Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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Railway Time Table ,
The following ate the times ol the arrlrnl anil de <
nirturo of trains by central standard time , at the
local ilopoU. Trains Icaro transfer depot ton mln-
earlier anil arrive ten minutes later.
cmoAoo , tiuRtJ-iaros AND QDIKOT.
6:35 : p m Chicago Kinross 0.00 a m
0.40 a m FMI Hall. 7:00 : prr
10.05 a m Mall and Express , 7:05 : p in
8:05 : p m Pacific Exprtws , 6:60 : p rn
6:45 : a m Mall and Kxprcw , 7:10 : p in
6:25 : p m . Express , 0.40 a m
0.46 < vm Express , O.tSpm
6:30pin : Atltntlo F.xproeB , 9.40am
9'BO a m Day Express , 6 60 p in
7:16 : a m "Dos Molncs Anoumuioditlon , 4:40 : p m
At local depot only.
WABASII , ST. worn A D'rAcin
0:55 : a m Mall , 4'45pm
4:50 : pm Cannon Ball , 11:16 : a in
At TranMeronly ,
CUICAOO and NoninwistRRX.
6:30 : m Express 0 60 p in
9:15 : am PaclflloExprcus , 0.45 am
sioox CITT AND rAcino.
m St t'AUl Express , 000 am
m Accommodation , 0.60 p in
ONIOV r-Acinc.
17:51) : ) p m Western Express , 8.39 a m
1:44 : a m I'oclflo E > pro < 9 , 4 34 p ID
7:49 a m Local Exprcft ? , 0.54 a m
12:14 : a m Lincoln Express ,
AlTrani for only.
toavo-3:24- : < ) :24-10-2l-ll:24 : : a. m. 1:24-2:24-3 : : M-
-4:24-6:24-fl:24-7i4 : : : and 11:01 : p , m Sunday , 8:51- :
10:24a.m. : l:2435:247oiand : : : : 11:04 : p. in. Ar-
live 30 minutes before leaving time.
At tlio well-known Establishment
200 Upper Broaaway , the
Of Council BlufU. Notice our reduced Prlco List.
We gi\o
15 poumh K trn 0 Sucur ( or . $1 00
11 poumU nranulatcd Buirar . 1 00
25 pound * Choice Oatmeal . . .100
28 pounda Navy Uc.vns . l CO
21 pounila B 8t Bulk Starch . 1JOO
12 pounda Carolina Illce . I 00
12 pounds Choice trums . 1 oc
25 bars Buffalo Soap . 100
Extra Lake Trout , per pound . C9
Choice Mlnco Meat per pound . 10
1 Jozon Mackerel . 15
Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . 2 00
10 pounds Olneer Si.api . 100
40 pounds h mlnyr . 1 00
6 gallon keg Sjrup . 1 70
White Fish , per kit . 80
Mackerel , Dcr kit . 85
Uatej.jicr pound . 10
T. T.
All grades , according to quality , IBo to 80o per
Wo also carry n full line ot Men's , Ladles' and
Cnlldren'a fine Shoes and Ucn > Pine Boots at very
low price * . Also full line 01 Tinware and general
merchandise. Call on us and bo convinced tha < you
can sav o u.oucy by dealing with us. Qoods dcllv eifd
t tea in anv part of the c'.ly.
In s word , we ar * bound to sell and challenge a I
laudaolo competition In this county.
209 tippnr llrouiluay.
Consumers of Water 1
City "Waterworks Com'y
Request of the City Council ,
for a SO dtyj' extension as evidenced hy resolution
jiisiod March 18,1814 , hereby anmuncoi that it
will put in service pipes t > the curb of the street
on the line of its malm , tor a'l parties who desire
connections made with the street mains , and who
will make application therefor to the company bo
lore the expiration ot tald SO days' extension ,
APRIL 18 , 1884 ,
At the following prices , payable In advance :
One-half Inch Service Pipe 8325
Five-eighth Inch S-rvlce Pipn 9 to
Three-quarter Inch Service Plpo 10 76
Sevon-o'sht Inch Service 1'lpe IS 25
Ono Inch Service Pipe 15 00
These prices include the cost of opcnlntr and
closing the street , tapping the stroat water main ,
-furnishing and putting In extra strong lead service
pipe , furnishing and putting In curh stop , stop box
and cover complete , and making all necessary con
nections between the street vvat-r m in and the
curh of the street , which are about one half tbo
cost to the consumer ot doing the came vv ork.
In view of the contompli td paving of certain
streets in the city , partlo are recommended to make
application Immediately , at the oillco of the com
pany ,
26 Pearl Street ,
1u order to sivo the necessity and avoid the In-
croi-oil expense ot breaking up the street after pav
ing has been done.
Chief Engineer.
Open 10.00 a. m. , 2. CO p. m and 7,80 p. in. ,
CJTMiuio on Monday , Wednesday and Friday eve
No objectionable characters will be admitted.
Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M , D. ,
222 Middle Bro -lTiy. Council Bluflg.
Justice of the Peace ,
Uraaaa and Counoll Jilulfr.
neat estate colleo ton agcni Oi-i Fe'bv
Over sariniru banV ,
R , Rice M. D.
or othcr tumors removed without the
kiille or drawinic ol blood.
Olcr thirty ) carapractlcal | zperl Doe Offioa No
5 Pearl street , Council Uluffi
f JTConculUUoii tree
TUGB. orricii , B. H. russr.
Council Bluffs . Ia.
Establisnea - - 1856
Dealers la Foreign and omectlo Exchange an
A lioukotnrarlySQOpajcri
* * uuu ruus v s i rc >
MJ V * ICiUtl * > IIIIU
* contrntptailiiic nii
Jtiiu know Hundrcdi of
U'TrfIi | how ( o cure Ni * * " '
J > < 1 \ 4ii j U'mkitf rt vrut > r-iirry ]
/M/Klrat w r UfaJwaj attU I-ur i AT. , bt lx ulc
of LOTS in
80 Choice Lots will bo ottered nt
Public Snlo on
WEDNESDAY , April 30th , 1884 ,
nt 10:30 : A. M.
Portia la located In llarrUon Comity , loun , on Die
Uhlcajjo , Milwaukee A. St. I'aul Hi Ivvny , thirty mile *
north of Council lilul ! ! ) and Omaha. 1'crtla U not
r&t two ) cara oM , but already hundreds of people
nave mode now homes and cttahl Bhci prosperous
mslncs , wltlilnhcr burdcrs , and there Is still room
for many in ro.
1'crtla , In addition to bclns the contemplated point
ntlilcl tlie projected ehort llti" from Stoux City Io
Chicago vv III Intercept tlio main Hue , It In the mli ! t
of ft most prodiictlvd lurlciil ural region , and with
such munlfost"ail > antnjro rAiinot fall to iloM-lop Into
n o ty of surprUliiK iiropoitlon * nt no dlitant ditv ,
Tno lots nroilktrllmtiul In cnch nnd o\cry tilocK In
, ho town , and are therefore too'h Inisliusi and rosl-
iloncolots. TlioIrtHlncsslots are local < 1 ontliolo\cl
lilateau near the lUpot , nml nre fullj ta iletiraMo M
otiy of tluno now built upon ; they are of n uniform
siza ot 26x142 ft The resilience loin nro locAtnl on
the beautifully elevated portion of tlio tow n more re
mote from Ilia depot , and are I > 0il42 ft. In site.
Iluslncsslotswlll ho sold nnd iletlgnatrd M the
cast and w cit linlf of lots nnd blocks. In all other ro-
fpccts lots lll bo sold nsjior jilntof to n M It ap-
iioarsontheOountj recortls. Title iwrfoct. All lota
, o bo sold to the highest re ponilblo bidder on the
olloulnLttrini , vli : Ono-thlnl o ( purolmio price
: o bo paid \\licn lot Is nold. A contract for deed will
ia R\on ! , conditioned that the ha'nnco of purchase
prlcobopnld In sh , twelve nnd eighteen months ,
nlth Interest at S per cent per nnnuni. A discount
of B per cult , on deferred pvvmenti 111 bo nndo for
en b. An BRunttt111 bo on the promises with ft map
to show property to nllxlsltors prior to snto. Address
L. 0. BALDWIN , Council Hlufls , Ia.
The ute of the term " Shot
Lino" In connection with tin
corporate narao of a ftroatroad ,
coin oj s an Idea of tut what
required by the trn > cling pub
llo a Short Line , Quick Tirol
and the boat of accommodt
lions all of nhlch are turn-
shed by the greatest ralluay In America.
And St. Paul.
ft owns and operates over 4.GOO miles of
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , low *
Dakota ; and as ta main lines , branches and oonnco-
ions roach all the Ercat business centres of the
Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers thi
description of Short Line , and Ucst Itoute between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Chicago , Milwaukee , La Crosse and Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellondala
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Stlllwatei *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Deavor Dam and Oshkosh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukcshaand Oconomowoo.
Chicago , Mllwaukoo , Madison and Fralrlodu Chleo.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault.
ChicagoDololt JancsvIUo and Mlncrall'olnt.
Chicago , Elgin , llockford and Duburjuo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar Ilaplds.
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Slouz Foils and Yankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Rook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Davenport , Calinar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In
world are run on the mainlines ol the CHICAGO
and every attention Is paid to passengers by court )
ous employes of the company.
S. B. MERRrtu , A , T. n. OAKPEXTER ,
Qen'l Manager. Ucn' Pass. Agent.
.j. . um < K. OEO n. QKAFFORD ,
.1 ad your work is doiie for all time
to time to como.
to produce a more durable material
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls. Dakota.
a ie auatix fa txotj
Stove Repair Works ,
Furnbh Ileptlrs for nl Stoves made In the'
Stoves repaired and remounted equal to new. Tele
phone No. U. 0. M. EATON , 1'rop.
Graham Paper Co , ,
S17 and 219 North Uaio Bt , St. Louts.
trC > i f aid ( or Ragi ot al
Those Who Bolicvo Jones Innocent
Greet Him Iilha Brass Band
and a Hnrraii ,
Mnrrlngo of n AVoriliy Couple.
NKOI.A , Iowa , April 1(5. ( About thirty
of Nooln'a citizens visited Cjuncil Blull's
yesterday to take par ) ; in tlio "famous
Jonoo trial. " Not contrary to their ex
pectations , James was acquitted on the
first information , ami they , by their ex
pression of sentiment , are satisfied that
liis second trial will end the same way ,
The sentiment of his friends here is that
it will take n supreme court decision to
convict him. On the arrival of the
Hock Island train bringing the boys aud
Jamoa homo lost evening , the brass band
was ia waiting at the station , nnd sere
naded him in procession all over the
An ovation was tendered James last
night. The wind up of the procession
was three cheers for the Rock Island and
three groans for the Milwaukee railroads.
It was reported that the express com
pany was doing the prosecuting in tlio
case , but the general feature is that it is
being prosecuted by an individual. Now
wo desired to work Mr. Ilobinson no
hardship but ho cannot establish in this
community a high moral grade of society
alono. Ho must have help yo scribe
has also boon the subject of his wrath.
But the BEE will from us rccoiva the
news and wo ourselves will take care of
any unpleasant consequences.
The marriage of Mr. 0. S. Bobbins and
Miss Qattio Irons , on Tuesday , the 15th
instant , as before announced in TiinBnK ,
took place at the residence of L. D.Whit-
ing , at 2 o'clock p. m. , Justice Clark offi
ciating. Mr. Robbins , the groom , is one
of the old pioneers of the town , and too
well and favorably known to require
notice at our hands ; suflicoit to say , that
ho is one ot the first business mon of the
town and has hosts of admiring frionds.
Mies Irons , the bride , being rather of a
modest , retiring nature , has not so exten
sive an acquaintance , though none the
loss pleasant. The many friends of both
parties join in wishing them a long and
irosporous journey through lifo. The
allowing is a list ot the presents ro-
ioivod :
Two cabinet-sized photos , L. H. Bush
and wife , Des Moinos.
Linen towels aud table spread , Mr. and
rlrs. J. P. Organ , Noola.v r5iSi8l
Black walnut safe , L. D. Whiting and
wife , Noola.
China tea-sot , A. W. Cowloa and wife ,
'ouncil ' Bluffs.
Quilts and pillow-shams , Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Robbins , Magnolia , la.
Crystal tea-sot , L. J. Paul and wife ,
Liogan , Ia.
Elegant stool engraving , H. T. Irvrin
and wife , Neola , Ia.
Linen table spread , Mrs. L. D. Whit
ney , Neola.
Elegant plush case of silverware , Lapp
it Florshoim , Chicago.
Silver butter knife , Mrs. Alice Barnes ,
Huron , Ohio.
Beautiful mahogany dressing case ,
Redhead & Wollslager , Das Moinos.
Two largo cane-seated rockers , J. A.
Whitney , Noola.
Crystal perfumery cose , Van Schaack ,
Stevenson & Co. , Chicago.
Fine cut glass water pitcher , Dr. F.
Robbins , Neola.
Towels and tea spread , Mra. Frank H.
Whitney , Atlantic.
Beautiful china tea sot , Jens Loronzen ,
Plush case of perfumery , Mitchell ,
Bartlett , Crane & Co. , Des Moincs.
Plush case with silver nut cracker and
picks , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Giddings , Loan -
; an , la.
Black walnut bedstead , L , D. Whitley -
ley and wife , Neola.
Linen table spread , Mr. and Mrs. F.
E. Robbins , JefTordon , la.
_ The fine jewelry sale at tno opera house
will take place this afternoon. Ladies
should call and examine the stock. Silver
-ablo ware also to bo sold.
II. Torren , of Chicago , was at liochtolo's
J. 1) . Cloudor , of Sioux Falls , is at locb ! >
> olo'd.
K. II. .Tcnnlson , of UoJ Oak , was among
these who were at tbo Bochtolo yesterday.
Wm. Uoad , of Blnghamton , N. Y , , la nt the
) gden.
V , Sclmofor , of Milwaukee , arrived at the
) ? dou yesterday ,
T. C. Holllstor , of Burlington , la nt tha Tn-
AVm. H. Wlito ! , of Chicago , reached Beck-
olo'a yesterday.
Hon. B. F. Clayton , of Macedonia , was in
the city yestodray , nnd nt the Pacific.
Frank Sliirm , of Carson , dlnod at the 1'n-
clflo yesterday.
Jleimllcan Prlnmrlos.
Republican primaries for Kino town
ship for the selection of delegates to the
republican county convention that moots
at Council Bluffa April 23 , 1884 , will bo
lold on Monday , April 21st , at 7:80 :
o'clock at the following places , to-wit :
For the First ward , at Wina & Clan-
son'a store , to select five delegates.
For the Second ward , at the city
building , to select nine delegates.
For the Third ward , at Justice Schurz's
office , to select six delegates.
For the Fourth ward , nt the court
house , to select nine delegates ,
By order of the city central committo ,
JACOII SIMS , Chairman.
A Biislnesti
The loan firm of fl. W. Torguson &
Co. have made a change by which the
company consists of Mr. J. F. Colburn ,
cashier of the Worth county bank , ol
Grant City. Mo. , at which place the
firm have an office as well as in Council
Bluffs. Mr. Colburn is wall known in
financial circles , and has not only won
valuable experience by his long years
in the banking business , but has
won also a high reputation. Mr. Furgus-
son is now BO well known hero that the
public needs no further assurance of the
stability and etraiglifforwardneea of any
( business with which his name it o.nnoc-
tod. The firm is therefore a strong ono ,
aud will continue to do n thiivlng busi
ness. Mr. J. II. "Wheeler , who has
withdrawn from the firm , has gene to
Jancsvillu , Win. , and the Gazette of that
city thus announces his embarking in
business there : "Mr. J. II. Wheeler ,
pi Omaha , arrived in this city this morn
ing , and now proposes to make Janosvillo
liis permanent homo , and will uugAgo in
the vatato busiueM , having formed a
parlncrjliip with Mr. Frank L. Stoyons.
Thcao parties have boon intimnto friouds
from boyhood , and scum to bo perfectly
at homo in each other's company. They
will no doubt receive the lion's share of
the real estate business in this nection , nn
tlioy know how to push the business to
success. "
In another column x111 bo found the nn <
nounccmout of Mewdrn. THOS. C001C&SON ,
lourlst Agents , 2(11 ( Broadway , Now York ,
olattva to theory complete arrangement *
.hay h/uo / nmdo for tuura in Europ ) thi
coining Spring and Summer. "Cook's Kxcur-
dlor.lst , " containing mmn and full pArtloiiliirn ,
will tx ) mailed to any nddrnsa on receipt of 1U
Council lllulTH1 Churches.
1'ditor Onmha Dally UKF.S
Your strictures and questions on the
churches of this city , are just and true ,
, 'ot not altogether a statement of facts.
[ t is very true that this city "ling not a
single church building which is really
worthy of such a city. " Our people are
iroud of their school buildings , of their
opera house , masonic temple , proposed
government building , and other evidences
of growth and prosperity , , but few of
hem atop to think or care that our
churches are not creditable to us as a
city , and that they are a cause of wonder
and aurpriso to strangers who como
among us as visitors or residences.
AH to the strength and wealth or the
church organizations the BIK : is some
what mistaken. Several of them are
very desirous of erecting church .edifices
, hat shall bo a credit and an ornament to
ho city , but they have not the moans
within themselves to do it. Aside from
a very few individuals in each organiza-
ion there is not sufficient wealth to build
a church in any , and it is solely because
of the lack of money that _ the old
churches , some of which are a disgrace tea
a city "of the sire and financial standing"
of this continue to bo used.
Unfortunately the judgment of those
outside of church organizations is not
always correct. Some who have wealth
are credited with belonging to this or
that church when really they have no
connection with it , or interest in it ,
arthor than that some member or mom-
> era of their families may attend upon its
services. The church has no more claim
upon them than upon other citizens , but
gladly accepts such voluntary aid as they
please to bestow. The yearly expenses
) f the churches are heavy , and tho'ma-
ority of the members have no surplus
'unds to give for the erection of now
juildin s. If such are built our citizens
generally must lend a helping hand.
The Episcopalian , who BO sadly need
a now church edifice , have hoped from
year to year to see their way clear for
; ho erection of such a building. They
lave expected to soil the lot
m which their church stands
M the county and apply the
proceeds to a now church. The county
as claimed to want it for a now court
liouso ; and with this in view the church
lias wailed on the action gf the board of
supervisors , who were desirous of secur
ing the property , and had made an offer
ior it in the event of the now court house
proposition bolng carried. But the
lopes of the church and the wishes of
: ho ( supervisors have boon frustrated.
The board now decides that they have
neither power nor money to buy the
properly nnd so it becomes a question
'or the church to consider whether an
effort shall bo made to raise the needed
'unds to build a new church edifice on
the site of the present one. This will
probably bo done , and it vrill rest largely
with our citizens generally to say wheth
er , with their assistance , a church build
ing shall go up that shall bo "in keeping
with the si/e and financial standing of
the city. " As citizens , if not ns church
members , our people should take an in
terest in this matter , as they undoubt
edly will when opportunity is given Ihnm.
X. Y. Z ,
About B o'clock yesterday morning
Marshall Guanolla nnd other officers
pounced down upon the tramps who were
sleeping in freight cars on the C. , B. &
Q. and C. & R. I. tracks and pulled in
six. Judge Aylosworth lot them go on
the promise of skipping out of town.
There is to bo a ring tournament nt the
skating rink Friday night. Eight poles
are to bo suspended , with eight rings
hanging on them , and the contestants
are to go around ono at a time , with n
billiard cue , the ono taking the most
rings off the poles onto the cue in the
shortest space of time winning the race.
Wheat No. 2 oprlng , 05cj No. 8 , C5cj ro-
[ ectod , 50c ; good demand.
Corn I/ealera are paying 30o for old corn
and GUc for new.
Data In good demand at 30c.
Hay 100@0 00 per ton ; Ma per balo.
Kyo 10@45o.
Corn Moid 125 ] > or 100 pounds ,
Wood Good supply ; prices nt yards , 0 00 ®
700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft ,
5 00 per ton
Lard KalrhankV wholesaling at OVc.
Flour City Hour , 1 C0@3 30.
Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz.
Cattle 8 C0@4 00 ; calves , 5 fiO@7 DO.
Hogs Local packers are buying now and
there Ifl a good demand for all graded ; choice
packing , 0 25 ; mixed , C 25.
Quotation * by J. M , St. John & Co , , com
mission merchants , CSS Broadway ,
Butter Creamery , 35c ; chco ! country rolls ,
In ( rood demand , 20c.
Kggs 12Jo per dozen.
Poultry Heady salechlckon9droBaad ; , 12ic
live , Uc ; turkoyH , dressed , 15o ; Hyo , 12o
uclu , dressed , 12o ( live , 80.
Orange * 1 00@4 CO j > or box ,
Lemoru 3 C0@4 00 nor box.
Bananas 2 C0@3 GO per bunch
VcgotabloH Potatoes , 40@CO ; onions , 76c
cabbage , none In the market ; apples , reiul'
Bill * at 3 2A@4 00 for prime ttock.
0. W , Eckorson , master mechanic a
Creston , of the Burlington company , was
presented last Sunday with a etlvor nor
vice valued at 8100.
Romoof the Gorman farmers of Web
Btor county have decided to put in nlarg
crop of peas , after the fashion of Oanad
farmers , upon which they expect to fatten -
ton their lions.
Mr , Ilyan , n young attorney of EmmetU
burg , will rair a democratic nownpape
with his law practice.
Too Jrt Mnrt and Too Little Money
One Grocer to
V Now ranking House to Ho Unlit
From llio l n. coil of n Imcky
Speculation. OAK , Iowa , April 15. Tn this
) : \rt of the moral vinoynra' it rains niul
nona about aovontcoii huura out of the
wonty-four , niul ns n result there io mud
ovorywhuro. The fnccs of our fnnnorB
nro olongatoil niul our morclmiita and
riulosmuii Anything but cheerful
Mclaughlin , grocer , closed his tloora
ast wcok ntul nmdo mi niaignmont of his
took for the benefit of his creditors ,
urning in everything ho lirul , to the last
lickol. Mo. TriX3 n number one urnu in
every sonao , but ho had iut tlio wlioro-
vitlml to successfully compote with the
icnvy firms in business here.
Enator was duly celebrated hero in
nest of the churches , the Congregational
hurch mnking n special effort in the way
o : ornamontini ; their temple , the pulpit
wing beautiful with blooming ilnwors ,
vorgroena nnd mottoes appropriate to the
The mammoth skating rink of Wormy -
y , Scott A Guim was ill grand atylo last
light. There was an immense attend-
nco of the town , and quite n number
rein neighboring towns , The largo floor ,
s smooth as qlnss and almost ns hard ,
> rosontcd when filled vith the merry mid
ilytho llyors , n beautiful aceno of variu-
; ated colors , form Mid action. It Boomed
hat the beauty of the city was on skates ,
'lioro were many Pine , fancy and expert
) orformors , but it was almost unanimous-
y admitted that Misa Muna McGoglo , of
IShonanduah , was the championoss in
; race , ease and skill.
Stopping from the sublime to the ri-
liculous , I may mention the fact that
ho saloon element of the town is fooling
ar more cheerful than it did n wcok ago ,
as there seems to have boon a distribu-
ion or a leaking out of legal lore from
omo distinguished source that the pirn-
Ity act will prove unconstitutional.
The democratic convention mot on
Saturday , and elected delegates to the
tate convention , to bo hold at Burling-
cm. S. J. Tildon ia the fiworito for
> rosidont.
It is rumored that J. F. Fiahor , already
lie poaspsaor of n good-sized packing-
IOUBO , will this Bummer erect another of
naunnoth proportions. Joe struck a
) onanza in pork this year , and mtulo a
ice little stake. LOAVEU.
A saloon liconao cannot bo had of the
Csthorvillo town council.
Porter "W. Earl , a resident of Cedar
Lapida for nearly fifty years , died at hia
csidonco in that city last Sunday morn-
ng , aged 82 years.
Benedict Spiolman , of Dubuque , was
onsidorably full of boor the other day ,
nd in that condition wont into his em-
iloyer'a barn , whore ho had a dispute
nth a horse. Spiolman was rescued
rotn under the horse in an unconscious
sondition , but his surgeon fools confident
10 will pull through. But ho was kicked
irotty full of holes ,
The Spencer News says thai , William
2bbort , who waa sent to the insane oay-
um at Independence from Clay county
Qvoral years ago , committed suicide
hero on the 2d inst. Ho secured a piece
f glass and out his abdomen , letting hi s
jowela out , and died in great agony the
ext day. A sister and brother-in-law
csido in Clay county.
Oodar Rapids Gazolto , 14 : About
iDO : p. m. yesterday a couple of local
mockers named John Sullivan Scott and
'addy Ryan Hunter became engaged in
a controversy o/or uomo little personal
matter and decided to "havo it out" on
cientifio principles. Accordingly they
vent into the alloy back of the Water
IOUBO block and commenced the "settle-
nont. Scott is a good-looking mulatto
and Mr. Hunter ia a colored barber
working in a shop hero. First round
Scott knocked Hunter down. Second
round Hunter grabbed a club and Scott
, ooK it away from him and knocked him
down again , putting a bad nose and face
on him. Hunter was not in need of any-
hing else just then except a rest , which
10 touk.
Bins. jjANTa'rit\.s PULVATIS OAK
Wliy She Prcf'ci-H laving in It to
Ifoto Uie.
licago Trlbimo.
"Why ia it that Mrs. Langtry is not
registered at any of the hotels ? Mr. Jo
seph P , Reynolds , her agent , was asked
his morning.
"Because , " ho answered , "sho has a
raveling car fitted with all the con
veniences and luxuries of n richly op-
) ointed house , in which she lives. "
"What was her idea in adopting a car
as a place of residence f"
"Principally to escape the annoyance
of being followed and Blared at in hotels ,
jast year her contract with Abbey oblig
ed her to go to the hotels. The manager
allowed her 8200 for a week for her ox-
) onacs. This year shu is her own mis-
reas nnd she hua chosen car life us the
nest desirable , Besides being private ,
ho gets uniform food. She ia not oblig
ed to oat one character of diet ono week
and a different ono next. It altogether
ita nor tasto. She has seven servants ,
. library , drawing-room , bed-chamber ,
dining-room , and kitchen. The car is ,
n fact , a perfect house. "
"Whoro does the car llo ? "
"WJiilo in Chicngo it ia at the Fort
WaynVdonot. It is drawn up on tlio
siding laid for the 1'utti car. "
"Aro not the surroundings disagree
able ? "
"Oh , I don't know. In the night
there if not much noise oxcont when the
trains como in. Hut that is no worse
than having them pass your window.
Mra , Langtry has got uteri to it , In the
dayiimo she pcnd a great deal of her
time shopping , visiting or walking , Yes
terday she walked out to the stock yards.
On her walking tours she ia usually ao-
companled by Mr. I'iggott , of our com-
piny , In some cities where the depots
are objectionable we leave the car outside -
side of the city , often as far as two milea
away , A carnage takes Mrs. Langtry
wherever mho withes to go. fihuja exempt -
empt from the annoyance of visitors
when ho is two miles buyond the corpor
ate limiU , you may bo sure. "
"Does eho receive callers who wish to
BOO her car ? "
"Somutimos. She receives acquain.
tancea always , but strangers seldom. It
was to bo rid of autograph hunters , call
ow whom ho didn't ' know , and curious
gnpora generally , that alto adopted tha
mode of living in a cr. It has boon
great success , and s'io ' will , no doubl
continue to practice thO method as Ion ;
ASfthaiin public cliiiracU'r and peojil
think they have a rltjht to > ; tire nt her.1
"AVlio Turn lint How
Mcrdmit Trulcr.
At a certain hotel in Pcorin , where tin
meals were not always what they ahou'd
bo , a merchant traveler onn day sat
down to the tnhlo. Ho put * dollar
under a tumbler and , calling a waiter ,
said :
"Do you see that dollar , Jim ? "
"Yes , nah , " replied Jim , with a grin ,
"Well , now , Jim , I want yon to got mo
a real good , first-class dinno'r. Vou un
derstand ? "
"Yes , nnh , " and Jim sot out about fur
nishing n feast lit for n King , llo had no
time to see to anybody oltio. Ho hunted
ip now ( llohoa , put extra touches on ovcry-
hinp , and kept his eve on the dollar.
Finally the M. T. finished , and , wiping
lis mouth , ho winked at Jim.
"Yes , sah , " grinned the darky in nntt-
"Jim , do you aeo that dollar" putting
his hand on ft in n generous way.
"Yos , aah. "
"Well , you will never BOO it ngnin , "
and it wont into his pocket and out of the
dining-room , while Jim indignantly remarked -
marked : IV do Lawd , who turn dat hog
loose in hoah ? "
n thohlooil Snjitto lia iUclt In tltf fl > rlnt ( , an I
nturo ilnnilil liy nil inciuubo amlstctl In throwing It
R. Swllt'n Spcoino ilocs this cflectlrtly. It la a i
nirjlyoi'ctnblc , non poUoiinui icmoilT , Wcli holpi
ntuioto forraall the ) } l8Oii or tnliit out through
10 | ioro < ot the akin.
Mr. Kolwit A. I'A'loy , ol Dlnknon , Tciin.rltca ,
nile , ilato Mnrcli in 18 4 : "llmil rh 111 anil lover
ollo cil tiy rliimnlUin , tar throa jatira , no that 1
saanot ftb'u tonUuiHoiiiy limliioss : livl tried !
nmtoiviy MnJot iin-Jlclno , mil fcmml no rcllcl.
Vfiloml rerommenilnl Hnltl'ii Siwclllc. 1 trlnl ono
ottlo ind my licMtli liofrin toliMiro\o. 1 c iitliiuod
mill 1 I nil UKon tin bottles , anil It hnt tot mo on
n } foot , niHonnJ niul well nso\or. I rcoominoml It
o nil nlmlhrly altllctul. "
I.etto nlrom twunt ) tlirco3)nl ( ) the loailln ; rotnll
niKKiatfl o' AtUntn , tr , tinlunlnto ol llordi 24lli ,
SS4 : "Wo sell moru nl Bullt'a Biwalflo than nny
thur onu i cmoily , mal tlirto In ton times an much > s
ny uthor blood medicine. Wo ( til It tii nil claiuug ,
, nd nikiiy ot the beat famllloi use It n > n Rcncral
loalth tonic.
Our trontlan on Blood and Skin Dhcasoa inallod
roe * j hitiMtuftiiia.
l > rnor 3 , Atltinta , Oa ,
N V. onino. IMW.SM " t > iiitv > i > nn "Hi ' 7 h *
Solo Agents for the Worlil-Ronownod
) ockor & Son , and Hallott & Cunaton
Pianos. Also nnxtiufacturors and
wholesale dealers in
Organs and Musical Merchandise ,
266TH EDITION , PRICE $1,00.
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and PhMilcal
Premature Decline In Man , Eiroriol Youth , on
untold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or ox
oossen. A book tor every man , youug , middlo-agod
and old. It contains 12S proscriptions for all acut
and chronic diseases each ono ol nhlohU InvaluabI
Ho found by the Author , whoso experience for
fears la > uch aaprobably never before foil to tha Io
ot any physic nn SCO pngoa , bound In boautllu
French muslin em jessed covers , full gllt.frurvrantood
to he a finer warn every eenao , mechanical , lit
erary and professional , than any other work sold in
this country for J2.WJ , or the money will be reloaded
In every Instance. Price only 11.00 by mall , post
paid. Illustrative sample G cents. Bend now. Gold
modal awarded the author by the National Modlca
Association , to the ofBcera ot which ho refers.
This book ahould ho read by tbo young for ( natron
lion , and by the aflllcted for relief. It will bonoDI
ill. London Lancet ,
There la no member of aoclety to whom this bool
* lll not bo useful , whether youth , parent , puirdlan ,
Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the 1'eabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
[ I. I'arkcr , No. 4 Dulllnch Btrcot , Uaston Mans. , who
may no consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
tipoilane. Ulironlo andobstlnatedlsoasesthat have
battled the skill of all other phys-lICA ) clau *
i. spuuUlty ; Much treated succcss-H tnL toll )
without an IniUuc ) ! yrcTllyC'Cir
James UelioalUU
Chartered by tlicStnteof I11U
nola for theexpress purpose
of Clvlng Immediate rellctln
all chronic , urinary and pri
vate diseases. Qonorrlicra ,
Qlcct nndSyplulla in ell their
' complicated forms , also ul1
dlscoEca of tha Skin and
Dlood promptly relieved and
rermanentlycured by reme-
dicstcstedin al' ' > irli/i'cnra
_ _ hiirclall'rartlce. Seminal
Weakness. Nlcht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhoodl < < ( ( ( i'rfi/riirr < < ,27iera
ItnocjcperlmenHmii The appropriate remedy
13 ot once used in each case. Consultations , per'
tonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
icinea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
Dn.JAMESNo.204WashlnglonGI.Chlci > goll !
Imported Beer
Erlnngor , , IJavuria
Juhnbachor , Bavnria
Pilsner Bohemian ,
Ivaiflor .Bremen ,
Oiulvvoisur St ,
Anhausor St. Louis.
Bests Mibvaukcp.
Schlitz-Pilsner .Milwaukee.
ICruc's Omaha.
Ale. Porter. Domestic and llhine
Wine. ED. MAUltER ,
In April , May and June , 181. PASSAGE TICKETS
by ail ATLANTIC SI'KAMUUS. Spoclul ( acllltles ( or
soourlngQOOI ) 11KIUIIS TOUUISTriOKUI'B ( or
travoltnln KUIlOI'tJ , hy a'l routes , at reduced rates.
COOK'S KXOUUSIONIBT , lth mapn aud lull r.iar.
tlcmlam. by mall 10 cents. A'lilreu
. 010K It HON , * .t Broadway , N. V ,
The r nixlylolnp ; Injected directly Wthoeoul of
Hie dl c i , requires no chanao of diet or muxxus ,
mercurial orpolsonoui rntdlclncti tn ho taken Inllr-
nally. When nicil as a preventive hy cither sex , Ills
rjioi lll8 to conlrnct nv i > f Ivato dfwvie ; fcnt In tha
CMO of those already unfortunately afflicted we guai.
nt e thico buxrs to cure , or we will refund the mon-
y. I'rico hy mall , poatajo paid , $2. per box or three
boxes for W.
IMUM ) by all auihorltcd agents. l (
SOI.K rnorniETons
O r. Goodman , Drugfrttt Bole ARcnt , for Ornah *
Jit li 0. WEST'S Nrnvc AND Bn.UK TmtAT.
1 , n Rnnrantrnxl Bpcciho for Hyatorin , Dizzi-
, Cimvuhionn , I'ltn , Norvoim Neuralgia.
iMchq , Nervous Prool ration cnuied by the use )
ofnlrolml firtobnaco. Wnkntulncsfn Mental Do-
i'ro sKit , Boftnitng of the Drain resulting in in-
fnnity mill lonttinn to misery , dcrny end dcnth ,
fremnturo OKtARn , Jlnrrcnncwi , Lte'n ot power
In minor BOX , Involuntary Loanos nntl tjpormnt-
L-rrlirra cniipoil hy i pr-oxortion of the bruin , self-
ibiiRoiir ii\cr-m < iulRonco , liich Vex contnina
> no indiith'B treatment. ) n , boxer six boxes
( or .MXlBo > itbjrnmll protmitlon receipt of prico.
I'o euro nny raise. With each order rcooiToa nyn
for rj : : boxes. nrcr.inimnitMi with St-VOO , wonU
send tliQjiiirclmi7 < mr written Runrantws to ro
tund the money if tlio treatmnntduoanotoffoct
a euro , ( nuu-nntrra iMUoa unuroy
O. F , OOODMANN , DnifrgUt A nto for Omaha ,
I warranted to wear longer , nt
jtno form neater , anil clre bette *
'faUsfacllon than nny other CorstJ
In HID marLot.or.prleo paid will
bo refumlril. Thouidoraemcntjiol
. . " pru lclnc : , accom-
uiy rnch ( Vraet Price , inl Hutcn Jean. "
trcpMil , SI.M1. ARic Tourni.irhniitfortheia.
* sTtlsoni JonKi-i
Notioo to Cattle Men
ICO Hood ot Steers Three Years Old ,
200 Two "
20J " " Helton , Tno "
160 " ' Steers , Ono "
2M " " Heifers , One "
Tlx ) above described cattle are all well broJ Iowa
cattle , straight and smooth , These cattta will bo
old in lota to suit purchasers , and at reasonable
prices. For further particulars , call on or address
Waverly , Brcmer Co. , Iowa.
P. B. Also young graded hulls. m7-dmo-3tw
BED'S & 00 , ,
lave established themselves In Omaha to tiansact
a general brokerage and business. Wo will buy all
lasses of cooiltat vvholesaleor retail , and guarantee
> erfcct tatWactlon In prices , as we can buy clieaper
ban J'uursclvoa. You can see the advantage of hnv -
n year goods bought by ono who will work for
our Interest and not trust to a merchant who has
omothing hols anxious to bo rid of. We will aso
prompt 'HontloM to selling anything entrusted
ous , andgooks consigned to us will DO carefully
okcd to. Correspondence solicited. l3 (
fSrilefcrences Omaha National BanV , UcCague
ro'sBank. Address ! US. 15th St.
Nebraska Cornice
I ron Fesicin i
CrcallnfrS , BMUfltfAjfli ) , Teraiidaa , Office and jlart
Ilaiilngs , Window and C Uar Oiiarda , Ete.
COU 0. ANDBth STnED1 * , LWCOtN N .
Fifteenn Ball Pool , Carom ,
18 South 8d Strcet.lSt. Louis , 411 Delaware Street ,
Kansas City , Mo , , 1321 Douglas St. . Oman * , Neb.
jHTSoud for Octilonics anil Prlco I/IstR.
Chicago , Si , Paul , Minneapolis and
The now extension of this line from \Vakoflcld up
through Concord and Coleridge
lloaches tha best portion of the State , Special ex
cursion rates for land loekorj over this line to
Wayna , Norfolk and Uartlngton , and via Illalr to all
principal po'i.U ' on the
Tnlus over tht a , Bt 1 . il. & O. Railway to Cor
ngcton , Bloux city , I'onca , HaitlugtonVayna an !
Norfolk ,
Cloxxxxoot * vt 331 lr
For Fremont , Oakda , Nellgb , and through to Val-
tffOT raUs anil all Information call on
V. D. WiltTNKY , Qeneral A eot ,
Btraac < Bulldleir , Cor. 10th and Faruain Sti. ,
Omaha , Neb.
OTiukoi can be saeourod at depot , comer lith
' , ,
w oUr fit i eej
\Vbeui MT turo i ur itut mean uiorcly toTlop tu u Kt
atlmo and thenUire them return ag lu , I iu an artdi-
cal cure. I hive m J tlje dl ua of KlVS. Sl'lLTrar
or i'ALUNUBlCKNKa34lU ( -ulJr. Iwfrrutiiv
medy Io euro tha wont CUM. Ht * ui < otberi b > v
Ulloj li no reunn ( or nut uo < r rtcelrlue cur . " - * "
one * ( ur a tra tl > < and a 1'rea llottl * of rur 11
Olvg lf < pr and fiat Office. It
iddr MMIL0.MQV. J
ffD | | | | | : MORPKNE ! HXBIT
SI f I H | lU. II. 11. KiKK , r V > * tKO.ul > Mr
V 10 | f | Hani. , BOW U.wedr
tfot Uitlwa.
A.U. , B.U. , 1 I tlUa bt ,