Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    * * " > " . - * " * " * " " *
Railway Time Table
Tha following are the times o ( the nrrtvat ml de
\rtnro ot trains by central standard tlmt , al tin
locil dcpoti. Trains leave tratufer depot ton tnln
atlltt and arrive ten minutes later ,
tmoiso , nckUxarox AKD QOMCT ,
AftftlV *
( : < 0ptn Chicago Kiprtss 0:40 : RI
: 5 a m Fist Kali. 7:00 : p t
11:10 : a m Hall and Express , 0:1.1 : p i
8:2i p m Pacific Exprcts , 6:36 p I
etneiso , murAtntM AXD BT. rACb.
lU : p m Kxprcra , 0:40 : a i
0.4 a m Kxprcts , 0:55 : p t
cincieo , ROCK ( BUND AKD rxctno.
(39 p m AtUntto Express , 0:40 : a I
9.60 ft m Day ExprtM , O.M p t
7:16 : am * Des Molnts Aoobmmcxlatlon , 4:40 : pr
At local depot only ,
, ST. i/ouia
BlSSani Mall , 4:45 : pi
liCOptu Cannon Ball , 11:15 : a I
At Transfer only ,
tM : m Exprcsn , O.Mpt
,9 5 ra r-ftdnio Express , 0:46 : ft I
ram nouz CITT AND ricmc.
m 81. Paul Kxprens , OM a I
m Accommodation , 0:60 : p i
1T9 : p m Western Express , 8:39 : a I
1:44 : a m Pacific Kiprors , 4:34 : p I
7:49 : nm Local Express , 6:54 : a I
12:14 : a m Lincoln Kxprcis , -
At Tran for only.
Leave S:24-9:24-10-2l-ll:24 : : : a. m. 1:54-2:21-3:31 : : :
4:24-5:24-0:24-7:24 : : : and 11:04 : p , m Sin day , 8Z : !
10:24 : a. ru. 1:24-3 : : ' 4-5:24-7:01 : : nml 11:01 : ] > . in. Ai
lira to minutes bcfuro leaving time.
Mrs HJ HiltOBH
, , , , , D. .
222 Mirtdln Bro ' ! * < " > r. Council tiluQn.
Consumers ot Water
City "Water-works Com7 ;
Request or tlio City Council ,
for ft 80 lUys" oxtMiMon M cvUoncod by resolution
pisjcJ March 13 , 13 ' 4 , hereby aim uncos tint I
will put lu Borvlao plpej to the c irb ot the ( tree
on the line of Its milti' , foru'l ' par tie ) who doslt
connections maju with the etrcct mninn , and h
will maku app.lcntlon therefor totho company b (
( ore the expiration ol ealj 3J days' extension ,
APRIL 18 , 1884 ,
At the following price ? , payable in advance :
One-half Inch Service 1'lpo . $8 ' .
Fho-elghthlncliS rvlce PIpi . B I
Three-quarter Inch Sjrvlco Plpo . 10'
Se\on-ol < ; lir InchSo'vico Pipe . 13 ' ,
Ono Inch Service ripe . 15 I
Thejo prices Includg tlio cost of opcnlntr or
rfoslnjr the street , tapping the ntre t water tnali
furul hlni ; and putting tn extra strong lead nervii
pipe , furniihing arid puUInt ; i i cur > top , stop be
and co > or complete , and miking all necessity co
nectlons between the street nat'r m in n > id tl
C'Jrh ot the street , wh'oli ' ire about one-hall tr
cert to the consu ner o < doing the came work.
In view of the conto.npU fd pavln ? of ccrta1
streets In the city iwtliv Rro recommended to inal
application immediately , at tlio olHco ot the cot
pony ,
26 Pearl Street ,
in order to aiv the necessity and avoid the I
cron-ed oxponno ot breaking up the ttrcct alter pa
lag lucn done.
At tlie well-known Establiahme ]
209 Upper Broaaway , the
Of Council Blutlj. Notice our reducoa Trice Li
We give
15 pound * K i tra O Sugar for . $1
11 pounds Granulated Sugar . 1
25 pound * Choice Outmeal . . . 1
25 pounds Navy Beans . 1
SO pounds B st Ruli. Starch . 1
12 pounds Carolina lllce . 1
12 pounds Choice r run > 8 . 1
25 bars Buffalo Soap . , . 1
Extra Lake Trout , per pound .
Choice Jllnci Meat p > r pound .
1 dozen Mackerel . . .
Colorado Hour , Winter , per : * n t . 2
10 pounds ( i liiL'er ] . . . ; ' . . 1
40 pounds b inliy . , . 1
ft t'allim keLSvnin . „ . 1
White Fish , per kit .
MackerU , .
! I
Allgradon , nccordlnK to qualltj150 to SCO ]
Wo alxo carry a full lli.u of Men's , ladles' a
Ch' ' 1 < 1 rcn'a fine Shoes And tlenV Kino Hoot * at vi
lour prices. Also * full line ni Tinware and Reno
nicrchai dlec. Call nn us and be ccai lnuud tha y
caii8t > o ii.oney ki dejllni ; ulthuj. ( loodf ilclU ci
free Inanv iurt f thn ( ! W.
In u word , K'ii ar nound to pell and challenge
laudKi'lu ' cuinLvtltlon In this couiitv.
200upmr | Hrnadirar
Open 10CO : a. m. , 2'SQ p. in anil 7SO ; p. m. , MI
< .av , Wudncadnt niul Friday evenli go exclusively
the ly iinpta Club.
if-TiHioio on Monday , Woiliiuaddy and Friday c
y > No objectionable diiraftcruw 1 ailmltted.
II II MAUTK.VS. puni'finrrc
"Tho wicked sluill bo turnatlinto he
and HID nation ? that forget God , A
the eamo uhall drink of the wino of t
wroth cf GoJ , v.-liich 'B poured out wil
out inixtute into the cup of indignatic
and ho ahull bo toimuiitud with firon
britnstono in the prcsonce of the In
ungels and i < the prcaonce ot the Lan
Justice o ! the Peac
Um&tia ( Jonnoil Ju ) ) & ,
r.t al out > te c llco ton a cni Ol 1 Wb v
Ovur Ba.lii' '
THOU , ortictn , , . roxer.
OOCuoU I * .
P raicn and oniottlo l
II. Eicell , D ,
or other tumors remoT&t wlihou
bni'u ' or drMUoi , ' < f Uood.
Oi r l l r'i > r , , t r .14 ipt'oue Olfico
6 I'oi ! e > i ii i , , ffj
ill II t
The etpcrlenco In the trottraent ot Cancer wit
Swill's Spcclflo ( S. S H. ) ould c in to narrant
In saying that It will euro this nmchilrc ili-0fc < nirgi
Persons afflicted ar ln < Itod to orrrnpond within
I liellme Swift's S cctfHhM s ved my life , I ha
virtuallly lost the usool tlio upper partofi&y bed
and toy anna irom the poisonous cfftctr of a Iirp
CAni-or on my ncrk , from which 1 hkd uTcnl ( for S
years. S f. S Mul rcllCTCd me of all rorcDMt , an
the pnlron Is being forced outof my i ) item. I l
loon be well.
W. II. nonmo-T , Datlnboro , Oa.
Two months apn iny attention was cnllftl to tli
o.f e of a woman aflllctod with a cAtieer on her fhon
tier at least five Inches In clrcumtcrenco angry , pah
fill , and itlvlnir the patient no rest day or inuhl ti
tU months. I obtAlnt-d a supply of hnltt's Specie
far for h r. She has taken ( Uo bottle , and the u n
H entirely braleil up , only \ery mull nrab romtli
lag Mul her hialth Is bolter than for five jcars pas
stems to Iq perfectly cured.
KRY. Jfmn CiunRLL , Columbu * , Oa.
I hmft seen tcruarkah'o results from use of Swift
Specific on a cancer Aounj man here Ins bic
atlli'twl fUoycam with the most angr ) looking ia
lnufancfrsle > ersawandMi orlj dcvl TinIV !
battle n ailo A wunderf nl change , and alter llro'-o
tics were taken , ho Is nearly or quite well. H Is trul
U. F. CRUMUT , M. ! > . , Oglcthorpe , fla.
Our troatlw on Blood and Skin Diseases inallc
free Mittpiiuukiits.
Mittpiiuukiits.THKSWIrTSpnCIFlO CO.
Draw cr 3 , Atlanta , Qa ,
N Y. Ofllno , 169W.2.M St. . bctuccu 8th and 7th AT. .
The mo ol the term " Hhc
Line" In connection with U
corporate name of a crcntroM
conx cys nn Idea of ust u hat
required by the traxellvg pul
He a Short Line , Quick tin
and the boat ol accoramod
tlons all of which ran Inn
Ished by the greatest railway lu America ,
And St. Paul.
U owns and operates over 4 , MX ) rutlrs of
Northern Illinois Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
Dakota ; and as ts main Hues , branches and oonno
tlons reach all the great business centres of tl
Northnootand KarWest , it naturally answer * tl
dtscrlptlou of Short Line , and Hoot Route between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. 1'auland SIlnncapoll .
Chicago , llllwaukco , La Crosao and Wtnnna.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen anil CHondala
Chicago , Milwaukee , Kail Clalro and Stlllwatci'
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Bca\cr Dam and Oshkosh.
Clilcagn , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Oeonomowoo
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madhon and Pralrlodu Ch'.e
Chicago , Milwaukee , Ouatonna and Falrlhault.
Chicago , Uololt Jaucs\lUo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , r.lgln , llockford and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar lUpIds.
Chicago , Council Hlutfs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Davenport , Calnur , St. I'aul and Mlnncapolia.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In
norld are run on the mainlines ofthe CMICACt
and every attention is paid to passengers by court
ous employes ot the company.
8. s. UKimiru , A. v. n.
Qfn'l Manager. Uen1 Pass. Agec
.J.Ci.xKS , QRO II. lltAFFOUU ,
Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis ar
The new extension of this line from Wakeflclil
VA.LLEY of the OA
through Concord and Colcrldgo
.eachcs the best portion of tlio State , Special <
union r.i'os for bud lookers over this line
V'.iyni , Norfolk and Hnrtlngton , and \ la Blair to
irindpal poli.ta on the
Tnins over thtC. , ( St. P. M. it O. Uillway ti 0
igtan. Sioux Lity , I'onca , Haitlngton , Wayne a
fortolk ,
'or fiomont , Oakdac , Nollgh , and through to V
43TFor rates and all Information call on
F B WlUTNnV , Ocnorol Acont ,
Str i ; t Tlulldhif , Oor. 10th and Farnara Ht
Omaha , N
fVTickec cut DO secured at depot , corner I1
Fifteenn Ball Pool , Carol
.8 South Sd Street..St Louis , 411 Delaware Stn
Kaueas City Mo. , 1321 { toughs St. Omaha , Nel
rTSenil for Catalogues and Price Llatfl.
Nebraska Comic
Iron Fencing
Ciestlnsni , Ualuntradon , Verandas , OlHco and Hi
lUlflngs , Window anil Cellar ( luards , Kto.
Hotica to Qattlo Mo ;
IPO Head ot 8totr > Three Years Old ,
200 ' ' " Two <
2U " " HeUera , Two "
150 " ' HeerM , One "
920 " " HUfcrs , Ono "
described cattle aroall well brad I (
cattle , straight and smooth These CJttle wil
Bolil In lots to tult imrchvtcrn , and at reasnni
lues. For further particular * , call onoraddies
Waverly , Bremtr Co , low ;
P. S. Also your * graded hull * . niT-Jmo-St
a to aatia. sstxroot ,
. . . . . . .NKII.IUHK
ItclKlnu Uoyul and U S , Mall Hteain
T/iCllhincleniMiiy , Italy , Holland ami fn
tftcfrna Outward , . ' 0 ; Prepaid ( torn An twerp
Kxour.lon , $10 , Inchidiuirbedaliig , etc , i'l ' Cabin ,
KxouniUiii , ilCW : ailooo from * . * > 0to | 90 ; Exou :
/fa-Peter / Wrl.'ht 4s Sons , Oeri. Agunta. f.5 B. .
vttyN. V.
. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. K. i
man A Co. , 8MN ICth Street , C'iui ha ; D. K.
hall , OtuahaAKcnU ,
rQUPrrrl. . ACIil PH ,
it UU1.M S. o i lattiam SU Xvw Y
The Following ContrnctH Have Hoc
lid \\j tlio City Ooiinull :
For tlio gnuling ot Sixth nronuo froi
Snvouth to Eightn otront , nt 27 ccntc
Eighth to Ninth street , 28 cents ; Seventh
onth nvcnuo , from Snvouth to Eight !
street nt 28 cents , mid from Eighth t
Ninth street nt 29 cents , to" lU'gati Iroe
niul McOorrisk.
For the grading of Sixth nvonuc , froi
Po.irl to Sixth street nt 25 cents ; Suvcnt
nvonuo from Pcnrl to Sixth ntreot nt 2
cents ; Fifth nvcnuo from Ninth ntrcot t
Union nvonuo nt > 13 conta , to A. M
For the setting of curbing on Sixtl
nvonuo from Ponrl to Ninth street , nn
on Seventh nvonuo from Pearl to Nint
street , nt $1.04 ] > or linu.vl foot ; and fo
guttering on snmo street * , at 'M cents nu
foot , to J. it O. P. Wiekhnm.
At tliu Htoolc Yardfi.
The following wore the shipments fret :
the stock ynrda inndo yestordny.
Ilnwkshurat & Co. , two cars cnttlo , R
head , nud two c.ira hogs Ci head ovc
Chicago & llock Island.
0. A , L'poll , four cars cattle 01 lion
over Rook lalnnd.
0. lludhu , three cars cattle , Cl head
three cars hogs , 218 head , ever Roc
0. E. Welch , ono car cattle , 19 head
ono car hogs , 02 ho.vl over Ruck Island
N. S Crows , ono car mules , 20 hen
ever Union Pacific.
Had Blood
in inclined to cnmo to thoBurfaco in tlio Sprir
because of the effort niaJo liy good old iniitlu
nature to thiow it cilT If'imturo does in
have help at hii time , the poison may go b.u
to the Bystcin niul imidiico all inntinor ( if 111
lint by tlio niil ( it Swift'H Spi'cilio tlio bn
blooii Is nil driven out thnnigh tlio poroa <
the sltin , niul permanently loliariHtliatrtmbl
This remedy if ) n purely vegetable and ham
loss preparation , but BII ) > ( > worful an nntldol
to blood poison , that it liiuh nnd roota it n
nut. Do not bo deceived by Mercury an
Putiwh mixtures , which drlvn in the poiioi
only to coino out again in n worse form.
I have cured jwtmanniitly Blood Tnint i
the third generation by the USD of Swift
Specific , nftor I had most signally fulled wit
i lercurv nnd I'otnsh.
F. A TOOSIKII , M. D. , IV.rry , Ga ,
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases ninilc
iiKSwirrSpECii'io Co. , Drawer 8 , Atlant
Real KbUno'
The following deodd wore tiled for r
cord in the recorder's office , Api
0 , reported for TUB BEK by P. J. M
iVfahon , real estate ogont :
Cocolin Toitevin to M. A. Eastwood <
al , lot 5 , block 28 , Neol. , § 000.
Sutuuel Beatty , Jr. , to W 0. Battolli
lot 4 , block 2 , Hancock , $1.500.
Lewis 0. Hart to W. H. Benjamin , 1
8 , block 23 , Avoca , $000.
Catherine Nuachy to Jacob P. R <
chart , lot 1 , block 2 , Judson'a 1st add
Neolu , $500.
A. M Battollo to J. A. Hake , pa
i n i , 5 , 70. 39 , § 380.
W. R. Griilith to Austin Hake , B
nejf 5 , 70 , 39 , $800.
E. P. Johnson to Jens Peter Jonse
part Iot5 , block 27 , No .la , $200.
Mary Wilgus to Wm. S. Smith , pc
lots 200 nnd 909 , on'gnal plat , § 500.
John H. Shadden to Thomas Pagops
r ± B i , 28 , 77 , 43 , $700.
J ohn Evans , Jr. tn laaac Scott ot i
\ nej , 11 , 74 , C9 , $800.
J W Div.s otul to Henry Voss , pa
9 , 77 , 39 , $144.
i' . J. AIcMahon to n H. Metcalf , 1
2 , blcck 8 , Baylisn' 2d add , $1,200.
John K. Cooper to Catherine Koena
lot 5 , block 5 , Glendale add , $2,000.
0 B , & Q. R. R Co , to John Hamli
el HW , 7fi. 34 , 39-l,200.
D.iiuol B. Clark to Israel Dismant , n
BO ] and part aejnc.j , 31 , and part uw
32 , 75 , 43 , $10,000 ,
1 Dismunt to Daniel B. Clnrk , lot
block 7 , Jackson's ndd , $2,000.
Total sales , $24,974. ,
Wheat No. 2 spring , 15c ; No. 3 , CDs ;
jocted , 50c ; good demand.
Corn Jjeatars aw paying SOo for old cc
and I'fie for n w.
Oats In good Joraanil at 25a.
Hay J 00@0 00 iwr ton ; 50o per balo.
Ryn tO@45o ,
Corn Meal 125 porlOO i > oumln.
Wood Good Hupjily ; pricoa at yardo , 0 Of
Coal Delivered , hanl , 11 50 par ton ; no
5 00 par ton
Lard Kalrbank's/wholesaling at O e.
Flour City Hour , 1 ti < K2,3 au ,
Brooms 2 053 00 per doz.
Cattle 3 C0@4 00 ; calven , 5 G0@7 60.
HOKB Local puckers are buying now a
there in a good demand for nil grtuloa ; cho
packing , U 25 ; inlxod , R 25.
Quotation * by J. M. St. John & Co. , co
mimion merchants f > : < 8 liroadwuy ,
Butter Creamery , 35c ; ch.ito country ro
I a ? oed demand -Oo.
Eggs I''Jo pev dozon.
Poultry Heady nalucliickouadro ; Rod , 12
ivo , Ocj turkeys , drnsaod , 15c ; Hye , 1
ucks , ilreaBcd , li oj lira , Kc.
Oranges J 00@4 25 ] ) er l > ox.
Lemiuia ! t T > 0a,4 ( 00 iior box.
Bananas 2 50 ( < 3 CO jmr bunch
VegoUiblea Potatoes , -lOicjioO ; onions , '
cabbttgo , none in the markut ; upjilod , resale
sale at S i-'l ! 00 for ) iriue Btock.
Ho Know tlio Iiuw.
Clo' ' viand I're'a.
A west ttido citizou boarded i crowi
Brooklyn car nnd stood on tlio back p' '
f > rm during the slixht interval thut
wasn't standing en nmobody'H toes.
WIIH very iiurou-looking , imd g.wo it
solid thut hu WUH a iwtunil-born law )
knew what his rights \ruro and nuMiil
inrtintuiu thuin. ' 'Yerbatcltor-lifo
can't ' kerluct no faro from mo unless
Kives nio a Beat , " said ho to the crowi
I i bick-platfonn ndmirira.Mf know w
I1 the law in in thin city , nnd don't you I
net it. When I paj n I pays for u m
They dasu'nt put me oil' , oithor. 1 ki
what the law is , nnd they dnsci'nl do
"P.iy your faro or get off , " remarked
cop'luttor , pulling the bell-strap i
stoppiiiR tlie cnr , "Yer dnae'ttt put
elf , " yelled the man of law , ( ixcUedlyi
know whiit the law in , und I'll '
company for ? 10COO clauiaycu. I di
Imfter pay faro unless I get n soat.
know what the law is. Ycr daai
put ' ' Just then then * was a sli
Hcnfting noise , nud nn the oar moved
the man ri Uw craulod out ( f the in
und , removing n mouthful of mud , adi
"mo oil. "
"U 'UOH ' ON RATS. "
out rats , mice ,
a'ib ' , WlbuKfl , nkiinka , nhipmu :
The Owner of Jay-Eye-Sec anil
anil His Fontes for tk *
Equine Race ,
A. Pair of Trotters Purchased ft
$1,000 , That Would Now Soil
for Fifty Times That Sum ,
Fiunoni HOPBCS Tlmt. nro Family 1'c
Fashion In Breeding Ooltfl Tlio
Iillo of n Kncor Ono ol Knso
niul Iiuiurj- ,
"Ilo'fl n great horso. "
A group of tnun surrounded n blac
pony thut stood on the floor of a well o
dured barn in Racine , Wis. , nnd the nn
nial oonconiing which the remark wi
made poked his nose out in an iuquirii
and friendly manner to various inombo
of the party , nnd then gazed retloctive !
ntn diminutive Skye terrier which hn
boon liberated from nn adjoining roe
nndraa jumping nnd licking the nose <
the pony in n very demonstrative vrn ;
At the pony's head and patting him in
inannor that showed A genuine intore
in nnd friendship for the nuimnl stood
trimly built man of medium size tril
uloHO trimmed \rhito whiskora , 11 o wi
n plain spoken man of few words , drens (
with scrupuhiua notiluo's. The UIIMSUI
ing man vas J. 1. Onie , n three mi
lionuiro , nnd the meek-looking pony \r ;
the famous Jay-Eyo See , the fnste
trotter of his ngo in the _ vforld , at
whoso record of 2:10j : is within half
second of the beat over made ,
TAIIMOUS TiiorrKiis.
In this country \rhon n trotter mak
n "best on record" nt any ngo or wny
going ho nt ouco becomes famous nnd 1 :
name a household word. Nearly n qua
tor of a century ngo when the httlo bo
tailed bay mare Flora Temple inaugurati
n now era in turf lore by trotting in 2:1 !
over the Kilamnzoo , Mich. , track tl
ry wont up that the report could not 1
true the course must have boon short i
the time incorrectly announced. But tl
track was n full mile , nnd people nccepti
the performance , contenting thomselv
with BJJing it would never bo cqualoi
For a few years it looked as though the
confident predictions would prove tru
but ono day in the fall of 1805 Mr. Goori
B. Alloy , a Now York stock broker wl
had a keen eye for fast horaetloali , dro
over to thohomo of Hiram Woodruff (
Long Island and gave into the keeping
that noted driver a wiry brown gelding
medium sio that had as wicked nu eye
one would want to look nt , a cleau-ci
bony head , nnd a general steol-an
whalebone expression that betoken
energy nud determination. This brov
yoldiug was Dexter , by Rysdyk' Hm
blotouinn , n d two years later he trott
over the Buffalo track in 2:17i : , driven 1
Budd whoao hands liiram Woo
ruff had placed him when the horse chau
ed ownership the previous fall. lmmc (
ntely after thia performance Mr. Robt
Bonuor purchased Dexter for $33OC
his ambition being to own the fuati
trotter in the world ; nnd for a time th
ambition was gratified. But when Dt
ter wns rctiiod Doblo took Goldami
Alaid , a nervous , Highly little mare ,
granddaughter of the home that sir
Dexter , nnd it WM not long until lie n
bcHteit Poxtor'ii time w ith her , nnd yt
by year she kept lovruriiiK the reco
until 2:14 : wai reached , nud these figui
atood unchanged until R'irus , n horse
uukuown breeding on his sire's side , tr
led nt Buffalo in 1878 in 2:13J. : The f
lowing year his time was beaten half
second by St. Julion , a grandson
llamboltonian , in California , and han
had St. .Tulion assumed the crown wl ;
Maud S , another llambultoniau , cai
out ana in 1880 trotted the Chicago tn
in 2:101 : an ( t"0 following season E
lowered the record to 2:10 : , whore it n
stands , she being then 7 year old. II
for these reasons that a horse that tr
in 2:11 : or bettor at once becomes fa
oii3 , and when , aa in the case of Jay-E ;
See , the feat is accomplished when t
anhrml ia but 5 years of ngo , there b
the more excitement and comment , 1
cause trotters are certain , with prbj
care to increase in speed from year
joar until at least n do/.en seasons ht
passed oyer them ; nnd nt 5 u trotter
yet in his baby-hood.
And the fame of the horao is shared
his owner. People want to see nnd kn
nbcut the man who possesses the fast
horse to a much greater extent than tli
do the owner of n fine picture gallery
the author of n succeesful book. A
Case , who bought Jay-Kyo-Suo before (
colt had over felt harness , has beoi
lover of trotters all his life , and for ma
years an owner nnd breeder of good on
Ho bought Gov. Sprnguo.tho fastest ft
lion of his day , for $27,500 , snd Mila I
when that mare wns thought highly
paying $6,500 , for her. Uo paid $ llC ,
for Western , a speedy animal that I
nnd broke his neck while b ing loaded
a cir for shipment , and many others
note in the west have belonged to hi
But it was not until Jay-Eyo-Seu b ?
cutting down the record that people
Hcctinns remote from huro began to lu :
about hi * owner. When the little bli
pony trotted in 2:19 : us a 4-yonr-old , It
ormg the record for horse ! ) of thut ;
three-quarters of n second , eastern pee
begun inquiring who J. I. Case wiw , i
when last season his namesake mov
down everything in the shnpo of hoi
flesh that dared opjiono him , and iiiu
cupped his succimsion of triumphs b
victory ever St. Julion , which WUH v
nei od by 20,000 people , the papers vr
1 full of news concerning the pony :
the man who owned him. M ;
fooliah things wcro written. The m
extiaordinary tales wore current m
how the man came to own the pony t
the oilers ho had received for him , j
other horse owned by him , Phallos , i
second only to Jayliyo'Soo in fame !
summer. Ho was but 0 years od ] , i
trotted in 2:15J : at the Cleveland mi
ing , thoae figures beini { within n rjiun
ofasucond of Hmu glor's 2:15 : } , wl
has stood nt the head of nil stallion
orda for ruvon yuara. ' 'Who is 0
Whcro did he got the o wonde
horses ? " wcro thu qnentioiiH _ a kcd.
leply to the first it may bo said that
n vn r of Jay-S e-liyo in n quiet man
50 odd years who invented ttomo vnlu
improvements in thrashiiig-tnaclii
Thia was n good many years ago. Uu
most inventors , hovramiithrowd bus !
man , and wus thurt'foro enabled to ui
the fruita of his brain , He begun
manufacture of thrashing-maeltiuca
small way , and now lins the largest ei
I , linhmont of the kind in the world.
I hiit wealth increased ao did his bua !
vwilurwi , and ho is now the pnu
I stockholder in a great plow worl
s , iilourinhing national bank , und un ii
D ance compmy. Ho owns a venae ! or
| han a $200,000 interest in tv yruat
factory , n 125,000 acio ranch In Ton
stocked with cattle , nnd nmnothing 111
$100,000 worth of trotters. Nobody ov <
learns those facia from Mr. Chaso. II
is not n man of ninny words. If yo
want to see his hones ho ie glad to she
them , nnd ho will talk cnthusiasllcally <
their exploits nnd the niorila of the bloo
that flo R in tlmir veins , but his wcnlt
is not a subject of conversation.
A $25,000 noasK rou $500.
"There hnvo boon good many storic
told , " ho said , "about how I came I
own Jay-Eyo-Soo , but they nro all wront
The fncU nro that the fall 1 became hi
owner I stopped in Chicago on my way t
Knntnoky nnd niot George BrAsfiold , wh
liad boon superintendent nt Col. Vcat
farm near Lexington. I tskod him t
toll mo about the best young etoctc , !
his estimation , that Col. West had t
write down the names nnd breeding c
each animal for mo , placing them i
what ho considered the order of mrril
lie did BO , nnd the very first entry wat
'Blnck colt by Dictator , out of Mid
night. ' When I reached Kentucky th
little black colt impressed mo wondoi
fully. Ho was my choice from the firal
nud I bought him for $500 nnd name
him nftor myself. I paid the sam
amount for Phnllas , "
Those two horses nro now worth n
leant $50,000 , nnd if .Tny-Eye-Seo fulfill
expectations nnd boaU2l : ( > | this year h
will bring that sum nlonu. Should Phal
las lower the ntnllion record , ns seem
more than probable , $100,000 could b
realized for the pair. These horses nr
nephews of Dexter , the first homo t
boat Flora Temple's time , their sire
Dictator , being a full brother to Mr
Itonnor's horso. It is only within tin
last two years that the merits of Dictate
have boon apparent. For the best pir
of his life hu wan hidden away on LOIIJ
Island , but being sent to Kentucky it
1877 his colts sired oinco then nro jus
boginnins ; to show what they can do , hi
throe sous , Jay-Kyo-Sco , Phnllas and Di
rector , being the stars of the trottinj
turf last season , nnd Inst fall ho wns soli
for $25,000.
Jay-Eyc-Seo and nis companions travo
in n car built especially for their nocom
modation nnd fitted up nith every con
vouionco that experience can suggest
There is n rcomy stall for each horap , tlv
car being designed for seven animals
places where tha men who attend then
sleep , and ingenious arrangements o
space tor the B tow ngo of sulkies , harness
etc. "I don't think anything too gooi
for my hornoa , " a id Mr. Caau , nnd hi
affection for them is manifested in otho
ways. There is none of the hurshncs
ana oven brutality DO often aeon in othe
stables " struc !
"Jay-Eyo-Seo wns never
n blow with n whip heavy enough to ki' '
n lly , " is what Mr. O.iso hua written i
his catalogue. The reaulta of thia hu
mane treatment nro shown in the gentlt
ness of the howou. A child might pla
in Jny-Eye-See'a stall forot-cr , and th
pony would nuvnr injure him. Phallai
unlike most stalliona , does not lay bap
his ears nud give other evidences of dii
pleasure when a strani'cr upproncho ;
and visitors may enter his stall with in
punity. Ton years ape four trotters ou
of five were vicioui. Dexter made ovorj
body but his groom and driver keep at
safe distance. Budino wns n mnn-killoi
being equally ready to bite , kick , < ;
strike. Goldsmith Miid permitted fnn
iliarity from no one but "Old Charley ,
hur groom , who during live years sloj-
but thron nights out of her stall , a bag i
which were the oats for hur morning fee
being hia pillow , and nt daybreak the ol
mare would waken him by pushing at th
bai ; with her nose Mr Cafe's first rul
with hin horses is that they shall b
treated kindly , nnd 'Gov. Spra"uo , fn
whom he paid $27,500 , would follow Jiii
around like n dog , and enjoyed nothiu
butter than being fed lumps of BUUO
from the hand of Airs. Caio. who fool
the defeat of ono of her favorites eve
moro keenly than does their owner , <
whom an acquaintance once romarko (
' ' .I. I. Case ItVos to Inso about as little t
any man I over Haw. "
und Phallns thoi
Beside * Jay-Eye-Seo
arn in the barn adjoining Mr. Case's n
nidonco n number of other equine no
ableo. Gurgle , a stoutly-built yom
pacing mare that was second to Johnsto
in 2:13 over the Chicago track last yea
attracted Mr. Ciso'a attention by the po
tormanco , nnd hu bought her for $ GOC
nnd turned her loose in tlio meadows i
Hick > < ry Grove farm , She is to bo traim
thia Aonaon , and has a stall in the car tin
loft Ricino Inst Monday for Louisvilli
wlierj the early spring will bo Uko
advantage of to get the nnimala inl
prime condition for the circuit (
trotting meetings that begins nt Oliicag
in July nnd ondn at Boston in Octobui
For twelve BUCCC HIVO weeks a high-clat
trotter ia expected to keep in form nn
bo ready fora good race every seven d.iyi
That he may bp able tn do Ihmtho utiaoi
care must be given him. A sijmire
aa large nit u bmlroom , furunliea hii
ample apano to move about when m
otherwise engaged during tl > u l , y , ami '
night ho lies down on n thick bed of tl
cleanest atr.nv that money am buy. .
capable Kioum looks af tor hia every wan
At 5 or U o'clock in the mnrnint ; tno tro
ter is given ( light break fast and take
out foruxeruiso and spueding. Ti'is ' eve
ho is oucfully rubbed with cloths unt
every hair made wet by jieritpiratioi
dry again and hid coat nhiui- * like natii
Wet bnndiigoa are placed on h ! legn '
nllny any inflitmmatinn lhi\t might !
viAimod by the violent exoroisn to whu
ho has been subjected , nnd n light ulu1
kuepi tin ) flies /roiu umidyin ; ; him. I
the lulu hours of the afternoon huiti taki
out nnd walked without hnrnecH for ahni
an hour , nnd then fed nnddiupoaed of f
the night. On the day that hu is to tr
n race tliH tniunlity of fond and wuter
limited , in order tint hu sttomuch m ;
not bo overloaded when thu Imttlo
npced beginti , After < x beat has lw
trotted ho ia taken in charye by three
four grooms , who ru1) him thorough !
Hoongd out hiu mouth wi h the cool \vu
that uauiiut with i. if t } \M jiivou t'i ht
in a lari'iir ( juautity , b.mdiigo b H th
legs , and when the wnnUuu1 in
1 hot or uultry , fan him vi onu'ly. Pi
hups tens of tliona.uids ( f iiollain uro t
pending on hi * ftuti ai Thu diiv
btandit with whip in hund dinotin t
nuiii , and when iho twenty nuniil
allowed by thu rnleii nrtj pnt hu nn
drive another htut. TUu crowd that tit
thu race and rtpplivuJs thj winner kno
nothing of whnt go ( ii b. Innd t
Hconea. Tluiy HUD ttui her carih \ Hi
fthinlng coats , thu rpidory mlkiui p.uiit
in bright odors , and tlio < Jrivei in Ih
jaunty cap * c.ud jnuknt , but fill t
anxiety and ciitipnnimiiK'nt ' in unLnu
to them.
iy |
tou The man who drive * the04 *
IJHhur , a good l"o mi { yoi
low of 25 or so , Uut hn mwii hwru
- wd * Plialliw. J
ns tion witti Jay-Kyo-Kee
conneeiuuvththe jwa boRiiw 1
bo .
, their education w ; Uottm to
m l W-w" t 'ok.t > t
ir. i nu wcwl. On . ,
/ *
' "
oii rnt" - tOUf - t .I4-K-01M ,
may bo imagined , these Youngsters are
distinguished linongo , being by Gcvorni
SprAgue , 2:20 : ; Phallus 2:15j : ; Tyrni
( brother to Phnllnsnnd ) ; Edgolllll , a AC
of Dictator. Many of them nro out i
mares that hnvo enjoyed distinction c
the turf. A trim little filly by Phnlla
and out of Lucille , 2:21 : , has the speed
ot parents of anything on the place , bi
there nro others prized na highly , nmor
them being a grnml-lunkiug li.ycnr-o !
ray stallion by Plinllan nnd out of Abbe
Bachnuto , a daughter of Lakeland Abdn
Inh. The last-named horse Is n fu
brother to ( Inrold , the sire of Maud S
but ho novcr got a colt that lias beato
2:40 , while Harold , in ndditon to tl
qunon of the turf has many others to h
credit that have beaten 2:30 : , one of then
Noontide , 2:201 : , boim ? out of the dam <
Jny-Eyo See. The grny utallion is calk
Plmllaa Chief , and when brought out c
his stall for inspection the groom said I
could not bo led to halter ho was to
full of life whereupon Mr. Case , rovii
ing the energy of by gone days , took tl
animal in charge and showed his be. .
points to perfection.
"I am expecting grcnt things ot % Ta ;
Eyc-Seo nnd Plmllna this season , " sni
Mr. CaaoVo want ono to beat tl
time made by Maud S , , nnd the other I
lower the stallion record. They bol
came within n fraction of n second of d <
ing it last season , and eclipsed anythir
cror accomplished by trottera of their ng
They nro young nnd Round , and pcrhni
will bring double honors to WiBCon'i
when thtiy return from thn caui.nimi | "
The EotTwror I/Kiln Hapolcon
onlr thn fliifft clKMi llio world could pro-
due * . Prof. Ilonford iuiy * tha Umperor K
dmn urro made Kj < cUllr ( or hint In Ha-
Tuna from leaf tolwcoo Krovm In thn Qoiaon
licit of North C rolln , tliU l ln r tlio lincst
leaf grown. lIlackvoll'H Hull Iiirhun
SmolMnp Toliacoo In inadti from tha IUUUB
Ifjtf turd In Uio Kmpcror'ii drum. In atiro-
lately l > uro and I * uuqUMtlouaUy tlio lx t
tobacco over oOen it
Thackerar'ii ( rlfU-d daiiRliVT , Ann * , In
lieritkotchof AUrcilTt'nnyion.ta Ilarfir't
MmtMy , UUn of her vi lt tn the gtoat roet.
Rhe fonuil him nmcklnif lllnciwclf lull )
Uurham Tobacco , ncut him by lion. Juuca
nuiwll Lowell. American UlnbUr to tbo
Oourtof BtJamna.
In Uiewjdaj of dultcraUnnltlarora-
fort to tmokorn to ANOU that Uia Dull Dur
ham brand Ii abnolutcly purr , and inada
from the bent tobacco Uio vrorld imklum.
Ularkwcll't Dull Durham , - To
bacco U Uio tin anil ininwt made. All
doalen karo It Mono ecuuluo without
tha trade-mark of Uio Hull.
Jamss Meal Instill
Chartered by thcStatcofl.
nols foPtheexpresspurni
of glvlnc Immediate relic
! all chronlc.unnnry nnd p
vato dlscesca. Qonorrhc
complicated forms , also
dlscaso of the Skin a
Blood promptly relieved a
permanently cured by ren
. dies.UstedlnoJ'orrr/lVf
_ > Bpedall'ractlce , Semli
Weakness. Nifhl Losses by Dreams , Pimples
the FaceLost Manhoodf'0 IMrei/enr f.37ii
ifiutexpertmenttntii The appropriate reme
to at once used In cacti case. Consultations , pi
Aonal or by letter , ucredly conHdentla ) . Me
'clnes sent by Mall and Express. No marks
package to Indicate contents or sender. Addrt
5B.JAMES.No. 204Washlnolon St.ChlcnQOl
Of ? . FELIX Lt 8RUH"i
The remedy boliiK II'i
the dlscano , require * no chance of diet or naunoo
ulercurlal nr ] > Uonous modlclno * to bo taken tut
nolly. When ui ed as a preventive by cither BOX , 1
rjj > 08 ll > 1o tu contract * ny private ilfneanc ; but In I
OAHC of thr > o already unfortunately altllctod wo ga
intco tin co hoxon to cure , or we will rotund the mi
9.V. I'rloo by null , pontage pMJ , $2. per box or th
bnxe.i ( or $5.
iMued by all uthorltoJ agentn. u
O F. Ooodmnn , DrDKKlit Hols ARcnt , lor Om
ob iii&ri wl
J. , t * . WwrVi NinvK AND UHAIN Tr.i !
.nBii.-irdiitMrtJ i.p c.ilio for lljsterin , Di
, Conviilfioiis , IMn , it'ertoiiB Ncunilj
Hwyl linNorTo m rrivlniinii I'niiscil by th'
or itlunliiil or tobtiei irViiltff \ ulnenR , fllonUl .
prrosiou , Hoftoninu t tint llralii r ulliuiin [
Minlty and lonilln tr > nltory , ( Ji > my unit iln
t'lermliirti OldAB" , Jurrcii'i ! BH , IAKH of poi
in I'it.'ior i.nx. InvdlunUiry Ixiuuivi niul tipurm
"rrhiru iviiiho ; ! lyitvur > nxurlii < ii nT tliobroine <
.unco ur nvor-iiululK ioi' ! . Knrh ' : ox cnntu
uionth'H liiMitinont. fl.dDu bnz.iir nix bp
SIJM.witby until jirniiaiilou
o luio nrr/i'iwJi. WitlifiUi urfl"f iwivoa n ;
" c : r.xpf. . , < rr.'iiuiini : > ii ttli | Koft,1vo i
il'l thu ) > iiicjilM < r our wnttuli uunrriKteo to
nndlliu 'nirn if tin' Iniiliniint ilnwiiotcll
( urn ( iii.m > ni"i > IKKIIIHI nniyt./
0. K , aOOOJIANN. Prusulst AKV U lor Onu
Solo A MJ | * for 'lie ' World-Rciiownn
DeciVer A Son , and TTnllutt A Guns
1'iuiioH , Also manufuctimiru nn
wluihunlo deuluni in
Organs anil Musical Merchandise
PBGPff ? "KIHr ? R
. . MSllua rl II o
Wlwn I wi u i ni it bi i * jifi iiifir.y twfctniMi'Uiu
Mlni9 nu S uin Ii iv tti * iu i MIIH faifiilri , l mtur < ar
r.-ftl.U.i' IllUVM fllrt'U lllU lllkUUtO Of l-'Ud. iU'JI.I ]
cr * Al.LthJbllKst-t ii til > Ii MJS mJf , I whrrKot
iy , u furo Iii , ) \ > < - > \ t i < rJ.'IIicuu 0 <
-11 iiiorwiHJii ) for n i nr it"olflt nrnr i
> ft r ii tuiu'Uu mi i n i'Ti'D lu tib of my lu
wu liUu Cxjinoii B'i'l I'oj * ur ; ct * . U -
ut it f r u tri ) . t ml 1 ' ' i UTU „ , .
iOilttu lir u o ruin i aiviisr. w
II' '
i ad your work is elouo for nil time
to time to come.
to produce a more durable material
for direct piivoment thnn tlio
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples senb and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux F
617 St. Charles St. , 6Vr Louis , Mo.
AUKnUrAtt GUADUATI'.of two tncdtml college *
lias been ciiiritroil longer In the treatment ol
throi other physician In St. Louia , as city papers ohm *
and all old residents know. Consultation ( roe and
Invltod. When It IMncouvunlont to vleit the = ttjtor
treatnicut , tucdtcluoH can bo scut by null or oxptn B
55crywhcro. Curable riuoi KuarAutucdiwherB doubt
oxlstfl It In Ir&nUy stated. Oall or write.
Kervoui Prostration , Debility , Mfintol and lhv > lo&
Wcaknc , Mercurial rtnd other alloctioin ol Throat
and tloullii Old 8or < i8 and Uloora , Impadl
mcnts t marrlaif.0 , ItnoiimUliin , l'llo < HIK-OIHI a >
tentlon to casoHfrnrn overworked brain.
rooclve special uttJintlon. nrlmng
from luiprudcuou , E.Toomcf , liulultcnix | icru anont-
i ill So i l iiea ; the whole
/.ncoryH ell told , Vany
rccolpto ; who may
marry , who maynol
why , rouaoj , oonitoquenoos and cure. U llod for 2Bcp
or t mn . * -l Ir
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Ph > slral 0-obllli
Premature Decline In Man , Eiraniol Youth , an
untold mUerlos rovilllni ; from ludlecrotloni nr ex
Owen. A book for every man , younff , middle.nRtd
and old. H contains 123 prosarlntloni fur all ami *
and chronla disease ! caohona of which It Invilu W
So found by the Author , whonu experience for
yeam la such an probably never before felttn the In
ol nv phynle an 300 pages , hound In boatitUtt
French muslin imooesi'Jrovori ) , full gilt.guaranteed
tobo n flnor worn every BOHHO , mechanical , lit-
nnry and prolcatlonal , than nny other work xnlA hi
thli country lor V2.60 , or the money will M reltuuM '
tn every Instance , Prica only 01.CIO by malt , iw xt-
paid , lllustrrtlvo sarojilo Soentn. Kcml iu.\r. OnVl
mwlilawfrileiltho outnct by tha N&tinnM llrdirs
A.n oclattun , to the clllcin ) of which bo relorn.
Tlili ) bontc Dhould bo road bv tn * young tor ln tma
lion , and by the atlllcUid for rullif , It will bvnufll
11 London Luncot.
There Is no member of loeluty to whom thia buck
will not bo unotiil , whether youth , parnnt , ymnllan ,
Inntructororolortrvuian. Argonaut.
AclclruM the I'eabmly Med/ml / Instltutt , or Dr. TV.
If. Parker , No. 4 IJulflnch Htrent , Honton SI.vw.who
may no oomiiltcd on alt tllttM * * requiring skill and
oiporlonae. UlironloandnbdtlnatorllBOKieithat have
balHed the tklll of all other pIiyn-UCH I clang
a RM.cIiltfiuon | tro-irixl HI
without n ln > t nc allaro ,
Stove Repair Works ,
Furnish Ilcp&lra for all Hloves made In the
( Hives reiiatrvd and rmouute < l o < | i'al tn now Te'c-
liliono No. 41. V. M. EiVTOtf , 1'roii.
" ' ' . .
'JVTM * * J.lHuimCfi.KhfUli
S-VK.HOfijfy ( ! ulV't" . Nrumlit
'It1 . -J.1J iCIilut ) . .hilnn |
t tu lie 11 i AtutiHit ( lint
nt'llitm tlnuiiiili IhcbuOynml tail txt
ft unt by ttui patlf nt.
SI OOO Would Not Bu < It.
la Hoimn-I > VM a Ictol with rhoii'intlfn an
ouruil by u-uc a Iwlt. To auy ono a'nictod with
tlut dUdiiu , I wiuM y , hr.v lli > rne' < I'lec-trlo Belt
Any onn can nojifur wth me by wrltliijr iirpalllug
At iny btnrvi , HM lloiwlr.j otrtrt. Onmh& Neb.
MAIN OVTlCB OjH ( lt i tntiloo , room 4 Kren-
ftirli'iKiV ,
fjTIorrUeivtU. VOoodman'j Drug etnr , 11
inamht , , Omaha ,
i O. J
M ,
In April , May ami Jima , IVU. 1'AHHAUK TiriCHTH
by a I ATI ANTIU 41EAMEUS. asocial f.u'llltled lor ,
r ; urli.i { GOOD BKftTHiJ TOUUIST 1ICKKf for
travel * ni In KUHOl'K , l > v a'lrnutid , at rednruUfttea.
COOK'S KXCaitSMNIfiT , with main und futt | u >
tlculara. by mall ID ctntM. A'iuro-1
TIIOH. OTJH * HW , * .t J avlwuy , H , Y.
r Wormy Veins cfii ( -croium. tirira n > i
jsfi il ciuut cL oot Manhood , pablHJv , 4 = . ,
uullklj and pxMu tlv nrtn > t lli Eloallo Cridlo-
essor. $0. almi-tuina. CutuUiVic * .
slUittii A3IKCT ,
liu > e UolillUy. cxIiuiMtlui ) mil prematura
iluiny mociuwtlliytiivUotci , roi i > f jrouit - -
ira pcrtcotly reitorcA . roiuu * lieu 111.
- " ' " ' ' " MAROTOf
> lrjni'iu iunuUuu4 ky TDK
J-tOLUS. > o l miuUdrur * ' < iTlil' ' < tteat ujBi !
> 1 J , urviinu Jtebhll V iui > t 1U ) Uouy WL
uniformly eiiiyfrMat ItM-AniKi p tcu ou tMTioea
n > auni Ur.c\viii\ l ttlivt inehcaBndO
< hoiurl"ir . 't'r > ' li * lr