" " J vl V T.HTC nATT/V REE OMAHA. SATtTRDA I MARCH 20. 1881. fl V , SCROFULA Usually dpvolopos in parly life , nucl ia a pcouliur morbid condition of the system , usually nftectiug the glands , often resulting in swellings , enlarged joints , nbcesses , thickening of the lips , enlarged ueclr , sore eyes. A scrofulous condition is often hereditary , but bad diet , toofreo use of fnt meats , bai air , want of sun shine and nourishing food will induce - duce it. Some people nro troubled with scrofulonB spelling of the glands , nod with ulcers and kernel ? , which may cause very little pain : others may have iinvard scrofula of the iungs , scrofula of the upleen , .scrofu a of the kidneysand scrofu- Ja of the bones. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS will drive away any ca'o of scrofula , nnd-not to ap pear in another place , for their ac tion-on the blood and bowels will carry the disease entirely from the body. CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,00 ta.Tickots only $5. Shnroa in ProporltonTEl Louisiana State Lottery Company , "We do hereby certify that tc supervise the ar rangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Anntial Drawingt of the Zouitana ittate Lottery Com pany , and in person manage and control the' Jraunngi themselves , and that the tame are con ducted with honesty , fairness , and in good faith toward all parties , and we authorise the comjxtny o vsc thts certificate , with fac-similes of our aig- nbtureaattached , in ill adi-crtiscmcnti. UO1IHISS10NKB3. Incorporated In 1803 ( or 25 years by the legislature ( or educational and charitable purposes with a cap ital of 91,000,000 to which a reserve fund of o\cl ? 5BO,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming porubr vote Its franchise waa nude a part c'f the present stata constitution adopted December 2J , A. t ) . 1370. The only Lottery over voted on and en dorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. * * Its grand ample number drawings take place monthly. A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune. Fourtq Grand Drawing Class D , in the Acad emy of Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , April 8,1884 167th Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , § 75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Frac tions , in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE J 76,000 1 do do 25,000 1 do do 10.000 2 PRIZES OF $6000 12,000 5 do 2000 10,000 10 do 1000 10,000 20 do 600 10,000 100 do 200 20,000 300 do 100 30,000 600 do 60 25.000 1000 do 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation prlzo90$750 6,750 9 do do 600 4,000 9 do do 50 S.250 1967 Prizes , amounting to $265,600 Application ( or rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Orleans. For further Information write clearly giving full ft address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK , Now Orleans , La. Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Ex press ( all sums of 85 and upwards by Express at our ipense ) to M. A. DAUPHIN , orlLA DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La. 607 Seventh St. , Washington , D. C. ftI THE POWEB dTJHES. H OMBOPATHIC UMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. In use 30 years. Each number the epcclal pro scription or an eminent physician. The only I filmplu , Hnfonnd Sure Jleillclueg for the p-oplo IJST I'JIINCirAI. XOS. CURES. FIUCE. t. Fi-rer * . CongestionInflamatlons , 35 S. Worms , Worm i'over. Worm Colic , . . . ! 2.1 3. f.'ryinz Colic , or Teething of Infants .23 I. lllarrhen of children or Adults 2.1 A. Dvacnlnrv , Orlplnc. lUIUou * Colic , . . 35 l. Uiolira Mnrlm- , Vomiting . % 7. i.'auiiliii. Cold , llronchltls 25 H. iNruralglo , Toothache , tnccocho 25 9. llomlachei , blclc Headaches. Vertigo .25 111. llynpenila. llllllous btoniach 25 11. Hiiitprcmril or I'alnCu ! l * < * rlod , 25 12. White * , too 1'rofuso Periods 25 1.1. Croiin. Cough , Uinicult UrealhlnK 25 14. Hnlt lUifMini , Kryslpelns , Eruptions , .25 IB , Hheiinmtttiii , Itheiimatla 1'nlns 25 Hi. Fever nnd ASUB. Chill , Fever , Agues .511 17. Piles , Ulmd or Weeding. ao lit. Cntnrrh. uouto or chronic : Influenza no 3D. WlionplnE Couch , violent coughs. . . .fid 21. ttenernl llublllly. Physical Weakness.5(1 ( 27. Kidney Il un r 5O 2S. Nervous Debility l.OII : il. Urinary \\Vnltm-ai , WcttlnR the bed ,5I > 32. ninenio oniic Heart. Palpllatlon. l.OO Bold by druggist * , or cent liy ( ho Case , or Bin- do Vlaf , frcn of ehnrgo , on receipt of price. bemtforDr.lIuniiilircyii'IlooUoii DUeno'&f- ( U ! nngcsialso IHiKirnlril < ; nluloiiiiuyitiCkJ. _ Adrtrp , llumnlircyi' lloineopnllilc Alea- w Co. . 1OO Fultnn Sired. INcw York. ADAMS' PATENT LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR COMBINED WITH nHSERVOIK. A Good Article sold on Bus * iness Pi inoiples. In use upon the houses of the best men in Omaha , who unhesi tatingly recommend it. Endorsed Q by reliable scientific men in other places. Manufactured from the best copper this metal has eight times the conductvo ! power of iron > r\ having a double scroll so ar ranged that it conveys water from the roof to a reservoir placed in the ground below the roach of frost. It is pronounced by good author ! ties thobcstrod over brought before the public. The Adams rod is manufactured and for sale by J , H , BALDWIN & MILLER , 15th and Jackson bts. OMAHA NEB. , - - - . Send for eight page circular , giving description of rod and rec ommendations by the best men in the country. d-inonS t-wU ( Bcx-our. ) " " "UKTBB. ) 7LEOTJIO-VOLTAIO BELT end oilier EutcTEia ' 'j AiTMiKCEa are sent on UU Pars' Trial TO 1EN ONLY. YOUNO Oil OLD , who wo nifTer- e from KruTocu DEKIUTT. LOST Vniurr. Vienna WeiKKEssEa , and all tlicuo dltcucs ot a 'CBSOVAL NITCUK , resulting from ABUSES mud OTIIKU ClUdu. Bp edy relief aod complete rutoratlou la HEALTH. Vioou nnd MimiooD UIUIUNTXED. tend at once for Illustrated Fanyihlct f roe. Addreis vor.TAio nni/r co. , niur.haii. niuu. SURPBISE IN A SHOE STORE , rroririoter Kiwis n Strnnscr In Ills Ktoro nt a Iiato Hour of the Night. Mr. O. Lowia , of the firm ofV. . V. Morse it Co. , WAS considerably surprised to find n man in his store , upon entering it by the ronr door rt about 11 o'clock last night. The proprietor asked the man what ho wanted. Ho replied that ho had come there for a pair of rubbers. It was thought best by Mr. Lewis to call a policeman. Accordingly a telephone message was sent to the police station. The burglar , seeing that ho was about to fall into the hands of the law , took a key from Ilia pocket , unlocked the front door , walked but on to the street and escaped in the darkness. The man is thought t" bo n former employe * of the firm. His room also is at no great distance from the store. A policeman was watching his room all night , but up to a late hour the man un der surveillance had not returned to his room. Us Tell You. Lot us tell vou that a person who is blllious or constipated Is not n well person , and further , that nearly ovary ono la subject to these Irreg- ulnrltlo * . Lot us toll you also that llunloek lllood Jliltcrt MO ono of the finest illurotlis and aperients over yet dovisod. Onmlin. ArttatM nt Lincoln. The vocal artist's festival nt Lincoln , Thursday evening was a success in every respect. The opera house was crowded , and the entertainment pronounced the most enjoyable over given in the city. The Journal thus speaks cf the Omaha ladies who took part in the entertain ment : "Tho opening piece was a duet. "Tho Sailor's Sighs , by Bliss Fannie Arnold and Mrs. Hiram Robinson , of Omaha , which was a tine piece of music and was rarely rendered. The voices of the two ladies , both powerful and rich in quality , blended perfectly into peals of harmony which called fourth an appreciative round of applause from the audience. " * * * * * * "Mrs. Hiram Robinson , of Omaha , ap peared next upon thn programme with a solo , "Grand Old Ocean , " in which she captivated the audience. Mrs. Robin son's voice is a contralto as powerful aa vrould bo expected from her Cno , com manding presence , and as full of pure melody as it is powerful. She was greet ed with continuous and enthusiastic ap plause , to which she responded by re turning and bowing her acknowledge monts.1' * # * * * * 'Tho recitation by Miss Ella McBridq , of Omaha , a story of "Tho Other Train" as told by a clock , was the best recitation we have heard upon a Lincoln stage. The recitation was n simple tale by the clock in a depot waiting room , of a poor old woman whoso children had cast her off and were sending her to the poor house. Most pathetic recitations have a disagreeable effect from the fact that the speaker cannot sustain the pathos con tinuously enough to conceal the effort. In Mies MoBrido's recitation , however , there was no effort. The effect alone was apparent. She was reciting her own stoiy , and the thought that she would fail to do it justice was ono that never entered the mind of the listener. This effect was duo to a well modulated voice , a rarely pathetic tone and gestures so ap- propriato that they wcro not noticed at all , though their'effoct was felt. " 'La Serenade' was Miss Fannie Ar nold's solo. Miss Arnold's voice ia a pure soprano of sweet tone , good range and great power. She is a singer who delights her audience because they can listen without the unpleasant apprehen sion of a possible failure en her part either to reach the note she attempts or to strike it ag aho desires. She has not a superior as a singer in this state , and few anywhere. " Horsfonl's Acid Phosphate. Valuable Medicine. Dr. W. H. PAIIMALEE. Toledo , 0. , says : "I have uroscribod the 'acid in a large variety of diseases , and have been amply satisfied that it is a valuable addi tion to our list of medicinal agents. " Resolutions. At a mooting of the Kearney fire de partment at that place , on Tuesday even ing last , the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : WIIKKKAH , The Omaha fire department seems to have assumed the liberty in J rcapon- nlbility of changing the data of holding the etato tournament from that fixed by the etato association in convention nsBembled at 1'ro- inont , Nob. , to that of the first week in July ; and , ' \VHKIIEAS , The Koornoy fire department , believing it to bo unjust , unauthorized and an imposition upon the fire departments and companies belonging to the state association , by such action by the Omaha iiro department , therefore bo it llcioltcil , That wo , the Kearney fire department mont , protest against any action of the Omaha fire department to make any changa in the data of holding the state tournament , from that fixed by the state association. Bo it further llctolreil , That wo heartily endorse the ac tion ot J. II. Duller , chief of the Omaha fire department , and oxteud to him our sincere thanks for the stand taken by him against his own department and in behalf of the depart ments and companion throughout the state ; and that a copy of these resolutions bo sent Secretary 1'ontzel , and that copies ho fur nished the city papers for publication , and that the Omaha dailies bo requested to copy. Sitting Bull is said to bo an intelligent and educated man ; ho instructs his young braves how to preserve good health by teaching them the principals of hygiene which arc so ably set forth in "Tho Science of Life ; or , Solf-Prcseryation , " published by the Peabody Medical In stitute , Boston , advertised in this paper. - -Mr. A. J. Habon's name was put on the Stuht ticket as a delegate to the city conven tion entirely without his knowledge or con sent , being in favor of 0. 0. Throne. He considers thin a thing of trickery to use his name In such a manner. Iowa Editors In New Orleans. NEW OHLKANH , March 28. The Iowa press excursion party has arrived. AHE YOU GOiNU TO EUROPE ? In another column will be found the an. ouncemont of JSIesura. TJIOS. COOK & SON , ourist Agents , 2GI Broadway , New York , relative to the very complete arrangements they have made for tours in Europ * ths coming Spring and Summer. "Cook'n Kxcur- siunUt , " containing maps and full particular * . will bu mailed to any addresa on receipt of 10 centa Death Iroiu T'rluhlmo. Pirrsiitwo , March 28.---Microscopical examination of a piece of Mrs. Mary Schultios' log , who died of symptoms of trioh'noais ' in Westmoreland county last week , showed it was full of parasitic worms in all stages of development. The Ludwig , Schultics and the Gulloa families of six , who ate the pork are all very sick and will probably die. UMlNX1) HOI'S. A dutlo Injured himself seriously Imt week by trjlng to rend without having first taken oir his cyo-glnssos. Just before n consul Is tnkon In St. Louis tlio people eond to Chicago for cucumbers. They want to double up the imputation. With the price of coffee going up ton or fifteen cents n tiny , tlio Sl-n-wook clerk who gees out botwcou nets must fall back on cloves. The orgnn-grimlor who Is foolhardy enough to grind out "Gentle Bpiing" before the trees begin to bud deserves the fate which shall surely overtake him , A San Francisco tniin was recently found dead with a bottle of water clinched In his nerveless hand. Ho hml probably In a thoughtless moment taken a swallow of It nnd tlio shock proved too much for him. Bis marck Tribune. A lady render writes to any that oho has boon losing her h lr recently nntl wants to know what nho shnll do to prevent It. Kithor keep your bureau drawer locked or clio ills- charge the hired girl nntl got nuotlior of n couiploxion differing from yours. [ llocklnnd Gnzotto. "Whatn bad cold that man lias , " satiln youth to thb proprietor of n saw-mill. "What makes you think so ? " " \ \ hy , 1 can hear him hacking. " "It Is very evident , young man , " said the boss , pointing to tlio fumcnkin ? circle of stool , "that ' you don't know the difference between n hnwk nnd a buzz-saw. " How would It do to employ women as eon- ductors on street car * ? Would there not bo sonio nntmnted nml Interesting debates every time the car stopped so na to pnnlilo n mud- puddle for the foot of the alighting Indy pas sengers ? This would nlford entertainment to men , nud relieve the tedium of the ordinarily woarlHOino rldo down town. A bald-headed , unprejudiced western busi ness limn , who ndvoitisod for n boy , stating that ono with red hair was preferred , Is re ported to hnvp explained that his experience hnd tuupht him that red-haired boys nro the smartest , most energetic , respectful nnd trust worthy , nnd also that the rod-haired girls In I his factory nro moro sedate nud Industrious i than the others. There is ono man , nt least , In Georgia , who has reformed. Ho hnd contracted n habit of ' staying out Into nights. Ono night last week his wife wont after him and brought him homo J nt the end of n shotgun. While the "shotgun tollcy" Is not to be commended , still it must .10 admitted that It will sometimes work a great reform. Pock's Sun. A young Gorman b.ikor who peddles cakes nnd sweetmeats from n cart nt Tioga , 1'n. , got nhond of a lot of bad boys who organized n "Jesse James gang , " each taking nn awful and lengthy oath to remain true to the organ ization through every peril. The purpose of "tho gang" was to 'raid nil the candy phops nud strike terror to the Inoffensive mntdous bock of the counters. After submitting to their thieving nnd finding no redrossi the ba ker consulted n doctor , nnd mixed in some nico-looklng cnkos a goodly portion of Ipecac nnd tartar emetic. 'Jho crowd cleared him out as usual , but It cleared "tho gong" out moro oltoctuftlly. It Is reported that not a boy of the gang was scon on the streets for n week. li.VTEST FOHKION NEWS. DBATII OK rillNCE LEOl'OU ) . ' LONDON , March 28. Prince Leopold , fourth and youngest non of Victoria , died suddenly at two o'clock this morning at Cannes. The queen received news of the Duke of Albany's death this afternoon. She was profoundly affected. The prince died in a fit aa ho waa on the point of starting for Darmstadt to attend the wedding of his niece , Princess Victoria _ of Hessn. The Prince of Wales waa visiting the Earl of Soften , and received the news on the Aintreo race-course. Ho returnedat once to London. The horses Spectrum and Callandor were weighed for the race , but the Duke of Montrose and Sir Goo. Chotwynd refused to run them. Marlborough - borough house is besieged with people calling to express their condolence. LONDON , March 28. A dispatch from Cannes states that the' Duke of Albany's death was duo to the effects of a fall last evening at the Cerco Nautiguo. The duke was on the eve of returning to England when he died. Ho visited Cannes incognito under the title of Baron Arklow. Delicate health prevented - vented the duchess accompanying her hus band. Her accouchment is expected in a few weeks. DIONA'S DOOM. SCAKIM , March 28. The Tenth Hus sars , York and Lancaster regiment and Irish fusiliers embarked for homo. The Sheikhs of Samarar , Danielot and tribes , who represent 5,000 people living be tween Suakim and Kassala have come in and promised to assist in the capture of Oaman Digna whoso prestige has been destroyed. SHIPMENT OP PAUPERS. LONDON , March 28. The government shipped by the steamer Grecian , leaving Glasgow f or , Boston , March 22 , two hun dred and seventy emigrants taken from the work house of Stfinoford , County Mnyo , Ireland. The U. S. man of war Lancaster , flag ship of the European station , arrived at Aloxanderia. ( JOINQ FOIl DYNAMITERS. LONDON , March 28. The Manchester Guardian asserts negotiations are pending ing between , Eng'and and America , with a view to adding to the extradition treaty a clause which shall cover authors of dynamite outrages. KIIOUTOUM'H PERIL. Telegraphic communication between Dongola and Berber is broken. The Standard's correspondent at Cairo telegraphs graphs that rumors prevail there that Khartoum has fallen. It is impossible to confirm or. contradict the wild rumors current. The official world , both civil and military , are waiting in anxious suspense for news from Gordon. FRENCH INSPECTION OK 31 BATH. PAIUH , March 28 , The committuo of the chamber of deputies on salted meats have elected Rod a Porter and instructed him to insibt upon microscopic examina tion of all imported moats , whether salted - ed or fresh. dlllKF FOR TJIi : IIRITIHH , CAIRO , March 28. The telegraph has again broken between Berber and Shon- dy. The rebels threaten to destroy com- j.munication with Korosko and Abu Hamod. Typhus prevails among the cattle in the region of Alexandria. TIIK J'OPE TO LEAVE ROME. LONDON , March 29. The Paris correspondent - respondent of The Times telegraphs that the popp has notified Emperor Francis Joseph in an autograph letter that there are reasons which induce him to leave Rome at a more or less early date. The pope eaya ho is well aware his decision will have serious consequences to Christendom , but ho is bound to carry out his intentions. 8AIIOENT UKFU8E8 TUB BUSHIAN MIH.SIOX. Jf.T LONI.ON , March 28. The Berlin cor respondent of The Daily News says : "Mr. Sargent will resign his post at Berlin and refuse the St. Petersburg mission. It is evident his appointment to the latter post waa only a previously arranged formality to facilitate his re call. " The Times nays : "Sar/ent has re signed aud prefers to return homo. " SPECULATION'S ' SPLURGE. Indication that the Flurry in Wheat lias Abotit Ceased in Chicago. Markets Getting Down to Steady Prices , but Still Nervous , Oorn Advances Sharply , and Bo- gains all its Lost Ground , Tko Activity Transferred to Prori visions and Oattlo Markets , Four or Five Hundred Nebraska Oattlo Sold at Good Prices , Ariunur'H Ulfinutlu Schunio onVlicit ntul Hull nml Ooorui Freight * ) . CHICAGO'S JIAUKISTS. OAI.MEH , HUT STIUi NERVOUS. Special Dispatch to TUB USE. GHICAUO , March 28. The markets set tled down to a steadier basis to-day , nl- though the clfoct of the extraordinary transactions of the two preceding days seemed to bo felt in giving n wider range to prices and entailing n nervousness which caused moderately wide fluctua- ( ions , Wheat was stronger , on the whole , and closed at bettor figures than the closing prices on call board. Trans actions in wheat continue very heavy. THE W11EAT MAUKKT opened u shade higher , but declined after some fluctuations Jo , then rallied IB , ruled steady , advanced additional , receded about ic , and finally closed go higher for May , Jo higher for Juno , and Ao higher for J uly than yesterday. The early decline waa duo to the warm weather and mthor free speculative offer ings , but the subsequent advance waa at tributed partially to the sharp advance in corn , and also io the reports of cooler weather. Reports of largo shipments of spring wheat also inado operators loss anxious about selling. March and April closed at 83jc. On call 1,200,000 bush els wore sold. COUN STRONGER. Cora was unusually strong , and regained - gained nearly nil the ground lost during the recent excitement in wheat. The market opened a little unsettled , quickly became firm , and after slight fluctuations advanced 1 j to lie above inside prices , fluctuated nnd closed 1 to Ijjo higher than yesterday. On call sales \roro 1- , 305,000 , May nnd Juno advancing Jc. OATS. There was n speculative market for oats j , which opened at a decline of jjc , afterward | reacted § to Jo , and closed firm. PROVISIONS. The demand for mess pork was quite active , prices ruling irregular. The market opened 20 to 25o higher , receded 5 to lOc , and ruled steady. On call , sales of 1,500 at unchanged prices. Lard was moderately active , with a alight change in prices. THE CAtTLE MARKET was much more active , and prices showed considerable firmness. llecoipts light (2,500) ( ) . Market brisk and firm ; 1,250 to 1.5UO pound export grades , § 0.15 to $6.65 ; good to choice shipping , 1,250 to 1,350 pounds , § 5.70 to SO.00 ; common to medium , 1,000 to 1,200 pounds , $5.00 to $5.60. NEABASKA HALES. Among the sales-sheet wore 04 No- braskas , average 94 , at $4.40 ; 227 do. , average 80 , at $4.50 ; 235 do. , average 70 , at $4.50 ; 181 Nobrnskas , average lOlj at $5.25. ARMOUlt's BIO DEAE. Special Dispatch to The BEE. OHICAOO , March 28. The true inwardness 3- 3r ness of the excitement on 'change yester day , and of the strong advance in the price of wheat , was not generally known oven among members of the board of trade. It was developed late at night that Armour & Co. have formed a com bination for exoorting a largo quantity if wheat , and by reducing the supply hero : cause a stiffening of prices , with the 1 probability of running a corner before this year's crop comes into the market , and" with a likelihood in favor of the Juno or July option. Yesterday Armour engaged for the shipment of half a million bushels over the Mickol Plato and Lackawanna , at 12 cents to Now York , as already reported. To-day , for himself and the syndicate , ho offered the Lackawanna 600,000 more , but that road was afraid of the commissioner of the oast-bound pool , as it is not in very good > odor in the pool anyhow , and refused to ; take it. Thereupon the Nickel Plato was given the entire lot at 12 \ cents. This is ' EI.KVKN HUNDRED THOUSAND I1DHIIEI.K. If for export to Liverpool , the rate in 12V cents per hundred , and 7A cents per bualiol , and the common report is that Armour lias arranged with a line of ocean steamers to take it to Liverpool for : another 7& cents , including terminal charges at Now York , which are Z 1-10 cents , which leaves for the vessel 5 4-10 cents , whereas the regular charge is 7c. By this arrangement the railroads c.U' ) a cut of IJj cents a bushel and the ocean [ ' utoamors a'cut of 1 C 10 conta a bushel 1 , or a total of 3 1-10 cents ; so that on the entire shipment of 1,100,000 bushels the syndicate will realize a profit of $84,100 above what it would make by shipping at the usual rates. It is not known how much , if any moro , the syndicate intends to ohlp. - j niBf r ' m ImrgoFiro at Memphis. MEMPHIS , March 28 , The no shops ot the Memphis & on railroad , located hero , burned this _ ovon- ing. The fire was the work of an incen - diary. Two locomotives were burned. > Total loss about $100,000. Insurance $12,000. Ono hundred and fifty men are thrown out of employment. Ttio Crouch Murderers. JAUKHOM , Mich. , March 28. Daniel B. flalcomb and John D. Crouch wcro this morning hold for trial in the circuit court , charged with the murder of Jacob D. Crouch. The accused hoard the de cision without any expression , There was a murmur of approval in the audi ence. Death of Douglab' , ltrotlior-ln-ljaw WAHHINOTON , March 28. Judge Granger , brother-in-law of the late Stephen A. Douglas , died this morning. The Central 1'uclno Grab. PouTLAMii , Ore. , March 28. The Cen tral Pacific has secured the control of the Oregon .Railway Navigation company , It is onr positively stated to have a con trolling interest in nil the cx-Villnrd cor porations oiccpt the Oregon & Califor nia road. AVINl > AND WATKK. Spring' * * Splurge In VnrinuN Portions of the Country Kurt her De tails of the Storm nt Denver. BISMARCK , March 28. A gorge has formed again nt Sibloy island , the water covering the lowland on both sides of the river with throe foot of water. A portion tion of the Northern Pacific track is tih heaped up with ice in places. No trains ixro likely to pass for several days. WAHiiiMrroNi March 28. A telegram has boon received from Indian Agent Lincoln nt Fort Bolknap , Mont. , anying that the fort ia partly tinder water and the people hro camped on a hill. _ It is probable the agency buildings will bo swept away. lie asks pormiBBion to pur chase tents. WASHINOTO.V , March 28. Secretary Lincoln will pursue the knmo plan in dis tributing the relief to the Mississippi river Hood sullbrora aa was followed m the case of the OIlio floods. The vessels will bo nont out from Now Orleans and St. Louis. N , Kan. , March 28. During the high wind yesterday n terrible prairie fire broke out in Castloton township , and burned over territory ton miles in length. Everything , in its path was destroyed including houses , barns , stock , grain , etc. , ono man losing six hundred tons of Imv and two hundred head of sheep. llI BISMARUK , Dak. , March 28. The gorge which formed this morning still holds nnd extends several miles above. The low lands on both aides of the river nro submerged. _ Hart river has backed up : , nnd n ropotitiou of the floods of 1881 is i feared. All communio'Uioii by rail woit is cut oir. Washburn reports the rivers still rising and full of ico. BISMARCK , D. T. , March 28. The ice gorge extends from Sibloy island , five miles below , to n point ns far above the city as can bo scon with n strong gloss , probably ton miles. The ice is very thick , some cakes containing acres. There are nine steamers tied up nt the Joyce , and the escape of any one of them , will bo miraculous , as the ice has shoved thorn solidly against the shore. The ice moved thin afternoon , increasing the hole in the steamer Black Hills , and she sank ; loss $12,000. Between the bridge nnd Mandan , three miles of 'track is covered with ice nnd water. The flood is now within six foot of the high water of 1881. Bismarck is fifty-six foot abcivo the river and no danger is foarod. The river is still rising. Sr. PAUL , March 28. An Ice gorge has formid in front of the city just above the Wnbash street bridge. The floating ice soon sawed nway two pieces of the bridge. No further damage was done. Efforts made to blow up the gorge proved unsuccessful. It is feared the river will cut a now channel on the west side. LAWRENCE , Mass. , March 28. The freshet is assuming alarming proportions. The streets nro flooded. A greater portion tion of the mills will bo stopped to-mor- row. A Happy Family. Pullcd from the breast , squeezed from the bottle , Htamachsnlll sour all milk w111 curtllo ; Baby liallclujah and that night , Household bumplni : heads In aw fill fright , Don't deny'twas thus with Victoria , Night Wli8 hideous without Castorla ; When cello lot' ' ; for pu&cetul slumber , All said tliolr prayer and elOit llko thunder. titioky Heal FIshorH. ST. JOHN , N. F. , March 28. This eve ning the steamer Aurora has just arrivoc from the ice field with 2,800 prime peals worth § 00,000 , all-taken in five days The voyage only lasted eighteen days. Other sealers were equally successful. Wol Do Meyer It is now undisputed that Wol Do Muy cr's Cnturrli Cure Is tbo only treatment that will absolutely euro Catarrh fresh or chronic "Very ulllcaclous , Sam'l. Gould , Weeping Water , Neb. " "Ono box cured mo , Mrs. Alary Konyoii , Bismarck , Dakota' " "It restored mo to tlio pulpit , llov. Goo. 12. Hots. Coblovillo , N. Y. " "On box radically cured mo , llov. C. 11. Taylor , 140 Noble street , Brooklyn. " "A perfect euro nftorSO years Buffering , J. D. McDonald , 710 Brondwny , N. Y.&c.&c. Thousands of testimonials nro received from nil parts of the world. De livered , 51.00. Dr. Wol Do Meyer's Illustra ted Treatise , wish statements by the euro mailed froo. D. B. Dewey & Co. , 182 Fulton "treot , N. Y. tu-th&sntin&o-Sm \VJjKliib' Wind. OTTAWA , March 28. Wiggins says : "Tlio storm is thoro. 1 spa it in Non tuna's glass , but the equation of time is the most obscure and difficult I have over reckoned. A maximum error of forty eight hours. The earthquakes and cyclones of yesterday will convince scion- tistg that I'mright Oitro That Cold. Do not Bulfor your I/uui/s to become disease J by allowing a cold to con ti nuo without an ef fort to euro It. Thousands have dlod prema ture deaths , the victims of Consumptions , by ulinply neglecting a cold. DR. WAI. HALL'S BALSA.M for the LUNGS will euro Colds , Coughs and Con- gumption Biiror and quicker than any otbor remedy. It acts almost llko maglo iu many * cases , and in others It * cIFoet , though alow , is auro if persisted In , according to directions. Ilenrj'H Carbolic Balvo IB the Best Salvo for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Ithouin , Totter , Ghanpod Hands , Chilblains , Corns nud all kinds of Skin Erup tions , Prrcklea nud Pliuplcn. Get Henry's Carbolic Halve , as all others are counterfeits. 1'rlco 25 cents. " Jr. Motfs JMvcr Pllln. These Pills have never boon advertised very much , but tlioy have Just as much intrlnMo merit na though they wore puffed to the sklos by Indiscriminate advortlulnft. Try thorn aud bo convinced. The Illinois Ijahor Convention , Omtuao , March 28. The state trade and labor convention at its session to day , after drawing up a memorial to con arena opposing the importation of foreign labor , adjourned to moot at Hpnngfiold , 111. , the second Tuesday February , 1885. Tcaolicru Itoturiilrifr. A number of Tekanmh school teachers , among whom were Minnie Oloaon , Flora Brownell , Alice Moruhouse , Ella Tucker , Sunio Cooper , Mary Fuller , Lillie am Clara Thomas , and D. B , Houston , 01 their return from the teacher's cpnvon tion , which has been hold at Lincoln Btoppodin thiscityyostordayand took dinner nor at the Oozzon'a hotel , A Lincoln new * , H7tb. A pointed and apioy letter in lie Omaha I3eo , of yesterday , from n created quite a flutter among pur citiz ons and by this morning no copies coul bo had at any of our news stands. 1d certain charges therein are well founded , j I 'investigation" may bo in order before J ontho next mooting of the legislature that } j o'flims a monopoly of the bucwesfl. OUR SUPER-SINLESS SISTER Culminating Legislation by the General Assembly of low , 'ivo Thousand Appropriated for a Fallen Women's ' Homo , Twenty Thousand Additional to Pay for Warden Craig's Steal , A Hallway Bill Passed with a Nullifying Attachment , An Act to Make Bagnio-koopors Subject to the Penitentiary , The Prohibition Penalty Hill Passes tlio HOUHC , Aided by Grccnlmolt Votes Various IiCKlslntlnn. IOWA IiKOISIi/VTUIlB. / TI1K AH'ROI'IUATIOXS. Dr.s MOINE.S , March 28. In the son ata the entire day was consumed on the appropriation bills. The following addi tional nppropriations wore nindo : Fish commission , $5,000 ; Slate Horticultural society , $ . ' 1,000 ; land for insane hospital nt Independence , $2,088 ; erection of nil additional wing to the insane hospital at Mt. Pleasant , § 10,000 ; Benedict Homo for Fallen Women , Dos Moines , § 5,000 ; low insane nay hi in nt Boone , $150,000. This last bill as it passed the house pro vided that the now hospital should bo ocatod in southwestern Iowa , but after i long debate it was amended by i user tine ; Boono. THE CRA1U CLAIMS. A bill also passed appropriating $20- 300 to pay certain claims for goods fur nished the Fort Madison penitentiary luring the Craig administration. They lave been sifted from the bogus claims nnd pronounced correct by the attorney general. Thohou30 _ nt the forenoon session pass- pd n bill to allow $20,000 , or so much as is necessary , to pa ? certain ascertained claims against the Fort Madison peniten tiary , on contracts made by ox-Warden Craig. A motion to reconsider the vote by which the semi annual tax bill was lest was taken up and the bill was passed by n vote of 50 to 30. THE ANA.MO.HA 1'ENITKNTIAIIY. A bill also passed changing the name of the additional penitentiary at Ana- mesa to the state penitentiary ai Anamosa , and authorizing the appoint ment of a matron nt n salary of $75 per month ; it allows $10 per mouth for houao rent for the deputy warden , provides for the purohasn of lands near the prison fern n , sum not to exceed § 3,000 , and author ised the vrardon to sell the old state quarry , the proceeds to go into the con struction fund. STATi : VH. 11AILWAY8. The house also passed the bill author izing actions to bo brought against rail way corporations in the name of the state upon the recommendation of the rail road commissioner. I'KNITENTIARY FOR 11AONIO-KCEKFR3. Also an iron-clad bill ngninst keeping houses of ill-fame , making it n penitentiary tiary offense ; also to provide for the pub lication of the proceedings of the Iowa Improved Stock Brooders' association. THE LIQUOR I'ENALTIH. The bill to provide penalties for the violation of the liquor laws was passed b ; ( V Vote of 54 to 4U , BIX groonbnckor ( Cloud , Campbell , Dabnry , Jordan , Jor don , and Miller ) voting with the ma jority. STATE VKTERINAllIAN. The bill to appoint a state veterinary urgoon and proscribing his duties was Iso passed by a vote of 52 to 10. ADJOURNMENT DAY. The sonata to-day tabled a motion to oconsidcr the vote by which it had con- tirrod in the house resolution to adjourn next Wednesday. Final adjournment is now fixed on that day beyond recall. Fatal Malady AIMOIIR Sheep. NKWCOSIERSTOWN , 0. , March 28 . A > oculiar malady termed "grub" is just low carrying elf many of the sheep of his section and sad havoc is being nmdo nioiiK some of our wool growers Hocks , The disease is caused by worms called grub , and is a very distressing ono. The gK of the worm was deposited in the nos- ril of the ehoop in July or August last iy a peculiar kind of ily and the grub latched out in March nnd began burrow- ng toward the bruin , which , when pono- rated , kills the animal at once. There s no known remedy for it. The worm is bout the size of a common grub worm nd has the gimlet appearance of that vorm. Mr. llichard King , a prominent armcr , has already lost thirty of his nest sheep and other farmers have lost early their entire flocka. TolCKrnpli Injunction 'Denied. NKW YORK , March28. Judge Wallace , n the United States circut court , handed [ own an opinion this morning in the suit f the Western Union Telegraph compa ny , to rostain the National nnd Baltimore t Ohio Telegraph companies from opera- ing a telegraph line over the West Shore railroad , lie declines to grant the proli rainary injunction. The Baltimore & Ohio Telegraph com pany nnnounco it will immodiutoly begin itringing twelve wires to Chicago. The annual report of the Denver & [ lie Grande road will bo published in few days. It shows a surplus of $150,000. Spring FrcsliclB. WINONA , Minn. , March 28 , Tlio ice [ s running freely thin morning from the i'orge above the bridge. It it believed this opens a clour river to Minnoiaka , twenty miles , The ferryboat hero ro aurnod business Thursday cvoninir. DOVKH , N. II , , March 28. The water flowing over Ooccco dam this morning measured 40 inches over the flush boards , the highest for 'M years. Great fear expressed for the safety of the several bridges above the city , Death ornru. Kato M OIIKUOO , March 38. News roaches hero of the death of Mrs , Kato M. Dag. gott in Havana , Cuba , of consumption. Mrs. Padgett had a wide reputation in art and literary circles , and wai foremost in movements concerning the advancement : mont of woman. ZVIIiinesom'u llopubllcan Convention , ST , PAUL , March 5J8. The republican tatstate convention to select delegate * ano j Chicago wil ) ba hold at St. Paul May ht. i Positive Cure for J2vcry form Skin and lilood Diseases , from Pimples io Scrofula. rpIIOU9ANDS OP T.KTTRR3 IN OUU POSSE- .L don rer-cot IliU itory : I hara been tcr bio nuir rer for Jonrn witn Dlootl ixndHklnllu- orslliMobccn obliged to slum rmblla plcM by tason ot my dlinfriirlni ; Immoral Imvo h.td the best hjtlcUns ; Imvetiicnt hundreds nf OolhM ivnd potnn tnl relict until I ti < cil the Ciitlcura IlMolvcnt , the ow Dlood nirlllcr , Interntlly , and Cutlciiriv and * utlcura Roitp , thouront Skin Cum mid Skin Heau- Hern , externally , w hlch bnra cured mo , and Ictt my ilnandblool a.1 piireona chlld'n. Almost Incredible , James K. Rlctwdfon , Custom HOUPC , New Orleans , n oath , sty * : In 1870 Bcrofulom Ulcers broke out n my Imdv until I as amass of corruption. Every- hlnjt known to the mcdlcnl ( acnlty was tried In vain , became a moro wreck. At times I could not lift my and ) to my head , could not turn In bed ; was In con- tant pain , and looked upon life M n canto. No relief r cure In ten j earn. In 1830 I hrnid of the Cutlcura omollci , used them nnd was perfect ! ? curod. Sworn to before 17. S. Com. J D. CKAWFOIID. Still \Morc \ So. Will McDonald , SM'/Deixrborn Street , Chicago , gratefully acknowledges * euro ot Eczema , or Bait licum , on head Inco neck , arms ami IORS ( or toron- con ) cars- not at'lo to rno\ , except bunds Mid knees 01 onooar ; not able to liotp myecll ( or clgln years ; rlotl hundreds of remedies ; doctors pronounced his nuo ho | < c1csj , permanently cured by the Cutlcura Ittnedtcs , More Wonderful Yet , It. K , Carpenter , Hon < Jerson , N. Y. , cureJ of r or- asls or T pro y , or twenty yearn' Umllnr | , by Cutl- lira Koinollcn. Tlio moat wonJorful cure on record. V diutiuu ( oil of uralci roll from him dally. Phj-sl- lansand his ( rlciuls thought ho mint Ola. Cure norn tolioforoa jtutlco of the peace and Hender son's most prominent rltlicns- Dent Wait Wrlto to us ( or these testimonials In ( ml or send llrcct to the parties. All are absolutely true and ; | fen without our knowledge or solicitation. Dent valt. Now Is UH > time to euro every species of Itch- tif | , Bcaley , Plmplv. Scrofulous , Inherited , Cunta- 'lom.nnd Copper colored Diseases of tko Wood , Skin , Mid Scalp wltli Loss of llalr Bold by all druggists. Prlco : Cutlcura , EOcts ; Resolvent. Si ; 8.5M > , Vi cli. F > miRDRUO AXDCHBM- oilCn . lliMtnn. Alans. Stnd for "How to Ciiro Skin Diseases , " Off A TTTV For Itnuuli , Chapped and Oily OHIO.U J. i HVlii , Bulkheads , and Skin Blerp ' w DurhamIsblstorle. Itwumcutnlimmnil ilurlnKUioAnulsUco between Sherman and Johnson. SolJlcm of both nrnilc filled tuclrpoucbcHylthUiotobaccontorcdthero , and , after the surrender , marched borne , ward , peen onlers came from Eut , West , North nail South , for "moro of thit eletrant iuuacco. " Then , ten men ran an unknown factory. Now It employs 800 men , uses the pink and rick of the Golden Kelt , and the Durham Dull Is the trade-mark of this , the Ixnt tobacco In the world. Ulackwcll's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco bu the largest rale of any amoklng tobacco In the world. WbyT Blniply because it Is the titl. All dealers have It. Trade-mark of the Dull. LOOK OUT I DURHAM BULL If he'dirono for a pack- am of filickwcll'B Bull Durham Bmokinir To bacco , as he waa told , ho wouldn't.have been cornered by the bull. : ft ; James Meal InsliMa Chartered by theStateoflllf- Inola for thccxpress purpose of civlnglmmcdiatc relfelln nil chronic , urinary and prl- _ , vato diseases. Gonorrhoea , /Qleet andSyphills In all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and rcrmanentlycured by reme * diesteitedna.For/j/r ! ir SpecialI'racllcc. Seminal Weakness. t Losses by Dream ? , Flmplea on the FaceLost Manhood , l"slMrfli/c mi. ITiwo Idnes aent by Mall and Expro s. No marka on. ackoRo to Indicate contenta or sender. Addma ORJAMESNo.20WashlnuonSChcagolll : ! ! ! , Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlrmger , . > Bavaria. Culmlmclior , . Bavaria. Pilsner . Bohemian. Kaiser . Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweisor . St. Louis. Aiihauser . St. Louis. Boss B . . . . Mil'vaukep. Schlitz-Pilsnor . Milwaukee. Krue's Omaha. Ale , Porter , Dpiuestio end Rhine Wiue. ED. MAITKER 001.1) MEDAL , PABI8 , 1870- BAKER'S AVnrrantcil absolutely pnr > Cocoa , from which the cxocm o Oil las been rcmoml. It has Mr" tltnei t/tt ttretigth of Cocoa mixed with fitaro.i , Arrow root or Sugar , ami li tlivruforu far roaro ecuiionj. cat , It l ddldoui , nourishing , ctrcngtlicnluir , cm Ily disrated , and admirably iidnptvd for Invalid * an well UK fur IHTBOIU In health. Sold uj Uroccrs ctorrnbcr * , , BAKER 6 TO , . Dorciiester , Mast EUROPE ! ! COOK'H QHAND KXCUHSIONS leave New York In April , May and Juno , 1 3 . PASSAGE TICKETS bv a I ATI ANT1U HTKAUU111. Bpoclal facllltlei for roouriutc GOOD DKIITIIB. TOUUIST TIOKKrS for tnivcl'nlti KUllOl'E , liv a'lroutoa , at rvdaeodratM. COOK'S KXCUIthlONlST , witb map * and full par ticular * , liy mall 10 ceuU. A''dreu THOa. OTH It HOK , M Broadway , N. Y. Notice to Cattle Hen ! MOO CATTLE FOP. SALE. 10 H ad o ( Stem Thrto Yean Old , 100 HI. D 'jvo " SOi " " UoKcrs , Two " 150 httora , On * SO " Hulfen , Ontf " Tba above dcsetlbid cattle are all well bred low * cattle , utralxbt and unootli , Tlieia oittla will be cold In IoU to tult purcbuort , and at ruaaonable ; prloci. For further rartlculari , call ouoraddieai M. J1. PATTOW. Warcrly , BremirCo , low * . I' . S. Alto young gradud luillii. cu7-Jm - * w DUFHENE& MENDELSOHN. ARCHITECT OMAHA. NATIONAL BANK IHULOING. MiNjoop RESTOIED. A vfctlia ot early Imprudence , cu Tntf ncncuw Ceblilty. protnatura decay , eta. barlcn ifivu iu aiu ve kuowo ' ramedjr. hu Ulmovt team of sulr-cun * , wliloli lie will uno , - . ' U Chtthoia St. X W Y < Mfc- > ,