Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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your work is demo for nil time
to time to como.
The World
to produce a more durable material
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls. Dakota.
a 1.6 a.atxx 0tx-o * > t ,
Nebraska Cornice
Ornamental Ms
Lor 'Wla '
Iron Fencing !
Greetings , B&lnrtndes , Venndu , Offioa and Back
Railings , Window and Collar Guard * , Eta.
J , T. ARMSTRONG , H. D. ,
00-u.U.Mt 'AXLC * 'jSa-Tix-lait. '
Until offlcca art ) repaired from result of fire , off ]
with Dr. Parker , Uoora 6 , Orelghton BJoclt 16th
ana DOUXIIM nreeu.
617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo.
A RRODLAR ORADrjATE ol two medical college !
.rxhaabeen encaged longer In the treatment ol
than otber physician In St. Louu , as city papers sbo
nnd all old residents know. Consultation free and
Invited. When It Is Inconvenient to visit the dty or
treatment , medicines oan be sent by mall or expr a
everywhere. Curable cases guaranteed ; where doubt
exists It Is frankly stated. Can or write.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Phyelaa
Wetloeaa , Mercurial and other aflectlnns of Throat
and Mouth. Old Sores and Ulcers , Jmpedl
menu to marriage , Ithoamttlsm , fllea riiiecUl at
tentlonto cases from overworked brain. SURGICAL *
OA8E.S receive special attention. DUeasei arlnlrg
from Imprudence , Kiceaaei" , Indulgenoea pern anent"
marry , who may not
wby.cauaos , consequences and core. Utlltd for WSr ;
postage or stunt * . n tl.-l * ir
Chicago , St. Paol , Minneapolis and
The new extension of tbts line from Wakufleld up
through Oonoord and Coleridge
ro BCjJvoci.rrijxrca-TojNr ,
Beaches the best portion of th State , HpecUl x.
ourslon ra'ca for Uixl teekers over tbl * line t >
Wayne , Norfolk and Ilartlngton , aod vl Illalr to all
priadpal poli.U on the
Trilnj over tht 0. , Ht. P. U. & O. Railway to Oiy
turtpn. Slonr ulty , I'onca , llaitlngtoa. Wayue an !
Tforfolk ,
For Fremont , 0 kda.e , N ! ! < ( n , and through to Val
OTVot rates and all Information rail on
KB WHITNEY. General Ac nl ,
tiaog i Bolldkit , Car. 10th and Farnam bti. ,
Omahb , Neb.
ci cn be seeoured ai depot , corner J th
. .
VTbeiiTi. ruro i at tun mem unreito Hop TC a Ri
* lime acaihta bite lb m return c ln , I iu..r. ria.-
cilcaro. Ib > raid * tht dlwuevf tltt.
'JSf ff * ° cur * the "ro t f < u"t' 8.ta s othtra c
tailed ti DO rtiuon ( or lint now rxlilug a cur *
for a tr ntu < ana a Vi a UottU at tnr
oar 0\io \ Kipre. . uJ | ' , t ot e . it
lif fur a trial , inO t will rutn y. „
JLdibMc Dr. U O IUIOT IWfuwlSL. V
AnolrnH toy Br. A. Voolckcr. V. JL R , Con-
miltlnc Chemist itoyal Afrrtcnltuml Foclctjr ,
only a trnro of nitrates In
lllackwcll-s Bull Durham Tobacco. The neil
of the ooldcn liolt of North Carolina , Invhlch
Uila tobacco la grown , don't supply nllrntcs to
tlio loaf. That it tlio secret of iw delicious
mildness. Nothing BO pure nnd luxurious lor
Rmoklnff. Don't forffct the brand. Nonogcn-
uino without the tnulo-matk ct tlio Uuli All
dealers lure lu
TTbtn Mine concert *
bant nolace Is found in
Jlmll J > r
Solo Agents for the World-Renowned
Decker & Son , and Hallott & Ounston
Pianos. Also manufacturers and
wholesale dealers in
Organs , and Musical Merchandise ,
tor Prices.
Imported Beer
Erlnnger , Bavnria
Culmbacher , Bavana
Pilimer Bohemian.
Kaiser Bremen.
Budweiser St , Louis.
A.nhauser . .St. Louis.
Bos ; B Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Krue'a . . . . .Omaha.
Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhine
Will cure NerrouBncf- * ,
LumbagoKheumntiHm * 1'ar
nl > > lf , .Neuralglu , Hclatlca.
Kidney , Hphio nnd Liver
dlj o eti.Oout.ABthmajllcart
imtit n/Krvvipelax. Catanti ,
DumbAiCUu. J'rolnpMM Uteri , etc. Only hotenuilc Elcc-
tnclleltin America thntcemit the Electricity and mnp-
netUm throiipli tliebodjr.andcauberecnArgeatnonln >
BtAAt by thu patient.
JI.OOO Would NotBuv It.
DB. IIOR.VH I won afflicted with rheumatism atd
cured by using a belt. To any one afflicted wltc
that disease , I would suf , buy Iforna'e Kloctrlo Bolt ,
Any one can confer with me by wrltlnir ciUInu
it my store , 1120 Doujlm street , Omaha , Neb.
MAIN OFFICE Opposite postoffiro , room Kron
er block.
OT for rale atC. F. Ooodman'a Drug Store 1108
Funam St. , Omhft.
Orders Blled 0. O .0.
BELT and otber BLScnua
ArrLUNCKS nro gent on SO Dajs' Trial TO
ONLY. YOUNO OB OLD , who an suffer-
from NEBTOtn DEBOJTr. LOST TrrAurr ,
nita WRUCHESSXS , and all tnoco dlfeaiee of a
PzHsoHAt. NiTDiut , rcaaltlnR from ABOTE and
OTHIB Cicsra , speedy relief and complete
tmtoratlon to nuLTn. V'.oon and MAKUOOB
uuiiuirmo. Bend at ooca lor uluitrated
Fampblet free. Aaoress
TOLTAIC QEI/F CO MtirtDall. Mleh.
Hosldonco , No. , 1407 Jones St. Offlco , No. 160
Parnara street Office houn 12 m. to 1 p. ra. , on
romZtifi o. m. Teleoh mi 'or < vfl n QT H- ' - ' ' > I
exhausted VitalityNervous and Physical
Premature Decline In Man , Eirorsof Youth , an
untold irita rles resulting from Indiscretions or ei
cesses. A book for every man , young , middle-aged
> nd old. It oontiltu Its prexcrtptlons for all neat
and chronic disease ) each one of which Is luvaluabl
So found by the Author , whose experience for
years is suoh as probably never before foil to the I
of any phyilcan 300 pages , bound In beautlfv
French muslin m jouedooven , full giltguaranteed
to be a floor worn every sense , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , than any other work Bold
this country for 11(0 , or the money will be refund
In every Jnstanoe. ( Moo only 81.00 by mall , pos
paid. Illiutrativa sample 6 cants. Bend now. Go
medal awarded the author by the National Hedlce
Association , to the offloera of which he refers.
This book should be read by the young for Initrae
tlon.andbythe afflicted for relief. II will booed'
UL London Lancet. -
There Is no member of loeloty to whom this booV
alii not be useful , whether youth , parent , guudlan ,
Inutruotoror clergyman , Arginaut.
Address the Heaboly Medical Institute , or Dr , W
H. Parker , No. t BulBnch Street , Boston Mati. , who
may ne consulted on all < * lseu requiring skill and
expaiUnoo. Cnrnnlaandobttlaitedliateesthat havt
baded the skill of all othur phys-HCA I cUl"
a specially. Buoh treated suoccM-l CHL fullt
without M Instano allnrej TUVP Cl
mkefc * . I "Jo I
" " S M MB *
James Hedioal Instil A
Chartered by theStateof 1111
nois ( or thecxpreis purpose
of glvlngimmedlate rellelln
all chronic , urinary and pri
vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
Gleet andSyphills In all their
complicated forms , also al'
dlicaaea of the Skin end
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme *
dies.Uttedln a * brtuYcar *
_ hl > tciall'raftlt. Sernlntl
Weakness. Night Loitcs by Dreams , Pimples on
the Face.Lost Manhood Jm il f wt\j cured , Tlitre
ln cri > erlmeiniHii. The appropriate remedy
.3 at once uaed In each case. Consultations , per.
tonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
rinea aent by Mall and Express. No marks on
ockaee to Indicate content * or aender , Addreaa
ig.JAMES.No. 204WashlnalonSt.ChIcoolllJ
DA IL II. KAA'K , < * > li
llom , tow crto i I'.tuifdj wfer l > i
m fm r ur (4 * 4 i HI ; ul paUlrvlr. for Uillcoo.
HSa i r ( .
null v err ill vlikh
liuuM kuutf. IliUidreul of
K nlpt .hiwlprur NiTroui
fr , wnl irun > ly x < lr > l
tl OiKin v 4'f { i t f.9 'c'i'i I Ariifri-v 1'r
j .i U VMC J I.-.J. V , i L u , M
/ cross the pathway , niyrUe-frlnscd ,
Under Itionlnplc , It uMlitiiRol
The lltlloivtxxlcu gate ; .
\Vlien I liiulstrollpd Itli Nrllr bom
I u.vil lo jMuirc nndult ,
Rclbrp I MKI to her good nl/jht / ,
\ i > t loath lu Icnv * tli nln oni sprit *
Wllliln tlm Rnrden > pnlcl
And. tlicrp. thr ttato bclwrvn lin two ,
We'd IhiRfr , Mall lovers ilo ,
And lean upon IbcralL
And ftico to fnro , cyM clovito cyM ,
lliuiOt niwtlni ; bniiili In rrigiioO surprlxa'
A Her n Mrnl lliy qiiMl
> clooo I'll IH-III ! rrc nlip'il rrtmtt ,
llint I'd cruw drunken from tb rwc t
Tubcrow- upon licr brcint.
"o'd tnlk-ln fitful tj If , I
' .Vllli nmnj } i mr.irilnK glance bctwwn
Tintfnd.'r nnnl nnd low J
We'd n II IXT * ani ( > ilwir , Bwett conceit ,
borne MlpRrmlp we'd rrpcutl
MI I'd move tu go.
' ' "
Ouod nlKliir'-rroin feor , wltli Imlf n slgh-
ClrKxl-nlgliir Ctixxi-iilRlit ! " Audtben-
Andtlicn I ilo not RO , but fcUuid I
And Iran U | > oti Ilia rolling , niul
Mi" \\iuinnnydayi ngo
. uut plrnsnnl Rummer tlmo althotifb
* 'lliL KataliMniilliiK'c ( > t :
\ little rrniikjr llmnybc ,
A little urnthcr-worn- me-
ATlio never cnn forget.
Tht Imppy "End t" Jty cynic friend ,
I'ruyvo yoursneen there wn no "end *
Watcli yonder cubby thine I
* liatbiouryuungct , hrrsnnd mine ;
X < lioxv lincltmtn , till logs to tnlun
\bout tbognto uli < l swing.
Kroo Town ilalls.
/'rco nnil fair tllscitbalon tends to the de
velopment of truth. It docs more ; it
strengthens the natural powers of both
speaker mill hearer. DibcusHion , free and
iintmiiimclcil , is one of tlio life-springs ol'ti
ftco government. Limit it , tun ! tlio ( ' 01111-
datiotiB of the state nro endangered. Home ,
in her day of greatest hitcccss nnd glory ,
hail public tree hulls , vtlicru plchiiin and
patrician coultlgnthcr and debate the ques
tions ci the hour. It was largely by tlmt
means her orators were developed and the
pcoplo enlightened. Greece audSpnttu had
their great halls qf the people , free to nil.
liut , ns the wealth in the liunila of the few
increased , free halls anil discussions were
moro nud more limited , ignorance increased -
od , the government weakened and fell.
Ohio is often referred to an wonderfully
fruitful of statesmen and military leaders.
The secret is an open ono to those wishing
to know it. But certain of the press nnd
public speakers do iiot ( .are to reveal the
facts. It is not to the advantage of a very
limited class to give the reason , or at least
they think it is not , while we think they
are greatly mistaken ; believing as we do
that the highest intelligence conduces far
moro surely to the perpetuity of the state ,
and hcuco so the longer existence and hap
piness of all , rich and poor. Ohio has
ever had an excellent free school system ,
which has been remarkably well improved.
She has her private and public academies
in almost every township , especially in th'
northern part of the state. But withon town halls , free to all , where not only
her sons but her daughters too , have ever
been wont to gather to debate , and hear
debated , the vital questions of the hour ;
without these free halls and free debates
Ohio would never have made the grand
record she has. If no leading national
questions wcro before the pcoplo there was
no lack of state , county or township mat
ters demanding attention and dibcussion ,
md the occasion was impnncd. There
could bo hut one result a splendid devel
opment of intellectual strength. Thous
ands become leaders natural leaders an it
were hut only through this school of train
ing. It was in Ohio that the great antislavery -
slavery cause found its surest roots and
greatest strength. Thousands of times
have the people gathered iu her halls to
hear the thrilling eloquence of those who
plead the cause of the helpless slate , nnd
there were the plans laid to assist tiny who
had escaped and wcro being guided to free
dom by the north btar. A hioadcr under
standing and love of liberty had grown
with the minds thus developed , hcuco the
fttgit.vo slave- law was a dead letter in the
laud of u Giddings , n Wade and a Chase ,
und a Garftcld if yon please , and thous
ands of others , who have grown from stern
poverty to greatness through these free
TphooLs and free halls.
Growing Old ,
How strangely our Ideas of growing oM
ehaugo as we get on in life. To tlio gill
in her teens , the riper maiden of twenty
five seems quite aged. Thirty-tv < o thinks
thirty-five an "old thing. " Thirty-five
dreads forty , hut congratulates herself that
there may still remain some ground to be'
possessed in the fifteen years before the
century is attained. But titty does not by
any means give tip the battle of life. It
feels middle-aged and vigorous , and thinks
old ago along | way in the future. Sixty ro-
ncinbcra these who have done great things
it the tluree-scoro ; and ono doubts if Parr.
, ; hen ho was married at ono hundred nnd
twenty , had at all b gtm to feel himself nn
> ld man. It is the desire of life within as
' .ich makes us feel yoinu so Icmj.
For Brmiuliiut , Aai > inuilo nnd Pul
monary Complaint * , " 'Jlroien' * Uronchial
3'rochct " minlfcHt r m rkablo curntlvu prop.
ertleu. Sold only in
licstfiu * Jlcadachcn.
Dr. Day says in u late lecture : "What
ever bu tint plan oftmttmcntdecldcd upon
rest is the first principle to inctihitein very
severe headache. Jtcst , which the busy
man and aiixioui mother cannot obtain on
long as they can manage tit keep about , is
OMO of the. llmt remedies for eviry head
ache , and we should never cense 10 cnforci
it. The brain , when excited , as much nccdi.
quiet and rcpobo as n fractured limb or nn
inllnmed rye ; it Is obvious that the Chan
ces of short-cuing the ecu tire and arresting
the pain will depend on our power toha\c
this carried out itctiutlly. It is n practical
lesion , to keep steadily iu view , tlmt
there may lurk behind n nimplo headache
some lesson of unknown magnitude , Yrfhieh
may remain stationary if quietude can bo
maintained. Thcro iu n point worth at
tending to in the treatment of all head
aches. Bee that the hrad is elevated al
night , nnd the pillow hard , for , { f it be soft ,
the head sinks into it and becomes hot ,
which witlt 8omo people is enough topro-
voko an attack in the morning if Bleep Itan
been long nmheavy. . "
A Hnptlst Minuter' * Kxpei'Fonu\
"I nra Baptist mlnlntcr , and before I ever
thought of being a clergyman I gnulnalvd in
medicine , hut left a Incrntlvu pructlcfl for my
present profession , forty years KC > . J wM for
many years A eufferer from quinsy. Ihnmas'
icltetnc , 'Jil cured me. I WHH nlwi trouliliul
vrliu hcaraeneng , und TAonuu * PcUctric IM al.
ways rellaved me. My wf | Hnil child hud
dlptherla , on4 Thomaf fclettric Oil cuiod
them , and If Ukon Iu tlmo U will cnra reveti
time out of ton. I am confident it U a euro
for tlm most ob tnat ! colil , or ontitth , antl If
any ono will take a small tevpimn and h"lf fill
it withithn Oil , and then place th en-l f the
fix > uii In ono noatrll and ilraw the Oil out of
the spoon into thn ho id , bv KnlBSiix is hard as
they can , until the Oil falls uver into the
throat , omlprhclice It twice n weak , I Ain't
care h w nffBiwlvH their hnud way be. It will
clean It out nnd cure their catarrh l-'or douf.
neuii and eamcho , U ttan done wnnrlers to my
certain knowlwlga Itutha only inoillrlna
( luhlxjil pataut mudlclno that I htva ever f lt
like reo 'mtuendl'ig , and I am vi-ry nx ww to 1
1 sen It lu ev-rry | .Kie , f .r . I toll > ou that I would
' not IMJ without U In mv hmua for any conMd-
j erotlnp , I am now unffa-lrg wtth a p itn JlVe \
I rhouinntUm U mv HK t lltnh , mid muhinir r -
lleveg tne llkn 7/umuiV .Mictric IHl. " Dr , K.
F. Urtup. Corry , IV
Tu have It nnt nr not-tliut li thn rjiif llon |
WlnUitr'tlil-ctlfr for llioji\H tn Miller
Tliv pnncn nnd tnrnu nix oTiui udilne lootli ,
Or to bxke Mppl nr-ilnM R lioil nrtruublcs
An.l.liy c .rHCtlim- , did thrmr 'loiMill-t
Niimorp ) nuilliy n tiiKlnxay rf it
The tuolluiclir , mill u tliuutanil netnriil Illi
Tlicjittv Is heir to-'tlinniiiHiiiiiinnilon
IK'Tuiilljr lo bo nlihol. To pull Ui tns
To tiic ! ix-rchniKf tu lirrnk njf , tin rr'n the rub ,
1'or In tlmt wrincli lmt ncoiilii mny como ,
Wlifn we Imro liuir-dhltxlKcO the ntulilKirn ftxi ,
> ! ui * ( jive u' rmuic t there' " thr rioprrt
Tlmt mitkni nn ncliinK IcxiUi ofsu IOIIR n life !
for \\lio would lutirtlieKtilixniKlfilliiRntirixitn ,
Tlic old n ir > nostrum , ( IpnlUtV ttintunu'lr ,
Tlir pntiR of lnf ? | rteft-rreil , kind filw p's delay ,
Wnrn lie hlnisoirmtKlit lil qtilcliuinulca
J'or onr- poor ulillllni ; ? Who \\onlil ranlrli bnir ,
ro irninn nud link btncutli nloml oTiialn ,
Hat tlmt the ( tread urHonirthliiK liHli ; < < 0 w Ithlr.
Tiipllnpit tuUinl lor-cpi. from wn < e pa"lT
Nojuvvsnt rimoriliirn , imzsli-i Ihp will
And nmkm It rnthcr l > riir the III * U IIM
rimn lly toothrntlint li know * not err
'f Inn ( Irnllsls do make run iirdi uf ns all ;
.ml thuillionntlvc hniiorniwihitliin
.1 hlcklli\l o'rr with the | i ilt > n t of O/ir :
Anil rauny a nnp. w hwo cuitrnifiiwvkii thn doi'r
With thli rrxiird , lih rnointrps turn nwivy ,
acurvdut tinintrun ufiltMittat.
IMtlloAopliy of AtiutRcmont- * .
" \\nmlever occupies the . ! i.d hai an In-
llttenro upon it which lends to good or to
evil : mid that which affords pleasure will
dwell in a person's thoughts , sometimes
affording relief from disagreeable and ini-
tating rcllcctions. If , IhcrclVrc , the excit
ing cause of gratifying sensations bo inno
cent , and it doc.t not divert attention from
proper duties , the effect is to keep the
mind in n healthful condition , and it is
not injurious.
Thinking persons cannot f.vll to perceive
the moral cll'cct of \aricty of recreations
and amusements ; mid they are fteqttcntly
brought up for discussion by these -\\lio
think they nro authorized to indicate to
their fellow men what is proper and vthat
is wrong in tlio of loisuio time.
An nascmbly of liaptist ministers recently
; ave tliclr views upon this subject , and
vvhile cendcmuini ; popular nimisements
cnor.Uly , they dill'orjd greatly in opinion.
Painting , rculpturo , poetry , eloqucnro
\ud music , when properly used , are very
ciiuiug ; nud we Hud them moro or le s in
.ho hutibcs of the most intelligent people
of ovcry creed. Music is mere recreation ;
yet the most austere sects liavo found it
impracticable to conduct their worship
without it.
These who undertake to inculcate cor
rect principles of religion nnd morality
should recognize the teachingH of nature ;
for it is true , as n great poet has said ,
"God and Nature will the Bame. "
Judicious recreation is essential to men
ial and physical health ; ami ouo of the
; oed gifts of the bouuvoU'itt Creator tc
uan is the ability to laugh. The lower
orders of creation do not laugh , nnd much
of the enjoyment of life is found in tht *
enlivening conversation and humor which
C.IUSC.S Binilca nud laughter. The moat effi
cient teachers of religious truth nro Utosa
who always wear a cheerful countenance ,
and are not afraid to uibcnd and to laugh
when innocent mirth and genuinu wit ex
cite fantastic ideas.
In the existing condition of our social
circumstances a large majority of the people
ple are not religious ; nad when wo consid
er how powerful is the educating influence
of amusements , and that the pcoplo will
have them , it will be wise to provide nnd
entourage such ns nro good nnd innocent ,
rather than to make futile efforts to abolish
ish all of them. Solomon says "Thcro is
a time for all things ; " and the time spent
in innocent recreation is not incompatible
with the most devoted piety. The youth _
of our land should not bo led to believe
that religion deprives men of all that is
pleasant in our present life. [ The Kpisco-
pr.l Kegistcr. _
H. Day on a iiuauo lalniiil.
Jty Idea of a guano island had always
emi that it was very rocky , and covered
with a white substance resembling mortar
before tlio sand ii mixed with it , I imag
ined , too , that it exhaled an odor different
"omowliat from the orange groves of Tahiti.
Had I not been told that 1 was on n guano
island , I would not have known it from
the surroundings. Instead of being rocky
the soil was mellow nud dark , nnd every
where vegetation was most luxuriant. The
air was remarkably clear and pure. Dur
ing n walk around the island I then learn
ed that thcro nro two kinds of guano ; or ,
rather , that of certain qualities which nil
yuano possesses , some of these qualities
predominate in that found in given local
ity , while guano taken from isla-ndH differ
ently located possesses iu a much stronger
degree homo other essentials. Thus tit *
of the ousts of South America , exposed tt
( he rays of a tropical sun , where the sur
face of tiio surface of the land is never
vooled , and where rain seldom or nev
falls , possesses tlm strongest ammonia
properties. Not only arc the excretion ! , ci
birds deposited there , but the birds them-
iclvcs como thcro to die ; and eggs have
frequently been taken out a littlu Mow
the crusts which form over these deposits
that are almost pure ammonia.
The guano of these islands has n strong ,
pungent odorand is white and ligit ( brown
in color. Kut the guano of the islands of
the Southern Pacific is made up of decom
posed eor.U , forming mostly phoephatus of
limo and magncsiit. It is entirely inodor
ous , and of u dark brown color , rewmibliug
well pulverised loam.
It in bclicyed that the birds , which in
large numbers inhabit thesu islands , living
aa they do almost entirely on Ash , deposit
phosphoric acid on the coral , nnd thus
form the phosphate * which give to guano
its value.
It is separated front the coral in the fol'
lowing manner : Thcro are quite n force of
natives employed , wlu gather the earth In
largo heaps , and then screen it in the sarao
manner that linu ccul it * separated from the
coarse. The tcrecns are about eight feet
by three , nud ihu iron gauze covering them
is fine , allowing only the guano or line portions
tions of the earth to pass through , nnd
leaving cho cral iu the hcrecus. The gu
ano in then siicknl nud shipped. The Cult
furniun. _
In another column will ua found the an.
nouncomeut of M ! a rH.Til)3.COOK&KON ,
Tourist Agents , 201 Broadway , New York ,
rtsUUvn to the very complete arrajigemnita
they Imvo mmlo for tours in Rttrcp * tlu
C'Unlutf Sprlnu and Summnr. "Cook'a Kxcur >
nlonlut , " containing nittps and full p.irtluulai * ,
will bo mallod to any atldrenaon receipt of IU
I'lio cultivation ot luimv In no Icsa im
nortant than the cultivation of mind ; tbi
by the action Of the ono tlio other la rcadl
ly known. How in it in the working of
machinery ? You BOO every movement It
regular and precisely at the Kaino time , ; if
notbo , something is wiong nnd onr ma
chinery Ktoim. Just so in thq cultivation of
habit. Unites regularity and promptness
are aimed nt ( not only aimed at , but act *
ually becu red ) , there fan btoppago in out . intcrcetn , perhaps fatal , and perhapt
in incentive -which enl da ! [ 7 exprriouct
iufive. / .
A noi > il4ivcMiiiiunt. |
Ono of our prominent business men
eaid to us thu other day ; "In llio spring
my wife got all run down and could not
oat anything ; pausing your olore I saw a
pile of Hood's Sareaparilla in the window ,
and I got a bottlo. After uho had tukon
it a wouk BII > had a rouaing appufito , and
j did her everything. Bho took three bet >
ties , and it wan the heat three dollars 1
{ over invoued. " 0. I. HOOD & Qo. , Low.
I ell , MO B.
Fntiroisn greater cuemy tu Jrlcutlshlii
tuui Li uu ur
There w w on'c a minister of the Gospel
vho never built n church.
Who never pri-atlicd iu one.
With never proposed n church fair lo huj
the cJiurch n new carpet.
Who never founded u m w ncct.
Who frtxiucntrxl pttbliu houses nnd drank
wino with M ! unor * .
Who never received n Ktlnry.
Who novcr asked for one.
Who never \\oroti black suit or white
Who never used n prayer book.
Or n hymn hook.
Or wrote n ncrmon.
Who never hired n cornet eoloUt or viol
inist 'o draw pcoplo to hear the Word.
Who novcr advertised his cermons.
Who never took n text for lib ) sermon * .
Who nr\cr went through n course of
tlicologlcnl Btudy.
Wlio never was ordained.
Who was JIOMT p\cn "convrrtcd. "
Who never went to n conference.
Who never was tmrprlscd b > n donation
Who was ho ?
Hop YoiiHt antl
The recipes ( itiotcd below nro taken frr.ui
the "Appledoro Cook Hook" edited by Miss
Maria 1'nrlo.i , of lioatou , and are endorsed
by good cooks :
Hop 1'tast. 1'aro nnd boil onn dozen
mealy potatoes ( they will Iwil iu thirty
ininute.s ; ) as soon as you put the potatoes
on to boil , put n handful of hops into an *
other kcttlo with three quarts of coW water ,
cover and boil. When the potatoes arc
boiled , drain and mash fine ; then strain
the hop-water through iv line Helve , on the
potatoes ( bo sure that the hops nro boiling.
when they nro strained on the potatoes , )
and atir well : then add one-half cup of
sugar , ono-fourth of salt , nnd ono pint of
Hour ; mix this well ami strain through a
cullender , lot it stand until it is milk-
warm , then stir in onu cup of good yeast ,
and set it to rise where it will ho warm. It
will rise in live hours if the yeast is good.
You c.ui tell when it is risen by the white
foam , which will rise to the top. When
risen , put it in n stone jug and cork tight.
It isv ; good plan to tie the cork down , aa it
wmetimrs flics out. Set it in the ice chester
or oil the cellar bottom. Make one-third
this quantity iu summer if your family is
Ifoji lircad. Take four good sized
, ) otatoc # , peel , boil , and mash nud pour on
to them ono quart of lolling water strain
the vtholo through rtsieve ; let this get
blood-warm , and then stir into it ono cup
of yeast , nnil n tablcupoonful of white su
gar , ono tablcspoonful of salt , and enough
flour to make n titiff batter ( about three
nnd n half quarts. ) Beat well with n
spoon and set in warm place to riso. In
the summer it will rise Jin four hours , in the
winter it will take five. "When well risen
add enough flour BO tlmt it can bo molded ,
and one tablcspoonful of lard , then knead
twenty minutes , adding only Hour enough
to prevent the dough from slicking. Now
put the dough in n pau again und let it
rise ouo hour , and then form into loaves.
Do not have over n pint bowl full of dough
in nloaf. . Let thu loaves rise forty in Unites
and bake forty-rlvo minutes , lircad made
in thin way cannot bo excelled.
A bottle of Samaritan Nervine ena
bles one to defy asthma , nervousness and
general debility.
"My wife had fits for 35 years , " says
Qonry Clark , of Fair/field , Mich. "Sa
maritan Nervine cured hor. " Your
Druggist keeps it.
Tlio Ear.
The internal ear is an exceedingly deli
cate and complicated organ , and is there
fore specially susceptible to disturbing in
fluences. H'juco car-achca ; abscesses of
the car ; thickening of the drum , rendering
one httrd of hearing ; bursting of the drum ,
causing deafness , and gatherings within
the ear of solid plugs of wax. The close
connection of the car with the bruin very
often results in an extension of nn inflair-
matlou from the former to the latter.
Ear troubles begin early. The child is
inclined to put small things iut * it such
as l > eans , calico-kernels , pebbles , etc. These
irritate nnd inflame the car , and may be
come bourcos of most ficnous mischief.
Older persons nro hardly wiser -who pick
their cans with the head of it pin.
The car-wax should bo let alone , except
iu cases when removed by nn expert j > hy
siclan. It is needed where it la , to prevent
the ingress of BUI all insects nnd dust. It
commonly takes care of itticlf.
The bather too off en docs himself serlouz
mischief by allowing vuiter to enter the
ear. Thousands of bad eimca occur yearly
from this caub ? . The trouble id increased
if the water is bait , as its ansorption leaves
hard , irritating cryptala behind. No ono
ahould ever divu ; and the onset of the
surf should always bo received at the back.
In cold weather , the steady blowing of a
strong current of air upon the par to dnn-
gerotiH. It penetrates to the blood-warm
interior , congesting and inflaming it. It
id not always easy to twoid mich n current- ,
and it would he wcll'when likely to be
exposed , to wear iu thu external far a lit
tle wad of cotton. Kxeruelating pain and
permanent himu nuiv tlnia bo prevented.
The proof - > ! the pudding is not iu cliowlng
the string , but lu having nn opportunity to
test the article direct. Uclirotcr & Uocht , tlio
DrutfrletH , Imvo a free trial bottle of Dr. Bo-
Ranko 8 Couch and Lung Syrup for each and
every ono who In afllictod with Coughs , Colds ,
Asthma , Consumption nr any Lung Affection.
How TO BUY A HOIIHE. An old horse
mini , speaking on this subject , cays'If ;
you want to buy n horse , don'tbclifveyotir
in n brother. Take no inan'ti word for it ,
{ our eye is your market. Don't buy a horse
i harness. Unhitch him and take every
lilngoffbut his halter , and K'ad him nrou ml ,
fho has it corn , or is titiff , or baa any other
idling , you can wee it. I.ethim go by him-
elf a little ways , and if ho staves right
iito anything you may know ho is sjonr
ilind , No matter how clear nnd bright
ilfl eyes nre , ho can't BOO any moro than a
tat. liack him up , too. Somohornt-HRhow
heir weakness or tricks in that way when
buy don't in any other. liut , lx > ns mnart
is you can , you'll get caught bometime.
Een < nn expert gets stuck , A horho may
'ook ever so nice , and go it inllo minute ,
ml yet iutvo fits , for instance. Thcro isn'l '
live man could tell it till homcthing hap-
ns. Or ho may have a weak back. Give
ilni the whip and off ho KOCH for it mile or
-wo , then , nil of u midden , ho nits down in
ho road. After iv rest ho gets up anil
iturUi again , liut he soon hitsdown for good
, nd nothing but u derrick could raino him. "
Tlio GlilncMO MiiHt Go ,
And BO must neurali ? ! * and rhemnatlim ,
when Dr. Ihomat * tclcctrie nil attacks them.
Tlila medicine | g a iiiarvulotu product of ingen
ious thought. Ituy It and try It.
When Mr. Edward Wyrnpcr wan on } he
wide of Chimbor-uo , in the course of an ex
ploration of the peaks of the Audi * , in
l > .HAdor , he naw it grand tiuption of Coto-
paxl. Ahhcs roeo in a column not lew
than 20,000 ft-ot above the rim of the crater
and then expanded over au ami of many
nllcs. TwomlllioiiH tons of matter were
jcctod lu this uimplo eruption , nnd the
particle : * of the Halves were w fine that , in
VHIIB muniilttt , it required not lens than 25-
000 to make a grain In weight.
"What causes the great rush nt S irc-to &
Boclit'n Drug 8tore'r The free dUitributlo
of sample bottles of Dr. llosauko's Cough on
Lung Hyrup , the moat popular remedy fo
Couidii. Coldi , Consumption and liroticulU
n won too market , lloffular idze DO cenU an
DEWEY & STONE'S ' , > t
One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
To the Volume of Bargains to be offered at
miuiii nhiii
Monday Morning , April 21st ,
All the prices wo give at this unlo . are bona-Cdo reductions , and wo guarantee on-
tiio satisfaction to all purchasers.
Ladles' BOHC.
50 Paira Ladick Finoat Brilliant Lialo
Thread IIoso , colored and blnok , at
75o Never before nold under $1.00
and 81.25. ,
00 dozen Paira Ladies' Solid and
Fancy HOBO. 5 to 8& inch , ! ! 5o. For
mer price , 50 to 70c.
00 Pairs Children's Solid and Fancy
Hose , formerly Bold at 70c ana $1 00 ;
put on the counter in one lot at OOo
Tins is a great sacrifice.
0 Paira Ladies' Silk HOBO at $1.00. For
merly sold at $2 CO.
Indies Solid Cardinal , full regular made
Hose , French feet , 2Cc. Sold else
where at 35c. i
Radios Extra Heavy Unbleached Knit
ted HOBO , 24o ; reduced from 30.
'no ' grand lot Children's HOBO 17o , con
sisting of all of our 25o goods , in fancy
colon ) and French mixed.
0 doz. Ladies' Balbriggan vests , 3 ? l-2c ,
worth GOo.
s' Gauze vests , lOo , worth 25o.
s' OnBsamer Merino vests , G5c , for
merly OOc.
! 00 norcots in onolot at 48o , formerly 75c.
BasnotV Jorspy fitting corsets , OSo , for
merly $ 1.25
The now "Acqtiibasquo Corset , " $1 3D ,
the bott health corset in the market ,
worth $1.75.
lot kid gloves ( black and colors ) GO ) ,
formerly nold at $1.00 to $1 GO.
Ladies' Mosquotairo kids , $1.00 , reduced
from $1.35.
lot ladies' colored Berlin gloves , lOo ,
formerly 20c. l
Button length colored toffota silk gloves ,
all ohades , 35c , formerly COc.
* Button length black Jerseys , 25c , cheap
at 35o.
G Button length black and colored bril
liant lisle Jersey gloves , COc , aold last
year for $1.00.
Silk fcuco Mitts. ' 4
< *
Look at reduetiona :
Children's now GOc , formerly 65c. '
Children's now 48c , formerly COc.
Ladies' now 35o , formerly GOo.
Ladies' now 48o , formerly G5c.
Ladies' now GOc , formerly 85o.
Ladies' now 7Gc , formerly $1 00.
Ladies' now G6o , formerly i)0o. )
Ladies' now 85c , formerly $1.10.
1 lot Patent Val. Laces at Co per yard ,
regular price 10 and IBc.
Real Torchon Lace (12 ( yards in piece ) lOo
per puce , sold cliowhoro at 30c.
Colored Spanish , all silk , Lace at 33V
worth COp.
Bargains in Oriental , Black , Spanish ,
Antique , Torchons , and all popular laces.
Ont lot Dress Buttons at lOc per dozen ,
worth from 25 to COc.
White Pearl Buttons , 24 and 2G line , 5o
per dozen , formerly 8Jo.
White Pearl Buttons , 28 line , at 7 o per
. dozen , formerly lOc. *
Illbboi * HcmnmtitB. > .
No. G. AM Silk Satin and Groa Grain ,
Co yard.
No. 9. All Silk Sutin and Gros Grain.
15o yard. Itogular prices 12io and
Children's Loco Collars , at 5c.
Children's Lace Collars , 8Jn , formerly 1 Co.
Children's Lace Collars , 25o , formerly 35
Persons wishing to procure the unprc.
cedontcd bargains wo offer at this sa
will consult their interests by call
early. Remember this sale begins SI
day morning , April 21st , at 8 o'clock.
Carry the Largest Stock , offer the Lowest Prices and
Easiest Terms of any Dealer here on
Besides Many other Well-known Makes , we sell the
World Renowned
, , ,
Olough and Warren ,
itrumonU Rented and rent allowed if purohaaod. Pianoa on installments , ? 10
llonthly. Organs , $5. Call or eond for Catalogue and terms.
Would call particular attention to their new stock of
Diamonds and Precious Stones ,
. ,
Stove. ,