Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Omaha omco. No. 01O Farnwn St.
Council nitirth omco , No. 7 1'oar
BtrcctNcnr llronilwny.
Now York Ofllcc , Koom 05 Tribuni
Published every n-Mnlnir , ' eiocpt Bnnd y Th
enl ) Monday morning d lly.
BUM BT via.
On Tear . $10.00 I Three Konthl . { 3.0
Six HoatM. . . . . . . . R.OO | Ono Month . 1.0
Per Week , Zi Ccnti.
MIT > n , nrsuinu ITCBT WIDVMDAT.
6n Te . MOO I Three Month ! . I t
811 Months. . . . . . . . . 1.00) ) Ono Month. , . . . . . . . . !
Atnerlonn Newt Compuny , Bolt Agent * Newtdetl
it In tht United SUtei.
A Communications relating to Kewl nd Edltorli
mitten ihould bo ftdilratiiod to the Eoiro or Ta
strstHEM umu.1
AlIBtulnmt I/otteri und ReinltUna * ihoald'b
tidremed to Tnn n Pmiusmsa OoxrAnr , nturu
Driltfl , Check * and PoetolBco orden to be made pa ]
able to the order of the company.
B. KOBEWATBR , Editor.
A. H , ntch , Manager Diltj Circulation , P. 0 , Do
JM Omaha. Neb. _
Con A hai not hid on earthquake Intel ] ;
but she is receiving a lively shaking u
by Aqucro , the filibuster.
THE majority report of the house judi
ciaay committee on woman auflrago is ba
medicine for Mrs Helen Cougar and Mn
IPV. Colby. It ia liable to throw them into
conniption fit.
THE printers' strike has collapsed nn
the tramps and bummers who vote
themselves a holiday at the expense c
hardworking and sober mechanics
now "pike out" for the far west.
If Mr. Fox imagines that ho is chasin
a lot of spring chickens in his figr
against the board of public works ho wi
find himself mistaken. The members <
the board are gamb old roosters.
WILL the republican state convcntio
stultify the party by sending John TA
Thuraton the chief lobbyist of the Unio :
Pacific monopoly as delegate at largo t
the national Convention ?
IF the republicans of Nebraska desii
harmony and success in * the coming can
paign , they must not foist political rail
road lawyers and corporation honchmo
upon the party as its ropreoontalivcs i
the national convention.
WE hoar a great deal about the licans
board , but is there really any such board
and if so , when was it organized , am
when has it hold a session ? Wo knoi
that last year no session was hold. Mr
Jewott waa the whole board within him
has boon an attempt to throv
Bonds' doubt upon the liquor license ordi
lit nance , but it won't succeed. The ordi
* * n uco is in strict conformity to the Slo
> ' > ,
> * cumb law. The trouble is that it hoi
been misinterpreted in the same way tha
the Slocumb law has bnon.
The anti-monopoly republicans wh (
constitute the rank and file of the part }
in this state will justly resent the aolec
tion of the lobby manager of the Unioj
Pacific as delegate to the notional conven
lion as a defiant challenge for the renew
til of the conflict botwcod the railroad
and the people.
TiiEanti monopoly sentiment whicl
roused from twelve to sixteen thousaiv
staunch republicans to revolt against coi
poration candidates in 1882 has not sub
aided. If John M Thurston goes to th
national convention ai delegate , it wil
lose the republican party thousands o
votes in Nebraska.
UNDER the decision of Judges Wakol
and Neville nobody can got a legt
license to Bell liquor in the city of Omah
until after ho has paid § 1,000 into th
city treasury. The license board may b
a liberal construction of the law crodi
those , who have been illegally liconioc
with the amount paid in , but nobody ca
have a legal license unless ho proceed
regularly in accordance with the law , b
filing his application and bond for it
full term of one year.
ACCORDING to the Jlcpubltqan M :
i r Arthur has performed the feat qf San
' ' in his in U
I 9 . ton defeating opponents
Utica convention , Samson , it will I
remembered , WAS ono of Ood'a ohoaon ii
BtrurnenU against the wicked Philistine
and when in answer to his prayer for r
uowud strength ha buried his onomt
by pulling down the pillars of the tempi
he triumphed oven in death , If the Jt
' 'publican's simile is good Mr. Arthur hi
aUin himself and in so doing has burii
tlw cohort * of Dlaino , Platt and Con'
Hug beyond reiurreothn. The Bi
doesn't take that view of the nituallo
It regards Mr. Arthur as n'vory live
corpse. With the j awbono of the d
mentod donkey who edits the Jtcpubi
can the modern Samson would be ab
to lay out moro than u thousand Phil :
tines , when the Chicago conventii
meets. _
WIDOWS keepa up his disturbing pi
dictions , his latest being that wo a In
' ' „ hayo dUa troui storms on Saturday eve
iug , earthquakes on Monday , and th
England will bo vuiled by another cart
quake , with increased violence , on t
20th of May. And now comothu Seven
Day AdyentUts and say that they ha
reason to bollovo , on account of cwla
myaterious signs , that the last six raont
of probation before the end of the wet
in clone at hand. They expect to convi
* i eX'Preideut H&yes to their doctrine a :
if they are auccewful they claim that U
will ba considered a euro sign that t
world it about to collapse. Wo are livi
IB aa unwrtiia and fearful age. Betwc
ttw pr&dialions of Wiggins and t
ptopheolft * of the Seventh Day Adv <
tM , tb * timid people are having a vi
py exUtenw , ,
The pension bill passed by the hous
n Monday is not by any means as bad a
good many measures tlmt have been ir
reduced in the present session. Th
worst objection to it is that it is loosol
rawa. Besides that , there is notuin
cry objectionable about it. The princ
al features are , first , that every porso
ho nerved three months in the Unite
States army in any war , and who by roi
on of any wound or disease , "whlc
lore is probable cause to bollovo oriu
atcd in the service" is to bo put upo
10 pension roles. Second , parents whet
ons wcro lost in any war in which th
'nitod States have boon engaged ,
without other moans of support at pro
nt than their own manual labor , shall I
onthncd. Third , the government ia nc
o inquire whether the disease for whic
pension ia claimed originated before g <
ng into the service.
The chief result of the measure will t
iO admit to pensions all the veterans c
ho Mexican war. This is what souther
ongressmon have been trying for a Ion
; imo to accomplish. It is done at lai
under a guise so subtle that wo suspcc
hat not half of the mwnbors realized il
'ho simple abionco of all restriction u
a conduct oubacqucnt to service bring
bin matter about in the easiest possibl
manner. The number of parsons thus t <
> o admitted to the rolls is not very large
nd the increase of expenditures tha
will follow will not bo very important
'ho number of Mexican war veteran
tow alive must bo very small. Ncarl
orty years have passed since that coullic
> roko out. Those who still survive it
mttles are not numerous to make the !
persons weigh very heavily upon the gov
The clause of the law which is mos
ovoroly condemned is that which admit
.ho moro probability as to to the origi
of the wound , a disease to bo taken f
ufficicnt evidence. This ia the poin
which was most loosely drawn. Thi
> rovsion ! shuold , undoubtedly , have boo
made somewhat moro explicit , The pec
ion bureau , however , is still to have ji :
isdiction in those cases , and the likoli
lood of frauds being perpetrated will nc
> o much greater than at present.
What waa said above ns to the Mox
an veterans applies vrith equal force the
ho clause which assigns premiums t
laronta who lost sons in the war. Sue
wonts must now bo comparatively fo1
n number. Men and women now livin
who were old enough to have adult sent
t the outbreak of the rebellion , mui
ow have reached almost to the end c
ifo. It will only bo for a few years tha
ny of thorn will survive. It will not b
very serious matter for an ovorflowin
treasury to pension them. The reside
on of the pension to those who are dc
ondent upon their own mat
al labor , reduces the numbe
o those whom it is , perhaps , a pathoti
uty to waist. This clause will no
much change the present situation. Pa
onta who lost their sons in the war at
ow ublo to obtain pensions , though pot
ibly with moro circumlocution than wi
> o necessary when the act becomes Ian
'ho other provision , prohibiting inquir
s to whether the disease of a claimai :
xistoa before enlisting in the oervice , i
silly recognition by law of the custoi
tat lias grown up without law. 1
mounts to but littlo.
When this law ia compared with thos
which have boon introduced at variot
raca during this session , making awouf
ng changes in the pension system , an
roviding for enormous appropriatior
rom the treasury , the country has roi
on to think that it has escaped vor
ghtly. The case might easily have boo
great deal worse.
The re-assembling of parliament sine
ho castor recess has afforded the oppt
ition to the Gladstone ministry anothc
pportunity to create division among tli
iborals and disconcert the ministry. Th
.ofcat by the Commons of the cattle dii
aacs bill , which had already passed tb
of lorda , shows that Mr. Gladatoti
not his party as well in hand upo
noasurcs of importance as ho would wisl
It is not certain what policy the ministt
will pursue in regard to the cattle bil
which must now either bo allowed to d
on the speaker's table or bo revived i
the risk of a moro eignal defeat. In
division of the house of commons on tl :
bill introduced by John Phillip Nolai
member for Galway county , to compi
.andlords in Ireland to sell lands noedc
'or church purposes at appraised valui
tlon , thirty liberals kicked out of U
: raoes and voted with the Parnollite
The bill was defeated by a largo majorll
notwithstanding this coalition. Dark
the debate upon the bill , it was show
that religious and oducitional facilities i
some parts of Ireland were very muc
curtailed by the refusal of the landlord
many of whom were Englishmen and al
sontoca , to sell building sites at any sue
prices as the local authorities could aflbi
to pay , Mr. [ Gjorgo Otto Travolyai
ohitf secretary for Ireland , who had bee
summoned from Dublin for consultatic
took part in the debate , and promised i
remedy some of the glaring grievanci
which had been pointed out , but ho o
posed Ilia compulsory bill , which ho d
scribed aa an entering wedge for land n
llonalizition on the line of Him
George's oominuuUtio doctrine.
There is a small but evidently growii
group of radicals in England , who avc
their desire that the whole imperial pol
oy of tbe country should bo reverse
There are even some. the hlstorii
Freeman , for example , who boldly d
clue that it U bettor to give up Ind
than to retain it at tha cost of freque
war * and constant and vexatious Inmrn
tioual complications. The necessities
i which tbo info guarding of India give ri
are no doubt bnidonnomo to England
nor do they decrease with the lapao c
years. Even Sir William Yemen Uai
courr , v. ho has never been suspected c
very advanced radical views , declares n
Derby that England has empire enoug
nlrcrdy , and that she has "no right" t
anmx Egypt. Since English control i
Egypt , however , scorns essential to th
ultimata safety of the Indian empire , th
ionic secretary's declaration indicate
that ho contemplates a time when , in hi
judgment , it will bo inoxpodiout to rotai
.hal noble , but remote and costly doper
doncy. One great trouble has boon thn
EngUnd. in order to maintain such cole
nios and provinces as she already hat
ios been obliged to keep adding to their
( Tot to do BO , waa to imperil the poasei
sions Already hold. But the time ma
not bo far distant when A general lossei
ng cf the tics between the mother an
dependent countries will take place ; an
whoa England will bo loft the glory , an
that only , of having founded free an
irogrcasivo commonwealths in over ,
quarter of thoglobo.
Mi' . Clifford Lord , the present Brit is
JndiT Secretary of the Interior in Egyp
t ia rcmorod , is to bo disgraced. II
was appointed aa a raward for the vigc
of hij prosecution of qho Irish Invinc
> las while ho was British resident mogi
strati' in Ireland. In Egypt Mr. Lluy
auccci'ds in getting the native cabinet I
the I'Hra , in compelling his immediate t\
loriu. * Sabot Pasha , to resign the Minii
ry of the Interior , and ia so ditgustirj
ho o'.hor members cf the govornmet
hat t 'icy ' all threatened to resign unlci
jloyj ia recalled.
GOIRAL GOIIDCX has sent a telcgrai
o Si : Evelyn Baring expressing the u
nest i idignallon at the manner in whlc
10 hss been abandoned by the Englis
; ever -nont and saying that hcncefort
10 wil' ' cut himself entirely adrift froi
; hoao.ho have deserted him , on whoi
will r < it the blood-guiltiness of all livi
leroaitcr lost in the Soudan. It ia bi
ioveJ that the govevnment has dotorn
nod t > despatch the moat available fore
of am' to tbe Egyptian army to Khar
outn. It 1s hoped that the force will I
ready to start in six weeks.
The massacre of Egyptian troops i
Shondy was ono of the most tragic even1
u the entire history of the Anglo-E j ]
tian war. Throe hundred Egyptta
roops and 000 non-combatants , pref orrin
o make the hazardous attempt to march I
Jorbor to starving inaido of Shondy , si
out from the latter place on the 10th ine
'art of the number wentalowly down th
ivorby stoamur , while the others marcl
) d down the river bank. When tw
lours distant from Hhendy they were a
tacked by Araba , and after a short figl
all the troops excepting a few wore mossi
crod. The Arabs afterward capture
Shondy. The Egyptian troops there ha
discarded their arms and uniforms in tl
lope of being spared. Few , howove
escaped the general massacre. Tn
.housand men , women and children woi
slaughtered. Many of them wore refi
oes from Khartoum. Shondy is situa
od on the east bank of the 'Nileaboi
lalf way between Khartoum and Borbe
The brutal and complete massacre of i
unhappy refugees , a they aoujjht I
pierce the ranks of the rebellious trib
which intervene between General Gordc
and Egypt , affords a terrible forwarnir
of what may bo the fate ' f any who ti
iho same experiment in escaping froi
Khartoum. Gordon himself might ha\
) eon ono of those unfortunates. Th
masncio raises with now emphasis tl
problem of the relief of Khartoum. Goi
oral Gordon's own hopefulness under e :
lUing ; circumstances ia the ono brigl
ipot in the Soudan picture
The seizure of Bao Ninh has not rcaul
od , aa was threatened , in the outbreak
war between Franco and China. On tl
contrary the French have pressed on i
Tonquin , and have sitzad Hong Hoa.
Thoynro now in a position to offi
terms of paaco , but although these ai
not extravagant in their demands , tl
Pokin government ia not in a position I
consider them. That the French mi
with no effective resistance in their ii
vasion of Tonquin must have boon dt
ta the imperial government's distrust i
its own [ military resources. It he
an army miuod on its souther
Frontier , and yet remained inactive whil
threogroat fortresses in sucoossioa full b
fore the advance of a small French armi
An order fro01 Pokin to cross that froi
tier was all that WM needed to couvoi
the struggle into one between the tv
nations. That the order vrai not give
must have been duo to the regency i
self. Bui in China , evoninoro thin olsi
whore , the government is unwilling I
admit its responsibility for disaster ar
humiliation. Bo a scapo-goat has boo
found in the governor of CUuton , win
with some lesser ofllcials , ia to ba pui
iahed for the loss of Tonquin , the chart
being that ho disobeyed orders from P <
The French offir peaoa on condition <
their recognition as tbo protectorate (
Tonquin. They say nothing whatever i
a corupansition from Ohiua for the dola ;
and ombarrasiuients in tbo conduct of tl
war , which wm caused by her diplomat !
rosUtvico. Indeed that demand uovc
was nude by any responsibleFrenc
slatoaman. It was suggested in the Pa
ia newapapers , and was taken up by son
radical orators in tue Corps LogisUt
The ministry of M. Ferry have thus n
pudiated it.
The report made by the Governo
General of Cuba that "Aguero'a band
the only one ou the island , and that
numbers but 18 men , " is perhaps tl
most convincing proof that could be c
fared of the demoralization of
rule in Cuba. In any other countn
that can bo thought of In Ireland , fo ;
example tha landiug of a little bind o
oss than a score of revolutionists woulc
DO looked upon as too farcical to excite
apprehension ; but in Cuba , on the con
trary , no sooner has the microscopic in
vasion boon made than the entire islanc
thrown into political and social confu >
aion , and far away in Spain it is though
necessary to hold cabinet councils , and tc
summon h now Governor General fron
the antipodes to put down a possible in
vasion. It is obvious that this concert
is not occasioned by the fear of Auguoro
and his eighteen men , who could b <
quickly swept out of existence by any o
the numerous regiments that the Span
Ish government has quartered in Cuba ,
The alarm arises from a different source ,
What the Spanish government should dc
la what it has never yet boon willing t <
perform that is , give to the Cubans jus
and equitable Uwa and honest and hu
mane governors. By those moans th
people could readily be brought to foe
such a loyalty toward their mother coun
try that neither eighteen nor oightooi
thousand revolutionists would provoki
in their minds the loaat thought of ro
The Foriuor'n Compliments to th
Imtteroii Political Dictation ,
I pass over with a word only your poi
formanccs in the senatorial struggle thro
yoara ago , in connection with the COG
apiracy of the hypocrites to compass m
overthrow. You say you earned mo t
bo "r epudiated , " but let mo tell yo
that the record of your infamous politic
in accomplishing that result will sin
with you and your coparceners permati
cntly. There is not a man in this slat
of whatever party , bo ho enemy of min
or friend oyoura , who , remembering th
mothoJa you employed at that time , hu
in his mind any other than a feeling c
scorn , distrust mid contempt for you.
But I come now at once to the busine :
of this LtU-r. which ia not only to bran
you but to prove you a weakling and
falsifier on the common counts. You sa
that in connection with certain othe
gentlemen , whom you name , I "hay-
taken the contract to sell this state t
Arthur. " Fundamentally in all COE
tracts there must bo at leaat two pnrliei
and there must be something to contrac
about. To thia particular contract
or alleged contract the presidon
must necessarily bo a party. Now
in answer to thia , 1 aver tnat neither b
worda spoken or written , orb ) any aig :
made , has President Arthur , or any on
representing him , or claiming to roprc
sent him , even so much as intimated i
me. nor do I know of my own persona
knowledge , that ho is or 'will be a caiidi
date before the Chicago convention , no
have I been requested to do anything o
refrain from doing anything witn th
view of furthering such a candidacy ,
am the personal and political friend o
President Arthur. I believe in him. 1
truer , a moro genuine , a more manly ma :
does not live. I believe hia adminiatratio :
baa been ono of the wisest , purest am
ntrongpsc in our hUtory. I would like t
seal him nominated if the judgment o
the Chicago convention , after an unbiaae
unprejudiced , impaitial invesUpatiou
shall approve his candidacy. No mor
than this have I over said to any ma :
and I challenge you to the proof i f th
contrary. I have given expression t > n
hostile feeling , nor do I onto tain unj
toward either of the distinguished gentlemen
mon who have boon named for the nomi
nation. I have udviaud hero , and ever }
whore , when consulted , that men of goo
sense and sound discretion , who are uc
controlled by their prejudices or by
passing sentimentality , ahaU be sent t
Chicago to carefully study the aituatio
and make the wisest possible selection
considering only the beat interests of th
country and the party. I defy you t
find ono man , whether ho his been or 1
to bo a candidate in a primary , or fo
delegate to any convention , county , stat
or national , whom I have Bought in an
manner to pledge for Arthur. How ia i
with yourself ? JJy your own admissto
you have done many things to tecur
plodgts of support for Blaino. And yc
you charge mo , who have carefully re
trained from uch practices , with bein
"u dictator , " "a conapirator , " engage
in all manner of diabolism , "to atci
a delegation for Arthur in Nebraska ,
which you say belongs by right t
Blaine , nlthougb ho himself insists tht
ho ia not a candidate.
Again , as to dictation : You intimal
that 1 am seeking to dictate appoini
munts in thia atato. This ia my anawoi
Neither for myself nor for uny livin
man have I sought any oppointmei
whatever except m the case of Mi
Drum , and possibly two others who wer
then in ottlco I have not during the nc
ministration of President Arthur , wri
ten or spoken one word to him on th
subject of ofilco. I defy you to prove t
the contrary.
As to my appointment as Utah con
missioner , your friend Judge Valentin
will toll you that it was twice decliucc
and finally accepted with roluctnnn
The following from the Silt Like Trli
tine , published three weeks ago , will to
the balance uf the atory about that ma !
ter :
" \Vo have known for aomo time tin
the resignation of Ooinmiasioner P.uldoc
was forwardc to the president. * _ * *
In parting with him. wo wish to voice tli
admiration felt by ail loyal Amuricuia <
Utah at hia course while filling n dillicu
and arduous station. Ho was able an
loyal , yet in clearly setting forth his pi
sitioti on any question arising , waa t
calm and courteous is to invariably wi
for him added respect , and never bittoi
ness nr personal animadversion. Witha
ho waa over fur the law , a steady an
strong upholder of republicanism , and
foe to alien despotisms , under whatovc
form or name. Wherever he may bo li
may always fdol auro of a warm place i
the hearts of the much-tried but eve
true real American citiEcns in thia alle
territory. "
You -aro yory liberal in your denunoU
tions of others for indulging thomselvc
in habiU oi dictation and egotisn
There is not , and never has boon , so di
gustiug a little egotist as yourself in th
state. It crops out in every sentence yc
write. You ' 'aorvouoticca ou presidon
as well u common people , throateniu
i thorn with all manner1 of calamities
they do not accept your views , adopt yoi
5 methods and go for Blaine in your pa
iculnr way , or if they may cheese tc
.hink or act aa some other person when
? ou dialiko may happen to do , provided
t ia not your way.
Would it not bo well for you to go t
ittlo slower , lost the republican party ,
which ia a great deal larger and stronqei
than a small editor , may "servo notice'
on the Omaha llcpublican in aomo effective
ivo way , thrft this boy business in con
ncction with its editorial management ii
no longer endurable. Wrapped in tin
mantle of your intense conceit , you maj
not understand it. but the sontimcn
pervades the republican party very gcner
ally , In this state , that you , as an editor
are becoming en insufferable little nuia
auce , and ought to bo abated.
Yjur assault on Mr. Webster is , as 1
believe , equally without warrant , am
equally as Infamous as your attack upoi
myself. Mr. Webster is an old acquaint
inco and friend of the President. H
bclpod to * lay the foundations of the re
publican party in Nebraska before yoi
liad your second teeth. Ho waa th
proprietor and * editor of the Omah
Republican , a quarter of a century ago
Indeed , ho waa practically the founder n
that journal , and the ablest oditoroxcop
B. B. Taylorthnt has over boon connected
od with it. Besides Mr. Webster ha
largo property interests in the state , ani
lias been always , every where , ono of th
staunchcat friends of Omaha , and th
whole commonwealth. Ho is as muc !
entitled to bo hoard hero aa you are. D
you propose to deprive him of the righ
to aay good words for hia friend becauu
lie happens tohave a little picayune oflic
which ho secured long before Arthur be
came Prcoidcnt.
First Htcps.
Hu'hl the baby staudx alone
Hold your bronth nud watch her ;
Now ehu takes a step just ono
Wavers , stops quick , catch her !
Couragal Life a first stop will cost ;
Now ngain'she's trying
Onn , two thwo ! she walks , almost ,
Trembling , stumbling , crying.
Ono , two , throe Oh ! she will walk
Now , biiforo wo know it ;
Hoar her axvcet-voicod
- baby-talk ,
Little bird , nr puot !
Prattlii'g , todulinfr , thoio fho goes ,
Stopping oft so proudly
Turning iu her uuc .Uf ht too * ,
1'Joasod theu laughing loudly.
Thcro lies baby on the floor ,
Spravv'lng , rolling , soreamlngl
Ara life'd first attompta so poor ?
Baby waa but'dreainiiiK
When ho felt so bold and strong ;
Gladly now sho'a clicking
To the ODD whoao Foothills ; feong
J3ack her smile ia bringing.
Hurts are L-urod by mamma's klta
Brave again as uvor ,
Soo. the plucky little rules
Hakot her best ondt-avor ;
Walks ii < ht olf-thodarling pet
Hush now to : ieis liorl
Como what will of lint steps , yet
All good angola bloas tori
[ Elizabeth C. Kiuney , in St. Nicholas.
PoBtolHoo Changes
In Nebraska and Towa during the wee'
ending April 10,1884 , furnished by Wn
Van Yleck , of the postofiico department
ESTABLISHED. Battle Bend , Custe
county , Louis Homer , P. M. ; Ortello
Ouster county , Mrs. Harriet A. Coopei
P. M. ; Rod Lion , York county , John J
Lohr , P. M.
DiscoimxuED Littlejohn , Gage coun
ty ; Turner , Holt county.
Brown county , Daniel Orowley ; Broke )
Bow , Ouster county , John West ; Gould
Dawaon county , Edmund Winohell
Leonard , Hamilton bounty , John Gar
lick ; Tamora , Seward county , John A
Novin ; Union Ridge , Gojper county
Isaac Haworlh.
ESTABLISHED Amtxdor , Wapello coun
ty , John \V. Wellman , P. M. ; Lossing
Mooona county , Columbus M. Dsan , P
M. ; Runyan , ( hceola county , Harmoi
Runyan , P. M.
Marion county , Jamea T. Harvey ; La
moni , Decatur county , Lucy L. Lyons
Lincoln , Polk county , M. F. Miller
Maple Landing , Monona county , Goorgi
R. Joslin ; Mount Hamill , Lee county
Thomas Watorhouso ; Sheridan. Powc
sheik county , .Elizer Decker ; Warren
Lee county , John Rubor , Jr.
In another column will bo fonud tlia announcement
nouncomont of Messrs. THOS. COOK & SON
Tourist Agents , 201 Broadway , New Yorli
relative to the > ary complete arrangement
they huvo made for tours In P.urops th
coining Spring and Summer. "Cook's Kicui
aionist , " containing inapt and full p < irtlumai <
will be mailed to any address on receipt of 1
S1OOO. Given
If nlumnnvay , Injurious 6ulsuuccscuii l < o foun
! S A&ra enrl Daklng Powder.I pa
vey. cimcnunci.anu-niona
rcciucil truiu cucli chemlsu asB. Dunn lluys , 1U.
ton ; M. DclaruiiUina. uf Chicago ; mill ( Ju
Uoau , Milwaukee. Never sold in bulk.
33XT.iX.XjfV 1 33 f ? .
Fiftec-nn Ball Pee ] , Car on
13 South 3d Strool'St. Louli. 'Ill DoUwtr * Strue
KuttuCity.Uo. , IKlUougtu 8t. Omth , NeU.
JTS nil lor 0 UloruM ( ud frtco LUU.
0. M. LEiaflTON. H. T , OLAJIKB ,
succnssora TO KEKNAHD DROS. & co. )
D moists \
Paints. Oilft. BruKRi
Wholesale Grocers !
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , * Bolting , Hose , Bmsa and Iron Fitting
Steam Packing nt. wholesale and roail. ? HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHDROH
Corner 10th Farnara St. , Omaha Neh.
BOSTON , March let , 1351.
UMEIl'ON PIANO CO OSSTLEMKN- Tour Instrument * , Grand , Square and Upright , are really noble
InstruminU and unrhalUd fJr beauty of tone anJ tlui-h. Allow me to conKratuUto on vour sterling
i rosrej. OUSTAVE SA1TE11 ,
-A. . n 1510 Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb.
My FtpoitlM Is oniUntlr filled with * r lectlrtoo > . Best Workmuthlp pun n teed.
Office and Factory S , W. Cor. 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omaha.Neb.
uLAlJiii LUIJjM lAluJ.
1024 North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , on Street Cor 'Line.
LitoLiie ,
Grades and prices as seed and low as any in the city. Please try me.
J. H. MILLA.RD , President. WM. WALLACE Cashier.
Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes for Rent at from ? 5 to § 50 per annum.
U09 and 1411 DodRcSt. . \ " ssaiSsS \ OMAHA , NEB
i A in i 1 A i f i n
Willmiantic Snool Cotton is entirely tha product of Home Industry ,
and is pronouncpd by experts to be the best sewine machine tliread in the
J22 Omuha. N h.
C&5 OO.
Stoves , Furniture , Crockery , &c. Agents for the celebrated economy Oooklne and
Heating Sloven und the BESI RANGE.
G. H. WOOD & CO. ,
215 North 10th Street , bet.-Capitol Avo. and f\Ml A LJ A Kl CTO
D rfnport Street Telephone No. 405. \J JVIA M A , | N | t tS.