.
A largo now fire and burglar proof afo wiu
ylaood In City Clerk Jowott's olHco yesterday
jnorntug ,
Work will bo commoncfd within a few
days by the Barber Anphaltum company.
'filxtoenth street will bo put lit repair before
any other work Is dono.
A complaint waa filed In police court yea-
turday against Fred Dutch and Walter
"Yules for driving over the hose of the fire do-
jiartmont whllo It was ntretcliod upon the
A novoro conflagration must have boon
-roglnR southwest of thl city last evening. The
* ky in that direction was brightly Illuminated
r ( . and presented a grand appearance.
Koservo your Boats for Book Agent at
-Academy of Music. - A25 2
The last of a series of frno lectures will bo
-delivered before the Y. M. C. A. , of this city ,
on Monday evening next , by Warren Swltz-
Jor , upon the tubjcct "Citlzonshlp. "
Thocx < ncort and foitlval given by the
jronng people of the Swedish church , < corner
of Cass and Nineteenth streets , Thursday eve ,
was well attended and proved a success both
oclilly and financially.
The now sa/o / ordered by the city council
jeavoral weeks ago has boon completed and
-placed In dty clerk Jowott's office. It is a
&o ploco of work and was made by Androan
A Vallon of this city.
' A horse attached to a delivery wagon ran
away on Fnronm street yesterday. IIo had
A heavy weight attached to a strap fastened to
Ills bit , which drew him Into the curbing and
lie waa caught without damage except to the
In pollco court yesterday a colorcc
anun was fined 810 and costs for carrying concealed -
-coaled weapons. Kanty and Linen , the two
Tenon who Indulged In a fierce fight last night
were each fined $5 and costs for disturbance
-of the peace. They all paid.
* , ' Mention has frequently boon made of the
: faat and reckless driving , especially upon the
paved streets. As good weather puta In an
jippoaranca the fast driving ordinance Is vlo
J ted , and If a few arrests are not made someone
ono will be run ever auJ killed.
fine snlto of
nMtt" J hed fn the new
of -
Croignton-araicyUano on
street , alinuit uppoaito the 1'ax-
ton Hotel. As soon ai Ms new offices are
auady for occupancy , ho will vacate the offices
3iow occupied by him In Hanscom'a bvllillug
> > : t W. S.IIolphrey captnred the prlzo at the
t I xollor rink Thursday ova for being the toot
awkward skater. This gentleman hail com
to have perfect command of the rolloni an
Jurnlshod a great deal of amusement for th
Harry A. Illloy , of this city , was Thur
day married to Miss Manlo 1\ Sloppy , of S
Joe , at that ; placo. The 'brldo is a daughte
' of Mr. Kdgar Sloppy , master mochanlo of th
' ' St. Joseph & Western railroad. The youn
couple will reside lul'ullorton , Nob.
The work on the Farnam street stort
water sawor has advanced from the river te
finth street. A force of seventy men ar
now employed upon it. On Monday morning
' jiext the work of digging the trouch on F r-
aiain street proper will bo begun.
Jamea Fitzgerald , a colored man , last
Slight snatched small i > ortmantoau [ torn
disorderly woman at the depot , and ran away
-with his booty , He was captured shortly af-
i 4arwards , and taken to the police station ,
.y v > * 'where a charge of robbery WM preferred
.against him.
Lntren Von Bulow , tha Dane who haa
> - " twice been taken to the polico-etatlon by Mrs.
Martin , was yesterday sentenced by Judge
Boneko to pay n fine of $20 and costs , and to
JBOTVO a term ofthlrty days In the county jail ,
, t _ , > u bread and water , on the charge of being a
uspldouscharacter. .
Tha "Union PaclDo braes band awwarod
ia their new helmets Thursday Afternoon ,
laadlBg tfce. funeral procua l"1 ° ' Alexander
' > ,
& * ym. Rudolph Thomw rMorned from his
' ld home to-day , whither An wu celled to sU
Ik' . . * wd hi i mother's f unel. l.
Oeorpe Hefuirod Jtft for New Yoik yes ter-
d ytome t hlswfewhoJs } on her return
om Germany , %
Mrs.AlonwiIUVlandMni. P. A. Brass
; > U U8ilTn' ! * andRrandmoth ,
, . T. He
] er , MOUD \
and Bon-ln-ls at their r
7rtSouth EiKhUonth street.
. . . ,
.UU.UMVIUU , u m una a {
- " " * he ioo t jqvlsj and accoui
bow flfienUupon tbo road. H (
it tha only seaond-chiM show uj , , ,
Doctor Jl. Ay. Oonnoll , of lUciiood.jObto
Atrothwof Clty-Attorney O.Anell , s/rived /
fa Uinah * Thursday , /or the/urposo W p r-
* siKH QtIy locallnjf , ( nnl nt clicli'if ' MS prnfet.
riwilnthw dty , Dr./Snnonu a Uomeo-
I > tlj4t and agradusVof PuluT { aJ ! al Col-
Jg oJ Cincinnati , OMO. Ho will Open hU
f > 81ce on FourUMsnt''treat , b'otvvaau l' rniun
AndDouglaj , orv * Ite th Pa tt'U * hotel.
The Saloon Recurs Forced to Take Slo-
com in Annual Doses ,
The School Board " \VIII Mnko Its In
tended Improvements.
The decision of Judge Wakoly upon
the liquor license question , as yet , haa
produced no visible effect , and nothing
las boon done thus far toward obeying
the law M laid down , on the part of the
saloon kocpors , nnd it ia said that a mu
tual understanding haa been had between
the license issuing authoritlea nnd those
who have placed their money in the city
treasury for licences , ao ilia1 Iho appli
cant ] shall bo leniently dealt with. The
iropor authoritica have determined to re
quire all saloon keepers who have applied
or licenses to make now applications ,
horcfor. A greater part of .those who
lave their money in the city treasury
awaiting the decision of Judge
Wakely , will supplement it in n
ew days with enough to make it n
housand dollars each. A now bond will
also bo required when a license to the
end of the present municipal year will bo
granted. It ia said the license issuing
uithoriticr. have not yet determined upon
ho atcpu to bo pursued with respect to
hose saloon keepers who have entirely
liarcgarciod the law. Seine are in favor
oi not granting them any license by roa-
on of the course pursued by thorn. The
ward of education fools considerable dis-
atisfnction with respect to the decision ,
ta effect upon the school district troaa-
ry will bo to diminish its income bo-
iwoon $30,000 nnd 840,000 per year , Mr.
lonnoyor nays. Notwithstanding thia
lie- board will take immediate stopa to-
wardo building the proposed school house
n the corner of Thirtieth and Douglas
troota. It waa thought for some time
bat the aito once agreed upon would bo
.bandonod for a more desirable location ,
jut owing to the increasing demand for
lohool room the school house will proba-
) ly bo built whore it waa originally in-
ended , thus avoiding the delay caused by
An Injunction Suit Brought Against
ttio City , Board of Public
WorlcHaml Others.
On Thursday an injunction suit waa
irought by Jaa. Fox.thrnugh hia counsel ,
' . 0. Cowin , against the city of Omaha ,
lobraska , 0. S. Chose , mayor of the city
of Omaha , Truman Buck , treasurer of
ho city of Omahn , Jas. Croighton , Jos'oph
3arkor , John Wilson , and the Uarbor
Asphaltum company/
In the petition , which recites that the
petitioner brings this suit as citizen and
ox-payer , the legal existence of the
joard of public works ia assailed , it being
allege that the members moro than a
Foargo did witU Ujo consent of the aaid
city by ita council and other officials , con
federate together for the nrpoie of as
suming to themselves inaporunt public
functions under the name of "ThvBo rd
oj Public Works. "
The petition continue ! to assert t t
the board ha no legal authority whatever
i 1 * f.omnn < r' Mwtiwjntnpfi" MMta * V ' "
jut not yet performed or onlciwj upon ,
s ono with the Barbar < AaphaUiim
company , for paving Tenth street from
Douglas to Dodge , about 2,000 yards , at
$2 09 per yard , and that this contract ic
null and void , by reason of the illegality
of the board , and that the board haa been
negligent , biased and tyrannical , - > luu
awarded contracts to favorites who arc
not the lowest bidders , and has refused
contracts to other responsible bidders whc
were the lowest bidders ; and that it hai
favored such contractors as are preferred
by the board. Further , the petition alleges
legos that under direction of the board
about ' 18,000 yards of asphalt liavn boon
laid in the past year , but not a yard has
boon put down according to contraci
either in work or .material , etc.
Therefore the petitioner prays fw
injunction to restrain the partioHunm
from paviop ; the said district or entering
into any contract to pay itA ° tfA ?
strain the city t asuror from pay lugihoir
salaries to ' the members of the Joan )
also to restrain the mayor from , jfgnim ;
any warrants for such salaries orpaving
and to declare the contract will ana
void. /
Mr. For was greatly angered at not
loving received _ rTOot / > r curbing
and guttering Farnanu strowf , and this
doubtless , isTrhat-tai broujtt about the
present suit. .Ohatepan qghton laughs
atthomaltarwhilr'tfoxJPures that it
will not'bo > o fuj y.wtfi he has finished
with it. ' Mr. drijut0i Bays the moat
profitable pubfO contract over lot by the
) oard was thVpving of/JTenth / street and
twonty-thrto w-loys , anftwhioh contracts
were let ip/arnos l ox/nd "Win. Mack in
partnership" ! * ? { ,
Clty'A 'Wrney Pnno/l / g'ves ' it as his
opiniSfcthat the petitl < fa of Fox will no
amount to anything * [ Notice was servec
upop tKo , T spondent r that this petition
had topndluu fend thftfan application for
fit injunction would ta made upon it on
ttie-Difi day o May.
* AH End to lmo Scrapintc ,
Edyard Shepherd , f Harrisburg. 111. , ' > ' :
"Having received so mch benefit from Kloo-
trio Bitten , ' I feel it f y duty to let Buffering ;
humility know it Jtfavo liad a running sore
on my loj ? for eight/ears ; my doctors told me
I w/uld have to lift/a the bone scraped or lea
amputated. IjcwJ , , Instead , throe bottioiiif
I'.kfctrlo llittoriind seven boxes of Buckleive
' .hilca Ba\vji'jljd \ my leg is now sound and
' ' - - ' "hten'arfl sold at fifty cents a hot
tklct's Arnica tjalve Bt25o. per
i Goodman.
Ceyls Ittj the Same Bond
„ Johrj Key , yho forji oouplo of months
pait his beonjonflned in ( ho county jail
charged with l io murdW of James Nug.
ont , was last njftht permitted to breat ho
aRatn the pure air of freedom. Ono
weelf ago last night ho was liberated on
n ball bond of tyooo , signed y Gdo. W.
Duucan and DanhU ) , These
twobondsmen were IndomniQod byVtlio
baakofKeligh. On account of A ,9 ,
dftfgot In the indoumffying bond , no\
s | lt the time it was executed , Key
"JjpeSng put fop two daya was do-
liScd up to sheriff Miller. Yesterday (
fslw bond wfti ms4e out 'ond signed by j
the same twobondsmcn who arc indomnl-
God by the same party as before. Key
was then released. This morning ho will
start for Valentino , in this state , accom
panied by no one. Iloro ho ia also
charged with ix similar crime which , until
this last trouble nroio , had boon dropped.
Ilia caao will como up for trial at the
next term of the district court of Cherry
county which moots in the early part of
May ,
Ills Grout AVllcl AVcuL Show In Omahn
Hon. W. F. Cody , moro familiarly
known aa "Buflalo Bill , " arrived in thia
city ycatcrJny. IIo ia accompanied by
his wife.
Mr. Cody ia just starting out upon the
road with his "Wild Weal" show and the
company waa here yoatorday. If o has
spared no pains or expense to fit out for
thia season a first-class show in over par
ticular nnd hia olforU eclipse all
former ones. He had with him a largo
number of Indiana who were dressed in
gaudy costumesand were looked upon
with n great deal of pleasure by the small
The company loft yesterday for nt.
Louis where they are billed to appear , af
ter which they go to Chicago and from
there will make a tour of all the principal
eastern citioa.
A HtnrtlltiK JJlucovcry.
Mr. Win. Johnson , of Huron , Dak. , writes
that liU v/ifo had bcou troubled nith acute
Bronchitis fur many yearn , and tint all reme
dies trlod gave no permanent relief , until ho
procured a bottle of Dr. Kiny'i New IMscov-
cry for CoiiHumpttou , Coughs , nnd Gelds ,
which had a magical effect , und produced a
permanent cure. It Ia guaranteed to euro nil
Disoajoa of Throat , Lungs , or Bronchial
Trial bottles Frco at C. V. Goodman's Drug
Store. Laryo B'IZO 81.00.
The Union Pnclllo Team About to Dis
It now seems very probable that the
Union Pacific base ball team will disband ,
The elements of dismemberment are
slowly at work. The action of Auditor
Young m the premises , haa entirely dis
heartened the boys who at no distant
day in all probability will make the nine ,
of which all lovers of the national game
in this city have had such good reason to
fool proud , a thing of the past The
amusement loving people of Omaha are
considerably disappointed in this threat
ened termination of there homo nine
which in the past has achieved so many
brilliant viotorios. Charles R Briggs who
lost year played right field so well , has
received overtures from the management
of the Chicago Unions. A good salary
lor the coming season has been offered
! iim , which he has accepted. Ho will
leave for Chicago on Sunday or Monday
of next week.
The proof jt the pudding is not in chewing
the string , but In having an opportunity to
lest the article direct Schrotor k Becht , the
Dnurgista , have a free trial buttle of Dr. Bo-
lanko'a Cough and Imng Syrup for each and
every one who Is afflicted with Coughs , Colds ,
- mo , Consumption or any Lung Aifectlon.
S Narrow Ksoape.
f-JU nw SlrHjK *
' ° a -
faoturer.'yesterdTy ? camaS
quite a serious accident ES-11101 Wlth
ing on the wall' for the additio
manufactory attempting to pull the curb
out of anold cistern. The rope nt which
ho was pulling slipped ita hold on the
curb and Mi > Simpson wai l7--Vmit
t ' I
into the cellar , a distance of twelv . %
falling on hia head and shoulders. B.V.
was tak < " homo nnd Dr. jPoabody son
for.A" oxumlnattou by , the physician
Mr. Simpson was quite seriously
'hurt about the head and ahouldorj. Ono
of hia lungs is alao thought to be injurec
by the fall. The doctor thijks hk
patient is not in a dangerous condition
and will recover from his injuries.
A. Ciira of Pneumonia
MD. H. Barnaby , of Owcgo , N. Y. , say
that bit daughter was taken with a vlolen
cold which terminated with pneumonia , am
all the best physicians gave the casa up ant
said she could not live but a few hours at most
She was In this condition when a friend rec
ommended 1JU. WM. HALL'S BALSAH
FOU THK LUNQS , and advised her to try
It. She accepted It as a last resort , and was
surprised to find that It produced amarket
change for the hotter , and by penovetlng in
Itn use a permanent euro was effected ,
DYNE cures lustautly ,
Mothers , Attention !
ChaH. Jones , of Kllzabeth.Sponcer Co , lnd. ,
sayH , I have rioalt In meillclno a number ol
yours and will * ay that DH. ROGER'S VFQ-
ETABLE W01& SYUU1- the mot valu-
. .
M .u .ifi > i v UUbbiqq vu lltkVO It nn
all that it is rocoroinendod to he ,
A Small Failure.
OUon & Co. , grocers doing business
near the depot , failed yesterday. On
Thursday nlglit a mortgage was given by
the firm to a man named Nolon , Olenou's
fathcr-ln-lavr. Nelson Immediately be-
to forecloso. TJtf
gaii city trade WM
notified by the Bradttreofc eganoy and
tlio creditors of the firm then instituted
sulta in attachment agIint the stock ,
fheir liabilities are about S 1,000 nnd the
assoU nominal. The creditors are all of
.his city.
Iloncnt .
A clear , bright open f nee nomehnw looks
lonest. A horee thlof or burijUr seldom IW.
r M such a fwo. llunUk Hlolw , < rl
the klu a peculiarly Hiiu twcture and cletr-
.ow. 'lhoystn < n iD. < maml enrich tha circu-
atlon and no eradlcato ull eruption irllemiah ,
f IO , O. l.\
MeraJ rs of tko state lodgp , No , 10 .
ro rHueated to meet at the Odd Fel !
owt nHlii oaturday nftomqon , April ° 0
. Head ,
ThoFlro In the Banlc Building the
Work of ntitnocnllary. |
Investigation haa proved that the fire
in the Merchant's National Dank build
ing , on Thursday night last , did not orig-
nato as first supposed. It was thought to
have started from spontaneous com
bustion. The suspicions of Fire Chief
Butler were aroused , and ho determined
to look into the matter. Ho wont into
the room yesterday morning , and hia ex
amination was rewarded by finding
unmistakable evidenceof incendiarism
An ink bottle was found in the mouth of
which had boon put n lighted tallow can
dle. Near It was placed a lot of cottc n
rags thoroughly saturated with kerosene.
These were all so locitod in the room thai
the flames from thorn would easily com
municate with & largo quantity oi
paper * placed Ton a couple of desks
near by. This room was occupied
and used by A. Bovins , an attorney , and
M. II. Ilisdon , the insurance agont.
The last named gentleman had not boon
in the ofBco for a eouplo of days , owing
to sickness in his family. Bovine left
the oflico about six o'clock in the evening
and did not return to it.
What could have boon the motive for
applying the incendiary torch is not
known. NYhoovcr did so must have
had a key to the c > fliee , ai the door waa
locked when the tire broke out.
Bttckleu'u Arnica Halve.
The greatest rnodlcnl wonder of the world.
Warranted to speedily cure Harm , Cuts. Ul
cers , Malt Khotmi , Fo\or Sores , Cancers , riles ,
Ohillblaliia , Corns. Tetter , Chapped hands.
vtv\ all skin eruption , garanteod to euro in
vorv Inntanco , or money refunded. 25. cents
per box.
The 0.31. St. P. anil O , to Run an Bx-
cltiBlvo PnsRoiiRcr Train to
bloux City.
On Sunday morning next , a now time
table will go into use on * the Chicago ,
Minneapolis , St. Paul jand Omaha rail
way. Thereafter the train for Sioux
City will leave Omaha at 8:30 : a. m. The
ono from Sioux City will arrive hero at
5:20 p. m. The train for Oakland will
leave Omaha at 2:30 : p. m. The one from
Oakland will arrive hero at 11:15 : a. m.
Another valuable improvement will
also bo made at that timo. An exclusive
passenger train will be put on tho'road in
place of the mixol cue [ njw run between
here and Sioux City. The running time
of this train will bo Iosoned between
Omaha and Sioux City two hours and a
half. The train to Oakland will be a
mixed nno as heretofore , but its time of
arrival at and departure from Omaha will
be such that two hqurs and forty-li ve min
utes in tl.e city will bo given passengers
from as far north as Oakland , thus enab
ling them to visit Omaha and return the
same day.
It is thought by the officials of the
road that Florence cut elf will bo utilized
about the first of May. The track
through the great cut has been finally
laid upon a solid foundation. Piles have
been driven through the quicksand into
thn solid earth. Upon tha ends of these
stringers have boon. 'laid , and across them
tu.R. i which jtho rails are spiked. The
change of grade twnUing from this cut
off , will enable a single a\gind to pull
sixteen loaded freight curs over the road ,
where now it can draw only eight. It will
also shorten the distance to Sioux City
five miles.
g. \Vhnr Ono Dos Dili.
of the vTonvM , of Akron , N. Y. , had Asthma
1 cltcti ic nil and. Took one dota of 'Jhomuf
Ho addsVoult relieved In five minutes.
medicine nnd pay $5 u Me ten iiilloa for thia
my wlfo of rheumatism like ifiirjt. It cured
Thrown l < 'r m Hia
Last evening as Fred Stnbendorf was
returning homo from business , near the
corner of Tenth end Farnam , ho was
thrown from hia buggy on to the atone
pavement. Ho was picked up and car
ried into THE BEE
oflico where it wa ?
found ho had sustained severe injuries.
A long gash was cut in bis forehead. Ho
was also injured about the spine. After
partially recovering himself from tno
shock ho was taken homo in a carriage.
The horse becoming frightened started to
run but was soon detached from the bug
gy. Mr. Stubondorf's little boy who waa
in the buggy at the time escaped with
light injuries ,
Absolutely Pure. '
This powder never vi si. A marvel of pure
iMnrb and wholMomeatw. f > re raaomlcal Ihsn 3
i Jlairy kinds , and cuol be sold la oorutwtltlo I
Itu the laultltuJtj ot low iut shait wtlgl t alum or 3i
tnj.ohiljpnvvJwn.SoU Powder Ox only In cans , KoyallUk- i 3j
418 tforth lOtli Street.
An $1HOO Cliock presented to the
Octiimn School Thurstlny
A special meeting of the board of the
German school was hold Thursday evening
During the course of the mooting Mr.
Frouhauf arosu nnd stated that hold in
his hand a letter from Mr. Oswald Olten-
dorfor , of Now York , which contained n
chock for $1.800 which wns presented to
the Gorman school of thia city by Mr.
Ott&ndoifer'awifo , now -deceased.
Mrs. Ottendorfor died about three
weeks ago nnd prior to her da.ith
aho bequeathed about $3,000-
000 to different institutions , both charitable -
table and ulucational , and while bestow ,
inn her property with such a lavish hand
she had not forgotten the Gorman school
in Omaha.
The sender of the chock requested that
the money bo accepted and used by the
school board in memory of his beloved
The echool board foci more than grate
ful for thn donation , coming as it does at
n time when it was greatly needed , and it
was all the morp ncccpUblo as it was n
complete surprise. The lady , although
beyond all human thanks , will over beheld
held in most fond and grateful remem
brance by all who are in any way con
nected with the German school in Omaha.
/tJTSpeclals will Poslttvolynot be Inserted
umctBu paia in advance.
TO lOAN-Monsv.
MOXnV TO LONOn real t tito ami chattel
Mcur'.llcj At olllco ul E. S ROOD , 1,401 Farnam
SU 78 Mm.
MONEY TO LOAN In uiu ol J300 and upwards at
low rates on first class real ( state ncurltr
1-oiTF.n 4. conn.
MONEY LOANED On chattel property t J ,
BKATrY213 south 14th street. 77&.U
\fONEY TO LOAN Tholowent rites of Intorert
ITJL Bends' Loin AKOQCJ , 16th ft Douirla SSi-U
\TONETlf TO LOAN In sums of 8SOO. and upward.
1VJL O. P. Davis and Co. , Real Batata and Loan
Agents , 1606 Farnam St. 898-tf
MONEY Loaned on chattel property , by 8. T.
Peterson , S. E. corner 16th and Doughs.KBlm
WANTED 3 or 4 experienced men to clear ffl
timber Und. Nona others need apply.
902 23 HOGGS & HILL , No. 1403 Ernam St.
fANTED Olrl for fronoral housework In family
tif four. Dlt. DAllKOW , 720 aouth 10th St.
WANTED Fl > e girls can ha\e Immollato om-
ploj incut to do central hontcwi rk. April 8 to
10 a. m.erltoO p. m. at Canuon .Bros. , oiinoslto
posiOlHoc. 890 0p
WAffl ED-Ono second hand or 10 horse power
engine and boiler. Address J. D. Saiiih , care
Ceo office. 703-2Sp
WANTED Flro glil at Ho-.dcrson's Stocklnp ;
factor ) ' , 1214 Lcatenno'th bt 607-S8p
\\TANTED-A coed g1 \ 1 for K'neral housenork.
' > Oood Jges to a good n-mnt Apply No. 1510
Hsrney street. MltS. It. II. WHBUIl.
WANTKD A situation as asilitant tbook-kceper
or clerk In any business Waecs uot no much
an object as a steady p Bltlon. Addrass "W.C. " Bee
offlo ; . Good le crcnce. 829 26) )
. „ . . „ ' A position hy an experienced coach
man , Empl jinent Bureau , 217 N , lO.h St ,
802-25 j
WANTED A situation In any wholes lie or re'all
moj . Cool \\orker and reference . I > o any
klndof work. Address 'II. P.8. " Deoofflcj. 8S2 25p
WANTED By iv joung lady , position as book-
kctp'r , cishler , copilst r dorK In otfico or
store \'rn town priferred GeM refecnces
furnldiCd. AddrersBox 157 Wimorc , Neb-
860 2 < ) '
TX/ANTFU-Sltuatlon is assistant book-keeper by a
M joung lady thoroughly competent , Aildress
"S. A , S. " Bco offlco. S3l-25t
W A NTED Furnished room by a young L-cntlc.
mau. Addres 78J P. O. fi3'J-2Jp
TTfANTEH A partner , e'thrr lady or ( jeut'crran ,
V > with (200 trSJOU Buslncsi already cetablUh-
cd nnd pajIng4M percent Addresj until Sat irday
evening , " \V. A. 1' , " Wee office. SOO 2Bp
TT/'ANTKO Two unf.irnUhcd ro ma In a prliate
rrsidciieo by ft Itdy who would bo wl'ling to
a'bUttho family in I ght woik or sewing In pajment
of rmt. licst references givfu aid re.iu'rud. ' Apply
t 0. K. DaIs It Co'a Iteal Esrato olDce. 15C3 Farinni
Blre t. 8U 20
AWAN IKu Hy a pcut oman and wile a fair piiiule
furnlsh'd room , tentrallv located. Addro s " 0.
0 , F. " Boo olllco. Council Bluff a , Jowa840 2Cp
"VlfANTED Furnished room by a JOUHR „
TV man. Address Tii V. O. 830-215
TfVtJTEB-3,000 jards of dirt , at or nMxrono
nue. -natcf the Convent on St llar > 's ave-
68'-t S. II. JOHNSON ,
VOlt avav Tirt Stetle , Johnson
* U4 La
K UEST-Heuse , Larn , fruit 0-
ofoJi ! " Pr ° P < "y , 3J mile * irom. p.ftc. ,
81000 per year. Apply at T. C. Winers
F\1LfnES"r iBLlIt ° ' room > 'urrUhed ' , south
front , second floor , with bay window , HHOhl-
( ago atreat. SMf
131S Jackeon M .
UiNT-aiogli : ( furnished room 1817 Chicago
OK ' ( BKT-B room houw , modern Iron oviment , , bttwecn Wodueand Doug !
T Oll HENT-Wllh board , htga front
room with
I ? bay window , w. a.d lith Toqm. A few ta le
boarders accommodated , 1718 Dodge treU. 850 80p
' 'JK 11ENT Largo barn at Uooneri , 171) Don ;
'iMttrtet. 839 SO
B'OU HKNT Iho finest summer ro ort In this city
known ai Victor's Park on Slth s r tfouth oir
St. M r > s avo. Inquire on jiremlgci for tcrmn.
roon" ' im Farnam st-
7IOK UENT-Co-t.fre In gh'nn'ii Addition at SU
Mrt3AaUEoi > Po ltoP. O. 811 tf
ni.n .tm/ii / n . " ' . - ; 'oom ( or ono or
te'tfMt- "fe't'ummtrlff , ' ° °
FOK E.NT-A two ttSry bnck house and baro.
ment. THO upper rooms are occupied ky iar ,
if.JL EfiW11 re ? ' 'or.V ri1Addre s 20 9 Cass
PJ1'y bo will make per-
arrangeaent _ _ 7fO-tf
FTOIl IiraT-Deiik room after May ut , corner Wth
. ! d ar"ft llp § UI" E te o * Barker &
tiync , ISih and Farnam 70S tf
rj\QIl "t-NT-In fledlck' . block. Stoiaro 123
L . ' ep ftLd K0od ° mc'loom- UMII 4 Co ,
. .w
> , room ! ,
BvENT"T i.luni.lllJ"d frnnt tooin' Apply
. . '
8. \ \ . ror. 18th and farnam Ht 761 If r
j ]
store and bate-
L . tn'n'i ' IN" nd Faniam streets , per 1
> onta- BAKKKll & 1IAYNK.
. 7 8-tf II
[ 011 UENT.-BulldlnglOxM , on Harney street ,
L ? bcUcou UtU and 16th. BAllKF.KiMAYNU.
011 RENT-jiIano. Inqulro at Edholm A , Kilck-
? oni.
TUMI llENT-Two turnUheU tooou. 8117 Webster
, 11E.XT Furnished rooms SS2f Dodge St.
> rent " " " "
iWK EhT- Third Uoonf building No. ISirFaS lo
1 f-ir 71
fpo" & * * ? & T
1'cUnwn , S. K. corotr Uth oil Pougl
for Infants and Children.
nnt\ \ overcomes Jb'lntulcncy , Uonstipa-
tloii , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , find
FcvcriBlmcsa , It Insures health nnd
natural Bleep , without morphluo.
" Custorlft Is BO well adapted to Children Uint
Irccommcnd Has superior to any prescription
known to mo. " IL A. ARCIIEK , M. D. ,
82 fortlnnd Arc. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT nn absolute euro for Kliouma-
tisin , Sprains , Burus , Galls , &c. Tlio most PowcrAtlnndPono-
tratlng Palu-rcllovlug nn < l llculiug : Bonicdy Jcno vn to man.
FOIt IlKNT 300atro ( arm. Alsobilck janl. T.
ilurray. es-tf
Fen ftENf Furnltnud rooms , 1017 Dod/o street.
r.ENT Boons la NebMsfci Nation * E nV
Ilulldln ? , llo t doslralls offices In tha clt ;
Supplloil with hydraulic olo-ator and beatod b
ttctim. Apply st E'xuk. 026-1 r
FOR HUNT KurnWipJ rooms on tbc uotthwo
ryir. 18th and Capltolaronuo , formerly Crv'lcftnn
Uoujo. UO-tl
F UUNISUED room heated 22S N.lOth.
FOR SUE A 1400 pound eight j ear eld o'iml '
wnrk-horse. Al o a 0 joar rid line diUer.
JOHN AIILEd , b20 Broadway , Council Bluff * .
_ Apr. 28-3t
BRICKS 600COO hird burnoJ , hand mouldtcl and
2 > , w 0 premcd bilcks for sale by WICK HAM
BROS , Council Bluffs. _ Apr 2(1 ( et
O - | _ O Aero lots In BelUlr. only § 250. Look at
it 1 it this beautiful addition Ifoi want acre
property. Barler& iUne. _
FOIt SALE Uouso and lot ; also barn. Inquire
422 Com en t street. 80U26p
T7\OH SALE Cotao of 0 > rooms In Shlnn'e tcl-
L1 dltlon at SJOO cath , balance fn monthly
pajnifnts. Jlt-CAaUE , opp. P. O. 812 M
FOH SALE furniture , Steve , Korsc , Harness ,
BuiKy.anil barn , at 640 Fairvlew , orCth street ,
one block north of St. Mary's avenue. 818 tf
FOU SALE First Class famine's property. Coed
corner 011 Farnam utrect with brick tnlldlnf.
Lot 20 C8 on ICth St. with 2 tory brick store ,
flood corner on 10th St. with 2 story blick store ,
Full lot on 10th St. near Harnoy good buildings ,
fifi.roo ,
3J > 6 > on Howard St. ncai 10th. Frame bulldlnas
on It. $2,2(0. *
Full lot corner Oth and Dodge , f 6,003.
893 25 lUUKhH & MAYN'E.
O 1 .O Acre lots in Bcllalr , tnly $250. Look at
-t 1 th\3 beautiful addition , It } ou want acre
property. Batker & , Uajne.
E SAVAGE , Tinner , south Thirteenth treot , Fo-
Ircmlan town , has for sale \ery cheap , a fire
place furnaoo. Ittirplendlil , good aa ntw , withinar-
blemaniel , by FulleiVrrcn i , Co. Also Hog ,
Stores and Sows. 855-Sffp
21 _ O Aero lots In BelUlr , onlj 4160. Look at
L / this beautiful addition , If jou want acre
property. Barker & ilaync. 87il to SiS 3t
FOB SALE A good pa } Ing grocery business In
the city. Will Invoice about $3,00v. For partic
ular * , addiess "Buslnes , " this oOlce. Sad 20
FOB SALE -Grocery store In a good location ,
cheap rent For particulars address "B. S " this
ottlce _ E53-lm
1O .A.c.r8.Iota.'n ' , Bll lr , only 9 60. Look at
JL A thli
beautiful addition , It you want acre
property. Baiker & .Mayno.
f OB SALE A good grocery stind , cheap , at 10)3 )
Harnoy street. N. W. MERUILL. 334-25t
TJiOK SALE 78 fctt front on Farnam stre t'wl h
J ? good , 'Hell-built coitoge. Call and sse. A bar-
k-eln. McCAGUE , opp. f. P. 813 tf
FOR SALE Two beautiful late In i one's flr.t ad
dition for J7SO. JIcOAGUE , opp. P. O. 814 tf
B dutiful , tlibtly lots In Thombu g Place , only
eiS5toS200. Barker & Mayua.
FOil SALE The good will an.t fhtuics of the
Crdjjhton IIo eo.or will sell any part of the din-
ill ? room or U'chcn ' furniture bcparat jiy. Easy term * .
Apply on prcmlsut. 783 1 (
FOB SALE Ore ery ftoro and paj Ing hminces.
Gocd sUnd. Ttrms to suit a rctpons b'o ' pur-
: haser , Addrisi "Uroctr , " tee olHco. 75328 ? "
B J , iluhtly lots In Tliornburg Place , only
StSStoSifl ) . Barker &Muj no.
FOH S A LE 2 largo houses on Capitol Hill , with
all modern implements. Full lots Price ,
> a,000 and $ J,600 each. IllEY & 110ITEIU
771-tl . _ _
O _ JO Aero lots in Ballalr only 35J. V oik at
* J i tills btautltul addl.lon , It jouvant acre
property. Barker & Mamo.
I poll HA u : \ fen nno lots lift in LUViTv"
1 WORTH TKU11ACE addition , at S270 to 8JOO
well , 1-5 cash , balance monthly. Wo will guaranti
: liese to ho the cheapest lots In the market
772 tf IlliV & J10TPEK.
B , siettly lots In Tliornburg 1'h'ce , enl
. 13arkt > r&.Maue.
F OH SALIv Good 2 storj liouse , 0 rooms , ) iarn
bearing fruit , etc , on 10th St. , near ttrtet can ,
tiarualn and worth m\C3tlgulii2.
MOTl'UH , 8. W. Cor. Uth and Farnam.
2 l"2ths"hau'i.1. ! " Bellalr nnly J250. I.cok a
liroperty- Barker tilajne"n ! "U want act
FOH BALE Fine cottage of 0 rooini , fulllot , bam
bearing fruit trtcs , etc. Prlo 2,7(0 , Milnn1
wldltlnn ihls U ft rr birealn tnd wrrthy f jcm
Ittrntdlate attention. IBEY & lIoTTKIl , cor. Utl
ind Farnam 748 tf
B icaiitlful , Vghtlv" lots in Thornburg Place , on
1 8185 to J9J. flatker & Mayne.
FOH BALK 4 line rmldenco lots with good horn
and barn , fiult treesshrubcry , tto , In Isaai
Jheldjii'ii iddltli-n. Price , $5,0 0 , terms o sy HIE
IMOiTKIt. H y. cor. Itth and Fa.nam.V5tl
FOnsVLK-abcautilulacro lota on louenwon.
, . ' ' ' ' * * " > ' ! * 'rom pout offlco Pries H.OM )
Ihls Is the best bargain offered. 1HEY S. 1IO1TE1
740 tf
Dtautlfnl , slghtlv lots In
Place , enl ,
D 1185 to $200. Darker Sc Majne.
. - - _ - - , , . . . . . . gea In Shlnn's uu-u
addition , on monti ly pj > men s. IHEV & JIOT
747 tf
Ij OIl SAtiK-A flret-olasj reitau-ant and Ice creim
P parlor and house of 10 rooms attAched , all fur
ilshoJ , will bo told che p Sa'Ufactory reasons given
or selling. Address "J , W. P. " Omaha , Neb.
leautlful , ushtly hts In Thornburg Ware , only
> ltJtitJ j.'Uj. Darker A , Maine. *
[ j OIl SALE Houses and lull on monthly day.
' *
Nice B.riom cottage , n'w , large lot , gnod stable.
.tvrjt'lDgnlcaandoeit . ; mllesfrom P , o , ntar
unders bt. , 11600U down snd f IE per month.
Bnipmp ttaguliiLi'csN W. of P. 0. . full lot ,
Ice lightly location , i630. { 200 down and 815 ner
4rnomhouio , half acre lot , stable , etc , rn Call ,
irnla tr ct , 2 blocks evit of Academy of Barred
: eart , ? l,7fO , JiOO down and 6lS per month.
t-ioom house , lot 100x140. south 15th street , sluht.
'anddejIrabU location , 61,60n , $2x > down and (20
tr month.
0 room bouse , lot 2'xlM on 13th street , near
leree , (2AOO , (160 aid 0 > 6 per month
4-room uouse , lot 55x160 , on JSth street , near Wll-
xm,81,8Wf-l ) and 15rW month.J
Ha f lot and two cottasrae 22d street , near lard.
! COD , 450 down and 251 er irontK
New Inuse , 3 rooms and basement , lot 80 > I41 on
lhitrecttfl,8DO , 160do nand $20 j > ermuutb.
And others lu all parts of tha cltr.
S31-X3 isth and Farnaml
rtOR8tr.I > Freshniilkcow. Inquire at 1818 Far
namstreit. 096 tf
rOUSALU The southwest corner lot uf Uth and
P dflc , with two ono story brick bul dings aid
e frauio but ding on it , with all modern Improve-
: nts Inquire at ilia elotblng store of Ce ice II
tcrton. 8' .South mtli ttrtct. CS3-lm
011 ti LK-400 eautlful lots In Walnut Hill ad
dillonftotoSlOOto tTX , It Hill piypirtlcsto
ik at this juopertv b fore buying el ewher . POT-
: &COUIJ , UUfarnam street. 618 U
011 SALE Very dealrabls residence for m I
family , one block off St Miry'snvenue , ] 0 block
nn uosloMlce. Looitlon flue , 13,500. asr tcrxnl i
ea-tfj f
Whnt Rl ct our Clilklrcn ro < sy clif ctd ,
Vfhat cures ticlr : fevers , mutes them strep f
'Tin CnMorlnu
'When I > ablc < fret nnd cry by turns ,
lint cures Uiclr colic , kills their worms ,
lint CiMtorlsi.
'NVhnt quickly curon Constipation/
Bour Stomach , Colds , Indlecstlon , ,
Put Cnntorln. ,
Farewell then to Jtorplilno Byrupg ,
Castor Oil nnd Paregoric , anil
FOH SALE Uargalna In Imptovcdaud unlmniov-
cil property In 10 additions Cill aud cue. LViT-
U. ISIS Farnam street. 619-tf
F6n SALE DirfMni In lots for rosldrnro or ipcO' '
ulatl ) n In Wjlmit Hill , 1) noken'r , K'Plcr'g ai it ]
\Vc t Cinulnt ; tduUlons. POT1K11 & C01U1 , 1115-
Firnnm Street ] S.O-tf
HA I' Two of tiia nmjt deMrahlo lota
1 IXIAO'S 1st mil. , line \ ! ! , ptlco (750. in
mill owl fronlngi , fenced. A birgaln. McCAOUrS
oinioslto P. O 411 tl
F Oil ST.n1acrc ( * improved land , all \\Uliln 1
miles of tlio Union Scnrk i nrrla. Lnnda at a bi
aln. POT1ER i. CJCD , 1515 Fuinain btrco
452 t
FOR'S LE " 2 lots in PlalnvlowallS to 20 v
ccntbclow the pilco at which surrounding lo
held. Price will be put up Kirn If not ( old.
3-tl FOITHt i COBB , 1515 Farnam Slroet
1 1 _ O Aero lots In Bcllalr , only 8250
i L it this bciut fill addition If jou want aero
property , barker & , Ma > nn.
FOR BALE 0 lots In Shlnn'u 2d addition at a bar
Two cheapest lot * In Klrkwood for 30 days.
454 tf POTTER & COUD. 1615 Farnam SL
21 _ Q Acre hta In BelUlr , only ? 250. Look at
X u this beautiful addition If jou want cro-
property. Barker A. JUjno.
CERD CORN FOR SALE 1000 bushels of good
OI nund old corn. Apply to Dr. Chambers Veter
nary Surgeon , Omaha. 83 tf
FOB SALE Old newspapers m large and scuUl
quantities at this offloo. tf
2-f _ ) Acre lots In Bcllalr , only $257. Look at
J. u ih's ' beautiful addition , If you want acre-
property. Darker & , Ma } no ,
I'OR ' SALE A fiist-clato Voso & Hon Piano , at ft
bargain. I Inqulro Edholm & ErlckGOnV. 621-tf.
Tj > OIl SiLBirgalnsIn lutl-'eacro ' and hall acre-
X1 pieces oftarfd by Barker A , Slayuo.
Ono acre in GItu's addition , J75U.
Ono acre on 13th street , Just south of HasKcH'a.
One and a tliltil nc-cs In west Omaha. $1,850 ,
Ono aore in Hawe's acUlltlDi ) , nno half blick off
Saundcrs street , facing 5CO feet t thesticet , $ : ,20P.
This lift beautiful piece of ground , nlco tightly loca
tion , south front , and can bo cut into lot , without
the waste ot an Inch.
One acre near Saunders street , § 1OCO , wl'l divide
half nire near Saunders street , $3)0.
2 } acres beautiful ground at career of JcanetteftneT
State street * . ? l,50l ,
Wo will sell any of the above pieces on very reasonable
enable terms. BARKER &MAYKE ,
M > 23 23th and Farnam.
- T -
FOR SALE Two open necond-nond buggies ta
one delivery wagon , chop , st 1818 Barney St.
-O Acrc lot > ln Bcllalr , only 8250. Look afc
21O this beautiful addition , U ju want acra
property. Barker & Mayne.
FORSALE A email Moiler , Bihman &Co. , flreJ
proof tut' , almost new , at this office. tf
TT10R SALE One Vo < e and Sons piano at bar-
J1 gain. Inquire at Edholm and Krlcksou's music
store , on 10th bt 239-tf
Beautiful , sightly lots In Thoinburir Place onlj
3185 to H'.O ) , Barker & . Mayno.
FOR 8ALE-My dwelling , No. 2(108 Douglas
nclghborhood,7 rooms and large cemented eelli
city water , 2ffl barrel cia'crn , barn , chlckcu houi
e'c W. J. Wi LSUANS , City Mills. 09D UJ
SALE Ten gord wil nnd fixtures of th !
Crel hton House. Will sell the dining room and !
kitchen furnl uo separately or any pait ot cither , ]
Will oxchanuo for laniiv , 1 > U or any sale blu com4
niodlty , or w 111 take secured notes on long tl to In
quire at Crlhton Hou-e. CfJS-tf
) eautiful sichtly lota in Thornburg Place , only
J 81S5 to $209. liaskcr i. Ilaj no.
FOB SALE Twenty acres of the Griffen farm , 3i
mllea fron\ the Posf/tJlro , and only two block a
frcm Pratt'd tub division. Will be s > ! d in 2 | , S ofl
10 arro lots Inquire Omaha Carpet Co , 1611
Douglas 'tree * . B7S tf
Tj'OR ALE-30 132 feet frontSouth 13'h ' Strcetl
JP 814CO 100 down and tl. ) per month. 7hl is i
nl"01M > and a bargain. llAltLEK i MAYNE. „
A Small stoo' ' < of Drugs and Drujtrmtt' Flxturoif
for sale in th Hie town of Walerloo , Nebraska "
trooci opening fora physician. Addrces J.B. bl
Elt , Ulkhorn h tat Ion , J\ob. 789-tf
Bcautisul s'u'htly lots l.i Thornburtf p'nco.
J1S5 to $260. BAltKEU & MATNE. |
SALU Nl'O lots in Han scorn Plica and.
FOR I lice , * 476 to $ SiOon monthly pay ]
inert * . Barker & Maycc , N. E. Cor. Farnam ancf
ISth Sts , 065 tl
FOR SAT.E { 2,300 far full lot on ISth St. , In
Kountzo's 8d addition. TOTTER & OoBD , IBIS
Farnam St. 61g tf
s > ra < itlful , Blghtlv kts in Thornburg Dace , on ] ]
JJS183 to8CU. : IJAllKEHt MAYNE. 870-878 !
TjlOK SAIiK Farm II miles from city , near Unlo
JC/Stock sards. Inquire at Mrs. Meyer , over r
< * ' - "nig store. Kth and Webstar. 872.
N. NE\VCOMB.the Boss Carpet Weaver , Idt !
. nnU Cumli.t ; ttnet , oil's
PASTURAGE for horses and Cattle. Horses
81.60 per head a month , and cows tit 7So p
head per month at Calvin Gregg's pasture , on llel
MID road , about 7 mllosfrom Omaha. SOd-lpf
CAN get Orst-cUss private board and neatly
nUlud rooms , K. W. cor. 12th and Ilowaid.
P it my residence N. W. corner
Land < ; iar < ttrset , one white hu'ffr. Onnerwll
please take her away an I pay charges. t
710-ltewtwp _ OmilST nULLNnEIMEn.ii
JI 'lta'8a"'lM"taeoans ' ' , a > oromo
to No. lfX)3 ) twnam street , up at lr , room 18 , oi
door eatt of the'irformrr location , where they i
be found until completion of Ihelr new building
Sft1flORI"yA.Il'Jmi1'0 Ini(1 ( { ot "y cMef
W "
"Diphtheria that cannot be curtU bv Drl
Jeffries' ( Council Blum ) preventive and cure. Sena'
ity , wui , witn tbe aid of guardian inlrlts , obtalnis
LOj one Kiaaco oi to past and prcteat. % nd I
erven condition la tDa rutare. bv > ts and * h
o i orf r. Perfect tatlsfaotlo euaranUsl.
TnJrd Congregational Church Building.
Did * for tlio erection of the third Congregationa
: hurch building In North Omaha , will be rewired a
jo offico.f the architect , ll.x A. llu IJ ibcke , j
'arnam street , Ittdlck's block , where tha Hans an
iwclfleatlon * can be teen and used until Miy ut
W , at which tlmu further opportunity for blddlair '
rillicuv GEO.O. I'KLTON i
U. F.6EAUS ,
„ „
u 2 Uulldlng I'ommlttcc.
latter of ApjiUcotion of Smith & Spafard
for permit to sell Liquor aa a druggist.
Notice 1 hereby cuen that Smith & Spafard did
pontheWlhdayofJUrehA , U.153lfllo thelrappll.
itlon to the ilaj or and City Council of Omaha , for
xiite to bell inalt , ejilrltuous and > lnous Uuuon. a
druggist , formcdKlnal , mcchaulo 1 and ihctnlcal
arppseson'y.attOJ South 18tlj St. , u-cond ward.
If there be noobjectlon remonstrance or protest
uJ within two weeks from llareh 17 , A. B. 1881 the
Idpcntl will bo irranlt.1.
SMITH & BI'AFAnn , Applicants.
BJl-St co f J. J. L. C. J CWLTT , City Cleric ,