Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1884, Image 1

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How it Raises a Mob of 10,000 , En
raged Citizens in Cincinnati ,
They Besiege the Jail in Soaroh
of the Boy Murderer Bornor ,
Intent Also on Killing all the
Criminals Within the Jail ,
The Militia Called Out and Fire
on the Defenseless Crowd ,
Several Persons Mortally Wound
ed and Others Slightly Injured ,
The Jail Set on Fire-Threats to
Out the Fire Hose ,
In an Endeavor to Save Borner's '
Life He Escapes Entirely ,
The History of the llrutal AInrdcr ,
Ooiunilttcd for Money by a
17-Ycnr Old Boy.
CINCINNATI , March 28. The excite
ment over the Bornor case is growing.
It is now reported that an orgnnizotion
is forming among the Germans not only
to hang Bernor , but other prisoners in
the jail charged with murder. William
Berner was quietly brought before Judge
Matthews this afternoon and sentenced
to the penitentiary for twenty years , being -
ing the full limit of the law. Ho started
( for Columbus in charge of a strong
guard early this evening.
CINCINNATI , March 28. Ten thousand
people gathered at Music hall to-night in
response to n call by reputable citizens to
take action on the Bornor verdict. Many
could not get in. Strong resolutions
were adopted condemning the verdict.
A committee on legislation was appoint
ed Upon adjournment the vast crowd
moved directly to the jail whcro they
on the front door. At 9:40 : the riot
alarm was sounded summoning the entire
police force to the jail. Vast crowds of
people are gathering in that vicinity.
Bornor was removed after his sentence
this afternoon , and is now on hia way to
Columbus , but if the mob gets in the
other murderers will be lynched. The
police upon arriving in the vicinity of the
f jail commanded the crowd to move ; not
li being obeyed they fired , but no ono was
hurt. It was presumed they
It is said the police nro .deeply in sym
pathy with the movement to condemn
the outrageous Berner verdict. A ahol
or two was fired from the jail , but the
crowd rofuaod to move. They have n
good leader , and are still (10 ( p. m. ) al
work at the jail door.
t ] CINCINNATI , March 28. At 11 p. m.
reports from the jail Bay the crowd hae
got inside. Impossible yet to got information
mation about their movementa , because
the streets around the court house am
jail are jammed. A reporter of the As
sociated Press says at 11 p. m. : "From
the atone wall of the jail yard I saw a
great crowd of mon inside the jail , bul
1. they had not yet reached the cell room.
They were well supplied with tools , nnc
at work at the doors. There was appar
ently no resistance to the mob , nnd on
the other had no violence had been offered
forod to persons by the mob. Patro
wagons nro standing in front of tlio jail ,
surrounded by people. "
has bean ordered out , but largo Humbert
failed to appear. There is a general dis
position not to interfere with the mob
Nothing haa yet boon heard from Shorif
Hawkins , who is inside the court house
and cannot bo reached. Mayor Stophom
is confined to his house by sickness
leaving the sheriff wholly responsible foi
I the preservation of order , except for tin
assistance of the chief of police.
CINCINNATI , Match 2H 1130 ; p. m.-
The First regiment , Ohio National Guard
has just entered the jail , having booi
marched through the front entrance o
the court house , thence through the tunnel
nol into the jail , wlioro the mob ii
thronging. It remains to bo BCCI
whether the militia will do anything tx
frustrate the purpose of she mob. Thi
police inside the jail arrested some of tin
first mcmbora of the mob , but thi
soon became impracticable. The polici
refrained from using pistols.
CI.VW.VNAJI , March 28. It now ap
pears that Borner after the * ountoncc Wo
disguised and placed in a buggy , will
Deputy Sheriff Dominick Devote , ant
* driven to Linwood , where they go
aboard the Morrow accommodation am
wont to Lovoland. It became knowi
that Bornor was at Loveland , and th
crowd made a rush for Bernor. Ho rai
through the car and escaped and is atil
ut large.
T About thirty ahota wen
Tired by the militia for the purpose of
caring the mob. The result wns the
glancing balls struck nt lonst four per-
ons , inflicting injuries which may bo
atal in cnso or two. Policeman Nunn
ind Private ( Jook nro the worst hurt , the
otter was shot in the breast. The volley
corns to have checked the movement of
ho mob , though the crowds have not
ot dispersed from without the jails.
There does not Boom to bo nny doubt
that the&o wounds wcro inflicted by the
; uns of the soldiers. The mob made no
effort to shoot BO far ns known ,
CINCINNATI , March 29. 12:45 : n. m.
The jail has boon fired by the mob. The
crowd on streets aay they will cut the
lose to prevent the lira department from
extinguishing it. The mob seems to
think n holocaust the only moans of ac
complishing their purpose.
CoLUJintra , Ohio , March 28. Passen
gers arriving hero on the midnight train
'rom Cincinnati report that Bornor , the
murderer , on route to the pcnitotinry ,
was taken from the train by a largo mob
it Loveland , nud it is thought ho has
) cou lynched.
1:30 : p.jn. The fire engines responded
to the n larm , but nfter much dilllculty in
rotting near found the nlarm false , occa
sioned by n bon fire built near the jail.
As the building ia mainly of stone and
iron it will bo difficult to fire it from
It now appears there was an actualcon-
lict between the mob and military ,
though still it is most likely the wounds
} f the police and military were inflicted
by the fire of the latter when the inner
door between the reception room and the
cell rooms was broken down. The mili
tary tired on the mob nnd Low Kent , a
, aborora , member of the mob , wns killed ,
this seemed to break the spirit of the
mob , though they did not retire has
wore thrown by them at the soldiers and
police , but there was not much bitterness
fooling displayed on either siiio. Tlio
really superior strength ol the defend
ers of the jail over the unarmed and im
promptu mob was so manifest when the
tormor opened fire that it .would have
boon utter folly to make any further
effort. Twenty-live or thirty are arrested
and in jail.
The jailor's residence in the jail , which
was entered by a portion of the mob , wns
rudely handled. Windows were broken
and furniture smashed. From this a
number of men made their way into the
kitchen , thence to the lower sorridor.
After the relinquishment of the main
effort to got at the prisoners the mob
lingered outside , throwing stones and
brickbats at the windows.
CINCINNATI , March 29 1:45 : a. m.
News has just como from the jail thai
the mob have broken into the armory
of the Veteran regiment and taken the
arms. More firing has boon done at 'the
jail. The mob are now looking foi
ammunition with a prospect of success.
The First regiment's armory has boon
guarded for three nights in anticipation
of thia affair , but , the Veteran regiment ,
of which Sheriff Hawkins is colonel , did
not take the Bamo precaution. For the
purpose of getting more arms and ammu
nition the mob aro' now in
of B. Kittredgo & Co. , the largest in the
city. In a few minute1) a greatly aupo
rior force to the military will bo aboul
the jail , and serious results must follow.
Some arc talking about getting the can
non at the Musio hall.
LOVEI.AND , Ohio , March 29. Bornei
when ho escaped from the mob rushed
through the ladies' car , knocking i
woman down , A man shouted , "Trail
robber ! Shoot him ! " Four revolver !
were drawn but none fired. Ho jumpec
off and ran to the river bank , where hi
CINCINNATI , March 29 , 2:15 : a. m.
Newton Cobb , of Manchester , Ohio , wa ;
shot in the shoulder by a soldier Cobl
was on the sidewalk. The crowd cluin
the soldiers' firing was unnecessarily endangering
dangoring the lifo of lookora-on. Thi
soldiers on the other lund fear the mol
by rolling coal oil bavrols into the base
ment and setting fir ) to them , and justi
fied themselves in cl taring the aidewalki
on that account. I' , is said a number o
women were wounded by random ahots
Firing is still heard at intervals.
The firing by the soldiers from th
windows has bodn very destructive. Th
following wounded have boon gathorei
in n drug Bl.oro und hotel noa
by : E. James Green , dying
Walter -O. Fay , dyinct ; Jumc
Turk , mortally wounded ; F. Sachnoi
bad 'thigh ' wound ; Dullef , shot in legs-
all those byotnndera ; Jacksoa Ted , badly
Dr. Charles Muscraft , police surgeon
slightly ; Chris , Von Seggeon , special pa
liceman , slightly. It is probable man ;
slightly wounded have not been hear
There is a bitter 'feeling against th
soldiers. The mob has taken nil th
arms from Kittredgo's store , including
0 A. ai. Loud reports from the vioin
ity of the jail indicate either that tli
mob is firing a cannon or that the barrel
of coal oil are beiu exploded. The latto
wore rolled into the lower part of the jiv
some time ago. The mob has organize
and marched up Main street just noi
with a fife und drum. The firing atil
continues with the
15:15'a. : in. The firing of cannon wa
by a mob of 'about fifty , the leader c
which aaid they thirsted for revenge. I
docs not appear that they have produce
any effect. The police have fill
control of the jail , and the greater poi
tion of the mob haa dispersed. It i
thought now that tlto work for the nigli
is over , Joseph Stern , the member c
the patrol wagon who WUH shot , ia dead
THE CltlMi ; Of DUKNEK ,
The crime for which William Berne
_ was found guilty was committed on th
° i21tb ol December laat , nnd consisted c
lie most brutnl murder of W. II. Kirk
n the letter's stable in Cincinnati. Sotno
den of it mny bo gleaned from the foi-
owing confessions of the two engaged in
t , nnd the nddroas to the jury by the
ounst'l for the prosecution in the trial :
My name is William Hernor. 1 was sovon-
fen last Mnv. I wni born In Cincinnati , anil
ivotl hero with my fntliornll my lifo. I Imvo
cnnwn Fftlmor for three yo.irs. Jlccnmo nc-
minted with Kirk nbout n yonr ncro. I wns
nt Klrk'rt fttnblo on the 21th of last locomber ,
vhoti ho met liia death. Joe ( moaning
. 'nhnor ) was there. Kirk nkod us if the
orn hid como. Wo both raid no. Kirk than
vent out to got Bomo water. As ho cnmo
lack ho otoppod to say Boinotlilng to ma About
iltrhlug two mutes to the wagon. Just them
'nlincr came up behind him nud hit him on
ho with n hammer. Kirk full down. 1
nld , "Jcau\\lmt nrn you doing,1'and started
o run. rainier stopucd mo , saying ho
vould hit mo K I didn't. Ho then dragged
CIrk kick Into the stable nnd aakod mo ferny
ny knlfo. Thou ho snld , "If you nay n word
, bout this I'll Mil you , too. " I was afraid.
To said ho would glvo mo $100 , nnd 1 helped
itm hide tlio body. Afterward wo Imulod It
, wny , I did not hit Kirk or touch him until
Itcr ho WAI ( load. 1 wont M 1th my father to
ho station houio to 8urrciul r mysoh" . AwIng -
Ing talked to mo about Kirk bilng killed , I
old him I had nothing to do whh the inur-
or. anil I said tlio same thing to Colonel
tcilly. Austlng told mo ho wis locking mo
tp because 1 wns not telling the truth.
ictnilahow Bernor nnd Pnhncr , having coon a
area roll of bills In Kirk's possession , planned
o dispose of him In. order to got possession of
t. 1'nlmer , in the Btnblo on the afternoon of
) ecembor 21 , declared that was their time ,
and Btruck Kirk ever the head with n hammer
rom bthlnd while Berner stood facing htm.
'aimer hit him again , and Bonier drngf od his
mdy toward the back part of the Btoro. Then
'aimer nnd Bonier both hit him ever the head
igaln with n club , nnd 'tying ' n rope around
us nock strangled h'n. . , ono pulllnir nt each
3nd. They dhided the inoiioy found on him
after going to n vacant lot near by , and then
irocurlng n wagnn took the body out beyond
amp Washington , whuro they dumped it bo-
Ido the road.
The counsel for tlio prosecution , at the tlmo
if tha trial , first advised the jury that Ber
ner had boon jointly Indicted with Palmar ,
md that the indictment contained five counts ,
ho first for killing Kirk with a club ; second ,
killing with a hammer ; third , killing by
trangllng with a rope : fourth , killing lu an
.ttomptnt . robbery ; fifth , billing in the
To Bald tha state would pro\o the finding cf
virk's bodv by Adam Vitiher , Its appearance-
\hen found , nnd its Identification by the sis
ter , Mrs. White , nnd by John Neil and Min-
nip Giay ; that the last tlmo Kirk W R soon
nli\o was by Strauss at 3 o'clock Monday
afternoon , ut tha corner of Seventh and Con-
> rnl avenue , having n'so ' bcou peon about
.wcnty minutes before 3 by Chas Ilaymon , at
tha Star stables , on Seventh street ,
near Central a\onue ; that ho had se
cured Eomo Christmas presents for his sister ,
Mrs. White , among which were Wo cupa oi
oily , which ha placed in his overcoat pocket ,
which were found In the pocket when the coat
wns found in the stable upon the search ,
showing that Kirk Ind never loft the tablc
after that Monday alive , us the Christmas
( resents were still in the coat pocket when it
, vaa found several days after Christinas ; thai
L'almor nnd Bonier were sent to como from
.ho stabler about 4 o'clock on Monday by
Tohn Neill ; that they hired n wogon fron
ilaymnn to take goods to St. Bernard ; thai
when the wagon was returned , at about 7:5 : (
p. m. , it had been washed , although
Jiat Borner called at Bortrand'a saloon , be
tween , 7:30 and 8 o'clock , and naked for i
bucket and broom , after which the wagon wn
returned ; that the proprietors of the liver ;
stable have identified both Berner and Palme
us the men who hired the wagon referred to
that they were aeon separating from each otho
about 8 o'clock nt the corner of Seventh nu <
Central avcnno ; that the next seouof Bernoi
was between 8 and 0 o'clock , when ho calloc
upon hia sweetheart , Matilda Baumnn , at he
ionic In the rear of the building at John am
Botta streets , nnd who had soon him when hi
jntorod tha saloon to borrow tha bucket am
broom , at which tlmo ha carried a Inrgo wlilj
In his hands ; that ho had not been in he
homo over twenty minutes or hall nn lion
when he offered to loan , and did lonn to i
youtjg man with wliom ha was tboro engnccoi
In playing cards , the sum of SuO , displaying i
largo rull of money at the time ; tli at ho after
TOOK THE \nusn IAOV our
and purchased her a S7 nccklacu and n § 7.'r
pair of bracelet ) , nml upon the rotumgav
the young lady's mother u $5 bill , with wind
to buy n Christmas present ; that on Tuosda ;
Berner presented Mrn. BamiKUi with a barre
of potatoes ; that in the afternoon ho went ti
Hums' museum , returned to the young lady'
house for snppor , nnd that nvening , In com
p.iny with the young lady and others , won
to Workmen's hall to attend an Odd Follow"
celebration , thia being Christmas night ; tha
they r mained there until a late hour , nm
from there wont to n ball In progre.s.i at Wash
Ington Purk hall , ontnco \ struct , remaining
until 'i or 5 o'clock in the morning , am
returning from there to the young lady'
house ; that the next day ho ( Berner
called ut tha Bantnans about noon am
unnouncod that ha wad going to Indiana
that ho roturnud on ,1/riday and wa
placed in Bremen street station , charged wit !
ttiis crime ; thut ollieore , under the uircctloi
of Beiuer , went to the stable in the alloy , nm
under a pile of inannro found the
both of v hich wera acknowledged by Bcrnc
to lie the instruments that cniued tlio doati
of Win Kirk ; that when asked what had become
como of the money , hn said It was at hln horn
on Bremen street , claiming that it wan B
hidden that no ono but himself could lind it
even with direttiona from him ; that ho wu
then taken to his homo In cm tody of oIuer ) !
but at the dojr acknowledged that the mono
was not lu the house , but In hia stock ! up
from which ho produced it. Upon these an
other facts the Btato would rely for n com U
tion of murder In the fust degree.
Tlio Mexican ICxourHlon.
CHICAGO , March 28. The first throug
party from the city ot a Mexico ovc
the recently completed Mexican Contn
riulwtiy , arrived here from Kansaa Oi' '
thia morning in special train ever th
Burlington road. The party was mad
up jointly of Americans who had bee
visiting thn Mexican capital , thirt ;
students who loft for Notre Oamo univoi
sity , in Indiana this morning and a fo'
Mexican merchants. The main body f
travelers continued their journey eaal
ward by the forenoon trains and the r <
maindor of the contingent will stay for
time in this city. The run from the cit
of Mexico in mtulo in five days.
IHvon.-o In AVnsUtiiKton
3BW YOUK , March 28. llogor Jl
Sherman , insistant U , S. district attoi
noy , of this city , has brought ouit in th
supreme court against his wife , FJorenc
B. Sherman , for a limited divorce , o
the ground of abandonment. Mrs. Sliei
man is the daughter of the. late Governr
J. J. Bagloy , of Michigan. The case wt
beforu the court to-day ,
Burled With , llrluks.
CINCINNATI , March 28. This inornin
a portion of the bilyk building on Uentrs
avenue which workmen wcro toann
down , foil , Lurrying five or sir wcrl
men in the ruin * . They were all BUJ
posed to bo killed , but it is found fou
only are injured , and ono misting. It i
not thought ny injured will dio.
Senator Van Wyck's ' Bill for the Relief
of D , & SI , Joe Settlers ,
It Passes tlio Sonata Yostordny ,
Hoturniug $3,00 Per Aero ,
' " *
The Foolish Figkt for tha Honno-
pin Oanal Scheme ,
The House Ooiniuittoo on Labor
vs. Prison Contract Labor ,
The House Judiciary to Report
Against MoGarrahan's ' Claim ,
yhn Woman SuflVngc Ainciiilincnt
KoitoHctl Favorably ( o tlto Senate.
.JUSTICE roil 1) . AND ST. .10 SCTTLKKS.
Special Dispatch to TUB BF.K.
WASHINGTON , March 28. Von Wyck'a '
bill , granting $3.50 per ncro to Bottlers
nnd purolmscra on iho Denver & St. Joe
lands , passed the eonato to-day unani
WASIUNOTOX , March 28. Senator
Van Wyck'a bill for the relief of sottlora
on lands on the Denver & St. Joe roil-
end in Kansas and Nebraska , after a
hort discussion , passed the sonata to-
ay. The land grant provided that
when the road filed ita mnpa with the in-
orior department the secretary should
ako stops to withdraw the land from
ottlomont. The maps were filed in
larch , 1871 , and the formal withdrawal
f the lands took place some weeks later.
Jptwoon the filing of the maps and the
rithdrawal of the lands a largo number
f actual Bottlers entered upon the lands.
'ho point was raised that the ( ilinc ; of
ho maps was a withdrawal of the lands ,
jut the secretary of the interior decided
n favor of the settlers , and issued pat-
nls for the lands. Ton years after the
cttlcmont , the nuprpmo court decided
atrainst the settlers in a test case , and
iongrossVos appealed to for aid. The
( ill passed one house but failed to receive
joiisiderutiou in the other. The settlers
) ccamo alarmed , and compromised the
matter by the payment of $ ! i HO an ncro.
[ 'ho ' appropriation of $250,000 made by
his bill is to reimburse them for this
THI : HENNni'iN iruMn"o.
Special Dispatch to Tim DEE.
WASHINGTON , March 28. The river
and harbor commission to-day had up for
consideration the proposition made by
Murphy , of Iowa , nnd others of its mom-
3ers3 [ toj insert nn appropriation for
' .ho Honnopin canal in the river and har
bor bill. This will bo vigorously fought
against by the river and jmrbor commis-
aion , who feel that it is going7 to have all
can well carry in its legitimate river and
harbor appropriation. They claim that
the Honnopin canal measure properly
belongs to the committee on railways
and canals , and that a bill appropriating
? 1 , 000,000 for that canal reported from
that committee and now on the calendar ,
will probably bo defeated if inserted in
the river and harbor bill.
It is understood hero that Phil Thomp'
son will now press the bill revising the
internal revenue laws , which permits all
whisky to remain in bond until drawn
out for consumption.
Regular 1'roPH Diepatchox.
WASHINGTON , March 28. The house
committee on labor has decided
mously to report favorably the bill male
ing it a misdemeanor for any state 01
United States oflicer to hire oit undoi
contract any prisoner confined for viola
tion of the United States laws under e
penalty of fine or imprisonment. The
report accompanying the bill says the
contract system IB wholly adverse to re
form ; prisoners frequently being treated
as dumb boasts.
The house committee on war claimi
will report favorably the bill authorizing
the Battlement of the claims of flovcra
otatei for interest on loans of money ox
pcnded by states in defense of the nnior
in the Into war. The claims must b <
prcoentoi within ono year after the passage
sago of the act.
The house judiciary committee will report
port adversely on the famous Me Gam
lian claim. "J'wo minority reports in it
favor will bo presented , ono the same n
that ngreod to by the private land claim
committee of the last congress , the otho
giving him title to the unpatontod land
in the tract and ordering the issue o
scrip nt the rate of $1.25 per aero for tin
remainder. There are 17,000 acres ii
the tract.
The United States civil service coin
mission has decided to hold a series o
examinations in the states of Iowa , Min
noaota , Kansas , Nebraska nnd Coloradi
during the month of May. Theao ox
animations will bp for applicants dcsirin ;
to obtain clerkships or other positions ii
tlio government service in Washington
All applications for examination must b
sent to the civil service at Washington
when blanks and full instructions will b
Bent all persons who apply. The exam
ination will be hold ut the capitaln of tin
tales named , under the personal nupot
vision of Professor John M. Gregory , o
the commission. The dates and place
of nil examinations will be announced i
the future.
WATTKUSON'B uonritKiux DILI. ,
The house judiciary committee to-da ,
heard licnry Watlorson in explaiutio'
and advocacy of the proposed eight-lion
news copyright bill. Tnoro was a fu
attendance , and the members of the con
mittoo manifested much interest in til
topic. Wattcraon's presentation of tli
mutter was substantially identical wit
his argument before the joint librut
committeu on the 14th inat. , with udd
tional citations of English decisions of
copyright character.
Atil roil LOUISIANA.
The president 1ms approved iho joic
resolution /or the relief of uuflorcrii froi
the overflew byltho Missta ippi river.
The joint resolution proposing
amendment td the constitution , to extend -
tend the right of stitinxgo to women was
reported favorably to tlio tcn.ito to-day
from the oonnnittco on woman BiifTrngo ,
by Senator Palmer. If provides that the
legislatures of the several nUtcs bo asked
to ratify the following article , which it
proposes as nn amendment to the con
stitution :
Article Section 1. The right of citi
zens of the United States to vote shall
not bo denied or abridged by thu United
States , or by nny stnto on account of BOX.
Sec. 2. Congress shall have power , by
appropriate legislation , to enforce the
provisions of this article.
The Danville Investigation was resumed -
sumod this morning Twenty-live wit
nesses were sworn at once.
W. J. Dnnco , who occupied an ofllco
where former witnesses swore arms were
stored by whiles , denied the truth of the
statements. Ho said all the negroes ho
save , twonty-fivo or thirty , had pistols.
The whites did not shoot after the
negroes lind run.
Charles Koornor , n pension attorney
of Alton , 111. , has been disbarred from
practice before the interior department
upon evidence that ho extorted illegal
fees in pension cases.
Ihe house committed on commerce has
agreed upon a bill providing the inspec
tion of moats for exportation and pro
hibiting the importation of adulterated
articles , food or drink The committee
adopted that portion of the senate bill
recently reported from the aoimto com
mittee on foreign relations hich referred
to aduUorori food or drink. The clause
proposing retaliation was disagreed to.
WASHINGTON , March 28. Mr. Palmer
( rop. , Mich. ) , from the committee on
woman's suffrage , reported favorably a
joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to the constitution to extend the
right of suffrage to women.
Mr. Cockroll ( dam. , Mo. ) said thin was
the action of the majority of the commit
tee , nnd that the minority would hereaf
ter present their views.
Mr. Platt ( rop. , Conn. ) from the committee -
mitteo on territories , reported favorably
n bill to authorize the enumeration of thu
inhabitants of the territory of Idaho.
Mr. Plumb's ( rop. , KB. ) resolution ,
offered yesterday , calling on the secre
tary of the treasury for information re
lating to the unpaid portion of the war
tax of 1801 , was agreed to.
A resolution , offered by Van Wyck
( rop. , Nob. ) , was agreed to follows :
Jlcsolvcd , That the secretary of the
interior be directed to furnish the senate
copies of corespondonco between the de
partments of justice and interior ns to
the present ollicacy of the statute of
March 3 , 1807 , empowering the president
to direct marshals ana employ such mili
tary force as may bo necessary to remove
certain persona and obstructions from the
public domain.
Mr. Miller ( rop. , Cola. ) called up and
the senate passed the bill authorizing the
secretary of the navy to issue n procla
mation offering a reward of $25,000 , to
bo paid private parties who shall discover ,
rescue or satisfactorily ascertain the fate
of the Grooloy expedition.
The senate then took up the education
Mr. Lamar ( dom. , Misa. ) spoke in fa
vor of its passage , urging the encourage-
monk it would give the Southern states.
It would do nioro to solve the race ques
tion than the 13th and 14th and 15th
Amendments. Ho objpetod to the amend
ment putting the disbursement of the
money in the hands of federal officers.
Mr. Cullom ( rop. , 111. ) would not vote
for the bill iii its present Bhnpo , but
thought it ought to be in some respects
amended. So far ns Illinois was con
cerned , she Yras perfectly able and will
ing to educate all her children. Ho
know ho spoke the sentiments of his
people when ho said Illinois neither
asked or desired to receive ix _ dollar for
educational aid from the United tatus
government. Ho would like to BOO the
appropriation confined to the southern
states exclusively , nnd so adjusted ns to
begin with only nbout ? ( i,000,000 , with a
riao ovrry few years ns the money could
bo profitably applied , nnd then diminish
year by year ns the states themselves became -
came able to curry on the work , Ho
would inuko the total appropriation $10-
000,000 instead of § 105,000,000.
Mr. George ( dom. , Miss. ) favored the
bill. ' He said ho had always opposed
nnd would continue to oppoao centraliza
tion , but ho could not shut his eves tc
irrevocable facts. Ho had once bollovoi
n state had n right to secede from the
union. Ho believed now that the right
had existed , hut it had boon irrevocably
lost amid the clang of arms and the horrors
rors of war. The world moves , nnd we
must move with it.
After executive session , adjourned nn
til Monday.
In the house , Mr. Anderson ( ron , , KB.
introduced a concurrent resolution fo
the final adjournment of congress at 1:2C :
o'clock on the 2d of Juno , 1884. Ho
forred to the ways and moans com
After the transaction of untmportnn
miscellaneous businem , the housn proceeded
ceoded to the consideration of private
A number of private bills vroro passed
Ono for the relief of certain soldiers IT
the late war from the charge of doserlior
if was laid over after discussion witliou
O'NoSH ( rop. , Pa. ) presented a resolu
lion from the convention of wool grower
in fnvpr of the restoration of the duty o
1807 on wool.
Ilocoas was taken till 7W : , the evening
session to bo for the consideration of pn
vnto bills.
At the evening sewiion the house pawcc
twenty-two penuiun bills , runout ? their
for a poniion of § 50 n month to tin
widow of Mujor Jaiiitm U , Stowl
man , nnd n hill [ 'rantiinj a pension t <
I Mrs. Sarah K K. Suelyo , who served a'
a soldier for three yuars under an as
BUtned name ( Frauklln Thornpsoii ) , ant
when sick und about to bo sent to tin
hospital deserted to escape the doteotiur
it ofherBBX , Adjourned to Monday ,
TliflBtoriii ut Denver ,
1 DH.NVJSU , Col. , March 28. Probnbl ;
in' fifty buildings of H sorts were unroofei
> y yesterday's wind storm. About mid-
light a portion of the roar wall of the
jindoll hotel , WosUldo,5wiwi blown in.
The Rttcsts wore previously wnrncd of
ho danger nnd escaped injury. The ox-
loaition building is partially unroofed.
V young man named David Wood , hav-
ng boon struck by n falling wall
n Twenty , eighth nnd Curtis Blreotfl , wus
xtricntod in nn unconscious condition
ml will probably dio. A coach on the
irolo road wns blown from the track
nrar n suburban station ; ono passenger
oriously hurt. The damcgo throughout
ho city will probably not exceed 81,500.
Ati Cheyenne the vrind reached n
oloclty of CO miles nn hour , but no seri
ns daniago wns dono. The round house
t Sterling on the Julosburg short line is
oporlcd blown down. No damage ro-
) ortod in the interior.
otno Chicago VniulnlH Hurl the
Stnluca of Mncnulny , IluriiH nnrt
Scott Into the Ht reel-Sev
ern ! TliotiHaml
pcctal Dlftp.ttch to Tin : BKI : .
CiuoAoo , March 18. ! A singular net
f vandalism was committed nt nn early
our this morning by some unknown per-
ons , who far reasons known only to
liomsolvos undertook to dnmngo the
roperty of the liquor doalora , Hannah
b Hogg. Three of the familiar stone
igurcs which stood by the front doora
f their saloons were hoisted from their
lodostnls nnd dashed on the stdownlk ,
mashing thorn to pieces nnd most effect
ually destroying them. Lord Mncaulay
raa lying prostrate in the gutter , clutoh-
iig in hia hands hla history of England.
U the saloon under Farnoll hall poor
lobbio Burns presented a most woo-
> ogono appearance. His head was clip-
led off , nnd ho wns minus ono of his
trms. At the saloon opposite McViokor's
hoatro Sir Walter Scott was in a condi-
ion no loss disgraceful than his two
tminont countrymen , Burns nnd Macau-
ay There is na yet no clew to the van-
Inls. The figures tints destroyed were
oally works of ntt. They were lifo size ,
lone in Bodfort atone , und cost some
5700 each. They were the work of
lichards , the wall-known sculptor.
WoohvortU'u DoIoiiBo In the
llnnoli Case Soiuo
B. Jt J r.
Special Dispatch to Tin : Bui : .
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 28. The an-
wor in the Brighton ranch fence case
was filed in the United States court to
day by Hon. J. M. "Woolworth , of the
counsel for tha defendants. It is a vol-
iminoiB document , nnd while prominonl
awyors in attendance nt court hero con-
tidor it the best defeuso that could bo
made under the circumstances , nt the
lamotimo they rogatd it ns a weak show-
ng on the part of the ranch
men. It pleads among other
; hings , that most of the enclosed
laud is held by right of pre-emption ; that
practically it is not closed , because there
irn nineteen gateways on the line of tha
'once : that the lund enclosed is not fit
'or farming , and nn nblo jury argument
n behalf of the great cattle interests of
iho country followed.
Chief Engineer jflcOluro , of the Bur
lington system , was hero to-day , rpturn-
ng by special car from a trip in the
western part of the atnto. Now develop
ments in railway mattorn nro expected
from the B. & M. every day.QUID
Couple of Milwaukee Uoyn , SOIIH ol
L'roiiilnont Oltlzons , Murrlou
to Variety ActrcsHcu.
Special Dispatch to Tim BKK.
MILWAUKBK , March 28. The fact hac
ust leaked out that n oouplo of boyo , IV
or 18 years old , ono the son of a whole
snlo grocer , and the other the son of t
Chicago , Milvraukoo it St. Paul rnilroiu
olllcial , followed the Ida Siddons fomah
ininslrela from this city to Chicago , uric
while thorp were married to two motnbon
of that "dizzy" organization. The lioyi
nay they quietly visited the odico of i
juatico of the pence , whnro the marriage
uoromony was performed After remain
ing novcral daye , they returned homo
and their bridpa wont along with the
company. Tlio parents of the youngsters
will probibly take atupi to have the mar
riage oot naido.
A Traln'H Iiuap for Lilo.
Special Dispatch to Tine lien.
Oiucuao , March 28. A remarkable
ntory comes from Miloa City. Near there
last night an engineer of a balatod froigh
train , running very fast , in crossing i
coolie saw tint the bridge had beoi
burned , but ho vroa too near to atop the
train. Ho at once put on full atoam urn
succeeded in jumping the burned bridge
but the ongmo jumped the track utu
cnpw.ud. Tramps had burned the bridge
The enginncr was slightly wounded.
Another 1'Vclfilit L'ool ,
CituiAdo , March 28.- The orgati/.atioi !
of the Middle and Western Status froigh
association was effected hero to-day
Representatives of twonty-fivo road
signed an agreement conditional on threads
roads nut present following the lead
Hard wood und lumbar rates were ugrcei
upon , to take effect JMny 1st , Tlio tari
to interior points wan ordered made u
under the direction of the secretary o
the aBTOc'ution ' to bo Mibmittud at th
next mooting for ratification. Adjourn
merit was taken subject to the call of th
Divorced From a Dutco't ) Bon.
LONDON March 23. The jury ren
derud n vcrdiot in favor of Lady Ooli
Campbell in the milt against her husban
for divorce. Ilur husband is the young
cst son of the Duke of Argyla.
A Htook Trill M Wwofcetl ,
PiiTsni'iici , March 28. Tlio Hoeotu
BectlJii of u btock ( rain on thu I' t Wayn
f reid , ran into thu iiwt section near Uollc
I vuu hi t uvening , wrecking a number c
y | rnr < t and killing torty uhoep. No per o
\ Qniptetto of Criminals Expiate tbe
Bislicc Mnrdcrs at Tombstone ,
liot Over a Platform Erected to
View tlio Execution ,
Hbboting nt San Bernardino of a
Murderer and Seducer ,
low Ho Shot , Mashed and Burned
the Body of His Victim ,
AlTooting Leave of Hia. Mother ,
a Eioh Los Angeles WWow ,
Double Murderer Gibbeted nt
IMncorvlllc , Onl.
TOMIISTONE , A. T. , March 28. 0. W.
ampin , Dan. Dowd , Win. Mullen , James
loward and Dan. Kelly were hanged at
1:15 : thia nftornonn for the Bisbco mur-
ors. The five bandits marched up the
topa of the Bcallbld without flinching.
Vll declared their itinoconco , nnd that
Icnth , who was lynched hero February
2nd. was also innocent. They bade
oed bye to their friends , expressed faith
i the Christian religion , and requested
lioir bodies to bo delivered to Father
Inllixghor. Nothing occurred to mar
lie BhoritTa plaus. The murderers were
11 dropped off together , and , excepting
Dowd , died without a struggle. Over a
uousand persona witnessed the execution.
i largo balcony had boon erected outside ,
vorlooking the jail yard. The builder
ntonding to charge a dollar nnd a half
dmiBsion , the mob became indignant
nd toro it down. In the row which
olio wed , no von persons were injured ; ono
inn had his log broken , another his arm.
'ho balcony would have ooatod 500 , with
his exception everything passed oft
SAN BEHNAIIDINO , Oal. , March 28.
Villiam R. McDonald was hanged to-day
or the inurdor of Maggip O'Brien on
Fnnuarv 13 , 1883. The crime committed
> y McDonald wnn the most atrocious in
California Ho seduced tl \ > ' . , oS-
ilaggio u inon ; iiuiJii of her , ho in
duced his wife to entice the girl to a
onoly spot , shot her , smashed lior body
with rocks , nnd burned the oorpso. The
wife disclosed the secret. McDonald was
arrested February 28th last , escaped from
[ ail nnd was rocnptutod. On mounting
: ho BCiillold this morning the murderer
manifested great coolness , Ho said ho
md no intention to kill Maggie ; that it
woa hia wife who struck the fatal olow ;
iho was jealous of liar. Ho excncratod
ho officers from all blame in connection
with his late escape , gav'o instructions re
garding the rope , und asked for a greater
drop than had boon provided for. Hia
nock was instantly broken and ho died
vithout a struggle. The parting scano
lotwoen the doomed man andhismothor ,
, -wealthy widow of L6a Angeles , was
ory affecting , moving strong mon to
PJACKUVII.TE , Cal. , March 28. Fran
cisco Porra was hanged to-day for the
murder of William and Jacob Wirges.
A Well-Known Itlvcr Man of Pulmquo
Found Drowned in the MlH-
DUUOQUB , la , , March 28. Abody was
found floating in the river yesterday at
Sabula , * forty miles below. To-day" it
was recognized as that of Daniel McLean ,
a well-known river pilot of this city , who
was not known to have disappeared. It
now transpires Jio loft homo last Novem
ber , nnd wao supposed by his family to
have been piloting during the winter on
the lower river , us has boon hia custom.
Ho had rarely written. No uneasiness
\rus felt on account of his absence. The
finding of the body was the first intima
tion ot his loss. The bpcjy had doubtless ,
been in the river all winter , but how ho
came to his death ia not known , nor are
any of the circumstances connected with
it. It ia * thought it wns probably acci
NOWB Kntoririn Not Criminal.
ST. LOUIH , March 28. The indict-
monta against Henry W. Mporo , manag
ing tditor , and Florence \ \ hito , reporter ,
cf the Post-Dispatch , for abstracting *
court records , were nollo proBsed _ in the *
criminal court to-day. Theao indictments
row out of the publication in the Post-
Dispatch oi tin inventigaUon of the grand
jury last fall into the gambling ring , and
caused a sensation nt the time. *
The HOBO Ambler Murder.
NEW YOHK , March 28. Rugg , the
Lung Island murderer , is believed to
have boon the murderer of Raao'Aniblor
nt Stamford , Conn.
Iin carefully rrcparea extract of the test rmeOles
o ( tliovsctiUa Uufdom Lnawii to medlutl ncl-
cnco oi Allomllvin , lilooil 1'urUlcin , Diuretics and
Tonic * , lucli us Sariurarllla , Ydluw Dock , SUUlngia ,
Dandelion , Juniper llerrles , Jtamlrakc , WW Chcrrr
Hark and oilier celectcd rooU , lulu and hurta. A.
lucdlolno , Ilia anything rUc , van ho fairly judged ,
ouly tjr Iti iceulU. U'e ixjlulwlui satisfaction to tba
Clorloui record Hood'n &uwjiarUU has entered for
ItMlI upon tin ] heart * of thousand ) of people In New
tnglajij who lave | H.raoiuUr ] ur Indirectly been ro-
llcvcdof tcrrlU4 uffcrumvUlcU ull oUwrrwedle
lulled to reaUj. ,
jiicu troubled wlthVlck hcad-iclio mid hiliousuuj for
year * . Blmcnly toot uiio-lmU tejajwouful ul u 0Jo ,
indium not iwcniowcHfor tlToycar now , bl.6- wllhlnu\\ectufterULinuit ilm felt \ - 7
much , mi J umny entlrtlylito iroiainuu te-
% eroi.eada < lu . hlta hag nut likcjj mi vac-
count anus liul rprlnc. arid wnnl Utua lie laa u tinu
' do others nvvil. and we ina t have tt III the hoiuv.
V 'ounuaty , UUUUU 11 , AA&IftliUiaeU , iu .
5 0. l.UOOIi a Ou. . Aiutluiurtu , Lowcil , Uun.
| 1'nco $ i , iif Xof (9 , HoU \ > * It ; i.LwkW ,