OMAHA DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY APRIL 0,1884. F1HANCE AKD COMMERCE. FINANCIAL ! Maw YOUR , April 8 Money E.vy at 1J2 per cent ; closed ffero.l at 1 } per cent. Prhn Mercantile Paper l@5i per cant , Exchange 1)I1U Firm at 4 84 ; demand , 4 8J. Q OTOrnmentIIIgh ( t. U llwy IJouds tttroii ? with the exception of n ( light f poll of weakness in tha afternoon , duo ti roslltitlonn. ) Stock Market-Strong and higher ; more confident tone prevailed on the belief that railroad troubles are In n fair way of eetllo. ment ; loading bear tradcra were heavy Imycn throughout the day , and largo and short con tracts In the St. Paul and Union Pacific were covered ; prlcoi ndranced iJ@2J per cent. , Union Pacific rose 2Jtol2iJ ; , Northwestern Jtol ICJj Northwestern , preferred , Itol 4t > ! tit. Paul S@SGi , Qinaha , preferred , IglOl.J and Western Union 1G7I. Market closed strong compared with Monday night ; closing prlwa are i@2i per cent , higher. OOCFOSa S' 1(0 ( ? 44'aCoapoM 113j \rt 1232 Pndiio 6 a of'95 1J.U arOOKB AN H 1K > N1)3 , AraorlcAn Krproo 07J BurL , Cednr Kuphls & KdrUiorn 82 Central Puclllc r.7i Chicago A'Alton 130J do do pfd 145 Chi. , Burl , tz Qulocy 124J Erie 2l5 dn pfd 58 Fort Woyno k OhloaKo ' 128 $ Hnunlbal & St. Joseph 3SJ do do do pfd * 88j IllinoN Central 129 Ind. , Bloom. : Wontoru 171 K.-UMIM& Texas 201 L. Ue Shore & MichiRan So ! IRj Michigan Central 89 Mlanptiuolia fi St. Louts If ! do " do do pfd 31 } Missouri Pacific 8H ( Njfthorn Pacllio 22J do do pfd „ 48 N Jrthwostorn 110 do pfd 144 Now York Central 1141 Onto & Mi isuippl i > t } do do 'pfd 0 Peoria , Decatur ScEvansvillo 1 Rock Island 12 St. Pan & Milwaukee 8 do do do pfd 11 St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 0 St. Paul * Omaha 3 do do pfd 0 Texas Pacific 1 Union Pacific 7 : Wabash , St. L. & Pacific 1 do do do pfd 2 ! WoHtcrn Uolou Telegraph G Asked. GUAINANll 1MIOVISIOHK. CHICAGO PRODDCB. OniCAOO , Aprils. Flour Dull and prices unchanged ; Southern Illinois and Missouri wtntorn , 5 EO@D 75 ; Michigan wtuters , 4 7 < " @ B 50 ; low grade winters , 2 25@3 50 ; good to fancy spring extras , 3 25@4 00 ; Minnesota bakera , 4 2lV ! 5 " 0 ; rye flour , 3 00@3 30. Wheat Kegular active and umottled : opened stronger , fluctuated , advanced l@l.ic above the closing figure * on call yesterday ; later became weaker , fell off Ig ? IJc from out side prices reached , rallied finally , and closed about Jo higher than the closing figures nn the regular hoard yfistorday ; cash 77jiOc | * ; April 77i@77ic ; May b218igo ; Jnly 85J a 85J1 ; winter whnat , wintar storage , 9c ; No. 2 Bpring , 78i@78gc. Corn Active and unsettled ; opened a trifle higher , fell off ic , then rallied i@2fl , later declined IJ'iJlJc , and closed quiet aud about t@Jc lower than yoitnrday ; cash 45@ 43c ; April 45c ; May 495@4U3c ; July 52Jc. Oats -Steadier ; J@ic higher than yester day , mid closed about the same as vosterday ; cish 2G3@29Jc ; April 2G7c ; May 31c ; July 31 ic. J lye Steady at 51@55c. Barley Firm at CGo. Timothy Choice , 1 25@1 27 ; prime , 1 23@ "Has Seed 1 fi4 on track. Pork Unsettled in early dealings , 15@25c higher , but closed comparatively easy at in- Rid- figures ; 1C IS'ffilO " 20 for cash ; 1C 10 ® 10 15 for April ; 1C"17J@1G 20 for May ; 1C 40 @ 1G 424 for Jnly. hard St ady at a slight advance ; closed at inside figures ; 6 30 for cash and April ; 8 32i@ 8 35 ' for May ; 8 52 8 C5 for July. Boxed Meats Shoulders , 7 03 ; short ribs , 8 20 ; short clear , 8 1)5. ) Butter Weaker in tone ; choice creamery , 23@30c ; dairy , 2G@27c ; rolls , common to choice , 10 ; 20c. Cheese In better supply and easier ; hard ekitns dull ; full creams steady. Eggs 35@15io. Hides steady at full prices ; * green salt cured bull , GJc ; preen salt , damaged , 8@8jc ; roen salt light , 8.@S4c } ; hoivy.8c ; greousult calf , 13c. Tallow Steady and unchanged ; No , 1 , CJc ; cake , 7. Whisky-1 17. CALL HOABD. "Wheat May go lilgher ; Juno Sc'higher ; .July c higher. Sales , 1,450- 000 hushels. Corn Unchanged. Sale-i , 800,000 bnsholc. Oats May Jo higher ; Juno und July $ a higher. Sales , -JGD.OOO busliels. Pork Juno 5o lower ; . July 24cilowor. Sales , 14.500 bbls. ' J > ard July 2Jc .lower. Sales , 2,250 , tiercca. NEW OULXANH. NEW ORLEANS , April 8 , Corn Fair de mand ; mixed , Giuj05 ( < : . Oats Quint and o.mior ; choice -U © 15c. Corn Aleal Easier nud scarce ; hold at 320. 320.Pork Dull nnd lower nt 17 P 0(5)17 ( ) 75. T ard < juiot ; tierce , ipfined , 8 7 ( > : keg , 0 25. Whiskey Steady and unchanged , nAI.MMOHK. 8. Whaat Higher nnd inactive ; No. U winter red spot 99J ; Alay , ! ) ! ) . } ; ! )3Sc. ) Corn Steady nnd Inactive ; mixed , spot , vile ; M y 53@C3.c. { Oats-Quiet and utendy ; mixed 38@iQc. Ityo-QuietAt t7 ! © - < l\ilot ivt 18c. Mir.vrAHKirM , Aprils , Wheat Higher : No. 2 , 85Jc ; April. 8gc ; May ; 8GJc ; JunoSSJc. Corn Dull ; .No. 2. 5lc. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 32c. Kyo Inactive ; No. 1 , COo bid. Barley Firmer atGlc. KT. WUJ8 fHODUCR. ST. Louis , April . Wheat Active ; opened higher , advanced on the now crop month * , then broke and closed lower ; except for Juno and July ; No. 2 red , HI 05 ® 1 0JJ bid for cash ; 81 03 } for May ; 1 Oil for June ; 9IJ@01Zo July ; 8'Jju ' the your ; No. 3 red , nominal. Corn Active and ppaued lower , .tdvanced , then fell oil and closed lower than yesterday ; for canli ; 45je for April. 4.'a May , 4Gjjo Juno. Outx Firmer and Blow ; 25o for cub ; 33c Jor May. Ilyo-65(255cbid. ( } Barley-70@85c. Butter Unchanged. Ega Lower at life. Flax Soed-3l ( X ) . liny Pralrlu. 810.COOH 00tlmothyM 00 1600. Bran Lowjr at 74o. Corn Moat-At 82 05. CLOSING BOAKD Vh8at Strong aai higher : 1 07 for May ; 1 02Jftl ( 02 { for Junej 'J.'J@02J B for July ; Ulo bid for August ; 87 0 for the year. Corn Higher but slow ; 4&jju 'or May ; 4Gc for June ; 18Ao for July , Oat < Nothing done. CINCIKNATI. OiN-oiKNUTf. April 8. Pork Quiet at 1060. Lard Dull at fi 25. Bulk MeiU : Hauler. Whisky-Active nnd firm nt 1 IS. KJIW TOHK. HBW YOHK , Apt II 8. Wheat Cash grades } o hlnhor , clostug firm ; options docliuod j@jo at the opening : afterwards recovered this and advanced l@liiu , uf ar the close weakened and Joit moft of the Imprnreuient , leaving elf stronger { jglc ( ) above Inside rateu ; No. 2 Chi > ego , O-IJc ; l it ungraded red. 80ct Of ! ; No , I tf < \ . 81Jc ; K . 3 cd , 91J@9J ; No. 2 rod , 97 @ 9Sf. Oirn Sp t lots hold stronger ! option * opened olcr , lalor ndvancod IG1 ; ! ! " . nnd clootng Ktcady , * lth most of the Improvomntit loot uner vied , SVdlMic ; No. 3 , rili65ci No. 2 , rW5CBCj ! old No. 2 , f > 7. Out * Ay , In hi hari mixed wcstorn , 31 ® 3Gcwlilto. | 39@42c. lW Western fresh unsettled and lower at 17J@18o. rork Quiet nnd steady. LardRtoidv ; wcatom steam , cash , 8 SO ; May , 8 67@8 G2. Butter Dull nnd In buvors' favor. Choose Qtilot and steady. TOLEDO. Toi.RDO , April R. Vliont Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 rol , dpot , OO .U.'c ; May , Ol c. Corn QtiiPt and firm ; lil h inixod , 6Ic ; No. 2 , c.vih , Api 11 nnd May , 4'J c , UatK Dull and firm ; No. 2 , cash and April , 35c. LIVBJITOOL. LtVKRroot , Atirll 8. Whont Dull ; winter - tor , 7s fldi&R ( * ; spring , 7s 7d7 9d. Corn Flrmor ; 4s Ud. 1'KOIUA 1-nODUCK. ProniA , III. , April 8. Corn Stoutly ; now I , 4r @ 40lc ; now rejected , 41@ J t Jo. Oats Irregular nnd easier ; No. pi wfilto , 3IJ @ 35o. Hyo Steady ; now No. 2 , C7@57ic. WhUky-FIrm ; 8117. TUVK STOCK. U1I10AQO MVJt RTOCK , ClIIOAno , April 8. TKo Drovoru' Journnl rnirorla this nttttfimon as follows : Hoes Market steady ; rough packing , 4 40 © 5 paoklugjand shipping , C 9r > @C 35 ; light , 5 30@5 ! lj. Cnttlo Utlsk ami lOc higher ; common to choice shipping , G 40@G 10 ; inferior to good cows , 2 50 © 1 85 ; utockors , 3 50 © I 75 ; fooJore. 3 00@5 30. Sheep Steady ; Inferior to good , 3 76@5 75 per cwt ; choice to extra , 5 90G 30. HT. LODIH LIVB STOCK. ST. Lovjlrf , April 8. Cattle Supply scant , demand good , pitcon firm : export , G 25@G G5 ; 3rood to choice , shipping , 5 GO@G 20 ; common to medium , C 00r 50 ; feeders , -1 75@5 25 ; corn fed Texans , 4 75@5 50. Shoop-tiiiiot ; oxtremoi , 350@585 ; Tex- ana , 3 00@4 50. KANSAS CITV LIVK HTOOK. KANSAS CITV , April 8. ' 1'ho Live Stock Indicator reports : Cattle Active and firm ; natlvo , 4 505G 10 ; stockora aud feeders , 4 40@5 00 ; cows , 3 G0@ 4 50 , Hogs Steady ; range at 5 80@G 00. Slioop Quiet nnd unclungod ; uatlvca , 4 20. TKA1WIO. riODu AND an.\ix. CUIOAOO , April 8. Kocolpta nnd ship ments of flour nnd grain for the pant 21 hours lave boon aa follows : Ilacplpts. Shlp'tn. Flour , bbls ' 24,000 42,000 Wheat , burthela 124,000 297,000 Corn , bushels. / . 95,000 90,000 Oats , bushels 100,000 1G3.000 Kyo. bushels 5,000 11,000 Barley , bushels 21,000 20,000 NEW YOIIK , April fe. Receipts and shipmontsof flour and grain for the post 21 hours mvo been as follows : Kocelpts Shlp'tH. Wheat , bushels 50,000 Ifil.OfiO 3orn , bushels 40,0f 0 53,000 Oatn , bushels 13,000 . . . . LIVK STOCE. OHIOAQO , April S. Receipts and ship , ments of live stock for the past 24 hours have ; eon aa follows : Receipts. Shtp'ts. Cattle 3,800 logs 10,000 , . . . Sheep 4,500 . . . . KANSAS OITT , April 8. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours mvo been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. Cattle 2,000 ' . . . . Hogs 3.GOO . . . . Sheep ( JL325 Be. Louis , April 8. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 24 hours have 3oen as follows : Receipts , Ship'U Cattle SOO Hogs Sheep 1,300 fcOO mr GOODS MAHKET. NEwYoiiK , April 8. The exports of do- mastic cotton goods for the week have boon 2,977 packages , making for the cipirod portion tion of the year a total of15,802 packages , against 44,549 for the same time last year , a larger quantity for tliQ saiuo period than in any previous year. There is n largo but quiet request for cotton goods , and much more seat at present prices than the agents will meet. The agents have advanced Mo. Cross 5li-inch brown shootings jc ; and Massachusetts and Suffolk drills and Standard shootings io each ; other muk Handqu > tlilto3 hive bean advanced and confirmed by wales , Woolen goods nro in improved demand , but moderate business. Cutton yarns are firm and doing well nt the new prices. ZIlrt-lllUSTS. Wholesale Jfrlcos , OFKIOK or Tim OMAHA BEE. I Tuesday Evening , April 8. f The following prices nro charged retailers by Jobber * , wholesalers and commtHalou mer chants , with the exception of qrtln , which Ij ( { uoted nt tha priconfiu-nluhoilby the olovntora and ether local buyers : Grain. WHEAT-NO. 2. ClgafiOJi. . BAULKY No. 2. 42@4Sc. HTB-NO. 3 , 42Jn. COEV-NO. 2 , 3U@35io OATB-NO. 2. 242GVi lilvo Btootc. CAT STEBKS 4 25 5 00 ; Vvr Cows 3 000,4 00. HOGB-G 00G 2ft. SHKKP 3,504 50 OALVKU 0 rx & 7 00. Flour and MllIuluCu , WHKAT Best quality , rjatont/nt OnALiTT 2 75SJ3 ( 25. HBINO WHEAT Best quality , patent , 325@340. SEPONU QDAUTY 2 C0@3 2K , BBAN 70o per cwt CHOPPED FEED Per 100 Ibs , OOc , CORN MEAL 1 00@1 10 per owt. SCBEENINQC5@75o per owt General Produon. ArPtEfj Very low in market , Genitana , 33 75 ; Ben Davis , tf \Vlllowtwlgs. ; . 8S ( XI. BEAKS Receipts light and demand good. Hand picked navy , per bu , $2 CO ; uiKtlum , 2 00@2 25. BEEHWAK In good demand. Choice blight per Ib , 23@2 c ; common bi good dark i > er lb , & 0@25o , BOTTtttt Ifarkot quiet ; a. light docllim in notable. Cliolco country roll wanted , Fancy creamery , 33l5c ! ; ctolco roll , lU@18c ; choice solid packed , l-lSl5c ( ! ; fair to good , 11 @lUc ; inferior gradcw , C@8c. OliANnKiailKH None in inu-ket quotable Bell nnd cherry per bbl , SI2 OU ; "Bell CiDEH-"york Ktato" per bbl , C8 03 ; peri bbl , SI 75 ; condensed per gal , 85o. CHBESE Full cream , weateru , 131 ; Wiecon- uln. 13i@14c. OoooANura Per 100 , Si 7C5 00. Kaoa No overstock has accumulated as yet The market w.-w leapt clear at 13 Jc. A decllno la autlclaptod t-J Uko place right xft'ir Kuter. KoiiEiahf 3fnoiTH Meclna oraugos , per box , 33 75@4 00 , Mo.islnu lemons , per bar , , 83 75 ® t 00 , Banann , per bonob , § 300 400. Figs , lb. , IGo. Dite , Jo Iralla , 7Jo ; dates , ford , In boxes , MJ. Bonuua Apple butler , In 30 lb pftlU , per tb , 7c. Plum buttflr , 7ic. QAM Duck/i / , Mnllard , per dot , ? 25 ; teal , f I 50 ; mixed , 52 00@2 23 ; geese , 5J.50 ; sulpo , 81.2. ) . HAT Bnlod , 50 < > fl 8 Onwr tn. . JKU.T - In 20 and W ) lb pills , 85f-9 ; In 2 lb Unsjior tloz , $1 f > ( ) ; nnsortod tumblnit , per doz , ? l 20 ; pchooncrs , per doron , ? 3 00. MAH.K SfOAn-l'tiro , In btirks , per Ib , lOoj Ohio , 13c ; small cnktx , Iv'ic. OAT MEAI.-Ste l cut. per Mil , 50 25. UNIONS Receipts light , choice rod netting at SI 00 per bu. } yellow Danvcrs nt 53 50 ixrr barrel ; Rreon onion * , 25o per doz. bunches. ONIOX SETS Bottom not bu , 5350 ; top , $250. Porcoux- good demand at 2@2Jo per lb. FOCLTUT Scarce and high. Dro ( > d Tur keys. porlb. , 1718o. Ooo'fl , 13c. Chickens , 13@14c. Ducks. 13 ® I4o. Cldckons , llvo per doz , 8 1 CO. Ducks , live , per doz , ? I 00. POTATOES Demand for choice , well assort ed ntock only : mixed nnd frosted loU not wanted nt any price. Early Rose , per bu , 33 < W40c ( Ponuhblow , 50@45cj Coloradooa nro olloroa nt COCT c. PnBaKHVKa ( In 20-lb palln } Strawberry , r spborry , blackberry , per lb , 13c ; poactics , chorrloa , plums , npricots , figs , per lb , 12o ; cranberry snuco , licr lb , 80. 1'iiovisloNS Ham , 131cj b. bacon , lljc ; c. s. bacon , lljc ; d , a. eltles lOJc ; nhnrt rib iddoa , lOJe ; phouldor. ' . 8Jc ; mess pork , pur bbl. 820 tiO. Dried beef , lOlo. Lard. lOJc. S Spinach , per bbl , 4 50 ; now cabbaco , California per lb. , 4c ; lettuce , j > or doz. , l)0c ; rodlshoA , per doz. , GOo ; awoot pota toes , ) > cr lb , Go , turnips , per 1m , fiOc. boots , per bu , 75e ; cucumborn , per doz , , $200 ; cauli flower , per doz. , 93 00 ; nuparagus , per doz. , $1 00 ; nuw carrots , per lb. , 3c. 1'ios KBIT , riurK , KTO. Pigs foot , 16 lb klt , $1 23 } pigs 40 lb qr bbl. $2 50 : pigs foot , 80 lb half bbl , S5 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , 81 25 ; trlpo , 40 lb qr bbl , 52 50 ; trlpo , 80 lb half bbl , 55 00 ; pigs tonguon , 15 lb kits , $2 M ) ; pg ! tongues , 40 tb qr bbl , $ G 00 , Lambs' tonjruon , 15 lb kits , $3 00 ; 40 lb qr bbl , ? 0 00. 'FnMi ! OYSTKRH Selects , 40o Rtnndardo , Sbc ; modluma , 2oc. Grooora Idat , OANNXD Goons Oystora ( StaniUnlJpcr cane , 3 70@3 80 ; strawberries , 2 fl ) , per cano , 2 00@ 2 10 ; raapborrioa , 2 lb , per cano , 2 00 ; Bortlctt pears , per case , 2 40 ; whortloborrion , per cnno , 3 10 ; egg phuDB , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 lb , per citso , 2 00 ; plno npplos , 2 lb per caso. 4 80SJ5 ( 50. ROPE Sisal J inch and Inrgcr , 9ic , g Inch , lOc : j inch , lOAc. CANnLts Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 15c ; 8s , 15c ; boxes 40 Ibs , 1C oz. , Cs , 15o. MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 2 G5 ; square COBO.S , 1 70 , SPOAKS Powdered , ; 8Jc ; cut lonf , 8Jc ; grnuidatod , 7jc : confoctlonen' A , 7Jc ; , Staud- nrd extra 0 , fic ; extra O , Gjc ; medium yel low. Gc ; dark yellow , c. CoFfEEa Ordinary gradoa , 12@12io ; fair 13 @ 13c ; good , lie ; prime , 15@15Jc ; choice , ! G@17c ; fancy green andyollowlG@lGlcold ; government Jnva , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng'H roatod. 17o ; Arbucklo's roa.sted , lf } c ; McLaughllnV XXXX roasted , IGlc ; mitatlon Java , ICi RICE Louisiana pnmo to choice , 7c ; Ir&A GJc ; Patina , Of c. Fisn No. 1 mackerel , half brU. , 8 50 ; No. 1 mackerel , xlta , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No , 1 white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kita , 1 15. STHUP Standard Com. , 30c , hols ; Standard do , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kocn 137. SODA In lb papers , 3 80 per cnso ; keg per lb , 24c. PtOKLE3 Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do in half barrels , 4 75 ; small , In barrels , 9,2f > ; do in half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins in barrels , 10 25 ; do in half barrels. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@53c ; cholco GO (2 ( 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; cholco , GO@G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3yoJ50c ( ; cholco , G5cl 00 ; Japan , natural lear , 35c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 35 ® lOc ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 3540c ; choice , 3545c. WOODENWABE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; throe hoop pails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer - noor washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuckots , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , S 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's eutoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , )40c ) ; Kirk's mocrnolin. doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 caoo , In case , 3 35 ; Babbltt.s ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor boll , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. OANDV Mixed , 12@13c ; ' stick , lie ; twist stick , lljc. VINIMAB Now York npplo IGc ; Ohio ap ple , Klc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashton , In sacb ) , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5a , 3 30. STABOII Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 9c : Com Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gluss , 7c ; Corn , 7c. SMOKS Pepper , 17c ; nllsplca , 15c ; clovoa , 25c ; c.isiia 15c. LTE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Stur , 2 00 ; Lowls' lye , 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Drv Gooda. BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7ic ; Atlan tic P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Bruuswick , 7Jc ; Beaver Dam LL , Gn ; Lawrence LL , 5Jo ; Paci fic H , 7o : Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head A , 7ic ; Wouchuaott A , 71e. FINE Bnoww SHKETIXOSJrgyle , 7ic ; Pop- porell R , Gic ; Salisbury R. 5c. ! BLKACHRD COTTOUHBallon 4-4 , GJc ; Bal lon 7-8 , t-i'c ; Cumberland 4-4 , 80 ; Davoll DD , 8Jc ; Fairmount , 4lc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 , 9c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate , 8tc ; Hill 7-8 , Kc ; Hill 4-4. 9c ; Lonsdulo , 8Jc ; Now York Mills , lljc : Wamsuttu , Idjc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos ton , 10 ez. , 14io ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River , 8ic. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point , 11 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 nz. , lie. lie.TlcitlNdS TlcitlNdS Amoskeag , 14Jc ; Continental Kaacy , 9fc ; Cordis , lOJc ; Pearl Jllvor , I4jc ; York , 12Jo : Haailotou Awnings , 12Jc. DENIMS Amoakeag , 14c ; Beaver Crook AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BU , He ; Beaver Creel : CO , 10 ; Haymakers , 8n ; J alfroy D & T , 12jc | ; Jnffrey XXX. 12c ; Pparl River , ICc ; AVarron AXA ( brown ) , 12o ; Wnrren BB ( brown ) , He ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. OAMUHIOS Fifth avenue glove finish , 5c ; Kftyptouo glove finish , 5u. Coi'.sKT JEANS Amory , 7 c ; Hancock , 8c ; ICearsayer , 8Jc ; Rockport , 7c. PltiNTH Allone,5Jc ; Amorican,5jjo ; Arnolds , Go ; Cocheco , ( ic ; Ilarmouy , 4c ; Indigo , 8c ; Indigo 78 , lllc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap sale 4 Jo. "PniNTH SiliHTlNCfi American , 6c ; Cochoco , 5c ; Gloucester , 5o ; Sonthbridtjo , 5c ; Wnverlys , djc ; Rosedalo , 4Jc. GlNailAMSAmoskoag fitnplns , 8\c : Bates Btiiilou , 8c ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; 1'Innkot plaida , Oc ; Hudson chocks , 7Jc ; Amoskoag Iforslans , 1'ic. DUESS GOODS Atlantic aljiacca , 9Jc ; P < ir- alane caahnior , 2ojc ; Haiuloton awlunero , H'.jc ; Hamloton Fnncua , Hie ; Hamlotou bro- ctdos , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c , ImmDcr. WHOr.CaALE. Wo quote lumber , lath and shingled , on oars nt Oiaaha at the following prices : JOTOT AND SOANTLJNO 1C ft , and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60. TIMBERS 1C feet nnd under , 22 00. TISJBKII AND JOIHT 18 ft , 23 00 ; 20 ft , 23 r 0 : 22ft , 2060 ; 2Ht , 2050. FKNCIKO No. 11 , aud 0 lu , , 24 00 ; No. 2. 2200. RlIEETINO No , l(2d'commori ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK Boiitni A , 4.1 00 ; B,40 00 : 0 , 35 00. FLOOKiNa No , 1,4000 ; No. 2 , Z > fl'J ; No. 3.S500 SIDINO , clwur 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. 3 , " CEiuKO-2 , & 1 00 ; J , 25 00. SIIINOLEH. b t 1 CO ; standard , 3 50. LATII-S 25 j > er M. LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk jwr bushel , 35c ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; lown ploator , bbl , 2 50 ; heir per Im. COc ; Tsrrfetl felt , 100 ibu , 8 50 ; utr. w board , SBO. u , Oils nndarnlelina. . OILS 110 ° carbon 1BO ° , per gallon , ISJc ; ha dllght , per gallon , lljc ; 175 ° headlight , per { Allan , 18c ; 150 ° witter white , 17c ; lln wo. i , TOojNo. 2 , CCc ; castor , XXX , per gal lon , 1 80s No. B , JW : inmt , j r gallon 1 00 uiwrm W.B. , per Ballon , 1 CO ; fifth. W. B. , nergullon. C5o ; noatxfoot extra , per gallon , OOc ; No , 1 , 7Cc ; bbrlcatlng , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15o ; zoldeii machine , No. 1 , per gal- Ion , 363 ; No. y , 280 ; Hperm , slgna.1 , per gallon , Bfte ; tuqjentliio , per gallon , 48c ; nuptha 71 ° , gallon , Cc. Ptiirm IN OlEf-WJilto load , Ouinb P , V , 6Jo } whlto load. St. Ltml" , pure , Cic ; ManoillM green 1 to fi lb cans , 20o : Froncli tlno , green seal , 12ct Froucli tine , wd eal , lie ; Vrouth lnc , In vnniloh nwit , 20c } ftonch | IIP. In oil jvtit , 15o ; raw nnd burnt nmbor , 1 lb cans , lOr ; raw nntl burnt Slcnnn , lOc ; Tnndrko broAvn. I3c ; rctinod lampblack , 12o ) conch black , and Ivory black , IGc } drop black , IGc ; Vrmslnn blno , SOe ; ultrnmarino blue , 18o | chrome ( CTOOM L. M. &D , . IGc ! blind nnd stiutter green , L M. &D. , ific ; Paris green , 18ct Indian red , I5c ; Voaotlan rod , ° c ; Tiwwn rod , 22c ; Amcrl * CAM Vonnllllon , I. & P. , 18c ; chrotno yellow \i. \ M. , O. fi D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochra , ( "c ; golden ocliro , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining coir r . light oak , dork oak , walnut , ch tuut ftnd oah ] 15Ci Tonnocoa PLCQ TonAcoo Cllmni , Mcj Bulllnn fiOc ; Honoshoo , fOc : Star. fiOa ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her- ov's , 40fl ! Black , 330400. FlNR Cor Common , 20@SOc | good , 45 © COc ; Ro. o Lwf , 70c ; Premium , 05cj Diamond Crown , C5c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c , SMOKINO O. S. , 22c ; Mcorschanm , SOc ; Dnr ham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durhair 2oz. , 5T c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 HZ , , CTic Seal of North Carolina or . C7c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; 0. 1C Durham , 4 oz. , 28c ; 0. 1C Puiham , 2 oz. , ROc ; Undo Nod , i's 2oc ; Tom nnd Jerry , We. Urr Pnlntn. Whlto Icwl , 8c ; French r.Inc , lOct Pnrla whltlug , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting com'l lie ; lampblack , Gcrmnutown , Mo ; lampblack , ordlnnry , lOo ; Prussian blno , C5c ; ultratnarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c : umbor. raw , 4c ; Biouun , burnt , 4c ; nlonna , r . % r , 4o ; Paris groou , genuine , 25c ; Pnrls green , commont20c ; chrome green , N.Y. , 20c ; cliromo croon , Iv. , 12c ; vcrmillion , Kng. , 70c ; votinllllon , American , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc ; rose pink , 14o ; Vonotlan rod , Cooknon's , 2Vc ; Vonotlan rod , Amorlcnu , ljc : rod load , 74c ; cliromo yellow , gouuluo , 20c ; chromo yel low , K. , 12c : ochre , rochollo,3c ; ochre , FronrJi , 'Jfc ; ochre , AinorlcAii , 2cj Wlutor's mltiornl , 2ic ; lohlgh brown. 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jo ; Prlnco'o mineral , 3c. HIM Barrels , per gallon : Furnl turo , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 51 ; coach , extra , 51 40 : coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar , extra , 51 7C.Tnpan ; , 70c ; asphattum , extra , 8oc ; thollnc , $3 50 ; hard oil fmieh , $1 50. | HoaTT Hardxvaro Lint. Iron , rates , 2 CO ; plow stool special cast , Go , crucible , 7c ; special or German , ! < c : cast too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25(23 ( 00 ; hubs per sot , 1 25 ; fo'loos sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; tvxlos each , 75c ; squnro nuts per lb , 7@llc ; washoro or lb , 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , He ; coil chain , per lb , 0l-'c ; malleable , 80 iron wodgoff , Cc : crowbars , Gc ; liarrow tooth 4c ; spring tool , 7Sc ; llurdon'ahorsohoca , 4 70 Burden's muleshoos C 70 , BAUBEO Wine In car lots , Co per 100. NAILB Raton , 10 to GO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck nhot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 348 ; do. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; [ USD , per 100 foot 60c. LEAD Bar , 1 1 > 5. COAL Cumberland blacknmlth , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Bloauburg , 10 00 ; Whitobroaat lump ; 5 00 ; Whltobroast nut , 5 00 ; lown lump , C 00 lown nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Authrn cite , 11 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Oak solo , S8c@42c ; hemlock solo 2Sc@3oc ; h'ji. lock kin , 80o to 1 00 ; ruimor G5o to 8'Jc ; humlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o to 2 Ic ; oak up ) r , 24c ; iilllgntor , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@3n : Groisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ros eola , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 50 ; top. pimp , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30c to S."ic ; pobbls O. D. Morocco , a5c ; simon , 2 50 to 3 00. UAUNEsa No. 1 star oak , S7c ; No 2 doj 35o : No. 1 Ohio oak , 3Gc ; No. 2 do , 83s ; No. 1 Milwaukee 35c : No 2 do R3c . No. 1 Pitts oak liar , 37c ; No. B Pitts oak bar , 35c. Liquors. ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 20 per wtno gallon extra California epiritH , 188 proof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof , 1 25 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies 1 00(2)1 ( ) 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 : Ken tucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007 00. BRANDIES Imported , G 001G 00 ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic , 1 40 @ 300. RDMB Imported , 4 CO@G 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PEAOH AND APPLE BRANDT 1 75@4 00. CHAJIPAONE1 } Imported per case , 2800 © 3-1 00 ; Arnotlcau per caoo , 12 001G 00. Hides. Steady ; green butchers , GOCJc ; green salted 7J@8a ; dry flint , 12@13c : dry salt , 10@llc ; damaged hides , two-thirds prfco. TALLOW C@Glo1 SUKEP PSLTB i5c@l 00. DENVKR SIAItKKT. OnnED MEATS AND I/AUD In tierces lOc in palls He. limns. 14Jc ; breakfast bacon 13@15Jc ; smoked sides , 'JJiKlUc ; salt sides , 8J@9c. GUEEN FIIUIT AND PnoDUCE Potatoes , 55 ® G5o per 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pounds , $1502 00 ; turnips , per 100 lb , G0@80o : Colorado - orado cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@l 00 ; live chickens , old , per doz , SI 00 © 4 25 ; prairie chickens par doz , S3 76@4 00 ; cggt , fresh , per doz , 3i@H5c ! ; butter , fair qual ity creamery , finest per lb , 38@42 ; creamery , good , per Ib , 2S@31c ; Kansas and Nebraska dairy , par lu , 37@15c ; cooking , 12@15c ; choose , full cream , per lb , 10@17c ; apples per bbl , eastern , S5 OOdflG 50 ; grapes , per lb , 7$10c ( ; California pears per lb , 710c ; Mcsuiim lemons , extra per or. 7 00 @ 8 00 ; oranges , § 12 00@13 00 ; Colorado wheat , per 100 lb , SI 3 @ 1 38 ; flour , fair quality , 810 00@10 ' 50 per barrel Hour. Urnham , per 100 'lb 52 00@250 ; flour , rye , pir 100 lb , $2 60@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat , per Lbl , 310 0010 50 ; corni meal per 100 Ibs , SI G5@l 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibs. 81 SO ® 1 35 ; corn chop , i > or 100 Ibs , § 130@1 33 ; nov/ oats , per 100 Iba , SI 85@1 45 ; oats , Nebraska , inlxod , par 100 lb , SI 33@1 35 ; wheat , per 100 Ibs , SI 35@1 45 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 50 ® © 175 ; mixed chop , per 100 Ibu , $1 33@ 1 40 ; bran , per ton , § 17 00@1'J 00 ; hay , per ton 612 00@10 00 ; baled second bottom , SJ1000@1200 ; baled upland , $14 00@17 00 ; straw , per ton , S3 OO&'J 00. . . mm l'0ilyinlarso < lcloicl < ) | > ! .tluiiclstronjtl > ciicctc ( ! , , la ail liilcrentliiK iwlvottlseiiieiit tongrun Itinnr | > B- | y In rojily to li | iilrl. 8 wo will any that tlicro U no Idcnco of linmbut , ' ahont this On the contrary tlio advt'tlUora are very hlxnly oudortml. Intcroitcd l > eron may get sealeil clrciilam Khlni ; all pirtlcil- JarHliynlJremntf Co , r , O. lux fil'J , Jtuffafo N. y , Tcilido Kvonlng niado. Apr 7m0t | , S , H ATWOOD , Phtttamouth , - . . . . imiUDBHOr TIIOROOOUBKID AND IIIOB QUDI HEREFORD AUD JERSEY CUTTLE AHD poaoo on ; Rjjur BOO BWIKB ta'nirz \ \ atnol' for nile. Cnrraipondcnno tollaltod ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , VU aud 219 North Main Ht , Bt. Louis. WHOLESAI.K DKALERS IN BOOK , SKV7H. SKV7H.WINTER'S WINTER'S STOCK je > Va b pildlor IlaKiot all SE&ER & TOMER , JIANUFAOTUIIKUS AND DKAI.KHS IN II ' WHIPS , KTO. We make a very Una H/ht lumen , nnd hive 1 w y oiih na a full Una of IIursD Clotliln/.Curn CouAa , Bnulm , ot < % NO , 116 N , 16tb St - - Oinalia.Ncl Railway Time Tablo. 0. P. H U. , MAIN t.tNlt. * MAVA. I iMUVn. KJl-rn'K.H.'W V rq I A'htitM itfr : w75 : tr iihU'n'K ) b.-wnnn I W < Mtcrnr.n\iicns8:2opn \ : n. l UnJ I'IM , , . .4 : . < tOii ra J O. Ishml 1'inw. ll : o a Llnnolu Et.UUiOp to ( Mnooln K > , . . , .nMtpni : DUMMY TIlAl.VS-imilMJK DIVISION , IAAVO Om\hM 7to : , 8:30,9:00.10.00 : : , ttco : A : m.,1 ! ra ! 1PO. 100 , S.OO , 4:00,5:00,0:0o : : : , 10:10 : p. m. On sun- ri ) : 7:10,0:0 : : itoa&.m : ; sso,4ooi.-oo : ( , IOMO n. in. Arrhoattuii'tcrdfiKitSOmlmitoslaterjIlroid' vr\y il | > ot , Coundl nitiT ! , SO mlmitrnltt. \ . IX > MO Council ll'ulln , llrovlwftj-dci it , B:00 : , 0:05 : , looo : , iiuoa.m. : ; is ni.loo ; : , 2roS.w,4w,6XlMO : ; : ( , 10:40 : n.m On Huiil ( } : KW ) , lO.-OOn. in. ; 12 nijSWO , 6:00 : , fl:40,10:40 : : p. m. Artlro Trnnrtcr do | > ot , 10 mln- utvt Utcr. Utcr.Council Hind * Trsn ffr ilrrot : 8:25 : , flB , 10:25ll5 : fim.tS ; milI5 : , EsJS.SlfS , 4:2S : , 6t5 : , BJ6 : , 7:06,10:65 : p. in. Arrl > o OmMm 70 nilnutm Inter , LI1VROUAIU. tCAVK OQUNCIti BLCrrd. Ko. S. , , .7l5 tn I'.vts. No , D. , . . 7Wnra No. 10.,6:48 : pm No. 15..11:45 : It in " Ko. 1 8JOpru : No : m " No. 9 SMam : No. J | . . 7:15 : pm " No. 0 fltf : > a m No. 1. . . 7 1)6 ) p m " No. W. . . . 0:60i\ml : tfTTlio Above in Omaha ' Standard tliuo Is 21 minutes faster than local .lino. U. & It. UAIUlOAl ) TIMK TAnt.K-CENTOTIUK. CKMTICIIlimits * . nocxn. I.BAVI. AIiniVR. 7:50 : Jim 8:10 : rim < > : * . , fin 10:05 : urn AshUml. . . 0:24 : | im 11:11 : am 4:51 : pm 8:12am : [ .tncolu , . 10,0 : am 1SM : I'ln ' 3M : pm 2Vfi : am 'rcta..llso : pin l(4 : pm 2:11 : | > m So4nm : l.tlnc . , B:15 : mn 5:00 : pm 11:55 : am lnMpm lc l Cloud. 8:00 : in 0:55 : pro. 10Mvn : 8:25 : fin ttoCook. . . 10:65 : nm 10-3.r > pm )0Hpin ) : 4:10 : | > m Vkron , . * . 3:45pm : 3V1am : 13:50 : am ll : < 5pm Uomcr. . . . 7C5nn | SMam 0:25 : | im 7:30 : am MI8SOUI11 rAOIFIO-STANDAHl ) TIMB. DtrAttT. I iRtUM. :00am : | ( l45pm K. O. . OT , JOB & 0. ll.8TANDAIU > T1HK. > UlliUlty 0:15 : m I Xinrflw , dally 'xprriifi , dally 1 rxrcpt lion * except Butur : I daCit , fl:25nm : dan 7U5p m [ Mail , ilMly 7:15pm : 0. , St P. II. & 0. STANDAIll ) TISIK. ( Depot Htti and Webster St > . o. Sintxvd 7:45 : am No. ItnlitM. , , . B:30pm : Freight 2:50 : p m FrolRht ll4 ; ! > nm AtlnntlnKxp. . .340ptn ; Atbntla Kip. . . H:16mii : AtlnlltloMall..7:45 : Mil AtlftUtlo Mall. . . 7io : pin K\ cry day. ( Tranelri r Depot , Council llluds. ) WAHASII&8T. I.OOI3. > . 7.r : am I Arrive llCOam : Uavo. . . . ' * . ' . > . . .3:50pm : | ArrUc. . 4:20 : } im O..B &Q H. U.-STANDAHl ) TIMK Hull * 0.15 a m I Kxiirwu 0.25ara M > r w 4:50pm : Mall' 7l6pin All Trillin Dally. U. , K. 1 * b 1 * . H. U.-9TANDAUD TIMIt. Uall * 7:50 : am I Kriircss. " 10:00pm : lliprtoa E:60Vin : Mall * 7:25 : in ' " ' cxcoptcd. C. , M. fc BU P.-STANDAUD TIUK. LEA\I. ARniMI. Voilfc Ex * . . . .S:00am : IraollloKx 9:50 : am \tlantlcix.S:50pm : : I Mall&Ex * 7:00pm 'Sundnya ' except oil. c. is N. w. ii. n.-srANOAUDiiiir. II * 7:50am : I Kxnrot * . . . . . . . .10POam Gxprert 8:60 : p m | Mall * , .7H&vm : Sunda\ oxccptud. , cs. o. & P. n. n.-sTANDAno mtn. M1 * ( l:00nm : | Krnrcas 10:03 : a ra lixprwH 0OOpruMall : | * 7:25 p in Sunday ! cxoo tod. opening and cioctna or BODTI OrVK. a.ui. p.m. a.m. oH. . w. , c. , n. i.a P. , o. n. ft q. , st I'aul H aioux city.11:00 : 9:00 : 6:40 : Dl6 : a , C. & P. In Iowa 0:00 0:40 : Wabosh " 12:30 : B:1E 5:40 : < . C. , Ht. Joe & C. 0:00 : 0:00 6:40 : BbO : UU.oiul Paclflo 7:30 5:40 : c. , at P. H. &o 6:00 : 7 : Jiilon llslflcnvoihnd..u 8:00 : llss : Union Paoino , Denver F.X. . . . 4:00 : 7:80 o & Republican Valley. . . iso : 11:35 : i & u. Kxproas 7 : } 7ia : & it. ( or PlatUmonth , S. nd , Aahland cuulLlncoln.11:00 : 7:3 : C co open Sundajs from 12:00 m. to 1:00 : p. m. O. K COUTANT , Po tma tor AND SLATE UOOFINO. 1111 Douglaa St. Omaha , Net , 1ZANUFACTURKR 07 Galvanized Iron Cornices tTDotmm W Indoiro , FlnUls , Tin , Iron and Blati n , Sooaht 'o patent Metallic Qkyllpht , Patonl etaJKatJiot Uir and Bracket Bhnlvln . I an : onrala ont lor the ntiovo line 01 i'ooa . Jrnt n ; Oroiitn ; a , llalustraaos , VerandAi , Iron Ijann f BiVinli.v lillnda , Cellar Ouardn : aln > > eona > o' n ft Hill A nt lr M viltvl TIIISBELTorUcgencra tor U mode exprcpaly foi tha euro o ( dcrangcmcnti ot the goncratlvo ornanfl rh-ro la no mistake all oui thin Instrument , the con llnuous Btrcara of EI.EO TllIOITY Inormeatln through the parta muut res tore tliom to healthy actlor Do not confound thin will _ _ _ iit.ctrloHclt : acl\crt ! d t < euro nil Ilia from htud t too. It is for the ONI' spec fie purpoHO , For clrcnlarB Klvlnu lull Inlormatlou addroiaChec\er Klectria Dolt Co. , 1UJ Waihlngtoi St. , Chicago III. PEINCIPAL LINE ruoH GIIILlGOPE01lLi&ST.LOUI8 IIV WAV OI' OUAHA AUD LIHCOL1T TO DEIREH , OH VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATCHIGON to DE1TVER Union IoHtH | nt KaiiciwUlty Uiiiiiluiiind Denver wltli tlirongli tmlnu for And nil points In the Gicut West , Connc ctliiiiiGmnU { Union Duput lit Clilcttgc wttli tliroiiKli tnilna fur NIS1V YOJIK , HO , S TON , And nil ICiiBturn Gltluu. At 1'corla with tliionuli tmlim lor Indlaimr cillH , Uiiiclniiiitl , ColunibiiH , nud nil jiiilntH 1 At Nt. I.oulD with tliruut ; tmlns lor nil polntH South. _ oachcN , I'ailor Can , with Uo , ' Uuvolvlnt , ' Chuliv , I'ullnian I'ulavo Sli'cnln C'urs nnd the tiunoua O. II. & Q. Dlnlnn Car run dully tonnd Inim ClilfiiKO anil KUIISIIH Oltj ConnclNlliiIU : Cilciii | | unit Miilnua , UhlciiKo , Ht. Joseph , Atclilsnn inn Topuku wltliont chaiiKo. Only tlironcli lln rnnnlni ; tholr own twins htawren L'hlc K' ' Lincoln anil Denver , unit Ohluax" , KHIIBU Clly and Konvrr. Tliioiiu'li call liotuui IndlaiiupolUiuid Council Jlliill'rf , vlu I'l'oila , GOING A'OItTH AND HOIJTII. Solid TniliiH ( il iiun'ant : Day CouchCD an I'lillinnn 1'iilacnSU'uiilnK Oiim nro run dally t mid f i oui Bt. J.oulH ; via Jlnnnllml ; ( Jiilncj Kookulc , lliiilliiKtou , Ccdnr Itiuililminil Alhci I.uiUiSt. 1'uul mid MlnnuipulU ; I'm lor Cm with lU'-cllnliiK Uliuli-s loniid lioin Ht. I.unl und I'corlu , only oiiocliiui | ; of curs lid wcp St. J.OMlKiuid JJcs.MoliH'S , li n , Lincoln , N ( iNkii , nud Denver , Oolonulo , It IsulHu the only TliruiiKhl.Inn bt-twcun BT , LOUIS , MI1IWEAFOLIS and BT. PAUI It U known as thu T1IUOUOH OA I-INi ; of Anii'tlcn , und id niilvfi-aiilly lulnil ' 'd in ba thu Hnsat Shipped Itailroad In the World fc all clacces cf Travel. Throujjli TlukelN via thin Una tor calu r.t.di U , II. cuiipon tlctot olllcca in the UuitcUBtit ( Hid ( lunudii. I'OTI'Klt , PKHOEVALLOWKLL , ' BEDFORD & SOUER , or n choice lot in Syndicate Hill Addition. This addition joins the ho Syndicate Innda in south Oamhii , and will rapidly Inrld up with com- 'ortiiblc honioa. Those lota iiro beautiful and are near the stock yards mtl packing houses , aud will ho occupied as homes by the employes of hcso works , and arc undoubtedly the best value for the price of any lota n the innrkot. Several have been sold aud the price will soon bo ad vanced. Wo have the excluivo agency on this addition. Terms easy. J This is a now addition on Leavonwortli street in West Omaha. A ow price has bton put on them to start them. $150 to SJtOO , On easy crins , Tne grading and improvements to ba made on JLeavenworth St. , this spring , will mnku this very valuable property. This is n sub-division the Mcgeath 'property facing Hnucom's ? nrk on the south. Ghod location , near street car , fine view and hsis a ; oed growth o native timber.TJiit * is one of the tinest additions in Dmnlm , aud will soli rapidly. Price $300 to $050. One fourth " 'ash jalancu on good time. First come , first served. This is a splendid op portunity for persons who intend building for a'Jiome. Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place , in West Oinnha. The first of these lota will be sold at S125 to 8150 , and are a bargain. A nice ( tightly location , beautiful pi ace for a homo nnd a splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man. This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ton blocks from the High School , one mile from the postoffice , and is what is known. IB inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the' finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade on Davenport street has been established and work commenced , and will be completed as soon as the weather permits. The contract haa been lot for builoing a large brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this addi tion. We predict that these lots will more than double in value before August , as it is the most desirable part of Omaha and would have been built up years ago had it been placed on the market. Prices S35O TO 865O Adjoining lots are beingCsold nt doublejthe price wo ask for these. Wojluivo six lot's left iitflrisIodditionJwhichVo offer - Wo have some improved and unimproved farms near ? Omahal'and some well improved farms in Sarpy county. BEOIMIE ] Residence and Residence Lots in all parts of the city , and On nil the best streets in tlie business center. 213 South 14th Street , between Farnam aiad Doviglas