THE DAILY IEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY MARCH 29,1884 , THE BAIL * EEE. ! * . ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday MorningMaroli29 , SUBSCUIPTION. HATES ! By Ma ernes : No. 7 Poatl street , Near Broadway. MINOK MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. The city schools open again Monday. Only ono drunk in police court ycstor- day. Spiritual sociable to-night music nnd dancing. Roland Itocd appears at the opera house this evening in "Check. " Now spring goods just received at J Roller's ' , the tailor , 310 Uroadway. Officer O'Brien has shot a dog 01 Upper Broadway,1 because the dog acted queer. The tin roof is being put on the Ma aonie Temple , and the building is rapid ! approaching completion. In thd United States court yesterday the cose of Mansur vs. Qoorgo , a grai contract , was still on trial. The lecture at the opera house to-mor TOW evening by Prof. Karchor is for th benefit of St. Joseph's academy. The admission to the lecture of Mrs Baxter next Tuesday oxoning at the Bap tist church will only bo twenty-five cents J. M. Phillips has commenced sui against the Blue line transportation com pany , claiming $5:82 for goods lost in transit for the east. Those who go over to Omaha to attont the polo game there to-night should tak the 7:04 train , Council Bluffa time , and returning will leave Omaha at 10:10. : 'Wanted ' Fifty teams to grade on thi B. & M. railroad at $3,50 a day. In formation given at the Oroston house Council Blufis , Iowa. P. J. MUIUUY. Raymond & Campbell have just completed ploted a fifty-two font trestle bridge abou a half mile wdst of Underwood , which is like all their structures , an oxcollen one. Manager Brown with two oporaton were kept busy yesterday telegraphing to Chicago and St. Louis for muzzles fo Council BluiTs dogs , the local market beIng Ing drained. Prof. John Noble Korchor , a convor to the Catholic faith , will give a Icctun here Sunday evening which is said to have caused much comment and oxcitoc interest in other places. Mayor Vaughan says that if any ono will furnish him any evidence that an opium den is running in this city ho wil be thankful , for ho is anxious to got a chaneo to show how quickly ho will close it up. up.Lost Lost evening there was a gathering o ; young folks at the house of Mr. Otis 'rim on First avenue , the company consisting of several classes in the Congregational Sunday school , who wore entertained by their teachers. Paul Giles , a colored attache of the Ogden don house , was before Judge Aylesworth yesterday on a charge of threatening to kill hia wife. Ho denied it , and said th only cause of trouble was that Sara Jenkins kins had taken his place in his wife's af fcctions , and ho chidcd her about it. Th decision was reserved. Ono of the mule teams of the Main ntroot car fell in the mud yesterday of tor noon on Broadway , near Pearl. Hi muloship found the bed so much aofto than ho was used to that ho refused t arise , and it was not until after fifteo ; minutes earnest persuasion that ho was made to change his mind and go on wit the passengers for the out-going trains The slick soap vender who offers prize of money to those who buy n pinch o oap for a dollar , ought to bo shown beyond yond the limits. While the mayor i insisting on muzzling the dogs , ho uhoult fc order his police to make this follow mov on , or else muzzle the pockets of th . * who invest in this game and thu The polo club have received their now uniforms , and will this evening initiate them in o aamo at Omaha with the club of that city. Besides the dub Bomo Gfty or more Council Bluffa folks expect to RO ' toVer 'tho river to BOO the -game. The loam tonsistsof T. ty. McGowJ Charles Haas , Bert Evans , Oharloa Stewart , Dick Ryan , W. W. Sherman nnd Goargo Brown , A few nighta ago the Jewelry store of * Zinn & Pardon , at Anita , was entered by t 'burglars , who attempted to blow the safe * bat wore prevented by parties returning from 5 wake. Mr. Hinn , of Walnut. " was telegraphed to , and visiting the place ! found the damage done about $100 , but' ' he feels happy that tlio loss was uq ( greater. | "f T&n , Louis Waisbrookor , the dwtint guished authoress and lecturer , will-givp a Incturo in Spiritual hall on to-morrow1 , ( Sunday ) morning nt 10:30 : o'clock. The elrclea will be held as usual at 2 and 7:30 : . o'clock , afternoon and evening , same / pUae , Monday will bo celebrated the . , < t rtt rty'uth anniversary of Modem Spir- 'HualUm ' , exercuee commencing at two " o'clock p. m , , winding up with musicand "iwioing at night after ion o'clock. ' „ iin > * fce opportunity pre § n'ed ( of bearing MM. Marion B. Baxter at" the Baptist ckuroh next Tuesday evening will doubt- ' ' ' ! * t * wdily improved by a large nunv - bar of our citizens. So many favorable ! U have b * n made on her las that he will doubUew II r raw n larjefr crowd than before. An in- cresting , forcible speaker , Mid ono who andlof the lemporanoo question in a ) ract5 * l and political sort of n way , she iU the attention oven of those who do not ngrco with her on the views ad- vrmccd. The observations recently made by her in a trip through Kansas will irovo an interesting feature of the lee- uro. uro.A A man named Herd was run in by the ) olicn yesterday morning as a vagrant. [ Io wanted a blacksmith to make him some burglar tools and acted strangely , and it seems that ho is a victim of the opium habit. Ho haa with him a first class certificate as a school teacher and scorns to have become a wreck of his 'armor self on account of opium. Col. Wm. Orr received yesterday by express from A. Failor , of Newton , Iowa , a line Jersey lied sow. The colonel nol was the first to introduce this brood in this part of the country , having got thorn first from Now Jersey , of Clark Potitt , who was the first in this country who had Jersey Rods. Mr. Failor , be sides bolng largely interested in hogs has some very fine poultry , his game cock "Sullivan" having alone won for him quito a reputation , having takoi more ribbons than any other game cock in America. The herd of polled Aberdeen Angu and Galloway cattle , at Mace Wise's sta blcs are attracting much attention , and were visited yesterday by many , and th sale which takes place next Thursday wil doubtless attract many buyers. This brood always command very high prices and while not so well known hero as in many places , they need but to bo soon t < convince anyone of their points of supo rlority. There are in the herd 20 bulls and 17 cowsj They belong to Leonard Bros. , of Missouri ; who brought thorr from Scotland. Michaels Bros , have made an ologan gold modal , which is to bo contested for at the roller skating rink. The modal ii for the fastest skater , ono mile distance open to Omaha and Council BlufR skaters , the contest to take place here The winner has to hold it in throe con tests , the first of which will bo next Mon day evening. The best time made ii Omaha was 3:30 : , and Council Bluffi 4:05 : with a fall. The medal is a beauty the bar pin being a Fonlon skate , to which the pendant is attached by golc chains. It is as handsome a modal as has 'boon soon in many a day , and wil bo well worth winning. Every year the council makes a broal for the railway companies and serves notices to make thum provide waterways at the intersection pf streets and alloys and threatens suit if they do not comply Neb only is this break made , but it al ways results in nothing. Whether it is a sort of throat to force railway passes or a habit which it is hard to break off it is hard to determine , but the move has boon made so many times that it has become ridiculous. This time the couh cil say it really means business , but thai is what was said last year , and the year Iwforo. If they really moan business why don't they quit issuing notices am commence suits. The Union Pacific has been again noti fiedthat it must comply with its agreement mont about Union avenue. The counci gave away that § 10,000 avenue , and only got in return the promise nf a half-hou dummy train and ferry cars , and even that promise is not kept. The railway track has spoiled the avenue for teams and the railway company will not put on the ferry cars , so that no teams can go to the transfer or to Omaha or back again without the greatest difficulty Tlio notice given by the council amount to nothing. The law provides that i failure for thirty days to comply witl the agropment forfeits all rights of thi company to occupy the avenue , ant that the city can proceed to tear up th tracks and charge the expense to th company. Throe times thirty days hav passed. Lot the city authorities show butiuoss and begin action , and lot th notiooa and proclamations follow after wards. I'EllSONAU Mr. nnd Mrs. Cicorgo limit hnvoa nowbab at thqlr homo , T. Mi MaHyvhO recently wont to Kansas where hUson la engaged In the stocK b' ; 'r ness , recently mot with a aorloua accident by a ( all , hU thigh being broken so that it Is feared bo will always bo a cripple. T , IL Kuott U homo froi Chicago on a vhlt to his folks. T. Mlunhan , wt I Winnipeg , was atoont ? thoaq who came to Bechtolo's hotel yesierday. John 0. Aiken , of Kanbas Cffy , Is at tlio Tat Vord/of AtlanticSVM In the yottorday. W. Y.'CRller.'bf Racine , reached the Paddo ostorday. ! [ m.'ftcofK'o II. Champ left last evening > ! or u Vlilt to tier homo In Indiana. Prank McKco' and GUI 1'ennoyer , Jr. gents for Haverley's minstrels , were At the ) g > len yctterday , 0) ) J , Kolu" , of Bt. 1'aul , U nn Ogden homo 1'iutofHco 'loipoctor King and wife , of Omaha , dined with Council HIuUi friends yea erdny. J. Wombnre- Milwaukee , was lioie at the Ogden youtcrday. y. r. o. A , A mooting will bo hold at the rooms , No. 12 North Main street , this ovoninf at 8 o'clock for the purpose of studying "Sw. the Sunday School lesson of to-morrow. w.hb All young men will bo welcomed. The Sunday afternoon goapol service will beheld held as usual at Urn Preaby teriau ohurcl at 4 o'clock. Open to both laUies sue gontlcmtn , nnd all am invited , For cut llowers , plants , etc. , go to W H. Foster , the Hnrmou-etreet florist. HEALEY HERE , ho Slock Man IVho Forced n Bal- ftiico With Attorney Cntl- well Gives Hall , A short time ago a stock dealer named lealoy , who had some dealings with At torney Cadwoll , entered the lattor's office and pulling a revolver , forced Mr. Cnd- well to sign a chock for about 8700 , in jottlcmont of some alleged loss on the cattlo. The details were given by Tun BKK at the time , and as Healoy skipped out the matter rather dropped from pub ic attention. Constable Clatterbuck wont after the man a few days ago , and found him at . .j homo in Beloit , Lyons county , and .horo arrested him on the three charges edged against him bcforo JusticeSchurz. The cashier of the bank and other citi zens seemed to have great faith in Healoy , and gave him luttors to banks lioro to provide for his bail , and on being brought before Justice Schurz yesterday ho gave bail in the amount of $1,100 to appear next Monday aftonioon. On the charge of carrying concealed weapons ho pleaded guilty and paid a iino. It is understood that Hoaloy will make arrangements to walvo examination and give bands to ap pear at the district court and fight the cases thoro. It is said that ho has money and friends , and will make a strong at tempt to ot out of the scrapo. It ia understood dorstood that ho will not deny the fact of getting the chock at the point of a re volver , claims that ho felt that the amount was justly duo him , and thai Cadwoll's refusal to recognize any such claim aggravated him beyond the bounds of reason , and led him to force a settle mont. _ Tlio DOR Decree. The proclamation of Mayor Vaughan calling upon all citizens owning dogs to muzzle or chain up the same , with the throat of having all such as are not so muzzled or chained , killed after 1 o'clock to-day has caused no little stir in the city. The purpose of the proclamation is to protect the public , there having boon manifest of late in this part of the country a disease among dogs resembling hydrophobia , if it is not hydrophobia it self. Ex-Marshal Jackson , it will bo remembered , recently lost about § 1,200 worth of hogs , bitten by a diseased dog. The farmers in Garner township have recently lost considerable stock , am other coses have boon reported of late There are in the city hundreds of dogs , some of them very fine , anc many of them not worth a muzzlo. Many owners were yesterday hanging muzzles or chains , or both , and the sup ply of inuzzloa was completely exhausted so that dealers had to telegraph elsewhere whore for help to moot the run on their stocks. Some owners are howling wpiso than the dogs oven. Some have an idea that at 1 o'clock to-day the police wil march forth with carbines and commence shooting up and down the streets at stray dogs , and that there will bo a promiscu ous slaughter of the innocents. 0 , course this is simple nonsense. If thi present police force was to do any pisto practice the citizens ought to all bo warned to stay in doors and pull down the blinds. Inquiry of the mayor loads to the information that it ii the intention to proviuo a pound an < there incarcerate stray unmuzzled'dogs and lot the owners provide for their ro loose on promise of taking care of them and that there is not to bo an indiscriminate inato slaughter of fine dogs and all , bu that some judgment will be used in kill ing oil' those which are not cared for Those who think that it is a terrible thing to have to take care of their dogs ought to remember that though dogs are great pots and sometimes valuable yet that human lifo has also some value. , and ono who wants to indulge in the luxury of owning a dog , ought to bo willing to so care for him as not to have him among others , or endanger others A little common sense and reason on both sides will cause the matter to bo easily and satisfactorily odjusted. COMMERCIAL , OODKOI& BLOWS UAHEET. Wheat No. 2 spring , 680 ; No. 8 , 680 ; reJected Joctod , COo ; good demand. Corn L/oalers are paying 31o for old com and 27c for new. Data In good demand at 25c. Hay 4 00@0 00 per ton ; COo per balo. Rye 10@45o. Corn Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , C OOg 00. 00.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO par ton ; soft 5 00 per ton Lard Falrbank'a , wholesaling at lie. Flour City Hour , 1 ( iO@3 SO. Brooms 2 85@3 00 per doz. LIVE STOCK. Cattle 3 B0@4 00 ; calves , 6 C07 CO. Hogs Local packers are buying now nni there Is a good demand ( or all gradei ; choice packing , U 25 ; mixed , 5 25 , Quotation ; , oy J , M. St. John it Co. , com- rnlsriOrt merchants , 638 Brtauway. Butter Great demand for iino country at lot creamery , 35 < x Kggs Very Boarco : Ho per dozen. 1'oultry Itoady Baleichlckena.dressod , 12Jc ; vo. Sc\ \ turkeys , droiuod , 15o ; llyo , lie ; UCKB , droned , l"icj live , 8c. VMUTU , . Oranges t 00@4 25 per box , Lemons 4 00 per box. liananas 3 60@4 00 per bunch Vegetables Potatoes , 40 ; onions , 40c ( cab- ige , none In the market ! apples , ready Bale t 3 25@4 00 for prime Block. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special uJvcrtlseinotiU , tuch u Lent , Found , To Loan , For Bile , To Kent , WniiU , Board < ay , eta , will lx Inserted In thU Column it the law nU ot TEN CKNT81'Elt'tlNK ' tit the flnt Insertion uid KIVK CENTO FKU LTNE fdr'fcu&'iubtequent n < Mrtlon. t ve ultertlBomenU at our office , No. 'e rl Street. ne r llroidwav WANT8. WANTKU-JlKpcrloucotl dining room girl * W nc 113 ) > r ihoiith ; Ogtlen house. - > l)6ywlth | my to carry route WANTEU-All ) t Council lllutti DEI office. > Kiory loaym CouncniJluflito like WANTK1 . Delivered l > y carrier it only twenty cent * week. IJy r lI&U yoaox German pUoe WANTKf , board find go to School. "I' . Jl/JI. " Ute otDCi ) , Council Ulufl * . WANTIU A BHuitloii m tK'OCory by > ounij uunuliocau tiiuakflfrmin aadUanlilu AJJicn 0. lioe oltlco , Council lilulls , OU > I'APKHS-Kor mlo at U" office , at U cent * a hundred. _ _ _ [ WIl BKNT. 7rurnlfhed room eight 1 i r mouth. 802 8. 8U BU 70R * vr A nicely lurnUhtil room for one or t tins' ' * genUproeu at Sin A. A. Smith' * , l 8 hout A 0 MTS tadlfti and ccutloracn can make flnt Wclau L' < J by nclllntf tlio "Champion Uotom Strectlior auil Ironing UoarJ. " UcUU * &t tl.CO. Any lady caudoupa fine iblrt without ft wrinkle and g\0 \ l U M nicely athe tc tltuiiJrlc can , Additw JorpaitkulartO. JJ , B. fc 1. Co. ; Iii ufflcB , lor cue tna th * LADIES ! WE ARE RECEIVING SOME VERT FINE Shoes and Slippers. Gentlemen OUR FINE BOOTS AND HOES For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T , LINLDSEY < CO.- 12 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ) rnwA West Side Square , Clnnndn , ] , iu w A" MAYNE & PALMER , DEALEU3 IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK'AND BARtlEIi tlllK , LOU13VJLLE AND PORTUVNU CEMENT . , MICHIGAN PLAQXKK , 0Am No. B8Q Broadway. AND SEWER PIl'K. COPNOII , BLUFFS. IOWA. SMITH & Snrine Gnnrts LEADI GMEROHANTTAILORS Just' Received , 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. All hinds of/ JT. ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , . . etc. , etc. \ All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. , ORGUTT & FRENGj CASADY Hk , Turcoman , Etc. Choicest ( Stock west Oil Cloths , Mattings , Linoleums. Etc. Come and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our lino. Cheap est place to buy House Furnishings in the City. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. Mail Orders filled Promptly and with Care European Hotel. The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " New Building Now Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTltALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. Empkie Hardware 0 y Hardware 109 and 111 S. Main Street COUNCIL BLUFFS , WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN ) 9 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. LIVE TO EAT. EAT TO LIVE. O Ipemra A TVD A TOW A "KTT sT * A WE" Jt&JiaDlAUl& & .JMI Al iJ UAJDJii. * o TOio Ed. Olison 404 Broadnny , ( jrcil/i / at all noun. ' Che ! d'cuUIno Council IllulTn. t Parties n Specialty. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOAN 01REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lands in the County. GRESTON HOUSE. EVERYTHING ! nKSTCLASS. Nos. 317 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. L. A. CASPER , FLORIST -AND The Largest and Moit Complete Gceca llouso In Western Iowa. Over2,900 Feet of Glass m Use. The Greatest variety 'Mil tlio Choicest plants. My collection ot Plants an J Flowers Is now cotnrJeto In e\ery reipcct , and the public ro invited to call and Inspect the eaino. I was a\v > rdcd tlio First Premium at the Council Bluffs District Fair In September. 1683 , r.\cr all com petitors : and"tia\o slmo added many new and choice virlollert , ami am prepared to furnish a new class of plants that ha\o heretofore been unattainable In this market , for which I make no extra charge. Cut flowers and llorel designs furnished promptly , and on snort notice. llm\ojmt Issued a now cat alogue for 1831 , which will bo ecnt freoonapphcallon. Green Vegetables the Year Round. Horse Uidlsh In bottles. 23 Pierce St. Council ! BIufTslowa. EDWIN J.ABBOTT ! Justice of HB Peace , NOTARY rOBLlC JtSD OESEIULCONVETAVCKR , 415 BROADWAY , - COUN IL BLTTFFS. Iowa Seed Corn FOB 8A.LK BY J. Y. PULLER , Commission Merchant No. O.SPoarl Striwt . - - COUNCIL BLUFJHOWA SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo eua-antco the cure of the following named dla- Bcasca , or no pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 Blood andtklndiscot ca , Dvtpepsla , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Thcsa Springs are the favorite resort of the tired and debllltatad , and are the FEEBLE LADItS BEST FRIEND , Good hotel , ll\ery and bathing accumodatlon both n Inter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Accessible by Wabash railway , a Evonn , or C. , B. & Q. , at Albany. Corrcfiionucno solicited , IlEV. M. M. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , ( Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Speclflo Gravity 1.002 Reaction Ncutra Carbonic Acid Cos SO In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,021 Grains Carbonate Iron 7,041 ! < | Sulphate Magnesia 3,1BS " Sulphate Calcium 1,148 " Chloride Sodium 7,200 SilJIca 1,568 " Alumina . , . .0,010 Organlcond Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,450 " Total BCllds per gallon 87,174 " WRIOUT & MERRILL. Chemists JACOB SUIS. E. P. CADWEL1 SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Haln Street , Rooms 1 and Bbugart & Mo- Mahon'n Block. Will practloe In Plato and edenl oourto Geo. R. Beard , WALL Largest Window Shades 9 Stock * in the City Materials , -AND- And ROOM MOULDING , Lowest. CORNICE POLES JPrices Guaranteed. Painting. No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street , NEXT DOOH TO THE POSTOFFICE. { PROMPTLY ATTENDED 'TO.