Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    * - . .
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H , H. HORNE & CO.
Fine ars
Wo make n specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nnd
YAHA. OlOAllS. All Cigars sold by usura.ofjuxomi ) manufacture and warranted
as represented.
OPERA HOUSE OIGAR HOUSE , I ' ' * 552 Broadway ,
jurtalns , In lace , M h , Turcoman , Etc , Oil cloths , MaVtlncs , Linoleums Eto
jhoicest Stock West of Chicago.
[ omo and bo convinced that wo nro headquarters for all goods in our lino.
henpcst place to buy llouso Furnishings in the O.Hr.
Mini Orders Filled Promptly end with Cnro
The only Hotel in this Cily on the European plan of
ITe-w Building -New Furnishings.
Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant ,
Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B
We < nia < antco the cure ot the following named dla-
BO&nor , erne pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers ,
Catarrh , a 1 Blood and-kin dlaootcs , Dytpopala , Liver
Complaint , Kidney and Dladder Diseases. Gout , Neu
ralgia and Astlima , TIicsj Springs are the favorite
resort of the tired an J debtlltatAd , and are the
Good hotel , Ihery and bathing accomodatlon both
winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque
and healthy. Accessible by Wabdeh railway , i
vona.orO..B. & Q , at Albany. Correpronaciic
solicited , HEV. M. M. THOMPSON.
. Uanager.
Albany , Slloam Springs , .Gentry Co. , Mo.
Spedflo Gravity . 1.002
Reaction . Neutra
Carbonlo Acid Gas . , . S3 In. per gallon
Carbonate Calcium . 85,921 Grains
Carbonate 'Iron . 7 , < 141 ' . ' (
Sulphate Magnesia . 3t88
Sulphate Calcium . 1,148
Chloride Sodium . 7M
Bllllca . 1,6M
Alumina . . . . .0,010
Organloand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,450
Total Bolldi per gallon . 67,174
of LOTS in
80 Choice Lots will be offered at
Public Sale on
WEDNESDAY , April 30th , 1884 ,
at 10:30 : A. M.
Perfla Is located In Iti'rlson-Countv , Io\\a , on the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ra Inay , thirty nill.B
north ot Council Blu 'und Ouuha I'crsli IK not
yet two yciM old , but already hunlreda ol jwoplo
have mode new homes and establsncl prosperous
bu > Ineai wlth'n ' her bardore , and there Is still room
lor many mre.
PereU , In addition to being the contemplated pint
at whlct the projected ihottltn * ffom Sioux City to
Chicago 111 Intercept the main line , la In the midst
ol a moat productho agricultural region , and w 1th
such manliest adiantagca cannot ( all to develop Into
a city ol surprising proportion * at no distant day.
The Iota are distributed In each and every block In
the town , and are therefore both business nd resi
dence Iota. The business Iota are locat d ontholo [ > el
plateau near the depot , and are fullyai desirable as
any ot these now built upon ; they are ot a uniform
Bize of 56x142 It. The iciMcnoo lolsnro located on
the beautiful'- elevated portion ot the town more re
mote from lh ) depot , and are fiOil2 ft In slzo.
* Business Iota 111 bo cold and designated as the
east and west hilt of lota and block * . .In all pther re-
specta Iota 111 be sold as per plat of town as It ap
pears on the Coun'y rccjrds. Title perfect. All Iota
to be sold to the highest ictponslble bidder on the
following term * , viz : Ono-thirl of purchase price
to be paid when lot la nold. A contract for deed will
bo given , conditioned that the ba'anco of purchase
price bo paid In tlx , twelve and eighteen months
with Interest at 8 per cent per annum. A discount
of 6 per cent on deferred paymenta will bo mode for
ca < ib. An agent will be on the promises a map
to show property to all visitors prior to sale. Address
L. 0. BALDWIN , Council Blufta , la.
L , A , CASPER ,
The Largest and Hoit Complete Green House In
4 Western Iowa.
Over 24,900 Feet of Glass in Use.
The Greatest variety and Iho Choicest plant" , lly
collection of Plants and flowers la now compete In
e > cry reii ect , and the public ro invited to call and
aspect tlio
1 was aw rdoj the First Promlurn at t o Counc'l
Bluffs District Fair In September , 1833 , mcr all com <
petltors : aari ; have tin o added irony new and
choice vulot leu , nd am prepared to furnish A new
dais of pUnU that hat e htret"f or been unattainable
In tbli market , for wh'ch ' I make no extra charge.
Cut flowers and floral designs furnished i roraptly ,
ami on anort notice. 1 have Just Issued a new ut
aloguolor 1831 , which will be mt Ireuonapphra'lon
Grcon Vegetables the Year Itouml.
Horto Ilvllsh In bottles.
23 Plorco St. Council Bluffslown
ci Si. . Paul , 'Minneapolis ' ant
The new extension o ! this line from Wakefleld ui
through Concoid and Colerldgo
TO aECja.rtmixrca-a'oaxr ,
Roachea the boat portion of the State , Special ex
curilon rates ( or land loeken over thli line t'
Waynt , Norfolk and Hartlugton , and > la IlUIr to al
principal poiuta on the
Trtlna over tht a. St. P. U. k 0. lullwiy to Oar
ngton , Bloux City , Pouca , llartlngton , Wtyno am
Norfolk ,
doxa.xi.oot o-t 331calxr
For Fiemont , 0&kdi.e , Nellgh , and through to Ya ]
tflot ntei and all Information call OD
V IJ. WHITNEY" . Qeneral Acent ,
lUtug i Dulldlcg , Cor , 10th and tarnam bti ,
_ . Oioaht , Net
JOT Ticket can be aaecured M depot , comer Jltl
S. H. HOWELIi , TrcsIilODt.
C. U SCIIALEnVlcc-rroslclcnt.
The GENUINE UOULDKU and Colorado coil. An.
thracltu , IOWR , Mlssouri.llllnoii ! , Kansie. CoalYarde
Brhlgo Stock Yard * .
OFK1CE3 117 S. 14t Street anil Mlllatd Hotel ,
Loan Brokers !
Loans Negotiated.
Houses Rented ,
Titles Perfected
And Special attention given to convoy'
anoint ; and all legal instruments.
SmHh'8 Addition , 60 Iot . Prioo 8300 to tW.
Park Pluxi , j 115 lota. Price 83 5 to SOX
Ok.hom i I'lsux ) , 19 lota Prioo 200 to < CK
Dwight &'9ttdd > 3 lots Price fl'C to $3ui
Ixiwc'e Addition 10 lots Price $150 to $351
Ihmu's addition , Slots Pr'co ' reasonable
VllBDICK'S "and 8 other
/ FAR A5I ,
Lots onTo * .
( .And almoi t ex cry St. in city
100 ACRE LOTS for sale CHEAP
To Loan on Real Estate ,
J. E. RILEY & CO. .
Oppoolt pdThoofHi-31
33L t ©
Second Hand
For Spot Ca h Oill on or address Mr. or Mre
. BUODEItlCK , 618 Snuth 10th street.
Stove Repair Works ,
Furnish Repairs for at Stoves made In tbo
Stoves renalred and remounted canal to now. Tele
phone No. 41 a M. E TON. Prop.
NewVooilfort ! New Attachments
Warranted 5 Years
I1 ? ! S. Street. Onah Neb
n the blood li apt to ebow ittolf In the eprlng , at
aturo ihould by all mcuiaLo assisted In throwing
off , Swllt'd Bpto'flo cloci this cfloctlvcly. 1C U
juirdy to ctab'e , non-poUonoua rouiedrvhloh liclj
tatuio to fores all tliojolion or taint out tliroui
lie porei of the iklu.
Mr , Hobert A. Uaaley , of Uloknon , Tenn.rIU
under date March 10 1894 : "I had cli lls and 'ot
folloued by rhematlim , for thrto jean , no that
waanotaVetouttenitoiry bmlimn : hid tned i
most et try kin I of medicine , and found no rtlli
A f i lend recommended bwlft'a gpeclllo. Itrl'iloi
nettle Mid inj health hdiran tolnjro\o. ) I contlmi
until I t/ad taken ilx bottles , and It hai tet me i
my test , ai lound aim well asevor. I recommend
to all similarly tllllctvd "
Lette'a from ttenty-thrco ( 3) of the leadlnv reti
drutrgUbio' Atlin'a , say , urd.irdato elM rcli2U
1S > I ; "We aell morn or Bwllt'i iiecino | than ai
other one i fined y , and three to ten tlmca a * much
any other UtoJ medicine , vvueelllito all dasu
and many of the but famllloi u o It M a genet
health tonic.
Our treatise on Blood and BUn DUeuea mill
free M inan-uM.
Orawir 3 , Atlanta , Qo.
N V. OfTlno , UOW.2,11 BU. t 'twMn ' mil * iul 711. -
IIow the Dent ! Noble SnvnRo Ib Die.
jiosod of.
Dr. II , 0. Ynrrow , In his work upon the
Study of tlio Morlunry Customs Among
ho North American Indians , " says the In-
dlnn Is burled In live dlfl'eronl ways :
First , by inhnmntlou in pits , graves nnd
. .vcs ; second , by crcflmtlon , tlio ashes be-
DC burled In boxes , urns or scattered :
hml , by cnibnlnitncnl ; fourth , by ncrlol
epuHuro ; fifth , by nijtmtic burlnl ,
llo is buried lying , sitting , standing nnd
in horseback. Sometimes ho is Inld in n
nntastlccouln , bright with feathers ; some-
lines ho is put into n cnnoo nud set adrift ,
The 1'lnos of Arzoim generally Jprcpnro
ho grave before the patient dies , nud ,
hould ho persist in reco\ering , the grnvo
cleft open until ho does die. Stone graves ,
> r cists , nro rare , although some Imvo bccu
"omul in Tennessee. " "
The Utcs bury in caves. In ninny cases
ho funeral feasts \\lilch follow death nro
vlld medleys , in which part of the com-
my lament , while others sing and dance.
Among the Tolkotlns of Oregon the do *
cased , on the. 10th day nflcr death is crc-
untcd. The widow is compelled to lie on
ho burning pllo till her body is covered
ith blisters. Hlio Is then compelled to
[ p her hands in the liquid fat which is-
uea from the body of the corpse nnd
nnoint her face nnd body with it. When
ho sinews of the legs nnd arms of the
> ody begin to contract , she is compelled
o straighten these members. For nny sns-
icctcd infidelity , the friends of her bus-
mud nro nt liberty to throw her buck on
lie burning pile , from v > hich she is drngjrod
y her on friciuTs. ;
Probably the ghastliest performance of
lie surviving noble Hiivngo is the "ghost
ambl9 , " n game played for the possession
f the property of the deceased. All the
roperty is divided into many small pile * ,
o gic each I udlnn invited to play n chanc *
o win something. Ono Indian represents
lie ghost ; thu players arc called in , one at
time , and play against him. If the in-
itcd player succeeds in beating the ghost ,
10 takes a pile of goody nnd passes out ,
ud eo on until all the goods are won.
This game , which is peculiar to the
ioux , is played in recent years with cards ,
ut , before the Indian became "ciulized , "
, was played with wild plum stones , vtx-
lously liguied.
Concentrate Vitnllf.
All excitants , to radically euro , must
o innocent. The art consists in con-
inuing % their .uso until matters in the
yatem contrary to health arc removed.
BHANIWSTII'S PILLS stimulate the blood
o a * to enable nature to throw off
11 morbid humors , and euro disease ,
10 matter by what name it may bo
The secret of recruiting the vital prin-
iplo is discovered m BUANDUETH'S PILLS ,
tccauso they remove what holds it in
heek. It is believed they possess the
lomcnis of vitality. Boat , healthy
nimal warmth , is certainly increased by
ho use of this wonderful medicine. Pro-
idod the graot. organs are not irrepar-
by ! injured , ' there is no disease BKAND-
IETH'S PILLS will not euro. The true art
if healing h to assist nature to throw off
lucaso to concentrate , as it wore , the
whole vitality 'of the system to eject the
momy that hai fastened on a part.
uith none other ! and follow the printed
lirections , and health will surely bless
you. '
Tlio Earth's Great Age. *
In a lecture at San Francisco , Prof. Wm.
) enton gave several striking illustrations
of the earth's age. First , ho said , wo bad
evidence of the earth's great ago in the
, iny particles of soil beneath pur feet.
The great trees of California with from
UKO to 2,350 annlial rings of vegetable
; rowjh , reveal the fact that these mounrchc
of the vegetable world were sailings when
tfebuelmdue/zer wns born. Tlio great fal-
en Monarch of the Forest has been csti- ,
mated to have becn,4)00 ( ) years old nudgrev-
from seed propagated by older parent trees ,
and these in turn from grandparents , whoso
crumbled dust forms a rich \ egetablo mould
o nourish their younger progeny. How
many Buch generations occurred no one can
But older than these are thr facial beds.
When these ploughed their ' "yovcr the
urfaee of North America Scandinavia .
hey phmcd out mighty beds nud ground
ind polished down the uneven surface of n
"brmer age. In this remote age , the coast
> f 'New England was like that of Grecn-
and nt the present day. Few geologists
will place the glacial period nt less than
00,000 j cars ago. Hut we could go back
till further. In the tertiary strata of Cal-
foruia has been found what nro called the
earliest human remains ever discovered.
These existed many thousand , years ago ,
vhcn one-half of New Jersey , one-thud
Df Virginia , all of Florida , part of Tcxta
ind Great Britain wcro under water. The
kledilerraucnn sea wns then double ita pros'
int size , and the Gulf of Mexico extended
to Ohio. A largo part of California wan
inder the bed .of the Pacific ocean , nnd
vatcrs then extended back to the foothills
of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
But older than this period and formation
was the underlying stratification of chalk ;
still older was the Tnnssic , and older yet ,
.ho new red sand-slono. Older yet was the
: arhoniferou3 formation. Then -further
back was the old red sand-stone , such as
comes to the surface in parts of Scotland.
Again , still lower , the older Silurian , then
the older Laurcntinu , seen nt the surface in
vVestern Canada , and older yet 'than nil
hcso the granite or great underlying rock ,
, ho parent that thrusts itself up ns the
jnekhoue of continents , cutting through
til others to show us on the surface what
s below. What an infinity of time must
aavo passed uway'iu the successive forma *
; lou of these rocky layers !
A Cure * of Pneumonia ,
Mr. D. IT. Barnaby , of Owego , N. Y , , says
that hi * daughter win talcou with a violent
cnld which terminated with jinoumonia , and
ull the bjst physicians gave the coco up and
said slio could not II vo but a few hours at most ,
Bhe was In thin condition when a friend res-
omuiondol 1)1J. WM. HALL'S BALSAM
FOH Till : LUNGS , and advised her to try
It. She accepted It an a last resort , and was
Mirprleed to find that it produced a marked
chaiigo for the hotter , and by pjreovorlnR In
IU use a permanent euro was effected ,
35YNJ5 cures Instantly ,
Mother * ! , Attention !
Chan. .Tones , of Kltzaboth.Bpcncer Co.JnJ. ,
says , 1 have dealt In mndicinn n nnmbor of
vonrs and will gay thit nil. IlOQKIl'8 VKG-
liTABLU WOHil SYUUP \ * the most valu
able medicine I ever sold. My customer * ) wore
BO pleased with ita effects that they purchased
a number of bottles to have it nn hand. It in
all that It la recommended to be ,
V A French physician has called spinach
"the broom of the stomach , " for it cleans
es nnd purifies this father of a mutinous
/amlly when badly treated. This vegeta
ble has a delicate flavor and needs a care
ful washing ; it la then boiled in a email
quantity of Bait water for flllcen minutes ,
When drained and pressed from all moist
ure it is placed in n dish and nerved with
melted butter or cgguauce ; there may be
adoah ol tarragon vinegar added. The
spinach Is garnished with rings of hard-
boiled eggs. Alter dandelion is carefully
washed , pour boiling water OUT it and lei
it be steeped until the strong bitter taste
has disappeared ; then ntter ( .training boil
the grcena fifteen minutes with eome unit
u j drain off all the water and serve will
' | vinegar or leinou julco mad water ,
Don't Allow Talent to Itiipt.
An by constant friction slccl it , ka-
ilghly polished , sn by constant oxcrciso
talent over at its brightest , AH our pow-
rs grow by use. If wo ncglcci tocnlti-
ate the habit of observation , wr might 09
roll walk through the world bllmlt1. '
Wo lose our faculty what nrtlstA vull
ur "touch" by neglect of practice on
( her things besides the ylntio. The man
vho seldom icatk , reads slowly j tlio wo
nan uhnso writing is confined to nn infro-
ucnt letter to some absent child , spends
lore lime over that.thai docs a practiced
vrilcr ox cm dozen pages of manuscript ,
Exercise of possessed talent is absolutely
cccssary , tiicn. if wo would retain out
For example : If our occupation is co-
cntary , wo ought to plan lor walks , ride :
md nctl\o games , to keep our muvclct
the , Uid serviceable. But if our employ-
iii'tit gives ua enough muscular action. I.
s not ono whit less important toourhcaU
f body that wo slrotild plan for mental
xcrcise fur employment enough of mem-
ry nnd our reasoning powers to keep them
om rusting. Aui < , in cither case , that
fo must be n dwarfed nnd nnhcnlthly
no that docs not proIdo cxcrciso for our
ilritnnl faculties for vorshlp , nnd chary -
y , nml p.tticnce , nnd mngnanlmltj' .
IXerciso of , mind , nnd body , car
lone bring 113 to the utaturo of the poifco.
Very Sensible Views.
TliQro is much growling lately about
icwspapers. A man who will denounce a
lewspaper as Indecent , and yet will iilnnyH
ubscribo for it , had better close his mouth
n the subject of higher journalism. A
nan ho takes a paper and is weak enough
o fear its gun , and u Ishe.s to spike it by
ccretly supporting the very form of jour-
allsm ho jirctend.s to despise , is n very poor
renture. The piess o\\cs much to the
ntblic , and yc-t that part of the public that
cems themsehes rcpresenlativo of advau-
cd thought and intelligence , Mho nru in
' .wor of nobler mannera and purer laws ,
wo something to the press nnd to them-
elves. They.owe ittothopresswhcnthey
sk with owlish bolomnity , "Why is not
10 press Jollier in it.s nim nnd more dc-
ent in its conduct ? " to slop supporting
tnpcra whoso 8jirit they pretend to spurn ,
iocs any man suppose a newspaper will
nanbovo the dialect of the ditch , the
; ossip of the gutter , the politics of a police
; : uctte , when it 11 nils that these things
ukloaiul please those \\ho think they
land at the top of society just as keenly
s these whom wo know uallowed nt the
nttonl The public that clamors for a
irrcr press can always nkako the press
vlint it chooses cnn always make ita
iioico between journals of good and evil
cport. The honest man who can not
fl'ord to bo abused by a disreputable news-
> apcr had best review his honesty , for his
iction casts suspicion on his conscience.
STO honest man need pay moral blackmail ,
> y subscribing for nu immoral paper.
Iiirsliall Statesman.
Cancer foe Xwenty Years.
Mr. y. 11. lloblson , Davhborn , Ga , , wiito' ,
niler date January 3 , 18S1 : "I am Rotting
i finely , the nicer Is prnibmlly healing. I
eel that Swift'd Specific will euro the horilblo
ancor wlilch has bcoa feeding nn mo for o\er
0 years. "
Mr. O. G. Barren , of Bunnlnp , Ga , wiito ? ,
atcd March 3,1881 : "Thn soreness has all
one out of the Cancer , and my health ha
really improved. I htua tnkon six bottles of
jttlKr'n Sl'KclKlo , for a Skin Cancer , which I
lave had for years "
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3 , At-
auta , Ga.
"Going io School. "
Class in geography , stand up. Now , who
an tell mo who was King of the Cunni-
> al Islands 400 years ago ? What , can none
no answer this gravely important query ? "
s it posrnblo that yon Iia\o knowingly
cept yourselves in the dark .on a point
vliich may one day decide ttie'fate of the
lation ? Very well ; the entire class will
tay an hour after school as a punishment.
The "B1' class in geography will please
arise nnd come forward for trial nnd scut-
uco. Now. then , iu what direction from
San Francisco nro the Mangrove Islands ?
Vhat ! can no one answer ? And you boys
xpect to grow up nud become business
men , nnd you girls to become wives , nud
et don't know whether the Mangrove Is-
auds are north-east or south-west of San
V.uicisco ! I hlmll bend these boys up to
.ho principal to bo thrashed , nnd the girls
rill have no recess.
"Tho class in history will now take the
) risoner s box , nnd tell the jury whether
luuiiower seeds nro among the exports of
Afghanistan. No answer ? None of you
tested on this momentous question . Two-
birds gf you on the point of leaving
chool to mingle in the busy BCCIICS of life ,
md yet you do not know wucther Afghnn-
stan exports sunflower f > ceds or grind-
tones' For five years I Inn e labored hero
as r. teacher , and now I find that my work
s thrown nwny. Go to your seats nnd.I
vill think up eomo mode of punishment
icflttiug your ciime.
The advanced class in mathematics will
low step forward. One of jou please step
o the .blackboard and illustrate the an
gular rectangle north-cast corner of n
[ uadrangle. What ! Ka one i ) . all this
Joss able to make that bim pie illustration ?
Tames and John and Joseph nnd Henry ,
on expect to become merchanUi , and Mary
md Kate and Nancy and Sarah , you are
all old enough to get mnrrird , and yet you
confess your ignorance of angular rcctnn-
; nlr.r ijnndrangulcrB before the whole
school ! John , suppose you become a whole
sale grocer. Do you expect to buy ten and
sugar and coflVo nnd spices , nud sell the
same again without reference to qundinng-
es ? Mury , Biipposo you go to the stereo
o buy rbur yards of factory nt ten cents a
jird. How nro you going to bo certain
hat jou have not been cheated if yoncnn-
not Jlguro the right angle of a triangle ?
Ah , mo I I might as well resign my posi-
iou nud go homo nud die , for the next gen
eration will he so ignorant that all ccluca-
; ed persons will feel themselves strangers
nd outcasts. " JJclroit 2)ec 1'icss ,
An old tin kettle may not point a mor-
Inl , but wo have frequently known it to
adorn a tall.
"Tho preas is mighty nnd will prcvnil , "
wid thoBusccpllblo maiden when she \uia
liuggcd by her stalwart hivur.
The reason why Ameilcnn men became
hnld-headid nt an early ago has been ex
plained. They wear their straw hiits'iin-
til the c.rly frosts fctriko in and kill tin
tcnita of 'iclr ' huir ,
Pile * are frequently preceded by n non o o
weight in the back , loina and lower part of tin
abdomencauxliiK the patient to guppoiia he ha
BUJIIO direction of the kidneys or nolghborhi |
organAttlniCH , nym tcuan of indlgOHtloi
nro pi ( went , as flatuuncy , iiiioanineus of th
stomach , etc. A moiutcro like pursplrallon
producing a Aery disagreeable itching iiaitlcn
larly at night ftor Retting warm in bed , it
very common attendant. Internal , Kxtornn
anil Itching 1' lea yield at once to the uppllcn
tlon of Dr. liimnko'al'ilo Kuinedy , which act
directly upon the parts affected , absorbing th
tumors , allaying the intense itching , and ol
feeling a permanent cure whore other retm
dies have failed. Do not delay until the dral
on the system nroducea ponnanent disability
but trv It and bo rurod. Hclirctor & Beclit ,
"Trade suppliedbv O. V , Goodman , "
A Galveflton school teacher had n gret
dcul of trouble mukiug a boy undcrsUui
bib letson. Finally , however , ho succcci
cd , uiid , draw lug u long breath , ho rcmarl
! to the boy ! "II ft wasn't for me you won !
i bo thcbiggcbt doukcy oil Gulvcbtou isluud
i Qalti&tOH
New Idcnn About Corn ,
Wo have learned much that is ncwrlxinl
corn during the p.tU few yearn , nnd much
that wo have learned has been taught us
by boyn. The report ? of the corn cpps
grown by Vermont boys gUcn in Oeso
columns recently is nn extraordinary lea-
son for old farmers , nnd ono of the great
est value. A few years ago it would have
been received with incredulity , but the
new ideas which now prcvnil In regard to
corn render that surprising statement pf r-
fcctly credible. What farmer after read
ing the account given can doubt the possi
bility of himself reaching the yield of 100
bushels of corn per acre. This record is
but ono of many that have been gh cu in
Ihcso columns during the past three or
four ycan , nnd in each case the condlticius
of success nppcar to bo the panic. This
unanimity of result Is suflU'lcntto amount
to n law , nud Its requirements may bo
laken as including every tiling that is need
ed for one to reach the same ends. These
requirements nro very simple and but few
In number. They nro : The selection of
good seed of some established variety j
good soil , well prepared ; nbumlantmanur
ing or fertilizing , and the best cultivation
frequently given and long continued , nnd
in many cases It has been shown that level
cultivation IB most cflectivc. Now t'hcso
requirements are nothing new. Every
farmer knows that they arc needed ibrnny
wul every crop nnd that , when they are
provided , the soil responds with nlncrlty
and liberality , nnd the corps reach the
maximum. It is simply doing the best for
the soil , always generous nnd ready to re
pay back with Interest what Is given to it.
It 'is the true principle of economy , which
Is , 1i > use the means wo have so ns to pro
duce the very best results , knowing that
every surplus' bushel produced by the ml-
dition of fertilisers nud cultivation ndds to
the piollt in n larger ratio , because the
flxed charges for land , for plow Ing , for the
seal , for planting , for the greater part of
the ciiHUntion , for the cutting , huiidllm ;
nnd hauling nro the s\nio : forvcn bushels
per ncro grown on poor soil as 100 bushels
per ncro giown on the richest land.
Air mid water tire food for plants ; they
not only contribute to their sustenance ,
but they issist proportionately in reduc
ing organic matter to its mineral elements ,
nnd to a r < olublo condition , nnd to cfl'ect r.
disintegrating and eohcnt action of the
mineral particles of the noil. The more
the surface of the soil is stirred and loosened
ened the more moisture is absorbed and
reaches the roots ; and nstho circulation of
moisture nnd tlio changes of tcmpcraturo
consequent upon It arc iicccssnrily foHow-
-J by citculntion of air , both water nud air
.re , thciefore , encouraged to circulate iu
the ( .oil ) jy ficqueiit cultivation , nnd time
the desired nud necessary ctfccls arc pro
duced. One of the largest crops of corn
that has been giownz. ' . , 100 bushels per
ncrc , vas cultivated once a week up to the
timo' when the ears were forming , and
when the silk had been ft-rlMs-ed ; nnd nt
thin late period n dressing of special corn
fertiliser was cultivated into the soil. It
is one of the points to bo aimed at that
tlio growth of cars nnd grain should bo cn-
counigod rather than that of stalk and
leaf , excepting np to n certniu size. Jf
stall : nine or ten feet in length w largo
'nough for the purpose of fodder , and if it
is no' more than ono nud onv-haif inches
Iu thickness ul the base it in enough. Plen-
'y of leaf growth is dcsirab'.u because the
Train cnnuotbemnlurcd without this ; buf
beyond the requirements of the grain , ex-
icssivo leaf growth is Hot of importance.
I Tow it seems to bo proved that frequent
cultivation of the soil helps the plant to
produce more grain , increase its sexual fer
tility nnd prevents abortive cars or vacant
spaces in the cars , and this is precisely
wlfat wo should nim nt iu growing com ,
became wo can grow large enough stalks ,
but wo do not very often bring ony where
near maturity the numerous smr.ll cars or
nubbins , or till with ears the iiinny husks
which appear nt the sheaths. If wo can
succeed in doing this , as has been very suc
cessfully nttcmptcd by Professor Blount ,
wo cannot tell what the limit of the pos
sible product of corn may bo up to 200 or
300 bushels per acre. For if we cnn 'pro
duce eight or ten good cars on every stalk
upon au aero of ground and this has been
done upon some stalks wo need not stop
short of COO or 800 bushels of grain per
acre. Whether wo mny ever reach the
half or the quarter of this no ono can tell ,
butv/hen wo consider what has been done
it mny not be very insh to hint at what
may yet be done when wo shall have learn
ed the whole secrets of corn-grow ing. The
ccessity for thorough culthatlou of the
-ail and the ubscnce of weeds among the
jlants frequent and clean cultivation , in
"bet , is the lourth new idea tnnt wo have
learned in regard to corn-growing. New
Xcrk .
Times. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A StartlliiK Discovery.
Mr. Wm. Johnson , of Huron , Dak. , writes
that his wife had boon troubled with acute
Bronchitis for many years , nnd thit all reme
dies tried gtivo no jrarmannnt relief , until ho
procured a bottle of Dr. K\ny"t Now Discov
ery for Consumption. Coughs , nnd Colds ,
which had n magical effect , und produced a
permanent euro. It Is guaranteed to euro all
Diseases of Throat , Luuga , or Bronchial
Trial bottles Frco at 0. F. Goodman's Drug
Store. Iimyo eizo 81.00.
A Dozen "Waterspouts.
A rellablo traveler tells the following
toout waterspouts :
Wo left Aspiuwall on the llth of May
or New-York. The weather wns good un-
1 the 17th. At or about half-post two
/clock in the afternoon of that day Cap-
aln Williams nnd n number of the officers ,
row and passengers wcro astonished by the
.ppcaranco of a largo waterspout. I have
ecu. this remarkable phenomena .before ,
ut never on such a gigantic uenlo , The
jrst ono was seen uboutslx mi lea away.
A stream of water seemed to riho frpm the
level of the ocean , and at the same time
nether stream descended from the hcnvcnr
, nd depended from a dark rain-cloud like
great icicle. The two btreams met abcu (
uidwny between sky nnd water , mii1 Him
began to move rapidly to the eastward
The boso of the waterspout appeared to be
nearly a quarter of a mile wide , nnd then
it tapcied townrd the middle into nn al
most imperceptible line. Suddenly itbroke
ud there wns a mighty heavlug nnd turn
uing about of the waters in iho vicinity
yVo saw twelve spouts that ufternoon dur
ing some heavy rain squalls. At ono tlmi
I Baw four of them at once. Thry looket
like Ipfty flplres of a cathedral. Througl
our glasses wo could sec that the tops ol
the spouts were lost in the clouCs. It is
BcieutiUo fact that the discharge of a call
lion in the neighborhood will ulwayc cans
thoae wntcr-columnu to break. The passeu
gers insisted that the dUchargoof a piste
would create Buflicicntibrutlon in the ai
to destroy a spout which was n miU awnj
I loaded my revolver mid llrcd twice at th
spout. At the second shot it broke ,
don't know whether it was tlio result o
the firing or not , hut the thing luippcnei
just as 1 tell you , and ( it least it was a K
inaiknblo coincidence. Kvery time nbpou
burnt , the top part of it Bccmcd to vanis ]
into vapor , but the under purl would roc !
the scft for ml lea , nnd our vessel cxperieui
ed the violent clltcts. In fact , nil thn
afternoon the water was disturbed Hc\
cnil times it wns thought wo would hay
tochnugo our course , but the sji > uta dl
uofc approach too ueur for safety.
The host regulator of digestive organ inn
tha boat opnotizer known Is Angostura H
i cm. Try It , but bow ore of { imitations , ( n
from your grocer or druggist the ironuiua art
u o'o , manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siegcrt
[ -Bonn [ *
' \ IB JftBII BJ Ufa tfo kU < " tt > ° > sulTorlDit from tl
! KaalNirflOHHHErM' ! ' ' youtuiut crrcr
" ; "
ri 1 Bli W IB H B W ? 4S > ilemin l woiVneu. euiy U
I wr. io t in nbood. ta. I will end you ntrtloaliwof
tfmplv ml certain moan * of ulf cart ) . Ire * of ihtrx
J BtnU tSr ddrou to r.c.iuntui , iloocun , Uoa :
Ono of the Boat and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
UOSTON , March lit , 18 1
r.MKH'ON TIANO CO OuNTLKMi ! ' ! Tour Instrument * , Grand , Squire unit Upright , nro roVly noble
Irntriimtnts . nnj unrlvallul for luautjr of tone mnl Dulh. Allow tnu to congratuUtit onour Btcrllna
( irojrow. OUSTAVK SAlTfcll ,
JlIIL. \ J lO JET JQj n 1519 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
Willimnntic Spool Cotton is entirely the produot of Honie Industry , . t ; }
md is pronounced by experts to be the best sowinc machine thread in the .1 1
111 ftp Omiihn. {
* t
ICO will 103 South 14ll > Street , Omaha , Nebraska. "Correspondence Solicited. " ' . * > .
lade of Sheet Metal with Pressed Ornaments. No Leaking , No Cracking or Blow
ing off. Fire Proof , Cheap nnd Durable. The Most Ornamental Roof Made ,
Practically Tested for Nearly Ten Years , With the Most Gratifyiog Resnlts , ' ' .
Fig. 2 'View ropreaonting a number
_ of Tiles as arranged upon a roof. ,
Fig. 3 Detail sectional view of the
Fig 4 Ono of the Roof Tiles.
Fig. B Wall Tile , the white part of . .4
which ia covered by the ono above
it , and requires no description. ;
OP' ,
Breecliiiigs and General Iron fort
Guttering and General Jobbing' J 1
N >
Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
jI I
Hoina Victorias. Especiales , Boses in 7 Sizes from $6
to $120 per 1000.
Grapes. Thi&tlo , Lawrence Barrett/Caramels , New Stan
dard , Good Advice , New Brick.