Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1884, Image 2

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AH1 > INTAT.l.ini.T
ix conruo
Mti ,
Spasm , Falling
Sickness , Conrul-
elons , 8t , Vltua Danoo , Alcoholism ,
Opium Eftllng , Seminal WcakncM Impotency -
potency , SypWlte , Scrofula , and nil
K Norvouo and Blood Dlccnsoo.
BUUVUM IJ | ' * * * ! * - , , , , , _ . . . - . _ .
tratlon , Iirceulantlca of the blood , stomach ,
towels or kidneys , or who require a ncrvo
tonic , appetizer01 8tlrnulcntiSaroan'ffln JVVr-
rint 18 Invaluablei. . vj
Kf Thousands [
proclaim It the most1
wonderful L' ' lgor-
nnt that ever sustained NERVE
[ ]
ed a sinking system.
$1.W , fit Drugging.
phetnr * . St Joseph , Mn-
VOT ti timnni i MIH circular * vnn nn
Lord BtouUnburgh ftCo 'Agrnt * , Chicago IlL
The Emperor Ixxil/i Nipolpon iimokod
only the flooM clan the world could pro
duce. Prof. Hertford Mjra lha Emperor's
dfnn vtro nuido upectillr ( or him In H&-
Tuia f torn leaf tobacco irrown In the Qoldcn
Belt ot North Carolina , tht bclnir tha finest
leaf drown. niackwcU'a Bull Durham
Bmoklntf Tobacco 1 * tnado from the name
leaf uaod In the Emperor's ctfran , la abno-
lately pure and In unquestionably the beet
tobaooo OTcr offered ,
Thackeray' * rifted daughter , Anne , In
her ( ketch of AlfredTcnnjraon , In narptr'i
JfonfMy. tclli of her vialt to Uio great poet.
She found him Bracking niackwell'i Dull
Durham Tobacco , rent him by Hon. Jamca
nutmtll Lovell , AmcricAn , Mlnlaterto the
Court of fit. Jamea.
In them days of adulteration , Ilka com
fort to Rmoken to * nen that the Bull Dur
ham brand In absolutely pure , and made
from the bent tobacco the world produces.
Dlarlnreir * Bull Durham Bmoklnff To
bacco U the lut and purest made. All
dealers hare It , None genuine irithont
the trade-mark of the Bull.
The remedy being In jcotod directly to tlio goat o !
the dlicone , requires no change ot diet or nauaooui
mercurial or poisonous medicine * to bo taken Inter
cally. When used as n preventive by either sex , Itli
npostlblo tu contract > ny private dlicaae ; but In th <
caaooi those already unfortunately afflicted we guarantee
antoe thteo boxes to cure , or wo will refund the mon
cy. Frlco by mall ) poatago paid , $2. per box or thro <
boxei ( or (5.
Issued by all authorized agents. \ \
DrFelixLeBrun&Co ,
O F. Goodman , Druggitt Sola ARtmt , for Omab.
t > , m&o wly
ol alcohol or tobacco , \Vtikofulnesn , Mental Do-
rrossioij , Battening of the Drain roaulting in in <
Bnnity nnd lending tu mleory , docny and death ,
1'romaturo Old Asa , Darrcnncss , JXJM of powoi
in either BOX , Involuntary Loason and bpornmt.
orrboca caused by ovor-oiortion ot the brain , aolf
nbUBoor ovor-inuulgonco. Each box contain !
one month B troutrnont , $1.00 a box , or eix boxoi
lor $3.00 , eont by mail pro paid on receipt ot price
! To euro any naso. WtU pach onJorrooolvoa oytu
lor eiz boxes. ncoompnniMl with * 3.00 , no Tril
Bend the purchaser our written fruaractco to r
fund the muney if the truntmontdooanotoffecl
aouro. Guarantee *
a V , QOOD1TANN , DruggUt AReuts for Om
266TH EDITION , PRICE $1,00 ,
* Exhau tea Vitality , Nejvoni aJJrhV
Premature Decline In Man. Kiroraof Youth , an
untold mlaeriei roiultlnff from IndUcretloni or ex
< xe > . A book tor every man , youny , tnlddle-aged
ndoll. It oontilnj Its proscriptions for til ocut
mnd chfonlo dlaeaioi cichono ot which In Invaluabl
60 found by tbo Author , whose expertenoo for
years 1 < guch M probably norer before ( ell to the la
of ny phyjldan BOO pagee , bound In boautllc
FrencljmwUn emoowcdoOTeH , full BH , guaranteed
10 la a flnei wotn very lento , mecnanlcal , lit
nrary and proleulocal , than any other work fold U
thli country for VLW ) , ot the money will bo refunded
In every Initanoe. lrlc only 81.00 by mall , pott
paid. llluatraUv * sample 6 conU. Bend now. Ook
medal awarded the author by tbc National Mcdlca
Association , to the offloen of which be rcfcn.
Tbli book aliould bo read by the young for Inttroe
tlon , and by the afflicted for relief. It will benofl
alt London Lancet.
There Ii no member ot loolety to whom thli boo ]
will not bo useful , whether youth , parent , guardian
Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Addrcaa the Peabody Medical InitltnU , or Dr. W
H. Parker , No. i Oulnucb Street , Itoiton HIM. , wh
may no ooniulted on all dUcaiea requiring aklll an.
exmstlinoo , CnroaloaudobatlnateAUeaieithat har
baffiod the aldll of all other pby lCll cizn
* ipeclaliy. Kaon treated laoicM-nCHL full
without aa Inataoo allure ,
M'UOM Ucblltly. vxliuuatluu and prematuni
Iccnx arocattiiMj breioeuM. rroruof > outh , eto. .
en pcrlMtl/ tor d to rulm > t licnllh and
rou iunhuod If THE JMAH8TCM
LUS. > o lomncU drn . TuUlreitmeDi
naaanalf i'ic-io ( u uarru on p reo
rect tnethoilaandalp
. 8. H ATWOOD ,
Plattamouth .
, - - - -
uADMtor TUoaocauiBia AXP man aaini
Oorreipondenoa toUolUi
Graham Paper Co ,
tllaadJU North Main Bt&t Loula.
'The ' Chancel of Nebraska's ' Soda
Cathedral" Rnshlog Headlong
to ilic- Bad ,
A Ohattol Mortgage Oliarmoi
Covers His Scduotivo Vil
lainy With Cold Cash ,
Fho Mashers of Upper Tondom
Terrified and Noted Ohuroh
Pillars Trembling ,
Joneral Milton Montgomery the
Honored Hero of Munici
pal Polities ,
An Irishman From Basting Polishing
up the Prospect ! for licit llutlcr
In NelirnsUn.
Special Corraipomlonco of THK BKP
LINCOLN , April 7. Botanists declare
that sometimes in the practical proaocu <
.ion of Ihoir scientific pursuits they find
a single plant or flower in seine far nwaj
place where none of its species were ovoi
) oforo known to grow and where , in the
natural order of things , it should have nc
ircsonco and no life , How the seed
came to thcso isolated places to rcpro
duce its kind is somewhat of a mystery
and can bo accounted for by the trans-
ilanting done no effectively by the beaks
of birds and the waywardness of the
wind. So it is with many of the promi
nent affairs of life. Take morality for
nstanco. How frequently wo see n com
munity that for years and years has
never known what ia wrong or unlawful
uddonly give nourishment to a plant
which is not strictly of a lily-liko purity.
I regret to say that events during the
mat year in Lincoln hitherto the chan-
iol of Nebraska's social cathudral
lava shown that thoto have
> eon some very naughty Mhings
[ ono in the ' 'upper tendorn. " In fact
hey have boon forced to the attention of
ho press and the pulpits , but it amounts
o nothing , for the comments on the mat-
6r were but editorial sermons and ser
monizing editorials. Accounts were given
if prominent business men loading inno
cent young girls astray and threatened
jxDosuros of names and circumstances
made , but no such promised manuscript
over enw the typo. On Friday night , at
a late hour I believe , papero were Clod
with the clerk of the district court by a
aboring man against a well-known loan
> tokor,1who has his oflico within a stone's
hrow of the Commorical hotel. The
> laiutiff claims that the defendant led
lis daughter astray in July , 1882 , when
she was under fourteen years of ago and
lor services and obedience belonged to
lor parents. It is further alleged the
.hereafter for many months and that in
ionscquenco the girl loft her homo aud
locamo entirely estranged from hoi
father. In fact the petition contains a
great amount of all gation which aro" very
orious complaints , and would bo more
serious if proved. The damages claimed
are $3,000 for loss of services , eto. , aud
1100 for expenses of medical attendance
aid out by the father for his daughter.
Ono utrango feature about this case is
hat at a very early hour the next morn-
ng the papers in this case were removed
yy the attorneys from the court files and
negotiations I understand for a settle
ment made. It is alleged by the friends
of the defendant that the girl in question
s not of good character , but this matters
but little for in any way should the case
iomo to trial it would bo sensational in
he oxtrorao. complained of is
vpll known hero and while ho likes to
ako interest from the male BOX in the
ino of loans 'at the same time ho thinks
ho female sex take great interest in him.
lia appearance would justify h < s engage
ment as a "poser" for a statue of Don
'uan , or a cavalier of the Elizabethian
loriod. Perhaps aomo might go so far aa
> ut I think ho does not stand longonough
on corners , and in front of the churchce
and opera house , to take a very high do-
; rco in this notable order of late Ameri
can organization. Ho evidently thinks
rnoro of mortgages than of marriages
moro of chattels than charmers. The
iominencomont of the case hus boon the
brewing of a very largo stone among n
ortaiu crowd , j nd it is oven said that
overal prominent church members have
lodged their heads for fear of a flyiny
ogal inissilo.
General Milton Montgomery , who hat
uat been elected police judge , has been
ocoiving congratulations on all sides re
gardless of party , nationality , fleet 01
irovious condition , and had ho anothoi
nn ( ono having been lost in the survict
of his country ) the handshaking would
iqual that of General Grant on hit
ijraud tour just after the war ,
L'ho general will undoubtedly hold the
scales of justice just as evenly balanccc
as if he hod a dozen hands and the pee
ilo hero expect great things of him. A <
my rate ho comes to the otlice with a iiiu
record and ho will undoubtedly prove i
most acceptable cfilciol. In convoraatioi
with your correspondent last evening hi
said although ho was a lemnuranco mat
ho would adopt no radical . .course whatever
over but firmly execute the laws just a
lie found them on the statute books re
; ardloss of person or position.
Although the firemen of the city havi
taken no organized action regarding tin
tournament to bo held in your city ii
July , they are individually opposed t <
having it held on the Fourth. The ;
claim that the most active members of th
department cannot leave theirbusinots 01
the national holiday , and will not do so
There ia no doubt but the tournamen
must be hold at notno other time , or th
attendance from the provincial place * wll
be altin indeed. [ The date lias boci
changed to the fourth week in July.-
ED.I Lincoln has a splendid orgauietttioi
of firemen , its "Morchants'r and it
"Fitzgerald" hose , being us active , faith
ful to duty and as gentlemanly conducts
as any company in the state. I do nc
think that the city properly approciat
their services , and one thing is certain
they have not suitable equipments. Ii
fact , a short time ago a blow was mad
by the passage of a resolution in the corn
mon council hero that will hav
the effect of destroying th
volunteer department entirely
and at thr sauio time result in no sue ]
benefit us came from the existence of th
present department. This resolution It
to organize n fire brigade to bo composed
of picked mon to bo selected by the chiol
engineer , who will receive n small com
ponsation. It has already had the effect
of dampening the boy's ardor nd they
think it is an undeserved criticism ol
their efficiency.
There appeared in this city some wcoke
ngo a dapper little Irishman named Eu-
; cno Flaherty , who hailed from Boston ,
Massachusetts , and was engaged in sell
ing stove polish for an extensive eastern
liouso. It soon bccamo known that he
was also doing considerable political pol
ishing and that in a very quiet way ho
was putting up pins for Ken Duller.
Flaherty has many years experience in
thia kind of busincs , being a graduate ol
the Mercantile Literary Institute
in Boston where the "boys"
chow the loaves of Oushlng's
Manual for tobacco , and ono as skillful
\p \ organizing caucusscs and convontiont
as n deacon is in passing around the sub
scription box. Ho was chairman of the
state central committco of the greenback
party in Majsachuiotts when Butler waa
ovcnor. Ho was the prime mover in
: apturing the democratic convention at
NVorcostor for Benjamin , and in fact en
gineered the whole campaign. Ho was
also very prominent in Fenian affairs in
18G5 and afterwards , and with a leading
part in many of its most important trans-
notions. Flaherty denies that ho is auth
oritatively delegated to work for Butler ,
as the "old man" wants to steer clear ol
parly booms , but ho _ confesses that ho is
in correspondence with some of Butler's
head wire-pullers , and that secret work
in behalf of the chiol is bcingdono all ovei
the country. Ho docs not deny however
that ho is putting in his "best licks" foi
Benjamin , but ho slyly suggests that ho
is doing it solely for the love of old asso
ciation in the Bay state. Ho also hazards
the assertion that Butler will capture
orory National convention that is called
except tliH republican. This is "big talk"
From a little man , but if the Butler menlo
lo their work in other places as well as
Flaherty hai done in the southeastern
> art of the state there may bo some truth
n it.
The primaries that will eventually in-
.roducd delegates to the district couven-
, lon at Nebraska City , passed off very
quietly yesterday , as a compromise was
effected the day before and the lions and
ambs reposed very quietly together at
iho polls.
The now "guv'nor" of the agricultural
'arm , Mr. Savage , of Sargent , Custet
county , has arrived and will soon bo in
dustriously at work , on the bucolic realms
> f the state farm. Those who know him
lorp say that ho will undoubtedly fill the
) osition of "Chief plain Nebraska
armor" very well , as ho has had many
rears experience in the business. As the
itock branch of the state farm has lately
seen separated from the agricultural
Branch , Mr. Savage will have more
.imo to give the branch , whichever
over it may bo , moro direct attention.
Whether this division is made for the
good of the farm , or to supply another
official position for some of the faithful ,
remains to bo seen. Mr. Savage was a
member of the last legislature , and ono
very conservative man of my acquaint-
unco who evidently judges state officials
more as a class than individually andwho
perhaps was not thoroughly posted on the
record of the now farmer says "ho is a
railroad striker , of course , and is Rotting
lis reward. . ' At any rate , it will bo soon
manifest whether ho will work with his
: orporation clothes on in the state corn
lelds don "hum " whether
, or plain spun ;
er the hayseed will take kindly to his
aa'r ( if it bo railroad oiled ) or not.
Letter From n Female Physician.
NEW YOUK , May 1 , 1883.
My specialty is diseases of women and
children. I like ALLCOOK'S Ponous
PLAHTEIIS because they are so quick and
cfiiciout , and never irritate or mark the
tandorcst skin. I have found them most
iseful in my practice , and they are cer
tainly the best plasters now made. To
llustrato : My son of ton years of ago
took a bad Cold and coughed Incessantly ;
no medicine would relieve him ; after
some twelve hours I applied an ALLCOCK'H
POROUS PLABTEK to his throat and upper
chest. The cough ceased entirely in an
lour , and the next day the boy was well.
I told tbo case to a gentleman who suf
fered in the same style ; ho , too , was
cured in twenty-four hours of his cough
by ALLOOCIC'H Pououa PIATHUS. Another
[ > ationt suffered from pain in the small of
the back ALLCOCK'S Pououa PLAHTEK
was applied at night , and next morning
the pain had ceased. Again , a young
ady suffering from Neuralgia Pains
around the heart , by my advice used
mtiroly cured in three days. Finally , n
lady came to mo with Cold Foot , which
constantly recurred night and day this
sometimes is a symptom of Uterine Con
gestion I applied an AI.LCOCK.'O POHOUH
P&AKTEU to the solo of each foot , , and
lior foot got and continued warm. She
were the Plasters over a week.
Thus I have recently tried ALncocK'fl
POHOUH PLASTEIUH , and take great pleas
lire in bearing witness to their remarkable -
able curative power.
"Allcock's" is the onfy genuine Pot-
out Plaster ; buy no other and you will
not bo cheated.
Fatal TUB Kxploslon.
CLEVELAND , Ohio , April G. The tujj
Peter Smith loft Saturday night foi
Toledo , towing two lighters. Tins morn
ing near Venuillion it exploded its boiler ,
killing two engineers and wounding throe
other mon.
Pull for the Shore.
Let tn all pull out of tlilt son , of ulcknfw
and ilenp'Midencv , anil g't onto a rook foiuuln
lion of good , etrong-hoiiltli. Jlwlock Jlloott
Ititttn ore tlia thing to pull for , Taoy are 0111
of ttto moat renowned health roatoratlvoa ovei
Debruato Curtis.
NEW YOUK , April 0 George William
Curtis has been elected delcgato to thi
Richmond county convention. An effort
will bo made to send Curtis as a delegate
to the republican convention. Curtii
gays his personal preference for presi
dent is Edmunds. He is opposed , however <
over , to instructing delegates.
Ac-Id I'linaptmte.
No Fbyilolan Need Hesitate.
Dr. S. V. OLKVENO.ER , Chicago , 111 , ,
says : "Horsford'e Acid Phosphate should
bo made officinal. It is the most oligibh
form for thoadminUtratiouof phoaphorui
and no physician need hesitate to order i
oc his proscription blanks. "
The Great KnsUjrii H < x Hotel ,
NEW OIU.KANB , April 0. The Grea
Eutorn , the largest steamer in the world
now doing aorvioo in England as a coa
boat , will bo brought to Now Orlean
nnd fitted up uu a hotel during the world. '
fair ,
Paintcfl Jewels Offureil to Pawn
brokers ,
A Mysterious Woman Dazzles the
Eyes of the Oollateral
Bankers ,
An Attempt to Bxvliullo Followed bj
a Hint or Ulnckinalt.
Cotton Globe ,
"I would like to obtain a loan of $900
upon those diamond car rings. "
It wna a fine looking , well droaaod
woman , possibly CO years of ago , who
spoke. Blio was slightly gray and nttirod
in a fur-linod silk circular. The person
addressed was Edward L. Ohattbc , treas
urer of the Boston Loan company , 275
NVashington street. As aho spoke the
displayed n beautiful little jewel ciwo of
crimson velvet , lined with white aatin ,
in which glistened a magnificent pair of
solitaire diamond oar rings , mounted in
rich dead gold. Mr. Ohaffeo took the
jewel cnao in his hand and examined the
stones with great care. They were among
the finest ho had over seen. Each * stone
was of about six and nhalf carata weight ,
perfectly matched and of the purest blue
while color imaginable , throwing out a
magnificent luitro. It is rare indeed
that stones of such largo dizo appear so
perfect in color. Mr. Chatlbo was
charmed , but ho was too cautious a busi
ness man to make so largo n loan upon
his own unaided judgment. Fortunately
George H. HowJuml , of Now Bedford ,
known to the trade nnd others as "Din-
mend George , " and ono of.tho keenest of
experts in gems , chanced to bo present.
Mr. OhafTeo showed the stones to him ,
and ho examined them carefully , turning
them in every possible light and oven
placing them under n glass. At length
ho looked and aid to Mr. Chafleo :
T11EM. "
As Mr. Howlsnd is constantly dealing
in diamonds , Mr. Chaffed felt confident
that if that gentleman was willing to give
the pric ? named they must bo worth in
the market considerably more , possibly
$100 a carat , os $1300 for the pair , the
price which the applicant for the loan
claimed to have paid for them.
"Whoro did you bny those diamonds ? "
ho asked of the lady.
"I purchased them of Mr. Orump , of
the firm of Shrove , Crump & Low , 432
Washington street.
"Did you buy them of Shrove , Crump
& LowJ"
' 'No ; I bought them of Mr. Crump
personally. They did not como from his
store. "
While this conversation was going on ,
Mr. Howland glanced at the lady , and at
once recognized her as the same person
ho had seen a few moments before at
Pntorson & Co.'s , 230 Washington street ,
where also she had offered the diamonds
as security for a loan. As Mr. Paterson
did not chance to bo present when she
calledand she had immediately left with
out waiting his return , Mr Howland did
not , of course , think it strange to sea her
hero. Mr. ChafFoo considered the matter
timber , and had nearly decided to offer
a loan of $700 upon the diamonds. But
he stni hesitated. The
taken in connection with their unusual
size excited his wonder. Suddenly ho
had a revelation. Ho remembered the
somewhat famous diamond swindle of a
few months ago at New Haven , where
"painted" diamonds were able to deceive
the keenest export , and an unscrupulous
adventurer had made a "big haul" from
the pockets of the unwary. The revela
tion was his safety. Stopping quickly tea
a desk , he procured a small bottle of al
cohol and a brush and gave the beautiful
gems a vigorous bath with the liquid. At
once the magnificent color faded and dis
appeared , and in a moment the stones ap
peared in their own proper garb as cheap ,
yellow African diamonds , worth at the
greatest no more than $300. Handing
the gems to Mr. Howland , Mr. Ohaffeo
said :
"Hero , Ooorgo , look at your splendid
diamonds now. Will you buy them at
$70 a carat ? "
Mr. Howland gave a glance at the
stones and answered :
"Thoy were painted. I wouldn't give
you $30 a carat for those stones. "
Returning to the counter , where the
lady stood awaiting her answer , Mr.
Chnffeo remarked to her :
"I think , madam , I will keep these
diamond * for a time. Taoy will bo en
tirely safe here. "
"Very well , fur , " was the reply , and
the lady at once loft the oflico.
after1 this occurenco , Mr. Howland
chanced to bo at the ollica of J. C. Davis ,
1Z School street , when the same person
untorod and , displaying a pair of magni
ficent solitaire earrings , still larger than
those shown Mr. Chaifd , aaked for a loan
of $1,400. Shu represented the gems to
be heirlooms , which had been in her fam
ily for at least forty years , and also stated
that they had been for a long time on de
posit in a safe of the Boston Safe Deposit
and Trust Company. Mr. Craig , Mr.
Davis' assistant , and Mr. Howland
together examined the gems , and washed
them with alcohol , but they were able to
detect no deceit in them. But as Mr.
Duvis was absent , Mr. Craig did not wish
to take the responsibility of making BO
larqo a loon , and accordingly returned the
diamonds to the applicant , who disap
peared. All this occured last Friday.
Last Monday the woman who presented
the washed diamonds at Mr. Chafleo's re
turned to that oflico accompanied by a
man , who asked rather hurriedly :
"Are you prepared to return thia lady's
diamonds to her ? "
"No , " responded Mr. Ohaffoo. "I am
not ready togivo them up yet. "
"Very well , then , " returned the
stranger ; "wo will consider it a Bale , then ,
at § 1,300 , and will loavu the matter with
our attorney to nettle , " and h * vent out
as hastily as ho had entered.
Yesterday Mr. Ohaffeo rscoivod the
following remarkable letter through the
mail :
NK\V YORK , March 81,188 J ,
Dotton Loan Con piny , lit. Chifftt. Trea urea ;
DKAU Sm What would it be worth to
you if you were to received information
regarding the party who offered you
painted diamonds last week , so aa to beat
her and her eminent counsel in the legal
action she has beguu. Aa soon as this
information is known to you and youi
counsel , it will bo sufficient to stop all
action on her part. "
to this communication is withheld by the
police authorities , in whoso hands the
uutter has been placed. It is , pnrhaps ,
necessary to state that no legal action
hai been begun against Mr. Ohafloe , as
the letter Implies , and it is scarcely prnb'
* Uo that any will bo brought , The
diamonds are now in the hantla of the
police * , who will doubtless bo ( ( lad to BUT
render them to the ponon who endeavored
ored to obtain the loan upon thorn upon
her application for the mime , in person ,
at police headquarters ,
For the bonotit of the uninitiated il
should bo said that it has recently been
discovered that n certain liquid exists ,
the chemical composition of which is as
j\it a secret , which being applied to din <
inonda of poor water and little value will
impart to them a brilliancy equalled only
by the finest Brazilian gems. The meal
clangorous quality of this liquid is that il
is uiialloctcd by water or soap , and only
by the use of alcohol can it bo removed
and the inferior quality of the painted
diamond disclosed.
It should bo stated , in iustico to Mr.
Crump , that gentleman is poaitivo that
ho never saw the diamonds until they
were ahowu to him by Inspector Watts ,
who has the caao in hand , and deserts
unequivocally that ho never made a sale
of any diamonds or other jowcls upon
his own account and apart from the
busincsn of the firm of which ho is n mem
The affair appears to bo a counterpart
of the famous Now Haven diamond swin
dle , it being evident that n gang is or has
boon attempting to "work" this city.
Is Your Blood Pure ?
Now this Ii an Important question , for with'
out pure and wholesome blood there can bo no
perfect health , and without food health llfo is
a tnero bunion and a waste. For Impure
blood the boat modlclno known Is SCOVILL'S
KU.SYIIU11 may ho bo Implicitly relied on
when every thlnr else falls. Taka It In the
Spring ttmo os pcclally.for the Impurosecrotlon ! )
of the blood incident to that noasou ol the your ;
nnd take it at all tlmqs for Cancer , Scrofula ,
Llvor complaints , Weakness Holla , Tumors ,
Swellings , Skin Diseases , Malaria and the
thousand Ills that como from Impure blood.
Talking about the Llvor , wo prfsumo III
temper Is raoro often caused by a disordered
liver than anything olso. To In sura a cheer
ful disposition take SCOVILL'S BLOOD
AND LIVKH SYttUP which will remove
the prltno cause , and lostoro the mind to IU
natural equilibrium.
Cruelty to iluBlmnds.
N w York Times.
A North Carolina husband has brought
a twit for divorce against his wife , claim
ing that she has boon guilty of cruel and
inhuman conduct toward him. Ho spe
cially sots forth in his complaint that on
ono occasion she seized an axe and com
pelled him to climb a treo. Thereupon
she began to cut down the tree , compel
ling him to remain meanwhile in its
branches by the threat of chopping off his
foot in caao ho should try to climb down.
In course ot time the tree fell , and the
husband , being severely injured , felt that
the time had como for him to got rid of
his tyrant.
It is impossible to feel much sympathy
with a husband so utterly devoid of any
ability to protect himself. When his
wife began to cut down the tree , the obvi
ous thing for him to do was suddenly to
drop on her back. She would have broken
his fall , BO that it would have done him
no injury , while , on the other hand , the
concussion would have driven her some
distance into the ground , and thus pre
vented her from using her axe. It is no
wonder that so dull a man was despised
by his wife , and , on the whole , she de
serves credit as a sprightly and original
variety of woman.
A. Postal Card
From Mrs. Dennis Smith , Louisville , Ky. ,
says : " 1'or blood impurities IJuvdock Ufoirxi
Milters seem particularly adapted. Never be
fore had complexion HO clear. Use nil the
time- "
- „ , i
The Delhi Tragedy.
WATKULOO > Iowa , Special Telegram ,
March 26. The prosecution in the case
against Sterner , Hughes and Earhart ,
charged with the murder of John Norris
at Delhi , closed their caao last evening ,
and it is expected that the defense will
finish this week. Mrs. Minerva Gould
swore that she had two conversations with
Sooner previous to the shooting , ot Nor
ris , and he said that Norris had threat
ened to burn his- building , , but ho should
watch him , audi shoot him like a dog.
Her son , Charles Gould , corroborated her
testimony in nearly every particular.
John Penn , of Delhi , aworo that : :
About an hour and a halt betoro the
shooting took place ho saw two. men. in
an alloy near where the deed 'was com
mitted , ono ofi them having.a. gun ia his
hands. Ho recognized' ono of the mon
as Stonor. Several days before the shoot
ing of Norris , fctonor said to him thab he
( Stonnr ) had watched Norris long-.onough.
Witness was a brother-in-law of tho. . mur
dered man.
Fanny Penn , sister of- the abovo. wit
ness , said :
She was stopping with a family named
White , and saw the throe accuaed-poraona -
together , and'Hughes ' and Stoner were at
White's frequently taking about the best
way to .kill . Norris. The night of the
murder Stoner loaded a gun wit It buck
shot in her presence and said it vraa to
kill Norris.
George Pcnn.nlso . stated that IK Ear-
hart told him that Norris hadi hired a
man to whip him , and ho oven
with'him. The defense claims to bo able
to break down this testimony , and socru
to bo sanguine of clearing the accused.
Thousands Upon Thousands
of'dollars have been cpont In advertising the
celebrated./jun/od-/tf < xxJ Bittern but this fact
accounts-only in p t.for their enormous sale.
U'helr motlt has uiada them what they are
the beat blood raedlcl no aver devised by man ,
The Reformed Dnuaiucr.
"Train ajk" In Cnliago Herald ,
"Boys , " said the Chicago drummer ,
"I have made up my mind to behave
myself after this when L tun away from
homo , so you needn't coaio after mo any
mora when you go out frollicking. I
have reformed. I havo. What's the mat
ter with mo ? Well , I'll tell you , and you
that are married will appreciate it ,
especially iff your wife weighs 200 pounds ,
aud has black eyes and hair , like mine.
Last night I was ia Davenport , and ,
while walking along tUo street , a neat little
tlo woman turned tad looked at me n
jcouplo ot times , and then walked away
I'protty fast. Uf course , I followed her
up , nnd said : 'Don't bo in a hurry , my
dear. It's cute o5 you to run off so fast ,
but you'll wait Its me won't you , daisy ? '
'Sir , ' iho said , aud then she looked at roe
again , called mo by name , shook hands ,
and auid slip thought she know mo ; that
she was viaiticg in town and I should
walk up to fcer friend's house. Boys ,
aha was my wife's sister , and I'm in for
it. I wieh the houao would send mo to
Mexico , eo > 1 would't have to go homo for
rv year. "
The remarkable results in a disease BO
univore&l and with suh a variety of char
acteristics as Catarrah , prove how effectu
ally Hood's Sarsaparilla acting through
the blood , roaches every part of the sys
tem. A _ medicine like , anything else ,
j ian bo fairly judged only by its results.
l Wo p.'int with pride to the glorious roc-
I ord of Hood's Sarsaparilla has entered upon -
> on the hearts of thousands of people it
hut cuuxion
The largest Stock in Omaha and Mates the Lowest Priced
Just received an assortment far surpassing nnj tiling in this market , comprising
the latest and most tasty designs manufactured for thia spring's trade and covering
a range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Eapenslvo.
Parlor Coeds
Now ready f or the inspection of cus
tomers , the newest novelti's in
Suits iiud Odd Pieces.
Complete stocVc of nil the latest
atylcs in Turcoman. Madras nnd
Lnc Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
Elegant Passenger1 Elevator to all Floors.
120G , 1208 and 1210 Fnrnnm ' . '
Street , - - - - 'OMA.UA , NEB-
Fine Havana , Key West nnd Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos.
Trial Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed ! I " FA AHST. . OMAHA.
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas StsM
Safe and Lee ;
3.OS2O'3anxrxxetKta. :
Wholesale Glothien
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 MR. 13Th
UD9 14' Dote St. . ( OWAKB. NEB
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh
Deafness , Lung and ITorvous Diseases Spezdily and Permanently Cured. Patient ;
Cured at Home. Write for "TiiB MEDIGAL-MIBSKWAKY , " fos Iho PuopJe , J-Yee.
Onnsultation nnd Correspondence Gratis P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 22C
HON. EDWARDtRUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , sayo : "Physwian o' '
ixen ADllHy ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MUKPHY , Davenport ,
Irwi ; "An rionorahln M n. Fine Buccwm. Wnndnrful Onrtvi. " Hrmm. S * / > B
Blf &iOS FIKKSuiig
Mr OiponUoiy onnanUy filled wM > * Mleot ( took. Eti WorcmaiwbVrui
Offen fn f * * W.
1S19 and im Uttnsy Uttcct nnd I