THE DAILY BBli-OMAHA , SATURDAY , MAKCH 20 , 188 * . FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NEW YORK , March 1S ! , Money Busy t li@2.per cont. Prlmo ratior 4@fii pet cent Kxclmngo Bills Weaker fit 4 874domnncl ; , I 80i. U o vorntnonta Strong. Stocks Dull and without a ipeclRl feature. The market closed Irrefpilnr , and , compnroil with lint night's closing , prices are J to S per cent lilghar for Northweatorn , St. I'mil , Rook Island , Northern 1'aclfio and Wnbuli pro- forroJ , and i to } per cant lower for Central I'nclflc , Western Union and Louts\lllo & Nashville. ixioroNs inl 4J' Coupons. Faclflobaof'93 BTOOKS ANO BONDS. Amarlenu Kxprosa Burl , Co Jar Kniiidi & Northern. . Central VnMo Chicago & Alton do do pd ( Chi. , Burl. & Qulncy Erlo do pfd Fort Wayne k Chicago Hannibal & St. Joseph do do do pfd Illinois Central Ind. , Bloom , & Western . , Kansas & Texas Lake Shore & Michigan So Michigan Central Mlanoanolis & St. Louis do do do pfd Missouri Pacific Northern Pndlio do do pfd N Jrthwoatorn do pfd Now York Central , Onio & Mississippi r. do do pfd Peoria , Decatur & 13vansvillo Rock Inland Qt. Pan & Milwaukee do .io do pfd St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba St. Faul& Omaha do do pfd Texas Pacific , Union Pacific AVabasb , St. L. & Pacific do do do pfd Wiiatorn TJaiou Telegraph Asked. fKx-divldond , QIIA1N AND VHOV18IONB. OaiOAQO FBODCOE. CHIOAOO , March 38. Flour Quiet aad 'nominally ' unchanged ; good to choice spring wheat flour , 500@5S5 ; soft spring wheat , 4 00S5 ( 00 ; Minnesota baker's , 4 bO@5 25. .Wheat In regular wheat there was a largo speculative business. The market wan still Bomowhat unsettled but stronger and higher range ; opened a shade higher , declined Jo , then rallied | c and ruled steady ; again ad vanced \c \ , receded about Ic , and linally closed about go higher for May , Jc higher for Juno , ic hifrhor for July. Cash closed at 833 . : ; March , 83i'c ; May , 8SJc ; July , winter wheat , nominal , and 110 quotations ; spring , quiet nt 8Gj@87c , Corn Stronger ; opened unsettled but quickly became firm nnd advanced lj@ljo above the inside prices reached yesterday ; " fluctuated and closed about lie higher for May , IJc hifiher for Juno and July ; nosh , B11@54c ; March , 51Jc : May , CC@5Jjc ; July , 58g@58)c ) ( ; rejected , 17@474c. Oats Opened at yesterday's closing prices ; declined c , reacted g@Jc , ranging j@ c higher and closed firm ; cash , 29J32ii : ; March. 29jc ; May , 33Jc ; July , B3@3JJc ; the ynar , 28c. 28c.llye Firm at G7i@GOc. Barley Weak at C2c. Timothy Common to good , 1 20@1 2-1 ; choice , 128@1 30. Flax Seed 1GG on track. Mess Pork Active but irregclar ; advanced 20@2ic on the whole range , 'but ' early settled back 5@10e and Closed steady ; cash , 17 80(5) ( ) 1785 ; March , 1780 ; May , 17lKXgl792 } ; July,1810@1812ic. Lard Fairly active ; Advanced 2J@5c , but the appreciation was not fully supported ; cash and March. 930@935 ; May , ! ) .424@ 9 45 ; July , 9 57J@9 GO. lioxod Moats Shoulders , 7 5 ; short ribt , 9 30 ; short clear , 9 95. Butter Weaker ; choice creamery , 82@31c ; dairies , 27@23c ; rolls , 12K22c. Cheese Firm and unchanged ; choice full croain cheddars , 14@14Jc ; cfic-ico full cream flats , 14J@l5c ; good part skim cheddars and flats , Rujllttc. Eros Weaker at 17c. Hides Steady ; green salt ourod , bull and damaged , 0o ; green salt ourod light , 8ioj heavy. So ; green salt calf , IS : ; dry calf , 15s. Tallow Steady and unchanged. Whisky-117. CALL BOARD. Wheat May and Juno i < lower , July Jo lower. Sales , 11,200,000 bush , els. &fCorn May and Juno ic higher. Sales ? / 1,305,000 bushels. r frf' Oats May c lower , June ilc Inwer. Sales , 316,000 bushels. Pork Unchanged. Sales.d.GOO bbls. Ivard May 2Jo lower , June 6c lower. Sales , 2,000 tierces. NEW TOBK. NEW YonK , March 28. Wheat Cash , about { c higher ; options opened higher , later weaker and closed unsettled and depressed ; ungraded red , 83c@l 14 ; No. 3 reel , 99Jc ; No.2 rod 1 03J@1 05J Corn Cash , higher and tjuiot ; options opened l(5)l'c ) : ' higher , afterwards weakened , und closed with r. reaction of S@lc ; ungraded , r.2@COio ; No. 2. GOJfeGOJc. C.ish , jo bettir ; mixed western , 3S@ 39e3whlte ; winter , 40@44c. Kdgs Western fresh , stroogor and good demand at lM4244c. 1'orlc Active and firm ; new moss , 17-JS Lard Heavy ; prime steam , fl GGIBO GO. Butter Dull and lower at K@37c. KANSAS ! CIT7 FHODDOK. KANBAsCrrr , March 28-Wteat-Higher 82 0 for cash ; 82o bid fur April ; 85io for May. Corn Higher ; 42@42Jc for cash ; 42 , @ -)3ofor ) April ; -He for May. Outs Dull ; nominal at 2Ha bid. UVBRFOOt. lilvKKPOOL , March 28. Whect Quiet B toady and unchanged ; winter , -S8@8s Gd spring , 7s 9d7 lid. Com Firm ; nevr , 4s 8d ; old , GH. HALrtllOJtK. UADTIMOKE , Mircli ? 8 Wheat Western liicher , closing firm ; No. 2 winter > red epo 1 02 bid. Corn Western , higher nnd moie active mixed , spot , G5o bid. Oats Flrwer , more lnquirywostorjnwhito ; J0@42c ; mixed , 37@39o. Jtye Quiet at 66@GSJc. Kegj Higher ut 21o. Whisky-fjulot at 110@l 19J. CISCIVNATI. T. March28.WheatDull ; i 2 red 1 0-2 © ! Q I. Corn-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , G4@5,1c. OaU-KWer ; No. 'i mixed , SUJc. llyo Quiet ; 'No. 2 , GGe. Pork Quiet and firm ; mess , 17 75@l800 Xard Finn r ; priinu itoam , 9 li.1) . diulk Meats Quiet and firm ; Hhouldecd n , vsa. March 28 Wheat Quiet ' NO. 2. 874 < J : Mwioli and April , 8 < Ju ; May SOlcjJune.Olic. Com Stronger awlicarce ; No , 2. GSc. OaU-Quiet and steadier ; Nu. 2 , 3'Je. ItyH l ilot oud unchauged ; Nu. 2 , Clc. Barley-Dull ; No. 2 , 65@C5io. TOLEDO. TOLEDO , March 28. Wheat Active an lower ; No. JJrei cash , r it. Com DuJl and lowe ; * hlgti mixed , CSJc pav.'Jo , file ; No. 2 , cash , acJ Marcb , 01 naked. . y iii\\e \ Quiet and eteady ; No , 2 , cash \ SOc. ' WCW OBLKAN9. . NKW rBLKAKB , March 28. Com In fa demand and ecarco ; uilrod , R4c. - OaU ( Julet and steady ; 421 ® I3o , Corn Meal Firm and Ininoderato dcirian At 2 70 , I Porfe-Scarce and firm at IS 02J. Lard Steady : tlorco and refined , yj0. | M ti Pitm and . , | moderate do- . .ouldor ? , packed. ( < c , Whlsky-Stcndy at I if ) . BT. tons ruonucE. St. Low ? , March 24. t'lonr Unchanged , Wheat Opened lower , declined , rallied and closed a shade bettor for old cropv option * n shade lower for now ; No. 2 rod , SI 09 for cah and April ; SI 091 Ofl | , closing at SI 00 ? for May ! 51 051 1 OC > 3 , closing at $1 ( KU for Juno ) 92Jc@l 03J , closing nt 81 03 for the 'oar. Com Active and lilRhcr ; 47g@473o for ash493 ; ( W4c , clo inpatMo for IZc , clojIliL' ntr > lg@51io for Juno. Oats-IURherjS3i@34obld for cash ; 33 ? ® 3So | for May. , Uyo-Firm ; r,9@59Jo bid. Barley Firm at 7u@83c. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Unchanged. Fiaxsood Nominally at $1 40. Hay Unchanged. Bran Unchanged. Corn Moal-Qufot at $2 55. Whisky-Si 10. Provisions-Dull and unchanged. Only mall job trade. C'/osiKQ BoAlin Wheat Lower nnd voak ; 1 09 $ for May ; 1 05J for June ; 1 OIJ uly. Corn Inactive nnd lower ; 49 © 19jo for tay ; 50o lor Juno ; fiigo for July. OaU Nothing done. rnouucK. PKOIUA , March 28. Corn Firm ; now mix ed , 481@l3o now rejected , 47J@l8c. Oats-Quiet and steady ; No. 2 white , 31 ® Sljc. .lye Dull nnd easy ; now No. 2 , COf < ? GOic. IilVK STOCK. CHICAGO L1VK STOCK. CHICAGO , March 28. The Drover * ' Jour , nal rnnorta thN ufusmoon us follows ; Hoes Stronger ; rough packing , 0 10(310 ( GO ; light , G 90@G GJ ; packing nnd shipping , G GO @ 710. Cattle Brisk and firm ; common to cholco shipping , G 00@f > 00 ; inferior to good cows , 2 30@l 80 ; stackers , 3 304 76 ; feoiors , 4 CO Sheep Firm ; inferior to good , 3 50@G 00 per cwt ; choice to extra , 5 85. ST. LOUIS L1VK STOCK. ST. Louis , March 28. Cattle Sunply scant ; exports , G 20@G G5 ; good to choice ship ping , 6 G0@i ( 10 ; common to medium. 6 00 © 5 GO ; feeders , 4 75(3)f ( ) > 25 ; corn fed Texans , 500@57G. Sheep Quiet ; common to fair , 3 2o@4 25 ; medium to good , 440@G25 ; choice to extra , G50@G50. Hogs Active and stronger ; light , 085 ® 50 ; packlnir , G 40@G 80 ; heavy , 6 60@7 00. 1 KANSAS OITIT LIVE STOCK. KANSAS Cirr , March 28. Cattle Stronger and n shade higher ; natives , 5 25@5 50 ; stack ers and feeders , 4 50@5 00 ; cows , 3 75(5)4 ( ) 50. Hogs Stronger and higher at G 75@G 70. Sheep-Quiet and unchanged ; natives , 3 20 @ 3 00. TUA.FP10. FLODB AND a RUN. OHSOAOO , March 28. Receipts and ship ments of Hour nnd grain for the pant 21 hours have boon as follows : Receipts. Ship'ti. Flour , bbls 14,000 22,000 "Vhoat , bushels 45,000 80,000 orn , bushels 108,000 7G.OOO ats , bushels 178,000 1G8.000 lye , bushels 8,000 14,000 arloy , bushels 31,000 27,000 NEW YOBK , March 28. Receipts nnd lipmentsof flour and grain for the past 24 hours ave been as follows ; Receipts Ship'ts. Vheat , bushels 78,000 8,000 orn , bushel lf.,000 . 5,000 ) ats , bushels 7,400 2G3 LIVE HIOOK. CHICAGO , March ' 28. Receipts and ship ments oE lie stock'for the past 24 hours have oen as follows : Receipts. SBp'ts. Cattle 4,000' „ . , . . . Hogs 7,000 heep 400 „ , , . KANSAS Crrr , Marcb 28. Rocolpte end Upraente of live stock for the past 24'hours lave been as follows : Receipts. Bhlp'ti. Cattle 1,400 Hogs. . . , 4,100 ° heep 900 ST. Lcois , 'March 28. Receipts cd shlp- monta of 11 vo stock for the past 24 honrs have > een as follows : . . _ . _ . _ . n.- > - ai.rij. . Receipts.Bhip'te. ' Cattle G50 ll' X ) Hogs 2,200 .1:800 Sheep 1,3M500 OMAHA. \7holosalo I'ncoa. OFFIOE or THE OMAHA Bee. I Friday Evening , MarctJSS. J The following prices are charged retailers > y Jobbers , wholesalers and commiutlon mor1 , with the exception of errata , < which Ii [ uotad ttho prices furnished by tte ! < clovntorg and otiiar local buyers : Urain. WEBAT Ofteh No. 2 , COS'Si ! , BAUCKT Oaah No. 2 , 45@50o. Cosh No. 8 , 42tfc. K-No. 2 , 37Jc. OATfl-Dull ; No. 2. 20@281c tilvo Stock. tfAt SsEKKfl t 50B 25. VAT Oows 3 00 ( 4 00. Hoas C 00@6 26. 50 4 50.1 OM.7UC o edge 50. Flour nnd Mlllstnflit. WJNTEH WHEAT Best quality. pcicnt,3a 3 23 < S. hKcoND ODALITT 2 75iSS ? 25. HrniNQ WHEAT Beat quality , natont 8i25@3 40. ScroNn QDALITT 2 503 25 , BnAN 7 a per owt. OHOPPKR FEED Per 100 lb . 80c. COK.N MBAII 00@110 per owt. ScitEENiiKj 65@75o per cwt General 1'rodnco. APPLES Very few in market. Gonlt&as § 3 W ) ; Ben Davis , 34 75 ; Wlllowtwigs. 84 60 BEANS Roaolpts light and demand god Hand picked navy , per bu , $2 50 ; medium 2 Ofl@2 25. BKKHWAX lo.good demand. Choice bilgii per Ib , 2G@28c ; icointnon to good ( lurk per Ib 20@25o DDTTKB Market quiet but steady. Choice country roll wantd. Fancy creamery , 83W B5c ; choice roll , lG@18o ; choice solid packed 14@15c ; fair to goad , ll@13c ; laforior grades G@8o. CiuVDEimiEH IVcll and cherry per bbl $12 00 ; "Bell Buglw , " 814 00. ClDEB-"yorkBteio" per bbl.SOO ; per bbl. 81 75 ; condensed per gal , 85o. CHEESE Full croaiu , western , 12i@12jfc - " ' - Wisconsin.-- CoooANDTfl Per 100 , S4 75@5 00. 15ao8 Receipts have freen heaver the paa Sow dan and market tveakening ; iiowever Uiere wont tie no decline of nny by Kilter. 'V'o-day's salcn , 15c. FOHEIQK F/IUITH Mei ina oraugee , pe bee , 83 23@310. Messina lemons , pur box ? 'U5@400. Ilauauaj , per bunch , SJ 00 ® 4 00. Figs , Ib. , itig. Date * , in ( rails , 7ic dates , fard , in boxes , 14u , FIIUJT BoriEits Apple butter , in SO Ib pulls , per Ib. 7c. Plum butUr , 7Jc. GAME All kinds in good douitiid , o8ix > ciaU > ducks. Ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 M ; ra head , 82 25 ; teal , $164 ; mixed , $2 00(32 ( 25 lieese , $1 50. Prairie chickena , $ (00. Quail 8125 , Bnlps , 8125. If AY Baled , SO 008 00 per ton. JELLY In 20 and 30 Ib palls , 8@9a ; In 2 it tins , per dor , $1 59 ; assorted tumblers , pe rfoz. cl 20 ; schooners , per dozen , 83 00. Sfii'/.K Swun Pure , In bricks , per Ib , ICc Ohio , 13c ; email pakts , 12Jc. OAT JlKAL-Steol cut , per bh ] , SO 25 , UNIONS Market bare aud demand good a ONION SETS Bottom per bti , S3 CO ; top , 2 M. I'orcOUNInpixxJ domi\nd\t2@2j31 ( > or Ib. POUI.TKV Siv rco and lil h Dronfod Tur- By , per IK , l7@lRa , OoH n , 17o. Uhlckon , _ „ Diickn. KUllo. Chlckons live per on , SI 00. Duck * . li\f , per doz , SI 00. VOTATOKS Domnml for choice , well assort- dVI stock only ; mixed nnd fronted lots nnt vantcd nt nny price. Ivarly llo e , per bii , 35 aiOc ; I'oauliulmv , 5055c ; Colorndocs are Iforou ak GO@G5e. 1'nKSKHVBH ( In 20-lb pails ) Strawbony , .jipborry , blackberry , per Ib , ISc ; | x > arhoa , horrlos , plums , apricot * , tigs , per Ib , 12c ; ranborry nanco , per Ib , So. 1'iiovisiONS liam , inic ; b , bacon , lUc ; .R. bacon , life ; d. s. sldoa lOJc ; tOiort lib icle , inja ; fthouldoro , EJe : ino pork , per W. S20 fiO. Drin l beef. 16c. Liml. lOJc. VKOKT.vni.ES Spinach , per bbl , 4 50 ; now abb/ico , California per ) . , - ; lottnco , per or , GOo ; rcdUhos , per doz. , GOc ; sweet pota- oes , per Ib , Gc , turnips , per bu , f > 0c. beets , ior bu , 75c. I'tosFKw , rnirn , KTO. I'lgi toot , 15 Ib Iti , SI 25 : pigs 40 Ib qr bbl. $2 BOj pips foot , Old half bblS500tripo ; , 15 Ib kits , SI 25 ; ripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 50 ; tripe , SO Ib half bbl , 500 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , $260 ; ' ongucs , 40 Ib qr bbl , 50 00. Lambs' ton , - > Ib kits. S3 00 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , SG 00. FBKSII OYSTKHS Selects , 40o standards , be ; mediums , 25c. Grocora OANNRn GOODS Oysters (3tandardpor ( ) CRSO , 70@3 83 ; strawborrlos , 2 Ib , per cnso. 2 00 ® 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per cnsa , 2 90 ; Bartlett onw , per case , 2 40 ; whortloborrlos , per cose , 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green ngos , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; pine applw , 2 Ib xjr case , 4 80 ( < ? 6 60. HOPE Sisal 4 inch ftnd larger , Ojs , g Inob , Oc ; i inch , lOJc , OANDLKS Boxes , -10 Ibs , 10s , ISJc ; 8 , IGJc ; joxoa 40 Ibs , 10 oz. . Gs , IGJo. MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round , cnsos , 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SoOAns Powdered , ' 8jc [ ; cut Jioaf , 8fic ; Tanulatod , So ; confectioners' A , 7 c ; Stand- rd oxtrn C , 7o ; oxtrn 0 , l\c ; medium yol * iw , GJc ; dark yellow , c , COFFKEO Ordinary grades , 12@12ic ; fair 13 @ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@151o ; choice. G@17c ; fancy green andyollow.lG@lGJcold ; ovornmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng's ronatod. 7c ; Arbucklo's roabtod , lO c ; McLaugldlnV XXXX rooatod , IG c ; mltation Java , 1GJ @ 18 o RICE Louislinn prune to cholco , 7c ; fair Jc ; Patma , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackorol'half brls. , 860 ; No.- mackerel , ilta , 115 ; family mackerel , half rls. , 700 ; family mackerel , kits , 9iic ; No. 1 whtto fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 115. STlxnr Standard Com. , SOc , bols ; Standard o , 4 $ gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon oea 137. SODA In It ) papers , 3 SO per CASO ; ( cog per Ib , ic.PICKLES PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do n half barrels , 4 75 ; small , iu barrels , 9 2'i ; do n half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins-In barrels , 10 25 ; o In half barrels. 6 70. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 4G@GGc ; cholco GO (5)75c ( ) ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c ; foung Hyson , good , 30@50c ; choice , 5c@f 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , loico , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 85@40o ; Oolong , tioico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@40c ; hoico , 3545c. WOODENWAUE Two hoop pails , 185 ; hreo hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pio- oer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Vellbuckets. 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's atiuot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's vhito Russian , C 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 215 ; Cirk's Pratrio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's inonolia. doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 CMO , In case , 85 ; Babbltt.8 ball 2 doz. in case , 130 ; Anchor all , 2 doz. in case , 1 51) , CANDY Mixed , 12@13o ; stick , lie ; twist tick , HJc. VINEQAB New Iforli apple 16c ; Ohio ap- > lo , 13c. SALT Dray loada , per bbl , 180 ; Aahton , hi aclcs , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , fis , 8 SO. STABOH Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Cora , TJc. SPIOES Pepper , 17c ; allspice , 15c ; cloves , ; 5c ; cassia ISc. LTB American , S 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , , 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Drr Goo da. BROWN SIIEKMNOS Atlantic A , 8c ; Atlan tic P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7ic ; Joaver Dam LL , Gc ; Lawrence LL.'Gc ; Paci fic H , 7c ; Royal Standard , 83 ; Indian Head A , So ; Wauehusett A , 74'c. FINE BROWN SHEETINOS Argyle , 7io ; Pep- poroU'R , Gjjc ; Salisbury R. , Gc. BLKACIIKH COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , Gjc ; Bal- on 7-8 , njc ; Cumberland 4-4. So ; Dnvoll DD , 85c ; Falrmount , 4lc ; Fruit -of the Loom 4-4 , 9c ; Glory df'the AVost , 8jc ; Golden Gate , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4.4. 9c ; Lonsdale. 8Ja ; New York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , llje. DECKS ( Colored ) Boston , ' 8 oz. , Hie ; Bos ton , 10 ez. , 14ic ; _ Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River , Sic. DUCKS ' ( Gray ) West < Polnt , 8 oz. , lie West Point , 11 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 ox. lie. TICKINOC Amoskoair , 14Jc ; Continonta Fancy , 9 c ; Cordis , lOJc ; 'Pearl ' River , I4jc York s , 12ic'ir.amloton ; ' Aninju , 12io. DENIMS Amoakoag , 14c ; Beaver Creel AA. 13c : Beaver Creek BB , Hie Beaver Creek CO , 10i ; llayrnakers 8c ; Jaffrer'D ' & T. , 12c ; VTaff roy XX ± . 12Je Pearl RiTor , 14o ; vVarron AXA ( brown ) 12ic ; Warren BB ( brown } , llio ; Warren CC ( brown ) , ICJo i CAJIBUSCH Fifth nvenuo glove Cniali , 5Jc Keystone rlovo nnlali , 5c. COIISKTIIANS ( Amory , 7o ; Hancock , 8c Koarsayer , 81c ; , PHISTS Allens,5Jc ; Asr.oricanOJo ; Arnolds Ge ; Cocheeo , Glc : Harmony , 5o ; Indigo , 8c Indigo 7-8 , IHo ; Indigo'-H , 12Jc. I'iUNM SniHTiNas Ataerican , 5c ; Cochoco 5c ; GloucMtor , 5oSouthVrIdgo ; , 6c ; Waverlys 4Jc : IlosrtdaloIJc. . 4B GiNniUMH-Amoskeagetaples , Sjo ; Bate staples , 6&n ; Lancaster Rtaplna.'Sc ; Plnnko plaids , 9c ; Hudson cliocla , 7ic ; Amoskoa Persians , iJc. ) DitKBsG ODB Atlantie.alpacca , Oic ; Per slano cotluner , 2dic ; lioinloton ca hmero IGjo ; Hainlfiton Fancui , ll-Jo ; Hamloton bro cades , 15c ; Arlington brocudo , 18c. Liuin&er , WJIOr.KSALC. Wo quote tambor , lath Jvudahlnglou.on own at Omaha at tbo following ( n ico.i : ' JOIST AMD SOANTLIKQ JJ ft. and undo 22 00 ; 18 ft , 2550. TIMIIEIW 1 feet and undo22 00. ViuBEn AND JOIST 18 ft , 3J 60 ; 20 ft , 23 60 22ft , 2660 ; 2J it , 2660. FENCING Nw. 1 , 4 and { n. , 24 00 ; No. 2 2200. SilEETlwa K . l(2dTcommon ( boards ) , 20 00 No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BoAliltt A , .45 00 ; B , < 0 00 ; C , 35 00. FixwiiiNa No.il4000 ' ; No. 2 , 3500'N ; 3,2500 SIWNO , cloar-2700 ; No. , 500 ; No. 3 1000. OmiNO-I , 37 00 ; 8. 25 00. Bllj.vaLKS , boat 4 00 ; atandord,3 50. LATH 3 25 per 1L LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per liushel , 35c cement , bbl , 2 25 ; IOWA planter , bbL 2 60 ; ha ! per bu. Me ; Tarred feirt , 100 its , ooorJ , 3 53 , Touaoso * Ptco Ta-uooO'-Cllratts , 60o ; Bullion 61V ; Hinoshoe , 60c ; Star , 50a ; Ruddy , 45o ; Her Ber'u , 40c ; liack ! , 88@40c. VINE Crrr Common , 2030c ; good 45 GOc ; Rosa Jjtal , 70o ; Premium , W5c ; Dlnmon Crov/n , 65c ; fiweot Hlxtoen , 47c. 8U3KINO O. S. , 22c ; Mtarnthaum , SOs ; Dur ham , 8 oz. , 6Kc ; Durham , 4 oz. , 67c ; DurLur oz. , C5c ; Seal of North OoroVua , 8 oz. , Iftc Heal ui North Carolina , 4 oz. . 57c ; Seal o North Carolina , ' . ' . oz. , GOc ; O. il Durham , or. , 2Sc ; O. ' K Piulmtn , 2 oz SOc ; Unda Ned , i' 25c ; Ton and Jerry , 5 Jie. 1'alnUi.OlU nndarnlaIicB. . Oits-1100 carbon , per gallon , IWc ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14ic ; 175 ° liadliKht per gallon , 18o ; 160 ° water white , I7c ; lin seed , raw , ; pr jjallpn.Kc ; linneed , gallon , 58oLard. winter etr'il , per gallou , 85o No. 1 , 76cNo. ; 2 , G5c ; co tor. XXX , per gal Ion , 1 60 ; No. S , 1 40 ; ewont , p ? gaalon 1 ( X sperm W.B , , per gallon , 160 ; fish , W. B. porgatlon , Me : noaUfoot extra , per gallon , 90c No. 1 , 7oc ; lubrlcatluff , rero , per gallon , 30o summet , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal Ion , 35o ; No. 2 , 28o ; 8poru > , elgual , I > or gallon 80c ; turpantlne , i > r gallon , 48ej naptha per gallun , Cc. PAINTS is Uit-WLlto lead , Om b P. P , < 5c ( whtlo load , St. Ixratn , pnro , GJo ; Marseilles C eon 1 to 5 Ib can * , 20o : French nine , green tiwl , 12c ; French tine , rod 8nl , Ho ; French fine , In YM-iiMi asst , 20ct Ficnch. fine. In oil < v t , 15c ; tnw and burnt wmlxr , 111 > cans , lOc ) MW nid : burnt Slonna , lOc ; vandvko brown , ISc ; rotinod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , Mid Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGcj Pnn i n blue , 50c ; ultrmniirlno blno. 18c } cliromo green L.'M , AD. , IGc ; blind nnd ( huttor green , L M. A ; D. , IGoj Paris green , 18 ! Indian red , 15c ; Vonotinn rod , Oo ; Tuscan ml , 22oj Ainorl. can Vermllllon , t , & P. , 18c ; chnnno yellow 1. . M. , O. & D. O. , 18 ) yellow ochre , Ite ; golrlnu ocliro , IGc , patent dryer , 805 graining . _ llght _ oak'dark o.\k , waliint , chr tnut 16o. i rr 1'nlutfl. White load , 8c ; French ilno. 10c ; Paris whiting , ajc ; whiting Rildow , IJc ; whiting xjin'l lie ; lampblack , Ocrmautown , Ho ; ampblock , ordlnM-y , lOc ; Prussian blue , 65c ; Itrnniarlno , 18c ; randyko , bnnni , Sc ; umber , unit , 4o ; tinibor. r.iw. 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c | ennn , rvr , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 2."cj Vuls green , common. 20c ; cliromo groan , N.Y. , 3c ; cnromo groan , K , , l"c ; vnrmullon , Kng. , ) c ; Tormillum , Ainorican , ISc ; Indian rod , 3c ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian rod , Cookson'n , | c ; Venetian rod , American , IJc ; rod load , [ c ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; cliromo yol- ow , K , , 12c : ocliro , rochollotoochro ! ; , French , fc ; ocliro , American , 2cj Winter's , ic ; lohlgh brown. 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2&c & ; rlnco'a mineral , So. VABN18HE8 Barrels , per gallon i Furnt uro , extra , 5110 ; furniture , Nr > . 1 , SI : cimch , xlra , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1 20Danmr ; , xtra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , S5c ; lollac , $3 50 ; hard oil finish , 91 CO. ) Heavy HnrdWAro Lint. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool Bporlal cast , Gc , cruclbU , 7c ; Bpociol or Gorman , * c ; cast too ; o , 15@L'0rogon \ opoken , not , 2 2TA3 00 ; hubs > or sot , 1 25 ; folloM sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , ach , 7085c ; nzlca each , 75c ; xquaro nuts per > , 7@llo ; washers cr Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per i , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 80 ron wedges , Gc ; crowbarn , Gc ! harrow tooth c ; Bnrhig tool , 7@8o ; Burden's horiohoos , 4 70 " .union's muloshoos 5 70. BABDED WHIG In car lots , 5a per 100 , NAILS Rates. 10 to GO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 185 ; buck shot , 2 10 : oriental wwdcr , kegs , 040do. ; , half kegs , 848 ; do. , uartor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , > or 100 foot GOc. LEAD Bar , 1 G5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith. 10 00 ; Mor- srun Blossburg , 1000 ; Whltobroast lump ; 00 ; Whltobrenat nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump , G 00 owa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra cite , 1125@ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton tionthcr. Oak dole , S8c@12c ; hemlock sola 28c@35o ; a u lock klii , 80o to 1 00 ; runner Gooto SOc ; emlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o o 24c ; oak uiipor , 24o ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; M kid , 32@35 ; Groison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak dp , SOo to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 30 ; French kip , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; res ets , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 50 ; top- ings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35c ; xibblo O. D. Morocco , 5Wc ; tlmon. 2 50 to 3 00. HAHNESS No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No 2 do ! Bo ; Na 1 Ohio oak , SCo ; No. 2 do , 83c ; No. Milwaukee 35o ; No 2 do R3c . No. 1 Pitts oak liar , 37cj No. B Pitta oak ar , 35c. Liquors. ALConoL 188 proof , 2 20 per wlno gallon : tra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 21 per roof gallon ; triple rofmed spirits , 187 proof , 25 per proof gallon ; ro-uistlllod whiskies 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 60 : Ken- ucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky and " 'onnsylvnnla ' ryoa , 2 00@7 00. BRANDIES Imported , G 001G 00 ; domostlo 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic , 1 40 @ 300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 : Now England , 00 ® 1 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 50. PEAOII AND ArrtE BnANiir 1 75@4 00. CliAMfAaNES Imported per case , 28 00@ 4 00 ; American , per case , 12 PO@1G 00. Steady ; grooa butchers , G@GJo : green altod7@Sc ; dry flint , 12@13o : dry salt , 0llc ; daniored hides , two-tliirda prfco , TALLOW G@GJol SUEEP PILTS 26c@l 00 , DENVER , MARKET. CUBED MEATS AND XIABD In tierces lOo n paiis lie. Hama , 14 ic ; breakfast bacon .3@15c ; smoked Bides , 9i@10c ; ealt sides , 8i@9o. GEEEN FBDIT AND PBODDCE Potatoes , 65 ® G5c per 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pounds , SI 60@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 Ib , G0@80o ; Col. orado cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@100 ; vo chickens , old , per doz , 84 425 ; t prairie chickens per doz , $3 75@400 ; oggr. , fresh , per doz , 32@35c ; butter , fair qual- ty creamery , finest per Ib , S8@42 ; creamery , < d , per Ib , 28@34c ; Kansas and Nobranka airy , per Ib , 37@45c ; cooking , 12@15ccnea3e ; , Full cream , per lu , 16@17c ; apples per bbl , oohtorn , § ! > 00@G 50 ; grapes , per Ib , 7@10o ; California pears per Ib , 7@lOc : Messina lemons , extra per ox , 87 00 @ 8 00 ; oranges , 812 00@13 60 ; Colorado tfhoat , per 100 Ib , 8130@1 Srf ; flour , fair nuulity , 810 00@10J50 per barrel flour. Uraham , per 100 Ib 82 00250 ; flonr , rye , pnr 100 Ib , 82 60@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat , per bbl , 810 0010 50 ; corn Jmoal per 100 Ibs , SI G5@l 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibs. SI 80 ® 1 5 ; corn chop , per 100 Ibs , 81 30@1 33 ; now oatn , per 100 Ibs , 81351 45 ; oats , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 Ib , SI 3I1 ) 35wheat ; , per 100 Ibc , 81 35@145 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 50 ® @ 1 75 ; jnixod chop , per 100 Ibs , SI 33 ® 1 40 ; bran , per ton , 817 00@19 00 ; hay , pr ton S12 00@llf 00 ; baled second bottom , SlOOO@1200 ; baled upland , 814 00@17 00 ; straw , per ton , S3 00U 00. J. aLOAMPIlKLL. I S. B. Campbell & Co ( rnoDucn , PKOVISIONS , mum , ETC. 191 flonth Uth Street , b twc n Douglas and Dodge , OifAIIA , Neil. C.iicrcneoi Klrat Nivtiontl Bank , Ktcclo , Jolinson Co. , Omalu ; Hank of Gvt * Uouuty , 1'lattsmoutb , Keb. coi ! ; aNitnnT3 BOLICITKIX KHTUUNS ITADE PROUln.Y. BE. WHITTIER , 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo.\ \ \ UraULAH GHADUATB of two uwdlo l college1 7ihaUien engaged Ioci cr In tho'treatment ol CHUONIQ , NEHVOUH , SKIN AND BLOOD DIteuel than othoriphytldan in Bt. I/ouiiM < ito' | ) & [ ) njeUow and all ( / /osIJonta know , ConwilCatiou ( roe InvltwL Wi-sn It If Inconvenient to vldii. the dty treatment , uujdlclnea can Iw seat by uull or extirei evervwli n > . OurablocanesKuarante dwbereuou nxltu It la frankly stated. Call or write. Kcrvoml'fMtrntlnn. Doblllty , Mental and l'by lo WealdieonMeteurial nnd other ollectloni ol Throat if , Hlclp AtfeetlQM , Old Bores and Uloen. qciiU to inrrl K , Itheuimtltm , I'lien Miieuim at UJtlontocMMftom ovenvorliol liraln. HUftUIUAL. rucolve pocial attention. Ulneaaei arUtng ( roui lmirudenee'txcei : < i , < 3rTTIX3 33. marry.wboiac'not why.o u oi , coniuwjucnoM and ouio. il II d fer tie ; or itamui. MO DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Uelll olllcoi uv repaired from rusult of fire , old with Or. 1'arker. llooo 6 , Uielxhtou lilock 1Mb nu John D. Peabody , M , D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON tW.vK 1100118,8 and MC01 FAIINAU Railway Time Table. j U. P. U n. , MAIN UNK. MAVX. Kxpr m.ltKS ) p m Atlantis RxpteM7U : a rr WfsternllxpwM 8:00 : pm Wc tornr.xprO ! < . S.lop m 0. MUnJIlCts , , , .4np ; m O. I lxnd ! ' * . UIMatti Urirvin K . . . . .12:50p : tn Unooln Kt 15:55 : p u DIVISION. Ivo OmiOi ! 7:10 : , 8:00,0:00 : : , 10:00,11:00 : : ft ! m.,12 m ; lee : , S.oo , S.OO , 4:00 : , (1:00,8:00,10:10 ( : : : \ \ m. On Sun- it j : 7io , 9:0 : 11:00 . mi 200 , 4oofloo. : : 10:10 : i > . m. Anho ftttrarmforilfpot20 minute * Liter ; llroiMl- w.iyilcpot , Council Illiiltn , 80 minutes later. COM o Council llliifTn , llro ilw y tlfpot , 8:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00,11:00 : : : , 8:00 : , X.oo,4ooR : )0l:40 ) ( : , 10:10 : ii. m On SmicUyn : S : 0,10:00 : . to. ' , 12 m ; S:00 : , J o , o:40,10:10 : : ) > . ni. Atrl\oTr n leriloi > ot , 10min ute * liter. . . II MO Caunclt tlliifTi Transfer depot ! SS8 : , HSK ; , 10s& : , lists ft.m.l3 ; ml:25,2:25,3fl ; : : : , 4tS : , RSSo : : ! ! , 7OC : , 10:651 : > . m. Atrlto Omnlift 20 mlnutoliter. MAVH coimciii ni-irrrs , . S. . , .7f6 : m r M. Nn. B , . , 76' : m " No.10 P : 5jim " Ko. 15. . . .11:45 : ft m " No. 4 8Mim : | 11 No S.ilM : m , " No. 8 8M : m " No..6t..7:15 pm " N * . 0. fllB : m " Ko. 1. . . , TESpm 11 No. W.0:60MII : | irTlio above It Omaha Tlmo.jfff Btandanl tlmo li 21 minutes faster than local tttno. 11. & M. 11A1LUOAO TIMR TAni.r. CENT. TIME. ' WRIT noust\ KMT AlinlVR. * OinMm. , , 7:30 : inn ft : < 0 am 6.30 pin 0:40 : nm Athland , , 0.24 pm Hill am 4:23 : pm 7:4 : J Mil Lincoln. . . 10:50 : nm 19:51 : Jim 8K : > i > m 1:40 : nm Crcto , . . . , , llf.0pin : I'M pm 2:17 : pm SIOnm : 5:15 : nm 6:00 : jim 10:30 : inn Itnl Cloud. 8:00 : nm 8.5 pm 10:01 : urn swo Mi-Cook. . 10:55 : nm 10-3.1 pm 5:50 : pm ! 140l Akron. . . i 3:45 : pm S : " > flnm 015nm : 11:40 : pm Dcmer , . . . 7:25 : pm 3 35 nm 0 : 5 pm 7:32 : nm JIISSOUIU 1'ACIKIO-STANDAHD TIJIK. innivn. 7:00 ft m I ft 45 j m K. 0. . HT , JOE ft 0. n. B. HTANDAlin TlitK. ItalldMly . 0:16 : ft m I KMKW. dilly Kxprws , dally I except lion- oicctit Satur ; I < 1nC § . r:2.1am : das. . 7:45 : p ih | Mall , lUlly . 8:65 : pm 0. , St. P. M. ft 0. STANDA1U ) TIME. ( Depot Hth nnd Webster St No. 2 mixed 7:45 : a ni No. 1 mixed. . . . 5:30 : ji m freight 2 : W pm Krtlnht tl45am ; Atlantic KXII. . . . 340 ; ji in AtUutlJ Kip. . . I.16 MU AtUnttoMiiU..7:45nin Atlantic Mall. . . 7:00jim : K > cry day , ( Vtaimlor Depot , Council llhiffn. ) WABABH& ST. LOUIS. T < enio 7:50nm : I Arri\o. . , 10:5Gnm : Ltn\o D:50jim : | Arrho. . . , 4:06 : Jim O. , B J O Jl , lU-STANDAHD TIMK Wall * 7:50 : ft m IKxproM 10:00 : ft m Rzpron r-8:50j : H Mill' ,7:25pm All Traliu Dally. 0. , It , K & 1' . R. K.-8TANDAIID TISIB. iTall * 7:60am : | Kxiirras , . . . . .in00pm Kxprow : 80'p : m | Mall * 72S a m Sundays cxceptcd. C. , If. & SU P.-STANDAIID TIME. LRAVX. AllRIVR. Uall&Ex * 9:00 : ft m iracIfloKz 0:20 : m AtKntloKx'.8:60)1 : ) m ( Mall&Ki11 7HKpm ) Sunda ) t cxccptod. 0. & N. W. It. n.-BrANOAUD TIJIK. Uall1 7:50 : ft m I Kxnroen. . . . ' , . , . 10SO ft m Expron . . .8:50pm : | Mail' , . ,7:26pm : Sundavs oxcoptud. B. 0. & P. H. K.-STANDAUD TIME. Kali * 8.00am I Exproes 10:00 : ft m Exprooa 0,00pm | Itall * 7:2Spm : Sundays oxco ted. Opening and Cloning of Hallo. Roum. ornt. CLOBI. ft.m. p.m. a.m. j > .m. 0' 4 N. W. , 0.B. I.ft P.O. B. & Q. , St. Paul & Sioux Clty.llCO : 0:00 : 6:40 : 8:16 C. , .M. & 3.1H. . O. & P. la Iowa 9:00 : 6:40 : \Vr.ljmh Exprcu. . . 12:80 : 11:16 Wnhiumloral 8:00 : 6:40 : K. a , st. Joe & c. ooa : 0:00 : 6 = 40 e-.ta Missouri Pftoino 7:30 5:40 : ant.r.M.&o 6-.00 7 : Union Puolflco\eilanfi . . . . 8:03 : 11:15 : Union 1'acino , Don\er Ex. . . . i:00 : 7:80 : O. & Uopubllcmi Valley. . . 1:30 : II : S5 U. & M. Express 7:00 7:40 : D. & M. for Plattsmcmth , S. Dfliid , Ashland and Lincoln.11:00 : 7:30 : Olllco open HunJa\ ( rom 12:00 : ni. to 1:00 : p. ra. O , K COUTANT , PostruMtor IRON AND SLATE BOOFINO , G. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 DouglM Rt Om ho , Neb. UANUFACTUIIER O7 Galvamzea Iron Cornices tM"lormtx Windows , Finlals. Tin. Iron and Blatt B nit , Spccht'fl pfctcnt MeUUIo Bkyllfht , Patent ntoU Katcnot Lur and Bracket Hnelvlnr. I amen on ral tiront lor the * bovo line 01 goodi. Iron ng Creitlnco , Ualuitrwloi , Vorandu , Iron Bank / a Window llllnili , Cellar Gn rda : also genet * or nnfc Hill Unl ln M WtmA THIS BEtTorncuonora- tor la mode expressly lor the euro of ilcmnieincnta ; ot the generative orifom , Tli'ro ID no mislako about this Instrument , the con tinuous stream ot KLKC- T HIO IT V ipermcatliiB tlirouKli the imrtu must restore - tore them to healthy action Do not confound tnl with Klecirla Helta admtUe.1 to euro all Ills from liuud la too. It U lor the ONI : Hpeo- Iflcpurpono. For clrciilara ( thlnf ( lull Information , address Chootor Electric Belt Co. , 103 Waihliiton | St. , Chicago 111 PEINCIPAL LINE CHICAGO , PE01MA & ST , LOUIS , 11V WAV 01" OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DEHVES , OH VIA KANSAS OITY AND ATCHIGON to DENVER. Comu'ntliiK In Union Ucpols ut KIIHHHN Oily , And all poIntH In Hie W CS-OIOXTCS- 'ComicutliiK.lii nnind Union Doixitnt Uhlcngo wltb tlnoiiijli ttiilimtor NJJ W YOJtJC , II O H TON , At Prorlu with tlntjiiKli tnilns Inr Indluiiiii ) cf.U , ulnclnniitl , Columbus , mid nil iiolnl.H in tiifjHontli.KiiKU At Kl , JxjiilH with tliiouuli fur nil polntu Koutli. Eli'gnnt Day djuilien , I'm lor ( 'ura , with Ito. cllnliiK Glmlrx ( HealH fiuo ) , Sinoldii ) , ' Oiii-a wltli Jlcnulvliii ; t/liulrii , I'ulliiinii 1'aliicu Hluuplni ; Cart ana tliu ( IUIRJUH u. Jl , .tQ. DlnliiK Cain run dally tuitiul from ( JljlciiK" "ml KIUIBUH ( Ilty , Olilcivtunnd Conucll Jllnlldi Clilcii'o ( nnd l > vn Moln/H , UlilciiKU , KL. Jusujill , Alclilwin mill Topclca wltliout chuiiKo. Only tliruiiKli llnu riiiinliis tliulr own tiulns liutut'on C'Mk-njfo , I/lncolu and Denver , and Clilnigo , Kanuii Olty un l Denver. Tluoiiitli cai-i hotwuon liillaiui ] jlJBaiid Council Jilulh , via 1'uoilu. (10INCI A'OKTH AND SOUTH. Kolld Tniltiu ut' Kluyunt Jmy Ccuclicy find I'ullmiin I'lUacuSlueiiliiK Cam uiu run dully to find fiom HI. J uUj via Jlunnlbul ; niilnuy , Kuukuk , liiiHItigton , Cvtlur Iluplds mid Albut J < toHt. 1'iuil and JlliincaKills ] ; I'liilorCmy with Ilcclliilni ; Clialru to nnd tiuin Ht , I.oiiln anil 1'oorla. Onlydiiu tlmnnoof c-iira In'twciMi St. J.ouU unit Den .Molina , luvru , Lincoln , Nc. braskitnnd Denver , ( 'olonulo. Itlmilso t liu only Tlii'oiiKli J.lno bGtWcnn BT. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS ftnd BT , PAUL. ItU known na tlia rwit T1IK01KJII OAK LINK of AniL'ilcii , unU IH unlvvi-uully iidmlt. 'rd to bo Uiu Finest Eaulpped Ballrcal In the World for all classes of Travel. Tlirouuli TlnUeiH via thli line icur nalo atuU U.It , coupon ticket ulllccu lu the UnltoU States ind Canada. T. J. 1'OT'J'KK , 1'KnOEVAL LOWBI.I. , ' ' H HI _ One Hundred Doi For n choice lot in Symlicnfco Hill Addition. This addition joins the the Syndicate lands in south Omnlin , nnd will rapidly build up with com fortable homos. These lots are beautiful and are near the stock yards and packing houses , and will bo occupied as homes by the employes of these worlcs , and are undoubtedly the uest value for the price of any lots in the market. Several have been sold and the price will soon be ad vanced. Wo have the cxcluivo agency on this addition. Terms easy. GILMAN I This is a new addition on Loavonworth street in Wo = it Omaha. A low price has b < on put on thorn to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy terms , Tno grading and improvements to bo made on Leavenworth St. . this spring , will make this very valuable property. CLARE PLA This is sub-division of the ' a - Megeath property facing Unncom's Park on the south. Qjod location , near street car , fine view nnd has a peed growth of native timber. This is one of the finest additions in Omaha , and will Roh rapidly. Price $300 to S ( 50. One-fourth cash , balance en good time. First come , first served. This is a splendid op portunity for persons who intend building for a homo , i Is a beautiful piece of ground lying ono block south of Oilman place , in West Omaha. The first of these lots will be sold at S125 to 5150 , and are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a homo and a splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man. HAWTHO This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks from the High School , one mile from the postoflice. and is what is known ns inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the finest residences in the city are in' this locality. The grade ou Daveuporb street has been established and work commenced , and will bo completed as soon as the weather permits. The contract has been let for buildjng a largo brick school IIOUPO on Douglas street , tlireo blocks from this addi tion. We predict that these lots will more than double in value before August , as it is the most desirable part of Omaha and would have been built up years ago had it been placed on the market. Prices 835O TO seso ; Adjoining lots are being sold at double the price we ask for these. Wo'lmvo six lots Jcft in this addition which we ofler nt n bargain. . ICsTIDS I - ! . Wc&bavo & some improved and unimproved farms near Oraahn , and , some well improved iorms in Sarpy comity. Residence and Hesidonco Lots in all parts of the city , and On all the best streets in the business center. [ 213 SoulIiHUi Street.between Faruam and ft „ . !