Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Monday Morning , March 17i
Tlio "WoaOicr.
For the Upper Mississippi and Missouri
Talloys : Generally colder , fair weather ,
preceded in southern parta by local rains
and northerly winds.
Now crop clover and timothy need for sale.
Shugart , Woito & Wios , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
fS-lm ,
A largo smokestack ia being oroctoil at
tlio Smelting works.
The Btroot commissioner Is busily engaged
In cleaning the streets , which work Is very
oommemUblo ,
The Theatre Comtquo U again running In
full blast , notwithstanding tlio tragedy of last
Sunday night a week.
At n recent mooting of the TIIR Bx.n Pub-
Iklitng [ company , the following officers were
elected : President , K. llosowator ; secretary
and treasurer , Goo. B. Tzschuck.
The Bar State Llvo Stock corapany.Tohn
A. McShano , manager , has bought the John
V. Goad herd of cattle , nttmonrlng 25,000
Dr. W. S. Glbbs was on Saturday last ,
by the county commissioners , appointed
county physician In place of Dr. John D.
Pcabody , whoso term oi oflico has expired.
Michael Hoffman made complaint in
police court Saturday morning against a driver
in Chicago lumber yard , for driving his team
ever complainant's wheelbarrow , near Shooly'a
packing house.
Kolby Place is tno name of a new addi
tion to this city , the map for which wn > filed
in the county clerk's office on Saturday last
It is near the west end of Dodgostroot , just
west of Smith's addition.
A Chicago paper of the 13th says that ,
funeral norv icoa were hold there the 13th at
the name hour with the obsequies in bmaha
in St. James church.of which Bishop Clarkson
was rector a quarter of a century ago ,
In police court Saturday morning there was
ono victim , a farmer from Iowa , who was
charged with being drunk nnd disorderly.
Ho was fined $5 and cosU , which ho paid , It
is cheaper for Nebraska men to go to Iowa
and get drunk , ns it only costn $3 in the
Hawkeye state , while this side of the Mis
souri $5 is the lowest rate.
A young man of some prominence , who
lives with his wife in the west end of Omaha ,
la reported as having grossly abused the lady
whom ho should honor and protect. Ho has
been married loss than a year , and Friday night
ho beat his young wife in a shameful manner ,
discoloring both her eyes and drove her from
the house , compelling her to take refuge at
the house of a neighbor. It is not the first
time it has happened , and people in that lo
cality ore talking quite loudly about it.
Auk your druggist for Itoddlng'n lluiteia
Salvo. Kcop it in the house in ca o of acci
dents. Price liOc.
C. Ijnpponuau , Fremont , is at the Mlllard.
, J. 15. Lazcar , of Central City , is at the
D. Lowry , la\onport , Ia. , Is at the Metro
politan ,
F. L. Graham , Chicago , is nt the Metro
John Lang , Yankton , D. T , , is at the Met
ropolitan. '
W. 0. Kiouman , Lincoln , In a guostnt the
O. Jenkins , Springfield , Neb. , is at the
Metropolitan. '
IL II. Hawkins , of Creston , la. , is at the
G. T. Kennedy , of Burlington , la. , ia at
the Metropolitan.
C. Broanrrmn , Springfield and J. I\ca
Crete are at the Millard.
J. L. Minor and P. 0. Minor , Tlattsmoutb ,
are nt the Metropolitan.
Gcorgo S. Smith and J. W. Jennings ; of
riattmnouth , are at the I'axton.
IL V. Cole , ot Fort Larauilo , Wyo. , is teg-
tutored at the Metropolitan.
Goo. Sttllwoll and wife , Hiawatha , Kan-
Ban , are guests of the Metropolitan.
Deputy United State * Marshal F. W.
Crow , St. Paulis registered at the Millard.
William Dillon of Lincoln and Theodore
Frlodhof and wlto of Columbus , are guest ) at
the Paxtoi. |
W. B. Davenport , division freight agent of
the 0. , B. & Q. , with headquarters at Daven
port , Iowa , is in this city.
Col.Templeton , chief correspondent of the
Weir 1'low company , Menmouth , 111. , is in
the city/and a guest at the Paxtun.
Maj. T.-H. Btujtonpaymaster U. 8. army ,
and his private cferlc , H. W. Chase , loft for
Fort Steele on the noon train Saturday.
J. ROM Uann , eerotwy of the Weir Plow
company , Monmouth , 111. , and A friend of
County Judge McGulloch , is In the dty.
Mr. John H. Donnelly , secretary of the
Union Stock Yard * company , and assistant
secretary of tba Ogalalla Load and Cattle
company , left for Chicago Saturday afternoon
on buulnoMa connectud with the above com-
General Lowe and hla daughter * , MUee *
Kittle and Sallle Lowe , left Saturday for an
extended trip to Europe. The general Intends
to combine baslneu with pleasure , and the
young ladles expect to give considerable at-
tonllon to studies while abroad.
The Dairy Barn ot D. II. l'ont DC.
btroyed by Flames Satur
day Night ,
Ayery ( dUaatroiu fire took place on
Saturday night about four miles north *
west of the city. The largo barn on the
dairy form of B. IL Post was entirely
consumed by pie flame * . In this build
ing were twouty-nlx cows , sevunteuiiliead
of horeos and a lot of aheey , all of which
perished. The fire when ducovored had
nado such headway tliat nothing , could
bt ) done to save anything.
Thefiro ! waa the/w / rkof an incendiary ,
and tliie torefa u ( supposed to have been
applied by tramp * who have of late boon
fnfwUiiK that neighborhood , The lots
will mch nearly flO.QOO , aijd Js partly
by inaurtnce.
Singular Action Last Evening of a
Gnest of the Canflcld Honse ,
Imagining Ho In About to 1 > o JUilibort
Ho .lumps Out n TJilnl-Slorr
People riding up Tonlh Btroot lout
night in tlio last street car were sur
prised to BOO a man , with n paucity of
clothing on , comprising only his panta
and shirt , jump on to the roar platform
and inquire for a policeman. The man
was thought by thoao la the car to bo in
sane and was taken to the city jail by a
jTOntloman where ho told
Ho came to Omaha yesterday from
Macon county , 111. , to testify in the
liixboaa corpua case now pending in the
United States district court wherein
Qoorgo M. Wnggonor is petitioner and
General John Gibbon department com
mander of the Platte , is rbupondotit.
This gentleman , whoso name ia John
Soron , wont to the CanGold house in this
city and made arrangements to stay there
until Wednesday , paying for his outer-
tainmont in advance. When ho settled
for his board ho noticed a stranger look
ing ever his shoulder ,
'Ho thought no more about it and at
about half past seven o'clock retired for
the night. His room was number 53 in
the third ntnry. After ho had boon abed
nearly two hours ho wss aroused by foot
steps in the hall. Ho got out of bed ,
looked through the key hole and saw the
gas turned out. A female yoico from
; ho further end of , the hall said , "Don't
; urn it out" and the hall was again
Jghtcd. In a few moments white
iumes were scon by him coming
into the room through the koyholo. Ho
covered the lock with his hand , but still
it penetrated the room. Ho called upon
; hose on the outside to stop , as the
smoke was aflbctmg him , but no atten
tion was paid to his appeals. The par-
Jos on the outside began to press on the
leer , which was both locked and bolted.
Becoming th rouchly alarmed Soron
rushed to the window , raised it , and
called out at the top of his.voico ,
at the same time placing himself in such
a position that in case his persecutors
should coma in ho would jump out on to
, ho ground. After repeated trials the
door was forced open , and in walked the
daring robbers. Now frightened beyond
self-control , Soron quickly got outside the
vindo w and lothimsolf down to thoground
n a decided hurry. Luckily for him the
: orco of his fall was in a great measure
irokon by a small porch extending from
, ho east eido of the building. Striking
Irst on this which gave way ho landed
upon terra Grma , his foot being consid
erably cut by striking a sharp piece of
wood. His pocket-book , containing § 80 ,
YOB dropped in the fall. So soon as ho
tad picked himself up ho proceeded to
ook for the missing money , but
como out of the hotel towards him , he
umpod ever the fence and went down
n the bottoms , where ho wandered
about for some time , until , thinking they
Toro no longer searching for him ho
warded the street car and wont to the
city jail , where ho was kept during the
night on a charge of insanity.
Boron is apparently about fifty years
of ago and a farmer by occupation. Ho
looms to bo a man of respectability , and
.ells . a very straightforward story , hav-
ng any ether appearance than that of an
nsano man. At the Canfioldhousonoth-
ag could bo learned. The clerk Bays it
would bo
as the hall was lighted all evening , and
jooplp were passing back and forth
-heroin all ovoning. The door was found
; o have been broken opoii , but the clerk
iaya it was done by him after Soron
icgan to call for the polico. The affair
looms to bo mysterious , and Soron pither
ios boon the victim of his imagination or
an attempt to rob was rondo.
FAY & Co. , formerly of Minneapolis ,
Uinn. , frill open a wholesale confection
ery , cigar and fruit business , in a few
Yooks , at the old stand of Piorcoy &
Bradford on Farnam street. Cm&etf
A Pertinent Question.
ro the Editor of Tim B < * .
It would bo very interesting to know
jy what authority our public schools were
iloscd Thursday , It acorns to mo that
fiojso who manage our public schools have
rna' ff at least two very great blunders of
ate : First , by keeping the schools open
on Washington's birthday. Second , by
closing thorn on the day of Clarknou's
Durial , thereby placing in the minds of
the children a Idial priest , an expounder
ot sectarian bigotry , U above the liberty
loving father of our country , I wish to
impress upon the miadt of our sectarian
school management that our public schools
afo absolutely non-sectarian and sup
ported as suoh only : by state and nation * !
government , and the closing of our pub
lic schools for sectarian7 purposes as waa
done Thunday , nhnpljr'tb give a local
priest notoriety , will not be tolerated ,
and the sooner our schools gets it non-
Bectoriau superintendent the better.
N. B. The above was suggested to me
by my boy asking mo if Olarkson was a
greater man than George Washington.
You can guess at my answer.
NotabytheKdltw ,
Upon inquiry wo learn that the friends
of the late bishop induced two thirds of
the board of education to ign an order
to close the schools Thursday afternoon.
Superintendent James simply carried out
the instructions of the board.
Ohlldreu'H Masquerade.
Friday evening Gormania hall presented
a beautiful appearance. It was the oo-
csjsion qf the childrons' masquerade , and
about one hundred and fifty boys and
girls of all ages were in attendance in
full costume. Mr , Philip Andres , vice
president of the association , managed the
iloor , and Director Hathun , o ( the Gor
man schoo ) , and any number of delighted
parenta watched the cliildreu and enjoyed
the spectacle all but as fully 0.1 if they
could return to their own school lifo and
live ever the fun again. Dancing began
nt 7 o'clock to the strains of the Musical
Union orchestra , and masks troro removed -
moved at ton , while about eleven o'clock
the nmall participants began to grow
tiled and bo taken homo. All had n
good timo.
Btioklon's Arnica Salvo.
Tlio frrontost modlcnj wonder of the world ,
Warranted to ipoodlly tnro Innui , Cut * . Ul
con , Bait Rheum , Fever Soroj. Cancers. Piles
Ohillblnlrtfl , Com * . Totter , Chapped hands
and nil skin eruption , gtxrnntoou to euro In
very InnUnco , or money refunded. 25 centc
t box
A Street Cnr Driver Itobbcd Near
tlio End of the Green Car Iilno.
The tliiovcs and robbers who infosl
this city seem to have changed their field
of operations for the present from the
dopoU to North Omaha , ns appears from
the robbery committed on Saturday night
lost. At about 8 o'clock in the evening
Fred Johnson , driver of street car num
ber G , had nearly reached the end of the
green street car line with an empty
vehicle , when two mon suddenly jumped
upon the front platform and with drawn
revolver demanded the money box.
Johnson could do nothing else but sub
mit and told them to take it. They were
uunblo to got it loose from the car and
ordered the driver to unlock the fasten
ings. Ho handed thorn the box ar.d
taking it they escaped with their booty
into the darkness. The box contained
$10 in money and $2. DO in car tick
ets. The robbers were unknown
to the drivqr , but had no masks on
their faces. The box was found yester
day morning a short distance from where
the jobbery occurred , rilled of its con-
tonta.Thts is the second time within
the last two years that a car driver has
boon robbed at this placo. Ono night in
the early part of 1882 John Doty was
ordered to eurrondor up bis money box ,
and refusing , was shot in the head , after
which the robbers carried off everything
valuable about the car. It is said that
Mr. Marsh , who is at the head of the
street car company , has aeon fit to deduct -
duct from Johnson's wages the amount
taken from him , as above atatod. A clue
to the robbers has boon found by the po
lice , and it ia probable that the guilty
parties will bo secured.
Can any ono bring no a case of Kidney or
Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not
cure ? Wo say they cannot ax thousands of
cases already pcrmantly cured and who are
dally rocomending Kloctrlo bitters , will prove.
Bright'a Disease , Dlabotis , Weak Back , or any
urinary complaint quickly cured. Eyory bottle -
tlo guaranteed.
For sale at 50o. a bottle by 0. F. Goodman
They Hold an Inijpoi tmit Meeting on
Saturday Afternoon Last.
The members of the city central com-
mittno hold a mooting on Saturday after
noon in the oilico of Mr. Nathan J.
Burnham , there being present from the
Second ward , Messrs. Moany and Mor
risen ; Third ward , Mr. Charles Bankes ;
Fourth ward , Messrs. Broach and Dun
can , and from the Fifth ward , Messrs.
Uurnhnm and Field.
Mr , N. J. Burnham , the chairman ,
jailed the mooting to order , and on mo-
iou Messrs. Stuht and Stonborg were
sleeted to represent the First ward , and
Mr. Bankos the Third ward.
Treasurer Broatch'a report waa read
md adopted.
The time for holding the primaries
was fixed for Thursday , March 27th , be
tween the hours 5 and 7 p. m. Con
siderable discussion took place ever the
lueation of fixing the date for holding
the city convention , some advocating the
lirst Saturday previous to the election as
beinp the fittest day while others favored
the 28th of this month It was finally
decided to hold it the evening of March
28th at 7.30.
The primaries will be hold as follows :
First ward Pete Flannery's. Second
ward Joe Cavan's. Third ward North
ivpst corner of Twelfth and Harnoy.
Fifth ward Joe Kaufmaa's. Sixth ward
No. 1 engine houso.
A motion was moved and carried that
saven delegates bo elected at the prima
ries to represent each ward in the con
vention. The mooting thou adjourned.
A Mooting for BnalncHB baft no Busl-
ncsH Done.
The board of public works bald n reg
ular mooting on Saturday night lost.
Members Croighton and Bicker being
A communication from the Omaha
liorse railway company requesting a per
mission to pave with Stoux FhUs granite
whenever it a&ail bo required by law to
pave between its tracks , waa read by the
clerk and laid ever for conauliation with
city attotiMjr.
The consideration of tlio paving pf 8t ,
Mary'a avenue then came up Mr.Creigh-
ton moved to award the contract to
JameaFox&Co. , the lowest builder.
Mr. Barker voted against U and its fur-
thnr consideration was laid ever until a
meeting at which member Wilson shall
bo prctont. The bid of Fox & Co. waste
to fay a pavement of B'oux Falls granite
on a sand foundation six ; inches deep at
$3.01) per square yard. The board , after
discussing tno acceptance of the iGth
and Chicago streets sewer , then adjourned -
ed to this evening at 5 o'clock , at which
time if its final estimate is handed in and
a favorable report made by the city en
gineer , the work upon the sewer will
bo accepted.
rcriuKa to Woo.
The following marriage licenses were
issued by County Judge McOulloch last
week :
Paul Hansen to MaRgio Dobs.
Samuel 8. Wilt to Emma Locktnan.
Everett A. Archibald to Lizzio Archi
Nels Peterson to Augusta Johanson ,
George Karcheo to Barbara Beck.
Gustay Trimca to Bertha Klein-
Frederick Kilo to Katharine Juudv
Nols Seieroo to Anna Bondison ,
Joseph Faille to Anuio Odwarkei.
A lively Conlcst Between Brewers
and Coal Heavers ,
In Wliloli tlio Imtlor Got fitully lion
In n Double Sense.
What might have proved a very soriou
affray , took place en Saturday ovonin ;
lost at Kaspor's hall on South Thirtoontl
street. It appears that the employes o
Motz'a brewery gave a ball , which was n
purely private affair , only the employe
of Motz and Krug's breweries and thoi
friends being invited. Up till shortly
before midnight everything was running
with perfect good order , and in the mos
harmonious manner. At about half pas
eleven , however , the scene of mirth am
jollity was temporarily changed into ono
of a very
which was brought about by the appearance -
anco of five or six of the employes of the
Rock Springs Goal Company , who it
scorns had boon having a hilarious time
at Alex. Block's placo. This little gang
headed by Jack Quinlanmarchodinto the
outer passage loading to the
dancing hall and attempted to gain ad
mission. They wore asked by the door
keeper if they had any tickets , and immo"
diatoly they began using very coarse lan
guage , saying that it was a public place
and that they vrould bo d d if there
waa any man or crowd of men who could
put them out. Finally Oflicor Hinchoy ,
who was on the promises , was called ,
and ho endeavored to porsuadn the men
; o go away quietly , showing thorn that
Jioy had no right there and that they
iod hotter go away peaceably. This they
latly refused to do , and officers Hinchjey
md Sigwart then proceeded ta remove
ihem , aided by some of the Drawers.
This caused
n dead earnest , during which several
of tno Hock Springs gaug got badly hurt ,
as did also some of the brewers ,
and the clothes of two or three
combatants were torn from their persons
n the general struggle which ensued.
After being ejected from the promise1)
Jack Quinlan and his pal , whoso name
: ould not bo learned , returned and said
ihoy had left some of their clothing there
and made a desperate effort to effect an
entrance , but owing to the intrepid and
cool behavior of the two police officers ,
they were prevented , and the door im
mediately loading into the hall whore the
jntortainmcnt waa going on was closed.
This loft the two officers with the gang
! n the outer passage , which was in utter
darkness. Some of the gang then
md began firing them off indiscriminate
ly , but evidently with no intent to kill ,
IB the bullet holes in the coiling show
ihat they pointed their pistols
leaven-wards. At this juncture in the
proceedings Officer Hinchey fearing
some serious termination to the fra'caa
called upon the men in stentorian tones
to quit shooting off their revolvers and to
go away peaceably or they would surely
luffer the consequences. Tln.i seemed to
have the desired effect and the men cpn-
iludod to depart in peace , contenting
homsolvea with doing a little promiscu
That the men from the Hock Springs
coal company intended to raise a disturb
ance , ia shown by the fact that they went
; o Frank Kabowcc'a bakery , opposite the
mil , and stole a lot o ! heavy sticks * with
which they armed themselves to meet
my resistance on the part of those- who
lad charge of the entertainment. From
all that cotilJbo learned Yesterday it seems
; hat none of the wounds inflicted were
langerous , although the coal mon -were
> adly beaten about the head and other
> arta of the body with billies and heavy
Glean out rats , mice , roaches , flies ,
anta , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks ,
qophora. IGo. Druzcists
1'iiratlo uiul Line offer
for To-tlayt
Members of Hibernian Rifles to report
at Masonic ball at ! ) o'clock sharp , pro
ceed accompanied by A. Ot H. band to
depot and escort visiting : brothora to the
ball. Parade forma at 1O o'clock headed
by A. O. H. band , G. AB , , Hiber
nian Killoa in full uniform , divi
sions from Council Blufftt with band , and
Dunlap. and Flattamouth > . and Divisions
No. 1 and 2 of Omaha , af tf > r which the
carriages containing the ladies taking
part in * programme.
1. Mia > 5o . . .A. Oi H. Shod
2. Chairman's Address..Hon. If. O'Hcaffe '
3. Vocal Quartette , Glee-Club
4. Oration
5. ? lauo Solo. . "The Last Hose of Summer , "
Mint Maggie Swift.
C. JtoclUtlon . ; : ' " 96"
" * Mlsa Crowley.
7. Vocal Solo . "Kate Kearney *
Miss Ida Gibson.
8. 1'iano Bolo "Irieh.Mbdley"
Miss Parfitt
lAddress. . . . . . . . . , Ireland ondAinuIca
Hon. John Kuuh. " *
10. . Music Pot Pouri of. Irish. Airs
A , O. Ill Baud * .
Ik Vocal Solo MiwMsrphy
12. UeolteUon "Tha TWo BrokhenT'
Mlsa Mary Hush.
13. Vocal Solo , , Mlaa Casey
14. Vocal Solo. . . . . . "Buckles on lieu Shoes'1
Miss Maggie Hush.
13. Vocal Quartette"God , Suva Iwland"
Glea Club.
1C. Mugo1QuIckstDp"KchM | from tlM Wett"
A,6T H. Baud ,
KntertalnuiBnt rommenccs prottjitly at U
o'clock at Masonic ball.
From Masonic hall soutVon Sixteenth etnioi
to Douglas ; eo t on DougUs to- Tenth ] soutA
on Tenth to llurnev ; weak ou llarnoy to Fif
teenth ; North on Fifteenth , to Vornam : cut
on Farnam ta Tenth ; noith oa Teuth toDoug-
las ; west on Douglas to Slxtoe&th ; tiortV un
Sixteenth talzitd ; oouxtMrmjurcb ou SUUjuth
to Masonic hall.
Tlio Hiui tfrjieatr .
Ono of the moat interesting dramatic
ovonta that ha& vor taken place at the
Btadt theatre , was the rendition , last
i " " " ' 'Three
voning , of "Pouvrotto , or
I montlis under tbo snow. " Probably nc
I play has yet been put oa the boards at
t Uiis well known and popular place.
n fmor cast and greater perfection in the
atago setting than this.
Notwithstanding the obstacles which
were calculated to lesson the attendance ,
the auditorium was thronged and the
ladica and gentlemen present evinced the
heartiest admiration of the play from beginning
ginning to ond.
Drictly stated , the plot involves the
intorchagno of the children of a countess
and an old soldier in their infancy ; the
child of noble birth ia botrothci
to Count Maurice , who ia imprisoned in
a hut with Pauvrotta by an avalanche
falls in love with and seduces her , am
after three months' confinement undoi
the snow comes back with the desire to
Gil his obligation to Pauvretto and his
ties to the daughter of the countess con.
flicting. At length all is iniulo right by
the discovery of the identity of the two
girls , and Louise , daughter of the count
ess , who is really in love with an officer
of the army , is left at liberty to marry
him , while the girl who had usurped her
place is united at last to her lovor.
The cast was excellent , and there was
nothing to detract from the interest of
the play.
Notwithstanding the prohibitory order
issued by the authorities , Mr. John O.
Brant opened his bar , and wil contest in
the courts the disputed question of the
rights of a dealer to soil liquor on Sun-
lay after having paid an exorbitant
iiconso for his privilege.
Thli powder norer rcrui. A marvel of purlt
Sronyh and wholeaomenM Uoro conomlcal ttat
iio o2ln ry kinds , and ciu > 31 be sold in competaopi
wltn tbeinultltude of low i t . short nelctttalum or
hu.jjhite powdtrs. Soil caiy In cons. Itoja Bak-
Eg Vuwdor Co. , IDA Wall a t Nnw York
TO LOAN-Moncv.
\TONET TO LOAN Tie lowest rates of interest
LVJL Bomls1 Loan Agency , IGth & Dongiaa 234 tf
VfONEY TO LOAN In Birsw nt { 303. and upward.
LVX O. F. Davis end Co , Real Cat ta ana Lotn
Agents , 15CE Farnam St. S )3-tf )
WANTED-A girl for gencrat'houso ' worktlmr can
co k at the 3d door west tf 20th btr , on the S.
Ido ot Uarncy. 830 16 $
"ITT'ANTED A good competent jjJrl to do jsneral
> T Iwusevvork. Apply at 181 Douglas St89M75
r\ _ reliable man tra > tlliiR lit Neb , Jotako a special
Ine , artldo atnple and sells readll ) . Trade partially
stnblbhcd In Neb. Address " 0. C. " ro Ceo olMce.
WANTED Three eaperlcnccd ctunnsora to sell
goods on weekly paments. . Stiadj job aoil
oed pay to right men. Apply before 9 a. m 1 F.
Mart n , 1014 Clark St. near corner Oth. SW'-lll
WANTED A good cook. D. M. Hitchcock , Dodge
and 20tti streets. 875 20 }
WANTED A live , cnngetlo man to take halt In-
Ittrcst In b well established * and flrttr-clas
> avlngbusinee Only svall amount of monero -
ulrcd. Ail J res. "if , C. " Bee olHco. 874 s0i !
"TXT"ANTED By a reiiaole ladj , the charge of a
V V bouse during the absence of the owner. Ilef-
rencca given. Aildrtss " 31A. . U. " Uee otllco.
b8S > 171
Oook Klr'e ' la call for places at the old
WANTED employment , 17 N. 16th .St.
83120 ]
-A No. 1 Blackurlth
can get eteady work cf i lirk Olds , Cedar Rap-
de , Neb. Addrtw all Ict'tru to me , "care uf I'axfon
loun' , Omaha , " ihl I'ueadayy March ISth Wlltrac
applicants on lucEday > ftorncouat tanib place.
bM 15 | CLAUK OLDij >
TT7"AN1 ED A glrlj ISUCilifornU stioct.
T\7 ° AMII1 I ml * book.kcppir. expi-rlencacl aid
'I iicuirito iuouUuV. \ . ifoc rt u rlter. Uelerencns-ro-
ijulrcd. Loc'cbjx ' , Sclinjltr.Neb. 8(3315. (
WANTED A. middle agocl woman to do light
liousottorl ; Wages$1 COpci week. Apilyat
012 Douglas strunt.
Olrl for gcrural housework. Good
wages. SarUl family. None but an exper'tncod '
girl need applj , 1612 K nmmotrcet , 849 U
'ANTED A.trmpetentHtchen | Hrl at 1517 Chic -
c ; > OBtr et' Will pay but otva LS.
T ADIE3 OR YOUNO MENin city or eountr tu
-L/ take nl co light and pleasant woik at their own
loraes ; $2 or$5 a day easily and quietly nade ; nork
sect by mall ; uo canvamintr ; . no stamps lor reulv *
* leiue address Reliable ManTjCo. , Philadelphia , ! a
drawer. TT. IWj-lrco
TV/ANrKD A loan oomueOtut to run wood , work.
V > iiiGTinacStluer ) . Addravs "K. U. " St J/iho ,
Fremont Neb. 815-17
W ANTKD-A dluliiRroon ( flrl at the Vuunett )
houto , IlthBt. bttwoMj Fttiuaia and Ilarnoj.
) * - person * to Instruct lu b ok-
WANlKl-lhreo furoUbed 1518 Douglas tit * .
763-M . J. I ) . Blllllli
ANTD&-A nurea slrl. Apply SlO orth Uv
btreot , ftetwoen Uatennvrt oiitl Chlcaeo treotik.
( "VUKEN 3ROIECrrOR-Uin > recedentedliidacem uU
icJ. offoreoAotly amenta to * tn'i ' new rubbvMindercar
tnoit for laalta. AdJrtno. with itamps , ladlut * ua-
dergarmecl Co. , 9 south. Hay St , Chioaza. 821-1
TX7AKBUD-llrli ! wowuif , 16 girl * lor geneia )
T 5 hikue work , to ivjMl at ouoe to Cainou III it
and Co. Oppo lta 1' . U No cliarge. _ 741ftl
WAH3KU Udles.oa jounir men to take uk
ll&Mint work ail tneir own ho a4a ; tofia
day. CA&ly made : work Bant bv mail ; no comaalag ,
Adifriet. ? . Uidd & Co * box 167 Dubunpa > Io . .
6 > fl.Imol
\T7AaTED A Oewmaa dlntnK room kltohoa gUL
W Ooaao and Uciipi , 418 B. 1JU St , between
II xia and IIo < raidt 6S6-U
"MrANTEI ) ICuulcjjiUHint of anj Unilbyai bonrst
rT actheyuiwirmui. Kmulovinont Bureau 4 II
XlttoSt. OuO-171
_ _ _
TI7AN I KI > - SJtUitlou as putw or iu ut cook by a
r > ) ouiiKlaCuliiprl > ateboariliieuMMaor Hu tl.
. ! J > uir IJeeolHo > ,
W ANTEU Dy a jouni wnuan , a trtua Ion to delight
light h i > u vork on I Mwlui ; la ittum for
board. AiUiena D. BICI ollU .
T\fANT > .U-SHuatlui ! a b. t cr In | > ri\ato fually
Ija > uith
"a J. aI. BoautlU * ,
WAK1KU A reliant j ouuc man vsatita a
Uuork. board a 4o | to school. " 3 , A. W. "
" \\rAN ' hl > lo rent , tor ooc'utiucy , on or Iwforc
t II il y Uta > iou ol8orOroouiHlthallinodern
e iivunleiici-8 , tu a ilcalrabla locaiVm.
| I'artol to u i rtlcrraj. Will lea * . * lor R a tcijm
! } ar If MtUfictory terns oflej o , lk V city rvlcr-
I Infants and Children
"Without Morphine or Nnrcotinci.
j Whatfrlrca our Children troy checks ,
\ , What cures their fevers , mnkp-j them sleep ;
T 'Tli Cinatorliu
* When Bablca fret , nnd cry by turns.
What cures their colic , kflls their cms ,
31 Itnt Cimtorln.
What quickly euro a Con < tpntlon ! ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion :
Farewell then to Morplilno Syrups ,
Castor Oil and I'arcRorlc , and
Contour Liniment. An TJ-
nolnto onro for Rhonxnntiam ,
Bprnini , Boms , Galls , &o. , and an
Instontonooiu Painrollovor.
WANTED For rent , IGbomsala ( rood location
for customers , ptrtlcs having \ucant bouso ,
can secure ten ants by calling or addressing I KEY A ,
MOTTER , S. W. cottier 16th and Farnam. PCS tf
To rent a house of 4 or 5 rooms In
good locality as near butlnosa part ot ell ) 09
possible. Addrcis "C.1I. W. " ciro B o office.
. 00018 }
"V\7 ANTEp Tno furnished room * and board _ ln
W private funll'for family of thrco In rood lo-
cVltj.1 Adiltci9"C II. W."uiro Bco olllco. 003-13'
- April l t , a houss with 4'rooms
WANTED-1IV lino. Address U.K. IHnforth , Dili
south 12th St. 801-175
WANTED By a gentleman one good shed and
well lurnlstied ruoin In a rt pcctablo famllj.
Address "X. X- " Bee office. SM-lu ]
WANTED To buy cheap , alow phicton with car
riage top. "X. A' . " IJco ofllcc. 81015 }
" \\rANTED-To buy , a IIOIHO an J lot In ( rood loca-
1T tlon , price not to exceed fJ.OOO , orould rent
with the privilege ol bujlng. Oho exact locitlon
and vcrj lowest price , and term * . Address tor four
da"M. . W. 8. " care ot Bto offlco. 821-151
Tt'ANTED By April or Hay , 1st , house of abou
Vt six rooms comeuientt business portion of cltyj
Address C. W. CanHcld , 1102 and 1101 Douglas St.
WANTED To rent , ono room to gentleman and
Y , Ife with board 1011 Webster St. 022 tf
TXTANTED 3,000 jarda ot dirt , at or near ono
TT block nest of the Coin cut ou St Marj'fl avo-
nuo. S. R. JOHNSON ,
81 tf ot Staele , Johnson A. Co.
WANTED DOO pjlvy vaults. elnKs and cesspools
to clran with sanitary doancr. Satisfaction
guaranteed. J. If. SMITH ,
6M.lmo § Lock box 422,0uiaho-
I OH HUNT T ohouses 1 mlle Jrom 1'oat olllco at
* lr > and $ : & per raonth. McCAOUK , opposite P.
O. i 7-tf
FOU RENT OH SAI.KNew Uore Vmldlns ; in the
gron Ing ton n of Cancrolt Nob. 'lliree pleaiint
ll\ln < rooma up btalr * . Splendid clmce for any
klud of business. Aildrnw "U. 1U" BbO ottict.
3 6-195
"irOIl KENT House of 8 rooms ono b ecU -outh U.
JL7 P. dtpot. Inquire at M. Lees prooerj store , 22d
and Lcavenuorth. > ai-165
FOIl RENT Nice cottag , 1 rooms , closets , pan
try , A.C. flood btrn. H ell , cistern and crythloK
eomplet * . Onlv end block from street car , IDih. St. ,
hilt blc'ri north of Grace street.
S0317S E V. SMITH.
UEK1' A first tlaas hnu on Sherman w > -
nuo lit 8 rooms , with born HAIITUAX , STtjtt-
QESaWKlXLEK , room I Crcirhton Block , 899 i7
IT OHKHNT Anew fl\o room brick tottago. Im
1 ? nulre John Steel , 5th and Hlokory St. 898 IbD
TTIOK UENJ Brick store No. 418.10th bL , betwein
JDHarneyand Howard. S.LEHMAN. 805 tf
TO IlENr Farni'hed front parlor and smaller
rooms u 1th board , second door from noith east
corner Hurt , amlBovcntttnth Sfn , fronting eouth on
Burt. Will bo numbered ! Cz2 DurS. 897-15 $
FORKENT Sa\enroom cottage , nnar tint U. I * .
depot. Posswwi , April 8th. IniidJro at 2121
\Vebstcr \ StreLt , , or of lluIlobt. . ! > < , 12th and
Mason Btrtcts. SOitf
RENT A airnlaned front room for ono or
IpOK 1 Kcntlemen , corner 14th and Dawaiport bts.
FOR IlENT-Setevilsmill dwelllneo. wltrTblicS
cellar and hjdrootwatur. E. Eatausook , 1U18
Chicago St. . 772-221
11ENT DenhroMo furiiUhtd or xiufurnishcd
front room , 1621 Sapitol av nue. 860 155
TO RENT To ono. or two gentlemen , , fine large
furnished room , east and south froiA Use of
bath , half block from St. cars. Apply alt'ir 6:3J p.
ra. at 610 Pica-ant Bt. 3lbir > §
I OR RENT Housn a rooms , Dth St * , M12 Bth
St. J. I'HIITS B.OE. 811-tl
FOR BENT Furnij'leJ or unfurnished room , 022
south" cst corner "card and IKth strceit
[ TtOR RENT FuruisiicJ room , 1619 Farntiu street.
P 829 15j
FOR RENT A fumiaheU room , fronting touth
and east bay Hlao\/ > hot and cohl u.-.ttr uitii use
ol kath rcoin adjolnlrg. buitable f or In ly nd gen-
leman , cr two gectlojwn , with or wfiiiout board.
Also smaller room adjoining , 2314 Dougbastrctt
FOR KENT rurnlahed room eultableJor 2 gonilo-
UICD . Inquire cast aide It-th tit. between Dodge
and Douglas. 78 < tt
CH ) R 11ENT FurrW d room 1017 Chicago.
-T _ 770 tl
ORHENr iurjiu ca roon.8 , 1817
613 tl
OR RENT Nlcclr ? Jurnlohod roomvlBOS Far _
F " '
street. DOJ
"TTtOR LEASE 0 b < uliu8s lota 10th street , ctween
J ? Davenport and < UapUola\enue , ea3i tide , foi a
tflrm ot years. AME3.
48J-U 1597 Fanmm Btreet
. RENT l > ouUe store room and basemant.
JJ tine ot tbe bestJvcAtlons In the clt for dry IPOUK
cr iancy grocciles. MuOAOUE , ojiji postofbco.
I 7 OIl RENT A Iva gentlemen can JM aocomodiAcd
JD vtithturnlabedrioonu. Apply 1818 Fainam St.
FOR 11KNT Roozna In Nebraska Nation * Bank
Building. HoBt dcslratle otllots la the clly
Supplied wltn bwliaullo ele'ator and heated b
Btottio. Apply atiBank. _ KMt
BKNT If unished rooms oa the nor ttwe
cor. 18th and Cop ) tolaveuue , formerly Crel atoo
House. IW-tt
F IURNISOEUoeom heat d 22i ! N. Utn. KS-tl
' bberman nieimn rorrivr. tOOCt
Nmettentd Street , twj lot * , oath 61,200.
Montana atiiwt , three luts , vuh tKOO.
Georgia avenue. Improved t o Mi and
a barjralB pit V3,50u
GuoiKihavenue , benne and bit. 1'rico $2,800.
( ieorgia k\enu , lot at tfOU ,
VlrKluia at tnue , lot cut front. Price $ SS3.
Vark avtnve , two lots , J2JUU.
Park av < mue , three 1 jU.eait front Frlc * $5,000.
1-ark rwtQue lot , 90U
Utx xia * \ enu cornet , , to loU. l'rlc } l,800.
KliL.wo d addition , Um lots , twc. tuinen ,
piic * $1 MW.
For partlcularv , calVoa
( XXVH MtCAOUE , Opp. lV tullU-e.
J -Two aiuet In Went Omaluu Can Jou-
X1 ble jour uionuy lu ulu ty Uajs. . _
4 MOT ! Kit ,
Ir < OR BALC 01 oiciamjo for Om > ba piopert } a gvod
' ' itOkcres In Ua. lau county , 1 } UMU from county
tat. All ulraloMilUuJ ; a eolfndia bargain nt flu
, Kia i ere. IliEY * . ilU I'l Kit. _ r > 0t tl
. OR SALU llsuao and lot tu ebton't addition , a
corner lutk (1.7ua monthl ) laxEvunt * , 111EV It
* T7tOR 8 AI.\l-Se\ui beautiful Lteln llloiubauih'
J } I'm e at ait Imuituse barK * in. 1UKV \ MOITEII.
FOU BALK A nlco cottage and lull cornsrlotln
bhlnut IM wlultlon only SUlucks from CAT hue ,
. HikY it 1101TKU. Vdd tl
\LK-A secoiukr.uil phaeton bujgy lu
'fluktUiu ' repair 1'Uf.NAN cllAMLU ,
8al } _ II iitL UcaiUiuarters
T7KR SAtU Iwo witagoa on cor. Burl and 23d ,
-Tlarvalu. BEil < fi. tUlltl > U.
0 II HALl.-Lct 821x182 , 3 room huaje , a LloUs
1 1 wuetot mlllury bridge , Uuu > li\z \ itrett , 81,000
One-half ca U , balancv to kult Ihla la a
litton and ku-0'tlu. BAIlKKlr\
T7011 SAM } The wesl JS fett builncn proportr oj
X1 Famamstreet , with fln cla * Improvement * li
quire of It. O. Clark or J. B. French. W2S
FOR SAI.K Loll In Loa\cnorth tcrraoo | 15u t
? 300 each , a rare chance , will raise $2r > . on carl
lot on and after April 15th , now Is the time to n-cm
a barptln li-foro the raise , thin Is no humbu ; , but
itralRht buslni . 1REV& MOTTKR. 9oHf
FOR SALE A good , A No. 1 horse , flji.irs old , (
17 hands high , at P. Utsca's , 103 north JBth St , I
fill ton Moat Market. 87020 \ \
FOR 8ALK-Two > ery ilwlmblo lots In Hanscom )
Flaco.Must bo told bctoro April lot , I'rlco law ,
O. F. DAViS , C CO1 , I
BU-ltf mstarnam M.
FOR SALK Lots In Liaveawor'h terracf , fiW
< 300 aoh , only B per cunt ciib , hilanco In.
time. Monthly ptsmcnH. IHKY&MOri itH. Y
oonur ICthanil Farnaiii. 8132
IflOR SALE Very nlco four room tottago , full Int ,
1 c\erjthing In Duo ihsp , south 12th struct , $ , GOO
Kasy terms. BARKER , JIAYNK , N , E. tor. ' 3th
nnd Farmm. 83117
SALE A doroii of the licst lots In Hanscom
FOR , out block oft street uw lino. Will IH > Hold
tor lens than hall the prices ankctl fur adjoining lott.
BARKER t MAYNE , N. K. cor. Uth anaFarimm.
865 tt
liloll SALh 2J aero lota In lirlla r for -'t)0 each in
JP monthly pij merit" . Tills la the nlcot and cheap ,
cst aero property to bo li d. UARKEil & MAYNE.
OH SALK-ebeetloUlu Plalnrliw Ml frolntlrv
onMMindcrs St.nt a bargain. 1 ! A It K Kit \
1 , 011 SALE Kle ant residence property , best It-
JL * cation In the city. Full lot , Rood him. House
0 rooms all modern Improvements , $0,000 , time on
half the amount If desired. UAllKHIl & , ItAYNB.
FOR SALE Lot In ThoiubUrg" place at less than
hall to prlco ashed for lots nearly donblo tlio
distance from the business portion of the cltj.
Tnornburg place fronts on Lcavcnwotth streetw hc.h !
will bo sraucdthlsspringl the bestatrect running
out ot Omaha. Tha belt Una " 111 ctoii the corner of
Thornbnrg mil the utrctt car line will go within two
blocks of this beautiful addition. It jou want to
buy lots , fnmtlgatc , and jou will bo satisfied that
Thornburg Place lots are cheaper than an ) others
offered. Wo have placed thcso lots on the market at
$185 to $20501011 Noarl } ono hilf of them lm\o
been sold , llio prices will bo aihnnicil when wo
ha > o sold halt the lots. BARKER & JIAYNi : , 13th
and Farnam. 852-1 fi
TfjlORSALE 1300 yarns dirt near BrownellUall , on
J ? Uth St. Inquire BARKER d , MAYNE , N. E.
corner 13th and rainam. - 857-tf
TOOK SALE AT A BAKU AIN Halt a block near St.
JD Jlixrj' * nvcmic , only five blocks from O urt
Home. H. ruulful resident lots or suitable for ten
ant houses Will sub dlv Ide. Address TOMKIN8 ,
021 Farnam street. 783 U
rrWO dllFAT BAHQAlNS-Imiiroiul property ,
JL 08x60 feet , corner of pa\eJ. BtrLCta , brick block ,
three Btorts. Poalth cly a Splendid Investment and
cheapest Ims'nets property In Omaha. Tno thirds
of actual aluo will buj It. Alio an 1 oprovcd 20 acre
tract , 3 } miles tram postollico , near belt line , at half
price Apply to T. O. UtlUNEK or L V. MORSE ,
cor. 15th and Capllola\ciino. 828 IS
FOR SALK-Ono niacktmnk Cultivator , 1 Molina
Stlirlnjj 1'low , marrow nd E\encr. All new ,
on casj term * , at 3 our own prltc
802 tt nn rarnamSt
7IOR SALE llealduico , S7.60U will buy Ueifin
: residence 20th and CMS. DOQOS & llltX.
i TPOll HALL 1 wo seated surrj wagon ncarlj now ,
| -I' also set double harness for sale cheap. Call 1916
[ Webster it. 8-Ot '
BUSINESS FOR SALE-Oroctry store , finest loca-
tlon In Omana , doing an annual business of $ ! & .
001 Long lease and cheap rent to the purcnnser.
Strck u ill Im oico 37,000 to $3,000 , Address "Grocer , "
Beectfics. 70S tfj
P. SALT5 IVoeocond band oreans cheap. In
quire Edholm A. Erlckson. 789 15
Wtt SALE ISOxlSO feet on Capitol lllll , must be
eokisoon. Mo CAQUE , opposite Post Office.
SALIC Lot 66 feet front on ectitli 1 rtiT
fries 81000. JtcCAOUE , opposite Pott office.
FR SAtB Onw of the largest and beet Improved
or writing for full partlculrrs concerning thlsnnt-
tcrMcUAOtTE , Opp ptstolllce. 78-tf
A Small stock of Dnys nnd Druggists' PJ'vtures
for sale. Uitho live town of Waterloo , Kabraoka-
A gooil openincfnr a physician. Address fH SILVER -
VER , Llkhorn aiatlon , Ixtb. 739 tt
FOR SALE A good established Egg 1'ackIng.bus
iness. FacII tics for packing and pickling &o to
11)0,000 dozens. Write for lull particular. AJclrefc *
" . F.C " Bto CISCO , Omalsa , Neb. 723'tf
"J7IOR SALE-Lo4'132xU2 on south ISthstieet with
JV good in pro\uncnts , ab 82,001. ThU It onlvopou
for SO di > g Cull en JkCAOUE , opposite iMjsto'nce
B3AL ! ESTATE fereale lly John L. JlcCajUe , real
estate agent , opposite pr voQlco. 691 tt
f'UJK SALE Fine residence betwtcn Dodge anal
Jarnam. Call oi > JICCAOUE , P. 0. i
TTlUTiSALE-Loton Dcdgo street. McCAOUE ,
JP' downstairs , opposite P.ft v ( XJiMI
8AI/E 132 feciwmuro on corner. Rosldcnoe
Property } mile N. W. of'Pbst office ; ItcCAQUE ,
opposita I1. O. 638 tf' '
TT10R SALE Lots Invest earning at * 176 to $258 ,
I1 eaoV easy terms monthly payments JOHN Ll
McCAOUE , opposite P. O. ' 604 t
mORSALE House and lot on Capitol Hill atJSlOO'
JD JtcOAQUF , opposlto ? . Ot Cfl2tt
FOR C1\LV : Beautiful 7esklencc lot on Park ave , ,
corner 200 feet frontlDg oMt , will ilhklo.
McCAOUE , opposite P. O. . 6e tt
SALE-Lots In Hiu.thorae addition. 3i . .
to S 30. each Eaav terms. MLCttiUE , oppo
site P. O. Call at olllco forWat 5 tt
FOR SALE A ore lots in 3cnfleld only l a to $200
pcrarfc. UcL'AUUE , oppoBlte P. 0. 006-t ! I
FOR UADt Lota in DcnUe addition on Haundcrr 1
and 22d Streets. Only four blocks from St.
cor , 8500. to s)7CO. each. Bargain. llcCAOUE. o
| X > site P. O. , don u stair ? . 037-11
REAL ESTATE If j ou wo InUresto 1 In real es
tate It ' 1II j ay you to watch this column for the
offcringa olilcOAaUB. onpssUa P. O.
fTlOIl SAIG Largo housuneor Hanscom 1'arK. a
Jf front , very clicup. McUAOUE , bppoulto P. Oi
SALM A nrstiolaes.Voso h fan Piano , at n
bargain. Inquire Edbolt * & ErlcksonV. C2i tt
FOR SALE Four ehonr ctirttj t cry cheap ,
at Edhtlun & Erlckscn , f > 09.U
FOR HA1JE OR TItADOr-A good span of mules ,
harness and wagon. AyyJy to Alex O. Chart ton ,
at McOaiEUu Bios. 080 tt
FOH SALE Farm S mUw from city , Inquire ot
Mrs. Meyer , over llondoj's Drug ttoro. Id anil
Websier. W-tf
HAU v-Two open > HX > rid-hand bu los mid
ono deiiretyv.-ugoii , olietp , at 1319 Ilaruy Bt.
FOR riALK Two port&Ua bollen , 10 hotta pow
eOS-tf 218 South Hlh Bt.
T7IOR8AUC-A small Hosier , Bahmaa & Co. , flr .
J ? proof saff almost no * , at tbls offloe. U
"IpOB BALK Old newtpapen to large and u-ii
JC qcaotltiei at thbj office , tt
anaoBLLAHKOPr. .
TX/ANTKlJi-For a-Qtutomer , a good , house and lOtr
V > wltb.ln4.orf. hkck oJ ( Luther J ; church from. -
WANTED To fovA luge busli > Bslots In a lnw >
luei.Iocatlou , lor a customer. Will pay caah ,
LO.S'3-Kruui 1 Wl Izard rtro t , 5. fawn ooUored ( all
gron gray huund dog oiiB > wirs tothenaai * ol
Prlnoe. Klmkr vlil lie liberally Awarded by rotura-
Ing him bo owner. O , S. DLSODUN , bC-18J (
A wUta and red poUcd cow ; woi tJwut to j
LOST . \ . Bring Information toaiiA b r . \
warded by Y. Ptonkj , at Knfjjar'n Hall , ISUinlntt , i
812178 . )
T CfST Between Da > eniksrA and Capitol uwnu , a '
' , pal rot ullvcr framed syectacltd. > 'iud r will
i return to N , K. toe. Utn and Utpltatava.
i procure exoslknt board
T an I room by adar tf "A. JJ. " tbUoQlc * .
3I8-1M _ _
Mri. SCHRODER , tt nufnetlc he thaa return.
ul audit healing t eclckat 10i ) Oavenpoit
U. , b tneen 10th aiU 17th St. 760 lmo (
A UTNEEULKWORK-Mlu ElUOrahim. an e .
xV. ( wrienced nocsilo-wouuui , h&t UKUU ! rootni
te&cli auy work lahur llnu. hlio bu abe a Bu
ol mattmls n bui.ib ) . lAdlita wu UivlUU to
and ft-o her Ultyby of commeikuxl pleica.
at 1013 IJodge tltoot.
SPECIAL ! I hdf or tha cut < I cmuloynuu tu
n make nxenuy vt-ltb. U&U ou U. L Sialxb , ys
M. 16th ktrett , and tee urajii * . 4J3 im
! A.UCI' . 03 Vtntli stictl. LUwtXiti Fonua anil II i.
> t , wulria tea ila ol iriuiUUu lylriu , obtalafnir
I ao ) one giiToe oi to t > ut and prcccnl , auct th
r . . . . corKjiu j , lutnii rutma. uv OBI > ho )