Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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The Kidneys.
They nro Uio most important scc-
ictory orgnn" . luio nud through
the Kidneys How the waste fluids of
the body , containing poisonous matte -
to taken out o the system. If Iho
Kidnpys do not net properly this
matter is ictunied , Iho whole sys
tem becomes disordered nnd the iol-
lowing symptoms will follow :
Hendaclip , weakness , pain in the
small of hick and loins , Hushes of
heat , chills , with disordered stom-
nch nnd bowels. You can tl. oroucli-
ly protect the Kidneys bv BUR
when any of these symptoms mani
fest thf mselues you can quickly rid
yoursn i ! of. thorn by this best oi : all
medifincs for the Kidneys. BUR
every whore nt 81 per hottlp , nnd
ouo boitlo will provo Iheir eflicacy.
Ton THE emir. OF ALT , DISEABES ou
FOlt TKTNTy TEAKS Ilnmphrcyi' llornro-
Iliiuiiilirnvs' Vetcrlnnry Mnnnnl. ( SX ) pp.1
lent f n-o by mall on jcwlpt of price. Ml cents
Cjyi'.tiunlilcK soul free on application
100 Fullou btrcct , New YorU.
1. * KH V
Vital WoiOtncss nnd lus
HUMPHfi tration from over work ot
Indiscretion ,
and promptly
Xcenln mo 50 years ,
4s the mo t S110C05
ful remedy known. _ , . . . . . .
rgo vial of powder for S3 , urnt post f rro on n
colpt of price. Illiniilirr > n' llomco. Bird. Co ,
. uiagt , CatalcEUo trco.1 109 S ult on bl. . Yw.
Proposals for Military Supplies.
O MAMA Nun. , March 25 , 1884 ,
SEALtCI ) raoi'OSAb * . in triplicate , nubjoct to h
usual conditions , will bo received at this olHc
until 12 o'clock , uoon , ( Omaha local tlmo.Jou dates
named hi'ruitttr , at which hour they will too opened
In presence of Bidders , ami at fame hour ( aliening
for difference ) In tune ) nt the olllcoi cf the Quarter
master ) at tbo follonlncntmcd military posts for fur-
ddlMiry attatd potts euth fuel , forage
and straw tisnnybi n quired during the flscalvcar
comm ijctn ? July let , 1S31 , \ Iz : Omahadcpot , Chuy
en no depot , Forts Omiha , Nlobrar * , Sldnny , Uus-
rell. Steele , Hrliltcr , Douglas Robinson , Laramij ,
McKlnney nnd Washable.
Propnsils for wnodco l , and charcoal nlll be open
ed Friday , April 25th. 18:4.
For hiV , Btiavr , eralu and oran , Saturday , May 31 ,
183S. this olllco , Friday , April 25th , 1834 , propo
sals for furnixhlng on the cars at station ! neinet'ho
mines on the Union Paciflo and other Uallroads , ten
thousand tons of o al , ot 2S40 pounds to the ton.
Also , at thU olHce , Saturday , M y 21 , 1834 , for
famishing at Omaha depot or at nny ILillrcod ( U-
tlon not ucst of North Tlttto , having Railroad con
nections with Omaha , 1,500,000 pounds corn and
1,000,000 pound ! oit ? .
The Government rccorvcs the rlgnt to reject aoy or
all proposals.
Preference clven to nrllcle of domestlo production
and manufacture , conditions of pilce and quality be
ing equal , and such preference given to articles df
AuiTic-in production and manufacture produced on
the Picllla coist , t > the extent of the c naumptlon
rcnulrc'l by t'.io public service them.
Blank prouostla nd Ins ructions as to bidding
terms of contract , pMinont , etc. , will bafurolsbed
on application to till i olllco , or to the Quartermasters
at rar out ctitlint namnd.
Envelopes tontalnlnz proposals should be marked ,
"Pr ipesais f"r - at - . " and adHresse )
to tbo undersigned , or to the re'pottlvo Depot and
Post Qnartcrmaeters , O. a DANDY
m5 dim Ct Chief Quarterinaste
FciinHyIrani&8 Presidential Pet.
PiTTSBUito , April 4. The republican
convention of the Twenty-third congres
atonal district to-day elected Thomas 1
Bayno and E. M. Byora delegates to the
national republican convention , instruct
ed to support Blaino.
PiTTSnuao , April 4. The Twenty-
second congressional republican conven
tion to-day to cheese delegates to Chi'
cage , resulted in a split and thn election
of two sets of delegates. Biaine men
retuaed to go into the convention , unless
their delegates from the Fourth district ,
who they claimed had been legally elected -
ed , bo recognized. This the convention
refused , and the Blaine faction withdrew ,
organized , and elected Jacob Single and
Joseph D. Weeks delegates to Chicago.
The regulars also organized and elected
M. E McGee and J. Flynn. Both sets
of delegates will go to Chicago and demand
mand recognition. McGee and Flynn
were not instructed , but it is understood
they will support President Arthur.
Ovcrllown ,
VICK&UUBQ , Miss. , April 4. The
United States steamer , General Barnard ,
in charge of Colonel John McGinnis , ar
rived from St. Louie this morning , bring
ing 100,000 rations for the overflow suf
ferers. At Tystonvillo , Tonn. . 7,000
rations wore loft for 1GOO pooplo. She
will distribute supplies at all points between
tweon Vicksburg and the mouth of the
Bed rivor.
Dies Under Olinrjcs : of Ttioft.
WASHINGTON- , April 4. The vrar department
partment is informed that Pixymaator J
A. Brodhead died in Boston yesterday
of an attack of pneumonia. Paymaste
Brodhead recently became insane on a
count of troubles arising from theft o :
government money in his charge. Hu had
just reached homo from his station n'
Alter tlio
KEY WEST , Fla. , April 4. The wai
ships , Vnndaha and SwaUri , and thi
revenue cutter Boutvroll sailed from heri
to day to assist the revenue cutter Dix i n
the search for the ecoonor of Cuban ban
dits. Thu Spanish consul believes tlia
a atuall party from bora were to meet thi
larger ono from Mobile and Now Orleans
Dr. Hunt , of Methodist book concern i In
Now York , reports that during the past foui
years the MethodUt church lud paid nt
0,455,009 for millions publications an id
$3,000.000 worth of llteraturo had boon u idP
plied ny the Muthndlat book ooocorn. Te Prs
years oo 1)23,000 ) luiplen of Methodist paperi
were dispoued of in riunduy nchoolx , and rso
day 12,131,100 copies ara val'eil ' for. om
An order wan received in Havana from
Madrid reinstating Ansbsl Aratito a cuBtom
housa collector. IIo la the man who contln-
' nously imposed fines on Americana , and who
within five wontlu fined merchants 8120,1)00. ) >
Tha urand council of mechanlo ) , of New Or
leans has derided upon a xaoerwl Btrlko MOD.
'lay. if the ndvanuj a ked for Is refuged. The
strike will Include all mechanics enraged in
houeo building.
Jac/ib Bchaefer and George T. Slosson have
BlRiied article * for two gitniu of blllUrdg , to ho
played in Olilcugo. Muy 12'h ' i > nd 3Ut. The
tintt g.mie i * for tnohtlk Una championship ,
the necoud the champion's ame ,
is again open ut the OLD STAND , 1400
Farnam street , opposite Paxtou Hotel.
Buy a lot in Ouiulm View Bogga A
Hill are tcllinx them cheap 20-01
Saturday Morning , April 5 ,
Notice to Advertisers.
II. S. Smith , who has for the pwt year
filled the portion of manager of the advortis-
In ? department of Tun UKK , hai lowed the
tlty advertising of this paper , uml will hcront-
ter Imvo complete control of that department.
E. IlosKWATKn ,
President Bsn 1'ublishinp Co.
Ono disturber of the peace loomed up in
pollco court yesterday. IIo was nscosscd
the customary S3 and cosh.
Kd. Gorman , the city jailor , Is arranging
n very tasty art gallery lu tlio city jail. Tills
will help the boys to nmuso thomsolvo while
awaiting the dociaon of Judge Uoneko.
, T. S. Donman's clothes line was robbed
Wednesday night nnd every garment wns
taken. Mr. Donman lives nt No. 501 South
SoTontocnth street. No clue has boon ob
tained to the thieve * .
The firemen had a very ploasand sociable
nt their hall Thursday ulght. Twenty couples
were present and indulged in dancing until
twelve o'clock. The boys have n faculty of
always ha\Ing n pleasant time ,
A dinall boy by the name of Sly was ar
rested yesterday for stealing newspapers
from store doors. Ho is a ely one and no
tnlatako , and tlio judge sent him up to the
county jail for n few days until ho repents.
A runaway on Cas street yesterday morning -
ing played Had havoc. They ran between a
hydrant and George Jtodlock'a fence , break
ing both hydrant and fonco. They then ran
against a telephone polo breaking it so that
the wires came to the ground.
An Editor's Tribute.
Thcron P. Koator. Editor of 3ft. Wayne
Ind. , "Gazotto , " writes : "For. the past five
years have always used Dr. King's New Dis
covery , for coughs of most severe character , as
well us for these of a milder typo. It navor
falls to effect a speedy euro. _ Sly friends to
whom I have recommended it , speak of It in
samu high terms. Having boon cured by it of
every cough I have had for five years , I con-
Rider it the only reliable and euro euro for
Coughs , Colds , etc. " Call nt C. Goodman's
Drug Store and got a Frte Trial Bottle. Largo
Size § 1.00.
Resolution of lU-Krct ami Sympathy
of the 13. M. A , nt the Death of
Robert P. Itlokorby.
At a regular mooting of the Emmot
Monument association , hold on the 3d of
April , 1884 , the following resolutions
were adopted :
WHEIIKAS , The truth of the pool's apothegm ,
"Death loves n shining mark ; a signal blow ; "
ban received another startling exemplification
in the recent death , after a short illness , of
our late well beloved brothei , Robert P.
Kickerby , by which his aged father ind
mother are rendered desolate , and moat sadly
stricken and bereaved ; and
WIIKUEAS , The ties of brother created by
onr society are second only to those of consan
guinity , and bind us each to the other with
the strong bauds of fraternity , love nnd affec
tion , making the joys and sorrows of our
brother's friends and relations in agreat _ mea
sure our own , filling our hearts with sadness
at their misfortune and happiness m the pros
perity ; and , ,
WIIBIIKAS , The Emmet Monument Associa
tion has in his death loat one o\ \ its most faith
ful , diligent and earnest" workers , and the
cause of motherland an upright son , whoso
lifo was devoted to the exalted mission of
aiding his suffering countrymen , in gaining
their rights as men ; nnd MS } country her place
among the nations of the parVKand his
friends have lost an iuvaluamo'trdas'ilro ' , and
young Irish-America one of its brightest stars
and sternest leaders ; and
WHEIIEAS , This great affliction awakens in
us , the members of the Emmot monument
association , profound grief at our loss , and
sincere sympathy for his bereaved parents ,
which would express itself in kindly'offices to
thorn and in words of consolation ; therefore ,
Itesolvtd , That wo tender to Thomas J.
Hickerby and his beloved wife , the parents of
our departed brother , the nssuranca of cur re
earl and affection and of our heartfelt sorrow
for the deprivation which they and their chil
dren sustain in the loss of n kind patient ,
amiable , loving , eon and brother.
Jtesoltai , That ilthouirh the 27th day of
March , A. D. 188 J , was an era of great sorrow
and grief to the parents and brothers and si ? ;
ten of our late brother , and although
Their circle is broken , ono seat is forsaken ,
Quo bud from the tree of their friendship is
shaken ,
Ono heart from among thorn no longer shall
With joy In thsir gladness or grief in their 111 ,
Wo commend to thorn this consolation , that
to him whom wo mourn that era wus the end I
of sorrow and pain and the opening of the
gates of immortal blossodnesa.
That as a cloud of the sunset , slow molting in
heaven ;
As a star that is lost vnhon daylight is given ,
As a glad dream of tslumbor , which wakens in
Ho hath passsd to the world of the holy from
Kuolvtd , Tiiat n copy of these resolutions
be sent to the bereaved parents of our late
brother , and nlo that a copy bo sent to tin
local papers with n request that they bo pub
lisrod in their next issuo. .
Signed by Moses P O'Brien ,
J. A. Hannon ,
E V. Morisrity ,
Apnl 3J. the committee.
1)1101) .
HANDEL Frlodrlch Handel , son of Katha
rina nnd Friedrich Uundol , April 3 , 1881
aged 2 joars and tl months.
Funeral will take place April Bth nt 2 p
m. from Eighteenth nnd Williams streets.
Friends invited.
IIAHLir-In thi city , April 3 , 1884 , at 1
o'clock p. in , , WilllaF. , only son of Joh
nnd Mary E. Haz'.lp , ngod ton months.
Funeral notlco hereafter.
Absolutely Pure.
Thlt piwUm ami , u , A wurvel ol pun
trough tud wholeiouijnaa * Uo/e eonomloal than
'h cf intiy Uudi , and c * > u o } bo told in coiupotltlvi
wltu tbiainllltuda of low * u ; . rhort welttt t aluu i tl
h , , > > * v f" Jeri. Sold 110171" CM * . KOT * ! ttuk
The Verfbriiuint'O of "Imuln ill
incrinnor , " Ity Mnploson'n "Her
's Opera O < ttni > ixny , ' '
The grand Italian Opera "Lucia di
Lammormoor. " wns performed at Boyd'a
opera house last evening , before n , largo
and fashionable audionso. The event was
ono long to bo remembered by these
who h d the pleasure of being present.
It was without doubt the grandest nni-
sisal entertainment over given in this
city. The opera is founded on Sir Wal
ter Scott'fl tragiostory of "Tho Bride ot
Lammormoor , " with which most of us
are familiar , and the charming music is
by Donizotto. The following was the
cast of the opera :
Edgardo Signer Vicinl
Enrico. Slgnn Galansi
lUimondo Slcnor Chorublnl
Arturo Slgnur KtnnUlinl
Norinanno blgnor Jllolottu
Alice M'llo Vnlorga
Tlio opera opened with a male chorus ,
which was strong in voice and numbers.
Signer Galassi , vrlm as Eurico , appears
at the opening of the first act , at once
obtained the sympathy of the audience
by his rich and superb baritone voice , in
the solo , "Fury , Remorseless , Terrible , "
and as the opera advanced it was evident
that his acting was equal to his singing
operatic baritone aingcrsand actors in the
world had preceded him , and none were
disappointed. At the close of the tirst
scene ho sang the air , "Now now pity for
him restrains me , " which was enthusias
tically received by the audience , as were
all his numbers.
During the pause between the first and
second scones of this act , the orchestra ,
under the direction of Signer Arclito ,
played n most charming intnr-
ludd , which wns applauded to
the echo by the delighted audience , who
insisted on a repetition , and the orches
tra gacofully responded. The orchestral
musio throughout proved as much a pleas
ure as the vocal portion of the opora. It
was without any question the most fin
ished orchestral musio over hoard within
the walls of the opera houso. It was in
deed a rare treat.
Lime. Gorstor , who mudo her appear
ance at the opening of the second scone
in this act , received a very cordial greet
ing , which she acknowledged with a
graceful bow and u winning smilo. The
first air that she sung , " .Nature seemed
wrapped in allonco , " was listened to with
the deepest attention , and upon its con
clusion the audience expressed its
pleasure by hearty npplauso. This was
followed by another air "Love wraps
my soul in ocatacy , " which wns
indeed a gem. The act closed with a
"Edgar. " Vicini possesses a clear and
powerful tenor , able to roach the highest
notes with its full volume without ap-
parcntly the slightest effort or any indication -
cation of a break. It is indeed a very
rare thing to hoar A tenor with such a
wonderful range , and so smoothly reach
ing and maintaining the higher notes
But to return to Gerstor. The gem of
the opera was her imitation of the flute ,
which wat so perfect that ono could
hardly toll her voice from the instru
ment. It was prebably the sweetest bit
of musio over heard in Omaha. In other
airs aho exhibited the power and cultiva
tion of her voice , but in this aha showed
its rapturous sweetness and versa
tility. No bird over sang sweeter
than she did on this occasion. The audience
enco were perfectly carried away with it ,
and at its conclusion rewarded her with
tumultuous applause , to which oho re
sponded. The mad aceno throughout
nras a piece of grand acting. Gurster is
not only a great singer , but she is a most
graceful actress , and in voice and action
she is indeed an operatic star of the firit
magnitude. The dueta by Gorstor and
Galassi were all charmingly rendered.
The chorus , both male and female , was
all that could bo desired , and the opera
throughout was a source of genuine pleas
ure to all.
A Very Ilomarlcablo Jlccovory.
Mr. Goo. V.Willing , of Manchester. Mich. ,
writes : "My wife has been almost helpless
for five years , so holplost that she could not
turn over in bed nluuo. Sh" used two Hottles
of Electric Bitters , nnd is so much improved ,
-.hut she is now able to do her own work. "
Electric Bitters will do all that is claimed
for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest
their great curative powers. Only fifty [ cents
a but tieat C , F. Goodmau'i ) .
They arc Given a Uearln ; ; and Kc-
inandL'tl to Jail \VHncHbCS. .
The five Italians arrested for illegal vo
ting last Thursday were given n hearing
in police court yesterday. An inter
preter was engaged , and during the ex
amination the boy who escaped from thu
officer on election day came in and was
placed In with the other fivo. Ho acknowledged
knowledgod that ho wns only fifteen
years of ago. Tlio men all testified that
tliat they had boon induced to vnto by
Jack Galligan , and that ho had promised
them plenty of work. They vroro re
manded back to jail until Tuesday next ,
at which time the ballot-boxes will b
opened , and it will bo ascertained by the
ollldavtta just who was responsible for the
illegal voting of llicao men , They will
be used us witnesses on Tuesday against
such parties as may bo found to bo im
plicated in the crimo.
llucUlcii'o Arnlcu Halvo.
The greutewt medical wonder of the world.
Warranted to speedily euro Burns , Cuts. Ul-
cn , Malt Rheum , Fever Sores. Cnncorj , i'ilw ,
Ohillblains , Corns. Totter , Ctiappod hands
anl all skin eruption , parntitoeu to euro In
very Instance , or money refunded. 23 couU
t V"JT
An Heirloom 115 "YcarH Old.
Tscumsch Journal.
All of our readers who are familial
with the history of the revolutionary
war will remember General Israel Put
nam , ono of the greatest soldiers of hit
day. "While in Omaha lost v/cek the
writer hereof had the pleasure of inspect
ing the wedding ring of Mr. and Mis.
Putnam , which sealed their marriage
vows in 1738 , and has boon in possession
of relatives of the family since the death
of that estimable lady. A daughter of
Qen. Putnam presented the ring to Miss
Eunice Tyler , her sister-in-law , about
J the beginning of the present century , in
whuie poseaaion it remained until 1855
; whou nha gave thu little keep-Baku to MIBB
Orpha E. Olcmmit , of Vermont , now thu
wtfu of Dr. 0. M. Dimimo'jr , of )
Neb , , in whoso possession it 1ms been for
the past 3 i years.
The ring is n slender bind of chased
gold , on the top of which ia n beautiful
garnet sec , on either side of which is a
fair sized diamond. In the dnys vrhrn
this piece of jewelry WAS made the font
of placing sots in solid gold had not been
discovered , consequently the diamonds
are placed in solid silver on top of the
gold. During the 145 years of its exist
ence this little heirloom lifts changed
owners but thro3 times , nnd it is needless
to ndd , is highly prized by the _ lady in
whoso hands it now restn. The diamonds
are valued at $25 each , and it will bo
seen that the ring was quito valuable 145
years ago.
FAY it Co. , formerly of Minneapolis ,
Minn. , have opened n _ whotasalo confec
tionery , cigar and fruit business , at 1211
Farnam street. a2 1m
A Now Club Formed In Onmhn to
Compete for the State Cham-
This fiiir weather is reviving base ball
intorcsta. It is only a matter of a few
weeks before the season will open in
Omaha. The Union Pacifies will consist.
of Whitney , Bundle , Salisbury , Briggs ,
MoKolvy nnd Rockwell , of last years
( cam , and Jamison , of last year's ' Dia
Moines , Firth , of laat season's Allen-
towns , 'Now Jersey , and C.uroll , of last
year's Port Hurons. Some of the boat
cluba in the country have secured dates
I'rrm manager Lord , and will visit Omaha
this Benson. The Union Pacific reserves
consisting of J. II. Lichtoborgor , Maim-
iror , CcUifield , Durko , Millet , Iloss ,
Bailey. Ferris , Bryan , L. Funkhousor
and YV. Funkhousor , have boon organized
and will in all probability compote for
the atato championship.
Clears out rats , mice , roaches , flies ,
anta , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks ,
crophera. IHc , Druggists
Major Nowolt Held.
The examination of Major Newell for
embezzling funds of the Consolidated
Tank Line company was finished before
Judge Bonoko Thursday. The defense
based their argument on the ground that
the grand jury had investigated the case
and had discharged the defendant , and
consequently the lower court had no
right to holt1 him. The book-koopor of
the company testified that ho had found a
shortage of $1.050 in Major Now611's ac
count which ho did not know of
nt the time the grand jury
was in session. The judge hold the
defendant in $1,500 bail and gave him
until 4 o'clock yesterday to furnish
the same. The arguments of the attor
neys , especially those of Gen. Cowin and
District , Attorney Godwin took the form
of personal abuse against each other
rather than upon the casp in hand and
were very amusing to the listeners.
With Durkoo's Salad Dressing there is
no waato or disappointment. You are
certain to produce a good salad. It costs
leas than homo-made , and in , besides , a
superb table sauco. 4nuto oed
A Bad Bolo.
In front of A. J. Popploton's resi
dence , on Sherman avenue , is a horrible
mud hole. Yesterday two -wagons wore
stuck there , and have now sank almost
out of eight. It is a daily occurrence ,
and there is [ almost constantly a gang of
men present to help extract horses and
wagons. Surveyor Smith says that
quicksand has been reached , and if the
city is not going to fix it atonco a danger
signal should bo placed there or
some ouo will certainly bo drowned in the
Evidence of the Bent iCInd.
lUclmrd T. lloblnson is ft druggist llvine in
Racine , WIs. Hero is what ho say : "Afllict-
ed with laryngitis I was nimble to articulate n
word distinctly for fully two montlw. A lib
eral application of Tliomif f'ctcctrlc Oil com
pletely cured me. Am pleanod to recom
mend It. "
Wills Filed.
San FrascUco Call , Hatch 9.
Charles It. Taylor has applied for let
ters tos.tamtintury under the will of Hiram
A. Robertson , deceased , which is filed
for probate with the petition. Tpstotor'a
son , Charles K. Robertson , residing in
Omaha , Neb. , is the sole devisee In th
will. The estate is valued at gl.EiOO.
In another column will Do found the an
nouncemout of MehHrs.TUOS. COOK & SON
Tourist Agent * , 201 IJroadway , Now York ,
rolntivo to the very complete arrangement *
they liivo made for tours in Europe thi
coming Spring and Summer. "Cook's Excur >
siniilnt , " containing mupa and full particular
will l > o nulled to any addicuuun receipt of 1
It is ronnrtoil that Senator Fair and his d
vorcod wlfo will soon bo remarried ,
Borne ono asks : How long It a man a brid
groom ? Wo believe it Is fimhlonablo no
nnt to skip out for two inoutliH. [ Uosto
A young woman arrived in Baltimore tl
other day frnm Switzerland en route
Uruguary , South America , to moot an
tunrry her luvcr.
A .St. Louis girl mtirrlod a man ou fifteen
minutes' acquaintance , hocauso she know if
flio waited till bho know him better nlio'd
never have him.Boutou [ 1'ist ,
Au Alnbamu widower with twenty-cine
children ho * just married aTexun wlduw with
nineteen ihlldron , HIH..O without the bright
mid hnppy facia uf childhood in a dreary pluue
indeed ,
"S' > MIm Skimps nnd Mr , Llmbi are to
get married , Well , I declare I That ed
couple , And she U old on ugl > to ba Ills
mxtlmr. " "lucked die ii. And M for him [
why , he'd old enough to bu her father. "
A couple hearing the miggeativo name of
Vitriol lately nuuil n biiilegroom and thy
brlde'i ) father in a New York court for aer-
vice rendered In bringing ubontn marriage.
Thfl clftlm iigiiinsteach WUB f r $10 , and wan
busml on the legal ground that they had fur-
nlidiod refr * huii'UU ' und various delluides at
partioi , glVKii fur the obj'iut uf brln King the
young ciuplo together. The mutcl hmukiira
were nn uvarlcloiu that they fancied thtlr
ccmntel was not exerting hiiunelf iu the mnt-
tor ; hence they hid him m court to uliow cause
why ha had not tollcetuil the claim ) . lie i
serted that the Huit was iiendint ; with a full
proxpectof being dcclilod In fuvnr of the mar
lingo broken. If thin ruatom ulionld becomi
general in Amei lean tocloty , it would be a bo
Baby's Petition.
I.lfo U rcitlon , dajs aru rledlnif ,
Children LI > oui , Imt die I t i tnlugr ;
Warobu take , nil frlrndi aiH mothnri ,
Watch theprttl mi ( ilrUunJ brotherii :
Rjjcl thu houio Ma i > f Victoria ,
ohlldmi ultii , all badU > H'0tI |
No I'replcst ' i > uht < , liy baby
Uke larks t > Juy rue tu < ai | > in
U , IX Jones , of Had Cloud , is a guwt o
the Millaid.
How VcHlcrtlny Wns Spent by Them
In tlio City.
Yesterday was ono of the most bonuli-
fttl and sunny dny.i Oinnlm 1ms soon for
many weeks. The air was warm and
balmy nnd everything Imct the appear-
nnco of spring. With the exception of
the muddy nnd almost impassnblo streets
Omaha could bo teen to its beat advan
tages by strangers.
That n strange and noted p.irty wan in
the city was frequently visible in the
streets. Quito often n group of Italy's
sons would bo mot. Their dress and
manners attracted the attention of stran
gers. Although these less notable per *
cons were frequently mot , the great ones ,
Mmo. 1'fttll and her I husband Sig
ner Nicolini , were scon on the
streets but once yesterday. Mmo.
1'atti and her huslwni ? remained -
mainod in their private car at the depot -
pot until early afternoon yesterday.
About 2 p. m. a carmgo containing Mr.
IS. Ilosowator nnd lionurnl Gibbon , do-
nartmout commander of the Pintle , wns
driven to the depot. Hero thcso two
gentlemen were joined by Mmo. Patti
and her husband , ns had been previously
arranged. It was intended to take a
drive to tlio barracks , but owing to the
condition of the otrouU the idea was
abandoned. Hanecom park wns visited
by the party. Patti expressed herself
as pleased with tlio scenery. A drive
aa taken to several other places of im
portance. The party then wont to the
Paxton hotel , IJoro late in vho evening
a private supper was given , attended by
Mine. Patti , her husband , Mr. E. Iloso
water und Count ZuchorolT. At
nearly 11 o'clock Patti and
hoc husband were taken by carriage to
her private car at the depot , shortly after
which she retired ,
It had boon intended for the train to
leave the depot at 12 o'clock , but
Madame Gorstor did not arrive there un
til nearly half-past. About 1 o'clock
this morning the train loft the city. It
will arrive in Chicago to-night noino
timo. There they will stiy until Mon
day morning , when they go direct to
Now York. There they will fill a three
wooks' engagement at the old Academy
of Music. Thence they will go to Lon
don , whore there will play in the Drury
Lnno Thoatro.
Mr. nwl Mrs. O. G. All on I'rescutoil
With n JlanilBuiito Silver
Last evening Mr. and Mra. Alton were
very agreeably surprised hy n deputation
of their numerous friends paying thorn a
visit ; and both their surprise and pleasure -
uro were increased tenfold when they
learned the object the party had in view.
It will bo remembered by the friends and
acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Alton
that their marriage was consummated but
very recently , and it appears that the
employes of the Union FnciGo transfer at
Council Bluffs , where Mr. Alton is em
ployed in the capacity of assistant cash
ier , had determined to present the happy
pair with something in token of tlio
high esteem in which they hold their fel
low worker. They finally fixed on a very
beautiful and exquisitely chased silver tna
set , nnd it certainly proved a most ap
propriate present.
Mr. H. G. Stripe , the popular steno
grapher , was selected as orator for the
occasion , and in a few well chosen words
made the presentation speech , in which
ho hoped the memento would provo a
true mascntto to the newly married couple
through lifo , and that they would enjoy a
long , prosperous and happy future. Mr.
Alton , who was deeply moved , made a
short but appropriate response , and the
rnrty separated. Mr. Alton is an old
newspaper man , having boon on the Now
York Sun for some little time , but follow
ing Horace Orcoloy's ndvico ho came west
and has not had c.iuua siuco to rograt his
change of habitation.
J , G. Arthur and wife , Oaklaml , Nob. , are
itopiiinK at the Metropolitan.
W. D. Groso and nlCo , of Blair , are stopping
at the Metropolitan ,
J. If. Koblaou , of Tohmali , ia at the Metro
0. Uook , Fremont , ia stopping at the Metro-
Goo. W. Klloy , Albion , l at the Motropol-
T. J , Smith , Alnswnrth , publisher of the
Western Nowu , in at the Metropolitan.
II. W. MathowB , of Atkinson , Nob. Graphic ,
la stopping at the Metropolitan.
L. F. Cook , Logan , la. , ia at the Motropol.
Jaa. K. and W. G , Glasgow , Peru , Neb. ,
are stopping at the Metropolitan.
Tlios. Kelley , Lincoln , Neb , , is at the Me
K. U. Wuito and faralIyLlncoln , are gncaU
uf the Mlllard ,
N. Huffman , of Nellgh , Nebraska , in etop-
ping at the Mlllurd.
W. D. Mathewn , editor of the Holt County
I'ionecr , la at the Mlllard.
J. O. Chase , Fairmont , id utopplng at the
Miss 1'aw , Will 0. Jonea nnd E. D. Gould ,
Fullertou , are gneatH ( if the Mlllnrd )
Another American plrl has tied to royalty.
Miss Uoddiird married JMnco 1'omiitownki In
I'uils , In tliH iirmuiMo of Minister Morton ,
The New York prodnoo exchargo hive po-
tltinnod congrtna to uuepend cOlnago of the ll-
vcr dollar.
Bl'HOIKin MljlUCINli ,
MARK . ' ' ""-- " ' JE MARK
- ; . % Bcmlnal Weak
hoia , Impntenoy ,
aud all Dlseasea
- that follow as a
torjucnce of Self
< In the Dark , Ulmuess of V ) lon , Frcunturp 51d AB
and iaiy other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con-
uinntlonand l't mature Grave.
- dgWAB cf ulrortlsemonts to refund money , , whou
diUKKiiU from when the uicdlolno li bought rfo .o |
ritunit. but ruler you to the manufacturer * , and the
eeimlretrnmU are uch that they are ttldoin , V tvtr.
lolled with. HoollielrwritUniruaranteo , A trial
Si Snglo ! - Hindoo will convlno.
fll Otlfl fllllKlU . , . paoVaja . , . < > aray-s ) " " n. m rr
* *
the most rtppttail of It * nal ninlHrj * . . . . . .
Onaooountoicounte > relt r , we bavo adopted the
Yelluw Wrapper ; HM > only yuuulua.
trrull iwrtleultn In OUT i wiblt | , which wtido
rote send , . fre : v..Xin. by mall . . .11 to every .i..Vnt uuojTrhoKjie * > ni , x -
for Infants and Children.
CnHtorlapromofp.qPlgoatlon Whnt R | * our Clilldron rosy cheokR ,
tuul - ' Whnt euros Uietr lovers , maters thorn Bleep ;
overcomes i-'lntuluncy <
, Joii8tii > n- Tin Cimtotln.
tion , Sour Slomnch , Diarrhoea , mul
FovcrishncGS. It inaurca licnlth nml When Irtble * f rot nnel cry by turng ,
What their
citron colic , kills their worms ,
imturnl sleep , without morphine. Unt CrmUirla ,
Whnt quickly ctircn ConntlpAtlon ,
" Sour Stomnch , Colds , Indigestion ,
CAstorla IK w > well Adapted to Children that
I recommend It as superior lo nny pmtcripllon
knowu to mo. " II. A. ARCimt , SI. I ) . , Fnrnwcll Uicn to ' Morphlno Syrups ,
Cftator Oil and nnd
I'nroRorlo ,
83 Portland Avo. , Urooltlyn , N. Y. JlallCnutorlnl
CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute euro for Ithoumn- , Sprains , Burns * , Gulls , Abe. The most Power Ail nnd Pono-
trathif * 1'alu-rcllcvliiK and llculliig Iluincdy known to man.
MONr.V TO LOAN In tun * of (300 anil ujnvitMs at
low mlcs on Urnt rla ; ru > l tst to fccurltv
382-n roTTRii & . aJim.
MOSKY LOANKD-On thattcl rroperty , y J.T.
UnATl'V , 213 loath 14th ttrort. S8.1mS
Tolo\n on r l oiUtc. HM.LOU IlUO'fl
3I7 S. 13th St. 418-7
TO LOAN Tlio lawwi * ralea o ! lnt r 9t
Ucmli' Loan Agency , 15th A Ioula U tt
TITONKV TO IXAN In ox ms cf DO. and upward.
1VI O. F. Ui\\l9 and Co. , Itcal Ettata tnd l.o u
AKcnt > , IDO : F rnani St. 293-tl
MONKY loaned on clnttcl iiroporty. by H. T.
VcUnion , S , 1- corner 15th iul D
IANTCI-lli ( ) In small limply. Inquire at O. J.
W C > nan nnd Co , 2U S. 18th Ht.
XSTANTnil Rulton liolo hanili at' ' the Omnria
> V Bhlrt Factor ) , 1207 Fntnitm St. 00 tf
WANTED-nlrl for Rcrtcral homo woik , ROoJ wa
KP9 and ntuidy emjiloj incut , N. W , cor. IHth
anil Knrrmtu tlt . S97-t (
WANTii : ) OOIM ! wle iimn for ( jvncral itore.
No. 10 but flr-t clidi ncoil apply.
with rcfcruirc , II. Kohn , Honartl No'j. 803-7
WANTKD A Kill for Koneral houaa work In lam-
lly ot tlirco at whlto oottage corner 2ith and
MMOU/ 302-lf
TT/ANTKU A < l lma her at oucont C91 Tlooro
bt. , corner of tth. Qoodvage > . SOB 51
- tlftins and RO men for It. It. work.
Enii < Iojriiient burciu ii7 N. 10th. 3420 SI
WANTKD An oBloo boy. Utist bo quick , Joi
Darnoau , Crocker Co. 400 6 *
WANTKD-A n od oompot'iit ( { Irl for Ronoral
house work In sma 1 'atully. Stunt wash and
Iron ( -oQl , H. K corner 18th and Jaekion , SOU 61
WANTKD Olil to ilo general houno work 2010
liurtKt. 42WT
WANTKD A girl at 029 Haruor Ht , between Oth
and 10th 403-GI
WANTKI > At Vankton , D. T. Immediately. A
Hr t class cot or pains nmkortho will find
atead > oniiiloj monk Apply to F , JlKlbTllIit , Vauk-
ton I' . T. , box 301. 313-8
QUKKN taily agent ) for th'o ' now rubbcrunJortrur for l dlcu. Addrma with stamps , LaJlcV Uu-
dorgarmont Co.OBOUth May Bt. , Chtcaso. 8'21-lra
' Acood female coolc aud chambermaid
WAN'IKD hotil. S7B-BJ
ANTED Two oxporlooco t ngtnia at Union
W Honing ui chltn olllcu 200 N. 10th St. 231 5
Good cook to apply M once at BID 8.
WNTED . hOO-311
Girl forifonerar.houso.vork In small
WANTED Inquire at 192i Douglu > tr et. SOO-tf
A flrit clitJi ftmalo cook rim flrtt <
WANTED room ijlrl Irath talking German and
Kngllnh , at Kuropcan Hotel , 10th Ut. 201-tf
WANTEDexperienced gltl for general hou U'
WANTED Apply at 107 south I4th 6t XlO-tf
-ITtT'ANTKD tlnluirroom Kltlat the Emmet house ,
YV 1 itli , between Harnoy end Farnam. IS-4I
TTT'ANTKD A lrl , 1614 Callfornll atmet.
803 If
ITlTANTlCD-airlslwo want IS KlrN for Koncral
VV houio work , to apply at onoi ) to Gannon It'os '
and Co , Oppoilto 1' . O. No charge. 741-tl
TTTANTED A German dining room klto on
TV Itnue and Uoppo , 418 H. 13th Bt. , between
Ilaraev otid Howard.
Bltuttlonasli'uwkccpcr by German
lady. Addtou"il , S. " 300 , Ilco onios. 33M'
WANTED S'luitlo-i ' In ( ; roca-y or dry goods
ttoio an cleik , willglto gtioJ i. Ad
-E. 0. B. " Ileo olllco. 2ai-IJ
t 7ANTED A llu tliii by ft young min who un-
V ? ditrBtanda b"ok dtepliiv , and la nut af'ald of
work. Addrej * "J. a" llio inlli-n , 3'2-B" '
W'ANTED Httiitlon h lalya raiitili.rorcfil8t. |
Caa come well luoouicndcd. Addrcii 1 * . O. box
357. 8 < H-B
W'ANTKD A priltl in liy n y uns inaito work
In a iirltntu family. ( ) jed iifureneo * . Ai ) ;
drew "I1. U.p' thla ufllfo. 3IM5
YI7ANTKD A nUuitlon by a liHt claaj baki-r. Ad-
VY dren"W. M. " Boo offloo. 8W-Jp
ATrANTED \ rollahle yonnjt m\n w i place
VV to work , board and go toaohool. "H. A. W. "
Pee nlPce _ _ l H-t (
\a/'ANTEI ) Two unfiirnlthcil rooms for gentle.
V > tnanand vt.le. Addrcas "J.A. II. " Beonmce.
WANTED S.OCO yards ol Jilt , al or i , , < aronv
block Mutot thi ) Convent on Ht. florj'n uvc-
aue. H- " . JOHNSON ,
f81-t of Steele , Johnvm iuo.
- ' houioiti. \ . 10th and 9M on Ht
WANTKII-Clcu'd Ciua St. AddiejsA. L. l' ttcr
1 11 IVliani HU S"7-DJ
' \ \7ANTKD t arm and r.uthoutoi , to paint hy con.
M tract , ( lood work guarantted * lijily for
U-rniuto Win , Hii lit , noutii nldo I'lcnu St. , lonrth
homo w t t MJ. H71-7J
YXTANTI H-Tiirnit.Ht'irB liiifool Iiii.hion tbo.
> V luu.hfiru , AdJicmi * . F aUr , llco ovco.
tSTANTED Uy ft centleTm , room and board
VV in a prlvati ) fain ly within eight blockn of I'cm
olllco. Address "T , U , a. " Uou o.tlco. 2iatt t
W AN PKIA lew iicrnVH to Irani lok keeping
Will wait en i til pay until situation ] uro fur
nUicd J. U. HM1TII , 1610 UjU Ui. B0 0
FOR KE T--Uor.BS3 ana LotH ,
: \ IlKNT-Storo room 1WJ Fare am Ht. , b
I 1MUI.SKNA.CO. 40 tf
KENT-filS north 17tli Htrcct. Addrcu boi
TlS.flty , 3t-7f
IlKNT AI irir * front room Dutiable for thrci
FOIl , wtll furnished at 14l8Iloward ht.
riO KKNT-mrulshod bed room cheap , 1BIK Oil
cajoBt. t
New 6 room Cottauo for rent. Complete itata
A f new ftirnltnro ( Induing pl n } for stlo au
baruali. bii'endlil chi c for anvunu tjoln t J house
Jiiulro8Ut | < ! WoBtfHt. 3374'
HENT-One H ll-t and DavU 1'lauo. In
ijulrc at idholm : and Kilckson'i. 421-10
OU HUNT KurnUhod room at Aroado Ileslau
rant , Utt luu > l n tUett , mi-it
'Ol' KENT I"urnUhed front room lor onuor trtO
OIl 11F.NT Ilireo unlurnlatielroomj mid kltrbe :
i > " ( | 4t * thHt to * i
FOR HKNT CottAge 8. of U. V. depot Innulro
J. 1'hlpps UoolMZS. Bth. 370 tt
nUllNISIIKD rooms 10J N. 18th.
TO B.KNT A ( umlthcd houia to a hmlly without
children. Inqulio at 1019 BoJgo St. 34tf-EI
FOR11KNT KurnUhrd rxima with board at 815
noutu Mnctccnth St. 3154)
FOIl HKNT Uuturnlshcd rcoim 1621 Capitol me.
rpo HKNJ Furnlfliml roomii. Inquire nt eautclda
JL 16th St. , bctncon Jnckroti And Jones St. 343-61
JTUm IlKNT v furnlilicj room soiilli front , bay
' \\lmlow , all conrrnlcncci ( or to gcntcrnon ,
with or > vltlouttioaid , 314 I.UKM ) Bt.
. Oil UKNT-FurnUhol roouu. 1318 JixcVson 81.
JP 000-7'
Oll UENT FuraMinl rtwnis 1818 Dodge St.
FOH HUNT Nl" ly rumlrhctl roommlthnr with
out boanl 1016 1) j lf ( Nt. 293-6p
IfiOll IIK.NT PuVnlnhcd rooma W. corner 19t
1 and Farnam. 270-tt
F OIl RENT Furnished rooms at 1019 Farnam.
[ > 01l UKNT- Third lloortf building Ko. 1211 Kar-
nauifit. 247-tf
FOIl IIFNT A nicely fiirnlohcd parlor c et cxpcu-
tire with or without Ixwrd , finest location la Iho
city , N. W. coroer Ibtli and Faruani Sis. IM-ll
F 10U HENT 1st class 0 room ootla o. S. T.
I'otoreon , S. K. corner l&tli and Douglas.
FOKllKNl' lOJaerofarm. Alaobilck yard. T.
Murray. 63-tt
F'll HENT- Ishcd rooms 1017 Dcdgo strot.
FOH KENT A fuinlancd front room for ono or
two gentlemen , H , E. or. 14th and Davenport bta.
TOIl ItENT Furnl&ncd rooms , 1017 Dodga street.
FOlt IlKNT Itoomi In Nohraaia Nation * Bank
Building. Most deslrutlo olCrea In the city
Supplied nlth hydnullo elo-atcr and heated b
steam. Apply r.t Ilank. 020-tf
FOH KENT Vnrnlshod rooms on the northwe ,
oor. 10th aud Capltolavonue , formerly Crtlznton
Unumi. ISM !
F UllNISUKD room heated 273 N. 19th.
f UU
FOR SAW. 4 lieaulllul lots opposite Poor Clalro
Convent on Hamilton street fOOO and t85'i < ach.
Elegant hrlolt residence near St. Mary's a > o. , lot
f.fii-JO , large barn , etn. , 11,700. Very rosy terms.
Four ) room house' 100x13 ? south 16th St. , very
dcslrablolocation , 8 ,0.0 $20i downbalanc (20
poi month
( I lots In Wlloox ad.'ltlon near Vlnton 6k , tCOO
nj$850 [ each en monthly pajments. BAB-
KKH k MAYNK , N. K. corner 13th ind Faraun.
Fll 8ALK Nice S room cottaiu , bay window ,
i orch , well , cittern , full lot , 2t miles from 1 * . O.
81,600 f.W dovra and J15 pur month. BAKKER It
MAYMJ. 400-tf
17OII SALE Lots In llansoom Flaco on Monthly
JU payments. B VHKKK & UAVNE. 401-tf
FOH HAI.H Kull lot In Hblnn'd addition , R squares
from street car. Bp'endld location , ft I th a new
7 room house , tlSOO ca h , and 91,000 on monthly
pnymontu. 1-AULSKN & CO. 414-5
FOR SALE Lot 38x132,10th Htrcet , Improvement
Add. ; not far from Whltelcad Works , with housn
well , all fenced , &eOou uisy terms. &
CO. 415-S
FOIl rULK-2) ) acres cor. of ISth and VnHoy St , 4
rouin houne , barn , well , tieea all tonoe-J ,
i3OCOcish. 1'AUMKNi CO. , 410 D
2 ncro o-rncr , otVMeywA . . llth St. ,
JLj I tli 4 room brink house , itablo and well , all
fenced , ? 3 100. i , CO. 117-5
-rOH BALK-Lot 33x18 ? , with h"uso. will and
J1 ( unco on Dorcas hot. 10th and 20th bt. viry
cheap for cash. I'AULSEN & Ort. S13 6
T7IOH SAI.U Lot COxlOC , M > r ha. between 17lh
JL' at.d l&lhSt.276iiuh. I'ALI EIi&UO ,
FOIl HALT : -Nloa 4 r-om ruttiifo full lot south 12th
Ht$1,000 8VX ) < lo n balano 915 per month.
HAYNE. 403-tt
8UE-2acrc3 with Drlol : h'mso south 15th
FOrt , g,2i,0. jca < li bilanro to < mlt. JJAllKBUJt
MAYNB. 4C3-tf
- Vhliulew froutmum Baun-
ilera street 4190 and 4I7S uach. BAllKEU fc
JIAYMJ 4 4-tf
mLK-t ielvli . Counteia and atu'o ,
Azcnoy 217 N IBtli S . 410-SS
0H SALK A now u rUht grand phno. First-
J1 claw make at a great bargain. Dare opp irtunlty
tobuv a inignlllcont instruuiunt c eap. Inquire
2414 Chicago tit. 3Di6t >
M.K Ilouso and lot In Reed'ii flrit add. , on
Capitol ave , flnt c < aa r.elRhburhood aud loca-
tlon , 3 , UV. 1'AUMKN & CO. 4'JI-B
FOIl 8AI.K To full lo'n , flrttclaiis buatneai prnp.
erty , Inquire of l'\ULNKtf& CO. 410-5
I poll RAI K A moat marVutln Stromsburir , Neb. .
- 1 ti ipulitlon 80. ' , riily Iniilnuti bousu of the Mud
In tbo the rlico. lleaiKin fur Belling cliuijo ot bus-
Iness. for iiartlcu1 rnwilto
314-0 ( lltEl r 11KOS. , Blromibun , ' , Nib.
Aumall Btoak of tttvgt and Oruppsta' Fixture !
for xalo In the live town ol Waterloo , Nebraska *
coud npoulni ; fora pliyjlclau. Addrcoa J , II. HIL-
. Ell. Ukhorn btitlou. Aeb. 789-tf
CTIIAYKU on thenliht of April 1st ono lirgo bay
O iiimu clipped "t.d ilraVud till oud mani , also
. due Ia K" brown rll | > | ol Ii0"o Uoth vtoro newlv
II.K | ; oiiolkklu biliio thu I'tbur K hillor Iloturn
to tliu aarneau craoki r futtory aud riccivo rtwaru
ITtOIl 8 UK A Ido b r top bufpy almost eow , A.
J , DlnHnon'ainjko Inquire ut 1112 f arnam St.
Fn SAtB-Kmull Jobofflcowlth 3J ( onU of typo
, til la iro'id r.nmal lot of ntatlo.ery atJ. W.
I'IKK , l' JN. UthHticet. S31-7 ,
FCI1I KALR-I'hicton , cluap , rarrla v top. Slii'p-
nun's mike. illSO Owlgo. S03-6J
nun SAL ll.mi'hold furniture , also threeroonia
) _ to lent to parties ( jiving good reference. Apply
Immediately Ne. jm Capitol ave , , Duutli side bei.
mil mil lath St. 8)34 }
F Oil HAbK-New utand , good location 113 H 13th
Ut , , between Jackson and Howard. 839 |
FOIl HALH A new sn.l fountain cheap , ftu-
ployuent Agent 317 N , I0th at. S47-SJ
' FOit bALK Acre lot * In Brighton , (176 to 900
eaclu tit cash , bVauor , moiithly.
331-tt IKKYi HOTTER.
a NOW U the Urnto boonre a No. I b < nplu It ) L k-
- tenworthTi'rrica before the r Uu ui ihe 1MU.
Come fiulci. LuU S.&O to < 3.0 earh.
332-11 1IIKY4UOTTE11.
- . . . BftLB BoanlluK houie Inceitnl locatloo
_ Kent low , faiultuie nearly new , flrkt-cliM , ray-
lnif tlL C B. BCHALLEll , illllarU Ilotet Slai
FOIl tULU Qood cleau itock ot urccerl , old
itaud. I eke about ISI.COO , Agency 210 N. l Ui
r to.t 307-t. }
OU BALK Uood stock ol t'urolture and O M.
li ulc about $ IOu , , AjW > 9X 217 N , Itlvh W.