Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1884, Image 8

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Thursday Morning ; April 24.
At the oQlco of i UK OMAHA DAILY
Bun competent printers can find cmploj
mcnt nt the rcRiilar going wfigcn. Term
anent aitualionB guaranteed to competent
non-union men. '
While I recognize the right of nuj
man orBolof mon to withhold their laboi
or rofuBO to work at wages that do not
suit them , I also deny the right of an )
man or sot of mon to UBO violence or
throats for the purpose of corapoUin }
olhcr men to quit worlc. In view of tl o
assaults and threats made by atrikug
parties upon employes of thisoflico ,
here notify whom it may concern that
will protect the employes of the BrK to
the full extent of the law. I furthermore
moro hereby serve notice upon the par
ties who are on a strike thai vo shrill
consider them aa trespassers if they come
on the promises' of this oflico.
Frost. BPK Publishing Co.
i.tcss DIKECTORY to bo issued in July ,
181. price $4. 50. J. M WOLFB , pub-
liihor , 120 S. 14th St. . Omaha.
Wwrinta have btou nworn ont sgAlntt
tbroo men who have made assaults and throat *
gainst employes of tha BKE.
Rov. Krlstofor Jansen , will deliver a leo
taro in the "Unitarian church , on the corner ol
fiovonUouth strootfl , Thursday , the ? 4th ol
April , nt 8 o'clock , Admission , 25 cents.
The many friends of Deputy Marshal I'd
Gorman will be rejoiced to learn that ho h
still retained In that rapacity.
The funeral ot Louis Hansmennok will
take place April 24th , at 10 o'clock a. in.from
the undertaking rooms of Chas. lllowe. All
friends of deceased are invited.
In police cou.t yesterday two cases , for
disturbance of the ptaco , were fined $5 oacb
suid costs. They were both sent to Jail in de
fault of payment.
A postal card dated Amsterdam , April
4th , announces that Max Meyer and bis wife
arrived safely at that place. They hnvo both
.Jjcen enjoying good health , and are having a
good lime.
Short Lived.
The "Western Wondor" show , under
the management of Ohas. Viucont ; disbanded -
banded Moaday afternoon and the per
formance billed for the Academy of Music
that evening did not take , place. The
proprietor r was arrested for obtaining
money under false pretenses and gave
bail for his appearance.
The company wasorganizod in this city *
last week and although they showed to
good houses for evenings , the enterprise
lacked financial busking and collapsed.
Anniversary of Odd fellowship ,
The C5th anniversary of the founding
of Odd Fellowship in America , will be
celebrated in an appropriate manner by
members of that order , on Saturday
afternoon and evening of April 20th. In
the afternoon there will bo a parade , par
ticipated in by members of tho1 various
Omaha lodges , together with delegations
of members from , lodges in Council
Bluffs , Oakland , Blair ; Springfield , Bellevue -
levuo and other lodges. The procession
will leave Odd Fellow's Hall at 2 o'clock
p. m. and form on Dodge , with right rest
ing on Sixteenth street.
, The line of March will bo on Sixteenth
Month to Douglas , east to Fifteenth stront
outh to Harney , east to Tenth street ,
north to Douglas , west to Sixteenth ,
north to Webster , counter march right
and left on Sixteenth street to Dodge ,
thence to hall. The muslo for the oc
casion will be furnished by the U. F.
band , and U. S. Military band.
After the parade , anniversary services
trill bo held in the hall , whore an address
will be delivered by the Hon. Koatty , of
Jdwa. In the evening a reception aud
ball will bo given under the auspices of
Iluth , Rebecca Degree Lodge No. 1.
Should the weather bo pleasant , the
Odd Fellows expect to have a grand time
and excel all previous celebrations. .
DAEMON.- this city , April 22d , Alexander
der Daemon , Aged forty-four jews.
Alexander Damon WM born in Hesse ,
Dana-Stadt , Germany , November 1st
1842. He emigrated to America in 1857
nd # Uled In.Oinctanati , Ohio , when
he lived until 1BCO. He enlisted i
Corapwy 0. 9th regiment , Ohio infantry
ia May , 1861. He was H three month's
volunteer and served his time , and then
enlisted for three years. He was engag
ed in the battle * of Mill Spring * , Ky. ,
Shllob , ChaUnooga , Missionary Hidgo ,
Lookou Hountaln , besides many skir-
uishM. He was muttered out in Gin-
clunst i'ia July , 1804. Ho then visited
where be remained nine
y which lie spent tire years
lilinoU. "He then moved to
1808 , where be' has stuco re-
ixt4d d. He was married in Cairo ,
ta 1805 to MUs Roaina'AUhus , who ,
ohildr a survives him. He
tltKf l4Viw two bcothera , aud one titter.
O * of hU UruUier * is ia OftHfornis , while
i M oUwr , John Daemon , resides in this
iW s 4 WM with his brother at the time
4tf Wit''d vUi. DeMasad built thoBt.
1877 , and had
1o e R prosperous busmows one
fwil > > ! via 'vary ' oomforUhle oircuin
. Tbi funenl of d0c * ed wil
t"-d V < * t 2 o'olocV. frotnb't l t
IK * OB Twtb < * * * * , MM St. J u
TliBJnillcial Decision HDon the Slocnml
Statute Rcniore Ycsterllay ,
Judges Wakoly and Neville Hold
ing thnt $1,000 , Shall bo
Paid for Every Liooneo ,
Ttio lllnlco MntulnnuiR Stilt
by the Court.
Tito case of the state out of the relatiot
of Blake against Chninpion S. Ohase ,
mayor of Omaha and others , upon thi
( ucstion of issuing liquor liconsca in tlw
oily , wan decided yoatcrday by the dis
trict court , both judges concurring in tin
opinion. As is well known this case
catno up originally before Judge Woke-
ly , but owing to its vast importance , not
nly to the saloon keepers , but nho t <
the public Bchoola of this city ,
fudge Neville was invited by hia (
tociato upon the bench to Bit with him
and hoar the argument of counio' o
dither aide and aasiat him in reaching hit
The action was instituted in the form
of a mandamus upon the defendants ti
restrain them from issuing licenses not in
iccordanco with l w. To the aflidavil
upon which the alternative writ of man.
Jftumas was issued , an answer was fill d
letting up the dofor.80 that the right forn. .
if action was not instituted. In add !
to thisissuo it was requested by attorney's
on either aide and the city ofllcials de
fendants , that'tho bench would hear ar
guments and pass njton the license law as
lud down in the statute book.
Ortlinrmco no. 480 of the [ city of Om
aha , regulating the license and sale of
malt , vinous and spirituos liquors , wet
framed under , and intended to bo in con
formity with the statue relating to that
subject. Section 3 of the ordinance pro
vides that no license shall bo issued foi
any time beyond the municipal , year.
Section four fixed the rate of such license
onso at $1,000 per annum. Section 8
provided that the applicant shall pay to
the city treasurer the amount required at
the rate of $1,000 per annum.
It is admitted by the pleadings that the
city officers have heretofore issued liccns
DS for three , six and twelve months , a'
cho rate of $1,1100 per annum , payiutt
therefor proportionate sums for those dif
ferent periods.
Att ho beginning of this municipal year ,
ind juit before licenses were about to be
issued to the 102 applicants for the same ,
this writ was served , its object being to
prevent the issue of any license for a per
iod of time other than to the end cfthe
municipal year , or for a less sum tban
81,000. The relater claims that the ordi
nance permitting the issuance of any li-
sqnse for a loss period than to the end of
the municipal year ia in conflict with thu
itato law , aud to prevent the itsuanco ol
such license the remedoy of a peremp
tory writ of mandaumas is sought. Be-
( ere this can be granted the remedy
mutt bo determined to bo a legal one.
The end sought does not rt quire the
respondents to do any acts , but only to
restiain them from doing illegal ones. If
the court should grant this relief , would
It bo allowing a mandamus or granting
Em injunction ? These remedies are not
interchangable. If the ono is proper ,
the other is not. If by the judgement
of this ciatrt it shall say you shall not
issue a license for loss than $1,000 , nor
for a shorter period than ono year , it
would employ the language of an injuno.
tion , not of the writ of mandamus.
There is another reason why the writ
ought not to issue , even if mandamus
were an appropriate remedy. The relater
later appear * iu behalf of tlio public as
a citizen to enforce the performance of
an alleged public duty. In such a case ,
it is not a matter of absolute right. It
is clear to the court that the remedy
sought is not a proper one , and thn writ
is denied.
The two conditions prescribed by ntat-
utofor thoissuapco of licenses in cities
of the first clasa are : ,
First , That the license shall not extend
beyond the municipal year.
Second , That the amount to bo paid
for Kiioh license , shall not bo less than
Tha moaning of the statute plainly it
that a sum not less tlun the minimum
shall bo paidfor every license issued
The limit of time the license shall cover
is fixed , in the ono case , at not exceeding
nno year , and in the other not beyond
he end of the current municipal year
.licenses may bo issued for lees than these
eriods , but the minimum at leaat muat
o exacted for each.
On the strength of this decision , Oity
ittorney Connell will advise the proper
ity authorities to issue licenses in ao
ordanoo therewith.
Two UlUerlan Illllo Bull.
The Hiberlan rifles gave a very pleas
ant ball at Orownso'a hall last evening.
About one hundred couples were pruienl
and dancing was indulged in until an
hour this moinlng , Irwin'a orchos-
ra fumithod the ramie , Early in the
evening the rifle team gave an exhibition
drill , which was gr atly enjoyed by the
spectators , and reflected-great credit up
on the captain. The A. 0. H. bone
played several selections in their usu
jood stylo. The bill , in every respect ,
was a grand success ,
Tlio U , P. Huso Dull Club ,
The announcement in yesterday's
that tlio Union Pacific base bill
Leain had disbanded caused no little
surprise among the friejidu and patrons
of the club in this city. The club was
organized about three years ago , Last
season was mi expensive ono to the
club , the fitting up of iho now grounds
involving a-largo outlay of money , and
leaving n heavy deficit when the bnul-
uos3 of the year was closed. Tills sea
son the managers thought they had
plain Balling , could pay all their debts ,
and probably have a handsome sur-
' plus. To this end three new men were )
ai engaged , and arrangements made foi
an extended tour , panics being booked 1
Hock Island , Qulucy , Peoria
rivansvlllo , St. I/mls nnil other gootl
nines. A few weeks ago Mr. Young ,
tlio auditor for Iho Union Pacific , inter
posed objections lo the men devoting
so much tlmo to the game , but it was
explained lo him thai the woik did not
suffer , and that tlis company lost noth
ing , ns the absentees were paid by Ihcii
follow clerks , mid their duties woic
faithfully attended to by competent
parlies. Upon this showing Mr.
Young withdrew hla objections nnil
tlio boys wont on with the preparations
for their trip. Yestetclay Mr. Young
asked to sec n schedule of games , and
Intling two set down for Sunday , ru-
'used to countenance thopiojcct. Peei
ng It would bo useless to continue the
organization in the fnco of such oposl-
tion , a meeting of the members was
lurrirdly called nnd the club disbanded.
The amusement-loving people of this
city have come to look upon the Union
Pacific ball club ns n standard and
> ermancnt attraction , ami upon their
Kill ground as a place where a pleasant
lour might be spent , and it is n great
disappointment to sco the club disband.
! t Is to be hoped that concessions maybe
bo made on both sides , nnd that the
ircsent difllculty may bo amicably nd-
ustwd so that the club may go ahead
vith its season's work.
[ "bo Unvarnished Facts in the
On my return from Hastings
osterday I found that tlio bricklayers'
inion has passed resolutions to boy-
ott TUB Bun , because 1 refuse to ac-
cdo to the arbitrary nnd unjust de
mands of the printers who hnvo gone
n a strike. Now , I want the brick-
nyers nnd all other woikingmen in
Omaha to understand that I know my
msiness a great deal better than they
enow it. In the thirteen yeais during
vhlch I have been a publisher I have
Iways sought to treat the men in my
mploy as I should like to be treated
vero they the employers and I the em-
iloyed. This oflico has the reputation
f paying higher salaries and bet-
er wages than any other paper
n the state. I have never sought to
iscriminato against Union men , but
n the contrary the printer's Union was
rganized in my ofllce , with my full
cnowledge , and no Union printer has
) een refused employment because he
jclonged to n Union. The only mis-
ako I have made was 'in taking back
Inkers who have tried lo break down
bis paper by all sorts of falsehoods ,
nd have worked upon my generosity
y pleading for their families , for nether
ther purpose than to create disaffec-
ion and In conjunction with a lot of
ramp printers bring on anothertriko
mt has neither merit nor decency , and
s contrary to printers' usage every-
When the printers struck last sum
mer THE BICE was paying higher wages
lian any other newspaper , and while
lie strikers acknowledged that they had
> eon well treated by me , they made
THIS BKE the target of their most vin-
ictivc abuse , and started another pa-
er for no other purpose than to villlfy
mo and damage the concern. The most
triking thing about that strike was that
.ho . strikers paid each other less wages
.linn I was paying , and then stiuck
iccauBo they could get no pay at .all.
I did not take advantage of them by
publishing this and other facts that
vcro highly discreditable to the craft ,
lecause I had no vindictive feeling and
'clt confident that I was sustained by
ho body of the community and the'
vorftlng people generally. %
The scale of prices emandcd by the
trikcrs last summer was SO cents per
008 ems for day work , and 85 cents for
light work. THE Bins was paying 80
cents for day work at that time , and 33
cents for night work , while the
Republican and Herald were paying 82
cents for night work. It will bo seen
that the day men were getting in this
oflico nil that the Union asked , but they
complained about the narrow columns
of the BEE , and the colums were tlicro-
ipon widened to stnndaid width , the
same ns the other dailies. That gave
horn all they could reasonably ask.
Last winter the men waited on mo and
lomplaincd about the size tif the body
; ypo used in this ofllcemd I raised
, heir pay on that typo to 31 cents per
1000 cms woik and 34 cents for
night work. In other words the Bin :
1113 been paying 34 cents per 1000 ems
slnco last winter , while the Itypullican
nnd Herald are paying only 83 cents. '
Hut the malcontents and tramps , who
come nnd go in printing offices , kept up
Lho agitation , nnd n few days ago a
: ommitteo waited on mo with a de
mand that for ovcry 1000 ems of our
ypo wo should measure 1108 , which
would make an advance of nearly 20
; > er cent , per 1000. Our composition
jills are $800 per week , and a raise of
20 per cent , on two-thirds of that
amount would be equal to $10 per week ,
or over $2,000 u year. Dls-lnteiosted
lob printers , of life-long experience tell
me , that the demand for higher meas
urement was prcpostoious and outra
geous. The same typo that wo now
use , has been used In this otllco for six
years. Up to within ten days our
nilntershad not made the wonderful
discovery that they weio entitled to anymore
moro measurement. Why did they nov
ur complain about it in all these six
years ? Where is there another Instance
nl this country where the publishers
allow moro tban standard measuio fo
tlielr typo. Suppose I grant this ex
| travagant demand , will not the othe
printers in all the other onlces follow 1
PI up by a demand for a corresponding
raise , and , if it Is granted , will not our
[ printers very ntvturully insist that tliey
in their turn should bo raised ? Wliei :
and wlicro would tills striking cndi1
Unt the bricklayers' ' union , takes tir
the hue and cry of a blackmailing shcol
that Is published by the pampoicd
son * of a notorious jobber , who lias
amassed wealth by crowding the poor ,
-bat the BKE refuses to pay Its men
iving wages. Our pay rolls show that
, he striking printers Imvo been earning
fiom $2.00 to $ .1.00 n day for day work ,
according to their capacity ; and the
light men from $2.60 to S4.00 a day.
These printers have steady woik all the
year round , rain or shine , \vhllo carpen
.era , brick-layers , and other mechanics
can only woik a portion ot the time ,
ind the mechanics who have steady
obs are content lo cam from S5J.OO to
$3.00 per day. Onr printers have not
only born paid regularly ovcry week ,
but when I found last summer that
nanycro paying ten to twenty per
cent , per month to men who advanced
them money day by day , between the
vcekly pay days , 1 ordered tlio cashier
0 pay them twice n week to save them
from money sharks. Call you this il
ibcral treatment ? Whoso fault is It
bat these printers are not content ?
Surely , not mine. The majority of
ramp printers squander their money in
ho saloons , gambling shops and dives
as fast ns they earn it ; and they are the
ones that got up this stiike and clamorer
or moro pay , because they can't ( make
1 living. Sober and steady men can
ay up as much money the year round
n our ofllco as any set of mechanics in
iny workshop. I say this much to dis-
ibuso the minds of Omaha woiking
men , nnd to brand as n falsehood the
barpo that I am employing mon at
tarvation wages.
Tie TfpDer Farflam Street Property
Owners'Meeting Last Ni lit.
A. Great Deal Bald Bat Not Hindi Done
At a mooting of property ownora o
pper Farnam street , last evening , called
> y the council committee on streets and
radea to hoar the grievances arising
rum the appraisement of damages result-
ng from the changes of grade of thut
treot , about ono hundred were present ,
'ho mooting , ho'd in the city hull , wue
ailed to order by Mr. Benm , cluirmau
f the committeo. A. D. Jones wss clio-
en chairman of the meeting , being u
isintereated party. John Bamford was
lected secretary. The object of the
meeting was stated by Mr. lit d field.
Eipresoions of opinions were called for
rom the various property owners proa-
nt , by the chair.
Measrs. W. T. Richards , Martin Dun-
mm , Joseph Red Geld , Cyrus Rose , G.
W. Ambrose , Chris. Hartman , Fred
Bohm1 , Dr. 0. L Hart , J. M. Thurstou ,
R S.'Hall , E. Rosewater , E L. Emery
nd Andy Rosewatcr gave their opinioun
pen the proposed change and ixpreeaed
leir vinws upon the matter. ,
The meeting was a nearly unanimous
no for the proposed change. It was op.
losed by only two or three , their opposi-
ion being moro for personal reasons ,
otno whom this grade will affect most
aid they Vould waive all damages
Others offered to throw off various sums
rom the appraisement of the commit-
oo. After discussing the proposed
hnngo and the awards of the committee
ho mooting adjourned without taking
ny definite action in the premises.
An Knil to Bono Sernptrnc.
Edward Shepherd , of Harrisburg. III. , fay :
'Having received BO much benutit from Elttc-
riq Bitters , I fool it my duty to let nudeiing
umanlty know It liave had a rnunlnK ur
n my lea for eight years ; my doctors told me
would have to have the bone Craped or Ice
inpututod. I usoti , instaad , three Ixittlesof
iloctria Bittern and seven boxes of Buxkleu't )
Arnlcu Bulve , and my leg i now sound aud
Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents hot-
IUB , and Uucklon's Arnica Salve nt 25c. per
> or by 0. y. GiMiilm-in
Ohuutuuqu C rolo.
The Omaha C. L. & S. C. hold tlioir
egulnr meeting Tuesday. Twonty-
\vo members were present. Tlic exer
cises were of unusiml interest , the fol-
owing members contributing to the
evening's entertainment : Mr. G. W.
lynn , Miss Bollu MacDonnld , Mr. Geo.
A. 1'rltcliard , Rev. C. W. Savidgo , Miss
Emma Fitch. The circle is now male-
ng arrangements for appropriate exer
cises at the close of the school year.
Mr. and Mr * . .1. H , KOJCH , for tba latt fix
years rceld nta of Onmbu , h ve f r the preaent
Iven up housekeeping. Mr , B. will vUlt
rleniU andrelativrs in the eatt. and Mr. D.
will return to Montana to dose up tome bust.
net * , and Ixj'h will return to OmHba tlilo fall.
Absolutely Pure.
bl powder ntrtr T e . A r tl of
rinzhiDdwhnieaomsaMt. Mare ( yxiomloal l *
th tltosry Muds. tndo oib sold uioorawutlj
* lt Ut B-ult'lud * ol low iMt. h T w > Ul t .mm or I \
Sire , MUM In < tlpliut Another Bur
After it llntul to limit ) ,
CotiHIur ,
Mrs. Martin , a few months slnco dis
tinguished herself by marching a burglar
to tlio city jnil atthu muzzle of a revolver
Yesterday she nd 'ed ' new Uurols lo her
crown by capturing a necnnd man. Shu
discovered a man climbing out of thu
window with a bundle of stolen clnthcs
She drew her revolver and ordered him
to halt. Ho ran and oho after him. Th *
revolver refused to go < fT , nnd iho grap
pled with the fellow who struck her in
the face. She did not lot go but sculHoil
vith the follow until a mnn came to help
her and the thief was lodged in jail.
An RxrolltMit Hi'porf.
lion JOB 11. QiKxli lilgo , of Hro kljrn , N
V. , wrlttui tht : "Cannot oxproM inyt"-lf In
nlliclontlv tiruUowortliy Umm. liuntock
I t'tod Ilitlcri 1 hnvo u fil for the pint two
urnut k ! MIV KtouiAoh In ftilonilld trill' . "
tr ptUittiH will foBicivelyuot be Inaertou
anicss paid in advance ,
U-wMber at the Cctz-ns II v K.
WNTFD Jmn cJUIoly , a cliitubormiilil t the
Occident tltictol 835 tf
VVArrKD-To gltls nt thoSUven Koim. 'Olli
V Biro t 7.T-25 f
\VANTB"-I(1y ( book-Xoepcr. "N. n. ' rare
I ' Iloo i IllCi. 837 i3 , >
- ' 'D. " care of Bea ofllc .
\T7ANTPD A Rood cn'k Mr J hn J.Mon-ll.mrlh
> ' fil leSt Man a avenue , next to 20th aticot.
70S SSp
Sm ll girl to lahocoof a child. Call
nt oncu on ilia Troitll , 24j7 street.
1 17 ANTED Two oditc'fort re'UMo gcntl'men or
' - > HH Highly remuncr tlv * pvr dllfrom"
to in a. m , or atldren II. lubba , 1610 Farntm
WANTED A i ? cwl > rrr < nt air * . W s (4 t
week. Applt H. It. J > hnson , ojr. Md and
D dgo Call a 4 o'clock or alter. (44 tf
fi > r uentf al hnuf
work. Pl osfe Old icliablu en plovmont
bureau , 217 N Hth street. 8153)1
TTTTANTKD Woimn to dn cookluj iind wuhlnjf In
a family of ( our. $800 par week. 112 amtn
12th otio t 8 0 2 it
YITANTPD Raleslailv , Go'min.'imerlcan. for
V dryads A. UORUANN , 0 83. ISth Street
, , Ar > TKD-Jltl. with exncrlencc. for K neral
W l , u-cwork. Apiilt at A. M CLARK' : " , ITS.
14th Btr. ct. fOi 24p
WANTI < D Two flr-t elms dlnlne rrom elrln. A | >
i ly at D jatja lloitauraut. 1414 Uouxhs itrcet
ANTED Sicord cook at l'lanter' < Hou e , cnr
nerLolKd ndlfth tie t. Bt6 tSp
I7" NTED Anursoglrl ( or children t P.nnter'o
T Ilousa , D dgoaud 10th. KU7-2 p
WAN TED Throe en'nr'to laHles cf e | orlencr
to wirkinoliy. BuelniBi ho malle a > m re
rnuner-t % . Adilrtts "I H. " Uo offlce. 817-2 p
VT7ANIKD ccond c ok aid dishwasher at Km-
TT rait Houoo , 11th Btieit , bit , llaiuev and Kir-
/'ANTED / A dining room uiil aad ecam t'C9i
immu lately ut the OccHenul. " " '
ITANTI-D ulrl for general housework 2116
V C lfornUflrmt. 785-iSi
-A good tirl for general ho'i8o ork
( io.d w goj tjagoodterv iit , At ply No. MO
Iltrnei stro.t MHS. R. H. HILliUll.
793 ! 9ii
W ANTEn-Onod klrl In fam'ly ' of turce 1,310
N. 18th fct ; apt ly alters o cloo * . 780-23p.
\\fANlKU WihHU > h 'atiheOmahnll.iiiKJ , Mar-
VI ueySc. , bet 12tli nU 13 li. 799-'Jp
\T/ANTED Ulrl tor housework , 015 a. 1 th StT
\\"ANTED-L < lles < rgentlttrannoitynrc ! u tiy
Tt t tike mi e , light nd pirts nc work t tbnlr
> nhomen ; > 2tot&aiiay raulli and quietly male :
work sent by nail ; nn canva ( ln ; no s aim fore
o ly Plra'o aodrem Reilab.e Uanulaciuilug Co. ,
Pul adelphla , I a.
WANTBO- for g < neral housework In a ema 1
Umlly. wages ft p.r wvok. Inqulie nt 241S
Da > enp.rt St. JO .23.
\\ANTFI ) . St moro ladles at Ciorst-V Block.
* * Wi rk Pght. easy aud i roUtablu , Call at un.o
nnd secure eu.jilnyu.ei.t. : 10 < 6t
W NTH ) Wfclter ( rain ) in < ho understands
hU buslnots , at 1 > JJ baumVRe taurant. 1618
D dge tre-t. 710-tJ
\X7ANTED -A first class butcher wrnt erop'oy.
> meiit bv the uiouth orear. . Addro'fl It. K.
Everett , city. 711 23 }
WAN1EO Two active -nTgoIn men. SteaJy
' inploymeut. C.ll 421 South 10th street
716 31
WANTED * elrl for general hf-u-e-ork Must
hava nttrlen-e | anil coin" net iccoiumrnd p.
Oo.rfl wunej given , Apj ly 7V9 north 2.M stro < t ; btt
Wo > str aud Burt. 7zMl
\XTARTRn-A girl to no gone al hi us work at
11 no thta tcornor 23.1 and Coa ( tretU 72123
WANTED A Gorman dining room klto en girl.
He o and Hoppa , 418 B. IStb St , botwotn
llarner and Hovarii. 85tl
WANTBri F r trfl s woman oooV ; h ghost - cos
| . IJ tn 11.81 class lulu. AildrnH M. U
Wilght , I Cl y t.oijio , Central Cl V , No1' .
OE TS WANITW-As "Union" Sewiue Mwh'ne
oitu-e , 2 iH n rth 18 h utrett. OOViO
\17ANIEIt oxl drau ht-iaian at Henry Vor. ' .
\ \ II .Mrk' . Blk _ V-l-.tfB
tt'A T 1 > A gar tuertnl niirxr' m n to rent
' If .icio'of land , . > 1 In goivl oiinilltlon for gar *
dmilnM , ftncoil with uu d beard fence and all und r
the ! ' . Mu tlerinledlhls week MOUT N &
S , Ifth and Farraui 040-11
1XTANTM > A glil for general hou e ork In a
V > | an.lf | of two lP4Bouth2tth ireet 4I Jflp
\I7ANTKIi-Arltuatlon ai asilrtint ibnok-koeptr
' or c'etk ' In any buslnewv Wages not sn rmirh
an cbjic a * a tt ad > petition. Addnui "W C. " Bte
TITANTCD-SHUttVcn a * assistant l oli.lieej < r ! >
joiinf lad\ thoroughly conn.etont , A'dirss
B. A , 8 " B o cnico , B31-J5t
M-ii Uoti bv yoni'g man. Would ilo
linosanj tldng. Addren "U K , I , . " Bee offloo
rpo JBELKIH-A ( tool afcbm Ker il. sires a
1 p sluoa. Ouod references. Address "f J. A. "
thl < kltlta. b20 21 | >
YouDg American o.UTers4nt l'h ' German , gtni
ptiiina i nut prao'lca' l > cok keirwr , wishes * po-
slthn , UitUfactoryni'erinces. Addrera "P" B
idloe. -
\T7ANTKD A nitildlf age.l lady wishes a poslthn
T ? liousoliejfli or loil Unlit hou eirork ; g"OU
rvfrrenieturuUlwd. AddrtuttkRA.NdEU , Fremont
Net ) I74p
1 houieki > ep < T
1TT l t of rq oiuiioos. Applf aton torannon
, & Co , ori wito poatottico. 7fO ; 3p
\T7"ANTKD CiipiliiK or ulrrt bind work tn da
? T t\tul > K * . l'rk rcaaonabU. AddieM * ' < 4' ' lloo
/U * rtl UOUSSA 4UI1 LO'.It
HUNT ult of roanif , aoulh front , ccond
17011 r , with b * ? lcdu , llliOUcagu itrtw. .
OIt " < Ht.T Ho'ea ft three rooms , $ lt 0 cv'Jai
F hard and null Mater , 16ib auU I'.ciflo street , It.
R UENT Large bitn at CoLDuri , 1711 Doug
F , 831 S5
f/ / Itt'NTlioniiB.i uiuirr iisortlu thl < dtj
I1 knuwuax VMvrsl'arkon Jitu mruot , outU 01
luqulru ou | roiuUcj for Ursut.
for Infants and Children.
nnd ovorcouius l''lutuluncy , IXmstipa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , and
Feverislmcss. It insures health nnd
iiutuml sloop , without morphine.
" Cflstorlft la so well ndtptcd to Children thnt
1 recommend It as superior to any proscription
known u > ino. " II. A. Ancnr.ii , II. D. ,
83 TortLind ATO. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT au absolute euro for Rheuma
tism , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. Tiio most PowerfUl and Pene
trating Pain-relieving nnd Healing Itonicdy known to man.
RKNT lIoutoSltt ami Nlchclid street. In-
qulra on lli'iniMM IVJ foi uioiith 8iO-4p
Foil HKNT Cfittspn of four rooms ; tioar C.plto )
nvmiaaud lilhfclreet. Innu ro o ( S. Lehman ,
linSFurtnm. 8K-U
fjion UKNr-tratehtd roouij , 1021 Faroam
1 fSO 2flp
„ . . ItE.Vr Colt KB In Hh nn'3 addition at314
pormcmt" . HcCAOUK , opposltol' . O. fll tf
JF OH HKNT fum'slicd front room , tbrco I locks
from , I'oetcfflci14ID Chicago etro , t. 707-53
DIt HENT Ino rooms at 814 N. 24th etrcot.
1/OU UKNTA nicely fiunUtioil room ( ur ono or
t o , at 23)1 Uooge atrcot. Best summer location
11 the city 70o tt
FOIl UKNT A t o stnry bnck bouse and bvu-
mont. ivroupp-r rooms are oc < upl d kir par
lo. Vkho nxchangt" rent ( or boaid. Addrou 0u9 Cast
troot. Possession | tl\on May 1st. Extrt luduco-
menti O0eicd to reliable puty nho lll make per-
uauont arrangoaout 70-tf
F OH HKNT-Dosk room aKerSIay 1st , corner IMh
and Karnam , up Italia E.nulro ot Barker &
.c , 13 h and Firnam 7CO tf
Olt PtNT In Rodlik'a blnck. Storero-m 12i
I cctdeei' aid Rood cilice room. I'aulscn&Co ,
K.inam , rooms , "OS-It
d ( ortwo en lomen
ilu.iet street. 702-22p
W HEKT A furnlsh-nl front r om. Arply t
' S. W. roc. 19th and Farnam St 751-tf
FOR RENT-No. 1 bquiro Unllct & Davis pUno ,
3 . .0a munth. Inquire at Kdholm ti Krlcksou's.
FOR Hgxr Firit-claaa brick Btora and base
ment , 16th aud Farnam atreeta. $76 < 0 per
uonth. JJAttKhlt & JIANE.
"S8t (
F OR RENT. tluildl ( fJOxM , on Harnoy street ,
betnoBU 14lh and Uth. BARKER 4SUYNE.
727 tf
F OR RENT Furnished room , 1318 JacVion Btreot.
703 2' }
F IOIl ' > hNT plauo. Inqulro at Eilholm it K Ick-
aon'e. B53 tf
[ ? IOK KENT 1 wo furni&hed rooms , 2117 Webster
P 641 tt
[ 71011 UE.NT Furiilehed rooms 227 Dodge Rt.
-i- 494-lm
FOIl KENT L rze siuib Iront room , nicely fur
nished , 19 > i > &tl 48MI
FOIl RENT Store room 1509 Ftnam St. , by
I'rtUI KN&CO. 4ff > .tf
< OU ItKNl'- Third Hour t building Mo , mi tar-
nam < t. J47-tf
[ JIOR REVT 1st oasa 6 room cottage S. T
D Petereon , S. E. corner 16th and Douglas.
RUrr ! 0s > acre farm. Also bjlck yard. T.
ilurrar. fl3-tf
FOR KENT FurnUnod rooms , 1817 Dodgu street.
FOR RENT Rooms In Nebraska Natlona Bank
Bulldug. Most dealratlo of2ce In the city
upplled with hydraulic ele-ator and heated b
team. Apply at Bank. 62fl-tl
[ 7AOK RENT Furnished rooms on tbs northwo
L1 cor. IDthandCapltolavenuo , formerly
F room heated S21 K. 18th.OT6U
FOR HALE A good grocery stind , cheap , at 1013
llaroeystieet. N. W. MERltiLL. S34-25J
FOR SALE Furniture , 8tne < , ITnrse , Hun ess
and Bustgy , at 640 Fa'rvlew , cor. Mth sttcet one
lock north ut St. Mary's avinuo. 818-tt
[ TtOR \LE-Large span of work mares , harness
Pandwigcn. Will exchange ror city propei ty. R.
E. Co | son , IHh and Pariflo 821.21
[ T'Oll \LE-One 8 "ear old her r , 1100 welght.wlll
P work doulilt or single. Inquire fttSSd and " r-
ney , south Bldo stneU 8lu-24i > I
FOJl SALE A span of mulr > . wagon and harness
on e sy terms. Apply oB Sauuiera Btwet Just
onth ot Ittnor'u trick yard , 86-2 ! > p
FOH SALE A fnth milk cow. Inquire at bu'ih-
or sliop , corner 18th and Alma streets. 803-23'
T7OK SALR-Cot'aireof ' two rnom InShlm.'n id-
F cUtliin at tli oo (2JO cai-li , l Uuce In monthly
pajm uU. McCAQUK , opp. P. u. 8U tt
, " / BAUI. a itciinnton rarn ra ttro t wl n
L/u , oilMiullt coitaKe Call and me. A bar-
" "IV- ' I1. ' BlStl
F ; Oil SALE Two beauMful Mn hi 'owo'a Grit tul-
dlllon for t7tu. JlcuAOUE , opp. P. O. 814-tt
FOI BALE The gioil | H and flttaica of the
Crilgliton Ilo so , or will tell unj part nf the din-
IK ruom or ki chen furnltuio ceparaU.y. Eas toi mi.
AppU on picmlaeH. 783 tt
IT'OIl SALE Cro ery store and pajiug huslmts.
1 Ouul stand. Terms to suit a > re.ponsblo pur
chaser , Addrtsj "Oroour , " L'uo office , 7fcSS6p
1710U8ALK-A well establ'slied ' baker ; Inclndlog
av lot anil bull Hug , In ouo of the licit towns of ext
ern Nejrask * For varticuUtK addrou"N , H. , " oare
Omaha Bee. 770 24p.
FOR SALE 2 large houses on Capitol Hill , ftlth
all modern IiuiirutemenU. Full lota. 1'rlco ,
dXX1 and fJ.DOO cclu IUEY & MO ITER.
HALE A fo * fine lots left vln LEAVEV
WOliTlI TERRACE addition , at 276 to 300
each , I-1 ! rash , balanra monthly. Wo will guarantcn
Ihesa to be the cheapest loU lu the marLtt
772-tf IREY & JIOTfKIU
OR 8 I.E Good 2 story bouse , 0 rooms , turn ,
I7 1 bearing fruit , etc , on 19th bt. , i ear ttreet cut.
A vplendid bargain and woith mvotlgiilhg
IllEY & MOVl'Ett , B. W , Uor. Ittb aud Farnam.
FOR H U K Fine cottage of t room I , full lot , barn ,
bwrlog fruit tn s , tto 1'rlco { 2.7io , ( hlnn'e
oildlli.-n ( bin U a rum Urgaln and Wf rthy of j our
In m. diate atteutlon. llltY & MuTTEll , cor. 16th
aid Karnam. 748 tf
BALE-Ba'galn. One ol the flne > t Iota on
FOIt uth Uth street , i erfoutly lvvl , will be nd | on
m y leiun. L t , 60x138 a > goal house , 80x84 , will
am cUt < rn , plinty < > t uult and ihado tr es. Inquire
onpreuil , , ratttUe lltb street , btttn Uarlba
an. . Uoiran. 73 24
< OK BALE 4 fine ri-sUleur * lots with good home
17 aud tarn , 'iult treesnrubery , ito , in l aa &
Bheld n's.dditl n. Price , 85,0 0 , terms eas ) luEY
& UOITKIt , a W. cor. 16ih and Fa nam. 745 tl
TT'ORBAlE-Sbrautlfulacre loin on I veuwor h
J tru t,2inile from pint otllce Price > 1.0.0.
Unit thu W t banr ui offered. IREY if MOTrKlt ,
OR \LE-Tbrse rice cottages U RMrm's addl.
a-MitLn , on u.5nt"ly raymon s , .1UEY MOT
TMl. 747 tf
xiili SA t A fir > t-cla 4 re tau nt and Ice creim
ptilor ao'l bouso of 10 rooms a'tacho't , all fur
IsbeJ , lli bA soldcbeip Si UtaHory nuont nlvcn
tut . .o'J'ULAd.lreM ' M. W. 1' . " Omaha , Nub.
/OR 8 LE / > ta tvarvaln , Iwohnujeiand full lot ,
{ ntar n lllurj bridge oa > cah buver. liiiul'ovf
Edholiu & Euck.ou. Jewel r , oppuwt * pOttoUlce.
714 3
LE-Freshmilk eow , Inquire fct 1918 Far
'WlmtRlrcs our Children rosy chootil ,
AYbat cures Cielr f OTors , molcps them ulconr- i
'Tin Cantnrln.t '
When bnblcg f > t nnd err by turns , ,
Wbat euros tUelr colic , kills tlir-lr worms , t >
Hut Caitnrln > i
" "
VTlint quickly wire8 Constipation , '
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion ,
Fnrowcll then to Jlorplilno Syrups , j
Castor Oil and Paregoric , aud ' 4
IlnllCnutorliU J
FOR SALE The southwest corn tr lot of lllhund
I'-o'llc , ullh ino i no story brlK hul d'ni ' , * ai done
ono framt bill ding on It , nlih all modern Improve
ments Inquire at ihn clothing stow of Qe rco II.
Peterson 8 1 South lot h street. fSS-lm
FOR 1 LE-loa satit fill lots In Win ut Hill od-
illlloi fntnliO to $70. . It will pn putlns to
link attli'i" ' iirouettt Ixforoliuj Ing elaan hero 1'Of-
TEH &COnii. ISIS I'arnam street. 613 tf
FOR SALE Very desirable nsldenoi for umall
ftmily , ono b ocK off St Mtry a % onuo , In blocks
from postoltleo I/ic tlon flue , rSf.OO Eaar term * .
POTIKR & COBD. lain Farnam street. GM-tf
If OH SAtiK Bargain" In Impiotcd and unlmmov-
' cd property in iU ! addition ! Cjll aud oo I * iT-
IEH i. COBB , IMS Karnam street. 610-tf
Fen SALE -Bargain In lotatnr residence or speo-
ulatlonln Walnut 11111 , D.nckenii , KinlorB n d
Woe Cuiulng udalilont. I'OTil'.H & C011D , IMS
F.rnnm Street
| ? < lll SALE- Lots at $376 to $400 In Arlington , In-
i' kldo ilty limit ! , iifar 8aundoraalroetf3)6 toSlOO.
IQi-U _ AMES. Fft'namttteet
IflOll SALE -News > t nd , KOOO locatl n 6.ti , 13th
JC St. , Ixitween Jacmon and Howard. f > "fl 28 }
FOU SAl.K-Lotfl att37t to JlOO In Arlington , In-
aide city limit * , near blunders etrcc'S376 ' to $400
EOM ( _ AUK' . Farnam ttreet.
11 SA' ' E Two of the raojt dealrablo lota In
Lowu'n 1st add. , flno rlev , prtco i7i . nouth
and oust frontage , fenced. A bargain. McCAQUE ?
oppoalta P. O. _ 4S' ' t (
FOK 8 VLB Lois at $375 to $1 0 In Arlington , In
side city limit ) , Saunderartroct , $3 6 to 8 100.
887- ' ( _ AM US. FaniaroBt'POt
FOR SAT.E 6flacre improved land , all within I
milea ot the Union Stuck jarda. Landaatabtr-
Kain. VOTTEIl i COBB , 1515 F * nam Btreet.
FOR S LC-2 Iota m Plain view at 16 to 20 p
cent below the p Ice at which surrounding lo
held. Pi Ice will bu put up so n 'f uol told.
8-tt P01T It & ( follB. IMS Far , cm S'r ft
SALE 6 lota in HhlnnV , Zd addition at a bar-
Two cheapest lotIn Kirk wood ( nr 3 da } a.
454 tf _ I'QiTEIt&'lonB. ' ISlBFaniam St
FOR SALE-LoiB at * S7G to $4 0 in Arlington , .n-
aide city hmlta , near SaunJcri' tre tl47o IH $4 < x ) .
661 tt _ AMK3 , Farnam street.
FR SALE-Lut * at $376 to (4 0 In Ail ! Kton in-
sldo city 1 miU , ntar Saum'trestrcrt , < 75 tci $40a
674 t ( AVEd l-Vjiiam Btreet.
JTtO't ' SALE -Lots at ? 375 to 5101 in Arlington In-
1 a'da city limits , uoar 8iundeiKclicct$3lD to $400.
560 tt AMFH , F rnam sttee' .
K - 1000 hushe'a ol good
i "und old roin. Apply to Dr Chamber ! Voter
nary Burgeon , Omaha. US tt
FOR SALE Ola nompapon In large and em U
quantltlca > t tbln nmeo. _
Fi IOH SALE A first-class Voso & HOD Piano , at a
bargain. Inquire EdUolmi ErickBonV. 624 U
T7UIU S LE Lots at 376 to 81 0 In Arlington , In-
F Bide city llmlU.near Siunrte-a si reel$375 to 34UO.
67u-tf AMKS , Farnam street.
fj OIt SALK Two open ne < x > nd-nud bngitle-i aa
JT one delivery wagon , cheap , at 1S1P Homey Bt.
T7IOK SALK Lota at $376 to < 400 in Arllniton In.
JU tide city limits near , Sauniler.itrect.J370 to J400.
673 tf AMK3 , Farnam ttreot.
JjUmBALB-A mnall Mosler , ftutacuaa & 0o. , Ure
JT proof nat . almoet new , at this office. tf
TT1' ' u HA.LE-LOU at fS7C to $ IOO In Arlington. In-
Jf tide city HmUi , no r Banndais > treet$375 to $4na.
671 tt AME3 , Furnarn ttreet
lilOIt SALE i > ne Vo e and Soni piano at A barr -
r gain. Inquire at Ednolm and Erlctoon's rouelo
Btore , on 10th ot 289 tf
SALE Lntaat 376to $4 Oln Arlington , In
side city Umlta , ntar S und riistreet$3H > to$100.
672 tf AME3 , Farnam street.
F Oil S\LE My ilwelltnET , Mo .2'OS HouiU . Fin *
_ neighborhood , ? rooms and larffo cemented cellar ,
city wator.Z ObtrreliU ern , harn , chicken hoveo ,
etc W. J. W LSUAN3 , Citv Mills. (99 if
17011 SAIjF Ten gnrd wl'I and flxtureg of the
" Creljihtoii Houso. Will tell Iho dining roum aixl
kitchen furul ute sepaiately or any pat of elthtr.
Will oxchanue for Itmls , I ts or any Halo bl > com-
mo.ilty , or will take ceoured noUsou long tUe In
quire at CnlfMon Home. V65-tf
TT Ofl 8ME Twn > ac ea of the OrifTen farm , Si
V miles ( roii the l'ot tfl'O and only tnn blocks
frcm I'ratt'dbub division. Will bo B .Id In Sj , C or
li a're lots Inqulro Omaha Carjut Co , 1511
Dounlas "treat B72tf
fltocK of Drugi and Iruiri > ti' Fixture !
tor sale in the live town of Wa'orloo , Nebraska *
good opening fnra phy ilclau. Addrets J , B. HIL-
EK. Elkhrirn fetation , .Neb. 7 P-tf
FOR SALE- ar high schrol , n ell built bouie ,
full lot east frunt , f < ! 00.
On Burt utrott. good bout' end barn. Excellent lo
cation $7.DI .
On Mi I'l usant avenue , nuth front , large now
bounc , full l"t ,
On CaliloruU leof , good house , ban , lot 9x132 ,
On Dtvenport street , near 10th , house and lot 44
feet. 84/OO.
On 1 th > trect , cut front , a room haute , good or. >
der , .3 WXi ,
On lUvenpoit street , near lth , good nine room <
hens anil burn , * 5SCXi.
On V'arnam i-tmot. mar 16th Good 10 room bouse ,
t'22x132 4 00. '
, l'
lot 50x182 ' .
turnamstrett , HOOU7 rcom houfo , ,
tl-lt AllEd , >
Farnam Mtrctt.
SAIM e lot * in Haniicom I'l.ce and
FOR fl'ce , < I47S to * JSUi.ii uionthlv pay.
roentf. Otrker 4. Mayot , M. K. Cor. Farnain and
18th Htl 15-tl
FOK SALK J ,30G f r full lot ou 18th St. In
Kouiitzo' * Id addition. I'OTTEtl & ( X DB. 1619
Farnam rit. 810-U
FOK BALE Farm K miles from city , near Union
Stock yards. Inqwra at Mn. Meyer , over Re *
der's Drug Btore , Uth and Webster. 8ZJ-
FOR 8AUi-Uts at * S7S to $400 In Arlington , In.
tide city limit * , near rUu d < m btreet,4 76 to kW ) .
Farnam strtt. .
T7\0ll SALE Lots at 1376 to H"0 In AilHuton. In-
X1 tide city limits , ntar 8aunderatreettt7A t (410 ,
E8l-tf AMIS , rarutm ttreet.
rrKEV \ I'-Aprll JSJ , at Oty I'oui d. ona tpot-
JL ted cow | strap on ber ileck aud c > ue m.orl
horn Will ta sold on tba 29.h , U nut rcdtcavd. .
43 Up
AN get drU-cluu rrinto boird and neatly lur.
C nUhtd roomi , N. W. cor. 12tb and Ho * aid.
' .
tf'7.291 _
OTRAYKD OR HTOLKN-A black hnre , * jcari
Dole ) , from Weetrn UOUIM , llllh and Strvets.
A reward will bu git < u It returned tu th ab to od
dresa 827-23
CECONP haid Looks boujbt and sold at 17 N.
I OlCth str.ct. 7-2-Zlp
'tuy re U < iic N , W. corner 20th
Land i > l ri * tr ft , one w Ite bef r OwntrwiU
pit-no take her away an 'pay chaiK" .
719-lttwtwj 0 RltflBULLNIIEIMKR. .
7 > Ell OVAL O. F. PAVI3400 , DKALF.liS
I J.V Rtal Ketato and Muitgagu Uwusbkia roiuj e
I to No. 1W3 Funam street , up fcU r * , room U , < n
doorcartof their form' r kxation , where they may
bt fuund uutll comi Ittlnn L | th .r new building.
i will L P d for any OL rf
i llphtliurla tli.teuuiiul Lo cur u bv Dr.
Jtflrle * ' ( Council Dlult ) I itttutUu anil tuie Suud ,
lrt | 3'fc U
_ _ _
AUBT. tM Tenth etrcot. belwoon Farnam and ar >
u r , wrj , witn tna aid of tniaralao aplitta. otUlalrg
an ) one giaaoo 01 u > pant and preMct , auJ tV
rum condition la Us imuro. Uv.u u > 4 > hcc
oid r.