THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY MARCH 27,1984. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. The Grief Enpflcroa by the Grccley Relief Expedition , Spring nntl Lent True Meridian for Lincoln aix-poHiulors for M'f- more Oilier KCIIIR. WAsm.VdTOX , March 2IJ. The fitting out of the Grcolcy rclier expedition creates mete discussion in this city than in nny other probably , because BO hinny of the young naval ofliccrs who nro to go on the Thetis and the Bear ami the Alert nro residents of this city. They nro supposed to "volunteer" their ser vices , but their volunteering is in tnou CMOS the result of n polite rrj uost from the officer in comrannd of the expedition -to accompany it. A request of sucVi nature cannot vroll lie refused i > amount * virtually to n command. Yh list includes Many of .lio most -popular men in Washington wsioty , the "be ix ol tko last -winter ard many proieding winters , "who will "loavo behind them overrthiug that ii comfortable nnd nt- tractive t plunge into the trxjid fniit- JWJSSCB 6f the pole nnd all ll.o dangers end disiomforts of nn Arctic journey Jjioutor.fmt Eirory , for inatonco , who aide to the admiral nt , will leave "behind a youiv wife nnd ono of the .prettiest hou oa in Washington. Liou- tonnnt ' Lomly , who lias been on soft "npccial dut ? " in the judge ndvocnto's ofllco for , is anothtir. Tlioy do not seem td fear nny danger , though , nnd llook forward to nn parly return in the ifall nnd n grand proccsnion UD thonvonuo covered-with glory nnd honor. A VOUNO KNSIOK , < nn nc'iunintanco ' of mine , entertained mo the other avoning by pointing out on largo chart the proposed route , lie .goes on the Thetis , the advance ship , nnd iho only ono of real danger. "Hero -whoro the Protous sank. " "Iloro where the ico-pack occurs. " "This iho point wo will roach in August , " ho wonton to s y , nnd I wns glancing nbout liia cosy room , with its cluster of Gorman v favors over the mantle , the pretty desk .heaped with invitations nnd notca on onu aide nnd his own I * . P. 0. cards ready to mntl on the other. "Pour Proridro Congo , " indeed , nnd for how long , nnd for what dillbront aur- i roundinga , thought I. The Now'York Times declares for private vato oxpuditions for the roliet of the Greoloy party , nnd criticises the joint recommendation of Secretaries Lincoln nnd Chandler againt the offer of n reward by congress , as being n plea for rod tapo. It is anything but red tnpo , for that syin. bolizos dolny , and this expedition is nol to bn delayed and private enterprise could not bo moro expeditious or curtnii or bettor prepared. If the navy of the United States ' cannot rescue , nobody can The delay is'moro likely to nriso in tin case of nn oll'ur of n reward , for thur whalers would push into the ice pack endanger thomaolvoa nnd dolny the Thotit and the other shipa. TIIU AITHOACH OV HI'ltINO is seen on every Biao In this beautiful city and the spring time hero ia the boat time ; the period that all who como hnrc or live hero are quito certain to rnyc about. The summer time is quito n dif- fpront thing , I am told. Congress iar likely to ait into the summer , however as Into as August almost everybody BayR. The senate is to bo commended for its dispatch of busiuoin ; but the house is re ceiving condemnation on all aides for ita procrastination. Speaking of the beauties of the capital ita fine points nro very admirably brought : out by the articles in the last two num bers of the Century Magazine , especially that 011 the White llouso by E. V. > 13malloy. The Lenten ao.ison ia moro rigidly ob served hero than I had expected ; indeed in n very model way. There nro no longer parties ; receptions nro very rare and at the card parties where dancing closes the evening it is without other music than the piano. Small dramatic ontortainmonta , the matinee , the dog show , nnd calling in n quiet wny are nil the attractions. A much-noodod rest is obtained and opportunity granted for making moro mtimnto the ncquninto- nances formed during the "season. " TltUK MEIUIIIAN AT I.IA'COLK. The city engineer nt Lincoln , Nob. Mr. J. P. Wnlton , recently inado inquiry -of the U. 8. coast and geodotio survey through Senator Mandorson , to ascertain if iho government would not establish n true meridian at the capital nt Lincoln. Mr. J. E. Hilgard , the superintendent of 'tho Burvoy , has replied that tljo dotor- , ruination of n true meridian nt Lincoln would bo a very simple and inexpensive natter if any person connncctod with the coast and geodetic survey were within reasonable distance of Lincoln ; but as cuch is not the case at present , the cost of Bonding an oflicur for that spocml duty and bringing him back to Washington 1 , including his subsistence while traveling , would bo entirely out of proportion to the actual oxpoiiso of the work. "As soon as our appropriation for the next fiscal yearbocomoa available"writes Superintendent Ililgnrd , "tho work can bo done by ono of our wratorn parties without oxpon i < to the locil authorities , except for the nesc'tsary inonumunts , and at tie ! same time the latitude ) and longi tude of the plaoo will bo determined. The importance of Lincoln na the capital of Nebraska would inako the determina tion of its geographical position dcsira- ble Jn the rctrular progress of the survey , and Uio establishment of n true meridian line can bo ejected nt the snmo time inat an inconsiderable additional expense. " A LIGHT UATTKUV. A short time ago Captain 0. M. Mur- dock , of Op. A. , Light Artillery , N. N. G. , Wymoro , Nobr. , wrote to Sonatoi Mandorflou asking whether it would bt possible to procure from the war depart ment two sir-pounder guns with equip , ments. The necrotary of war 1ms an swered that upon requisition of the governor of Nebraska , two six-poundoi guns with carriages and the necessary implements for firing talutes will bo furnished - nishod without delay , under the law erse arming tlio militia. Senator Manderaon thinko , and has seer written to Governor Dawei and othei prominent om'cen of the Nebraska Na - tional Guard , that it would bo wull ate make an effort to obtain a full battery ol jslr guru. Ono section would bo taken \ by Captain Murdock , another eeotioii might go ( o 6omo company to be raised in the northern part of the ttato , say at Fremont , Norfolk or We t Point , and the third section lo tlio southeast. Thcao three companies , uniformed , each with its section of artillery , could como to gether under commanel of the scnior _ cap tion or some experienced nrtillorist in the state , ard at Fremont during the 0. / , 11. encampment , or at the annual mi ) ' t ; meeting would form an intorcstiti' valuable feature There is j , ftt awakening in the cast on Iho su e,0 : ° of militia , and Nobrasku should v Q JQ something. ODIlH AND rNI . An Omaha man writes ft our 8Cn. | ton , complaining of thr , , . , , . „ tico of f < jrc- ing the sale of qunck . wclli-jinos by sly < doses of various drti'r ( iously luhnin- islcrcd in the food ftt tjOTa „ ) , ( , , irc/.ikoly to bujr. 11 o clar j pj j ] , nu proprietary medicines are d')0sed'of ' in that-way. Cewjjralulatjry tdlosrams and letters nru < oming i j froT11 nK jmrtn of the coun try to Sena1 r Mnnilorson on his Fits- Jchn I'or'tcr ; 8toccHi ] , as well cs requests forcopie'd of hia npccch , which ia now printed pamphlet form. Miti or W. Brcco , secretary to Senator Van ' ( Vyck , Imn ono for n iook'fl trip to "V. Morfuel is soon about the capitol nowwJaysj and is supposed to bo looking nftcr n bridge bill , Mr. i.iid Mrs , Fred Nye , who have been in 'Washington over n month , start on Sunday for Now York , vrhoro nfto day or two's sight-seeing and n week in - the country , they will leave for Omaha. ft"V. . Ed Bock of Omaha , nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. IJ. Loring ( Edith llntnscy ) were hero sovornl days this is , wco\ . CMMK. : T CHAM : . Ouro Tlmt Cold , Tt > not RillForyour I/unt'H to bccoino dlfoanoi \iy nllowItiK a cold to cnnllmm withuiit'an of - furt to euro it ThoiuamU have dlod prcma ( .tiro doathn , the vlctlmt of CoiiHimipUoiiR , by ft Hlmply iicKloctliiK n cold. Ml. WRt. HAhTAS IIAI.SAM fnr the LUN(3S\\111 curn Coldc , Coilj-hn nnd Con Hiimptlon Htiror and qulukor than any other remedy. It nets almost UUu ma 'Ic lu man , and in iithorn I In clloct , tliough nluw , , I nnro if pcralntod In , accordlnf ; to directions. , Hcnry'H Onrlxillo Srtlvo la the liost Salvo for Cutfl , llrnlnoM , KorCH Ulcorn , Salt Hhonin , Totter , Chniipod Iandn ChlltilaliiH , CoriiH and all kinds of Skin Krnp tlonn , Krocklcm nnd L'lmplcH. Got Honry' Carbolic Saho , aHidl uthurH are counterfoil n 1'rlco " 15 contfl. lo Dr. niott's Jtjlvur 1'llln , id Tliono 1'llls ha\o no\cr Ijcon advertised very isis much , but tlioy have jnnt iw much intrlntl morlt on Ihonch thny were pulled to thu skin ia by Indlxcrlinlnato advortUIiiK. Try thorn atu ia bo convinced. 10 ut A SONO-1JIHI ) NO AlOKK. in , Tin ; Sudden Dcutli or Mmo. who Clinnnod AitdlcncuH Evorywliorc , id - Now York Journal. Mme , Anim Bishop ia dead. She panao i10 away ao ( puiotly that only her ncaroa 10 frioiidA know that aha wan done ! ovoi it twelve hours ixftorwnrda. Her body la ; In in a front room of n Fourth nvonuo lln rdo. ycatordny. Tlioro waa no hurrying o o. foot up nnd down the two Ilightn of atnir not loading to her late nbodo. A aiinplo jiioc ot of crupo mnrkcd the door. 1'naaora-h ; know not that it meant that Mmo. Ann in Itiahop , tlio Bong-bird who for forty year ho charmed audiences in almost every hind n.ho wan dead. Only two years ago nho gav ho n grand concert in Chickcring Hall , nato un nishing all v ho heard her by the wonder , , ful power nnd sweotnoaa of her'voic tis after all its uso. Her last npponranc was nt a concert given by Dodworth ii Steinway hall about n year ago , whcr aho waa encored several tiiiien. On Sun ul day Inftt aho went to church with lie at huaband , Mr. Martin Schultz. Wlici nho returned homo alia found an oh friend awaiting her. This waa Mra f- Laird , the mother of Colonel Qeorgo W Laird , a vivacious old lady. She has beoi , confined to her house this winter , am . her appearance wan an agreeable surprise to Mine. Bishop. TJioy epoka of many things , among thorn being the proposec trip of Mmo. Bishop to England. She intended to sail on the City of Richmond , commanded by her aon-in-law , now on his westward trip. While the great singer was tolling of thoploasurouho anticipatue at seeing her grandchildren in Livorpoo . and her brother and sister in London she waa aoized with a violent pain in the head. She throw up her lianda and fel , backward , unable to apeak , remaining un conscious until her death on Tuesday , night. It waa apoplexy. Mr. Schultz , the husband , apoko yea ' tard-iy of the longing for homo whicl possessed nis illustrious -wife. Not Urn aho was tired of America , but she yoarnoe to BOO hur kindred. Tnntead she will bo interred in the little village burying ground in Bed Hook , Dntcluai county - bcsieio the body of her sun. Mine. Biahop made her debut in Her Majuaty'a theatre , London , in 183 ! ) , she being twenty-live years old at the time , , She sang Itoaeini music. In front of her } waa a discriminating audience. On the , stage were _ Marie , Lablache , llubina Garcia , flriai , Pormani , Tamburini ant : Thtilbcrg. Both before nnd behind the . . footlights alio was feted nnd caressed for her instantaneous victory. She had ro- r"cowed the careful training of years to bring her to that point. Her father , Ui- vioro , understood his treasure nnd spared nothing in order to lit her fnr her proper alioro. She wna thoroughly versed in llnndel , Haydn , Mo/art and Beethoven before that eventful night. Her husband , Sir Henry Bishop , was professor oj niusio in the university of Oxford. She waa in n congenial circle. The successful debutante made a triumphal first nrtiatio tour on the conti nent. Jenny Lind .waa then in power. Mmo. Bishop did not shun Sweden on that account. Shu went to Stockholm and captured Jenny Lind'a stronghold. She sung nil over Europe a laniah bal lad at Copenhagen , the Swedish nationa niraat .Stockholm ; in .Uiusiim before the czar'a court , in German nt Yicmm niui Berlin , in Italian nt Florence , in Frencl nt Paris , and in her oivn native tongue ii London. Then Mmo. Biahop looked across the > in 187 1. A sea grund reception nwnitce heir. Shu wont to Mexico and California iei , and still west to Auntruilla ; thence to : South America. , Hinging in the small re i ? - publics , closing nt Jtio Jnnoiro in bft , She roturnoU to England am song Kossini'a "SUibat Mater" to 38,000 poonlo in the Crystal I'nluco. Again she - mndu nn American tour extending over - four years. At ita end she wont to the Siindivick lelauda , end from there she sailed for Hong Kong , but waa ship wrcckon on a barren island , From this island in n boat twenty-two foot lout , Mmo. Bishop , with twenty-olio otlie persona , set out for onu of the Mariana islands , 1-iOO miles away. Mr. Schultz has two pictures of thio trip ono a paint ing of the crowded boat in a heavy swell and the other the arrival on thu island o destination and thu welcome by the in inhabitant ! ! . Mine , Bishop lost all her property on that occasion. The great uingor had a love for ondlcs : travel ; she wan moving nil her life am waa probably the greatest woman travel ler known. ho wade on Aeiutio tour ondir , , gll Jn Auitrnli * in 1808 ; then back " ' In May , 1875 , Bhc in vny hall , in this city , pronoun to a M\swoll tour round the world , in which I ho vitCtcd South America. In all her she innst have sung * ) millions of icoplo. No language TVO * too diflicult or her to mister , hi Trsrtary she sang > o national airs of the country. She ang to ovary audience m its own tonguo. _ ler voice was a rare ono. In undoviat ng purity of intonation and unfailing > orfccton of execution Mmo. Uishop haslet . lot boon surpnsaod. Up to tha last it - ircnorvcd in a great degree Its quality. 3ho ere her seventy years with cases anil - WM-cheerful to the ond. V.VKSTKKN NKWS. DAKOTA. Wahpcton Ii moving toward 520,000 water York * . - . Douglas cotmty farmers will plant a goo < l deal of flux. The population claimed for tlio UlacK Hills now Is ' 10,000. r Yankton , Sioux Vails , Huron , nnd Mitchell ha\o fumied n circuit fur spring races. o The HnmeRtnko and DoStnot mining com- tatci amounted to over § 10,000. , Yankton Catholics nro raising funds to erect a school building on tlio church premises , The population of Union county is ! ) ,000. It in nno of tha best agricultural counties In Dakota. n A manufactory for terra cott.i and fancy colored brick has been established at Falrviow , . Lincoln county. Nearly forty ( ! , jK. . poiU have boon or ganized during the first year of the depart organization , A transfer of an inloroit In a herd of lllack Hills cattle recently took plnco in Hnpld City , which Involved the payment by tha purchas- orn of $175,000. The total number of post-ollicos of al uia wt In Dakota U 72.H. nn Increase during tlio past year of 1' ) _ ' . within the past nine yonrH tha nuiiibor linn grown from 133 to 7-8 , an incruasa of G'JJ , A man named Onodwtn , Douol county , who Hcomi to Imvo n manin for mortgaging his property porty , has Hiiccco < led In gottlngnlnoteoii mort gages on ono plcco , amounting to ever S-,000 Ho lias boon arrested , The lilsmarck land district covers over ha that portion of Dakota north of the forty-nl.xtt parallel. It Is said to contuiti moro oxcollcn land ntill vacant and nnbjcct to entry than an } ' other district in the United States. The din trlct comprises over r > 0,000 square miles , The now county of liutto , north of Law lonco , in attracting attention. It In an ngri cultural Boctlon , well watered by the Belli Konrcho nnd n half dozen of its tributaries. I U n popular grazing suction and fifty diHeron herd * of cattle food upon its nutritious grasses IU The largest herd In the county immborB if ! > ,00 ( head , Minnciolln , which IIOH been built 01 the Uodwator , Is the county neat and the con tcr of a very thriving trado. WYOHI.Vfl. The property owned by the city of Clioy onno IH valued at SL'O.V-W.GO. A barb wire fence is utilized for n tolophon wire between Laramie nnd the suburb of ( ! lov ornvIUo. With the prospect ? of organizing , Frotnon ip ; county IH livening up. nnd 1under , an the com , ing county neat , in experiencing a real c.itat boom. W. I * . Carroll , the poetical reporter o Cheyenne , has mmnttod on an 800 ncro trau of land nonr old 1'ort ' Casper In the northon uart of the territory. SpoclmoiiH of copper ere from Spring Canyoi Imvo b on brought to Laramlo. The minis are only six feet ileop , yet the ore shows n goo < per cent of copper and silver. Cheyenne proposes to refund her old bond and Isxuo now bonds nt n lower nito of inter pnt. In addition SVfi.OOO Bower bonds will b issued , making the total $ ( i , > ,000. Last year tlio nxsoKsahlo property of the city of Cheyenne , real and personal , footed up to total of § 1,070,700 ; this year , according t Troamiror Jtergoman's olliclal estlmato , It wil amount to S'-i.fiOO.OOO. The Cheyenne postolfico pays Si,500 ! , salary nnd perquisites. The present incnmbont I Mra. Susan It. , Tohn ou , but n number o patriotic politicians nro paring their corns t wear her ahocH , The Kawlina Journal repoits a fatal dlxoasi among cattle on tha upper 1'latto , particular ! ; tlioio imported from tlio onat lost yoar. The ; are flrnt taken with n swelling under the jaws which gradually extends ever the whole body when tlioy dlo. Several lm\o boon cut open U BOO , if possible , what causes the disease. Wlioi the swollen places upon these that died were cut open nu olTonalvo yellow pus would exude The dlsooso does not KOOIII to bo jinrtlcnlarl ; ntlll there is conaldoroblo anxlot ; among stockmen. The preliminary uurvoy of the Cheyenne lilack Hills it Montana railroad is being made The road will start from the northeastern par of Cheyenne , innko n circuit westward , am pass through tlio Fort Huaaoll reservation t < Crow crook , which will bo followed up twelve miles to the mouth of Sand crook , thence north across the I'olo creek , throe miles east of Cheyenne pans , to the head of the Chug. water , and thence down the Cling to the Lar anile rlvur , to Fort Larnmio , the ontlro dls tnnco being 1"3 miles. COLOHADO. The damngo to the South Park railroad by the recent Hoods U estimated nt $1,000,000. Wandering Xavajoeu elf tlioir reservation Imvn attacked whlto Hottlora In bouthorn Col orndo. ( ilonwood , near Tomichl , won entirely cov ered tip by u BIIIIW llko u few day" ago. Tlio tltlzoim Imvo been digging thomsolvor out over sinco. The Colorado Coal nud Iron cnmiinnvfn- tend making uuvoral thousanil ncrcn of land noith of I'uoblo availnblo for agricultural pur \rapahoo county Imi purchased the Silirovo property , near Central park , Denver , for SI'- ' , ' 100. It will bo used for | > oor house nnd bos pltnl purposes , "Threo cheer * for belli Who cares for liroi" tlnlmcd nn entliu.ilnsctlo ruathir at the re publican primaries in Denver , mi ho rushed Into n million nml called for whisky. The ntteainu well nt Colorado Springs , nfter being bored to a depth of 7oO tcot was allowed to root for iiwhilo , and during the period of IdloiiOKH tlio nltloH caved in unit filled it till It IH now 1130 feet. Tlio contractor will bore in n now plnco and continue till a depth of luOO , fcut Id reached , or water found. A female brnltior In Denver , vyho developed her imiiclo by ' mopp'ug ' the ground with nor itaughter , " battered the mug of n policeman , blacked the eye of the prosecuting attorney nnd made n break for tlio judge because ho HCiit her up for twonty-ono ilayu. rilio did not got near enough to panto him , but her tongue \\nLTgmlwhtlohowA4 In eight ItnU nro of fered that nho c.ui give Sullivan a lively turn ing over. MONTANA. A line quality of lithographer's atone has been found In the lower Yollowttouo. The county debt cf MadUon county was reduced to the extent of $13H5'I8 hut year. ' Sluco January Ut of this year , the silver mining companies of liutto Imvo ahlpnod over liOO bars of line bullion. The Tutor Mountain says that bullion ship. menU from llutta for the wcok ending March 8th , Aggregate $1)3,000. ) Some of the prominent capitalists of Mndi son county are organizing a creamery com pany , with a canh capIUl of $20,000 , Thu ere of the Drtlin Luminon , naar Helena , topped liO'J foot from the mirfuco , U said to be richer than over innnlrgSlOO to the ton. The Northern I'ncllio liaa already arrnngoil for the uhlpment this spring of'-5,000 yotui ) ; cattle from IOWA nnd illnneoota \Iont.uic rnnge , A number of conductors on the Yellow. utoiio and M onUna dlviiloiu of the Northern 1'uclfio have received the g. b. , on the allega. tlon that they did not fairly divide traftio re- colptslth the company. The Utah nnd Northern It now running two freight trulnv dally o\ch way b tweun lluttuund ( Jirrluon , ThU U rtxtitrod | hv the heavy and Increased biulunai lu ere , bullion , lumber , grain and guuerul juorchsndlae , anil will doubtleea continue. About 150 rallei north Miiiouln , n region has boeu dUoovcrod by nu exploring party In which aru SWcascades over 600 feet In height , nil A trim glacier with A tnlla of front { jo nml rOO feet fall ; It I * xnld to bo i\ more wxnulcrful cftlon tlian the Yellowitono. Cfllimlly .tune , trs ! most noted worrmn of lit ) western frontier , nml the heivlno of ninny i thrilling nlcklo novel , him bwn thing down ho Yellowstone for dome tltno | > rntMnco loav- np the Blnck lHllicom.try , but has nulled tip tnkci nml joined the statnpcdo for Coour VAlono. Miss Mtiry Virginia Xutfttl , the first white rjrl born In Montnnn , w n mnrrlod the iSUli of nit month nt Kntoti , Now Mexico , to Kdwnrd I. Wells , lov. ! Mr. JJoylo. of Trinidad , offi- tinting. The young lady wax tithcrod Into .hln territorial world at Virginia City , in the spring of 18(5-1. ( where her people then lived , anil her Chrlstlnn nnmo of Virglnln owes Its irlKln to her birthplnce. Ilia young brldo will 10 UO yearn old in April , nnd is said to bo n ovoly womnn. UTAH. The railroads nt .Salt Lake City nro watting on the Uniun 1'ncilic to chip lu for n Union depot , The ( lormnnln lend works nro running full capacity , manufacturing whlto and red load , litliargonnd I lead pipe. They propose to noon liogin I the manufacture of various colors for 1 mints. The rccnlptx of bullion In Salt I.nko City for the week ending March lit , Inclusive , were S87y .r > 2j of ore ,'JO , lu nggrcgnto , SI ) 1,812.51' , 1'Vir the week previous the total wai3110,77 < VJJ , of which 8101,177.05 wni bullion. Work on the extension ot the Salt Lake & Western road h n been stopped. The oflicorH of the road In Salt Lake City urn dUnp | Hlntodo\or tills t'oclelon of the managers ol the Union i'nclfic , but thny hapo the time will noon coma when tlioy will receive ordois to push forward with the road. The sixty milcn of road in operation ia doing well , CALITO1I.1IA. Two liumlrod thousand acres of grain have lieon sown in Fresno tills season. It is ( dated that .John I , , Sullivan cleaned up 818,000 on ills Pacific coait tour. A. lingo corporation la being formed in Southern California to handle and trout new wines by the electric process. The country between Downey , Cal , , and the ocean is described by the Los Angolcc Express as being surrounded by water and Imrbod'Wlro fence * . Kit .Toy , an escaped Ari/onn railroad rob her , has boon "flighted. " JIo was ruling n bay homo and was armed with n shotgun , n Winchester rillo and a revolver , and had on nix belts of cartridges \eritablotrnveling uisenal. An old California miner , just returned from tlio Cu'iir d'Alono ' country , publishes in the San Francisco Chronicle that the rich ( [ iiart/ spec imona and nuggets exhibited as having come from the now mines , nro nil California pro ductlons. Nearly nil tlio railroad land that has the re motest possibility of being in the artesian belt , Tularo county , has boon purchased bj San Francisco capitalists. It is oxpcctci tlioy will have numerous wells bored nt once NEW .MEXICO. Socorro is to have n new court house nn < jail to cost § 10,000. Santa I'o boasts of having twenty-nine lawyers yors moro than other city in the southwest A ranch ono milo from Albuquerque con tains 700 : u > plo trees nud 2,000 , cliolco grap vitlCH. Tlio minors of Now Moxiot nro nlrondj sending in specimens of ere to I'rof. haug hammer , fur exhibition nt Now Orleans. The delinquent taxes and licenses in Socorn county amount to SPJ.fiOO , which accounts fo county warrants being worth only 10 cocta 01 the dollar in that county. The Grand Army post * and citi/.ons of Nm Mexico imvo inaugurated a movement forth erection of n fitting monument over the grav of Kit CJnrson , at Taos. It is expected tiia all of the Grand Army posts west of the Mia Bouri will talto part in tlio project. J'Mono sana iu corporo Hano.1 "A unuiu mind in n Hound body" is the trade mark o Allen's lirain Food , and wo assure our reader that , if di satislied with cither weakness o lirain or bodily powers , this remedy will per manently strengthen botli. SI. At drug gists. Hoy. Bennett Mitchell is agitating tb question of establishing n Spirit Lake permanent grounds upon which to hole cnmp meetings and other assemblies ii the summer season. The indies must sooner or later acknowl edge that 1'owoni'n medicated comploxioi jxiwder is tlio only cosmetic made that will nol iiijmo the Bkin. Forsalo by all druggiatH. Tlio Missouri llroakliiK Up. BIHHAUUK. March 20. The ice broke to-day , going out without damage. The steamers nro all in safe places. No dangerous gorges nro anticipated us the ice is very rott n. Buford reports the gorge broken ; also n break up above the mouth of the Yellowstone river. About April to n .special edition of the Spirit Lake Beacon will bo issued , ilovot od almost exclusively to immigration in toroats. Durham Is historic. H wax neutral irrounil ilurlnKthoarrulHtlrolK.'tn mi Sherman ami JoluiHou. HoMlcrH of liotli armlcH Illlcd tliclr | > oiiclio8 ultlitho tobaccoBtorciltlicrc , ami , after tlio mimmlcr , nmrcbcil liomo. want. Boon onlcr * came from Eaet , AVett , Northaml South , for "moronf that clefraut tobacco. " Then , ten men ran an unknown factory. Now It employ * 800 men , UPOH the pink and pick of tlio aolilcu licit , and the Durham Hull I * the trade-mark of tide , the U'st tobacco 111 the w orld. Dlackw ell's Hull Durham HmoUnit Tobacco lias the larwcxt Mloof any ( Uiollinf tobacco In tlio world. \Vhyf Simply becaimo It Is the t r. All doalcra littv o it. Trade-mark of the Hull. bacco , uhovtaa wouldn't lia\o i > c4n corucitxl by tlio bull. K. rt , MAKHOhi- - SRtej /c' f * * * vi3v vftltiaJ ; ' ; * ! . MANUFACTURER. WHOLESALE & RETAIL . Mltlnrd Kjt l Blrk. nro John D. PeabodyM M. D. ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ROOMS , S acd 6 1(01 FAR CONTAINS 58,000 TOPICS , Vcurly double the number trcntcil by cither Apple ion or the llrittnlnlcA. Is fully llhisttatcil ltn over 1300engraving * , and Ii the only Ujclnpcitla tliit con- ulrnl.irk'O dotidlc pa o tm\n \ ol nil tha SUtcnand Territories In addition the map ) of all tlio cotintrloi nl the EloDo It Is the result ol mtny ycits ct rrc- itxratlon ami embodlc ; the work of o\cr four uindrcd ot the ablest whohn In thli country ami Europe. Iho wliolo isork labtouftht donn to 1S33 , making It many ) cars later than Miy . ' } rJoicdlpublMicil. | . Ttio prlco la tic-iilr one-filth is4 than that of the other works , thereby placing It within the reach of the many IntelllRcnt people who mo no 'one desired a Cjclo | nl.i , nut felt tinablo or infilling to pay $100 lor It. Porn lonir time there ia < been a cnll front teachers anil a lir c cla s ol In telllecnt pcopc KeiKC H } , for a Oclop.Ula that woulil co\er the whole Held ol human Uioulcdk'c , and bo pu > HtlKil a' a low price. That this call has iien met In tha publication ol the preterit work hat- ; pited by the fact that COWOha\o been Bold lo lens : ban thrcoj'carn. It Ii oinlomil by the leading ed ucators cierywhero. Is a work of matter tniniln , nl- js rculy to answer every question , anil Is a luces- slty to H . ho desire that Information of men ami lnKS which Is Imltapcntablo to cxcry veil Inlotmcd [ icrscn. Da not fall to make an examination ot th'a great work when the opportunity Is presented. Important to Teachers. Our bonk contolninx "Ono llunclr it nml I' fiy Tc t l.Hicstlons , " sent by Uropplptf us n postal ciru. Hcnil lur It. Wo want n few first cla" < salesmen to represent this work. Will pay cowl salaries to the rlcht kind ol men. AJdrcis KMEIISON DKl'UY , ( icncral A ctit , 2 lt Doughs St. , Omahn , Kcb. IMPROVED SOFV ELASTIC SECTION In wnrrnntnl to ircnr longer , III itbo form ncattr. nml Klve betl < - ffiction than liny oilier Core * * Etl thn market , or firlco pall > Tll ) rcfundnl Tliotndorcrmcntsui ChlcoruV l > * t pbyclclar ; . nccotr : ' - - " ' - ' JOHN H. F. LEHMANN , , "ALBERT ! , EA ROUTE. " olk.IIcvjport News. Ciialtauooen , Allantn. AU- , K.nhvllle. LouisvillLLcxliiKloi ] , Cincinnati itullnnupollF , and Lafayette , and Omaha , Mlnueap- olti nnd t3t. Paul nud InturmcttlatopotutM. All Throuch Fasacuitcra Travel on 1'ait Eiprcsa TrAlna. TlcKcts for BKlc nt nil principal Ticket Offlees In the United mates and Canada. llcfcnco checked through and rates of fire al ways an low ad competitors that offer lesa advan tages. Tor detailed Information , cct the Mapsand Fold er * of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE nt your nearest Ticket O.lice. or address = . R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , jlti.AUiaM.M'j'r , Gtn Ilkl. kl'jji. A * - E , A. KELLEY , M. D. AND C. A. WILSON , M. D. , Physicians and Surgeons ! OFFICES HOYD'8 Ol'Ka IIOU3 DEEXEL & MAUL , ( SUCChSSOUH TO JOHN O. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS , at tba old fitnnd 1317 I'arnain street. Orilcru by tele- K'rnili | solicited anrt promptly attei ilcd to. Max A. Th. Boehncko , St. , Room 22. OMAHA NEBRASKA. , - - - . RED STAR LINE Boyal nnd U S. Mali Steamers SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN HEW YORK AND ANTWERP , Thellhint , Qcrmiiny , Italy , Holland and France Steerak'o Outward , $ -0 ; 1'repalil ( roiu Antwerp , 82) ; Excursion , jia , Including 1'Cildlnn , cto , 2d Cabin , < 55 ; Kxouralon , 8100 ; Soloou from Jiuto (00 ; Kicurtlon * tlO to S160. tfrl'ctcr Wright & Sons , Gen. Agents 65 Uroiul. w y N. V. Caldwcll , Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Olcxi man & Co. , 2 < W N Iflth Street , Ciuulia ; U. K. Klin ball , OmahaAeonU. m&o eod-ly . . ntl.crrua-VOI.TAIO KELT and oilier iLrtrrnio : I'j An-iuvcr.s nro tout un ik ) Days' Trial TO IEN ONLY , VOU.NQ OK OLD , who nro mrTcr- Jim from NEKVOUS UEniurr. IxST ) Vrriury. U'ISTIMIVKiWXKesu , and all tnono dlsrofrs of n ] 'mu > a > At. NiTUiiE. resulting from Aursts and OillBH CAVkKX. "BlHH-Uy n-llef and cotnpleto tuloratlon to HKJILTII , Viaou and iUNiioon nuiiusTcrn. bond at ouco fur niuatratcd 1'ainplilot free. Address V1U.TA I O lir.l.T CO. . Miirnhnll. Bllcli. F.B , YOUWGHUSBAND , flnll nntnn I JS03 Farnam Street , room 3Otnaha , Keb. Collection eollcltcj Monthly or otherwise ; both la city and country , and on all lines ol llallroatli. Be. urity procurctl ( or ilebU not ) < roni | < tly juld. Booki .ept uj tulauced weekly anj monthly , A Koneral uillttnc * busineM douo. Comuilwlona ol all kludi irouijUl } attenaeil to , U U N , U ukil teil f I o crcuoeii gi\ea JAS , H. PEABOUY M , i ; , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , ilenco , No.,1407 JouciSt. Offioti. No. UCO luitrttt Ortlct'hourt 18 to. to 1 p. m. , uid to $ ptu T lej > lioce for oHIcs 87 The Largest Stock in Qmalia , and Makes the Lowest Prices DllAPERIES AND MIRRORS , Just received im nssortmon' fnr surpassing nnything in this market , comprising the latest and moat tasty designs manufactured for this spring's trade and covering a range of prices from the Ohcnpost to the most Expensive. Parlor Goods Draperies. Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of nil the latest tomers , the newest novolti's in styles in Turcoman. Madras nnd Suits nnd Odd Pieces. Lnce Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Passenger Elevator to all Floors. CHARLES SHIVERIGK , 1300,1208 nnd IS 10 Fnrnnm Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB OF TOE ESTATE OF I IS SELLING THESE GOODS AT PEICES TO MAKE THEM O TT I GO TO CLOSE UP THE BUSINESS. 1313 PARNAM STREET. 1313 DEALERS IN Stoves , Furniture , Crocknry , itc. Agents for the celebrated economy Cooking and Heating Stoves and the BEST RANGE. N 115 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. , OMAHA , NEB. 5S70. ; LOW PRIDES AND GOOD GRADES Uet my i'rlcm beforw novinp olseyrhere. "inrrJs. T > ru r U3 * H Si . J2 o 0 > .Q 'O rH 0w o .Qa .3 Sa w 4JW o CUMINGS AND 20TH ST. ; OMAHA , NEB , U HarriDgton , , AND FISCHER ev and Packard Organs. r write for Catalogues and prices. Lowest prices nnd best instruments. 50 ! ) Farnam Street , Omaha. .Nob. J. 0.1'lUiSCOTT. THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 14 * DodficSt , , i u D0rd } OMAHA. NEB