. - - , Sl'ECIFIOMEblOlNKo TRADEMARK U r „ . . , Seminal Weak. tieMSporm torp Q.ullAKltiide. 1nth , Bvk , Dlmaemot Vl.lo'n , . nJ jiuiy other CUM * * * that lead tolnmnltr or Don. umptlon nd I'rtnutmo Grave. U WA K of aclTertlscments to refund money , when droKKi t from whom the mrtllemo Is bought do not M'urid. hut refer jou to the manufacturers , and the requirements ro uch ( hat the ) arewMom.V ttet. oonirllod with. Hce thclrwrlttcn guarantee. A trial of one lnRl paokaKe nl dmy'i SpodBo will conTlno- Iho tno t ikpptlcal of UH teal nurtM. On account of oountej lt rs , we hare adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the onlj Reimlno. tf Kull particular * In our inunphlct , which wede In * * ? ' " " l > y , JV11 to emy . .onotVTht Spe Olflo Mcdlolne is sold t > y all dru sU at 1 p r pack. lt , or .lx packages for 5 , or will be wot' free hi " ° n the receipt of the money , by KMrcwIn * THIS OIlAValKDIClNKUO.uu f ] o , N.Y. Bold n Omaha 1 . ' ron Tire ctmE OP ALL DISEASES OF roil TWISTY YEAns HnmphrriV llomco. fnllilc Vclrrlnarv Hprclllcn Imvo beenuiwl IIT I armrri , hlocU llrrrtlera. LlyrrvHInblonQd Turfmen , llornc Hnllrnndt , nlnnurtirtureri Con } Mine Companies ; Trav'ii lllnBodrnnir nil MrnnRrrlr * . ami otUcrs TianUUug euick , 1Ith iwrfcct nuocrtii. llniiiphrcya'ctcrlnnry Mnnnnl , ( SO fg ! lint frc-o by mull on receipt of prlcf. M ccnti ( Ifl'anirlileti tent frco on nppllcntlon lICMIMtnUYS ItOMCOPATIIU ! MED.CO , 100 riilton Street , Ken York. NERVOUS DEBILITY ml rro * trntlon from oier work or idlcnltr irod by IU fnl remedy known. PrlcelperTlnlor . largo rial of powder for t , nont post fn > r on rt Oflpt of price. IIliinrlirry ' llmnrn. IMrd. 1 . rufiut. Cauiotue ( rue. ) 1031'ullou bU. rt. Y.T THE MERCHANTS oaf Authorized Capital , - $1,000,000 Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000 Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000. BAXKINO OFFICE I N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 13th S OFTOFRS : FBira MurnrnT , President. I BAM IE. ROQIRI , T-F DM , B. Weep , Caihlir. I Lorun DuluK , A 0 Frank Murphy , B&mnel ERojcen , Bon. B. Wood , Charles 0. Honael , Alt. D. Jones , Luther Drake. Transact a General Banking Business. AUwhc bare any Banking buslneu t * transact are Invited tc eall. No matter how large or small the transaction , It will receive our careful attention , and we promlit Iways oourteons . treatment. Pa' re I , dpalcll Aocounta of Banki and Bankers received on favor able terms. Israel Certificate of Deposit bearing 6 pet ocal interest. Buyi and Mill Foroltrn Kxchanfce , Countr , Cltj ted Government locuntiM UNITED STATES . OF OMAHA. S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sis , Capital , - - $100,000.00 G. W. HAMILTON. Pros't. 8.8. CALDWELL , V. Pros't. M. T. BARLOW. Cashier. DIRECTORS : -8. 8. OALDWBLI , B. F. SMTTU , O. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BABLOW , 0. WILL HAMTLTOH. Aooountssoilolted and kept subJect Joct to sight chock. Cortlflcatos of Deposit Issued pay able In 3,6 and 13 months , bearing Interest , or en demand without In * torost. Advances made to customers on approved securities at market rate of Interest. The Interests of Customers are closely guarded and every facility compatible with principles of sound banking freely extended. tJraw slghtdrafts n EnglandIre land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu * ropo. Rail Rurvpnan Pfi8ngo Ticket * COLLECTIONS PROMPJCLY MADE. t United States Uopository OF OMAHA Gor. 13th and Farnam Sts. A The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , BUCWH3BOHB TO KOUKTZH BAOTOXS4. omtttMa in isoa. Organised as National Bank In OAij . , SUJtPIjUS AMD PROFITS * 16O , < XM. onront BUKIK Koumci , Pnddent. JOB * A. OuiaoTOH , Yloe President A. aoimnKoonzx.Zd VtoftFtftldent. A. J. Porrurro * . F. H. Diva , Oubln r n. y mcm , Anlitant Oaehler. ' 'lunkicTi'ai ( rentnl banking builaeM. Israel tlrat eirtlfloalos be rlct iterest. Draw * dralU on Sat JTraoclcoo and nrindpal cities In the United Ruir * Alee London. Dublin , Edinburgh and th. prinol' ' al Ittei ol th i oninrot of Rutcp * OMAHA SAVINGS BANK ! Gor. 13th and Douglas 3ts. Capital Stock , - - - $150,000 Liability of Stockholders , 300,000 Fire Per Cent Interest Paid OH Deposits LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE OCao x > Mi cfc X > irootox- JAilEHE. BOYD . Crcri'-ent. .L.M. HKNNETT . Vice PrOfldont. W. A. P X10N . Uanaidng Director JOUNE WILBUR . , . . . . .Oa&bUr 1U8 F MANDtKBON , TIIOS. K KIMDALL , J. W. OANNinT , WAX MEXEH , HKmiY l'UNI > T , E. I * Bf.tNK. McOAlt'J.'HV & BUBK , UKDEETAEEEB ! CIS WTIJ 8TRTSKT. BET. FAUNA1 ' AND DOUGLAS. THE IRISH AGITATION. An Apuual From the National Liagnc of America , For the Creation of a Fund to Salary Its Fighting Mon , Tha Necessity for Such Action Explained at Longthi The Loaders Unable to Qivo Their Time in Parliament , Where No Financial Beoompenso is Made , as in Our Congress , Tlio Itluh Nobility Thus Having nn AilvAntnRo Over tliolinpuv * orlnticil I'atrlolH. All HUSH APPBAfc FOIl A FUND TO SALARY ITS LEAUEUS. CHICAGO , April 22 The following nro ho osaontial portions of the circular ! uod to-day from the hondqunrtcra of the Nntionnl League of America : "Charles Stowurt i'nmull has publicly declared that in order to accuro n audi ciont inimbor of eligible men to carry on to victory the struggle of Ireland in the British parlirmont , a fund will bo n quir ed to enable men who could not other wise leave Ireland to reside in London and give their constant attention to par liamentary duties. That this require ment is roasonaqlo and legitimate , will appear from a briuf statement of the Facts. Unlike the members of our na tional congress , the members of the house of commons IIKCE1VK NO HAtAUY. Of its G40 members , all but a small mi nority , chiefly Irish , nro in the enjoyment of incomes without toil , either as heredi tary landlordsplacomou under the crown , or agents of monopolies. The Irish na tional party can carry probably seventy seats in the general election if the fnnd required is subscribed. Some constitu encies will provide for their own repre sentatives. The greater number will bo unable to do so because the vust majority of cho electors are themselves breadwinners ners , while the land , which is the chief source of profit , is hold by resident land lords or absentees , who will combine to cany as many seats as possible for crea tures of their own. To meet the lawful ixpenses of the approaching general elec tion , and to assist in the formation of A PARLIAMENTARY FOND , bhe Irish national 16agne of America in vites contributions from the supporters of Parnell , his policy and his purpose , which is to recover the right of the Irish people to make their own laws on their own soil. " Eugene Kelly , the New York banker , has authorized President Sullivan to'hoad the list with hit subscription of $500. THE OliO IVOKIjD. AHTIIUUNO EAETUQUAKB , LONDOK , April 22. An earthquake of considerable force waa felt in the eastern counties of England thi-j morning. Colchcator was the cant re of most serious disturbance. It is impossible as yet to determine the extend of the damigo. In some streets traffic has been forbidden for the present , as the buildings have been so badly shattered that they are con sidered dangerous. Tha side wall of houses near Colchester were shaken out. In liondon there wore numerous indica tions of the proximity of the earthqn ike. Telegraph instruments were shaken and the shock was distinately felt in Cheap- side and Fleet streets. At Ipswich the monsim was shattered and the railway depot partly destroyed. In private houses the greatest confusion prevailed. Chairs and tables wcro over turned , china and glassware in cupboards rattled together and were frequently shattered , trhile'picturcs and other orna ments upon the walls wcro loosened from their fastenings and fell to the floor. The people were terror stricken. Mon , wo men and children rashed BIIUIKKIHO INTO TUB STIinCTH where their agonized cries and pale faces made a most impressive to mo. At Obelmsford , about thirty miles from Lon don , the shock was also severe and people plo were filled with terror and dismay , At south end the earth trembled for miles around , the windows of many dwellings were broken. Chlnoys won > dashed to the earth , and crockoiy and glassware smashed. At Muldon , ten miles east of Ohelmsford , the town hall and private houses were awayod several times. The wave passed from south to north. The Globe says the shock was felt on the Strand in London. A bu&i- ntisa house , it asserts , was perceptibly racked so iruch that the employes were afraid and rushed into trie streets. Tim duration of the shock at Ipswich is esti mated at 3 seconds , The earthquake has caused" general fooling of alarm and in security thronhout England. The church bells sounded as though swayed by an unseen band. Tall chim ney stacks of factories were crashed tote to the earth , and other lofty structures were destroyed. The splro of ono of the largest churches in the city , 150 feet high , fell to the earth with an aw ful crash , At present it is impossi ble to estimate the amount of damage but it is known to bo great. In private houses the gieat confusion prevailed Chairs and tables wcro overturned china and glassware in the cupboards rattled together and were freijuentlj shattered , while pictures and other or numcnts upon the walls were loosenct from their fastenings nnd fell to UK floor. The people were torror-atrlcken Men , women and children rushei shrieking into tbo street , wboro tliei : agonizing erica and palo faces made n most imprcsslvo acetic. At Cliclmsford , about tlihty miles from London , Iho shock was also so vcio , and the people woio filled with terror and dismay. At Sotitb End the cartb trembled for miles around. The windows of many dwellings were brok en , chimneys dashed to the earth , and crockery and glassware smashed. At Mnldon , ten miles castof Ohclms ford , the town hall and private houses wcro swayed several times. The wave passed from south to north. The Glebe Bays the shock was felt In the Strand , London. A business house it assorts , was preceptibly rocked ; so much so , that the employes wcro afraid uul rushed Into the streets. The du ration of the shock at Ipswich is cstl- natcd at thrco seconds. The earth- jtiako has caused n general feeling of ilarm and insecurity throughout Eng- and. and.Colchester Colchester was the center ot the most serious disturbance. It la iinpos- slblc , as yet , to determine the extent of ho damages. In BOIUO streets trafllc ms been forbidden for the present , as ho buildings have been so badly shat- , ercd that they are considered danger ous. Side walls of houses near Col chester were shaken out. In London there were numerous in- lications of the proximity of the caith- quaku. Telegraphic instruments wcro shaken , and the shock was distinctly 'elt in Chcapsido and Plect streets. At Colchester a child was killed and woman's skull fractured. The woman B in a precarious condition. Thcic , vcro many narrow escapes. A fine old larish church at Langenhoo was de molished. The place looks as if it had been bombarded. The damage at Wiv- iiioo alone will reach 40,000. At Joggcshall a number of school girls rushed panic-stricken Into Iho street , nnd many of them were crushed. CIIEMATED. The body of nu American lady was crotna'-cd at Gotha on Sunday. This maki'S sixteen cremations since the cre matorium was established. BEIinKll IN DK8PAIH. CAIRO , April 22 The Mudir of Borer - > or has tnlegraphed asking whether ro- nforcomonts are coming.If so he s'iys 10 will rotist to the utmost with his garrison of 700 men ; if not , ho asks for nstructions prior to his endeavor to make the host possible terms with Muhdi. IK CHINA. SHANGHAI , April 22 The disgrace of Prince Xuug for his dilatory action in the Tonquin affair has boon favorably ncrived by the population of the Pro- vinca. They believe that the decision of PrhicoChun the control of the grand council of the empire is the forerunner of war. Defensive measures are already being taken along the ooaat , whore much excitement prevails. TUB IRISH INVINOIBIVE3. DrjDLiN , April 22. A number of title cartridges have boon found at the Four Courts. The officers of the court and jurors have received threatening letters. A notice has been found in Phooi.ix park near the spot where Lord Frederick Cavendish and under-Secretary Burke that "tho in- were assassinated , declaring - viiiciblos are impregnable. " OOKDON'S CORNER. LONDON , April 22. Parliament re assembled to-day after the E tatar recess in the house of lords. Eirl Granvtllo said the ( government felt no fears fur the personal safety of General Gordon. The position of Gordon waa also the subject of inquiry in the house of cimmons. Gladstone stated that tno government hud received no request from Gordon far the diapatch of British forces to relieve Khartoum. G > rdon had simply suggested od that a small cavalry forcu should bo sent to Berber. Ho was unable to sty whether Gordon lias sent a telegram 10 Sir Evelyn Baring at CUiro expressing indignation at being abandoned by the English government , and announcing his determination to deal lionco forth with perfect independence of those who have deserted him. GEN. HWMM. MU T STAND TllIAt ON NATf.lf ANH * Off AJIOES. WJIBIIINGTOJT , April 22 , On the 10th inst A. E Batcman , of Washington , banker , wrote a letter to the secretary of war ; and gave it to the prosit , charging Judge Advocate General Swuim , of the army , with defrauding his firm out of a considerable sum of money , of negotiat ing fraudulent piy vouchers and of other conduct unbecoming an officer and a gen. tinman. On the following day ho with drew the charco , stating that Swnim had settled hia firm's claim. The first one s referred to General Swuim by Secre t-try Lincoln "for such romarksas ho may desire to submit upon tno alligations made in the within communication , and for any application h may desire to make. " General Stttvim the tame day made reply , but did not accept the h int to apply for a court of inquiry. In a communication to the prtaidcnt to-day. Secretary Lincoln recites those fucta , and intiuiAtea that Bateman'a first letter was evidently intended as a forced ( KjtUunient of the claim , a matter with which the depArtment pArtmont rum nothing to do , but thai General Swalm's cliaracter as an ofiiosr of the army is not a private matter , but a matter of public concern , and with a view to its vindication horuegesta the appoint ment of a court of inqnryin ! the case. The president ai > once authorized auch court and thi ) secretary appointed Gtmeral Pope General Augur , and General Saokett , a such court , with Major Scott , of the Thin artillery , as judge advocate and recorder The court nuiotn at Washington May Gth * M * B n B M * > University Ib-gent llm , of low * . 5 DDIIUQOB , IA. . April 22. Word has , ' boon receiveb hero that M. M. H nn , o 1 tiiii city , editor of The Dubuque Florald rjwaa to-day elected regent of the etat univonlty by the unanimous Vole of Iho > oArd of regents , now in sctslon at Iowa City. Dry ( JotxlH In Now York , NEW VonK , April 22 Export ! of lomestio cotton goods f jr the week , 2,750 Mckngesj since the IstofJanunry , 14,400 uckagcs ; being 5,037 pickn oi more linn for the name time lat year , which wa * the largest in any pr < m < ms year. \ usiml on Tuesday , the general demand ms boon of very moderate proportions nd now bmincBs is light. The tone of lie market for cottons is vary steady to trong. "GOVKUXOH OIIDWAY I-IES. " Tlmt'H AH Win. I'onn N t , of The Iiitcr-Oornn , Jinx to Bay It. pcctil Dlipatch to TUB UKIC. Cine ao , April 22. A dispatch from t. Paul says Governor Ordway is there onsulting Governor Davca concerning lis prospects catch the Yank ton grand ury , nnd had s.ild that the reason The ntor-Ocean had ceased its attacks on litn wai because William I'oim Nixon n interested in the town situs uf lli h- moro , Gettysburg and Faulkner , mm had udo efforts to have county coinmis- ioncra appointed who were favorable to m interests , and upon his (11 ( ov. Onl- vray't ) reminding him of letters to that IToct on the governor's office , Nixon had shut up. " Mr. Nixon was questioned n the matter to-day and replied , "You tell them that Governor Ordway lies ; : iat's nil 1'vo got to say about it. " LINCOLN. Hooting of Grand Comnmndory Knights Tonplar. Bokanan's Death Sontouco Received with Satisfaction. LINCOLN , Neb. , April 22. The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Ne- miska , commenced its annual session cro last night. Tlicro are prominent lombers of the ilasonic fraternity rom all over the state present. Omaha eing represented by several Knights : V. 11. Uoweu , C. P. Needham , G. W. Liningcr , L. II. Korty , A. 13. Smith and I. C. Aikin. Election of ofllceis will ike place to-moirow. The news that Quiim Bolmnan was entenced to bo hanged August 8th , was eceived with satisfaction hero to-day , ames Cooke , whom ho killed at Wav- rly in this county , had a host of friends n Lincoln and his brother is now a rominent business man hero. It is eaied Bohanau may yet escape the gal- ows , as strenuous efforts will bo made y his relatives who are said to bo intlu- ntial residents of Shelby county , Ken- ucky , to save his neck. ilississippl Delegates Elected to the National Convention. JACKSON , Miss. , April 22. The re- ublican district convention met this morning and elected district delegates o the national convention. Thirteen elcgates favor Arthur and ono Blaine. " 'our favor Logan as second choice. The First district nominated Green C. Chan- ler , and the Fifth district John' II. Smith for congress. Tlie other districts vill hold'conventions hereafter. The tate convention was called to order at oon. After much wrangling over the eating of. contesting delegates , the con- ention waa finally organized by the lection of Jno. II. Lynch as permanent hairman. The delpgates of the state t large are as follows : Ex Senator B. C. Bruce , James Jlill , 11. T. Beck , Dr. . M. Byrum.- The first two are colored nd the others white. The delegates ro uninstructed but favorable to Ar- hur. It is staled that the delegates tandns follows : Arthur 11 , Blaine 1 , Logan 1 , Graham 1. VANDERBILT VAUNTING. Ho Boast of Securing a Rcpron- tation in the Rock Island. Nirw Youic , April 22. Wm. II. Van- cibllt being questioned concerning the lock Island election said : the Rock la uul election is settled , I suppose , but shall secure a largo majority of the ote for my representation in the board , have been surprised at the number of voxics sent me , and I think the present naiiagement will bo surprised too when ho vote is counted. For the first time n the company's history its directors re soliciting proxies two mouths be- ere election. They Imvo been sending ut blank proxies with their dividend lotlccs , and besides have been making personal solicitations. I have asked no nan to vote for Nowoll. I have recoiv- d a great many proxies , and to-day got proxies on over S)00 ( ) shares. I shall lot ceaSe in my efforts to secure a rep- escntation in the Hock Island board , vhatever may bo the result of the eleu- lon this year. " A BANK ROBBER CAUGHT. Likewise His $15,000 Stock of Goods and His Niece Mistress. ST. Louis , April 22. Tilden G. Ab- uott , formerly connected with and now charged yvith robbing the Watcrtown Mass. , bank of $40,000 , last fall , wasar rested Monday nigh't at Plerco City where ho had been living the past uh weeks under the name of J. II. Foster He had purchased considerable prop erty , stocked a store with $15,000 wort ! of clothing , and was living with n wi man said to bo his niece. Ho has wife and four children near Beater His entire property was seized , and h will bo held until the officers of tli bank arrire to take him away , UNDER THE SFANDARD. Mrs , George Fromi Dim Biit to a WtlEhtog Nice Ounce ? , Tim Yntingitcr AHvo mid Apparent * tjr Dckllncd fur ilio Museum Iltislnrki. Denver News April l"th. Tlio nvorngo child , when it opens Its oyoa on this religious nmt rapidly nd- vancing world , knocks the beam at six pounds or more , ami is considered in very ill luck if ho falls under the established weight- The people of Denver will remember - bor the very diminutive creatures tlmt vrcroon exhibition nt Snckutts' museum , known ne Oommodoro 1'ca nnd Judge Pin , children of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Fromm , The Commodore is IBycnrs old , neighs twenty eight pounds , and is n trifle over two foot tall , while his brother , the Judge , G years old , weighs twelve pounds , nnd is about sixteen inches in stature , and woighsd but eight ounces nt the time of birth. There appears to bo a peculiar stnto of affair * existing in the Froiiun family in this ono particular. The patents nro otdi- nnrily sized people in eUuiro and weight , and ftppour to be slr.ing nnd rugyoJ. But through some uuexplaiuublu mode of pro cedure on the part of nature , they are un able to ptuduco average sited children. The mother has gtvon birth to oluvoii children , and but ono of them , a girl of 7 years uf ugo , approaches average aizo. The latest increase in this wonderful family occurcd yesterday forenoon , when the mother gave birth to n bouncing boy that kickid the beam at nine ounces , and it is elovun inches in length It was pur- iectly formed , and hud u hood of black nair. It also possessed n pair of good lungs , which WAS demonstrated to The News reporter's entire satisfaction. It was also ] ust as rid , and as cute , nurhaps a trifle cuter , thun the usual big baby. Notwithstanding this it requires just at inuch _ cara nnd attention , an any other juvenile humanity. Ono thing , however , can bo said strongly in f vor of this dim. inutivo youngster is that it won't cost much to keep it in swaddling clotboi , etc. This latter addition to tlio family of dwarfs appears to hare n ravenous ap petite , and though but a few hoursof ago ivhon the reporter risitod him ho took in his nourishment like ono older in that particular line of business. All yesterday af'ornoon crowds wore going and coming from the room occupied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Fromm , which is No. 8 378 Uolliday street. It was the smallest child over born alive in this section of the Great West , and in case the parents move away will probably bo the lost , and nl- though honors are often empty , this latest addition to the population will bo com pelled to carry it around with him , if ho manages to pull through with the honpiug cough , and the measles , and the mumps , aiid the numerous other liitie trilling in cidents that befall children. Mr. Fromm told the reporter that of the eleven children born but four' are alive. alive.When When Commodore Pea was born th family was living in Now York city , and there was such a rush by men , women mid children , desirous of getting A poop at the infinitesimal piece of flush , that tho- police wore called on to keep them away. The parents have not decided on a mnio for the now arrival , and rre open to sug gestions. ANDREWS' ' RSNOUS YINCTOHOLODOW PtARLBAKINBPOWDE ITAMDOUNDTORISC > URE CREAM TART JfR. S1OOO. Civen IfftlnmorHiiyliiJurloiin nmiHuncca eau lie found In AndrewH' Pourl Baldng Powder. I 13- "vclyPURE. lit'liiKciidoriicd , auatcitlmoiilfilj ritcclvcdTrum vucli chutnlstn an B. Iaua Hnya , lion- tun : H. Dclafonlalnc , uf Chicago ; uud Uuitavui Uode. MlhvanVce. Never eolil lu bulk. THE GREAT HEAL rHTONIOl Hoffs Malt Extract ! Front ol Bottle Btclof tutllo It the Lest health ler- oruije known tail ooa. Ulni but 4 per cent ol ( Jcohol. UiMlmjr l rg - ly by our best jihy-ldtni for KunJiigltotheri , I > ji- icptl > , Ouuvalncentii Wtakly OhlMron. Vt- IPADI ) th genuine , which l > put up nly In buttle * , I M per cut * , nd buri tlu I | ' u treorrAUItANT4CO , | .Sole Agouti tor the HutUx 'tMind Drltlth 1'rov Incei ot Noitu Amoilca I Oiuenwlcn bt. , N IVotk. I'l Ire $4.00 perd6i. T. 0. CARLISLE , nilEEDEK OP MO. VALLEY , - - - IOWA "Buid for Circular ! . " . F. GEOSb. , OAHJNET WOKK , HUUH i OODNTKUS , BARB , IOE BOXBE LIBIIA11IES , nd al klodt of offloo wink ipcdtltr Call or i dr M 18C Jtclnon Hired , Omaha. Neb. B. A. KKLLEY , M , D. AM > - 0. A. WILSON , M. D , , Physicians and Surgeons OmOEJ-UOTD'8 OPJUU HOUBK. The Largest Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lewest Priori urniture ? DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , 3E2O7. Just received an assortment far surpassing anything in this market , comprising the latest nnd most tastv doalijns manufactured for tin * spring's trodo nnd covering range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive. Parlor Goods Nowrendy for the inspection of CUB- tomera , tlio newest novelties in Suits and Odd Pieces. Draperies. Complete stock of all thn latest Htylcsin Turcoman. Madras and Lnco Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Eloirarrt Pasaon or Elevator to all Floors. CHARLES SHIVERICK , I20G , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB .tlCllAUDS & OLAUKE , W. A. ULAKKE , Proprietor * . Superint-nden Omaha Iron Works U. P. RAILWAY , 17TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN team Engines , WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE' it . Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth. 4 STKAM PUMPS , STEAftP WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. i * 4 4S " * ? t * , f \ * n , i Wo are prepared to furnish plans nnd estimates , nnd will contract for che erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changirg- Plonring Mills , from Stoue o the Roller System. HEgr'iijfpecial attontiou given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made for same. Ueueral machinery repairs attended to promptly. AddrPSH RICHARDS CLARKE. Omnlia , ] reb Li the event oi ! a stroke of The winnings 'good ' fortune jou can win are guaranteed by J 500,000 marks Government. , You are invited to participate in the chances of winning iu the grand draw iuy of prizes guifrauteed by the State of Hamburg , iu which 9 Millions 620,100 Marks Have to Be Won. In the course of these advantageous drawings , which contain according ' to tlio prospectus only 100.COO tickeU , the following prize * will bo forthcom ng , viz : highest prize will bo ov. 600,004) MarkH. IProtnium of 300,000 Marks. 2D3 priws of 2.000 Marks. 1 prize of 200 000 Murka. 0 prizoB of 1,600 Marka. 2 prizeH of 100,000 Marks. 515 prizes of ,000 Murks. 1 prize of 00,000 Marks. 1030 prizes of 500 M rks. 1 prisw of 80,000 Mnrka. GO prizes of 200 Muiks. 2 priuR of 70,000 Marks. 03 pnzos of 150 Murka. 1 IIT'&J of 00.000 Murks. 20020 prizes of 14D Marks. 2 priwB of TO.OOO Murka. 3450 prizes of 12-1 Marks , 1 prize of 30,000 Marks. ! M pnzoa of 100 Murks. F > pnws ! of 20,000 Marks. 3 50 prizes of 04 Marks , ! i pnzifa of 15,000 MarkR. 3)5Q ! ) priwB i f 20 priws of 10,000 Marka. 3950 prizes of 4f Muika , no prizes of 5,010 Kfurka. 3J50priz4-8ff 20 Marks. IlOU prizes of 3,000 Murka. in ull i,500 Which will be Sure won in 7 Drawings within the space of a few Months , The first prize drawing in ofliolally fixed , and thn prize is for A "Wholo Original Ticket only 1 Dollar 50 Ota. or 0 Marks. A Half Original Ticket duly 75 Cta. or 3 Marks , AquarterOriginal Ticket ouly ! )8 ) Cto. or U Murka , And I will forward them original tickets guaranteed by the atntu ( not prohib- ted promissory notes ) ev u to the most distant countries , in return for the iraouut forwarded prepaid , Every ticket holdup vill reueivo from lie gratia along with thu original ) ticket the original prospectus provided vith the arms of the state and immediately after thu drawing the cflicml list fithout any charge. The payment and forwarding of the euniB won to those concerned will have ny fin cial und prompt attention , and the most ubsolutu M creuy , lEVll orders can bo sent by the medium of a Poatxjflico Order , or per * egistered letter with Bank Notcr of the United StaUs. g "IJlea8u addrosa the orders before th 17TH OF MAY > n account of the npprouohing drawing of the prisea in all confidence dh-cctly HECBISCHER , Scnr. , Banker and Exchange ARent at Hamburg , Germany , * ' ' , , " ' t /