Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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    * - * siy'c
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. , , .
Wednesday Morning. April 9.
lly Qtnlct . - . - - . . toont per week
It/Mail - - - - - . . . . - $1000 jnr jc r
ornoE :
No , T Pearl Dtrooti Hoar Broadway.
Chapman's benefit to-night.
See J. Koitcr'o spring goods.
Additional local on seventh pago.
North Main street is wrongly named.
It has no main.
The city council bcgiun its work o
equalization Thursday night.
. The board of trndo will try again to
got a quorum next Slouday night.
John Dunn's little girl is very ill with
lung fever , but is thought to bo gaining.
W. W. Chapman's connection with the
rink ends with the benefit this overling.
Services nro being hold daily nt the
Catholic church. High mass on Thurs
Bill Perry and Prod Mullen were given
the usml dose yesterday for being
All railroad tickets bought of D. W.
Bushnoll nro guaranteed , also all rebate
orders given by him.
The Missouri river was falling yester
day , ihoro having boon a drop of three
foot in twenty-four hours ,
George H. Moore and Philip Doyle
were arrested yesterday afternoon for
disturbing the peace while drunk.
The benefit at the rink to-night
promises to bo a fine affair , tno skatera
to appear in fancy dross costumo.
Jnstico Schurz yesterday married at
his private parlors Peter Kasmusson to
Hannah 0. Peterson , both of this city.
James Nicoll's old city bakery build
ing is being cleared away preparatory to
being replaced with a fine new two-story
A. Rink and J. Clinch were arrested
yesterday for clinching each ether and
having a fight , The case was Bottled in
some peacemaking way.
Roy Mayno , son of P. T. Mayno , is
planning to open a food and boarding
stable , having loaaod Jamco Gouldon's
barn on Broadway.
John Fondograst and James Browu ,
two boys charged with testifying falsely
in a recent trial before Justice Schurz ,
were discharged yostorday.
The basement of the Motliocliat church
has been rented for school purposes by
the board at $20 a month and Miss Ella
Mclntosh chosen as teacher.
A young man was foolish enough the
other day to buy some groceries and give
in payment a fictitious chock for $3. CO ,
and now the officers are after him. !
The gamblers and prostitutes began
coming in yesterday by invitation of the
city authorities. The former gave up
854 each and the prostitutes $29 each.
Permission to try it was yesterday
given to Isaac Walters and Mary Hop-
pington , both of Logan ; also to Jens
Olson and Ave K. ilavson , both of
Council Bluffa.
J. P. Hulott has commenced action for
a divorce from Ms wife , E. < 0. Hulott , to
whom ho was married In 185G. Ho
claims oho deserted him ton years ago ,
and doesn't corao back.
Walter , the adopted child of Mrs , E.
Wiloy , died suddenly Mondoy'"ovoning.
Ho appeared as well as usual until about
4 o'clock , when ho was taken with con
vulsions and soon died.
The board of trade scorns dying of in-
exertion. Ono reason is thai its meet
ings are held on the sarao evening as tjU
regular council mooting , and the ahlor-
mauio show dravra best.
G. H , Sicker and G. 0. Brown are the
committee on invitations for the benefit
to-nigh t , and those who intend to .parti .
cipate can procure of them. Spectators
need not procure invitations.
The money order department of the
postollico will hereafter bo open from
8:3o : a. mi to 4:30
: p. m. except on
Wednesday * and Saturday evenings when
it will boopon until 8 p'cjook.
Some of tho- now goods with Trhich
Thos. N. Bray is to open up'horo began
arriving yesterday. . Willis Rollings
worth , from PCS Moines , will bo in
charge as chief clerk , of the , establish
ment. ' ' ' *
In the case of poison vs. Rodpath and
other * the jury found forjho plaintiff an <
held that M. A. Moore , the contractor
who Bublet to Rodpath , was liable fortho
unpaid wages , having guaranteed them ,
Moore takes an appeal.
The presence of the city engineer at
council meetings is much needed , and
thinking that perhaps hbi absence has
been 3ue to the lack of an invitation
the aldermen have issued a formal ono
in the way of a resolution.
A. A. Covalt will give his first publii
exhibition of fancy skating at the rink
TuefidayBight. ' Ho is a very graceful
and skillfql 'ckatcr and his debut wil
doubtless create much inlerest as ho has
many friend * and acquaintances here ,
The property owners on North Main
street grumb'le because they are taxed
lot water and have noeupply , there being
BO main * on ihat street. The council
Juu refused to locate a hydrant there bo
, OAUM there is no main , and lliure is no
wain thwe because there if no hydrant.
It i * claimed that for fire protection hone
MM b # run from Broadway , and if they
want iv supply for private u > o , the only
way is to got n consumer for every sixty
feet , nnd on this showing the council
must order a mains put in.
P. W. Spolmnn the other day mot n
man on the street wearing nn overcoat
which had boon stolen from him n year
ago last winter. The man explained that
ho had bought it of a tramp for $5 , and
had boon wearing it over since , and Bottled
tled the matter aa beat ho could.
The "missing link" is to bo supplied ,
the city having let to J. B. Smith & Co.
the contract for paving that portion of
Washington avenue between the north
end of Main ntreot and Oakland vvouuo ,
thus making n continuous line of paving
from the Rock Island depot to the corao
tory , n distance of about two miles.
The city , in oottling with its laborers ,
Days § 1.00 n day cash , or $1,75 in general
oral fund warrants. The city thus ad
mits through its council thac general
fund warrants are only worth about 85
cents , whereas they are selling from 05 to
07 cento. It docon't aoom business-like
for n city to run down its own paper.
The Y. M. 0. A. hna hit upon n
hnppy Bohoino by its Tuesday evening
entertainments. These gatherings have
boon growing in attendance and interest.
Short essays and addresses , debates , con
versations , recitations , jokes , etc. , make
up the programmes , and these who at
tend scorn greatly interested and highly
entertained. *
It don't seem to make much difference
with the Union Pacific whether the atroot
cars connect with its dummy trains or
not. Frequently pawongors wait and
wait after the arrival of the dummy train
for a car to go up town , and then wade
up. Perhaps when it gets dry enough so
folks can walk as well as not , the cars
will run nil rijjht.
It was a hard day yesterday for the
county board of supervisors. They had
to listen all day to petitioners and wit
nesses on road mat turn , and especially
about some road In Knox township in
which the neighbors all Boomed greatly
concerned , and divided in opinion. The
board got no chance to do any other
It Boomed chcoky , but probably the
deep mud in the streets served as an excuse -
cuso for the man who drove up onto the
sidewalk in front of the postoflio yester
day , frightening several ladies. Ho
drove off between the telegraph polo on
the corner of First avenue and the build
ings , and walked his team along the side
walk lest ho should lese them in the
William Englo believes in petitions.
At its last meeting of ita council , ho pre
sented four , ono for $150 damages of
property by change of grade , ono for a
crossing at the corner of Main street
and Tenth Avenue , ono for city warrants
to taka its place of a certificate of assess
ment for street filling issued to lledpath
for $700 , and one for $1,500 damages ,
because the 0. B. & Q. had n track and
run trains in front of his residence on
Eleventh Avenue ,
The city council has rescinded the re
solution notifying the Union Pacific that
its sight to occupy Union avenue would
bo taken away unless it ran its trains as
agreed upon. What assurance has the
council received to notify the rescinding
of this resolution. Simply the promise
of the Union Pacific to do something
when the weather permits. It has had
that promise for about a year past , and
there seems as little prospect of its being
kept this season as last season.
It is now predicted that the additional
appropriation of $100,000 for the now
government building hero will bo secured.
It has already boon reported upon favora
bly by the committee , and a telegram
yesterday from Congressman Pusoy to
Col. Kcatloy says : "Tho house by
two-thirds majority fixed Wednesday ,
the Oth , to continue from day to day ,
until all bills for public buildings are dis
posed of. This insures the pasaago of
all pending bills by a majority vote , "
The ladies who are interested in decor
aliens , and all who have any love for the
beautiful , should drop into George R ,
Beard's and ask him to show up these
samples of "Llncrusta Walton , " received
by him yostorday. This is the first over
received lioro , and are indeed wonderful
They are used for decorating walla , ceilings
ings , etc. , nnd appear like the finest carv
ing , the designs standing out in bold re
lief , and can bo finished to suit the taste
of the decorator , and are very handsome
as they aro. Jt makes the richest wall
paper look down in the mouth , and while
few can afford to decorate a whole house
with it , yet it costs nothing to look at
and admire , as Beard is glad and oven
proud to show it , and well may ho , for it
is a curiosity , as well as a thing of beauty
in this market. Drop in and look at it.
The aldermanio fathers do not seem
very enthusiastic about Council Bluffs
belug represented at the firemen's tour
nament in Dos Moinos. These tourna
ments are getting to bo largely more
i aces in which men run instead of
horses , A running team has been or
ganizcd hero and named after the mayor ,
and under the rules has to bo rccognitod
by tbo city at least sixty days before the
tournament or they will not bo allowed to
enter. The council has refused to recog
nize them oven as a volunteer company
without expense to the city , the excuse
being that they want to investigate the
matter a little further. If the chief of
the department could bo changed , then
professional runners could be engaged in
regular service and draw pay from the
city while training for the tournament.
As that c&uuot bo done , the next bust
thing is to got "recognized , "
Foster , the florist , on Harrison street
Cuucil Bluffs , has the largest stock west [ * t
of the Mississippi. Bond for catalogue , ' >
Two rottnwnttnrnlcft HUTO llnnl
Tlmo Killing n "Wolf.
Frank Dr.iko and Ed Bates , two of
Oakland's Nimrods , were proud as lords
when they returned homo the other day ,
having with them an the result of their
hunt forty-two ducks and a prairie wolf.
The wolf was enough of a capture of
itflolf , but they created increased interest
by narrating quite an ndvonturo connect
ed therewith , which is thus giren by the
Acorn man :
The wolf wns chasing a flock of ducks
and the boys were secreted In the tall
grass which lines the creek , waiting for a
shot. When they espied the shaggy
. monster they lot drive at him with a
doublo-barrolod broadside , knocking him
into the crock. The small duck shot
was too fine for his tough hide and ho
made for the opposite bank. As ho
crawled out of the water they gave him
another charge and ho tumbled back in
to the river and began swimming down
stream. The boys then got into their
boat and started in pursuit , firing several
rounds before downing their game.
Ho wns hauled aboard and placed in the
gunwale. But Mr. Wolf scorned
to bo possessed of nine lives , and again
came to the front , showing n row of
ivories that were anything but pleasant
to the hunters. Ono of the bravest took
him by the nape of the nock and hold him
under the water until ho was dead or
supposed to bo. But again his wolfship
got upon his hind logs and liowlod for
vengeance , when a pocket knife was pro
duced and his jugular vein savored ,
whereupon he gave up the ghost and the
boys catno homo with flying colors and
fooling prouder than if they had captured
a white elephant , This is the story as
narrated by the hunters , and wa have no
doubt it is true , at any rate the boys have
in their possession the wolf's carcass to
verify the truthfulness of the same.
All the latest novelties in Spring Hats
can bo scon at L. C. Arbuthnot's.
How tlio Onnli Account Ijoolcs Accord
ing to Ofllclal Reports.
' The following is the monthly report of
the city treasurer up to the 5th of April :
General fund overdrawn $ 597 15
Police fund on hand 1,005 73
Ix > an fund on hand 11,0 IB 28
Grade fund on hand 103 2 >
Soworngo fund ou hand 4,420 70
I'aviuft fund overdrawn CO 27
Lovco fund overdrawn U 75
Judgment fund on hand 101 37
Library and curbing fund balanced.
Cash Lalanto on hand 10,718 10
The city auditor's report is as follows :
To the Mayor and City Council : n
I herewith submit the following report
of city warrants issued since My last report
port , March 17th , 1874 , to the first of
April :
G onoral fund warrants. . . .1 ? 709 76
1'ollco fuud warrants 288 00
Total 81,057 70
Also bills allowed during same time :
Police purposes $ 288 00
Street ! and olloya 277 67
G onoral fund purposes , 110 00
Klro department 8G C7
Damages to Mrs. Board 100 00
Total 9 80231
F. A. BURKE , Auditor.
The city clerk reports the receipt of
his office for March to have boon as fol
lows :
City criminal cases 8 473 70
City licenses 450 00
Civil cases 1100
State criminal cases 2 65
Naturalization foes , 5 75
Total 3 3W 10
Jno. P. Organ , of Noola , was at the Pacific
S. J. Alexander , of Lincoln , spent yester
day in the city and at the Pacific.
H. I. Hills , of Dos Moines , was at the Pa-
dlio yesterday ,
J , P. Schlingman , selling diamonds for a
Cincinnati house , sparkled at the Ogden yes
J. II. Miller and wife , of Atlantic , were at
the Ogden yesterday.
K. A. Taft , the great western agent of the
American Piro Hoao company , of Chester ,
Hnss , , was hero yesterday talking about now
hose for the city.
H , Monde ) , ono of Noola'u promlnants , was
at Bochtolo'd yesterday.
II. lUshton , Jr. , the county supervisor , is
making headquarters ut Bochtelo'a while at
tending the mooting of the board.
Gus. Sclffert , of Oakland , Is rapidly recov
ering from his gunehot wound.
W. H. Graham , of Cedar Knpldfl , Iowa , is
at Ucchtelu'u.
Hobort A. Darat , of St. Louis , arrived nt
BocUtolo'd yesterday ,
0.1\ Adams started outlast night for Car
roll county , ou legal business.
Kov. Father Mathew Ilannon , of Darling-
tun , Wisconsin , is hero on a visit to Kov.
Father MoMonoiny , an old schoolmate of his ,
thny having boon together in St. Louis thirty-
five years ago. leather llaiinou will remain
hero until after Banter.
There was quite a gathering of Avoca folks
at the 1'ndlio yesterday , they belli ? drawn
hlthor by some road case pending before tbo
county board , Avoca siot having yet got the
board to hold special terms there. Among
thoBa hero were : A. P , Cramer , Fremont
Uenjamiu , J. A. Hake , Jauea Graham , Cyras
True uud J , A. Bunnoll.
The glory ot a man IB Ins strength. If you
are weakened down through oxcefuh a study ,
or by early indiscretion , Allen's Brain Food
will permanently resUiro all lost vigor mid
strengthen all the muscles of Bruin and Body.
81:0 for -Alldruwfcta
NOTICE. 8i eUl advertisements , such u Lett ,
Found , To Loon , For Sole , To Kent , Wnnti , Uowrd-
Injf , eta , will ba Inserted In this column it the low
rata uj TEN CKNTS I'EH LINE tor tbo first Insertion
tnd VK CENTS I'KU LINK ( or etch subsequent n
svrtlon. teaio td crtlsemeots t ouroiflco , No.
I'cirl Street , neu Broad wav
WANIKU-AllKi boy with w > inr to carry rout
I.rllfK. OlUt ifouucll Blutfii i On otficd.
TO7ANTKl > TE > ery lioayiu Council UluOs to take
Yr TuiU , Delivered by carrier at only twenty
cents a week.
OU > 1'AI'KKS-For sale at Bu offloo. at 25 cents
a hundred ,
A GROTS Ladles and gentlemen can make first
cl s Mages by iclllnjr ths "Cliauinlon lloeom
Btrtcther and Ironing Board. " lUUUs at tl.QO.
Any lady tan do up a fine ihltt without wrinkle
nd ( losili asiilculyaithoDestlauadrtescaa.Addreii
orptutlculari 0. JJ. B. & L Co. , fin office , ( or cue
"TsT * jsffk WBHH
For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and
see our New Stock.
Z. T. LISTOSEY < & CO. .
412 Brondwny , Council Bluffs , ) rnxw A
iu W A
West Side Saunro , Clarmtla I <
Hard and
No , 039 Broadway. - - COTTNCIL BU7FF3. TOWA
Wo have the The latest
finest stock nnd elties for Spring
nil the latest designs .Overcoats .
w e
signs to select have just r -
from. coived. See them
HANDS EMl'LOYLD. Merchant Tailors
7 and 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS.
All kinds ol r. 33C.
_ -iziooz-I
etc. , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To.
jtirtalns , In Lace , Pl'k , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , linoleums Etc
oicest' Stock West of Chicago.
omo nnd bo convinced flint wo are Ticndqunrtora for all goods in our line ,
hoapost place to buy House Furnishings in the City.
Mail Orders Filled Promptly and viHi Care
' * ? " * * & 9
The only Hotel in thi City on the European plan of
New Building We'TT' Furnishings.
Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant ,
Nos. 336 and 338
Broadway , - - - Council B
342 and 344 Broadway. COONOIT , BLUFFS , IOWA.
O . .tox.oxto Tla.0
Ed. Olwon 1 401 DtoadHny , Moils tt nil Ilmira ,
Cliof ( TcuUIno f Council DIuOs. 1'nrtlcfl tt Spccl lty.
17 North Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS
Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices uid Polllo AUomlinta.
First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , \
Mail.IT , filer's ' Stock , Etc ,
TSpeclal ntlontlon to crilcrs my Mail. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
fl. 217 nnd 21 ! ) S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS.I I A
Tlio Largest and Host Complete Oucn House In
West arn low a.
Over 24,900 Feet of Glass in Use.
The Greatest variety nnd thoCVoIccst plant * . ITy
collection of 1'lanta and Mowers Is now complete In
every reject , and the public ro Invited to cell and
Inspect the samo.
I was awarded the First Premium at the Council
Bluffs District Fair In Septcmbrr. 1SS3 , < ner alt com
petitors ! aflrt bavo BU ! o added runny new and
choice v irlo'Jca. and am prepared to furnish n new
class of pliuita that ha\ohcrctf for < i been unattainable
In tliti market , for whlcli I nmV.u no extra charge.
Cut ( loners and Horal designs furnished ; romj tly ,
and on fnort notice llm ojust Issued a new cat
alogue for 1831 , which will bo cent free on application.
Green Vegetables the Year Round.
Horse Hidipli In bottles.
23 Plerco St. Counclll Bluffs Iowa.
ino nf tlio DOQPQ
lbG Ul lllu iudbtj ,
Commission Merchant
No. O.SPonrl Street - . Couxcii. BLUFFS IOWA
Wo eua-antco the euro of the follow Inc nsmcd dl -
ralfla and Asthma , Those Sprlupoaro the favorite
resort of the tired an.l ilcblllcatvl , and arntho
Good hotel , Ihcry and hathlnf ; accomodntlon both
winter and euninicr. Locality highly picturesque
&ud healthy Acceesiblo by W.ilusli rnllwny , &
KionaorC.B. & Q. , at Albany. Correej onacno
solicited , UUV. II. U. THOMPSON.
Albany , Slloam Springs , { Gentry Co. , Mo.
Specific Gravity 1.005
Reaction Ncutra
Carlionio Acid Gas 28 In. per Halloa
Carbonate Calcium 33,021 Grains
Carbonate Iron 7,041 ! ' ,
Sulphate Magnesia 3Jf fl "
Sulphate Calcl'im 1,110 "
Chloride Sodium 7,260
Blllica 1,560k "
Alumina . . . .0,018
Orgaulcand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,46B "
Total sclids per gallon 67,174 "
Wiuaui & MERRILL. Chotnlota
fj l l
Office , Jfaln Street , Rooms 1 and Shugart & Mc-
llnhon'6 Block. Will practice Iu State and
ia the City Materia
No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street ,