THE DAIL * BEE CJOUNCIL BLUFFS Saturday Morning-Marohi 22 , OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , . MINOK MENTION , The now council is to moot Mondaj April 7th. The United Stales court is to mot here next Monday , Now spring goods just received at i. Reiter'fl the tailor , 10 Broadway. The young folks of the rrosbytoria church entertained their friends la evening. It is reported that a now roller skatit rink is to bo opened in Mynstor's no block , The city schools closed yesterday , for week's vacation , and will open up Moi day , 'list. It is estimated that the 0. A. H. bs for the relief of widows and orphans i veterans will clear $130. You are invited to moot iu room N 12 , Main street this evening , at a soci Jliblu study and song service. On Sunday at 4. o'clock p. m. , eorvic of the Y. M. 0. A. will bo hold at ti Presbyterian church. Ladies and go tlomau are invited to bo present. Leave to marry was yesterday givi William Carso and Mary Ann Campbo both of Oakland , and aho to Chart Vrooland of Perry and Martha Archt of Woston. Frank Rudolph , who has boon clor ing for D. Malthy for about a year , w taken ill n few weeks ago , and obliged go to his homo in Oakland. Vostord his illness ended in death. Spiritual circle to-morrow aftorno and evening , ia Spiritual hall , Shugi & Bono's block. At 2 and 7iO : ! o'cloc entrance on Main and Pearl streets , t' ' oora south of the post oilico. "Tho chief engineer shall hold 1 dffioo/until removed for cause. " So en thoWrufnanco. Some- few acorn to thii rivj If A * . . that it is cause enough because some o also wants it. The people do not think i tearing away of the old balcony fhq hnuso yesterday nearly Utbd In a soliotis accident , two or th : crushed'uy'lft ' ' sadden fall of a port i ' * t Tho. funeral of Inoz.Slowart took pi yesterday 'fcntho ' / .Bup'tist church , U J. 0. Lemon , ofliciating. The audiei _ ; composed of about aixty porso The girl'a' ' mother , atoivfallior , aunt n Frank SQuiior.VwefE Uio { nournora. Coralamtwaa lodged boforix1 Just Bchura yesterday charging Licence B Porino with cruelty Ho aniirials. > ' II thaji MoDormott tooUuptti \ fork ano unmorcifuljy probed a bull 1 longing , to James Coylo. * ' , A warrantwai'issiiotf'yfs'ic'nlfty'Uy ' # tioe , Schnrx .for tha arreat { 'of phar AmlSn&Mte'fao lum&b-kt $0 fJ Mra. Lou Liddlo , they are both onipli od at ffio bgdor/ , and KJ Is olaunod/'ti ok fcavinm atolou'thqtri amount , 'fr , , . JQuiaJjjartl.oIJjada wants. 'Council BluJlaToard. ( lo unite with it eonjo aption * Qpprovont railway corapat ' ' ' irji.iH i8lYln5 maBsasiiOj .micagpfjobo iiouscBlo onaioulrlo their customer "I'l'i'li' ' ! e * ' /aw" / * i .fv > " . t * , . : whlQUthoyiroin'duced ! toVo into Ohic & ® W $ Nx\ \ < Tlio employes of the cardopartmcn the Chicago , Milwaukee/4rSt , Opinl Ji presented their foroiifan , favo Twbiiil with an elegant gold watch and chain n tcsiituouifif of A their Regard.7 ] position on iho Oregon Shott'lino./ ' / $ ' fa it. ' f t y Mayor Vanghan has his hands full matters that need investigating , bcsi the other business , , that.Brushes on him , but iPii to bo hoped thai M , torget to inquire into who took 01 Undo Sam' curbstones and brick wi and wholhor thoso' lying in frontsojtt' ' j > ily1buildiigs'aro jiot/tKo / stone'rf , nv Kx-Oflicor Barhyto yesterday ope war on the jyvfatflsmM , Q'ip&t'w ' ' i rotary complainragalnsPono utoa1 ! company of which Mr. Empkio is : ( tigont. These howls about Mt , pow 9wlHP3Bi ! ? S1ftfIPar1wSS''tril ) ' ' > mp ] Ivcd Oscar Sprink , boy , C4' hh folks and the ( > olc6tt [ g 't" ' dua ' trouble , is again locked up in iail. coc or 'iltop aftSlf'BnSVi tolon a driw.knifo bolongjnfj to on the men , Ben ForwX frKWdJ 'pal it for 35cents _ , and > t. /tpj / imiiObl offy i trotting asiociatioru oora i the Great Western circuit was ho , jday. The Council I ) i' A was represented by J , Paregoy and 'JX > nOrj&m } ; rV j decided that ftiS FanuioTiiiKi el open in Council Bluf&3&aM > V24/A ! ' / < . followed by n etings at St. Joe , ( rotten and pncer * were pa upon ns follows. Trotting , H minutes , 2:48 : , 2:10 : , 2:35 : , 2:30 : , 227 ; , 2:23 : , mu froo-for-nllj pacing , 2:30 : nnd 2:10 : , nni froo'for-nl ) . TUB BRB ia f lftd to see that its rccon showinRS np of the wny in which thi street laborers have boon mistreated nnt dcfrnudod , have caused Bomo nwakoniiij on the subject. . The Evening Horah now begins to fall into line , nnd the ofli cial organ of the city will soon bi ashamed of its recent assertions that tin city council has nothing to do with tin ( { UORtlon of whether those who work 01 the streets got their pny of contractors o not. The hoartlcsfinoss of the oflicin organ will bo remembered when It nox wanta the help of workingmen in Bom political scheme. There is a gang of those who clair Bomo sort of reward for services at th last election. It is hard to satisfy thcr with the campaign funds on hand. Th easier way is to remove the chief of th fire department. That would make rooi for one. Then it is known there woul bo a general howl in the department , an a number would resign. That woul make room for several more. What the ordinance forbids it ? Change tli ordinance. What if almost all the bus ness men protest in writing ? It has bi como the custom of councils hero to 5 | nero petitions and remonstrances. Win if the department is demornli/.od an property is destroyed 1 To the victo bolont ; the political spoils. Why , if b fore election candidates premise to 1 servants of the people. After olcctlc are they not the masters ? FAIRVIEW OEMETEEY , l < 'lvo TriiHlciiH Hold Together Fi Twenty Vcnrn : anil now Kxtcml Uio OlinrtciKivo XUIICH Twenty Yearn. The Fairview Cemetery association w organi/.od twenty years ago. John Hai nior , J. M. Phillips , J. P. Casady , Sai uol Sacobs nnd Horace Everett wore tin elected directors , and have continued such over since. It is certainly noteworthy fact that live men shou thus bo associated together for twon long years , and BO few such cases are i record that it well morita public atto tion. Yesterday the limo for which t original organization was iiicorporat having expired , they mot nt the oilico the president , Horace Everett , nnd t charter was extended , it being niado f one hundred years nov , nnd it ia to 1 hoped that the Two , who for twon years past have thus served , may enj life for n goodly portion of the tit : which thu charter has boon extended. Fuirviow cemetery has been improv in year by year , but still there is great lie for further beautifying. Ono great ii provomont would bo n fountain , whl : o could easily bo provided for , now th the waterworks are in active operntie : o This fountain woulbo ' of practical bo eflt as well aa ornamental. PK118ONAJ < . : o Jerry Myers lonvoi Monday for Mini npoliH. O , S. Kranchor , of Chicago , Is at the I olfic. John Vock , of Koclc iHlaiul , la at Uo ( tola's. ' 0. A. demons , of Donlnon , Tcxn.i , In at ( OgJon. .1 Oj , V. 11. llusHoll , of Olonwood , was in t city yesterday. | fJ1. . Y.MlcUo , of Ottawa , 111. , was In t city ycHtordiy. * ' ' J P1 " " , ot Cincinnati , arrhcd at ] 5o < tolo'tf yesterday , 10 ter anil wife , of Glonwootl , wi in in the city yesterday. CB , ' K. Orinflftuy , ( if.IIiirtford , Conn. , was rKy ? y Anitii , Iowa , roacl I- i' , wiw In tlio dty ; tcrduy and illticd ut liochtolo'H. o | , Jfo orji./iC | rho Inatltutlon of Ulomvo A , V. Tyler , of Dollancfl , Iowa , WOH In I Albion , Neb , , wcro nt thu 1'ndlio yesterday OB Sum I'Motchor , the lmelin > i innnngorof Iu the city } * y Hob IHynn , DCS Moluutt' tint travclllni ; m yk k , was lioro yoatorday , Kxorybodyon the n ho knowJlob , . Donvnr , and doon not expect to return in next December. 9 Hi I leave to-morrow ovoninR for Chicago tu i 'lo ' I chuo Koods for tlu'Ir respective lluon of b Icr noax which tboyV11l open about the W6 "B IrMvS ( S ottlM f ih. onS the advant&Kei otlered by Council lllnffi , If1. \KlAllyiaWgo6ijutatlou ( for a wooloa n ° ' Mr. I.ever loomed plo&aed with what nnty VAJbly ( } of io herd , H look -n cWnrp very Tsvoffttryr ) 1tit "j&c of ilocldo until after further conaultatlon Ua'btWUtffrJ ' T 'I ' aofcirfdWAfecoyin L-f. whft-Wr 0 l9tt ( > rLy U-B nfordr I ru. | nw.J , 10 , 74 , 39 , 8K0. ! * * Martin II Ilitzor tu Terry Woods , i 2 , 70 , 38 , $1,800. uir * John Li'dwiolUWJumeaDillard , i w nej no } . 17 , 74 , 3'J. S-'JCO. or For cut flowurs , plants , eto. , KO ti rXfltrara < ; c ' - , the Harrison iitreet flori.t AMAHO CUPID'S ' PRANKS , The Foolish Scracc Into which a Conn- oil Blnffs Yonlh is Led , The History of the I'uiiscil IjlOfllHO. A short time ago some curiosity WBI excited by the fact that a marringo li cense was procured nt the court house bj a young clerk in the city , who soon after wards returned it and had the clorl scratch oil the names. It was undcrstoot that the cause of the return was the facl that the girl's father had got on to tin scheme , nnd opposing it , had got hi daughter away and balked the plan. It now appears that the girl was nt tending school hero , and was from town to the eastward. The young mai was not permitted to sea her , but n qucc incident gave him , as ho thought , th opportunity to interview her. Tw young mon from the town whore the gii lived , came to the city. Ono of thor had n note from the girl's father to th sisters at the school tolling thorn to Ic the two young mon sco his daughter. On reaching hero they mot n friend c of the youug clerk's , and to him tel about the note they had. This friend c the clerk put up n job on the two youn visitors. The friend was a little curiot to see what the old man said in the noti nnd the two visitors had their curiosit excited a little too , como tu think of i so after some persuasion the note wi opened nnd read. Then another 01 velopo was got , the note enclosed , scale and addressed again. By a little ii Ronious planning on the part of tl clerk and his friend , a piece of blnti paper was inserted in the place of tl original note nnd the note itself wi kept in their possession. Armed wil this the youni ? clerk nnd his friend woi down to the boarding school , nnd tin thought to BOO the girl. The young cloi that 1 was so well satisfied could thus sco her thnt 1 got n marriage license , it being his into ; tion to skip out with the fjirl , if posi bio , while the loachors wcro not noticin and got the ceremony performed bofo any stir could be raised about it , but o i reaching the academy the plan w , balked. The note was presented , roi and sent up to the young lady. She n knowing who was really in the parlo awaiting her coming , and supposing was the persons named in the note , f whom it is said she had no such spec ! liking as for the young clerk , sent woi back that she wan not feehug well ai could not see them. Of course thoi was no way for the young clerk to lot h know that ho was the ono who was tin "watching nnd waiting for thee , " and 1 and his friend had to depart in discus The two real messengers from her fathe ono of whom it is said , was fnvorod as suitor by lior folks but not by her , soi after came and presenting their not found the envelope to contain only blai paper , and the trick was learned. , i There was a hand of coursn , and tl game was up. The girl's folks vrcro vei indignant , nnd her father came po hastu and took her homo. The yom clerk disappeared for a day or two unl the storm was passed. The license w scratched off the books , and attemp made tu hush the ull'.iir up. The cloi was throntuiipil with prosecution , ai badly frightened , but has now got dev ut work at his dusk again , and nil norenu once moro Tlio Supreme Court. The supreme court , which has boon session hero since Monday , reached i adjournment yesterday noon. Tl cases of Phillips vs. The City of Couni Blufla , and Doooroft vs , The City , which much interest is felt and to whl much importance is placed , wore amoi the cases presented , but no opinion w given and none probably will bo until ti Juno session in DCS Moinoa. The f < lowing opinions were filed yesterday : Haynio vs. County of Mills. Moth to vacate order dismissing appeal ovc ruled. Davis vs. Bnrnott , Montgomery circt court. Hehi-nring granted and argume to bo in print ut Juno term in D Moines. Jacob Woirdall vs. D. M. Oiborno Co. , Keolaik district court. Kuverso opinion by Heck. 8 hi to vs. i ) . N. Tilton , Jasper distr ! court. Itevtirsed ; opinion by llothroc Ch. J. Isano A. Ruby vs. Appnnooso Count Appanooae circuit com t. Reversed j opi ion by Adams. Farmer & Sons vs Larson ut al. , Kc knk district court. Reversed ; opinion Soovora. tlio Tablet ) . It will bo romumborcd that a short tit ago Attorney Solomon , of the Waba roatDh'td his hired mon arrested for cc spjfaojf.-iojiiurdor his family. The gra jury found , no indictment , and the in [ I fwurq diacljargod. Those mon hold a cla against Mr. Solomon for ? 01 wages d their claim to ( \rhgi Brought suit to rcco\ , . , $ M.rSblpmon } did not i taken by < issued a It ! cqnstablo , w a crib of * drn.vj Tlfu will pr < Thu Largmt a'nd Mfet CoumUtc 0 turn TIoui Ovo JfoWfia'nlL h , c ftlrutftVt ctv.jLl IhoCholcxxt ) . ! "t. . < ' > n - ' ' au 2ia ir n < I tt I , , thl i o -o.t t tit flo on and Iliral ilrelirtu 'nrnlihrc ) irom - 'WJiMiStytl ' i tfv M WM W W < I4J llio Yiytr Itoun u rf vj/J t r t v. < . * ! ! * LADIES ! WE ARE RECEIVING SOME VERY PINE Gentlemen CUE FINE BOOTS AND SHOE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. . 4-12 Broadway , Council Bluil's , ) West Side Square , Clnnndn , j MAYNE & PALMER , IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK . 'AND BA1UIKI , 1I1JK , LOUISVILLE AND I'OKTIAND CKMENT , inCIIlQAN PLASTER , HAII AND BKWKIl I'H'K. Mo , 030 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SMITH & TOIiTjEIl. Soring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUKKS , . . . . IOWA. 'ASADY ' , ORGUTT & FRENGI urtalna , Lace , 11 U , Turcoman , Etc Choicest { Stock west or Chicago. Oil Cloths , Mattings , Linoleums , Etc. Come and bo convinced that wo are headquarters fur all goods in our line. Cheap est i > lace to buy liouao Furnishings iu the City. COUNCIL BLUFFS - - IOWA , - - - - - Muil Orders Filled Promptly and with Care The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. ' New Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN JMPKOVEMKNTS CENTltALLY LOCATED Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa WHOLESALE c ! o il attention to onlirs my ll.fil. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA REPAIU1NG NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS M. GALLAGHER. Jh'S Jtrfi. HI Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low 1'rlcfa anil Pollto Attendant * . ? " { first Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } L1VKTO KAT. KATTOLIVE. O . .toxoJCto Tlio 2r xx"l3Xio. Kl. Oluon ) 404 llroad y , I Jleiln at all Hours. Chut d'oultlue Council niufls. 1 1'attlen a Specialty. HARMAN KELLEY , 34 N , MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , O. DEALER IN ALL TU LATEST DESIGNS OP , f ALL PAPER Al Illtlf SHADES Interior Decorations. Street imd 20 N. Mum Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS | ! "fVVj'PPp ( ( ° SITE COUET HOUSE , ) LOAN 01 REAL ESTATE Titl r > nil Lots nnd Lands in the Countv. HOUSE. r 'f' ' lT a , , ! . - . - COUNCIL BLUFF . , 'j ' * t J It P ; -J . Empkie Hardware C > fSrS Lin * 109 and 111 S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALKKS IN ff A "Bnira ( dfl A "w tffl v&vs' fl'Y fl V CTfTraiir HATS , GAPS BUCKO-LOVES , 342 mid 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , All kind * of/ OT. 3QC. & ofM SS ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , CODCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. 'V All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. WHY DON'T YOU OCTSDME OF FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Host and Chcaixsst-flJFlno Unon Collars ard Cue * . No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. IMC UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT ONTO. X-O. 3XT. 3Vr , i3DL St. . Ooixaioil Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The follow innate the times ol the arrhnl and de nture of trains by central standard time , at the octl depots. Trains Icaxe trannfer depot ten ruin' : arller and arrl\o ten ulnutcs latir. CHICAGO , Hf RU.VCirOM AM ) QL'INCT. LKAVX. ARH1VK. ? :40 : p m Chicago Express 0:40 : am 0:46 : am Fast Mall. 7:00 : p tr KANHAH CUT , ST. JOB AMI COUNCIL IILUCFU. 0:10 : a m Mall and Express , 0-I5 : p in 8:25 : p m Pacific Exprcta , 6:35 : p m CIHCAOO , M1LWACKKR AND ST. PAUIi. 6:25 : p m Express , 9:40 : a ni 0:45 : a m Express , 6.S : p rn CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND AM ) PACIFIC. G:30pm : AtUnttc Express , 0:40am : 0:50 : n m Day Express 6:50 : p ui 7:15 : am 'Dcs Molms Accommodation , 4:40 : p m At local depot only. WABISII , ST. LOUIS AM > lrAcmc. ! ) :55 : a in Mall , 4:45 : p ir 4.riOpn : > Cannon Ball , 11:15air At Traiuferonly. CUICAOO and s.oRTimtsTKnv. 6:30 : m Express , " :50 : p rr 9:4 : 5 am I'aciflic Express , 0:45 : an : SIOtTX CITTO PACIFIC. St I'ntil Exprcso , 0.00 a re Accommodation , 6:50 : p u "HMOS rAciric. 7:59 : p m Western Express , 8:39 : a ir .1:44 : am I'Aclllc Expreov , 4:34 : p n 7:49 a m Local Express , 6:54 a re 2:14 : a m Lincoln E\irecs | , At Trail ( or only. TRAI.VS TO OMAHA. Leave 8:51-9:24-10-24-11:24 : : : a. m. 1:21-2:21-3.31- : : 4:24-6:24-0:21-7 : : : : 4 anil 11:04 : | > , tn Sui day , 8:24- : ' 0:21 : a rn. 1:21-3 : : 4-i:24-7Oi : : and 11:01 : p. in. Ar l\o 30 lulnutca bcfoio leaving ; time. R. Rice M. D. or other tumors removed without thi knllo or drawing ol blood. CHRONIC DISEASES " " ° p - Ocr thirty years practical experience Offloo No 6 1'carl street , Council liluffa tiTConaulUtinii frno At the well-known Establislimenl OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH Of Council Ulufli. Notice our rixluctxl Price LUI We pne IS pound * Eitrafl Sugar for . $1 o U pound * ( Irauulated Sugar . , . tu 2 pound. Chiilre Ontmcal . 10 X5 pounds Nat ) lleam . jo 20 pouiuU U-hi nulk starch . 10 12 j ound * Curnln ! Uicu . 10 12 iMHinO * t'lioico runn . " 10 2ilar U ffalndoap . . . . . . . jo r.xtra ijikoTr ut , j r pound . < Choice Sllnci Meat , p r pound . 1 1 doien Mackerel . ] Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . . , , 20 T. T. All t rde , according to quality , 150 to SOo w pound w'e al n cairy R full lire ol Mcti'i. loUlci1 an C'i Wren's fine 8hoe and Mm' r'lne lioott at \ r low jiricun. Uu full Hi e m Tn w are an 1 f cue i nierchai dl c. ( . 'all on n > anil be cu.itlr.uxl lha y < > canimeupiicy \ > doillng % > | th u * . Uiod * iltl | , .t > . MOrd , ir ar bound to cell and challenge cjuijolltioa lu tlun counH. J. I' . KIM1K11T llroad t av. JACOU SIMS. E. p. SIMS& CADWELL , , Attorneys -at-Law I COUNCIL , ULUKFS , IOWA I Office , Italn Strxot. Ituouu 1 and Shurfirt k M I Mahoo' * Ulosk. WUIpractlwlo 8Ut acid drr . oourU SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo eua'antco the ruto of the folloulng named ills- peases , or no pay : Khciim.itlsm , Hcnfula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 Ilfood and kin disco * us , lirjiepsla. . Liver Complaint , Kidney and liladdcr Diseases. Qout , Neu ralgia and Astlinm , Tlieso Hprlnp ) are the favorite rceort of thu tired an.l dcbllitatad , and arotha FEEI1LE LADIKS II1 T KUIEND , Oood hotel , Ihory and bathing acromodatlon both ! winter and BUinrncr. Locality hlghlj plcturesUi | > ! and healthy Accessible by Wabash railway , EvnnaorC.B. & Q. , at Albany. Corrcfponuenc solicited , 11EV. M. M. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Siloam Sprinps , iGcntry Co. , Ho. ANALYSIS. Specific Orarit" 1.002 Reaction Neutra C.ulionio Acid fios 28 In. per pillon Carlionato Calcium 35,921 Urains Carbonate Iron 7,041 ! ' | Sulphate Magnesia 3'SO " Sulphate Calcium 1,148 " | Chloride Sodium 7,280 Silllca 1,668 " Alumina . . . .0,016 OrKanicand Volatile matter and loss . . . l-fi9 " Total scltds per ( fallen 67,174 Wiiiuurt MKHIIII.L. THE DOOM OF THE UNSAVED ! The wicked shall bo turned into hell , and the nations that forget God. And the same ahull dtink of the -vyine of the wrath ef God , which 's poured out with out mixture into the cup of indignation , and ho shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of thu holy and i1' the prcHoncu ot tbo Lamb. Blltl.K. Justice of the Peace. Urn aha ana Council Ulutfr. Henl eststo rollcc ion ogtn-s O1IKe'l ' v _ lo rnon. orriciB , II. M. fCHBY. OFFICER & PUSEY BACKERS. Council Bluffs I * . Esiabiisnsa - - 7856 DcalcrH In Foreign anil en cttlr Kxihanee an 3 CORNER PE18LST , AND FIFTH iVB , Open lie 0 a. in. , 20 : p. m uil730p , ; in. , Mon- ( .ay , Wiilncsdin ant ) Friday G\ciili ( iBexcluMvcIv tha ly 'niilc ] lluli , * * JIUBicon TueKlsy and Thursday r cnlnR8. ADMISSION , . . 25 CKNTH , Vo objcctlonablo characters III bo admitted. CHAPMAN ft MMIIUNS. . . . PIIOI'IUKTOKS SJPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special odi crtl emente , such an Lott , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itcnt , Wants , Boarding - ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS I'EK LINK for the flret Insertion and FIVE CENTS TCIl LINE for each eubwquect n- Bcrtlon. Lea\e adt ertlsementa at our office , No. Pearl Street , near Droadwar WANTS. W ANTED A flr < 'clu , Tinner. DeVr Council Hliiffa , Iowa. WANTED A Ihn boy with iwny to carry rout * f r 11 K. Oil at Count /Hulls HEK ollu-e. WANTED E\ery boaym Countll Bluffs to tike TuillitB. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cent ! a week. PAPERS For vale at Uii office , at i5 ! cento OLD a hundred. IH OH l-ENT. Kurnli-hed room eight dulhn Tadiea nml eillemen can make flrrt AGENTS claM wage < by Billing thu "Champion UIHOUI Mricther and Ironlm : Uoird. " 1UUIU at il.OO. Any lady can no up a line thl't without a wrinkle anil gloait aa nicely an the icstUuii'lrifucan.AdJrt-M forpa'tlculareO. n. B. & L Co. , IIEH office , for on * month1 Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M , D , PBTSIOtAN & SURwEON , 221 Mlrtdlo Bro 'lT > v. Cminoll Blnfl . EDWIN J. ABBOTT ! Justice of tlis Peace. ItvlTillY ri'tUl 41515 ROADWAY. rou J , Y , FULLER , Commission Merchant , Na. 3) I'carl * Utc'- ,