THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY MARCH 26,1984. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wodosday Morning- March 26 sunscnirnorf BATES ; " " " " " " * . " _ . . . . - $10.00 \ ii Year OFFICE : No. 7 PBMl Street , Hear Broadway. MINOK MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Neil Voorhoos' little child is quite ill. Roland Reed appears heroin "Cheek" next Saturday evening. Brown'a minstrels appear at Bloom A Nixon's Thursday evening. Judge Aylosworth proposes building a largo addition to his residence. 0. A. Morgan is putting up a dwelling on Benton and llarnsou streets. Now spring goods just received at J. lloitor's , the tailor , 010 Broadway. For cut flowers , plants , etc. , go to W. II. Foster , the Harrison street llorist. Charlie Walters expects to put an addi tion to his dwelling house on Gray street. Two drunks wore disposed of in the usual manner in the police court ycstor day. day.II. II. Jensen , formerly with T. 0. Mil ler , has opened for himself at 17 N , Main St. Mr. Tibblts , the grocer , ia orocsing n cottage on Seventh atroot. Ho has tin frame already up. Mr. Larson has put up n nice little square house on Graham avenue , and go ! it ready for plastering. Mr. Hollonbeck is finishing a sinal dwelling house on Avenue 15 , between Eighth and Ninth streets. The hearing of the civil suit of Ollison against Boehtolo continues to take up tin time in the superior court. N. Williams has commenced laying tlu foundation for three houses near the cor ner of Gray and Broadway. Bruce Howe oxpocta to put up anothoi dwelling house to tnko the place of UK ono burned ticar the county farm. The printers want the use of the coun cil chamber for the meetings of thoii union about once a month , Sunday after noons. Toter Millard was orrcatod ycatordaj afternoon for being drunk and disturbing the peace and dignity of the great atat < of Iowa. It is now proposed to got four or livi carloads of atone from Macedonia , ant not the city prisoners nt work pounding them up. Mrs. Clark hay bought the property corner of Harmony and Benton stroota , and is preparing to make seine marked improvements. Conrad Goise found his dog ailing yos- torddy and had him killed at once , rathos than run any risk of hia getting worse and biting others. Complaint was lodged before Justice Schur/ yesterday that Paul Blackort had a glandorod horso. The steed was killed and buried at onco. Ouo bad hole on Broadway , where a sewer had broken through , was yesterday marked by a tall polo with the placard , 'Mud ton foot doop. " Mr. Jennings , in the eastern part of the city , has put quito an addition to his barn , about thirty foot , besides putting up additional sheds , etc. There has boon so much trouble of late about mad dogs that the council will probably take some action to have all dogs either tied up or muzzled. 'i ' The police have received orders U promptly arrest any confidence inon seer inside the city limits , but they say thai after a diligent hunt none are to bi founu. The Odd Follows' mutual prorectivi association has not grown in numbon very rapidly of late , and a plan is now 01 ; foot to unite with the Fort Madison or- ganization. The water works company hero offered lo the city at n nominal sum the hoavj rollers used by thorn in their work. Thoj will servo well to pack down some of the atroot fills made. Mayor Vaughan gaya that if any one will present proof at any time of any po lice ofllcor violating any of the rules established tablished by him , ho will dismiss the of fending oflicor summarily. Skidd and Styors , the two young mot arrested for having a row in the Junctior saloon , hod a hearing yesterday bofon Judge Aylosworth. Skidd was lined ami his companion discharged. Thuro is considerable agitation in favo of art inspection of meats. There ia tall of having a special inspector appointed How about the superintendent of mat ketal Is not that his business ? There is talk of having a gu inspocto appointed , BO that any gas consumer wh is disaatistiod with hia bills can call ii the inspector and got a report on th motor , etc. , the foea to bo paid by th consumer. The curbstones taken from the government mont lota and carted up to the city build ing are to bo carted back again. Mayo Vaughan having BO ordered , thua robul iug the petty action of the city olliciali who took them. The Baptist church social wil ! bo hoi , Thursday evening at the residence c Mr. und Mrs. J. P. Filbert , 710 Fin avonuo. Mrs. George , Mrr. Wosncr an Mrs. J. 15 , Brooka insisting in the 01 tortalniuent. Abtt tt was yesterday called I J The roof of the now city jail leaks mdly , and yesterday had to bo repaired , iho cement floor was long since found to > o of no account , so that from top to foot- om city jail seems to bo any- liing but what it ought to bo. hb Coy house to marry Ambury Bates , of Sioux City , and Miss Amanda Gray , of Logan. Mr. Bates will bo romonv jorcd by many ns having assisted Mr. icnlry in the construction Coun cil Bluffs telephone system. The United States court opened bore 'oatorday , Judge Love presiding. Little was done beyond hearing of motions and he empaneling of the juries. Marshal loot , H. M. Love , clerk , Attorney Run- noils , and assisted by W. T. Rankin , wore among the prominent present. The lecture to bo given Friday evening at Broadway Methodist church by the > astor , Rov. J , X. Armstrong , ia for hi * own benefit. The reverend gentleman ms so many friends hero that the home should bo packed. His subject , "Wit , Wpnlth and Wisdom , " or "Life Among .ho Mountains , " is a taking ono. There are no special policemen in the city now. .Somo think they are such , Mil their authority ended with the com- nt ; in of the now city government , and none have asked to bo roappointcd. Hereafter special policemen are to woai .ho regular police hat , and wear thoii star outside their coats , so as to bo read ly so-m. Justice Abbott and a jury have lint their attention taken up for two dayn ii [ tearing the caao of B. F. Crofts vs. II F. Hattonhauor , in which the plaintil sought to recover about $47 which hi claimed were wages duo him. The deFendant Fondant denied that ho ovrod the younj man anything , but the jury brought in D verdict of ? 12 in favor of the plaintiff Both sidca were dissatisfied , and the case la now to go to the auporior court. No ono can complain that there is nol enough force of water at the drinking liydrnnta. In turning the faucet OIK needs bo almost as careful aa in handling a gun , for it goes off when least oxpectet and dotmoa the drinker completely. Tin other day Mr. A. W. Street got a war rant at the auditor's ollico for the muouni n the library fund , ho being ono of the trustees. Stopping to the hydrant vritl Lho warrant in bin hand to ( tot a drinkhi was surprised to have a atrcam throvri all over him , and the warrant -was s < drenched that it nearly annihilated tin mblic library fund , the warrant boinj miido illegible. Where is the mayor's oflieo ? That is i liard question to answer. Most cities first-class cities have niich a place , but Council Bluffa has simply a desk sqoozod up in ono corner of the city clerk's ollico. The mayor tried to occupy it yesterday , and his comforoncca with callora vroro lirat broken into by a brace of soiled doves who wanted to pay their linoB , and then a swarthy ono appeared. A poddlei jroku in next , mid then some othoi equally annoying caller , who wantoi something or other of somebody else , Air a "first-class" city , Council Bluffi cannot take much pride in pointing to itc nayor'a ollico. Mueller , on Main street , Holla not onlv ho lowest but gives n present with oneli nirchoso for ono dollar. Go and sco him rat. PKltSONAIj. Postmaster Fred Kasllaml , of Ncola , w 3 nl tlio 1'aciGa yesterday. Hob Harrlrt , the sensational Mltisouri Viilloj nowsguthoror , won in the city yesterday. K. A. Stone , of Anita , wtu in the BlufTa roitorclny. J. K. Ailily , who represents n Chlcagi loiiao , wai lioro yostcnUy Interviewing tho. uunto trjulo. JJ. F. Croasdalo , of l.Htlo Sioux , la at tin I'ncllio. Marshall Holloway , f Plum Hollow , U h , ho city , W. P. Ferguson , of Shonamloah , and ( ! oo Ferguson , of Ollihlonvoro yesterday wit ! the Fergusons of the Pacilic IIOUBO. John T , Stuait , of Slionaiidoali , 1 * lu the city attending tlio U , 8 , court , \V. S. tiooditll , of Kmorxnn , Iowa , is nt th Pacific. C. 0. William * , of Missouri Vnlloy , arrivoi n the DlufTrt yesterday and vrsis qiiartoroil a the Pacific. J , A. ] < 'ioyhatinovo ( Omaha , was grootln : ils old aciiimliitancoa hoio yesterday , A. It , Koltli , the Dmihou editor , was at tin 3tfdou yoKtortiny. .T. O , Antlorson , of Kookuk , Is at the OK don. don.H. H. C. Hadloy , of Now Vork , reached th Ogden yootorday. T. O. OarllHlo , of Missouri Valley , is iu th city , and making hondquartoru at the Ogdeu J. V , Fuller is Buttering from usmoront tack of neuralgia , but hopoj nra ontoitaiuoi of his Bpoody rocavory. 11. J , Johimon Is lu tha city. Ho Is th owner of the throe paean , Wontmount , record ord , 2:16 } l.ono Jack , ' . ' ! 17j and Frit/ . 2.MJ : W. A. .rackson , of Chicago , H. L. Hlnes.o Now York , and 0. C. Noble , of GiMheii , Ind. all conunorcUl touriiU , und lively otiwi , wor at liochtola'B yontorday , 1L l.audori , of Keokuk , ono of the largos dealers In poultry and fUh in the state , am N. I'Atkor , also of Keokuk , are In the city a members of th grand jury In the Unltei Statot court , Vote ol TliunkH. At a mooting of the Ancient order o Hibernians , of Council Blufl's , lield 01 ' 'Kd inst , a votoof thanks waa oitondedti the visiting brothera from Omaha am Ifuulap , who so nobly und gonorousl ; participated with us , nnd the citizens o Council Blurts generally in the colobra tiuu of Saint Patrick's Day , and fo their attendance at our hall iu the eve ning. ] 5y order of the COMMITTKK. . _ _ _ The Grand Army boys of Counci Uluffr voted their heartfelt coinplimeu thauka and n God bless you , to the nobl oilizuua who BO nobly contributed to th 1 soldii ra' relief fund , Our compliment J to you , most respectfully , OAKLAND LEAVES , OHH ScinTorl will Kocover from Ills Gmmliot Wounds Otlinr Items Olcnncd for TIio Itco. Corrw | > on < lonco of TIIK DKE. OAKLAND , la. , March 24. Quito a serious accident Jiappcnod in our usually { uiot village last Saturday afternoon , and caused great excitement and anxiety among our citizens for a few lionrn. The cause of the cxeitomont'was the accident al shooting of Ous Tb'eiflert by Elmer Frcomau. They wore out duck hunting , and when about one-half mile from town Soiflbrt was walking about two rods in advance of Freeman , when Freeman's gun wont oft" , the whole charge ( striking ijolflnrt in the lower oxlromity of the back , falling him to the ground. In ft few momenta word was brought to town and n team at once dispatched after the unfortunate man. The wound was droancd by Drs. Mcfionnaughoy , Stewart and Buclor. It was found that about 100 No. 4 shot had entered tlio body. Although the wound is a serious ono , the chances nro favorable for n recovery. Mr. SoilFurt is the proprietor of the lum ber yard hero , and nephew of Hon. Mr. Soid'urt , of Avoca , and one of the best business men in Oakland , Late in the afternoon of the same day word was brought to town that the house of James llumburt waa on ( ire. Mr. llumburt lives n abort distance from town on the Carson road. By the timely effort of a few the house waa saved after it had been damaged about § 100 , which was fully insured. The funeral of Frank Hudolf took place on Friday afternoon , the service being conducted by Itov. Thompson. John Norton , of the firm of Norton & Bryant , has boon very sick , but is im proving. llov. D. 0. Morris has been sick for the past week. A telegram wan received hero on Sat urday that Thomas Collison , a former citizen Oakland , was very low and re questing friends to como at onco. Charley Norton , of Avoca , was in town over Sunday. J. T. A FAIR"AFFAIR , Tlio laiuky OIIRH nt AVoston nnd tlio Success I-'liiunclnlly. WE.STON , lown , March 23. The C.vth- olic fnir hero passed oil' quietly nnd was a grand ouccoas considering the weather , mud und rain. The Currio band , from Underwood , furnished the music for the occasion. Your humble correspondent held ton tickets in the fair , but it waa like the Dutchman's ) "nix comu rouse. " The lucky parties in the fair wore as fol lows : The Hon. 0. A. Ilolmos , of Council Blulls , drew the fi-ycar-old homo. Mr. Richmond , of Council Bluffs , -was the lucky man on thp harness. Miss Nelly Kinney , of Ilurdin township , drew the lady's saddle. Ewing Hall , of Ilnzol- del township , drew the marble-top bu reau. Peter Ivillian , of Nuola township , drew the cuntor-tablo. Henry Mathiaon , of Woaton , drew Father Mc'a photo. Thomiia White , of Weston , drew the silver tea-sot. The silver headed cane WHR voted to Jacob Orovo , our wide- awake farmer of Woston. The silver lantern was voted to our popular granger and farmer , llonry Mnthison , of Wcston. Richard Early , of AVoaton , waa our lucky young man on the silver ring. Our young and enterprising farmer , Thomas White , drew the ocarf. Michael Bom , of Harrison county , drew the rocking- chair. The proceeds of the fair amount- op to ? ( HO. More anon. JU.STIOK. Uenl Kstalo Tranarnrs , The following doonj were tiled for re cord in the recorder's ofiico. March 25 , reported for Tun Bur. by P. J. Mo- Mahon , real estate ugont : 0. II. I. & P. 11. 11. Co. to J. P. Micholson , nwj nw. } , II , 77lit , 510r > CO. F. Schrailor to John Lolimkul , part oiawl,24 , 7112 , § 1,100. Silas Quig to . ) . 11. lli'iiry , nw } nw } nnd ej mv.j. ! ! : ! , 70-II , $2fitO. Ciuoruo M. flrillith to J. U. Henry , sw | nw ( , HI , 70II , S070. J. D. Austin to Booaloy Bros , lot 7 , Findalea sub , SlloO. Aaron Hi ins to J. U. Henry , so } , 28. 7 , 41 , ? : t,000. 0. A. S.ige to S E. Bender , part nw } ne } ( 12,75,40,8150. Total sales , 8,115.00. Total sales for the week , ? J l5,870.60. SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTIOE. Special mhortlsomcmU , evich u Loot Pound , To LOAD , For Sale , To Kent , Wftnts , Honril lug , oto. , Mill lie Inserted In tlili column at the lav ruto ot TKN CKNTH 1'KIl LING ( or tlio Dr t Inivrtloi and K1VK Cl'.NTS 1'KIl LINK ( or each aulisoquont n tcrtlon , Loa\o adtortl meiiti at our oflloe , No. 1'oatl Street , near Ilroaduav WANTS. Two itixxl lirooiu makcri inl ewer WANTED bioom wor la : ttcady work. "AWANTKIl Ksperlencul dluln ; room ulrls r TVacoi 116 pf r month ; O 'ilen homo. \1/ ANTr.D"Hr rclaM'Tiiiiier , ' | ) e Vi a Wrl h T * Couiirll 11 ull , lo u. A ll\iil > oy wltli iKny to carry rouU WANTKD fur I K. Oil at Council llutf ) 1I K OIllOU. K\ory bouylu Counci ) UlutTato taki WANTED Dollvcrod by carrier at only twout ) rentt a week. A water Spanlfl. bro n anluhlte ; geren J months old , Hult llo rewanorroiuru to 1M HarrUon atieet. 1'Al'KUS-Kur tale at 11 ottloo , at 25 centi OLD hundred. 17011 liKNT. 1'urnlfhcd room eight dollar ) pun RKNT A nicely Inrnlihtd room ( or one or twc I ni'ot-eiitloii' ' n t Mrs. A. A. rlmlth'i.l''KHoutli Flrnt otri-et. ladle * and gentlemen con make flrnl claM wages by elllni ; the "Champion llonou : btrecther and Ironing lloird. " at Il.tC , Any lady can do up k flne shirt ulthout a rnk ! ! < and | ; loa < It M iil lyM'thetH' tl unilrU- n.Adilrc8i ( or iwtlculan U. 11. H. & 1. Co. , bin otlicv , ( or uui CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVK , Oi ! n > 0 : 0 a , in. , iWO p. ui and TSO ; | v , lu. , lion < > av , Wt lnc d > ) and Friday eunli ( > eicluiheljr thulyJuiploCluk CJrMuslo on Tuetdty and Thurtday etenlngi , ADMISSION , . ' 6 CENTO. No objrctlouaUucluractcnuUl beaJiulttod. CIIAI'UAN * MAIITKN8 , I'UOl'UtETOJH WE ARE RECEIVING SOME VERY FINE Gentlemen DUE FINE x For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LBNDSEY & CO. . 1-1S Brontlway , Council BluH's. ) A- West Side Squnre. Ularindn. f - _ MAYHE & PALMEE , DIUT.KRS IN AND WOOD , UULK.'ANl ) BAUHKI. IJ11E , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CliMENT , inCIllQAN rLASTKK. UAHl ANU 8EWKU Pll'K. No. 839 Broadway. - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. SMITH & TOIitiKH. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Soring Goods Received , 7 nnd 9 Main atroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. All kinds ol , 2T. KiiKiuccrlng Land Sur- IOL \o\lnKcartti ( " calcul quail tit ixtoJ I oa , ] | ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COl'CIL ' BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. urtalns , lace , 11 k , Turcoman , Etc. Choicest JStoclc west of Chicago. I Oil Cloths , Mattings , Linoleums , Etc. Como and bo eonvincod that wo are headquarters for all goods in our lino. Cheap est place to buy House Furnishings in the City. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - _ - . . - . IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly nnd wUh Ef > The only Ilotol in this City nn the Eurcpoan plan of UPAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " New Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTKALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. Largest Stock in the City And Lowest Prices Guaranteed. Smpkie Hardware 0 3 109 and 111 S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. jgggBSaSB WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , LIVE TO IAT. : O , toioxto TJb.o Kil , O'lwon ' > Io > U at 11 llourn. Choi d'culslna I'Aitlcu aHpocIalty. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) Tfl TfliUT flffl HEAT F JTATl ? ! lu Luftffl UJDI lliiAL fiMAlfi ! Coraplef.o Ahstrncha of Title to nil Lota and Lnndfl in the County. FSTDN H L ® s y ii n a - KVKllYTlIINn Fir.STCI.ASS. - Nos. 217 nud 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. L. A. CASPER , The Largest and Jlo-t Complete Ctcvu ! House In Western Iowa. Over 24,000 Feet of Glass in Use. The ( ircatcotarictj mid ilia Choicest ] iliint . My collection of Flantsaml Flowern Ii now complete In every re < | cct , tuicl the public re ( lit itcil to call and Illicit thu same. I win nwnnled th6 First Premium at the Council DlnMn Uibtrict Kair In Scptcnibrr , 1SSU , \er all coin. Iictltorn : ann ra\u Bin u adtlfd many nc\v and choice v rio Ics , and nui prepared to furnish r. now clasi of phnta that liaxoheretrforj hccnuiiuttainiUiIo in thU market , for which I malie no extra charge. C'nt llowcrs and Moral designs lurnUhcd promptly , nml on Enort notice 11m\ojust issued a new ca't- ale nolur Ibil\ihlch will buecntfreounapplication. Given Vegetables I lie Year Uouiul. llorao KuliOi in bottlia. 23 Pierce St. Councill BlufTslowa. EDWIN J.ABBOTT ! Justice of the Peace. .NOTARY I'L'BUt JIVD OKM'ml.CO.SVM IMKR , 415 UKOADWAY , - COUK IL 11UTVFS. rou SALK nv J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No. 0.31'carl Street COPM n. U Materials , BOOM MOULDING , I LE : Wo cuvnntco tlio cure ot the following named ills- ceases , or no pay : lUicmiutism , Scrofula , Ulcero , Catarrh , a'I Blood and-kindlscafcs , Dvtpopsla , Lhvr Complaint , Kidney and Illadilcr Diseases. Gout , Neu ralgia nnd Asthma , Thcsi Springs are the favorite resort of the tired an.l dehilluitacl , and arotliu KKiUI.K LAKII-S BKST KHIEND , Good hotel , ll\cry and bathlni ; accotnoilatlon both , 4 winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Acccpalhlo by Wabash railway , KMinaorC.I ] . & Q. , at Albany , Corrcft onoene solicited , 11KV. 11. M. TII0111'hON. Mangel * . Albany , Slloam Springs , ; Oentry Co. , ilo. ANALYSIS. Specific Gravity 1.002 Iteactlnn Ncutra Catljonto Acid Oos J3 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,021 U rains Carhnnato Iron 7C4l Sulphate Masncsla 36fl Sulphate Ualcl'im 1,148 Chloride Sodium 7,200 Sllllca 1,568 Alumina . . . .0,018 Onaiiloand VoUtllo matter and Ioi3 . . . .1,158 Total scllilii per pillnn 07,174 \YiiiuiiT& MKIIKIU. , Cheiiiisti JACOB SDI3. E. 1' . CAUWELL SIMS & CADWELL , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA OMIcc , Slain Street , ROOMS 1 and bhugart S : Me- Sfahon'H Block. Will practice In SAO ! ( utd nlml nourts -AND- Painting. No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street , NEXT DOOJl TO THE POSTOKKICE. y tr- / * - WS I\r I J \L I i i nnTialB fi . mi in i 1 1 i ma n i PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. „ „ _ i- . . . . . _ IL : * j . _ , . _ i _ _ _ _ * g g * ? . r. , t TZ ' gP ? J " n"Bi kt * LC. i"B P a ' . _ * i _ _ , _ , _ t A f