OMAHA DAILY -WEDNESDAY , APRIL 0 , 1884 "All j on own f Milt II yon rcmMn Kick who to j on e n Qet hop bitter that never Foil. The wortkost woman , nmnllost child , nd sickest invalid can use hop bitters with Btvfoty nnd grout good. Old nion tottering around from r houmftUsm. kidney trouble or any Tosknoss will bo almost now by using I op bittors. My wife and daughter wore mad o 1 oalthy by the use of hop bittern nnd I ocommondod thorn to my people. Moth * I diat Olorgyman. Aek any RO J ilortor II hop mttcn ro not thu lic.t Uiniljr meJIdno Malarial fever , Ague ftnd Bilious- DBS , will leave every neighborhood as oou aa hop bittora arrive , "My mother drove the paralysis and ' ouralgia all out of her system with hop Htors. " Ed. Oawogo Sun. Keep the kidneys healthy with hop oittors and you need not fear sickness. Ice water is rendered harmless nnd moro refreshing and reviving with hop oittora in each draught. The vigor of youth for the aged and nCrm in hopbittoral 'At the change of life nothing equal ! Hop bitten to alUy all troubles lacldent Thereto. " 'Tho best periodical for ladica to take monthly and from which thpy will receive the greatest benefit la hop bit- era. " Mothers with sickly , fretful , nursing hildron , will cure the children and buno fit themselves by taking hop bittora dai ly. Thousands die annually from some form of kidney disease that might have been prevented by a timely use of hop oittors. _ Indigestion , weak ntomach , irrogu aritioa of the bowolsicanuot exist when hop bitters are used. A timely . ' . . . . tine nt hop miters will keep a while family In robuit health a year at a little cost To produce real genuine sleep and child-like repose all night , take a little hop bitters on retiring. That indigestion or stomach gas at night , preventing rest and sleep , will dis appear by using hop bitters. t Paralytic , nervous , tremulous old ladies are made perfectly quiet and sprightly bj using hop bittors. ADAMS' PATENT LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR COUBINKD WITH RE8KKVOIK. A Good Article sold on Bus iness Pi inciplcs. In use upon the houses of the beat men in Omaha , who unhesi tatingly recommend it. Endorsed by reliable scientific men in other places. Manufactured from the best copper this metal 1ms eight times thu conductive power of iron k having n double tcroll ao ar- | tanged that it convoys water from I the roof to n reservoir placed in the ground below the reach of [ front. It is pronounced by good huthoriUonthuboatrod overwrought iboforo the public. The Adams rod is manufactured and for sale by J , H. BALDWIN & MILLER , 15tli nnd Jackson brs. OMAHA NEB. , - - - . Send for eight page circular , giving description of rod and rec ommendations by the beat men in the country. ( DKVOIIK. ) " ( Arritu. ) T7LECT110-VOI.TAIO BELT and other Htiornw ill Arn.iAxcica nro iiont on UU Day1 Trial TO HEN ONLY. YOUNO OR OLD , -who are Buffer- ink from Ninvoos DicniuTT. LOST VITAUTT. Wirrno WRiKHcnsza , and all tnoso dlieura of a fxnaoHJLt , NATTOB. rcnultlng from ADOBES ana Oriin CAVsra. bpocdjr rollrf and cnmplota rMtoratlon to nriLTii , Vioon ana MANUOOD UUUUNTKICO. Bend at once for Illmtratod l' mphlct rroo. Aanresi TOfcTAIC OKLT CO. , Mitmlmll. Mlcli. IMPROVED I SOFT ELASTIC SECTION li warranted ( o venr longer , ill ithe form ncntvr , nmt iilre bet .llifactlnn ilmti anymliorCor n the market , or inlcu paid vtll t rufun < lnl. The indoituisnoiitji ui "ilc E < ' U t plinlclnnj. ttMiy achCoi . et. Prim , tint H.lcrn Jcnii , r rcoald , 81 Ml. At * TourmrnhnDtrar - . 7 "ATH8CJIILB. JOHfcl'll , ti Co. , f M uiu.tunn , : : U < x ! ( .UUiidulpli JOHN H. F. LKRMANN. GOLD MEDAL , PABIB , 1878 , BAKER'S AYnrrnnUxl abtolutelu itr } Cocoa , from which the ezccn o Oil tiu been removed. HkutArfi tlmettkt ttrtngth of Cocoa rolled with Btarcj , Arrowroot or Sugar , and U therefore fur moro ccouoml cal. It U dclldoai , nourUblnr , trtngtlicnlng , cully digested , and admirably adapted for Invalids ai well ai for pcraoni In health. Bold Pjr Uroc rieiernTher . CO , . Dorchester , Mm Imported KBeer IN BOTTLES. Erlanger , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Havariu Culmbacher , . Davnrin Filmier . Bohomiiiu KaiRer . „ . . . , . Bremen DOMESTIC. Budweiser . St. Louis IV Anhuusor. . . , - . St. Louis Best ; . . . t - . Milwaukee SchUtz-PilBner - . Milwnnkoo Krnz'a . , . Onwlin Ale , Porter , D mnRtic nnd Wine. ED. MAtMBR \-i\ I I1WORPKIKE HABIT _ . _ . _ _ _ m-jRU-l' . * WA , U. IMJuU. * , v W vwlloBKt.uowaffwf ftl wljr vU rtlj DISEASES QP THE EYE & 1A1 J T. ARMSTRONG , tl. D. , r.I OuWl W8AM art ropulrwl from mult of Are , sjitl I Dr. farfcwx > ns S , Orr htoa Block 1M , ON SHILOH'S BLOODY FIELD. The Excursion of 400 Members onto G , A , R , of Illinois , Indiana and Iowa , Appropriate Services Among tlio Groves of Fnllon Commilcs llcllcn ortho Great Battle. SIIILOK , Tonn. , April 7. The day broke bright , mild and beautiful over Shiloh Sunday morning , as the steamers John Gilbert and W. F. Nibit , lashed together , steamed up to PitUbiirg Land ing with 400 excursionists on board , mostly members of the O. A. R. of Illi nois , Indiana and Iowa. The excursionists as they landed marched to the national cnmotory ? the bands beating the dead march with inufiled drums. Hero they played Webster's funeral march , the men Btnndlng with uncovered heads , tears running down the cheeks of many , as they looked around and recognized the names of many old comrades , while the marble slabs nt the head of the graves rose like undulating waves a far as the eye could BOO. The column formed again and marched to the platform erected for the speakers and the bands , nt the wcs end of the cemetery. The prowi was represented by J. S. Olarkson , of The Dos ftloincs ( Iowa ) Reg ister ; P. F. Ulylor , of The Grant Army Advocate , DOS Moines , Iowa ; B. F. Green , of The Iowa State Ilcgiotor. The ceremonies opened with an appropriate prayer , by Oapt. T. J. Bryan. Hon. F. D. Smith , of Illinois , was the orator of the day , nnd delivered n ntirring speech , culnitioti ] of both federal and confederate dead , and concluded an follows : "As the quiet , steadily flowing current of the beautiful Tennessee , which perpet ually bathos the foot uf the hill on which rest our beloved dead , coining down from the uplands of the south to join ita waters with that of the great rivera of the north , so may the current of patriotic love of country como from the south laud and join others from all parts of the country until all are embraced in ono sentiment of love and respect for inseparable separable- union of states. " Col. T. Lyle Dickey , judge of the nupromo court of Illinois , spoke of motives that animated the parties to the contest and the snb- Btnntml benefits that resulted to the south. The entire audience , which by this time had boon largely augmented by the poonlu from across the river and neigh borhood , then sang "Hearer , My Hod , to Thee. " The children of the neigh boring Sunday school sang a hymn founded on Stonewall Jackson's last worda , "Lot's Pass Over the River. " This affected many of the audience to tears. The audience sang "I Love to Toll the Story , " led by the cornet , and the veterans then dispersed over the country as far as the old Shiloh church , looking for places where their comrades fell. Great was the interest manifested in searching for old bullets , buttons and the like , and a largo number wore found on the field near by , every member of the party carrying away some rolio of Shiloh's dreadful day. There an old time camp fire lust night on the battlefield by the uprmg , harj tack , bacon nnd beans being cooked und oaten from tin plates. The entire day to-day \\ai opout visiting points of interest on tl o battlefield , nnd utuamboats loft at G p. m. on the return trip. Hood's Sarsaparilhv is made of roots11 herbs and barks. It gives tone to the tomach and makes the weak strong. Sold by druggists. WEARING Al'PAKELi. A Dcclalon of Importance to Conti nental Travelers. WASHINGTON , April 7. The supreme court of the United States to-day , m the case of VVm. Aator , plaintiff in error , ' against the collector of customs of N. Y. , dooidrd what constitutes " "wearing ap parel in actual use , " which , by the law , is exempted from the payment of duty , the court holds : First Wearing apparel - parol owned by pasaongora and in n con dition to bo worn at once without further manufacture ; second , brought with him aa passenger , and intended for uao by himaolf , or his family , who accompany him as passengers and not for sale us purchased or imported for oilier persons , or to bo given away ; third , suit able for the season of the year which was immediately approaching the tiu > o of ar rival , nnd not exceeding in quantity or value which the puasougor was in the habit ordinniily of providing for himaolf nnd family at that time , and keeping on hand for his and their seasonable wants , In view of their means , habits and elation in life , even though such articles hud not lioi'ii.uotually worn. The judgment of the circuit courtis reversed. The decision is ono of great interns : t' continental travelers and Bottles question ! which have boon vexing the traveling public and collectors of customs for ovei twenty years. The decision gives tin wording of the statute far u moro liber.i construction than the lower courts hav < been for yearn holding. Chief Justice Wuito announced tin court would adjourn for the term on tin first Monday of May and would hoar in arguments after April Cth. IH Your Mlnncl 1'nro ? Now thin la nil Important question , for witli nut pur nod wholesome bliioil there eiui bo n iwrfect health , und without peed health Ufa I a mere rmrden nnd a waste. 1'or limmr blood the Iwt medicine known U SCOVIU/i HAUSAl'AUILLA Oil BLOOD AND UV KU 8YKU1' may bo ) n > implicitly rolled 01 when every thin ? else fulls. Tuku it In th Mining time cwpoclullyfor tha impure accretion of the blood incident to that iu > uwm ul the year nnd taku it at all tlmen fur Caucor , Hcrofnln TJvnr complaints , Weaknomt. JJollg , Tumora Swelling" , Hkln Diseased , MulmU and th thousand ilia that coma from Impure blord. Talking about tha Liver , we pmmna II tamper la more often canted by n dUonlorei liver thuu niiythlmc else. Tu ItiMirs a cheer ful dlnncsUInu take RCOVILT/8 W.OOl AND LIVKK SYRUP which will remot. . tba prlmo causo. and rtutore the mind to It. natural equilibrium. TIUiKUllAlMI ISOTHH. Ofllclal Invfatlgntlun into the 1dm of th etoamer Daniel Hteiiiman lias begun at IFall fax. fax.A. A. O. Uaww and Prof. O , 0. Hill will rep reentthoiwml | > lcuiiBof ! the Fourth MUsoui district iu tlio national tunvmtlon , The local election in Clavelaud pave a ma jurlty of 2,600 ( or the republican ticket , Dr. ] ! f acli , of Altoona , who chopped th head off of liUvlfu last Sunday , udmlU tli rrlmo nndranti tu be hung ot shot. II thould be accommodated. The municipal election ) u Ohio thaw ninul ' republican gains. r. A Dunk Broken. r.tb , April 8. Tlio DaiK. ( IU. ) njiuwal pttva ! Tau i'n National bank cloacd i doors nt 11 o'clock thta foremen. The cause assigned - signed is speculation by Cashier II uh- bard , whoso deficit is estimated ftt 345- 000. The bank is expected t < > resume in a dy or two , as the stock holders are liable and all moniod men. Aolil Phosphate. Ko Physician Need Hesitate. Dr. S. V. OtnvENoEK , Chicago , 111. . " ' should says : "Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate bo made officinal. It is the moat eligible form for thoadministrationof phosphorus , and no physician need hesitate to order it on hin proscription blanks. " The Northern I'nclllc tiniul Grant. WABULNOTON.April 8. The house com- mittco on public landa to-doy adopted the report prepared by Ilonly on the bill to forfeit a portion of the land grant of * ho Northern Pacific railway. Gates , Van Katon nnd Strait voted against the report. Belford was not present. Delegate Brent will oiler asubstitutowhonitis brought up for consideration In the house. The sub- stitutodoclarcsforfoitcdthoBclandsgrantcd the Northern Pacific lying adjacent to that part of the line botwocn Wallula , Washington territory , and Portland , Oregon. All the rest of the landa grant ed the company are confirmed on the express condition that it ahall fully con form to all requirements of this act. The company nhall henceforth construct not leas than 100 miles each year and complete - ploto and equip the whole by July 4 , 1880 , except the portion between Wat- lula and Portland. All lands confirmed to the company shall bo subject to as sessment and taxation by the state or ter ritory , county or municipality. Agricu- tural land so confirmed not sold ouforo July 1st , 1884 , shall bo sold by the com pany only to citizens of the United States , in quantities not exceeding 100 acres to any ono person , and at a price not exceeding § 2 , GO per acre. The sub stitutes forbids discriminating freight charges or pooling arrangements by the compnny , and provides maximum passen ger faros shall bo prescribed by the com missioner of railroads. _ Ohio Election. ItoturiiH. CINCINNATI , 0. , April 8. lloturns from fifty-seven of the Hixty-ouo voting places in the city show the election of the entire democratic ticket with the exception _ of clerk of the police court by majorities from four to eight hundred. Richards , republican , for clerk of the police court , will have about 300 majority. The muni cipal reform ticket polled about 800 votes. DAYTON , 0. , April 8. The council is a tie 0 to ! ) . The board of education is democratic by 2 The remainder of the democratic city ticket u elected by re duced majorities. CLEVELAND , April 8. The republican city ticket is elected by an average major ity of 3.100. The republicans elect 21 councilmen and 12 members of the board of education. The democrats elect 11 connciliiicn , and 7 members of the board. The city council is a tie. John H. Farley , democratic mayor , holding over , waa elected last spring by thirty-six hundred majority. Angostura Hittui-H do not only disttu gulHh themselves by their flavor and aromatic odor abovu nil others generally lined , but they are alxo a unro preventive for all dlaeascu orig inating from the ( llgc tivo organs. Bowarooi counterfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist for tha genuine article , manufactured by Dr. J. G. li. Slegerfc & Sons. Fat ill KmlliiK < > f " Feud. JUNCTION CITY , Ka. , April 8. Yester day noon as Tim O'Connor and his broth er Miku were driving aloni ; the road 01 Dry creek , twelve miles from here , thoj wore warned by Ernest Allen and nthore not to cross u certain piece of land be longing to the school district. Not heed ing the warning , an attempt was made tc stop them , which did not succeed , and they passed on. When returning Intei iu the day , the O'Connors found a win atrcto led ncrosa the school district lane to prevent their passage , and five men two named Allen and three nanicc Broon , stationed there with ehotguns one revolvers. Mike O'Connor cut the wir when Earnest Allen shot and killed Tin O'Connor. Mike then rushed at ono oi the Broona with an nx and chopped hie head , > inflicting mortal wounds. Thi party then closed in on Mike , broke t tthotgun over his head , 'disabling him All the parties wore arrested and jailed The aif.tir crew out of an old fond between twoen tlio Breonsaud O'Connors. tlio Wreck. HALIFAX , April 8. Throe wrcckin schooners are taking out the cargo of th wrecked steamer Stoinmann. Divers re port the steamer upright and the doci houses in place , but the hull shows sign of going to pieces. Divoru have net ye entered the cabin , No bodies have ye been seen in the venae ! inn it is the opinion of many acquainted wit the coast that most of the bndiou are out aide the vnsaol and would bo carried t sen by the undertow. Stuviving pas Hungers leave to-morrow for Now York Thu opinion of peufuring men ncqtiaintci with the approaches to the harbor is un favorable to the commander of the Steiii mnnn regarding the working of the shi the night of' tlio Hint. CINCINNATI , April 8. The Snvon tounth rouiniunt loft tins city ihia morn ing. The jail is now unprotected b the military detail. Fifty extra police under Lieut. Lungdnn , at o in charge o the Oathng guns , and the lusibtunt sheii and Firat regiment of mililin remain * i reatiinefm for cull. The i lot Bi'aro how Ha elloot iu the nlea of Heats at auction fn the Drumntia Festival association , j very Hinull number of visitor * wore prct enr , and only uhout 100 seats wore sol during thu hour , llio gale ooiitinitfi thin uftornoon. Premiuma begun at f3C but full m > that the iu cragu ia not inor than 95. Manaijur Miles iinys ho lind the ueoplo abroad actually afraid to o in tn Oincmnuti tlinniyh fear of being nhot Ho HayH no a uranoo of R.ifoty BUDIII fiullicittiir to remove the fear of dungoi A Porinul Huiif.liiir. ESTOK , Pa , April -John DiUrnai ut\a huiiged licto t 11:10 thin iiirnniny Dillinuu huni for the waa ; nuirdur o Ilia wife. Jlo Blept neil lust night an ate a hearty breakfast DIM muriiing. IU ligiou * aerviLCd TV are held in the cull b tlio nnniblera uf the Ofrinan l'ivanjolici ; and Hufoniifd r.luuvhos Ho imxrolio to the switl'yld with it cti'iuly stoji und \ < i\ \ unino\ed ulunnt to the l.ut ilo bouu to cry i ier the benediction , but uiu the black cup waa diuwnVi * ! ' his face h rcnmiuiHt inuUmib-a * nutil thu drop fel uuiiftil. OIIIOAOU , 111. . Apri' ' 8. Thn Journal JuuxttonVia ) special 8U ) s , BIIIIW h : fallen hnro for 21 ho ire contiuuoualy an ( is now nix iiichca in the lovtl. " J , UToNTi-M. , April 8 Thu | { overnim < i tintpoct r of llvu ot > ok reports four fi tl e of the Mii'eii ju liiprainl oaunty inQicti . ' 'i i ivo v\if \ < r 'noted dis'r'o'B Um i quuruntiuud , \VK9TKIIN NKW8. DAKOTA. The population of Union county ! 0,000. Thora nro moro than ono hundred preachers engaged in Dakota. The farmers' movement In northern Dakota promises to become political. There U n large colony of Iluinlan mennon * Itos near the north line of Dakota. The American oxprow draws out of Mitchell and loAYOs the United States a clear field. A natlonnl bank will soon open its door * In Madison. The capital stock , $50,000 , haa Loon subscribed. Dead wood lias started n Clilnono school un der the auspices of the Congregational church. Fourteen puplU attend. The Miller I'rom saya not lout than 81.000- (100 ( has withdrawn In cn < h from the bank * of McLean county , 111 , , for investment in landa In Dakota and other parts of the west in the last two wooka. The Jamestown Capital utatas that novts- tinners which published advertisement * for MH tor the erection of the Hlsmnrck cajiltol building have never \yctn \ paid. There is also 918.000 in tnsh misting. The Chamberlain land district startint Fort llandall. run * north to tha south Aurora county line , thence west six miles , to the o.vit line of Drulo county , and north to the north line of township 108. and from there west to the Missouri Indefinitely. Matt Miller , tha vllltan who attempted to murder tha Line family near Finlay , in Turner county , hid his trial nt Swan Lake last week , before Judge Palmer , nnd was given four yotra nnd three months in the pen itentiary at Sioux Falls. Tha Indians in Sitting Bull's camp at Fort Votes appear to bo well armed. A correspondent pendent says : "You cannot go any distance from the agency back on the pralrlo but you moot Indiana well armed , and numbers of them with both Runs and revolvers. " WY01IINO. The territorial republican convention bo hold at Kvanston , May 1. The losses of the Warren Mercantile company - pany , of Choynnno , by the late fire , 518,000 , won paid In full by the insurance companies. T. E , Lowla , having resigned an master mo- chaulo of the Laramie division , was presented with au elegant gold watch by the railroad boys. boys.Tho The canine hyonna o [ Laramie raid the com- otorlcn and grow fat on huniHii flcsli. Ono of the recent incidents thuro was a dog fight on tlio street ever the leg of a cor pa o. Mrs. William Crout. of Laramie , rccohod $ from the Union 1'ncilic $1,200 damages company - pany , the result of a compromise. Her son , T. J. Oastool , waa killed under a car lost Sep tember. The Boomerang claims that Lrramlo's mod esty Is the greatest impediment in her path of progress , whllo on the other hand Chey- emio's lightning rod cheek and sublime greed are the milestones In her growth. Michael McCartin.a member of the Spventb cavalry , died at Fort llussoll of injinioa re ceived in the Warren fire IIo ruahod into the burning building to rescue jomo uf the oc cupants , but in returning ho jumped thronirh a window , receiving cuta and bruises which ended in death. , William Granger , county commirsionor and an old and well-known cltl/en of Carbnu county , waa shot and killed by Nato R bin- son in a dispute over the settlement of wages. The cold-blooded murderer stood ever tha body of lii.s victim , rosolver in hand , the other grasping thn throat of Mrs. Granger to pre vent her easing the last moments uf her hus band , and when ho aaw llfn had departed ho Hung her from him and made his emtpn. Kob- inton is given the reputation of being a den- perado. IIo la 24 years old , of candy Iriir and ctimplexion , no board , five feet ten inches high and ordinary proportions. COLOBADO. r Tha total registration of Denver Is estimated . at 12,000. A largo amount of bogus silver certificates are in circulation in Loadville. Denver voted by a majority of 1,533 to refund fund her indebtedness ui § 100,000. Extcmlvo additions are being made to tin : Grant Smelting works at Denver. Brooco Iron mine will ship its output tn the Colorado Coal & Iron company , at resinnier. Farmers throughout Northern Colorado are prt'pailng to rilae more hogs than ever before. There has boon an encouraging show of do1 coney in the press of Denver since the close ol the pprinm campaign. Mesa county gained over StOO,009 In it * assessed valuation of live stock and taxable , property during the year 1683. The San Juan and Now York Smelting company have lot contracts for tbo immediate erection of eight new coke ovens at the work < of the company in Duraugo. It won't do for a man to boat his boarding houses among tha camps of the mountains The papers hop onto him with a greater alac rity than though he wore u murderer. Doc. Baggs , the notorious manager of skir ganiCH , figures every week in the Donvci court. IIo appears in the latest case aa plain tilf , joking dun.agea for baby's bibs stolu from hia trunk , S. It. Stewart , of llns'.lc , employs a force o sixty-five uion In the mountain * . Ilo has nou ready for the market 120,000 railroad ties 30 (4)0 ( ) coid props , 10,000 fence posts and C0 ) curdti of pitch pluo wood. The Pioneer-Extension ditch in Mesa conn ty , will bo when completed Ita full length twoiity-sovon miles long , thirty feet wide um five feet in depth. The first thirteen miles ha been finished , und water will bo luuulnirthi full length by April 16th. The state law requires ono hundred dollar ! work yearly upon all unpatenttd minis KiiiluroH to comply with this , sulijecia claim legally , to lolocation in common with virgi ground. Non-resident ijaimtnts loin iiiuul valuable property by enttiixtlng the fulfilmon of this requirement tu unroll tblo agent * . The construction of the Denver & Nov Orleans railway la now an iiesuroil fact , tli contract for the s une having been duly Higned Thia line will pruve to ba u prominent linko ffo lor , in the Uniiti of roads extending acres tlio continent. It u ill niupiiMtionahly cuti mcitit import ant ticrnro in vbu tran port ition o cattta fnnn Texai to the uorthurn ruugua. U. Ther , a heavy cattle ralfor o oy IIUH ju t relnrned from Lou Vrg.v whure he tsftVcied the i > ale of his cattle nuic at liM Uurritau , near Fort Simmer , tn oostori capitalists for tha sum of § 75000. Lou Dpi Ing ha piinhu-vd thu range , compiinin ' navnii thunsand acrts uf gjud gruzlng latii \\liholo\unmlleaof water fiont nn tn > ) III 1'iicim , fui S-0,000. Ho nut on a few head u cntiln and now ells out the entire concern fu ST.r > ,003. HONTANA. The Uutto water works pa'd ten per cen un the Invuttment the i > a > t yutr , There \ \ 111 lw H/HK ) lociul foetid planted I tha lleavmhoul Vullay this fsprlng , Fur thn months of January and Folirnor tha Xnrtliurn i'io'Ho ' Bttrned § 1,083,800 , n ugiilnat 97 > > 74U for tlm tame peiloii hut yoai lUch btrlkus are rri rtod toliiun been mad rwunt.y in mlnai nuur M.uldon\illo , A. Jl ller ) olforod $1,000 u ton for a fuw tons of th ( iru t i > hlp fubt , ' 1 ho introjaii output uf nru from the mlufi of the llelouu Mlnlujj and Kedmiiiy u.unpkn lius mada it necessary to a.ld tt > tha , of the works. Tha Koldiers at Fort Shaw BUUIU to ba a dli contented lot , and uiodoturtintr at tha rutu n from two to four per day , Nona of tlm d < uortors IIAVO ui yet been upprehouded. Helfliu U down in tlm mouth over tha re port that thu X P. land olll'o thera is to I removed to Ht. Paul. This ompony li force lugcrlmii at every point tuiuoko a dividend f t atoi kbolders. A wnuh PWEUII O * train nn thn Utah au Nortboiu a ditched laet wvak near Dillui lf by tiji , r to run at T an old cow , Many as tiKitli and j wr It dully wretKed cliewing bo < j fioin tlio tame iojlon. ; John ilcck , a sUgo lifter of cxtcnttvo rep ; tat on ulio rt'cently broke Jail nt Mis mill pud o ( up d , \\i\t mighty glad to luturn t j shelter aud grub i-ftur wuding over 100 will ut'"f BIIMU oai pod liillo , without aiuoisel to ei j)8i ) fi fo ii'dajti. mj ( lining Fehrnaty 1300 tons of ere wi . . ' r ' .f down from Lion mountain , and fi' tn Hit irnvJ3 ) nn"\od at thn tuno'.t' fruuj biMpului , Iu tint same month wv i tren ctr lovla of bullion went to Melrosa for shipment east. The reports from thn caUtn rnngoi in the county are to the effect that consider ible Hum- bera of horned ato.k hava Miccumbod to the rigors of the February storms , nnd that many moro are very poor and likely to din If an other cold snail is experienced. Mnny stock men nro feeding their herdi In field , and are hopeful that by 10 doing they will bo able to null through without further serious loss. - Madlionlan. aro.1305 patients in tha Napa Iniano oAylum. California makes moro out of fruit than out of goldmines. Tha democracy of Stn Francisco will b on- ( rfnporod by 47 local or ward clubs. Butler In the favorite thoro. California whoit growers expect , upon the completion of tin Panama canal , to defy the compotUlo.i uf luilln nnd Australia in supply ing breadstulTs to l uropo. The water level in the wells on the plains of Fresno , aud elsewhere In the San Jotquin valley - ley , In gradually rlilnff. all cclUrs in Freino over five feet in depth have surface water in them , The Indictment ! ) for forgery against Sarnh Althea Hillwho claims tu bo Sen ttor Sharon's wife , were < iu.-hed in tha criminal court re- contty. 91io was accused uf forging the mar- ringo contract. The ancient nnd honorable society of Cali fornia Plonoors , the remnant ) of the forty- nlnorn , are fininclally hard up , and have asked permission of n rtan Fnnclsco court to mortgage - gage the socloty property forS17CODO. California friilt-growors in 1883 sent to mar1 kot aiOO,000 : poundi of dried fruit , not in- eluding the raUin crop , which amounted to 1,000,000 pounds. The almond crop in the stata last ) ear was 700,000 poundi , and the Walnut rrop C00,000 pounds. Of honey In comb the yield WJB 121,00 ! ) pounds , while ox- extracted footed up a further amount of 835- 000 pounds. "Goorgo Washington" is the bloated linan clal ailstocrat of tha Shoshoues at the DiioU Valley reservation. Bosldoi abnut $ JfiPQ worth of ponies , tattle , pigs , etc. , ho has & 25 In coin deposited with Superintendent Muv htigh. Tha latter onto suggested that It bo deposited iu a savings' bank , but the propo { . tion was not nt all niccptablo to tha dusky financier. "You kcop um , " said ho ; "mo tee you every day : no sot ) um bank man mobbo so once n year , ho heap vamose , all sumo no good. " IDAHO. Kotchum Is beginning to chirp for a rail road. road.Alturos Alturos county warrants are worth 8. cents , _ Tlio highoit wages paid in any of thn now citlun rpringing up around tha Cunu d'Alono mountain ore 85 per day und board is worth from S20 tu S30 par woek. The now owners on the Minna Moore em' ' ploy nearly 100 men , anil b.'sidea taking out thirty-fit o tons of ere per day , they are im pravfnir tha roads , opening up now ground am preparing fur increasing tha output. Tha mines at Atlanta are improvinz ant the uutloook grows brighter. The Atlanti mi no , owned t > y thn Monarch company , is looking moro promising now than at uny pre vious period. A good force of men nro work ing on this property , which li being rapidly developed. On the fourth level there is n rich bady'of ruby silver. " UTAH. The location for the proposed union depot - has not yet been selected. - The Utah & Northern pissenecr trains from Ogdcn urn running iu two are three sections In order to carry all the passengers now en routu to Cojur d'Altmo and Washington ter ritory. The receipt ? of bullion in Salt Lake for the week ending April 2nd , inclucue , were Slll'- r > 5.0L ; of ere , $8,820 ; of both. $121,275.0. . The rocelpta of the prmi-ms week were S1J3- 731.77 , of which § 11 ,391.77 was bullion. Three thousand two hundred acres of land near Prove , bordoriLg on Utah lakes , h-tvn been filed on. It W H never before surveyed , and was hold by Monitors , uho dnfy the jumpers. They pruposu tu resist the claims of the persons filing. It is sjilend d land and in . thick settlement The iMounou papers are making a church fight over it. . NEW MKXICO. Grant county produced in 1883 , $1,532,15 ! in bullion. o The St. Cloud mine has § 30,000 of ere in sight at Chlotldo. Tha Grand Deposit mine of San Andreas , han a threa foot vein uf geleua which ruua 80 : per cent. Tha strike reported In Lake Valley is in tha Swoop-ttko consolidated mine. The ere is claimed tu run by actual assay 91,01)0 ) to $17- 000 per ton. What ! Novel ! No ! Ne\er ! It never fulls that on the second Tuesday of each month tha Grand Drawing of Thu Louis n bum Stite Lottery occurs with regularity and nnimpoached honesty at New Orleans. The llilith took place on March llth , last , and Generals G. T. Boauregurd , of La. , and .Inbal A. Karly , of Va , tout to the di-ntmed parties ( iargn fortunes and email turns thus : ticket No. ll,4(7dtow ( ( the first capital , 87\00 , > . which , . had bo > > n sold in fractions , ono-tifth nf which was lurid by G. GoMmnith , n well-known JewMi merchant of Columbua , Mies. , collected IH through thn Columbus Insurance and Bunk- imr Co. of Miss , another hfth , costing also SI , to Henry KivorH , a well-known citizen of Mil waukee , \Vis. , collected through the Maiino ra hud Fire Ins. Co. , Dunk of Milwaukee. No. s. Clfl8 , ! drew thn Betoml capital prize , 825 000 , sold also iu fifths at & 1 each ; .Fumm Wuntzul , in Port Carbon , Kchuylklll county , PH. , then- ill ono ] > Iecu , and O. M. McConnick , Chail ston , it Ark. , were among the furtum.te ones. Ticket Nu 1,282 drew the whole third capital pri/o of $10,000 for 8 % went to J. Ki aimer , San Fran- clsco , Cill. The next drawing takes pl.ica on Tuesday , May 13th. and M. A. Dauphin , Now Orleans. La. , will give all information desired If uppliod to. An Obedient Soii-io-lj.iw. iVUanta Constitution. ' 'How'a Martha , to day ? " asked n sharp ) ! ; yiaaged old lady , aa her son-in-law crept n in ut the open door , glancing around at furtively. "She's tol'ublo , " hu replied , 'K rubbing the bick of bin bead and then 1(1 cloaoly examining Ilia band. "Iu ahu iu of good uperrita thia morning ? " again queritd tlio old lady , " .Moderate , " answered thu visitor , slowly putting up bis pants and rubbing a bruised place on hia uhiii carefully "lluv1 you uu1 her been row- ill' again ) " gasped tlio lady , as tha nun displayed eeveial other wounds- ; ' ! de clare , Joshua , you orter be nahuiiifd of yourself , to lead bur secb a lifx , " "Mo1' ? ho asked , wendi > ringly , scraping some loose and bloody lutir from bin bat , f'iuu 1)0 aahamod of inyauU ) ' "Yosj you good fornuthai' wretch ; Marthy aezyou never will do any thing eho talU you to/ snapped ( he mother-in Ian * . Thu wounded man smiled u sickly grin , aud nnevtured : "Well , I did once thia morning " "You ; minded her and hu hcutjou up that way ? " "Yeasum , I did. " ilowdidjou obey her ) ' Quietly Bitting down on thu broom und reaching fur thu puker , the of abased mtu teplioJ : "Sho told me to go to the devil. " "An1 you " "Oamo ever to BOO you for a tow minutes , " nn- MWtirod thu daunt ; fellow ua ha caught both broom and poker in H death grip. Ladies should reflect well lieforo using an I preparation that is applied to t > o dilicato a t > ur ace as the skin. Any cuainetlu will ut tiiat , miurt a beitutifj ing effete and not apjiaiont- 91 y injure tlio cl.fn , but in aury uluut time ittle blotchen and discoloration * up ] mar on thofuco tthlih conclusively tthow thuioL ] > uii. out ilru s in their composition , It uui aufoly li.iul tliut mure tlun tuta-tMnti of the face { Hittden contain these injurious I' , " enU , 1'ozzoni'n uicdluatud uomplexluii \ U not only absolutely freufrum all deluto matter , but iU yrinetp < il iugredieut in uu actit u cun.thu for all dUcaJ > 04 of thu nkm II the teat uf ) iirs. Sold by al ; The Largest Stock in Omaha and Makes tlie Lowest Prices DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , Juat received nn assortment far surpassing anything in tha ! market , corapriaing .hu latest and most tasty designs manufactured for thia spring's trade and covering a range of prices from the Ohcnpott to the moat Expensive. Parlor Coeds ies. Now ready for thoiiwpccHon i > f cus Complete stock of nil thn latest tomers , the nnwcafc novolti's in styles iu Turcoman , ultidrns nnd Suits nnd Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Pasaong'or Elevator to all Floors. 12G ( ) , 1208 and 12 ? 0 Farnnm Street , - - - - OMA.HA , NEB' ' GET or STBion,7zrmsT ci.AS3 AND TWO WHEEL CASTS. 1319 and 1S20 Harnoy Street and 403 B. 13tbiH ro J , ) Illaatrttcd CAtaloruo f.iml . h.M tr unon * TEJM NEW HOUSE OP Fine Havanu , Key West and Domestic Oigara. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited. Satisfaction GHaraiiteoil , Iis" BARIUM ST. , TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIRE AMD BUKGLAJl PROOF nmrnn iniiYmn inmrn 00 M j , OLu , bPEOIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. VVU ! GALL YOUR ATTENTION TO ake. Itlstho hoot choajwit food lor stoct > .i any Miiu. Cine pound id oaM to tliroo | mml9 'it corn stock lea with Ground Oil ( J3k-o I'.i tlio tall EUI Vlrt r , insttna ol rimilnK down , will incrorne In ualht ind bo in good mirketabla rou'Mlon In the npnnx. Dairymen , & ' rfeii ai otherK. who UFO It rexu to > tll > to ts merits TTT It and liiH njr yoiir hoi PrloeJZ'SO'Jpfir ' .n : nuomrso forearlis. AtMrowt ' v > North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , on Street Car Line. T. X > 3CI2S : \VUOLtSALK AND UhTAlli Wjifnfq ] | iff lliUu If Dj . j JJUlUi JJUUXMt II iXJ. * if Mj JJi.v and pricfls ns 700 > .jid low itsnny-iii ilie cityPinnae try mt > . _ it jf * / rf h t3 3 EX / rft fffa fi S ft * i G i * * i fj * * UQnRG M , . i i . , \t.niiraiim. uea furnl hwl OUA. I.'EB ' of $ m Caraaires li Smlug f eiesis Kai. < 'lr y rnitanllr tileO wits * eetROi itor ! L I'C't ' IfnrVn " Dr.C rtDr.C } 03 1311 AlY ST. , DAV15NPORT , IOWA , U. 8 A. Er > a' ' ! l , ol , 18RC Deafnwi , Lua antiN * uaOioeoaca Speedily umlPurraanontn Our.d K' rt Cured at Home. Write for ' Tuu JlEDiOAL-MibHiONAHY , " for ihn ) ' . \ , > > nwlati' u H'onosnondonco ' Gratis. P 0 Ji < jxia ! ) Telciihoti ' - HO N" . I'D V/AUD ItdSSKLL , PoMmastor , Davenport , nay : 'Phv i " uuy AM\ Marked Buycosa " CONOKKiiSMANriTUPU \ , [ ) tn Finn hucntvi * tVnniiHrful Gnrt > < '