"T 3 < # U f * t Spiv THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY , MARCH 15,1884. ! ,1 , .THE DAIO BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morninf-March , I5i JUTES : By Carrier -to ocnU per week By Ha 1 - - 110.00 p r ? M OFFICE : Ko. 7 Peirl Street , Jie&r MINOR MENTION , Cheap railway tickota , 4 Pearl St' Additional local on uovonth page. All the late styles in spring lints at A largo line of now goods just received at Bliss' . I ? Spiritual sociable thitf evening. Munic and dancing. Call at Bliss' to-day and BOO the now styles in millinery. Now spring goods jnat received at J. Boiler's , the tailor , 310 Broadway. * Colonel Abbott institutes a post of the G. A. R. at Defiance Monday night. Deputy Sheriff Clatterbuck is prepar ing to build a residence in Plainer street. Ono of W. H. Foster's tannin took a ran yesterday morning , but did no dam- ago. ago.Jem Jem Jacobson and Mary Grundock , both of this city , wore yesterday granted a marriage permit. The congregational nodal at the resi dence of D. W. Otis last evening proved an enjoyable affair. Justice Schurz yesterday tied the knot between Sven Carlson and Hilda Marie Carlson , both of Noola. Gid Rogers , hailing from Qlonwood , was yesterday assessed the usual amount for being drunk. The sod in Bayliss' park IB Ibeing badly cut up by the feet of paaaora- through yfho want to avoid the muddy walks. Remember the ball to bo given by the Ancient Order of Hibernians on next Monday evening. Big preparations are being mado. Burglars are reported as having at tempted to break into a grocery store on UppolTBroadway Thursday night , but wore frightened off by a bulldog. 2IA largo number o business men and prominent citizens have signed a remon strance against the proposed removal of Chief Tcmploton , of the fire department. IffjTho paving and sewerage bill having passed both houses Council Bluffs may " breathe easier , aa the way is now opened "for going ahead with the improvements , The pile-driving for the now bridge over the creek at First street is complet ed and the rest of the work will be pushed along lively by Raymond & Mtpboll. The Spiritualists of this city are preparing - paring to have a great celebration here on the 31st , it being the thirty-sixth an- . nivenary cf the establishment of modern spiritualism. Four more reducers have been added to the fire apparatus , BO that with the six already on hand there can bo ton streams put on from the hydrnnta at ona titno in case of need. The colored troops are said'to bo fight ing nobly to get a representation on the police force. It is reported that Ed. Ollison is the ono at the front this time , instead of Warner. Christian Christiansen yesterday ent ered complaint before Justice Bohwara barging Bill Broldcn and L. Hanson with very unchristian conduct in assaultIng - Ing and battering him. One of Iowa's largest coal companies has a representative in the city looking about for a good locution , with the inten tion of making this city its headquarters and distributing point. The gospel service of the Y. M. 0. A. will bo hold at the Presbyterian church J -morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The usual invitation is' hereby extended to all , both ladies and gentlemen. , To-night at 8 o'clock a number of young men will meet at the Y. M. 0. A. rooms to study the Sunday school lesson. All person * interested in Sunday school 'irtxk will bo heartily welcome. Another narrow escape from a fatal ac cident occurred at the bluff yesterday , where a landslide occurred , partly bury ing ono of the shovelen. When dug oui ! > he was found not to bo seriously in- The ball to be given by Abe Linoolr post Q. A , U. on the 21st instant , laeriti special cupport , as the proceeds are to g < into the fund for the rcliot of the widow , gad orphans of those who served { hoi ouatry well. \ At St. Paul's Episcopal church divin Mrvicflwillbo hold to-morrow at 104 J . and 7:30 : p. m. Sermon topics Morning : 'The Third Commandment.1 Evening lecture : "Channing. " The pub lie jtra welcome. Seats free , aVr' ; M v. * * ' At ha * already been announced , Cole ' " iwi'Abbolr ' , of St. Joe , had taken ch&rg ot the track here this season , and is b bring hit stable of fine horses hero. Som of tb ? horw * arrived ymterday , Arapnj tluua WAS Westmount , with a record o In a few days the Buffalo boot an iheefttore will be rwnoy d to Couno BUUfc , lib will necoWiute Mr. Kaif ' 4 < | iH > iin ffom .Harka , This will b * Biv Mllf regretted , a * Mr. Kajf ia , Ji * our * e * l ani itizon who is able to driro dull care way and bid defiance to the blues , is a onofit to any community. Wo wish lim abundant success in the future. 'ribuno. On Monday articles of separation were rawn up in Avoca and signed by the lartics interested , the woman being ovcnty-fiovcn years old and the man bout fifty. The couple have been mar * iod nearly twenty-nine years. The > roporly was divided between them. .VOCA llorald. "Tho truth will mnko you free. " piritual circle to-morrow ( Sunday ) after- eon and evening nt 2 and 7:30 : o'clock in piritual hall , Shugart & Reno's block. Cntranco on Main and Pearl streets lairs , two doors south of postofilco. Iso circle every Tuesday evening. Dis- utsion of scientific subjects every Thurs- ay evening at name place. Al Ferris yesterday borrowed a pony f Ocorgo Rogers for a short horseback do. Ho rode up Broadway at so lively gait that ho was pulled in by the police nd fined 87. Ho couldn't pay , and was ont back to jail. His wife insisted on oing locked up with him , taking her ttlo child with her , she saying thorqwos othing in the house to eat , and no ono o earn anything until ho got out. Fi- ally Jake Rogers wont on a stay bender or the fellow's release. The Avoca Herald admits that Oak- and is centrally located geographically , nd hence a bettor point for holding the xtra term of court than Avoca , but that fie railway connection ! ) at Oakland are ot so good aa at Avoca , and hence Yvoca should have it. If that sort of rgumont is to bo followed out Avoca must admit that all the terms of court hould bo hold in Council Bluffs , as this ity is the largest railway center not only n the county but in the west. The Doston bicyclists , Wilmot and Eowell , appeared again at the rink ast night , and again aroused the wildest nthusiasm. They certainly are wondor- ul , their double acrobatic performances oing almost too marvelous to believe von when scon. It is indeed a puzzle low they can so accurately balance , and ow they can jump and climb all over nd under and through a bicycle , which others most folk to keep outside of without any fancy movements. Mrs. M. L. Laitram and Mrs. J. L. Vilson , of Dos Moincs , woman suffrag ists , bought out The Free Press at Cedar lupids , imagining th y had purchased ho good will of the paper with it , and ntcndlng to change the name to The Ncokly Transcript. Hardly had they lublishcd thgir first number when the man of whom they had bought was on the ground with now material , on which ho las since begun the publication of a iapor under the name ho used boforo. A rather good story is told by some of the Hnrlan boys at the expense of a Council Bluffs saloon keeper and Thomas 3owman , in regard to the special election ast Tuesday. It seems that several of ho Harlan Iboys were in the Bluffs on hat day and had congregated with some liter jolly follows in the saloon , and while there the saloon man commenced oiling some pretty tall stories about the umber of votes ho had secured. Ono of ho Harlan boys thought ho would got in a little fun , so ho said in a manner in dicative of extreme sorrow that citizen * hould act so dreadfully : "Well you f clews ows will have to ily around pretty lively f you boat the Avoca follows , for the rain from Harlan on which TTO came down this morning was loaded down with men going down to Avoca to vote against ho tax , and as' noon as the depot was wan reached they made a boo line for the polls , and the train pullet' right back after another load. " The effect of this nformaUon upon .Mr , Saloon Keeper , was simply wonderful. Seizing his hat 10 started for the dbor yclling"Py shorn- uy , if dot ish so , Tom Bowman will hal so many ash droo or four drains start 'or Omaha. " Hushing out of the door 10 noticed Tom standing across the strout , and yoiled to Ijim , "como over. ' Tom started but so great was the incitement of the saloon keeper , that ho rushed out nto the middle of the street to impart ho nows. Tom was considerable excited limaolf , but happening to glance over by ho saloon door ho caught sight of the Sarlan boys , who wore "sniding just a ittlo , " and ho tumbled to the racket. It is needless to add that the Harlan boys got novural free drinks over the joke. " Avoka Herald. Roller skates , the beat yet in the mar ket at J. Mueller's , COMMEHOIAIj , OODNOIL BLOm 1UBKJCT. Wheat-No. 2 prlnff , 70oj No. 8 , COcj re jected , 60c | good demand. Corn-lmalWB are paying 84o for old com and 28o for n w. Data In peed demand t 22o. Hay 00@8 00 per tonj BOo per balo. Rye < 0@15o. Corn Meal 125 per 100 pound * . Wooci-Good supplyj prices at yard * , 0 00@ Coal-Delhered , hard , 11 CO per tonj soft 6 00 per ton Lard J'alrbank'i , wholesaling at lie. Hour City llour , 1 C0@3 30. Brooua-2 05@3 00 per dor. uve STOCK. Cftttlo-8 60@4 00 ; calves , B 60@T 60 , Ilws Local packon are buying now and there It a Rood demand for all grade * : choice padduf ? , < 526i mixed , B 25. I rnoDccK. Quotation * by J. H , St , John & Co. , com mission merchant * , 538 Broadway , Butter rientv und Iu fair demand at 1G < 3 20c : creamery , 85c. Kggi-12Jo per dozen. Pro poct of lowe price * . l'ouUry lleady alejchioken , drw ed , 12ic ( ve. 8c ; turkeys , drewod , IBc ; llye , lie uek * , Urawejl , lajoj Jive , 8c. vnuira. Oranges-4 00@ | 25 jwrbox. Imon 4 00 per box. lUnanai-3 60@4 00 per bunch VegeUUea-l'otatoe * , 40 ; onion * , 40o ; cab Jfw.nonalu the market ! applw , ready sal 13 2'4 . pQ/or prlmn Uck. WINDOW SIUDEU at cost ! at BKAKU' Wall Paper ipfore. OITT COUNCIL , Tlip Old Oniccrs Stop Ont nml tlio Now Ones Step In. At the meeting the city council last night all the members wore present tox- ept Alderman McMain. The minutes f the previous meeting wore road and ho bills allowed. A petition received rom property owners on Grand avenue asking for a hydrant was read and the petition was granted. The treasurer's oport was submitted showing the follow- ng up to March 14th : Ooncral fund 1,148.78 'ollcofuml l.r.n.87 lower fund ClRfiO iidgomcnt fund 87.77 jovoo fuud ( overdrawn ) 0.75 Total cooli In treasury 5 3I28T..17 The city clerk's annual report showing otal receipts of his oflico to have boon 130,000. Of this amount there was 630,000 of license moneys and $5,000 from criminal cases. Alder man Keating reported that the old city milding had been sold for $3CO cash. ) lork and judges of election wore allowed ' 0 00 each. Alderman Wood asked for the oport of the committee which was np- lointod to look into the matter of the 7. P.'s not living up to its agreement in cgard to Union avonuor Alderman James oplicd that ho had interviewed the ofli- ial of the U. P. , who promised to com- ily with their agreement as soon as the rest was out of the ground. Mrs. Baird was allowed 8100 damages to her prop- jrty for the change of grade. The rotir- ng City Attorney Mayno was employed o assist the now city attorney , lolmcs in cases before the supreme court next week' . The salary of the city clerk was fixed at $1,200 ; that of the auditor at $1,000 , an increase of $ < 70 : the salary of the city uttornoy at $ . ,000 , an increase of $300. " ho other salaries were loft as boforo. The usual complimentary vote was given the retiring mayor and city ofli- ialn. ialn.Tho The council then adjourned. Artists' Material of every kind at BKAIID'H , next door to postofllco. MUOH OF A FAEOE , A. Drnnlccn Brandlabor or a Bntohor Knlf Bet Frco by a Drunken AVItncsH. A man named C. II. Mason , and liv- nc ; on Washington avenue , has of Into caused the police much trouble , they laying boon called to his house several , imcs to quiet him down when ho was on lia wild sprees. When whisky is in , his wits scorn out , and ho becomes quite vio- ont. Thursday night ho was on another of his sprees and on his return homo roused up his family. Ho was Brandishing a butcher knife , and when little daughter tried to quiet him down , ho threatened to run her through with it. Ho then loft the house and wenl over to a neighbor's , A. Parrott , the man who gained some notoriety by hav ing tented for some titno with his family on a vacant lot in the Fourth ward. Mason commenced kicking in the door , and Parrott , being aroused , opened iho door and lot him in. Ho brandished his butchor-kmfo there in a wild way , ant the police being called , was arrested and locked up. Yesterday afternoon ho hac a hearing , the charge against him being implo assault on Parrott. The family and Parrott did not seem disposed to prosecute , and a bench warrant was vsuod for them. On being brought in , * ho woman was not allowed to testify against her husband ; the little girl coulc only testify OB to the row which iccurrod at her homo , anc inow nothing of any assault on Parrott , beyond that her father wont over then ind commenced kicking at the door. Parrott himself was placed on the stand , but ho was apparently in that happy state of drunkenness when ho was at peace with the whole world and particularly Mason. In a maudlin mumbling ho testified that Mason struck at the wall with the kiMfo , and came near to hitting bis head , but that Mason did not strike al him , but was , oh , so teed ; a friend. The fellow waa in bettor condition for a col ] than A court room , and with his failure to testify io the assault , the man Mason was discharged. Now if on the neil spree ho uses his knife on his family or neighbors , who will bo to blame 'I A. Slight Blaze. Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock the alarm of fire called out the fire depart ment but they found no need of throw ing water except by buokota. The blaze was in a house owned by J. M. Palmer near the corner of Tenth avenue ant Sixth street , und rented to some family. The cause at the blaze was a defective flue , and all the damage done was a hole burned in the roof. Iloal Estate TraiiBfors The following doodj were filed for record cord In the recorder's office , Marcl 14 , reported for TUB BEK by P. J. Mo Mahon , real estate agent : A. H. MoOlurg to James McOlurg , lot 5 and 0 , block 7 , Jefferistab , $13.000. James Wright to Rebecca Jones , wA awl , 30 , 70 , 40 , ? 1COO. J. B. Johannson to Jerry Longnuoher lota 9 and 10 , block 8 , Walnut , $700. John Xahnor to Ezra Carter , part sol nej.2 , 77,44 , 8B2.GO. Total sales , 816.353 DO For cut flowers , plants , oto. , go to W H. Foster , the Harrison street tjorist. Iowa Send Corn von BAtu ny J. Y , FULLER , Commission Merchant No. 3J Tearl tre t . CooNCti , BIOMH JAOOB ama E. i : 8IM8&OADWELL , * s-at-Law Attorney - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Offlos , Malnfitr t. ilooma l aj > a ebng UahoaS Block. WUIpracUoala BUU anil omtrt > N. SOHURZ ! lice of tie Peace orncK OVEU AUKUICAN COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA MHRHBHMHMI IHIHHH BBI B BHI HH HHHEB IBHHHMI H M B m WE AKEKEOEIVITO SOME VERY FINE Gentlemen OUR FETE BOOTS AND SHOES / For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. . 418 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ) Tnw . West Side Square , Clnrmdn , \ iu w A' MA7NE & PALMER , DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , IIULKAND BARHEI , LUIE , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OKKIENT . , uicmaAN PLASTEB , HAIR AND SEWKUI'iri HO , 689 Broadway. - . . . COFNOII. BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & 1OVLER. Soring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received. , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. uropean Hot The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " ITe-w Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTRALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Booms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. Merchant Tailoring , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. M. GALLAGHER. Hew Store , Freeh Goods , tow Prices and Polite Attendants. ' { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } LIVE TO EAT. EAT TO LIVE. RESTAURANT AND CAFE , Ed. Oiliaon 1 404 Broadway , f Meals at all Hours.- Obot U'oultlne f Council Blufla. ( . 1'artlea a Specialty. HARMAN KELLEY , 34 N , MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF fALL PAPER Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING STOVES AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. ANIJ Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A largo line of extj aordinary Fine Carvers. 504 Broadway , a-nd 10 and DeVOLWRIGHT , Main Street , POSITIVELY THE LAR&EST AND CHOICEST STOCK -C33P- Ever shown west of Chicago , now being received by GASADY , ORCUTT & FRENCH , Carpets from 25o to $3,50 per Yard , Also TURCOMAN , MADRAS , LACE AND SILK CURTAINS CTxx Oxrocfct "CT .xloty 502 Broadway , Council Blufla. | CASADY , OitOUTT & FJIENCH. eft ? ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , ) vn in AM : nw BPAT lu LuAlU lUfl iliiAL Coaplete Abetracts of Title to all Iota and Lauds in the County. Empkie Hardware C o 109 and 111 S. Main Street , 3 ? COUNCIL BLUFFS , IO YA. WHOLESALE DEALEnS 1N | 342 and 3-14 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. All kinds of/ JT. 3BE. ofj j ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Kite. , oto. ' V All Orders by Moll Promptly Attended To. WHY DON'T YOU GETBOMKOF ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Bist and ChiapcstQFlne IJncn Collars arid CuC . 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT' 3XTo. 3.-O. 3XT. 3VToiM. St. , Ooxi.aa.oil GRESTON HOUSE. EVKBTTHINO F1RSTCLASS. Nos. 217 arid 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. , The following are the times of the arrhal and' de- 3 rturo of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot tea mln- earller and arrh o ten minutes later. CHICAGO , BtmUNQrON AMD QUlhOT. LBAVR. ARRUF. B:40 : p m Chicago Exprefia n:40 : a m 0:15 : & ra Fast Mall. 7:00 : p > r KANSAS CITT , ST. lot AND COUNCIL BLCtTS. 10:10 : a m Hall and Express , 6.45 p m H25 ; p m Foclflc Express , 6:35 : p m CHICAGO , UILWADKKB AND BT. rAUL. 5:25 : p m Express , 0:40 : a ra 9:45 : a m Express , 6i5 : p m CinCAOO , BOCK IBLAKD AKD rACIflC. D:30 : p m AtUntla Express , 0:40 : a m 0:60 : a m Day Express , 6:60 : p m 7:15 : m * Ies Holnes Accommodation , 4:40 : p m * At local depot only. 'WABASU , SI. MniS AMD PACinO. 9:55 : am Mat ) , 4:45 : pm 4:50pm : Cannon Gall , 11:15am * At Transfer only , , cmcAoo and KORTITWKSTKJIX. 5:30 : p m Express , 6:50 : p m 0:46 : am 1'aclfllo Express , 9:46 : am BIOCX CITT AND PACIFIC. 7:40 p m St. Paul Express , 0:00 ft m 7:20 : a m Accommodation , 6:60 : p m UNIOM rAcinc. 7:50 : p m Western Express , 8:39 : a m 11:44 : a m Pacific Express , 4:34 : p m 7:49 : am Local Express , 8:64 : am 12:14 : a m Lincoln Express , * At Transfer only. DDHMT TRUSS TOOilAUA. Learo 8:24-0:24-10-24-11:24 : : : a. m. 1:24-2:21-3:84- : : 4:245:24:247:24 : : : : and 11:04 : p , m , Sue day , 8:24- : 10:24 : a. m. 1:24-3:24-6:24-7:01 : : : : and 11:04 : p. m. Ar rive 30 minute ) beturo leaving time. ADMINISTRATOR'S ' SALE The undersigned will offer for sale on March 15,10 O'Clock A. M. AT PUBLIC OUTCRY IN HARDIN TOWNSHIP , Fottawattamie Co. , Iowa , 140 Steers , 11 Horses , COWS , HOGS , CORN , OATS , AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. TERMS Ten months' time , at ten per cent interest , with approved security on all sums over ten dollars All sums of ten dollars or under , cash. Five per cent discount for cash on nil sums over ten dollars. CAROLINE E. RAND , Administratrix. R. Rice M. D. ° r other tumors removed without th knlle or draw ingot blood. CHRONIC DISEASES * " * . i tr. Over thirty J can practical experience Office No 6 Fearl street , Council Blu9 jWonaultatloo free At the well-known Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH Ot Council Blufll. Notlco our reduced Trice LUt. We Kht I6poundiEitroOoUar , ( or. . . , , , . > . $1 00 11 pounJiHranuUteJ Buzar. . . . 1 uo 25 pound * Cholcu Oatmeal. . , , . . . , . . , 101 25 pounds Navy Bean > . _ , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , 1 CO M poumla ll-nt Hulk HUrcli . , . , . , 1 00 12 I > ouudi Carolina Illce , , . . . . . , 1 00 IS uoundi Cliotco frunia , . , , . . . , . . . . , . 1 CM 3 ban BuOdlo Soap . , . , 1 00 Extra Lake Trout , per pound . , . , , , , , t-9 Choice UlncaU eat , per pound , . , . 10 1 dote n Mackerel . . . 16 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt , . , . 00 T. T. T. All graJw , according to quality , 15o to 8Cc | * r pound We alao carry a ( ull line ot llen't , ladle * ' and Children' ! flue Bboci and Uiin'i Floe UooU at very low price * . AUo ( ull Hue 01 Tinware and gential nwrcluuidlw. Cull cm u < ami bocomiucuj lha jou can ue money bjr dcallni ; with ui. Good * dellTcrrd ( roe luauy partol the city. IB i uonl , we are bouuu to tell and chUlecee I laadaule comtxtiUou la this couutv. J , f. FILBERT 209 upp r UrojLi5 * air , SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo eun-ontco the cuie of the following named dU- scaees , or no pay : Ithcumntlsm , Sere tula , Uloore , Catarrh , a 1 Blood and Undlseafcs , Dvtpepsla , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Dlscnpcs. Oout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Thes- Springs are the favorite resort ol the tired nnJ debllltatad , and are the FEEBLE LADUS BEST FRIEND , Good hotel , Ihery and bathing accomodatlon both winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy Accessible by Wabaah railway , E\nna , or C.B. & O. , at Albany. Corrcfi onaeno solicited , KEY. M. M. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , SUoara Springs , [ Gentry Co. , Ho. ANALYSIS. Specific Gravity 1.002 lieactlou Nentra Carbonlo Acid Can 26 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 85,021 Drains Carbonate Iron 7r41 I'l Sulphate Maencsla 36fl " Sulphate Calelnm 1,148 " Chloride Sodium 7,280 Sllllea i,6M ' Alumina . . . .0,016 Organloand Volatile matter and lees . . . .1,469 " Total sclldi per gallon 87,174 " WRIOUT& MERRILL , ChemUta THE DOOM OF THE UNSAVED ! "The wicked shall bo turned into hell , and the nations that forgot God. And the same shall diink of the wino of the wrath of God , which is poured out with out mixture into the cup of indignation , and ho shall bo tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and i > > the presence ot the Lamb. BIBLE. W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council lilutfr. Real estate collec ion agem CH < ! Fo'lov .Io Over eavlnca banV TH08. OFP1CU , u. u. rtisn. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council BluHs . . la. Estabiisnea - - 1856 Dealcr > In Foreign and omcstlo Excbanga and llnm > M iirttl if EBLIKT3ESL , 'CORNER ' PEHRLST , AND FIFTH AK , Open 10CO : a. m. , 2 : 0 p. m amlTlBOp. m. , Jinn- ( .ay , Wwlnesdtv anil Friday evenli ga txclmhtlv the lyOmpIc Club. drMuulo on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. ADMISSION , 2G CENTS. No objectionable character * will bo admitted. CHAPMAN fc MARTENS. . . . mOriUETQItR SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special adrerttixmcnti , ruch aa Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Kent , Want * , Board ing , eto. , will b Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the flrit Insertion and FIVE CENTS FEU LINE ( or each ( ubaequent n- Mrtlon. Leave advertlsamenU at oui office , No. Pearl Street , near Broadway _ WAKT8. _ 8 WANTED A lit ii boy with jKiny t < > carry route ( rr Urc. Cell at Cuuucl ) Blutfa BIX olijce. WANTElJ-EierybooyjnCounUlBluffa'to take TiiiIiKB. Dcllrercd by carrier at only twenty oenta a week. OLD I'APEUS For ule at J3m otnoo , at 25 cento a hundrml. _ FOR HENT Elega tly ( urnUhtd appartmenta in hou > oultli ( ulvtte Uully lUIeiiiicon ei- changed. Addrc&t II. W , J , Bee olBce , AGENTS T Jlca and gentlemen on male firet clasa wage * liy itclllutc the "Champion U > ooro Htrccther auj Ironlne Uoird , " lUhilln at il.W. Any lady caauoupa fine ehlil tihout a wriakle ana ( 'Ioat 1 M ulcdyu heccnt > t-uo < lrlican.Adrcf ( orpaitlcular * 0. B. S. & I. Co. , Bin office , ( or cue tno-iUr - Mrs , HJ , HiltoD.H. . D. . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Middle BrnM-vvr , Couno',1 BluUg. EDWIN J.ABBOTTl Justice of He Peace. 415 BROADWAY , . COUNOIL BUTFFS.