Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morning , April 12 ,
Notice to Advertisers.
IL S. Smith , who hw for the past year
of the advorlls.
of min f
Mod the po-Ulon
EL department ot TiU BKK , hw loawd the
JL almtlslng ot tlilr paper , and will horoaf-
r Co.
Mississippi vallov :
For the Upper
cloudy aifl light rains witli Boutn-
Partly Win7ds ; lower baromerter and
with southeast winds
cloidy ,
v iabyio ; slight change , in
Apr , ,
wu arr ted yesterday
this afternoon.
-Tho Union Pacific folk are hauling the
frolRhtof the Sioux City & Pacific company ,
In run-
boon placed
Iho ferry boata not having
nlng order as yet.
In police court yesterday , there . .wore
three disturbers ot the ptaofc They were
oaoh fined * 5 and costs. Two ot thorn paid
whllo the third WM eont up.
traveling through this
-An Englishman ,
out of
country for pleasure , waa confidenced
Into the transfer on a Sioux
$50 > hllo coming
City & Pacific train yesterday.
mooting of Ruth
-There will bo a
Rebekah degree , lodge No. 1 , In Odd M ow s
hall , at 7:30 , Saturday evening , April Uln ,
1884. A full attendance la requested.
Mrs. Atkinson takes plei
ng to her friends and patro
Is now complete In everyJ
out further ceremony r
Yesterday was the
1'icrco wa dealing out
number of applicants'
and but very few
help yesterday. „ , BiJSwia. . , , v = , service at
There inlurch on Sunday morning. All
the arf requested to bo present , oi'all
jp'oxptctod to take part in the same , Frlondc
of the church are invltad to bo present. ,
Religious aorvlea will bo held In th lecture -
turo room of the First Baptist church ( Aiiorl-
can ) of Omaha , In the DanLth language , tary
Sunday At 3:30 : o'clock p. ro. Preaching by
Rnv. Ilonry A. Relchonbach , of CouWl
Bluffs , Iowa. Mr. Rclchenbach'n two dauih *
tors will ba present to load tbo singing. ty
ara cordially Invited. *
Suit was begun in the district court yoi
terday by 'William Walter against the B.
M. railway. On the 23d day of Novomboi
last , whllo coupling cars at Plattsmauth , tin
plaintiff lost the thumb and two fingers of hli
right hand. He alleges it was done by cle
fondant's negligence. His dnm Roa are laid al
Considerable smoke and very little fire In
tlio residence of Julius Troltschko , corner ol
Twentieth and Loavenworth streets , caused
the pulling of a fire box In that locality yoator
day laorniPfirA boy turned In the alarm and
topt pulUng away at the box until the entire
nent WM called out and had a hard
ih through the mud. No. 1 hotxj cart washed
hod down in the mud and broken. It was
t > laood In the ahoj ) for repairs. The
to the house was very small. ,
ThoueanasSay Bo.
Mr. T. W. Atldni , Ulrard , Kan. , writes j
never hesitate to rotommond your Eloo-
trio Blttora to my customer * , thiy plvo entire
natisfnctlonandara rapid seltva. " Eloctrio
JBittora are the purest nnd/uoat medicine
loiown and will positively euro Kidney and
Xdvor complaints. Purify tAo blood and rog-
tilato the bowols. No family can afford to bo
ivithout , Uiom. They wiy aavo hundrcxla of
doLlaro in doctor's bills o/ory year. Sold at
60 centa a bottle by O. J1' . Gnodmin.
Itls ainatruodvo fact that the sales
of go stampa at the Omaha odico
March of the oresent year
Amounted tov , $9,604.20 , as against $8-
853.32 ip March of last year. Taking the
increase and the fact that letter stamps
have been reduced ninco March of hut
rear , into account , it is apparent that the
businwa. of this city finds a pretty euro
iudorin the pobtal business.
i's Arnica Salvo.
/ ii . - " . . . rftedlcal wonder o ! the world.
'Warranted to speedily cure Burns , Outs , Ul-
ceru , bait Illioum , Pever Boroa , Oanoors. inlM ,
ChillblaJni , Oorui. Tetter , Chapped hands ,
nd M sldn eruption , gnranteed to euro In
verr tnotonco , w money refunded. 26 oonU
IMtr box.
A BurRlar Vound In Moody' * Oliina
AM Oflioer Matea was walking his boat'
'VI on SixteenUx stre ? * , about 1 o'clock jthii ,
morning , he heard the sound of a door
being burst in. Investigating ho found
tha front door of Moody'a china store
opun and the latch broken. Ooiag
in lie * w a man lit the money drawer.
The officer asked him what ho was do-
ing. The inatf in .the darkness made no
xenly , but rotrcitod to the. back part of
the otoro. In a moment there was n
cwh.tlio burgtkr liavuig umpod through
the window. tfOflteer Mate * ran out by
the front do9r > Ttdr ht-n. 'ho buroUr
ran up Dawriport ntwot. . Throe ahots
wcro fired at him wHhmfoffect. The
fleeing jnau.ftnally 8jmie 70i" " < * *
escaped in the darkness- ; Luckily the
burglar secured no booty. '
Wide Awake Druggist-
C. y. Croodnwn ia ways fthvo In Us busl
UMW wid Bparosj no iiains to uoouru the best ol
trorv article in his line. Ho has nocurod the
S-/for tUa celebrated JJr.Klnrt New
iJUciovery for Cou uiiiUon. ) The only cor-
Uln pura known rffor C wuuiiitKm , OouRhs ,
Colis , Uoortoii * J. A tliw . 'Iftty Vover.Uron-
liitiiior auyftffwpllotf o 'tlirry t and lungi.
Bold in pwltive guaS utee , JTrUl botUet
d fi [
BU8UY , A * ! St. Jo iilibo.iJt / , AprU lltb ,
n y ut rtmiil" w re taken toDruel In Maul'i
room * , yuoeral BoVlco wll | b (
tfr h f * ftw.
cHRisTiAnnrs KING.
How the Festival of the Resurrection
will be Observed in Omaha ,
Qmnil Profr miiicB nt the Cnthollo
nncl Episcopal Onthctlrftls Other
Unstor Items ,
To-morrow wilt bo a day of impressive
ceremonial at St. Philomona's "Catholio
cathedral. The week just closing has of
course , in the grand observance usually
given in Catholio churches to Holy week ,
bean of extraordinary pomp ; but Sun
day's services will bo relieved of the
sombre cast thrown over the past fortnight -
night it may bo said the past six weeks
and the sad minors of the Lenten
period will give way to the mo-
jostio majors that typify the gladness
and rejoicing greetings to the Risen King.
At early morning raassss will bo begun ,
and will b& continued every half hour or
until the hout for
at 10:30 : o'clock. The ecclesiastical portions
tions of a grand high mass are always
impressive , not mcwly on the child-like
heart of the faithful , \ut on the mind of
the unbeliever and dlvjontor , many of
the latter class being f recently drawnto
visit Catholio churches on fc n extraordi
nary occasions of Easter , Ghiiatmas and
other feast days. The Rt. BOv Bishop
VConnor , of the diocese of N raska ,
vf ill bo the celebrant of the Huh ro g on
his Easter occasion , and ho will byng.
.listed by Rov. Father Madden , dcac\ .
lev. Father O'Connor , sub-deacon ; am.
ilov. Father Kelley will ottioiato in wait-
ng on the celebrant. Brother H. O.
Gartland , of the Society of Jesun ,
will bo master of ceremonies ,
and there will likewise bo in
attendance other visiting clergymen , and
a largo number of acolytes. The v a-
menU used on t- o grand high mass oc
casions are p' orally of the most brilliant
character while the altar will bo beauti
fully" ocbrated. So that with the dis-
fcj iishod array of clericals and aids , the
2,1 aod words of the service , the pealing
organ and _ the swinging censor , an
Easter occasion will bo witnessed worthy
thd wising by saint and sinner.
is the ono ch-SOn for the occasion by the
choir to nocounany the services. The
musioof this is oU known to Catholio
and Protestant as sonvo of Iho grandest
in the whole record of Oitholicpsalmody.
and that it will bo well roodorod on this
occasion when it is known that for some
weeks past the choir of St. < philomoua
has boon rehearsing the various parts
under the excellent leadership and drill
of AlissFanmo Arnold , thoorganlstanddi-
redress , who has , with the amourpropre
of an artist , supplemented the strength
of her customary competent force with
some others of the best talent in the
city , notably Mrs. Hiram Robinson , formerly -
morly of Dos Moinos. a contralto of un
usual power , who will bo. heard for the
first tlmo in public in Omaha. There
vill also bo other Omaha favorites heard
Mho solos , as will bo soon by the , follow-
KyJo Klelson Bass Solo-Chorus
„ . . J. G. Bell.
G'onv. v. . i Soprano Solo-Chorus
_ * Miss M. McNumara.
( JuoTolt , . . ; Duet
„ - , * fM. Blair , Miss D , Johnson.
Quo SedaT't 't Trlo
H.X Blair. MIi > D Johmon ,
JP Muriihy.
n * ii - *
Quartette . . , v
Cum Sancto.V.V.V.V.V.V/.V. .V ; ; . .Chorus
VenI Creator tie , Illrnmol
J P. Murphy.
Bermon \.Kev. Jr. Madden
r < 0 . ; . \ . Chonu
Ktlncarnatm . ; „ . ' ' g00 ]
. , . _ , . .
' ' ' ' ' ' " '
Trio . . . . . . . ' . .
Offartory SanctaMarla . . . . . Owo/j
Miss V. Arnold. Ifr3. if. l0binBon.
II. K. 13lalr.
Sanctna . , . Cborua
Bonedlctus . , . Boles
Mra. O. McCnffroy , Mrs. ifi , OolTtuan ,
and i , I * . Murphy ,
Agnua Dei . i . Chorus
Dona .Nobis . Solo
MIssM. Swift.
Cboriw . , . . . .
llogina Creli Choruj- . Weiner
G. V , Mayer , UrginUt.
I'rof. 8. Jlofmann , Loader of Oruhoiatra.
Arnold , LoaiAir of Choir.
At H o'clock the Her vice will boopouoi )
by prayer. This will bo followed' by a
muiical programnio arranged in the order
hero given- ,
ProcciitJonal Jceiu Christ la Iltsen
To-dny . u . „ . . . . Ilenry Carey.
Anthem Clirlst Out I'ASSO-VCT Is Ban-
rltlcodforUii . . . . .CUntfil.
Gloria 1'atrl ( In G ) . J. Buptltta Calkin.
Te Doum Laudamus . .T. llaptlato GUkln.
Jubllato Dee . J. BaptUte U61kln.
Anthem God Hath Appointed a
Day. - . , . liorthold Tours.
KvrlaKU * aK ( Ui G ) . ; . . . , T. Baptlsto CMldn.
(3Iorta/ribl ( tnO ) ) . . . . J. Bapttste Calkin.
yun1 Tuo lj y of Jleaurroo-
tton. . . . . , Juttuaanno I altor.
Gloria I'atrt.1. . . , . Chant Nu2'
Olfertory I Know That My llodoam-
er l.lvoth. i . , . . Olaiidol'B MatsUU.
8 nctu . . < ( . lUptlBta Uolkin.
-Ivinn Brood f the World In
Mftroy Broken . . . . . . . . J. S. B. Hodges. .
Gloni IoEicfili4ii , . . . Old Chant.
Kecp l6Ml-TiusStrIfe ) hi O'or the
Ba * pono. . ' .ft . f , P Io trlns.
HDHOAI < HtaVIOK > 7:30 : KVSNIiU ] ,
Prooe 8lon l l Mly , . IhMy Sing the
Bonedla Auitno Mea , Ohaut 7
Hymn Joy' Fills the Uwollluca of
UioJutt.- . A. 11. It
Anthem They Have Taken Away
My Lord. . ; , . . . . : J ,
Anthem Why Seek Ye the LIIng
A mong the Dead , , 8.1 * . Wiur n
llyiuu , , ' . . .Angels lloll the Hook Away
Offertory Carol Bright Kaitcr Pklw
, . . . . . . , G. W.MiiRton
Nuiio Dlmittis. . . . , . , . . , J. Hornby
ItooonBlonal Savior. Again to Thy
DojrNarno . > " . . . . . . . , .K. J. HopVlns
The church rooms have been hand
somely decorated llh'noyrprs and other
adornments connuemorfttivp of Eastor.
At U o'clock a. mAhoro wlU'bo a cliora
service At 11 oYclook the regular Sun
day nervicertii \ take placi ) . Sunday
school will bo hold at the vaUal time &iu
votpera iu the ovoning.
Down J'or n Short Tlmo
The uall works , which on Wcdncsdny
last started up , were closed again yeater
day , This was brought about from i
wont of & sufficient quantity of oil for u
as fuel in the works. It'WM expected b\i \
the company that n largo quantity of oil
would bo received before the works re
sumed operation. Owing to delays in
transportation it had not yet arrived.
To-day the boilers will bo bricked up
again. Goal will then bo used again for
the purpose of running the machinery.
The iron which haa boon prepared for
the clippers will bo mode into nails.
When this has been done the works will
atnrt up again in full blast.
It was rumored that the vapor fuel had
proved a failure. It was said the furnaces -
naces could not bo heated uniformly and
on this account it could not bo used. By
inquiry it was learned that the rumor was
F-1' . Palmer , Lincoln , Ii nt the Metropoli
K. II. Kelley and son , Friend , are stopping
at the Metropolitan.
0. II. Drake , of Sterling , is nt the Metro *
O. P. Temple , York , Nob. , is at the Metro
Win. Koonlg Kraomor , St Louts , Is at the
A. 8. Miner , Wayne , It at the Metropoli
0. F. Scgor , Utlca , nnd J. K. Hayes , Sow-
Mil , are guests of the Mlllard.
J. L. Yen , Crete , and S. B. Colson , Fre
mont , registered yesterday at the Mlllard.
Ilonry James , Denver , Is a guest of the
Irving J. Manott and II. J. Hossack. Lin *
coin , are stopping ot the 1'axton.
Frank Vim Dunon , assistant general pu-
sensor ogont f the 1'nn Ilandlo route , is In
the city.
A. U. Newton , of Kansas City , north-
wcsVjrn poaeongor ngout of the Memphis
Yj * In the city.
A Vord , general passenger agent of the
PltWaurg. Fort Wayne & Chicago nnd the
L'an Uandl \ route , arrived in the city yester
Mr. John I\ Donnelly , the pleasant and
popular socrotav of the Union Stock Yards
company , return * Thursday from attending
the stockmen's moftng ! nt Choyonno.
0. A. Snowdon , \iUHant and able writer ,
n genial gentleman an I Oiinpanion , formerly
of the Now York World bu\now of the Na-
, lonal Republican , in In the citj While hero
is la the guoat of D. G. Hull , lisof whom
10 Is an old acquaintance. Mr. Snow Ion will
eave this evening for the oast.
A Small FIro.
It was thought by some last evening
hat n largo fire was in progress at the
> arracks. It proved to bo only a couple
of small untenanted dwellings between
ho city nnd Fort Omaha. The loss is
about $500. The origin of the fire is
Horse Stealing.
Postouico Inspector King is up in the
northern part of the state , and yesterday
a letter wa * received from him in which
was givoiyu little account of horse steal
ing. '
On Tuesday last a young man by the
nama of John Grandin stole a horse from
a Mr. Cloid , of Battle Creek , and took
the animal to Stan ton and sold it. On
Wednesday ho returned to Battle Creek
and began telling about how much he
had made horse stealing , thinking there
by to disarm suspicion , but it was of no
avail. He was arrested , acknowJodged
the crime , begged like a whipped calf
and was taken to jail at Madison. Mr.
iving says that the jail at Madison io
illcd to overflowing with horse thieves.
"Where Haa Johnny Gone ?
At the corner of Fifteenth street nnd
Capitol avenue is an almost unfathom
able mud hole. Some joker has sot up
n the saino place a pair of Inverted
> oota and above them has placed a card
pen which is printed the following in-
cription : ' 'Wo cant most always eonoo-
Imps tell , perhaps little Johnny ha
one to - supper. "
Policeman Macro ,
'o the Editor of TUB BKB-
DEAR SIB ; I noticed an article in the-
) M.UIA BUB which aooraa to mo docs
Ulcer Motza a great injustice. That
Matza i a good and faithful officer can
not bo denied Irf any ono who ia in po-
itlon to know , The author of aaid ar-
iclo Doonuh to > think that Mir. Matza is
making too-many arrests and no-oonvic-
ions. Thatr ho makes a ninnberof nr-
sts proves- conclusively thai ho mast bo
on his boat , and attending to > the duties
for which ho is paid , and not loitering
about salooni-ancl rHiblioplacca * . spending
lie time for his own pleasure. When a-
lolico ofllcor Has- made the arrastmnd do-
ivorcd his prisoner to the prison ko j > or.
us-duty is at an , end , and the court will
! J 1 with Win offender as it thinka the
circumstances in the caao willl warrant , .
ad the result can in no way rufl&ct upon
he oQicor'a oinoioBoy. Fraternal foaling'
; etween brother officers should always ,
A > Card.
TAthe Editor 1 Tim Uuv
Please oHow inor through y ur paper ,
; o maku tiia public statement. If the
anpresaion that tha Woman'Chrktiai
Temperanao Uniwiiand Womw'a Suffrage
ocioty ceo oiifr organization , hoatgooo
fofth , it ia false. "Woman * > * suffrage is
never spoken oFoD-diacuoaod.nt ourmcdt
Wo ( the W , 0. T. U. ) ) are no of
the many brurvuhes. of the ( jrcat temper
ance organization * all ovov tills country ,
working under no other banner but foi.
God , Homo aad Native Lnail.
lijspocl fully ,
MIIH. C ; 8. SOVLK ,
President * W. 0. T. U.
OMAXA , April 11 , 1884.
Mr. C lla\vuy Accept * .
Ollicial anummeomonl bos Badly bjou
mftdo of the acceptance by General Man
ager OalUway , of ( ho Clucapa and Grout
Trunk , of the position ton&rcd by the
Union Pacific management. Mr , Atkins
will bo continued in charge of the finance
department , while iho otbor vica preii
dents will uct as executive heads.of their
respective deportments. Mr. Oallnwu ;
will not as usautant to the director , ni
will assume iharfco of details which not
cornea laraoly upon Mr. Amea. Tlispo
aitiou will bo really managing director
Mr , Ames , Iwwovor , mtaiuing that title
The position is regarded aa ono of th
moat responsible and important in tb
I personnel of the company , but that Mr
> CalKway will Oil U with merit is a
oouclu lou , Chicago Timet.
mVi * * * * ! ' AT M"- . - *
V Good Work llclng Done Through
Iho Agency of llio Olirlstlnn
Atil Afcsouintlon.
The Women's Christian Aid Associa-
ion's report for the month of March :
In ono of the papers lost month credit
wag given to Mr. James for a donation of
wonty dollars , which should have boon
given to Hon. James E. Boyd. Also there
waa credit given to Mrs. Collins instead
of Airs. Collier , for a gift of five dollars.
from the funds for Dr. Miller's reception
at the Paxton Ilotol , there remained six-
y-aovon dollarpwhich the executive com
mittee donated to the association. Re
ceived from Dr. Miller , ten dollars , nnd
hrough Rov. Mr. Shorrill , nine dollars.
from Hon. James E. Boyd , thirty
> ounds of moat , each week , for four
weeks. From. Mr. Cooper , fifteen
munds of beef for ono week. Fifty
lounds of hominy and fifty pounds of
: orn meal from Mr. Wolshans. Mr.
'orkina , ono dollar. One day's sowing
t the rooms by the seamstress at Mr7
Talconor'a store. 1 kit of jam , Mr.
iolln ; 1 dozen cans of corn , Mr. McYit-
io ; provisions to the amount of $5 , Mrs.
. J , Brown ; provisions , Mrs. Goblo and
Ir. Stripe ; sugar and clothing , Mrs.
August Williams ; 1 sack of buckwheat ,
Ir. Clark ; jolloy and honey , a friend ;
irovisiona , Mr. Fleming ; cups and aau-
: ors and clothing , a friend ; children's
lothing , Mrs. Clara Williams ; infant's '
Inthing Mrs. Kimball ; clothing from
lira. Rogers , Mrs. Lisaotto , Mrs. T. B.
[ ni " ht , Mra. Soars , Mrs. Luigorsou ,
Mrs" S. 11. Herman , Mra. W. R. Bon-
ett , Mrs. White , Mra. P. S. Eustia.
A son of Mra. Whitney , the old lady
if whom mention has boon made several
[ moa in the papers came quickly in ro
ily to a message sent him , but not in
Imo to BOO hia mother living. Ho was
cry grateful to Mra. Pugsloy , our
matron , for her kind care , and for all
liat had boon done for his. From Mrs.
'ugsloy ho received papers and letters
lie dear old mother waa trying to take
o him. Ho said ho was not able to re-
love the remains and felt it made little
ill'oronco where her dust laid for ho
enow her soul was in heaven. "I know
my mother is in heaven , " wcro his words.
At our last mooting wo organized a
owing society , or mother's mooting for
> oor women.
On Friday afternoon of each weak , be
ginning with Friday , the 18th , they are
ivitod to moot some of the members of
ho association at their rooms and there
> o taught to BOW , to cook and to ecouo-
mize--in fact how to live. Old garments
will bo Impaired , and now ones made for
next winter1 * use. Ono lady will road to
rhcm an hour oi HO , and a plain lunch
will bo given thorn. If there are any
who can bring to us from their earnings
a little money each week no matter how
mall the amount , from a nickel to a'dol -
ar wo will place it to their credit and
idd to it a certain par cent , BO that when
; ho cold winter comes again and finds
.hem without coal or bread , we shall have
something with which to moot their de
mands. All winter clothing you do not
care to lay aside in your own homes for
use another winter , please send to our
Do not forgot our intelligence office.
fou would bo surprised to learn for how
many wo have found work. Wo have
ono young lady who came to us i short
time ago seeking a home and employ
ment. She has found a gpod place to
rorkbut ia still with us and paying for
lor board. Though able to board ohe-
where now , aho plead to remain in the
> lace that Beomod like homo to her , bo-
ianse of the kindness and protection aha
lad received in the past. Of course this
lelps us , and so many cosJtt we have of
hia class if wo only had more room. In
Irs. Pugsley's ( our matron ) last report
lie tolls us that not a day has passed for
wo weeks that she has not seated at her
tm table from eight to- ton throe times a
ay , and enrery bed and cot , and even the
oor , had been , used to shelter and give
est to the homolesa and Sriendless. Willet
ot aomo one hoar our call for more room
and help us to secure a homo ?
'he first of March , balance on Uand.9i2G 80
) onatlonn , foes and inouey for coal
from poor perrons . 95 80
S'J22 tO
'xponsos for the1 xxmth . . . . . . . . 171 00
Balance . . . . . . .8 47 70
A mooting of the boaid and ward
ommltteo will bo hold in the aosociatieu
rooms Tuesday afternoon , April loth.
Glean out rate , mice , roaches , flies ,
anta , bedbugs , ekunks , chipmunk * ,
[ ophora. 15o. Druucists
Mask Carnival.
THO last grand roller skating carnival
of the season drew out a largo audiono
and the many gaylji dressed akatera pre
sented a pretty eight Every ono who-
tias aeon the carnivals at thii rink knows-
what they are. BO no more description is
necessary. Suffice it to Bay that there
waa a brilliant and- gay assemblage , fina
inuaio and any amount of fun. Tha
[ iriro of an elugant silver cup foa the lady
in best character costume was awarded
to Miss Carrie Diusiuoro , who represent-
&IOOO. Oiven
iraumijrauvli\urlou ! ) mile. Uinu'scuu to found
in AnctrowB1 Jpearl BaJsInc 1'owd.or. It pus-
l > i-iy PURE , lltjlng wwlorswl , unJUv4UnonlU
ton : M. Ik'luftmtuluo. of Chicago ; OIK ] Gustuvm
Uouc , MlluauLco. Nu > oriold In bulk.
ed n flower girl. The skntcs wore given
to Master Oco. Minor , who took the part
of n girl to perfectly that none recognized
him. Many nnd good wore the ctinrac *
tors represented , among them the "Baby
Elephant1' by Messrs. Hitchcock and
Uclphrey which caused a great deal of
The roller rink carnivals have been a
success and have afforded much amuse
ment during thoBcaeon and will bp looked
forward to for next season with interest.
The next watch and .chain contest occurs
Saturday evening. "
J. W. Browncll is the gentlemanly
agent of the Pullman palace car com
pauy , and holds forth both at the trans
fer and in this city. Ho was for some
time a Pullman conductor. Mr. Brow-
neil lias boun thinking the matter over
for some time , and finally came to the
conclusion that the old saying , "it is not
good for man to live alone , " was about
as near straight aa could bo , and accord
ingly Thursday morning ho hied himself
to Boone , Iowa , where Miss Mary L.
GritToo was in waiting , and the Metho
dist minister of that burg speedily made
them ono. They returned to this city
Thursday , whore they will make their
future home , and that peace , joy , pros
perity and happiness may attend them
through lifo'a fitful drnam is the sincere
wish of their many friends.
Absolutely.Pure. .
Ills powder nmer T roi. A marvel of pure
alrinrh nn'I wholcsomenim JJoro conomlcal than
th c dluary kinds , and musl be sold in competition
wiln Jhs rcultltuJo of low < ii. ehort wclzl t uium or
pho ph te powders. Sold enly In cans. Itoyal Bak
ing Powder O.
WANTED-A good gill , Ocinnn prcterrcd , at
1714 1 > ngtasHt. 5SJ-U5
WANTED A first olaiu lautidrum to go to Santa-
Fee New Mexico. WsgesSliS per month. Ap
ply nt the Cozx-m. f.Sfl-tf
TTirANTED A > onn girl 12 or 13 jears to keep
T T company n ith a lady. Inquire 512 W. 18th St.
north room up stairs. 187-11 }
WANTED dlrl for general house work at 1510
II rnov St Mra. It. Wilbur. CftMtl
TTT-ANTED-At tvf St. Chailca Hotel , ono good
TT dining room girl. 203-12
TT7 ° ANTED-airI tor general homo work , good
Tf laundrciu , middleng , Qorman or Dane retail
family , 1020 C'ass St. 5g4-7. >
WANTED First clats woman cook ; highest -jri
geD pild to tint class help. Addre's H. E
Wright , Central City Houa : , ( % ntnl City Nch.
WANTED A llm-clasa barber. Good wages paid.
ED. GAINS , Kearney , Neb. 653-18)
WAHTKD A good girl for general huuitowork.
Apply 2V3 South Pth ctrcct. 65812 }
WANTED A rclltble young gentleman to take
order * lor the latest history of Ireland. Salary
! 23 per wek. Apply to 1' . F. . < lTulller , 67 Barker
Block , city. 654-lli
VTITANTED A good girl lor a heM at ilOS. 10th
V > tViaat , Untellouue. 661-12) )
\TTANTEI > A competent girl to oo fc , wash ; and
TT Lroai Beat wageu. Mrs. Geoi K. rrltchett ,
Z < ) SSouUi < 16th t. . 670-111
WANTED A Klrl ( or general housework. Ger
man preferred , at 2117 Wobator street. 6 b-tf
WANTKD Man or woman cook' , Wages M.OO
per week , woman prefored M M. Obornt ,
N th riattr. N o. C35-155
Address Inowmwrltlng ,
647-12 - J , B. SSIITH , 1618 Douglas itreet.
oem girl at tht *
W'ANTIUl-Oltl u. thoSlun HoteJ , souib. T nth
street , near V. 1 > . dtpot. 63-4Ut
TTITANTED 5ook lu family of three.
TT tos-iip _ o. M. ingoncot'K.
WANT ? Dlnlntoom KrUt | th Klnm t honw.
llth , between Uaroey and Faniam. 48-UI
\I7Am'Kp A i xid cook can get steady uaploy
TT ment In a tmill faintly by rulilng on Mrs
frank K Moares , No , SJd S5th ktitat , 2d doot
south ol Farnam. 473-tf
WANTnD A.ooust > ctcnt girl for iRpctraliJkouso-
work. Mu8 ! x ) a good cook , ttooe other need
apply. MH8. MILTON. ROGERS ,
470-tl N , W , oor. 19th and Lcaan worth. EUs.
WANTED 10111 * ilw to work nt l > rae , , oes $4.
to S10. per -fwU fall up stalra-Crount * Hill
betwMU Dodtoanil Capitol aye. 4M 111
ANTED -OU1 In smkll ( auaiy. Inquire nt 0. J ,
C n a nd.C . , Xll H. 18th tit. X * tt
' Button holn hands t tbu Omaha
W'ANTKU , 12U7 Fainam at. t JO tt
. otfered lady ( [ Dti for this now rubberundergar
maul for ladlea. Addreea with ttampn , LadJ ' Un
dergarment Co. , 0 south Kar St , ClJcano. 831-lut
Girl for general liouio orX la umall
WANTED Incinlre at 1 2 Douglas struct. 500-tt
A Steadv - coan who la a gfcod uiaru r/ir , wants a
jCX place Mhouce keeper or aurte and'CMnpanlon
to an IntslU to * 11 or country AddieuMrx llugln
thtunrllro. Let urn iiroinrtly answtr d > AIM gill
fnr laundry. BOM4'
T70R b\I E A coodbarb rchalr S. B. oxiner 13th
F andJoniiHU J72-M'
TTtroNlED By agentlcuian , a thorough buslneu
\i lady , wither w.thout money u ixutner and
tra\clluv rompaolon In a govd taircanillu buslnran.
A < ldrc 'V. " lice olllce , ( S..15I
A situatton as clu * . m Kiccety by a
ikeady , sober maL of expeiluncti , Addrcsl "M.
II. " St. Cliarlei Hotel. too lit
Bltuttlouai Bak r. firsthand. Ad
dress "M. i : . " Duo ufcft. 65B-11 *
T17ANTED By a-joung nan otSOjeum , itodtS
W M w Ml cUrk. AAlrws "rt " thl nf *
fie * . 657-lrt
" \\7ANTEU Voung ladr , onwriuiocd ttenegikp
TT andtp > wilter der ! * pvrmanent pujlil
In tome uetttin city. Kefntuous ulren Addi
Vtenograplur , " 010. et K. ll. ilujhcw , Detroit ,
Michigan. 618 m
tllTANTKD Biti'Atlon bv s > jonnuiin. . talking
V > botUKagllshanl b ihh , luapilvtto UmJy or
clot bingstwc. Oo d refcicuci Kl > en , Adtlrtu 'I *
O , " Ike off c * . M5CUJ
WANTKU-bllu tlon by a drug cluV. Best ol
No objection to couutiy , Addrcti
'Dru < rslU " box 416 , Ouiihs , 407-121
\17ANTEI > Situation by u wan c ( wood bablU
T T t rare ftrliorcvi. 1'rl-ate family preferred , rtt-
eivnnt glun , Atldrotn s. I ) , V. " Dto office.
L * * >
w " " "f , , '
Infants and Children
Without Morpliino or Naroottno
What tfrca our Children rosy checks ,
What euros their fevers , makes them nloop
? i "TM f'nutorln.
When Babies fret , and cry by turns ,
What cures their colic , kills iliolr norms.
. Hut Ca < torl * .
What quickly curri Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indlgritlon i
Hut Castorlft.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , nnd
Contour Liniment. AnBD-
Bolnto onro for RUonmntlsm ,
Sprains , Barm , Galls , &o. , and aa
ImtontnnoonA Pain-roliovor.
T117ANTED Two or t ) roe ( urnlshod rooms tor llzhl
V houscke- ping for man and wltc. Adilrm 'O , "
Bee office. B2M2I _
1X7ANTil : > 17 persons to spell 17 words correctly
VV A eclH,1 r htp free ; to the jionon Broiling 37
worrts correctly a schoUrfhlp and uood eltu tlon.
615-12 } J. I . SMITH , 1611) ) Douglas street.
The person rl log the lord's ptayor
WANTED , In tlie Hinnllost mace , i ntltled to a
choH ship In Smith's School In Iwok-keepli'lf ' , 1516
Douglas street. 647-121
TXTANTl'.D Fo lent aliousoof 4t 0 rooms In ccn-
W trc part ol dty.uow or hj Is' of Jtay..Addrcs3
Dr. lI.Bcootflco. 470-12p
- , jards of dht , at or ni-arone
WANTED-3,000 the CoL\cnt on St Mary's ave
nue. S. R. JOHNSON ,
tsi-t ot Stetlc , Johnson &lo. !
- WANTCD-We watt n few good travel
ing agoi t In Iowa , Nebraska , Kansis , MUsourl ,
Colorado aod the territories a d a resident Affcnt In
exery postolllco In thealxno 8taU and tcrritircs ,
We pay a lirgcr cinli commission tli n jou eior
ceard of boloro. Aadrcu II. S SMITH & CO. , Pub-
lithprs , Omaha , Nebraska , and enclose a two rtn' '
itamp. 69414
FOR EENT Houoaa ana Lots.
FOR KENT The Dnestsuaimrr resort In this tity
known as Victor's Park on 2Hh afreet , toutli of
St , Marl's ate. Inquire on premises tor terrrm.
619-10 !
FOH RENT One flat In Lorcnzen's block , co-ncr
Uthnnd "o i > rdio good parties enl > , alto a
store in name building. 6'8 it
F OR KENT THofurnnhed raoms , 2117Vebstor
RENT House in eplcnJIil order , $26. per
FOU . i pply to John W. Hell , Itr.h Sir. druz-
gist 53C tt
HBNT Flca'ont furnished room for Ecntle-
I 1 men , 1034 Karnnm Street. 630 11
T7IOII BENT Store and cfllce ia C'rounie Block. G
1011 RENT ruroisbcd rooms -J227 PoilSt. .
F 431-lru
IOlt RKNT A } fi ) acre farm , CO acres under cut-
F ihatton. BOOOS.VII1LL 4OT11
1011 RENT Furnished roon 1621 Farcam St.
RENT A furnnhed front room at 14351 S.
FOR St 628-14P-
, RENT With b ar * , Jargir Jront room wltfi
bay windowgos and bath room. A few tabl *
boarcitra accommodated , 1713 Dodge etrect. 4S6-12p
RENT Tbo third glory of four bed rooms
FOR Easement of thtce rooms , in nonce 1318 Chl-
catro street , to man and w Ife , t Ithi ut children ) w ho
will board'a family of thicc. Apply at once 1818
Chlca o E trc it or 1111 Furnam street. 478-12
FiOK IlEOT Single furnkhcd rcom , lff7 Chicago
street i 474-tl
TJ OR RENT L ne south front jaom , nicely fur-
Pnlshed , 1008 l'irn m St. W2 tf
FOR RENT Tro new eight room houses ready
for occupanry May 1st. Inqu'ro 5IYs. E lloddlu ,
25th St. Ijetweeu lh > vcnport and Chicago. 410-llp
FOR RENT In prhata family , furnithed' Toorrs
with board. 1ETI Davenport street. 320-151
I OR RENT Stre > room 15W Faro am St. , by
EUR RENT : Uofumbied room1021 Ccpltorare.
938- :
F I CHI RENT FurnUhed rooms 1818 Dodge St.
F 10R RENTThird floor of building No. 1211 Far-
ntm St. 247-tfj
F IORIlEVT Int c MM 6 room cottage. ) S. T
ItUrseu , S. K. comer 15tli and Douglas.
162-1 *
TTlOlt RENT 100 atre farm. Alsobtlck j-ard. T.
JP Jluitay. B3-H
FOIt ItXNTFumlbhed rooms 1017 Dodge fctrmi.
FOIl RXNf FurnUnwl room * , 1817 Dodge uirez * .
FOR RENT Hooms ID Nebraska Natlona V o\i
QulMlnc. Most dctlrath oQces In the clfj
Supplied with"hydraullo ele-otor and.heated i
team. Apply at Uank , 2tff
' " '
i i i
T7OR B tNT Farnlehed roomi on the notth'Tr
J ? eor. UttbaodCapltolaveaue , ( ornwny CrtlEDton
House. iM-tf
heated Sil N. 19th.
FOR SAQE-At Bargain , cnr > Kpan ( focxl har s
wetghtiabout ten huodred siilecu , goud for huavy
work , alioagood heavy doubii harnem , price OM
hundred and twcnty-Uvo dollarit ) abe two single viff-
on one plaMortn spring.
One half pattnt pr us wago-rgood for expressing
or any other light work In good rui nlng order prtx ,
forty and thirty-five dollars Also one see ut bl 2k.
rmlth tools tube sold cheap , o Thlrty-ft ) > e dollm.
J KEND1JI711 fouth 18th Streirf. 6R3-Hi
T7OH BALK-Lots at 376 tn f4CO in Arlington Jn-
-I1 Bldu ctsy limitnear Baund'ra atreett > 76 to 8X0.
683-tt A HK9 , Farnam street
FOR SALE Puuu , oheap notrly new , excelfcnt
UiKtiauent A great bargain Apply to W , G.
Hardrill. M17 Howard street. 60tl.V <
" | f > OR BALK Kin c pan ol carnage honrs , uoald
J ? sell CIM or both. InquSru. * * UllBC'allfornla St.
" | 7OR HM.E Ono acre , god 6 loom house o- Hurt
J. ' etrn-b.two Mocks cwi of Awlemy of Bicred
Heart , VU.O. Xdownkj Iaru rMper mo-kh.
Good oottage , 4 Urge rooms , porch , bay w'vdon ,
ci > tUD.wl , eta. onibalf ci giound , tvuutiful
place , 4K800. 1600 down , long ilmu on Ulauce.
TBU1a bargain BAlllilill .V. XAYNE. Oil 11
T7l ( > a tt Lr.-Tliieob ntltul luti,76xl4O fc teaoh
X1 niius bead of Ht. HJI-/H a\enu , In i. I , Xvdlck's
addltron. Verych > i > . It you want a cilt edg
building lot , look Into Uil . DillKKU & JtAYNK.
Oa BALl -Two nlM loU , 10x241 feet tch , w , t
df Ittnsnim park l POO nxb. Tlie are bar-
BARKEllA MAVJvK. 616-11
FOIt SALKIrtH la Hunamm pline , 1176 to J76k
on monthly payment * frMAYNK
611 tt
T7 > fK SALE Lot * a * | 378 ti (4W In 4rllngtoo , > M-
JP kkle city llmtU. near buuuJiMktr , > 't7fi tn vkV ,
tCMf AMES , Farnain rtrest.
ALF.-Atdwtieuitlftll loti lulllmeUnjh
, onc-hilf block off ttrto. r jr lii.o , ( C.i to
.i' 1'fi. tiny teruiit
1 n acroH nioagroumk lu Tuttlt'jwi > < ' ! > lilcji.imlt
able | ur u.ttli lute lots. Cnrap and nn gtoA ttfriui
One and ou * third acre * lu M est Omaha it * < 1,3SO.
Easy terms. IbU ll Iho chexpect pleco ot ( truuud to
bo had In 01 around Omaha.
Nlco aoi lu Olto's Mdltlon , i S9. TirmnL'&iy.
Home D roumi , per > h , bay window , closets , van-
try , cellar , will , rU o'n , etc , .Mil lot , li rUlus N. W.
ot pcstcJUcc. Nice , il hth lociti"ii , 8 ,5 0 , I 00
down , kalauce t5 ! p r KLII'JI. DAllKEKi MAYNK.
N. t. cor. ISlhaudViruiVn. 612-11
Sil.E W liDUUtltul luti \ValnutlIUI aj-
FOR Ion fioru 1COo f7Ui , It nil ) piy pirtln to
1 wk at iliin proiKxtv b tore bmln eUewluro. I'Ol' .
'IK 4 iUOItli , 1615 Itrnitu tr t. P13 tf
IitOU BALK- > rgilu > 1 impiovtd and unlmpiov
' wl pr j rty in W additions , fill Hid to V IT.
i'lKIUUOl , I li Uruvu tU t , tit tl
F OU RA1.K B In lots fnr rrsld nr or peo.
illation In Walnut Hill , D neken ' , K fler'n > d
West 'Cumlnfr adultlons. I'OTIT.H' i COBB , ISIS
P tnam Street1 , 640-tf
lT < 01t SALE- Very denliftlile resldencsor fimall
I1 Unilly , ono b'ock oft St Muj's > enno , 10 blocks
fron. postolllco lxc ; tlnn fine , 13,500. Easy ttrmi.
I'OTTlTn A. COBB , 1616 F mani street , 6SMf
InOH HALE flood hni p. 6 rooms and lot , splendid
1 locution In Shlnn's Add. , 41,700 .monthly pay-
tun's. IfiCV&MOTTKK , H. W , corner lt > ti and
f70RSMK-ltn t J375 t < ) 9100 In Arlington , In-
_ ldo city limits , mar 8aumlerBstrcittU6 : toSKO.
tOVtf AMES , Farnam itroet ,
FUR SALK tut one , block V , Shlnn's 3 Addition ,
A No. 1 0 loom houiic. ar o barn , ono of the fin
est collages In Omaha. This Is A No. 1 bvgaln for a
tnsn who wints a home. Ensy terms , IKEY &
MOTTE11 , B. W. cor. 1Mb and Fainam , 401-tt
HALK T n largo lots In Impro\cmcnt dd.
FOR . Ttlco $1,760. McCAOUEopposite
P. 0.
170R SALh-S beautiful acre lots on Ii nen worth
Jj St. , or will exchange for houio itiJ lot. IREY
& HOTTER. 4 8 tf
17011 SALE Qood 2 ( lory house and lot In V. V.
JL1 Smith's addition , near St. cars. (1 ( rooms ; well
cistern , bain bearing fruit trees , etc , (2,400 , A
nnlcnilldbargalu. 1HKV & MO.TEll. 4-9 tf
SAI.K Cottage 7 rooms I lot , water-works In
house etc. , all new $2,700 > cry easy terms. 1IIRY
& MOT1 Ell , B. W , cor. 16th and Foi nam. 499 tl
FOR RALC-Brlck at OOS N. 13th St. , or 16th St.
South ot Beilcvuo road. 410-lIp
SALE-Lots at $375 to $100 In Arlington , In
side city limits , ni ar Blunders strrcl , $375 to $400.
COJ-tt AMES , Farnam street.
SM.K At n bargain , a flrtt class bu'lnces '
FOR with a good clean dock ot $4,000 to
$0,000 of general Merchandise , at South Bond , Neb.
429-11 E. E. DAY.
OU SA < E Two of the mojt desirable lots In
Lane's 1st. add. , fine \l9 r , price | 760. south
and east frontage , fenced. A bargain. JIcOAGUFJ
opposite I' . O. 430 tt
rpolt BALE halt lutcrcat III a tint class billiard
JL" hall * For full particulars addrots C. L. Herman
I'lattsraouth Nob. ,437-llp
8At.n-I.otB In Dcnlso addition.
17 lots at (500 each.
Itf " 525
11 " $ -.60 "
it " 8'65 "
4 " cornori at { 000 cncn.
1 " " 811JO "
You can get ono otthcte desirable lota now and
make n choice one week from to day , the number
( or tale will bo less as the activity In this odd. Is
tery marked.
Ko other xldltlon prcsenU to line aicw ot iho
cltj without danger of Kradlog. Tlio clralnoRO
la perfect Callatifllcu for plat ilcOAQDE ,
oppctHo 1'att nlTIce. S le agent. 441-tf
S LE- Lots at $375 tn SltO In Arlington , In *
FOR city limits , near Saundcrattreet , $3 6 to ? 100.
067-tf AilES , Farntm street
SATK605 acre improved land , all within li
FOIl ol the Union Ktcck jards. Lands at a bar
gain. VOTTER & . COCO , 1516 IMrnam street.
S < Li12 : lots In Plain vlo wet into 23 per
cent below the ptlco at which eurroundlng lo
nioheld. I'll u will be put up soi n It not lold.
453-tt I'd CUt It .V COBB , 1515 Tarnani Street.
SALK-0 lots In Shlmi'd 2d addition at a bar-
Two cheapo tlot In Klrkwood fnrS' days.
454 tf VOTTKIl S OOBB , 1515 Farnain HL
SALK A intent Ice-box suitable tor butcher
FOIt boarding homo at U. P. It. 11. Meat market
021 North ieth St 835-lm
OR SALE Lois at $ J76 to $4'01n AOin ton , In
F side city limits , ncarSaundcrs' street , ? ) ? o t $100.
AMES , Farnam ttrcet ,
. HALE Corner lot in city , largo l > or e near
1.10II 1 lino. East front , good , 7,003. JleUAOUE ,
opposite P. O. ZKt tf
SALE Beautiful cornsr north and 019 tf runt
FOIt Hhtnn's addition withr g'od cottaRo rvte * ,
82,200. McCAOUn opposite P.O. 444-tt
SALE Uouso and part lit ou career , M
Shinn's addliloa , ono block JTOIII St car. 1'rlso
J2.0CO. McCAOUE. 413-tt
rrinit SAtn L tiut$37Sto ttny In Aril' Kton In-
r sldo city limts , near Saunders s rott , S7S to $40Ct
674 tl AMES. Fujnam street.
Property , I am offering five acre lots In Bon-
ACRE , ono qnsiter mile from s > ndfe t , purchwe
nt from $160 tr tf J per acre. ThUis-very desirable
McCAWLE , SoU Agent. 442-t
Small stock of Drugs and DruraetV Fixtures
A for sale In the iJbe town ol Waterloo , Nebraska-
roml opening for a pUyslclan. Ad droaj ) , B. 8IL-
11 , IDkliorn Station , Neb. 739-tf
- SALE Lota at 1175 to (400 In Arlington. In-
FO-fl city limits , near Saunderr street$576 to $400.
5COlt ! AMES , Farnam street.
< -EKD CORN FOR SILK 1000 bushels-ol good
O i ouml old porn. Apply to Dr Chambers Yeter-
nary Surgeon , Omaha. 63 tf
Tf OK SALE AT A BAnaACT-Ha a block nwurBt.
J ? liar } ' " a > cnue , only flu blocks from. Court
House. Scautlful resident lots or sultabla for tenant
ant house ? . Will sub-dlvldov Address TOMtdNS
024 Farnam street. 7E9-M <
Oil SALK Old newepcpen in Urge a < id iimui
F qaaotltles at this office , tf
TTIOR BAtZ A first-class Voot & * "oa Piano , , at n.
Jt ; borgauii Inquire Edliolm ) Krlckson'e. 62 * tf
SALS Farm II miles from city. Inquire
FOIl . Meyer , over Roeder' * Drug ttoro , 18 and' '
Webster. 872-tf
S UhT Lots at 8375 to JMO In Arllngtortfln-
FOU city .ItnSJs.ncar Baunde'S-s roct$37f > to $4C8i ,
G7u-tt All EJ , Furnam street. .
SALl > r-Two open nccond-hwd bugplea n
on < delivery vngou , chop , t 131P Uarney St.
BALK Two portable Doth ) . 10 horjo onw
FOR D. * fr7PATllIOK
688-tf 218 South 16th Be.
8AIJE r.fc < 4C > in Arllruton Irt.-
FOIl city limits near , Haunileri > < itrcett375tof400u.
B73 tf AHESi Farnatn itrett.
J A small MoMer , Bahman iCo.flre
, at this office. U
HkliK-UtHfti tlie flneit rtmo'once ' slten In too. ;
' city , tum acres ot giound , u i-i front on Soutbi
IStliRc. This U oJl wnrth looklngat. 9,000-
' oinca. 261-ti.
\LH-U09aer ot In ArmiOroiie's add. neai
tar llnu , JliitiMcCAQUK , o i. P. O. 'J40tf.
FOIl SAXU A ft > d uottago and lot fronting om
twu itreoU ou c r line. Mmtlu sfld , iirltu-
8-,60u. 211) ) III
FOR SliK lie wv and lot In Ham-com place oiia
block Ir m one line. 1'rlco $ . ' ,800. McCAGUK ,
POR rLE T/Mat ! 376 to tlOO In Arlington , lu ,
Idr oity limits , ue r Haundui AUcet , 376 tn * x > .
671 tt Ail Ed , Farnom itroot
FORaAM-On ollhe flnot renldence eltoa ou
t'asltol bill , witn l r e we 1 built frame houte
View uncicollod , . Price (0,600. UcCAQUK , oppo
site P. O. 26S tf
F01.HALB On * Vole and Homtnano ] at a. bar-
S lii. laouire at Edbolm IUK ! l.rlcksorJS rouslci
store , on 10th ba. 239 tf
FUlt BALUTtiiatt37Atn W'.OIn ArlluKton , In ,
uirto city Kaiits , near tJauiK.'trimueet$3r& to flee
Mi tf AM EH , Farnau btrtet.
FOHBALB-TwoloUln Klrfnn's lit Mdltlon not
over 2 blociJt from t-aunlur Ht..5S71anJ 4IJ36O-
CMh. A barcaiu. 1REV * .JBOTTEU , 3. W. corner
Kith aud tinau ) . ] 8i U ,
KAL ESTATE-LoU otvl-Rruum W. , in MrCor-
mlcO adilltlon , fl.Sitt J. M. CLAUiK.
r'1 ?
OAHDINCl-I'rivate nlly , nlcUy locate In now
risIJuicv ModerdcnnvcDlencos. WUaceoii
modulo twa or tlirco houil r . lufcrence. r qu ! riL
635 I'leiuiit Ht , 676-ltt
prtANOFOR SALEntw.uprshtf and , first
I clkH unke , at a tttrgiln. Owner iKvvliii ; otr.
2414 C'ljlaigfcstrm Ul-ll *
Yardi euth to lia ( .Hven away with a uro-
c mm , CaiDiilw'l ot.d ClurU < Kt < led \ J. .
on 1-atkWilJonM. l.Kiili | J. l'bliw ilu > . > M2 H.
n Ht. 434 tl
fcy , wituu uiuiuluui , a * Uw inru-.vo.t
of SevcQtovntli nd Ltirjn ut i , next to ichool.
U3 It
. , , . . - ? PAiiiysfraay AMD CONDITION
AU3T. Ul Tratli itrb t , bttuwu Faruaru aoi Us -
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