l\ \ OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS TH UK SDAY APKIL 24 , 1884. THE PAIL * JBEE. 00UNOIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning. Anril 24 , KATES. SUBSCRIPTION Hy Cunlcf _ . - _ . . -SO ' Ms F" wcck tlOOu p r } c r omen : No. 7 Pearl Street. Near Broadway. MIKOll MENTION , See J. llcitor's , spring goods. The paper mill is expected to start up in a few days. MT. Oleson is huilding a residence on First street. Still Bates was , yesterday , fined for be ing drunk , ana assaulting Gus Young. Df. Bellinger is raising his house on Sixth avenue , nnd otherwise improving the property. Justice Schurz yesterday married Jens Peter Sorronson to Johauuah A Nielsen , both of this city. All railroad tickets bought of D. W. Buahncll are guaranteed , also all rebate orders given by him. The Bjptist sociable will bo enter tained at the residence of Biro. Keith , JNo. 722 Fourth street , Friday evening. Tuberose bulba , double , and single , mixed , at CO cents n dozen , post-paid. Address H. C. Raymond , Council Bluffs , Iowa. S. E. Maxon hai prepared plans for the now Stutsman street and Ooutor street school buildings , ncd they have boon adopted. You should visit John Eponotor , 007 Broadway , and see his now elegant mar- blotzod alato mantels that can bo put in any houso. The school buildings are to bo photo graphed , and the pictures placed on exhi bition at the national teachers' associa tion to be hold at Madison , Win. The Council Bluffs 03d Follows have boon invited t join with their Omaha brethren in celebrating the 65th anniver sary of the order next Saturday. Officer Hurley had quite a tussle with Minnie Brown , who did uot propose to Txs run in as a street walker. She as taken in though and is to have a hearing Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lewis before departing - parting for their now homo in Marno , wore given a reception at the homo of Mr. J. H. Pace , a largo number of i friends participating. Complaints about tardiness of teachers have caused the school-board to notify all teachers that they must report for du ty sharply at 8:30 : a. m. , and 1:15 : p. m. , or else their contract will be annulled. A little boy , son of Mr. Norton , of the Revere Huuso , was bitten yesterday by a dog belonging to Mrs. Brown , ot the Broadway hotel , the dog jumping out at the child aa the latter was walking along the sidewalk. Permits to wed were yeiterday granted Wm. Sigen and Annotta Bouvior , both of Crescent ; George W. Graham and Kate K. Applegate , both of Oakland , and John Bradley and Emma O. Our tin , both of Wheeler's Grove. The Knickerbocker gallery , at 220 south Main street , la starting in with a good business , and the photographs thus far produced are declared excellent. A specialty is made of takiu ? families and groups , and children's pictures uro token quicker than a wink , nnd are poi f Jot. A crjwd of tramps near Stuart's pack ing house wore pounced donn upon by the policoyestorday. Three wore brought in- , and on being searched wore found to bo provided with a candle , piece of look ing glauwhisk broom , comb , soap and towel , though they didn't bear evidence of having used anything but the caudle. E. L. Smith is the luokient man in town. He has on hand 100 cords of dry stove wood and a good supply of shall birk hickory , whan all other dealers are out. 130 South Main street. Biscuit. K 5. Two causes produce a distrestod stomach ach after eating hot bieonit ; the yeast germs and the shortening used. B'seuit ' made with yeast of course have the yeast genus , and if made with the ordinary baking powder without shortening they are tough and dry. Prof. Hosford has invented a baking powder that adds no yeast gornn and makes a dalicious moist and tender bincuh without any shorten ing , that can bo eaten without tr.mble. Such bi cuits will bo mode and baked in the different grocery H lores during the next few day * . The ladies are specially invited and the gentlemen are welcome. Every gasoline stovu sold by John Ep- cnotor is guaranteed as represented. Onminjr. Mrs F. P. Jones opens an entire now took of fashionable and seasonable mil linery in her now store , No , 14 Main treot. lite highest medical and chemical au thortUea in the world have given their mnqualified approval of Prof , Hereford's Phcwphatio Baking powder. There is no ether likd it. There is no cream tartar or alum in it It has for its unlive agent phosphate of lime , an essential constitu ent of all grain. Call at Parks & Plat an's "tore to-day and nee it deraonstrat- , if you will call at Parka & Plat- jw' etore , oppo ; to the Ogden house to- < Uy you e n get useful and valuable in- fowution frM. Abe an excellent free JIM * . n DELEGATES TO DES M01NES. The Republicans Name Ttoir Men air Sent Thfcin UninslrnctEu , The County Convention , The republican coitnly convention met yesterday nftornoon. Jacob Sims called the convention to ordor. Liout. Gov. Manning was selected as temporary chairman. Col. Wilcox was chosen torn- porary eocrotnry. A committee was np- pointed on credentials , consisting of E. A. Consignoy , Ell Clayton , Win. Torap kins , G S. Lawson , and Dr. Van Ness. The temporary organisation was made permanent. G. F. Wright moved that n committee consisting of ono from each ward and township bo appointed to select dolcgotcs to represent the county in the ntato con vention. Carried. The committee consisted of E. I ) . G&rdner , Spencer Smith , G. F. Smith , Phil. Armour , F. Low , A. McKinnoy. Win. Tompkin , .T. A. Hake , E. B. Cooper or , Eli Clayton , E. A , Consignoy , G. N , Remington , A. Robinson , W. II. Me- GincssV. . H. Chrissman , Peter Ellis , L. B. Co/jsons , A. R. Prontiss , W. T. Wilcox. The committee reported the following list of dotogatos : E. B. Gardner , Jacob Simms , Spencer Smith , Wm. McOrary , George T. Smith , W. 11. Hayes , Phil Armour , G. F. Wright , W. F. Sapp and Dr. W. Hart of thia city , George llomington , Ncoh , J. A. Hake , F. Benjamin , E. W. Davis , of Avoci , O.M.Bunco , Walnut , L D. BulU. Macedonia , Eli Clayton , Wright , W. T. Wilcor , Belknap , A. L. Fields , Han- cook. cook.F. F. Benjamin offered n resolution favor ing Blaine for President An amend ment was offered that John A. Logan's name bo subitttutad. Spencer Smith presented a subitituto favoring an uninstructed - structod delegation from Iowa to the na tional convention. The convention then adjourned. ' The east end of the convention , as re presented , seems ( o favor Blaine , while in the city Arthur is givn a preference. On the delegation , [ as selected , Arthur and Blalao are pretty evenly divided , Logan being favored by some of those as a second choice. There are at least two Edmund * men among the nineteen. Hoar Mo ; "I Speak of Excellent Tlitnjjs. " The agent of the Ilumford Chemical Works of Providence , R. I.b in the ctty , practic illy demonstrating the superior- y of Prof. Hosford's Phosphatic Bak ing Powder. An exhibition will ba giv en to-day and to-morrow at Pork and Platnor's , opposite the Ogden House. Call in and see how easy it is to bake the nicest of'broad food without the use of shortening. "Hosford's" is the only brand that is endorsed by physicians as being healthful and nutritious. The best in the cheapest. Ask your grocer it. THOSE WEUDIM BELLS , ObarloR Zlmmcr nnd Mies Anglo Gcr- ner Joyously Joined Last Evening , There was a largo and happy gathering of friends liyit evening at the residence of Mr. and Mra. George Corner , No. 170 Glen avenue , the occasion being the marriage - riago tf their daughter , Mies Angio Qor nor to Mr. Charles Ziiumor. The floral dooorationa , arranged by Caspar and by Foster , were elaborate and beautiful , noticeable among which was a large floral panel , standing upon an o&ael , the initials "Z" nnd " 0" being wrought in flowers. The bride and groom wdro attended - tended by Mr. M. L. Jacquomin and Miss Kato Gernor , etstor of the bridn. The only relative of the room present was a sister , Mrs. L. Koch , of Chicago , who was accompaninod by her husband. Rev. Father McMouomy officiated at the orcmony. The presents bestowed on ho happy pair were many and beautiful. The newly wedded ones are the rocipi nta of many hearty congratulations , anc orthily so. Mr , Ziinmor has been it .he poatoflloo hero as assistant poatmBs- terfor a long time , and has the confidence f all , and the friendship of many , being ao of Council , Bluffs' best young men The brldo has also a largo circle oi 'riondfl , and is most worthy and nccom lishod. A Curiou * Exhllltlnn. A f i o o exhibition to show what wondorf u' rceults can bo produced by Prof. Hora : ord' Phosphalio Baking powder will bo given at Parks & PUtDor's1 store , oppj site the Ogdou house to-day , and at the Boston to store on Friday and Saturday It U worth seeing , ladies ! Come. The Anccea.1 or the greater part of things ilopcnd.i 'upon knowiug how long it takea to Buococd. Every limn truly lives BO Ioii ) { OH ho nets Ilia nature or tramo vuy uuikca good the fuciilticw of lilniHcir. Let every youugmnn sot out in life vritb the rcaolutlou to lx > gulclcil by the prinui plo or uptightncea , anil Btick by it firmly and thcrovlll bo no danger of bhlinvrcc rt manhomL It" ono only wiahed to bo happy , this. coti. ' > o readily accorapliiihtd ; but wo wlnh to bo huppior tliiiu other pc-oplo niul thia is almost tUfUuult , fur wo bcllovo otliura to be 'uppicr than they are. Viicro la a pleasure in admiration , and : lih is that which properly caused ) wtwir- iitlnn , when wo discover iv great dnil in an oliject whlcli wo underatuud to ba excellent uul yet we cc ? ( wo know not how'imich' more beynnd that , which our uudorBtaiRl Ingu cauuo * . fully reach nnd co'iiprehend. A Now Hampshire lUrmcr agreed to MI his fann fur two thuiuund ilollura , bu when the day came lie told the ezpcctan purchaser that life \vlfo WHS in hysterics ibout the trade , uud ho gueaocd he'd Law to back out. The purchohcr complained and finally uskod how much more woul- iudncoliim to sell. "Well , give me twc hundred mid fifty dollars more , and we'll tot her cry , " replied the thrifty granj-cr. OOCNC1L BLCrrS MARRLT. Vhol t No. 2 spring , tfics No , 8 , 65o { ro- octal , CiOo ; good demand. Corn l/oalers we paying SOo for old corn l GOc for n w , Ontu In cotxl demand nt SOo. liny I 00@0 00 per ton } COc per bale , Uyo JO@J.rxj. Corn Meal 1 25 per 100 ponnd * . Wood Good supply ; prices Rt ywd/i , C 00 < & 700. 700.Coal Coal Dollvorod , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , i 00 per ton Lard Kttlrbank' * , wholcsMIng nt 9o. Flour City Hour , 1 00 < g3 80. Brooma 2 95@3 00 ; > r doz. LIVE STOCK. Cftttlo S C0@4 00 ; calves , 6 W7 ) CO. Ilocrs Local packora nro buying now and liorola a good demand for nil grauofl ; choice packing , G 25 : mixed , 5 25. rnonccic AND VHDITH. Quotnllons by J. M. St. .lolin & Co. , com * mission merchants , 538 Uroadway. Butter Creamery , 35c ; ch:5co country rolls , In peed demand , 20c. KffRB 13o per dozen ; voryscnrco. Poultry Iloady inlochlckoimdros ; od , 12Jcs lire , Oc ; turkoyii , drosiod , ICc ; lire , 12c ; UCKS , drosaod , 12)cllvo ) ; , 8c. Orangen I 00 ® 1 fiO per box , Lemons 3 50 ( < 34 00 per box. Bananas 2 60@3 BO per bnnch Vegetable Potatoes , 40fX ) ; onions , 7Rcj cabbage , 4 cents per jinund ; apples , ready imlo at S 26t 00 lor prime stock. Tin : TtMiinn OP 1'oorrr Sor.vi ) . TIio lr tree yrowtlm of I'ngct Sound form ono of t'.io wonders of the A incricnu world. They .verago 200 fuct iu height , mid BOIUC Bpcci- mcns luue been cut ( hut mcisurcd I20 f'ccl t length ni < d 121'cct In diameter nt IhohaHO , with n Ntntlght nnd well proportioned log ' ngth of ninety feet tothufirHllimh. The edar trees nro in like proportion , nnd nro most valuable for wooden ware of all Iriiids , whllo the firs nro the host for spar f.nd ship timber yet found in any country. There nro few nations tluit do not use them in ship-building. One-fourth the wealth of San Francisco WHS culled from the firs ofPugutSouud whiletljogovcniincntnlcpt , and to-day nil the principal Btcnm mill owners who saw nnd prepare for mnrkcl 100,000 to 200,000 feel n day to each mill and thcro nro thirty or mora mills nro residents of Ban Francisco , " 'hero they in vest their profits , to the great injury of residents of the Sound. There in , apparent ly , no exhaustion of the timber , nnd n ccn- - ry will pofcsibly elapse before the t ugct Sound fore-sts will bo cleared of their im tacnso resources of varied tree growths. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SpeoUI advertisement * , nieh u toet. . Found , To loan , ForSato , , To Rent , Want * , Board' ' lag , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the fint Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or each subsequent n Mrtlon. Leave advertisement * at our office , No , Pearl Street , near Broodwav WAMTB WANTED Alhnboywlth pony t < > carry rout ( rD K. C Ilat Coumll Dluffs BXR olllco. WANTEU Every bodym Council Bluffs to take TIIEBXB. Dollrorod by carrier at only twenty cants a week. OLD PAI'EUS For tale at Bxi office at 25 cents a hundred. AOKNTS ladles anil gentlemen can make On\ \ clona w goi by sollliij ; the "Cliamplon Bosom Mtncthur and Ironing Board. " Retails at It 00. Any lady can do up fine shirt wltnout a wrinkle antl glos < i as nlcelyastho nestlaundrlescan. Addree ( or pa > tlculara 0. B. S. & L CO. , Bin office , ( or one month. Grain & Provisions , DODGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No. 39 Peiil Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. ROLLER SKATING CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVU , Open lo:00 . m. , 2Cflj : > . m nd 780 ; n. m. , flTMuslo on llond y , Weduwday uid Friday eve nlngs. AD1IIB3ION 25 CENTS. No objectionable o uncUn will bo admitted. II. II MARTENS W.R.VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Cooncii Ulalfr. lleal estate colleo ion ageni OH Fe\h ' vor oavlnes lianV. HrsHJHiltODH.D , , PHYSICIAN & SUMEON , 222 Middle Bro lV. . Council BluQu. R. Rice W. D. or other tumors removed without th knlfo or drawing ol bltod , CHROMIC DISEASES < * * * * * * Over thirty years practical nxpertroo * Offloe Mo R I'earl utroct , Council Uludii nioa. onrioka , n. u. rcur. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffi . t la. Estabtisnea - - 1856 Dealer * la Foreign and omcetlo | ToM s-rM | The ui W Ihe term " Hoof SHORT Uu < " In connection withthi corporate name of a greatroad , conveyn an Idea of urt what | ft I required by the traveling nub I I | | | L He Hhort Une , Quick fimt " | _ | _ and the bent of accommoda tlont all ot which are lair- ' bed by the greatest railway In America. CHIOAGO/ILWAIIKEE , | | / | And St. Paul. Itovrni and operatt * over .K Northern IlllnoU , Wlaooailn , JJmnosoU , Iowa Dakota ; and ai t > main line * , branihei and ocunw tiODi rvach all the great biulnoai centrei of tbi Nortbtteit and Par Weit , It naturally aninren th dencrlptlon of Short Line , and IMt KouU butwetD Chicago , Milwaukee , fit. Paul and Mlntieapolla. Ohloago , Milwaukee , La CTOMO and Wlnona. Ohloago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Elloudil * Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and StlUwaUr Chluago , Milwaukee , Wauaau and Merrill. Chicago , Ullvvaukoo , Beaver Dam and Oehkotb. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukraha and Ooonomo oa Chicago , Milwaukee , MadUon and 1'raJrUduChlci Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbaull , Ctilcago , Delolt Janetvl'Iu and Mineral Point Chicago , Elirlu , llockford and Dubuquo. Chicago , Cllntou , llock Iiland and Cedar JUpldt , Chicago , Council Uluffa and Omaha. i Chicago , Sioux City , Sloui Pallf and Tankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Ohamberlabi. Rook Island. Uubuque , Bt Paul and MlnooapolliL Davenport , Calinar , St. Paul and Mlunoapolla PnUman Sleepen and Iho JTuert Dining Can la world are run on the mainline * of thi CHIQAQQ MILWAUKEE A. ST. PAUL MAItW and every attention ( Tpald to paaMagetl by court * out employe * of the company , 8. A MrUUULL , A. T. a nitoag r. j.w utif , QUO a , a * LADI W AJtth .ttEUiiiViflG fciUJVLt ; vhHI OUR FINE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please -call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINOSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council BluCfe , ) m-m- . West Siilo Saunro , Glnrmili. fIOWAi MAYNE & PALMER , I'KAiiKRs ' IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , DULK AND BARREL UMK. tOUISVUtB AND rORTLANI ) CKUKNT , MICHIGAN PLASTEK , HAIR Ho. 639 Broadway. - _ , . AND 8EWKII PIPE. ooimnit. RT.TTFPB All hlnilt ol/ T. 3BC. Kunlnoorlnir [ I and Snr- S I ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA BOUSE , SdL BLUFFS , IOWA , eta , etc. V All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Fine Mantels and Grates. LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Call and BOO them before buying olsowhero. Stoves and Tinware. JOHN EPENETER , DM7uERg AVl. , OWA. KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 220 South Mii'n Streor , Countil Bluffs , Iowa. Wo cuarantpo our work as fir r-cla s in over manner and style at low prices Wo make a specialty of Grnupos , F unities , and especially especially childrenwhich vo take qui ker than a wink. COME AND SEE US. apr24eod SCHMIDT & RILEY. Proprietors. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. We eua antoo the cute of the following named ills- souses , or no pay : Rheumatism , Scr ( ula , Ulcer ) , Catarrh , a 1 niuod and kin discoes , Dv popsla , l.lvei Complaint , Klilnoy and Bladder Disease * . Gout , Noli ralgl'a and Asthma , Tries' Springs are the ( aVorltc rcHOrt ot the tired an J deblllcatad , and are the FEEBLE LAUI-S BEST FUIEND. Good hotel , Hvnry and bathing acconmdatlon bott winter and summer. I-ocallty hlehlv plcturesqui and healthy. Accessible by Wab < sb railway , r Evnna , or C. , B. b Q. , at Albany. Corrof | oiiucni eolldted , REV. M.M. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , .Oontry Co. , llo. ANALYSIS. Spedflo Gravity 1.002 Reaction Neutra Oarbonlo Add Oas 29 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 85,021 Uralni Carbonate Iron 7,41 ! ' Sulphate Magnesia 8-hQ " 8ulph t Cilcl'm 1,143 " Chloride SoJlum . . .J.lOO RIIIc * l.Mfl " Alumina . . . .0,016 Organloand Volatile matter aadlosa . . . .1,469 " Total solid ! per gallon 67.174 WRiaurk MXBIUU. . AUCTION SALE of LOTS in TOWN of PERSIA ! 80 Choice Lots will be offered nl Public Sale on WEDNESDAY , April 30th , 1884 , at 10:30 : A. M. ForU Is l < K to'l Inllvrlson Coun'v ' , Iowa , on the CUIca ; ; . ' , MII aul < ae&St. Paul lUlway. tlility mil B notthot Counc I Il'uTi ' and Ounha. I'er-la IH n ysttwo'yoert oW , but ftMaily bnndrntla ut jwoi'lo h > \e mails n w homen and utabl eoe I proepir Ui bu.liefl Mlh'n ' her bxrjuie , and ibtro Is : lli room lor many m ro. Per U In Kd lltlnn to lieln ? the conten p'ntcd p Int at whlcMhnnrnjicttd fhoitllu * fr mtil ux Clly to C'hlc > ro will lnte'CCit | the iraln llnf , U 111 the lnkl.it of k moit prixiuctivv a/ilcul ural run'l < in , and with luclunonllv t alvantaiearaimjc tali to itovilup Into a c ty 01 urprlaluif iiropottion * a : no dli'nnk < tay Tuo loto arudUtrlnutrd In each anil CUT ) block In thut n , auilaro ther fete ' 'D'h hti Inci < nnd rot' ' denro loU. Tlic business lota are l cak d nn 'linllovrl platoil mar thedJMt. | and nru fu'lym ' doirablu as Miy of thoaa now built up > u ; they are o ( a , uniform > iz of 1Mt1 It The iwirtcnoo Ids are loj.tul on the b autllui y ele nU-d portl < n ol the town more re mote from > h t ( If pi t , ami a-o 60iU2 ft In Hlz4. Ilu nc lotiwlll ha od ! and i'v > igt atol ns trie east and wait half cl I its and Slcckr , In all other re * peetaloUwlIlbaBildaiiporp'atof town an It ( > peura on th i Coun'y rocurda. Tltlo perfect. At'loin ' to basgM to tlio h'c.'Oit ' lo nonsibU Wider on Dm follOKlntrt rnm , vl : Oiie-lhlM ol pnrchaie prlo to bo pat I when lot U field , A contract for dtod will be clvfu , eondltloiittl tluit the ha auto of purrnue prlco bo paid In > lx , twelve and eighteen montns with Intoiot tit 8 per cent | ier annum. A discount of 6 pur cent on deferred puymeuta w 11 bo made fur ca . An aitent w > ll bo on the premlws with a imp to ihuw property to all v.nitorn prior to ule. Addresi L. 0 , BALDWIN , . Council Blufla , la. L. A , GASPER , FLORIST A.ND , The Largest and Mot I Complete Qieon tloUM In WtxUrnIo a. Over 24 ,900 Foot of fllas in Use. fhe Greatest \arlety and IhoChoIoeat pliuiU. My collcotlcnof Plant * and rl > > wcM Is now onuiilnto In every ro-iect , and the publlo ra Invltud to call and . I aaaw rdodtboFl t Prnmlum at the Council Illuffi Uutrlct * klr lu Soplemb--r. 1SS3 , ver all com- petltors ; nnjna\ tin o add < d many new and choloo wlo Iw. and am preiunxlta furolih K ntw cUu of pUnU that ha\euT ) < itforj bcenuuuttalnatli ) In tbl < inarkul , for hUJi ( wade no ettia charge Cut tloweii uid flaral diwlgnt 'nrnl ifd promptly , and ou mort uotloo I have ju't iMnud a nu > v rjl- aloiruo for l< , HU ch will bo > ut fr uu upplioaMou , Grcon V KOitthlos tlio Your Hound. Uorio llMlltb In bottloa. 3 3 Ploroe St. Council Dluffs lown. JACOB BJMb. K. P , OAUWKLL 8IM8&OADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUKF8 , IOWA Om < x , Main Street , Iloouu 1 and Uhugurt fe Me- Makoa' , Blook. WlllpraoUcola JJUU and d < ml wart * Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the nrrivat and de parture of t'aini by ce'itral standard time , at the loo..I ilep 'te. Trains leav * transfer depot ton min- earlier and arrive Un mluutca later. CHICAGO , BUniJKarON AMD Q0LVCT. UUVI. AUUTV 5:31 : p m Chicago Exprcsa 90am 9:40 : a m Font Mall. 7uO : p D KANSAS CITT , BT. JOB AND OODKOKi BLUPH. lo.trt a m Mall and Kxpreeu , 75 : p m 8:06 p m Paclflc Express , 6:60 : p m CHICAGO , MiLWAnnim AND ST. TAUL. F:4S : a m Mall nd Express , 7:10 : p m 6i5 : p m Kxpn-m , 9:40 : u m 9:46 : a m Express , B : . 6 p m cmcAeo , KOCH ISLAND AND rAcuio. 6:30 : p m Atl uitlo Express , 9:40 : a m 9:60 a m Day Kxpross , 6:01 : p m 7:16 a m "Des Sloln-s Aoo. mmodttlon , 4:40 : p m At local depot only. "WABABII , BT. IiOOIS AND PACIFIC. 0:65 : a m Hall , 4:45 : p m 4:60pm : Cannon Ball , 11:16am Al Transfer only , CHICAGO and NOKTUWBSTBIH. 6:30 : m Express , 6:60 : pm 9:46 : am Paelflla Express , 9:46 : am Bronx cm AMD rAcinc. m St P ul Express , 9X10 a m m Accommodation , 6:60 : p m onion rAoinc. l'T9pm Wentern Express , S:30om 1U : a m raclflo Exprecs , 4S4 : p m 7:49 : am Local Expreas , 6:54 : am l:14am : Lincoln Rxprens , At Tran ( er only. M7MMT nUIMS TO OMAItA , Leava 84-ut : : - -u:24 : a. u. lf4-:2-t-3S4- : : 4:24-6 : 1-6:24-74 : : and 11:04 : p , m Su day , 8:24- : 10-14 a. m. 1:24-3 : : 4:247:01 : : and 11:04 : p. m. Ar- v w mmut4s bcdire IfiAving time. CASH TALKS ! At the well-known Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 20 ? ) Upper Uroimwny , the PIONEER CASH < 01 Council Blufla. Motive imr rodueoa Price List We guo IS pound * Kitr&OBuprar lor , (1 00 II pounds Oraaulatoil Huirar I uu 2 | > oundilJbolooO tracal . .10 25 pounds Na\y Being 2 > | Hiunds U HI Hulk S aroh , 00 12 pounds L'ar < > liiiu Uk < 00 12 poundsfUoicu rnn . . . 0 ban HnfTnIo Hasp , 00 ' ' ' ' ' ' f.xtra Uko'lYout\er\-nunii. \ \ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 10 Choloo Ulic < ileat pT pound , in I dozen Mackerel . , . . IB Colorado flour , Wliver , per cwt ! On IOOundnUlnverr ) ap , 1 (0 0po nrt h niby , , 1 1 n gallon tu > ' Hyiuu l 70 mitte FUh , per kilV SO Mfkorul , perklt. 8 Pritos , per pound 10 T. T. T. All ta dM , according to qaillty , 15o to SOojpei pound wo aim carry a fall line of Men' * . Udtec' and Crildren'sflne bhooaand Vlou' Pine UooU atery l.iwprlcxM. ! aoi full line oi Tinware and general merchai dl a. Call on in and be cuaTlnutxl 'ha > nu .un nave uouey k\ dealing with ru. Qjoda deli or * ) I 'r o Inanv jurtnf thu city. | u . word , iri ar bound to fell and challenge all laudaolu oem oUtlua In thl county. J. P. KILBBBT SO iiuiixr Br < dray POISON n the blood U apt to ehow Itself In th tftlng , and a-uro khould by all meuivbo auult od iu throwing It ( .ft. 81U' Bi o'flo ' does thia gflecthely. It It a pnrtly vegetable , non-poUonoui iemedywhlch helpi taluioto force all the pjlaon or taint out througn bo poreJ of the akin. Mr , K > buit A. Easier , of Phkson , Trnn. , wilUs , unite tlatoUanhlo 18S1 : "Irml di IU and 'avur followed by rhcinatlim , for 'hroa join ) . o that I WMUOttv'iotont n tiuy bu lue > ; bad tri < > ' iiKutetery kin I of medicine , and fonud no rellif. A f ilo'id rtrCOinuicnd.Hl Hwtd' HjxiclUo. 1 trl d one I ottloii'l in ) health bami to I "provu. 1 rontlnued U'jttl I i c4 taken > li b.ittlei and It hai tiet me on my lea' , meouiid MM ela | em I moommeud It tu a < ! l < Ittrly IllicUd" | A'tte * from Ueoty thre(23) ( ) of the leading retail dniJKUtao' Atlanta , nay , u > drrnate of U ru > 4ih , 1881 : "Wo lell moieui B IU' Hpeoflo Uun any nt' erone itrruxly , BI d three to ten time * an much e any ol her Wood medicine. < * etellliu > all i la - 09 , and inaur of the hot fauillle , u.e U at a Kcueral bialih tonic. Our tre-itlsu on Blood and Bklu Vlieatet mailed free * ofcinnil < * ut * TUB SWIIT SPECIFIC CO. Orawer 8. Atlanta , Oa. N X OHI o. 168W.gU St. butwoen th ami Tlh * i , N. SCHURZ , Justice of tliePeacs. OKF1CK OVKIt AalCltlOAN COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALKU8 IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 3(2 and 344 firondway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA * "TTvKTo KAT. Oxi/tovox * * o IMao F/l. O llion 1 * 404 Broadway , Moils lit all Tlouri. ' ' 'h f il'nil-lno f nmindl Illnfrn. IMrtlcKaKiwclMtv. SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17 NnrrVi Minn Sr. . BLUFFS REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 Smith Main Strop * . - O UNOIL Bl TJFFS. WHOLESALE Harare , Cutlery , TMer's ' Sloct Etc , UrSpcelal itlen'lon to rrdera mr Mull. ' UUI\L/lJj JjJjTJFFS > Fig loaves are out of style , BO are goat and sheep skin ; shawls and blankets have eono by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look both neat and dressy , call on WORENE & LANDSTROM , Their Prices are Truly Reasonable { MRS. S. J. NORRIS , ompl te Assortment of the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY AND NOTIONS I05S Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS Mixed Rags Wanted. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. S. GOLDSTEIN" . ; - - . . BiQ Broadway. Council Bluffs HA MAN KELLEY , 34 N MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEALER IN ALL THr3 LATEST DESIGNS OF f ALL PAPER Al f Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. . WHY DON'T YOU GET8DUE OP FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fittlnf- , But and Cheapest , f Ine Linen Collar * rod Cue > . No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Xo'wa.1. ID. 1ML UNDERTAKER AND EiBALMERI Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PRO JITLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH 3NTo. Kt TXT. 3VJC vlTa. f = i-t. . Cfou.3ta.oil ESTON HOUSE. EVEHYTIIINO FlItSTOtASS. Nos. 27nnrl ! 219R IVlnin St. . - - TOUNCTL H. H. EORNE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEILERS IN Fine * Cigars Wo make a Bpocialty , at our EASTERN factory , of PINE HAVANA and YARA 01GR3. . All Cigars sold by UB uro of our own manufacture aud warranted a wpresented. - / ' OPERA HOUSE OIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Br-vadway , H. H : HORNE & CO , I COUNCIL BLUFFd , - - IOWA. ASADY , ORCUTT & FRENCH urtainB , in lace , MS , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc , lioicest Stock West of Chicago. 'orao ' and be convinced that wo nro headquartora for all goods in our line , hospost iilaco to buy Houau Furnishings in tlio City. OUNdlL BLUPFtf , - IOWA. Mini Orders Filled Promptly and mth Care iuropean The only Hotel in this City on the Kurcpwvn plan of " PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " Building Ne-w Furnishings. ALL MODEIIN IMPROVEMBNTri-CENTllALLY LOCATED Fine Sample Rooms-Elegant Restaurant , PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nas , 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B