1 * / * OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , APRIL 9 , Ift84. II , , 9 TIMES OUT OF 10 Dr. Thotnna' Eclectric Oil CURES Rheumatism and Neuralgia. 99 TIMES , OUT OF 100 Dr. Thomns1 Eclectric Oil CUKES A Cold or a Hoarseness. 19 TIMES OUT OF 20 Dr. Thomns'Eclectric Oil CUIIE3 Asthma and Diphtheria. 49 TIMES OUT OP 50 Dr. Thomna1 Eclectric Oil CUKES Croup and Affections of the Throat. SOLD EVERYWHERE. CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000 < t3.Tlckota only S5. Shares In ProportlonTES Loolsiaiia State Lottery Compy , " " We < lo hereby certify that uimpervlti * * < < " rangeMtnti for all the Monthly and Semt-AnnwU Dravnng * 0 } < A Louiiiana Stall Lottery Company , and in person manage and control the Drauinyi themselves , and that theiamt an conducted uitt honetty/aimest. and in good faith touard all pat I la , and tcs authorize the company to uie thiicer tWeatt , utth/ae-titnilet of cur tiynaturet attaekid t ? ft * advertisement ! . " COXMIUIOXUI Incorporated la 1S6 ? ( or 26 yean by tbo legUUtan for educational and charitable purposes with B o p. Hal of 81.000.00C to which a reserve ( und ot ovel 960,000 has Blnco boon added. By an overwhelming popular vota Its IranchlM was made a part ot the present atata conrtltutlo * adopted December 2J , A. V. 1879. The only Lottery over voted on and en dorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its grand single number drawings tak < place monthly. A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune , Fifth Grand Drawing Class B , In the Acad emy of J Music , Now Urleans , Tuesday , May 13th , 1884 168th Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000. 100,000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Each. Frac tious , In Fifths In proportion. tIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL FIIIZE . $76,001 1 da do . 26 , < XX 1 da da . 10,001 5 PRIZES OF f4000 . 12.001 6 da 2000 . 10.00C 10 do 1000 . 10,001 20 da 600 . 10,00t 100 do 200 . ZO.OtK 800 do 100 . 80.001 600 da 60 . 26000 1000 da 26 . 25,000 Tf nuns. B Approximation prlzea ot $760 8.76C 9 FSo do BOO 4.60C 0 do do S50 . . . . 2 , C 1B47 Prlioo. amounting to . 92SS,60l Application tor rates to oluba Bhonld bo made onjj at tbo offloe to the Company In Now Orleans. tor farther Information writs clearly giving full address. Hake P. O. Money Orders payable and addles * BezUtered Letters to IraW ORI.KAN8 NATIONAL BANK , New Orleans , I * . Postal Notes and ordinary lettets by&IaU or Ex prem ( all sums ol * 6 and upwards by Express al out expense ) to or M. A , DAUPHIN , New Orleans , I * . 0 07 Seventh Bt , Washlnrton , D. 0 r - * ยง f " FOR TOE COTE OP AIL DISEASES Off IIOnSC8CATTI.I.fmEIjr > DOG8.IIOGS , and 1 UULlillf ' 1 F0 : TVVISN'l'V ' YEARS nnmnhrev * Homeo pathic Veterinary Ppeelllcii h vo been u oU or Farmers , fllocli Ilrrcdem , Livery Ptnblenna Turfmen. HOMO Ilnilrondi , Manufacturer * . Conl Mine Companlci , TrnT'ir Hippodromes end MptinRrrle * . onU others TianaCng stocfe , ttithpeifectiuecrcH. . , . _ Ilumphrcya * Veterinary Mannnl. fopp ; lout fn M hy mall on receipt of price. BOcen Cl/TninplileU cent free onappllcatlo lIUMPIinCYS HOMEOPATHIC MED.CO , lO'J Fulton Btrcet , Aow YorH. m urn * v u Vital Weakness and Pros IIUMPHR1 tration from over work or Indlicretlon , TlJp | h rnrtlcnllr and promptly _ i - U ( I J cured by _ It. y-ys n ft m n I * C Brantn K ) years , CpCnLP | | KM -UtbemoUHurrcM. OrLUlrlu lib. , * . < ful remedy known. Priced ptrvfaTcr5vliU9fcif. lante rial of powder for $5 , lent post frro on m , 1. mil. . . . , . . , . n.r. r.r-T > pluiUu Inn uxl * f tft 111 4jot4m f tl tixnllt,0r ; as. Af , Viofy.lupkrtftd.ltciufiT4 tt t tUMof CllMIHOM. bDd t9 All IUMKM * drlkkl Trf It , ft W u .feotibtrMrfc Alk TOTf .f d7iiiiL fcf U T6 f ( ( | | ajUM nUU , u > ijulur l bH' J. 0. K eUOtBT AtOKS. ) . W. WnFPEBHAin ? , . y. r , The klJ'ioxsunt. purinerncfthebl c mil when their f < nc tMiii ard t 'tetforrw : with through w ak ncu , ihor neeil ton ing. They borom ) iealthulno | ! Ivub thcui Btoimch U Uteri nhen felling thnrto i ellef Iruru otbe inurcim. Tnlsui > c [ 'linu U > K ti > nl ate ] TO entfl an rrtst furrr an lopitlpttlon rhtunnt'era n \ dth-r ullmenti Use i "Itli regu'a ' I'y. Tor ale uy DnitfalnU nJ Deal en geuerally , GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Cures UUItO t OK MANLY VIGOR , Bp rmator Ahma , eta , when all other rein ( dies fall A cure flvcnntfci ' Sl.M a bottle , Urge bottle , fou 1 tltntH the fjuanllty , 8S. Hy t ? \irani \ to &uy addroM. Ool.l 1 ' ' ' ' CAti IHtmTOTa1 , Prop'tUtors' 718 Olive'Striwt , t I ouU , II i > . "IhMaitoUnif AtHeyCoopor'i Vital Uwtoritm ii ka highly of it. I k tcmcdv cf trie roe I' "U V oonxis , Dniif plv Ointhk erI IBM IR.rat.c , iu r THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Wednesday Morning , April 8t Notlco tci Advertisers. II. S. Sinltli , who hns for the imst year filloJ the ixuitlon of nmnwtor of the ailvortls. Ing department of THR UER , IMS loisod the city advertising of thts paper. t\ml will hcronf- tor have complete control of that dop.irtmont. 13. KOHEWATKII , Proslilont UEK I'ubllshlnp Co. The "Went her. For the Upper Mississippi Valley : Gonornlly fair troathor , northerly winds , higher barometer , light rise in temperature - turo , northerly to easterly winds , falling barometer. , LOOM , BREVITIES. A onload of Australian tnnli arrived yea- tordny morning and was sent east over the 0. Danish sorvlca nt the American Baptist church , Sunday afternoon at 3:30 : , corner of Fittoonth and Davenport streets , by Kov. II. A , Klckonback. Dodge Street Presbyterian church. All members of the church nnd congregation nro requested to attend an Important business meeting at tho.church , Wednesday , April 9th , nt 8 p. m. Seven disturbers of the peace were before Judge. Boneke yesterday Five were sent up to the county Jail ; ono paid a fine of $5 and costs and the case against the remaining ono was continued. At tha opening of the spring term of the city schools it wns found that the attendance was larger by 300 pupils than last term. Two new rooms wore opened in the Long uchool and ono in the Cass street school. laiiliy evening , April 15th , th Glee club glvo their lost concert for this season at Boyd's opera house. They have secured the cervices of Miss Dora Hennlnges , as prltna donna soprano for the occasion , nnd it la the hoys' Intention to make this the best concert ever given by the club. Ofliccr Stgwnrt last night discovered n auspicious.looking man going up tha alloy back of the Metropolitan hotel. After some difficulty ho was arrested by the officer. The arrested man was carrying a new coat nnd vest nnd n lot of shirts. > lie was taken to the city jail. When the officer had gotten him there ho drew a large knife nnd struck with Itnt the officer. Slgwart being unprepared for such an unexpected attack , was forced to hit him over the head , knocking htm down nnd cutting his scalp. Owing to the almost impassable condition of the roads , Mr. Kynar ha ) boon unable to get the necessary i wagons , scrapers , etc. , out to the stock yards to his grading contract. Ho has been unable thus far to begin hla work. This delay will causa the contractor to increase his fores of men to meet the terms of his contract. Mr , Kynor expects to go to work next week with 150 men nnd 100 teams. Fred Cronneineycr , George Timme , Glaus Oft , Fritz .Dogorman and Christ 13akhau , began suit in the district court yesterday against the county commissioners and Joseph Archibald. This notion was brought to re strain the defendants from interfering with the old military road near Ervlngton In this county. The plaintiffs also pray for an order commanding the defendants to restore thla road to a passable condition. The injunction was granted by Judge Wakoley1. It will come up for hearing next Saturday. Another musical treat is in stora for our citizens In a eorles of piano recitals by the tal ented young artist , Mies Lydta S. Harris , of Chicago , III. Those of our musical people who wore so fortunate , ns to nttend the concert * given by thii charming Indy last year can tea tify to her excellence ns a musician , and ought to give these next setlea of recitals their lib1 eral support. The concerto will bo given in the first week of May. The exact dates will be announced hereafter. WHO IS WANTED ? \VIIIIaiu A. Plnkcrton , the CIilcnfo Detective , in the City Yester- iloy. A yesterday morning's train from Chicago cage brought lo this city William A , Pinkerton , chief of the western division of the Piukorton detect ! o association with hoadquartera at Chicago. Mr. Pinkerton / korton ] ; registered at the Paxton hotel After dinner ho visited some of the sporting places jn the city and epont the afternoon near Dodge and , 12lh fltroots. Upon being questioned Mr. Pinkerton stated ho was not hero on professional business but wus dimply ou his way to KIUIBIB Cify. Ho was reported last evening to have loft Omaha for hia alleged destination. Ho could not bo found with his afternoon coinpan ions. "Why he shuuld go to Knnaai City by way of Omaha could not b learned. Shortly ftor d inner nnothej detective from another ono of Illinois lurpe cities re hterod at the Paxbin Hi is reported to bo one of Pinkorton'n men , EIo rumami-d in tne hotel nearly all nf ternoon , and was oeen on the ntrent b no one , bavin ? come to the P.txton in ' closed carriage. Nothing cjuld b , learned by inquiry from their profm > Bion al brethren in this city. From jiri-flcn appearances it looks ns if Omaha migh bo treated to n stn * ' ) in a few clayj Notice. There will bo a mass meeting of 'color ed citizens at Lytlo Hsll on Farnau itrt-et between Eleventh nnd Twelfth Wednesday ovouiiif , ' , Apiil , at 8 o'clool r Miurp , for the purptse nf considering th " report of our Htato convuntioii , und nthe importrtiit niuttoru ooncciniim our In * city election. Lot evury man that ib in teresttd iu our politiwil wulfaro bo pres cut. Jens LEWIS , 1'itiun BANDBH , W. 11 , 0. STEPHK.NKON , Members of the State Central Coinmitloe OVEU THIS OCKAN. Tilt : Hl'ANIAUIW AMI AQUKUO LoNr.o.vr , April 8 , ThoKtandaid's die * patch from Madrid assorts tint much die " ploRBuro ia felt by the Kpiniardn towar Arnerira for allowing General Aquero t , leave Key Wcat. , . ROMK , April 8. The Irish bishojm wi convtJiiu ir , Uorno in Heptombor. T } . purposes of the gathering are rcpreflentc 1(1 to bo tiimilar to thono of the conventio in of American biehoptt la > itycftr. " * * " I Doh't forgot to | utroin'zB the entertain- I mont ( 'ivon by the W. 0. T. U , Hiia icvenitiy at No , 120 , FifkeutU e'-teot. ' LOCAL LEGISLATION. Organization of the Now Council Last Eroninc , Aldormrm Bnkor Elootod President - dent and Jowott Ko-Eloot- od Soorotary ( Cnno Presentation to llotlrliiK 1'rcsl- ilont Baker Appropriate Spccchcd-Tlio New Committee ft. PUELIMINAIIY POLITENESS. The old city council convened for the last tinio yesterday evening. President Baker was in the chair. The member * present -wore Anderson , Bohm , Ilnscall , Kaufman , Lcoder , llodfiold , Murphy , Wooodwoth and Thrano. The journal of the lost two meetings was read and ap proved. A resolution by Hnscall , tendering W. I. Baker , the president of the old council , a vote of thanks for the cour teous and efficient manner in which ho performed his duties , was road and adopted. On motion a recess of five minutes was taken to enable the clerk to make up his journal of the business done by the old council at ita last ' night's session , for ap proval by that . At body. the close of recess - cess the journal was road and approved. The old council was then ready to ad journ eino'dio. THE CANING. At this juncture Mr. Kaufman nroso and made a few appropriate remarks upon the manner in which the different members had worked together for the city's good without respect to party , and complimenting the president upon the able manner in which ho had adminia- tored his duties. At hia conclusion ho presented Mr. Baker an elegant gold- hooded cane as a mark of esteem from his fellow-workers in the council. Mr. Baker responded fittingly , con- eluding by Inviting all members of the council to moot him at the close of the meeting in the city clerk's offise , where a caucus would be hold "without respect to race , color , or previous condition of servitude. " Mr. Kaufman then moved the council adjourn sine die. Carried. THE NEW COUHC1L waa then called to order by the clerk. Mr. Murphy was chosen temporary chair man. The now members came forward nnd were sworn into office by the mayor and then took their seats as members of the council , Mr. Bechel selecting the desk of President pro tern. Murphy , Mr. Furay that of Mr. Dunham , and Mr. Ford that of Mr. Bohm , who in the future will occupy that formerly occu pied by Mr. McGuckin. "THE PUKSIDENOY. On motion the council proceeded to vote for president of the council , the ballot - lot resulting : Murphy 10 , Kaufman 1. Mr. Murphy was then declared president. Mr. Murphy thanked the council for the honor conferred upon him , concluding his remarks with the hope that ho would perform the duties involved upon him as well asjiis predecessor. J. J. L. o. J. J Mr. Jowett was then re-elected clerk by acclamation , and being repeatedly called upon for some remarks , he took the rostrum and thanked the new counbil for his re-election , stating that ho felt he could perform his , dnties in a more satisfactory manner for the coming year than he had done in the past. TUB HULKS. On motion of Mr. Redfiold , it was or dered that the rules of the old council govern the now ono. VIADUCTS , A motion was made by Hascall , and carried , that a committee of live on via. ducta bo added to the eleven committees created at the last meeting of the coun cil. THE COMMITTEES. The president then announced the members ot the various standing commit tee ! an follows Judiciary Hascall , Kaufman and Leedor. Finance and Claims Kaufman , Loed- or end Buchel. Streets and Gradoj Behtn , RodOeld and Furay. Police Bochrl , Thrane and Ford. Public Properly and Improvements Wo < 'dvTorth , Beoliol and Bohm. Fire and Waterworks Leoder , Thrano nnd Hascall. Gas and Electrio Light Thrane , An- ilnrwm and Furay. Si inwnlka and Bridges Ford , Ander son and Kaufman. Rules formH and printing Anderson , Rudtield and Ford. S werago Furay , llascoll and Wood- worth , Pftving curbing and guttering Red- field , Woodworlh andBehm. Viaducts Kaufman , Haecall , Bcchel , Bulim and Wood worth. A rctmlulion by R-dfield was adopted instructing the clerk to distribute to thu appropriate committees vheir proper papers. The council then adjourned. TJioutmmiHKay No , Mr. T. W. Atkins , Illrurd , Knn. , wrltns : "I never hpsitnto tw ruToiiimtind jmir Uleu- trio liitUiro to my ciintoinurs , they give nntliti tatiifacttou anil are rapid Bollors. ' Khutrlu Hilton nro the puruut uuci Imxt medicine known and will fHwItivoly cure Kidnuy and ilver complaint * . I'unfy the blood anil reg- uliita the boweU. No family can alfurd to be without , thorn. They will mwo hundreda nl dollurb iu doctor's bifla evnry year. Sold At TO cento ft boltta by ( I. F. Qoodmao. A Midnight 1'rowlur , Monday night near 12 o'clock a an oak thief atteniptud to etluot an entrance to th liouso of Joceph Pontauo , nn Thir- u-.i'iuh ntrcct , butwunn Junes and Luuv. unwnith , by raising a window. At .tho time Ponttmo , who is onu of the I tali inn nm > iUd for Illegal voting at lliu cit ) election , was conCncd in the county jni1 and his wife was in the IKIUHO ulonn , The woman had n revolver with which to ( . protect horaulf and shu fired one shot thrnuK.li the window wt thii thief , but it missed Ha mark nnd lodged in another n-jhoiuo across the alley without djinu tiny j ft'trin. Slio tin n hiwteneil to th" floor I nnd fired another shot at the flcouiulri-l ] as ho fled up the alloy but , like the first , it failed to tnko c floe I. The neighbors woroaroused , and nftcr an explanation nil again retired , T/iia / morning when the neighbors visited Mrs. Pontano'a house she WAS found in a dead swoon. Her husband wai released from j til by Judqo Bouoko , and it was fcaredycstorday forenoon that the woman weald die. She was in n very delicate condition , and the novoro strain was too great for her nervous nystum , and it gave away , ntioUIcu'H tXrntu * Snlvu. The prcntcst niwllcal wonder of the world , Wnrr&nttxl to Rpoodlly cure Damn , Cuts. Ul- onm , Halt Khmitn , 1'cvor SorM. Cnncon. Plloi , liiB , Cornd. Totter , Ohnppod imndn. nfelii on\ptlon , R.anvntcod to euro In very . V-- tn tftuco , or money rofunilod. 2Sj cents Mr. MnnntiiK't ) Sl lo of the Cnno. A few days ago mention was made In THE UKK of the arrest of Mr. Manning for obtaining money under false pretenses , Monday the caao WAsbriught up in the po lice courtmid dismissed for want of pros ecution , us the complainant and his at torneys were conspicuous for their ab sence. It is but simple justice to W. F. Manning , the gentleman who has boon the subnet of the , to make a . . * . prosecution . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . i .t * i 11 ; .i. plain statotnont of the facts M they exist. Manning & llcss , n' the time of their f iluro , hnd in the Nebraska National bind farmers' notes as collateral security tj cover nn amount loaned by the bank to them , nnd applied it on their indobt- odness. Among tliono notes wns ono given by Thomas Wolleson. The firm gitl boon dome * all they could toward the collection of the o notes , and when collections < have been mndo receipts hnvo bonn given. The notes receipted for will be surrendered to the fnrmors IIR soon as nn ordi > r can bo obtained from the court. Mr. Wollosim did not mnko tltl the paj mont of his note when it became tld duo , but ri quested nnd received an extension tension of time of payment , and at the aamo , time gave a now note for the amount duo. The old note could not nt that time bo found and the conclusion tltl tlV that it had been destroyed. When the now note became duo Mr. Wolleson promptly paid it to Mr. Manning nnd re ceived the note from him. A number of i the : notes were placed in the hands of Mr. Simeral for collection , with the positive instructions not to sue without orders iifi from the bank. The original note turned fiu fiB among these in Mr. Simoral'a posses sion , nnd Mr. Wolloaon vras uotilied ac cordingly. He produced the eecond note endowed paid , from Mr. Manning , which was the basis of his arrest. It has been the : understanding and agreement with the parties that these receipt * should bo given and the money turned in at the bank when c6lloctioiis were made and the notes to bo returned to the giver , tlo tlb destroyed , as soon as the satno could bo done. It was not the intention to collect or attempt to collect this original note of Mr. Wolleson's , nnd as is stated by both Mr. Manning and the bank , it was simply through neglect or overflight that the old note was presented for payment. Had Mr. Manning been notified at the tirao the second payment was demanded , that the note was still in existence , it would have at once boon destroyed. Mr. Wolleson , as ho himself statoa , wai pur- suadod at the time to proceed as ho did , upon the information that it would bo prosocut&d by the state at not a dollar'e expense to him , and even if ho was bo ten it would cost him nothing. HP now regrets his hasty action and pub- lifthea the following sworn statement : OMAHA , April 3. To all to whom it may concern , a-d more especially to my former friends : 1 would state that the atreat made last Saturday , of W. F. Manning , was , ai f.ir as I am concerned , a mistake ou my pirt , and I regret that my attorney advised mete to j take such steps. I have dealt with Mr. Manning ) for several years and have al- waya found him nn honorable man , and have never had any t-ouble in getting my notes before from him. As there soon to bo some mistake on my part for my proceedings in what I-havo done , I here by acknowledge the eamo. And I do further state that the article that app ar- hd iu THE BEE and Herald of Sunday , Monday and Tuesday , were done without roy consent and knowledge , and the same are false an against Mr. Manning. * THOMAS WOLI.ESON. WitnoPB , W. J. KENNEDY. Subscribed and sworn to before mo , a notary public in nnd for Douglas county , Neb. , thin 3d day of April , A. D. 1884. 1 W. J. KENNEDY , SEAL j- Notary Public. Thorohavo been a number of the notes paid and receipts given for the amounts imid , by Mr. Manning , his partner , Mr. liens , also their book-keepnr , and the bank understands the matter , as it is secured in the transaction * by P. D Cooper , W. J. Kennedy , Parker , Rob crtBon & Co. , B E. Inglehart , F , H Pugh mid men of that clans. None of these who hold rucuipts will bo asked to jmy the second timn. and the sUtemont tlmt they will to compelled BO to do i without foundation. AVhloAwuko C. F. Goodimm is always ulivu In hU bus ! nv < n and aparea no tulrui to Hocitro the bout of every article In his line. Ho lion unciirod the ftKuncy for tha celebrated Dr. Kliig'H Nuw Discovery for Consumption. The only cor- ttln cure known for Consumption , Cou h * . Colds , Hoarsonoaa , Anthinu , Huy Fever.Hrou chills , or any affection of throut iuid lnn . riold on n positive uurantoo. Trial bottle * froe. lintnilur nlzn Si A Hrllllruu Eiiturtuiiminnt. The "Golden Fleece" doniety , com. pnaeil of the ladies of the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church , gave a vtiry plrns nt entertainment at the church put-lorn Monday evening. The ladio * worw ull beautifully and taaiily dressed , and an excellent programme w * rendered. Thu following i th < i programme : 1. Duutt . Solution from SUbat Mutur OrKiiii M * Allun , I'lunu-MlM Uonlter. ! i. Chorus . Strl ke the Cymbal OMfolkscoi.certcompany , The Pilot Mr. Franco nnd Mr. NorUi Ttlo . Klnwerv BolU LUziu und Uonrgln lloiiller itnd Mm , Nortlirup , 5. lUcltatlon . Daisy Fnlth Mrs Wllklni. 0. Solo , . . MimiloliHulm'K Criwllo Bonir Mr. Northrup , 7. Piano Duett . - , Ciiirlriido mid K < llth JumoH. ni. . ) ' Hlierhunm. a .u . 81 tj"oru > l " \ b VvW Lamentation. ( ) Idfolknconc rtcotniiinv. | 9. Solo . LOVO'H ( iuor lo ISoultor. 10. Duett . Hark I The Merry I JolU MM. Northrup anil 31tn , I VIM , 11. Ho.o Mr , Biillinan. 12. IteclUtlim , ' Over th'i 11111 * to the 1'oor Iftiuro " Mr * . Hhrove. 18. Chorus. , AuM Lang Bjua Ohlfollwcoiic rtcoinpnuy , ' r n'1 ' With the cnndnnrtits fjunon.lly attnina- bio it i not potblble to produro n mayo- unite dressirg for saladH that will cnm- par with Durkeu'tt Ralwl Ifn inj ( , Buy n bdttlti und bo cdiiviniwl. THE NOVEL HAIL WORKS , Crude Pelrolcnra and Water Being Usci for Foci , The Ontnlin Nnll AVorks Htnrt Up ARfiln YoHtoritay. The Omnlm Nnil works resumed work ngnin ! yesterday with nearly half its full force of men. About two months ago they were shut down for the purpose of making some changes in the machinery. These chnngcs consisted chiefly in re placing ] the ordinary coal furnaces with other ones generating hont from vapor fuol. On Monday last the proposed work wns completed , About noon yes terday fire wns started to opornto what , until within n short time , has boon nn experiment. Many years there has been n widespread demand for n cheaper fuel than the market ' would nfibrd. This demand has caused many mon to devote years of study to solve the problem it involved. 111 thcso trials , ns in many others , mind was successful over matter , nnd the de sired end was gained. This fuel , that is now used nt the nail works , is called vapor fuol. It is mndo from petroleum in itn crude state. The works were yes terday visited by hundreds to see the ma chinery operated from this now source of heat. Petroleum and water are all the fuel now used at thcso works. Thrco boilers nnd four furnaces were running yesterday. In addition to them the nail cutting machinery will bo in running operation ' in a few days. This now fuel is made iu the following manner : Crude petroleum is contained in n tank at a short distance from the generator , or "thormogon" as it is term- od. This generator consists of two ro- torts tightly connected nt the top. Steam is passed between these two retorts , becoming - coming supor-hoated by contact with the nearly red hot outer retort. It then passes through a tube into two stool globes within the inner retort , heating ft them intensely. The crude oil is forced by a small force pump in a small stream through u pipe which extends through the top of the retorts and drops upon the Burfaco of the upper globo. The heat of this glebe usually vaporizes the petroleum. If It do not , contact with the second Buroly will. This generator is so perfect in its work that every drop of petroleum entering it is changed into vnpor. This petroleum gas and stoani are then carried by small pipes to the furnaces when com bustion takes place. Within these fur- nacrs piles of brick are so constructed that the heat may bo oven and constant throughout. The pipes convoying the and steam from the gas generator form a sort of not-work in the furnaces. They uro full of small holes from which this fuel escapes evenly throughout the fire boxes. The boiler room can bo kept as clean using this fuel ns any other part of the works. Nogrates aroused , a great saving. Tnis heat generator , shut up in a brick enclosure not moro than six foot wide , long and high , was producing a power yesterday equal to that of 50U horses. Only ono man is needed to tnko care of all the boilers , furnaces and generators. It is calculated by the owners of the works that there will bo a saving of 30 per cunt on fuel by this system of pro- ' ! - - heat. The nail works under its now motive power worked satisfactorily yesterday. The only diffi&ulty was the unovcn diitribnnon of hea't throughout the furnaces. This will bo easily reme died. Only the rolling mills were run ning yesterday , em ploying aboutDOhands. So noon as a sufliciunt amount of nail iron is rolled out the whole works will bo put in operation , employing about 125 mon and boya. This will be , by the first of next week. By inquiry of the employees it waa learned they hud no fears of an ox- plosion. Mr. F. S. Gogin of Bostonwho l > ut in thcao now works , and Aihois thoroughly acqualntoa with his business nlatcs that there is danger in using the vapor fuel This system of hout produc tion is found nowhere in the west , the nearest place to Omahn , where the vapor fuel iu used , ia Baltimore. The necessa ry machinery hass been ordered for put ting it in Ilcr's distillery and the "Ther- nuignn" has already arrived Should eat- sfaction boj > iventhe smelting worko will uao the vapor fuol. podding' ) ) Ihishla Salvo , best family Hnlvo In the world , and excellent for Ht.iblo axe. 'Jflcta Tlio MuMoitou'H Lime Nljfli t. Another good mzod audience greeted the Mnstodon'a at Boyd'd opera house upon their second appcaranco last night. Thuro was no material change in the pro- gramma outside of the oporattn , Paul i Yemen's costume in the laut scene being [ limply elugunt. Nothing finer was over put on the boards of the Boyd in the ! line of opera uojtuining. The absence of I coarne jukes might bo mentioned ngain _ i and with u good deal of satisfaction. 'I'liK HUE for ono hails with delight thin revolution in negro ininstiulsy. Why the majority of bur.it cork comedians consider it the thing to resort to brond und decidedly vulgar gags in order to provoke u laugh is "something no fellah can find cut. " WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERY. FAY & Co. , formerly of Mlnnoapolu , Minn. , have opened a wholonalo confoo. tionory , cigar and fruit bunini'tss , nt 1211 Faniuin street. o2.1m Hovuroly lnjurcil. Monday evening uhiul six o'clock , liar- mini MoKennn , ono of the carrier bojH for Thu Dispatch , mot with quite a severe nccidont Ho was out upon hii route and while turning the corner of Califor nia and Tiventy.fifth streets hia horse clipped und fell upon him. The boy waa b dly biuisod about the face , ono of his cyt'B bing Hwollon completely shut , two of liin teeth kimcki-d out , and his untirofaco b dly scratched up. lie Mill bo out in a few days , Thu Homo wns also badly injured nnd was nimble to IPAVO thu bam yeatqrday morning , Slightly Wruiliy , In two instances of late TUB HUE , with itn accustomed ontorprue , hau publinhcd the report of city ofliciuls in advance of their being submitted to thu nviyor and city council for their approval , Wo refer ta the annual report of tbucity onginotr ' , of which the principal fact was published i and the nni'iiAl ' rqmt of the city pliy- J siomn. This outorpriio on the part of THR , IJr.K made the mayor quito wrathy ns it in stated ho had intended to ring thorn both into his Annual roport. Ycslordaymorningho issuodnporcmptcl ryordor that under no circumatniicuii nhnl any city official give to any newspaper reporter any official report or oven nny inkling of what it m.iy contain , until it has first boon submitted to his honor the mayor and city council for their inspec tion and npproval , Tjin BJSB , however , will continue to bo just n little bit in the load , nnd will keep its readers faithfully posted as to what is about to occur ns well ns that which has already taken placo. I'KUSONAU CliM. Avotlll and C. 0. Wilcox , Lincoln , nro Hopping nt the Metropolitan , F. 1'orrnnd , Atkinson , No1 > . , Is registered 11. 1' . Stovonsou nnd ] 'ufono ; Moore , Wott Point , nro In the city nt the Pnxton. W. C. Cfttborwood , Blftlr , nnd William F % Black , Ashland , nro roglitorod nt the IVixton. 0. B. Kakln , Fairmont , nnd V. 1L 1'nrkor , Uoattico , nro nt the 1'axton , If , T , Jonoj , Seward , nnd IX AlbrlRht , of Mndlnon , nro stopping nt the Mlllnrd. W , A. Plnkortou , of Clilcngo , of dotoctlvo fame , WM In Oinitlm jo t6rday , Jadgo John 11. Porter lott yet tordny nf tor- noon to upend n few dn > n nt Pcorla , Illinois. Mrs. John A. McShinn U reported gorlou * . ly 111 nt her homo ou Went Furunni etrcot , Josopli A , Connor , I'lnttnmouth , and W. J , Mnnhnll , Lincoln , roglHtorod yesterday at the Pniton. Mm. J. II. MocUott , Mrn. 11. H. Mookott , Ebonozor Mockott nnd Kd. 11. Mockott , of Lincoln , nro guoata of the Mlllard. Jos. A. Urown , of Ashland , J , Johnston nnd wife of Blair , and H. A. Tomploton , of Tokntnoh , nro gnostw nt the Mlll.ird. J. If. 1'oory , Clmrlon C mt > boll , S. W. Afc- Qroor nnd Church Howe , Auburn , nro RuosU of the rnjcton. 0. 15. 1'nrkor , Lincoln , wlfo and two daugh ters , and D. Anderson , Columbus , nro at the Metropolitan , O. 0. Chllde , Syrncuso , nnd J. W. WIgton nnd Mm. C. McOry , Huntings , Neb. , nto gnoata nt the Motropolltnu. R. E. Ilnskoll , Arnold , Nob. ; U. W. M. Bryan , lown City , In. , nnd D. P. Temple , York , nro stopping nt the Metropolitan. llov. 0. W. Bavidgo Is spending n few dnys In Mlnnoai > ell > , but will bo back for the Sab- bnth. Fred Nye , the Republican' * editor , and his wlfo , have returned from quito nn extended sojourn In tha oast. W. J. Tousloy , formerly of this city but now a prominent stock raiser of Westorvlllo , Castor county , Neb. , is in the city visiting friends. Dr. William Kdwards , formerly n druggist In this city , but now a cattle dealer near Platte Canter , is in this city on business nnd to dhako hands with old time friends. tilts. Loavlt Burnlmm has returned from the cast , Bho was accompanied on her return by Miss Mary Abbot , n Boston lady , who will bo the guest of Mm. Burnlmm for several wooks. W. D. Badger nnd wife and Mrs. A. Mcado , of Arlington , this state , who have boon in thli city for several days , the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. Swobo , at the Mlllard hotel , returned turned to their homo yesterday. Mr. D. R , Anthony , editor nnd proprietor of the Loavonworth TlmoJ , is in this city. Mr. Anthony has worked unceasingly to mnko tbo Times n paper which would be felt and ho has succeeded. Ho Ia also n brother of Susan B. Anthony and Is possessed of n great deal of the same goaheadltivonesi which char acterizes that noted advocate of woman suf frage. Hon. Thoa. H. Dnlley , ex-prcsldont of the city council , ia seriously ill at his homo on Sherman avonuo. Last Friday ho felt an un usual dizziness , while seated at hla desk in the U. I1 , shops. He started up town for a doc tor. Scarcely had he found ono when he was completely overcome and had to bo carried to lila homo. During Sundoy nnd Monday ho suffered severely , but yostordaytnornlng an Itn provomeut In his condition was noted , and it Is now hoped ho will soon recover. His illness - ness Is the dtract result of n bullet wound In the head received In the wnr , nnd which has caused him serious inconvenience In the luet twenty yearn. AHBiiultetl an(1 Hobbecl. 0. II. King appeared in police court yesterday and fikd complaint against John Dee , real name unknown , charging said Dno with having assaulted and rob bed plaintiff Monday night. King stated that ho vrn a stranger in the city nnd Monday ni hlwhicin | ) | a taloon near thu depot ho mot Doe. They drank together , nnd llm ntrnngcr admitted that ho was pretty full , They loft the saloon together , and had gene but a short dis tance when Dee assaulted him , knocking him into a ditch , after which ho relieved him of his pocketbook , which contained $4 in money , n silver watoh , and other valuables. Doe is a hard case uud has Boverul times been hoforo the policti judge but has nlways managed t find a loop hole through which to crawl out. NKWMAN'H NON-BUIV. 'i'lioMetlioillut l flnor if ft Oc tlonulCliiu ch HeBlfriiH ami Wltli tlriiWH HlH Uenljn , tlon , NKW YOUK , Apiil 8. Rev. Dr. J. P. Newman to-nujlit sent in his rcsigna- lion as pwtor of the MatHsju avenuii Congregatiointl churuh , to taio tlFuct May 1st. In his loiter of nisUumtion , wliilo oxpretsing his gratitude to the con- ( rogation and the harmonious outcome of the recent inquiry into the uifjira ol the church , ho felt tlut "such a dij. cieditable ullUir" miqht cuJiir again ut any moment , and tlioretora resigned in thy iulcrobt of the haunony and welfare of the church. At the conclusion of the reading of Nowman'B letter , the chairman nskcd these in favor of adapting the same to risn , Not rt ponum movud. When h cllcd for u negative , eve y ono in th building instantly roue. At thin auspi cious moment Dr. Newman unlrrod the church , wiw loudly appl udod nnd oillad upon to Bpeak. Ho declared that he for gave nil his opponents , asked his friends to do the BIHUU , withdrew hU letter of resignation , saying lmt huncaforth ho would devote hia tulimta to th otemal welfare of thoito who had atood aa litmly by tbo church and bv him. Juineti. HuhTSVUiB , Ala , April 8. Frank Jainca was nmiigned this morning hflfor/ i ' .Tudgo Bruce f v the Musfcl Shoals ro'o bary , II" pcwd ! < 1 not jjuilty , Tha ui , iy-wm ret iur AIUI ! Itiih. , CASTORIA , Infants and Children i Withont Morpldno or TTnrootlaa , What ( rives our Children rosy checks , , \VbatcureaUiclr fevers , BKIKPI them sleep j f 'Tin C'nutorln. When Hauled fret , nml cry l y tiinw , Wlmt cures their colJc , kULi ihrlr worm1 ? , ! Itnt a. . Vfhnt quickly ciirwi Con < < tlpatlon < Sour Stomach , Colds , Imllgrttlon : Hut Cnxtorln. SVimwelt then to Morphine Syrups , Castor OU and Varecorlc , anil IIiulCnKtorlo. Contour Lin I mont. An nii- olnto euro for Rlxonmntinm , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , nnd oa ln tontanoons Pnln-rollovcr. 41 A PIEIIY FIREMAN. rho Ufayor nt I < Vomont Talks Back Emnhntlcnlty to "I oorlltchartl" Honied ntl Kx- To tha Editor ot TUB DEB. FKKMONT , Nob. , April 7. In the issno of the OuAttA BRB , dated April 1st , there appet.vcd a letter from a Premont correspondent pendent which embodied BO many mali cious falsehoods that it is not n matter of much surprise that the- writer assumed a nom do plume , not having the temerity , decency or moral courage to sign hia proper name. That ho is a man of no character or reputation is only too appar ent by the fact that ho would take this onm method to do another an injury ; that ho is a cowardly uncak ia evidenced by the Bamo fact. Per had it been otherwise , had ho for a moment believed his state ments to bo true it would not have been necessary for him to hide himself under a false name. Neither would ithavqbeon necessary to gut a paper in Omaha know ing nothing about the matter to publiih it. The Fremont Herald , , Fremont.Trib- 'u1' uno , Saturday Evening Journal or Platte , . llivor Zoitung would not have published the letter under any circumstances , for each and all of them know it to bo false. Now in regard to the charges. In the first , I hold the nflico of mayor , and am chief of the fire department. If that is a crime I am a criminal. But notwith standing the fact that I am still chief , the electors of Fremont have endorsed my position by again electing me mayor by n flattering majority , and their ver dict is of much moro value than aught than can bo said or done by "Poor Rich ard. " The second alleged act iu the drama at which this high moral rooster takes umbrage - brago ia in regard to visiting saloons at the time the fire companies 're turned from Lincoln , accompanied by Pacific hose company of Grand Island. Now if "Poor liichard" had had aby re spect for the truth , he would have omitted that part of hit letter , as it is absolutely false in every particular except ono , and I respectfully refer to A. C. Hull , G. Driscoll and others , who root us at the train and marched' ' up town * with , us , to verify what I say. \V e neither halted at or visited any talonn in our march until wo reached Mr. Eiliugcr's on Sixth street , and that waa in response to an invitation extended by him when we alighted from thu train. The ranks were brouen at that time and never formed again until in answer-to the cull nf the Fremont brass band , at Mr. F7 hm'e hall wo formed in line , and escorted th Grand Inlund iiremon to the tram , with out a Binglo holt except to get BOIIU ) bag- ga o from Me. Hull's gallery. In this connection I would nay that in my thir teen years' residence in the city , I have always observed that the "Dutch" are fully equal to thn task of taking < nro of thcimolves , and any Bwg e tfoa volun teered by "Poor lUclurd" as to who J trying to buy or Bell them ia wholly un necessary. The connection Oswold Miller haw with the Fremont Cro department is well understood , und the fact that the fire men felt ; disposed to drink to his health for courtesies shown by him ftt the time the fltato association met hero last winter , when n banquet waapiven in honor of visiting firemen , , is one which "Poor lUchaid" will Hud much difficulty in making political rupitul out of , I did go on the bond of a police officer- chanted with stealing , and in the prelim inary examination the parly clciming to have been robbed admitted having rho * whole account of money in hU pockoU except ? 20 paid to llnbt. GtegK for work- IUR up th ease , und the f o paid an at torney whom ho had employed. Now if "Poor I'.ichurd" IIHB one particle - ticlo of honor ( which ) doubtfulJctr , him mnko himf.elf knowitKt him vindi cate hid portion , if ho win , nnd nut re port to the contemptible cowardiou of stabbing a man m thu b > ek. J. C CLBLANU , "Mayor Chief. " Absolutely Pure , Tulip > * HM UKh tail wlf . ' < * ' h cdlovry f 04)