THfl DAIIA' BEE-OiMAHA , TUESDAY. MARCH 25 , 1884 : Durham In hlitorlc. during lh rmlUccbf Iwrcn Sbnmun itnil Johnson. Soldiers of both rml i flllftl tholrponcbm with the tobacco utortillbciv , and , after the surrender , marclioj home. want. Soon orJcrn came from East , \Vest , North and South , for "moroof thatclefrint tobacco , " Then , tfn men ran an uninown factory. Now H cmplojr too men , nnoii the pink and pick of tli Golden Kelt , and the Durham IHilt In the trad < vmtrk of thin , the bout tobacco In Iho world. UlaekweU. ' * Hull Durham Sinokliiff Tobacco han tlioUrywt o.ilo of any nuoMnit tobacco In th world. Why ! Simply Uscaiwo It 1 Iho ( . All dealers hare It. Trademark of the DuU. LOOKOUT ! DURHAM BULL Durham Bmoklnir To bacco , M nftM told.ho wouldn't hartt Ixvn cornered by the bull. Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlauger , . . Bavaria , CuJnibnohcr , Bavaria. Pilsner Bohemian. Kniser Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser St. Louis. Anhauser St. Louis. Best ; s Mil'vnukop. Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee. Kruc's Omaha. Ale , Porter , D nuostic and Rhine Wine. ED. MA.UKER t21 i DR. FELIX Lt BRUN"i PJIEVENTIVK AND CURK. FOR EITHER SEX. The remoJybeln ? Injected directly to the seat of the disease , requires no change of diet or nauaoous , mercurial or poisonous medicine * to bo taken Intor- aslly. When utcd aa a pro von the by either tex , Ills lrjx | slblo to contract any private disease ; but In the caaa of those already unfortunately afflicted w e Ruar in too three boxes to cure , or we will refund the mon ey. Price by mall , poatage paid , { 2. per box or three boxe * for { . WRITTEN OUARANTKE9 leued by all authorized agents. Dr Felix LeBrun&Co SOLE PROPRIETORS C F. Qoodman , Druggist Sole ARcnt , for Omaha Keb m > le wly lu IX C. WEST'S NEUTE AND HHAIK UENl.nguarnntood Bpocifio for HjsUvrin , Dizzi ness. Convulsions , 1'ita , Norvoua Neuralgia , HeadacheNervous Prostrationcmibccl tiythouse of alcohol or tobacco , WnkHfulnoss , Mental De pression , SofteninR of the Drain resulting in in sanity and lending to misery , decay and death , Premnturo Old Ago , Unrrcnness , Loss of powp in either BOX , Involuntary Losses nnd Hnermat- crrhoca caused byovor-oxertion of the brain , sou abuse or over-indulgence. Kach box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 n box , or BIX b"xe for $5.00 , sent by mail prepaid on receipt of prico. 1VE UU VKAXTKE SIX JIOXKS To cure any rase. With each order received byui for sis boxes. accomjaiiicd ) with & 5.GO , we wii send the purcnaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not enoci cure , fluarantces issued onuroy F. GOODMAN ent , Omaha Neb. DR.HORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT Will cnru Nervounnet-B , nlii-lx , hiurulifla , NtUtlca Kidney , Splnt * and I.Uer v & Sz iiiiVl'1 ' > Krjr li l'c ° | ] ' /rf I'll' " . Eplli iwy , Impotincj ! DanbA iii riolnjifiiH rtfrl. ft1 Only t cltnliHcFlto tni' Holt In AmtiUiilliil fvru\- \ Klrctrlclty nnd rnnc lifti ni through tlu-ljudy.and tanIwrecliargdin an ! rr tttuit by the p itlf nt. SI.OOO Would NottBuvnt. DR. HORVK I was A Icted with rheum\tlsni an ' cured by udng a belt To any ono allllctcJ with that dUaiso , I would v , buy Ilorne's Electric Belt Any ono can confer with me by writing or calling t my store , 1420 Douglas street. Omaha Neb. WItUAU LYONS. JfAIN OFFICE Opposite poatoHlce , room i Fren i r bloc'c. ' fSTFot rale at C. F. Ooodman'j Drug etore , 111 > mam St. . Omaha. . . , " 4m fliu < i o o . ; Nebraska Cornice AND- MANUFACT'RF.R3 OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FLNIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METAUO SKyUOUT , Iron Fencing ! Crestlura , Dalustradei , Verandas , Office and Bant lUilUigfl , Window and Cellar Guards , Etc. con o , ANDCtn BTKEET , LINCOLN NEB. OA1BER. M M _ Notice to Cattle Hen ! 900UATTLE FOR SALE. 10 Head of Steers Three Years Old 200 ' ' " Two " lo-j ' " Heifers , Two " 150 " ' Mer , One " 30 " " Heifers , One " Tbeabmeilencribid cattle are all well breJ Iowa cattle , straight and smooth , These cattle will be old In loU 10 'iult purchuen , and at reasonable prices. For further rarticulars , call on or addren M. F. PATTON , Waverly , Bremir Co , Iowa. P. P. Also younff urodtMl l.uUt mT-Jme Stw CHICAGO SCALE CC1 - lux ntuii Wil.i , tin. inIK > ITuil Hll , llfHiii ! > liil-luil k 24OIJ"AHMER'3 SCALE , 5 , The "I.lit. . I ) ' : tlri' . " m. Li iVIb. fa tUUOTHKBfeUCS. IUd fdVKI < IIJd1 ; U. < PORGES , TOOLS. &c , T Kiiu.d > ituE nm jinir M . > | l > . A in 11 undf. it * SCROFULA JsunUy rlovolopes in onrly life , nnd 3 n peculiar morbid condition o , lte system , usuiilly nlt'tiding the glnnds , often resulting in swellings , inlnrgcd joints , nbccsses , thickuning o I ho lips , enlnrgod nock , sere ayes. A scrofxilous condition is often hereditary , but bad diet , too free use of fnt incuts , biy1 air , want of sun shine uud nomi'hing food will in duce it. Some people tire troublrd with scrofulous swelling of the ijlimds , idd with ulcers nnd kernels , which may cause very little pain : others may have inward scrofula of the lungs , scrofula of the spleen , scrofu a of the kidneys , autl.strofu- la of the bones. BUM DOCK BLOOD HITTERS will drive away any ciuo of scrofula , r.nd not to up pear in another place , for their ac tion on the blood ami bowels will carry the disease entirely from the body. ron THE cunr. OP Ati * DISEASES OP lionsus.cATTi.r : . fiiirrr' nous. HOGS , end I'Utll/lUli Wit TWEXTVT.AnS IliimplirrvV llnmco. pitlilc Voli-rlnnrv hpi-cillc" IIUAC born uwl l rnrmiTi , Work llrprilprn , I.fc-i-rv r-tnMr " ? ' ' ttirriiirn. llnr o HnllroniU. flnniifnr liir r * . fool Mlnr Unmpniilivi , Trnv'a llli'imdrc mi'i niiil Mrnnurrlp * . ami other * lioiiuUin ; stock , nithpiTfi-ctmiwosn. . _ _ , . „ . . . .i tin npliri-i'1 rlrrlnnrv Mnnnid. ( S pp. inn fr.-ii In mall mi receipt of price. wcriiH Cir-1'nniphlrli unit free on application Ys mnir.oi'ATiiii1 Miu.crx : 10 : Fulton Street. Rcw YorU. VltM WrakncM ntul Pro * . trillion from o > cr ork at umedy know n. Prlco d per Tlai , or .1 > law ni4 . . . .nOYlrtl ot powder for * s. Bent post rrpp on ra CiMpt of price. Iliimphrry ; ' llnmcn. Mej. a , illiut , Caiulosuo Ircc.11UU I' ullun et N.v I'llIOES OK $50. $ 'J.- . 5 > 10. AX $5 THK PKKSON WHO FUUXI8HKS TUB I.UI- OUST NUMllKlt OK KNGLISH WOH1 > THAT AUK COMPOSED KNTIUKLY OK I.ETTKU8 FOUND IN TUK WOlll ) ACCIDENT WILI UEUBIVK § 50. THE TIIKKK I'KKSCNS WHO KUKNISU 11EH- 1'ECTIVELY THE NEXT LAKOEST NUMHEll Ol WCHDS WILL KEOE1VE § 25 , $10 , AND ? 5 EAUH. KOll KULLl'niNTEDPAUTICULAUS ADDRESS INCLOSING STAMP , THE UNITED STATES MU TUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION , 1120 AND 322 DUOADWAY , NEW YOKK CITY. THE OLDEST AND LAHOKbT .MUTUAL ACCI DENT COMPANY IN THE WOULD. Cnailei B. 1'iwt ( o ( Rogers , Pcet fc Co. , ) 1'rcnlJont Jinies II Pitcher , Secretary. After Late Suppers TAKI : Tarrant's Seltzer APERIENT IN HOT WATER , AND ALL UNPLUASANT AFIKR-EFFKCTS WIL1 UK AVOIDED. WeakNervousien \Vhoso debility , cxhilll'tluli nnd pn-matura dcciiy are caused by cicessea. rrrors of youth , etc. . era perfectly ro.-torrd to rolni.t hrallh and vlsnrniii miinhooil by THE MARSTON CtOLUS. ! natomnch drupninc. Thintrc tment oflNtrvou * JlelillUynnd I'hj lc-ul llccnjr a < ul/omily suocemful beciiine imrixi on prrieot uiuKn < iMinriviiiid dlrrct nirlhoiUana D- MJIUTA lhorniitxl n . i . hoclfd TrentliM ) froA. - < BSTON REMP'iYCO 266TH EDITION.PRICE ll.l 0 BY MATT. POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , , A. GREAT MTJDIOATj WOKK ON MANHOOD Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Physical 9 eblllty Premature Decline In Man , Kirorsof Youth , an 11 nntold miseries resultlni ? from Indiscretions or ex ceases. A book for every man , young , middle aged and old. It oontalni 125 prescriptions for all aout and chronic diseases eachone of which U Invaluibl Bo found by the Author , whoso experience for years It luch asprobably never before fell to the to of any physician 200 pages , bound In boautlft French muilln em jotgedooters , full glltKUarantee < to be a Oner worx n every sense , mechanical , lit erary and professional , than any other work Hold In thlt country for 92.f > 0 , or the money will De refunded In every Instance. Price only 81.00 by mall , pout paid. Illustrative sample 5 cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medlca Association , to the officers of which he refers. This bonk should be read by the young for Instroo lion , and by the afflicted for relief. It will bened all London Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom thli bool Mil not be useful , whether youth , parent , guardian Initructoror olergvman. Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W n. Parker , No. 4 Bulflnch Street , Doston Mass. , who may be oontulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chrnnlo andobatlnatedlseasetthat have baffled tM skill of all other phys-UCA I clan f. specialty. BucB treated sucuesa-ni.HL tulljr without an Initaoo allure , TJJVPCI f nDIIIM = MORPHNE ! HABIT I r I ii IWI Hit. II II KA VK , i-r Ih. lh < julnr ; W P WB lomr.ouWilU | > lt ltrlucdrwti rtb7 un ri > rur. tla.fir q.lrLlr J p lol . .lf. for iMIIro. , MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim o ! Dtrlr Imprudence , canting nerroin ( bllltr , pramatura d c 7 , etc , bavlnx tried In tain everr koowo ruruedr , ba dlftcoTeru ft almplo meanaof acir-cara , which lie will tend fllEE to pff low-MutTercrft. ] Addrcui J. U. ItKttVKH. a Chatham Rt _ New York DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIBE Am BURGLAB.PROOF xono E > txoot. Orn.tL CAPTURED BY CORPORATIONS , ecli Hccms Io lie tbo Fate of Iowa's ' Lesislalnre , ovonty Days in Session and Little - tlo Business Trausaotod , An Unwearying Effort to Prevent Legislation on Railroads , Jonmiittoos Owned Body and Boots by Monopolies , ! ho Bill to Compel Foreign Cor porations to Become Citizens , Votnnii SttlTYngo to ( Jo Up nr Ihmii Thin Week Prohibition ronnltlcs. IOWA KCONOM1CS. A I.KNOTHY l.KdlHIATUUK. ? orro8 | > onlonco of tlio IKK. ! DK.S MOINKS , March U4. The session f the legislature hna now laatoil seventy nys , which u longer than the lifo of 10 last provioua general assembly , nnd ot no logislntion has boon olfoctod which lay bo classed s important , if wo except 10 prohibitory atntuto. Usually as theme mo draws near when it becomes appar * nt that an adjourmuont is imperative , omo oll'ort is made toward clearing the calendar , enacting such proposed ineaa- ros as are calculated to aorvo the inter- sts of the people and consigning to do- oat those of doubtful expediency. This ogislaturo seems to bo nn exception , 'here is no more disposition to hurry low than there tras at the beginning of ho session. The reason for this in ap * latent. The important measures intro- luced early in the session , nnd especially hose affecting OUKAT C'OIII'OUATK INTKHKSTM , iko the railways , have generally sluin- > orod in committees until the place given , hem on the calendar makes it pretty certain they will not bo reached. If pro rcss can bo retarded , there is no doubt if adjournment before they can bo reached. Among those measures is the lill introduced by Senator Svrenoy to compel foreign corporations to incorpo rate under the laws of Iowa , and thus compel them to carry on their litigation .n. the state courts. There has boon moro opposition to this bill by the rail ways than any other single measure in kroducod. The judiciary committee o the senatewith whom it is still pending liavo been entertained by elaborate arguments gumonts from Judge Ilubbard , Colono Trimboll , Galtisha Parsons and others all speaking against the measure. It fate in committee cannot bo conjectured but its ultimate death is certain. 1 could not bo reached if reported. There is but ono real reason why the corpora tions are opposed to becoming citizens o the state and tnat is found in their abil ity to TAUK JURIK * AND CONTROL LITIOATION in thu federal tribunals of alleged justice No litigant with less than a fortune to squander will enter upon a legal contcs with a railroad in the United States courts. It is a waste of time and money to do so. The corporations know this like to havn it so , and combat a change \nd they are doing it successfully. Another measure introduced two months ago is known as Senate File 21 , by Bills. This measure is becoming famous. It is to prevent discriminatioi in railway freight charges. After being smothered in the railway committee for two months it was called for by a senate resolution , and soon after emerged with an adverse report. Several times Senator Bills has moved to take it up but oacl time the CHAIRMAN OK TUB RAILWAY COMMITTEE has interposed an objection , generally moving to substitute some measure in tended to create an ollicp. In this way it has been kept back in the calendar but the probability is it will bo reachec this week and the senate will have a chance to go on record , an alternative rchich both houses seem to endeavor t ( avoid. The principle embodied in the bill was demanded by the platform o ovcry political party during the last cam paign. It is possible that a majority ol the members of the legislature favor the redemption of the promise of the party platforms , but the railway committees have been so skillfully constituted in the interest of the corporations that this will bo prevented. An act requiring railways to fence their tracks was intro duced in the house early in the session by Mr. Head. At that time ho notified the chairman of the railway committee to hold thd bill until ho appeared and jrgod its pasaato. ; The bill has not yel > een reported. Now , why did Mr. Head introduce his bill if ho did not intend it should come before the house ? THE WOMAN HUfKKAOK NONHKN.SI' . The proposition to amend the constitu tion so as to confer upon women the right of sulTrago , having passed the senate - ate , will come up in the house on Tues day. A prophet cannot foretell the rp- mlt. It ia conceded that the vote will bo very close , and many think it will be defeated. If it carries , the phm is to submit to a vote of the people at a special election some time in 1885 in order that the importance of the question might not bo dwarfed by the overshadowing presence - once of the presidential contest Iowa is in n mood just now to vote any cranky notion into the constitution , and il woman suffrage is approved by the legis lature it U well that it doei not come tea a vote for at least a year. PUOIHUIT10N I'KNAI/TIKS. An effort will bo made to enact stronger penalties for violations of the prohibitory liquor law , and a bill for that purpose is set for consideration on the 28th. These two measures and the appropriation bills will consume nearly all of the romalnde of the session , which will probably oni on April 2d. From present indication it will be voted a profitless and expensive session , Winter Wheat Troupecm. CHICAGO , March 24. The Farmers Review of this city has the following summary on winter wheat prospect * baked on replies from ever ono thousand of its correspondents. Winter wheat has commenced "to grow in the southern dis- j tricU , but reporta of damage by freezing 'atill continue. It U unpouiole to present m esUmnto of the extent of the injury. 'ho development of growth has as yet ) cen small , but the advent of warm weather would help the general condition f the crop greatly. It now looks as if ho farmers from Dakota to Illinois will w nblo to begin opring seeding soon after April 1. Prices ofl'er no encouragement or increase in ncrcngo of spring wheat , > ut from the amount of now breaking in ho northwest last fall it docs not sooiu probable the ncrongo will bo materially diminished. _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIH liOUtSIANA liKVKKS. Tlio Crovnusrrt AViilcnltiR null tlio De struction Grout nnd In- NKW OHI.KANS , March 24 Telegrams rotn Baton Rouge nnd other points state hat the broken crevasses nt Mulatto , 'oint , Waterloo , Bayou Sarn and other lointa nre still widening. Immense vol umes of water are pouring through. No ugar can bo rained in the inun dated district this _ year. At laton Rouge this morning the river reached the high water mark of 1874 , but inco noon n fall of two inches \\M : aused by other crevasses giving away. The Now Orleans cotton exchange Mid lix other exchanges of this city to-day ulegrnphod Senators Jones anil Gibson taking that the government engineers bo luthomod to co-operate with the state engineers and authorities in endeavoring o protect the people from the llood hrcivtened. A special from Bayou Sara states that it terrific wind nnd rain storm visited that oction last nicht. A portion of the levee at Waterloo gave vny nnd all the valuable Ores Tote country is ovorllowod. Many people lava moved to the hills. A lint boat vas awnmpcd , thirty cattle were drowned , nnd many small farmers and poor j'eoiilo long Fall river lose their stock. Yu'Ksiitmtt , March 24 The Kemp ovuo below hero broke yesterday. The oveo in front of the Doltn court house > roko last night ; the water in the streets s five foot deep. OVKK THK OCEAN. OHMAN UKADY 1011 1IATTLK. SiUKiii , March 25. Osman Digna has assumed the dross of a dervish. His followers , estimated at from 1,000 to > ,000 , are exhorting him to fight n third time , with promises of success. It is expected a battle will bo fought to-mor row. ADMIRAL HKWITT has disbanded the Abyssinian scouta because cause they thrashed the Egyptians and has liberated the female slaves nnd or dered runaways restored to masters on the ground of the Egyptian convention allowing slavery to continue in force. RUSSIAN I'KUSKCUTOX OK .1KW.H. ST. PETKKSIIURO , March 24. Foreign Jews have boon forbidden to stay in St. Petersburg without special permission. OSMAN'.S MVHTBUIOUS I-OWKUH. SUVKIM , March 21. Ojman Dignnn ia tolling his followers that ho possesses the power of rendering the English bullets harmless. HKDMOND'H SEDITION. LONDON , March 24.A government warrant has boon issued against William Redmond , member of parliament foi Woxford.borough , for a seditious sponcli delivered prior to his departure for Aus tralia , A Hold , Itad Hand. PORT RICHMOND. Pa. , March 2t. A number of notorious outlaws , supposed to bo in league with the Mollie Maguiros , that find safe refuge in this section , have formed an oath-bound brotherhood , and under the guidance of a black-listed minor , will visit the disturbed sections of the coal fields of western Pennsyl vania to perpetrate a series of Mollie Maguire outrages. Among the banditti are a number of desperate mon , fugitives , murderers and conspirators. They will bo vigilantly shadowed by the detectives , Attempt to AHsaaslnnte IllliirilH' ( Jov- ernor. CHICAGO , March 24. A Daily News' Springfield dispatch says : Governor Hamilton was in his office in the state house this afternoon when a pistol bullet crashed through a winuow in the execu tive mansion. A man at work in the vicinity naid the shot was fired by a boy shooting at pigeons , but from the fact that nn occurrence of precisely the same nature preceded it a short time ago there are apprehensions of a plot to assassi nate the stale oxcutivo. iJouhle Train Ganunlly. MINKATOLIH , March 24. News has just been received of a railway accident near Cannon Falls , this state , in which ton persons were injured , none fatally. The freight wont through a culvert , and a wrecking train sent to the relief mot the name fate at another culvert. Both trains are badly wrecked. An Illinois Moll After Blood. Si-itiNOKiKLD , III. , March 24. Oov. Hamilton was called on at midnight by the shoritl' Menard county for authori ty to use the local militia to prevent the lynching of Houldon , who murdered his wife Saturday evening and then attempt ed suicide , and who is now in jail at Petersburg. _ _ Suit AnaliiHt a Cutholla Society. LA WHENCE , Mass. , March 21. The first of a scries of unit * against the Agus- tinian Society was called to-day. The plaintiff , Ellen Lahay , sues the society and the archbishop of the diocese for the recovery of 81,500 loaned tha defendants. Archibishop Williams is ono of the wit * noases. Wol Do Moyer. It U now undisputed that Wei Do Moy- ; r'H Catarrh Cure in the only treatment that will absolutely cure Catarrh fresh or chronic "Very elllcacioun , Hain'i. Gould , Weeping Water , Neh. " "One box cured mo , Mm , Mury Kenyuu , Jilxmarck , Dakota' " "II riMtnreil mo to the pulpit , Key , Geo. K. Hell , Coblevllle , N. Y. " "On box radically cureil me , Hov. C. H. Taylor , 140 Noble street Brooklyn , " "A perfect cure after 30 yean xuireriiiK , .T. I ) . .McDonald , 710 Broadway , N , Y&c.&c. Thousand * of te tlmonlald an received from all j > arU of the world. 1) livered , Sl.OO. Dr. Wei Da Meyer'n Illtiatrn ted TrentlHO , wish statement * by the cun mallsd free. I ) , B. DeWey & Co. , 182 Fultoi treet , N. Y. National lletbrin , PJUI.ADKU-HIA , March 24. The na tional reform convention organized b' thu election of John Alexander as presi dent. Address on "Tho Moral Account ability of Nations" and "Jesus Ruler of Nations " , were delivered respectively spectivoly by Rev. E. Huber and Rev W. J. Coleman. What Ifc It Good For ? Let u * tell you wb t Dr. Thotnai' Kduln ( ht I * good for. It U death to rhoumatlii and neuralgia , It will euro a bum , b'te , i piUn , aud U tciuilly good OVKU IN IOWA. Tltn HOIIHO Pnssco n Niiintior ol Ap < proirlntinn Hllln-\Vomrm Sill * rn > io l < > Ootno I'p TliU AVook -Tlio KrolKht Unto Hill. Dm JloiNM , March 24. In the hon-,0 , to-day Hond introduced a bill to appro- priatoT)0OOOto looatomui aid in building in Iowa a soldiers' homo , a bill for which is now pending in congress to bo irotod in a woatorn sUto. The committee on agriculture reported favorably on the bill to purchase lands for the SUto Agri cultural society ; n bill was passed legal * king the incorporation of the town of Nashua ; to nuthoriro the auditor of state to issue certificates of purchase to owners of school lands in Docntur county. The house reconsidered the vote by which the bill to create a board of supervisors of sUto institutions wus lost , and passed it. The following bills were passed : To provide for the publication of the annual nroceodtngs of the lowalmprovidod Slock Brooders' association ; for the State Uni versity nt Iowa City , SGl.fiOO ; and nn nn- nual appropriation in aid of the insane fund , and for the dovi-lopmont of the in stitution , of S3,000 per annum ; to pro * mete the ohooaoand dairy interests of the stnto , $1,000 ; for the college for the blind , $8,700 ; to employ nn export oculist list for the benefit of the inmates of the college for blind , ? lf > 00 , for the relief of Mrs. Maddy , of Marno , whoso husbnnd was killed by Clingan murderers , $2,000 ; for the institution for the deaf nnd dumb nt Council Blullj , $00,100. Other appropriations will bo considered Tuesday , after which the women's suUVngo question will como up. In the senate the day was ohielly occu pied , nnd also the night session , with the bill for the appointment of n petroleum oil inspector , nnd defining the duties. Numerous amendments woroadopto-l nnd the bill ordered engrossed. The senate then took up tlio bill to prevent discrim ination in freight rntos by railroads as between _ points on competing lines nnd intermediate stations. Pending dis cussion of HIL latter bill the body nd < journod. CONFISCATING A GOIiIiKGK. Italy About to Sclr.o nnd Sell the American Somlimry nt Koine , Unlit ly AniRfluiiu Money. NKW YORK , March 21. Positive nnd direct infornmtion hnti boon received by the authorities of the Catholic church in this city that the American college at Homo is to bo sold by the Italian govern ment. Thin news is received by the clergy of this city with indignation. There is no doubt that the property was given to the United States by the Holy Father for the establishment of the American college , but there was no doet passed , as that was not considered ne cessary at that timo. The college was opened December 8th , 1851) ) , and during that time this nrchdiocoao nlono sent the Holy Father the sum of § 511,000 for the enlargement and improvement of the institution. The same yeai the other dioceses of this country sent $ -100,000 to Homo for the same purpose. The amount since contributed would umoun to a very laiyo sum of money . Mr. As tor , the United States minister to Italy is expected to take action in the name o this government against the conQscatioi of tlio property claimed by the hiororoh ; of the Catholic church of this country. NKW YORK , March 21 High officials of the Catholic church state they have no authentic Information in regard to the rumor of the intention of the Italian government to soil the property of the American college at Homo. The property forms n small part of that belonging to the Propaganda. It is claimed to bo the duty of the United States government to defend as much of the Propaganda prop erty at Rome as belongs to it or was con tributed by American Roman Catholics. I'OHTAIj TIS THE LATKST III LI. . WASHINGTON , March 24. The bill in troduced by Representative Money for the purpose of securing correspondence by telegraph at cheaper rates authorizes and directs the postmaster-general to ontpr into a contract in behalf of the United States with a postal tolograpl nnd cable company. Within fivn years from the date of the contract , the com pany shall bo prepared to do business in nil cities in the Atlantic division having postoflico delivery west of the Missis sippi and Missouri rivers and HOUTIl OH OMAHA and Minneapolis. Within seven years the business ( mail bo extended to the Pacific coast , and shall bo known as the Pacific division. The rates proposed nro 25 cents for twenty words and 10 cents for each additional ten words , and If cents for each night message. Twenty words in the Atlantic division shall bo 50 cunts and 20 cents for each additiona ton words , and 25 cents for night mes Bftges of twenty words. Newspaper rates shall bo Jo for day oorviro and Ac for night service in the Atlantic division For points IIKTWKI'.tf TUB TWO DIUSIONH the rate is increased | c in each instance Between Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore moro and Washington , and between al other points , embracing only short dis Uncos the rates shall bo Ao per word during ' ing the day and } c par 'word at night The bill provides that stamps bo insuoc for conducting the business. Had Blooil nnd Wlilhky. PKTIIOLIA , PA. , March 24. The Bow nor and Barnhart factions contesting the oil lease , hod a turnMu inoloo Saturday night , near Iron Oily , in which Bowso and an innocent party named Andre were probably fatally cut. Throe of the Barn hnrtu asmiultod Bowser , ono of thorn using u razor , uud kicked and slashed him brutally. Just as the fight ended , a young man named And passed on the way homo , He wan mistaken for a friend of Bowser , overtaken und stabbed throe times in tlio back , near the spinal col umn and the kidneys. His condition thi morning is very critical. Bad blood and whisky caused the affray. Nonrresta. nuntUiiKrf ! IiiipoHtorH ! Thieve * ! The above are teriui applied t'j the unrella hie and dlahoriont. Dr. 'Stontat' frltctrie Oi for diphtheria , catarrh , aothma , rhouuiatlim mid all ached , < praln , and pain * It not a thliif of deception but a pleasant and honeat rein edy. It U honontly put tip , honiwtly Hold ant do 4 what U claimed fur It. . Siiv Orleuiib' | > anir. WASHINGTON , March 24. In the lioun to-day , Kills ueked unanimous consent to introduce a joint resolution , appropriat ing 8.,000.000 to prevent the overflow of New Orleins , Ho stated that th water had now reached the mark of 1874 , the highest known in flood annals , and still ruing. There was nothing now be ur twuan thu city of > 'ow Orleans , with i lopulntion of ROO.OOO aotih , nnd a river 1C cot nbovotho loyol ot the city , but n mud Ml. A calamity must ensue if the vntora raiao much higher which could note > o depicted by human tongue. It would > a the calamity of the ngo. The rosolu. nn was rejected. Mlniioiotn'H Kloodn. WINOVA , Minn. , March 24 The imall streams nro generally rising. The iriilgo ever the Xutnbio river , nt Kollogsr , lirty miles west of Winonn , on the Si. 'mil road , is in danger. The north Knmd passenger and fast mail go to St. 'nul via OwAtonnn ever the Winona it t. Paul road. Under the German Fin * ; . LONDON , March 2t. The Chiiioso ram nnkin , which was detained in the Tyno > y the government while loading with rmstrong guns pending inquiry ns to bother its departure would bo n broach [ neutrality , has departed under the ormnn ling. _ _ _ Und MII.KS Cm ; , M. T. , March 2t. The oputy shoritV arrived to-day from Roso- ud with thirteen Cheyenne Indians , upnosed to bo implicated in burning Vnuornon's houso. It is believed they will bo sent back to the Rod Cloud esorvation. V Condition , NKW YOUK , March ! il The coinlitioii f AuKUBtus Scholl is reported un * Imngod. Ilia nhyaicinnn say his death nil bo expected nt any moment. Ho till rotnina consciousness. lives l'i > IllH Fort line Tor Cnthnllully. UBHUX , March 21. 1'mil Friodorich , rothor of thu gnuul ihiko of Meoklon- urnh'Schworin , having boon converted o the Catholic faith , Ims ronounccd Ilia .oroditnry . rights in favor of his youiiRor irothora nnd tlioir lioira. Hot ! ) IKUH Gut Oil1. Sioux CITV. In. , March 24 Cornelius Uillivnn , n man ol family , had both legs ut oil to-day , by the Sioux City and 'ncilic ttwitch ongino. Ho will probably lio. Deed. CARMI , 111. , March 'Jl. This morning toward Gantry , a colored farm hand , hot and killed his wife and then blow mt his brains. Jealousy was the cause. Tlio Ganndlnn Conspirator * . TdiioNTO , March 24. The four per- ions , including Meeka , charged with con spiracy nnd bribery , have boon formally served with aummonn. IiKTTKUS Onmlin pontotlica unclaimed or the woolc ending March' ! , .188I : OKNTLHMKN. KOL'HTII fl.AHH MATTKIU J T Sawyer K I.angford C. K , COUTANT , 7'iwtmostor , EUROPE ! ! COOK'HOHAKDKXCUIISIONS leave New York In April. May arid June. IMi. PA8HAOK TICKKTB byad ATIMNTIUHTKAMUW. HpecUl fac-UltlM for tecurluB OKI ) IJKllTHd. TOUIUriT TICK KM for travolw In KUIWI'K , by a'l rouUa , at reduced rate * . OOOK'H K.XUUU8IUNIHT , with nupi and full i w. tlouUrt , by mall 10 oenU. A'ldreM THOH. CTK * W > rf , ' .T rjroadway , N. Y. OMAHA Stove Kepair Works , 10U South 14th St. llako rvuL&'tY of furnUhlni ; eautlnn ami iepo > inttoiet of all ootorlptlon , wool utorvs , ohan td burn coal , vratet nreback , damptri , ta > ( v > nsttDUy on hand. Tr , gne 9 pur Ml P' " ' * * ton OUATTfl SPECIFIC } HIBDIOIN . . TRADB MARK > ' " " " " „ „ ; UMI HRMRDT. An unfAllIng cure for , Seminal Weak- iMSrrm .torr. houi , rmpotonar , tiMl all blMMn that follow M a Boquonce ol Bolt- Abu * ! M IOM ol' . g ; ORE7AKINO."i tudo.rain AFTER TAKIND , In the lUch , DlmnoM ol Vlnlon , Premature Old Aatu anil fluny ot her illmftfmt that lead to Insanity or Oon tumptlon ktid Premature Grave. UftWARX et adTortUwnxmtn to rctnrnl money , when druirirMt * from whom the medicine Ii bought do not remind , but rrfor you to the manufacturers , and UM requirement * are euoli that they are leldom , iever. . oompllM with. Boo thclrwrlUflnKuaranteo. A trial of ono tlnitlo package of Gray's Srodflo will conrlnn tha mo t skeptical ot It * real merit * . On aonoimt of oountear/eltorn / , wo tiara adopted tha Yellow Wrapporj the only genuine. aMTPull particulars In our pamphlet , which w d . lire to lend/rcfl by mall to every ono. ttTThoSpo. elflo Metllo Ino M Hold by all drugRlata at SI p r pack * age , or nU pftckagoi for fs , or will bo dent frco by mall on the rooeliit of the money , by ad < lroulu { T11K OHAYMKDICINKUO. . uuffalo , N. Y. Sold n Omaha' " J . Jy IBmi RED STAR LINE HolRlntt IJoynl ixmlU 8. IMnll Bterunora SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , NEW YORK AND ANTWERP , Thellhint , ( Jtrmrtny , Italy , Ifvltanil and France Hl criRo Outwnrtl$3) ) ; Prepaid Irom Antwerp , ft : ; ixcunlon , $10 , IncliiilliiK boiiultiir , etc , S.I . Cabin , f 5fij .xcurilon . , $100 ; Snloon from gsotu (90 ; KtcurtJon ' 10 to (100. XflTctor Witght & Som , Oen. Agents , (5 Browl. iy N. Y. CftMwoll. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. I1. K. OloJ. an & Co. , 203 N 10th Street , Cinaha ; D , K. Kim- mil , OnulmAnotil * . rol-ly IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION CORSET 'ft ' WMnvntwl to wrar longer , flt , , hA form nfivtrr , nn4 KTO bcttc * Action th&n any other Conv ! Htlvf markctgor vHco paid will irfundnt , The ImloraumonU ot "Mc iro' iK-dt ptLjBlclAT ) , accon- rfl ( Ilrtt Hfttren Jean * T our inerrtmnt for th ftflKSsa * " pU , JOHN H. F. LTCHMANN. Jim3HciicalInsliluti ; ) Chartered by theStateof I11U nola for tneexpre purpose of elvlnilmmedlate rellelln oil chronic , urinary and prl- , vate disease * . Qonorrhcea. Qlcet nndSyphills In all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanently cured by reme- dies.testedln al'ortuTeart , . _ _ _ - KppeialJt'rartlff. Seminal Weakneui. Nictu Loitea by Dreams , Pimples on : hePaceLo t Manhood , | > ojvffirfj/nirrcf.37irr0 la 110 fxperlmrnHnit' The appropriate remedy aatonce used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- clnes sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on Tuckncc to Indicate contents or sender. Address ) R.JAiyiES.No.204WasMnqlonSI.Chlcagoljj1 I ( iVTIR , ) _ BELT ftnd other KLxcmia sent on ! Days' Trial TO llKN ONLY. YOUNQ Oil OLD , who am suffer- In it from NERVOUS DKIULITT. LOST VrriLrrv. WASTINI ) WRAKltERSEfl , anil all thMO dlSCOlOS Of < V I'IIISUNAI , NATURE , rrsultlns from ABUSES and OTHER CIUBEH. Speedy relief and rompleto mtoratlon to Hrii.Tn. Vinon and MAKUOOO UUAIUHTEKD. Brnil at once for niiutratod 1'nmphlot f roe. Addrcu VOI.TAIU I1KI.T CO. . Mamball , Mleb. WMOttU'JiCQUAHni VITH 1HI OlfOQnAFMyor rpy viti c ny MAVININU THII MAP THAT TMC CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND fi PACIFIC H'Y Tiy the uuntrnl pavttlon of tu lln ? , oonnrrfs th& 1,141 und the Wvat by lha ehoi icjirouip. anrtcar- llrrt piaKenff n. without chun ? * ! of oaru , &ctvea Chtoi o .ind KMIIJI Ciry , Couuclt JJluifj. J.oavon- uorth , lo.iljon. JUInnoapolM anil in. Vaul. It c aniicotu in Uilluu Uonota with nil the pilnclpal llrci nl ruad botwacn tlio Atlintla anil the VaoiHo OuriiDt. in o > iuipmcnt i > uailvalcd nil inisulll- ncni , biliiff conip jnet ] of loat Comfortable nnd Dvautlfnl 1)17 C3.iclicn , Magnificent llorto'i Ho * nllnlurf Chair Cir * . I'nllmiti'a Irottleot I'alaoa Hlofpin/t / C'ir , unit ( ha u t of Dlnlnic Car * In HID world. Tlireo Truln between Clilowio and i.lliioiirl Ilivcr I'oluu. Two Troln between Chicago cage aad Ninucrfpolia and Ut. 1'aul.vla thoVamou * "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. " A 1'rw and Direct Line , via Soneoa anrt Kanka- kee , Itrt4 rcouutly boon opancd batwaon lllohinoud * 2foroluIfowport Nowf.Chattanuoua , Atlanta , Au- . . . . . nilUnapolli and Lafayctlo. and Omaha , iliuuoip- oln and HI , Paul and Intermediate points. All Through PaaHoniccru Travel ou XBUSxpre Tralni. Tiokett for sale at all principal Tiottet OtBcei In tha United Utatci and Uauada. UacffAKa cheeked through and ratee of fare at * wayo a > low an competitor ! that otlar IOM advin. For'detalled tnforinatlon.Cottb > Hap > and Vold- rs of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE * t your uearcit Ticket Oflloe , or add rest P. n. HAtlLC , E. ST. JOHN , CONTAINS 68,000 TOPICS , Nearly double the number trvftted by either Appleton - ton or the UrlUolnlca , It fully Illustrated with over ItOOOengnvlDgif aud U the only Ccloi > edU that con. tain * larife double paga majM of kit the SUtwami Terrltorlu * In addition the mopi of all the countries of tha clobe It I * the rewli of mwiy year * ot pre paration and embodlei the work ot over lour hundred ot th ablwit srholan In thla country and Kurov , The whole work Ii bi ought down to 1633 making It many yean later thau any Cyclopedia publUhed. Tbi > rlc U neairjromt-flrtlk KM than that of the other works , thereby pladujr It -1 I thin thoroaohof tha many Intelligent pno t who have so ' .oni ; dwlred a CjdwxxlU , cut felt unable or unwilling to py $100 for It. For a longtime there ba been a call from teaiher * and a large cUe * of In. UllUrent peupogvueral / / , for a oycloptdla tha * would co r r the whole field of human knowJodxo , and lw pui Ilihwl aa hw price. That thl * call ha * . been mot In the publication of th pruwni work la at * teaUd 15 the fart that 80,000 have Ixwn tolu io lea * . than ti/io ) yeari. It U endorntxl by tha laaJlna educator - ucator * vveryuhif , I a work of matter mlndt , al- wayK wdy to answer b tiy quentlon , ted U a. ntco * . lly h > altwhodet < r < > tbut Inforuutlon of mui and things which b IndlnptouUt ) to ever ? well Informed , DODO ! fall to > tnaVe an examlniUia o | wcxk when the opportunity U preatated. Important to Teachers. Our book containing "On llundr'd aaj Kfir TV.t OuoeUoDK , " sent by dro tD uaa ixwul card. Hand for It. Wo want a few first clva saletuen to i pretcnt thltwork , lllmy | uocxj uliriei to the rlxht ol rotn , AJJr EJIKKSOJJ WRFUY , Central Ajte § . , Oniah , S B ,