TJIE DAILY B&ti OAIAIIA , SATURDAY , MAKJH 22 , 188 * . FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FlNiVNOIAti Starch 21. Money Kwy at li@2 per cont. Prime Paper lf5J i > or cent Kxchango Dills Firm at 4 81 ; demand , CJovcrnmcnts Strong and i ® . } per tent higher , except for three per cents , which are utichangod. Stocks Market opened lower on a reduc tion In freight rates uf C cents per 100 pound * ; on grain , provision ? , etc. , by CoimnlmloiuT 1'ink. The dccllno In ptlcos ranged from J to 3 per cont. Trunk line slmros were loading to n downward movement. After 11 o'clock tlioro was an ImprovomoDt Iti tlio general list andtho market was qntot. In the afternoon It was ro | > ortod from Boston that the Union I'aclfia and Chicago , Burlington > V Qutncyhad mot and ndjournc.l without action. Thin at first was construed as unfavorable and the market fell oil i to S per cent. Xoar the close It wai learned Hint the adjournment of the railway conference at Boston was duo to the absence of President Potter of the Chicago cage , Iturlington > t Qtiincy , and that another mooting had boon called for next week. This created n steadier fooling ami the market closed firm witli n fractional rally In prices. Compared with lust night the closing price * are down 1 to 1 } per cent , except for Kansas , Texas fc Wabash , which Is i@J per cout higher. ouuroNS 3's. Kit 4 Va Coupons , 113) ) ' 121)1 ) I' clnc68of'95 llill BTOOK3 AND IJONDS. Amoricftu 1'xpross Barl. , Cedar Hapids & Northern 70Ml Coutral Patltic Ml Ohicago & Alton I'M do do pM 140 Ohl. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . 125 - 34 do pfd 1)8 ) Fort Wayne & Chicago Hannibal & St. Joseph do do do pfd Illinois Coutral Ind. , Bloom , & Western Kansas & Texas Lake Bhoro k Michigan So Michigan Contra ! oi : \ { MJanoauolis fc St. liouia i j do do do pfd 31 31mi Missouri Pacific mix Northern Pacilic x\ \ do do pfd ISJ N orthwostaru 11H | do pfd 142 * Now York Coutral Ofllo & Mississippi do do pfd Peoria , Dec.itur & Kvansillo Rock Inland St. Pan i Milwaukee do .to do pfd St. iaul Minn. & Manitoba St. Pault Omaha ito do pfd Texas Pacific : Union Pacific W abash , St. L. & Pacific do do do pfd Wcwtern TJuiou ToloRi-aph Asked. GUAINIMI 1'KUVISIONB. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO , Much 21. Flour Quiet nml un changed ; good to choice spring wheat Hour , 5 00a)5 ( ) 85 ; soft spring wheat , 4 00@5 00 ; Minnesota baker's 0@5 25. Whaat KeguUr who it opened firm anil advanced jc , aftarwardn declined Jcthon _ ruled steadier , recovering to 81 02@1 OJjj , nnd finally cloioil about ic higher than yesterday ; cash , ! Uia'J ) ( 'Sc ; March , JIOJc ; May , IWJ ® 95c } ; .Inly , ' .IT fAUStf ; winter wheat , nnminal at ! KSc@l Oi ) ; spiinc , tinner ; closed at O fja. Corn Unsettled ; opouoil firmer , declined i @jjc , then rallied about jc [ , fluctuated and closed jje lower th tu yesterdaycafch ; , 61j'5le : ; March , 54 Vc ; May , 6C @ 5iic ( ; July Me ; re jected , 15J(9 ( 1GJ.C. Oats The cash market is firm and about Ic higher ; closed easy ; cash , 31@33Jc ; March , 31c ; Mityj 3I @ 35 > : ; year , 2'Jjc. Kyo Firm at ( Me. Barley Nominal at 04@GGc. Timothy I'rimo , 125@1 20 ; fair to choice , 1 2i@l : 30. Flax Seed Firmer ; 1 64 on track. Pork Opened firmer und about lOc higher , gradually receded 15@JOc : , later rallied 5@10o and ruled fto idy to the close : cash and March , 17'J5ml800jMiiy ( , 18 10 ; July. 1830@1832J. Lard Moderately active nnd firmer ; prices averaged higher ; c tsh and March , 9 4.1 ; May , 9 f > 7.W9 fiO ; July , U 75@9 77J. Uulk Mo.Ui Shoulders , 7 45 ; short ribs , tl 42J ; short clear , 10 00. Uutter Choice dairies steady , at t30c ! ; creameries weaker , at ! < 3@35c , tlio bulk Belling at : ! j. Cheese ] < 'ull creams firm ; hard skims dull ; choice full cream cheddars , ll"jlll'ci full cieam Huts , 1 lifir)15c ) ; good part skim cheddarn and 11its , ( oilOc. jTRs-Stouly at 22@'J3c. Hides -Steady ; green salt cured , bull and damaged , tija ; green salt cured light , S.Jc ; heavy 80 ; gri-eii suit c.df , 13c ; dry calf , 15c. Tallow Uii' h.inged. Whisky Steady at I 17. CALL HOAKD. Wheat Jmm , [ c lower , Sales , 2,000,1 00 bushels. ComUnchanged. . Saloj , 300,000 bushels. Oats May , ic higher ; July , jo lower. Sales , ISO.OOO bushtls. -Unuhanged. . Sales , 4,750 bbl * . Kard Uiich.n ged. Hulos , 4.000 tierces. HT. ixuis rnonucK. ST. Lonm. March 21. Flour Unchanged , Wheat-Higher and fairly nctivo ; IVo. 2rod , 1 O'jjfal 10 for c.ish ; 110 for Mnrch , 1 Ol i@ 1 l ( > i for May ; < J)1@1 ! ) 00 for July. Corn HiKlior ; 48ia,4lSn ! for cash ; 48 ! @ 48"c for March ; 5bg@5U | | fo. May ; b'lja ) ! > 3c for July. Outs-SIow33i@33Jo ; for cash ; Illfcbid foi Hay. Hay.Kyo Better ; fifi@5'Jc bid. liutter Uiiclianged. 1'lav Seocl-Steailyj 1 55. Hay Unchanged. Lran Higher ; 81@82c. Kggs-Finn ; 18J. Corn Meal Finn ; $2 50. Whisky 10. l > ork-1812i@182r , . Jard-'J 30. CiXSiN(3 ( IJoAiui Wheat Lower ; 1 OOJ lilt for April ; 1 O'Jj for May : 1 073 for June. Corn-Kasierj dull , 48Io bid for April ; 50J ( ( or May ; 51 jc bid tor .lime. Oat Nothing doing ; bids a fraction lowci than at noon , NIW TOUK. NEW YonK , March 21. Wheat Cash firm options declined J@2c at the opening , recovered ored from the decline , closing weaV ; ungradtx red , H7c@l 17 ; No. 4 red. Oi6c ; No. 3 red 103 ; No. J red steamer , 103 ; No. 'J red , 108 < s Corn-Caxh 4&c & , and options 2@io lower ungraded , Mfa.G.'c ; No. 2 , Cl @C34c. Outs i@lo lower ; mixed western , 40 ® He white , 43fe4Gc. KTOWastern fresh , firmer t23f@2lc. 1'ork Quiet nud steady. Lard-Weak primenteam , 9 70@9 75. 3uttor- ! Demand fair and market firm , CINCINNATI. nixnivif4-n , March 21. Wheat Dull : Nc 3 red , 1 CG. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , C5@iGc. ! Oats-S ady , No 2 mined , 374c. Kye-Qulet ; No. 2. OVgCfic. 1'ork Dull ; moss , 17 76@18 00 , Lard Dullprlma nteam , 9 3\ liulk Mtata Quiet and unchanged. Whiskey Quiet ; 1 IB. TotKDO , Mnrch 21 , Wheat Quiet an iVaidy ; No. 2 r l , ciwh and March , 1 01. Corn-Dull ; high mixed 55jcj No. 2 , cw and March f > 4Jc. Outo Quiet : No. 2 cash and March , 3C ( 8CJc. KANHAH CITY , KANSAS CITT. March 21.Vhe t Stead. ; fe7o for May. lrn ! Ultfhor ; I'-'Jc for cash ; 43Jo for Ma Oats Dull and nominal at 29 > c bid. MaWACBBB , March 21. Whwt Jla tc No. 2 , Wio March , .ifljc } May , O.'c ; Juno . Corn -Strong : No. 2,51c. . Oats Vlrmor ; No. 2 , 3lc. Uyo-Klrmi ( < 3\c. \ Jtarley Stronger : No. 2 , OIJc. NEW OllLVANtt. NEW ORLXANR , March 21. Com Higher very fcar e : mixed , ( iSie. OnU Dull and lower : 4 1 © 1 1 Jo. Con > Meal -Dull ; 2 70. Pork- Scarce ; firm ; fair demand ; IS 871 ( < ? 1'J 00. li > nl Steady ; tierce , relined , SOM ; keg , $10 00. Whisky Virm ami unchanged , L1VKRPOOL , LivcnrooL , tarch 21. Wheat Dull ; witv tor. 8s . Mffi'Sn 0.1 ; spring , 7s lOd S * . Corn Neglected ; now , Is Sjd ; old , Ss. LilVK 8TOOK. C1I1CAOO LIVESTOCK , CaicAno , March 21. The Drovew1 Jour nnl roiKirts thU aft < j/iioon as follows : Hess Steady and firm ; rough packing 0 2 ( " ffiti 7."i : packing nnd shipping , ti 7" > 097 25j light , 5 yofj-li 70. Cattle Strom ; , active and lOc higher ; com mon to choice shipping , 5 00@lt 00 ; Inferior to good cows , 2 2o- ( 1 M ) ; stockeM , 3 C0@4 70 ; foe < ors , 4 S0@5 25. Sheep Strong ; values nominal ; inferior to good , 3 7fi@5 00 per c\\t ; chotco to extra , 5 OOfrtC , 00. HP. tOVIH LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis. March21.-Cattlo-Slowdo- : maud chiefly lowlt oxjmrt steers , 0 25o,0 ( 75 ; gootl to choice shipping , 5 75@t ! 2o ; fair tu medium , 5 25@r > 75 ; common , 4 75fo)5 ) 00 ; feeders , 4 50(3)5 ( ) 25 ; corn fed Tovans , 4 CiO@ 5 50 , Sheep-Inferior to fair , .1 00@4 00 ; moillum to good , t 25(0)5 ( ) 00 ; choice to extra , 525 © G O'J ; Texans , 2 75S.4 ( 75. KANHAH CITY L1VK BTOCK. KANrtAS CITY , March 21. Caltlo Active aud firm : nativos. fi25@575 ; ctockers nud feeders , ii 75(5)1 ( ) t0. ! Hogs Weak ; slow : 6 30@0 75. Sheep- Weak ; natives , 4 004 87J. 111A.VVIO. AND CHAIN. CHIOAOO , March 21. Kocoipta ami ship- monta of flour and grain for the post 21 hours hnvo boon as follows : Kecolptv. . Shlp'ts. Flour , bbls 20,000 25,000 , bushels 3'J.OOO 110,000 Corn , bushels 141,000 lOi.OOO Oats , bushels 122,000 4 ! ,000 llye , bushels 0,000 . ' 1.000 Barley , bushels 30,000 13,000 Nnw YORK , March 21. Uocolpta and Bhlpmontsof flour and grain for the past 21 hours Imvo boon as follows : Rocelptn Shlp'ts. Wheat , bushels 10,000 8,0'0 ' Corn , bushels 85.0CO 7,000 Oats , bushola 18,000 . . . . Livfi STOCK. OltlOAao , March 21. Kocoipta and ship ments of live stock for the post 24 hours have boon as follows : Kocoipta. Ship'ts. Oottlo 4,000 Hogs 8,000 Snoop 300 . . . . KANSAS CITY , March 21. Receipts nnd shipments of live stock for the past 21 bourn bavo boon oa follows : Receipts. Bhlp'U Cattle 900 Hogs 2,400 Sheep 1,200 ST. Lome , March 21. Receipts and ship mouts of live stock for the past 24 hours have boon as follows : Receipts. Ship'tH Cattle 1,400 2.70C Hoga . . . . . . . Sheep 500 201 OMAHA. MA.IIKKT3. Wholesale I'rlcoa , Omoit OF THE OMAHA BEE. I Friday Evening , March 21. f The following prices are charged rotation by jobbers , wholasalers and commission mor cnanta , with the exception of grain , which Ii quoted at the pricon f urnlshod by the elovatori and other local buyers : Grain. WHEAT Cash No. 2 , 70J@74o. BAIILEY Caah No. 2 , 45@52c. RYE-Cash No. 3 , 4 IJc. COBN No. 2 , 38ic. OATS-Dull ; No. 2. 27@2Ulc. Tjtvo Stock. FAT STKKna 4 50(5)5 ( ) 25. VA.T Cows 3 00 ® 1 00. Hooa-0 00G 2f > . SHKEP 3 50' < s4 50. CALVES ( i OOfeti 50. Flour anil Alillatuflff. WINTEB WHEAT Host quality , patont'a f ONr > QtJALITT 2 75 ( 3 25. SntiNO WHEAT Host quality , patent 25@3 40. SECOND QUAIITV 2 50(2)3 ( ) 25 UKAN 70o per cwt. CiiorrEn FEKD 3'orlOO Ibs. SOc. COK.V MKAI1 00110 per owt. SCIIEKNINQfiD@75o per cwt General Produce. Ari'LKS Very few in market. Ccnltanx ' 3 50 ; Bon Davis , 84 50 ; Willowtwiirs 81 25 BEANH Receipts light and domaml good land picked nuvy , per bu , $2 50 ; moaium 1 onuSt. . liKUX WA V In good dnmand. Choice bi igh : ' ior lb. 2b'2Sc ; common to good nark per Jl ) ! 0S25o ( KAT Fl.ont Per IdO lb , § 1 2 > . - Markotullghtlylinpruviug. Cholci country roll wanted. Kaucv creamery , S6u choice roll , lti@20c ; choice solla packed ; fair to good , ll@13o ; inferior grades . CAIIIIAOK Colorado per lb , 3Jc. CnANiiKimiKS Bell and cherry per bbl 12 00 ; "Bell BuglM , " 814 00. CniEit-"York State" per bbl.8 00 ; per ] bbl , ? ! 75 ; condonspd per gal , 85o. OHEEHE Full uruam , wndtorn , 12@12ic inconKln. 13i(3)l ( ) Ic. COCOANOTB Per 100 , ? I75@500. Knofi Market firm and demand good VOKKIUN FIIOITH Meialna oranges , po rax , S3 25@3 50. Messina lemons , per box 375@100. Hananas , per bunch , S3 OOfS I 00. Figs , lb. , IBj. Dates , lu palla , 7jc dntoH , hard , In boxes , lie. FIIUIT UCTIKIW Apple butter , In 30 11 mils , per lb. 7c Plum butUr , 7Jc. GAMIC All kinds In good demand , eap clall lucks. Ducka. Mallard , per doz , 2 50 ; re' lead , 32 25 ; teal , 81 50 ; mixed , 82 00(2)2 ( ) 21 Jeoso , 84 50. I'ntiriu chickens , Si 00. Ouall fl 25. Snlpo. ? 1 25. HAT lialod , $ fi ( KVS'K 00 per ton. JKLLV In 2U and 30 lb pails , 8@0c ; In 2 1 tins , | > er doz , 81 5 > ; assorted tumhlora , pc doz. 81 20 : schnonnrs , per dozen , $3 00. MAPLK SuoAit-l'uro , In brirks , per lb , 1G < Ohio , 13c ; smull ouktH , l' > Jc. OAT MKAI.-Steel cut , per bU , ? G 25. ONIONS Market bare and demand good t 65o per bu. ONION Sm-llottora per bu , $450 ; top 3 uv * I'opcoitH In good demand at 2 > a2i5per 11 l'OOLT r Scorco and high Drcwned tu keys , per lb. , 17o. ( Jeene , 17o Chicken. 13o. Ducks. 13u. Chickens , live , per do , $1 00. Dark * , Ino , | w , dnz , 31 iiO. I'OTATOKH Demand for choice , well assnr ed stock only : mixed nud frnstoil lots m wanted at nny price. K rly Itose , per bu , ' . Kc40c ; I > e4-hblntv BUCatoSc ; Colorailoes a : olfnru'1 at CiWifio , I'liEMgHvits- 20-lb pall > Strawben ; raspberry , blackberry , peril ) , 13c ; pnaohp chorrlrs , plums , apricots , ligg , pox Ib , It ! cranberry sauce , peril ) , lie , I'lioviilONH Hani , 13Jc : b. bacon , 11 } o. H. Ixoin , 11 Jo ; d. s. shift * lOjfc ; Mmrt r tide * . I0jj ; nhoulder < , Jn : IIIU < H pork , p - DruMlbeof , fMu. L rl. ! lOic. VKOIJTJ : s-Hweet pitutoes , per Ib , d ( Turniiw. per bu , M > c , 'ieets , prrbu , 75c. . I'IUB F rr , tuirn , Eic , i'lgn lout , , 15 kit * . $1 25 : pigs 40 lb qr bbl. S2 oOj pigs te t , M ) lb half blOr. 00 : tripe , 15 lb kits , $1 2fi | rlpo , 40 Hi qr bbl , S2 50 ; trlpo , 80 lb half bbl , $5 00 ; pigs tongnci , 15 lb kits , $2 W ; pigs ongnos , 40 lb qr bbl , § ti 00. Lambs' toiumes , 5 lt > kits. $3 00 ; 40 lb qr bbl , ? ( i 00. FHKSII OVRTKRS Selects , 40o lUndnnln , 5c. QVOOOfH Iilst. 0 A.NNKII Geom O vntors ( Stnndardlper case , 8 S.3 90 ; strawborrlo , 2 lb , per rase. 2 00 ® 2 10 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per ca o , 2 90 ; Bartlett ponrs , i > or C.WP , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case , 1 00 ; egg plums , 2 lb. i > or ca o , 2 IK ) ; green gages , 2 11 > , per case , 2 90 ; plno npplns , 2 lli per caoo. 4 8 ( > @ 5 50. RorK Sisal Inch anrt larger , OJc , jj Inch , lOJc ; 1 Inch , lOj'c. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 16Jc ; , 15Jo ; boxra 40 lb < , 10 oz. , f * , lf > io , MAtCHKa- caddie , 85c ; round , cases , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70 , SlHJAlia Powdered , 9c ; wit loaf. Oc ; granulated , Sjo ; confectioners' A , "let Stand , nrd extra 0 , 7Jc ; extra C , 7Jc ; medium yel low , 7c ; dark yellow , OJc. COKKKKS Ordinary grades , 12@12 Jo ; fair 13 ( ul,1Jc ) ; gixid , lie ; prime , lf > @lBJc ; choico. lG@17e ; fancygroon andyollowll > @lGlcold ; government Java , 20@2t > c ; l.ovorlng's roasted , 17c : Arbucklo's ni.-u.tod , l"c ; McLitughllnV XXXX roasted , 17ic ; mltation Java , 1GJ @ 18 o KICK Louisiana pruuo to choice , 7o ; fair GJc ; Patina , GJc. Flail No , 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 fiO ; No. 1 mackerel , < ttttt , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 whlto fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 klt/i , 115. Srnur Standard Com. , 82e , boh ; Standard do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kws 150 SODA In lb papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per lb , 2Jc. PlCKLea Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do In half barrels , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 9 2i ; do In half barrels , ft 25 ; ghorkiusUn barrels , 10 2 ; do in half barrels , 5 75. TEAS Guntiowdor , good , 45@55c ; choice GO (375CJ good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@GT c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@50o ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 8r > c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35 ® lOc ; Oolong , choice , 4055c ; Souchong , good , 85@40c ; choice , 3r > (2f4r ( > c. WOODKNWAIIK Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; throe hoop palls. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , J 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wollbuckots , 3 85. SOAPS Klrk'n Savou Imperial , 3 4B ; Kirk's Batlnot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 8 75 ; Kirk's whlto Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outocn , 2 15 ; Kirk's Prairie Quoeu , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk'a magnolia , doz. POTAHH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 85 ; lJnbblU.8 ball 2 doz. Incase , 190 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 50. CANDY French mixed , In 30 lb. palls , 17c ; American mixed , in 30 lb palls , 13c ; Brilliant mixed. In 30 lb palls , l ° ic ; Nobby mixed , In ? 0 lb nails , 13c ; Compotftion mixed , in 30 lb pails , 12jc ; Ktcnlftior stick , 30 lb palls , lie ; double refined , 'M lb palls , 12c ; Crystal mixed 30 lb pails , Ifio ; Old Timo. mixed , 30 lb palls , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 lb palls , 13c ; Flirt mixed , 30 lb pails , lljc ; Flirt , slick , 30 lb palls , 11 Jc ; Tip Top , stick , 30 lb palls , 12c. VINEOAH Now York apple IGc ; Ohio ap ple , 13c. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ashton , lit sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 8 80. STAUCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 9o ; Corn tarch , Oo ; KicoUlor Gloss. 7ic ; Corn , 8c. SriOKa Popper , 17c ; allspice , 15c ; clovoe , 3c ; cassia 15c. I.TE American. 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Wostoni , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Drr Gooda. BltcnvN SiiKKTisrss Atlantic A , 8c ; Allan- ie P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Unmswick , 7ic ; Joavor Dam LL , lie ; Lawrence LL , tic ; Paci- "c H , 7c : Koyal Standard , 8c. FINK ] Jno N SiiKETiNfJH Argyle , 7jc ; Poii- loroll 15. ( ijc ; SalWrnry 11. Gc. lii.KACiiKi > COTTONS Ballon 4-1 , CJc ; 15al- on 7-8 , i'c ; Cnmborland 4-1. 80 ; Davoll DD , ; Fairmount , 4tc ; Fruit of tlio Loom I-1 , ic : Glory of the West , 8iu ; Golden Gate. 8Jc ; ill 7-8. So ; Hill I-1. He ; Lonsdnle , 8jc ; Now York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , lljc. . DUCKM ( Coloiod ) Boston , 801. , lljcloa. ; ? nn , 10 HZ. , lljc ; Boston , 9 oz. , lie ; Fall Uxer , Sic. DUCKS ( Gray-West ) Point , 8 o ? . , lie ; iVest Point , 11 oz. , lie ; Boston Boar , 8 07. . , lie. TICKINCIS Amoskoag , 1 Ijc ; Continental Funoy , ! We ; Cordis , H'Jo ' ; IWl lli\cr , 1 IJc ; York , 12Jc ; Hiimloton Awnings , 12Jc. DKSIMS AmoHkoag , lie ; BeaverAA. 12c ; Jeavor BU , lie ; Hoavur CO , 10 ; Havmakers , Sc ; Jalfroy D & T , 12Vc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12&j " 'earl Hivor , lie : Warren AX.V ( brown ) , 2Jc ; Warren 1JB ( brown ) , 11 ic ; Warren CC brown ) , lOJo CAMIIUICS Fifth a\ouuo glove finish , 5Jcj ICovstono glovn liniih , flje. COIISKT.TKANS Amoiy , 7jc ; Hancock , 8c ; ICoarsayer , 8c } ; Uockport , 7Jc. PRINTS -Allnns , Gc ; American , Gc ; Arnolds , ijc ; Cocheco , GJc : llnrniduy , Be ; Indigo , 8c ; Indigo 7-8 , 11 Jc ; Indigo 4-1 , 12Jc. PUINTH SHKUTINOHAmerican , Be ; Cochoco , ic ; Gloucester , 5cSouthbridgo ; , 5c ; Waverlys , GINOHAMHAmoskong Btaples , 8.c } ; liatoa staples , 8)c ) ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Pliiukot 'aids , lOc ; Hudson chocks , 7je. DliKSrt GOODS Atlantic idpncca , 9Jc ; Per xiauo cashmer , i-.iic ; Hainloton cashmere , tile ; Hamlolon FauciH , 11 Jc ; Hamlotou bni. cades , 15c , Im inner. WH01.K8AtE. Wo quote lumbar , lath and Hhlnglon.on oart at Omaha nt the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINO 10 ft. and undoi ! 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 10 foot and under , 22 00. TlMiiKH AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 fX ) ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 2f > 50 ; 24 ft , 2G C9. FKNOINQ No. 1 , 4 and G in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , J200. SHEETINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. SIOCK ItOAlllis-A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; C , 35 00. FLOORING-No. 1,4000 ; No. 2 , 3500 ; No , i , VB 00 SlDINO , cloar-27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. 3 , ijOi ) . CEILINO ? , 37 00 ; g. 25 00. SMINOLKS , best- i 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. Li in : Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 35c cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hah ior hi , . 50c ; Tomx ! felt , 100 fha , 8 50 ; straw ' , SCO , PLUO TODAOOOClimax , 50c ; Bullion SOc Elorsoahoe , 50c : Star. 50c ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her soy's , 40c : Block , 88(3)40c. ( ) FINE Cur Common , 20@30c ; good , 45 ( & Xc ) ; Rose I eaf , 70c ; Premium , 65c ; DIamom' Drown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47r. SMOKING 0. 8. , 22c ; Moomchaum , 30c ; Dur um , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durhatr 2 oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c 3eol of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 57c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. , fiOc ; O. 1C Durliam , oz. , 28c ; O. 1C I > i ham , 2 oz. , SOc ; Unch Nod , i'a 25o ; Tom and Jerry , /Ac. OllB and \arrilaliea. OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13Joj 160 ° headlight , nor gallon , 14ic ; 176 ° headlight per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water whlto , 17c ; llr seed , raw , ; pr gallon.SSc ; llnseod , boiled , noi gallon , SSoLord , winter btr'd , per gallon , 85c No. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , Ii5c ; castor , XXX , per gul Ion , 1 l > 0 ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; awoot , Mr gallon. IW I > onn W.13. , perghllon , 1 GO ; fish. W. B. pergallon , G5o : noatsfcxit extra , nor gallon , Me No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc summer , 15c ; Koldon machine , No. 1 , | ior gal Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; aponn , algnal , per gallon BOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptlia 74 ° per gallon , IGc. PAINTH IN OIL White load , Omaha P. P. Gc ; white load , St. Ixmla , pure , Olc ; Marseille green 1 to 5 lb caria , 260 ; French zinc , greoi ual , 12c ; Krenth zinc , rod seal , llo ; Frencl zinc , In vanilsh aast , 20c : Fiench zinc. In ol ftKst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , lOc raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vumlyke browr I3c ; retinod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , an Ivory black , Itta ; drop black , IGo ; Prussia blue , 30u ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome greoi L. M. & I ) . . lOc ; blind und hutt r green , I. M. & .D. , ICc ; 1'arli green , 18o ; Indian re < ! 15o ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tiixcan roil , 22c ; American can Vennllhon , I. & . P. 18c ; cliromo yellow I , . M. , O. & D. O. , I8o ; yellow ( icFiru , 'J ( golden ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 8c ; grulnin colors , light ouk , dark oak , walnut , ch tin 15c , Itenllirr. Oak < ole , 38cCsl2c ; hemlock ole23c@85 ho lock kin , SOc to 1 00 ; runner ( Wo to KOc hemlock call , 8.V t < > 1 00) ) hemlock ttniwr , 22 < tol'lc : oik miiicr , 2 let Allltftlor ( , 4 00 t 6 PO call hlil , 32 ( .Vi : droiaen kid , 2 BO to 2 7. : oat kh ) , SOo to 1 IX > ! oak cult , 1 i-'O to 1 301I'roncl : kip , 1 10 to 1 Kit Kroncli calf , 1 23 to B 00 ; t 8Bc ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SOc : No. S iU > , 1 MltwnnVpfl 3So : No 2 ilo Mo . No. 1 1'ltU nak liar , Mo ; No. H VUU oak liar , Me. lrr l'n um. Whlto loftil , fc ; Froncli nine , lOc ; IVirl * whiting. 'JJc ; whltliiR Riilon ) , IJc : whiting som'l lie ; lntni > blnck , Uormnntowii , 14c | mnpltlncK , onllimTy , lOo ; I'rumlau blue , Woi lUrantnrlno , 18o ; Muulyko , brown , 8c ; umber , nirntto ; umber row , -Ic ; nlonim , burnt , -to ; lonnn , tt.'r , Ic ; I'lUta green , genuine , 'J.Vi 'aria croon , cotnmiiiij'JOcjchttiiiiaKreoii , N.Y. , Ooj chrome groan , K , , 12cj vonnilllon , KnR. , Oo ; vormlllinn , Amorlcnn , ISc ; Iiullnn roil , Ooj niso | ilnk , 1 Ic ; Venetian red , c ; Vonotlan roil , Ainorlcan , IJot roil load , ! c ; chroma yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yellow < low , K. , 12c : ochre , roeliello,3c ! ochre , I'rancli , ? c ; ochre , American , 'Jc ; WlntorV mineral , 2jc ; lohl h brown. 'Jjc ; Spanish brown , 2jc ; mice's mineral , Re. VAUNISHKS llarroln , per gallon : Knrnl uro , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; coach , xtra , $110 ; coach , No. 1 , $1 20 1 Damar , xtra , $1 7r > ; itapan , 70e ; naphaltum , extra , 85c ] hollnc , $3 50 ; hard oil finish , $1 M. HCATT Ilnrdivnra Iilnt. Iron , rates , 2 BO ; plow tool upoclal cast , Co. niclblo , 7c ; ppocliu or Herman , r < c ; cant too ; o , 1R@20 ; wngou npokes , not , 2 25(213 ( 00 ; hubs > or not , 1 25 ; follooa Rawed dry , 1 40 ; tongue * , loch , 70@85c ; r.xloa each , 75c ; rmaro nuts pot > , 7@llo ; washers or 11) . S@18c ; rivet * , per b , lie ; cell chati * per H > , b@12c ; mnlloablo , So ron wodgoa , Co ; crowbars , Go ; harrow tooth c ; spring tool , 7@8e ; liimlon' hontohooa 70 lurilon'H mulenhoiw 5 70 llAIUimi WIUK In car lota , fie per 100. NAILS Uatoi. 10 to 00 , 2 IK ) . SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shut , 2 10 ; oriental xiwdor , kogH , fi-IO ; do. , half kegs , H 48 ; do. , uartor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fu o , or 100 foot f > 0c. LEAD Har , 1 05. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor. a run IJlii'slmrg , 10 ( X ) ; Whltobroiwt lump ; i 00 ; Whltobroant nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 own nut , 5 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra Ito , 1125@1150 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Iilqiiorn. ALOOUOI. 188 proof , 2 2rt per wino gallon xtra California spirits , 188 proof , 1Vi pot iroof gallon ; triple rol'mod Kiilritx , 187 proof , 25 j > or proof gallon ; nMlistilloil whiskies 00@1 BO ; line blended , 1 f > 0@2 50 ; Ken- ucky bourbons , 2 007 00 ; Kentucky nnd 'onnsyUimlrt ryes , 2 00S)7 ( ) 00. HiiANniEa Imported , 000010 00 ; tlomaitlo 10 ® I 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic , 110 @ 3 00. v HUMS Imported , ! 50@0 00 ; Now Knglaud , 00 ® I 00 ; domestic , 1 B0@3 50. 1'EACIl AND AlTLK UllANDY 1 75@1 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported ) > or case , 28 00 ® 1 00 ; AmoTlcan..lwr case , 12 P0@l(5 00. JiltlCH. Steady ; green butchors. 6@OJc ; groun altod 74 < S3Hc ; dry Hint , 12@13c ; ilry salt , Ortftlle ; ( { amaged hides , two-thlrdu prico. TALLOW C@ijo1 ( SilKEi > TaLTs 25c@l 00. DENVEU M/V11KHT. CDKICD MEATS AND IJAIID In tiorcon lOo u palln lie. JliuiiB , MJc ; breakfast bacon ! ) @ 15Jc ; nmokod nidon , 9jlUc ; Halt eidon , . GUKKN KnuiT ANI ) 1'iiODOOE 1'otatooR , 55 ® 5c per 100 poundx ; onions , per 100 pounds , 1 50@2 00 ; tunnpx , per 100 11) , IW@SOo ; Col- rado cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@l 00 ; vo chickens , old , per dor , 51 00 ® 2 , " > ; 'prairio chickens per doz , $3 75@100 ; ( i i. , frosb , per di > 7 , 3L'35c ; butter , fair qnal- ; y creamery , linoit per Ib , ! ! 8@ 12 ; cro.iinory , ocd , per lb , 28a)3 ( ) Ic ; KmiHaa and Nobranka airy , per Ib , 37@ 15c ; cooking , 12@lfic ; choono , full cro.un , per 11) , ltj@17u ; apploa per bbl , oastoin , $5 00(51(5 ( ( 50 ; Rrapos , per Ib , 7allOc ; California poara per lit , 710c ; ilosiiim lemons , extra per ox , $7 00 @ 8 00 ; ornngop , ? 12 00(6)13 ( ) 00 ; Colorado wheat , per 100 Ib , S1313S | ; Hour , fair quality , $10 0010 50 i > or barrel Hour. ( > rnliuin , per 100 lb § 2 00@2 50 ; Hour , rye , pnr 100 lb , $2 50@2 70 ; lluur , buckwheat , per Lbl , ? 10 00010 50 ; corn meal pot 00 Ibs , § 1 ( ! 5@1 85 ; corn , per 100 Iba , SI 30 ® 35 ; corn chop , per 10011m , $1 30@1 33 ; now atH , nor 100 Ibs , 61 S5@l 15 ; oat , Nobnutka , nixed , per 100 lb , SI 33@1 35 ; wheat , per IOC bs , SI 351 15 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , SI 50 ® @ 1 75 ; mixed chop , per 100 lbn , $1 33g ( 40 ; bran , per ton , § 17 00@19 00 ; hay , > or ton S12 OOC'dlU 00 ; baloil Hocond bottom , S1000@1200 ; baled upland , Sll 00@17 OOj traw , per ton. $8 00'J 00. . U.CAJU'llKLr , . | S. S. CAM I'll , , Oampbeli & Go. . Commission merchants , I'uovisioiis , FiiuiTS , irro. 9S Soath lltli Htrool , Initnu'n Imila.snnil ) ; OMAHA , NI'll. Ittfi.riiico4Klrrit N.itioml ; , S'.cilu , Jnlininn i Co. , Omalu ; Hank o [ UMI Count ) , I'Uttmnoiith Neb. fiOMCITKI ) . IIKTUUNS MAW I'HOJini.V. BE. WHITTIEE , 677 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. AltKUUIiAU OHADUATKnl two modlCAl cell gei has hcon cnRUco'l ' loiik'cr In the treatment o CIIUONIO , NKIIVOUH , SKIN ANI > DLOOD Dl o 80i hau other physician In St. Ii0iimniidty papora thov mil all old roeliloiits know , Oonaultatlon free nvltcxl. Wlion It la Inconvenlont to vlult the dty rcutmcnt , inmllcliion can ho fiont by mail or oxproi n cry where. Curable casoa iniarantooj ; where ilea ixlaU It la frankly utatotl. Cull or wrlto. N'crvoual'fontratlon , Duhlllty , Mental anrt Phvulm Weaknom , Mercurial anil other aTfcctlorm ol Throat ng , Hkln Affectliim , Olil Hnra anil Hlvir , Iinr ill nenta tu nurrU o , U i.iniiuinin , I'll n i l tontlon to CMOS from overworked brain. HUIIOIUAI. JAHKS reoalve npucial ti.inllon. IIMI.UII < I rein ImpruiJenoe , Kit'ititHi i > , MARRIAGES5SE : Gr VmH3. marrv.whomayno wliy.rauno ) , oonnequoiiora mil euro. U\ll il for S4c DISEASES OP TIIE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , UvxxdVLViisft Until olflcei aru repalri J from rumilt ot lire , ofll with Dr. I'arlcer , Hwn 6. Crrl hvoii lllock 1M win T. MANUKAOTUKKIl Of" GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES. WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS , ETi ] a t a xatix * ti-o-.t , NKIIIUHK , . Illl IIUUA M tlk , fill. 3 HIS , fill. < rt R ° Z- ' a ( ' ( . n'/KMEniB'oOALEj'ie ! rf ilii'i'1 'i"lltl" ' . "V"I I " " ' ' " ' " ? OBGJ'S "TOOL'S , &VU" r M inri.i. nidi , knit 'inr ( " -n. ( i iii < ut iiuiui i.ii iii'riHu , i JAS.H.PEABODY M. D , PHYSICIAN $ s Hlln ' l i * I n n I > 'Hn V , , iiiuntract ) Uu ii < if i li m ti I p m , , tutjj.i ni I'o.o i mi ( io II J.lf H tt't Railway Time Table , u. r. u n. , MAIN LINK. LiiVx I .R l' ctflo FAvro .l2XV : ( p m I Attvitlo KxproiMjsSS ft n Western K j 8 00 pm it U. . .4 : . < Uiptn II. l iv. U:40 : n' Lincoln K < nUMMT TUnl.NS-imilXJK DIVISION. IxwcOmMm : 7:10 : , $ :00,0:00.10.00,11-WiM : : m ,1Jm lCO : , 2H\ : ( 00 , 4:0ii : , ft CO , fl.M , 10:10 : p. in. On Suit iUj : 7:10 , P:0 : UsX ) . m ; 2 X1 , 4.oo , (1.00 ( , 10:10 : 11 , m. ArrhciAtlritniilrri1ciut' | Omliiiitr4litor ! ; HtoftiY ft > dC | > otC < iunrll llliiHn , 30 minutes Inter \ot\nincll IHulTii , llra ilnitytlfH | > t , 8.00 , BOO lo.oo , iioo : vm. ; 1m.loo. ; : : PO , S w,4 oo : pofl:40 : 10:40 : it. in On SumUjs..SiOO , 10.00 ft. m. ; IS l i S:00 : 5:00 : , 0.40,10:40 : p. in. Anl\o Tranufcr ilo | > ot , tumln ntrnlMrr. Iiirotmcll IUulI Trsmtcr ilr | > ot ! StS : , O.S5 , 10i5ll-2i : .iii.jl2 inl:2\2S.S3rs ; : : : , 4.25 , & : SJ , 0.25 7P5,10.55 : p. in. AtthpUinn > iA Omtniitrhtpr. i , AR OMAIU. I. Aii ruvxritj M.urrt r a No. s. . . .7:55 : m I'M * . No. 9 . 7ts : n No. 10 5:45 pm No. 15 ll : 5 ft n No. 4 8:50pm : " No . It-Mmr " No. 8 SWMn : " No. 51 7:15 : p iv " N , fl. . . B15 ; ft in ' " No. 1. . 7 S5 p n " No. 50 0:50 : Mil I' XiflIIP lie cn Omaha Tlini'.Jiy tlmo In SI minute * tauter than I OCA tlmo. II. A M. UAU.UOA1) 1IMK TAIII.K CKXT. TIMK iiitMKU nirnuM. HlwriuMMV , KtKT rnl'Ml IMXIC. AltltlMt. Omaha . 7:30 : | , m ) > 40 am 0.50 pm P.49 MI Anhlaml , P.21 pm 11:11 : run 4Ssjmi : 7-4.SMV Lincoln. 10.M ) MU 12.M t in S.dtf \ > m MOnii llMpm I'M ) pm 2:1 ? pm S:40i\n ! ilt : > am 600)1111 ) 11'Mani 10:30 pn Svooam 0.M pm lo.o < a > u McCook 10:6\am : lOSSpm r > : Ml pm ! l:4i : ) inr Akron 3:45 : | un S.Vtam OlWtnin 11.4inii | IHwtrr . 7iS : | im USA inn O.S8 ( mi 7S.'i : MII MISSOUIll I'ACIKIO-STAN'DAUD TIMK. IlKI'VKT. 1 AIII1I\K. 7iW : ni | 0.4. ' . ] > 111 K. 0. . 8T JOK A C. II.-H.-STANlAIH ) TIUK. > t ll dally tl.I6am | Ktii'oif , tlnlh Ksirr | 4 , ilftll * I r\rv | > t Moii- ctcopt Satiir : I ilaC .fl.Wnn iU ) T I6p in I Mall , ilallj . . . .fl.Mp m 0. , St. P. H. A 0. STANIA1U ) TIMK. ( Depot Htli ikiulVli lcr St . N'o. 'J inlxril. . . . 7l'i n in | N'o. 1 fiM ; p n H > i lKht . SN : ) p in | Freight . .lll.-inn ; AtUntloD n,40pm Atlintlo K\p . H.15 iv M Atlantic ill 7.45n in I Atlintlo Mall. . 7,00 p iv KM-rj il ( TmtiHlcr I > f | > o' , Council lllufln. ) WAIIASIIJIHT. I.OUIS. Irt'nvo . 7:50n : m I Arrno 10:6.1 : a ir I.tnvu U:5U : pm | Arrlvo . . . . . . . 4,05)111 ) O. , II & O IU U.-STAN1)AUI > TIMK Mftll * 7:50 ft m I Ksprvin 10:00 : ft it Kiiiriwii SW : p m | Hall" 7:2i : p n : "SunInj 8 fxci'l'tctl. 0. , II. Pi P. H. 11.-STANDAUI ) T1MR. Uftll * 7:50 : n m I KxprrM lOOOpn Kinteiw 8 50'p in I MftlP 7.2J n ! bmiihjH cxrrptrd. C. , M. Jfc St. P.-srANDAUI ) TIMK. I.K\\K. AIIMVK. UMIAKV * .03nm I Varlno Kx 0:2C : m AtlftntloKi" . .8:50itiu : | Mall & Kx * 7:00 : pn C. & N. W. U. U.-srANOAltlTIMK. Mill" 7:60am : I KxiirrM , . . . ' . . .10 00 an : Kiimv * SWp : m I Mall * 7:6 : pn 'SlllllluVll OVCl'ptL'il. B. 0. & I1. K. H.-.STANDAUDTIMK. Uall * 8 00 a in I KxproiK 1(1.00 ( am Kiprctw 8.00p m | IIall' 7'J5 : pa xco tod. Opening and Cloning of Hallu. ROUTH , oriM , cLoai. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. sue 7:8C : 7.30 Ollli u uiit'ii HunJavH ( mm 12:00 : in. to 1:00 : p. in. 'U K COUTANT , Pimtinanttir Western Cornice-Ms , IRON AND SLATK UOOKLNO. C. SPECET , PROP , 1111 Douglas 81. Omaha , Kob. UANUFACTUUEIl OP Galvanized Iron Cornices cn'ltormrr Windows , Flnlaln. Tin , Iron anil Blat lint' , Hicclit'u | patent Mutalllo ! ) klli'lit , 1'aton stoil Itatcliot liar anil uraokot Hhi'lvlii . I an ( tnoral nirunt lur the auo\ollnoui toun. Irui ni ; , ( 'rostinirH , Haluutrailoa , Voramlau , Iron Xaoi t' s Window llllnilti , Cellar Gimriln : alto iiinii > Hill at'iit li'-liU Ullpil TIIIH IlKLTorltfK'i'nera tor IH mnilu cxjiritiNly fo tlmviiru ol ilmuiK'i'inuit nttliu Kiuicrntltu iirirum lliTi1 In no iiil > lnkn alioul thin nutrnmunt , thu con tliiuiiim Htruani ol KIiKU T It I ( . ' I T N iMi-inuatlii | tliron li Ilio parts imiHt rrK torv tliuiii to licnltliy actlm Do not cnnfimnil thin will Klcctilo lcltHnil\t ! > rtlHCil t onio nil ills Iruin lituul t i too It Is for thu ON'I' ptc Illc purpiHO I'or clrculatH Kiting full Itilummtloii aililruHXl'hoever Kk-clrlc Iklt Co. , 1'J.I St. Clilrnu'ii I'I ' PRINCIPAL LINE ruoM I'll I'AUOri- ' : A A : ST. LOUIS II ) KAY Of OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVER , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOIIISON to DENVEI I'onnriaiiiK In I'lilon liopnts nl KiiuniHCIt ; Oinuliiiiiiiil Dninci-ullli tluiiiiKli tiuhiH fur And all jKilntH In Iliu limit Wont C3OI3STC33E1A.ST LoniifutliiK In Ciiinil I'nlun Duput lit OlilciiK ltli tliroiili | ; Inilnt tor N K } } ' Y Oltlf , It O , S'O A" , And nil I'.itHlnni t'llli-H. At l'ciih with llnoimli tiiilimldr Inilliuin ollH , UliuiliiniitLCiiluiiiliiiH , null nil ( KilntN I llHihimtli.Kust. At HI. I.Dills Hltli tliioui tniliiH lor nil | ioltilN Houlli. iii'iuiit ; Day Cimc'lns , 1'uiliii' I'UIH , with It rllnliiCliiilrsHciitH | ( lic i ) , hinoUlimUaiM wli ItiiVolvniK ClnillH , I'lilliiiun I'tillint Hlriijih CIIIH mill tlin IIIIIIOIIH r. ( I , A ( j. DlnliiK i/'n run dully tounil fl HIM ( : lilcuin ; nnd KIIIIHIIH Oil I'lilcuKonnd ( 'otini'll JllulK ClilosiKo nnd I ) Molni'H , UlilniK" , hi. , Iiiicili | , AtililMiu in Toiiukii wlihont uli.niKi'Only lliiuiiKli Hi lunnliiK tlnilr own tnilnn biaui-on uiilcnit Lincoln nnd DCIIVIT , nnd UlilciiKi ) , KIIIIN ( 'lty und UCIIVIT. TluoiiKli uuis lirtwuo IndliiiiuiiilNund | C'oiuu-ll llliillH , via I'roilu , ( iOINO iVOKTII ANU hOUTII. Solid Tniliw ol Illiuuiit Duy ( Juiiclicw ui I'lillinuii I'HliiciiHIi'iiiiliiK CIIIH nun mi iliilly nml finiii M. l.onn.m Iliiiinllnil , Qiilnt' ' Ki'dkiilc , lliiillnutoii , ! uliil lluiildMiinil Alln I.cutoNt. I'liul nml MliincaiuillM , I'mlorCii with ltiH'llliln ( lialiH III .Hid Mom HI. Lot and I'coilu onlj < uic ( liimKnorcnm lnlMi St. I.oiilHiind HIM Molina. Iiiwn , l.lnculii , . * < ImiNkii , nnd DCIIVI i , I 'olimiilu ItlriiiUotliiHinb TliioiiKlil.lnii liinuiu-ii DT , LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS andJT. PAU " it Is knonil m Hi" Ki"it TIIK < Wiill 0. 1.IM ; ot Aiin-iic.i , mill l iinUi'iwillj iidiu I In lie till Finest Eguippsi Jhilrcai in ths Vv'oild ; all classes cf Travel. Throimli TUi ! viu Ihw linn ior milo at It. It. coiiiiun UiKcl utlliott III tuo UniteUSIu IIHl Cuu"l'i. : T .1 I'lilTI.II , I'KlirilVAI. LUWKI.I. Viu-Mo itita M t tr ( jtu l' i ' , V.'Mi SAFE INVESTMENTS Oiniilm Uoal Estnto is n aufo investment for both local nnd foreign cnp- ul , and there is no property , in or around the city , but what will bring urcluisers good returns in the near future. Wojlmve property for sale t prats f the city , and also urrountling the city , all of which.wo'gladly show to partiasj who feel interested. Wo are often tusked which is the best parb of the city for an invesfc- , iont ? Wo always advise patrons to buy what is called Inside Property iy this is meant property not moro than ono and a half miles from the 'ostodico , and the nearer the center the bettor the investment. While utsido property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad- anco much greater in'proportum. The new addition to the city known ass HAWTH s located ono milo from the postoflice , west , only nine blocks from the Iligh School , and those lots are being sold at less than vhaH ! tiie price oaked for lots same distance in any other direction , and TIME T BUY , Vs these lots will , in a'short time"be"advancod to correspond to price ? ots surrounding Hawthorne. jijfljSffiS The contract has-been - lot for grading Daveuport'streot through this iddition. Work has been commenced aud will bo finished early in the ummor. PurohaserH of lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any xpense for the grading. This isja-jdecided advantcgo. A Pricesjfor rogu- ar si'/o lots lotsS35O TO 8575 , We have also some double lots in tlu addition [ at from SGOO to § G50. Tliis part of the city is being built up with the best class of residences Near business , near High School , and desirable in.ovory particular. VV have a o\v lotSjlcff- this addition , which wo will "soil at lowe.- iriccHlhaii can bo had in surrounding additions. Tlio lots are hcautiful- y located aiuljargor than thanj-hoselin.adjoiniiig'additions , and will be old on toniif ) to'suit purclmsorH. [ [ IN ALL PARTS OP T11E CITY. TP A "F ? TVT S ? T . , ! . ? - Z& JCTU JLMJKZ i In Doiitrlas Countv and nil imrtsof th State.1 TJ fine tract of land thrct ) and ono-h ili ! miles from Omiilm at $10 pe aero. Also a tract four miles from the bity at JBttO per acre. Lots in this addition will bo sold on monthlpayuients ; 10 per , co casli and Gtpor'confc , per month. ! SI O R IsT 3 f Of nil the lots wo have for ( sale , rwe , tuiuk * bis is the most deskf le either for a home or ior investmont"as it is near business nicely Ice . , ed undjjat present uncos is tlio cb eajiest property 'in tlio market , aud .rst buyersjiavo choice pf ! lots. BEDFORD & SOUER. South Fourteenth Street , between Farnam. and Da ; igla& "i j'i 1)8 )