Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1884, Image 5

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The CoflYciilioii Endorses Iho OntgoiflE
Members for Its
ClnlmlnjcTlicm to lie "a Dcmnurat , n
Uepttlillcnn nnil \VotkltiKtimti"
Party < ' < > inmlttcc , Ktu ,
The democratic city convention to put
'in ' nomiintion three candidates for the
board of education was hold last evening
in the council chamber.
The meeting was called to order by
Charles Connoyor , chairman of the city
central committee. Charles Kaufman
was elected temporary chairman and
Truman Buck temporary secretary. It
was moved and carried that a committee
of tivo on credentials bo appointed. J.
J. O'Connor , 11. O'Koofo , P. Dosmond ,
W. H. Ijams , and Gcorgo E. Stratman
were appointed by the chair. It was or
dered on motion that the delega
tions bo required to hand in the result uf
votes cast for councilmcn in the various
wards :
The committee on credentials reported
the following gentlemen entitled to scats
in the convention :
First ward Chns. Kaufman , Thomas
Casey , David Guild , Clms. Comioyor and
_ . _ _ .
i-i T".1
Patrick Desmond.
Second ward 11. O'KeiTo ' , NVin. II.
Ijams , V. Burkloy , Ed. Moriarity and
Gustavo 13onoko.
Third ward Julius , Meyer , John
Wuothrich , Henry Pnrrish , Henry Horn-
bornor , Michael Donovan.
Fourth ward J. J. O'Connor , Jerome
Fontzol ) W. A. L. Oibbon , Peter Gees ,
Trnninu I3uck.
Fifth ward A. N. Ferguson , James
Dolau by A. N. Ferguson , proxy , U. B.
Brown , W. T. Whitohouao and Tim
Sixth ward Andrew Smith , George E.
Stratman , Lewis Shields , John Morris
and James Powell.
The committee on credentials further
reported the following named gentleman
as nominated for councilman in the fol
lowing wards :
First Ward George W. Duncan.
Second Ward James Mahoney.
Third Ward Patrick Ford.
Fifth Ward J. H : Whalon.
Sixtli Ward J. II. Winsprar.
The ropon vraa adopted.
The temporary organization was then
niado permanent , and the convention
then proceeded to the nomination of
three candidates for the board of eduea
The following resolution was offered by
W. A. L. Gibbon :
Recognizing the fitness of the three
members of the board of education , whoso
terms ot oflico expire this spring , and de
siring to keep our schools as much as
possible out of party politics :
Jtcsolvcd , That wo nominate as our
candidates for the board of education the
outgoing members , Charles Connoyor ,
E K. Long and J. J. Points , one demo
crat , one republican and one working-
Andrew Smith moved to lay the reso
lution on the tablo. An amendment was
proposed to the motion by Patrick Des
mend , that the resolution bo adopted.
A spirited debate then took placa ,
Messrs. O'Connwr , Ferguson , Buck ane
Gibbon speaking in favor of the amend
ment and Messrs. Stratman , Moriarity
and Smith against.
The resolution was adopted almost
It was moved and carried that the del
cgations from each ward select two members
bers for the city central committceo.
The following are the names of those
selected :
First ward Pat. Desmond and Thos ,
Second ward E. F. Moriarity and V ,
Third ward Julius Meyer and Pat
Fourth ward Charles Brotvn and
Charles Redick.
Fifth ward II. B. Brown and T
Sixth ward Lewis Shields and An
drew Smith.
The following resolution of T. Moriar
ity was adopted ;
That the school board bo and they are
hereby requested to furnish all nchoo
children the necessary articles to bo usec
in said school free of charge.
Suvoral other resolutions of instruc
tions to the school board were read
They were laid on the tablo.
The convention then adjourned.
A mooting of the now central committee
too was then hold. Charles Connoye
was elected chairman. An adjournment
was then taken to tlis ) evening.
Mr. T. W. Atkins , Gir.inl , Knn. , writes
"I never hasitato t ra-xiintnoiul your Kloc
trio lilttcrs to my customers , they give entire
BatUf action and are rapid sellerx. " Klectri
Bitters are the purest and host inodlcini
known and will positively euro Kiclnoy anc
Iiivor complaints. I'linfy the blood and rcg
ulftto the bowels. No family can afford to l >
without them. They will save hundred * o
dollars In doctor's bills every year. Sold a
CO cents a bottle by ( ! . K. Ooodman.
TJirco Wards Attempt o Prepare for
tlilw F.venliifj.
In three of the
wards last evening cau
cusecs were held. The following are th
results :
Jn this ward the republicans held i
caucus in Turner hall. It was though
Thrano , the present incumbent , wouli
bo nominated without opposition. Abou :
sixty voters were present. Part of them
it is said , were democrats. Erneai
Stuht was nominated by those present
for councilman from that ward. The
caucus adjourned without nominating
delegates to the city convention.
Hero a meeting was held in Me
Gucken's saloon. After a conference bo
tweoa the republican aspirants for 'tho
council , it was mutually agreed to ad
journ without taking any action The
contest will bo settled at the polls this
In this ward a caucus numbering abou
150 , was held in the board of tradi
rooms , The meeting was presided eve
by W. J. Uroatch. I' . M. Mullen acted
as secretary. Hero there wuro thrc <
candidate * for the council , \V. F. JJechol
G. M. Hitchcock nnd Kdward Teat
Juroo ballots were taken. The third ro
suited in the nomination of W. I1' ,
ttcchol. A committed of three wns ap
pointed to select seven republicans
from the ward to bo voted for at the pti-
mnries this ovoninc M dulo atcs to the
cilyconvcnlioti. The committee report *
cd the names of Oeo. 11. Lake , Dr. 1'nr *
cor , John Lichtdbor cr. Oustavo Ander-
in , H. W. Ikcckcnridgo ntul J. 11. Mil-
The souse of the mcotinrr wns that the
ntgoing members of the boatd of cduca-
"on should bo re-elected ,
Clean out rats , mice , roaches , tlioa ,
nta , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks ,
ophors. 15c. Druccista
V 3l)8t DlHurncoful Afl'alr on
Street Last
A most disgraceful scene was witnessed
y a crowd of men on Farnam street last
ight about 12 o'clock. Ofiicor Ituano
let Maggie Lindloy , a disorderly woman ,
car lliggius' restaurant. She was con-
dirably intoxicated , lie ordered her
o go homo , tolling her ho would take her
jail if slio did not. She began to
buso the ollicer. Iluano started vrith
er for the jail. She refused to go. Soon
ack Galligan came along and attempted
o assist him. The woman lay down up-
n the sidewalk , screamed and sworo.
ho was being dragged and carried by
lioso two ollicors as boat they could.
At this juncture Charles Townsoiid ,
lip woman's "friend. " who works at
liggins' restaurant , cnmo up. IJobegan
o interfere with the ollicers. lie also
viia arrested and taken to jail. The
voman by her screams and cries , hoard
it n distance of several blocks , attracted
\ largo crowd of men. Finally with the
initcd help of four policemen , the woman
vas placed in jail , being carried nearly
our blocks.
This sight in daytime would have put
o shame all good citizens.
This instance showed the great ncces
lity of some means by which refractory
, ) orsons can easily bo taken to the sta-
Mr. J. .J. CiimniiiiKH Given His Sltlo
ol' the Story.
The row which occurred yesterday over
an abstract of this city , which was being
ireparod for Ames" real estate agency by
0110 Bowman , a full account of which was
; ivon in yesterday's BKK , has dovolopcci
nto a suit against Mr. Cuminings by Mr.
Ames , in which the latter sues for $5,00 (
damage ; . Mr. Cummings gives his side
of the matter as follows :
Long before Mr. Amos had employed
Mr. Bowman to write him up a sot o !
abstract books , I had negotiated with him
Mr. JJowman ) to complete a sot for mo
mder a system the patent of which Mr.
Bowman controlled the right of this atato ,
to soil and mako. I had my books man
ufactured and ready for the work before
ho order for Mr. Amos' books was given
to The Republican oflico. And further
when Mr. Amos' order for books was
received by The Republican I was abaen
from the city and did not return unti
some time their delivery of his books. .
The arrangements 1 had made vrith Mr ,
Bowman were that I should furnish nl
the paper and material necessary for the
transcription of the Douglas county re
cords and that the same should be my
property. I have furnished the material
as agreed and think I have a right to pos
session of the notes. I have also paid al
demands as per agreement for work done
upon my books and transcripts. Learning
that Mr. Ames had sued out a writ o
replevin to recover possession of the
manuscripts yesterday morning , I atonco
proceeded to the court-house to got thorn
and upon entering the ollico was mot b ;
Mr. Pratt , Deputy Sheriff Crowell am
Mr. Bowman.
I demanded the rnanu
scripts , papers , etc. , belonging to mo
which Mr. Bowman delivered to mo , am
which I carried away with mo. Upoi
returning to duty at The Ropublicai
oflico I was mot on the street by Messrs
Ames and Pratt and Deputy Sheril
Crowoll , near the oflico , and was firs
encountered by Mr. Pratt calling mo vili
names , etc. , and afterwards by Mr. Ames
who pursued the same course , and stop
pingto ono side , I advanced to The Republican
publican oflico door. Both at mj
heels. J turned around nnrt both shooi
thor fists in my face still calling names
and being excited and c-nragod i pullc (
my revolver out of my pocket. I did no
point it at any ono , but drew it to protcc
myself. My knowledge of the wholi
matter has been oil along , and now is
that Mr. Bowman's agreement with then
docs not prohibit him from making one
other set or fifty of them at thu same tim
under the sain a system if such is his do
Biro , J. J. CUMMINOS.
In UHO 150 Vcars.
Impurity of Blood , howovar gonoratnd
ia always proaont in the bcdy whoii pail
ia foil ; it spreads and ferments vrliorove
a weak spot or low vitality exists.
BKANDKETH'S PILI.S are tlio ono grea
and unfailing remedy , booiuao they taki
hold and cxpol only what is hurtful ; st
when siok , Jiavo pain , dizziness , rliouma
tism , colds or costivone8stnko from threi
to live , and if they do not operate in foil
hours or so , take three or four more
They cleanse thoi bowels and circulation
from all impurities of the bloodand oftoi
save life. iJitANniir.rji's PIMH preserve
the vigor of youth , and for n lonj ; periot
keep of the debility of ngo.
Sold in every drut ; and medicine store ,
with plain printed cliroctions for uao.
The concert of
Madame Carrono an
Misa Emma Howe in
, Minneapolis , ot
Monday evening , created a remarkabl
Bonsation ,
Both arti'sts took the audience inatan
tanoously captive , and according to thi
papers a concert of the rarest characte
ensuod. Madame Carrcno ia the mos
brilliant living female pianist , and Mis
Howe a second Oerstor , wjlh all he
trills , and shakes and
, staccatos , and t
voice of perfect purity and sweetness
Both ladies are pictures upon the stage
and they so charmed the Minnoapoli
audience that they woromndo tododnubl
and triple duty. There is u treat ii
store in tlio Philharmonic concert to
night which our citizanh arc hardly nwar
of The house should bo crowded to th
SAW : .
Pine Million Bnsliels of Wheat Change
Hands in Chicago Yesterday ,
Accelerated by the Largo Offer
ings and Lower Prices ,
Jloso Proximity to a Pnuio , but
the Storm is Weathered ,
The Lively Flurry Now Thought
to bo Somewhat Beneficial ,
Jorn Holds a Firm Middle Ground
Between Wheat and Oats ,
lie Ciittlo Market Iicvold til * Iilfc
Iiiwcr 1'rlecrt Prevailing.
pedal IM.'imteli to TlIK HKK.
Oiui'.viio , March 20. There was little
r no chixngo to note in the condition of
10 market us compared with yesterday ,
'hero is no particulnr hfo in the general
mrkot. Exporters are almost idle. A
ow loads of fair to good cattle nro sent
n to Now York and liostoii oacti day ,
10 tops of which are Bo'octod for the
English markets , There is a steady do-
laud for caunors' and bluchers' stock ,
lit low prados of bulls and cows uro sell-
: ij considerably lower than last week ,
'hero has been only a light business so
ar this week in stockers mul feeders ;
, -150 to .1,500 Ib exports , § 0.10 to g ( > 70 ;
oed to choice Bhipping , 1'JOO to 1,350
as , § 5.70 to SO ; common to medium ,
,000 to 1,200 Ibs , § 5 to $5.50.
The day was ono of nervous excitement
in 'change , and nt times the tondoncywas
tanicky , but deapito thu extraordinary
iroak in wheat , operators appeared to
rcathor tlio storm in good shnpo , and iij :
o the close of 'change , no features of
liny character wore reported. The great
Icclino is ascribed to unloading by some
f the heaviest of the "Long" operators ,
vho have bcon holding up against a
drop to 00 cents for May , tut when that
cnmo an avalanche of "Long" property
vas thrown on the market , which forced
down the figures at a very rapid pace.
ty wheat opened at ! ) lc , but foil oil" to
) OJc , it rallied c and then fell oH'stoadi-
y , with only slight rallies to 88\c.
t rose from there to 80s , fell oH * again to
Ac , and BO closed on 'change. On call
ward an additional 4,200,000 , bushels
was thrown on the market , which broke
oft" prices irregularly io to jc. The clos-
" .UK prices on 'change were 83JJc March ;
Hc April ; 88J May ; OO o Juno ; ! ) lc
July. On call board the closing prices
vroro 82go March ; 83o April ; 87 c May
and Juno ; 89i to ! 0 | July. The closing
iiiotations are all tower than over previously
viously known for this season of the year.
Sales during the day were enormously
'argc , but it is thought this all tended to
. general settlement of long pending
deals , and that the atmosphere is clearer
, o night than at any time since the
downward turn in prices began. Closing
iriccs to-day , both for cash and futures ,
ire about 25o under the closing prices
: or the same day in 1883.
partook of the activity shown in wheat ,
but as compared to the decline in prices
shown in wheat , could bo quoted as very
steady. The decline for the day or
'change was .J- .Jto gc , but this was addet
to on call board , where an additional do
olino of I to .Jc occurred. March con
closed at 4gc ! ) ; April at 49jc ; ; May a
54Jc ; Juno at 55jjc ; July ut 57o. } Oi
call board 1,025,000 bushels sold at a
decline of Jc to .Jc , May closing nt Dle
There was a speculative market for
oats , it being unsettled and depressed by
the decline in wheat and occasionally
stimulated by the firmness in corn. Tin
leading futures ranged J to Jo under yoi
turd ay ; May closed at 'Me ; Juno at 33 c
the year at 27jc. On call board 475,000
bushels sold at a decline of Jc to Jc.
Trading in mess pork was moderately
active , the feeling easier , and price
declined IGo to 20e , closing compara
lively steady nt medium figures. Ma'
cloned S17.70 to § 17.72 * ; June , SJ7.80 U
S17.82A ; July , 817.871 to 817 DO. Oi
the call board 19,000"barrels sold at a
declinn of 5 cents.
Lard w.-n faiily notivo and easier. May
closed S.3L ! ) > A to SO 35 ; Juno , § 0.40 i
8a42A ; July , 89.47HoS ! ) 50. On cal
the iiiilca vrero 4,250 tierces , July dticlin
ing 24 cents.
AVIdo Awuko DrtiKKlHtH.
C. F , Goodman in ulwnyn nlivo In liin IIUB !
ncsa and H ] > arcfl no iiultm to necuro the liost o
ovcry article In Iiinlino. IIo luw Hoctnod th
oconcy for the colobr.itod Dr. JClng's Noi
Discovury for Coiimiinption. Thu only cor
tain euro known for Consmmitiim , Coughs
Coldn , JIoarHOiicHB , Astluim , Ilay Kuvor.llrou
cliltls , or any affection of tliroat nnd ItuiL'K
Sold on a pouitivo larantoo. Trial IxittleH
free , llot'iilar nUo SI
Opening ol'tlii ) Upper
ST. PAUL , March 20. At two o'ctoc
the ice moved out of the river in th
front of the city and for the first time ii
years the river has boon clear at thi
dato. No damage dona.
DunuquK , March 20 , The river
clear and the boats will resume trips to
DuiiUgi/K , March 2i. ( The ice finall
broke up to-diy in the river in front o
the city and pasaod elf without doing any
damage. The river is now clear of ice
except a little Hunting , as can bo saui
ubovo and bolow.
Connecticut AualiiHt Woman SuflYiiK
JlAUTFoni ) , March 2G , In the hoim
to-day the bill giving women the right t
vote on the license question wag over
whelmingly defeated without much die
cussion. On the bill giving them th
right to vote in school meetings was i.
full discussion , and the bill was rejected
05 to 8U
Iluoklon'H Arnica Salvo.
. . .Tl10 ffroiitent modlcol wonder of the worli
Warranted to speedily euro Hums , Cut * . Ul
COTB , Halt Hhourn , Fever Horen , Cancom. 1'llon
( JliillblalM , Corns. Tetter , Chftjijiod liandu
an'l nil BkJn eruption , gnrantood to euro I
tvery lo tanco , or money rofuudoJ. 25 contu
Tlio IIuiinolt'.MaoIcoy Cable.
BOSTON , March 20. The Hewlett
Mackoy cable is expected to reach Cap
Ann about the middle of , April. Th
Commercial Cable company , which own
the line , to-day purchased the land nee
essary at Capo Ilodgo opposite.
Mlnorn Accept , a Kciliicllon ,
Marcli 21) . Three thou . | ( '
nd coal miners , in A Hints mooting a. '
iliitaboth , P.i , , this afternoon , to consid
r the proposed reduction of a intarlor
f n cent in the price o' the mining river
tools , decided to accept the operators'
Absolutely Pure.
Thl powder novtir t ri l. A mind ol purlt
Mtiijh ami uhnlcsomenaii More conoinlcAl tl > n
10 CiUnaty Und * , am ) c uCI tiar.nM In rvmixi luoj | |
Itu ihomultltuJo ot low tu : . short wclitl t Mum or
liu.iilmtolHMMlern.ijoM oniy In cunt. Hoa Uk-
K I'cmlflr On. . Ion Wall pot Nmv vtlr
TO LOAN-Monov.
rONr.Y UUN'r.O-On cluttrt property by J. T
L llr..mY , 213 couth 14th struct. 3.lm |
MONK.YTOI.OAN Tholowcnt rites of Interest
llcmls' LOMI Agency , Uth & Douitliu S31-tl
rONKVTO LOAN In81111140 ! ( SOU. ml upward
L O , t' la\la mul Co. , Uual KdUto and I < o n
Runtfi , 150E Tarium Ht. S93-tt
MOSKY Lonnoil on ch\ttol ) > rep tt ) , hy S. T.
Peterson , S. i : . corner Kth an < l DouKUa
" \\f A N'TKI ) ATTfin lJSrt iTin to nB'ifS liirrilo
TI CTroofchlldri'iinmlilo tceoiul nork nt Mn ,
Ira'a 20th anil St. Mar ) 9 at o. Hufercncca ruiiulrod.
Ib4 tf
IJANTKD-SIx or ulht | KIMXI dlroiiK Klrlo fur \nt-
1 loin or k. Api > l ) nt thu Taslun Iloti'l.
WANTU1 > A EOivl clrl la ilo Krnornl hoti o. ork.
Apply 1510 llnrncy St. ISti-Sfl
WANTK1) SO rallroaJ men .137 llth SU
\A/'ANlii : ) A ( ? lrl for irenoral hou o work. Oooil
> \\nirm 111 bo pnld. C1IAS I'l.lX'li , llntflo houao
! , 14th Sis. IhS 20 !
-Threo salot lodlosnt the latii'y itooils
Rinl notion ntcro , 1617 Douuhi Ht. 205-27
ANT ii-A : kitchen KM iM \ away nt 1414
UonxluSt llMton llostaurant. IIII.'JSJ
\A7ANTED-Olrltoilo ( homuwork 1710N.
lit ! St. 127 tf
W ANTKDI'nnor li uik'cr t U'liliohouso'n Driii ;
.Storo 702 N. 10th Ht. 123-tf
l7ANTKI- fur general liousu work H. W.cor.
> 14 h anil How aril. HO W
1 rANlii-lJlnlng : room iflrl at 1017 Caiillol nve.
\\7ANTii : > -At thu Metropolitan Hotel , thruoux-
I T pcrlercuJ dlulng room g\t\a \ \ l.ninedlatuly. I ! !
julro tumtottanl. 16027
1\7ANTEI ) A girl for iccnnil work and to niaist
i ? with ttabhlng and Ironlne. Mm , KliiKinan Ot
Ploafiant St. , lietueeli Kt. Mary's at o and Hartley St. ,
Hcccnd St. ttust ul tno ( Joincut. ( J 279
" \\fANTK.D-THo Konlhroom makers nml * avc
If at PhttBiuouth IIIOOMI workii : BteaUy work.
WANT1IU A coinputdit Kurtant girl for general
homu work , nonu other nocd. Apply T. C.
II'lUNNKIl. ' 101.28
ADIES OH VOUNO MUN In city or cmintrv to
( tike nlco light and plonaant work nt their own
iciliieH ; { 2 or35 a day camly nnd ipilttly irado ; c/rk
ni"it hy inallno ; CIII\RKKIIJ | : ; no tain | > 8 for reply
I'lciso aihlro93 Itcllahto Man'f'gCo. , Plillailclphla , I n.
drawer , IT. I i8-liro
QUtEN lady agonti for this now rubuornndcrgar
nitut for bJlefl. Address ttlth utainiin , I Jlei' Lin-
dcrgarmcnt Co. , 0 south May Ht. , Chicago. 821-lm
Ty7"ANTEI ) Lidlos or jonng men to take nlco
IT pleasant work at Iholr own homo ; } 2 to ? fi a
day , caHllymado : work Hunt hrinaltno ; CAnvaan ! .
Audrusa F. HldJ It Co. , hex 167 Uuhuquo Iowa.
\\7ANTiD- : ( llrl In IBM | ly of two for g
i eril hou < a work. Whlto orcolorol. Ap
lictwccn Oaml 4 o'clock , no South 26111 St. , 4th
homo from llodgo , 121-2JII
" \\7ANTEI ) Qood and competent girl fir house-
i work Apply at corner nl ImlUnnand Sum.
u'crustreet , on red car lli.e. Mrti. Herbert' ! ' . Icntllt ,
11G-2 ! )
\\TAN'lii-ln : moillately , ft first clam HPCOIII ! girl ,
Ti U'nt'iH f'l.f > r ) | nr wtol , . Hcfuroncos rui'il.uil. |
Apfly at " l M. T. ratrljkuSiunileH.St. ncarUrau- .
l\7ANTii-loo : < l ittrl for general hon u irif. llif-
T > ircticca required. Cullnt 2217 Howard St. , i : .
of Himnlcn. 120-275
WAN1. ! ! ) Aglrlfor nccinil work and to onfl
ttlili waihliignnd Irmiliig , Mra. KliiK'limn , r,0-
PlinPiintSt. liLtitcui St. .Mary'rt ntu. , nnd llarnuy St.
nucotid tt-ict wuit of the Content III-S7 *
\\rAKTBI ) llrl ! < at Kit ploj mint llurenu. No of.
T I Iku fco. 217 N. lOtti Htuut. 0 ! ) 208
"V\7ANTii : > fining room 1'ltlnt thu Kinmtt IIDIIHI
Ti lithliutwcon llarnoy nnd rarnain. 48-21J !
" \17ANIKI ) A glil todo iKiooml work. Aunty n' '
BUS. 17th .St. l)7.f ) |
V\7ANTKI > Two ( { irl , rook nml nurse. App y a
V > tlckut olllce , 1113 1'artam ntrtut.
i t < i. c. noiiiiii ; .
VWANTHD Tolilrea glrlor inhlilloavnl woman
IT fnrKencml luiuiowurl.Jooil v/Kifat will l > <
tmld , 1108 Karimm Btrevt , liotweeu lltli anil | 2th Ht
ANTtfD-A girl , 1614 California btreet.
803 tf
\17ANTKI-llrliu-o | want Ifi Kl'ln lor goner *
II MOUHII work , timpply at unov cu C'liinoii Ilio'i
anil Co. Opjionlto I' , ( ) . Norliar o 741-tl
W ANTKD A Oormau illnlni ; room kltchcii girl
Honio and Iloppo , 418 H. 13th bt. , botwrnr
llarncy and llotard. DB5U
VrANTKISituation > , fxperlcncgd vtoiioxraphcr
Tl also ipilok and ntcnrati at t'guren. ' ttilten plain
rapl-l , lung hand. AddiuM "tj.oru liauil" Hot olllcu
Klniilnj'ini nt by a yoiliiL'u.aii In Hi'ru
II. MANNWKII.r.Il. jbfl M |
\\TAinKlt To drive ilillvurf oionor work I
TT Htoro , niicaki Ooriutiiisiid HmrlUh , Itcfunincc
furnlslio'l. Addiiei' < O. K. " llco olllco. JOS-SSI
WANTKD-flltiKtlun on utoonil ulrl In mimll f m
Ity. Inijuiru at thu Arcwle , IJouxUt Ht , Ixil (
12th anj l.'lth tt.
ANIKD-Kitua'hn aatranlncr In iirhatofamily
? I OrxKl re ju e/nlatlon ylveii. Addrejt "I * , A.
llwi olllco. 131
2S |
WANrii-J'otlliini : ol any kind hy compel
jonni ; mm with riferuncci , "I ) , ciniiloi mi
bureau 217 N. IGtu ( truut. 101,271
kwriil ) A rcllatilo young man wanti a pl o
ao o"10" to work , board nd goto ncliool. "H , A.V. .
ll ANTKIl-Hltmtlon liy an c rtrlfnocil rlrri
inker. Addnm il. K. " Iku Illo. . b"v )
. . - . , .vn , .vi > ni toliarn Inok
. . . . .wait Mil Uuiy | until tltuatloiu licculni
are In
iilhhod J. II KUITH , 16I IMugUi. 03 | .
UMNTKU-S.OOO ) rd.7rdiTt7Tro7 r
l > blKlWUitol the * , oi
Convent ' 1X1
on Ht. Mart'
. _ . B. U. JOII15.VM ? ! )
of SU ) lit , Johu gn
. . .I ) Doom anil board \"Hhln tit Mcckn ot
. i toil1io , for k'cntlcniiui ati'l * lfo AiMfM
e K. It "thuoflico 210-S7I
FOX ntNT Uounti nnd L ta.
7Ull UiST-N'lrT : rttnT'ho.llrontroomi.'iNo SIS
. ' W7 S7J
r ) U M NTA nlcclv fiirnUliM parlor cmt r <
1 tire lth or without board , tlne t location In the
ty , N.V. \ . corner ISth Mid IVirnam St . IM ti'
' OK ItllVT l l d 0 room ootlaso. S T.
1'etctson , H. K. coriur IMh nnd n.niv'Hi.
IBS tf
lOU IICNT rurnMio I ton in , prhato family wither
or vlthnill IniAnt. ThUo bnnnltn necommodv
od , 1M4 l > .tMiipott rlrroU OH'-M !
ITUIK ItKNT Store riwm mil l < n omc l corntr Ktli
1 klul Jono * . IhrnillT M IM.IJnrksoM. II
[ JMlll lll'.NT Nloly fitrnl'hdl front romn , bi > rk
i room fiitnliiiiil or unfurniMicd with or nlthnul
oard , 1015ft. \ . P2I-20 }
I. OU ItKNT Me neat K room cottagci In llannoiiiii
place , 3 Mocks cfl't of I'urk Me. Klroct cari , t''O
ermonth. I1A11KH1 A MAYNK. 31 If
I/OHIIKNT 10)niru lann. AUotnlcK ) ftrd. T.
I1 Murray. _ < H If
/OK HUNT Mca liirnliheit room , 1717 CAM
Street. 07.1 U7I
IiMlll HKNT KiirnWuM room , 10IH Ririmmstreet
UllKNT Varnlitinl tin m 1817 DeilRO itn-rf.
DM tf
1 ? 011 UKsY ! A finiiifl.eil room for ono
I' SMI DoiulM , 411
' . Olt UKM' lliuiieivnil nnd third llixip < of liy
building , 1103 Kariiam HI 8.
I OH HUNT SIMCIIroom rotlaijp , near tlit U 1'
[ ' driot. | r > is c < lon , A | < rll Mil. linulro | at 2121
> 'elwtvr Street , or of luKoM. . IjMiitTi I'.thnml
IM-OII treet.i. MUUf
" jiOH IlKM A ltiriil niHl front room lur oiuic
, t o Ki'ittlcmen , corner Uth nnd Kim'iipott Ms.
7 1 < 0ll KENT Kurnlshp I room 1017 Chle-KO.
770 tf
NT Kurnltncil rocimn , 1017 lodio sireci.
7 > OU lKASi : 0 hiiAlniiKi lots 10th Htreet , etnccn
1 Dm import .Mul C.ipltol lucnue , i-aM i > lilii , for n
roi of jrnitt. AMI'.H ,
ISO tf 1K07 Karniiu Htreet.
? 01l HKNT llooina 111 Nchratka Natlonn llanli
} llnllillni ; . Moit donlraUo olllron In the oltv
uppllod with hjdraiilla olo-ator and heated h
enm. Apply at Hank. 02l-tf (
T > 011 IlKNT Kurnlnhc.1 room on the norfiwn
1 cor. ISIh nd Capitol at oiiuo , formerly Crrliititnn
oiino. ISD-t ?
| \UUN1SHKU room lionttil J2J N. 10th.
7 > 0ll HAW ! State nnd country rlshta for Iho Im-
pr.ncd milk pan , by Urn. J. Kehollor , N. W. cor.
Mb nnd California St. Onmha , Neb. 101 Sa
T ' OIt Hr.S'T Store , aluo uoiil riwnn nml olllom In
Ctmnmft Illock. K M. IIITCIICOOK. l 7-2t
710H SAIi-Ono : hr o Miwlor llahinann JbUn'ii , S
1 ton tafo an ROO. ! as now Height 4 ( ret : t Inches
lillh II foot , 10 Inchon , depth t ! foixl H ) Inchen. For
titlrnlam tmpilro at olllco of Nolirankn jmploment
o.oii 14th Htreet hettt'en Ilirney and Howard Ht.
101) ) 281
7UKKAI ) K llrnml w ) o' nml stock Ii0f | hj'V. .
J A. llarrUon , City steam Uundry llth St ,
/OH SAM : At n harcaln. A line two peatmlrnr
1A r > nil In purfcct order , IlKht nml ultnhlofor ono
or o May bo noun nt Slnipajn'ii Canlaifo l' < ctory.
203-SS )
H VIilI Hl room oottnrn l r > rJ bar'i , K od
i1 well and cistern , full lot N. Kcorner Chirlen ml
aiiiea near Poor Clalro Con\entNorth Omaha $2000
' ilovui , lulnm'O on lontf time. ( I.T. WllkliiK , | K)3
'lorco St. 130 i (
[ } > 0ll HAU-ChnlciilotHiiiur : Park , from WJO In
Choice IO'R ' In HaioiD'a add. to Okohonm from
SOU to $37B.
10 lots In U'llcox SiladJ ; nil fcnred , with uood .
home. JI.COO vaili. PAULSIIN .V CO.
Kll 27
171(111 HAUI-Fiill o'rnor lot 10th and DodRo HI , ,
811,0(0 ( ttillioutanil $12riCO lth hnlldlni ; . A
otiltiUhfiOraoiiH , full corner lot , 3120j. : ! Thu
entttillpny 10 per cent on Intcstincnt. I'AUI , .
fcUO , 13J-27
I rtOlt 1 HAI.K-44 It. front hy 77 ft on 10th ncnr
Icnrd Str. , Cl.DUD. .
Hull n lot 08x84 lii Improvement , ABSO elation
ndd. , .
For ono week oily , 10 acres 3 mllotteutof the ,
Fort , 81 , VOO canh. ot
A lario nHiort'iient of nil klml of proiiirt y hy
1'AUI.SIiN i CO. 13J.27
1T > OH SAIiK Ororery ftnnd wlthntrado of $120)
pur > car 1013 Haniuy M. N.V , MICUKIM , .
142-iO !
! 1 ,10h SAT.IJ SU lint clai hinlnea ) lots on Ifltn
ttrout. IliiI : , it milllVKK. 167.31
FOIl HAM ! Kroshma hconH at llllllnry hrlJiro ,
( iiLumliiKilt. I'CNNY i WIM.IAMS. lOU-II
FOIlHAliK TwoloUIn hhlnn'n 1st addition not
otur 2 Mocks from Hanndon St. . $875 neil $ | u.'iO
ach. A lurKain. IHKY i. MOTl'KIl , S. W. corner
Mil nml farnar. jo ; , ( |
J 71011 HAM ! Kleirant 10 ncro plcc , west of hnr-
rnckit , inerlooklmr thu city. Very dunlrnliln for
ill ) lilt Idlnx , I.2UO c h..Vriill will hu ode red for
ily ono tteok.
\cry idco lot , mnnll homo , Hnutli 12th Ht. , SI.1W.
Aero lots In Norwood only 40 to $00 , Iho hunt
t III lllni'hnoh ) ; placii , 9j7C up.
11 Cholcolots In HaiiKCom p'nof ' , f.176 to $9on ,
I.otHln llrnndilow , Jmt uontli of thu U. P. durot.
7r > ln $ 100. '
rje untrniiomcottaKU , full lot , li mil Iron P ,
0 , , Sl.fito , 9JOO ilnun , Imlnnco SI5 pur month.
An 4cru lot with K nil "to room lioiifu on llnrt St
.fiW , ? 1'ldo n , halanco $25 per IniiHth.
( Inn h If acru Int , IHIIIHI 4 rooiiw , stallu , ota , Coll- '
ornla ntrivt , ? l,700 , (200 doun , hilanco ( IB0 per
A Mock cf loin In Wlleox addition. [ lu olftr.
.onk out. 'I hero IH soiiiftlillitf In It
4 | n reIn 'rnttlo'u biih-dltlidon , > l U.'O. oil.
( ; oul I room IUIIHU , lot looxirii' , 'nn If.tli Htreet
icur William strut fiim : ) ' . ' ,
, , , ? 'J.o iloiui , and 920 pur
nonth ,
ii"nnt : ( hilok re ldencn , 10 rnnniH , uvcrv rnnviii-
emu , I.VKO ham , lot f.iixMO only ono-lmlf hlock nil
St. Mary'H nvorinu , * 7f)00. Very i y tcrniD
Mco 7 room rculdoncs , lot 40x120. iunr bt. Hiuv'
itunnu , f Ii0i ) .
2 ! < irrciiiilcolanil nor'li Onnba , $1,530. MikeH the
en Koixi I U IIAItKUlMAYMK , N. II corner Iho
lltth and I'arinm. ir > s.f | i n :
; | HAM' A Suacro farm Mivcri mlle riiirthw t Jill
1 nf 1'miiont. 29 acrux line hottrnn haylnnd ; IMIIIMO ,
irn , Kranary , liil't ' trnh I'rlco 1,500 , { 1,000 cash ,
hire * * JOHN JOIINHON , Jamoitown , Neb.
A Hmall Block of llrnga nnd Druigmti' fixtures
for * ole In tlis llvo town ol VVit'urloo , Kohranka-
good oiiiilng | for a phy lolan. AMcusi J , II. OIL-
Kit , iikhorn : Matlon , Auh. 710-tf
IJMM HAI.K-dooil Block of Coiiffctlonory. SIAIl-
I1 HM"rf Agent2i7 N. , 10th Ht , I'M , ,
POH H.M.K-Onu tut of 'rinnoiH1 tooli nt M\y A.
Kunilo , N. W , cot. 10th nnd Irani Mi. 10120) ! )
i : 100) liiiilm'H ' of good
did ( orn. Apjdy ti lr C'lianibon Vuter-
nary Htirguon , Onaha. iiy t (
"TTAOU RAI.K- imnri of matut , larneas and uniron.
A' Iniulru2il7 | Chicago. 67-v j
F011HAI.K-Alotoflreihnillk rowjdt Kill ami
Callfornln St. 60 2 *
77OH HAI.K Now conk Dtoyriiior 910. Nowcham
hnrmiltH , forJW. nt Hill A. ( Jo , 1IB north lot )
\Vuginrttiilce til now gooda. Ill
Tinu 1 HAT.f MarMi rnlh , tl 401 mortlfigo nil Im lit
wi ted farm in lloiin'U oounty Uuiilng ten per In
cent. 1'AIJI.SKN fV CO. , J600 r rii ni Ht B tf for
FOIl HAI.K-IM Ont3i on Clilraxo htrett , will
ootmge , foiirroonm , ha I , two clo etH , itood nl nml
lar , fllttrchtcm , tries , fjillt , israpes , .I,600. liar
Mill. I'i/ITKIl &C01III '
P60tf 1616 Pariiamtlt , (
JTtOlt HAI.1' A irtlcnt Ice-bun nutublu for butohe
1 nr hcardlng houmi at U. P , It , H. Meat toarke oil
611 North 16th Ht. P3Mm
T/OH HAM : AT A HAIUUm-IU'l a block mar Kt
J1 ilury'n meiiuc , only llvu blocka Inim tl.nit nils
Home. ll.risMent | | ( loU or HUltablo for ten
ant liuuute. Will nub divide. Addruw 10MKINH
OJ1 rarnam ktreet. 781 If <
OU HAI.K-Um now popur m Urge and iu.
QBintltlc it thin ortlce. tf
7 > OllHAIr-Anr ; tilamVoiiofc Hon Piano , at a ,
] 1 bargain , In'iilru ' | Kddohn 4 : KrlokxoiiV. 6211 all
J7101SAMKonr ! ! show ca o very cheap , lii'inli ' and
' at lOlholm & Knck : n. 10'J tf
SAM : on DIAIM : A good upanoi muien the
Iron . and w agon. Apply to AIcix O , Charlton
at JlfCaxuu Jlfu * . OiU-tt
/ HAI.K r'arraH inllfn from city. Inqulra on
1 Mm ilejer , over Jl' dor'n Drutf ttoro , 10 and at
Weimter. 872-tl
_ _
n |
1,1 1 OK HA1.K-T 0 ojiuli Huconj-lnuJ l/mcliu an tn
on" do Iviry uijciu , ctiOJi | , at 131 $ Uaruuy Jt , I I Pt
a t *
SATR-Two porwW frollcm , 1
Aupiy\ n nvJi
_ * M-tl glB flonlh Uth ft.
rwlcr. Jl lim n JtCO. On
lmo t now , t tlili nlllca. t/
JlfVin fn hlon blo . . . .
Ine r'Arnam.Ht. , omo < lto ll d's Open
it rcMco n f penally. 1(17-1 }
_ \ tittnrci KinrrVHnil'Mont * thN ilay ilfonhnl
b ) Iniitnal concent , all ll.ibllltlcl and accounts to bo
Mtt.YJ by 0. M laton. J. M. KMFIiV.
Ihutnj succeeded llm flrm of Krner } and KMon , In
tlinOniilri Kioto llrnalr noikv I will Mill continue
HIP liiulin-1 at tl.o oln D'aiiil 1C ! ) Muiilh llth St , nnd
linHo all | > emoin wanting catting of nnj ilcucrlptlan
to K\O ! mo a call. 0. St. KA10N
10(1 ( OT
. . . . illillMiUy lolwoi-ii Iho mcrnlir 'o (
the tlrm of Sl\c ] niul llanttr bai bcon fettled
and nil moniy due the llrm Khould hopild to John
bt ) leu who contltuca the liunlium at the old stand.
207 27
DIHT Clir.M'-AlniQtllNOiikM'of earth Rhrn
i\ y , \\itliatirrmliiin , nt the northojt ror.
of Snrntccntli nnd l t\cnnortti , next to tcltool ,
Ii3 it
I OST-On Sttimlik ) M Hi. SAI n ROM lir.u-elot
\J Unrlntr thcnvimof AiMlo IVck. Klmtor Mill
ef nt tlili ( .tiler , ami In ) ro i\nl lv
I OST-l'nir rtrrl liouiut niifitflclon. KhiJcr w
I J lioj-m\ar.lciUi ) lc.i\lni ; nl 1512 lUtenpoit St.
Mrs. Sriir.OUKU , Ilio mnKiirtlr lirnlorhwr < itiirn
nlniiill < lie llint t u lokAt lOil l > noi\n | > rt
St. , li.tnoen lOlli iul ITtli St. T.0 linol
AL1ST. EOSTmilh ntrift , beturcn Ptrnura nnil lltr
ry , * ill. wun tno UI d inunilm mlrlti , oM ltjnj |
nj ono Ritnroottn i' f.t kiul ( iroicnt , nJ ili
cttMll ( Niiulltlon 111 inn tniiirn , UT.U nirl hem
> ! rtj r. I'nrfix-t tl < tmitlo l-viiranlci I
n 1eil ( irononAlK lll bonvoheil unlll 12 oVIo Iv M.
nturiliMitieli , tlHIt l.V-l , for thu folKiwIiiu ork
. ) lie ilono for thu I'nlon Stock \ nU conipany of
) m lm Ilinltoil.
I'lrd 1'or Krtillni ; Irxckn mul jarvli.
Scconil. For linllillnir the pll.i n.l . trc tlo lirUcf" .
llilnl. 1'or roiiitiiiolliiK' MliAln.iKo Kouor. IMAIK
ml p | > oolllo\lloiif ran lui evinilntil ami further In-
nrniMloii ohtaliiiol nl mv ullli-o room , 2fl , Nell Na-
lonal Monk ImlMIni ; . 1 ho right to roeot | nnv or all
hl U ii" ont.l. 11. ADAMS , Jr. ,
i'-.VU r.ntlni'i.r.
Oinnhv , March ! ! l , IS > 't.
(121 ( South inih , ln'twccn Jacloon ami Jonea Bts.
All Joli Wink In lloollnc , Ontleilnr , Kit. , ( iromptl )
latter of n | < iiluutloii ot II. Knlinan for I.liiior |
Xotlooln horuhy K\\V \ that II , Knlnmn ill. ) iiion |
ho I'lltli iluy of Mareh A. 1) ) . 1KM , | | | o Ms ai < | > HiAtloii
o thu M.ijor ami City Uoiineil of Onuha.for UrciKo
o neil tlnlt , Spirituous nml Vlnoni lliiiom | , tt
ornorlOth uuil DoJ o Street , 4th nr.l , Onwhi ,
Ncli. . from the llth dny of April 18.S4 , to thulUhili )
( July ISM.
If thcru ho tin olijvrtlon , rcinomitraiiro or iirotctt
lied ulthlii t \\eckn from March SOtli A. 1 > . ISSI ,
ho HuU HIVIIIO will ho grunted
II. KUDMAN , Apiillmnt.
J. J. L. U. J I'.WKIT ,
112-tl ! ! nk.l CltyUkrk.
latter of A | > | illrntlon of J. Ke < < < ik > r for Mqiior ! . !
Nollm It .heri'hy ghtn that J. Kv nlor illil upon
huMthiluy ot Jlri'U A. 11. 1SS4 , fllii hh nipllnition |
ii the maxor nml elty eounrll of Omaha for hcunso
o cll mult. rplrltnoiiH nml > lnmn lliuornnt | Kc > ler
mil , S. llltli Btreet , i.Mtanl Onuha , Nuhtrom tlm
1th iluy of April ISSI , to the llth ilny of July
S84 , If tht'ro lie
no olijwtlon , rutnonvtraneu or
.rntest llle.lltliln . tun ueokxfrom Martli'JOth , A. U.
S l , mill license will Im rnnteil.
.1. KKH I.RH. Appllennt
lM2t-loHkt J. J I. . ( . ' , .IHWiriT , City Clurk.
Mutter of Application of 1) ) . lUorbnch for
l.l < | uor l.icoiiHU.
Notli-o In liercliv ihcn lhat II Illoiliach illil upon
.ho 'JOth ilay of Maroh 1SS I , Illo hh npplirntlon to the
\ or ami ( Mty Council uf Omaha , for llcenso tn tell
unit , nplrtmniH nml tlnoini Iliinnra , nt No. 100(1 (
'aitollar St , l t wunl. Omalm Keli. from tlio llth day
April ISSI to the llth ilay of Ju'y , 1SS4.
If thcro ho no olijiictlon , remon trunoo or protunt
lleil ulthln tno wu'lii from March -7th A. 1 > . 1S8J ,
hu Kalil llcciibu " 111 hu U'runteil
I ) . HinilllAOll , Applicant.
: i7-2tluw | J. J. 1 U. J i\VI71T : , Cltj Ulcrl.
Unttcrof Ajiiiliciktion of Tliiiinpauii k Little
fur Jiiqnor J-iconso.
.Notice U herehv | ; l\on that Tlioinrnnn & Little
llilii | > onthoUMhilay of March A.I ) . lH4lniulil np | > l | .
allen to the llaoruml City Oinnicll of Onmhn , for
iiHO to bull malt , nplrltiloni nml \ liioiiv Minium , ut
1 I'lirimiii Ht , ilnl wnnl , Omalm Nrli.
rom the JMIi ilay of April , 1831 , to the lltli Uur
.Inly , ISSI ,
Iftheiolju noolijei-tlon unioiiHtrnnco or iirotul
xl v\lthln luu uuuka from Jlnlx-li V6 , A. I ) . IBS-l the
iiilil llcuiuulll lie iiranti'il ,
TIIOMI'KON k > 'T ' * Millranl .
IM ) 2t oott J J. J. I , . O. JKWm1 , tlljr O.crk.
ilatterol Application of M. Woukliaeh for Uquor
Kotlco Is licroliyIvon ( tlmt M. Weukhioh ilM
ipmi thu t7th ! ilny of Jtlaruh A. It. ' , 18SI , filu hN iippll-
ntlon to thu mijor lunl city council of Omaha for
Iccnuo In till limit , HplritmiiH nml iliiiiim l ! < | iinru ut
s'li. 4ISS , I'ouiteontli Ktri'Ct , Thlril Wunl , llmihn ,
Noli. , from the llth ila ) of Apill , 1HSI , to thu llth
lay of Oct US4. If tlmio hu no
nHtraiKo or prutcht fllullthln InIIMUU.H | from
rch'JHIi , A. I ) . ISSI , thu nil.I . llmixu uill hu urant
. M. WIX'KII'll ( , Applicant.
oo-'t-iouiij J. j. U c. juwirrr , city ciurk.
Hatter of Applliutlon ol Clint. I'lcelt for Liquor
illcu h hereby ulion Hint ( 'has. Heck did npnn
VOIIi il.iy nf jiarchA. II.ISSI. Illo his iip-jlk-jillon ti
iniijor nnd city cunm-il i > f llmah.t for llcennu li
ll in.ilt , Hplrllii'MH und iliiniH IIiiior | ut liiijlo
lloueu H , riinrluuntli utiuul , 'M ward , Omalm , Ncli. .
from tlio lltli il J of April , 1MI , to the lltli day ol
) , 1881. If them IHI no objection , rtiinmi-
Mrnnco or inntehtllled within two weukti from Alartli
2Uth , A. 1) . ISSI , the iul.1 llcuiiM will bo Krantuil.
CIMIII.K.S I'i HCK , Applicant.
wkj j. j. u a. Ji\virr : \ , Wty clerk.
Hatter of Api > llcatlon or .1.1) ) . I * . Ncbnell for Uipjor
Notloo la hereby cUuii that J. 1 > . I' . Hilmull din
lum thu 2tth ) ila > of March A. I ) . , 1S-SI , tile
lii nppllcatliin to Iho inaror and city eonnoll ol
Imaba , for lln IIHU to neil malt , Hiililtuoui nml vlnoui
lliiior | , No. UI3 H. IHth struct , Ht ward , Oniilm
Nub , , from thu lltli day of Apr.l , 1HS4 , totho lit )
'ivnfAlUi > t , IUH4.
It them bo no objection rumoimtranro nr protom
Illul within twoucokH from Mj-cli ' . 'Dili , A , 1) , IKS'
the mid llcumuulll boKranted ,
J II. J' . Hl'iviiU : Applicant.
J. J , I , . I ) . Ji\ViriT. : \ fit ) dirk.
1'ropOHiilH lor Military SupiillnH.
ri\rrK ,
I ) n.MIA NKII. , March 'ii , 1831 , J
SKAI.KI ) I'HOI'OH.M- triplicate , mhJcHto th
niual oonillthinii , will ha recoltuil nt thin ulllcu
until 12 nMock , noon , ( Oinnlm local tlnm , ) n < lute
imni-d In real U r , nt H hlch hour tl ty will IJD opcinci
picHdicu of i.hlduiK . , ami at uuif hour ( nllouliiK
illltcronca In timcntllio olllioi if the iiarlur
miiKter * nt thu folio * In if nirnul mlllurv po l ( or ( nr
riUliliiKtttiJ ililltory attuld | iit HH.h fuel , for K
straw nb nuy In r > tiiilrnl ihirliiif the ( Ucal yen
romnifiicliiir Jnlvl t , Ibfl , viz : Omalmilupot , flny
I'linu ( Upot , FortM Om ha , Nlohrnri , Hldnoy , Him
ell. hkolu , Ilrldi.'cr , Doujilo.Itohlniou , Jj anil Wa.huklo
rroiinmli ( or KIIIHUI < | , and charcoal will buopcn
I'rlilay , April VM18:4. \ .
1'or luy , btmw , Kinlii ami bran , Hatiinlay , Kay SI
AUo.ut thU nlllru , I'rlJay , A ] > rll Mill. 1881 , propo
for fiimlnlilm ; on Iho car * ut nation ) nuuritt th
iii'iieaoii fhu Union 1'acidi ] an I uthur Kallroaiu , ttiu
tliiiniiaii.l tonn of o ul , of IHt ponmltf to llm tun.
Also , utthU olllco , HJlmJuy , Mty 21 , Ibrfl , fo
dmiUhli'K' ' at Oinnhn ile | > ot or at any lt llroad ( ti
llon < not wont of Noith I'l.ltu , Imlnj , ' Itallrcrt'l ouu
nuctlonl with Omaha , If < tOOOi ) iioundu corn anil
lOUOOCUll | > umltOltf ,
Tlio Oortrniiunt leturvo thu rl nt to reject any o
prR | > ttli ) .
i'n-fcrencu lnn to nr'ldoi ' of ilomcutlo jKCiluctlo.
mnnulucturo , ci nditkim of p leu ami iguallty LIJ
niiuli nmUuch prt'ltrencu ulvin to artklim i
Aiii'-rle/iii production und uunuuctiirv proluctid i
I'tcltlo oontt , tulhu u tent c ( thu o muim > tk'H '
ri'iulril | ti ) the jmLllo nrncu Ilieru.
Illank pnnrfmij ml Inn. ruction * on to
ternutf contract , payment , tic. , will l i lurnliU-
application to Ihli olllcu , or to tholjuarUraaiter
ar 0111 ttill'ii nuiotU.
IJnulopuiior talnlni ; propcyild iliouM ha
'I'r jitiiaiii f"r - t .
thutm'ertlKiiiil ' , ortolhu ro pa * the Depot au
I'ott < Jumtenniiit''N. ' O , II. JUNUV ,
2 Ucnutiful Keaidcncc X'ots , just
off St. Mary's Avenue , north of :
\VoolworlhTsnuil ConnoU'd
rcsidoncca , $2,000 to
S2,50l > cnoli.
Easy Terms.
< { Lots on 21st , 22tl , 2Jrd ! and
SaundorH , nenr Grace Street ,
SHOO each. Easy terms.
Vill buy a lot in Lowe's addition
only 1 ; { miles from the postoflico
'i o a milo west from the end
of Red StreetCur Lino. Any
Term ? to suit buyers.
iota in "Sunny Side" on California
and Casa Htreets , near 27th St. ,
$050 to § 750 each. Eiuy
iota in "Grand View" and "Credit
Foncier" Additions- only 8 or 4
blocks southeast o the U. P.
and 13. & M. Railway depots ,
$500 to $2,000 each. Any
terms to suit purchasers.
Henry & Shelton's , Smith' j ,
llorbacli's , Shinn's , McCormick's ,
Lowe's , second addition , etc. ,
etc. , at nil prices and on
easiest terms.
On Cumings , Tzaril , Nicholas , Cald-
wtillPmil nnd llnmiltoii streets ,
nntl on ! J2I , ! J3(1 ( , 34th , 35th
mid 3Gth Streets , hnl mile
west of Military Bridge
and Saunders Street ,
$375 TO $ * , OOO.
\.iiy terms that purcliaaera may
Seventy Houses and Lots 5700
to 12,000 each.
Phreo acres with 300 feet south
frontage , on St. Mary's avenue ,
with large brick huildiug , only
one-half milo from Postolli e
$29,000. Ea y Tc-rms.
Ijouutiful Acre silo on Cutiling St. ,
ono hlock cast of tlio Academy
of the Sacred Heart. $3,500.
Any terms will cut it up.
Very Choice three-quiu-tcrs o an
uorccornor diagonally across from
S. E. corner of S.usre.l Heart
grounds , 189ft north frontage -
ago OH California St. , and
150 ft. west frtul , geon
Kennedy Sh Price ,
& ! , CO ( ) . Terms to
: ; uit iiui'cli.'iscrs.
Only a few lots left in thi addition ,
BIX blocks west of end of lied St.
car line , ono and one-half miles
froi the poHiollice , and one
milo from thoU. P. shops.
8300 and upward' . Any
terms desired.
Call and Get Plats , Prices , Etc.
Of OmulmlEach. ( )
oney Loaned
on iiuprovetl real estate ut lowest
rates of interest.
Lots for Biilo in every part of tlie
city , North , South , East , or West.
Houses , Lots , Farms , Lands , Stores ,
Oflices , Hooiiis , etc. , for Rent.
Deeds , Mori ages , Leases and all
kinds of Conveyance promptly
attended to.
Dusiness and Warehouse Lots for