OMAHA DAILY BEE "SATURDAY , APRIL 12 , 1884. A SPCOIFI : fp s mb Epllcps / . HfiaviPA ! < eon i , HfiaviP Stoe Dance , Alcohol- imv , Opium Eat ing , Svphllltt , Scrofula , Kingt Eiil , Ugly Dlood Diseases , Dytjxp- . Nervousness , ir < raX-TWSJUraln Worry , flood SJTS , oRS , CostUnex > , Nervous rro tratlon , Trotibluanit Jrrtffiitaritif * ' fl.OO. Hnrnplo TpntlmonlnlH. 'StmsrltMi NerTlno Is dolnn Tvonilcrf. " Br. J. O. Mrlicmotn , Alcxatxlcr City , AJO. "I feel U my duly to recommend It. " Dr. i ) . F. Lnnclilln. Clyde , Knn s. Mn cored wticro phTBlcUns falloil. " lteT.J.A.iillcnc : TcrP , Ja-norrcsponilnnco fVcclr nniiwcrciU TpJ l rtcstlmonM ! iinacircnlart cnd sum * . Th9 Qr.S.A. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo , knlit t > r all Irnirirl ) ti. M\ Txird , Stoutcnburc , and Co. , Agents , Cblc-iRO , 111 DR. FELIX Lt BRUN"i PREVENTIVE AND CURE. FOR EITHER SEX , The remedy belnir Injected directly to the Boat ol the disease , requires no chinco ot diet or nauseous , mercurial or poisonous medicine * to no taken Inter nally. When UKX ! IM a prorentlre by cither BOX , III ) rapomlMo In contract < > ny prh&t dlseuc ; but In the cannot these already unfortunately afflicted nofru&T intoo thioo boxca to euro , or wo will refund the mon ey , I'rlco by mall , postage paM$2. per box or throt boxes ( or $5. $5.WUITTRH WUITTRH OOAHANTEES Inucd by all uuthorlioJ agents. u Dr Felix LeBrun&Co , SOLE PItOPKIETOnS 0 F. Ooodrain , Dru RlU Solo Aftcnt , for Omaha ob. m/to wly Dn K. 0. Wear's NEUTB AND nn/.i THKAT \ teen , a Ruamntood spooifio for Jlysform , IJi noBs. Convulsions , Fit * , Nervous Nournl Bin , UoodAclio , Nervous Prostration cmieedljy the use tit alcohol or tobacco , Wnlccfulnoss , Mcntul Do- , BoftaninR of the llrnin resulting in in- nnnity nnd lending to mincrj' , docny nnd dcnth , Promnturo Old ABO , Unrrcnncon , Loea nf power in either BOX , Involuntary IXJBSPS nnd Hporrant. orrhccncnuBodbyuvor 3xortionorthobramsqir. nbuso or ovor-indnlrfonco. Ench box contain ? ono month's treatment. $ IXX ) n box , or six boxot orJ5.UO,6ontlymail prcimidon receipt ot prlca 1VE UUAJIANTEK MIS MOXKH To euro any roso. With each order rocoivooDynt for eis boxes , nccompnniwl with S5XA wo wul send the purclioscr our written Ruamutoo to re fund the money if the treatment dooa not effect a euro. Guarantocn insuixionurDy r-0. F , GOODUANN , Drugzlit Affonta far Omaha , Nob. 266TH EDITION. PRICE $1,00. BY MAIL POSTPAID. mm THYSELF , A GREAT MEDIOA1J WORK ON MANHOOD " " "ExhaustoTvitalKyTf'ervous and Fhi-slcal Dublllt Premature Decline in Man , Eirorsof Youth , an untold miseries resulting from indiscretions or ox cosnes. A book for every mm , young , mlddla-aged and old. It contalm 126 proscriptions for all ncnt and chronic diseases each ono ot which Is ItivaluabI 80 found by the A uthor , whoso experience for Tears is euch as probably noTor before foil to tbo lo of any physic an 800 pages , bound In beautUu French muslin em josaodcovers , full gllt.guanntced to be a finer worn every lonso , mechanical , lit erary and professional , than any other work sold li this country for 12.60 , or tha money will bo refunded In every Instance. Price only ( l.oo by mall , pott paid. Illustrative sample 5 cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Uedlca Association , to the officers of which ho refers. This book should bo read by the young lor tnitrao tlon , and by the afflicted ( or relief. II will benefli all. London Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom this boo ! will not bo useful , whether youth , parent , guardian , Imstractoror clergyman. Argonaut. Addrou the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W , H. Parker , No. i BulQnch Street , Boston Mass. , who may no consulted on all dlseues requiring skill and expoilgnoo. Otironlo andobstluatodlseascsthU hare baiQed the ( kill of all other phya-lir * I clam specialty ; Uuch treated BUcotus-UCIll. full ) without o Instanc allure , WOODBRTDGE BROS , , , w & * ' * * * \ " . ' * 21S OPERA OMAHA , NED. Solo Agonta for the World-Renowned STECK , Decker & Son , and Hallott & Gunutou Pianos. Alsu manufaoturora and wholesale dealers in Organs and Musical Meichandtser ( or Prices. Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlangor , Bavnria Gulmbacher , Bavaria. Pilsner Bohemian. Kaiser Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser .St , Louis. " Anhauser , . . . .k . St. Louis. Besa 1 . .Milwaukee. Schlitz-Pilsner . ' Milwaukee. Krue's Omaha Ale , Porter. D tmostio and Rhine Wine , ED. MAUHKR , IT ) u * v nvHiiHi IUMVIVU5W 'Chartered ' by theBtateof I1IU noli fop the express purpoto 'of ' BlvlrBlmmedlate relfellrj all chronic , urinary and prl- ivato dlscaics. Qonorrhcea , , OUet andSy philis in all their complicated forms , alto nl' diteuies of the i > kln and Blood promptly relieve' ! and pcrmaneotlycured by reme- dict.Uiledln u- 'or'i/i' ; < irj 1 Special I'ractlcf. Seminal > uc * by Dreamt. Pimples on ttnoejcperlmeniittij. The appropriate remedy 'jSfltons * u edln e chc e. ConaultatlonBptr > nooal or * y letter , sacredly confidential. Med- ifiutt cent by Mall and Kirprcu. No mark * on package to tadlcate contenUcraender. Addrcn A Uoakuluurl/SQOIwfw * - - * - > llo CnroOil AVhnt Von Bny. tn upoaklnff of n person's fankc , 1'rny don't forfrot your own ) temembor thrao in houses Riots Should never throw n itnno , f wo have nothing olto to dn But talk of thoaa who tin , Tin bettor wo commence nt homo , And from that point begin , Wo have no right to Judga a mnn Until ho'd fairly tried ; Should wo not llko hit company , Wo know tlo world h wldo. Some may have faults and who UM not ! The old M well M young ) Wo may pnrh p . for aught wo know , Have fifty to their ono. [ 11 tell yon of n bettor plan , And nnd It work full well , To try my own defect * to euro Before of others tell. And though I sometimes hope to bo No worse than porno I know , My own shortcoming bid mo lot The faults of others go. Then lot no all , when wo commence To slander friend or fee , Think of the harm ono word may doTe To these wo little know. llomomber cursor , Bomctlinos , llko Our chickens , "roost at homo ; " Don't npok of others' faults until Wo have nano of our own , own1'hlladolphla [ Call. HONEY FOU THE Flower bonnets are roUvod under now namoa and shapes. Turkey rod caRcn will bo much used for children B morning drot&o * . Kncurlal gronadlno will bo elegantly worn 'both ' for afternoon , ovonliig , and church dress next Bnasnn. Huts nro mostly made with moderately high , round nnd Hut brims , sometimes slightly turned up on ono side Fashionable nvorsklrtt nro now cut with Homo Hqunronofn. and often liavo n plain back brondth gathered slightly and formed into onu pouf. 1'rptty evening dresses nro made of the Bat- lim of last season , veiled or covered with tlio fashionable bonded or epiggod tidlo of this season. An artistic novelty has recently boon tiro- dnced In tlm way f an indoor toilet of dark bluo-grny cloth , with n tabllor and waistcoat of real swallows. Ginghams In monchrono , trimmed with many rou-H of white washing braid , will bo fnvorlto utility droesoa for the mountain and sonjldo this summer. Now lunch nnd breakfast cloths , with nnp- kins to match , come In ftquaros of white or tinted damask , with bright colored or vari colored borders nnd knotted fringes. When two young ladles kiss each other they fulfill a gospel injunction. They nro doing unto each other what they would that men bhould do unto thorn. [ Kloctrlo Light. Small birds nestling In biilllant foliage nro fashionably employed Instead of flowers upon pome colored or white straw bonnets , while hats are much trimmed with smooth feathers. Ottoman or ribbed silk is still nt fashionable as ever , both plain and bro.adod all over in pattern ! ) of satin or volvot. In the latter style it compose * most rich and drossy tullotH. English women have begun to adopt a fash' ion introduced by a graceful Spaniard at a re cent reception In London a kid embroidered jacket , matching the exact shade of the velvet skirt. "Yes , " sighed Amelia , "boforo marriage George profoascd himself to bo willing to dlo for mo , nnd now ho won't got his life Insured In my favor , " and the poor girl burst Into a fashionable flood of tears. Practice of wearing red veils Is getting to bo qulto universal In Now York. It Is adopted oven by florid parsons ; but to such an have high color , the rod veil , either of gronadlno or dotted not , Is n singular choice indeed , and most Inappropriate. It is not n great risk for a rich bachelor to olTcr a prize of a silk dress to the voung lady who can chat half an hour and not say "per fectly lovely , " provided she is not talking about other ladles , when , of course , it would bo perfectly something olso. The old fashioned Gypsy bonnets , with lace plantings inside tlio brim , and laden outside with wreaths and sprays of rare French ( low- era will bo the head covering par excellence for the pretty yonnp girls this spring. Later on , the Gypsy will bo made of shirred crape or silk mull. In many of the now costumon the bodlco Is peaked in front nnd nt the back ; it is contin ued Into n drapery forming the inevitable puff of the tournuro. Tlio skirt is either plain and trimmed across with bruld , tucks or bios bands , or else pleated iu round hollow pleats. In olthor case there la generally ono , two , or three narrow ilutlngs round the foot. A bonnet of very dark preen straw and fillk Is trimmed with bright rod popples ; upon dark blue straw ami velvet U laid a cluster of croamy-whlto and pule pink roses ; nnd ever dark brown a bouquet uf palo yellow prim- rosos. The vlolotto U also made of colored tulle to match , with chonlllo dots ; this , how ever , Is not ulnravs a happy combination , nnd Iu many cases black Is were becoming. Velvet will bo combined with the nlry gnuzos and other transparent tissues worn the coming season. Gauze bodices , It Is said , will have velvet facings turned down to form a bertha. Similar fuclnira , nddod to the short slcovos , nnd cocked bows of velvet to corres pond , are not hero and there , butterfly fashion , among the folds of the cloud like draping. Tinted surah and light H all tin line jinny of the ologunt wraps and stylish vlultos now worn with full drnss , but ax the summer udvnnceB. a'l ' foundation will bo dispensed with , and "all-over" nets of various patterns , matching the Kscnrial , Oriental , Spanish , rose point , applique , Stephanie , and other laces.will alone bo wed for vlsltos , pelerines , half dolmaun.aud Swlns capos , to bo worn ever toilota of the palest colon , Manyladiea nronu'niu choosing the glazed klU glove in preference to tho. < o which are un- dros ed. Silk uud silk linen gloves will , how ever , tnko the loud in popularity whnu the weather bocomca uncomfortably warm. The latest mnkos of these in Jeruoy style , nro very haudnomo In fit , finish , and coloring. Few ladies chooBO the gauntleted gluvea which were EO widely liornldoil. These glovea never were pretty , null ulwuya suggest a whip and reins as their proper accompaniments , Auomonoa are to bo the ( lowers of the sea- eon , that h , us long as they continue to blox- Horn. Artificial unemonea nro uaed on ii.ll- Hnory. nnd If well made , nro very pretty and becoming , besides being rather novel , 'tho nlcolybleudod , varied tints harmonizing well with moit complexion * . The quaintest and almost the ugliest millinery deco ration thus far wurn was noticed lately tu un ultra spring bonnet , and wus nothing more or Ics4 than a group uf fungi mixed with grasses. Mantles nro undergoing imito a transforma tion. They ate criidually becoming longer , wider , uud ore boaldo , BO much trimmed uud draped that they are very near bu ] > ersodliig tha dress altogether ; they uuito all tha com binations until now attributed to drosses. They have pull's ; they are made nf two differ ent muterlula. Wu ecolong mantles madu of plain tinsuo , witli long mid ample sleeves iniido of u material with a pattern , over a ground of the color of the fabric used fur the lU'iiitlo. Bluing mantles are very long nnd very much trimmed. Sum mer ones will ba very short and of varied ahapos. ludlu veiling , a lovely soft material , closely - ly resembling India cashmere , Isthu iiuwt pop ular of the Bbveral graded uud qualities uf volt- Ing * thown thii aensau. It ii oxquUltoly tine , and drupe * tutst gracefully. It In elf colored iuall futhlonubla ehades , light or dark , uud Is inont tllectlvo when ita giirulturu conalaU of wave * of croainy lace. Young UJIoj , bow- t\D , the criming Hummer will Una the dellcjto shade * , mull as dove , fawn , palo ollvo mauve , almond , ami the like , for church and ultoriumn dross. In this coxa the tkirtx are kilted , ttw long aprou o\orrkiit. simply finished with n broad hem , and the druplngu huld by Ottoman ribbons ut euch tldo , the bodice alone lioiug trimmed with pleating * of luca about the nick and ( leaven. The prettiest style at present of arranging the oollfuio where the liulr ia wuru high , u to coil the locks from the buck Into a French twbt , then nt each ldo of the twlit UJK > II the crown of the bead , the bulr ia urruugeu in tha shape of iv figure 8 , and prwiiod clottly to the twin. A Jnoie Jrtfcay funhloii ubupej the hair dona to tua top of thetwUtlnto Japanese coils , through which jewel tipped pliu ore run , Another Jinhlon ia to cell the braids of tha head , and where the curly Lunglry bang cola the braid on Mia crown * of the bond ft connecting link In re quired to cover the space. For Mils purnoio nro mod velvet covered bands two or three rnado incliunto fashion , such M nre seen npon the heads of Greek fieuroi In iiMntlng and sculpture ; but these pruvo often highly unbe coming. There nro shown qulto n astonish ing variety of ornament * for the hair jmt DOW. Side combs , bock com s , half circles , nnd pins without number are Hlnplayad. Those fttmldcd with mock diamonds nro clmrmtnp for full dross occasions , nnd the girls who wear their 1mlr In Miort rings nil n\cr the ho < 1 , mo tiny sldo combi to keep their refnctory locks out of tholr eyes. To many tneso glittering Ornaments nro nlno very fashionable Pgaln , nd when the ( tool in pure nnd finely cut It glitters like dlnmnnds. Tell Mo Mother. Tell mo , mother , toll yoiir daughter , Toll mo truly , do not scoff. Toll mo If you think I mightcr Tnko those domed old flannolBod. fKvnnsvlllo Argus. MUSIOATj AND DUAMAT1C , Mr. Lnwronco Barrett opens nt tbo London Lyceum under the best auspices. Most of the noatfl nro already taken. Mmn. ItUtorl has marked out Lady Mao both , Queen Kli/nboth , Mnrlo Antoinette , Mc- dla and Afnry Stuart for her American tour , which Is to begin In Now York nt the otid of September. Schubort's opus number runs up to 1,113 , , nnd ho died at 31 years. Of 457 songs per haps n few dozen only nro generally known. They now spend 42,000 guidon on his monu- mont. but durlug his lifetime ho received only 82.12 for one of hid mastcrworks. Mary Anderson refused to play the day of tbo diiko of Albany's funoral. Mary deems to have acquired n very midden nnd strong af fection for Kngllsh royalty , nnd her tears on tbo occasion of the dudo'a death were perhaps ns copious and sincere as tboso shed by seine of his relatives. Mine. Matorna and Mo srs. Wlnklnmann nnd Sonrin sailed in the Alaska on Saturday liiut , nnd nro expected to arrive early next week. They will mnko their first appearance In America during the following week In Bos ton. The sale 'or the Wagner coacorts in Now York is Immnnio. ills ! Kmm Juch bus been engaged to sing a solo nt the Chlcngo Musical Fo tt\nl iioxt month. She occupies n iilcho In the teinpln of ouiluring fnmo on the recommendation of Mr. JImmlo Morrlfiioy , who says aim la the rival of L'uttI , Inasmuch as Mr. Mnrrlnsoy used t < i cry In the wilderness of J'.mma Abbott , It Is presumed bo knows wliat bo la talking about. ' Sardnu has completed n now drama for Sarah Bernhnrdt. The scene is placed iu tbo period of the llonatssanco. The cost of cus- tumea andsconory to mount It properly is esti mated at 8,000. M. Dcrenbourg , the man ager of the I'orto Saint Mar tin Theatre , where It was to bo Riven , objected to the cost , and rather than nudortnko its preparation resigned his position. Colonel Mapleson announces n short reason of opera nt the Now York Academy of Music , which will open on the llth lust , with "jin- dn , " with Mine. Patti appearing iu the title role. On the following Wednesday evening Mine. Gcrater will make her reappearance ns In ' 'Elislr d'Amoro " Adlna , ana on Friday OTOniDg"Itomeo doGlulletU" will bo produced with Mine. Patti nsGiullcttn , and Signer Ni- colinl as Jlomeo. Although nearly 72 years of ago , Mr. 0. W. Couldock , who plays the part of Dunstan with the "Hnzel Klrko" Madison Square company , feels on strong and robust as ho did ton years ago. There are but two actors on tbo Ameri can etngo to-day older than the gontlomnn. They ere Mr. Win. Warren , of the Boston museum , and Mr. John Gilbert , of Wallack's theater. Now York. Both have turned 70 by two or throe years. A curious table has boon complied showing the demands made on the vocalists engaged at the Imperial Opera In Vienna. Tim num bers following the names hero given show how often during 1883 each vocalist sang , while thojo in parenthesis Indicates the number of times tbo terms cf their contracts would have justified the management Iu calling upon thorn : Motorna , 30 (04) ( ) ; Wlnkolmann , 37 (50 ( Scnrla , 72 (76) ( ) ) Dock , 48 (08) ( ) : Walter , 31 (45 ( Koichmann , 40 (05) ( ) ; Papier , 73 (105) ( ) ; Blanch CO (72) ( ) , oto. " At the sixth closing exhibition of the Royal Conservatory of Muslo nt Leipzig , the per formance of Professor 1'dwin Iligloy , for merly of Middlebury , "Vermont , seems to have mot with n flattering reception. The distin guished critic , Paul Humoycr , commenting on the exorcises In The Lolpzigor Togoblatt , re- murks : Bach's Doric Fugue was rendered by Mr , Hlgloy with complete corroctuoHS , as well on the technical as on the musical side. Ills playing was distinguished throughout by good phrasing and rlij tlimlcal certainty. " Pro fessor Iligloy will gu to Worcester , Mass. , on his return to this country this month. Mr. Josopli Jotlorson will travel only 20 weeks next season. Ho Is conducting his af faire at present upon n basis which is avoided by all other other theatrical stars. It is his Intention to play from September until the last of December , which is generally consid ered the worst part of the dramatic season , particularly iu an election year. Seventeen weeks out of the 20 which nro laid out for his tour nro said to bo arranged exclusively among ono night stands. It Is Mr. Jefferson s Impression that ho U strongest in the smaller towns along that somewhat vnguo and far- reaching region known as "tho road , ' Ho will travel In a private car arranged upon the hotel priudplo , thus avolUlngtho necessity of routing hln company out at nil hours of the night to tnko unseemly trains. The hotel car , so far 03 its employment in theatrical affairs Is concerned , hni worked n great clungo In tbo system of travel. The comfort of the actors la greatly enhanced , both In tbo matter of eating and bleeping , A Talc of Two Cities. A Now York girl visited Boston Wont to wulk ; but the lint street she cross ed on Took her out of the way , So tha traveled all day And arrived at the spot she got lost on. A Boston girl came to Now York And tried eating ice creum with fork , But the tax and the strain Proved too nm > b for her brnln So she went buck to baked beans nnd park. [ The Judge. PHPPUIIAIINX DROPS , Henry Irvlng'a criticism on Indianapolis Is : "It Is a olio-homo town and has too muuy fat lading A St. LouU man smoked cigarettes until ho fainted. Nobody over hoard of a Chicago man fainting. Iu Siberia a man can buy n wife for eight dog * , but In this countay It Is doga sometimes that prevent a man from getting n wife , It la ouMer to put a pair of cull buttons Into n now pair of four ply cuffs with your finger nails cut down below tha qu'ck tatn to tell when spring has really nut Iu to utuy. [ Puuch , A inanufacturorof white wluo vinegar claims that bis compound In ao much bettor than tha old-fuahioneu concoction that he Inn adopted the Mgu of "Who will care for mother now- [ Mo ton Courier. Now York hits a boclal atrouy called "pink dlmiora. " but wo do not know why. unions it is to bn distinguished from tilt ) Monday meal * , when the cook helps with the wash. They uro always blue dinners , A unui ut Hot Spring * , Arkansas , has been fined g-'OO for killing an editor. That follow will ba more careful hereafter , Hud bo killed uuy other aort of u man ho would have beau asked out to drink uud elected to an of fice. fice.Fur Fur western folks cau stand good dealbut wbou it comoi to homo stealing think it U lime to draw the line , which thuy do by hitch- lug u cloth * ) Una to the thief ami throwing ono end mer , thu limb of u troo. Thou till help draw it. "Wai not Mr. George Washington John- eon afraid to dloj" asked a gnntloiuau of one i'f the friends of u departed colored man. "Oh , Lot" was the reply , "ha took moru'n ten dollar * worth of patent inedlaona durlu' bin loo' Mcknuta. " About the mail punctious workman we over he rd of wtw the carpenter , In one of our now houaiw , who had b.s hammer ! railed to utrlke a nail lust u the whUUea blow for noon , arrested it iu U J midooune. quietly l&ld it down , and made dajh fur hi * dinner pall. [ Burlington JT'ree Pn , "Nelu. How Bilborwunn , I don't buy dot ring off you for no hundort dollar , n' I ilon' do no plzncss mlt you votovor , don't It. " "Vy I didn't buy dot ring off Sllbotnmnn , h ? Veil , Sllbormannnscoln' to tnarty my vlfo vunco ; un' ho didn't. Von m n was ochtnart- cr at I , I don' ' 'o ' no pizness mtt him riln't UV { Adapted from the gorra n , for Puck. A Tuoon , A. T. , paper says that ono after noon recently whou the etui-bound passenger train WM about ton miles -out a rare mlrgo of the entire train wai roflsctod on the western horizon , ami could bo seen moving at n rapid rate for moro than one milo along in the nlr , The color of the caw wns very distinct , and the entire train no well outlined that it wn Tiiadlly Identified on its approach to the depot. The sight wni witao'sod by n largo number of persons. "it won n Cosa avenue car. The man In the corner had observed to the passenger opposite that It was "a very pretty day , very pretty day , nlr. " "I should hardly call It pretty , " answered the other In a gruff tone. "It a fine day , that's what you moan. " "I suld pretty , " rotated tha first speaker. "Audi " his vls-a-vls. " 'Gontlo- ald line , growled - - - men , " said an old fanner with n carpet atchcl , "It's n bontofoo ) day for butchorln * hogs. " "It's a heavenly day for the matlnoo , " llspod n sweet young thing of fifty. "Good day , " said the first speaker , abruptly , M ho bolted from the car ' 'I'll BOO you again. " "S'mother day , " murmured the ministerial looking man who had not yet spoken. Detroit Free 1'rosn. The latest poker story hai fur IU hero a neat , elderl ? gontlemnn with n portly figure , long white heard , and n penchant for white vcsti. This courtly old goutlomnn happens to bo a stammerer. Ono night ho returns homo with his humlnMiio , long whlto beard nnd beau tiful expanse of > est pattern , n matted , inoppy mi : 3 ot tobacco julca nnd tobacco quids , " de " bin wlfo "whero have "Why , my r , says , you been ! " "Boon p p-playing p p.pukor , " ho rcplloi. "But you are n sight to nehold , " exclaims - claims the wlfo , "your board nnd vest nro pos itively reeking with tobacco juice nnd old plugs. " "C-c-couIdn't help it , " expostulates the old gentleman. "Oh , but couldn't you turn your head to ono tldo when you spit ? " suggests the wlfo. "N-n-no , my d-denr , " re plied the husband , "n-n-not with these f-f-fel- lorsl" Cru y QtilH , The crazy quilts nro now tbo rage In which tbo ladles all engngo ; They sow nnd stitch till hours Into ; All seams nro crooked , nouo nro straight. Did you over BOO n crazy quilt ? Black , rod , blue grocn , all mixed with gilt , All in n cluster , nil remote , Kinged , striped and specked , llko Joseph's coat. A winding stair it represents , Or Bomotlmo.s llko n zigzag fence ; Both length and breadth thoao nooka extend , Hnvo no beginning or no oud. These blocks nro neither square nor round , All In n jutnblo , upsldo down. Of nil the quilts it will outrank The crazy quilt it is a crank. CONNUBIAL ! 1'IKS. .T. J. Goodlet , nged 70 years , nnd Alice Norton , nged 22 years , were married recently nt the bride's residence In Anderson county , Kentucky. The .uiclont leap-year girl who "wouldn't marry the best man living , " has just engaged herself to a street loafer , She stuck to her word. [ Kentucky State Journal , Mary Jane Baldwin , n Lang Island girl , who , because ono of her rejected ndmlrora uuicidod , vowed she would "never marry all the days of her life , " was married at midnight last Sunday. "My girl has given me up , " ho said ; "All on account of her mother , But 'there's just as good fish in the sen , ' And I must fish for another. " [ Kentucky Ststo Journal. Kverybody itchcn and burns and aches and writhes with the intonsost desire to marry. r Blonde nnd Brunette of the Sunny Climo. Great heavens pirlal Lot up on buckwheat cake3. [ Bradford Sunday Mull. If a foreign dude cornea to Chicago and ex pects to marry a millionairess , simply because ha parts bis hair In the middle , wears glasses , cano and corsets , ho will bo shocked to hoar that Chicago girls are partial to real men. [ Carl Pretzel's Weekly. Quite a party had assembled at the residence of a young lady in Rah way , N. Y. , last Thursday , to witness her marriage. She had driven out , as she said , to tbo residence of the minister to bring him around. They waited for throe mortal hours and no bride camo. In vestigation showed that eho and tbo minister bad boon married. A wealthy Scandinavian from Bismarck , Dakota , arrived in St. Paul , Minn. , last weak , and Bald ho wanted n wlfo. At the depot hemet mot for the first time a man to whom ho of fered 3200 if ho would find hitiui wlfo on abort notlco. The man took him to bis own house and introduced him to his daughter. The bar gain was quickly made , and ns a guarunteo of good faith the man from Dakota transferred § 40,000 worth of Bismarck property to his intended - tended bride. The marriage took plnco on Saturday lust. A Polish marriage broker in Now York ( has sued another son of Poland to recover $370 for procuring a suitable lady for him to marry. She was to bo young , well built , pretty , and , if possible , wealthy. Fur procuring eucb n one ho was to receive S100 and 1(1 per cent of her reputed wealth. The defendant answers by Raying that the ludyprovldodliy | the broker , while youiif and worth $2,700 In her own right , is neither pretty nor well'put together ; in fact is homely , which ho alleges is the roj eon she hau not married long ago , Tufty. She bad no wealth of ( lowing trosRCs ; She hnd no wondrous store of tin ; Her hair nnd purno , the bard confesses , Wcro rather thin , She had no soul-ensnaring glances , And in her cheek was no or a dimple , She stir.ed no po t' > i errant fancies , And looked half ulmplo. But yet flio won the hearts of nil men Ai'd boil moro oilers iu a week , ' From good and bad , from chort and tall men , Than fame c n speak. You woudor tbon whut wes her dowert Well. I will try to toll you briefly ; It was her taffy-giving pow r. Foremost and chiefly. [ Harvard Lampoon , FANCY FOOD. The spring chicken now makea tbo broil. JJfJ Broiled shad roe is now In order for break fast. Spring lamb la almost good enough to oat now , Lettuce improves in quality aj .spring nd vancon. Oyotora are losing tholr fine quality very rapidly , There | s promised an abundance of shad this your , Lovcra of calory have but a few moro days to enjoy it. Best of salads now Is that of new tomatooj and lettuce. Boar moat fells iu roarko * n twenty-live couts a pound , Buckwheat cakes have been put away on the ehulf for 1S85. The butchers are tolling all Borta of stories about Chicago dressed. An odd inoia , made of terrapin , oysters and mutbrooms , linn buou introduced. Artificial Worceatenhtre eauco can usually > > o detected by tbo intense boat. Shad roe broiled wltn llhlne wino is includ ed among "delicious breakfast dUhes , " Gibletaatewi'd after the Swiss style , and v. Him touch of wine , are very delicious. .Hotel Mill. Hauler KKCH anil Bonnets. The layi that pontivo poets dug Of Kaetflr eggs uud hard-shell upriug , In harp , staccato sonnets , Are rhythmic , rollicking ami rare , But none can ever quite compare To the symphony in bonnets. JOIiLY i Ai ' * * > ? > whoso father was advised to urtnlt ale because the doctor suld ha was ruu uowu , wa * cauaht pouring o bottle of ale into M elr clock "Why , Johnny , what are you d'-Ingl" ' "I om firing the clock , momma ; it liaa run down. " "What was Iu tha ark of the covenant which the prip ts carried on their nhoulderal' ' Mtknd n Sunday school toucher of her cliws of bay * . Up went n Rmnil hitnd. You mny toll , Jimmy , " she said. "Ncmh and hl family , and two of orery HvlnK cronturo , " was the prompt reply. Ono Sunday a Snndcrlnnd , Mass , , superin tendent , after the lp non was closed , rnkod the llttlo boys the following miestlon from the mailer quottlor book : "Who knows hotter than father or mother ) " A llttlo five-year old promptly answered , "I do. " Boyhood is candid , and middle ngo , though it may think the n.imo thlnys , is reticent. "What part , " asked the Sunday school toahor , "of tho'Burial of Sir John Mooro'do you llko boat ! " Ho was thoughtful for a moment , and then replied : "Fow and short were the pray ers said. " Tull for tlio Shore. Lot us all pull out of the sea of slcknrts and despondency , and pet onto n rock fotuuln- tion of RoodJ stronjr health , llimlock Wood HitUn are tlu thing to pull for. They are ono of tlio most renowned health restoratives over manufactured. THE CHICKENS * MOTHEU. "WhichTho lion That Imtd the Eggs or the iloii Tlint Hatched Tlioia ? Cincinnati Crmmorclal Onzctto. Yesterday Lewis Jandor , the keeper of the East End garden , appeared before 'Squire Schwab and swore out a warranl for tlio arrest of Mrs. Katherine Peters on the charge of provocation. The trou ble between 'the ' two neighbor grow oul of the division of an egg , which both claimed , but to which neither had an ex clusive right. Mrs. Peters owned a fine brown Leghorn hon , to which she was greatly attacked , and Jaudor owned n largo Brahma rooster. The rooster and the hen were constant companions , either the rooster was on a visit to the hen or the hon was over seeing - ing its neighbor rooster. Yesterday a fine largo fresh egg was found by _ a son of Mro. Peters , who started to take it homo , when ho was caught by Jandcr and compelled to give it up. When the boy told his mother she immediately wont to Jandor and demanded of htm the egg. Ho re fused , and soon a free for all was indulg ed in , the winner to take the egg. It was nip and tuck , and finally 'Squire Schwab was called on to decide who was the real owner of the egg. Ho stated that it was a question of law on which ho was not posted , and the matter is referred to the public for a decision. SCUOFULA. A mcdicno that destroys the germs of Scrofula and lias the power to root it out is appreciated by the af flicted. The remarkable cures of men women and children as described by tes timonials , prove Hood's Sarsaparilla a re liable medicine containing romcdia agents which eradicate Scrofula from the blood. 100 doses § 1,00. Sold by all dealers. C. I. Hood & Co. . Lowell , Mass. Tight Trousers. Philadelphia Il'cord. ' Here , conductor , this young man's fainted. " The words wore uttered in a tone of great excitement by a stout woman of about 40 years of ago , last evening in a Columbia avenue car , and as cho spoke a alitn youth who was seated beside her in a corner of the car fell forward and dropped in a heap upon the straw. With the assistance of a gentleman the conductor lifted the senseless youth on to the seat , and two minutes later , as the car passed a drug store , pulled the bell strap , and followed by a half a dozen in terested passengers , five of whom were women , carried him into the store , where ho was placed on a lounge in the back room. A doctor was hurriedly summoned , and after a disappearance of about ten min utes the young man and the physician came out of the room , which had boon closed , arm in arm. The young man's face was still pale , and ho walked with a very perceptible tremor. After . few moment's rest the young man got on another car and wont away , and the doc tor said : "This is the fourth case this month I have seen of the deadly effects of wearing tight trousers , and had that young man not been attended to promptly ho might have boon in great danger. " "Tight trousers ? " queried a bystander , incroduously. "Yes , sir ; tight trousersl Why you can not imagine how often wo doctors have to treat cases of illness brought on by no other cause. Take that young man , for instance ; his trousers were at least four sizes too small for him ; not too short , of course , but too tight , and for hours and hours ho had been walking about a pressure of at least 275 pounds to the equaru inch on his oloxii vivisectoria arteries , which uro situated in the calves of the human legs. This tremendous pressure forces the blood into channels not able to carry it witluut undue straining , and although the victim feels no pain ho is liable at any moment to topple over in a swoon , and unless relief is promptly given a long and serious illness is likely to follow. It is a similar trouble to that experienced when it was the fashion for ladies to wear very tight sleeves , except that in the case of tight trousers the material is heavier , the arteries larger , and Hw result apt to bo moro dangerous and difficult to roliovo. " "I'm All Broke Up ! " This la tbo usual exclamation of one nllllctod with rheuinatluin , or luiiiaucun. lUieutnntio people are Indeed entitled to our elacoro sym pathy and commiseration. Speedy relief Is offered them In Vr. Thorna ? I'chctrie Ml. It la the sworn enemy of all qchea and pains. P. J , Sundell , a Scandinavian , on his way from Lodi , D , T. , to Moscow , Idaho , was knocked down and robbed of SIbO on the river bank near the foot of Ne braska street , Sioux City , about 4 o'clock last Tuesday afternoon. Weak people should use Samaritan Nervine , the great nerve conqueror. "My wifo'a 3 years nervous affliction , " says Rev. J. A. Edie , of Beaver , Pa , "was cured by Samaritan Nervine. " 81.50 at Drugqists. The Des Moines News says : "The plain truth ia that many laborers and mechanics 010 nut of work , and the city atauds iu far moro uoedof employers than employes. " l'M Acid 1'lionplmto In Debility From Overwork. Dr. G. W. COLLINS , Tipton , Ind. , says : "I used it in nervous debility brought on by overwork in warm weather , with good results. " AH aged couple by the name of Neoly , living in Tipton , came very _ near being tuUbcated by coal gas Friday night lost , They were unconscious four hours from the time they were discoverd. Instructive Sotuo of the testimonials from different people - plo relative to Thortuit' Adictric Oil , and the lellef It has given them when dlatrtuaed with headache , earache , and touchacha are M lutorettlug reading ax you will find. This be ing a standard inodfciue , U Bold everywhere bydruggista. < The largest Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prices i DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , Just received an assortment Car tmrpaBaiiirr anything in this market , comprising the latest nnd most taaty designs mnnufncturou for thia spring's trrulo and covering a range of prices from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive. Parlor Goods Now ready for tlio inspection of cus tomers , the newest novelti' s in Suits and Odd Pieces. Draperies. Complete stock of nil the latest styles in Turcoman. Mndrns and Lnco Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Elegant Passenger Elevator to all Floors. CHARLES SHIVERICK. , 1206,1208 nnd 1210 Fnrnnm Street , - - - - OMAHA , UANUFACrtJKKR OF OFiBTUIOTLT ra ,110(11 ( AHB TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1819 nd 1320 llarnoy Street and 403 S. I8th'Btroe , PH i _ llustnted Ontaloiruo furnished free upon application * u li 6 U - ( SUCCHJSSOU TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) LBEV9E AND CEMENT. Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS IN Lock Oomp'y FIEE MD BUBGLAfi PEOOF SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL TOUR ATTENTION TO O ] It Is the best and cheapctt food tor stock or any kind. One pound li equal to throe pounds of corn stock led with Ground Oil CaM la the Kail ana Wlcter , Instead ol running down , will Increase Iu weight and be in good marketable conation In tno spring , Dairymen , M xrell as others , who use It CAD tottlty to Its merits. Tryit andu47 ( ur > our tiUcB. Prlco { 25.00 rwr Ku : uo cliar o lor sacks. Addre * ) r nvo Ny Orn ba Ksb. PROPRIETOR ICO and IDS South llth Street , Onnha , Nebraska. "Correspondence Solld'cd. " CLA 1024 North Eighteenth Street , Oraahn , on Street Cur Line. Lnber Liie , a. U\J\JX.Uj II J.IJ.W.W it Wj Grades and prices as qood nnd low ns nny in the city. Please try me. TLE NEW HOUSE OP OARRABRANTiCOLE Fine Havanu , Key West and Domoatio Oigara. All Standard Brnnda Tobaccos , Trial Orders Solicited , Saiisfaction Gnaranieed , 113 ° 7 FAUNAM BTMAHA - Dr. CONNAUCHYGN , (03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878-Catarrh , Deafness , Lung oiid Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patioutt Ourod at Homo. Write for "Tun MKDIOAL-HISSIONARY , " for the People , Free , Oonsultation and Correspondence Gratia. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 220. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , soya : "Physician ol rvoa ADliity aim Marked Success. " CONORESSMAN 1IURPIIY , Davenport , ir evan u.inorablo Jlan. Fine Success , Wonderful Cures " Honi" . B tn B THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 and l4lhDodRoSt. i 1 OMAHA. KE